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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870

Olds, 45.pdf

Revision as of Jun 11, 2016, 6:23:24 PM, created by

FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1870.

We have been all of us, engaged at sundry jobs to day. The weather is still very cold and backeward, indeed, more like February than March. I was down to see Mrs. Newcombe to night and have by the blessing of God been permitted to make some arrangement with her as well as with some others of a very satisfactory nature. It does do me so much good to have it in my power to pay my debts. He says, Owe no man any thing &c.


The boys have been cuting wood to day &c. I went to town this morning with Brown's. The roads are pretty bad. I took out my cloverseed and left it at Martins's. Purchased a couple Bushells of another kind, besides a couple bushells of the Alsyke{?} seed. I took dinner with Homer and Charlotte to day they have been on a trip down to Wellington Square and have just got back. She reports having seen E. S. and having had an introduction to him &c. Of course they are all well.

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