Jessie D. W. Geddes Diary, 1870-1914


Jessie D. W. Geddes Diary, 1870-1914

Date Created

June 1870

Is Part Of

Jessie D. W. Geddes Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript of Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

of J E S S I E G E D D E S
and a S E R M 0 N
by her husband
Sep 6
Dec 17
Aug 10
Edinburgh: Catherine Wares Sutherland (aged
6 months) died here this evening at ten o'clock.
Midlothian P. 0. Muskoka, Ontario,
We came to this country Sep 6.
Uncle Willie (Catherine's husband) died.
Aunt Mary Ann (Mrs. Murray) died.
Grandma Geddes died - aged 78
Auntie Geddes died - aged 81
Mrs. Flett § Aunt Ellon, and Aunt Annie, Isabbel.
Grandfather Geddes died - aged 81
My sister left for Toronto, (Mrs. Sutherland)
She has been keeping well, and her girl's well.
I took sick.
Alex Goodall died.
Mrs. Stuart died.
Grandma Wares died - aged 80.
Christine (Mrs. Morris) died - aged 60
Willie Simpson was drowned
Frank Blashill died.
Mrs. Goodall died
Mrs. David Best died
John Mather died
Jan 27
Apr 5
Apr 14
Aug 15
Sep 4
Sep 16
Oct 1
Oct 5
Oct 15
I feel much stronger and able to knit and sew.
We had Mr. Grant and family with us for a night.
Baby Goodall died.
I am getting better but not strong. Lyla came home
and nursed me.
I am able to be going around but not strong.
Malcolm Morris died.
We had Mr. Hebener and family for 2 months.
Father and I went to Toronto and were three weeks with
my sister, Mrs. Sutherland. We enjoyed ourselves so
much. The girls and she was so kind to us. I feel
so much better of the change.
Got a letter from Malcolm. He had not been well with
a sore throat.
Katie came to see us. She has been three months now
and felt so much better.
Sent to Auntie 15 dollars.
Sent to Auntie 25 dollars.
Lizzie came home just for four weeks. She looks well.
Katie and she is enjoying themselves.
We had Mr. Hebener and family and Mr. Parks and family
for two months. We had 2 servants. Maggie Miller
and Minnie Mather and my neice Katie Sutherland was
with us and still is. I feel so much stronger.
Daniel left for the North West.
We have got two letters from him he does not think
much of the country there.
Sent to Auntie 20 dollars.
Malcolm left Myrtle, Ontario.
Minnie Mather came to us.
We expect Dan home in two or three weeks.
1898 Oct 16
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 24
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Nov 1
Nov 3
Nov 5
Nov 8
Nov 9
Nov 10
Nov 11
Nov 12
Malcolm left for Toronto. He is with Mr. Headson's
We all went to Starrats to a Tea Meeting. The same
night we got a letter from Dan.
The came from Mr.
Criss Brant came and she and Mary are working in the
turnips. Katie came over with some today. We killed
a sheep today. Katie and I has got this black waiste
finished and the brown skirt and quilt and cushions.
Posted a letter to Mai and to Dan.
Finished Katie’s print dress and white petticoat. I
have made three pairs of mitts and two pairs of socks
this fall.
Minnie got 2 lbs yarn grey § blue.
The ground is covered with snow and James § Katie has
gone for a drive. James to the Falls and Katie to
Mr. Lamb from the Falls had dinner with us.
We got two baggs of flour we have started to make
Katie’s blue dress.
Finished Katie's blue dress - got two baggs of potatoes
from Mr. Blackmore. Mrs. William^Edith was visiting
us yesterday. James banked up the house today.
Mrs. Johnston paid 28 dollars today. James is drawing
turnips. Katie has gone to Midlothian for a visit.
Criss Brant went home. We had a letter from Malcolm
last night. We expect the Thrashers today but the
rain stopped them.
The Thrashers has just left. They had four meals with
us and one night with us. Father and James has gone
over to Uncle's with them. No letter from Dan this
three weeks. Katie was up at Midlothian two days.
Katie went up to Midlothian with James.
I have made two pairs mitts this week for Minnie. She
was washing today. Katie wrote to Mai § posted today.
Daniel came home today we are so delighted to see him.
Daniel shot a fine deer in the lake. James and he are
busy drawing straw and fixing up for the winter.
1898 Nov 15
Nov 16
Nov 19
Nov 20
Nov 22
Nov 23
Nov 26
Nov 28
Nov 29
Nov 30
Dec 1
Dec 4
Dec 6
Dec 8
Dec 9
Dec 14
Dec 16
Dec 18
Dec 20
Dec 26
Ben shot two deer today. Father went up to the Falls
and James went up to Mr. Ireland’s to help him. We
got a letter from Malcolm with 10 dollars in it. He
started for the N.W. four days ago. He expects to
be back in four weeks.
Minnie got 1 pair boots. 1 dollar.
Mr. Scott and Ada was down and staid all night.
Katie got her night gown finished.
Dan’s trunk came the boys plowed the garden and I had
a walk around the buildings.
Got a fall of snow. The boys and Father are working
at the sheep pen flooring it.
Mrs. Wildfong and Berty came down for one night with us
Mrs. Wildfong was drawing oats to us. Katie and I took
a walk up the road and ran into the boys fencing. The
snow is mostly all gone.
Two of the Rowsells and Tom Gutredge and Ben came to
have a skate on our ice. \
Quite a fall of snow.
Still snowing. Katie has been at Midlothian for 2 days
Katie and Dan went to Doe Lake and the horse ran away.
We had a card from Mai.
Mr. § Mrs. Wildfong left Midlothian for Preston then
on to home.
Katie went up to Midlothian to practice for the Tea
Minnie has a large washing preparing for Christmas.
Emily Johnston came to see us.
Mr. Steel came to see us, Mr. Cook's friend.
Tea Meeting at Midlothian. We were all there. They
made 16 dollars.
James § Minnie has gone to Doe Lake to service.
Got a letter from Mrs. Wildfong.
Katie § Dan were at Doe Lake Tea Meeting.
1898 Dec 27 Baking and cleaning.
Dec 28 Dan 5 Katie were at Mrs. Tom Simpsons for tea.
Dec 29 We had our party. Uncle’s family, the two Johnstons,
Harry S and brother and Mr. Smith. We spent a very
pleasant night.
Dec 30 Sent a letter to Auntie and posted a letter to Malcolm.
Got Christmas cards from Lizzie and a letter from
Jessie Geddes in Edinburgh. At the annual meeting
Father was appointed trustee in Mr. Rowsells's place.
1899 Jan 1
Jan 2
Jan 3
Jan 4
Jan 6
Jan 8
Jan 10
Jan 10
Jan 11
Feb 10
Mar 22
Mar 18
Father and Daniel has just gone to Sunday School and
James and Minnie has crossed the lake with the mare.
We watched them till they got on the other shore for
this is the first time the horse has crossed the lake.
We were all over at Uncle’s and spent a pleasant night.
I wrote to Mrs. Wildfong. Katie wrote four letters.
One to Mrs. Park, Mrs. Hebener, Mamie Wildfong and
Lizzie and Auntie.
Killed the cow. It's rainy today. It's very stormy.
I have been busy mending.
James § Minnie has gone to Midlothian. Father and
Dan has left to go to Spence § Magnetawan but I am
afraid they may not reach for it is so stormy. Started
to use our last bag of flour.
James § Katie went to Magnetawan with Biff § Parks.
Posted a letter to Mai and got one from Mrs. Flemmingto]
Mary has started to do the matt, and I have got my
table matt done.
Auntie fell down cellar and broke her ankle. Dr.
Coughill came and set it. (Entry by someone else)
I got my ankle broken was three months in bead.
Katie left for Toronto.
Mrs. Wood (Toronto) died.
Katie was married to Joe Wildfong.
Agnew Harleow came to us.
Katie left for Winnipeg to go to Lizzie.
1899 Mar 22
Apr 17
Apr 18
Apr 29
May 1
May 5
May 6
May 6
May 8
May 8
May 10
May 15
May 24
May 27
May 27
June 4
June 5
Katie now married to Joseph Wildfong in Winnipeg
at Ed § Lizzie's home. They are still there.
Dan had to go to the hospital two weeks ago with a
trouble in his face. James went this morning to the
same hospital with the same trouble.
Malcolm has gone to Guelph, Ont. to be foreman over
the farm.
Mr. Ireland(Midlothian) died.
I am able to be down stairs and walking on crutches.
I am knitting and sewing.
Head a fire wood bee.
The steam boat went down for the first time. The
boys are plowing the garden today. I can walk on
one crutch.
I finished my cushion.
Dan has got most of the garden finished. James has
been plowing in the field this last three days and
Father is painting the boat.
Posted a letter to Malcolm § Auntie.
We got a new little boat.
Father went by steamboat to Magnetawan.
7 little pigges.
We have 23 lambs alive and 4 dead.
Posted a ldtter to Malcolm § Auntie.
Elle Goodall was married to James Ireland at the Falls '
Katie was bridesmaid, Malcolmwas best man.
Ada § Mr. Scott got married.
Posted a letter to Mai § Auntie § Katie.
Father went by steamboat to the Falles.
Robert Mitchell died.
Posted a letter to Malcolm.
Got a letter from Katie 5 Joe. He has got no
situation yet.
1899 June 9
June 11
June 13
June 14
June 19
June 23
June 23
June 25
July 1
July 1
July 5
July 13
Aug. 29
Aug 30
Sep 12
Received a letter from Katie.
I had a boat ride over to Uncle's place. I am still
walking with one crutch.
Posted a letter to Malcolm.
Went to the Falles with wool.
Father and Dan went to Guelph on the train. Mai is
well. Saw Auntie.
Dan left for Toronto.
Got a letter from Katie. Joe has got a situation.
James has gone to Mathers and Father has gone to
Midlothian to Sunday School.
The Parkes came here.
Crissie Goodall was married. We were all there except
Dan came back from Toronto and feels much better. He
got his photos.
The Hebeners came. We had a very busy summer. Maggie
Miller was with us for 6 weeks.
Shipped 4 cattle.
Had the Hebeners and Parkes with us.
Mrs. Blackmore got 3 lbs of butter 11 cents.
James our son was married to Minnie Mather at her
Father's house. We were all there. Malcolm came to
it also. James got married to Minnie Mather. We were
all at the wedding. Malcolm came home on the 27 Sep so
he was there also. He left on the 30 Sep. It was a
nice quiei wedding.
The boarders all left.
Mr. Johnson (Midlothian) died.
They (James 5 Minnie) came back to us 2 weeks in
Toronto. My sister was so kind to them. She gave
them a nice parcel, table, and fancie chairs. Minnie
got quite a few nice presents.
1899 Sep 17
Sep 21
Sep 25
Sep 26
Oct 1
Oct 2
Oct 4
Oct 5
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Nov 1
Nov 3
Nov 4
Nov 7
Nov 9
Nov 11
James § Minnie has gone to Horn Lake to see her
mother. Father has gone to Sprucedale to service
and Dan and I are all alone in the house.
Malcolm came to see us for two weeks.
Sent pail of butter to Auntie
Gave Mr. Scott 5 lbs butter.
Joe Noll came to us.
Minnie has put 8 lbs of butter in a crock. The crock
is 6 lbs for Mr. Scott
Mrs. Scott got 5 lbs of butter 13 cents.
Mrs. Blackmore got 2 lbs of butter 14 cents.
Maggie Miller came to us. The Thrashers left us
on the 3rd Oct. Father and Maggie were at the show
at the Falls on the 4th Oct.
Father went to Guelph for a week.
Minnie I think is rather better. She was on the
Lake yesterday. We head a letter from Katie.
Mrs. Ireland and Auntie Lizzie came to see us.
Mr. Hodgets came from SaintCatherines. He left on
Oct 23 for home.
Minnie § James and Mrs. Mather and myself went to
Spence for services. It was a cold drive. Minnie is
much better.
Mrs. Blackmore got 4 lbs of butter 15 cents.
Dan went to Giserals raising of a house.
Had a letter from Auntie Waters
Mrs. Blackmore got 3 lbs of butter 16 cents
Dan has gone to the doctor.
James 6 Minnie went to Midlothian in the slay for the
mail. We have got a fall of snow.
Got a letter from Katie and posted one to her the
same day.
Maggie left and Louise Noll came to us.
Mrs. Blackmore got 2 lbs of butter 17 cents.
Mrs. Blackmore got 2 lbs of butter 11 cents.
1899 Nov 11
Nov 22
Nov 24
Nov 26
Nov 27
Nov 28
Nov 29
Dec 1
Dec 3
Dec 5
Dec 6
Dec 8
Dec 9
Dec 10
Dec 12
Dec 25
Got a letter from Mai. Father came from the Falls by
the boat.
James is drawing stones to-the warf. Dan has gone
to a wood bee at Mr. Goodalls. Since the first of
* Oct I have got 3 night gowns one for Minnie and
2 shirts, 2 quilts remade. Minnie is much better
and is out every day and doing light work.
Father has got to the falls. Mr. Blackat has come
to see us. Posted a letter to Mrs. Wildfong
(Preston) and one to Maggie M.
Got our oile can full
Killed the pigges. Got a bag of oat meal and a
bagge of flower.
Lyla went to Toronto.
Had a letter from Katie she and Joe has taken up
Salted the pork. Minnie posted a letter to Katie.
I posted one to Auntie. Sent 1 tub of butter to
Sharp by the steamboat. James is plowing over at
Mai's place today. Plowing and taking out stones.
Mrs. L. Simpson and Mr. Wilkison came to see us and
spend a happy evening.
Mr. Scott came down for some of his money. Got
15 dollars. The lake is partly frozen over.
Got a fall of snow the boys have been laying past
the waggon and buggie and getting out the slays for
The lake froze over.
The boys are clipping Prince.
Father is going to Magnetawan. The boys are looking
for some timber in the woods to make a building for
the cattle.
Louise Noll went home.
The lake was all open again and we got a letter from
Katie and Joe and one from Auntie and from Malcolm
He has sent the box.
Got presents from Mr. § Mrs. Heb ener for us all and
from Lyla.
1899 Dec 15
Dec 19
Dec 24
Dec 29
1900 Jan 1
Jan 3
Jan 4
Jan 5
The boys are cutting loges in the follow. Got their
dinner up today. Minnie has gone out for a walk.
Went to Mr. Grinton with a Beef and got 4 dollars
Got a letter and photo of their house from Katie.
James 5 Minnie went to Horn Lake. We expect them
home tonight.
Salt for butter
1 broom 2 tin pails
10 yards flannel for night shirts
6 yards cotine for quilt
Dimend eies 1 green; 1 orange; 1 brown' 1 maroon
suggar tea corn starch cheese soap
egges syrup flower
This is new Year's Day. It is a fine day. Dan 5
Father are drawing fence rails. We all went over to
Uncle's in the evening in the large sleigh and spent
a pleasant night.
Minnie is keeping so well we are doing without a
girl yet and getting on so well. Father and the boys
are skidding fire wood
Got a box of short kake from Auntie Jessie (Scotland)
Got a letter from Auntie Katie. Got a letter from
Malcolm and 15 dollars in it.
Commenced to have family worship after supper.
Jan 5 Posted a letter to Malcolm 5 Auntie.
Jan 10
Jan 12
Jan 14
Jan 18
Jan 20
Jan 21
Jan 22
Jan 23
1 :
Mrs. Scott came to see us and Alice Anne Goodall was
washing to us
The boys and Minnie went to Starrats Tea meeting.
Minnie has gone to see her sister Mrs. Morris. Dan
has gone to Spence
James has gone to Mr. Noys.
Posted a letter to Uncle Willie Wick and to the Lawyer
Minnie walked to Sunday School and walked home after
evening meeting. The snow is nearly all gone.
Posted to Jessie Geddes (Edinburgh) and to Irean Miller
I went up to the yard and saw Dan working at the
timber for the barn.
1900 Jan 24
Jan 25
Jan 26
Jan 29
Jan 30
Feb 1
Feb 2
Feb 4
Feb 12
Feb 14
Feb 17
Feb 19
Feb 21
Mar 4
Mar 6
Mar 8
Minnie 6 Dan walked up to Midlothian. Minnie came
back the next day.
Mary Ledget died.
Mrs. Grace Tun died.
Dan’s halping James Rowsell to cut wood. It's very
Got a letter from Mai two days ago he head been sick
in a week with a very sore throat. Better now.
Quite a fall of snow.
Posted a letter to Malcolm and Mrs. Waters and Auntie
Minnie is keeping so well and is sewing and knitting
James was home yesterday he is getting on well
at Noys.
Annie Goodall came and washed. We gave her 1 dollar.
She will just have to get 50 cents next time. Since
the first of January I have made 6 pairs of mittes and
3 was for Minnie.
Joe § Dan has gone to their work in the swamp taking
out seader.
James § Minnie went home. Minnie came back on the 12th
James came home with her.
James 6 Dan has been drawing pine on the Lake.
Got a letter from Malcolm and one from Auntie.
Got a letter from Katie and Dan. Got one from Ed
James left for Noys today.
I commenced to make the patched quilt. Posted to
Minnie commenced to make a matt. Jesse Goddes was in
and Emma Rowsell.
Mr. § Mrs. Leggat came to see us and Mrs. Noll
Annie Goodall washed that day.
Mrs. Mather came to see us.
Posted 2 letters to Malcolm.
Minnie finished her matt and Mrs. Blackmore and
Mrs. Foreside came to see us. I have not been well
so was in bead for one day.
1900 Mar 14
Mar 14
Mar 17
Mar 18
Mar 19
Mar 21
Mar 25
Mar 25
Mar 28
Mar 31
Apr 1
Apr 3
Apr 3
Apr 4
Apr 5
Apr 6
Apr 7
Apr 8
Apr 8
Apr 10
We have got 19 lambs and nine of these are dead and
three sheep, quite a loss.
I am able to be up every day but not well my side and
back is still sore. Had a letter from Auntie.
Head a letter from Malcolm.
Jamie Mather and Miss Leggat came to see us, James
was home that day so he went back to the Noys in the
I have been mending. I do not feel very strong yet.
James left Noys.
James § Minnie has gone home. Father has gone to
Spence. Dan 5 I are alone in the house. Dan's face is
not much better.
Posted a letter to Mai § Joe.
Made over my bonnet.
Dan went to see the Doctor.
Dan's face very bad. Father has gone down to preach
at Ammic Harbour.
Dan no better. He and Father and James left this
morning to go to the Falles and Huntsfield Hospitle.
Pursy Foresith came.
Posted a letter to Malcolm
I dreamed about Dan § Mai last night I do not feel
strong at all. I am making a white shaker flannel
night shirt. Annie Goodall is washing today. James is
drawing loges out of the swamp.
James left this morning for the alles with a load of
oats. Father came home in the fore noon He came by
stage. Dan no better yet he is in bed.
James went to Magnetawan and got boom chains and
posted a letter to Dan. Got a letter from Auntie.
Pursy Foresith left us. Mr. Blackmore paid the butter
Got 33 lambs
James has gone to the Falls. Posted a letter to Dan.
1900 Apr 11
Apr 12
Apr 14
Apr 17
Apr 18
Apr 19
Apr 21
Apr 23
Apr 24
Apr 26
Apr 30
May 1
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 9
The snow is nearly all gone and I went out around
the house. It is three months since I was out
before. I do not feel strong. James has gone to
James Irelands wood bee.
Got a letter from Dan he was much the same. Head not
got his face treated, just poltested. Got a letter
from Mai with 40 dollars. Going to send Dan 25.
Got a letter from Katie. Sent a letter to Mai § Dan
with 25 dollars in it
Head our wood bee. Got 14 cords cut. Got two letters
from Dan. We have 37 lambs and 16 dead. James has
gone to the Falls to see the doctor. Posted a letter
to Dan and to Auntie. Dan is getting better.
James has gone to Rowsells word bee.
Got 34 lambs and 20 dead.
James has gone to Huntsville. Posted a letter to Mai
and Katie. Davie came to help us today.
Davie has gone home to their wood bee. The house seems
so very dull when our boys are both away.
Posted a letter to Dan and to Auntie. Moved the stove.
Got a letter from Dan. Expect him home this week.
Lake opened up.
The Glenrose went up to the falls. Minnie’s sowing
the siddes. Daniel came home today. His face is
much better.
Shipped oats from Mr. Sharp. Posted a letter to James
and Auntie.
Tom Gutredge has come to help us. Dan getting better.
Dan planted potatoes in the garden.
Posted a letter to Mai § James. Annie G. came to wash
and Jennie Bolton (Mather) stayed all night with us.
Dan put Minnie across the Lake it was so stormy. Mr §
Mrs Scott came down at night.
Sabbath. Dan § I are all alone. Father went to
Spence and Croft.
Got a letter from James. Dan got one from Katie and
1900 May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 14
May 26
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 30
June 6
June 8
June 11
June 12
June 14
Oct 6
Nov 1
Dec 1
I commenced Minnies nappor and hemmed my skirt.
Minnie got a box of plants from Malcolm.
Got a letter from Auntie and from Katie.
Minnie felt a change.
Posted a letter to James 5 Malcolm and C. Cook.
James came home but goes back today for a week.
James came home he is much better.
We expect Mrs. Hebener tomorrow.
Posted to Mai § Auntie and Katie. 7
f from Grenton.
Father got $7.37 of groceries from Sharp.
Robert Coppy came to clip the sheep. Dan has gone
to Goodalls logging bee. He was yesterday at
Ford's logging.
Minnie spent the day with Mrs. Scott.
Dan went to Spence and was in Inches. Came home at 12.
Had a party for Lyla on 26th. She leaves on 29th.
Mamie Wildfong came to see us. She was with us for
more than a week.
Mrs. Mather was visiting us.
Mr. § Mrs. Hebener left for Toronto. We have been so
very busy these last three months I have got no time
to write in my diary. Auntie is quite a help in the
house. She does all the washing.
Dr. Corell died.
Baby Jessie was born. She is a fine strong child.
Mrs. Mather was with us for 4 weeks. We do the work
Minnie is getting stronger.
Mrs. Lawson (Midlothian) died.
1901 Jan
Feb 3
Feb 17
Feb 21
Mar 3
Mar 15
Mar 25
Mar 25
Mar 26
Apr 3
Apr 8
Apr 12
Maggie Leggatt was married to James Mather.
It is nearly four months since I have got any story
in my diary. Jan 2 Jessie G left for Winnipege.
We are keeping well. James and Dan has got coldes but
is getting better. Auntie had a letter from Lyla. ^
She has been three months in Toronto and is feeling
rather stronger. James has been drawing logs for night
this last two weeks. Dan has been at Mr. Rowsells for
a week. Minnie is keeping well and so is baby. Minnie
baby and James were away last week visiting her Fathers
folks. Auntie and I have been busy sewing and making
cushions and quilting bed covers. The lake is good
for teaming.
Dan § James are both home. James is drawing our own
timber from Magnetawan. They were all up at the Falls
on the 15th of Feb to see the lawyer to get the farm
settled. Today 17 Dan 5 Father has gone to see
Mrs. Mathers.
Prince got hurt. Tom Rowsell is with us. •
Prince is getting better. (Feb 27 Baby was baptized)
The boys expect to finish drawing the timber tomorrow.
Auntie and I has had a bad cold for more than two
weeks. The gripp.
Auntie is better and able to work but I am still
pretty bad. My cough is so bad. Father is getting
better and able to go out.
Father has got worse and has been in bed for three
days. I am getting better but very slow. Auntie is
not feeling so well.
The boys got 8 dollars from Sharp of goods. I have
made a pare of stockings for baby.
Auntie is making aprons for Minnie.
We had to get the doctor down for Father. He says
he has inflamation of the lunges. Poor Father I did
not think he was so ill. I hope he will soon get
better. Joe Noll leaves tonight.
The Doctor was down today. He says Father is rather
better, but we have to go on with the same treatment
for some time. The doctor has been down four times.
Father not so well today. More feaversh. Cannot sleep
1901 Apr 13
Apr 18
Apr 19
Apr 21
Apr 25
Father had a good night and feels better.
Father is better but not able to be up out of bead.
James was plowing this week. Today it is raining.
The Lake is open.
Friday. Dan crossed by the boat to get the doctor down
Father has been ill for some weeks with inflamation of
his lunges. He had pneumonia but is better and able
to be out some times.
Mrs. Welpton died. She was a dear friend.
Father is better. The doctor says he can get up in a
week. We are so thankful. I am writing to Malcolm.
James is not well today with youralage.
Father much better. The boys plowed the garden. Our
seeds are up. Steamboat went down on the 24th. Lake
opened on the 20 April.
1902 July 18 Malcolm left for Winnipeg. Auntie left the same day
for Winnipeg.
July 29 The two Miss Bars and their husbands came to visit
us for two days. We all went to the harbour today.
1903 June 3 Malcolm was married to Jennie Waters at her mothers
house in Guelph, Canada.
Nov Lyla came from Winnipeg for a visit as Joe § Katie
went to Regina.
Feb 8
Mr. Bolten died. Minnie's brother-in-law in two weeks
after his mother died. It was so very sad.
Malcolm § Jennie are home in Calgary just now and has
got a nice furnished home.
Malcolm and Jennie are living in Clagary, N.W. They
have a comfortable home.
Mar i Lyla is still with us and feels stronger. She will
be with us for the summer.
1904 Apr 7 Planted the plants.
Dan left for Huntsfield
Dear Father died (my husband) at Huntsville, July 15th, 1908.
This is February 4, 1911. It is 2-1/2 years since he died, and
oh, how I miss him. I am in Calgary, Feb 9, 1911.
1914 Sep The boys sold our land and home for $7,000. dollars,
six years ago. So I have been out in the West some
time. I have been with Malcolm for two years on a
visit and with Katie, Mrs. Wildfong. I am going to
the farm in Griffin soon.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Heb 2:3
— — - - jsa 59:6i
John 10
2 Cor 5
Paul was writing to those who had felt the need of Salvation and who
had come to the only source. And because they had come, and followed
the Master they were persecuted. So Paul writes to encourage them in
the midst of their trials. And Paul, too, shows them the superiority
of the gospel over the law, the law being only a type of this glorious
Yet Paulkruew that there were among them many who had never fled to the
only refuge. Many who were not yet safe for eternity. Many who were
neglecting the only, the great salvation. And so he exclaims,
"How can we escape if we neglect?"
Then there is a salvation. The text implies this. And it implies that
man needs it. Indeed, it implies that it is man's greatest need. He
has fallen. He is ruined by sin. He is lost. Just like a man who falls
100 ft from a building. You look up, and you can truly say when he
starts he is lost, for man cannot save him. So man is lost, is dead,
so far as he himself is concerned, "dead in trespasses and sins"
There is a great gulf between him and spiritual life, which he cannot
bridge over. This is so in the natural world. There is a stone - veg­
etable life cannot be put in it. There is a plant, animal life cannot
be put in it. There is an animal, spiritual life cannot be put in it.
By God's natural law a lower cannot influence a higher life. So man
dead in sin, cannot raise himself to spiritual life. I would like
to emphasize this. Not all our good works, our good intentions, our
honesty, our kindness, can raise us to that level.Spiritual life come
from a higher source, a heavenly source. Man needs to be saved from
death and its consequences, trusting to oneself. But this he cannot
ever do in himself, no more than the stone, a plant or an animal. But
there is a way of escape. There is a way of getting up to the spiritual
life. Jesus is the way.
This salvation is a great salvation. Great because it saves from
death. Look at that drowning girl. She is saved. It is a great
salvation. It saved her life, and gave joy to Mother and friends. This
salvation is great because it saves from eternal death. The girl was sa
for the few years she would have to live, the sinner for all eternity.
This salvation is great because of the vastness of the remedy. The life
and death and resurrection of Jesus. Great because of the joy it impart
Who can fathom the height, the depth, the length the breadth of
everlasting life?
And what is this salvation? Something wonderful in this salvation.
There is a child who has taken God at his word, and there is a
scientific learned man who is yet unsaved. Oh, the simplicity of the
gospel! And there is mystery connected with it. Jesus tells us we
must be born again, if we are to enter heaven. And the learned man
because he cannot tell all about the second birth, he tries to think
there is no such thing. Yet he knows there is mystery in nature. For
who has found out what life is? And he knows a lower can never produce
a higher life. And he knows that man needs a higher life. Why then
will he not believe in Him alone that can give this higher life? Ah,
he will not bend to the simplicity of the gospel. Pride.
Again I ask - what is this salvation? It is a passing from death into
life. Having Christ abiding i
i us. Permeated with his influence.
Under His control. Feeling our utter helplessness, and his sufficiency.
Feeling a new spirit in us, as new power ruling and guiding us. Being
born again. A super homan power recreating us.
And though we do not understand this spiritual life in itself - we do '
know it by its results.
"The wind bloweth where it...." (John 3:8)
We know the wind by the result. We can feel its influence on us.
So with this re-creation this being born of the spirit, we know it
by its results. We know we once loved sin, now we hate it. Once
we cared little for God's voice, now we delight to listen. Once we
cared little for Sabbaths, God's word. His sanctuary, now we love
these, etc. etc.
And we know we can lead you to the way of being born again. We can
point you to Jesus the way, the truth, and the life - the spiritual
We can tell you he is the source of this new life. We can say,
because we ourselves have believed; "Believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ and thous shalt have this eternal life"
It is His work. How thankful we ought to be it is s
' How grateful
we ought to be that by his help we can obtain this life.
How shall we escape if we neglect this great salvation?
This implies we can neglect it. For he will never force us in this
new life. We must be a willing people. And He does not say, "How
shall we escape if we reject so great salvation" - no, simple neglect
Think of this. The gardener neglect his garden and beautiful flowers
become wild. Neglect the farm, and it goes to waste.
Neglect the mind, and it becomes weak, impure, unholy. Neglect the
soul , and we are lost. What an awful responsibility. Neglecting our
souls.' Look at that young man. He is sitting sleeping in that boat.
The wind is blowing him right to those rapids. There is the oars
beside. He is going rapidly to destruction with the means of escape
just beside him. Yet he neglects. He is lost.
Sinners are lost with the means of safety beside them. Jesus is
ever near, ever ready to help you to escape. Turn to the only means,
the only source of spiritual life.
How then can we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
We cannot. It is impossible. If we neglect, nothing can save us. No
other foundation. No other way, but Jesus' Way. Thousands have tried

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Jessie Geddes Diary, 1870-1914.pdf


“Jessie D. W. Geddes Diary, 1870-1914,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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  1. Jessie Geddes Diary, 1870-1914.pdf
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