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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 16..pdf
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three quarters of an hour or more. Bill Donald who had been working his buckwheat sat in the old house and told me of all the damage done by lightning around here in the last 10 years. Daddy came back after the storm was over about noon and after dinner he and I drove Joe and Belle and up to Yeagar's. We had a lovely drive and got home about six. We came home around by Lynn Valley. We saw Marshall and Gilbert on our way up and Marshall said he could let us have two sticks of timber the length we wanted for the stable if Bill would come up and cut and hew them. Then we went into Shepard's where Gilbert was raising a barn and he said he could be down here by the end of this week. Just before tea Mr. Miller came up to place the cream separator. He said Bruce told him we wanted him although how he found out is a mystery. He stayed to tea and fixed it up afterwards and skimmed a pail of milk and took the thing all apart and washed it and showed Enah how to put it to-gether again to be ready for the morning.
It was very windy this after noon and rained a little in the evening. Yeager just got back from Galt to-day where he took a lot of prizes and sold four horses. He bought as many new ones to bring home with him. Several farmers were cutting hay but some of it looked pretty green.
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