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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Tuesday, February 10 41 DAYS PAST 324 TO COME The Anemia of Hook Worm Disease. A practitioner in Virginia reports: "I am very fond of Pepto-Mangan (Gude) in cases of anemia and chlorosis. It acts splendidly in hook worm cases after the worms have been removed with thymol, bringing the color back to the patient's face and ears in a much shorter time than any other preparation." Weather Temp. Very cold.
Me Faepe Sur tied this morning Paosvent upon the trader Hook I took the girls to schools event for them. We did our ironing I stoped in to Mars Thompsons a few minutes. Cengene was over helping Mr Dance saw woods in the afternoon in the four noun the boys Cytting werd in the south mil Good wheeling
Nydia & Billy 10.
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