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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Following measures employed in 160 cases: (1) hot bath, followed by (2) application of eucalyptus oil to whole body except hands and part of face about mouth, nose, and eyes; (3) fumigated twice daily with weak alum lotion, and glycerin and borax applied to interior of mouth and gums; (4) tonsils and fauces treated with 1:10 phenol morning and evening, using firm cotton mop on end of forceps; (5) blanket-bath given morning and evening for four successive days, followed by general oil rubbing. Treatment reduced mortality and had favorable influence on course of disease. Careful nursing and maintenance of an even air temperature of 65° F. important accessory measures.-Connolly.
In memory of our father: Gone to join his appendix, his tonsils, his olfactory nerve, his kidneys, his ear drum, and a leg prematurely removed by a hospital surgeon who craved the experience.-Life.
In the treatment of obesity Laissus has found that when the usual dietetic and hygienic methods fail, some cases are benefited by the administration of a few drops of tincture of iodine in milk. Cases associated with arterio-sclerosis often respond to small doses of sodium iodide.
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- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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