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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
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SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1870.
According to previous arrangement Mother and I went up to Mt. Zion this morning. Bro. German preached but I am ashamed to say that I did not get there in time to hear the text nor to hear all the sermon. He preached before the sacriment and love feast contrary to the usual order. We went home with Bro. David Sterling after meeting for dinner. I have not enjoyed this Quarterly Meeting as well as I could wish but I must say that the fault is all on my side.
MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1870.
We all bound oats this forenoon, but this afternoon we had to go at something else as the oats got too dry and tender to bind. So we went to ploughing after dinner with our team and drawing out manure with the other. The dry weather lately has made the ground pretty hard, but we can manage to plough it. Have been passing through another season of trial and temptation which has come upon me more from my own weakness than anything else. Lord have mercy upon me.