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Nathaniel E. Leeder Sr. Diary, 1863-1867
Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1863-1867 1 Diary.pdf
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N.E. Leeder's Day Book and Memoranda for th year 1863 continued
T. 17th. Jake & Ben 3 meals each incl. 2 to Louis
W. 18th. Jake Ben and Louis 3 meals each Measured the Cordwood cut by Jake 7 1/2 Cords at 1/2 a Dolr per Cord. = $3.62 1/2. Board whilst chopping 18 meals $1.50.
Th. 19th. Jake Ben and Louis 3 meals each Aaron 1. 390 Rails for Philips estate to myself.
F. 20th. Jake, Ben, Louis and Aaron. 3 meals each Gave Jake an Order on Lehner & Ruby for the Sum of three Dolrs. this pays him for the Cord wood and an ox yoke. I have over paid him a york shilling. Posted a letter to Uncle Henry
S. 21st. Jake Ben Louis and Aaron 2 meals each. Two Door frames, 6 window frames from G. Rupell. Ten Bushls. of Oats to Robert Patterson this pays him for 1 1/2 days work with his team by Mose Detweiler.
S. 22nd.
{Cut off; likely S. 23rd.}
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- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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