James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1861


James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1861


James Cameron


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario




19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


January 1st 1861

Mr James Cameron Island NY

New Years Day Ice open a Ball tonight at the Kintail house Went to the Bush for a crotch to Draw Drags with To thrashing Pease Snowing & Blowing Shot a Woodpecker

2nd I a Thrashing Soft Weather

3rd Done Thrashing Pease 29 & 3 pecks Is to get 2 1/2 & 1/2 a peck Allen's the Red Boys Birth Day Freezing East Wind Ice taking pretty well Began to thrash Wheat

4th I at Thrashing {Illegilbe} the Ice Went as far as Francis Island nights frost

5th I Went to Williamstown gave Jim a Quart & a Bottle Bought of A Summer 1 coat f in 10 10 candles -/6 Horse shoe nails -/6 Paper /6 envelops -/4 Cotton 10 Buttons /4 1 Pint -/6 got my Papers{illegible} then no one crofsed at Summers Turned stormy a good many air holes worth of {illegible} Paid

6th Sunday alone Storm commenced in the afternoon East Wind snowing and Drifting

7th Councillers in Williamstown

8th Is came from Henry thrashing Wheat

9th I went to Henery with my trousers to make

10th Went for my Paper Bought of A Summers Pair of Braces 1/6 sweetys -/3 got my trousers at Henerys

11th I went to Williamstown I a Done thrashing Wheat Brought my Shirts to make a {line illegible}

January 12th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Came From Williamstown got a Ride Stopd at Summerston Bought of A Summers 1 pint of Whiskey -/4 Bought 1/2 lb Tobacco Paid at Davids in Treats 1/10 1/2 all Paid Angus {illegible} me to Henerys Door Crofsing on the ice to Salmon River. Old William Smith Departed on the 11th of January 86 {illegible} Buried on Sunday Small Pox in Williamstown

13th Sunday

14th I a & I Fanning Wheat 9 Bushels Fanned this time Cold Wheather now a days

15 Ia Went to Charlies Charlie & I came up Trying the cutter Broke the shafts Drawing Drags

16th Stormy

17th took the cutter from the Pitt Point

18th making shafts for the cutter Charlie I {illegible} Rough Weather

19th I Went to the store order for 1 Quart Whisky & lb Tobacco no axes Charlie and I at the shafts Charlie & I staving

Sunday 20th Charlie went home

21 {illegible} night Breaking Roads

22nd Went to the store Bought a {illegible} 1 lb candles 1/2 lb Tea Donald Roaches Wife a Daughter

23rd {illegible} to for Covington with Wheat Bought {illegible} camonmile Tea 17 1/2 took George Amos back to Whitney paid -/7 1/2 him


Mr James Cameron Island

Jany 23rd Went to Salmon River met Mr Streeter on the Ice gave him 2 Dollars in cash Bought of B Buchan Tobacco to 1 Quart Bottle First crofsing here with horse I Thrashing the Pease over again

24th Fanning Peas 1 Bushel

25th gave Ia 1/2 Bushel him going to Williamstown Lent Charlies Bag to him Robie Burns Birth Day Drawing Drags

26th Drawing Drags snow Deep in the Bush.

27th I. Came from Williamstown Fine Day

28th I. Began the Oats on the Upper side of the Barn Senios Boy for Peas Henery fishing Eels I caught 3 Before the Door Drawing Drags

29th Cutting Down Trees

30th Breaking Roads in the Bush

31st Fanning Oats 20 Bushels this time

1st of February Done Thrashing Oats Went to Williamstown got 2 paper Kenneth poorly Brought out 1 Bush of Pease Tobacco for Granny Stormy night East Wind

2nd came home Roads Bad candlemass Day Stormy

3rd Sunday I Ba{illegible}ing

4th Fanning Oats Last 17 1/2 Fanned

Feby the 5th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Sold Io an axe 5/ - to cut wood for it Io commenced to chop soft Weather to Day Drawing Drags Water on the Ice and Plenty snow churning

6th Io Quit chopping a thrashing over the Pease stormy Day took Back the Axe from him got 4 Bushels of Oats from him for what he owed me Turning Stormy

7th Stormy I. Baking

8th Io to Williamstown Frosty Day Stormy Some Went to the Bush cut some Drags cut Down the Big Basswood Tree

9th Drawing some Drags a Beautiful fine morning the Islands Look close a sign of a storm Stormy from the East Change in the Moon Raining through the night

Sunday the 10th Raining & Freezing

11th Io came for the cow Went to Saburns near M Laughlins with him at Angus MDonells Raining some

12th A very fine Day Drawing Drags Fanning 1 pec of Pease Cleaning the Barn floor Let out the Hens to pick up the Grain in the yard and to get a Washing Warm sun and Raining some Shrove Tuesday

13 Ash Wednesday Freesing a little cutting stove Wood

14th {illegible} Day a Ball at David L{illegible}ers

Valentine 14th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Feby Went to see Daily about the Hay Henerys wife cut my hair - a Ball at Summers tonight the Evening commencing with E Wind somthing stormy through the night

15th E Wind Snowing & hailing & raining fine in the Evening

16th Dra{illegible} some fine in the Evening Fine upstairs Fire{?}

17th Sunday Stormy snowing Henery Fishing Eels James McDougall here about the stack told me about Peter Finney House burnt Down & about Donald McLennan & Mary McNicol Being Married

18 James Hugh Birth Day snowing & Drifting Drew 2 Drags (2 Lambs) on Saturday night the 16th

19th Went to Summers Bought of A Summers 1 lb Candles 1/ Had a Treat paid the Treat 7 1/2 at Nicholsons the Dog there at night

20th I Promised Dr MGreggor to go to Williamstown & he would give me a Ride stormy in the morning in the Evening. I started Left the Basket Bottles at A Summers for Mollasses Roads Bad seen Campbell the Weaver at D Camerons Brought out the close Basket forks sox heads Bell Hugh Anns clothes {?}

21st in Williamstown Grey went to the Depot Urquhart & I Dingwalls Daughter married today


Mr James Cameron Island

Feb 22nd Washingtons Birth Day came From Williamstown went Lost on a Road Cattanach & George Farrel took coming through the Bush George got sick Turned Back home stopt at Donald Cameron's in 2nd Con Stopt at Summers had a Treat 16 Paid Bought of A Summers 1 Quart syrup/11 1/2 2 lbs of Butter 2/4 came home all night the small Pox in Williamston yet Joined A Summers Lottery 2/6 to Be a Week from Saturday that the 2nd of March

23rd East Wind Stormy Drifting & Blowing the Largest Flakes of Snow I ever seen falling fell for a while this afternoon 2 lambs this Morning one Dead Took the Sheep & the other Lamb in would not suck Dead in the Evening Hailing & Drifting to night chopping Stove Wood

Sunday 24th Blowing all alone Reading the Book of Martyrs Freezing Some

25th Monday Drew some drags not very well a very Bad Pain in my Breast knocking around for all that Drifting & Blowing circle around the sun Great Dreams Great Great

26th Fine Morning Charlie came Going to Cornwall Heard crows for the first Began to chop Beech in the Bush Drew a Drag made a Waterhole Charlie Left the Dog



Mr James Cameron Island Feby A very fine Day Greatest crosfing to and from Salmon River I witnefsed this some years put a halter on the colt the first ever was on him to say he would Lead Tap would run some to Day Drew 3 Drags snow Deep wind changed cut Down a Big Ash on the Bank oat the Lower End of the Pitt Point (This is Leander's Day him who crofsed the Hellespont, See Byrons Works) Ducks Flying up to the West very high in the air

28th Went acofs for my Papers sent Senios Boy for them Gave him 3 coppers for doing Heard Sandy Greass wife Died a few Days ago Bill to mi{illegible}

1st of March in the Morning some Drops of Rain a Little Snow then a very fine Day shelling some corn Drew some Drags setting the cocks a Fighting cutting a Trench to Let the Water Run at the Door and in the yard

2nd I crofsed to Summers Bought Pink & Senna /10 Paid this Andrew at Cornwall Seen Jim Bush at summers Charlie came from Cornwall By Rail the First ever he was on a Great many Valentines going Sem{illegible} Lancaster the Lottery to Be tonight

March the 3 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Sunday Charlie here Raining wate on the Ice Ducks Flying about

4th Great Day in the states Charlie went home gave him some pease Put 2 Front shoes on Grey Very Windy in the afternoon not many Going the Ice Seen Blackbirds cut my Thumb

5th Did not see any one going Summer's Road Froze well Last night Good crust went to see the Redcanoe at the head of the Island High wind Last night chopping some in the Bush The cow wanting to go off or searching for the other one. First Eggs Laid by the hens to Day Put out some of the Rusters Freezing some Great Going of the Ice is Good

6th crofsed as far as Francis Island trying the Ice first rate Drew some Drags cutting the Trees in the marsh

7th Went to Senios got his Boy to fo for my Paper to the R{illegible} Gave him 3 coppers got the Shovel at Henerys the Dog followed me home Eating first Eggs very Frosty Weather. wind cold A Summers Drawing his wood from Tobins Senios got his Toes taking off this week Thinking that it is the Kings Evil that Kenneth has

8th Thinking of going to Williamstown Christee here for Straw Gave hime what he could drag home Started for Williamstown the Dog Went Brought 1 of corn Table Cloth Flour 3 pair son Sacrament in Williamstown

8th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island March

Went to See James Ferguson Went By the Station going to Williamstown

9th Raining Started for home the Dog stopt Stopt at Davids Gave a Ride Down to John Duncan Wanting to Buya Gun Slippery on the Ice for Grey S Pinks got the stove & sleigh A Summers in Montreal Sacrament Time in Williamstown Some Sleighs going the Ice at Trashere to Lancaster

10th Sunday alone Freezing some Tooth Ache

11th Monday Angus came had 5 Bags I gave him 3 took 2 Bags of Pease 6 Bags of Oats The Ice very good 3 Teams crofsed at Lancaster From the Dundee Side in the Morning Christee Wile & Francis Girl here Gave them 1 Bushel of Oats part Payment for the Spear Fixing the cutter Box as I am thinking of going to Salmon River Tomorrow Lots of Feed cattle Hearty all well save myself.A touch of the Toothache near noon. To Day Sun Looks cloudy as if something was Brewing

12th This Day M MMaster frist came to the Island This Morning Stormy at 10 oClock Started for Salmon River Took 106 lbs of Pease to my Accompt to Buckman that a Dollar & 6 cents at a Cent a lb towards my account Sold my Wheat 90 lbs for 40 lbs Flour at 3 cents a lb & 10 cents cash Bought Walter 1 bag tobacco /7 1/2 Whisky {illegible} 1/3 cap & I gave him the cash Towards the {illegible} Stopped one arm Tavern 1/ at Lukes / got my Dinner. Left my Bag there Ice Good to Salmon River the mills all {illegible} with high Water Gave Lewy & George Boule a lift down from the store

Mr James Cameron Island {illegible} March 13th 1861

Stormy to Day East Wind Expecting them to come to Day for the Hay but it is too stormy I dont think the'll come 10 o clock now Drew some Drags Got a Binder for the Hay Hens not Laying very well Freezing some E Wind changed to the West

14th Some cold Angus & John McPherson came took a Load of Hay Took 4 Bags of Oats and 2 of Pease Took Dinner Had a Hooker Lundy came stops all night Going to Salmon River for Traps

Sundy I crofsed t Bake Gave A I Baker 1 1/2 of Pease at 3/ a Bushel 4/6 Toward my account gave Secor. I Bushel Wheat 5/ toward my accound Bought of Rob Dunnery 1 oz of hoarhound 2 cents Paid Sheets Leaving the Front

16th Went to Salmon River stopt at Lockes took the Bottle & Bag Sold Bucham 50 lbs of Wheat got Flour sold 1 1/2 of corn got 5/ cash 2 lb Butter 16 cetns a lb 1 lb candles 1/ 1 Quart high{illegible} up and a Due Bill for the rest Gave Mr Streeter 2 Mink 4 Dollars 1 Rat 14 cents to my accound Did not see Lundy Gave Mr Bowen a Basin of Flour Got som Papers From Mr Streeter not very well taking the Tamrack Gun in Liquor

17th St Patricks alone Very Cold Ice good Sandy came

18th Monday Sandy went off Charlie came Went to Charlies to Draw some Drags for him got 2 papers from him got the {illegible} of a Book from him came home 2 Boys here McDonalds from Beach River to Buy hay sold it to them for 9 Dollars the stack treated them


Mr James Cameron Sir Johns Island Lake St Francis March 18th 1861

Fine day cold some Ice Good {illegible} Plenty Sandy going to come in a Day or 2 to chop

19th Last Day of Winter cold East Wind Thomas M{illegible} & {illegible} McDonald here for the stack The sheep a good deal spoiled took Dinner Treated them Made an allowance on the stack of a Dollar Put out the Rusters and 2 pullets Gave me {illegible} 5 Dollars Cornwall Bank

20th First Day of Spring the Boys for the rest of the stack 3 Dollars to pay yet Sandy came to chop I went to Williamstown Got 1/3 from Sandy for Whisky Charlie in Williamstown

21st Charlie came home with me got a Pt Stopt at Davids Treat /6 Bought of A Summers 1 Dozen Herrings 1/3 for Haddok 1 lb {illegible} /6 1 Box caps/4 1/10 1/2 for high Wines cash 2/6 I gave Charlie 1/3 cash got 3/9 From him for Table clothes Charlie here all Day Sandy went to the Bush

22nd I went to A Summers Brought 5 Bushels of Oats 6/3 some pounds tgo Wine /7 1/2 (to 2 oz H Candy/ 2 paid) Went to F Covington Bought of I & D Cameron 1 Tablecloth @ 25 cents 1 3/4 yards 44 cetns another at 16 cetns took 2 yds 32 cents to 1 lb Tea 1/3 got the Broach Fixed at Mr Huttons / 7 1/2 (Bought of P Buchanan 1 lb Butter paid this with Due Bill) got 1/2 Doz nails 2 pens Stopt at Lukes came to A Summers Played a game of chequers came home cutter all Done 25 charlie here Sandy Grinding his axe Fine Day Eel Fishers at the Big Bay

Palm Sunday


James Cameron Island

Mar 24th Sandy here

25th Annunciation of Virgin Mary I went to Summers Bought of A Summers 1 lb Tobacco 1/3 for Sandy (sweetys) at A Grants for to sell the Hay good crofsing to Salmon River

26th Raining all Day making spoils

27th Richard Grears Wife Died at 2 o clock Dan came to tell Sandy (Raining some) Water on the Ice putting out the Frozen Potatoes Me thinking of going to Williamstown yesterday Wild Geese on the Ice Before the Door Ducks Flying High Ice good yet James Ferguson Bailiff Died on the 26th

27th I went to Williamstown changed 5 Dollars at A Summers got a Ride from I M & R{illegible}

28th Angus {illegible} the Funeral Folks stopt at Davids had a Round 1/3 Paid) Took Dinner at Thomas Murries got a Ride Down From Ivan Fraser his horses foot Bad Good crofsing to mill John Hamilton at Davids thrashing 29th Good Friday Grears Boy here, cleaning the pipes cut an Eel hole no Eels going up the channel with Teams Ice 3 feet thick Before the Door Great Dreaming

30th Robins came Horses crofsing at Summer W. Geese Plenty Grey Birds came Drew some Drags Found my Knife Sandy came

31st John York here & Thomas Munroe ice good


Mr James Cameron Island

April 1st All Fools Day I went to Salmon River for 6 skins from Lashey @ 15 cents a peice {sic} 4/6 Gave Streeter 6 Rats at 16 cents 96 cents Fox 3/9 to my acc got 3/9 for Charlie Bought Buchanans, Fur 16 Rats 12/ -paid Bought Plumadoe mans fur 5 @ 15 cents 3/9 {illegible} took them home Bought of Norman MDonell 1 Bunch pin.-/6 1 {illegible} matches /6 Salts - /6 Treat -/6 paid) I pair mits on credit 2/6 A treat at Bakers -/7 1/2 1 lb sugar -/6 paid Bought of P. Buchanan Buttons 1/3 Lining 1/ Twist -/3 pens - 1 1/2 paid this) Bought of small sweetys -/3 Bout of Congdon Liquorice - /4 Pepper & -/4 got 4 Almanacks Jim Buchanan got in sunday ice getting Bad in Salmon River Bought of Kimball 1 {illegible} of Buckshot -/6

2nd Stormy Snowing Sandy in the Bush

3 cutting Eel holes, Drew some Drags

4th Went to Summers Bought of A Summers 4 lbs Butter 3/4 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 1/3 1 Dozen Herrings /10 (Bought Trace chain -/9 & 1 lb sugar /6 paid this) Charlie here gave him 2/6 cash for the Fox Making Troughs 14 Taps some Trees I went to Christies took the {illegible} over & cat no one at Christies

5th I went to Senios for the sleigh at Henerys Henery Boy came for hops Made 20 Troughs more Made a Taste of Molasses

6th Ice opened at Francis & Before Door Boiling in the Bush Fixing the Red Canoe at the head of the Island


Mr James Cameron Island

April 6th Sunday Low Ice Jamming some Cold East Wind Frosty nights & Fine Days crust Good Firing commence

Sunday 7th Sandy & I alone Went to head of Island

8th Making Molasses

9th at Sugar Bush Drawing Drags

10th A Great Sap Day Running Well Made a Little Molasses Cow coming to the Bush Took home the Canoe From the Upper Point Sandy & I First canoeing Ice gone Down in Abundance

11th at the Bush shot 2 Squirrels Sandy Shaving at night

12th of April I Went to Salmon River for the first canoeing this Spring Brought 2 of Wheat to Mill Gave Lukes Wife some corn Brought the 21 Rats to Streeter gave me 15 cents cash for them 3 Dollars & 15 cents gave 1 Pair of Boots 17/6 & mended ones 6/3 Paid Norman McDonell 2/- for the mits got the Loan of a Bottle H Wines 7 1/2 candles /6 pens /1 - Paid all this Speaking to Morris about the Hay, John McLennan Shot Tyler Lincoln some time about the 6th of April had a hooker at Landing of the Canoe where they make Whiskey /7 1/2 came home Good Wind ice Going Down got a Letter from Mary York to Fetch to Thomas Wife Crofsed for My Paper Sandy took the Letter at Henerys at Senios Murphy Lost court in our House Kenneth Poorly


Mr James Cameron Island

April 13th Raining Sandy shot a Duck I got 4 Eels shoet a Duck did not get him Putting Ice away from the Shore Seen a Crane for the First one Feed Plenty Cattle in Good Order hens Laying Well

14th Sunday seen a canoe going Down Taking Medicine

15th Began to Draw Wood with the Cart Drew about 2 cords for a Beginning

16th Drawing to the Bank got 1 Tier of 5 cords of Beech now shot a Rat Did not get him East Wind cold Fixing the Water Log

17th Stormy East Wind & Snow Sandy Began the Birds Eye Maple Stock for the Gun Baking Shot a Rat Put out the Gateneau Canoe Water high cold Day

18th at the stock

19th at the Canoe Fixing the Cart

20th Went to A Summers Bought of A Summer 2 Dozen Herring 1/8 1/2 lb Candles -/6 Hat -/5 (To Sugar /7 1/2 To pipes -/1 To Comb -/4 paid this) To 2 " 6 To Sandy Cash in at Sniders wanting straw came home Drawing Wood to the Bank Cow & Sheep Playing the Devil in the Sugar Bush Sandy Fixing the canoe

Sunday 21st Went to Christies Went to Charlies for a Tricker for the Gun

22nd Light Lit up the hills Light house a Boat went Down or it was the scow Light crosfing

23rd Drawing to the Bank 10 cords out Lashey here shot 2 Rats set 2 Traps Sandy chopping St Georges Day

24th Got a Rad Sandy crofsed to store with oats 90 lbs 1 Dozen Fish -/10 1 lb Tobacco 1/2 Gal Whiskey Bosells to Salmon River

25th Drawing Wood

26th I went to Bosells Charlie up with his ashes went to Lukes stopt all night

Mr James Cameron Island

April 27th 1861 Went from Lukes to F Covington with Ashes Gave Streeter 12 Rast he gave me Credit for 6 & the Money for the rest Bought of I & D Cameron 1/2 lb Tea 1/3 1/2 lb {illegible} -/4 Bought of Menkles 2 lbs Butter 1/6 Beer & snack -/7 1/2 Bought of Buchanan 1 1/2 Dozen of Herrings -1/6 1 Quart Whiskey /7 1/2 1 Glass -/4 1/2 sweetys 1/3 cash to 95 lbs of Oats all this Paid) Herrings 1/3 Paid Bought of Norman 1 Bottle of Stuff 1/ to be Paid) to treat /7 1/2 to Candles /6 To Bakers 1 Bushel of Potatoes 1/6 treat at Lukes - /4 1/2 Paid Promised Lukes wife a Ruster came home high East Wind Bought of Charlie 5 Rats 2/6 Paid at Morris's about the hay

Sunday 28th Jacob folks here with Eels got Corn Raining some Bad with Toothache Charlie here

29th Cleaning up stairs Sandy shot a duck

30th Raining set all my traps

1st of May Salabery coming up North wind cold cut Down the Maple Drawing Wood the colt hurted her leg

2 Drawing some Steamers going in abundance

3 Sandy caught the 1st Perch caught a Pike in the marsh

4th getting Rats in the Big Traps Charlie here gave me a /71/2 for Peas Fishing Eels Sandy went to the P.O for my Paper & 1 Quart of Whiskey working at the canoe Bosells set their Line got my account from A Summers

Sunday the 5th Looking for Eggs got 2 nests 20 Eggs


Mr James Cameron Island

May 6th Pete Bosellhere East Wind Richard Greer here came to Lancaster With Sandy & I Raining & East Wind Walked to Williamstown the Rafts stopts us in the River

7th in Williamstown Black Sam there with the Pig stopt all Day with the Wind

8th came to Lancaster Bought W McEdward 1/2 lb Powder -/9 1/2 for matches 1 Quart of Whiskey 1/2 for Pipe came home got a Plank near shore

9th Ascencion Day or Holy Thursday Sandy chopping Frost in the Banking

10th Set the Line Sandy washing Bosell sowing Barley on Francis Island

11 Went to Salmon River Brought Lukes a Ruster took 6 Bottles 2/ to Buchanan to 1 Bushel Potatoes 1/6 Tea all paid took 2 Gallons from Bakers for Mrs Bowen) 1 lb sugar for myself Bought of Norman 1 Quart not Paid Bought of Mr Streeter - 1 Pair of Boots for Sandy 40 10 Rats at 110 4 Dollars Lent Sandy 7 1/2 for {illegible} to 1 Pencil -/3 got the Gun Fixed -/3 paid a Treat at Bou{illegible} not Paid 1/- sick coming home slept at the Hog Island Sold Dans sking got 6/3 Bought 1 of Fulton & Eastmans Bookeeping Single & Double Entry, 2/6 {illegible}

12th Sunday Charlie here Raft Went Down Set a hen to hatch

13th got a Sturgeon, Drawing Wood

14th Drawing Wood

15 Drawing Wood Went to Williamstown 6 of Oats 3 of Pease {illegible} 1 Sturgeon

May 16th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Came from Williamstown Very High Wind got 2 Pigs Stopt at Io Collets hailstones & snow a Little Lewis Christie came to the Little Island here for Straw

17th Making to the Box Raining

18th Went to the stone Sandy & I Bought of A Summers 1 lb Tobacco 1/3 Butter 4 3/4 @10 4/ 1 Treat paid Raisins pipe pack Crofsed Oliver Gillespie's Wife to the Enterprise George Senio & I got 1/3 Andrew in Montreal

19th Sunday George Bosell here gave him a present of a Song Book Lost a sturgeon Thomas Munroe here & wife & A Summer Planted Potatoes

20th Fixing the Fence

21st Fixing the full Point Fence Sandy & I

22 I went to Summers Bought 1/2 lb pepper 1 Quart of Whiskey Paid this Thomas Munroe moving to {illegible} place the New York went Down to go to Guard the American Frontiers A Raft aground at the head on the

23 Drawing Rails

24th Drawing Cordwood at the Fence

25 Working at the Fence

26th Fishing at the Little Island

27 making chest Raining

28 Raining

29th Began to plough Before the Door

30th May

Mr James Cameron Island

30th of May Lashay here planted Potatoes

31st Sowed 1 1/2 of Wheat Before the Door Making the {illegible} Boats & Rafts in abundance

1st of June Went to Salmon River Brought to Mill 1 of {illegible} 2 of Provender 4 of Wheat Ashes 16 cents a Bushel 48 of D Baker 1/4 oz Tea 17 {illegible} 2 {illegible} Seeds Bought of Quart Whiskey Bought 1 1/4 A Rope 1/- paid for pencil got 4 Bags 12 1/2 {illegible} over Thomas Munroe with 13 Bushel of Potatoes came home Sandy staving The Steamer Saguanay Burnt at Montreal sometime Last Week

Sunday 3rd Lashay went to St Annes to Fish

4th Working at the Fence

5th Fishing & Working at the Fence

6th Planted Cucumbers & Melons in the garden 28 hills

7th Drawing sticks for the fence Drawing some cord Wood to the Bank Shearing the Sheep Sandy & I

8th Taking the Dung from the Front of the House {illegible}ing the Fence in the Oak feild {sic}

9th Marys Birth Day Sandy & I to Charlies took Dinner had a hooker Captain Frasher for Planks Traveling some Jacops house up


Mr James Cameron Island

June 10th Monday the 10th Planted some hills of corn & Potatoes Before the Door some Pumpkins & melons & cucumbers next the Wheat Potatoes up in the Garden some White Round Beans at the Pig Pen and some hills of cucumbers & melons mixed cutting Thistles young chickens Hens all Shut up Tethering Grey in the Upper Peice Sandy chopping Eel Fishing Begins Young Ducks Plenty Ticks Plenty Mosquitoes Plenty Sandy at ashes in the new Peice Setting the Line Broke Twice Took it up

11th Drew the Last of the Wood what was chopped Took home from the Bush 20 of the Troughs so the Indians would not take them away this year cucumbers & Melons up in the garden pulling cotton and thistles out of the Wheat

12th Windy & some Rain Fixing the cucumbers & Melons Before the Door 15 hills Put in where semos had their Potatoes some Pumpkins cucumbers & Melons at the stone heap and a little Below that Dug a Dish of Baits Baking Sandy at the ashes heavy North Wind Mowing Weeds Went to A Summers The Great Dinner in Williamstown in Celebration of the School House Rob Summers there Andrew in Montreal

13th Went to Summers Bought of A Summers 1/2 Gall Syrup 1/9 1/2 lb candles -/6 Got From Jane Ann Andrew I Summers going to Salmon River with his ashes Secor accused of informing Went to Williamstown Sandy & I Fishers here at the shore Found a cork screw Brought out about 12 lbs of Wool Sugar Pot knives & Bottle got the Book from Dan to Be Returned

Duplicate of two pages back

Duplicate of 2 pages back "Cameron 20.pdf"


Mr James Cameron Island

June 14th Came home from Williamstown High Wind Bought of the Baker in Lancaster sixpence Worth of Biscuit Fixing our ashes to go to Salmon River made a Few Hills in the Garden Allen Cameron talkng about Pasturing & I.Tobin

15th Raining 3 Tow Boats going Down With heavy Tows William Hamilton & Hamilton the Wood Merchant here to see the Wood no Bargain Making Pollock Pins for the canoe Planted some cucumber seeds a Propeller aground the Ottawa Gave her a pull or 2

16th the Ottawa a & Magnet a Race the Ottawa ahead Movile here said they found a Boat that some one was Drowned out of it Last night stormy wind Thunder & Lightning The White top Propeller - went Down Cate Secors Boat got off Ground in Salmon River

17th Went to Salmon River 45 lbs of Iron to B & Brother to Baker 4 & Peck of Ashes to Norman McDonnell 17 1/2 Cash for 1 Quart I got From him Returned the Book to Congdon got 2/6 Back of my Money Bought of Baker 1/2 lb Tea 1/10 1/2 1/2 lb Candles -/6 cash Bought of Buchanan 1/2 lb Tea 2/- 1 1/2 Potatoes 45 cents {illegible} 2/11 1 Paper of Starch /5 Sandy had 4 1/2 of Ashes stopt at Lukes & at Morris

18th Fixing the Canoes

19th at the canoe Went to A Summers Bought Lock 1/6 Butter 1/6 Rosin 1/- Cheese 2/9 Bought of A I Baker {illegible} 3 lbs -/9 I coppers worth of sweetys at A Grants Fixing the canoe

20th Went to Williamstown Sandy & I Longest Day in the Year


Mr James Cameron Island

June 21st 21st First Day of Summer came from Williamstown stopt at Grears stopt at Lancaster Bridge Took Breakfast on the Monument Island came to Charlies had a smile Sandy staving East Wind some Rain

22 Chopping some Sandy

23 High Wind 4 men here wanting Sturgeon

24th Began the House Drawing the Timber David Summers & Thomas Munroe here Had a Bottle Left the contents of it with me 5 sticks David Wanted gave Thomas 2 Pickerel Tearing Down the cornhouse

25th Began to Lay the Foundation of the House Lashey & a Boy came (The Huron went Down on the 24 & was up on the morning of the 26th) Hens Laying Well

26th Huron gone up

27th at the House Pete Buchanan & Binch Hoskins Farlanger here

28th Hugh Am & Caty came

29 Sandy & I to Salmon River 1 1/2 of ashes 2 of Oats Bought of Buchanan 1/2 Gal of Molasses 1/- 2 lbs Sugar 1/- Bought of Chinkler 4 lbs Butter at -/7 1/s 2/6 Bought of Norman File -/6 Line /3 hoarhound /1 1/2 to a Bottle From Charlie screws exchanged fot a Paper from Mr Morris Training Day in Dundee Mr Sommerville the Member there came from Lukes in an hour Sailing good wind

30th Sunday Charlie up with Sandys Knife & Rifle Jim Nicholson here Berries Plenty Last Day of June


Mr James Cameron Island

July 1st Working at the House went to the Bush to cut some sticks Hoeing the Potatoes Some a Great Many Boats sailing up with East Wind Girls Washing Baited the Line caught a Pickerel Ticks Bad Mosquitoes Bad commencing to Rain High Wind 3 or 4 Rainbows to South at Evening Dark about

2nd of July Stormy East Wind & Rain Sandy Filing the 2 Saws some cold Seen the comet HughAnn

3 I seen it Went to Salmon River Sandy and the Girls give them a Bushel of oats -/6 of money Drawing some sticks for the House Water high in the Lake

4th at the House American Independence great firing the night Before

5th Our John's Birth Day the Girls went off to Williamstown Big Frank here for the 5 peices of Timber for David Summers a Great Deal of Floating stuff coming Down the River Fount a Pont Dingwalls here Trying to take the cow away

6th The Bouquet here with 4 of Dingwalls Oxen, Put out Toms Line 55 Hoogs {hooks?} on it for Eels Found a Basswood Canoe got 2 Hemlock sawlogs Pulling Cotton out of the Wheat Hoeing some

July the 7th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

S M Allman here stopt all night Sandy Trowling Charlie Boots here for Bread gave him some corn meal strawberries Plenty

8th Fixing the Red Canoe Peter Coal got 2 of the Pudding Dish of Flour Raining

9th Cole left his pine Jack spear & Barrle cording & Drawing the Last of the cord Wood Fishing Raining hoeing some of the Potatoes Thunder

10th hoeing Potatoes Charlie at A Summers for Hooks had a hooker gave him his gimlet & a peice of Line East Wind went acrofs with Long Johns canoe I stopt at semos got a Turtle on Francis Island Gave Sandy a Bushel of Oats for Tobacco at A Summers Mrs Summers at Rob for the cards Great playing at A Grants store for Beer The Passport Banshee New Era went up with Soldiers Welland went up Bands aboard Working at the Roads now Henery & the Nicholsons came home away to make Hay

11th Raining East Wind Black Birds commencing to Flock Working at the House Heard the house shake as an Earthquake Quite Plain after night a Little

12 Fishing some

13 Donald Suple here Fishing Francis here got 2 Hooks

14 Sunday a pen Plat out Before the Door going to Frasers at Christies did not know I wrote on the other side these dates

Orangemens Day 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

12 to July Working at the house Charlie or Jacop got a canoe afloat a Propeller at the Light house

13th Donald Suple here Fishing Francis here got 2 Hooks

Sunday 14th Pen Platt going to Frasers showed them the way went to Christies

15th Francis here got some salt gave him some Pepper

16th Went to Williamstown for the Boys Brought 2 chips Angus in Salmon River Raspberries Begginning to Ripen and currants

17th came home working at the House Beams a party on the Salaberry from Dundee to Cornwall

18th at the House Lashey came with all his Fishing Utensils Fixing a place for the Beams

19th Went for the Boys to Williamstown Brought out a Sheep 1 Sturgeon eel

20th came to the Island with the Boys Hearing Rain Stopt on Suseys Island Got the Flour from the Indian Cole

21st Sunday George Semo got three Sickles for Bosells maggie Lafette John Nicholson here Lashey to Lukes Brown From St Regis here Raft crew Picking berries

22nd Beams all up Tom Davis came gave him Baddle Barrel Farmer Eel oil got the Line from Tom & Fortk

23rd Tom went off Put up a Stick Lasheys mand came set 2 Lines Began to mow around the House Sandy Fishing Mowing the Grove

24th Went to Salmon River 2 of Wheat 2 of Provender 1/2 lb Tea 1/10 1/2 1 of sugar at Kinchalls -/5

Mr James Cameron Island

July 24th 1861

Bought of P Buchanan 1 scythe on credit 5/-) To 1/2 Gal Molasses 1/- Treat -/3 Candles 1/2 lb -/6 Brought a Turtle to Normans Boys stopt at Morris Lukes got Lasheys Tea at Lukes Mowing the Grove Fixing the Rack on the Cart

25th the Games in Williamstown to Day put in a load of Hay Mowing the Grove Dog Days St James Day Sandy Went to Williamstown

26th Sandy came got a stick of Elm Lashey to Salmon River put in a Load of hay & Pheney here & the Boys Mowing some at the East part of the Garden

27th at the House the 2 sticks above the Beams

28th Sunday a Raft out here Charlie Boots here all Day staving Went to the Upper Point

29th Raining all in the House Baking Change in the Moon to Day

30th Angus & Ellen Walter here James Hugh Went home

31st Berries Plenty Mowing some

August the 1st at home Hunters came to Shoot Ducks Put in some hay

2nd Putting in hay

3rd making Coils on the Pitt Point Jack Sandy & I 2 Indians there Went to Hamilton got 3 cats and there Bag Went to the Store Bought of A Summers 1 Bar Soap 1/3 2 lbs 2 oz of Butter 1/6 Whiskey -/7 1/2 Stone -/4 came home

Sunday the 4th Charlie here a Great many in the Berries Charlie stopt to go to Salmon River

5th Went to Salmon River with Ellen Bought of B Buchanan 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 1/- Bought of Charlie 1 Bottle Rum 1/- Pens oatmeal


Mr James Camerson Island

August the 6th Charlie went home Sandy Mowing Pilots going Past Looking for Timber

7th Mowing shaking out hay

8th Putting up hay the Boys Sandy & I Went home with the Boys stopt at the cairn on Monument Island to show the Boys the Memory of Sir John Colbourn

9th Came home Dan very Poorly Ellen From St Regis Christie here grinding his scythe & Axe putting in hay 2 Loads Great going of Boats on the River Jacops Wife the small Pox

10th a great storm of Wind & Rain

11th Sunday Sandy Went to Williamstown Jacops Wife to St Regis

12th East Weind Sandy Granny & HughAnn Came from Williamstown Put in some hay

13th at the hay

14th Mowing in the Upper Feild {sic} and at the Lower Point

15th 3 men here for Fish Gathering and Going to put in Fine Day West Wind steamers in abundance

16th Putting in hay Went to A Summers with (Granny Wool 5 3/4 1/2 Gallon Wiskey 1 lb Sugar) (Bought of A Summers 1/2 cut Tobacco /5 needles -1/2 Matches 1/2 Paid) Brought A I Bakers Dish home & A Summers Traps Brought home Hamiltons Bag Mrs Hamilton unwell Putting in some hay

17th Puttin in hay Lashey to Salmon River Hugh Ann sent for 1 Quart of Mollasses

18 Sunday Lashey to St Anncet with Tom Brought Matches & Tea Tobacco Bread I in Topkins for Fish got 2/6 From Lashey cash

19th Monday Sandy went to get his Boots Fixed at Lancaster went to Lewis Christies with oars Paddles Broom's & Whippletrees to mMake

the 19th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

August Rafts a Going Down in Abundance Keeping in the house Chokecherries Ripe Cap Berries Ripe Raspberries near Done The Water Beginning to Fall The small pox Raging around us By the Natives Ducks coming round now Mowing Behind the Barn Pat came I went down with him then to Lancaster came home got a small Bottle from Pat & Charlie full of Whiskey East wind

20th Mowing Lewis Christie Brought the Whippletrees A channel catfish from Lashey to Breakfast Mowing above the house Behind the house & Before the house

21st Sandy came from Lancaster Put in 2 Loads of hay Mowing above the Barn They Tom & Lashy went to fish at the squaw Island Raining

22nd Raining Tom & Lashey shooting Ducks in the Marsh thinking of going to Salmon River Killed a Ruster

23rd Went to Salmon River Brought 1 1/2 of Wheat 2 of Oats Bought of the Whiskey Man 1 Quart /6 Bought of the Baker1 lb candles -/6 paid (Bought of Norman McDonnell 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 1/3 not paid dishes Broke

24th Put in some out of the Upper Feild

25th Went to Charlies Lashey told us he was sure he was Drowned got a stick of Pine A Summers & Dingwall The Teacher here Long Black Berries Ripe now

26th Shot a Duck Sandy went off Mowing some put in 2 Loads Lashey Began to Fish Pickerel storm to the south

27th Shot A Duck Mowing some Toms Mother sent me Long B Berries Fixing his Eels


Mr James Cameron Island

Augst 28th The Shows in Lancaster Lashey went with 4 Barrels of Eels him & Tom Michael Goose Going Down to the Long B Berries Put in 4 small Loads of hay all alone The Salaberry to Cornwall with Pleasure Trip From Salmon River

29th Lashey & Tom Went to Montreal On the Salaberry I went to Lewis Christies Rafts a Going in abundance & Towing of steamers A Great Many a Great Many Going Down to the Long Black Berries

30th Mowing some & Putting in Lewis Christie here had a Bottle got 3 Paddles From him 1 Broom Found an oar of the Rafts

31st Went to Lewis Island Lewis away to St Regis Put in 2 Loads of Hay Lashey From Montreal took Back his Eels A Great Boat Load going Down to the Berries Dan Came had a paper & Trouser gave 2/6 for Coffe

1st of September Sunday Dan Went off at Bosell for my sickles got 3 Went to Semos & Nicholsons Mrs McLaurin there The Rest Down at the Berries John Cameron Santanee Henery & George Bosell Jim Hopkins I.Snider George Semo Isaac Blondeau called at Francis came home Grey in the Wheat

2nd Christie grinding his scythe Reaped 2 or 3 sheafs of Wheat & put 2 in the Barn Mowing where the hens Laid it Down Barge Queen went up Before the Door talking to them East Wind

3rd of September Dans Birth Day cutting some hay Raining Court Day in Williamstown high Wind all alone Went to the Upper Point Salting the Cattle

4th Began to Mow some of the Marsh Before the Door cutting some of the Wheat 3 canoes Passed up very Earley Fishers I think

5th John Angus Birth Day Charlie here & a Cooper From Salmon River I went to Charlies to turn the Bun

Mr James Cameron Island

Sept 6th 1861 Lashey Reaping Wheat I Binding & putting in Great high Wind

7th Lashey to Salmon River Mowing some of the Wheat & putting in some

8th Sunday Mr Morris & 2 of his Boys here gave hime a Ruster Pat here with a canoe here for Charlie McGregors Raft here

9th Mowing the Last of the Wheat put it all in the Barn a Great many Rafts a going Down all the Hens out now Great Dreams these nights

10th the Bargain with with Lewis for the {blank space} the Island Making Coils of Marsh hay Before the Door

{Paper torn and illegible}

1/2 for Lashey 1/- cr  {illegible} Stopt at Mr Morris the Book & newspaper had a hooker got the Dog hunter the name Elvina Levina came to the Barge Left the Butter for Baker came home ground Charlies axe

18th Fixing my Powder the horns shooting squirrels got my shirt ready to got to Henerys but went to the Barge as they were Blowing all Day went to them & went to Dundee to Bakers stopt at Morris's for the scow got it woke up Emmanuel to come with us got to the Barge had a Bite to Eat took 2 scow Loads to the Island Loaded another

19th I came of got my Pay 7/6 From the Captain Began to Blow took Breakfast went to Bed & slept Went to the head of the Island shot a Ruster Shot a Duck Began to Rain some Bowmanville went up

20th Hen Hawks playing the Devil among the Hens watching as much as can but they come right to the Door The Tow Boat Traveller touring here now

Mr James Cameron Island St Francis

Sept the 11th 1861 Raining East Wind Filled a Bag of Wheat to be Ready to go to Mill Went to the Little lsland

12th took home an Oak stick 12 feet Long Drew the Elm out of the Water A Summers here A.I Baker & T Munroe here I went to Williamstown Charlie & me Brought some corn & cucumbers the Trunk to Dan

13 came as far as Charlies stopt all Day. with the wind, being too high

14th came home Charlie & me went to Summers Bought of A Summers 7 yrs of shirting at -/8 4/8 1 of Candles 1/- Whiskey 1/3 3 lbs Butter 1/10 1/2 shot /61/2 Matches -/6 Charlie here all night

{Paper torn - Duplicate of a previous page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Sept the 15th 1861 Sunday Charlie here all Day gave him his sickle went home gave him some firewood to take home

16th Put some Marsh hay in the stable Loft 2 small Loads all alone Lashey came Charlie came for to got to Salmon River Charlie Brought me an Eel & some cucumbers

17th Received From Lashey 2/6 cash In part Payment of what he owes me 7 1/2 to get a Quart of Whiskey took 1 1/2 of Wheat to Mill took Mrs Moviles Plate home stopt at Lukes took 70 staves to the cooper got an order on Bakers for 3/6 sold 4 Bottles to Buchanan 1/3 sold Charlies Rags took some nails from the ashery Bought of Baker 3 lbs Butter 1/10 1/2 1 lb Powder 1/6 Salts 1/2 lb -/4 Bought of Buchanans 1/2 Gal Whiskey 1/2 for Lashey 1/- cloves -/2 Stopt at Mr Morris got the Book & Newspaper had a hooker got the

{Duplicate of a previous page}

35 70-25=45 Mr James Cameron

Mr James Cameron Island

Mr James Cameron Charlottenburgh March 19th 1861

For value received we Jointly and Severally Promis to Pay to the {illegible} or Bearer $4 1/2 ##$$$ 4 1/2 Dollars & 10 cent on {illegible} with Interest

Witnefs James Forsythe {illegible} March A Fairfield Marc March D McDougald

For {illegible} March Charlottenburgh March

Charlottenburgh March 20th 1861 For value Received we Jointly and Severally Promis to Pay to James Cameron or Bearer Three Dollars on Demand

Mr James Cameron

{considerable rough figures and notes)

23 May 6 -3 Boot

Calf skin 3-9

11 of June Boots 17-6

13th of July Calf 3-

31st Menting 6-3

& 1 pan -15 for hiram

31st Oct 5-7 1/2

12 april 6-3 & 17-6


May 11th {illegible} Sandy

11 May 10 Rats -/10

Mr James Cameron Island

September 21st 1861 Raining & Blowing East Wind took the canoes of the Land in the Marsh the House inside all wet More Shingles Blew of Salaberry went up the Bouquet went into Dundee Traveller came up 4 Barges in Tow Water very high with the East Wind st Matthews Day Took in some Butternuts cut a Hickory for axe handles Fixing Canoe Broke on 1 Package of Matches for a Begginning This is Something near the Equinoctial Gales

22nd Sunday Jim Nicholson got 6 Ballads Lashey came Autumn commences took salts Long Black Berries yet

23rd I crossed to Henerys with a Shirt to make the Cannon Firing at the Bishops Bones in Williamstown went to Nicholsons got a Bottle of Milk for my Tea Lent Jim the axe shot a Duck & a crow Squirrel mowing a swath in the Marsh Raining Took in some Potatoes

24th Fixing the Wheat in the Barn Fixing the Rafters at the Stones for the Cellar Drew some Blocks Took 2 more Rafters from the Bush Mowing in the Back Marsh Shot a Rat for the first put out the Hogs shot a squirrel on the Grindstone Huron went up

25th Lewis Christie Made an oar Left his canoe here put in some marsh hay

26th Bowmanville went Down Lashey went to Montreal put a Load of Marsh hay in the Barn Set the Line Fishing Bait Blackberries very good took home plank from Pitt Point a very fine Day

27th Baking 40 Eggs salted Raining cleaning the Guns got a cat Fish Making a Fish Pen

28th Heavy Wind through the night or Morning Went round shore found an oar took in 2 pails apples , 3 pails nuts picked 1 of Hops got a cat fish The Bouquet aground opposite Lower end of Island coming up

29 Michalmass Sunday alone Bouquet got off

30th got channel cat Fish Archy McDonnell wife a Son got My shirt at Henerys Lashey going to set his Line Lost the Fish


Antoine Deroshers

To J Cameron

Dec 17th 1860 to 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 1/3 Tobacco 1/3 3 lbs

January 5th 1861 To 1 Quart Whiskey 7 1/2 /7 1/2

Jany 18th To 1 pint H W /7 1/2 1 lb Tobacco {illegible} 1/10 1/2

25th to 1/2 Bus Pease

12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)

T Henery Hence Dr To I Cameron

To 5 Bushels of Potatoes at 1/3 6"3

12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)~~

8th of Aug got the Spear from Christie 1/2 Bushel of New Potatoes

23 of Aug To 1/2 Bushel of New Potatoes & some Milk

S Mark some straw 11th of March 1 Bushel of Oats

Sept 14 1861 To Mrs Henery To Making 2 Shirts 2/6

Dec 22nd to Making 2 Shirts 2/6

12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)12:04, 17 March 2021 (UTC)

17-6 A McDonald Grear Dr

To J Cameron

March 21st 1 Box of Caps /4(25) tobacco 1/3 {illegible}

April {illegible} Salts -/4 (Whiskey 1/2 Gallon a peice 7 1/2 {illegible}

April 20th To 2/6 Cash 24 To 1 Quart 7 1/2 1 lbs Tobacco 1/3

May 11th 1 Pair Fine Boots L 1")" Cash /7 1/2

1 Pencil -/3 {illegible} # 1 {illegible} 1" 3"

10th of July to 1 oz Oats 1/3 1"3

To 1 Canoe 5/ (to cash 1/3 ( {illegible} Tobacco) 1/3 2"6"

Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 1st 1861

I went to Summerstown some Treats at Davids Bought of A Summers 3 lbs Butter /10 1/2 1/2 Quart {illegible} -/6 1 peck of salt -/7 1/2 1/2 lb candles -/6 1 lb Shot -/6 1 Pint Whiskey & Bottle -/4 Bottle to Be returned come to Nicholsons stopt all night Drank the Bottle James Summers arrived from California {illegible} Laduke's Hunting concerns at Davids was Drowned by Trying to get a Tow From the Traveller Bought a Map of Glengarry Price 1/3 wanted 50 cents for it A Summers took it out to Williamstown

2nd Court Day in Williamstown Lifting the Potatoes after coming from Nicholsons Hawks plenty Lashey Came Left my Necker chief there at Nicholsons

3 high Wind Lashey Fixing his Paddles took up all the Potatoes a Great Dream when I Laid Down at 12 o clock about a Steamer going Down Before Peter B's Door or Hamiltons Bridge Flying Cloud or the White Cloud the name of 2 of them one sure

4th East Wind New Moon, commenced to Rain Lashey went off Looking at my Traps 2 men here about cord Wood Captain Dupee's From St Annicete Very Bad Weather Wild Geese came going West

5th East Wind a Barge - Mammoth - got her Mast Broke Laying at Anchor sailed up Shelling corn 1 Bushel of Last years corn Found an old Tom Hat went for a Load of Blocks cranberries getting good Found a Black Bottle with the neck Broke

6th Sunday Went to See the Barge Mammoth Laying at the head of the Island took Dinner aboard Went to Nicholsons & took home their Bottles got some good shot & caps from Henery


Mr James Cameron Island

Oct the 7th Monday set 8 Traps for the first setting 3 in the Back Marsh 5 Before the Door

The Hawk Playing the Devil with the Hens The Magnet & Welland went Down Took up a Pail of apples

8th got 3 Rat 1 foot out of 8 Traps Raining all night this House all wet The St Helene going up Went to Charlies Charlie came up Huron went Down

9th got Ready for Salmon River 1 1/2 of Wheat 1 of Corn 65 lbs of Iron /3 1/2 to Charlie for iron Brought Luke a few apples Brought Mr Morris's Paper & Book home got a paper from him Some Frost this Morning Bought of B.B 4 lbs 2 oz of Butter 5/7 1/2 2/8 1/2 Gal Whiskey 1/- Paid Norman McDonell 1/3 Towed him Bought of James & D Cameron Coffee -/9 stopt at Lukes had a Round or 2 Bought of the Baker Crackers -/7 1/2 Found a canoe Belonging to Stephens Charlie staving and me not some sober Found a Pont Let it go again got 2 Rats

10th got 3 Rats Charlie Baking Lent him a Bag gave him some Meal some pepper & some coriander Muskrats Wood Mast Board Fround his Knife Huron Went up Ottawa Went Down Northern Light The Games in Williamstown on Hugh Anns Birth Day Frances here Charlie went home

11th alone Raining Washing my shirt Hand Kerchiefs Towels got 2 Rats Took in all the apples very few

12th got 2 Rats not very well moving muskrats Roads in marsh went to Look for cranberries a new Boat went Down----


Mr James Cameron Island

October the 13th Sunday Bill Nicholson (here got the Loan of 2 Hoes 3 small peices of Trace chains. I took salts, the rats none Last night the Water high Big Ottawa went up 3 o Clock

14th Wind high Went to Williamstown Charlie & I wind very high stops at Lancaster Bridge got a Pint Left the canoe opposite A McGillises got from granny to 8 lb of Wool Charlie Brought sage & some apple & Fish coffe

15th came home came to Henery got my shirt & a Bottle From Henery Henery got a Mink stopt at Francis I went Down with Charlie got some Pumpkins from him

16th got 3 Rats Boats going in abundance Brantford Ranger & Prince Albert going up Salabery Yamaska & Traveller going Down Taking in the Last of the hops

17th Went to Charlies helping him with his Potatoes Francis at Charlie Beams Lashey came Fine Day but raining got a Rat

18th Raining the Steamer Tug Lincoln went up Great Towing on the Lake got 2 Rat Found a Bottle Lashey went off Stormy East Wind

19th Captain Martin of the Steamer Enterprize here offered me 8 & 10 Dollars for the stick 15 I want for it crofsed over to Nicholsons at Henerys Henery went to I. Laplantes on the Bosure gave me a hooker Lashey came when I was away and took his Traps no Mink around here yet

Sunday the 20th Went to head of the Island Bouquet Towing a very Large Raft Farmer & Dubeck's I caught the Boat from the steamer went to the Raft the First Time I ever Rowed with 2 oars

{illegible}th 1861


Mr James Cameron Island

Oct the First Ice Last Night got a Rat the Bowmanville going Down the Huron went up on the 19th 2 Men here from the Raft to Potatoes 2/6 To Flour 3/5 Went to the Raft Exchanged a Little Better than 1/2 Bushel of Pease with them The Br{illegible} took them off

22nd East Wind Shaving Trying to catch Grey cutting some Brush Drew up the canoes fixing the shore Drew some Drags from the River Trimming the apple Tree at the Door Ottawa went up Grey in all night Baking the Bouquet aground in Lancaster the Raft at the Lighthouse The Walter Shanly went up no Rats

23rd Drawing with Grey got a Rat Lashey came Raining some cutting stove Wood Lashey went off Ground the axe & then spoiled it Broke up the Laplante Barge

24th Our Hugh's Birth Day. Something Wrong with Mr Hills Light never seen it this Late in the Day Lit, got a Rat fixing More Feathers in my Bed Began to nail Beam on the house a few Grains of snow Cold

25th My Birth Day and a fine Day it is supposing it is my Birth Day Went to Nicholsons got the Butter Lent Henerys Son in Law the canoe William Bers The Boston William Shanly Huron Brantford {blank space} going Down calling for Charlie wind changing all Day ice in the Marsh Last night took up some sand the Enterprize in to Dundee some of the Boat taking Down their Top Masts

26th Went to A Summers Bought 1 Quart of Highwines 1/3 Returned the Bottle stopt at Nicholsons all night Lost my Paddle


Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 27th Sunday came home Went to Charlies

28th Charlie came up to go to Mill Sandy came Went in the Evening stopt at Lukes all night

29th took the last of my Wheat to Mill 2 Bushels Charlie his corn & ashes my ashes 1 1/2 18c From 28 lb Wool 8 got 2 Dollars cash for the Wool Bought 1 lb candles 1/- of Baker 1/4 of Powder -/6 shot/6 caps -/3 Whiskey 1/- Tobacco -/7 1/2 at Buchanan) Bought of Norman George gave him 2/6 for what I owed Charlie 1 coppers worth of matches 1/2 for sweetys 1 Bottle of Rum 1 lb Buckshot -/8 Bought of Grindele Streeter I Pair for a Plan of Boots 15 York shillings got my accompt from Mr Streeter Left my Measure for a pair of Boot Came to Mr Morris's stopt a While seen Elvina Sandy staving stopt at Luke's Lost the 2 cats stopt at Lukes all night had supper came away fore morning Lashey here

30th a Man Looking for Timber From Beauhornois for the Locks Sandy went of with Lashey took his Things away Charlie went home got a Rat Laduke the Lockman & {illegible}ellen slept here all night

31st Last of the Month & Hallow Eve night Shot the hen that I could not Keep out of the Barn cut some Brush Measuring the Pine cracking nuts and Reading Burns's Halloween

November the 1st A Fine Day this is the Day 4 years ago Mr Baker Died Shot 2 Ducks Donald McDonald & 1 of Kenneths Boys here A Summers got his goods up & A Baker after his Goods

the 2nd 1861

Mr James Cameron Island Lake Francis

Nov Great East Wind a Race the Kingston & the Tug Traveller Down Lincoln & Salaberry going up A Schooner anchored opposite the Pitt Point Bay came too close in as she was sailing up Put in Grey Drew some Drags cut a Hicory at the head of the Island

Sunday the 3rd This Day 4 Years Granda Died The Experience went up & the schooner went off went around the Island Wind very high

4th Killed the Hog all alone went to the Little Island north side

5th Broke my Gun on the Dog for not going for the Duck The Steamer Experience here taking away A Summers's Wood This is Guy Fawkes Day A Fine Day Put in the other Pig to Fatten Captain Martin got Loaded went off sold some culls 2/6 for them

6th Went acrofs to Summerstown seen James Summers The court in Cornwall now a Days Got 5/- From David Summers at Treat at Davids 1/3 at Thomas Munroes took Breakfast there came home went to Charlies Charlie came up James Dingwall here Looking at the cattle

7th Ellens Birth Day Charlie & I to Salmon River took my Boots to Streeter to be Mended Bought of Congdon Poison -/7 1/2 Liquorice -/1 Pepperment -/4 Bought of P Buchanan 1 Gall Wiskey 1/- Bought of Norman 1 Quart of Whiskey -/7 1/2 the Bottle to Be{illegible} to 4 lb of Oatmeal -/7 1/2 Matches -/1 Seen Little M McMahon a Treat at Lukes -/7 1/2 Took Dinner at Morris's gave Morris a stick for axe helves Lent Luke my Paddle stopt at Moviles got the 2 cats

the 8th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Nov Charlie & I to Williamstown the English man & Wife there {illegible} Brought Allens Boots out Gave Granny 5/- shillings

9th came home stopt at Lancaster Pint -/4 Charlie went home Dingwall Talking about the cow Rain & hail a Little

10th all alone Jacop & 2 Indians Fishing Eels in the Rushes got a good Many The Colt hurted a Bad cut on her Fixed the cut with Eel oil & sut {?} Fine Day East Wind in the afternoon Captain Martin went up and Blew his Whistle I suppose for the stick

11th Monday Raining wind changed very high Thunder a Great squall of Wind & Hail Made a Mink Fall at the Lower end of the Island

The 12th on this Day of the Month old John Summers Departed

13th I crossed to Nicholsons for the Ram put Francis on the Boat Bought of A Summers 1/2 lb Tea 2/3 2 lb sugar 1/1 1 pari of scates 1/10 1/2 thats 5/2 1/2 got a Dollar cash From D Summers to 3 Treats at Davids a Treats at Bakers & sweetys -/7 1/2 Angus came Bill came across

14th Killed the cow Let out the Ram gave Bill the Mole Buckshot caps & crossed with Bill to Francis Island Stopt at Lancaster sold the hide 14 1/2 cents 54 lbs 2"43) had 2 Rounds at Frasher's 2/6 Got Sandy McNaughton to Take the Beef up

15th I came home stopt at the Bakers 2 Loaves -/10 stopt at {illegible} Island stopt at squaw Island sail'd home at night thinking to snow snowing through the night cutting the Beef

the 16th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Nov Snowing North West Wind {illegible} the horses took up my Traps

17th Sunday Mr David Summers Ronald Angus & {Blank space} the 3 here had 2 Bottles gave him the Bun at the Butternut Tree at the River Side to send Big Frank after the "Pine Left me a Bottle and it near Full

18th chopping stove Wood & sawing Fixed the saw A Boat Passed to Lancaster From Salmon River with 3 in it & Back again very quick

19th the Day 4 years agod old Mr Hamilton Departed this Life Looking for the Shovel Cleaning the Stove pipes Charlie to Lancaster with Sail the Gern going Down with Flags up East Wind Fishing Eels Pete Bosell here for wood him and peggy cutting Stove Wood Rendering a Bowl of Tallow Made candles

20th chopping Wood not Mink yet alone went to the Pitt Point Found the Shovel Salaberry into Salmon River out again Bakers Ba{illegible} sailed in East Wind cold some this Evening

21st Went to Summers's Found a Decoy Duck on the Water coming home

22nd Went Down for Charlie Kille the Pig Big Frank here for the stick Rendering the Lard

23rd Went to Salmon River Turned Back with the ice Salaberry went in started again Left the canoe at Mr Morris's Brought Lukes some apples & - - - Bought Mr Morris a cook & hen Bought of G Streeter 1 pair 17/6 & Tapt & Foxed 7/6 a present of Box Blacking My Watches fixed By Mr Halton 5/- Bought of Buchanan 1 Gallon of Whiskey 2/- Returned Normans Bottle Stopt at Morris at night

24th 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

Nove stopt at Mr Morris's till the Salaberry came Down so she would Break the Ice called at Lukes for my Bag Charlie & I came home Wind high Freesing some night a gale

25th St Catherine Day Charlie went home Lashey came Gave me 12/6 cash Towards what he owed me took his sturgeon to sell to Jim Hopkins Francis crofsed to Christies cleaning out the canoes of snow Prince Albert went Down Traveller went Down Put in the Fanning Mill Ducks Plenty Made some candles Washing gave Charlie 2 candles some pork & Beef Matches 1 Bunch.

26th Mr James Dingwall for the Oxen 5 of them with the Big scow not much Trouble in putting them in Gave Me a Dollar for my Trouble of looking at them and salting Drew 3 Drags with Grey Q ellen here From Frashery on the south side Going to Chop had a Bun that Belonged to Murray Donaldson Built it

27th Fixing the stable nail'd up som Boards chopping stove Wood Boats a going East Wind put 3 pairs of sox in the Boots Mr Hills Light a getting Dim

28th West Wind Baking & Washing cleaning canoes Mr Hill Light Much Dimmer than Johnstons (The Sir Charles Napier went up commonly called the sir colin & the Rochester, Tow Boat Went Down with a Handsome Tow the Ranger went Down Began Feeding Good Hay to the horses commenced Feeding the Hens Hawks Plenty all & Myself in Good Cheer

29th East Wind Blowing & Snowing Heavy about Daylight cleared off & commenced Rain St Lawrence going up Charlevous went up M Hill at Charlies Island Barge in Back Channel Christies Wind changed Drew Drags

St Andrews Day

Mr James Cameron Island

Nov 30th 1861 The last Day of the Month I went to Summerstown David Summers to see his Sister Jim Camerson and Wife Bought of A Summers 1/2 Bushel of Salt 1/3 1/4 of Tea 1/3 1/2 lb Powder 1/- Shot -/6 1/2 Cotton -/4 Buttons -/4 Thread -/4 6 Links of Stovepipes 4/6 which comes to 9/6 1/2) got some Hicory nuts from Andrew (Bought of A I Baker 1 Ball of Candlewick -/4 1 Treat -/6 Paid this) old McMarten on the Front a Ball at Lancaster Last night to celebrate it Andrews Steamer going Light Lit up yet

1st of December East Wind Walter Baker went to be Married acrofs Francis & Wife here up From Charlies Sold a canoe to them for 15/- to pay part or all in Hens Gave them a peice of Beef Gave me a Basket Mr Hill to the Light House

2nd Thrashed a Bushel & a peck of Wheat West Wind pretty Frosty tonight Hills Light up & Johnsons I dont know about the scow light to night or not Traveller went up a 2 Master went down not very well

3rd a Barge went Down Fixing the stall for the hay Before the horses No Lights up tonight I thought I see a Light in Mr Hills this evening if there was he Let it out very very early at night

4th Drawing Drags Broke the Whippletree 2 Men came here in the Evening one J. Snider & Jones Married to a sister of Mayviles Wife stopt all night {illegible}

5th went to the Bush to cut some Wood till the wind would fall stole not so a peice of soap went off a very fine Day on the Water Humbuged one way or other Took up my Line Fishing Eels got 4 & 2 cat fish

6th chopping put straw in the Tick chopping Wood

7th Went to Summerstown Bought of A Summer 3 1/2 yds of shirting @ /8 2/4 3 1/2 @ 10 1/2 3/0 1/2 Buttons -/3 2 Quart Whiskey 1/3 1 Quart syrup 11/1/2 1 Bottle ink -/2 which comes to 8/1 1/2 A Treat or 2 at A Summers 1/3 paid Tom Kennedy for 6SSS 1/3 a Treat Baker -/4 sweetys /3

Sunday 1861

Mr James Cameron Island

December 8th Raining snow all gone not very well took Salts A very Fine Day on the Water set 7 Traps in the Front Marsh Wild Geese Plenty

9th got 4 Rats Handling the colt thinking they will come for her to Day did not come Went with 2 shirts to Henerys wife to Make Henery Poorly at Nicholsons for the Axe & Bag did not get them got a Bottle of Milk Henery sued by A Summers Raining tonight Mrs Henery very sick after I Left Had a Miscarriage

10th I went to Henerys in the morning with some cornmeal some pease meat & pork candles Potatoes came home Jim Hopkins for a peice of Ash to make a Hoop a stick for oars 6 Indians fishing Eels thinking of Going to Salmon River Fixed my canoe after Dark with a place for the sale Fired a shot it Looked very much like an eclipse this afternoon of the sun William Lafette Girl poorly

11th Drawing Drags Lost the iron on the end of the Whippletree could not fine it Lost the Hook of the small chain Began to Freese all Day High Wind I think Salmon River is Froze now a very Bright Star tonight

12th Cutting stove Wood Washed my shirt Greased the cook stove 6 Rusters 13 hens now I don't know how Long that number will stand for there is some gone Good Fires But a Dam Cold House warm in Bed Plenty to Eat & Drink But not very well no one on the Water Blowing

13th Friday Blowing West Wind cutting stove Wood put Oak handle in the axe Lashey came had the news that he was to Be Married N Years Day Shaving going tomorrow

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 14th 1861 Lashey & Me to Salmon River took 1 1/2 of Wheat to Mill of this years Wheat called at Mayville's Lukes & Mr Morris's I suppose) stopped at Buchanan got a Quart as we was going up Forgot to take My Money Mr Streeter to 31 Skins at 11 cents Lent Me 2 Dollars and I was very much obliged to Mr Phillips for his offering me 3 or 4 Dollars when I told him my case Bought of Buchanan 7 Quarst {sic} of Whiskey 42 cents sold 1 Quart to Lashey 7 1/2 not paid to Giner -/4 Bought of Norman Starch -/3 saleratus -/4 Bought 1/2 Dozen Forks at 2/- I owe 15 cents on them yet calld at Morris's got 3 Papers From him Got the Paddle from Luke called at Mayvilles came home Lashy staving Lost his hat Wind high Bought of the Baker 3 Loaves 1/3

Sunday the 15 Lashey & Me alone High Wind

16th Gave an order to Lashey on A Summers for 15/- in Goods Grinding the axes Lashey went off Setting Fires to the Marsh & Lower Point no snow a few Drops of Rain very unwell Last night

17th Charlie here Fixing my Pipes & stove a very fine Day Fixed Boards in the Petition {?} at night

18th Drawing Drags Found the Hook Angus & Charlie Rose & Joseph Snider came for the colt Tried to go Wind too high stopt all night

19th Went with the scow & the colt Had 2 Treats at Davids got a ride out From Bill Smith to Williamstown got a Pork from Murphy gave Hugh Ann 1/3 on What Lashey gave her owed her

20th Court Day in Williamstown

21st Me in Williamstown Diddly Dum Irons there meeting about Raising Me for volunteers Wrote a Letter to D{illegible}

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 22nd 1861 Came From Williamstown Sand here got Henerys canoe hens Dead all Night at Bosells Got my shirts at Henerys got ten Wil{illegible} & pair of sox Left my shirt & 1 pair of sox Great Hurra about Raising Volunteers

Monday 23 Sandy making an axe handle Great snow storm from the East Putting the Water of the Henerys canoe

24th West Wind Sand could not go acrofs Made 2 axe handles made a Great Baking took in the Plover hen swapt axes with Sandy pretty cold ice not taken yet Great Dreams about Summers cold night

25th Christmas Day ice took pretty well in the Bay cold Sold Sandy the canoe for to chop me 4 cords of Wood put a handle in the axe Gave him 1/3 cash Gave him an order for 1 lb of Tobacco on A Summers went off turned Back went up to see him off again took in all the hens 10 hens & 5 Rusters 5 Dead when I went to Williamstown

26th cold Morning East Wind very Foggy till the afternoon turned warm towards night Drawing home Drags cutting stove Wood Drew up the canoes the 2 Big ones & the Galerneau one at the Lower Point this is not the Right weather for the ice to take Ducks Flying about Raining to night soft

27th kind of Slippery walking cutting stove Wood cleaning out the canoes of ice & water & snow high wind Nor Nor West Turned cold towards night set 5 Traps in the Milk house cattle & Poultry all hearty ice all Broke up around shore the Water very Low now high Wind through the night Last night


Mr James Cameron Island

28th December Saturday the 28th cold this Day Freezing hard not making much ice with the North West wind sun Went Down under a cloud Drew a Drag went with the scow to the Bush Went around the Island slippery for Gray Washing my Slips washed my feet Dreaming of seeing a splash in the Water a Great Ways off Great Dreams every night about Summers Folks, Frosty tonight all well using oil for Light

Sunday the 29th The ice made a Little East Wind circle round the Sun Seen Charlie going to Rob's Island I suppose for Wood Went to the Pitt Point Made a Mus{illegible} of Whiskey Essence of Peppermint Molasses & water so I would have something for the New Year good canoeing yet a Pair of Sugar Birds around all this Fall here Seen the Blue cat I got a Hamiltons and I did not see her since We tooke her here which was the third of August

30th Snowed some Last night Nor West wind Began to thrash Wheat thrashed 2 of Loos & 2 of sheaves put the straw in the hen house Made candles My Favourite Watch out of order

31st Last Day of the Year East Wind Thrashed a Floor or 2 Fanning 1 & Peck my Measure cutting Stove Wood all Well all alone this night David Summers's Ball The cars {?} going to Day Hell to split very Little ice around the shores Set up to 10 clock Shooting

January the 1st 1862 Shooting away the old year or Should be Shooting in the New year put out the Bafswood canoe Went to the Little Island south side got some corn Went with the canoe to the Head of the Island turned it over so to have Ready wind changed Raining Began to Blow very hard took a sleep at night almost Blew the house Down mending my coat Blowed in the Plaster { line illegible}

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1861 Part 1.pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1861 Part 2.pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1861 Part 3.pdf
James Cameron 1861 Diary Transcripts.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1861,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/104.
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