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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870


Revision as of Jun 7, 2016, 1:11:46 AM, created by


The weather was very cold this morning I had almost given up all hopes of getting started on our jurney. How ever after or rather, towards noon it seemed to get a little warmer. We started--Mother, Miss Howell and I and got to Boston in time for dinner. From there we came to Brandtford and are staying with Mrs. Hoyt over night. We have an exceedingly cold ride. My prayer is will God give me strength that I may endure all things with all meekness.


We have been visiting and looking after little matters most of the day such as geting photo's &c. Towards dusk we started for St. George and arrived at Bro. Harris's about dark. Our friends were away from home but made their appearance in an hour or so. We have had an exceedingly pleasant evening with them. The past has been a day of considerable happiness in Jesus though some of my associations made me feel that I was among those who were strangers to His love. My Soul longs for the association of kindred spirits.

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