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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 125.pdf
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Will and I finished up, or nearly, the front field this morning. Just in time for a heavy rain. Charley and I went out to Dover to night This week ahs gone by so quickly that I have lost all track of the time. This morning i thoguht that it was Friday or Thursday instead of that it was Saturday. My time has been so very constantly occupied accounts for it. As times wears on the more it seems that our life is but a shaddow that passeth soon away" & a handbreadth.
Ma and I stayed at home to day. It being the day for our own service, and then ma is about sick with a cold almost unable to go out. Bro German preached to us this aternoon. We had an unusually small congregation. But I trust that those who were present, were not the less abundantly blessed. It fell again to my lot to take charge fo the class, but I never before felt more my unworthyness as well as utter helplessness to the work well without the blessing of God.