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William Beatty Diary, 1889-1892
William Beatty 1889-1892 Diary 17.pdf
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April 25 xd said to little file with White 26 A Tak 4 boys of gats to the center field on he so med 3 of them fine day. 2% Rer Mr. Fairly preached this morning 28. He went up to seeds tolay out a Road 29 Rod man acce preached & kad & Conquerational foto Chose + Minister. the was in favour of health Fristes and all that was there signed the call it was unameus 30 Ad is charing at have the ground is very weet from May I to want to Charles Armstrong Bam rain" 2 .to Sacred grass Seed with the sender in the little piel x the I Exist field fine day 4 N. Johnston A Student preaches at night his 5 mony rain last night Ao is coming at home 6 Ad is working in the northeast field fineday 7 he working in the North field 8 At saved 5 bushel of peas in the North field walls 9. At wo ked in the A field in the formaron & atin the aplique 10 xto work at home in fournoen went to gananaqui often 11 is helping him Sawing grass seed at home the way there was meeting to day no Minister. 12 AUX Hallas worked in the S. East field Samed & bags of oats fine day they, draget with two teams 13 main last night to sacred grays Seed them this foreros 14 to working at homme he is freing up it Buttway & Kittions 15 toand Wallace is draging worth & teames fine day It to shoulder burro ws in the S. Earl fieldingunagn 18 17 A helped wallace to drag on his place to day Row Profferstergens prevede this Evening news Stopping 19 A drugidat Hallaces uper form all day 20 heavy rain last night and all day there is anore Water on the ground nove then was when the En dive center 21 At is facing in the Hoy pon and overhead of it 22 Ao is living at home, Buthe line day 23 to tack the spoted Red synshome to bby Hal lan 24 90 and Willow & phillo took our town Hallles yearder to the charity for to Pastor forme dary
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