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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 121.pdf
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1870.
The boys have been ploughing again to day in the front field. I ahve been pulling peas most of the day. The weatehr has become quite Cool again. I have been thinking that our work was geting pretty well along but when I think a ltitle more it seems to me that we are very much behind. We have not more than four of our twenty four acres wheat ground ploughed yet. Besides we have a lot of manure to put on our wheat ground. I think we will have to omit the latter and put it on the barley &c.
We have had our two ploughs going most of the past day. To night we went out to town with a couple loads of Barley. Put it in the old Bowlby store house with the permission of Mr Hull. I helped John Matthews thresh to day. Still another day with its abundant duties to perform trials and temptations to face, has past. Without sustaining grace I know that my cause would be altogether hopeless. Lord help me more & more