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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 52.pdf
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FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1870.
The boys worked at the wood this forenoon, this afternoon we went to work fixing fences. The weather still continues very beautiful and warm. I have been writing a letter to my friend Miss Velmia Horlon who is at present at the Hamilton Female College. One says--'There is one single fact which one may oppose to all the wit and argument of infidelity--viz: that no man ever repented being a Christian on his death bed". A weighty argument indeed.
William did not work this afternoon but went to Dover. I took mother out this afternoon. We went by the old plank or{?} the Dog's nest way, and found it very bad. My readings of the Word are attended with greater benefit to my poor Soul of late than almost ever before. In asking the Lord to help me to behold beauty in His Law I have not asked in vain, but in addition to this blessing he makes me very happy with His own love in my heart.