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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870


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SATURDAY, February 5, 1870

My friend stoped with us last night but went off in good time this morning. I have felt rather blue to day after my visit. Perhaps it sholud not be thus with me, but still so it is. I went out to Dover to-day on business, after the mail &c. The weather is very beautiful at present. I have again been indulging myself with doubts with refference to a certain matter. But these doubts are beginning to pass away and again I am beginning to enjoy a most precious assurance that all is well.

SUNDAY, February 6, 1870

My mother and I went out to Woodhouse church to the Quarterly Meeting We had a very cold drive but the service was very proffitable to the Soul. I was greatly benefitted by it throughout. The presence of the Lord was manifest. We went to Bro. John Gilbert's for our dinner To night we came home to Dover and stoped to Church again. I have this day I have entered annew into covenant vows with my Redeemer. It is the highth of my ambition to be entirely conformed to His image and likeness.

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