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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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" Even in the Instant of Repair and Health"
(King John)
one needs assistance-convalescence from any severe illnes is accelerated ,and health and "well being" restored through the efficient aid of a potent genreal tonic.
Pepto-Mangan (Gude) materially hastens reparation and reconstuction by contributing , in the readily assimilable form the essentials elements for blood and tissue repair , i. e. iron and manganse.
Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is indicated in anemia, malaria, chlorosis, anmenorrhea, dysmennorrhea, rickets, Bright's disease , as a blood builder before and after operations; as a genreal tonic and reconstuctor in convalescence from diphtheria, tyhoid feve, scarlatina, la grippe, etc.
Pepto-Mangan (Gude) had gained and maintained and unique and unequalled reputation as a pleasent and effcient hematinic in such conditions. Dose:- Adults a tablespoonful 3 times a day; children in proportions.
"Pratice is to Theory What the Feet Are to the Head"- ( De Giradin)
Every theorectical idea and every preconcived notion in regard to medication must,in the long run, give way to and make way to and make way for the facts the perience.One such fact is the undenible superiority of Pepto-Mangan (Gude) as an efficent and invarible tolerable hematinic. That it" does the work" safely quickly and pleasantly is the consensus of opinion of the thousands of medical men who have prescribed it during the last seventeen years in the anemaia, chlorosis and malnutrition genreally.
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