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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Revision as of Jan 7, 2017, 8:37:28 PM, edited by
This has been a stormy sunday, so much so that we did not venture away from the house. Spent the day at Mr. Sovereigns near Wellington Square. Tried to spend the day proffitably, and hope that its influence will be for good to my soul as well as of those with whoom I have been associated. My mind with refference to a certain matter has been changed and from doubting the promises of my Father I am again rejoicing in the hope that even yet the desire of my heart will not be witheld from me.
I left Mr. Sovereigns this morning for Dundass Arrived at the latter place about eleven. The snow was pretty deep and the waggoning heavy. We left Dundass after dinner for home. Met with some little accidents on the way but did but fortunately not very serious. We stoped at Mrs. Canfield{?} in Jarvis to warm & while there she got tea for us. Of course we enjoyed our little visit much. We found the roads at home quite different from what they were down below. There has been rain here, not snow