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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 164.pdf
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We remained at home to day, and as is usual with me it has been one of my happiest days. I almost invariably feel more proffited by spending these holy days almost alone in reading the Sriptures, good books and in devotions to God. I have been reading The Canticles to day. Dr. Addam Clarke says that this book scarcely ever interpred right by modern divines. All have an interpretation of their own according to their creed. He advises all young ministers to avoid preaching from it on account of its {illegible}.
Charley started the plough again this morning. The weather being quite favourable I have myself been busy cleaning out ditches &c. The work of God still progresses, nor is it strange seeing that He Himself has said, that His word should not return unto Him void, but accomplish that whereunto He has sent it. Glory to God for his goodness. He is hastening on the happy time when the nations shall learn wars no more. When the glory of the Lord shall fill the whole earth.