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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Digitalis Warnings.
Discontinue the administration of digitalis if any of the following warnings occur: marked nausea, radial pulse below 60, heart block (rapid ventricle unaffected by digitalis for several days suddenly becoming slower), paroxysmal tachycardia, coupled rhythm or phasic ar-rhythmia.
"In a Multitude of Counselors," Etc.
An oculist in Detroit had told her she was suffering from iritis, and should abstain from reading. The fee was ten dollars. The Boston expert sniffed at the men-tion of iritis, and declared there was no sign of it. His fee was ten dollars. A renowned Philadelphia spe-cialist diagnosed the trouble as iritis, and advised (fee ten dollars) an immediate operation; but a celebrated London authority, though discovering in the eye a well-developed case of the disease, thought any cutting should be avoided. Two guineas was his tariff for this advice. Suffering still, despite a treatment faithfully pursued, the desperate patient sought out a resident foreigner, known throughout New York for cunning in cases like hers. His long examination concluded, he said: "It would be good if you took a warm bath once a week." "To be sure," protested the visitor, "but I've had that or a cold bath daily all my life." "Yes," rejoined the specialist, complacently, "it is a very good thing." And then he directed that the next patient be called in. - N.Y. Evening Post.
Transcription Tips
- Follow the example of transcribing provided in the first few PDF files of this diary.
- Click Edit when you’re ready to start transcribing.
- Click Detach to move the transcription box to a convenient location.
- Copy the text as it is, including misspellings and abbreviations.
- Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
- Use toolbar heading options for any headings in the text, i.e. diary titles.
- Use toolbar table generator for any tables in the text, i.e. finance records.
- Use toolbar comment option to add your own comments, i.e. illegible text or uncertain names or description of drawings.
- Use toolbar stroke through text option to transcribe crossed-out text.
- When done press "Save Transcription" to save your work.
- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
- View more transcription tips.(Opens in new tab)