Ida Katherine "Kate" Handy Diary, 1875


Ida Katherine "Kate" Handy Diary, 1875

Date Created

January 1, 1875

Is Part Of

Ida Katherine "Kate" Handy Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Diary of Ida Kate Handy
of Howard Township, Kent County, Ontario

transcription by Ida’s great-great granddaughter, Leah Wilson (2017)
The diary is a bound, lined soft cover sewn bound notebook. The cover has
come apart from the contents. Two pages were separated from these
contents, but appear to be the front and back pages which wrapped around
the main section.
The first of these two pages seems to be the start of the diary as it is dated
Jan 1st
1875, but with a different pen. It begins with a poem ‘You Know You
Do’. The main part of the diary also begins January 1 1875.
What is interesting, is that Ida was told about this poem only on January
. There was a loose piece of paper inside the diary with the poem written
again, with additional verses.
It may be that Ida added the poem to the front of her diary later, but could
not write the final verses because she had run out of space.
[Inside Cover]
Miss Ida C Handy
[above inscription may have been written by someone else. Ida’s name
was Ida Katherine (Kate) Handy – spelled with a K not a C]
[Page 1 - loose]
January 1st
Miss Ida K Handy
Jan 1
You Know You Do
When “some one’s” step comes up the walk
Your cheeks take on a rosier hue
And though no other hears his knock
You hear it well – you know you do!
When “some one” talks about the grain
And bows at pa, yet looks at you
You see his glances – ah, ‘tis plain –
And give them back – you know you do!
And though it may be very wrong
When pa is quite ignored for you
You sing for him your prettiest song
You cunning thing – you know you do!
And when he talks of other girls
Of Hateful Kate and Jennie too
You fling at him your auburn curls
You jealous thing – you know you do!
[page 2 - loose]
You keep your eyes upon the clock
And wish ‘twould jump an hour or two
So that your pa would cease his talk
And go to bed – you know you do!
And when the folks to bed have gone
And left “some one” alone with you
You wish the clock would stop its tongue
Or you stop it – you know you do!
He blushes deep and looks afraid
To be thus left alone with you
But your eyes tell there never was maid
But could be wooed – you know you do!
You peep at “some one” ‘neath your curls
Until with love you burn him through
And make him hate all other girls
In love for you – you know you do!
And when his arm steals round your chair
You give a smothered scream or two
As if you did’nt want it there
But oh, you do – you know you do!
[Page 3]
January 1st 1875
January 1st
Clear bright and warm, staid to home
all day, Louisa1 and Mary2 came up in the
evening, Oliver3 came down and him and Julia E4
and Frank5 and cousin Fanny6 and myself went
down to Morpeth to a ball at Mr Walters
had a good time made the acquaintance of
a Mr. H. Coll, left at half past one. Snowing
when coming home.
2nd Snowing and blowing quite cold. Felt rather
dull. Louisa and Mary still here. Henry and
Linny7 came up towards evening and also Collins8
and all his family. Ate apples, played cards, and
Louisa WATSON nee HANDY. Ida’s sister and the first wife of Henry (William Henry) Watson. In 1882
Henry and Louisa and their son Clayton travelled to Manitoba, with the intention of improving Louisa’s
declining health. The journey was taxing and the crossing of a flooded Red River precarious (from: Henry
Watson’s diary). A few weeks later, on May 6 1882 Louisa died at her brother-in-law’s home in Nelson,
Manitoba. On Nov 15 1883, Henry married Ida in Detroit (from Henry Watson’s diary).
Ida’s niece Mary WATSON, daughter of Louisa & Henry Watson
Oliver RANSOM, married Julia Ellen Handy on 6 Feb 1900
Julia Ellen Handy, Ida’s sister. Ida always refers to her throughout the diary as “Julia E.” or sometimes
“Julia Ellen”. She mentions a Julia later with no middle name. This is a different Julia
Frank HANDY, Ida’s brother
Possibly Ida’s cousin Fannie HANDY, daughter of Hale Handy & Laura Wood. Hale & Laura Handy lived
in Wisconsin by at least 1870. Later in the diary Ida talks of Fannie leaving for Michigan, and then ‘being
home at last’.
Ida’s nephew Linneus (‘Linny’ or ‘Lin’) WATSON, son of Louisa & Henry Watson
Ida’s brother Collins Handy Jr. who married Elizabeth Watson. Collins Jr. & Elizabeth would have had
four children by this time.
drank cider all evening.
3rd Sunday. Fair not very cold. Louisa and Henry9
went home today and Linny and Mary remained
Anson Willson10
and Johnny Purvis came down in
the afternoon. Anson brought a piece of poetry entitled
“you know you do”.
4th Quite warm. The boys all went to Morpeth to the election
Frank bought a concertina Elvira Stewart and her
two children came up in the morning and stayed
all day and in the afternoon Julius11
and Otis12 came
up and Fannie and I went home with him to stay till
[Page 4]
January 5th
Nice and warm today Lulah13 has learned me to polka. Danced
and played cards all day and in the evening all went
over to Mr Fairchild’s had a jolly time.
Somewhat colder played cards nearly all day and toward
evening Julius and his family came home with us
They stayed the evening but Frank, Julia E, Collins14, Elizabeth15,
Fannie, Lucy16 and I went down to Mr. Duck’s and spent
the evening.
Henry Watson who married Louisa Handy and later Ida Handy
Possibly Ida’s cousin. Son of “Uncle Abe” (Abram) Willson & Julia (Julia probably Ida’s aunt on her
mother’s side
Ida’s brother Julius Handy (later referred to as ‘Jule’ or ‘Jules’)
Ida’s nephew Otis E. HANDY son of Julius Handy & Lucretia Bryant.
Nickname for Lucretia (nee Bryant), Julius Handy’s wife (Ida was staying with them on this day)
Collins HANDY Jr., Ida’s brother
Elizabeth Jane WATSON, wife of Collins Handy Jr., she d. 6 July 1895
Probably Clara Lucinda “Lucy” HANDY, she was still living with her parents by 1891, later married Alvin
Snowed all day. Expected Mr. Purvis and his sisters down
in the evening but did’nt come Julius and his family came
Mr. Kennedy came with his machine to thrash clover
What a beautiful day it has been neither too cold nor
too warm Had to wait on thrashers all day.
Awfully windy and cold. The coldest day this winter so far
Pa bought a [map?] today.
Sunday. Not quite as cold stayed in house all day.
The weather about the same as yesterday. Fred17
started for school to day.
Warm and pleasant. Fannie and I knit Linny
a pair of mittens to day.
Cold and stormy
More pleasant Washed all day. In the evening Julius and his
family and Frank Corliss and his wife and Collins and his wife and Hortense
Watson18 and also Henry + Willie Purvis and their
sisters and Anson + Ella19 was here and spent the evening. Had a [big?]
[Page 5]
January 15th Not very cold. Ironed all day and in the evening
Frank, Fred, Fan and I went to Morpeth and
there heard that Peter + Neil McPhail were being tried for stealing clover
seed from Mr. Turner
16th The weather continues the same. Received a letter
from Melvin Fairchild to-day.
Sunday Rather warm. Anson20 came in the after-
Probably Ida’s brother Anson Frederick HANDY. Would be about 16 years old.
Henry Watson’s sister Hortense “Tennie” WATSON.
Anson & Ella, children of Abram WILLSON
Probably Anson WILLSON
noon + in the eve him + Frank Fred
Lucy Fan + I went down to Henry’s for a
sleighride and came around by Fairchilds
and brought Wes21 home.
18th Clearville Fan Frank + I came down this morning
We staid all night. Henry was attending election all day22.
Mary has been quite sick with diptheria some better now.
Henry + Louisa went to Chatham to day +
Frank went home and Fan + I remained to
keep house for them. Had a jolly time. I
locked Fan out-doors in the afternoon to keep
her from snow balling me and Henry Bury
looking out the window, she motioned for
him to help her he came with the horse whip
but he could’nt touch me, so after he had
gone I let her in and she behaved for a
little while till we went out on the
verandah for a promenade and seeing Henry
[Page 6]
looking at us through the window we started
and run and Fan gave me a push and
away I went tumbling and rolling over a lot
of snow and ice scratching my hands most
fearfully Henry of course enjoying the sight
Mrs McFarlane came over about dusk to see
Mary who was sick.
Ida’s brother Wesley Norman HANDY. Wesley married Lucy Olivia FAIRCHILD in 1877
Henry WATSON, he was appointed Commissioner of High Courts of Justice in 1872 and became
Township Clerk (Orford) in 1875 i.e. around the time of this writing
Jan 20th
Splendid good sleighing Ma + Pa23 came down
after us to day Louisa melted sugar and
we ate all the wax24 we could Fan + I
got weighed she weighed 117 lbs + I
weighed 115 lbs.
“ 21st
Quite warm Received an invitation to go to Mr
Simons this evening but declined. Anson came down
to go with us to Henry’s to a party.
“ 22nd
Went to the party got home between four +
five Snowing when coming home went to bed and
got up about one in afternoon.
“ 23rd
Thawing a little today Commenced making my Antimacassar25
“ 24th
Sunday Snowed all day Mr Lavelle was to have
preached in Morpeth to day but did’nt on account
of his son’s illness
“ 25th
Warm and Pleasant Worked on my antimacassar
all day
“ 26th
Nice + warm Pa + Ma Julia E + Fan went down to
[Page 7]
Julius + George’s 26 today. Received a letter from
Annie Fairchild.
January 27th
Went to Chatham with Ma + Pa + Collins today
Bought me a silk dress + a shawl and Collins
+ I got some ambrotypes27
taken + I got half
a dozen photos. Stormed all day.
Snowed nearly all day Lucy + Fan went down to David’s28
“Ma and Pa” is Collins HANDY Sr. & Rebecca BALDWIN
“Jack Wax” a taffy made by pouring maple syrup over snow
Chair cover
George HANDY, son of Collins HANDY sr. & Rebecca BALDWIN. Married Rhoda Angeline WATSON
in 1871
A photographic process introduced in about the 1850s that replaced the daguerreotype and then was
superseded in the 1860s by the tintype (Wikipedia). The tintype was a similar process and may have
been the type of photo Ida had taken.
towards evening + Collins + Sherman29 came up in
the evening. Worked part of day on my Antimaccasar.
Quite warm + Pleasant. Pa bought half a dozen
[illegible looks like brooms?] from Mr. Stewart today
Somewhat colder. Worked a little while on my
Antimacassar. Anson came down in the evening
and Fan + I went down to Morpeth and
then out to Ridgetown with him for a cutter ride.
Sunday Joe Roome’s30 + Sarah and Mrs. Potts came
up today went home this evening Fred went down
to Mr. Fairchild and Franky came home with
him and stayed all night - he brought me a
letter from Leva. Between 9 + 10 Oclock Anson31
came down. It tried to snow a little today.
Feb 1st - Clear and cold Sent a note to Leva by Franky
“ 2nd
- Warm and Pleasant - Went in eve to an
Oyster supper and dance at Mr. Kennedy’s
Rained all night
[Page 8]
February 3rd
Clear and cold and high winds. The
men all went down to Morpeth to the
auction. Wes bought a glass pitcher
The weather still continues about the same
Somewhat colder.
Not quite so cold as yesterday Julius
Possibly Ida’s brother David HANDY
Sherman Theodore HANDY, son of Collins Handy Jr & Elizabeth Jane Watson, later became an
attorney in Michigan
‘Roome’ was the maiden name of Ida’s maternal grandmother, so these Roomes are probably cousins.
Possibly Anson WILLSON, son of Abram
was here in the evening.
Henry + Louisa and the children came up
this afternoon and staid till after tea
and then went down to Mr. Watson’s32 to
stay all night Julius staid all the after-
noon and in the evening he took Fan Lucy
+ I down to Morpeth we went and
called on Julia33 Had quite a talk with
Johnny34. When we came home Anson was
Sunday until Friday night. Left here Sunday Fan
and I [illegible] visiting Mr. Fairchilds
Had a splendid good time Played cards
all the evening On Wednesday I wrote a
valentine to E. Miles and Leva wrote one to
W. Perrin and today I wrote a letter to
Annie. Had the sore throat the fore
part of the week Frank came down after
us tonight and he took us to Morpeth
It was never known to be so cold for such a length of time
as it has been the last two weeks
[Page 9]
February 13th
+ 14th
Collins came up after me yesterday
to come and stay till today Elizabeth is sick
Prob. John WATSON, father of Henry Watson. He d. July 1887
Throughout her diary Ida refers to her sister as “Julia Ellen” or “Julia E”. Julia E. & Ida were still living
with their parents in the 1871 census. By the 1881 census they were living with Henry Watson to help
care for their sister Louisa (Henry’s wife). It seems clear this is not Ida’s sister. It could be Julia Willson,
daughter of Abram.
Might be Johnny Purvis
The children stayed here all night Collins
brought me home tonight Julius and his
family came up for a sleighride Frank
took Julia E + Fan up to Mr. Ransom to stay till Tuesday
“ 15th
Wrote a letter to Mr. Allen about my photos
Fred took it to Troy to post and also
the two Valentines
“ 16th
Lucy went to do the work at Collins today
Not quite as cold as usual
“ 17th
Oliver35 brought Fan + Julia E. home to
day he staid till after tea
“ 18th
A little warmer today. Julia E sick nearly
all the day
“ 19th
Snowed part of day in the evening went
to Morpeth to hear Beadles Swiss Bell
“ 20th John McFarlane came up today after Ma Mary36
had the scarlet fever Was taken Wed night about 12
“ 21st
Sunday Received word this morning of poor Mary’s
death died at 25 min past seven Went
down in the afternoon. Linny taken with it
[Page 10]
February 22nd Sat up all night Linny some
“ 23rd
Mary was buried this forenoon Commenced
to rain as we got nearly to the graveyard
Probably Oliver Ransom. He married Ida’s sister Julia Ellen in 1900.
Daughter of Henry & Louisa WATSON
I came home Ma stopped down Linny
about the same Charlie Sheldon37
and his
three little boys came here for dinner
Heard today that Uncle Abram + Aunt
Sarah had parted38 The snow went all off today.
Quite warm Rained Thundered + Lightening’d
last night.
“ 25th
A little colder Ella Willson39 came down this morning
and staid till about 2 Oclock then Eddie40 came
and staid a couple of hours
“ 26th
Snowed nearly all day
“ 27th
Not very cold Received a letter from Henry
stating that Linny was a little better
“ 28th
Sunday Pa + Lucy went down to Clearville after Ma today
Lucy staid Linny is getting better David41 was over
this morning + Anson42 came down and staid till
evening and then him and Frank went to Morpeth
to Church. I wrote a letter to Melvin this evening
March 1st
Snowed + blowed all day
“ 2nd
Not very cold Eddie43 called in this morning
Frank posted my letter to Mel tonight.
Charlie Sheldon married Ida’s cousin Louis HANDY
probably meaning Abram WILLSON & Sarah BALDWIN. After her first husband died, Sarah married
Abram in Detroit on 1 March 1867 (according to the Kent County branch of the Ontario Genealogical
Society Newsletter vol. 16, #1 1993.) But what does this mean? Sarah was living with Abram in the 1871
census and still living with him in 1881. However for the rest of this diary they are not mentioned together,
in fact seem to be living apart.
Ella WILLSON, daughter of Abram
Possibly Edwin WILLSON, son of Abram
Possibly Ida’s brother David
This is likely Anson WILLSON. Although Ida’s brother was Anson Frederick HANDY, throughout most
of the diary she refers to her brother as Fred. Also Anson Frederick age 16 was probably still living at
Could be Edwin WILLSON, son of Abram?
[Page 11]
March 3rd
1875 Snowed and blowed most fearfully all
day The men picked beans all day
“ 4th
Thawed considerably today
“ 5th
Snowed nearly all day + then in the evening it
rained Ma + Pa went down to Clearville
this morning + returned this evening Anson came
down after Julia E. this morning
“ 6th
Not quite as cold Wes went to draw ice for Julius
Uncle Abe44 brought Julia E home this afternoon
Mr Malcom called in this afternoon and we
had considerable sport with him. Heard that
James Ransom was married
“ 7th
Sunday Quite pleasant Frank Fan Julie E. + myself
went down to Mr. Scarlet’s today. Johnny P
+ Anson45 came down while we were gone
“ 8th Warm + nice
“ 9th
A little colder Julius was up this afternoon a
little while
“ 10th
Snowed part of the day, finished making over my black dress
“ 11th
Julius + Lulah46 came up this morning and she made
Ma a present of a hanging basket Fan + I went with
them to Ridgetown for a sleighride did’nt get home
till three Oclock It rained the rest of the day
“ 12th
Nice + warm today Anson came down and spent the
evening Played Pedro Pitch47
all the evening
[Page 12]
Possibly Anson WILLSON
Julius HANDY and wife Lucretia
a card game
March 13th
Splendid nice day The boys tapped a few trees
and the sap ran quite well. Mr. + Mrs. Willson48
of Ridgetown + Mrs [Beribee?] of Chatham were
here this afternoon visiting. Pa went to Chatham
with a load of beans Received a $1.22 per bush
for them
“ 14th
Anson came down and him + Wes went to
Morpeth to get a tooth pulled this
Morning and when they came back Fan
went home with him to stay this week
Had quite a thunderstorm this afternoon.
Mr. Fisher was over this evening.
“ 15th
It has rained nearly all day Uncle Abe was down this
forenoon. He starts for Troy New York this afternoon
Wes took Julia E down to Julius this morning to do
some sewing on the machine Henry H was up this
afternoon a little while. Commenced making my silk dress today.
“ 16th
Snowed + blowed all day. Anson called in as he was
going to Morpeth and gave me an invitation to
a dance [illegible – ‘at’?] his place tomorrow evening but declined
on account of the recent death of Mary He called
in again coming back + I sent a note to
Fan by him
[Page 13]
March 17th
Snowed + blowed all day fearfully cold. I
went over to Mr Smith’s in afternoon to borrow
Presumably not Abram WILLSON & Sarah, who Ida would have referred to as Uncle Abe/Abram and
Aunt Sarah.
an over shirt pattern. Mr Mosher came down after
me to go to the dance but I refused He brought me
a note from Fan
“ 18th
Somewhat warmer today Julius brought Julia E
home this morning Sent a note to Leva49 by Fred.
“ 19th
Anson was down this morning to give us an
invitation to an evening party at his place
next Tuesday eve. Commenced snowing this afternoon
Received a note from Leva
“ 20th
Not very cold Pretty good sleighing today.
“ 21st
It is a most a lovely day Beginning to look
like Spring. Wes went down to Mr. Fairchilds.
“ 22nd Quite warm Mr. Carson was here for dinner Pa + Wes
went to Chatham with a load of peas rec’d 55cts-
per bushel Was in bed all afternoon sick with
a fearful headache and sore throat
“ 23rd
A little colder than usual. Some better today. Henry
came to saw wood this morning. Did not go to the
party + Ans + J. Purvis came down after us but
I could’nt go on account of sore throat and
The rest would’nt it being so late. Ebenezer50 brought
Fanny home this afternoon. Anson took her down to
Sarah’s on Sunday to stay till today Henry + Linny were up this
afternoon. They have all got well of the scarlet fever.
[Page 14]
March 24th
Quite cold + windy tried to snow a little in the after-
Leva was a nickname for Lucy Olivia Fairchild. Lucy married Ida’s brother Wesley in 1877.
Ebenezer might be Ida’s cousin, son of Sedgwick HANDY (this Ebenezer born abt 1848 in probably
New York, died 1907 in Morpeth)
noon. Pa + Collins + Sherman went to Chatham today
with a load of Peas. Mr. Downie the Church of
England Minister called on us this afternoon.
Anson came down and took Fan + I to the
entertainment up the Old Street. Had a good
time. A letter from Henry Watson stating that
Louisa was very sick.
“ 25th
Not very cold. Otis came up with his dog with
Julius today + Fan went home with
them They finished sawing wood today.
Fred’s birthday, 16 years old The last day
of school.
“ 26th
Good Friday Nice and warm. H Watson51 was here
this evening had been attending Court all day at
Ridgetown. Louisa a good deal better.
“ 27th
Quite warm The boys tapped the trees this afternoon
and the sap ran considerably. Henry + Louisa
came up this afternoon and stayed till
after tea then went down to Theodore’s52
expect them back tomorrow.
“ 28th
Easter Sunday. Not quite as warm as usual. David
was over a little while this morning. Henry + Louisa
came back this morning and stayed all day and
also Collins + Elizabeth. Anson called in this evening
[Page 15]
March 29th
It has been quite warm today. Mr Grant called
in this morning. Frank brought up some syrup this
Theodore WATSON, brother of Henry WATSON
“ 30th
The weather continues the same. Pa
received a Post Card from the New Covenant
office stating they had received the money
for the paper
“ 31st
Somewhat warmer today than usual. Julius
brought Fan back this forenoon. Dave’s wife
and child and Grandma53
were over this afternoon
visiting. H Watson called in as he was coming
back from Dr. Hick’s child’s funeral
April 1st
Rained nearly all day. Sugar’d off and had all
the wax we wanted to eat
“ 2nd
Quite pleasant - Fred took Fan and Julia E
down to Mr Ransom’s to spend the afternoon and
Frank went after them and spent the evening
“ 3rd
Warm + Pleasant. Fan + I went down to Dave's this
forenoon and stayed till four Oclock and then went
down to Collins + stayed until eleven 11 in the evening.
We played Pedro Pitch and ate wax all the evening
Frank came from Morpeth about 9 Oclock +
stopped and came home with us. Sherman’s
birthday 8 yrs old
[Page 16]
April 4th
Sunday Most a beautiful day. Fan Frank
and Julia went down to Clearville and
Lucy came home with them to stay Julius
+ Lulah + Otis came up in the afternoon
Likely Ida’s grandmother Catherine BALDWIN (nee ROOME). Catherine returned to Ontario from
Wisconsin after her husband died. Ida’s other grandmother Louis Handy had died by this time.
“ 5th
Warm and Pleasant. Ella came down to get a
Print dress cut and stayed the afternoon
Leva came up also and going to stay all
night we had a big time Ma made some wax
and we ate all we could Frank took Fan
down to Sarah’s + Elvira’s to bid them goodbye
Dave + Jules was here this evening to bid her good bye
Henry Louisa + Linny came up from Mrs Watson54
about dusk. Louisa is very sick. 55
“ 6th
Frank Julia E and myself went to Chatham
with Fannie who starts for Michigan. she
stopped in Chatham all night and intends
taking the cars tomorrow morning I got
two pictures taken one for Fannie and one
for somebody else [‘somebody else’ underlined]. Got home about half past
seven. Louisa worse today. Leva went home
this afternoon and Lucy with her.
“ 7th
Louisa is worse today than she has been at all
Sent for Dr Van Allen this evening. Aunt Sarah +
Dave’s wife were over for a little while. Collins
+ Elizabeth stayed nearly all night. Julia E
[Page 17]
sat up all night. Pa’s birthday today. He was 64
years old
April 8th
Louisa keeps getting worse Dr Van was here this morning
and Dr Hicks came again at noon and she
probably Henry’s mother Rosannah WATSON nee DELONG
Presumably Henry left Louisa in the care of her family; from now on until she recovers she appears in
the Handy home
continued getting worse and we sent for Dr
again in the evening. Lucy came home this afternoon
and Lillie with her. Lulah + her sister called
in + Lulah stayed and her sister went home
Jule came up for her the evening + Lillie went
home with them Lillie brought me a note from
Leva + I sent her one. I gave Lillie my photo
Mrs Watson staid all night.
“ 9th
Louisa is some better today. Dr Hicks ordered yesterday
the bed posts to be set on glass as a cure
for the rheumatism56 it was done + in less than
two hours the pain was all gone. Dr Van was
here this morning and came again in the evening.
“ 10th
Louisa continues getting better although very weak yet
The doctor was here this evening. Angeline + George
came up to see Louisa There has been quite a
number of callers today.
“ 11th
Sunday Louisa is able to sit up in bed today
The doctor was here this evening Somebody has been
calling in to see Louisa all day. Anson57 was down
a little while today. Ella58 came down this eve and let
me have Mr Moshers ring to wear for a time59.
[Page 18]
In Ida’s time the term ‘Rheumatism’ would have been used to describe general pain of the soft tissue
which today would cover many different conditions. It may be that Louisa had Rheumatic fever which is
an inflammatory disease that may develop after an infection with Streptococcus bacteria (such as strep
throat or scarlet fever). The disease can affect the heart, joints, skin, and brain.
Probably Anson WILLSON
Ella WILLSON, daughter of Abram WILLSON
What is the significance of Mosher’s ring?
Apr 12 - Warm and pleasant. Louisa about the same
The Dr was in this afternoon Henry went down
home this morning + Lucy with him. Mrs [B---t?]
of Clearville called in to see Louisa this afternoon. went down to
Elizabeth’s about dusk after
some bread + yeast.
April 13th
Cloudy + misty all day. Louisa considerably better today sat-
up for nearly half an hour for the first time. The Dr came
again this afternoon for the last time. Henry + Lucy
came home this evening. Fred brought me a note from
Laura H + Mary Bently tonight. Collins + Elizabeth were
up this evening for a little while. Eliza Jane Oakes called
in this afternoon to see Louisa.
“ 14th
Louisa not quite so well. Linny started
to school with Fred today. He brought me
a note from Laura H + Mary Bently tonight.
I wrote them one this morning. Jule + Lucy60
called in this evening. Ans. Willson was
down for a little while. I had quite a
conflab with him. H Watson went to
Morpeth this morning and brought a
letter home from Fannie. She is in
Michigan. I had Julia E cut my hair
off short and they made all sorts of
fun of me.
[Page 19]
April 15th
Kind a rainy all day. Henry went down
home today + Lucy with him. Louisa
Must be Ida’s brother Julius and his wife Lucretia, although Ida usually calls Lucretia ‘Lulah’, not Lucy
a little better today. Mrs Watson called
in this afternoon.
April 16 - Snowed all afternoon. Louisa a good deal
worse to day. Sent for Dr. this evening. Wrote a
letter to Charlie Baldwin61
. Heard that George Oaks was
married on Monday to Miss Fannie Atkinson.
“ 17th
Snowed part of the forenoon. It has been pretty cold
Louisa is no better. Henry + Lucy came home this
evening. The men all went down to Morpeth this after
noon to Billy Willson’s sale of goods. Wes heard that
Mary Bennet was married to Pat Story last Thursday
“ 18th
Sunday. A little warmer. Louisa continues
about the same. Had quite a number
of callers today. Julius + Lulah62 were up
and staid all the afternoon. Uncle Abe
was down and staid and had dinner
with us.
“ 19th
Louisa worse this morning The pain went to
her heart Sent for the Dr. Snowed considerably
this afternoon. Ella came down this afternoon
a little while and brought a print dress
for Julia Ellen to make Collins + Lucy went to
Clearville with Mr + Mrs Westlake who start for Port
Hope tomorrow.
[Page 20]
April 20th
Quite cold. Louisa no better. The Dr
was up this morning. Collins + Lucy came
Ida’s cousin who was living in Wisconsin
Julius and Lucretia HANDY
home today I slept nearly all day Sat
up all night63
. Mrs Watson came up
to sit up tonight. Received a letter
from Leva tonight. Had several
callers in to see Louisa. Today is
Frank’s birthday 25 yrs old
“ 21st
A little colder. Louisa considerably better
today. Elvira came up this morning and
stayed all day. Ella + Miss Montgomery
were down this evening for a little while
Julia Ellen’s birthday 30 yrs old
“ 22nd
Quite warm. Louisa not so well this morning but better
this afternoon. Mr Waddell called in to see Louisa and
also Mrs Reynolds Mrs Springsten + Miss Coll
I wrote Leva a letter this afternoon.
“ 23rd
Warm + pleasant until towards evening it them commenced
to rain. Louisa sometimes getting better no pain whatever
although quite weak yet. Sarah Roome + Nancy McLean
were up to day. Henry went down home this morning
and returned this evening again
“ 24th
Cold + Windy. Louisa keeps improving. The Dr called in this
evening on his way home from Theodore’s. His little girl is very sick
[Page 21]
April 25th A little warmer today. Henry took Dr. down to
Theodore’s his little girl worse this morning Linny +
I went down to the sugar bush. Wes was boiling sap
after being there a little while Lucy + Laura64
+ Sherman
presumably meaning sat up with Louisa
possibly cousin Fannie’s mother: Laura HANDY (nee WOOD)
+ Hale65
came down and then Lucy + Laura went over to
Uncle Abe’s and Anson came back with them. we
Sugar’d off and ate all the wax we could and then
came home. Ans came with us shortly after we came
home Johnny Simons + Julia called in to see Louisa and
then they wanted me to go to Theodore’s with them. I
went, His little girl is very sick. They have no hopes after
her. After staying there a few minutes we came back +
went down to Mr Simons and had tea and then
went to church in the evening to hear Mr. Downie the
Church of England minister preach and then Johnny
brought me home. Frank was down to church Henry
+ Julia E went to Theodore’s + stayed the
afternoon and evening. Heard that James Simons
was married Miss Warner last week
“ 26th
Warm + pleasant Henry went down home this morning
+ returned this evening. Miss Kitty Scarlet and
Mrs Edward Scarlet called in this afternoon Louisa
sat up nearly an hour this forenoon. Theodore’s little
girl died this morning at four Oclock to be buried tomorrow
in the afternoon. Received a letter from Miss Annie Fairchild today
[Page 22]
April 27th
Most a lovely day. Theodore’s little girl was
buried this afternoon. Julia E went to funeral
with Henry + Linny. A great many of his folks
(that is Henry’s) called in to see Louisa, when they
were returning from the funeral. She sat-
up considerable today. Ma had an old friend,
Cousin Fannie’s father, Hale HANDY
a distant cousin of hers, come to see her to-day.
Mrs. Willins [?] her name, She is going to stay
a few days. Received a letter from Fannie66
today. She is home at last.
“ 28th
Very pleasant. Henry + Lucy went down to Clearville to stay
until Saturday night. Louisa is not able to stand alone
yet. Ma, + Mrs Willins went down to Aunt Sarah’s
this afternoon. Mrs Willins stayed all night.
Received a letter from Leva this morning.
Rained nearly all day and blew fearfully Louisa tried to
walk today + she made some queer attempts. I wrote
a letter to Leva this evening. Received one from Charlie
Baldwin. Julia E wrote a letter to Fannie this afternoon
“ 30th
Clear + windy. Louisa worse today. The pain has come
back into her arm again. Mrs Willins came back from
Aunt Sarah’s this afternoon. Homer [?] Shaw67 called in this
afternoon. He is a distant cousin of Ma’s. The first
time he’s been here for eighteen years. Heard today that
James Simons wasn’t married it was a false report.
[Page 23]
May 1st
Rained all day most fearfully. Pa took Mrs.
Willins up to Blenheim this afternoon. Henry + Lucy
came up this evening in the rain. Ate warm sugar this
afternoon. Louisa about the same.
“ 2nd
Cold + windy. Louisa a little worse this morning
but considerable better this afternoon. She came
Is this the previously mentioned ‘cousin Fanny’? Fannie’s family by this time was living in Wisconsin, so
possibly she had come to stay with the Handy family for a time.
possibly a relative of Delilah SHAW, who married Samuel BALDWIN (“Ma’s” brother).
out and had dinner with us about three Oclock.
Ate warm sugar today. Franky Fairchild was
here all day. Jule + Lulah68 + sister here
this afternoon
“ 3rd Clearville, Henry, Linny + I came down this morning
Louisa was much better. We went down to Mr. DeLongs69
in the evening. Addie + Annie Laura Delong 70 were up this morning
“ 4th
Nice + Warm. Washed + baked today. Henry went to
Highgate this forenoon. Wesley birthday 23 yrs old
“ 5th
Henry + Linny went home this evening I intended to go
with them but it rained so fearfully I concluded
to stay. Libbie McFarlane came and stayed with me.
Orville Delong71 was up a little while before Henry went
away. Eddie Willson’s72
birthday 24 yrs old. Commenced to
write a letter to Fannie this evening.
“ 6th
Henry came back this forenoon and said Louisa
was a good deal worse. I got dinner for him + John Stewart
and then they went to Highgate and from there Henry went up
home. Libbie came and stopped with me tonight again
[Page 24]
May 6th
Continued. After school was out her + I went down to
Mr. Delongs with Addie73
, who came up to the store to do
some trading. We stayed until nearly 9 Oclock and Orville74
Julius & Lucretia
“Mr Delong” probably Peleg DELONG, uncle to Henry WATSON. The family lived in Hope Township
until at least 1871 and relocated to Kent County date unknown, but evidently by the time of this diary.
“Addie” (or Ada) and Annie Laurie DELONG, children of Peleg Delong, cousins of Henry WATSON
Orville DELONG, son of Peleg Delong
Edwin WILLSON, son of Abram (“Uncle Abe”)
Probably Ada DELONG, daughter of Peleg Delong and Alvira Ford
Son of Peleg DELONG and Alvira Ford
came home with us. I finished + posted my letter to
Fannie this afternoon.
“ 7th
Windy + cold. Henry returned about noon. Louisa a
little better when he left. I went with him after tea
down to Mr Delongs for a buggy ride. Received letter from Leva.
“ 8th
Very warm the warmest day we've had this spring
Henry went to Duart this morning and did’nt return till
this evening. Mrs Cavers was over this afternoon for a little while
Libbie was with me also all the afternoon. Orville was up
for a couple of hours this afternoon. Henry + I came home
this evening found Louisa much better than expected.
“ 9th
Sunday Rained all day most fearfully. Louisa a good
deal better. Wrote a letter to Leva this afternoon
Heard that Laura had an organ
“ 10th
Clearville Warm + nice this forenoon but somewhat
gloomy this afternoon. Came down this morning
with Henry + Linny. Louisa a good deal better
to day. Met Orville as we were coming
he was going up to Mr. Watson’s. He brought
some bushes for Louisa.
“ 11th
Cloudy + dull Went down to Mr. DeLongs for a
buggy ride with Henry + Linny
[Page 25]
May 12th
Rained nearly all day. Cleared up this evening
Henry went up home expects to take Louisa
home tomorrow with him. Alforetta Delong75 came
up to stay with me until he came back. Orville
came up + him + Duncan + Linny went over to
Alforetta DELONG, daughter of Peleg Delong (other spellings: Alphoretta)
the school house to hear Mr. McAllister lecture
on Phrenology. They came back about ten Oclock
and he (Orville) stopped quite a little while
Miss Delong + I went over to hear Libbie play
on her organ.
“ 13th Warm + Pleasant Miss Delong went home this
morning. Louisa + Henry came down this afternoon.
She was pretty tired when she got home Mrs
Delong + Orvil were up this afternoon to see Louisa
and also Mrs MacFarlane Mrs Smith
+ Mary were in to see her
“ 14th
A little colder Mrs. Cavers was over for a little
while this forenoon I helped Henry make flower
garden this afternoon Mrs Bury was over in the
afternoon + also Mrs. Campbell called in.
“ 15th
Quite clear + windy. Emeline Delong76 was up this
forenoon and stayed till after dinner. Mrs
McFarlane was over this afternoon + also
Mrs. Cavers this evening. Henry has quite a
lame back.
[Page 26]
May 16th
Sunday a little chilly today Ma + Pa + Lucy
came down this morning Tommy Feetzel77
in this afternoon. Linny went down to his Uncle’s
this morning.
“ 17th
A little warmer. Washed all day Mrs Davis
Emeline DELONG, daughter of Peleg Delong
The name here looks like an F as in ‘Feetzel’ but on June 16 and July 8
the surname looks like like
‘Teetzel’. There are several ‘Teetzels’ in the area in the 1871 census.
called in the evening. Mrs MacFarlane was over
this afternoon. Addie was up this morning
“ 18th
Quite warm. Henry no better with his back. Annie
Laura was up this afternoon. Mrs Bury was in
Besides several other callers this afternoon
“ 19th
Very warm Today Emeline was up and had tea
with us. Henry a little worse today
“ 20th
Quite Windy Emeline + Chester were up this morning
Mr Davis pulled a tooth for Chester. I was over
to see Libbie this evening. Maggie Smart + Belle
Newcome was in to see Louisa She is worse today
+ Henry too
“ 21st
Rained nearly all this afternoon Louisa no better +
Henry either I went with Duncan + Libbie to
the Fruit Festival at Palmyra. Had H Purvis
+ H Coll’s company all the evening got home about
half past 12 found Louisa + Henry a great deal
worse. The Dr was in this afternoon I sat up
nearly all the rest of the morning
[Page 27]
May 22nd
Louisa + Henry a little better today
Very warm + close. Addie + Annie Laura78
were up this afternoon We all got weighed I
weighed 102 lbs. Orvil called in this
afternoon + then in the evening him +
Alfaretta came up she stayed all night
+ he went home Duncan went up to
Morpeth this afternoon to get some medicine
Addie and Annie Laura, daughters of Peleg DELONG and Alvira FORD
for Louisa and he carried a note for me to
Julia E. Mrs McFarlane + Libbie were over this eve
“ 23rd
Sunday Quite warm. Emeline came up this
morning. Henry + Louisa a good deal better
today. Collins + Elizabeth, Frank + Julia
E came down Julia E is going to stay this
week. About 2 Oclock Orvil came up and
after dinner we all went down to Mrs Delong
except Frank and stayed till after tea +
then Orvil came home with us and stayed
the evening
“ 24th
Rained this forenoon but quite warm this afternoon
Duncan went to Ridgetown to spend the 24th
I was over to Mrs McFarlanes a little while
towards evening and she came home with me
Louisa was taken worse again last night but is a
little better today. The Dr was in this afternoon
[Page 28]
May 25th
Nice + warm. Louisa a little better The Dr
was in again this afternoon. Addie was up this
morning Julia E + Henry went down to see
Mr Delong this forenoon
“ 26th
Not quite so warm. Henry got a note from
H Gilmore last night stating that Uncle Sam was very low
and he (Henry) wanted to see him so Henry + Mr
McFarlane went down. Received word this morning
that he was dead. Sent a telegram to Abram Gilmore
in [illegible]. Duncan + Linny went up home today
and to Mrs Watson after some potatoes for
Mr Delong
“ 27th
A little chilly Uncle Sam was buried this after
noon Julie E + Henry went to the funeral Abram
Gilmore + his wife came about an hour after he
was buried
“ 28th
Nice + warm Went down to Mrs Delongs this
forenoon after some patterns for Louisa. Henry
+ Abram Gilmore were here for tea
+ 29th
Quite warm Emeline + Annie Laura came up
and spent the afternoon Her + I were over to Mrs
McFarlanes for a little while went home with Mr
McFarlane Maggie Smart called in about
sundown to see Louisa
[Page 29]
May 30th
Sunday Quite chilly Henry + Louisa went
down to Mr Delongs this afternoon. Henry
Uncle + Aunt (Mr Robert Watson + Wife) + Mr
Scarf were down there. I wrote a letter to
Charlie Baldwin while they were gone. They all
came back here to tea. Frank + Anse came
down + Juliea E went home with them. Mr
Neil MrPhail + Kitty Scarlet called in this
“ 31st
A little warmer. Addie was up this morning
Henry + Louisa went up home this afternoon
Henry went to see his father who was very
ill. They brought some of my clothes down +
Julia E wrote me a note Libbie McFarlane
came over and stayed all night.
June 1st
Warm + Pleasant. Mrs Richard Bury called
in this afternoon. Had and invitation to a bee
this afternoon at Mrs Davis sewing carpet
rags but declined going Addie came up
after school and then after tea Henry +
I went down home with her
“ 2nd
Had quite a rain storm this evening. Mrs
Smart was here to tea. Mrs Davis called
in this evening. Libbie was over also I wrote a
composition for her on [Time?] Louisa is quite poorly
[Page 30]
June 3rd
Very pleasant. Commenced making my
print dress Louisa gave me Went over
to Mrs Cavers and got her to cut me
a garibaldi pattern. Was over to see
Libbie a little while this evening
“ 4th
Very warm. Mrs Oaks + Jenny were here
this afternoon. Worked on my dress nearly
all day. Bought some lace + silk cut
from Mr Davis today Libbie was
over this evening
“ 5th
Pleasant. Had lots of work to do
today Mrs Crane + Florence were
over this afternoon. Orvil was here +
had tea. Mrs McFarlane was
over a little while this evening
“ 6th
Sunday Rained a little this evening
Duncan Libbie + I went up home
today. Met Maggie + Fred coming
down Got home before they left Mrs
Smith + Mrs Carpenter called in this evening
Heard today that Myron had sold his
place for $3200 – 50 acres
“ 7th
Rained nearly all day Mrs Carpenter came
and spent the afternoon Henry went
up to see his father today Mrs Cavers called in
this evening
[Page 31]
June 8th
Bright + warm Sarah Roome came up
this morning and stayed all day. After
tea I went with her down to Mrs
DeLongs. Orvil got badly hurt yesterday
with a span of horses. Received a
letter from Fannie today.
“ 9th
Warm + bright. Louisa sent some of Mary’s
hair to the Artist at Duart by Mrs Cavers
she intends have Mary’s picture taken
“ 15th
Quite warm. Elizabeth + Hortense came down
this morning and Louisa went with them
to Delongs Orvil came up just as they
were going away he staid a couple of hours
they came back and had tea Henry
went to Ridgetown after tea. Received
a letter from Leva this afternoon
“ 11th
Most sultry warm today. Alfaretta + Annie Louisa
came up this afternoon
“ 12th
Quite cold. Was over to Mr McFarlane’s a little while
and also to Mrs Cavers a little while this evening
Linny + Henry went to Duart this evening
“ 13th
Sunday A little warmer. Linny Libbie + I went to
the Old Fort for a walk this morning. This afternoon
Henry + Linny went down to Delongs wrote a letter to Leva while
there were all gone Annie Laura came home with them
[Page 32]
June 14th
Nice clear + bright not a cloud to
be seen Twenty one yrs old today79
Annie Laura went home this afternoon
Chester was up at noon Libbie was over
a little while this evening. Louisa + Duncan
went to Duart after tea I sent my watch
by them to get fixed
“ 15th
Very pleasant Linny’s birthday 11 yrs old After
tea Henry + I went to Morpeth Saw Wes +
Collins there. Had a long talk with
H Coll. Was in to see Johnny and also saw
H Purvis Eddie gave me an orange
Had a splendid good time all the
evening After Eleven, when we got home
Mary Smith was here when we returned
“ 16th
Quite warm. Mrs Smart + Mrs McFarlane
called in this evening. Mrs Teetzel + Tommy +
Mr Blanchard were here for dinner
“ 17th
Tried to rain a little this forenoon. Orvil
came up this morning and stayed till after
dinner. Libbie was over a little while this
“ 18th
Very pleasant. Addie was up this morning. Orvil
came up and him + Louisa went to Duart the
forenoon. Henry + Louisa + Linny went up home tonight
Ida was born June 14, 1854
intend going to Chatham tomorrow. Libbie came and stayed with me
[Page 33]
June 19th
Quite warm Addie was up this afternoon
Mrs McFarlane was over a little while
this afternoon. After tea I went down to
Joe Roome’s.
“ 20th
[margin: ‘Sunday’] Very warm. Sarah + I came up to Church
this afternoon. I went back with her and
stayed till after tea + then came home
she came as far as John L Smiths with me
Henry + Louisa + Linny came home shortly
after I did Henry made me a present of
a pack of [illegible]
“ 21st
Very sultry. Louisa + Henry went down to Mr
Delongs this morning didn’t come back till
after dinner Commenced Louisa’s dress this afternoon
“ 22nd
Warm. Henry Gilmore worked for Henry today
After tea Louisa + I called on Mrs Maggie
Bury for the first time. Alfaretta called in this evening
“ 23rd
Most fearfully warm. Henry + Louisa went up
to Morpeth to fix little May’s80
Henry Gilmore worked here this forenoon. Addie
was up this morning
“ 24th
Most awfully tired tonight washed all day
It rained nicely this afternoon Received a
letter from leva and one from Charlie
‘May’ is Mary WATSON, daughter of Henry and Louisa
[Page 34]
June 25th
Very warm Louisa + Henry went down to
Mr Delongs this forenoon came back before
dinner Mrs McFarlane was in this forenoon
and again this evening. Chester81 was up
this morning
“ 26th
Quite warm Henry Gilmore worked here this
forenoon. Mr + Mrs Alex Campbell called in
this afternoon.
“ 27th
Sunday. Not [any/too?] warm today. Wes + Leva
came down today. Mr + Mrs Alex McTavish
came and spent the afternoon. After tea
I went home with Wes + Leva. Leva went
home and staid all night with me
“ 28th
A little warmer. Leva Julia E Lucy + I went
over to Mr Smith’s in the afternoon played
croquet all the afternoon. About dusk I went
home with Leva.
“ 29th
Quite a nice day Helped Leva to make her
dress. After tea Leva Nettie Libbie + I went
down to the Lake
“ 30th
Very pleasant. In the afternoon Franky
took Leva + I to Morpeth Leva went to take
her French lesson I went with her and
Mrs Warner gave me one too. We went
into nearly every store Had a splendid time I got
home about dark
[Page 35]
Chester DELONG, son of Peleg Delong and Alvira FORD
July 1st
Quite pleasant Fred, Wes, Julia E, Lucy, Laura,
and myself went down to Morpeth in the
morning to see the Calithumpians and then up
on the Point to the [might be ‘picine’ or ‘piscine’?]. Stayed there till
the afternoon and then came back to Morpeth
Had a gay time I had my tea at Johnny’s
He wanted me to go down to Hamilton and
across to Cleveland with him this next week but I
declined going. Had quite a chat with Anse
Left Morpeth about dusk came with
Mr Claks and his family as far as the
sideroad and the rest of the way home with
Louisa + Henry
“ 2nd
A little warmer Mrs Gilmore was here this
afternoon and Addie + Annie Laura also
Mrs Jimmy White + Mrs William Desmond
called in this evening Sarah Roome was up this morning
“ 3rd
Rained quite nicely this evening. Henry +
Louisa started for Newbury this morning
Libbie has come over to stay all night with me
“ 4th
Sunday warm + sultry Libbie stayed till after
dinner and then we went down to church
I wrote a letter to Annie and also to Leva
+ Fannie. Louisa + Henry returned this
evening. Brought the picture of little May home
[Page 36]
July 5th
Cloudy, Washed all day. After tea Duncan
and I went up home drove down to Rachel’s
first after strawberries but she sold them
all and then up home. Grandma is stopping
there now
“ 6th
Cloudy + gloomy came home this morning. Orvil
was here when I came. Emeline came up this
afternoon intends staying all night
“ 7th
Quite sultry. Emeline went home this afternoon
“ 8th
Very warm Mrs Maggie Bury + little Laura Teetzel
called in after tea. Louisa + I were over to
Mrs McFarlane’s a little while this evening
“ 9th
Cloudy + dull I went down this morning to
Mr Delongs and stayed till after dinner +
then Alfaretta + Annie Laurie went down to
see Sarah Roome stayed till after tea +
then Sarah came [illegible] with us. After
I got past Mr Delongs a little ways Orvil
+ Emeline + Mr Walker the teacher came
along + gave me a ride
“ 10th
Very warm Alforetta was up and stayed
for tea. Louisa + Henry + Linny went to Duart
to get their pictures taken this forenoon
“ 11th
Sunday Nice + cool Collins + Elizabeth + the
children came down today + Lucy Fred + Nettie also
Nettie is going to stay all the week with me
[Page 37]
July 12th
Quite warm. After tea Louisa + Henry
went up to Mr Mills + Nettie + I went
for a walk
“ 13th
Very warm Louisa Nettie + I went up
to Mrs Smarts this afternoon had
a splendid time Mrs McFarlane was
over a little while this forenoon
“ 14th
As warm as ever Louisa + Henry went
out to Dr Hicks visiting this afternoon
didn’t get back until eleven Oclock
after tea Nettie + I went over to see
Libbie stayed there until 9 Oclock
Addie was up a little while after
school was out –
“ 15th
Warm Louisa + Henry went up to Palmyra
this forenoon to see about some cherries
Mrs McFarlane was over this morning. After
tea Henry Linny + Nettie + I went down
to the lake for a ride
“ 16th
Very Pleasant Louisa put on a quilt
this afternoon and we all quilted till
tea time. Maggie Smart called in this
evening Received a letter from Fran today
“ 17th
Quite Pleasant Nettie + I went up to
Morpeth with Henry Gilmore this afternoon left [illegible]
[Page 38]
July 18th
Sunday Rained last night + this morning
considerable. Libbie was over this morning Orvil
came up about ten Oclock and in the afternoon
I went with him to Church Mr Downie preached
After church I went home with him + his sisters
and in the evening him + I + Emeline + Alfaretta
went out to Duart to meetings and then home
“ 19th
Very Pleasant Henry Louisa + I went up to Mrs
Gosnells to pick cherries this forenoon. Canned
them up this afternoon, Henry + Linny went a
fishing after tea down to the lake. Libbie
was over a little while
“ 20th
Quite warm. All of Mr Delongs girls came
up this morning and called for Linny +
I to go up home. We first went to Collins
and stayed until after dinner and then we
all with Elizabeth + Julia went up home +
stayed till after tea and then back here
again. Linny + Adda stayed up
“ 21st
Warm as ever Washed all day. Henry went a
fishing after tea
“ 22nd
Quite nice. Eliza Jane Oaks + Jennie Bailey came
down this morning and stayed all day Henry +
Abram Gilmore + his daughter came up and spent the
afternoon. Dr Roome + wife called in. About dark Louisa + I
went over to Mrs McFarlanes and helped her pit her cherries
[Page 39]
July 23rd
Warm After dinner Henry, Louisa + I
went down to Joe Roome’s after cherries came
home about four. After tea Mrs McFarlane
+ Libbie came over and helped us pit them
Orvil came in while we were pitting them
and we went for him most unmercifully
“ 24th
Very Warm. Henry + I went up to Mrs Gosnells
after cherries this forenoon Mr Smith from
Bothwell was here to dinner. After tea Louisa
+ Henry went up home + Libbie + Duncan
came over + stayed all night with me
Sunday Fearfully warm Libbie stayed all
day with me Louisa + Henry got home
about 9 Oclock this evening + Adda came
with them
Had quite a shower this afternoon Eliza
Jane Oke’s + her Aunt came down this
morning Eliza Jane went home after tea but
Mrs Lutes [?] remained to stay a couple of weeks
I went over to Mrs McFarlanes and spent
part of the evening Adda went home this morning.
“ 27th
Very warm Henry went up after his Grand
mother82 this morning came back this afternoon
The Artist Mr Frances brought the pictures
this afternoon Mrs Cavers was over this evening
[Page 40]
July 28th
Quite warm. Helped Louisa make her
black Print dress. Was over to Mrs
Cavers after tea for a few mintues
“ 29th
Sultry warm Went over and picked
some peas for dinner and after tea
Louisa + I went again and picked
some for pickles came by Mrs McFarlane
and her + Mr McFarlane were quarreling
at a great rate he was drunk and
abusing them most fearfully.
“ 30th
Quite chilly this evening After tea Libbie +
I went over and picked some peas
“ 31st
Warm + nice Henry went to Duart to
Could be either his maternal grandmother Sybel DELONG (nee DECKER) who died possibly 1879, or
paternal grandmother Mary who died 1885. More likely the latter as she lived in Howard.
Council this morning and came home
with a fearful headache this evening
Mr Tucker + wife and little girl was here
for dinner. Libbie was over this evening
a little while
August 1st
[in margin: ‘Sunday’] Rained all day. Mr David Watson83 + wife
came + brought Linny home and returned this
evening in the rain. Mr + Mrs Tucker + Jennie
came over this afternoon and stopped till after tea
+ then went back to Mr Bury’s
Rain ! Rain ! Rain ! all day long Frank + Collins
+ Julia came down this afternoon. Julia is
[Page 41]
(Continued) going to stay Mr + Mrs Tucker + Jennie
came over this afternoon intend stopping
all night
August 3rd
It still continues to rain Mr + Mrs Tucker
+ Jennie went up to Mr Hill’s this afternoon
Received a letter from Leva today
“ 4th
Quite nice + warm this forenoon. Cloudy + dull
again this afternoon Mr + Mrs Tucker + Jennie
returned again this afternoon They staid at Bury’s
“ 5th
Rained all day nearly Mrs Tucker + Jennie came
over this morning and stayed till after dinner
+ then they went out to Duart. I was over
to see Libbie a little while this evening
“ 6th
dull + gloomy. Henry Gilmore worked here
today Libbie was over a little while
Henry WATSON’S brother
“ 7th
The weather no better. Libbie + I went up to
Mr Smarts after tea and stayed till dark
Mrs Cavers was over a little while this
evening. Mr John Watson84 + a friend of his Mr
Stephenson came down and stayed till after
tea + then went down to Mr Delongs
“ 8th
Sunday Very pleasant Mr Watson + Mr Stephenson
came back for dinner today. Libbie was over a
little while after tea Fred brought Julia Ellen down this
eve[ning?] to go to the [illegible] tomorrow in the excursion. I have most a
painful thumb
[Page 42]
August 9th
A lovely day. Fred stayed all night and
took us out to the station at Highgate
Henry + Louisa, Julia + Linny + Julia E + I.
Had an excellent good time. Bought a beaded
watch case. left Highgat[e] at half past five
and got down there at one and left there
at seven and reached home a little after
five the next morning My thumb pained
me considerable all the time – was pretty
“ 10th
Quite pleasant. slept till nearly 10 Oclock
Collins came down after us this morning
came home after dinner Louisa + Mrs
Lutes came up with us + Henry brought
Mrs Watson home also. My thumb
keeps getting worse
Henry WATSON’S father
“ 11th
Nice + Warm Leva called in this afternoon for
Lucy to go and take her French lesson. Sarah
Smith was over two or three hours this afternoon
Wrote a letter to Charlie Baldwin
Quite pleasant My hand a little worse today wrote a letter
to Fannie this afternoon or at least commenced one
“ 13th
Very warm Finished my letter to Fannie this morning
Sat up nearly all night my hand pained me so bad
Had a little shower of rain between 9 + 10 Oclock.
[Page 43]
August 14th
Quite pleasant. Lucy went over to take her
French lesson after dinner + in about two
Oclock Leva came along + called in + I
went with her. My thumb pained me so
bad I could scarcely sit still. Leva came
back with me + is going to stay all
“ 15th
Sunday. My hand considerable better. Johnny
Simons + James Smith was here to dinner
+ after dinner they went to Sunday
School with Leva Wes + I. I went
home with Leva
“ 16th
[Illegible] Rained a little this forenoon
but was lovely this afternoon. After tea
we all (Mr Fairchild’s girls + myself) went
down to the Lake and had a boat
ride by moonlight out on the Lake until
ten O’clock
“ 17th
Rained again today. After tea we all
started off with each of us an umbrella
over to Julius and stayed till ten
O’clock had lots of fun
“ 18th
Rained again as usual. Nothing of any
account happened today. The girls very
busy preparing for the Masonic picnic tomorrow
[Page 44]
August 19th
Quite pleasant this forenoon but a little
showery this afternoon Mr Fairchild took
us all to the picnic this morning An
excursion party from Port Stanley were to
be there it was held in Mr Simpson’s grove
After dinner Lillie + I went for a ride
with Henry Coll we went up as far as the
Eau and back again and then down to
Clearville and stayed to Henry Watson’s
till one clock and then back to Mr
Fairchild’s, after two when we got home
Had a gay old time
“ 20th
Didn’t get up till nine Oclock Rained
nearly all the forenoon. In the afternoon
Leva came home with me and is going to
stay all night
“ 21st
Rained all this afternoon. Leva + Lucy went
over to take their lesson
“ 22nd
Sunday Clear + quite cool Henry + Louisa +
Linny came up this morning + stayed till after
dinner + then went down to Mr Watson’s
Julia Ellen went home with Leva this
afternoon Ella Willson called in this
evening and stayed a couple of hours
Frank + Mr George Reynold went to camp meeting
[Page 45]
August 23rd
Quite chilly had to keep a fire on all day
Aunt Sarah + little Cora came over this morning
and stayed till after dinner. Julia Ellen came
home this afternoon. Miss Eliza Patterson called
in the evening
“ 24th
Very pleasant Julia E went down to Rachel’s
after dinner + Henry brought her home this
evening. Ma + Pa + Lucy went to Morpeth
+ Ridgetown this evening Received a letter
from Melvin today
“ 25th
Quite warm Leva called in this afternoon
and also Mr + Mrs Delong
“ 26th
Very warm. Julia E went down to Henry’s
this afternoon to keep house for him this
next week as Rachel intends starting for
Pennsylvania tomorrow goes down as far as
the Suspension Bridge in an Excursion train
to Niagara Falls.
“ 27th
Pleasant Lucy + Fred started to go on
the excursion but the cars did not call at
Weldon’s station as the cars were all filled
up and could not take no more on so they
had to come back and also Henry + Rachel
+ Laura. After tea Frank + I + Lucy + Fred
went down to town Had a pleasant time
[Page 46]
August 28th
Very warm. Mr + Mrs Delongs called on this
“ 29th
Sunday Most dreadfully warm. Ma + Pa +
Grandma + Fred went down to Julius’s
today, Lucy went to Sunday School +
Nettie Fairchild + Lizzie Willson + Maud
Bell came home with her Lizzie + Maud
went home after tea + Nettie is going to
stay all night – Joe Roome + Miss Potts
called in about dusk on their way
home from the Eau where they had been
for a ride Frank went to Church
at Morpeth this evening + Julia E went
home with Henry. Ella + Miss Mosby
called in this evening
“ 30th
very sultry, Rachel started for Pennsylvania today
took the cars at Ridgetown. Not very well this
“ 31st
Still continues warm. Nettie + Lucy went over
to Mr Smiths this afternoon. George Smith
to work pulling beans for us today.
September 1st
Extremely warm. Nettie went with Lucy over to
Madam Warner’s to take he[r?] French Lesson
but she was not at home and left word that
she could’nt teach any more was going to Montreal so Nettie went
home. Georgie Smith + Charles Bell working here today
[Page 47]
September 2nd
Warm as ever Grandma went down to
Aunt Sarah’s this afternoon and stayed till
after tea. Georgie85 here again today
“ 3rd
Very warm this forenoon had a little shower
of rain this afternoon Henry + Julia E came
up this morning and stayed a few minutes
George is here to work today + also Henry’s
hired [Rory?] + Georgie Smith all pulling beans.
“ 4th
Note quite so warm Had quite a shower
of rain last night Pa + Ma went to
Chatham today
Sunday Warm + windy Frank went down to
Clearville after Louisa this morning they all
came up this afternoon Laura came up
and her + I went to Sunday School together
Henry Handy + Julia E came up and stayed
till dark
“ 6th
Very Pleasant Louisa + Henry went to Chatham
today + Linny pulled beans this forenoon +
in the afternoon him + Lucy went down to
Henry’s after tomatoes. Louisa + Henry got
back about sundown stayed till after tea + then
went home
“ 7th
Warm. Laura was up a little while this afternoon After tea Frank Wes +
I went down to Morpeth. Saw Anse there he made me a present of yd of
[illegible] Jo Simons He asked us to go to the Reform Picnic at Ridgetown
tomorrow with him
[Page 48]
Might be Ida’s brother George HANDY
September 8th
Warm + most fearful dusty Johnny came up about
half past Twelve. We left at one and reached Ridge-
just as the Honorables was coming from the
station we then drove down to the Grove (Mr S[???])
The Hon Mr McKellar in whom the Picnic was given
in honor of was presented with a handsome Gold Watch
+ Chain The speakers were the Hon’s E C Wood, Casey,
Willson, Waterworth, McCraney, Mills, McKellar. It was
six Oclock before the speaking finished we then left
and reached Morpeth about dusk. Julia got tea
for us and then he brought me home
Very pleasant this forenoon but cloudy and
rainy this afternoon Henry + Louisa called
in this morning on their way to Dealtown
After tea Frank Wes + I went to town
I bought a pair of shoes from Johnny
When we came back found Henry +
Louisa here they are going to stay all
Rained all night but pleasant today. Henry
+ Louisa went home this morning.
Quite cold.
Not much warmer, Lucy went up to Uncle
Abe’s today + Wes + I went down to Julius
Wes stayed a little while + then went across to Mr Fairchild Julius
brought me home Otis came with us Henry + Louisa had been here
[Page 49]
September 13th
Very warm. Pulled beans all the afternoon
Johnny S---- called in today to let me
know the Excursion to Port Stanley was
postponed, Grandma went down to Aunt
Sarah’s this afternoon
“ 14th
Cloudy + dull, Grandma came back this
afternoon Henry went after Rachel today
“ 15th
Quite warm. Julia E came home this forenoon
I went down to Elizabeth’s to get some stitching
done on her machine stayed till after tea and
then rode up with Collins him + the boys +
Pa went to Blenheim this evening to a political
meeting Rachel + Henry called in this evening
Today is Ma’s birthday 61 yrs old
“ 16th
Cold + Rainy. Pa went down to the election
for Member of Parliament between Mr Laird a
conservative + Mr McCraney a Reformer.
Commenced spinning today. Ella was down a
little while this evening Heard that Ebenezer86
was married last Monday to Miss Miriam
“ 17th
Showery and quite cold. Heard today that
Mr McCraney was elected with a majority
of 200 and over. Louisa + Henry + Linny
came up this evening intending to stay a few days
[Page 50]
Cold + Cloudy Day + Henry went to Chatham this
morning + returned this evening about six. They
heard the true statement of Mr McCraney’s majority
which is 168. Henry + Louisa went down to Fred
to stay all night and the rest of us except
Ebenezer HANDY, son of Sedgwick Handy
Pa + Ma went down to Morpeth to hear the
Chatham Band play.
Sunday, Cold and cloudy all day Rained a little this evening
Went to Sunday School this afternoon. Henry + Louisa + Linny
came back this evening. Wrote a letter to Mel
Dull weather as ever. Frank took Henry down to the wharf this
morning intending to go to Cleveland on an excursion but the Lake
being so rough the Steamer (Riverside) could not come in
so he came back again during the time Louisa + Julia E
went down to Rachel’s and when he came back he
went down after Louisa and then went home. Julia
Ellen came back in the afternoon. Henry Handy +
Rachel + Laura came up and Julia E went to
Morpeth to a dance in the Hall at Morris’s
Brick. Frank posted my letter this morning to Mel
I sent him my picture
The weather continues the same
Cold + cloudy
A little warmer and very little [illegible] There has been frost
every night this last week.
[Page 51]
September 24th
A lovely day The Ridgetown Fair
was to day none of us went
“ 25th
Bright + warm this morning Collins, Elizabeth,
Julia, Hale, + Frank + I went to Chatham
It commenced raining just before we got to Chatham
and rained all the forenoon The afternoon was
bright + warm till about five and it continued
Would be Henry’s brother Theodore Frederick WATSON who was also known as Fred
raining again shortly after we left Blenheim, Collins
made me a present of a tie. Elizabeth + I got our
pictures taken together + also Frank + I. I bought
me velvet for a coat
“ 26th
[in margin: Sunday] Not extra warm although some warmer than has
been Fred + I went down to Jule’s and about half
past three Lucy went with us over to Mr Fairchild’s
we stayed there till after tea and then all
the girls + Franky came back to Jule’s with
us Jule brought me home when we got home
Oliver Ransom was here and about 9 Oclock
S Brown called in for him he had been
down to see Julia Simons
“ 27th
Nice + warm today. Mr Simons came up this morning
and asked me to go with him to Port Stanley on an
excursion tomorrow I accepted
“ 28th
It has been a most lovely day. Johnny came up this morning after
me we stopped for Julia + then went down to the dock
[Page 52]
the boat had’nt got in when we got there but came
in shortly after but owing to the small crowd that had col-
lected they did’nt think it worth while going so the
boat went back again we came back to the store and
had sinner. Lulah Julius + Lucy came and had
dinner too, I staid till after tea + then Johnny
brought me home. He said some funny things be-
fore we got home but I guess at any rate he wont
ask me to go with him again. I Received a letter
from Fannie
Very pleasant all day until this evening it rained
thundered + Lightning’d quite hard. Louisa + Henry
+ Linny was here for dinner
Cloudy + dull this forenoon but somewhat brighter
this afternoon
October 1st
Very pleasant Mr + Mrs Ransom came down
this morning and stayed all day. Lucy went up
to Uncle Abe’s after dinner and after tea Fred
Frank Wes Julia + I went to Morpeth I went
in and seen Johnny for fun When we came back
Ella was here and shortly after Henry + Louisa
came. Anse + Joe stopped for Ella about
9 oclock
“ 2nd
Nice + bright Pa + Ma + Henry + Louisa went to Chatham
today after dinner I went up to Uncle Abe’s
[Page 53]
October 3rd
Sunday Clear + windy Ella + Miss Montgomery brought me
home this morning. Louisa + Henry went home last night
I wrote a letter to Fannie this afternoon Jule + Henry +
Collins were all here this evening Ma brought me a
brown cashmere dress yesterday.
“ 4th
Quite pleasant. Commenced making up my coat this afternoon
“ 5th
Dull + cloudy. Rained a little this afternoon
“ 6th
Rained thundered + Lightening’d last night and has
rained all day today
“ 7th
Nice + bright day. They all went to Chatham to
the fair except Ma, Grandma, and me
“ 8th
Cold and not very clear. Lillie came up today intends
staying a couple of days.
“ 9th
dull and cloudy. Lillie + Julia Ellen went up to Uncle
Abe’s a little while this afternoon Rained this evening
“ 10th
Sunday Not very warm. Laura came up this morning and
her + Julia E + Lillie + I went to the woods for
hickory nuts and the boys went up on the Point
when we came back Julius + Otis was here and
the boys had come back after tea Fred + Lucy
+ I went home with Lillie. Leva let me have
Tennyson’s poems + Bateman’s poems to read
Anse + Ed88 called in this forenoon
Cold + cloudy snowed a little this evening. Lucy went
up to Uncle Abe’s to stay this week
[Page 54]
October 12th
Clear and cold Pa went to Chatham
with a load of beans + wheat received a dollar
a bush for both he took mine + Lucy’s beans
with him
“ 13th
Quite warm + bright Pa + I went down to Morpeth
this afternoon brought some lace and buttons for me
“ 14th
Warm and bright but quite windy. Went to the fair at
Blenheim with Mr Fairchild’s folks. Leva went with
our folks, Louisa + Henry called in on their way
up and then came back and stayed all night
and Linny also Henry not very well. Pa went to
Chatham today with a load of wheat.
It has rained all day. Received a letter from
Charlie Baldwin this evening.
Cold + rainy
Sunday Cold + rainy as ever. Mrs Stymers[?] came down
Probably Anson & Edwin, sons of Abram WILLSON
this morning and stayed all day. Jule + Lulah came up
this evening a little while and also George Lucy89 is 19
yrs old today
“ 18th
Cloudy and cold
“ 19th
Warm and bright Julia E + I went hunting hickory
nuts we went throug[h?] the Colonel’s woods and then
down to Jule’s and then Lucy and Otis went with us down to Joe
Pattersons woods we got our dishes partly full and then
[Page 55]
came back to Jule’s and got our dinner and then started
for home we called in to see Rachel and also called
on Elizabeth. Pa went to Chatham today with a
load of wheat he had contracted for a dollar a
bush. Received a letter from W. E. Perrin this evening
Oct 20th
A little warmer today Finished spinning this afternoon
“ 21st
It has been most a lovely day warmer than yesterday
Pa went to Chatham today Uncle Abe called in
and gave us all an invitation to a party at his
place tomorrow evening
“ 22nd
The weather continues the same. Mr Bell + Mr
Manford a Universalist minister came down this
afternoon, he (Mr Manford) preached this eve
in the slabtown school house we all went and
the minister came back to stay all night with
us we then went up to Uncle Abe’s to the party
“ 23rd
Quite warm Mr Manford + Pa went out to Ridgetown
and then to Morpeth and down to the Eau this
forenoon. Fred, Julia E + I went down to Morpeth
Ida’s sister Clara Lucinda
this evening.
Sunday. Most a beautiful day. Pa + Collins + Lucy
and I went to Blenheim to meeting this forenoon
took the minister Mr Manford up with us. Julia E + Frank
went together Louisa + Henry came up and went, after meeting came
home and went up again in the evening. Henry went to Chatham after
Louisa came home with Frank + Julia
[Page 56]
October 25th
Cloudy and dull but not cold. Jule came up
about one Oclock this morning after Ma Fred
took Louisa down to Jule’s + to George’s this forenoon
he came back and said Lulah had a little
. Henry Watson came back from Chatham about
dusk he only stopped a few minutes and then went
home George91
is 28 yrs old today. Have got quite
a sore throat today
“ 26th
Cloudy Jule brought Ma home tonight
“ 27th
Cold and dull My throat is pretty sore today.
“ 28th
Cloudy but not very cold My throat is a good deal better
today. Mr H Purvis and sisters Mr J Mosher and sisters
Miss E Hungerford and Ella + Anson were all here this
evening. Today is thanksgiving day
“ 29th
It has rained all day and no prospects of it stopping
“ 30th
Cold and very windy. Fannie and Jane Smith came over
this afternoon and stayed until 8 Oclock in the eve –
The little boy would be Loren HANDY, son of Julius HANDY and Lucretia BRYANT. He was born 25
October 1875
George HANDY, Ida’s brother. He was born on this day
“ 31st
Sunday Very cold. Lucy Fred and I went down to Jule’s this
morning and then we all with Lucy Bryant and Jule
went up on the Point rambled through the pines + hickerys
till about four Oclock and then came back to Jules
Lucy + Fred stayed till after tea and then they went home
and I remained.
Nov 1st
Cloudy but some warmer than yesterday finished stitching my dress
this afternoon Frank F------ came over with a note from Leva telling me her
were coming up to be there tonight. I came home about three Oclock
[Page 57]
November 2nd
Clear and bright and quite warm. George was up this
afternoon they lost a little girl this morning. Finished making
my print dress this morning and wore it this afternoon. Uncle
started for Nebraska a week ago today.
“ 3rd
Cloudy. Leva and Lillie and Melvin came up this
evening and staid till about three Oclock in the
morning. I went home with them
“ 4th
Not very cold Mr Fairchild + Mel went to the Eau
to shoot ducks gone all day they went in the eve
to Morpeth and Mel brought three cans of oysters
played euchre till Eleven o’clock after they came
back. Leva and Mrs Fairchild went to Morpeth this afternoon
“ 5th
Quite pleasant Mel and Mr Fairchild went hunting
this forenoon and in the afternoon Mel went over to
visit McCary’s school. Leva + I went to Morpeth
and in the evening Mel came down and we went
to Johnny’s for tea. I dressed up in Lillie’s clothes
Sedgwick HANDY, brother of Collins HANDY Sr.
and Leva in mine Cooked the oysters this evening
“ 6th
Very pleasant and warm Mr Fairchild and Mel
went to shoot ducks again today and us girls all went
over to Julius’ a little while I borrowed Jule’s buggy
for tomorrow He (Jule) took Lillie and I to town
this evening Had a gay time Jule left the buggy
to Mr Fairchild’s when we came back I dressed up
in Leva’s clothes and Lillie in mine
[Page 58]
November 7th
Sunday. Mel Leva + I went down to Clearville
today and stayed till about sundown and then
back to Mr Bannister’s and stayed till after
tea and then they brought me home and stayed
till nearly Twelve Oclock Mel starts for home tomorrow
and Lillue goes with him on a visit Sent Annie a
watch case. Ma, Frank, Coll Lucy Henry + Rachel came down while were
there Lucy [above] (stayed)
“ 8th
Not quite so nice and warm today as usual
“ 9th
Cloudy and dull Ma commenced weaving blankets to
“ 10th
Rained nearly all day
“ 11th
Nice and bright
“ 12th
Clear and quite warm. Wes, Julia E, and I went up to Uncle
Abe’s and spent the evening. H Purvis was there
“ 13th
Snowed all day
“ 14th
Sunday Stormy and dull all day. Henry + Collins were up
and had dinner with us I wrote a letter to
Billie Perrin this evening
“ 15th
Cloudy Commenced making my brown dress today
“ 16th
Stormy and quite windy Received a letter from Fan
Uncle Abe had his sale today
“ 17th
Clear and bright
“ 18th
Cloudy but not very cold Frank went to town this evening
and brought me a letter from Melvin
[Page 59]
Nov 19th
Cloudy but not cold. Went down to Elizabeth’s this
afternoon to do some stitching on the machine came
back and after tea Wes Frank Julia E. and I
went up to Mr Purvis to spend the evening
“ 20th
Quite pleasant Julius + Lulah came up this afternoon
and stayed till after tea we came home from
Mr Purvis’s between 3 and 4 Oclock. Mr J McTaggart
and sister Mr P Haggart and sister, Mr J Mosher
and sister Mr A Patterson, Mr R. A. Hughes and
Anse + Ella were there had an excellent
“ 21st
Sunday Very pleasant Fred went down to Clearville
and Wes to Fairchild’s
“ 22nd
Clear and cold Wes brought me a note from Leva last
night. Pa went to Chatham today with a load of beans
got 95 cts a bush
“ 23rd
Cloudy but not very cold picked beans all the evening
“ 24th
Clear and bright Collins + Maynard came up this evening
and helped us pick beans
“ 25th
Clear and cold Pa went to Chatham today
with a load of beans got 95 cts a bush. Ella Willson
came down about dusk and is going to stay all night
Rained nearly all day. Ella stayed all day and about dusk
her father came after her Collins and Maynard came up to pick beans. He
brought me two letters, one from Annie and the other from Billie
[Page 60]
Nov 27th
Cloudy and dull Pa went to Chatham with a load
of beans today
“ 28th
Sunday. Rained nearly all day Julia + Hale were
up a little while
“ 29th
Cloudy and most fearful cold
“ 30th
Blowed and snowed all day
Dec 1st
A good deal warmer today
“ 2nd
About the same not very cold Received a letter
from Lillie Fairchild
“ 3rd
Quite warm and nice today.
“ 4th
Warm Frank + Wes went out to Chatham with
a load of beans + Pa + Ma went with the horse +
buggy Collins + Hortense Watson went with them
Rained when they were coming home Ma bought
me a [looks like ‘cloud’?] and a felt skirt
“ 5th
Sunday Rained all day. Jule + George were up this
afternoon. Julia Ellen + I wrote a letter to Fan
and also one to Lillie
“ 6th
Rained + thawed all day
“ 7th
It still rains. Anse called in this afternoon
“ 8th
Cloudy + dull
“ 9th
Cloudy but not cold Uncle Abe came down this morning
and said that [?ra?ler] had smashed up so him and Pa
went out to Chatham to see about it but found
out that it was a false report
[Page 61]
Dec 10th
Snowed a little last night. Henry came
up to saw wood today. Pa received a paper
from Louisa this evening.
Not very old today. Louisa + Henry called
in this evening on their way to Mr Watson’s
Wes was down to Morpeth and brought home
word that Mr Bannister is were going to
have a party Tuesday Evening and invited
us all to go
“ 12th
Sunday A little colder Louisa + Henry
came back + had dinner with us
Wes went down to Fairchild’s I sent a
note to Leva and also sent a note
to Oliver by Fred asking him to come
and go to the party. Anse + Eddie93
called in this morning and again
this evening. Wrote a letter to Billie
this evening
“ 13th
Quite cold + windy
“ 14th
Very cold. Oliver came down this afternoon we
all except Frank went to the dance had
a very good time. Snowed when coming home
“ 15th
Snowed nearly all day Pa went to Chatham
with a load of beans and Collins went
with him. Oliver went home about noon.
[Page 62]
Dec 16th
Pretty cold Pa + Frank went to Ridgetown
to the sale
Anson and Eddie Willson, likely
“ 17th
Very cold Snowed a little
“ 18th
A good deal colder
“ 19th
Sunday Clear and cold, Julia E + Frank went
down to Clearville this morning + Lucy came
home with them this evening. Julia was up
a little while this afternoon. Ella + Coll94
were down this evening a little while.
“ 20th
Quite warm thawed all day
“ 21st
Quite warm but rainy
“ 22nd
Clear and warm George came up and helped
white wash today
“ 23rd
A little colder Cleaned house today
“ 24rd
Rained all day Henry Handy was here for dinner
I received a letter from Mrs Roxy Moffitt
“ 25th
Christmas Clear + bright + not very cold
“ 26th
Sunday Rained all day Wrote a letter to Roxy
Anse stopped in out of the rain and had to saty
all night
“ 27th
Clear + bright + not very cold. Jane + Lizzie
were over this afternoon visiting Received a
letter from Billie this evening
“ 28th
Quite pleasant
[Page 63]
Dec 29th
Thawed + Rained all day. Received a Post Card
from the Custom House Officer at London stating
that there was a parcel lying at his office
for me and by paying the Duty which was
twenty five cents I would get it. I wrote a
This might be Collins Willson (Ella’s brother)
note with the money enclosed and Frank
took it down and posted it.
“ 30th
Warm but fearful muddy. Laura came up
this morning and is going to stay all
“ 31st
Very warm Lulah + Jule + Otis + Lorum95
[should be ‘Loren’] came
up this morning and stayed all day Jule + Wes
went to the shooting match at Troy Wes brought
home a goose for dinner tomorrow. Laura
is still here. So endeth the last day of 1875
[in a different pen]
In reply to your polite note of yesterday morning I hasten to
assure you that I am highly sensible of the honor you have
done me in the proposals you have so handsomely made
and that I appreciate the frank and manly tone in which
you have spoken of yourself. Believing that you are sincere in the senti-
ments which you express toward me having great respect for you as a man
and a gentleman and esteeming you as a friend, it is with regret that
I am compelled to give you pain by declining your addresses and informing
you that
circumstances render it impossible for me ever to be more to you than, as, I
now Truly your Friend ----------
[Page 64]
Fruit Cake: five eggs, two cups of sugar, one cup of molasses
three cups currants well rubbed in flour, two cups
stoned raisins, nutmeg, cinnamon salt, one cup
This would be referred to Julius and Lucretia’s new son Loren HANDY
milk flour to thicken (not too stiff) half teaspoon
ful soda, one of cream tartar. Butter the tins well +
bake in a moderate oven.
Coconut Cup Cake: Two cups of rolled white sugar, one and a
half cup of butter, one cup of milk, half teaspoonful
of soda one of cream tartar, four eggs well beaten
a nutmeg, salt, the white of one coconut grated
floor enough to make a stiff batter. Beat it well
put in buttered tins an inch think: bake in a quick
oven and when well done frost it and cut into
square pieces
Marble Cake: Light part – One and half cups of white
sugar half a cup of butter, one cup of sweet milk
half a teaspoonful soda, one of cream tartar
whites of four eggs two and a half cups of
flour. Dark part – One cup of brown sugar
half a cup of molasses, half a cup of butter, one
cup of sweet milk half teaspoonful soda one
of cream tartar two and half cups flour Yolks four eggs clover
allspice cinnamon and nutmeg salt.
[Page 65]
Jelly Cake – Three eggs beaten very light, one cup of sugar, one
cup of flour one teaspoonful cream tartar mixed
dry in the flour half a teaspoonful soda dissolved
in hot water one tablespoonful of cream or butter half
a teaspoonful of essence of lemon.
Delicate Cake – Take the whites of four eggs beaten to a
stiff froth one cup of sugar, one cup of flour
half a cup of sweet milk, three tablespoonfuls
butter, one teaspoonful of soda three of cream
tartar flavour with lemon essence salt
[The following recipe seems to be written in a different hand]
Raspberry Vinegar: To two quarts and a half of
ripe raspberry put one pint of the best
vinegar. B[----?] them well and it let it
stand three days. Strain the juice through
a bag and add its weight of sugar. Boil
it, skim well and bottle it closely.
Lemon Pie: Yellow of three eggs, grate the rind and
press out the juice of one lemon, one
coffee cup brown sugar two spoons flour
one half pint water one tablespoon butter
bake in one crust and when a light brown
beat the white of three eggs very light
add two tablespoons pulverized sugar put
on the top and bake a light brown
Apple Jelly: To thirteen good sized apples put [missing]
[Page 66]
quart of water and one lemon boil till soft
and strain. To one point of juice add one point
of sugar and boil twenty minutes
Rolled Jelly Cake: One coffee cupful white powdered sugar, one coffee
cupful flour, four eggs whites and yolks beaten separately,
salt, beat the yolks and sugar to a cream, add the flour
and salt then the whites beaten to a very stiff froth, bake
from ten to fifteen minutes
Wedding Fruit Cake: One point of sugar one point of flour
one point butter ten eggs two pound raisins three pounds
currants one pound citron one tablespoonful cinnamon
one tablespoonful cloves one tablespoonful nutmeg
half cup molasses teaspoon soda.
Marble Cake: Light part: A cupful white sugar half cup-
full each of butter and sweet milk, whites of three
eggs teaspoonful cream tartar half teaspoon soda
two cups of flour: Dark part: cup brown sugar half
cup molasses half cup butter yolks of three eggs
teaspoon cream tartar half teaspoon soda two
cups flour half teaspoon each of cinnamon cloves
allspice nutmeg. Beat the batter well and lay in
the dish a spoonful light and then of dark.
[Page 67]
The greatest pleasure of life is love; the greatest treasure
is contentment; the greatest luxury is health; the greatest
comfort is sleep; and the best medicine is a true friend.
Is there a point where the ideal of love conceived by a
woman differs from that of a man? Yes. A man marries
a bride rather than a wife, a woman marries a husband
rather than a lover. She settles down into a sort of quiet
contentment; he when the freshness and novelty of the bride
has changed to a sober practical wife, grows indifferent,
and seeks other attractions elsewhere.
What in woman is called curiosity, in a man is grand-
iloquently magnified into the spirit of inquiry.
Much of the comfort of this life consists in acquaintance,
friendship, and correspondence with those that are pious,
prudent and virtuous.
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of
weakness but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten
thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief
of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. Oh, speak not
harshly of the stricken one – weeping in silence! Break not the
deep solemnity by rude laughter or intrusive footsteps.
Scoff not, if the stern heart of manhood is sometimes
melted by sympathy; they are what help to elevate him
above the brute. We love to see tears of affection. They are pain-
ful tokens, but still most holy. There is pleasure in tears – an awful pleasure
[Page 68]
My Album
This valued Photographic Book
On which you gaze with curious look
Or hallow’d sympathies,
Contains mementoes, rich and dear,
Of much loved friends, as gathered here
Before our wandering eyes
Some who are not here have pass’d the bourne
From whence the travelers ne’er return
To tell their secrets o’er;
And some have cross’d the ocean’s swell
Far off in distant lands to dwell
To meet on earth no more
And some still linger with us here
Our homes to bless our hearts to cheer
Enshrined by Nature’s art
Loved friends and kindred here we greet
In hope that all at length may meet
In Heaven no more to part
If thou cans’t add another face
Our book to beautify and grace
We will our thanks bestow
[in margin]
Then pray oblige without delay
Secure the shadow while you may
The substance soon may fade.
[Page 69]
Only A Ring
Only a ring, yet I prize it more
Than all the gems from India’s shore;
Not all the wealth of all the world untold
Is dear to me as this band of gold.
Only a ring, but I love it well,
Better than words can ever tell;
‘Tis a pledge to me of affection true,
Beset and dearest I ever knew.
Only a ring and yet in this
Is centred all of my earthly bliss;
All my hopes of the future, yes –
Every dream of happiness.
Only a ring, but if you knew
The heart so brave, the love so true
You would not wonder that to me
His ring is more than the world could be
[in margin]
Only a ring from one whose love
I prize all earthly things above;
So do not deem it a trifling thing
For the love of the giver came with the ring.
Wedded life is not one long amatory poem with re-
current rhymes of “love and “dove” and “kiss” and “bliss”
[Page 70 – loose]
We should always be slow in choosing a friend, and still
slower to change him.
We should always be courteous to all, and intimate with few;
never slight a man for poverty nor esteem any one for his wealth
If one could be conscious of all that is said of him in his absence,
he would probably become a very modest man indeed.
People are commonly so employed in pointing out faults in those
before them as to forget that some behind may at the same
time be descanting on their own.
Truth may be violated as much by silence as by falsehood itself.
A person who tells you the faults of others intends to tell others
your faults.
A sure cure for terrible disorder of the mouth commonly
called “scandal”. Take of “good nature” one ounce, of an herb called by
the Indians “mind your business” one ounce, mix these with a little
“charity for others” and two or three sprigs of “keep your tongue between
teeth”. Application. The symptoms are a violent itching in the tongue
and roof of the mouth which invariably takes place when you are in
company with a species of animals called “gossips”, when you feel it
coming on take a spoonful of the mixture hold it in your mouth
which you will keep closely closed till you get home and you
will find a complete cure. Should you apprehend a relapse keep
a small bottleful about you and on the slightest symptoms
repeat the dose.
[Page 71 - loose]
People who want to think ill of others can always do so. They wilfully
blind themselves to good faults, and exaggerate the bad ones. There
may be two meanings to many things that are said.
Injustice is very hard to hear, yet we must all learn to expect it
and to suffer it as calmly as we can. To have our best deeds turned
and twisted into evil ones; to have our acts and words utterly mis-
represented, to have those turn cold to us for whom we have always
felt the warmest friendship, is only the face of humanity.
Deceiver Go
I’ll admit that once I loved thee
That I deem’d thee just and true
That my heart has loved no other
Fondly as it once loved you.
Yet the ties of love are broken
And the vows you made to me,
From this hour and forever
You are nothing more to me.
Fare thee well and if for ever
Still for ever fare thee well;
Even though unforgiving never
‘Gainst thee shall my heart rebel
[Loose insert, unlined paper]
Dear Mollie Magee
There’s a beautiful Isle afar
Afar o’er the spread of the sea
There’s a heart that is sad today
And eyes that are watching for me
Though the months have been few
Since I bid her adieu
Yet it seems like an age since we met
And the look that she gave
Ere I launched on the wave
I can never ah I never forget
Oh thou beautiful Isle afar
Afar o’er the spread of the sea
Yes ‘tis dear to my heart you are
Sweet home of dear Mollie Magee
There’s a green little Isle beyond
Across the wide waters away
And I’m dreaming a dream so fond
Of home and of Mollie today
And I think with a sigh
As the moments go by
Of our land that is over the sea
Oh I wonder a while
With a home and a smile
If my Mollie is dreaming of me
I am coming across the main
Am coming again o’er the sea
For I long to be home again
Beside thee dear Mollie Magee
If we meet on the shore
We will part nevermore
For our days shall be happy and bright
And we’ll go hand in hand
In our beautiful land
Where our hearts may be joyous and light
[Loose unlined insert, folded]
You Know You Do
When “some one’s” step comes up the walk
Your cheeks take on a rosier hue
And though no other hears his knock
You hear it well – you know you do!
When “some one” talks about the grain
And bows at pa, yet looks at you
You see his glances – ah, ‘tis plain –
And give them back – you know you do!
And though it may be very wrong
When pa is quite ignored for you
You sing for him your prettiest song
You cunning thing – you know you do!
And when he talks of other girls
Of Hateful Kate and Jennie too
You fling at him your auburn curls
You jealous thing – you know you do!
You keep your eyes upon the clock
And wish ‘twould jump an hour or two
So that your pa would cease his talk
And go to bed – you know you do!
And when the folks to bed have gone
And left “some one” alone with you
You wish the clock would stop its tongue
Or you stop it – you know you do!
He blushes deep and looks afraid
To be thus left alone with you
But your eyes tell there never was maid
But could be wooed – you know you do!
You peep at “some one” ‘neath your curls
Until with love you burn him through
And make him hate all other girls
In love for you – you know you do!
And when his arm steals round your chair
You give a smothered scream or two
As if you did’nt want it there
But oh, you do – you know you do!
You nestle closer up to him
Your head drops on his shoulder too
You think it nice to have a Frank
You haughty thing – you know you do!
And when he timidly doth press
His wish to make a wife of you
With happy heart you answer “yes”
You darling girl – you know you do!
Guide to People Mentioned in the Diary
The Handy Family
HANDY, Collins Sr. (“Pa”): Ida’s father.
HANDY, Louisa: Ida’s sister. Married Henry Watson in 1863
HANDY, Collins Jr.: Ida’s brother. Married Elizabeth Jane Watson (Henry’s sister) in
HANDY, Julia Ellen (“Julia E”): Ida’s sister. Married Oliver Ransom in 1900
HANDY, Julius (“Jule/Jules”): Ida’s brother. Married Lucretia “Lulah” Bryant
HANDY, Otis: Ida’s nephew, son of Lucretia Bryant and Julius
HANDY, George Washington: brother of Ida. Married Henry Watson’s sister Rhoda
Angeline in 1871
HANDY, Franklin Morse (“Frank” or “Franky”): Ida’s brother. Married Alice Bryant
HANDY Wesley Norman (“Wes”): Ida’s brother, married Lucy Olivia “Leva” Fairchild in
HANDY, Clara Lucinda (“Lucy”): Ida’s sister. Married Alvin Bryant in 1884.
HANDY, Anson Frederick (“Fred”): Ida’s brother. Married Anna Mabel Warner in
HANDY, David: married ‘Rachael’ (unknown surname) some time prior to 1862. There
is a Rachel mentioned in the diary, but she does not seem to appear with David at any
The Baldwin Family
ROOME Catharine (“Grandma”): Ida’s maternal grandmother. Married David S.
Baldwin. She moved to Wisconsin with husband and family in 1849, but returned to
Ontario after her husband’s death
BALDWIN, Rebecca (“Ma”): Ida’s mother, daughter of David S. Baldwin and Catharine
Roome. Married Collins Handy Sr.
BALDWIN, Sarah Ann Baldwin (“Aunt Sarah”): Ida’s aunt on her maternal side.
Sarah married Ida’s father’s brother Ebenezer Handy. Ebenezer died in 1865. Sarah
secondly married Abram Willson in 1867, in Michigan.
The Watson family
WATSON, Henry: born William Henry Watson. Married Ida’s sister Louisa Handy in
1863, and Ida Handy in 1883 (after Louisa’s death)
WATSON, Linneus (“Linny”): son of Louisa Handy & Henry
WATSON, Mary (“May”): daughter of Louisa Handy & Henry
WATSON, Elizabeth Jane: sister of Henry Watson, wife of Collins Handy Jr.
WATSON, John (“Mr. Watson”): Henry’s father
WATSON, Hortense: Henry Watson’s sister (also known as Tenny)
WATSON Theodore Frederick (sometimes Theodore, sometimes “Fred”): Henry
Watson’s brother
The Willson family
WILLSON Abram, (“Uncle Abe”): first married a Julia (believed to be a Baldwin and
Ida’s aunt) who died before the writing of this diary. After Julia’s death, Abram married
Ida’s aunt Sarah Baldwin (“Aunt Sarah” in the diary). Known children of Abram and
Julia: Anson, Edwin (“Eddie” in the diary?), Collins, Ella, Julia
WILLSON, Anson: son of Abram and Julia (see Baldwin, Julia)
WILLSON, Ella: daughter of Abram and Julia (see Baldwin, Julia)

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“Ida Katherine "Kate" Handy Diary, 1875,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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