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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914


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Wednesday, January 14{diarist used extra-large letters} 14 DAYS PAST 351 TO COME

Some "Don'ts" in Cardiac Therapeutics-(Concluded). Don't forget that individual susceptibility to strychnine varies greatly, and that it is not generally safe to begin with a larger dose than one-sixtieth of a grain every four hours; and that the maximum dose in diseases of the heart is generally not more than one-thirtieth of a grain every four hours.

 Don't prescribe passive movements as part of the treatment without carefully watching very carefully to see that they are not given too vigorously.

Don't expect to get compensation in a bad case too soon; be satisfied if the patient shows slight improvement immediately; permanent improvement must be slow if it comes at all; and attempts to hurry it unduly may prematurely exhaust the heart.-Med. Review of Reviews.

Weather Cloudy Temp 18 below The boys went rabbet hunting caught one d'Augene had a long Chase after another, but dideret catch it, Eugene took the girls to school. I went for them, Pa is downst Scheds this evening. And Eugene has gone away. It is snowing & drifting to night Drove Stydia & miles fill 5 Got Jeggs Eugene Corrowed as Ferrit. Saw Ed Thompson taking his caus over to the little pond Brudster them Nydia 8 miles Bill ten

Transcription Tips

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  • Copy the text as it is, including misspellings and abbreviations.
  • Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
  • Use toolbar heading options for any headings in the text, i.e. diary titles.
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  • Use toolbar comment option to add your own comments, i.e. illegible text or uncertain names or description of drawings.
  • Use toolbar stroke through text option to transcribe crossed-out text.
  • When done press "Save Transcription" to save your work.
  • Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
  • View more transcription tips.(Opens in new tab)

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