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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870


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WEDNESDAY, February 9, 1870

We have been at the wood business again to day. Have been cuting up a big oak on the new-ground. Frank Wilson and his mother came out in time or dinner and staid with us until after tea. My experience in Jesus is still most precious. I feel that more than ever before my life is hidden{?} with Christ in God. By the grace of God, my consecration was never more perfect; nor the witness of my acceptance more glorious. I feel that I have brought all the tithes into the Storehouse & joyously wait for the promised blessing.

THURSDAY, February 10, 1870

Charley has been spliting wood to day etc. My mother and I went up to Simcoe and gott there in time for dinner. We attended preaching in the W. M. church this afternoon by George Furgusson also this evening by Rev J. Wakefield. They are at present holding a four day meeting, with preaching three times each day. The meeting will be turned into a revival effort or rather protracted service, if prospects seem favourable. Thus far It seems to be rather a dull chance for a revival, but still they may have one.

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