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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 9..pdf
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Tuesday June 6th
I was wrong last night when I thought I heard Dick and Bill coming last night for Dick did not get home till 10 o'clock with news of Dover's defeat in baseball Dover vs. Simcoe. Bill got home sometime in the small hours of the morning and slept out in the hay.
Enah went to an Auxillary tea-{shine?} in Waterford this morning with a load driven by Johnny Walker and hauled by Faulkner's Arabs. She got back to-night a little after nine earlier than she expected. We could hear Mrs {Skey?} and Miss {Whelan?} yelling way down at Mrs. Battersby's corner.
I hoed the tomatoes all up this morning and cut all the burdocks I could find. I demolished about 100 stocks. Then I sawed the lims off the old willow that obstructed the passage of carriages. Bill hauled manure all day and got 16 or 17 loads out. After Dinner Daddy and I went out and spread all Bill had hauled out. Then we came in with the intention of going down town after some oats but after ripping down the old wall at the end of the horstall building found it was too late in the day to make the trip.
After tea Bill went back down town but got back at 945.
I milked Bobby and then came in and started to read "Peck's Bad Boy". The same which Dick is reading now. It was pretty cool this morning but is not so cold now. It has been fine all day.
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