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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 88.pdf
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TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1870.
Still the boys are hauling out manure Will helps me part of the time, to clean up my wheat. I took out another load of wheat to-day and got another load cleaned up ready to take in the morning. "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." How carefully should these words be considered. There is to be no dependence placed in the arm of flesh but our trust must ever be in the arm of Omnipotence. Yet how natural it seems to exalt ourselves.
I have been drawing out wheat again to day which job I finished up to night. Have taken out altogether almost thr two hundred bushells. The boys have been drawing out manure as usual. One truly says--"There is everything in the habit of religion. It is indispensible to Christian effort that one has a closet, a special place for prayer. I put it to my Christian brethren weather every one has not some particular place in his {illegible}. "I cannot pray by myself with half the comfort, if I have not my own little place". How needful that we commence this habit in youth and follow it to old age.