Sarah Welch Hill Diary, 1821-1881


Sarah Welch Hill Diary, 1821-1881

Date Created

May 25, 1821

Is Part Of

Sarah Welch Hill Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Sarah (Welch) Hill Papers
This is a transcription of selected fragments by Robynne Rogers Healey.
Located at Province of Ontario Archives, Toronto, Ontario. From the finding aid in the Archives
of Ontario: F634
Bound volumes of diaries and journals in fairly fragile condition, some of the ink is faded, and
some of the pages are curled on the edges.
Edwin Hill was born 15 January 1799 the son of Isaac Hill and Margaret Fitter of Birmingham,
England. On 5 May 1840 he married Sarah, the daughter of Joseph Welch. Their first child
Edwyn was born on 10 December 1841 and Sarah Margaret, their second and last child was born
on 26 March 1843. On 26 August 1843 the family emigrated to Canada and in 1844 settled on
the farm which Edwin Hill bought in Hope Township. In 1854 Edwin Hill became seriously ill
and died on 14 December.
After her husband's death Sarah Hill continued to live on the farm with her two children assisted
by money sent to her by her family in England. Her son Edwyn worked on the farm until he
obtained a position teaching in a local school in December 1864. In 1867 he attended military
school in Toronto and joined the 13th Hussars in 1868. But he soon was dissatisfied with
military life and left for the United States in October 1868. By 1887 he was a successful
barrister in St. Louis, Missouri. He died in St. Louis in 1901. Sarah continued to live on the
farm until her death on 26 September 1887. Thomas Moore Benson and her two children were
executors of her estate. Her daughter Maggie spent her life on the farm and in the Port Hope
area until she died on 1 September 1896.
May 25th 1821. Friday. Went to Cheadle from Birmingham, on a visit to Mrs. Webb, drank tea
at Ar. Alcocks. Sat: very well, stayed at home all day except calling at Mr. Alcocks. Sunday,
went to Cheadle Church, afternoon very wet, in the morning went a short walk on the Cheadle
common, saw Hales hall at a distance. Monday left Cheadle by six o'clock for Snelson, a very
beautiful place, in our way here we say the towers of Horton Castle the seat of the earl of
Shrewsbury. Mr. Brown arrived here directly after us to take an inventory, we very busy looking
over drawers & Tuesday, in the morning stopped in the house. Mr. Brown came to dinner, in the
evening went a walk to Snelson church, called on John Stephenson's wife. Wednesday, went a
walk in the park before breakfast by myself, very busy sorting books. Thursday sorting books
went a walk in the evening. Friday, again sorting books, called at Mr. Alcocks the farmers.
Sat: sorting books, went a walk in the evening, Mr. Alcock, Mr. Brown & Mr. Rogers dined
here, the latter came to weigh the silver. Sunday, no church in the morning, Mr. Holmes from
Cheadle came to dinner. went to church in the afternoon. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Welb came to
dinner. Tuesday, at the books, went a walk in the evening. Wed ditto, got a cold and hoarseness.
Thursday ditto. Friday in the morning went to Ashbourne. Sat went to Clifton, Mr. Browne
brought by some Spanish juice for my hoarseness. Sunday went to church in the morning very
wet, heard from Cheadle Aunt Eliz. sent me an apron and shawl, wrote home.
Monday, Mr. Browne came, went a walk in the evening. Tuesday, Eusebuis Langley and Robert
Walter came to dinner, Henry Langley came to tea, he had been at the club. Wednesday fine,
went to Anacre Hill, called at Mary Campions. Thursday, Mr. Brown, some young people came,
stood before the house and behaved in the house impudent manner, putting a handkerchief on a
stick for a flag and waving it. Friday a most delightful day, in the evening went to Church, on
our return met Mr. Brittlebanks, he asked if we were related to Mr. Langley, he stopped a few
minutes talking to Samuel, said he had been at the Hall, that my uncle refused to take the
ejectment which he should have done, and that he has nailed it on the door. He returned home
[illegible one word] Mr. Brittlebanks and Hoverison proceeded to serve the rest of the tenants
with ejectments. On their return they called again at the Hall, the paper had been taken off by
Lickfield. Mr. B. wanted to give us another through the window but was refused, he then took
up a large stone and began knocking as hard as he could finding this of no use he went to the
back door and began knocking there saying how much it would go against us in a court of justice
at last he nailed it on the door and went away, looking back all the way as far
as he could see, to know if it remained on, which they let it do. It was nine o'clock in the
evening when he came. Saturday, Lickfield went to Cheadle before 4 o'clock in the morning to
inform them, a many of the tenants called to know what they must do with their notices, which
was all to be collected and sent to Cheadle. Had a letter from home. Sunday, went to church in
the afternoon. Monday, a very fine day, went a short walk at night. Tuesday, washing day Sir
John and Lady Therald sent a boy to leave fish in the ponds, came the next day with footmen,
lady maids &c. Wednesday, Mr. Alcock
dined here, brought work that Hannah was come to Cheadle, brought everything with her, and
the carriage was left in London to be sold. Found the money 250 L hid in a gown sleeve.
Thursday, Mrs. Bladon and Mrs. John Walters drank tea with us. Friday a very dull cold day.
Saturday in evening walked out. Sunday went to church in the morning the text, "The sick man
died," at night went to Clifton. Monday finished reading the "Three old Maids" and Tuesday
began "Thaddeus od Warsaw," went to Elversly & Wyaston, very pretty little villages.
Wednesday went up Cakle Hill called at Turners. The weather remarkably fine. Thursday, Mr.
and Mrs. Low, Mrs. Wilson and her
son, Mrs. Sherratt and Miss Webb drank tea with us, went a walk with them as far Norbury. Mr.
Askin Henry, and a little girl "Miss Lane," were also here. Friday Mr. Brown came to do the
books. S. Sherratt came at night. Sat, S. Sherratt was here all day. Mr. Brown came and H.
Langley. Sun Snelston wakes, Uncle John went to church for the first time, Monday S. Sherratt
was at Ashbourne and the two Miss Fearus [?] dined here. Uncle Lovelace came here in the
afternoon. Wednesday S. Sherratt left us went a walk in the afternoon with her nearly to
Ashbourne. Thursday, Mr. Brown was here, Mr. Platt came in the evening stopped all night.
Friday morning uncle Lovelace and Mr. Platt left us
Mr. Brown came. Saturday, alone. Sunday, went to church in the morning called at Robert
Turners in the evening, Gimbert came about eleven at night to say that Mr. Evans had given up
the assaust [?] which was to have been tried on Tuesday at Chesterfield. Monday Aunt and I
went to Clifton in the morning. Mr. Hugh, Mr. Miller dined with us. Tuesday went to
Longrounds say the outside of Wooton lodge went over Horton [?] Castle and the gardens of the
earl of Shrewsbury staid all night at Mr. Mellors. Wednesday in the house, in the morning, in the
afternoon went to see the Town at Horton drank tea at Mr. Baindley's and returned to Snelston at
night. Thursday, Mr. Wheretly, Mr. White and a young man
hay which has been mowed a good while, when a walk to Clifton at night. August 3rd, 5 years
to day since my ear Cousin Margaret Langely died, now not one of the family left, Aunt Langley
died February 22nd and Cousin Thomas died March 27th in the Year of our Lord 1821. Sat very
wet in the morning cleared up towards afternoon. Hannah's box came in which was a lock of
hair, which she gave Aunt Jane, been very busy most of the week in a morning sorting the old
things. Sunday, went to church in the morning, at night called at Calleacroft. Mr. Smyth was
out, called a Johnsons. Monday, Mr. Brittlebank and a many of the Evan's people about
Snelston, at night we
were going to take Hanna to the garden but she saw as we were going, Old Foster and a
gentleman who were going as fast as they could down the fields to meet us but Hannah got into
the house before they could overtake her. Suppose they wanted to give her a Subpoena. Tuesday
sent the livestock to Uttoxeter, to be sold tomorrow by Mr. Brown, Wednesday Lidkfield and
John went to Uttexter to by the cows and pigs in. Thursday Lidkfield went to Cheadle, H.
Langley came to dinner, in the morning Henry and I went to Clifton heard of the Queen's death,
at night we went to Calloncroft met Foster and Brittlebank, while we were away, they came to
the hall and said they wanted Hannah Smyth but both Phebe and Hannah keep in the house and
keep the doors mind [?] for fear of being subpoenaed. Friday, Mr. Brandon came, wanted to see
Hannah told him she was not here. Saturday, Samuel Sherratt came to say there was some one
coming for Hannah, sat up late [one word illegible] 5 o'clock. Sunday Samuel Langley came in
the morning and in the afternoon Mr. Stringer and Mr. Higgs called but would not let them in.
Gimbert came from Cheadle to go to Lickfield and Hannah they set out between I and L at night
for fear of being seen, on Saturday heard from home. Monday Derby assizes 13th
August S.
Sherratt went early in the morning. Tuesday all returned from Derby, as it was a cause that could
not be determined
there, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Balgley were my Uncle's council, Mr. Denman, Mr. Reader and Mr.
Clarke, Mr. Evan's, the judge Mr. Richards. Mr. Harrison, Mr. Evan's son in law, was under
sheriff. The Brittlebanks were acquitted, Wednesday a large wash, Saturday S. Langley left in
the morning, Mrs. Webb came in the evening, read an account of Brittlebanks trial, no mention
of my Uncle's trial in the paper, except that particulars would be in the next. Sunday, August
19th went to church with my aunt and Mrs. Webb, the text, "And the Lord commended the
unjust steward because he had done wisely, Ashbourne wakes. Mr. Webb came to dinner,
they returned in the evening Mrs. Webb asked me very much to sop a week with her, gave me a
pocket handkerchief worked at the corners. Monday a very hot day, Mr. Alcock came, told us
about the things being sold, wanted to have the things sold here, said the catalogues were printed,
my Uncle positively refused to have the things sold at the house, drew a lissle [?]. Tuesday,
yesterday Mr. Harrison came to the park gate with a gentleman. Mr. Alcock we expected to tea
but did not come, in the evening called there, saw old Harrison. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. H
drank tea with us the tenants went toCheadle. Gimbert called in his way to Derby where he was
going with a letter for Mr. Harisson.
Thursday remarkable fine, Lickfield went to Cheadle, Gimbert came here and brought two
bailiffs with him to go to Berresford’s but they went back to Cheadle at night. Friday went to
Salt's, as there was to be a meeting at Archer's, saw Brittlebank, Harrison and Robt. Stanton, the
tenants refused to sign for H, as their landlord. Saturday, Mr. Askin and L. Langley came
Sunday morning wrote home S, H and I went to church Mr. A and Samuel went back at night.
Monday Mary Campion came, helped to do the room where the books are, Tuesday very hot all
day, had a letter from Mr. Browne to my Aunt to say she must hold herself in readiness to go to
Stafford with Hannah.
Saturday, Mr. Radley came, Aunt and Hannah went back in the chaise and Henry left us. Heard
from Birmingham, the letter informed us of the death of Miss Williams who drowned herself she
got up one morning by 5 o'clock and left a note on the table to say where her body might be
found Sunday in the morning went to church. Wednesday evening Aunt returned with the good
news that my Uncle had been successful and that Mr. Evans was not [possibly now] suited,
except about two files, our council were Pearson, Russell & Campbell. It was tried before Sir
Charles Abbot at Stafford. Saturday S. Langley came Sunday very wet, did not go to church on
Monday Mr. Harrison came with dogs but they had no gun, S. Langley
left. Tuesday Samuel Sherratt came and staid till Saturday. S. Langley came to stay with my
Uncle while we went to Checkley Sunday morning my nine o'clock left here for Checkley, went
through Norbury, Elliston, Rocester and by Speath crossed the Dove & Channel went first to Mr.
Bradley's staid about an hour, dined at Mr. Turners, there was no one but old Mr. Walters. Br.
Radley & Miss Turner of the S Hearst [?]. R. Walters sent for me to tea went to Checkley
Church, sat in by Grandmothers old seat, saw I think 8 or 9 christenings. After tea went to look
at the new meeting. on our return called at Mrs.Turners saw Uncle Samuel There
he came to see us, H Langley also called, slept at Mrs. W. Walkers, breakfasted by 8 oclock at
Mrs Radleys went over to the Church say a wedding, S Walters went to Uttoxter, did not see her
again during the day. Mrs. Radley had Mr. T Walters, Mrs. W. Walters, Miss Turner and Mr.
Blurton to dinner Mrs Webb came to tea and Mr W Walters. Tuesday drank tea at the meeting
and went over the House did not see my cousins as they were gone to Uttoxeter races.
Wednesday a very wet day went round the garden where my Grandmoer lived and just saw into
the parlours & kitchen went after tea
in a car to Cheadle[.] Dorothea came in the morning to fetch us or we should have staid another
day, as the meeting did not begin till 6 we were in time and went, Mr. Kearton was the preacher
nare [?], we found Miss Bayley at Mr. Alcock's. Thursday dined along with Mrs S Walter's at
Mrs. Askins Aunt Elizabeth came to tea and Miss Friar & Miss Hubbard of Birmingham Friday
drank tea and supped at Mr Webbs, played at Dominoes and whist won almost every time.
Saturday it also passed with rain or we should have returned to Snelston Eliza Walter's called
and Miss Bayley left, Sunday morning by 10 oclock left Cheadle a very pleasant day saw the
tower at Alton and the abbey. Monday October wrote home, Samuel went to Cheekley. The
Weather very windy. Sunday October 7 Mrs M Smyth came to dinner, S went to church in the
afternoon, Monday washing Hannah and I went to Ashbourne, our errands not being quite ready
we went to look at Ashbourne Hall. The last two or three days very fine, hope it will continue so
as we have had a very long fit of wet. Friday afternoon went to Ashbourne S Langley came at
night. Mrs. Askin came Sunday went to Church in the morning, S Sherratt came after dinner
Phebe's brother and
Hannah's father came. Monday Mrs. Walters, Mrs Askin and S Langley left about 9 in the
morning went to Ashbourne in the afternoon. Tuesday went to Ashbourne Wednesday, Eliza
Walker and her brother came, the latter returned in the evening Sunday she left us, her brother
came for her, very wet during her stay. Tuesday wrote home Thursday morning went to
Ashbourne very much wet, saw Mr. Brittlebank stared at us very much. Reading Waverly a
novel in 3 volumes by Walter Scott, like what I have read much, not at all like a common novel
much good sense & shows a perfect knowledge of character, the last
we read up was Angelo Guiciardinaby Sophia Frances, a very mysterious book, much pleased
with it, am reading to myself Hume & Smollets History of England, after reading about the
Saxons, [illegible one word] & began at the reign of William the conqueror, mean to read it all
through with attention. Sunday morning went to church Tuesday Uncle John went to Cheadle,
Thursday went to Ashbourne wet again. Friday S Sherratt & Sam Sherratt came from Cheadle
staid all night. Sunday November 4th went to church in the afternoon. Monday morning went to
Ashbourne. Thursday Uncle Samuel came for the first time since we have been here staid all
night in the afternoon went to Ashbourne. Nov 4 snow'd. Friday after dinner Uncle Samuel left.
Sunday morning went to Church text, "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the devil. Tuesday John Sherratt and Mr. Low drank tea and spent the
evening Mr Allen came also and played at cards. Thursday November 15 John Sherratt and
Henry Langley dined with us a very wet might so they staid with us, and left early in
the morning. Friday expect to hear from Cheadle whether the affair is settled. S Sherratt left by
6 oclock to bring us the news from Cheadle, heard nothing. Sunday very anscious [sic] all day as
we heard. Mr. Brown was to come from London to Cheadle. NO news, Monday S. Sherratt
came in late afternoon, not to be decided until spring, the opposite party to pay the costs at
Stafford and Derby every thing going on as well as possible Tuesday. Mr. Wagstaff and James
Allin came to supper Wednesday S Sherratt left us. Friday Euseguis Langley stopped all night a
country dance at night only two couple. Tuesday Eusebuis went home
Wednesday Mr. Brown of Cheadle called, met the tenants at Mr Meacks the farmers. Thursday
Mr. Brown of Uttoxeter called said if it was fine would dine with us Sunday week along with
Mr. Brown in the afternoon Hannah & I went to Ashbourne. Robert Allin came at night had a
game at cards. Sunday Mr & Mrs Brown dined here Monday heard from Birmingham and
Cheadle the former told me cousin William was married to a London lady the latter that Mr.
Alcock said my mother and aunt must come to sign. December 17 did not go to Church sore
throat Monday S. Langley came Thursday went to
Ashbourne. Written out a deal lately. had very few people, weather very rainy and wet Jany 1
1822 Father, Mother, Uncle Lovelace and Aunt S Little Mary came to Snelston Thursday Mr.
Brown came signed the paper as a witness Saturday went to Cheadle Sunday in the morning
went to Church and twice to Chapel Monday intended coming to Birmingham Uncle Lovelace,
Henry Aunt L Little Henry and Mary came in the chaise Father came in a coach and no room for
us We came in the tuesday Wednesday called at Uncle James'.
May 20th... Mary and I went to Coventry along with Mr. Ralph Alcock and Mr. W. Docker, they
went on the outside but there was no room for me, so I went inside. Our road lay through
Meriden, by Stonebridge, and Allesley, we likewise passed by the seat of the earl of Alyesford's,
got to Coventry about 2, and were received in the most welcome manner by Mr, and Mrs.
Alcock. In the afternoon walked about the garden which is a most delightful one, and looked
over the house and dairy, after tea took a walk to Coventry which is about a mile distant from
Radford, we can go either over the fields or by Lanes. Friday morning got up soon after six and
walked in the garden till
breakfast was ready, soon Josh came, he would have come before but Mr. Jacob was out tryed 5
coaches before he could get a place, the coaches filled so owing to it being the fair, dined at 11
oclock and went to Coventry, the first day of the fair, called at Mr Cherry's to rest ourselves and
look at the fair, saw the riders pass, went to G Reyfriars green where all the shops stood and had
a second diner about 2 a Mr. Broadhursts, in the afternoon walked about the fair again and
returned to tea at Radford.
January 1st. Two years this day since my dear Sister Elizabeth died after a long and painful
illness which she bore with the greatest patience. Went to prayers at St. Phillips, bought a neck
Tuesday 2nd Sunday, went to the new Church Mr Chapman read prayers Dr Gardiner preached
the text was taken from the 5th Chapter of Galatians and 6th Verse. In the afternoon Ralph
Alcock and William Docker came to tea.
7th Miss Piercy spent the day with us, James' came in the evening.
8th Mrs. McGinnis sent us a couple of Forrest rabbits.
Sunday 9th not quite well, did not go to Church.
10th Wrote a letter to Aunt Jane. Called of Cousin Ann.
11th Walked over to Handsworth, brought Mrs. W...[illegible] back to dinner, cousin Anne also
dined with us, at night went back with them as far as Bull S...[ possibly street?] where we drank
tea, Cousin Frederick came home with us, very much tired.
12th Father went to Yardley.
13th Jane Halder left us, think she would rather have staid, Lovelace and George called.
Friday had a deal of trouble about our new servant, Called at Mrs Messingers and she called here
at night we called again and brought her with us. Miss Piercy came, Josh out late, went to help
he [sic] to eat the twelfth cake, which Onbler won, it weighed 50 L and was valued at ten
guineas, he brought us home a piece.
Saturday Sunday morning went to the New Church in the afternoon wet, Monday called
along with Miss Piercy at Miss Astors [?] and Madame Denisan
Wednesday called at Uncle James’, Thursday went into the Market
Friday called with Miss Piercy and Mary at Mr Buckton's and Mrs Browns the latter talked
about my Uncle James imprudent wedding which is expected to take place next week. My
mother Mary and I called at Mr. Pixell’s and invited them to come.
Tuesday Mrs P lent us a book, containing a framegerrick on the lake. Dr Outram written by
Miss Middleton's brother
Sat: got a boil on my forehead, and my eyes and face much swelled.
Sunday and Monday unwell. bad swelled face, on Monday Miss Piercy and Mary drank tea
at Mr Alcock's, Tuesday Mr. Pixel and Frederick spent the evening with us. Uncle James
married to Miss Ryley a pawnbroker's daughter, very much against the consent of all his friends,
they were married at Ashton and spent the day at Dudley. The Bride was dressed in a white
satin bonnet and veil and blue silk pelisse. A very wet week, and not very well. Friday Mr
and Mrs Samuel Alcock William Docker & Ralph spent the evening with us, they both came,
and went late. We danced, and played at cards. Joseph, at a sale, did not come home till 2
in the morning. Uncle James sent Father and Mother gloves, My mother demurred very much
about sending them back.
Miss Piercy returned home. Mother, Mary and I went into the town. Sunday went twice to
Church, Dr Gardiner preached in the morning and Mr Clarke in the afternoon. Had more
snow this week that all winter.
Sunday 3rd went to the New Church Dr Gardiner preached the text 50th chap of Isaiah 10th
Monday Father, Mother, Mary and I called of my new Aunt, who was very glad to see us, they
insisted upon Mary and I staying dinned, she seems a sensible prudent woman, but it was very
much against the consent of all his friends particularly his children that he should marry a wife
no older than his daughter, and a pawnbrokers daughter. Frederick walked home with us.
Tuesday called along with my brother at Mrs McGinnis's, saw Miss Perkins there. Josh returned
from Lydon Green where he had stayed a day or two, having gone to shoot a little, as there was a
sharp frost. Friday Eusebius and Mr Brindley dined with us, in the afternoon Joseph and
Eusebius went to Yardley. Sunday called Mrs Davis who was poorly, have not spoken to her for
months, cousin William called to invite Mary and I to stay a week there, went on Tuesday
Wed. Mr and Mrs Fairfax, Miss Egington Mr H Dickenson and Mr T Lewty spent the evening
there. Thursday Frederick came. Sunday went to Hardsworth Church Frederick and Mr T
Lewty came to tea and spent the evening,
Mon went a walk in the morning to Handsworth Church, after dinner Mr T Lewty came and went
a walk with us round by Winiongreen. Tues came home, have staid just a week, enjoyed myself
much. A dreadful accident happened to Mr. Reynold of Smewthuik [?] while we were at
Handsworth who was thrown out of his Gig and had his leg dreadfully fractured. Mrs R who
was in the Gig with him escaped unhurt. A boy who held the horse had his eye knocked out:
Mrs Welch dined with us on Tuesday. Thurs: Mrs Welch Mary and I dined at Auns [?] Henry's,
we walked over to Handsworth to fetch Mrs W.
March Aunt Elizabeth very ill, Dr Johnstone attends her. My cough very bad also my Father's a
very unhealthy time, the weather is changeable. Friday Dr Johnstone called Aunt Elizabeth very
ill. Sunday went to New Church a very wet day Dr Gardiner's Sermon was upon cruelty to the
___tional [illegible] and dumb creation the text was , "The Dumb itself speaking with man's
voice forbad the madness of the prophets. Mr Saml Alcock called. Josh went to St Phillip's
along with him and Ralph and Docker. Aunt Elizabeth very ill Dr Johnstone attends her
constantly. The weather very unfavourable for invalid's cold East winds.
April 1st Miss Piercy came to stay a day or two with us. Aunt Elizabeth very ill indeed. Busy
altering Frocks & c. Sunday went to the New Church heard the Bishop preach, never saw the
Church so full the collection amounted to 86 L and in the morning at St. Martins to
91 L.
Aunt Elizabeth keeps getting worse every day.
Mrs. Askin in Birmingham. April 30th ordered new frocks & spencers. May 6th finished a
May 15th Sunday staid at home in the morning with mu Aunt, in the afternoon went to
Church. Mr Clarke preached. Aunt Elizabeth keeps getting worse. Heard of Miss Evan's
death. Miss Austen came to board with Aunt Henry. Birmingham fair, I was not well with
the ear ache, invited to tea to Uncle Jame's did not go.
Saturday drank tea at Mr Saml Alcock's, met there Mr and Mrs Sanders and Miss Jones. Never
been into the fair except down sale End, it is to last 3 days longer than usual. A boy met with a
dreadful accident, had his arm torn off by the Tiger.
Sunday, did not go to Church, S A Welch called, and John came over from Yardley to enquire
after my Aunt.
Tuesday Uncle and Aunt Lovelace came to tea. Wednesday called of Mrs Pixel, found her very
ill, but up and dressed. Thursday went in the town and to Mrs Westons along with Miss Austen.
Friday morning called to enquire how Mrs Pixel did, very much shocked to find her dead, she
died about 6 in the morning very early.
June 10th In the evening went a walk into the town along with Miss Austen say mrs Kidding's
fashions. My Aunt very ill, does not get any better. Dr. Johnstone attends her.
19th Josh of age spent the day at home. Wednesday Miss Piercy came and stopped till Friday.
Friday Josh spent the day out, Mr Jacob treated him with a dinner on account of his coming of
age. Arthur called.
Sat: my Aunt a great deal worse. Thursday 23rd Mrs Crowder came, I dressed my Aunt and
have assisted Mrs E since she came. think her end fast approaching. June 20th Miss Turner
married to H Langley Uncle John and Aunt Elizabeth gloves and Cake. Aunt Elizabeth very
much worse had her bed removed into the sitting room.
June 30th
July 1st My Aunt took to her bed.
July 2nd Saturday I thought my Aunt rather easier in the morning, had her bed eased in the
afternoon, her cough incessant, in the evening, a great rattling in her throat, could scarcely
swallow anything I made her a pudding which she ate part of and fed her the last time she eat
[sic] anything. The rattling continued until she died which happened about half past 2 on
Sunday morning she died easy. Sunday July 3rd At about 6 Joseph called us up and told us
all was over.
July 3rd Mrs Nelles came and assisted Mrs Crowder to lay her out. Saw her both before and
after. Joseph gone to inform them at Yardley. A beautiful morning. The last words she said
were, "God bless them all." In the afternoon wrote to Aunt Jane. Mrs Horton came. Monday
Mrs Crowder went to buy out petticoats flannel &c. A delightful day Mrs Davis and Mrs Horton
sent to enquire after us. Have not seen my Aunt today though have been in the room several
times. Think of having the funeral on Saturday. Tuesday Miss Piercy here assisted us to make
our petticoats & Triles [?]
Wednesday morning the coffin came, a very handsome one covered with black cloth my Aunt a
good deal changed, was put in it as soon as it came. have not seen her nor do intend since the
day she died. Uncle and Aunt Lovelace came to tea did not see my Aunt as she was so much
changed. Had a letter from Mrs Askin saying Aunt Jane wished H Langley Mr Webb and Mr
Alcock to have hatbands and Lovelace and John crape [crepe?] ones, wrote back to say their [sic]
were nearer relations who would expect if they had.
Friday evening Mrs Askin came, very busy all day preparing for the funeral. Sat: morning up
early, towards nine the people began to assemble, Mrs Askin and Aunt Henry came early, the
bearers were Mr Workman, William at Yardley, Mr Wright, Mr Hodson, Jesse, & Mr Jordan.
Mr Pixel came to breakfast. The mourners were Uncle John and Josh first and my father and
Uncle Lovelace Last. Mr Horton likewise attended, and the beadle who had his staff covered
all over. There was a hearse and two coaches. She was just turned 65. Mrs Askin Aunt Henry
and Uncle John Uncle Lovelace &c were present when the will was opened which was
immediately after they returned from the funeral. all present thought it a remarkable just one.
Sunday Josh & Mrs Askin were the only two that went to church thy after went to dinner to
Handworth. Mr Pixel went to enquire how we were.
Monday a deal of [one illegible thend?] my Aunts death appeared in the paper. my Uncle John
had a letter from Uncle Saml where he expressed his concern for my Aunt's death and thanks my
Uncle for his clever letter, Tuesday Mrs Askin spent the day with us, did my Mother's bonnet
and took our measure.
Wednesday Mr A & Aunt Henry called, Father and Mother went to Handsworth Mrs W Welch
very ill indeed.
Friday Joseph went to the play with Miss Austin. Sat our clothes came from Cheadle. Sunday
morning went to Church the first I have been since my Aunts death never recollect the weather
so hot, in the evening went a walk as far a Edgbaston church. Monday evening went to town.
Sunday morning and afternoon went to Church in the evening went to the Coach about a parcel,
the weather still very hot though rather cooler than it has been.
Thursday Mrs Saml Alcock called & Uncle & Aunt James. Tuesday Mr and Mrs James Welch
Aunt Henry little Mary and Miss Austen drank tea with us. Thursday Mr Pixel Anna Maria and
Frederick Welch drank tea and spent the evening with us, exceeding wet. Sat went to stay at
Yardley. Fanny went with us to carry our box there. Sunday went to Yardley Church Mr Davis
and Mr Martin did the duty of the latter preached, the subject about Daiel, "And when David
knew that the writing was signed he prayed 3 times as he was used to do heretofore. Went to
Church in the afternoon Mr Davis both read the prayers and preached a most excellent sermon
chiefly on works. Monday evening took a walk into Yardley. Tuesday went to Mr Homers to tea
also went nutting.
Sunday went to Yardley Church twice Mr Mortimer's subject was on the duty of parents to their
children. The rest of the week walked in the garden and the fields, Uncle Lovelace read one of
Scott's novels to us called the Crusaders, it consists of two tales called the "Betrothed" and the
Talisman. Friday Uncle Lovelace brought us home as far as the Old Church in his Gig.
Sep 8th Arthur Miller supped with us.
Sep 9th called at Mr Pixells to invite them to come & see us but they were out. Wednesday Mrs
Docker Mr Saml Alcock and Elizabeth drank tea here. W Docker came to supper. Thursday
[illegible] Mary and I drank tea and spent the evening at Mr Saml Alcocks met there Mr & Mrs
Sanders Mr, Mrs, and Miss Piercy and Miss Clarke, William Docker came in the evening it was
late when we came home, Next day drank tea & supped at Aunt Henry’s met there W, T, and
my Piercy Young Allen Mr Hartle and Mr Key spent a very pleasant day. N B/ Piercy's Miss
Austen and Henry came to see us one day in the last week. Have not had so much visiting a long
Friday and Sat very unwell, think I had too much exertion. Sunday very unwell indeed, suppose
it was the fever which I have had coming on. Kept my bed the greatest part of the next fortnight,
Uncle James very attentive in visiting me. was taken with the fever about a week before the fair
which is the 29th of September. the first time I got up to breakfast was the first of November,
have been very ill indeed. About 3 weeks ago Eusebuis Langley and William Walter's came, the
former brought us a fine Pheasant they dined here last 2 days, could not prevail upon them to
stay longer. Frederick has likewise been over. October 30th
had my hair cut. Nov 1st Mrs
Parker died about 2 in the morning; at night she was down stairs playing at cards, her complaint
was gout at the stomach, it was a great shock to them all.
Nov 5th Mrs Parker was buried at the old church Mr Cook and Mr Kennedy attended. Nov 6th
went to Church. Mr Clarke preached the text 13th chap of St Matthew 54th verse. "Whence hath
this man this wisdom and these mighty works." Heard to dangerously ill Ralph Alcock was with
a fever in his brain. Oct 23rd heard Mr Williams he preach a charity sermon the text, "The poor
shall never cease out of the land."
Nov 13th Mrs H Langley sent us a Hare and a Pheasant. Went to the New Church Mr Clarke
preached the text, "4 Chapter of the first of Timothy part of the 8th verse." "Godliness is
profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is & of that which is to come."
Thursday Nov 17th Father and Mother went to Yardley to stay a few days. Friday a very
wet day. Howarth and Miss Austen came to spend the evening with us.
Sat The weather fine Mary and I went a walk beyond the turnpike Josh and Howarth went to
Hales owen after 1 when they came home. Sunday morning fine went to the New Church
heard an excellent sermon from Mr Clarke 18 Chapter of Genesis 19 verse "For I know him
that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way
of the Lord, to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he
hath spoken of him." In the morning Josh went to Yardely, expect them home his evening.
Mon Father and Mother came home.
Wednesday Mrs H and W Welch came to dinner cousin William and Mr Lewty came to tea.
Heard news that very much surprised me, which was, that Howarth was married, no one knew
of it, they were married last August at Ashton, the girl is a tailor's daughter who lives next door
to Mr Jacob's. He is just 19.
Friday Nov 25th dined at Aunt Henry's met Mrs W Welch there Mr Lewty came to tea. Sunday,
got a cold did not go to Church.
Thursday Cousin Ann returned from Cheadle after a stay of 3 months told us Eusebuis was
married to Sarah Walters. Mrs Askin sent us a hare. Had a letter from Aunt Jane who has been
very poorly. In the evening Miss Austen came. Friday morning called at Mr Parkers in the
evening they called and sat an hour with us.
Sat: In the morning went a walk as far as the second turnpike For the evening Miss Parker came
and asked [illegible one word] sit an hour with them. expected Miss Austen to tea but she sent a
note to say she was poorly.
Sunday 2nd Sunday in Advent went to New Church Dr Gardiner preached the text was the 1st
chapter 1st Corinthians 30 Verse. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us
wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption.
Thursday Miss Austen came to tea and Miss Parker came and sat an hour in the evening, Miss
Austen and Aunt Henry have had a violent quarrel. Sunday very wet but went to Church. Dr
Gardiner preached. Monday Mary and I went to Parkers. Wed: Drew a little.
Dec. 14th bad thunder & lightening [sic] very [one word illegible] alarmed. 16 Rain on all the
Banks. Sunday dany [?] and wet Mr Clarke preached the text was the first chapter of Hebrews 1
Verse. Mr Brindley sent us a couple of very fine pheasants, Josh took one of them to Yardley, In
the afternoon went to Cheadle.
Monday morning went and sat an hour with Miss Parkers in the afternoon Mary and I went a
walk as far as Mr Smith's on the harborne road when we came back W Docker called to ask us to
accompany him to Flethcers ball on Friday, which we declined
Sunday Xday, the morning wet and damp went to Church Mr Clarke read prayers Dr Gardiner
preached [1 word illegible] the Sacrament went to Church in the afternoon Mr Chapman
preached Monday Josh went to Yardley to stay a few days, Miss Parker called, the weather fine
in the morning but snow in the afternoon.
Monday and Tuesday fine and frosty, Monday Fred drank tea with. Thursday Snow. Not had
any Xmasing at present.
Monday Sarah Ann & John came to stay a short time with us, Mrs Askin and Aunt Henry called,
in the afternoon went a walk along the Bromsgrove road Miss Parker's invited us to spend a
pleasant evening. The weather very cold and frosty Tuesday took a walk into the town
Uncle and Aunt [1 word illegible] Mrs Askin Aunt [finished for this year]
January 1st 1826 A thaw got rather a cold so did not go to Church. What a many changes since
this day twelve months, how many that I knew then in perfect health are now laid in the silent
tomb Oh how can I be sufficiently thankful that I am permitted to see the beginning of another
year. Oh how uncertain whether I may see another, Grant O Lord that whether I live to see this
year completed or no I may spend it better and be more prepared than I am now for that great
change which must happen to me and all mankind, if it be thy blessed will spare to me my dear,
dear parents, my brother and sister and all my relations that we my all again behold another, and
that I and all of us may keep in mind, "this is my commandment that ye love one another" 3
twelve months have now elapsed since my dear sister Elizabeth died, but is still often thought of
by us. May all be reunited together.
Tuesday Jonathon and Lucy spent the evening with us, Wednesday a cold bleak day, hear of the
death of Philip Rawlin's, drank tea and spent the evening at Aunt Davis's, a long time since I
have been there. Mr McCulay and Miss Green were there, Mr Lowe was not there. Henry [this
could be Heny] and cousin Ann drank tea with us, Miss Parker brought her cuttings out to show
Wednesday morning went into the town. The Miss Parkers' and Lucy drank tea with us.
Thursday drank tea at Uncle James's, Friday at Aunt Davis's met Mr Lowe & cousin Anne there,
Sat: spent the evening at Aunt Henry's there was a large party, Lovelace, Mr Hay, Mr Hank
Young Allen James Piercy cousin Anne the two Young Baker's and Miss Allen, did not come
home till 2 in the morning; Sunday morning Lovelace breakfasted with us, Went to Church
twice. Monday spent the day at Hone, Tuesday Uncle and Aunt Lovelace dined with us called 3
times at Aunt Davis's, Wednesday drank tea at Mr Lowe's along with Aunt Davis, Lucy, Uncle
and Aunt Jame's and cousin Anne played at cards, Uncle James my partner, Thursday drank tea
at Aunt Davis's Mr Lowe Mr Langton and Mr MacAulay were there, Miss Parkers came and sat
an hour or two with us. Friday Lovelace came to take Anne back, Mary and I went into the
town, Mr MacAulay sent to know if we would go with him to the news room, declined it.
Sunday went twice to the New Church, Monday Mrs Davis called, Mary and I called at Mr
Pixel's, W Docker came and played a game at cards.
January 30th called at Aunt Henry's heard of the death of my cousin Felix, he died Sat 28th
a long illness. Went to Miss Rawlin's sale, bought several lots, in the afternoon drank tea at Mr
Parker's. Tuesday Lucy called, went to Mrs Christians sale, Thursday Miss Parker came and sat
the morning with us.
Friday Parkers invited us to tea did not go. Sunday Feb 5th went to New Church, Dr Gardiner
preached, the text was the 11th Chap of St John 26th verse. "Whosoever liveth and believeth on
me, shall never die." The afternoon wet did not go. Monday Miss Parker's came to tea. Ash
Wednesday went to Church, Mr Clarke read the service, there were a many people. Sunday went
to St Phillips Mr Clarke preached. "Remember Lots Wife." In the afternoon Mr Chapman
preached. Tuesday Valentine's day, mine is Joseph, received a Valentine, Aunt Henry Josh and
Mary drank tea along with Miss Piercy Josh came to fetch us home staid supper. Wednesday
very wet. went and sat in the morning along with Miss Parker's gave me some seeds of the fruit
bearing Passion tree. Mr Davis and Lucy called invited us to tea on Friday. Thursday evening
went to Parker's Mr and Mrs J Max [?] were there. Friday my cold bad did not go to Mrs
Thursday Father, Mother, Mary and I drank tea at Mr Parker's, spent a pleasant evening, in the
morning Mrs Mason called. Got a bad cold. Thursday morning went to town, In the afternoon
Mr Pixel, Frederick Anna Maria and Emily drank tea and spent the evening with us also Lucy.
Friday morning went a walk called at Mr parker's in the afternoon went and called in Bull St [?]
Sunday went to New Church Dr Gardiner preached in the morning and Mr Chapman in the
afternoon. Wednesday was very sorry indeed to hear of the death of Mrs Docker, she died on
Sunday, her death was sudden having been taken with spasms on the Wednesday proceeding.
Feby 28th Thursday Mr Parker John, Henry, Mrs Moore Miss Parker and Mary drank tea with
March 10th Drank tea at Handsworth, the weather remarkably fine Josh came to bring us home.
Sunday went twice to Church Dr Gardiner preached in the morning a very fine sermon "I am."
16th My Birthday. Sunday, went to Church Mr Clarke preached in the morning, a most excellent
sermon, went again in the afternoon Mr Carless read prayers and Mr Chapman preached,
Monday evening sat with the Miss Parker's, played at Fox and Goose. Have a girl called Jane
Russel, staying a short time with us till she can get a place which is very convenient as we are
busy preparing to flill [?].
Mrs W Welch called in the Gig but did not get out. Sunday Frederick drank tea with us 19th
24th March Good Friday went to Church in the morning busy in the afternoon removing a few of
the things into the back kitchen it being the only room Miss Newby would allow us Sat: Lady
day up early, Mr Horton came to assist us to remove Mr Parker and all the family very civil,
offered their man to assist us. I staid at the old house to see the things off most of the things
removed on Sat: might indeed every thing but a few shelves, everything went on very well in the
evening tolerably straight. Hodgson and a man came to do the garden was not required to give
up the key till Tuesday or Wednesday if we liked it. Sunday in the morning went to St Phillips
Mr Clarke preached a very good Sermon the text was 19 Chap of Job 25 Verse. "For I know that
my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth."
Felt quite at home. Jonathan and Lucy walked home with us, they had been at Zion chapel to
hear Mr MacAulay, agreed to go with them in the evening. Josh gone to Yardley. After tea
Mary and I settled at Mrs Davis's to go with them to Zion Chapel Mr MacAulay preached a very
good Sermon, "Love not the world neither the things that are in the world." he also read and
expounded the 7 Chap of the Acts. after service he walked home with us. Tuesday went to
town, as we were going who should we see but Eusebuis Langley, he came to Birmingham with
Mr Brindley, the farmer dined with us, as also John Welch, called at Mrs Robert's to ask them to
come and emn the windows, she was very glad to see us, told us her son was married. In the
afternoon went with Nick [?] Miss P and John to the blue school to hear the children balloted for,
50 were admitted, a greater number than was ever before known I think I have offended JP by
refusing to take his arm. Mrs Jas Welch and Mr Burman were there, the former drew a blank. E
Langley told as Aunt Jane was gone to live at Mrs W Walter's. Went to town. Friday morning
went to town, Cousin Ann called to invite us to tea in Buu St on Tuesday, to meet Newcott's[?]
and Mr and Mrs Burman, Cousin Anne likes this house better that the other, in the afternoon Mrs
Parker Miss, P. Margaret John & Henry drank tea with us, liked the house very much.
Sunday went twice to Church in the morning Mr Clarke's text was 1 Chap of John verse 4 and
the afternoon Mr Chapman's "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gifts." Tuesday Father,
Mother, Mary and I drank tea in Bull St. Mr and Mrs Welch were there, the former was thrown
and had his collar bone broke a short time ago, we also met there Mr and Mrs Newcott [?] and
daughter and Mr Burman and his mother. Friday Father Mary and I drank tea at Aunt Henry's,
Mr and Mrs Jas Welch Anne and Mr Weston and nephew the former showed us a very good
Sunday was not well did not go to Church, Monday M Parker very ill indeed called to see her,
Tuesday morning and evening called at Parker's Mary very ill. Wednesday called to see M P
found her rather better called at Mrs Davis's. Sunday went twice to Church, Monday called in
Bull St invited them to come, Tuesday Father and Mary went to Yardley Mother and I called to
see is Pixel who is come to be with her Father. called to invite Mrs Davis and Lucy Wednesday
cousin Anne Aunt Henry and Lucy drank tea with us Mr and Mrs JS Welch did not come, the
former much vexed about his gig which he kept at Livery stables being seized because the tenant
could not pay the rent. Mr Tregent was the Landlord . Friday much pleased at M Parkers jaw
being unlocked. Have not walked in the road so much lately, the garden being so much better
than at the other house, it is quite an amusement to us. Went to hear Mons Alexandre the
ventriloquist very much praised and pleased he bring the first I ever heard. M Parker worse than
ever, sat up with her on Saturday night along with Mrs Moore her jaw still locked and struggling
[one word illegible] and stiffness Dr Johnstone says it approaches mirror to Catalepais than any
he ever witnessed.
Sat 29th April Mrs Waller dined with us. Sunday did not go to Church having sat up all
night. M Parker very ill indeed.
Sunday May 14th went out of mourning for our dear Aunt Elizabeth, [one word illegible]
Sunday, Fanny gone home Mrs Rose comes in a morning to make the fires & c. The weather
beautifully fine. M P better. Thursday, fair, drank tea at Uncle James’ Friday they came here
from Yardley. Sunday hear a very good sermon from Mr Clarke "For we know in part. Tuesday
Mary and I walked over to Handsworth and brought Mrs W back to dinner, Aunt Henry also
dined with us Mr and Mrs Jas Welch Anne and Johnathan drank tea with, the weather very hot,
The Sale at Hams to begin to day May
Sunday Henry Welch and James Piercy came to tea Miss P has been staying with us, Mr
Moore preached in the morning and Mr Kennedy in the afternoon. Wednesday went to Mrs
Davis's to tea, Johnathan very poorly Friday June 2 a confirmation at St Phillip's it is to be two
days Friday for the country people and Saturday for the towns. very fine on the Friday after the
confirmation the Bishop gave a most excellent charge to those who had been confirmed in the
plainest language. Dr Gardiner was over. Fanny called at Mr Sevinson's for Zelueo. Monday
Mrs Mason dined with us. Mary Parker taken dreadfully ill with spasms Fanny sat up with her.
8 June Mr Pixel, Frederick and Mary Jane spent the evening with us. Miss Parker and Mrs
Mason called to hear Mr Pixel play. think Mary is getting a little better. Friday June (Father and
Uncle John walked over to Yardley the weather very fine and warm
Friday morning went to Church W Docker came to tea. Monday morning before I got up very
much shocked to hear of the death of my Aunt Jane she died Sunday morning June 11th. She has
been declining a long time but had not the most distant idea of being near death of even the
impossibility of her death H Langley wrote to inform us, Uncle John likewise received a letter
from Uncle Saml George went to Yardley to inform them.
Saturday 17th June wrote to Mrs Askin to order out mourning voz. [?] black frock Spencers &
handkerchief our hats we sent out to be new made up. At night heard from Cheadle had been
expecting a letter all week. Mrs Askin informed us Aunt Jane was up on the Sat: dressed as
usual with watch &c that she had new bonnet trimmed and a part of new boots, that she said she
did not expect to recover but she should not die yet. She died very early about 3 oclock on
Sunday morning Mrs Askin sent us a sopy of her will, it was not quite satisfactory, Aunt Jane left
the Five Thousand pounds which she had not the power to do so. She left me 50 L and her
clothes to be equally divided between Mary and I. To Mrs Askin she left her watch, bed, bed
quilts and novels to Aunt Henry her sheets She likewise left them money but it was not hers to
leave. Her chest upon [one word illegible] she left me.
Sunday went out for the first time since my Aunt's death went to the olc Church as St Phillips
is shut up. went both morning and afternoon though it was so exceedingly hot Mr Harling
preached in the morning and Mr Moore in the afternoon Mrs Southal came.
Sat July 8th Went to Mr Unett's to swear to my Aunt Elizabeth's handwriting in the codiul[?] to
her will. Johnathan very poorly indeed, "am affraid," [sic] indeed it is my Uncle James’ opinion
that he will never recover. Miss Austen went to [one word illegible] me to call as she was very
ill, an Inflammation on the Chest. Died Friday a week Miss Townsen after a few days illness
She was sister to Mrs Green and died at her house. The weather excessively hot, had several bad
thunder storms, and very little rain a long time. Cousin Frederick left his situation but Mrs Jah
[?] will not have him at home, he is now at Handsworth and looks very ill having had the
Jaundice. Sunday in the morning went the Olc Church Mr Moore read prayers and Mr Kennedy
preached "Except yr righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall
in no case enter into the kingdom of Heaven." In the evening Margaret Parker called to ask us to
go with them to their garden which we did.
Monday Mrs Wright and her two children came to tea she was very sorry to hear of the death of
my Aunt Jane, in the evening Josh went a walk with us to look at the reservoir walked over
where Roach pool formerly stood.
Sunday morning went to Edg Caston and in the afternoon to St Martins Parker's said they would
go with us, but we called at Mrs Davis's. Monday we went to Mr Lowe's to hear the children
speak the play written by Mr MacAulay, much pleased with young Hobday ]?] and Edwin, the
play went off very well except when the Captain shoots the Colonel, the pistols would not go off
and they had to stop and load them two or three times first. In the afternoon drank tea with
Susan an old servant who lived nine years with us, she has three fine children, went to there
garden and had some nice fruit.
[illegible 1 word] went to town in the evening met W Docker and Mrs Hall asked us very much
to go to the play along with them. Friday July 29 drank tea and supped at Mrs Pixell's
had a very pleasant visit.
Sunday 23rd Went to see St Martins in the morning Mr Chapman in the evening went for the
first time to St Bartholem Mr Harking read the prayers and Mr Garbett preached met Henry who
much surprised us by telling us Mrs Askin was come in the evening she called of us, My Mother
and her not very friendly, Monday Lucy and Johnathan rank tea with us went a walk called at
Parker's saw Miss P's cuttings out. Not very well, the weather exceedingly hot, the weather dryer
than it has been upwards of twenty years. Wednesday Mrs Mason drank tea here walked part of
the way home with her. Friday called at Aunt Henry's much surprised to find Mrs Askin gone to
Warrington. Called at Parker's, Mrs Davis sent to invite us to tea did not feel very well so
declined it, herd from Joseph says he met with a very kind reception from Mr and Mrs H
Langley, was very near meeting with a serious accident as the Coach was going down Folebank
[?] the horses fell down, the leaders a good deal hurt but the passangers fortunately sustained no
injury. Says in his letter that Saml Sherratt had been fighting the night before and was so afraid
that my Father should see his black and bruised face that he had been barely employed all
morning painting his bruises. The New Church still shut up and will continue so some time
longer. Sunday, hotter than ever wet to Edgbaston Church heard an excellent sermon from Mr
Pixel, Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only. Sorry to hear Uncle Lovelace's servant man
has left then, am afraid they will not meet with one to suit them again so well, They have sold the
grey, a very fine horse remarkably well 100 L was the price they got for it.
Sunday evening, went to the coach disappointed at not finding him come Monday thundered and
lightened, the hottest day we have had this summer, the thermometer at 90 deg. July 31 Josh
came home has had a very pleasant visit Miss Parker came. Tuesday not quite so hot, Thursday
drank tea at Aunt Davis's met Cousin Anne and Mr Hewet [?] there lightened very bad, Sat went
into the town heard that Mrs Armitage had cut her throat. Young Green alarmed us on Tuesday
morning by knocking violently at the entry door and threatening to call the watch he has since
proved quite insane and has had two men with him from the workhouse besides a nurse, has had
on a strangers waistcoat and been tied down it has really been very distressing to hear him, he is
now a little better. Sunday morning went to Edgbaston Church, Cousin William and Frederick
drank tea with us, went a walk with them.
Monday drank tea at Aunt Henry's Mr Perkin's came to tea think him very pleasant. Tuesday
Mr Pixell called. The weather still continues very hot, I believe the wheat looks well, vegetables
very scarce a great deal of thunder and lightning and several fatal accidents have happened. But
to look at St Phillips Church which they are beautifying very much painting the pillars of a
marble colour and gilding the tip of them very richly, indeed altogether it has a very opended [?]
Thursday Miss Piercy came to tea walked part of the way home with her Sat heard she was very
poorly called to see her, found he much better Sunday went twice to Edgbaston Church and in
the evening to Ebenezer Monday morning went to town had my hair cut. M Parker much worse
I am afraid there is no chance of her recovery. She was getting much better a week or two ago.
Tuesday drank tea at Uncle James's. Wednesday Fanny sat up with M Parker thought it
impossible she could survive the night. Friday Old Mr Frances was buried at Mosely, a very
handsome Funeral went a walk in the morning as far as Edgbaston Church along with Johnathan
and Lucy, the weather still very hot and rain much wanted. After tea called at Mr Pixell's was
surprised to find Anna Maria was come she looks very poorly. M Parker still very ill indeed,
think it astonishing she has continued so long.
Sunday morning went to Edgbaston, the weather excessively hot called to see M Parker found
her very ill indeed, her cough worse than I ever heard any ones. Monday Mac Cready performs
at the Theatre hope too. Called at Mr Pixell's Anna Maria in a very poor state. Monday, Father,
Mary Johnathan Lucy and I set out to the play, I lost my party and after waiting about 3 quarters
of an hour was obliged to come home alone, a gentleman told them he had seen me on the other
side of the pit [?] and as my Uncle had left them they concluded I was with him. Tuesday went
to Cars lane to hear Mrs Fry's brother preach he is a Quaker, his name is Gurvey, the meeting
was very full. On Monday the evening Mac Cready performed the Theatre was robbed of
upwards of 200 L. Thursday he performed again to make up the loss to the manager, The play
was Virginus [?] much disappointed I could not go, as I had reeved a previous invitation to Mr
Saml Alcock's to meet Mr and Mrs Sanders & came home about 12 in a car along with Mrs
Friday called to see M Parker found her a little better. Sunday not quite well did not go out
any where Sat: morning called at Mr. Pixell's Josh has been going the boundaries of Harborne
parish it is upward of 30 years since they have been gone over sad work putting them into a [?]
fits [?], holes canals & c [one word illegible] make them remember the boundaries Joseph was
put in together with the clergyman, the curate, Mr Price the magistrate Mr Simcoe his sons & a
nephew of he earl of Stamford &c 50 boys were in all together.. Josh came home quite an object
his hat without a crown as also was Mr Jacobs they both rode in a gig together in that condition.
Wed August 28th called to see Miss Pixell previous to her return to Berkshire also called to see
Mary Parker Thursday drank tea at Aunt Henry's Miss Piercy was there. Saturday went into the
town called at Mrs Frances's along with my Mother. Miss Frances appeared very low, [illegible
initials] had been in a very infirm state a long time, but he went off very suddenly at the last.
Have had several very bad thunderstorms lately, but have not heard of any serious accidents near
Birmingham. Several lives have been lost in different parts of the Kingdom.
September 1st. Believe it to be a remarkably good season for game. Sunday the New Church
opened, it has been shut about 10 weeks, Dr Gardiner preached an excellent sermon upon the
occasion, went in the afternoon Mr Chapman preached, "Who is on my side who? and there
looked out two or three unto him."
Monday went to look at the reservoir, they got on with it very far. Tuesday called at Uncle
Jame's, J Parker sent us a brace of partridges the first we have had. Thursday and Friday wet. Sat
went into the town, called at Mr Saml Alcock's, invited them to spend the evening with us on
Monday. Sunday morning went to St Phillips Mr Clarke preached in the afternoon went to
Edgbaston. Monday my Uncle Aunt and Anne came from Yardley, W Piercy called. Tuesday
Aunt Henry invited us to meet Mrs W Welch did not go as we expected Mr Saml Alcock and W
Docker in the evening, Wednesday Josh gone to Harborne surveying expect he will be there a
week or two. The weather very pleasant.
Wednesday September 13th Johnathan came home much worse. Joseph begun the survey of
Harborne parish. The wake over, but a man who is walking for a wager causes a many people to
be about, he walks from the Swan to the top of Calthorp Street, [one word illegible] and forwards
about 90 miles. September 14th called to see Johnathon think he looks much worse, also called
to see M Parker, she is quite wandering in her mind, though her health appears rather better.
Joined with Aunt Henry in some Damsons we had a strike between us, ave six shillings and
sixpence a strike for them, they are remarkably fine ones, had them from Mr Green of Yardley.
Sunday morning went to St Phillips MR Clark preached was surprised to see the chancel gallery
was erected, and the pulpit moved to the other end of the Church prepatory to the Oratories.
William Piercy, James, Henry and George came to dinner In the afternoon Miss Piercy came,
went to Edgbaston Church Johnathon came in the evening, Monday morning Joseph went to
Harborne for the week, Howarth breakfasted here Tuesday and Wed very wet in the afternoon of
the latter drank tea and spent the evening along with Miss Piercy enjoyed ourselves very much
the evening turned out very fine. Thursday morning went into town met Mr. H Pixel, Miss Foote
performing at the Theatre, should like very much to go, but do not intend asking as the Oratories
will so soon be here. Friday the day very fine, went into the town called at Uncle Jame's and at
Mrs Davis's who returned yesterday from Newport. Saturday Mr Wilm Alcock and Lovelace
Welch drank tea with us, in the evening called at Mr Pixell's they have agreed to dine with us on
Monday week having so many engagements they could not come before. Miss Austen sent Mary
and I a present of some fruit. Sunday morning we went to St Phillips Mr Clarke preached in the
afternoon intended to go [to]Edgbaston but there will be no more afternoon service at present so
went along with Miss Austen, who drank tea with us to St Phillips, caught in the rain as we
Monday 25th very wet. Tuesday morning went into the town looked at Beardsworth repository,
bought a pair of Gloves. Wed Sept 27th fine, Lovelace called to say they would dine with us on
Friday it being the fair. Thursday the fair, a fine day Fanny's father came, brought us two fine
pheasants and some nuts. Uncle John gave me 2sh. Friday Mrs Maso and Anna Maria Pixel
called Uncle Lovelance and Lovelance and John dined with us, went as far as Cottrells' bought a
gauge handkerchief gave only 1 sh and 6d for the square, have not been into the town. In the
evening went to Mr Pixell's asked them if they had any objection to go with us to go to the
concert on the contrary they said they should be glad to go with us and asked which day we
should prefer going, we all fixed for Wednesday: so Mr Henry was to go on Sat: to ballot for us:
Sat went to Hooloway's to buy a lace met Mrs Davis there walked home with her. Fanny's father
gone home, have not been into the fair.
Sunday Oct 1st The morning fine, went to St Phillips Mr Clarke preached on forgiveness of
iniquity [illegible?] Monday October 2nd the first stone was laid for a new Church at Holloway
Head there were great numbers of persons and all the clergy attended. Mr Pixell Frederick Anna
Maria and Emily dined with us, was rather disappointed Mr H Pixell did not come, as he had
received a letter to say the clergyman of the next parish was dead and he must immediately
return Lucy and Johnathon drank tea with us. Tuesday the first day of the long talked Oratories,
Went into the town Uncle and Aunt Lovelace and Anne, spent the day in Bull St. along with
Mary. There were 3 cars full from Uncle Jame's to the concert. Felt very low after Breakfast
sent to see Mr Jacob's to inquire after Howarth who we heard on Sunday evening had fallen into
the well as Mr Jacob's. The fact was that this Mr J had a favourite dog which had tumbled into
the well and which Mr J thought was dead. Howarth as soon as he heard of it went to the well
and the cord having cut his hand dreadfully he let go his hold & was precipitated to the bottom a
distance of above 30 yds where he remained in dreadful anguish upwards of three quarters of an
hour, this happened on Sunday evening between 11 and 12 oclock and he expired very easily
about 3 oclock the next day, Joseph was with him when he died. He was insensible from the
time he was taken out of the well. a coroners inquest sat on the body and a verdict of accidental
death was brought in. He was buried at St Phillips on Friday in a plain way. Wed the day fine,
Uncle and Aunt Lovelace SAW [initials?] and Anne Welch dined here in the evening Mr Pixell
and Anna Maria called of us in a walk to go with them to the concert never was more pleased.
Mr Braham sang delightfully and Miss Stephens, Miss Travis I though a pleasing singer. We
heard Madame Caradoriand and Miss Bacon the former sang chiefly in Italian the latter has a
very powerful voice, though I do not think her a pleasing singer. We got home in good time.
Thursday walked into the town and in the evening drank tea at Aunt Henry's with Anne who is
staying with us, the Piercy's were there and Mr Parker's think the latter [2 words illegible] staid
rather late. Friday went into the town called ar Mrs Davis's. Joseph went along with Mr Jacob to
the concert. Mr H Langley sent by Father, Uncle John, Uncle Lovelace and Aunt Henry a hare,
unknown [?] to Mr Pixell. Sat drank tea at Aunt Davis's. Josh and Lovelace went to the play
Miss Pator and Mr Braham sang the house very full, Lovelace slept here. Sunday went to St
Phillip's the church very full, fuller than I ever saw it Dr Gardiner preached they collected
upwards of 85 L. Monday afternoon walked into the town called at Mrs Davis's Miss Lowe was
there. Heard of death of Mrs Jame's she is the 6th or seventh that has died in childbed lately Mrs
Lloyds Mrs Hawkins Mrs Rawlins Mrs Flink Mrs Salt [?] The balloon was to have ascended but
owing to an accident in the machinery it is put off till next Monday. Miss Paton performed at the
Theatre, she was engaged for 70 guineas. Tuesday the day wet, did not walk out, called in the
evening to Miss Parker Wed: cousin Anne called, staid dinner, went into the town, in the
afternoon Sat Welch went home Lovelace came for di[illegible] Josh [is Joseph] at Kingsbury
Mrs Askin over, at Aunt Henry's, she has not yet called for us though she has been in Birm above
a week. thursday Went a walk nearly as far as the send turnpike after dinner Mr Shipton called,
and in the evening Mrs Askin and Jame's Piercy she was very civil to my mother, though very
shy when first she came. Expected Joseph sat up till near 1 oclock, he did not come, my Uncle
sat up till near five. He had written but we did not receive the letter till the next day. Friday
walked as far as the second turnpike. Mr Perkins sent me a volume of Byron's works which he
promised me to read.
Oct 13th Sat called at Mr Pixell's, Anna Maria lent us a novel called the Layalists, caught in the
rain Sunday went both morning and afternoon to St Phillips Sr Spry preached. "Were there not
ten cleansed but where are the nine. Josh dined at Piercy's, Monday my Father and Mother set
off by two oclock to see the Balloon. did not return till 7 could not think what detained them so
long, it did not go off at all, which so incensed the mob that they rushed in and tore it to pieces, it
was to have gone off from the Barrack yard, it is said Mr Graham made a hole in it [one word
illegible] on purpose. it certainly was shameful after taking the people's money not to go on.
Tuesday walked into the town along with my Father, called at Mr Saml Alcock's. Wednesday
18th St Luke {/} went to prayers Mr Chapman read them, expect W and Y Piercy and Henry
Josh at Harborne but expect him this evening. Miss Piercy came with her brothers spent a
pleasant evening W Piercy sang two or three good songs Josh brought some Dalias from
Harborne, by far the most beautiful flowers I ever saw. Thursday a very dull damp day walked
as far as Edgbaston Church, yesterday called to see Miss Austen, as she seems very much hurt at
our never having been to see her, she seems to be in very comfortable lodgings at Mrs Fitzer's in
Islington now. Have violets growing in our garden think it rather remarkable, the latter end of
October, but the weather is very mild for the time of the year. Friday Mrs Rose came here to
brew, called at Mrs Davis's Sat the day fine went into the town. Sunday went twice to town in
the morning Mr Clarke preached and in the afternoon Mr Chapman, Josh dined at Mr Jacob's
Monday called an Aunt Henry;s took Mr Perkins book back. Thursday Mrs Jordan here to wash.
J Parker, Miss Austen and W Piercy called in the morning, the latter is going to London in the
Saturday Fanny was given 2 letters from home saying that her Mother was given over by the
doctors and could not possibly live 24 hours, she went by the Stourbridge Coach which goes by
here, and have not heard from her. Wed the day fine, Drank tea along with Miss Austen spent a
pleasant evening, as we were going, saw Mrs W Welch at Mrs Davis so called. While we were
away Fanny came here, she seemed so distressed that we let her go back again by the
Stourbridge Coach as her mother was still living though in the greatest danger. Margaret Parker
brought some drawings back I lent them invited us to tea. Thursday, very showery Mrs Jordan
comes every morning &c to light the fires. Fanny came for Dr Male [possibly Phale] her mother,
who is still in the greatest danger, she called here staid about half an hour and returned by the
Coach. Friday showery, called at Miss Parker's in the morning, walked in the garden in the
afternoon have not walked much the last week.
Sunday, still without a servant did not go to Church in the morning Mrs Jordan came here to
assist went in the afternoon a stranger read the prayer and Mr Clarke preached, Monday Fanny
came over her Mother still in the greatest danger went back again in the afternoon, was to send a
young woman from Wordsley but she has not been yet. Sunday Mr S Alcock Elizabeth little
William Alcock and W Docker came to tea. Tuesday morning went a walk F Pixell called in the
evening called at Parkers and sat along with tem Mr & Mrs Moore were there. Thursday J
Welch came from Yardley to enquire about my Uncle Mr Pixell Called.
Friday called at Mrs [illegible] to enquire the character of our new servant thought it satisfactory,
called to see poor Mrs Workman who is exceedingly ill. Mrs Davis called Sat a wet
uncomfortable day Mrs Jordan brought, to my great surprise a letter from J Parker Nov 4th
Sunday went to church in the morning. Nov 5th Mr Clarke preached the, the text the 19th Chap
of Proverbs and 21st verse "There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless, the counsel of
the Lord, that shall stand Monday, Uncle John very poorly, Uncle James came t see him, thinks
he has water upon his chest Fanny came here told us her Mother died last Tuesday. She wishes
to live with us again but we have engaged one or we would have had her again. Called upon
Miss Austen but she was out. Tuesday Mrs. [illegible] and Mrs Mason called Friday our new
servant came, Hannah May Mason. Called at Mrs Davis's Mr Pixel called Sunday went twice to
Church Mr Moore preached in the morning and Mr Clarke in the afternoon, Reading "Two
Summers of Clifton" very much pleased with it particularly the two first Volumes. The last
week very cold and frosty. Josh has been at Harborne the last 6 or 7 weeks surveying. Uncle
John much better. Hope our new servant will suit us. Tuesday drank tea at Mrs Davis played at
cards won 2 d of Mr Lowe Thursday poor Mrs Workman died, after a long and very painful
illness which she bore with the greatest patience I ever saw, It was a concern on her breast.
Thursday Miss Austen drank tea and supped with us. Sunday went twice to Church Mr Clarke
preached in the morning and Mr Chapman in the afternoon. Mon [one word illegible] and Aunt
Lovelace John and Anne dined herein the morning went to the Ravenhurst. Tuesday Miss Piercy
came to dinner Lucy, Miss Piercy, Mary and I walked over to the Ravenhurst, the sale was over
before we got there. Have had a bad pouk on my left eye.
Nov 31 [? there is no Nov 31st] My mother and I went to Handsworth to see Mrs W Welch who
has had the Jaundice we found her much better, it is a very long time since we have been at
Handsworth think they were almost offended, very glad to see us, had a good walk home, the
roads terribly dirty. Johnathon and Edwin called in the evening. Sat: Had a letter from Fanny
who we have been expecting all week to say she has had a bad scald, and that she should be very
glad to come again, so we have agreed to take her. My Uncle John got pretty well again. Have
walked out very little in the last week. Sunday went twice to Church Dr Gardiner preached. The
week very wet Thursday called in Buul Street Miss Austen very ill with an inflammatory fever.
Friday took a walk to Edgbaston Church and called at Aunt Henry's. knitting and borders. Sat
expect Fanny
Friday called at Mr Parker's to see Mrs Moore who is in a very poor state of health, have not seen
any of them very lately. Mary is wonderfully recovered can walk out short distances. Wed:
were surprised to see Mary Parker come along with Margaret and sat the evening with us.
Thursday Anna Maria Pixell called, been several walks this week as the weather has been very
fine and mild. Called to enquire how Miss Austen was, sorry to hear she was much worse, her
disorder is an inflammatory fever. Have seen some very pretty ornaments made of pricked
paper, think of doing some.
Tuesday 12th Miss Piercy spent the day along with us, they are going to leave Miss Ashton's
anhave taken a house in Legge St. which they think of going to in a few days. Joseph this week
at Sutton was very late at home every evening this week. Sunday Mr Clarke preached "Search
the Scriptures" in the afternoon Mr Chapman concluded his last Sunday's sermon "Are they not
all ministering spirits." Monday very poorly. Miss Austen getting better. Friday drank tea at Mr
Parker's. Sat went into the town Josh won a wager of a dozen of wine came here to day, the
wager was this Josh said he had walked to Wednesbury, a gentleman present said he would bet
him a bottle of wine of it, Joseph said he would bet him a dozen if he like it, which he agreed to.
Sunday went to Church Dr Gardiner preached, Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given, and
his name shall be called wonderful the mighty Father the Prince of Pead. When I came from
Church was surprised to find a letter for me to find a letter for me from JP. Monday Xmas day
went to church Dr Gardiner preached a continuation of yesterdays sermon the text the same,
stopped the sacrament. Uncle very poorly again, gets scarcely any sleep of night but dozes much
during the day, his cough very troublesome. The weather very mild and dull. Joseph had a letter
from Griffin Walker, they were all well, but had not been fortunate in their affairs.
Have had a cold most of the week, have had no invitations. About a fortnight ago Dosy Milward
died . Wed Aunt Henry's children along with MRs Crowder spent the day with us. Mrs James
Welch put to bed 27th of day Sunday the last day of the old year heard a very excellent sermon
from Dr Gardiner. Monday went into the town called in Bull St saw the child: Uncle John very
poorly Friday drank tea along with Miss Austen. Heard Dr Gardiner had had a stroke. Sunday
Mr Clarke preached in the morning and Mr Chapman in the afternoon.
December 1828 ... Have not written memorandums lately, which is rather unusual, hope to do so
regularly not I have a book.
Monday 8th J Welch dined with us, invited us to the Solihull ball, which is to take place on the
sixth of January in the afternoon turned out wet so he staid all night, went and practiced the
Quadrilles at Mr. [could be Mrs] Greens.
Wed [17th] Mother and Mary gone to prayers. Took a walk in the afternoon Miss Green's
came and sat with us. Just as they were gone a woman came to desire Mr. Welch to go into Dale
end as Mrs. Jost [?] was in labour. Father and Susan went immediately. Jost was out, but quite
steady on his return, Father soon came back. Susan staid all night, Mary and I sat up till half past
2 not knowing whether Susan would come back. Thursday, Susan came home soon after
breakfast, left Mrs. J very poorly but not in labour. Mother and I called found her very sick, she
got worse while we staid, and Josh went for Mr. Hudson, saw her mother and sister for the first
Friday, Susan in Dale end, called in the afternoon found her much better, saw Mr. Hudson there,
had after wanted to know who we were.
Sat: Mother and I called in Dale end Josh was out, staid till he came back, did not seem very
happy together, hope it is only a quarrel, she is got tolerably well again.
Monday [22nd] Monday Father gone to distribute the money for St. Thomas's day. Mother and
Mary gone into the town, could not go as we have masons putting up an oven.
Jany 1st 1889, six years to day since my dear sister Elizabeth died.
Wed, Feby 4th Susan was [word illegible] for before breakfast to Dale end, Mrs Josh was put to
bed 20 minutes past 10, had a bad time Mr Hudson thought he should have been obliged to call
in other advice.. Josh came up before dinner seemed much pleased, said it was the prettiest child
that ever was seen.
Wed, Mother and Mary called in Dale end found Mrs. Josh very poorly. ... Aunt Henry called to
say Mrs. Josh was very ill and that some of us had better go down found her in very great danger,
Susan staid all night, Thursday, morning Susan came home Mrs Js medicine had operated and
she was thought to be out of danger.
Wed. The baby 3 weeks old. Arthur, Mother and I went to see it baptized, a wet, snowy,
uncomfortable day proposed it being called Elizabeth, they all seemed to like it, so Elizabeth it is
15th of March the anniversary of Joseph's [this is Josh] wedding day, just twelve months since.
Lately he has been very steady, hope it will turn out for the best spent a most wretched day this
time last year, heard he was married and did not know who to.
Tuesday March 24th before I got up Susan came into mu room to say that Joseph came home in
liquor last night, that he and his wife had works, and that he turned her out of doors between 12
and 1, she took the child with her 10 oclock have heard no tidings, though have sent everywhere
she is in the habit of going. Joseph very unhappy. Went to town, intending to go to Dale end,
but met Joseph said he had heard his wife was safe but did not know where she was. In the
evening went into Dale end Mrs Joseph said she would come back if we would send for her. It
was about 7 when we left.
Wed went to see how they were going on, found them both at home, the child looks very poorly.
Sunday morning went to Church, very poorly indeed in the afternoon voided a deal of blood,
think it is owing to taking Jelop.
Tuesday the blood came again, it had stopped on Monday.
Thursday, Had a letter form Mrs. P.... saying she was very ill and did not think she could survive
many days, expressed much regard, and said her friend Miss Ross would inform us of the event
when it had taken place. Felt very sorry, for though I did not personally know her had often
heard her spoken of, and the calm and resigned manner she speaks of her dissolution impressed
me with a great opinion of her fortitude and resignation to the will of God.
Thurs [no month given] Edwin came. Friday Father, Mother, and Susan went drink with Joseph
for the first time think it is a very pretty place though small.
Wed: Edwin went home.
Thursday [March 1831]... Edward and John gone to America.
Friday April 29th The anniversary of my Father and Mother's wedding day 29 years.
[Passim sporadic details of an illness suffered by her mother apparently something to do with the
lungs was coughing up blood but also of the bowels. Dr. Johnstone was the physician and
comments were made about him and his attendances.]
Sat [New Years Day, 1832] Nine years since my dear Sister's death We have all Colds, but
thank God are all in tolerable health. My dear Mother has regained her spirits and her strength in
a great measure, how thankful I ought to be that we are all again permitted to see the beginning
of another year, may we all spend it better than the last and if it be the will of God that we may
again see another, but how many much younger and apparently stronger than myself who at the
commencement of the last were in perfect health are now slumbering within peaceful graves.
What is before me I know not many changes no doubt will take place before another Year. but
Lord I commit myself into thy hands, make me to go in the path of thy commandments and let
them be my delight. I am afraid I am not so serious as I was some years ago, it is said if people
do not get better they must get worse I am fear the latter is the case, I have had a very serious
illness I thought at one time I should barely get over it, how I am recovered and fed I really think
more careless than before.
Tuesday: Drank tea at Aunt Davis'. Young Lowe came soon after we left, he has been there a
good deal lately think he must admire Lucy.
C. Grafton came to Poplars for an explanation as we had accepted an invitation to a dance there
the following Monday and afterwards declined it, he brought a letter from his Mother begging
and intreating [sic] us to go, Called 3 following mornings and as we were engaged Mon they put
it off till that day, sent notes to all the party to defer it till that day when Mr. C. Grafton called I
accepted the invitation, but when I came home they insisted upon our not going and Joseph
wrote a note to say we could not come.
Sat. [May 24th] Very stormy called of Mrs. Davis, think the matter between Lucy and Neville
Lowe is broken off.
Wed: Very much surprised white sitting at my work about 10 in the morning to see Mr. and
Mrs. C. Welch come, they have walked all the way from London, never [work illegible] seeing
my Uncle before, think him very amiable looking....
April 24th Edwin came to desire my Father to go there immediately, he found his sister in a
dying state, Dr. Johnstone came and staid till she expired she went off quite easy but was not
sensible, it was a most providential thing Mother's being at home, the shock has been very great
to us all, at 2 o'clock Mr. Russell did not think her in the slightest danger and she died about 5.
My Father was there at the time she died, I was with him there soon after, she was not them
removed up stairs, but was sitting on her chair in the back room, did not see her. Think Father
and Mother look very poorly feel very uncomfortable about them.
Tues: Went to the annual meeting for the Committee of the School of Industry, intend becoming
[work illegible]
Tue: Went to the School of Industry to go with Miss Barker, Miss Bickley & Miss Smallwood
to see the method of the Madras School, much pleased with the quickness and method observed.
... vexed to hear that John rides by most days, saw him to day and went from the window
without bowing, I have not spoken to him since he offered himself to Miss Francis, and wonder
what cam make him think again of me, which I fear he does.
Monday met Miss Barker and Miss Bickley at the School of Industry...
Sat: Came home, found my Mother better. Edwin and John dined here the former seemed glad
we were come home again.
It is exceeding unpleasant to me John's riding be daily. I have seldom seen him, but hear from
one or other of his going by.
Received a note requesting me to attend the next week at the School of Industry.
Tues: The [illegible] at the School of Industry ... The Reform bill passed, the house of Lords,
expect great rejoicings, talk of a Jubilee throughout the Kingdom.
Went to the School proposed a ticket should be given to each class instead of only 1 in the
School Miss Barker approved or it and it was to be observed till the Committee met.
Have a Chance of putting a Child in the School of Industry, Mrs. Craven spoke of one of Mrs.
Milnes children.
Mother tolerable during dinner she however went and lay down while they staid and about 4 was
taken with a bad bowel complaint and did not come down again that evening, we were much
alarmed and wished her to have advise which she positively refused, I prevailed on my father to
call Dr. Sanders and he sent her some medicine which she took had a tolerable night, Thursday
she was better than I expected came down not very much later than usual and dined of the ....
Friday, My Mother better, dosed a long time in the evening, came down to dinner, Hannah
brought Walter in the afternoon which seemed to amuse her,... I felt very low all morning,
though I do not think her worse.
Saturday, My Mother came down to dinner but lay in bed most of the afternoon and took her tea
on the bed, she is very weak and very thin, I think I never saw anyone thinner, her bowel
complaint has left her. I have not walked out lately as I do not like to leave my Mother
Saturday [end of July] Joseph came, said his wife was put to bed yesterday of a fine boy, she had
a sharp but quick time.
Maria came to see if we were in want of a servant, my Mother likes the one we have but she is so
slow , I do not.
Monday the girl came from the Slade to say Mrs. Joseph was very poorly W Welch came last
night to see my Mother he said he thought Mrs. J. would soon come about, but Joseph has been
tipsy which has made her so poorly, sent Hannah there this afternoon....
Monday the grand procession of the Reformers Elizabeth L. Green and I went to Summer's to
see the procession, it was a grand one, the trades walked, no gentlemen were it, [interesting story
of a theft at their home clothes left in the kitchen to be ironed were stolen upon contacting the
police, Mr. Welch found his property which had been stolen by a 'suspicious looking character'
who was a woman she was committed to Warwick.]
My Mother said she hoped Elizabeth would stay two or three months with us and have the run of
the house, last time she gave Joseph a Silver Cream Jug for Elizabeth, her fee so called, she has
not mentioned that they were till to night....
[Mother becomes desperately ill]...Some talk about my sleeping with her, she seemed pleased
when I said she would not disturb me and that I would rather sleep with her.
Sat up till near three, Hannah sat up all night, about 4 my Mother very ill, breakfasted in my
Father's bed, my Mother very ill all day, her bowels still continued relaxed, I was very low and
hysterical, think [work illegible] very gradual she declines daily and that she cannot continue
Monday ... Had a good lunch and went to a meeting of the Committee of the School of Industry.
Sunday, Feby 11th ...Dined at Uncle Lovelace's. Mr. Parker was there Unknown to me Francis
had told him we were going there Before tea they all left the Room, only Mr. Parker and I
remained, he then said I must be aware what his intentions were. That he hoped I would allow
him to speak to my Father and have his accounts examined, that he would keep me a house in the
Country and every Indulgence that was in his power it would be his greatest pleasure to grant
me. Told him positively I could not allow him to speak to my Father. After supper (it was very
rainy) John and I walked home, I took his arm, he then renewed his offer but I declined it then
asked him to walk in he hesitated but at length did, while a cloak was reached for, but he did not
sit down.
Sat After dinner John came to walk home with me ... so John P and I walked there together, he
then renewed his offer I told him my Father never would consent, and that if he did I should not,
he said he intended coming to super in the evening, I said if he did I should not see him, neither
would my Father. "Should I be at Church?" I said if I thought he would be there I should I told
him it would depend on his future behavior whether we remained friends or not, that is whether
he gave me up or not. He said he not, his attachment had been so long ...
Friday went into the town to take earings [sic] to be mended, met the Miss Parker's who were
friendly afterwards Mr. J Parker he bowed in the slightest possible manner.
[some time later perhaps weeks]
He [Mr. Parker] behaves very haughtily when I meet him, has twice crossed the road to pass me,
and never bowed or taken any notice. Did feel very sorry, but now feel contempt for him,
Last Tuesday evening my Father sent Hannah with a suit of clothes for Mr. Hunt, telling her not
to say where they came from. Mrs. Mason had a few weeks ago asked my Father for some for
him. Yesterday my Father saw a relation of Mr. Hunt's who told him he died of Tuesday
morning. They could not think of who had sent them. [entry immediately following is dated
June 16th Monday]
June 16th Monday ... Mrs. Joseph came to tea she seemed sadly disappointed we could not dine
there tomorrow, it being Joseph's birthday, we should have gone but it is the show of the
Horticultural Society. My dear Mother went to his last.
Tues went to call of C. Shipton she was going to Lee Crescent so said we would walk with her
and call of Lucy Mr. Seaton overtook us "said he hoped we were well and what delightful
weather." Mary turned to me and said in the coldest way, "I have not the pleasure of that
gentleman's acquaintance." He walked on and we say no more of him.
After called of Mrs. Horton, very sorry their affairs are in so bad a state, it is entirely owing to
their eldest son who I think must be the greatest hypocrite I ever heard of. Think they must be
sold up and leave their house.
Tues: July 9th poorly though not so bad as I often am, lay in bed till after tea.
Wed Went to the gardens [Botanical] with my Father Ann and Mary very much enjoyed myself
Saw Mr. Boulbee at the gardens should like to have spoken to him, it was my own fault I did not
for feeling confused when he was coming towards I got up and turned my back to him to speak
to Mrs. Muske My Father has purchased a share in the Old Library off my Uncle James gave 5
Called at the Library for a book for the first time. "Kenilworth" Sat. Mrs. Josh came she looked
poorly, fainted away last Thursday and by mistake had spirit of wine and something else forced
down her throat and sadly burned her mouth.
Sat: Josh and Wife dined here Mrs. J said it was not to be mentioned by my Aunt Henry was at
home and had been, she has behaved very ill to her creditors.
Wed: Went on to Dine at Uncle Lovelace's, Said I was in the "Argos," but it is a mistake, it is a
Welsh lady a relation of Miss Rushton's not Miss Welch that Mr. Saudamon had been paying his
addnesoes [?] to.
Sunday ... Father and I had words, the quarrel arose last night, If I may call it about Josh, my
Father thought [illegible] too much for Josh to spend, it is not quite a week he is there, [illegible]
grove. I said I would not speak to it but thought my Father should ask him to explain
[at the end of the diary, Sarah kept track of expenditures etc. She also kept track of the following
dates, although there is no reference to their meaning. Could this be a record of her menstrual
January 13th Sunday
February 8th Friday
March 10th Sunday
April 5th Sunday
May Sunday
June 10th Tuesday
July 9th Tuesday
August 8th Thursday
September 11th Wednesday
October 13th Sunday
10th Sunday
Dec 8th Sunday
Tues: Went in the Omnibus to a dinner party in Cars Lane met Mr. and Mrs Thornton Mrs H
Mole and her brother Mr. E Hill & J Welch at dinner...
Wed Rading Ethel Churchill, written by LEL her death appeared in the paper a short time ago,
fear she poisoned herself, she was married; few have written more beautifully of love than she
has, but the reality is seldom what the imagination pictures and a mind like hers could not bear
the cold reality. It must be delightful to have some one to whom one could tell ones every
though who could sympathize with ones sorrows & enhance ones pleasures by sharing them with
us, I have felt this want since I have lost my dear sisters society.
[cannot read the names of the individuals] called, said [illegible] had thought of coming with him
but was engaged looking over the books that the sale was the 14th; that he desired his love &
would come soon, that nothing but the melancholy event which had occurred had prevented his
coming before, am afraid he is coming to make me an offer, I like him as a cousin [?] in other
Ann also walked with me to town Mrs Mole just gone to my Aunts saw Francis said Lovelace
had the measles & that Mr Edwin Hill was there the evening before. Do not wish my Aunt to
live here
[Uncle passed away just recently in this diary]....
Sun Louisa and I went to St, Phillips and after went to Carslane where my Father & Mr. and Mrs
Mole soon joined me they being later from St. Pauls where Mr. Kennedy had preached a funeral
sermon for Mr. Eakes. Rode to the gate & found my Aunt & John at dinner, took them by
surprise I the afternoon affairs were talked over & a reconciliation effected. It was agreed for
my Aunt to live with her daughter & John to come here for the present, Am very glad things are
so arranged.
Saw Mr. E Hill's father's death in the paper spoke very highly of him.
John saw Mr E Hill who he asked to come [to dine] but he was very poorly or would have done
J Welch spent the evening at Mrs. Moles with Edwin Hill. Thurs: ... and I went to the flower
show it was a very good one saw Mr E Hill who wished to fix a day to go & see him
...called in Moon St. to go altogether to Mr Edwin Hills spent a pleasant evening his pansies and
tulips beautiful brought home a basketful of the flowers, played at cards had two tables John & i,
& my Aunt & Mr Hill. An excellent supper a quarter of Lamb a very fine piece of salmon & a
[illegible] Rhubarb & Gooseberry tats & he was very polite and attentive & gathered me flowers,
did not get any for any one else but told to help themselves. Set out to walk home as it was long
after 11 & the car was not come, met it before we got into the high road, the man was very cross
& said he had not had a proper direction that he had been driving about for more than an hour &
had been at 4 Mr Hills.
When I came down in the morning heard from John their [sic] had been a great disturbance in the
town 100 policemen had come from London the soldiers & riflemen called out & the riot act
read that two of the police had been so seriously hurt there was little hope of their recovery &
many hurt, that it was a regular fight & 50 or 60 were lying on the ground at a time, in the course
of the day printed papers were posted warning people to keep in their houses at the peril of their
lives. In the afternoon Mr Hill Mr Thompson, Jesson & Francis came, expected Mr James & Mr
I spent a very pleasant day, as I found dear Mary better than I expected & Mrs B does not despair
of her recovery though if she should recover it will be a work of time.
[had dined with Hill] ... Mr Hill very agreeable sent a present to Mrs. Mole of fine gooseberries
for desert [sic]. He has talked of me & praised me a good deal.
when I returned Hannah said a gentleman had called from London she thought it the gentleman
Miss Davis had talked of & that he said he would call today, quite surprised when I went into the
parlour to see Mr Hillman, he is much improved in person, think he staid two hours, very polite
& attentive almost thought he would have made me an offer, never saw anyone so pale as he
went two or three times.
[dined at Carslane] When we came home found a note from Mr E Hill with an invitation to spend
the evening of either Thurs or Fri at his house My Father at my desire wrote to decline it I hope
he will not feel it as a slight I really have not time as I hope to go into Staffordshire on Saturday
On my return Mrs Mole I heard was confined, I had a letter to say Mrs. Joseph had another little
girl. I also heard Mr Hill was very poorly in consequence of his eyes being bad, that Mr.
Hodgson attended him daily at home time from the accounts I heard feared he would lose his
sight, went along with Mrs Mole & Francis to see him during his illness.
Tues 19th Mr Hill who had said he would come to see us the drank tea with us, he is better, but
cannot bear the light.
Dec 11th Seven years today since my dear Mother died.
Mr E Hill sent me the "Memoirs of Napoleon" & a very polite note to say that he had marked the
particular parts & wished to know if I was a sorcerer as he was thinking of me all night & the
spell was upon him this morning, it was a very pleasing one & he should not dispel it.
Friday, Lucy & [illegible] called while here, a girl came from Mr Hill's with a note saying how
much he always wished to be with me & that he should have called in Hagley [illegible] before,
only he feared his birds [?] might be deemed intrusive & considered he out to make his sentiment
to me known, that I had almost solely occupied hi thoughts & if he had read one night I should
be candid enough to let him live & hope or at once tell so. That his servant should call tomorrow
for an answer. Wrote to say "I feel pleased & flattered, that our acquaintance though not a recent
one had been slight & that I should wish to consider the subject more before I decided. That my
Father at anytime would be happy to see him."
Sunday 22nd: John told me that Mr Hill intended coming today & F Mole with him, that he told
Francis I was very cautious but that he like me the better for it & that he had never another it is
now after six & he is not come I m surprised at it, I like actions to correspond with words.
Mon Called at Carslane ... When at tea Mr Hill came, said just as he was setting out on Sunday
his two brothers came & then it poured with rain, he was very pleasant but did not pay me any
particular attentions, said he was invited to dine in Carslane Xmas day & if we went he should,
staid till near 11.
Tues: making pies for the poor peoples dinner on Christmas day. Maria here, helping to clean.
About tea time Mr E Hill's servant man came with a spare rib of pork & a note wishing me the
compliments of the season & a beautiful annual called the "keepsake" as a token of affection.
Christmas day, very fine, but not feeling well did not go to Church, dined in Carslane ... Mr E
Hill dined with us, he was very kind & attentive to me & I think I could like him better than any
one I have ever seen, he is so well informed & sensible & there is a refinement about him that
pleases me.
Mr E Hill came to tea, though he looked very poorly, I like him better every time I see him, he
told me he had been attached to a lady when he was very young but that she died of a decline
that he did not think of any one else for years & that he was not engaged to her. He told me the
first time he saw me he had a presentiment I should be his wife & while I was in the
Staffordshire he never for a moment doubted it, but felt quite comfortable; that he was told I was
engaged to Mr Mountfort but he never thought I should marry him. He is going to have a dinner
party tomorrow & invited my Father, Mr Mole & John.
Had a very pretty note from Mr E Hill thanking me a thousand times for mine which he says he
has read at least thirty times. [28th]
Sun: Went to Church, Mr E Hill dined with us & so did John he staid till 11 & I agreed to go
with Mr E Hill to see the Concert Mon: The evening so bad, did not expect Mr Hill but about the
time he came in a car for me, spent a pleasant evening the Concert very clear, it was patronized
by the Mayor & the room well filled, saw Mr James there. Coming home told Mr Hill that I was
not in love.
Mon: Mrs James called. Had a note from Mr Hill saying how much hurt he felt at the
declaration I made coming home. Wrote to him to say I had no wish or intention to make him
uneasy drank tea with Mrs Devis ...
Dec 31 Mr Hill came while we were at supper & returned home with us in the Car. He was
engaged to spend the evening at Mr R Hill's so went in the Car. Was glad he came, having no
wish to make him uncomfortable & thought he looked very poorly.
the 1st day of the year 1840. Am expecting Jonathan Devis who is bringing his intended lady to
be introduced to his friends. Expect to meet Mr Hill this evening, Mrs Devis told me that when
Mr Hillman called a month or two back it was his intention to have made an offer. Had my hair
dressed, and about 6 went in a car to the Hen & Chicken we were the first, played a rubber with
Mr Devis, about 9
In the morning J Devis called, the former told me that Mr Hillman was very much in love with
me & I had only to decide about Mr Hill to have Mr Hillman come from London & make me an
offer, that no one should marry if they expect to be happy except for love, that he thought Mr
Hillman loved me & that not one he thought in 20 thousand would refuse him. I have quite
decided & prefer Mr Hill with whom I think a woman has a much greater chance of happiness &
I also think what ever Johnathan may say to the contrary that he likes me best, Johnathan has
said too much, but I think he meant kindly.
Wed: Called of Mrs James, found Johnathan here on my return said he was sorry he had said
anything about Mr Hillman & Mr Hill. Mr Hill came about 8, staid with my Father till about 10,
when he came & sat with me till about 12. Said I must be married in a month could not think of
any such thing indeed I can hardly fancy myself engaged to him in reality, it seems to me like a
dream, He asked me if he might speak to my Father, to which I agreed.
Sun Mr E Hill dined with us he also was wet through & called at his brothers to borrow his
clothes. He paid me a good deal of attention & seemed very fond of me said he would come up
on Tuesday to have some talk with my Father Said he wished I would be married in a month &
live at Bordesly Park; my Father live here & then in twelve months time take a house & all live
together, he should then have time to remove the things in his garden. Said I should leave all to
my Father & him to settle.
[after Hill had met with Sarah's father she was anxious to discover what he had said] He said his
Father died worth 15,000 L, that he cleared 300 a year by his brass foundry business & that he
had 800 from his Father which would be deducted from the principal, that he expected the brass
business would turn out well & if by more attentions to it the brass foundry business might be
increased. My Father told him that he thought it would be more prudent to wait, he asked him
how long, my Father thinks till he can ascertain whether or not the wafer trade will answer.
Before I went to bed, Mr Hill sent a man with a note for me addressed "Miss Welch, as after
what had passed with my Father he darest not presume to address me by a dearer appellation,"
he said his mind was a chaos of doubt & dismay, that he did not know in what position he stood
with regard to me, that he thought the most prudential person might be satisfied with his
circumstances & he hoped I would ask my Father not to mention what he had told him in the
most unreserved way concerning his affairs, That what a talk it would make & to be spoken of
by a set of stupid fools would be dreadful, he beseeched me to write to him & say no one can
know what he endures.
Wed: Wrote a kind answer to his note saying I knew little of the world & should be guided by
my Father's advice, begged him not to fret & agitate himself, & said I should like to talk to him...
Thurs: Expected Mr Hill to have called, but he did not, neither has he sent; asked John to take a
note for me, in which I said I had written but could not send my note, that I thought he carried
things with a high hand & left it to him whether in future we should only meet as friends.
Sat..,. Mr Hill came, sat with him a while in the parlour, think I like him better than I did before
this little misunderstanding....
Tues: Had a note from Mr Hill in which he seems to think everything depends on me that my
Father will act according to my wishes in every respect, & saying he cannot wait till after Lent
had written a note for him before I receiv'd his, which I sent, saying I should in my Father's
opinion have a respectable & comfortable home at first to go to & not think of marrying till
proper arrangements could be made. After I had his note, I wrote a few lines to say there must
be some misunderstanding as what I had written in a former note were my Father's sentiments.
Wed: Went to town with my Father. A little fidgety yesterday about my note, am sure he would
not like it.
Thurs: Mrs Mole my Aunt & C called I was gone to see Mrs J Welch & C staid to dine, Mr Hill
came about 8 met him in the parlour & we had a good deal of talk; he said he intended answering
my note but his friend Mr Hawlesly advised him to see me. He does not like the thought of
leaving Bordesley Park, but am sure he would if I wished him to do so. He asked me if I loved
him, he said if I did half as well as he did me, he should be satisfied. I told him I would answer
that question when I saw him again & also said something about giving him up altogether, which
he took very unkind, said thought he preferred his house to me & c that I was contented to live
anywhere my Father & he liked, he staid till after 12 & seems agitated, I think he really loves
Fri: Wrote a note to Mr Hill I received one from him in which he says, he has a little hope of my
good will, but very little indeed it is & that he hoped I will I regret not speaking kinder to him
than I did last night, & that he loves me, devotedly loves me.
Mr Hill came while I was at tea ... Told him that I had spoken to my Father about going to
Bordesly Park till Michelmas, & that my Father to remain here & then all live together after that
time, he wishes to be married before Lent, and Arthur to marry us, I cant bear to think of it till
Sun: Went alone to Church, Mr Hill missed me coming out... Mr Hill left early [from their home
after dining] & we did not part pleasantly, he having said I was capricious, because I will not
marry him till, after Lent, I think he likes to have his own way, he seemed very vexed, & was
anything but pleasant.
May 1st... Mr Hill & I spent the evening along, we were very friendly & affectionate & I do not
believe the innumerable reports I hear to his disadvantage.
Sat 2nd May, the day first fixed for our marriage, A very fine day. Called of Mrs Green, Mrs
Knott & Mrs Horton told Mrs Horton the shameful reports they told Mrs Joseph in Carss lane.
Wrote to Mrs Askin. Have fixed for out marriage to take place on Tuesday 5th May But the
settlement is not signed & Mr Hill still declines having his name inserted, he thinks it is only put
in to vex him.
Sat 2nd Mr Hill came & agreed to sign. Mr James came but Mr Hill had said he would sign
Before Mr James came they both staid to supper. I am much pleased that Mr Hill has consented.
Sun 3rd after dinner Joseph & Wife, Aunt Henry & Mary & Ruth went in a car to Mr Hill's, they
were all agreeably [sic] surprised at the house and garden. I like the house, but wish the
bedrooms were larger & admire the garden which looked beautiful the Apple, Pear, Plum &c
being in full blossom, staid supper & invited the housekeeper to come on Tuesd: she was very
civil. I felt very low, thinking of my dear Father who went with me the last time I was there, &
the important change about to take place in my life. I have however the most perfect confidence
in Mr Hill & hope to be happy.
Mon 4th ....He [Hill] gave me a pair of earrings & a brooch very pretty. Mr James came in the
evening, he is invited to the wedding, he & Mr Hill left together. Have been a good deal
harassed the last several weeks indeed ever since my dear Father's death.
Tuesday May 5th 1840 ... I wore a white chally with two flounces a small while cashmere cloak,
hood lined with white satin & white bonnet & feather also the earrings & brooch Mr Hill gave
me. Just as the cahises drove up I felt very sick & had a little brandy, Mr Hill came to see me
before we set out, & I was tolerably composed when I set out. ... Mr Hill & I both spoke the
responses audibly & after we were told to go into the vestry where I signed "Sarah Welch" for
the last time my hand shook so much that Mr Pixell as obliged to guide it. ... At 2 minutes past I
set off for London, Stopped at Wolverston, where there is a kind of booth with tea, coffee &c
had a cup of coffee which did me a great deal of good ...[ after arriving at an Inn then deciding to
see a play, for which they did not stay] we saw the Queen's carriage at the Operar & walked
about some time in hopes of seeing her but could not. We then had some brandy & water &
biscuits & went to bed, in the morning Mr Hill kindly brought me my breakfast ....[lengthy
details about all of the things they saw in London on their honeymoon trip for 2 1/2 days]
Sunday [c. 6 weeks after wedding] [had company for dinner] The goose Mr Hill found fault with
the cooking of I did not think it done amiss, but perhaps a little more brown would have been
better, again her spoke of it at supper & I felt so annoyed that I could not set at table and went to
bed when they were gone & sent Hannah to say I was, but Mr H not coming of half an hour I
went to Mary [her sister who was staying with them?] He said he had fallen asleep on the sofa
& desired I would come to his bed which I did, very little sleep, had my breakfast in bed, Mary
gone home.
In the evening a very kind letter came from Mr Hill [who was in Liverpool] much pleased to
receive it & next morning another saying he should return in the afternoon which he did about 4
Mon August 24th Went to Mr Jame's Office to prove my dear Father's will met Mr James, Mr
Shipton, Mr [illegible] & Mr Mole. Swore to my dear Father's property being under 5, 000L.
Mr Displeased when I told him that I shook hands with Francis. It was very awkward & I was
very vexed to meet him.
Tuesday 25th Mr Hill not friendly with me & quite put about that I should have shaken hands
with Francis.
Thursday [Dec] 17th not very well, Mr Price called, Mr Hill gone to the dinner of "The Loyal
Association" & Miss Barnes, I did not go, felt more comfortable at Home. Ironing day. Mr Hill
& Miss Barnes came in a car soon after 9 for which Mr Hill takes great merit to himself as he
thinks himself the first husband to leave, it was very kind as he thought I was not well, wrote to
[kept track of menstrual cycle at end of diary.]
January 7th [1841] Breakfaster very soon after 7 Mr Hill & I not very friendly together it is very
foolish, for we might be so happy together. He is not good tempered. Called Mr James who
talks of having the deposit 1500 L from Woodfield's next week & Advertising the property about
Feby or March Gave me 5L
Sat: Very poorly fretted, at Mr Hill having been very cross & out of temper, Had the shutter too,
my eyes so bad. He promised to be better & is kind today. Hope he will continue so, for if I am
vexed in this way it will soon kill me.
Wed 10th [Feb] "The Royal Christening" Went into the town to buy some Stockings & for
Mary, called at the Warehouse for Mr Hill who was to dine at home to day, complained of his
back, & after dinner & for some hours after he appeared to be in great pain, when Wm came,
sent him for Mr Archer, who prescribed hot flannels, to put his feet in warm water & take some
medicine, he had a good night & is gone to the warehouse this morning.
Sun 14th Twelve months to day since I first dined at Brodesley Park my dear Father, the Moles,
Arthur & C Mr Hill & I went to Church heard a very excellent discourse from Mr Mason....
Ash Wednesday 24th Twelve months to day since I lost my very dear Father, how quickly it has
passed away, but every circumstance connected with it seems but as yesterday.
Thurs 4th up by 7 oclock Called Mrs I Hill who has been poorly & Mrs Gill on my return home
met J Welch who said, "Sarah it seems so strange to pass you without speaking, I Hope what has
passed will be forgotten, I have thought of it a great deal." I said after having shook hands with
him, "many things were said of Mr Hill that he can forget. John replied is a long time, I hope it
will sometime Sarah Ann had been ill & also when he left he said "you will some day hear of
my marriage: He looks wretchedly. Told Mr Hill I had met with John, very vexed I should have
spoken to him, will scarcely speak to me. ...
Fri 5th A wretched headache, quite nervous one, it is owing to having met John & Mr Hill
seeming very much displeased about it , breakfasted in bed & not equal or in spirits to go to
Mr Horton's Think Mr Hill will go, as he has put on his best clothes, has to have gone early &
called at Aunt Henry's. Do not feel the disappointed at not going.
Mon 5th [Mar] Mr Hill merry after we went to bed had supper brought to us
Sun 11th ... Mr Hill has had a lad taken to the dungeon for robbing him
Thursday 29th ...When Mr Hill came home in the evening he told me he had had a letter form the
"Journal Office" desiring him to go there, as they had received an Advertisement concerning his
wife which deserved that he should either kill the writer or proved against them at law He went
& they told him they had received the Advertisement referred [sic] to & had a Sovereign to pay
for it. It said that Mrs Edwin Hill of Bordesley Park would meet in the Garrison Lane John
Richards as in the hurry of business the Letters I sent him were apt to be mislaid." They said a
woman brought it as she said she was too late for the post When Mr Hill saw the writing he had
not doubt that it was Mrs Edwin Thompson who had done it. Sent a note to her brother by Wm.
Mon 17th Hannah had not an apron for Mr Hill He was in a shocking temper I strive as much as
possible to please him; but if any one says at times he is cross & in they say truly them or a while
again he is pleasant. Cried very much.
Tues 18th Washing Mr Hill & I not friends all day At night rather more sociable.
Wed 19th Mr Hill gone to the public office, the man who robbed Mr Hill to be transported for 7
Thurs 24th Up early & breakfasted in the drawing room, at times feel very poorly, dont know
what to think about my being in the family way.
Very sick & Poorly at times, the quieter I keep the better I feel.
Friday 4th June Mr Hill gone to join a fishing party consisting of ... I should have been glad to
have gone had I been well, sick, threw up a very little, think I have not felt the nausea so bad
Mon 8th Mr Hill dined at the Warehouse I went to drink tea with Mrs James Welch who read me
a letter from Ann, in which she says Mrs Mole has been twice at Williams & says he represents
"That Mr Hill is a very unkind husband."
Tues ... Upon the whole feel better, though at times, particularly if I wait for my meals very sick
& low
Wed [wrote a letter to] Cousin Amm telling her Mr Hill & I lived very happily together & that I
should be glad to see her.
Sat 12th Wm gone with my drew to Miss Cookes Feel better than last week upon the whoe.
Yesterday Hannah told me that Lousia Green & Miss Lanb had been as far as our door she
opened it thinking they were coming here, but they turned back without speaking.
Wed 16th ...Look poorly and thin...
[took a trip to Liverpool]... Could not sleep for thinking of a pear I saw a gentleman eating in the
said road carriage I did not wish for it, only could not get it out of my thoughts. Had some about
11 next morning.
19th: Wrote to Mrs Askin, 18 weeks today since I was poorly begin quite to expect I shall
quicken soon, have expected it several weeks but believe I was wrong informed as to the time.
Frid: 10th ...Did a few errands when I came home, very poorly think no doubt I quickened felt a
slight movement, but not ale [?] know whether it was quickening, & next morning low & poorly
Sun 12th ...During dinner the wind very high blew the glass off the table in our room. Mr Hill
went on shamefully about it, it is very vexing but was an accident. After 11 when Hannah came
home met Mr Hill at the door he had been to see his sister, again in a tremendous position, said
he would turn her away in the snowing & C.
Monday 13th: Very poorly crying so much. Feel sure I quickened on Friday as I feel it at times
very plain, think it particularly unkind of Mr Hill at this time. At dinner time Mr Hill very
anxious to make it up.
Tuesday 15th [?] ... Cutting up an old sheet, it is the very first day I have done a stitch, having all
along said I would not begin till I quickened. Very sultry. Very sick indeed.
16th [Oct] Very sick, threw up a good deal, Mr Hill sent Mr Archer to see me, like hi [illegible]
recommended me quite, & not exercising as I am by most people recovering to keep quiet after
eating & to take light food frequently & not much at a time, a glass of wine or brandy & waster
he said would do me good.
Tues: Hannah gone to town. The bells clanging for the birth of a Prince of Wales
30th [Nov] Went a short walk. Very showery. ... Received a very kind note from Mrs Horton
with offers of doing work for me &c Mr Hill talks much of going to Cada, & is reading all the
works on it.
Thurs 9th [Dec] About 5 or 6 oclock in the morning got up to the night chair, & when I got into
bed again found myself wet at first did not name it to Mr Hill, but did afterwards & told him to
sent Mrs Lowry up when she came who thought I had better see Mr Archer he came and seemed
to think decidedly it was labour coming on & recommended me to be in the bed & he would call
in the evening to see me he did so & found me free from pain, but between 5 & 6 felt a
very slight pain, when Mr Hill got up & told Mrs Lowry I then perceived a show & Mr Hill went
for Mr Archer the pain was when he came every moment stronger, it was actual labour. At 8 as
nearly possible the child was born, & though of course in pain not what I had expected but
afterwards perceived all was not, right, & Mr Archer told Mr Hill the Uterus was displaced
which is considered dangerous.
1841 December 10th Edwyn Welch Hill born at 8 oclock in the morning as near as possible
Friday Was Registered 4th Jany 1842. I was Churched January 12th. Vaccinated by Mr Archer
Friday July 22nd 1842.
1842 Sept 29th Went with Mr Hill into Wales, for the benefit of my health.
Last unwell 16th June
Poorly November 5th Fancy I quickened
Sarah Margaret Hill born March 26th Baptized [sic] being very ill with convulsion fits by MR
I was Churched at the Old Church by Mr Foye 24th April.
15th Sun Mr Hill's Birthday Edwyn's bowels still disordered, Jane went for Mr Archer, lanced
his gums & sent him a powder of some mixture her looks very poorly.
Sun 12th Poorly, a good deal of blood came, Mr Hill went for Mr Archer, said I must lie in bed
& not take anything solid or stimulating.
Tues: Mr Archer called twice, said he was not satisfied about where the blood came from
whether it was from the Womb, in that case he feared it would be a cross birth, afterwards said it
was from the bowels
19th: Very poorly, languid and weak could scarcely raise my head from the pillow.
Tues Feb 28th ...Fell better. Saw a letter Mr E Hickman had written to his mother from Canada
Mr Hill still talks of going. Very low.
Tues 7th ...felt pretty well, A very fine day.
Wed: ...Very sick several times during the day.
Thursday March 9th a good deal better Miss Burbridge called wonder how long it will be before
I am confined, my spirits good upon the whote & do not feel that dread of it as I should have
Fri: Very sickly in the morning, Mrs Lowry sees to think it is perhaps the child who is not well.
... At night Mr Hill very at finding dirty clothes in the were closet, which Jane had put there Had
a wretched night.
Mon 13th Saw in the newspaper that J Devis had passed. Edwyn went to have some shoes
bought for him, Mr Hill busy with his Auriculas. Do not know that Ann will stay with us, think
we must part, in some respect she is a good servant, but there are some things that she will not
do. Feel pretty well, but think it cannot be long until I am confined.
Wed 15th Edwyn went to town, upon the whole am pretty well, my birthday tomorrow, suppose
it should be the same day as mine & a little girl, but quite expect it will be a boy. Very mild.
Thurs 16th: My birthday, in the morning cholic pains, Mr Archer called thought labour was
coming On Sat up, & went down stairs, & in the afternoon blood came, & Mr Archer called
Fri 17th No return of the blood but Mr Archer will not let me get up. [note that Mrs Lowry is
actually Mrs Leavesley] ...Slept with Mrs Leavesley...
Sat 18th Very fine, Edwyn gone to town & Jane is to call at [illegible] Crescent with him & see
Mrs Jones. Mr Archer called will not let me sit up even on the Sofa. Am tired of lying in bed &
this lovely weather. Don't seem to expect it so soon as I did a week ago, though of course every
day the time draws nearer.
Sun: Mr Archer called, Mr Hill & Mrs Leavesley carried me into the drawing room, no one
came During the day
Thurs 23rd: Mr Archer called. Very sick.
26th Sun: About 4 or 5 in the morning my water broke, Mr Hill got up soon after & went for Mr
Archer, who staid breakfast & then went home, but called again when I was asleep Soon after, of
about 10 at night, felt pain gradually coming on,& though did not wish Mr Archer sent for, was
when he came, was easier after, except just when the child was born which was a great deal
sooner than I expected, & think I had a very good, Mr Hill in the room all the time. I had
thought the pain of childbirth greater than I have found it.
[section written by Edwin Hill]
Thursday 30th Mr Archer called, my bowels have not yet been moved or should be pretty well,
had some pudding instead of Gruel my bosom full of milk the child slept a good deal .... We
think the baby larger than Edwyn. Mr Hill & I sleep together & have done since the first night
the child was born. Mr Hill has written into Wales & Staffordshire Mr Archer says two persons
should be in the room where a person is confined besides the surgeon. I must remember if ever I
should be in the family way again to rub the nipples with brandy, also the napkins after to have a
little brandy poured on.
Thurs 6th Went into the drawing room. Feel weak but in other respects pretty well. Edwyn
does not yet walk alone, though can go anywhere by just holding his finger, what a thing it is to
have two children who can neither of them walk. Mr Hill has written to Mr George Ryley.
When Mr Hill came to dinner, I went into the drawing room & had not been there five minutes
when Mr Hill saw the fire rows, which look far from being well, but thought it very unkind of
him to say what he did, such as what a Tom fool he was for marrying & walking about as if he
was distracted said if Jane did not take them away he should go mad Did not taste his dinner &
went off without saying a word. At night we did not speak & only a word next morning, the
baby sadly griped owing I have no doubt to my being fretted.
Sun 30th Ann up late Mr Hill swore at her dreadfully, & at me too, I really can bear it no longer,
scarcely spoke to each other all day, so great heats, want fresh air, but have not even time to walk
in the garden, if I had not these things constantly to vex me should be very well but look very
thin & poorly The baby griped Edwyn loosed today, for the first time.
Mon: May day ... Mr Hill & I friends felt poorly all day, Mrs Leavesley here
Tues: Morning 2nd May: Thought the baby suposed [?] convulsed & rang for Mrs Leavesley,
and she was so twice afterwards, Jane went for Mr Archer who ordered her some medicine think
my being fretted is the cause of the baby being so poorly.
Wed: The baby still convulsed, Mr Archer here three times, think she is in great danger, Several
people called, ... had the baby baptized by Mr Smyth about one o'clock in the morning [written
above midday] "Sarah Margaret," Mr Hill very anxious about the dear baby.
Thurs 4th May 3 times Mr Archer saw her, I had no hope, she has had leeches, warm baths,
mustard & water for her feet injections, embrocations, powder & C never saw so patient and
good a dear little thing. ... Mrs Leavesley staying with us, & Mr Hill and I sleep in the back
room. The baby appears to me to have death in its face.
Frid 5th Our wedding day Mr Hill went to see how she was early in the morning, she had had 9
fits in the night & yesterday she had 7 or 8 and twenty, All morning had given up all hope,
thought she was dying several times but Mr Archer who say her about midday seemed not to
give her up She has according to his order an injection of beef tea & asafetida, her feet in
mustard & water & had a powder, I thought she was too far gone for anything to do her good, but
have done as he ordered. Mrs Horton called & saw her. She is better this afternoon, sometimes I
think there is a chance, & again I think there is. A fine day, but how differently spent to the one
three years ago. I hope we shall be happier than we have been, Mr Hill is very anxious about the
baby & will do anything to assist & had his breakfast in the kitchen.
Sat 6th About 3 oclock my left breast very painful, Had Mrs Coley early in the morning to draw
it, & Mr Archer saw it, said I must apply a [illegible] to it, & take some medicine. The baby had
fits all night & was brought to me in the morning & sucked a little. After my bosom had been
drawn I went into the front Chanber to be with my little daughter. Convulsed at intervals all day
... [Archer saw her again and ordered more medicines etc] At night dozed a short time together &
waked up in convulsions, some of them very strong one, so good, so [illegible] & at times looked
so very pretty, her eyes at times very bright & then a film would come over them I scarcely left
her all the day My bosom very comfortable have had it drawn twice today Mr Hill went to bed as
usual I sat up & Mrs Leavesley lay in bed with the dear baby Edwyn went in a Car to Edgbaston
with Ann, Think the baby cannot last long her face seems rigid & the opening at the top of the
head sunk in, hers, poor dear has been a sad life of suffering, cannot in the pitiable state she is in,
wish her to live longer, such a life of misery.
Sun: The baby 6 weeks old to day Thought all morning she was dying expected almost every
gasp to be her last, at dinner time Mr Hill thought of Dalby' [illegible] which we tried, and she
seemed better, slept more that she yet done, thought there might yet be hope for her. Miss
Burbridge sat up with her, she seemed a little better early on Monday morning but later in the
morning appear'd worse than ever, Mr Archer call'd Mr Hill told him we had tried "Dalby's" he
seem'd a little offended, don’t know whether he will come again without he is sent for, I think
there is hope of should wish some one else to see her, very Poorly time.
May 8ths Had my bosom drawn. Mrs Leavesly lay with her in bed, both yesterday & today She
is going now by Mr Archer's directions Gradually getting worse constantly fits
Tues: Jane sat up with Mrs Leavesly she appeared worse, about 2 thought gasp would be her
last, as Mr Hill & I stood by her bed side Mr J Welch called Edwyn out all day Mr Archer
called, still gives hopes....[continues for a few days then the baby appears to get better]
Tues ... Mr Hill much better tempered lately, it makes me better in health & more able to look
after things. Our new servant is to come on Monday next. Want sadly to go about her
characters. Went with Mrs J Welch to enquire the character of the widow, found she was not a
steady woman. Had a young woman who I think would be likely to suit. Fri: Very busy Mrs
Welch called. The baby went for a short time into the garden.
Tues 20th [June] Quite surprised when Ann came to me up stairs & said Mrs Joseph Welch was
come She went to Mr Janes who proved to her that he had regularly remitted their money when
due. She, positively denies any knowledge whatever of several hundred L which he has received
Seems to think Joseph's is a affection of the head, I am very sorry for him & blame him very
Thurs 6th The gentleman who has taken to Mrs Hill's wafer business dined here.
Sat [July] Wrote to Mrs Robinson & Mrs Langley, told them we thought of going to Canada.
Tues: Washing day, at dinner Mr Hill gave me a letter from Joseph which he received yesterday
but being so low he did not give it to me He seems to think his are numbered, it is a very
affectionate letter, felt very low & fretted about him.
Thurs [Aug] Mr Hill left immediately after breakfast having a great deal to do June and I with
the baby went to the "Old Church" (walked very fast) where Mr Tom & Mr Charles soon after
joined us ªMr Starratt christened the baby he was very kind and civil Gave him half a sovereign.
Edwyn was registered wrong had it made right & certificates of both children written out to take
with us.
[while on ship] sick the first fortnight & Mr Hill very poorly his bowels so confined, A whale
was seen.
Very glad to see land, a fine harbour, went in a sterner to land. The Customs House house
officers did not examine any of the Ladies trunks & only slightly the gentlemen's. Drove to the
Post Office not letter from Mr J Hawkesley & so went to the Inn. Next morning found out where
Mr J Hawkesley lived called on him & saw his wife, he told us he had written a letter & left it for
us at the Post Office, which we found to be true & that he had looked out for apartments for us,
which were very genteel & comfortable at a Miss Parkinson's. The society very pleasant & well
informed. Dined on Sunday at Mr Hawkesley's Saw a good deal of NY walked in the
Broadway.... Think NY a very gay place, sorry to leave it, but Jane and the poor children sadly
bitten by the Moschetos [sic] particularly poor Edwyn. The Thermometer 90 and 92 Went in a
steamer the "Frog" up the River Hudson very fine scenery The Steamer such a one for its size as
I had never seen Landed in time for tea at Albany a (poor town) Up by 4 oclock & set off by the
railroad carriage for "Syracuse" A very fine Inn had tea & took a walk after to look at the town,
with which we were much pleased. Up early the next morning & set off again by the railroad
carriages for "Rochester." The first Inn we went too [sic], we could not be taken in but staid
there while Mr Hill went to look after our luggage which I rather fear'd was gone, when Mr Hill
came back, we went to "Blossoms" Next morning went to St Lukes to hear Dr Whitehouse
preach. In the afternoon went to see the "Genesee falls." & after tea called of Dr Whitehouse
where we saw his "wife Father &sister." ... About 8 at night the "Gore" was to sail for
"Cobourg" & "Port Hope" on "Lake Ontario". ...Very sick, the Ladies cabin very close, three
nights on the water. Met at "Port Hope by Mr George & Mr Robert Ryley who took us to
lodgings at Mr Barretts. Staid there a week.
26th Oct Went to see our new house & Mr Hill slept there the night before alone very much
against me as I thought both the house & beds must be damp. Snow on the ground, Did not
take cold; while at Mr Hastings the baby had an attack of Dysentry. Dr Evett, Mr Jacobs & Mr
Waller called of us. Returned some of the salls. Jane not very well consulted Dr Hickman said it
was cold.
10th November "Florinda Braky" came to us; a month upon trial Mr Hill's temper very
trying...Baked bread for the first time.
16th Mr Hill hurt his leg. Mr Hill bought a Sleigh ...Very mild and damp think it must be the
Indian Summer. Have not yet received any letters from England.
Sun: Mr Hill very cross
Mon 20th Delightful weather Mr Hill's leg better. Our goods came Medicine, my Cloak, Fur
Thurs: Jane in bed all day. Mr Chambers came to see her & Dr Hickman called, did not think
her very bad. Mr Hill bought a pig, I did not feel very well, I want a little more rest & fresh air.
5th Mr Hill very much out of temper, which made me feel very low & poorly The English Mail
came, no letters.
Sat 16th Dr Hickman called to see me in a Cutter, brought his little girl. Had an Invitation to an
evening party on Thurs last at Mrs Kirckelsy[?] but too ill to leave my bed, and Mr Hill too tad a
cold, so both declined Jane had a letter from her sister.
Tues 19th A large meeting at Cobourg. Mr Hill went. A great number of Sleighs passed by here
Fri [29th Dec] Mr Hill goes to Mr G Ryley's never heard any one swear so dreadfully as he
Sat 30th Mr Hill, Florinda, & Edwyn went to Port Hope brought me a very kind affectionate
letter from Mrs Horton its the first letter I have had since I came to Canada & explained what I
expected to hear, that my dear brother had died about a fortnight after I left, it was what I
expected, I thought I was prepared for, nevertheless it was a great shock, I hope & trust through
the merits of our Saviour that he is happy he has had a long illness & time to prepare He had
suffer'd much in mind on account of his circumstances. I feel much for his wife & family & my
sister. ... Mr Charles has taken our house in the Prak, a lease for 7 years...
Tues 2 At times feel a very sickly feeling & low dull, want something to cheer my spirits, Mr
Hill is very irritable that I am constantly in a flutter at the heart.
Wed 3rd Mr Hill more out of temper than ever Very poorly think I am a good deal [illegible]
appearance, feel Joseph's death very much.
Sat: Walked to "Port Hope"
Sun Florinda went home & stayed all night.
Thurs: Mr Hill, Florinda & Edwyn went a ride in the Sleigh It was the first time I had been in
one. called of Mr Hickman, the Doctor gone to "Toronto"
Sun 28th A wretched day, Mr Hill's temper unbearable, cannot live in the way we do, think we
had better part.
Tues...Florinda going to leave us, had rather she had staid another month.
Sun: ...In the afternoon Florinda went home, took Edwyn with her. I feel much better, baby I
think is about more teeth, she looks pale.
Sat: Edwyn very poorly, Dr Hickman saw him, did not think he was going to have the scarlet
fever which is very prevalent at this time. Sun: Got ready to go to Church but did not go Mr
Hill more provoking than every. A very bad headache.
Mon 12th ... Florinda Breaky left us, and seem'd highly delighted to do so
Thurs: Mr Hill had been very angry that the flour was gone, I felt very ill violent Palpitations of
the heart.
Sat 24th Four years this morning since I found my dear Father a corpse, thought much of him
before I got up.
Sun: About 5 in the morning Jane called us to say the Baby was convulsed, Mr Hill & I got up,
It was a slight attack, but do not like the recurrence of them Hope please God that it be the last.
Tues: About 5 in the morning the baby was again convulsed. After breakfast Mr Hill went for
Dr Hickman gave her a powder, does not think she will be subject to these attacks. Said her head
was not so much closed as some [over top is inserted most] children of her age but did not think
it of consequence...
Wed: A lovely day. Baby much better, took another powder. Baby better Dr Hickman called,
Mr Hill offended with for not being more attentive.
8th March...Mr Hill's temper very bad indeed, & I think no wife can be more tried in that respect
April 1st A lovely day overhead but cold Gradually weaning the baby, she is not quite well. Mr
Hill better tempered ... Wish the roads were better Want to walk out, and begin to be tired of the
Winter. At night called up about 2 as the baby was convulsed. Had another attack about an
hour after, in all 6
Mon: Tues: & Wed: Mr Hill's temper. Thurs: Mr Hill at work with Mr Fenny in his garden,
his temper better now he is employed
May 10th Mr Hill has agreed to buy a Farm as the title is now made good I am sorry as I should
like to have lived here.
11th Poorly, the first time since the Baby was born [must be referring to her period]
Sun 12th ... Not very well myself Mr Hill's temper very bad his language very abusive which I
was not going to so lonely a place his temper at times is so awful.
Wed A Lovely day Mr HIll swore dreadfully said he would kick me & my servants out of that
he would not live with me if it were not for the children &c do not know what he would have We
all do our utmost to please him. I am poorly, and my breast hard & painful I often as if I no
Mon 3rd before half past 6 someone knocked at the door Mr Hill called the girls, who got up ,
he swore at them dreadfully & then at me ordering me to get up with the most abusive language
in which blasted b ....h & it was repeatedly used not getting us with this insolent treatment he
kicked me sever times. Very poorly all day.
Tues 4th Yesterday and today a man & his son here at work making pigstys & working in the
garden, they came from Yorkshire but have been 5 years at Montreal. ... I have not taken a meal
with Mr Hill since he kicked me.
Wed: Mr & Mrs Willard came to tea and our cases arrived here from England containing
crockery, one feather bed, carpets, & writings from Mr James on account of which Mr Hill and I
shall have to go to Toronto.
Sun: Well set off for Church, Mr Hill said some unkind things to me about the
uncomfortableness it was to him when I was in the family way, that if I ever was so again he
would not sleep with me & C. Felt so hysterical that although we were at the Church gates I
turned back & Mr Hill [floowoed ?] Lay on the bed in the afternoon.
Wed 3rd ... At night wished to be friends with Mr Hill as we had appear'd to be before our
company ªsaid he wished to have nothing to do with me.
Sun 7th ... Mr Hill still continues out of temper, but I content myself with thinking I have tried
all in my powers to please & live peaceably with him but find it so impossible I hope I shall not
fret & wear myself to a skeleton as I have done.
Tues 9th Maria came to say Jane was sick, got up she took some Castor Oil, poorly all day Mr
Hill For me to dine at Mr George Ryley's I was neither in health or spirits to go, & Jane poorly I
almost think it will be impossible for us to live together he said this morning that he had married
me for & my health & spirits both giving way ...The Doctor gave Jane a dose of Calomel Said I
looked thin & any pulse was exceedingly weak and feeble.
Thurs...Mr Hill dreadfully irritable, gave Maria [the servant girl] a cut with his whip.
Tues: Mr Hill again swearing & cursing Got the headache owing to his constant abuse, or should
be very well
Sat Nov 2nd Went with Mr Hill. They have got the staircase up & hope by this day next week to
have the plastering done.
Sun 3rd Damp Went to Church alone Mr Hill's temper more trying than ever Indeed I think
no one has more need of patience than I have.
Frid: Mr Hill went to the Farm with Fanny After dinner I went with Maria and the children to P
Hope Mr Hill had his dinner the instant he came in & I think never stirred from his chair till he
went to bed.
Sat the children had colds & hoarse & both the girls sore throats. Mr Hill called them up & they
did, not immediately rise as the children had disturbed them. He became outrageous threw the
clothes off me & became extremely violent I kept up my spirits, but the agitation caused me to
loose a good deal of blood. I sometimes think we must part he is so very insulting He is the most
insolent and self indulgent man I ever saw.
Thurs Dec 5th Up early, Maria the two children & I came to the Farm soon after breakfast,
followed by the wagon with kitchen stove, Brine & Young Fowke.
Thursday 19th ... Have made Edwyn two comfortable frocks out of my old night dress Mrs
Brines cut out the body helped me to make it. The house warm and comfortable.
1845 Jany 1st Mr Hill & I went to Port Hope but found the shops closed & that "New Years"
day is consider'd here a holiday. Had a suckling pig for dinner & in the evening Mr Hill & I
played at cribbage. A quiet pleasant day.
Thurs 2nd Mr Hill & I went to Port Hope. After we came home Mr Hill dressed & walked to
the Drs (Hickman) where he was invited to dine on Venison. Fine & cold the snow all gone.
Like here far better than I expected.
15th Mr Hills birthday 46. Had a fowl & plum pudding; played cribbage a quiet &
comfortable day, the snow deeper than has been all winter
Sun [two weeks later] Disappointed I could not go to Church a lovely day and very mild, after
dinner called to see Mrs Fortune who has sprained her Ankle.
Sun Feby 2nd went in out new Sleigh to Church, Brines drove, we took Edwyn with us for the
first time in a morning to Church.
Thurs: Never felt the cold so much.
Fri: Mr Hill went to PH Heard young Robinson had died suddenly. The Cows lost, Brines gone
after then, did not come home till after we were gone to bed.
Sat 8th Brines did not get up. Maria & Mr B got the sleigh ready for Mr Hill No wool cut Have
a great deal of mending to do, the childrens clothes getting old.
Mon 24th [Feb] Five years this morning since my dear Father died, thought of him & old times a
good deal the last few days Fanny here sewing Mr Hill has the lumbago
Thurs [week after] Mr Hill and Edwyn went in the Buggy to "Port Hope" brought me a letter
from Mrs Davies informing me she had a son born 29th Dec. Poor Mary well and happy though
frequently fainting fits.
Sat 15th of March: ... At night Mr Hill sadly out of temper.
Sun 16th Snow enough for sleighing but did not go to Church. My birthday, out of spirits, Mr
Hill's temper so contradictory . More snow There has been very little sleighing this winter & I
have been a very close housekeeper. Shall be glad to see the roads once more dry as I & the
children can get out.
Thurs [10th April] Two of the children's sheep lost. Fri: MR Hill & Brines quarreled,
agreed to part.
Sat: Brines at work as usual.
Mon 28th Lovely weather. A good variety of wild flowers growing on our farm, drying some in
a book. Scarlet fever has appeared again in Port Hope.
[company virtually every day Aldreds, Wallis, Meredith, Fortunes, Ryleys]
4th [June] ... Mr R[obert] Ryley came here to dinner Mr Hill drove him to Port Hope but
would not bring us any bread.
5th Not so warm, Mr Hill sadly out of temper, what for I do not know.
Sat 21st Mr[s?] Brines & Maria gone to Port Hope. People tell me how thin I get.
Fri 26th Brines and Edward went to Port Hope to bring the long expected case. It contained a
black satinette dress for me & cape, 2 collars an ornament for the neck & a silk handkerchief a
present from Mrs Horton. For the children clothes & the toys allow a present of a coat for
Edwyn & a frock for Margaret from their Aunt Horton, & a silver knife, thimble scissors for
Margaret from her godmother. Mr Hill had a present of a Silk handkerchief & five he had
ordered besides his covers, collars, chains, screws & C Our house is not so full we hardly know
where to best stow our goods Lovely weather Must write several letters very soon to all our very
kind friends who seem to think so much of us, though away.
Thurs [July] Mr Hill Edwyn & I rode to P Hope called & left out Cards at Mrs Bakers & Mrs
Merediths Called at Mr Kirchhoffers, Mr Hill in a dreadful temper coming home.
12th July the Grand day for the Orange men Brines, Wife & Edward gone Mr Hill, Jane &
Edwyn went to Port Hope & to the Guide board to see then.
[notes the death of a Mrs Howe, whom she obviously knew as they visited her, then comments
on the funeral passing with 27 carriages]
Sun: Hoped to go to Church, got ready but Brines could not catch any of the horses Mr Hill
sadly out of temper all day Mr Hill drank tea at MR Fortunes, got ready to go with him, but when
I found that he was going to walk I declined going he came home early....Tues, Mr Hill's temper
no better, Maria talks of leaving us.
Tues 26th Two years today since we left Liverpool ... In the afternoon Dr Hickman & [illegible]
called, Said that is was as hot as the West Indies. Brines gone in the buggy to P Hope to meet his
wife who he expects by the boat Five children in one family dead of the scarlet fever Brines
broke the buggy.
Fri 10th [Oct] rendering fat to make candles.
Thurs 23rd Mr Hill & I had a quarrel at dinner because the potatoes were not mashed
Wed [March?] Mr Hill gone to PH brought me a letter from Mrs James and one from Mrs
Horton, Suppose Mr Hill & I shall have to go to Toronto which at this time is very inconvenient
Mr Hill dreadfully out of temper said he took a solemn oath never to da a days work after my
settlement was made that bread & water was quite sufficient for me & as for clothing he did not
care what I wore or show shabby I looked & c The things affect my health & cause me to be in a
constant flutter.
Mon 12th [July] ...After tea Margaret ran after the Old black Sow & got on her back, she had no
bonnet on & the Old sow threw her off & her head struck against a great sharp stick It bled
profusely & was a very bad cut Mr Hill was gone to the Mill, we sent after him the buggy he cut
the hair off & put on plasters, she soon fell asleep. We were all greatly frightened.
Sun 8th Did not go to Church as it rained fast small rain. Had young potatoes for the first time.
The flies very troublesome....
Fri A beautiful morning, quite unprepared set off after breakfast to spend the day at Mrs
Pengelly's Called at Mrs G Ryley's (the first time I had seen their house) & then after a few
minutes drive over taken by a dreadful thunder storm accompanied by hail shelter'd in a barn &
when the storm had abated returned to Mr G Ryley's where we dined & after returned home
Caught in several bad thunder storms. When we came home found a number of strange cattle in
the from & the geese in the corn & Maria gone to Warson's, Just Mr Hill sadly about.
Sat Homer came & paid a part of what he owes, he has been ill. Made some cheesecakes for the
first time M's [Margaret's] head mending but I fear she will have a bald place on her head.
Tues: Maria went to Port Hope there has been a good deal of talk of her & Handy lately, they
say she is in the family way &c....
Fri:...Mr Hill had a summons for not doing the road work.
Tues 7th: Found someone had been in our garden & stolen the melons. ...
Fri: Wrote to Mr Lang to beg the loan of 30 dollars sent Maria will it, Mr Lanf wrote a reply that
he was sorry he could not.
Tues 19th Mr Hill set off early to Cobourg. Mr Peacock came had 10 bushels of apples for 4
turkeys. Turned out a fine day although there was a good deal of rain in the night. Had the
parlour well cleaned. Mrs Everett & sons called to ask Mr Hill to pasture her cow. Some men
came from Clarke had 32 bushels of Apples 8 dollars for them. Mr Hill came home about 8
nothing done.
Thurs: Mr Hill again gone to Cobourg in the buggy Master Everett brought us some home.
Cold and frosty. Another day and Mr Hill has returned with his cause undecided. [there is some
sort of court case going on]
Fri: Very wet. Mr Hill gone again think to day it will be decided, have better hope today of it It
will be a great disappointment should he loose. It was late when he came home, but nothing
Sat; Off by 7 oclock making my own dress. Mr Hill came home to tea. Nothing done only 29
tried, Mr Hill's was the 30th A great disappointment it not being settled.
Mon: Cold. Several people came for Apples. Have some left in the Orchard, which we are
going to change for potatoes.
Nov 1st Mon: Very wet. The Yound husbands came for Apples & hay...
Tues 2nd Misty & warm, cleared up "The Indian Summer" Wish the roads were not so bad. Mr
Hill planting his tulips without his coat, it is so mild.
Fri 19th Jane & all of us have colds The Yound husbands came for hay Deborah came brought
us a nice piece of pork.
Thurs 25th Took a fall last night & fainted away at breakfast. ...M A Cuthbert brought the four
pounds of wool back she had to spin 4/6
10th Dec Very mild & very dirty it having rained all day yesterday. Edwyn six years old today.
Yesterday he burned his knee against the stove....
Wed: Snowing Mr Hill in a bad temper for what cause I do not know He took flour to the Mill &
the bags back to Mr Willsons Mr Mitchell has the small pox. We have a good deal to do "All
work & no play"
Thurs: Mr Boyce came over in the afternoon & told us poor Mr Mitchell had died the night
before at ten oclock she [illegible] blood & had been twice bled.
January 1st 1848 [Sat] The Children delighted to find their stockings filled when they awoke in
the morning...After dinner Watson came to cut wood, Mr Hill sent Edwyn to ask him to do up
the horses He came back & said Watson could not & was gone home. Mr Hill immediately went
into the kitchen & seeing Watson with his umbrella called him back & high words passed
between them, We had tea & afterward Mr Hill complained of numbness in his hand, it
continued till he went to bed & he talked a little wandering. Felt greatly alarmed & never had a
more anxious night.
Mon: Very glad to see Watson as usual cutting the Wook Mr Hill seems much better.
Tues: Very poorly & a headache owing to having been anxious about Mr Hill, he is much better
& gone to the Mill.
Thurs Had a pig killed Mr Ashby came & took Harriet [Maria's sister] to Mr Harrisons Maria
went with them Harriet threatened to destroy herself if they made her stay with them Maria's
brother has again broken his thigh
Sun: A nice day but did not go out as there is not sleighing Mon: Mr Hill set his foot on the
pitchfork, it is very painful S & J Fortune called wish there would come some good sleighing as I
want to get out.
Fri: Mari & I went to Port Hope took three sheep skins 6/3. Called at Mr Younghusbands &
brought home 15 dollars
Fri 11th [Feb] Very Cold Mr Hill gone to Port Hope. Maria gone to quilting bee at her Fathers.
Tues: Mr Ryley came to look at and buy some pigs Mr Hill and I drank tea at Mr Lang's Snowy
and dirty came home by moonlight.
Thurs 24th : Edward Lang came for 4 pigs.
Mon 28th: Snowing Mr Willson called, brought the newspaper A lamb & a goose egg.
Mon: Mr Hill went to the Mill. Mr Buck came for hay, said his brother was dead & that he was
come in for 4000 a year. Feel low as Jane seems to have a mind to go with him & his wife to
England., they thing of going the first of May.
Ash Wednesday: Mr Hill has serious thought of selling the farm...
Thurs ... Jane says if she went to England she should like to return, but think she will put off
going for another twelve months when in all probability children will be at school.
30th [March] Mr Younghusband came, Mr Hill gone out with him. Another beautiful day While
Mr Hill was out, Mr McCarthy came to look at the farm he staid till Mr Hill returned & is
coming again tomorrow....
Saturday the 1st of April a great deal of rain last night & great flood Mr Hill set out to go to Port
Hope but the waters were so he returned. Felt low & dull I like farming as there are so many
things within yourselves within I fear we shall want not having been used to buy lately.
Mon 3rd April Maria staid all night, came home this morning Mr Willson here all morning
waiting for Mr McCarthy at last he went home & about dinner time Mr McCarthy & Mr
Jennings came, sent Maria to tell Mr Willson they were come A fine day but [illegible] Mr Hill
drew up an agreement which he & Mr McCarthy signed in the presents of Mr Willson & Mr
Jennings but Mr Hill intend to draw up another [fller ?] to be signed by all parties.
Wed: A fine clear day. Watson at work here went for shingles Mr McCarthy came to dinner
putting the glass in the windows. Thurs Mr McCarthy called but did not come in, Jane 7 Maria
gone to clean up the house, I went to take a look at it think it a cheerful looking house.
Mon Mr Hill gone to Port Hop Mrs Ashby and her Mother came, she is to quilt my petticoat for a
Sun 16th ...This is the "Passion week" before I was married used to go every day in Passion
week to Church.
Wed 3rd May Mr Hill drove me to Mrs Ryleys brought home 5 dozen of eggs & a tray [&] 4/3
ªMr Hill drove me and the Children to Port Hope Mr Smith paid himself out of the money though
he had said he would sit sadly vexed Mr Hill.
Fri 5th of May Our Wedding Day lovely & warm Had lived the last twelve month very
comfortable together. Hope it will continue to be so & that our prospects are brightening.
Sat [10th June] ...Mr Fortune sent an invitation for me & the children to drink tea there on
Monday to meet Miss Ryley & her pupils who were going there on that day to see the Indians.
Thurs 15th Did not feel very well Maria had to go to Port Hope while she was putting the horse
in the buggy thought a ride would do me and the children good so got myself & them ready had
to wait while Maria dressed herself as we were ready first Too late for the post office it was just
shut Mr Hill dreadfully put out about it
Friday 16th June I had Maria up by 5 oclock & Jane started for the post office before breakfast
nothing there but the "Garland" Mr Hill more angry than every about Jane going Called me
everything he could think of and was very cross with Maria he wished her to go & she said she
would not stay so in the evening she left us with the greatest indifference though she had lived so
long with us...
Sat: O'Hara at work here Feel better, surprising how little we seem to miss Maria
Mon 19th ... A girl came after the place, but w'd not do, had never been out & knew nothing.
Wed 28th Maria and her sister came to tea, she says she likes to be home & is not going to
service again at present
Fri 29th Living very quiet see few persons & never go out.
Tues Mr Hill went to Port Hope Mr Willson called & brought us some white currants After
dinner Mrs Wood came with Elizabeth some [illegible] about wages, they wanted a dollar and a
half, but at last agreed for her to stay for a dollar, she seems a likely girl & the children have
taken quite a fancy to her already.
24th Very sultry, boiling my currant Jelly Maria came brought us some raspberries news of a
sad disturbance in France.
Tues Maria brought us more raspberries for preserving 4d a quart
Wed 16th: ... Elizabeth very poorly Thurs Rain in the night Elizabeth came down to breakfast but
unable to sit up again all the day. Fri Mr Hill and the children went to tell Mrs Wook that
Elizabeth was ill after dinner Mrs Wook came staid tea & then Mr Hill drove them home. I am
afraid she is going to have the fever.
Tues [Sept] Elizabeth came paid her a dollar, a months wages, & have agreed with Maria to stay
with us, as she does not think she shall get married.
Fri [Oct] Mrs Peacock came potatoes to trade for Apples.
[some sort of court affair going on again it "has fluttered me a great deal']
I wonder how it will end In the evening Mr McCarthy came in expecting Mr Willson would
come but he did not looked over the account I have kept of butter all seemed well.
Sat [23rd Dec] ... Charley and Neddy [their horses] sold for 25 L twelve months credit The
machine was not sold
[continues to keep track of her menstrual cycle in the back of her diary.]
Mon 10th [Feb] Rainy Frozen & Ice on the trees as I never saw before & very slippy &
miserable [illegible] not good & vexed that Mr Hill would go. He set out & just as he got into
lane was thrown out & came home his nose & face cut & bleeding. I was in hopes that would
stop him but no Off he went again & Joe Eno with him
Wed 19th Mr Hill I &the Children went in the cutter to Port Hope All thrown out & sprawling
on the ground Poor Margarets nose bled & her eyes & nose sadly swelled & discoloured I am
very stiff and sore. ... Mr Hill will drive on high ridges of snow expect several times to be
[illegible] It makes me quite nervous.
Wed 26th [March] Sarah Margaret's birthday 8 years old. Very mild After dinner Maria drove
me and the children to Miss Henley's Have agreed for the children to go to school 1st April Mr
Hill's eye bad The children sadly vexed to go to school.
April 1st Tuesday Maria took the Children to School for the first time they were in great spirits a
beautiful day
Wed Rainy Kept the children at home
Thurs ... This is the first day the children ever dined from home by themselves Sent them by
Maria some Jam and bread as they only took lunch with them They have sadly wanted to stay the
whole day & to day they will do so.
Thurs [next] Margaret heard when at school yesterday that one of the boys had the "itch." Sent
Maria to enquire about it An illnatured [sic] tale got up by some of the children no truth
whatsoever in it
Fri 20th [June] Warm The children had holiday and are gone with their papa Jane & Maria to the
Tues ... After [tead?] Edwyn was spitting but not in a passion Mr Hill got up for the horsewhip
in a great rage & c
Sat 13th [Sept] ... about 3 15 in the morning Mr Hill got up to stoke a light and fell insensible on
the floor Again he sat in the bed & a second time insensible on the floor He seems quite sensible
but when he sat up of raised himself fainted his arm is bruised About 6 sent for the Doctor but he
did not come been engaged by Mrs Roches who was confined so sent again by ...
Sat Nov 1st... Mr Hill, I and Margaret went to Port Hope took my sullen dress to Miss Dyers
bought Margaret a woolen Polka Jacket 6 Went to Mr Smiths by appointment to meet Mr & Mrs
Coulson I went to sign away my dower but did not get anything He is to pay Mr Hill 420 L 50
down, the 25 in Lumber Hope it is for the best
January 1st Snowing Mr Hill went alone in the cutter to Port Hope. After dinner he called at Mr
Fortunes. No one came here. Thank God he is in good health. Margaret's burn not doing well,
Mr Perks came to see it. Sunday the first in the year Mr Hill and I went to Church in the buggy.
He has not been of some years, but intends now going regularly. Thurs: 22nd Mr Forbes died.
Have had no memorandum book till March.
Mon 1st March, the snow deep, no getting out. Tues 2nd heavy fall of snow in the night. Mr
Hill and Jane went to Port Hope, found the snow very deep Upset in Port Hope Mr Hill bought
me this book It is many years now since I kept a diary...
5th Friday Snow again in the night never recollect so much snow. Mr Hill Margaret & I called at
Mr Fortunes, surprised to find the snow so deep on the gravel road Poor James Rowe met with a
sad accident last week from a thrashing machine, he has lost part of his foot.
Sat 13th Mr Hill bought Edwyn a pair of Rabbits 2 Edwyn has long wanted some Mr Hill &
Moore gone to Port Hope they tipped over four times during the day…
14th The sleighing over & travelling bad any way.
16t Tues: My birthday. Can hardly fancy I am so old Shall not mention it if they do not think of
it which I hope they will not do. Have been quite as regular as usual till the last two months
think I may expect a change in my constitution.
Sat 20th Mr Hill Mt [Margaret] and I went in the cutter, the Mill road to Port Hope sadly
frightened the road so uneven Called at Mrs Smith's. Dr Smith has had a bad paralytic attack.
Came back the turnpike road Mr Hill complained of feeling very unwell, The seat broken
altogether one of the most unpleasant drives I ever had. I drove home...Mr Hill complaining of
being poorly, he took a pill.
Thurs 25th: Mr Hill complains sadly of his neck. He and Mary are gone to borrow Mr Fortunes
fork & then to Port Hope. I feel anxious about him he does not seem so well as he did.
Sun 28th Edwyn said he did not feel well but his Papa has taken him to Church along with S
Margaret. I do not feel very well which is the reason I did not go to Church. They went in the
buggy. I should think there would be no more sleighing. The first works the children said on
their return was that they had been upset at the end of our lane as they were going to Church Mr
Hill and his daughter were thrown out, Margaret complained a little of her head but M A Eno
came and I heard no more complaints.
Sat 8th [May]... Mr Hill & I went to Port Hope. Mr Hill took [illegible] some rhubarb roots & he
gave him a Dahlia root, as we were going saw a funeral and upon enquiring found it was
"Florindas," a girl who lived with us at Dr Lowes, felt affect so young cut off 23...
Sun 23rd Mr Hill SM and I went to Church had a pleasant drive till we got to where they have
been mending the road when I wished to get out Mr Hill in a passion about my doing so & drove
to the Church He however & SM came to meet me & he sat the top of the seat where I have
always sat & where I like to sit. ...Mr Hill says he will never drive out with me again he is very
disagreeable. S Margaret staid with me at home... Margaret very useful.
Tues 25th Mr Hill and I quite friendly I drove with him & SM to PH
Sun 20th [June] Mr Hill and Edwyn gone to Church. I am getting stronger but my ankles ache &
burn sadly. The children are pretty well.
Thurs 22nd [July] hot. Dined at 12 and set off to a school examination of L Young husbands
pupils at Mr Peters Spent a very agreeable afternoon net several families there & the
superintendent of schools (Mr Baird) Mrs Baird was also there Had an excellent tea drinking &
plenty of very nice cake. Brought home two slices for the children which Mr Peters sent them
Several wished they had been there, they wd have enjoyed it.
Sat Up between 4 and 5, and as soon as breakfast was over Mr Hill set out to Mr Ryleys for the
children. A nice morning Sent Maria to go pudding She is doing well. A confrontation at Port
Hope today. Surprised soon after twelve to see them come, Edwyn went straight to the
raspberries and neither of them seemed at first to talk and tell us everything as I expected but
they soon became as usual they seemed not very well to like school at least they like home
much better.
Sun 25th Staid at home ... Up about 5 Edwyn's cough troublesome. I got up about 12 and got
him some of the pectoral & he did not cough again after he had taken it, Sent a small bottle for
him to take some at School if his cough should be bad. They went off in good spirits particularly
SM....MR Hill returned about 1 very little tried. He left the children quite contented...
Tues: ...Mary said her Mother said if her wages were not raised she must leave & c very civil.
Suppose we must part, she suits us very well...Mr Hill gone with a pudding and some Cake to
Sam Marion. We seem very quiet and the work is got done sooner & when the places are once
cleaned they remain so much more than when the children are at home only having one parlor &
living entirely in it when they are at home of course it has things lying about.
Wed [18th July] Mr Hill set out on horseback to go to Mr Clarke's while there he fainted away
Soon after he got home he broke out into a cold sweat and again became insensible He looked
very ill and Mary immediately set out for Dr Perks but when the Doctor came he was
surprisingly better ... He recommends Mr Hill to be very sparing in his diet for two days and then
take some tonic mixture. I was sadly frightened but this afternoon he seems tolerably well. ...
Fri 29th Mr Hill pretty well, Dr Perks came to see Mrs Marvin & called with Phoebe here Mrs
Marvin borrowed my breast pump rather loathe to lend it for fear it should get broken ...
Wed 25th Extremely sultry 9 years yesterday since we left Birmingham
...[frequent mention of how she is thinking of the children seems the children are beginning to
stay for two weeks at school before they come home for a weekend]
Sat: Up between 4 & 5 & by 5 Mr Hill set out ... Long to see the children...Soon after twelve Mr
Hill & the children arrived, they are both looking very well & seem quite contented to be at
School. Mr Hill told Miss Ryley that he did not think of sending SM the Spring quarter...
Tues: showery Mr Hill gone in the buggy alone I thought of going had it not been so damp &
wet. Have had a headache the last few days I seem to like quiet Mr Hill always likes to be, but in
the house reclines on the Sofa reading the newspaper or a book.
Sat 25th Went to Port Hope intending to stay a few hours with Mrs Baird & learn how to
[illegible] but found her getting into a buggy to go with Mr Baird to Peterborough, she had
quite forgotten appointment with me but would willingly have staid home; one day is the same to
me as another andSaturday is the only day she is at liberty but wonder how she could forget
Mon: November 1st Mr Hill gone over on horseback to M Ryleys to see the children ... He
came home about 2 o'clock looking very pale and tired he having been thrown from his horse A
dog came jumping at the horse who startled & Mr Hill not being aware at the time of the dog was
soon on the ground He broke out into one of his cold swears & was poorly all the way home...
He seemed pleased with the appearance of both the children, especially S M and brought home
some lines composed by Mrs Ryley about Margaret He also brought both their copy books
which they had finished Think them improved in their writing...
[comments that Miss Ryley would be giving up the school at Christmas since she was to be
married on New Year's Day they were invited to the wedding.]
Thurs 5th [Jan, 1853] Mr Hill & the Children & myself went to Dr Perks & Mr Bairds, agreed
for our children to go to school 20L a year each ...
Mon 9th [Jan] Very Cold after dinner Mr Hill took Edwyn to School, we intend to keep SM at
home this quarter...Tues A fall of snow in the night which has made it good sleighing Mr Hill &
I went to Port Hope called to see Edwyn Found they wished to put off our arbitration, but believe
it will take place tomorrow....
Thurs 12th...Do not feel at all excited about the arbitration but anxious of course & wish it
settled. The opposing party had wished to postpone it again.... Soon after 8 Mr Hill came home
saying he had been awarded 300L & pay costs which were 25L
Sat [21st] Mr Hill gone for Edwyn in the cutter...Mr Hill received his money for the damage
done his land by the railway 300 L and I received a dollar for my dower
24th February A day ever to be remembered by me for 14 years ago on that day, found my dear
Father a corpse when I went into his room in the morning
Wed 15th [March] [this line crossed out] My birthday never thought so little of it no one
remember'd the day...Thurs 16th ...Though yesterday had been the 16th of March; find in looking
in the Almanac it is to day my birthday
Sat 18th...Mrs Jackson sent us some eggs & butter & fresh egg is a great treat they are the first
we have had this year.
Sun 19th... Mr Hill in a great rage for no other reason that I know of but having to put the horse
in the buggy
Wed [29th] ...I feel low and poorly I want some one cheerful to talk to...
Wed [5th April] Very low & weak, want some one to cheer [sic] & sympathize with me which
Mr Hill never does.
Thurs 20th ...Edwyn wrote a letter for Jane to her sister...
[Beginning in the middle of July, Mr Hill is complaining about a pain in his side.]
Mon 14th [August] ...Think we shall keep Margaret at home till after Xmas.
Sun 10th December...[had gone out to the garden and Mr Hill did not feel too well so they came
in and he laid down] About 4 he was taken with the illness I fear will prove so serious to him.
Sent Edwyn immediately for the Doctor who he met on the road with Mrs Perks My dear
Husband was speechless & never recovered his speech again. I thought from that time there was
no hope

About 10 got him upstairs & with great difficulty into his own bed There we both lay till about
12 when he wished to get up I called Jane we could not get him into bed so pulled the bed off,
tried his utmost to raise himself .
Tues 15th My dear Mother died & I quite expected all the morning that my dear husband would
not [this portion crossed out] but had no power. At last we placed in on the bed but not
comfortably as I could have wished Jane went to bed & I watched by his side.
Mon 11th Dr Perks came he was very anxious to get into his own bed & we managed to get him
into it. Very bad all the day mustard plasters on his stomach & calves of his legs At night
Edmund Willson came & we got him into the night chair & made his bed more comfortable Not
a murmur or impatient gesture ever escaped him the whole time he was ill. I watched him.
Tues 12th My dear Mother died & I felt that I should loose a husband...Mr Hill cupped at the
back of his neck...
Wed: He was bled. His breathing seemed rather better afterwards. The doctor staid all night he
had a blister on his stomach, dear Mr Hill seemed to [want?] it taken off....Thurs 14 The last day
my dearest husband lived During the morning he dozed and occasionally took a little
nourishment. For the first time I did not deceive him with hope I told him as gently & lovingly
as I could that I fear'd must part how thankful we should be if God would restore & c. I asked
him if he was afraid to die, he said vHe looked so calm and serene & wrote the word "Death" and
"I try to pray" His patience was that of a saint, never did I see anything to equal it. He joined
dear Edwyn's, Margaret's, and my hands together & blessed us putting his hand on each of our
heads. He took a little wine & water eagerly but we were afraid to give him more than a
teaspoonful or two at a time for fear of the hiccough & it affecting his breathing Mrs Fortune Mr
& Mrs Marmon came & shook hands with them. Gradually he seemed getting nearer to his end.
He breathed like a great steam engine occasionally for a moment it stopped & then again, but
fainter & fainter We did not disturb him. Mr [illegible] & Thomas Mr Coulson's man & Mr Key
were in the room with me & his dear children when his dear spirit went without a sigh or
struggle to God who gave it. It was about midnight when he departed. May our last end be calm
& serene as his. I staid a long time gazing on my dear husband almost fancying I could hear him
breathe & then kissing his lips several times for the last time left the room. ...
Fri 15th Dr Perks came I lay in bed all the day. Thomas shaved Mr Hill and Mr Kay arranged
the room & all things Sat 16th I saw my dear husband looking so calm & so little changed Saw
him several times during the day & so did the dear children We none of us felt that dread or
shock I expected
Sun 17th Several gentlemen called.
Mon 18th The coffin came when I saw it, was deeply grieved to find it was lined. It was a
Walnut coffin with plated plate & nails Sent Joe with a note for Dr. Perks & some lining for the
coffin Mr Whicks & Mr Bunt assisted in placing his dear remains in the coffin Joe brought wine
& spirits from Port Hope Cakes & c Sat up rather late
Tues 19th Got up & dressed myself & saw my dearest husband in his coffin for the last time.
Very little changed. The day severely cold....I think 14 carriages followed the mournful train
the hearse with his dear remains & our buggy affected me much.
Mon Xmas All alone all week the same. I like to be alone & quiet I have written several letters
& the Doctors has sent newspapers to my friends I have not seen him all week. Sun...The last
day of this eventful year which has left me a widow & my children fatherless. My mourning is
not yet made I have only my widows cap which shows my hollow cheeks. The children are both
at home I intend to try to teach Margaret & keep Edwyn the next grade at home. I should feel
lonely without him & the roads are so hard & slippery I durst not let him ride Greylock is apt to
stumble. The children are I could wish if they would agree better together. I could not leave
here. It will be my pleasure to tend his Garden & mind his plants all will remind me of him. He
loved flowers they were of his life. I love them too. I feel better I have had. How shall we get
on the nest year "Trust in God & he will not forsake us." May we think more of his goodness &
the uncertainty of life How little I thought what would happen before the year was out.
January 1st We have entered upon another year. How uncertain is life, we have just had an
instance of it in our little family circle. Mr dear husband is no more he died the 14th of
December at midnight calmly & without a struggle [sic] he entered upon his rest, May we all be
found ready for we know not at what hour we may be taken from this transitory world to give an
account of our stewardship. I feel very lonely & weak in body The road very slippery & no
snow. ... 2nd Very low. In the evening Mrs Kay came. Bunts brought home my dress it has too
many bows & have taken them all off. English newspapers.
3rd Wed. Joe Eno came he & Edwyn went to Port Hope. Edwyn told me on
his return he had been to see his dear Papa's grave. Very mild. Mr Wells came, he had not heard
of my dear husband's death. He had brought 25L to pay, but thought I could not legally receive
it, Thought I should have to go to Port Hope with him. He behaved very well & went him self &
took a note to Dr. Perks. He said if it was necessary for me to see Mr Scott he would come in the
morning & drive me, but nothing could be done till I had administered. Mr & Mrs Baird came
Mrs Kay made Margaret a crape [sic] bonnet. I feel harassed & poorly.
4th ... Dr Perks drove me to Mr Wards & I signed a paper to the effect that I administered to my
dear husbands effects & that he died the 14th of December....
Sat 6th ... In the afternoon Mr Fortune & Mr Marion came ...Said the pigs we had from Robert
were not paid for.
Tues 9th ... Yong Jamieson called to know if I intended selling the corn & Mr Short walked here
should think he had heard I had written a short tribute to dear Mr Hills memory as he had
preached funeral sermon.
Mon 15th My spirits very low, dear Mr Hill's birthday he would have been 56 had he lived. No
Turkey or Plumb [sic] pudding he always liked to have his birthday kept.
17th Edwyn drove me to Port Hope Dined at Dr Perks went expecting to see Mr Whitehead but
he was from home, Called about my bonnet, Mrs Lilligow thinks it a proper widows bonnet &
as deep as it can be made. The Dr thinks some Quinine will do me good The first time Edwyn
has driven me & he drove carefully & well
22nd ... Mon Sat a good deal in the kitchen & in the evenings all sit together & read & sew, it is
the pleasantest part of the day. See more from one weeks end to another but do not feel dull now
the children are at home.
Thurs 25th ... Found "Illustrated News" & a letter from Mrs Davies & Mrs Horton they had not
heard of poor Mr Hill's death Mr Davies wants to know about the "Everton Pastures," Her son
Tom is heir I suppose to my Cousin MB Welch if he had no sons but we have never hears he is
Her letters are very unkind & insolent, but I will not return evil for evil
Fri 26th Wrote to Mrs Davies. I can give her a good deal of information on the Subject she does
not seem to know anything. My Grandfather's Will I have, & it leaves the Everton Pastures to my
Uncle Gybby & his heirs I should not like to give up the without advice. I have copied the
paragraph from the will in my letter to her.
29th More snow in the night. Edwyn amusing himself with making a chain I am very glad he
had found something to pass away his time now he cannot go out of doors.
11th [Feb] Sun: A good deal of snow fell in the night & a snowy morning. Except the changes
in the weather I have little to note down, but I feel tranquil, & the quiet of our lives suits me at
this time better than the bustle & fatigue of company We have lived almost entirely alone since
my dear husbands death & I have never been out except on business. I should like to go to
Church before I make calls & visit & I know I shall feel much, the first time I go & see my dear
husband's grave....
[Notes on the 13th that when she was in town at the Doctor's, they brought the bills together
from the funeral and did not think that 100L would cover it. Throughout February, often
mentioned getting her bills settled that the Doctor paid after she had "empowered" him to
withdraw money from her account.]
Tues 6th [Mar] Was just sat down quietly to reckon up Jane's account when Mr G Ryley came
He could not without the greatest inconvenience pay the 100L. So I agreed to go with him to
Port Hope & see the Dr. Joe Eno here. At last agreed to take security for the money & Mr Ryley
is to come again next week & bring the interest and sign a paper which Mr Scott is to draw up to
secure the money to me. The sleighing very bad as we returned.
Sat 17th Mr Ryley and Willfred came Brought me 6L interest & gave 2 five dollar notes which
he said the children could have & I intend giving them
Mon 19th ...wrote a note to the Doctor saying I had left Mr G Ryley's lease & c with him the day
of his lecture on the "Steam Engine" Edwyn shooting, he has his dear Papa's gun & seems
delighted with it I feel afraid for him although he is very careful. He came in quite delighted
having shot a bird for the first time.
Thurs 22nd Went with Edwyn in the buggy to Port Hope found the roads (except down our farm)
pretty good, Fortunately met Mr Wells there and after a good deal of preamble he paid me 25L. I
am to give him another paper if he wishes it when I am appointed Guardian to the children. The
Dr seems perfectly satisfied with Mr Ryley's Security I gave the Doctor 20L of the 25L for the
payment of debts, & reserved the 5L for Jane Have agreed to pay Jane 40L to be out of her debt
by August. It is at about the rate of 3 dollars a month Could I have afforded it she should have
had more.
Sat 24th Quite a deal of snow & very cold Wrote a note to Mr Lang which Edwyn went with on
horseback Mr Lang sent word he would come on Monday at 10 o'clock to value our effects
Edwyn went again to ask Mr Millson to meet Mr Lang on Monday. The horse tiresome &
wanted to come back, I was frightened but Edwyn persevered & did his errand.
Sun 25th Margaret complains of headache, think it is a nervous headache wish she would agree
better with her brother...
Mon 26th Dear Margaret's birthday 12 years old Mr Lang & Mr Millsom came, valued the
effects of my dear husband. Horse 12L 10 sh, 2 Cows 9L, buggy 10L, Cutter 6L 5 sh, Piano
40L, Household furniture 60L, Library 10L. A very snowy day.
12th [Apr] [She previously wrote to the church that she wanted to keep half of their seat]… Told
me they would find me another seat at Church if I would give up the one we occupy for a family
who would occupy the whole felt
Fri 27th April Drank tea with the children at Mrs Langs. Jane put the bacon in ashes Have eaten
a good part of the second flitch Feel a good deal of anxiety & c as to how we are to get along.
Sat 5th May Our wedding day 15 years ago Think much of my dear husband and the days we
have spent together. 6th Sunday Edwyn drove me & his sister to Church The roads very dusty
Went to grave Glad to see it banked up, but felt very low & shed tears in Church
Fri 8th [June] ...Called at Wednalls & agreed for Edwyn to begin French on Monday Called at
Mrs Fortunes & Mr Holland Margaret is to have two lessons a week and pay five dollars a
quarter Drank tea at Dr Perks Like home best.
13th Wed... The children went to their lessons and I spent the afternoon with Mrs Moss. We
drank tea there and on our return called at Mrs Boyces' & brought home one of our Fuschias...
[She is having trouble with her neighbour "Old Ford" who will not allow her man Zealand to
change the fence]
28th Very hot and over coming. Saw Old Ford as we were driving his sheep home & had some
talk to him think him a [double underline] rogue.
Sat 30th ... Ford more troublesome than ever although he pretends to keep the bars up the last
day or two, yet he leaves room for his sheep to get through
Sun 29th [July]... The children gone to Mr Millsoms to buy some eggs but in reality to try if they
could beg some cherries they did not succeed.
Wed 22 [Aug] Anxious about poor Peggy, glad to find she had had the courage to have her tooth
drawn she went alone to the ocotys
Sun 23rd [Sept] Graylock strayed and Jane observed the boards all piled up together that
belonged to the bridge. Mr Bunt also saw then & came in & told me he had no doubt someone
intended to carry them away & he would draw them down for me tomorrow. After we were
gone to Church Margaret went up & saw them safe & piled up Edwyn & I went to Church After
dinner Margaret again went to the bridge & found the boards all carried away I went with her to
see & then went up again with Jane & Edwyn Saw the boards on old Ford's place Jane went to
his house at first he said he knew nothing of them Came & spoke to me & owned they were, said
if he had not taken them away another man would I asked who did take them, he said he did not,
but Marvin did. Which Marvin? Sam Offered to draw them back or pay for them, would hear
nothing which he had to say In about ten minutes after I got home Old Ford came wanted to see
me refused At dusk Mr Bunt saw Ford & his housekeeper with the Oxen drawing the boards
back Have no doubt he was sadly frightened He might be sent to Jail for it.
Wed 26th Mr Millsom called with his account we owe him for 12 cord of wood & three load of
straw 5 sh a load Often feel anxious about how we shall get along. ...
Fri 13th [Oct] Sold a barrel of apples 3/9d
Mon 15th A very dull looking day. Margaret in good spirits, she is going to stay a few days with
Mrs Vansimack Jane & Edwyn gone with her to Port Hope fear they will find the roads very bad
My health is good, but I have many anxious thought for the future Winter is coming on. The
apples potatoes are not got it & we have no wood & cannot get any under 4 dollars a cord It
makes me very serious & thoughtful...
Wed 5th [Dec] Feel low as the time of year comes round when I lost my dear husband
Sun 9th ...How well do I remember this day twelve months I think a great deal how I am to get
on, much. I must use my best endeavors & leave the rest to God who careth for the Widow &
Fatherless. Nevertheless to retrench as much as I am obliged to do is very trying & needs
patience Margaret really several things, upon the whole for children they are considerate &
very moderate in their wishes which makes it harder to refuse them. I deny myself everything
superfluous & even necessaries in clothing & c But we have & great comforts & ought to follow
my dear husbands example in thankfulness to God.
Wed 19th Twelve month today since my dear husband was buried [sic] I am alone Jane being
gone for the children. I like it. I can undisturbed.
Thurs 27th Cold We live a very quite monotonous life with few individuals to note down but my
diary I have been accustomed to for years & should feel lost without it.
January 1st A lovely day...Another year has commenced, We are all in good health &
surrounded by many comforts & blessings. The loss of my dear husband that sad bereavement
has not left us so utterly without friends & God has been very gracious to us.
Wed 9th The coldest day yet. Margaret for the first time poorly. She is not 13 years old till
March. She is very little so but think it is a beginning. [Begins to keep track of her daughters
menstrual cycle in the back of her diary]
Thurs 10th ... Saw Mr Hughes Said there was money enough to pay Jane & himself in the bank It
has put me in good spirits. ...
Fri 11th Like sometimes to be alone.
Feb 8th Called at Mrs Boyces & borrowed some more of "Godey's Lady's Book” They seem
very friendly people Afterwards went to speak to Mr Cleghorn about Edwyn going to School &
agreed that he should go on Monday.
Tues 12th Very cold & the snow deep on the ground nevertheless Edwyn would go to school &
took his sleigh with him, I fear he will be tired Edwyn likes school pretty well, rode some of the
way home.
Fri 15th Snowy fast all the day, not quite so bold. Edwyn did not go to school Margaret poorly
the second time, think a change has now quite taken place in her constitution. The first time a
month ago it was little more than a show. She is not 13 till March, & seems very well.
Thurs 6th [Mar] Tired of seeing it snowing again, Mr Bunt gone out with a load of hay which
will break the road a little, The children went as far as Bunts, found the snow very deep...
Sat 15th Mrs Whicks & her children came to tea She wanted to borrow 50 dollars from Jane &
said she would give twelve percent interest, Jane agreed to het her have it.
Tues 18th ... Mr Whicks came and Jane gave him a cheque on the Bank of Upper Canada" for
18L 10 sh He is to give her twelve percent interest.
Sat 22nd... The snow is melting fat, should like to have gone to Port Hope before the sleighing
was over. Mr G Ryley has disappointed me in not bringing the interest he owes me & which I
have been daily expecting the last two or three weeks.
Sat 29th ... Joe called on his way to Port Hope lent him "Greylock" He brought several
newspapers back with him & a bill for the "Patriot". That paper is a annoyance to me. I have
desired it to be sent back & Dr Perks has said he would & had sent about it for me.
Mon 31st Cold & clear & frosty Have hay to get in today, the horse & cow are a great expense.
...In the evening the three young Whicks came & stayed & played at Cards with Edwyn and
Tues [1st April] Jane is gone to Port Hope with Mr Whicks, took a note to Dr Perks...Should like
to have sent for several things if it had been convenient. I am very short of money at this time &
do not wish to take any more out of the bank if I can help it till Mr Hughes & Jane are paid. A
fine frosty morning. Jane has got a check from the bank for 22/10 which with the 12/10 which
Mr Whicks had from her makes the 35L which I owed her & makes us square It was due to her
21st August 1855....
Sat 5th ... Am getting out of patience with Mr Ryley not bringing the interest & the children &
Jane so. Edwyn wishes me to write to him but I intend waiting a little longer. Jane finding they
gave no interest at the Bank for less than a 100L took her 22/10 out. She found the roads very
Sun 6th A lovely day, quite long to get out, when the snow was on the road & it was so cold
staid contentedly in but now it looks so fine & bright I find it more dull to remain in the house
and the roads are so bad no one comes to see us. The snow is fast disappearing & the tulips are
coming up, it makes me think of my dear husband who used to delight in seeing them.
Tues 15th Mr G Ryley came, but did not bring the money, He said he would bring the money as
soon as he could get it That he saw the Dr Perks last night that they went to Mr Scotts who was
from home but saw Mr Burbridge that the Dr would write to Mr G Ryley after he had consulted
with Mr Hughes & c I feel low & out of spirits Mr Ryley not having brought the money.
Thurs 17th...Want to go to Port Hope but do not know how I am to get there in the buggy.
18th A fine day. Old Bowen drove me to Port Hope called at the Doctors said he would see
about Mr Ryley & write to him after he had consulted Mr Hughes & get proper security &c
Though I had better employ a surveyor called with the old man at Mr Roches Mr Roches said he
could not possible come in less than a fortnight... [It appears that "the old man" Bowen is a
gardener that has in previous years always been employed in farm work but this year has worked
as their gardener] ...
Thurs May 1st
...The old man has left us paid him 5 dollars
Friday May 2nd A very rainy day It was warm & will make all the things grow, the Asparagus is
coming up & we shall soon be able to cut it & rhubarb Am to be alone, the old man being deaf
rather tried me, although he is company & did everything he could to make himself agreeable &
gave very little trouble. It will be a change again when he returns.
[There is an argument that is going on between Sarah and Old Ford that requires a surveyor]
Thurs 8th We all got up earlier than usual ...After dinner Edwyn went with the old man to Port
Hope, wrote a note to Dr Perks asking his advice as to what surveyor I ought to employ & how I
ought to act. Just as they got home Old Ford came in he had a paper which he showed me which
he said he had copied from the Government deed. Said "the Marvins" never had a legal right to
the place that Old Sam Marvin was an alien & Mr Robinsons older than either & that Mr R's lot
was 50 acres. That he had the Government deed of the 200 acres That he was a rough fellow to
engage in a law suit with & more to that effect He had hurt his hand which was tied up Old
Bowins told him plainly what he thought of him & was not in the least afraid of him.
Sat 10th Old Ford here again I am really sadly worried with him, He told me Marvin's deed was
of no use & that a surveyor could not settle the point in dispute that the Government deed alone
could decide & that it was at Quebec....
Mon 12th Edwyn Margaret & I went to Port Hope called & dined at Dr Perks. He had seem Mr
Stewart & said when Mr S was able to come he would drive him out Also called at Mr Smith's
Saw Mr Smith who went to the [blank] Said, "Marvins" deed was good that time had made it so
& that the deed was made by his Father That he should make me no charge & that in a fortnight
he should be at home again & would come here Gave the Dr & Smiths some Asparagus. Tues
13th ...Sent to Dr Perks "The Lease of J Clark to E Hill." And J Huston deputy Surveyors plan
of the farm which Mr Hill gave the name of "Brooklands". Old Bowins and Edwyn went to Port
Hope with the "Deeds"
Thurs 15th ...Old Ford came, left some papers with me to read Do not know what to make of
them, some of the sentiments are noble & fine but it is sadly unconnected & made me almost
think he must be crazy.
Sat 17th ...Mr Ford called, with newspapers, he is very anxious to know whether there is going to
be war he talks sensibly on some points on others I dont know what to make of him.
Sun 18th ...In the afternoon the cow caved (a bull calf) Jane & the old man had some trouble to
find her, & it was so very rainy. Her udder must have been very painful for several days & the
old many though we should milk her, but Jane said
Tues 20th A fine day, old Ford called with a paper praying me to pray to God about.
Sat 24th of May the "Queen's birthday". The young Whicks came to ask Edwyn to go fishing
with them The old man gone visiting his friends The day lovely & the tulips will soon be at their
best. The small bed in the other garden has some very beautiful flowers it was the day after they
were set that my dear husband went to see the bed, (the last day he was out of doors) So he never
saw their blooms. He would have greatly admired them... Edwyn brought 17 trout and 5
Mon 25th A very lovely morning, the Tulips are uninjured with the wind went to Port Hope
Called at Mr Cornalls, Mr Fortunes, Harvey's & Smiths told them this week the Tulips would be
at their best & expect several of the Port Hope people will come to see them.
Tues 27th Old Ford called, quite dressed up white waistcoat &c And after tea the old man
(Bowins) I and the children went up the farm to see if we could settle with Ford Cannot & Ford
wants a wagon [sic] road through our Farm which I most object to of anything.
Thurs 29th ...In the afternoon Old Ford came, he and Bowins had high words It worried me
Mon June 2nd...Fear Mr Ryley is not doing well & that I shall find it difficult to get my money
from him.
Fri 6th Expected the Dr and Mr Stuart but again disappointed Mr Hughes & George came in the
afternoon, Had an opportunity of talking to him about Mr Ford & Mr Ryley said he would see
the Dr about my affairs thought I had 20L on the Bank and owed him 10L. Told him I wished
him to pay himself. He is very considerate.
Sat 7th A fine day Edwyn gone fishing with the Whicks. Asked the old man how we stood he
said I owed him 17 dollars a dollar and half a dollar. I cannot afford it. He said when I talked to
him that he would not reckon today, but left off work & came & lay on the bed. He is very
greedy & I feel very vexed with him having behaved as well to him as I possibly. He saw that I
was vexed & said he would agree to 8 dollars & a quarter. Having had some chain from me
which he valued at a quarter a dollar, this is better, but he will not work although there are plenty
of little jobs to be done in the gardens.
June 13th 1856 [Note the manner in which she records the date - she has never done this before.]
...I do not feel very well, have been worried with this affair a good deal it seems as if everything
went contrary. About 12 Mr Roche & young Hastings drove up, after staying a few minutes they
went to Fords & Old Bowins & Edwyn followed. [All concerned parties showed up with their
deeds]... Mr Roche looked over all the deeds & papers & they were all out surveying. It having
been so often divided makes it rather difficult. Between 5 & 6 the old man came to me
greatly dissatisfied & I went to Mr R Flatters was chopping away. I seemed vexed & Mr Roche
left & walked home with me left the survey. Mr Ford will get more than he asked for my Mr R's
survey & so is Edwyn & the old man much vexed. ... [Note in the back of her diary, she
accounts for dividing a 200 parcel of land: Mr Robinsons 50 acres, Old Ford's 63 acres, and their
land 87 acres She then also notes that "Our Farm 87 acres & 6 were taken for the Railroad from
Sun 15th...Quite late Mr Clarke drove here we all walked up the Farm with him & saw Old Ford
at the door but he walked into the house. After Mr Clarke & the old man had looked round Mr
Clarke went & asked Old Ford He came out & they all talked together Mr Ford said he had got a
Government deed & spoke of a paper Mr Hill had signed. Neither of which things Mr C
believed. Tom Raymond was there & heard all Mr Clarke thinks it will be a few days before
Mr Roche will come again & I think he will come with him. We all feel in better spirits.
Sat 21st... Old Ford came in while we were at diner & would it settled tried to frighten me Said I
had no title to the Seven acres that it belonged to old Mr Marvin that if I would agree to it as he
said nothing would be said about it & c I am sadly perplexed & vexed about it, at times my head
aches with thinking & worrying.
Mon 30th Old Ford left a note for me with Margaret (as I would not see him) containing a
proposition of compromise He says Mr Smith & Mr Roche were coming here to day That he
was going to Mr Mills (Young Mills being dead) & that he should be back by noon & if the
Surveyors came they were not to begin till he returned. I feel nervous & find how difficult it is
for a woman to get on alone in this country without any relative or person on whom I have a
claim Have not heard from England or from Mr G Ryley. In the afternoon the children went to
their lessons, took bouquets of flowers & some rhubarb to Hollards...
Thurs 3rd [July]...Mrs Horace Marvin called with her daughter relative to a tree. Old Ford had
been to see her about the division line & told her she had a claim on me for 11 dollars Mr Hill
had cut up a tree & drawn it away (old Ford says) & was to pay Mr Marvin for it & had not done
so Also Callahon MacCarthy 12 dollars which Ford was answerable to her for. There is always
something to annoy & vex one with that man......
Fri July 4th Low & out of spirits & feel weak in body Think a glass of good Port would do me
Sat 5th ... After dinner rainy, surprised to see Mr James Smith, Mrs Smith & Perry. ...Nothing
could kinder than Mr & Mrs Smith. Mr Smith had been & examined the deeds (it took him
several hours) & he is certain they are quite correct. Also about the trees Ford can do nothing &
I was to tell him not to tease me, but to go to Mr Smith who would be happy to see him. It is
quite a relief to my mind to have a friend to consult & rely on & I think the Smiths are sincere
[Now it is to the point where Sarah gets the occasional letter from Ford]
Mon 21st...Mr G Ryley came & paid me two five dollar notes & when Jane & Margaret returned
from P Hope they brought me 6L from him He said he was very sorry he had not been able to
pay it before & c ...
Wed: Old Ford came into the parlour & bothered me I told him anything he had to say to go to
Mr J Smith.
Sun 10th [Aug] Staid at home, as Edwyn said he did [not] feel very well. Rather disappointed as
I have not been for several Sundays. Edwyn proposed going to Church in the evening but at
present it looks very like rain....
[After this there seems to be no more mention of any great trouble with old Ford]
Fri 26th [Sept] Jumped out of bed to see the "Locomotive" pass by here for the first time
Thurs 9th [Oct] Mr Hughes came by the train, he staid tea with us.
Thurs 24th Spot threw me down I feel hurt. Old Ford came bothering me, They have been
throwing stone at & into his house ...
Mon 10th [Nov] Cold & frosty. Poor run over by the train, both legs broken & his tail cut off,
he was going with Jane to Millsoms. She came back to tell Edwyn who was sorry to loose his
pet dog He was hurt so bad that Edwyn shot him...
Tues 2nd [Dec] ...After dinner Margaret, Edwyn & Young Holland went in the buggy to Port
Hope they took a basket of apples & a jar of Milk. Mt wore her new dress it is neat, but not quite
the thing for a party having a high neck. Like her to drew simply The children at Port Hope I
think are quite too dressy...
Sat 13th Think much of the sad event which happened about his time two years ago & made me
a widow. The weather very mild.
Fri 19th ... Two years today since my dear husbands funeral when it was much such a day Think
a good deal of him. We have spent the last two years together, suppose Edwyn will go to school
or to some profession. I feel anxious about the future for him. I have no one to advise with on
the subject.
Wills & Cookbooks
[Miscellaneous from various files of Sarah Welch Hill Papers wills, book lists etc.]
MU 114 Power of Attorney to Misters William James and James Shipton
To all to whom these presents shall come Sarah Hill formerly Sarah Welch of Birmingham in
the County of Warwick in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called
England Spinster but late the wife of Edwin Hill deceased and now residing at Port Hope
Newcastle District Canada West widow sendeth Greetings where as Joseph Welch of the
Parish of Edgaston near Birmingham in the County of Warwick Gentleman by his will
bearing the date the Twentieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven gave
and bequeathed to the said Sarah Hill then Sarah Welch (in the said Will described as said
Testators daughter Sarah) all his Household Goods and Furniture to and for her own use and
benefit absolutely. And as to all the rest and residue of his real and personal estate he gave
devised and bequeathed the same to the use of his said daughter Sarah, William James of
Birmingham aforesaid accountant and James Shipton of Wolverhampton in the County of
Stafford Timber Merchant their heirs executors administrators and assigns forever Upon
certain trusts therein declared And the said Testator also gave and devised all the Real Estate
vested in him as Mortgagee or Trustee to his said Trustees their heirs and assigns subject to
the trusts and equities affecting the same respectively And the said Testator did thereby
declare that the receipts of the Trustees for the time being of his Will should effectually
should effectually exonerate purchasers Mortgagees and other paying monies to such Trustees
or Trustee from all liability in respect of the application thereof And the said Testator
appointed his said Daughter Executrix and the said William James and James Shipton
Executors of that his Will And whereas the said Testator died on the twenty fourth day of
February One thousand eight hundred and forty without having altered or revoked his said
Will and the same was duly proved by the said Sarah Hill William James and James Shipton
in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the twenty ninth day of August
following And whereas the said Sarah Hill is now residing at Port Hope aforesaid and is
desirous of enabling so far as she lawful may the said other Trustees and Executors of the
said Will of the said Joseph Welch to act in the execution of the trusts of the said Will and in
the disposition winding up management and conduct of the estate and affairs of the said
Testator during her absence and for this purpose to make enter into and execute and as her act
and deed deliver any deed instrument of other assurance to her and on her behalf as fully and
effectually as if she the said Sarah Hill could do if she were present and concurring in and
executing the same Now know ye that I the said Sarah Hill having ceased to reside in the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland hereby made constitute and appoint the said
William James and James Shipton and each of them my true and lawful attorneys and
attorney for me and in my name and on my behalf as one of the Trustees and Executrix of
the said will of the said Joseph Welch deceased to transact manage wind up and negotiate all
the singular the matters and things whatsoever which in anywise relate to or concern the
execution of the trusts of the said will of the said Joseph Welch of the management disposal
and conduct of the estate and affairs of the said Testator and to that and for me the said Sarah
Hill and in my name and on my behalf to settle and sign and also if necessary to seal and as
my act and deed in due form of law to deliver all and every act and acts deeds writings and
instruments releases receipts and acquaintances whatsoever which shall or may be or to them
the said William James and James Shipton or the survivor of them shall seem necessary and
expedient for that purpose and generally to sign execute and perform and as my act and deed
seal and deliver all such acts deed matters and things whatsoever as shall be anywise
necessary and expedient for that purpose and generally to sign execute and perform and as my
act and deed seal and deliver all such acts deeds matters and things whatsoever as shall be
anywise necessary and expedient to be done by or on behalf of me the said Sarah Hill in or
about the execution of the trusts aforesaid or any of them as fully and effectually in all
respects ad I myself could do I the said Sarah Hill hereby agreeing and undertaking to allow
ratify and confirm every act deed matter and thing which my said Attorneys or either of them
shall do or cause to be done in pursuance of the power hereby granted In witness whereof the
said Sarah Hill hath hereunto set her hand and seal this day of One thousand eight
hundred and sixty one
In re, Estate of late Mrs. Sarah Hill, deceased
Statement of facts for information of The Real Estate Loan Company of Canada, (Limited).
According to "Stock Scrip" dated 18th Feby. 1892 Edwyn Welch Hill and Sarah Margaret Hill,
Executor and Executrix of the last will of the late Mrs. Sarah Hill (their mother) deceased, held
120 shares of The Real Estate Loan Company (Ltd.) of the value of $50 per share ($6000.00)
Mrs. Sarah Hill died on or about the 26th day of Septr. 1887 at Township of Hope leaving a Will
and Codicil thereto of which Probate was granted by the Surrogate Court of the United Counties
of Northumberland and Durham on 12th Oct 1887 to the said Edwyn Welch Hill and Sarah
Margaret Hill Executors named in said Will.
By Mrs. Hill's Will (dated 16th April 1879) after bequeathing certain Household furniture and
chattels to her daughter and her son (which bequests do not include the said shares of Capital
Stock or any of them) she gives devises and bequeaths unto her said son and daughter and their
heirs and assigns in equal shares all the rest residue and remainder of the real and personal estate
of which she should die seized, or possessed or in any ways entitled to and whosesoever situate
absolutely forever. The Testatrix then directs that advances lent by her to her said son and
daughter shall be charged against them.
The Codicil is dated the 20th November 1883 and by it the Testatrix directs that $1000.00
advanced by her to EWH shall be taken into account in division of residuary Estate, and charged
to him our of his share; and relieves her daughter from certain advances made to her.
The above 120 shares have remained ever since in the names of the said EWH and SMH as
Executor and Executrix of the late Mrs Sarah Hill; and cheques and dividends have been made to
their order and endorsed by both of them; and no actual formal division of Mrs Hill's Estate has
been made or carried out between her son and daughter but it was allowed to remain open
On 1st September 1896 the said Sarah Margaret Hill died intestate Evidence of her intestacy was
produced to the said Surrogate Court and on 21st Sept 1896 Letters of Administration of All her
property was granted by said Surrogate Court to the said Edwyn Welch Hill her brother. Sarah
Margaret Hill died a Spinster never having been married leaving her brother Edwyn Welch Hill
her only heir at law and only next of kin her surviving. She had not sister and no other brother
than the said EWH Her father and mother both predeceased her. Her father died some years
before her mother.
Edwyn Welch Hill as the surviving Executor of his Mother's Will now controls the 120 shares of
Stock; and as the sole Administrator of the property of the said SMH (his deceased sister) would
be entitled to have one half of the shares transferred into his name as such administrator; And as
the only heir at law and next of kin of his said sister, he claims her half of the 120 shares; and
under his mothers Will he also claims the remaining half of the 120 shares. He now desires to
have the whole 120 shares of Stock transferred to his own name individually as the absolute
owner thereof.
If desired Copies of Probate of Mrs Hill's Will and Codicil thereto can be furnished and also
copy of the letters of Administration of his sisters Estate.
Port Hope, 24th Sept. /96
Mr T.T. Baines Barrister Port Hope has acted as solicitor for the family for some years and is
now Solicitor for the said EW Hill
Will of William [unclear name appears as Foss?Joseph?] of town of Kingston upon Hule,
Gentleman, 15 1790 bequeaths to his niece, Elizabeth [Foss?] of Newark in the County of
Nottingham his London tenements and hereditaments and real estate and her heirs gives and
devised the same unto and equally among his cousins Elizabeth Edsworth, William Welch,
and Ruth Horton...gave a bequest to the Trustees of the General Infirmary, directs his
executrix to distribute 10 pounds immediately upon such poor and necessitive [?] persons in
To Joseph Welch, Gentleman, 991803 from George Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick ªappointed
ensign in the Second Battalion of the Regiment of Loyal Birmingham Volunteer Infantry
To same from same, 261805 appointed Lieutenant in the same Battalion
Miscellaneous: Recipe Book
Miscellaneous scraps of paper in envelope labeled Recipe Book, n.d and Bank book, 1873 81
the recipe book is entitled
The Englishwoman's Cookery Book. By Isabella Beeton, "Being a Collection of Economical
Recipes Taken from her "Book of Household Management, Amply Illustrated by a Large
Number of Appropriate and Useful Engravings, London: S.O. Beeton, 1863. address for Mr S.
V. Horton, 20 Calthorpe Road, Brimingham, England, to draw for L 61, 1, 8
Ammonia Cake One pint of sweet milk; one ounce of Carbonate ammonia; Five cups of
sugar white; half cup lard; half cup butter (Margaret's Recipe) the original contents of the recipe
book are no longer within its cover there is however a replacement with the hand written recipes
of Sarah Hill some are cut out of newspapers and sewn into the recipe book for instance one
entitled "A Preservative for Meat in Hot Weather The magazine of Domestic Economy gives the
following recipe for preserving meat in summer: 'First wipe the meat gently and lightly with a
clean cloth, then dust over ever part with pure oaten meal. The meal imparts a sweet flavor to
the meat. It must all be wiped away before the meat is put down to be boiled or roasted.'"
Before she immigrated to Canada, Sarah Hill copied down the following recipe…"Mrs Joseph's
receipt for Potatoes as a substitute for bread Take 3 good sized Potatoes rub'd through a Colander
into 1 pint of water 1 drachem of soda to each lb of flour Stir it together, and leave to rise. For
14 lbs of Flour. June 26th/ 43"
Candles, Prepare your wicks about half the usual size , wet with spirits of turpentine, put them in
the sun until dry, then mould or dip your candles"
Knickerbocker Pickles Take six gallons of water 10 lbs of Salt 3 lbs of coarse brown sugar 1
quart of Molasses 3 oz salt petre 1 oz Pearl ash. Boil and skim. When quite cold pour over pork
or beef previously placed in a barrel. 16th January made this pickle but only put 6 pounds of
rock salt, & used Sallerata instead of Pearl Ash.
To Make Yeast. Two middling sized boiled potatoes add a pint of boiling water and two
tablespoons of brown sugar. One pint of hot water should be applied to every half pint of the
compound. Hot water is better in warm weather. This yeast being made without flour will keep
longer, and is said to be much better than any previously in use.
Whooping Cough A tea spoonful of castor oil to a table spoonful of molasses: a teaspoonful of
the mixture to be given whenever the cough is troublesome. It will afford relief at one, and in a
few days it effects a cure. The same remedy relieves the croup, however violent the attack.
To make Elder Wine Mrs Brines way. Get the elder berries and steep them in cold water As
many quarts of berries as you want bottles of wine. Let it stand all night and next morning
pound and strain them add a pound of moist sugar to each bottle of the juice and two ounces of
ginger and soy of cloves to each gallon Set it in a warm place to ferment for two or three days,
then scrim it & put it into bottles and in each bottle a wine glass full of whisky Tie a piece of
paper over each bottle for a day or two & then cork it The Elder berries are ripe about the end of
Tomato Sauce receipt from Mrs Fortune October 5th 1846, also has Mrs G Ryley's Way of
Making Cherry Wine, Plum Cake from Mrs Fortune, Mrs Horton's Alamode Beef [received after
arrival in Canada
Mosquitoes Attach a piece of flannel or sponge to a thread made fast to the top of the bedstead:
wet the flannel or sponge with camphorated spirits, and the mosquitoes will leave the Room also
many instructions on washing wool dresses, printed dresses, and black Cashmere
Restoration of Sour Milk or Cream Milk of Cream when turned sour may be restored to its
original sweetness by means of a slight quantity of magnesia. When the acidity is slight, half
a tea spoonful of the powder to a pint of mild will be sufficient
Dr Hickman's Way of taking Castor Oil [mixed with boiled milk and sugar like a custard]
Rearing Calves, The was the best dairymen do in Gloucestershire. Copied from the Agricultural
Gazette February 22nd 1845
For Rats Scotch snuff or pulverized cayenne pepper mixed together or separate if put freely into
their burrowing hole will certainly send them off
Later in the cookbook has written two recipes from Maria who is in Toronto Cookies from Maria
and White Cake from Maria
Bank Book
The Bank book is inscribed in the front "Miss Hill's Diary 1861" must be Margaret but this is the
bank book of Sarah Hill:
Ontario Bank I drew on M Horton for 5L 18sh 6d Got for it 28 dol 65 cents Left it in the Bank
August 4th 1879 I took out of the Bank 28 dol 65c Have in the Ontario Bank now "Toronto
December 18th 1878 From England L1, 863 5sh 8d Got for it at the Bank 9, 009 dollars 50 cents
February 3rd 1879 Wrote a check for Mr Benson for 7 thousand dollars Toronto Bank
June 3rd 1879 The interest up to the end of May is 80 dol. 50 cents.
June 27 I drew for Edwyn 150 dol: Expenses 19 cents July 2nd I wrote a check for Mr Benson
for 369 dol: 350 of which is a Mortgage on Mr Adams late Eliza Andrews
October 17th I drew for Edwyn 150 dollars Expenses 19 cents. Have now left 1, 4020 [sic]
Fourteen hundred & twenty dollars 1879 Toronto Bank
22nd October Put in the Bank 27 Dol: From Mr Adam's Mortgage
Dec 3rd Took out for Margaret Thirty dollars
Have had my account balanced it is 1480 dol 11 cents, 1450 11 cents now
Jany 2nd
I took out of the Bank Fifty dollars 50 Have now 1400 11 cents
1880 February 11th I took out of the Bank 250 dollars for Edwyn & 10 dollars to pay the Bank
of Montreal which I had overdrawn
March 23rd I took out of the Bank 10 dollars
27th I took Ten dollars out of the Bank
March 31st I put in the Bank 1, 000 dollars & 16 dollars From [illegible]
March 31 1880 I took out of the Bank Fifty dollars
April 10th
I took out of the Bank 100 dollars for Edwyn & Ten for myself
April 24th Maggie took out for me 30 dollars
June 29th I took out a 100 dol: for Edwyn charged 15 c.
1880 August 21st
I took out of the Bank Twenty three dollars Bank of Toronto 1880
Sept 29th I took out of the Bank 100 dollars for Edwyn
November 30th Wrote a check for E Willson for eighteen dollars
November 30th Maggie took out "Ten dollars" for herself
December 11 Maggie took out of the Bank Fifteen dollars
December 24th I took out of the Bank 10 dollars
Bank of Toronto January 1st
I took out of the Bank 15 dol: 10th I took out of the Bank 60 dollars
gave Maggie 50 dol:
Feb 7th Maggie took out of the Bank Fifty dollars (for Edwyn)
March 24th Maggie took out of the Bank Ten dollars
April 6th 1881 Bank of Toronto Mr Benson gave me a cheque for 1,844 dols and 96 cents
Thirteen hundred of which was Principal and 54 dol and 96 cents was for Interest He charged me
2 dols 20 cents for receiving it
April 12th Maggie took out of the Bank 41 dollars
1881 Bank of Toronto May 23rd Maggie took out of the Bank ten dollars
June 8th I took out of the Bank 100 dollars which I sent to Edwyn & ten for my own use
June 9th Fifteen dollars' July 18th Twenty Dollars Mr Benson 4 dol: 65 cents
October 13th Maggie took out Twenty dollars
October 26th I took out Twenty five dollars
In 1874 she received on April 4th English Money L49, 9 sh, 8 don ;
April 7th she got for it 240 dollars she had 8 in the bank and took out 100 so was left with 148
dollars ;
April 22nd
took out 40, leaving 108 ;
June 18th Maggie took out 25, leaving 83;
December 17th Maggie took out 13, leaving 70;
April 5th Maggie took out 60, leaving 10
May 6th 1875 she drew on Mr S.V. Horton for 30 pounds, got for it 146 dollars series of
withdrawals on a monthly basis through 1875 received again in October 1875 25, 19,2
English money and got for it 124 dollars 70 or 80 cents continued withdraws by both her and
her daughter
May 13th 1876 she receives again English money, 61, 1, 8 got for it 295 dollars
82 cents( crossed out for July 10th is drew a cheque for Mr Chalk to repair the buggy 12
dollars but on July 12th Maggie withdrew 39 dollars, this would make 12 for the repair and
25 for their use, which is normal)
September 14th Dr O Meara took out of the Bank 40 dollars for Maggie's trip to the Centennial
February 1877 another deposit of English money 60, 19, 2 which gave her 295 dollars;
March 7th 1878 her English money arrived again 91, 5 which she got 444 dollars for June 1,
1878 signed a check for Mr Patterson on the Ontario Bank for 150 dollars 75 cents 1879,
January 9th she took 214 dollars out of the "Ontario Bank" which left the account empty January
9th 1879 she put 200 dollars in the "Bank of Montreal"
Feb 3 wrote a check for Mr Benson for twelve dollars summer of 1879 took out 30 dollars to pay
Mr Chalk
Books Read from January 1833
[In envelope marked Sarah (Welch) Hill Diary, Jan 1 Dec]
31, 1845; 25 June 1852 June 23, 1853 [on outside cover of 1845 diary]
Olinthus Gregory's Evidences, Doctrines & Duties of Christian Religion
Scott's Kennilworth,
Scottish Chiefs, Miss Porter
Siames [sic] Twins Barliver
Memoirs of Edgeworth,Duke
Christian of Luneburgh,Miss Porter
Memoir of Henry Martin last of the Mohicans, G Cooper
Refugee in America, Mrs Trollop
Miss Edgeworth's Tales a Series
Lacoon by CC Colson
Memoir of Legh Richmond
Montgomeries Messiah
Young Duke Treatise on Happliness lent by Mrs Kelly
Jackson on the Trinity lent by Mrs Mason
Locke on the understanding lent by Mr Shipton
Jany 1834
The Convert by Archdeacon Wilkinson of Nottingham
The Two Rectors by the same author lent by Piercy
Paul Clifford by Bullivur
Emma DeLissaw A history of the Jews
Hoggs Travels on the Continent: Tour of a German Prince
Happiness by Dr Styles of Brighton
Carnes letters from the East (read at Poplars)
Spurtyheim on Phrenology
Scotts Poems of Marmion, Lord of the Isles Lady of the Lake
Dalzels Lectures on Ancient Greece
The Epicurean Englis's travels through Spain
Romance of history, De Lorme
Telemachus by Archbishop of Cambry [could be Canterbury]
Fenelon Mrs Chapone's letters
Quentin Derward, Millers
Political Economy
Mrs Jameson's Lives of eminent female Sovereigns
Sarah Welch, Book of Poetry, dated 1818
Lost her sister Jane June 11, 1826 received, as a result numerous books 18 volumes in all
On the death of her brother John Langley Welch on July 30, 1827, Sarah received 151 titles
many of them in numerous volumes; also received numerous other items such as clothing,
musical instruments, horse tack etc.

Transcription Progress



Sarah Welch Hill Diary, 1821-1881.pdf


“Sarah Welch Hill Diary, 1821-1881,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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