Phoebe Mott Diary & Transcript, 1888-1891


Phoebe Mott Diary & Transcript, 1888-1891


Phoebe Mott


Courtesy of Norwich Archives


19th Century, Oxford South County, Norwich Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Phoebe Mott Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Phoebe Mott (1854-1912)
1888-1891 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
[Phoebe Mott's diary begins on page 10. Apparently she used an old notebook formerly
belonging to her father, Moses Mott, then Town Clerk. The first nine pages of the notebook
contain his handwritten copies of official documents.]
March 1888
Mon. 26 I have thought for a long time I would keep a Diary, but never got quite ready until
to-day. It is just eight years to-day since Carrie died. Has rained most all day. mother
washed, but did not put the clothes out. I started to sew carpet rags for bedroom carpet. {In
margin} Made Hop Bitters
Tue. 27 It is raining hard again to-night. I think the frost will soon be all out of the ground.
Mother rinsed up the clothes, then made some pies I helped her, then sewed carpet rags
rest of day. John was in, says Lib has erysipelas{?} in her face. Old Mr Collard buried here
to-day. old Mr Pritchard buried at Newark
Wed. 28 Sewed rags all day. Mother ironed. Kate & baby came this afternoon and stayed
while Will went to Village
Thur. 29 The weather quite pleasant & bright Sewed rags as usual and accomplished a good
days work
Fri. 30 Snowed a little this forenoon then cleared up but cloudy by spells all day The ground
frozen quite hard this morn. Charlie has plants up in hotbed, he is to Elias's yesterday & to-
day turning with the lathe Alice invited us out Sunday being Easter, don't think I shall go.
Sewed rags after doing up the work. Lottie J. and Lily b. in this afternoon. {In margin} Good
Sat. 31 Nice bright day, cool wind, did my Sat. work and sewed 1 lb rags Kept the children
while C & Rachel went to village.
April 1888
Sun. 1 Mother & I have been alone all day. Charlie's all went to Elias's. Wrote a long letter to
Nellie N. this afternoon. Had a disagreeable storm of rain & hail with thunder, rather a cold
April shower. [In margin] Easter
Mon. 2 Weather moderate, cloudy most of day. Sewed rags. Charlie's all gone to B. Mollins
to stay to-night.
Tues. 3 A beautiful bright day, but cool air, very muddy Sent my letter to office by Ellie &
Lottie Sewed rags all day. Charlie's got home late to-night
Wed. 4 Nice bright day Ground frozen quite hard in the morn. Will came down for me to go
up and help Kate make the babys dress. Expected to come home at night but did not get
through. Kate & I alone all day. Will & Charlie went to Elias's to turn. Louie was good as pie
all day {In margin} E H brought molasses{?}
Thur 5 A nice warm rain with thunder this morn. Slight showers through the day. Sunshiny by
spells, but a heavy thunder shower just before dark. Was coming home after supper if it had
not rained, finished the dress and went to bed early, all being tired
Fri. 6 A beautiful day Wind blew very hard in night so it wakened me up somewhat frightened
{last line cut off in scanned image}
April 1888
Sun. 8 Bright but cool, ground frozen all day out of sun. Mother & I alone, with the exception
of Stella's company Good day for reading Wrote a letter to Cath in afternoon
Mon 9 Bright sunshine, white frost, cool wind, looks like storm to-night Mother washed,
clothes dried quick. John was over, has a bad cold. C. clipped Will's horse. I did up the work,
got dinner and sewed rags rest of time
Tue 10 Rained hard most all day. Mother ironed, J. was in, he told us of Lizzie McKays death
out in California. I sewed rags as usual and learned Stella to knit a garter.
Wed. 11 Cloudy morning, but turned out a fine day Moses & Melissa came from M. meeting,
expected Uncle Charlie & Marianna to dinner also but they went to Haights. Moses's & I took
tea in to Charlie's. Finished sewing rags and am not sorry
Thurs 12 A cloudy cold morning but brightened up about noon. Alice's birthday, she came
out this morn. and this afternoon Mother, Alice, Kate & Louie had a picture taken of the four
generations. Alice stayed to tea, Edwin came for her.
Fri. 13 Bright but cool wind, ground frozen hard this morn. Looks like storm to-night. I did
some mending and marked some handkerchiefs & read papers
Sat 14 Cloudy with cold wind. I helped with the work. Had a miserable headache. Will called
in to see if I would go home with him and stay over Sunday. Which I did being my first Sat.
night visit there.
April 1888
Sun. 15 Bright and quite warm till towards night. Spent a most enjoyable day. Will went away
about noon with his folks to attend a cousins funeral, did not get back till near six. Louie
slept, while Kate & I chatted the afternoon away. Supper over, and chores done, Will brought
me home. Heard of Mrs Burgess's death
Mon 16 Bright but not as warm as yesterday. Sewed all day on A's white skirt. Mother sorted
her papers Charlie & R. gone up home to-night. Roads quite good.
Tue. 17 Bright in morn, but clouded over and had a snowstorm in afternoon, enough to
whiten the ground. I worked on white skirt but did not quite finish it.
Wed 18 Morning bright for awhile then cloudy rest of day, cold wind. Finished skirt and
wound the carpet rags over, then got ready to go out to Elias's to stay till Sunday Charlie
drove out towards night
Thur. 19 Bright morning, cold air, ground frozen where there is any moisture, roads dry &
dusty. Threatened to rain or snow or both in afternoon Began a fine n. dress for Carrie. Alice
busy with house work & mending. I had a dull headache.
Fri. 20 Cold wind, ground frozen in morn, good {illegible} weather I worked at N. dress, had a
dull headache part of day and troubled with indigestion. A. cut out dress for Carrie
Sat. 21 Bright, cold as usual, had no warm weather yet. Had a headache all day but helped
some about the house & finished Carrie's print dress. They got the Photos to-day.
April 1888
Sun 22 Nice day, a little warmer, though cool wind. Kate & Will came out to dinner, also
George H. After tea we came home. Having enjoyed my visit.
Mon 23 Bright in the morning and cool wind with snow squalls in afternoon, froze quite hard
last night Mother washed, I did up the work, and made Stella a workbag in afternoon Lily B.
was in to get a loaf of bread. Mr. Woodward's reception to-night.
Tue 24 Bright all day but cold wind, ground frozen, We would like to see warmer weather.
While Mother was ironing this morning the chimney took fire & burned out, it rather alarmed
us, but Charlie watched it till we thought it safe. Fixed my gingham dress
Wed. 25 A beautiful day though cool, white frost. Alice came out in the morn. We went to
village I had my picture taken. We intended going over to Johns in afternoon but Lib had an
engagement so we had a good visit with Alice at home[.] Elias came for her after tea
Thur 26 White frost this morn, but a beautiful warm day, the most springlike yet. I walked
over to Mr. Jolley's for the first time this spring. Mr J. is sick, did not see him. Charlie sold Bill
to man from Woodstock
Fri. 27 A very warm day, glad to let the fire out & open the doors. I mended for R. all day,
took dinner there Mother too. R. went to village in afternoon and got proofs of my picture
Sat. 28 Still warmer Seems like Summer weather, grass begins to look green We did our Sat
work and this afternoon Mother & I put the first seeds in the garden, feel very tired to-night
April 1888
Sun. 29 Very warm & bright, hardly as warm as yesterday. I saw a humming bird and a
butterfly to-day for the first. We need some warm rain to make things grow Kate & baby
stayed with us while Will went to church then Charlie persuaded them to go there for dinner.
Mon 30 Cold East wind I put some lettuce seed in garden and some pansy seed in boxes.
Willie McKay called to see us this afternoon, he has grown considerable We had not seen
him for four years Uncle Charlie has come to stay all night. I intended going up to Kates but it
began to rain and so put it off till morn.
May 1888
Tue. 1 A dull drizzling chilly morning. Charlie took Uncle C. up to J. Sutton's so I went with
them up to Kate's, found K. feeling poorly Cut out Louie's pink dress & went to work
Wed. 2 Nice & bright, not very warm, the rain has done much good, grass looks quite green.
Expect to stay to Kate's till end of week, cut out two more print dresses for Louie before
Thur. 3 Keeps rather cold Worked at dresses all day Kate cut out another Louie is very good,
sits in her chair, kicks off her stockings and laughs and plays most of time when awake I
have learned her to kiss one. Will went up home to-day and brought us a treat in the shape
of some nice dried beef
Fri. 4 Bright morn. grew warmer in afternoon & blew up thunder shower. had nice rain. K. cut
out last dress
Sat. 5 Cloudy & cool, bright in afternoon Will brought me home to-night.
April 1888
Sun. 29 Very warm & bright, hardly as warm as yesterday. I saw a humming bird and a
butterfly to-day for the first. We need some warm rain to make things grow Kate & baby
stayed with us while Will went to church then Charlie persuaded them to go there for dinner.
Mon 30 Cold East wind I put some lettuce seed in garden and some pansy seed in boxes.
Willie McKay called to see us this afternoon, he has grown considerable We had not seen
him for four years Uncle Charlie has come to stay all night. I intended going up to Kates but it
began to rain and so put it off till morn.
May 1888
Tue. 1 A dull drizzling chilly morning. Charlie took Uncle C. up to J. Sutton's so I went with
them up to Kate's, found K. feeling poorly Cut out Louie's pink dress & went to work
Wed. 2 Nice & bright, not very warm, the rain has done much good, grass looks quite green.
Expect to stay to Kate's till end of week, cut out two more print dresses for Louie before
Thur. 3 Keeps rather cold Worked at dresses all day Kate cut out another Louie is very good,
sits in her chair, kicks off her stockings and laughs and plays most of time when awake I
have learned her to kiss me. Will went up home to-day and brought us a treat in the shape of
some nice dried beef
Fri. 4 Bright morn. grew warmer in afternoon & blew up thunder shower. had nice rain. K. cut
out last dress
Sat. 5 Cloudy & cool, bright in afternoon Will brought me home to-night.
May 1888
Sun. 6 A beautiful day, cool air, home all day, we had a good quiet afternoon for reading
Elias’s called on their way to meeting
Mon 7 Cloudy, cold East wind, rained some in afternoon. Mother washed, clothes dried, I did
up work, got dinner, read papers
Tue. 8 Rained part of time Mother ironed she is not feeling very well. I crochet on tidy
Wed 9 Thunder shower last night, roads quite muddy this morn, sultry & warm looks like
more rain. Monthly M. to-day. Alice came & stayed all day walked to village in afternoon.
Charlie took her home to-night Ethelinda Wilson buried here to-day. I got letter from Carrie H.
{In margin} Lottie brought me the first wild flowers I have had
Thur. 10 A beautiful day. Trees & bushes coming out fast in leaf, grass a lovely green Saw
the first dandelion blossom, my beets & lettuce up fine Stella & I walked over to Mrs Jolley's
in afternoon Mrs J. was working out in Strawberries so we did not stay long
Fri 11 A lovely bright day, pretty warm, with soft breeze Emma Haight & Lizzie Atkins came
to dinner in the afternoon I went with them up to Kate's I enjoyed it all so much, though sorry
Kate was not feeling better, she looks so poorly. Mother is poorly too
Sat 12 A slight shower about noon, quite cool again my onions & carrots are up. Mother does
not feel well We did up work after dinner. I took a bath & worked at my tidy. Clarence & Lily in
May 1888
Sun. 13 Cloudy & cold all day Alice & Elias called in {illegible} brought me some wild flowers
also some Asparagus, the first we have had, it was very good. We had quiet afternoon for
Mond. 14 A dull cold day, froze quite thick ice on the water out in the tub last night Mothers
head bad all day. I read, "By the Trent," & worked at tidy
Tue 15 A chilly day We commenced house cleaning upstairs, cleaned the two closets as we
were finishing them after dinner Lib came over so we stopped operations for the day. Mother
is not feeling very well to-day. Received a letter from Catharine
Wed. 16 Sunshiny, but cold wind, finished cleaning upstairs all but whitewashing big room
Mother feels some better. Edith Walker married to-day
Thur 17 Bright but cool. I had bad headache all day could not work. Mothers head bad too
Fri. 18 Cloudy, cold East wind, commenced to rain in afternoon. We cleaned bedroom &
closets and little entry, had to wait till rain was over before Charlie could shake carpet but
finished up before supper. And feel very tired to-night
Sat. 19 Cold & cloudy most of day. Did not do much besides Sat. work and read some Sarah
Jane came in afternoon to Charlie's but they all being over to Jolley's she came in here to tea
then went to Charlie's She is going to start home Mon. Carrie came and is going to stay with
us all night
May 1888
Sun 20 A beautiful day though cool wind, white frost last night. Charlie took S. J. out to
Elias's to bid them good bye Clarence brought Mothers paper over this afternoon and stayed
little while Mother is not very well
Mon 21 A very nice day with cool wind Mother washed a large washing she feels very tired
to-night not feeling very well either. I did up work & got dinner then bound & fixed a mat this
Tue 22 A lovely warm day I ironed about three hours this morning and went with Charlie to
village for ride in afternoon took Stella along. I enjoyed it, everything looks lovely & fresh
though we need rain it is getting very dry. cherry trees and flowering currant bushes in
blossom got my rag carpet & started to make it, tried to get a man to whitewash but could not
so far
Wed 23 Nice day again, good growing weather if it would rain, looks some like it I finished
making carpet at noon and did some sewing this afternoon
Thur 24 A beautiful day with rather cool wind from East Threatened to rain towards night but
cleared up Mother & I planted some wax beans in morning Geo. took me out to Elias's for
ride in afternoon found A. busy cleaning & whitewashing cellar, got my roots & some
asparagus and came home, had supper and went down to hear the Whyte brothers sing {In
margin} I wrote to Nellie M.
Fri 25 A nice day though windy Cleared out bedroom and ripped up the carpet
Sat 26 A nice rain last night and this morn, cleared up towards noon. Moses here to tea
Charlie came in also to tea.
May 1888
Sun 27 A nice warm day looks some like rain. Elias's called in, brought some asparagus Had
a good read to-day.
Mon 28 Warm & sultry, threatened to rain, thundered some and sprinkled a little but did not
amount to any thing. Mother & I cleaned out parlor & bedroom all it needed in forenoon. I
hoed in garden and read from "Jest to Earnest" in afternoon. Mother started her book.
Tue 29 Cloudy part of day, not overly warm, took up sitting room carpet and got the room
ready to whitewash Mother also boiled the soap. We feel very tired Carpenters came to fix
barn. Derbyshires raising to-day Charlie took Nancy home to-night, been there four weeks
Wed 30 Nice day, cool air, I have not done much to-day had a headache since last night.
Mother carried and emptied the soap. Brought home some nice fish the first that has come
around, had some for supper.
Thur 31 Had a nice rain this forenoon and looks now as though we might have some more, it
would do great good Apple trees in general full of blossom Cleaned the two entrys to-day,
am getting anxious to finish up, hope the whitewasher will come to-morrow Geo. put the Lima
beans, white beans & squashes in the garden for us
June 1888
Fri. 1 Bright but rather cool wind, did not do much but wait all day, and waiting in vain too, for
the whitewasher. Began to rain some to-night.
Thur 2 A very heavy rain this morn with thunder & lightening continued most of forenoon
Waited in vain again all day Geo. planted potatoes in front yard. Moses & Emma here to tea
June 1888
Sun 3 Bright, but cool wind Elias's called on their way to meeting, brought some asparagus,
Nellie sent for me to come back with them, but as Charlie & family are intending to go,
thought I would stay with Mother Kate & Will called on their way home K. looks very poorly.
Mon 4 Beautiful day, somewhat warmer, they say there was some frost last night, at any rate
blankets do not feel uncomfortable to sleep in yet. Mother washed. Barrett came at last and
whitewashed this morn We got the carpets down in afternoon.
Tue 5 Another nice day, wind blew like rain but has cleared away Mother & I ironed finished
by noon pasted in scrap book in afternoon. R. went to village got her hat. Ettie came over to
bid us goodbye she is going to Stratford school
Wed 6 Warm in morning but turned cool in afternoon, wind blew very hard. I had headache
all day, but hoed a little in garden in the morn
Thur 7 Cloudy & cool in forenoon, sun came out warm in afternoon Alice came out we went
to village I sat for my pictures again and did some shoping, got very tired Charlie took Alice
home Nellie came back with him
Fri 8 Nice warm day. I took dinner in to Charlies with Nellie. Kate & baby came in afternoon
as Will went to Butterfields raising. N. and her were here to tea
Sat 9 Very warm rained some at night. Did work up early. I worked some on my print dress
then helped N. on her pink one. K. & W. went to Conference left the baby here she was very
June 1888
Sun 10 Warm, rained through night, looked rainy all morn had a sharp thunder shower this
afternoon. Some cooler to-night. Nellie went with Will to church this morn Edwin came for her
to-night, took her home
Mon 11 Cool all day looked like rain but cleared up I worked on my dress Mother washed
floor upstairs Went in garden after tea to plant some beets & beans when Catharine &
Norman came up across from Station with John
Tue 12 Very warm. Had a severe headache all day could eat no dinner. Mary & Lizzie
Baintie{?} came as the rest were eating. M. went to village in afternoon, they were to
Charlie's for tea then walked home Charlie took Cath & I up to Kates after milking, my head
feeling better
Wed 13 Warm, rained some in afternoon and harder about dark with thunder & lightening
Moses & M. came from Meeting. Cathn went home Moses & M took her to Station Mrs J.
came over in afternoon she is feeling very bad about Mr J. being appointed a circuit which
will necessitate their moving away We will be so sorry to have them go
Thur 14 Very warm indeed, we realize that Summer is at hand, thunder shower in afternoon I
finished my dress Charlie & Eliza Thompson & Nancy at Charlies in evening.
Fri. 15 Extremely warm, heavy shower about 2 in morn, another threatened about noon but
passed around Mother baked pies & cakes I covered my chair Quarterly meeting
commenced. Emperor of Germany died {In margin} Lottie brought the first Strawberries
Sat. 16 Very warm but nice breeze. Alice came to meeting will stay all night also Marianna T.
Kate & Will drove in had been {In margin} at{?} village.
Jun 1888
Sun. 17 Warmer than yesterday I had a headache all morn Alice & Marianna went to Sunday
school took, Norman & Stella. Maggie Pennington came and stayed during S.S. with her big
little baby, we gave her a lunch, She, Geo, & Kate went to Charlies after meeting.
Mon. 18 Warm with a nice breeze. Mother felt the heat very much She had a large washing
and got very tired I did up the work got dinner and worked in the garden in the afternoon,
found it pretty warm work.
Tue. 19 Very warm. I helped Mother iron, got through by noon and felt thankful to do so.
Nellie came in afternoon is going to Kate's to-night wants me to go, so Charlie will take us
after milking
Wed 20 Warm or rather hot. I got up early to get a little cool air it was so warm upstairs.
When we got here the folks had gone to bed and we had to waken them to let us in They
went to village this afternoon Nellie & I kept the baby She is so good. K. is very thin.
Thur. 21 Still hot & dry Sewed some for K. Nellie baked some cokes and made paper flowers
in afternoon She makes them so nice & natural, gave some to K. and me. Lilia was down this
morn Quaker pic nic to-day {In margin} Norman went to pic-nic with C.
Fri. 22 So hot. I have had one of my bad headache's all day but some better by tea time, we
have had strawberries most every meal since we’ve been to Kate's. K. & N. brought me
home to-night.
Sat. 23 Hot. A little bit of rain in night; threatened to-day but did not get any I worked in
garden most all day Norman helped so we got it pretty clean
June 1888
Sun 24 Cooler to-day, rained by spells, cleared up in afternoon Norman & Stella went to S. S.
Mother & I had a good day for reading, which we enjoy.
Mon. 25 Cool, rained a little in afternoon and harder in the evening. C. & R. setting out plants
in rain. I sent Norman to Office with a letter for Cathn, made some buttonholes for Mrs J. Cut
out Mother's dress, got my Photos home
Tue. 26 Sunshiny & cool after the rain. Worked on Mothers dress Kate & baby came after
dinner, they went to Haights and they were away so they went out home to dinner. Then Will
left them here and came in evening for them. K. brought some strawberries. Lottie also
brought over 2 quarts
Wed. 27 Cool, pleasant in morn, but hot wind and threatened to rain in afternoon. I worked at
dress and hoed in garden after tea. Moses called in had been taking John to work in factory,
John & Charlie went to Hawtry{?} C. walked J. drove. Norman went to Village to get me
some lining and coming home lost a quarter he was in a great way about it I sent him back to
look and he found it. then his grief turned to joy
Thur. 28 Cold East rain all day, don't think the rain ceased once Strong wind with it, finished
the dress, also helped look over & can some gooseberries
Fri. 29 Cold & cloudy in forenoon but brightened up in afternoon Mr J. called to bid us
goodbye as he has gone to his appointment to-day. I made a cap for Mother and finished my
tidy Norman picked enough wild S-berries for tea {In margin} Got a letter from Cathn
Sat 30 Nice & cool. I did my Sat's work then put the carpet down and straightened big room
upstairs. Mrs J. & Lottie over to-night.
July 1888
Sun. 1 Bright cool wind enough to be pleasant. Dr Mott & Nellie came out, were to Charlies
for dinner he went over to John's for tea. Nellie came and had tea with us then they went
Mon 2 Nice day, warmer than yesterday Mother had a big washing did not get all out before
dinner. I wrote a letter to Jennie & Jessie each, and got dinner and worked some in garden.
Norman went to Johns to pick berries
Tue. 3 Very warm, Mother & I did a big ironing before dinner after dinner I took a rest and
then hoed in garden Norman went to Kates. Will brought him home and brought out berries.
Wed. 4 Extremely warm, threatened to rain before noon sprinkled a little big then sun came
out hot. We did the berries up and took things easy rest of day Charlies had company to
dinner then all went down to Lynnes. After supper C. brought Norman & I out to Elias's to
stay few days. Nellie has gone back with Tom.
Thur 5. Warm & dry, no rain yet I picked over some berries for Alice to can, and helped Alice
on Carries dress in afternoon Elias walked out to Bishops raising
Fri 6 Very warm. I sewed on Carrie's dress all day. Mr. Carlyle here to tea. Ida Mott came
over a little while after tea. They had the last Strawberry picking to-day.
Sat 7 A little cooler. I have had a bad headache all day laid on lounge most of time, felt better
after tea. Edwin brought me home
July 1888
Sun. 8 Cloudy, threatened to rain, but hardly wet the ground, had a quiet day. Norman went
to S. S. had green peas for dinner for first. Milne to Charlies came last night to stay till to-
morrow having missed the train.
Mon 9 Cloudy & cool. I worked in garden all day. Norman & I cleaned out Raspberry bushes,
it was a big chore but they look enough better to pay for it; besides being so much better to
pick berries. Mother carried the weeds and stuff away. Just as tea was ready Uncle Charlie &
Aunt Alice came, they went to Emmas after tea.
Tue. 10 been very warm but pleasant breeze. I had headache all day, but helped with work,
pitted & canned 3 pints of cherries that Rachel brought in, the first for 6 or 7 years. Ettie
came home brought parcel for Norman. {In margin} J. Corlys working for Charlie
Wed 11 Very warm till middle of afternoon when the wind blew hard, the dust was terrible,
blew in the house so, thundered and sprinkled in little but this shower went around, however
it made it cooler. Moses & Mel came from meeting stayed till after tea. Alice came out; her &
Mother went up to Kate's for visit.
Thur 12 Cool, rained gently all morning Norman & I got up late, my head ached till noon,
cleared up in afternoon. Charlie began haying.
Fri. 13 Bright & cool. Mother not being home I did Fri. sweeping then pitted & canned some
cherries, sent Norman for bread & to Office. Kate brought Mother home to-night. {In margin}
Mr J. called to see us
Sat. 14 Somewhat warmer, I did my Sat. work then hoed till noon. Aunt Alice & Mrs. B.
Corless called in on their way to Kate's. Almost cool enough for frost last night
July 1888
Sun. 15 A pleasant day, not uncomfortably warm, very smoky, Alice came down from K.'s in
morning, went over to meeting then came back to dinner, we had nice quiet visit. Nellie &
Charlie came out for her in afternoon.
Mon 16 Nice day, pleasantly cool. Mother did big washing feels very tired to-night I worked
little in garden and around house. J. & C Corless called they are both going away to-morrow
for a time
Tue 17 Very warm. We had a big ironing, finished before dinner. Nellie came up from village
about noon walked, Morton C. was here to dinner too. N. & I went over to Jolleys when we
got back M & L Burtie were here, they went to W, C, T, Y Nellie walked home Norman went
home with Mort. {In margin} Got long letter from Nebraska
Wed 18 Showery in morn, heavy thunder & lightening about six o'clock, cleared up in middle
of day but heavy rain again in afternoon. I had dull headache.
Thur 19 Bright morn after the rain, which had done so much good, cloudy & slight showers in
afternoon. Kate & baby came in morn to stay all day. Nellie brought Carrie to go home with
K. Norman got homesick and walked home from Moses's. Mrs J. & Ettie over in evening {In
margin} had raspberries for tea first time
Fri 20 Nice day, been very warm. Emma C. & Allie drove in on their way to K's, told us of B.
Martin's death. I made buttonholes for Mr J. Nellie drove over to "take me home with her" she
said I told her, "all right," so here I am She has applied for & got a situation as H. School
Teacher in Welland.
Sat 21 Nice day, pretty warm. M. came down & went to Brantford on train. I looked over b.
currants & sewed on apron for Alice.
July 1888
Sun 22 Slight rains through day with heavy shower about five or six o'clock. Nellie, Edwin & I
went up to Kate's in afternoon stayed till near dark, had pleasant time, they brought me home
& went home themselves
Mon 23 Very close & muggy, showery in afternoon, thunder shower after tea, then turned
cooler. Mother picked some berries (raspberries) I looked them over & canned them.
Tue 24 Bright & fresh morn pleasantly cool, Sun pretty warm through day. Spent the day at
John's, went early in morn with Clarence, had a good visit Susie came over in afternoon, had
noble black raspberries & fish for tea Ellen W. came over after tea, John & Lib brought me
Wed 25 Nice day, pretty warm, rained in night. Mother picked some berries, which we
canned. I read some in "John Halifax." Commenced some fine sewing for Nellie, also set out
& sent some pansy plants to Lib & Emma C.
Thur 26 A dull, close, lowery day with slight showers. Mother & I picked berries in forenoon,
had our first young potatoes, sewed in afternoon & read aloud after tea Kate & Will called &
left baby & Carrie while K. went to have some teeth out. B. Mullins at Charlies. C finished up
his hay.
Fri 27 Foggy damp morn, but cleared up, Moses sent black currants by John last night,
looked them over & did them up also did up jar of raspberries and sewed & read to Mother.
Charlie went to cut grain for John with new binder. {In margin} Robbie McKay came home
with Charlie to work for him
Sat 28 Nice but warm, did up my Sat work then worked in garden till noon Mother picked
berries in afternoon we made jelly after tea
July 1888
Sun 29 Nice but very warm in afternoon. mother went over to meeting to hear Stanley
Newman{?} all went but Charlie & I. meeting in evening too
Mon 30 A very warm day looked like rain in morn Mother washed, folded clothes in afternoon
& picked berries after tea. I got dinner, made buttonholes, & shelled peas after tea which
Norman picked.
Tue 31 Very Very warm We ironed in forenoon & I mended some & made jam after tea had a
nice shower after dinner
Aug 1888
Wed 1 A warm day, cut out Sunbonnet for Mother sent Norman to office to post letter to Cath
& got one from S. J. C. I read to Mother in afternoon & after tea Moses came over from
John's a little while after Supper.
Thur 2 Cloudy most of day looked very much like rain by spells An old friend, Mary Austin of
Rochester called in forenoon to see us, we were so glad to see her I made Mother's
Sunbonnet & went over to Jolley's in afternoon a little while. Read after tea
Fri 3 A thunder shower about six o'clock this morn then rain was not extremely heavy, but
such thunder & lightening, it was terrible. I thought the barn or something near must be
struck then it cleared up. About 11 Mrs Bean & Mrs Stevens came & stayed till afternoon
train. R took them to Station. It has been so warm
Sat 4 Terribly warm especially in forenoon looked like more rain We did our Sat work & few
other little chores, read out loud after tea
Aug 1888
Sun 5 A trifle cooler than yesterday. Had a nice quiet day, but I had one of my bad
headaches all day Norman went to S. S. & meeting. C's all away.
Mon 6 Very warm looked like rain all afternoon did sprinkle a little at night. I fixed sleeves in
Mothers brown muslin dress & read to her She picked berries in afternoon, we canned 1 qt I
think the last; Norman went to stay all night with Clarence.
Tue 7 Pretty warm, cloudy in afternoon, Eclipse on Sun not visible here, rained about
bedtime I sewed some & read aloud in "John Halifax."
Wed 8 Very sultry till afternoon when we had a heavy shower after which it was nice & cool.
Carrie & Allie Huxley came from Elias's I made a pudding & cake thinking someone would be
here from M. meeting but no one came Crocheted some & read.
Thur 9 Nice & cool & bright. I went over to Suttons{?} in afternoon had a pleasant visit, girls
went to Johns also Norman
Fri 10 Cool & pleasant, girls & Norman went to Kates after dinner. I went to Titus's by
invitation Lib & Maud Lodee{?} called for me, three or four other neighbors were there Mary
was home & a friend she had brought from Rochester, so there was quite a party of us, had
a pleasant time
Sat 11 Cloudy, looked like rain Did our Sat. work Lib came over after dinner for an hour or
two brought us some boa{?} moss from Cal. girls went down town with Rachel after tea.
Aug 1888
Sun 12 Cloudy & cool, though bright in morn[.] Had a headache all forenoon, better in
afternoon girls went to S. S. & church with C{illegible}, C's went to Elias's.
Mon 13 Sun very warm but nice cool wind[.] Mother had big washing Lib drove in on her way
over to Farringtons girls went with her, I walked over to graveyard with girls in afternoon, they
went in to Charlies to tea.
Tue 14 Warmer to-day. We ironed in forenoon Girls went over to John's to dinner and over to
Jolleys in afternoon Mr J's are not going to move away after all I worked in garden all
afternoon Kate & Will drove down in evening for little while
Wed 15 Very warm, cloudy like rain all day C, R & Stella gone on excursion to Dover We
kept Walter Susie came over in morn to take tidy pattern stayed to dinner. John came to
dinner also his folks gone on excursion too. Moses & M. called in afternoon Norman went to
village with them
Thur 16 Very Very warm. I had bad headache all day Ettie & Lottie were over to tea, felt
better & expected to go with girls out to Elias's after tea but it got so late I could not go so
Geo. took them. C got left on excur, at La Salette, Geo T. drove him home
Fri 17 Some cooler rained last night, went to village in afternoon took Norman. C's went up to
Moses's in evening
Sat 18 Very pleasant & cool Melissa & Mrs Vandyke here to tea had a pleasant time
Aug 1888
Sun 19 Nice day. Kate & baby came & stayed till Will came from church then went out home
Norman went to S. S. Stella too, then she stayed here till night
Mon 20 Pretty warm. Mother washed I did work & got dinner, worked on silk pieces in
Tue 21 Cloudy in afternoon turned very cool, men came to fix chimneys so we could not iron.
Mother went over to Jolleys in afternoon. I fixed my muslin dress, ripped it up & cut it over
Wed 22 Cool wind all day, Sun warm Had a terrible time this morn with chimney smoking, as
Mother had not cleaned all the loose cinders out the smoke could not get out & filled the
house, then we ironed, I finished my dress, came out to Elias's to-night to stay day or two,
very cold
Thur 23 Pleasant & cool Sewed all day for Nellie had a headache[.] Kate came to stay all
night Emma H. & Albert over in evening Ida here to tea. {In margin} frost last night
Fri 24 Warm day, slight headache all forenoon, K. went over to Haights. Sewed all day, got
through at tea time. Nellie was very busy, she brought me home after tea She is going to her
school to-morrow Ettie & Lottie came over a little while to see me so I intend to go to
Stratford to-morrow & take Norman home
Sat 25 Warm & bright with nice breeze. Mr. Vandyke & G. Sutton called in morning In
afternoon came home with Norman & the girls, got here safe.
Aug 1888
Sun 26 Very warm & very windy, had a thunder shower about dark I have had a headache all
day, none of the folks went to church to-night
Mon 27 Nice & bright with a cool wind, cold enough for frost to-night I read some, wrote a
letter to Charlie and worked some on my crazy work
Tue 28 Real cold though bright My head ached some all day though I have worked on my
crazy work
Wed 29 A nice day, some warmer, I worked at a work again Nellie went up town & got some
Felt for us each a table scarf
Thur 30 Nice weather, very warm towards night I batted all the silk pieces on my cushion The
minister called but I did not see him
Fri 31 Thunder showers all day but did not rain a great deal, much cooler again I worked on
Nellie's crazy cushion, placed the pieces all on for her
Sept 1888
Sat 1 Clear & cold I think there was some frost last night, I wrote a letter to Alice in fore-noon
& cut out some cloth-blocks for Catherine to make a mat In the afternoon the girls gathered
the crab apples and I helped peel them which was rather tedious work, they did up about 12
quarts, after we got through I cut out my print dress that Catherine got for me this morn. Very
cold to-night
Sept 1888
Sun 2 Bright & cool I read part of day C. V. here in afternoon They did not go out to church at
all to-night.
Mon 3 Some warmer Catherine washed I worked at my dress Ettie Jolley has come to
Stratford to attend model school she called on us to-night
Tue 4 Very windy & cloudy like a storm My head has ached all day but I sewed on my dress
Wed 5 Nice day[.] I finished my dress before dinner Read a letter from Alice which I was very
glad to get Commenced my table scarf but did not have right-colored silk
Thur 6 A beautiful day but very cool for time of year We were going to have a good day for
our work we thought but about 9{?} o'clock Tom & children and Jennie Rogers came to
dinner And after dinner Miss Carey came and after school Ettie came They were all her to
tea It is Normans 10 birthday so he has had quite a party Ettie staying all night
Fri 7 Bright & some warmer I helped Nellie a little with house work & wrote a letter to Alice
this morn and worked on scarf this afternoon
Sat 8 Cloudy & cool Worked on scarf all day. Nellie & her Ma went up town this evening I
read while they were away.
Sept 1888
Sun 9 Bright but cool Catharine did not go to Church nor S. School to-day, her & I were alone
all afternoon, had a good quiet time to read
Mon 10 Bright & beautiful. Catharine washed. It is Edie's birthday They asked Miss Hutchins
up to tea, she came, I fixed my dress in the morning and then worked at my table scarf.
Tue 11 A nice day, the weather very dry They ironed I had a bad headache all day, did not
work Mrs Bean & her sister called in the evening
Wed 12 Cloudy, turned cold towards night, I worked at my scarf. Nellie & Edie gone to Prayer
Thur 13 Very cold & cloudy Catharine has been busy all day making catsup. I worked on
scarf as usual finished one end & began the other Nellie is working on her scarf too
Fri 14 Very Very foggy this morn, could not see any distance from the house & so chilly &
smokey but quite warm in the sun I rec'd a letter from Alice also one from Charlie Today is
Mother's birthday. I worked on scarf Ettie came up a little while this evening, Nellie & Edie
were out but soon came home. A fire feels comfortable
Sat 15 Some warmer, rained some towards night Catharine went up town this morning, came
home with bad headache, could not eat supper with us I nearly finished working flowers on
Sept 1888
Sun 16 A drizzling rain all morn. The sun shone by spells in afternoon. I have been reading
the "Hall In the Grove." Catharine did not go to church till evening. Edie stayed home with me
Mon 17 Nice but cool Catharine washed and had a caller in the midst of it I finished working
the scarf and wrote a letter to Charlie telling them I would be home next week. Read some in
afternoon, and worked a little on C.s mat
Tue 18 Cold, cloudy in afternoon, looked as though it might snow It is very foggy & smoky
every morn I sewed C's mat together and began a log-cabin one
Wed 19 A beautiful day, warmer than yesterday. Catharine & Nellie ironed I worked at mat,
Nellie, Carrie & I are alone to-night, the rest to Prayer meeting Norman has gone to bed, and
forgotten his troubles
Thur 20 Another nice day It seems as though we are having an unusual spell of nice weather
for the time of year it is very dry, and so foggy & smoky at night, the frost has not done much
harm yet. I worked at the mat. Ettie came up after school to tell me she is going home to-
morrow. I finished "Hall In Grove."
Fri 21 A beautiful day. I finished piecing blocks for mat. Catharine brought home the
ornaments for my scarf. Miss Huston was here to tea Allie went home with her.
Sept 1888
Sun 23 A splendid day, quite cool in the house but sun was warm. Catharine & I had a quiet
time for reading with the others all to S. S. I commenced to read, “Little Women,” which I like
very much.
Mon 24 A beautiful day, quite warm, Catharine washed[.] I have had a miserable headache,
did not do much sewing, just commenced a fine n. dress for C, and read a little. Ettie came
up to stay all night, bringing me a parcel from home with a letter from Nellie Mott
Tue 25 Very damp & foggy this morning Catharine & I worked on dress
Wed 26 Cold & cloudy, began to rain about noon and squally by spells all afternoon. Allie,
Carrie & Norman had company to tea and a jolly time they had I sewed all day on n. dress
Thur 27 Cold & squally all day, some say it snowed but I did not see it, however it is cold
enough for snow. Catharine ironed all day. Nellie was sick, in bed most of day. I finished my
scarf all up & trimmed Nellie's also. Very cold to-night am going home to-morrow.
Fri 28 Very cold & Fall like this morn, grass stiff, still squally I came home on afternoon train,
had pleasant journey. Moses, Melissa & John being on the cars, Moses & Mel been to
London Fair. Charlie was waiting at station for me.
Sat 29 Cold & squally in forenoon cleared up in afternoon I helped with Sat, work & felt tired
after it.
Sept 1888
Sun 30 Very cold this morning, had rained & snowed some in the night by looks of things.
Started to rain again about noon & continued most of afternoon with some thunder. C's gone
up home, left Stella with us, I wrote a long letter to Nellie
Oct 1888
Mon 1 Still raining by spells, Mother washed. My head ached all night & this forenoon, but
felt better after dinner. Kate & Will called in on their way to Village I am going up Burtie's to-
night and stay a day or two.
Tue 2 Cold East rain this morn, but stopped before noon I found the folks all well here, they
had given up looking for me as I did not get here till quite late. Today I have been copying
some stitches on Mary's crazy-work.
Wed 3 Very cold morning, ground frozen some We had quite a snow shower while we were
eating dinner Will brought Kate & baby up in the afternoon I visited & worked on my crazy
work all day. Charlie came for me as we were eating supper I enjoyed my visit very much. {In
margin} G. Tompson & E Gillam married to-day
Thur 4 Cloudy & chilly in morn, with more rain in afternoon I came out home with Kate this
morning to help her make Louie a coat—we are going to stay till to-morrow night Will went
back home, Alice cut out the coat this afternoon.
Fri 5 Cloudy all day but did not rain till night Elias went to Otterville{?} Fair, being judge on
fruit. We heard of Mr Woodwards death which took place on Wed. buried to-day. Libbie
Moore children came while C's were to the funeral. I got home {cut off}
Sat 6 Cold wind some this morn. Kate left baby while they {word cut off} village and took
dinner with us when they came back
Oct 1888
Sun 7 Rainy as usual, but not so cold, my head ached all morn but grew better in afternoon,
wrote a letter to Lizzie Atkins. Charlies all gone up home
Mon 8 I don't think it rained to-day, but it turned very cold in afternoon Mother & I cleaned out
the dish cupboard from top to bottom and I sliced the tomatoes for pickling
Tue 9 Bright but cold wind. Mother baked some pies I cleaned windows, put up clean
curtains & pickled tomatoes and went over to Mr J's in afternoon, found Mrs J. busy picking
apples One of Charlie's cows died {cut off}
Wed 10 A bright nice day, nicest we've had for over two weeks but a hard hard frost last
night, froze apples, and froze eggs hard enough to crack them. Alice, Moses & Melissa took
dinner with us, being Monthly meeting I came home with {cut off}
Thur 11 Cloudy most of day, white frost again. I helped Alice with carries dress we nearly
finished it it is drab cashmere & plaid goods, looks very nice Alice baked bread, canned
grapes, and did countless other things. Men folks finished apples
Fri 12 Rained all day almost without stopping, bad beginning for our Fair I finished Carrie's
dress and ripped two others to make over for Carrie
Sat 13 Quite warm till toward night with slight Sunshiny showers Elias, Edwin & Carrie went
to Fair in afternoon, the rest of us preferring to stay home. It was rather a dull affair Carrie
stepped on a bee & got badly stung on the bottom of her foot after she {words cut off}
Oct 1888
Sun. 14 Showering in forenoon partly cleared up in afternoon Alice & Elias did not go to
meeting. Edwin brought me home towards night, found the roads muddy.
Mon 15 Rather promising in morn, but threatened to rain before noon and commenced to
after dark. Mother washed & clothes dried. I did up the work & knit Alice & Elias called had
been to village. I started a mitten for Nellie to-night. Fred Hand{?} working for C.
Tue 16 Rained by spells this afternoon several heavy claps of thunder Mother ironed, I knit
all day
Wed 17 Rained a little towards night Three weeks to-day since the wet weather commenced.
Threshers came to Charlies to-night; he went up for Nancy. I finished the mittens for Nellie's
birthday present.
Thur 18 A nice day, did'nt rain any, favorable for threshers Mother & I shelled off the Walnuts
some that grew on our own trees, consequently we are proud of them, but not proud of our
hands since doing it; they look ugly. I am now knitting a pair of mittens for Kate.
Fri. 19 Wet till middle of afternoon then it cleared up colder Threshers finished about noon,
got their dinner & went to John's Will called in on his way from village, told us of Ellen Atkin's
death. I knit all day.
Sat. 20 Bright morning, turned very cold towards noon Squally in afternoon I hurried & got my
work done up to finish the mittens. Will called in & I came home with him to stay all night,
finished the mittens after I got here
Oct 1888
Sun 21 Cold & dull in morn. then the sun came out and we had a beautiful day Alice, Elias &
Carrie came up to Kates. I rode home with them. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob & Gertie{?} were there
Mon 22 Cloudy & cold wind. I mended some and commenced a dress for Carrie, my tooth
started to ache and I had to put it up. Libbie & children came home with Charlie's last night
Tue 23 Misty & wet all day. Had a headache in morn but it left me and I sewed the rest of day
Libbie & children went to Johns this morn. C & R gone tonight.
Wed 24 Wet in morn cleared up in afternoon. I worked on Carrie's dress. I rec'd a letter from
Catharine & one from Nellie Mott. I sent Nellie's mittens to her. Kate & Will and some others
to Charlies to-night.
Thur 25 A warm lovely day I finished Carrie's cress this afternoon Charlie is going to take me
up to Moses's to-night, he took Libbie & children out to Moore's & brought Carrie home with
him to stay all night
Fri 26 Began to rain about noon, wet all afternoon I got up here before dark, enjoyed the ride
Charlie went right home. The Prayer meeting was here last night. I sewed all day on fine N.
dress for Carrie.
Sat 27 A showery wet day. I sewed all day on N. dress Carlie came home just before dark,
he had been hunting all day on his way home and shot 12 squirrels, which he dressed before
Oct 1888
Sun. 28 Cloudy & cold all day Elise, Alice & Carrie came up & surprised us got here about
noon, went home before dark. Moses, Emma, & boys all went to S.S. & meeting. Charlie
went back to his school
Mon 29 Cold wind, sunshiny part of time. I had a miserable headache all day, did not sew in
afternoon Melissa washed & made potato cakes for tea
Tue 30 A grand day for work so bright & pleasant I finished the n. dress Melissa drove to
store & got some more cotton which we cut out & I went to work on it. Moses & boys went to
Sale at Martins
Wed 31 Another nice day though it threatened to rain Moses went to Norwich with load of
wheat did not get home till after dark. I sewed all day.
Nov. 1888
Thur 1 A lovely warm day I finished up my sewing before noon. Moses & Melissa went to
meeting in morn. after dinner they went to Norwich and brought me home. Mother is not
feeling very well Rachel & Libbie went up to Burgessville this afternoon
Fri 2 Warm with sprinkle of rain occasionally. I wrote a letter to Paulina, rec'd one from Nellie
Mott thanking me for mittens The apple packers came this morn. I am knitting Nellie Huxley
some mitts
Sat. 3 A mild day, slight shower last night Elias had a raising Charlie went, apple packers
came back & packed a few more{?}. R. & L. went to town in afternoon. I worked some on my
crazy work
Nov. 1888
Sun 4 A nice day, partly sunshiny. I am reading "Good Wives." Kate & Will called in on their
way home, brought a token of remembrance from Alice Charlies took L. up home. I wrote to
Mon 5 A beautiful day, though wind blew like rain this afternoon Mother did a big washing,
this afternoon I raked up some around the door, knit some wrote a letter to Cathn The boys
are getting in carrots
Tue 6 Rained most of forenoon Mother & I ironed got through before dinner Will called in,
says Gertie is very sick with diphtheria, he took my letters to office. Fred went home with
him. I knit in afternoon. Colder towards night.
Wed 7 A white frost, Sun shone pleasant till afternoon when it looked like storm, wind East I
went over to John's in morn, Lib & Lilly were going over to Lasee's{?} this afternoon so
Clarence brought me home about 4 o'clock.
Thur 8 Rained in night & to-day, cold East wind. I filled the forenoon with various things, knit
on mitten in afternoon, am also learning Stella to knit stocking & crochet lace, she does very
well, Mother is peeling squash for pies to-night.
Fri 9 A misty wet day, rained very hard last night I knit after fixing Mothers brown dress
sleeves and learning Stella another lace pattern, she took it up very quickly. Mrs Jolly came
in & had a chat.
Sat. 10 Sun out quite pleasant by spells, but colder and little sprinkles of rain in afternoon
Charlie & R. went to village left the children with us they finished up the carrots I finished the
Nov. 1888
Sun. 11 Cold wind, cloudy with a little show of snow once in awhile. Sun peeped out once or
twice. Elias Alice & Carrie drove out this afternoon to see us stayed an hour or two, they told
us of Harmon Nicholls{?} death.
Mon, 12 White frost this morn. & quite cold but grew warmer, sun shone pleasant this
afternoon. I have been busy all day with different things, helped Mother change the spare
beds & fix them for winter use. Worked a little on crazy work this afternoon. The boys started
to pull turnips
Tue. 13 A fine day, very foggy this morn, damp as though it had rained till near noon when
sun came out beautiful I kept busy about the house all morn, made a cake & picked a
chicken. Worked on sofa pillow this afternoon. R. is cleaning her parlor.
Wed. 14 A beautiful warm day Lib asked me to come over to dinner, but I could not go as I
thought we would have company from meeting, Marriana came Lottie was over this
afternoon. I crocheted on my tidy.
Thur 15 Thanksgiving day. A beautiful warm sunshiny day so warm we had both doors open
part of time, rained a little bit early in morn. I cleaned windows upstairs Mother cleaned parlor
windows outside, we did cucumber pickles & kept busy till late in afternoon. C. took his
apples to Station and went up for Libbie & children & Nancy to-night. R. went along to Kates
Fri 16 Much colder this morn, the ground quite white with snow but not covered, we were
busy all morn. making pies, picking chicken & getting ready for quarterly meeting Moses is
going to stay with us to-night. It is freezing considerable. The coldest yet.
Sat 17 Cold West wind. Alice & Carrie and Moses's here to dinner. Emma & Allie are going
to stay all night. Stella had a birthday party.
Nov. 1888
Sun 18 Cold night, froze hard, some ice on windows this morn first I have
seen, soned snowed some from East this afternoon Kate & Louie stayed with us while Will
went over to meeting. A{illegible} Dale is holding meetings here
Mon 19 Warmer, rained a little in night, cloudy all day Mother washed I did up work and
ripped my grey dress to fix it Alice called in to-night as she went to meeting. {In margin} Sent
milk for last time it went to Losee's{?}
Tue 20 Much colder, ground frozen hard, sunshiny. I helped Mother iron in forenoon, went to
village with Alice & Charlie this aftenroon. Kate & Louie stayed to-night while Will went to
meeting. J. Moore's are to Charlies. {In margin} I rec'd letter from Catharine
Wed 21 Cold but bright Alice came out this morning Alma Dale & Marianna Treffry came
from meeting and stayed till night meeting Kate came in afternoon She stayed with me while
Mother went to meeting with the rest. {In margin} Charlie's & George went to court. I sent a
letter to Catharine
Thus 22 Cloudy & cold all day, looked very much like snow I sewed at my dress after helping
do up the work Susie Sutton called in the afternoon and had a little chat, Geo. is drawing in
frozen apples
Fri 23 Cold wind but sunshiny & bright; white frost. I worked on my dress till noon. John & Lib
came over to dinner. Maud L{illegible} came for Lib to go up to school house in afternoon R.
& Libbie went too I started Alice's mittens in afternoon
Sat 24 Hard white frost, sun was quite warm about noon but did not thaw much, C's
vegetables out yet & some turnips I worked at dress and mended my red waist
Nov. 1888
Sun 25 A cold wind, cloudy part of day. We have a good quiet day for reading. Mother has a
headache Alma Dale has meetings yet over here
Mon. 26 Cloudy, snowed a good deal of day, but only enough to whiten the ground. I sewed
on my dress. The boys got in some turnips though the ground is frozen hard. Rachel heard of
Mrs Wallace's death she & Libbie went up this afternoon. J. Carless is going to stay all night
at Charlie's {In margin} rec'd a letter from Nellie Huxley
Tue. 27 Some warmer, a little sleet & snow this morn Seems like a thaw. I finished my dress
& knit on mittens Charlie, R. & L. went to funeral, Lottie & I stayed with the children. Alice ran
in few minutes after meeting
Wed 28 A mild cloudy day, very misty all forenoon, warmer than it has been lately I mended
two dresses & knit on mitten. The boys getting in turnips. Mother finished packing her butter.
Thur 29 Another cloudy day, mild, but ground does not thaw out, damp air, a little sprinkle of
snow in night Charlie went over to help John get in turnips, the family went too. I knit steady,
finished one mitt and started another for Alice
Fri. 30 Cloudy, not very cold, stormed some in afternoon I had headache all day, not able to
work. Moses & Will came just as we were eating supper. Alice ran in few minutes as they
were going to meeting. Charlie & Rachel got their cabbage & carrots in out of garden
Dec 1888
Sat. 1 A little colder but pleasant for beginning of winter. I helped with work & finished the
Dec 1888
Sun 2 Weather much the same, quite moderate, but the ground is frozen hard again it only
thawed on top The meetings ended to-night, Alice ran in few minutes.
Mon 3 Cloudy, not very cold a little snow flying in afternoon Mother washed, clothes did not
dry. I wrote letter to Mrs Atkins and set up a stocking, in afternoon I sewed on some flannel
for Stella. Charlies took Libbie & children down to Lynnes to stay few days
Tue 4 Snowed last night an inch or two, moderate, thawing some on roofs, snow flying this
afternoon, wind blowing older to-night I finished the sewing, knit some & crochet on my tidy.
Wed. 5 Bright morning, but cloudy rest of day, snowed a little not cold, Charlie brought me up
to Kate's to stay few days. I knit on my stocking & talked to Kate as she stuffed a goose &
made a cake.
Thur 6 A lovely morn, froze quite hard last night, roads pretty good, began to rain a little
about noon, Elias brought Alice up this morn & left her for the day We had the goose for
dinner, it was excellent. Will took Alice up to see Gertie. We cut out Louies dress & sewed on
Fri 7 A lovely bright day, ground thawed a little on top, I had a headache all day, but stuck at
work on Louies dress nearly finished it. Will brought me home after tea
Sat 8 A cloudy drizzling day half rain, half snow. I helped with Sat. work then cut out a apron
for Allie and worked at it Libbie & children came back Charlie & Geo. working at shed down
to barn.
Dec. 1888
Sun 9 Cloudy, chilly air, froze enough to make it slippery this morn, but thawed a little bit
about noon, it is not cold weather yet the frost has not come out of ground since it first froze
up, three weeks ago. Alice called in We kept the children while R. & L went to church
Mon. 10 Quieter fair, not cold for time of year We cleaned bedroom windows inside & out, I
made two new blinds & finished up apron. Mrs. Jolly came in a while.
Tue. 11 A beautiful bright morn. but turned windy & cold in afternoon, freezing before dark. I
had bad headache all day, helped with work in morn. then laid on lounge all day. Lib took
Libbie up to Aunt Katys Charlie & Geo. picked up load of apples & took to village.
Wed. 12 Cold, snow squalls all day, froze hard last night, It being M. meeting Moses & Mel.
came to dinner, brought us a lot of fresh pork. I ripped up my old drab dress for F to color to-
day, guess she found it pretty cold work I knit this afternoon a black streak. Re'd a letter from
N. M.
Thur 13 Coldest yet, ther. {thermometer?} 4 {degree symbol} below zero, sunshiny, cold wind
I knit on stocking, finished it, & started another Ettie came home she ran in few minutes
Charlie's Libbie & children and Milne{?} gone up to Kates for the evening.
Fri. 14 Felt colder this morn than yesterday but ther. the same considerable warmer to-night,
snowed a little last night so the ground is well covered I made new waist to Mothers green
dress. Charlies all gone to Elias's.
Sat 15 Warmer, quite soft to-night. finished the dress, cut out some blocks for Stella & Edna
and did some sewing
Dec. 1888
Sun 16 Rained steady all day, took off what snow there was on. We had a quiet day for
Mon. 17 Warm but cloudy and almost raining, in afternoon did mist a little. Mother washed I
fixed my gingham dress. Charlie took Libbie & children up home. Moses & John took dinner
to Charlies.
Tue. 18 Much colder, snowed a little last night, & all forenoon, with wind from West. I took the
curtains down, made two blinds and cleaned all the pictures. knit & sewed in afternoon.
Wed 19 A very cold morn, or rather day, though bright part of time, Mother ironed, I did some
sewing & knitting. Charlie & R. went to village in morn, we kept children {In margin} L Gillam
married to-day
Thur 20 Very cold, bright all forenoon but clouded over & looked like Storm in afternoon. C.
took me to village after dinner. R. & Stella went to school exam. I finished the last stocking in
Fri 21 Cold & windy, very blustering by spells in forenoon, more pleasant in afternoon, Sun
shone but very cold. Ettie & Lottie were over to tea The cheese was shipped. Geo took load
to B. Milne's concert to-night, Charlie, Rachel Geo, all gone I run the stocking heels and to-
night made a little needle book for Stella an Xmas present
Sat 22 Very cold & frosty this morn, but think it a little warmer to-night I helped with Sat work
& did some sewing cut out some blocks for Stella C. & R. gone to village again to-night
Dec 1888
Sun 23 Much warmer, thawing some, sunshiny. We have been alone all day Charlie's gone
up home Elias's drove in. Nellie got home yesterday
Mon. 24 A beautiful bright warm morn, but clouded up and began to rain in afternoon. Charlie
drove Mother & I out to Elias's to spend Xmas and a few days I helped Nellie dress a doll for
Tue 25 Dull weather for Xmas rained hard all forenoon quite warm. Kate & Will came, we had
a pleasant time, all seemed to enjoy themselves, it was not dull inside if it was out. K. & W.
stayed to tea {in margin} very muddy
Wed 26 A dull cloudy day, rained hard about bedtime I sewed for Nellie all day, Mother read,
Alice ironed, Nellie painted Mother taken sick after supper and went to bed early
Thur 27 Colder to-day with snow squalls, ground froze up. Mother too sick to get up she had
a fall in the night getting up in the dark, bruised her face badly, Alice went to village in
afternoon, Nellie & Edwin went to Haights in the evening.
Fri. 28 Rather pleasant, West wind. Mother feeling some better, sat up to-day, but her eye
looks so bad & black. I had headache but sewed some in afternoon Ida came over little
while, The boys gone to Charlie's to shoot.
Sat. 29 Cloudy not very cold, no signs of sleighing yet I sewed all day Nellie taken sick with a
chill had to go to bed Alice busy all day.
Dec 1888
Sun 30 A nice day, bright till towards night. I had bad sick headache, stayed in bed till
afternoon Edwin went to Moses's
Mon 31 A dull day rained some in afternoon Alice washed & was very busy getting ready for
New Years I helped around the house
Jan. 1889
Tue 1 Nice & bright but cold West wind Edwin brought Mother & I home we had dinner to
Charlies, then came in{?} home Alice expected a lot there, the Miss Millets with others.
Wed 2 Cloudy, not very cold. I sewed for Nellie all day Stella is sewing her blocks. C & R. in
awhile to-night.
Thur 3 A beautiful bright day, white frost this morn. Thawed considerable Kate & Louie came
right after dinner as Will went to a meeting in village & stayed all afternoon, Will came back
to tea I made a cake in morn, did up work. & sewed rest of time, Mother feeling some better.
C. & R. in awhile to-night. The Millet girls staying at Elias's.
Fri. 4 A bright warm day, white frost, thawed enough to make it muddy. I finished Nellie's
sewing and mended Geo.s overcoat. Nellie called in to-night on her way to Kate's, she is
going back to her school to-morrow
Sat 5 A cold East wind, started to rain towards night, I cut some more blocks for Stella &
made an apron for Mother & me for Melissa partly{?}.
Jan 1889
Sun 6 A coating of ice on everything & a misty rain We had a quiet day for reading Charlie's
at home Elias not home out {In margin} Got a letter & card from C.
Mon 7 A cloudy dull day, damp air with a little sleet by spells, Rachel washed for Mother as
her head is not very well yet, though she would help. I helped R. make Stellas dress in
afternoon, wrote a letter to Cathn in morn to send by Charlie as he talks of going up to-
Tue. 8 Cloudy, not cold, but damp air, looks like storm. Mother ironed, had a good big one. I
sewed on apron, John took dinner with us
Wed 9 A terrible rainy day, turned colder towards night, blowed & snowed. Monthly meeting
Moses & Mel. took dinner to Charlie's and tea with us. then went to Bible class. I sewed in
Thur 10 It looked this morn as though there had been a regular blizzard, the windows so
covered with snow stuck on glass we could not see out & has snowed & blowed all day,
tremendous drifts, or hills as Stella calls them, though the ground elsewhere is bare. C. has
not gone to Stratford yet. I sewed on apron.
Fri 11 A nice winter day, not very cold. I knit insertion for apron. We heard to-day that
Wednesdays storm did a great deal of damage
Sat. 12 A bright day Sun quite warm I finished my apron
Jan 1889
Sun 13 Cloudy, snowed a little in forenoon, but cleared up quite warm in afternoon Alice
called in, C's went away in afternoon
Mon 14 A nice day, pretty cold towards & clear Mrs. Jolley came over for visit. Moses called
in a little while Charlie went to Stratford
Tue 15 A hard white frost last night, pretty cold all day I cut out a dress for mother & worked
on it. Charlie came home to-night brought Nellie home with him, also two violins.
Wed 16 Soft & warm all morn, began to rain about noon & continued all afternoon, lowering
the snow banks fast, John was over to dinner I sewed on the dress all day & superintended
Stella's blocks
Thur 14 Cloudy, wind blowing some colder, freezing the ground up again, the creek is very
high I sewed on the dress, stitched some for Nellie and am teaching Stella to sew on her
blocks had a dull headache in morn, but it grew better.
Fri 18 Cold West wind, snowed a little most all day Charlie took Nellie H. & I up to Kates in
morn to stay all day, had a good day Will brought us home after tea I sat up a sock to knit for
Sat 19 Very cold last night & to-day, East wind, we did up Sat. work, In afternoon Alice & the
two Miss Millets & Carrie came and stayed about two hours. I tried to finish Mothers dress
but could not. Nellie went to town with Charlie & R. after tea.
Jan. 1889
Sun. 20 A very cold East wind, started to snow in forenoon and snowed hard all day &
blowed too till towards night it grew some warmer Nellie went down to S. S. {Sunday School}
& church with Rachel & George.
Mon 21 Considerable snow on ground, pretty cold, wind in West snowed a little all day
Charlie took Rachel Nellie & children and myself up to Burtis's in sleigh the first sleighing
we've had, not extra, but better coming home, We had good visit. I knit on sock.
Tue 22 A nice winter day, did not snow much more last night, but it seems nice to have a
little sleighing, Mother washed, I did up work & finished Mothers dress, head ached in
Wed 23 A lovely morn, it had been so foggy that it froze on trees & everything and when the
sun shone it looked lovely indeed, but has thawed so to spoil sleighing Charlie killed pigs to-
Thur 24 A nice bright day, but quite cool air We ironed Mrs. Jesse Stover buried this
afternoon. Kate & Will came from funeral to Charlie's Nellie & I took tea there with them I
crocheted some lace, a few cutters out yet
Fri 25 Another lovely day, thawed considerable I made some sausage bags for Rachel they
made their sausage & headcheese today, in afternoon I began the skirt of morning dress.
We want to go to Moses's to-morrow.
Sat 26 White frost on everything till afternoon when Sun came out beautiful & warm Charlies
brought Nellie & I up to Moses's to stay few days It is good wheeling, a little sloppy
Jan 1889
Sun 27 Cold & stormy, snowed most all day. I got up with bad headache, felt some better in
afternoon Moses took Charlie to Cathcart towards night
Mon 28 Not very cold all day, but colder to-night Snow quite deep, I started white apron for
Em Nellie read. Melissa washed and made potato cakes for tea, they were splendid.
Tue 29 Very cold this morn, North wind, in fact it was cold all day though the sun shone
beautiful I finished the apron Moses took load of wood to village in monr, and brought Nellie
& I down to Elias's in afternoon, had a good sleigh ride, sitting right in the bottom he drove
the colt found Alice spinning. Barne's came over in evening
Wed 30 A fair winter day I worked for Alice, fixing her grey dress skirt, and showing Nellie H.
how to crochet Mr & Mrs Ghent came over towards night & stayed the evening
Thur 31 Rather cold, snowed hard for awhile in morn then Sun came out a spell, good
sleighing. Charlie & drove out this afternoon, breaking the black colt single. I worked at
dress, Alice ironed. {In margin} Mother bought 3 1/2 gal. coal oil of B. Treffrey
Fri 1 Weather quite moderate & pleasant, snows a little by spells. Edwin brought us home
after tea Kate & Will came down just as we were leaving
Sat 2 Snowed & blowed some by spells. I helped with work & knit some Nellie has gone over
to Mr Jolleys
Feb 1889
Sun 3 A bright clear cold day, very cold towards night I had a severe headache, stayed in
bed till 4 o'clock Alice called but I did not see her, K. & W. drove in on their way home. Nellie
H. went to Haights from church
Mon 4 Not so cold, but snowed most of day Mother washed I did up work & got dinner Nellie
went in to C's for dinner John & Lib were there it being Blanche's birthday, I went in after
dinner, we were all there to tea N. went with Geo. to church.
Tue 5 Very soft & thawing early in morn, suddenly began to snow with rain then turned very
cold & clear. Nellie & I went over to Johns stayed all day, Mrs Lasee{?} same, we had turkey
& lots other good things Nellie went with them to basket social at night. I came home, knit on
Wed 6 Very, very cold & blustering, we had to keep close to fire I sewed some on dress skirt
& knit some Stella finished her last block & crocheted some wool lace for little Blanche.
Libbie & children went with Lib to J. B.s
Thur 7 Still very cold C. says not quite so cold as yesterday but it seems so to me. Splendid
sleighing and snows a little every day I took all the dishes out of cupboards, wiped them &
cupboard out, cleaned the silverware, and finished the first pair of socks
Fri 8 Weather more moderate but pretty cold yet, did our Fri. work, made a cake, and a
pudding for dinner read & knit on sock, another pair for George, Charlie fixed cistern pump
and has gone on up to Moses's.
Sat 9 Pretty cold, stormed this forenoon I knit & read papers Nellie got a card from her Ma
telling her to come home Tuesday
Feb 1889
Sun 10 A nice bright day, pretty cold. I had good time to read Nellie went with Geo. to S S
{Sunday School} & church in morn George took her & Ellie to Methodist church at night
Mon 11 Snowed hard all morn then snowed with some rain for awhile then cleared & grew
very cold towards night. I fixed my wine colored waist. Kate & Louie came after tea & stayed
while Will went to lecture he brought me letter from Nellie M. C. went to station for Libbie &
Tue 12 Bright in morn but very cold, blustery for spell in afternoon. C. took Nellie H. to
Station. I worked on my dress skirt and started a letter to Nellie M.
Wed 13 Very frosty in morn and very very cold day though pleasant to look out. Alice drove
out, her coat was white with frost, she stayed till after tea It was M Meeting Moses & Mel
came to dinner Emma sent me a pretty little birthday present. I got my new bureau home to-
day Lottie came over awhile. Charlie, Rachel, Libbie Nansy{?} gone up to Thompsons.
Thur 14 A bright beautiful day, pretty cold morn good sleighing where it isn't drifted, some
bad pitch holes. We changed our bedroom around & swept upstairs & moved things around
considerable. finished Nellie's letter John was in told us he is going to live in Toronto. It
seems so strange. Lynees to Charlies.
Fri 15 A bright day but very cold East wind. I dusted upstairs, finished brown skirt, wrote
short letter to Cathne & sent to Office by Mr Jaquest They & Mullins's being to Charlies
Sat 16 Cold E. rain started in morn but turned warmer rained most of day, After doing up
work I read papers & knit on Georges sock
Feb 1889
Sun 17 Chilly, fine snow, almost rain by spells, somewhat clearer in afternoon. Alice ran in
few minutes & brought a book for us to read, Clarence stayed with us in afternoon
Mon 18 A terrible stormy day, not so very cold, but snowed & blowed from East, more
moderate in afternoon, wind changed Mother washed but did not put clothes out. I did up
work knit & got dinner, in afternoon I set Stella's blocks together.
Tue 19 Very cold & snow blowed & drifted badly Mother rinsed & hung out the clothes. I went
in to Charlies in afternoon awhile to knit on sock. Nancy & Libbie cutting out blocks for Stella
& Edna another quilt
Wed 20 Not quite so cold, sunshiny, but still pretty cold Mother ironed, I knit most of day.
John was in & arranged for Clarence to come & stay with us when they go. There is a
surprise over there to-night: Charlies folks went & had pictures taken, Mrs Jolley in awhile
with her sore finger. I rec'd letter & card from Cathn saying she will be down Friday
Thur 21 Very cold & frosty last night, but warmer to-day though cool wind I sewed on my
waists after doing up housework Mother made oatmeal cakes & read "Three People" this
afternoon Charlie went with John to sale. Js are busy packing{?} Surprise {underlined} folks
made them two nice presents C. took Libbie out to Moores to-night.
Fri 22 Stormy all day, blowed & snowed a regular gale in afternoon for awhile, drifting badly,
Cathn came down on noon train, was stuck in drift north of Woodstock for an hour or more,
colder this afternoon
Sat 23 A terrible cold day, with piercing West wind 16 below zero We could hardly keep
warm. I sewed on waists Charlie went out for Libbie.
March 1889
Sun 3 A lovely day, hard on sleighing though which has lasted five weeks this time Elias's
called in, Kate left Louie while they went to church. C's went up to Chambers. John came to
supper, they are going to-morrow. Geo. took Cathn to church to-night.
Mon 4 A beautiful bright day, thawed considerable, John stayed with us last night Charlie
took him to Station this morn Mother & Cathn washed, the clothes dried quick. I did up the
work & got dinner and knit in afternoon.
Tue 5 Cloudy, threatened to snow this morn but sun came out in afternoon, roads getting
pretty muddy though I saw several cutters pass to-day Seems to grow some colder to-night
Cathn & Mother ironed. Charlie, Rachel, Cathn & I came out to Elias's for tea, Cathn & I will
stay till to-morrow
Wed 6 A beautiful morn, cloudy in afternoon, tried to snow a little We helped Alice do up the
work, Kate & Will came down before dinner Edwin brought Cathn & I home after tea. Cathn
found a card waiting for her from the girls telling her T.{?} Stacey was to be married to-day.
Charlie had a card from John, they arrived safe
Thur 7 A nice bright day but cold wind. Cathn & Norman went home on afternoon train,
Cathn washed some blankets & carpet and swept upstairs for us. I wrote a letter to John.
Fri 8 Cold wind, rather blustery this morn I was busy about the house till near noon, worked
on my crazy work this afternoon
Sat 9 Stormed all day, but blowed so that it drifted & did not make sleighing & worked at
crazy work in afternoon. Clarence helped boys cut feed, he & Charlie went to town towards
night, rec'd another card from John.
March 1889
Sun 10 Cold West wind with little squalls of snow by spells C's went up do Jacques, Rachel
& children stayed Emma H. called in on her way to SS. She told us the doctors have
pronounced James's disease cancer Alice also called in, Mother & I had a quiet day to read
Mon 11 A beautiful day, though little cloudy in morn showed{?} & kept busy till noon about
the house, took dishes out of cupboard & dusted them, in afternoon & finished stitches on
sofa cushion
Tue 12 Very dark in morn, snowed a little, after awhile Sun came out, had a lovely day,
thawed good deal. Kate & Louie came in morn stayed all day, Will came to tea Charlie went
up for R & children, Libbie started home Charlie got letter from John
Wed 13 Cloudy in forenoon, seemed like rain, then Sun shone cool wind N & S roads very
bad where drifted M meeting had Moses, Mel, Alice and Uncle C here to dinner Susie S.
called in morn, I finished 3rd pair socks for George
Thur 14 Another nice day, thaws quite muddy in day time though the drifts were high yet,
Sugar weather started 10 days ago. Charlie saw first robin to-day. I sewed sofa cushion
together ready to fill, and knit some on sock
Friday 15 A lovely bright day, slight white this {word added in line above illegible} ground
frozen hard, but muddy enough today where snow & off I saw several robins this morn &
heard insects hum, I did Fri, dusting & cleared windows, mended Mother's dress Moses took
tea with us. {the following line is added in the right margin} but a letter from N. Mott
Sat 16 Nice & bright but cold E. wind. I did my Sat work and read papers & knit in afternoon.
John & Lib came up to Charlie's to night Blackbirds, bluebirds & others have come
March 1889
Sun 17 A lovely day I think the warmest yet, the mud dried up considerable, snow not all
gone, John, Lib & Clarence spent the day in village & to church, Alice & Edwin called in
Mon 18 Bright till afternoon, then clouded over like a storm chilly E, wind, did mist a little
towards night. executors met here in afternoon. J & L took dinner here, went home on 4
o'clock train. I knit a little & wrote a letter to N. Mott in evening. Clarence is going to board to
C's. started tonight
Wed 20 Cold E, wind, cloudy, helped Mother iron in forenoon and wrote a letter to Lizzie
Atkins in afternoon sent Clarence to office after school Charlie got a card from John.
Thur 21 Cold East wind & cloudy till towards night, Sun shone a little ground dried up
considerable I cut out & made an under waist showed Stella about her sewing & crocheting
Fri 22 Cloudy most all day looked some like rain Mother did a little raking up around the
Eastdoor{?} the other yard too wet yet to clean I mended Stellas book & pieced a block for
her I also knit some and started to read a book "The Earth Trembled." C & R went up home
to get molasses in afternoon Stella stayed with us.
Sat 23 A bright lovely day I did up my work and then grated horseradish out on the
platform{?}. Clarence helped me to do a jar to send to John It was so nice out Sun Emmas &
Jos brought our molasses in afternoon C & R went to town in afternoon
March 1889
Sun 24 Another nice day with drying wind, muds getting quite dry except North & South ones
where snow was badly drifted Alice & Charlie called in, Rachel, Clarence & Lily went down to
Mon 25 Bright morn, while frost, cold E. wind I knit on sock and read some in afternoon
Charlie sent a ton of vegetables down to Johns also read a card from J.
Tue 26 Nice & bright though cool wind while frost ground froze hard this morn I went over to
Suttons after dinner had a nice visit. Henry is very poorly. Charlie & Rachel gone up to Wills
Wed 27 Quite mild, looked like rain in morn but bright {illegible} in afternoon Alice came first
before dinner Charlie took her home to-night I knit.
Thur 28 Cloudy in forenoon, cold & windy all day. I had bad headache could not work, went
to bed early.
Fri 29 Snowed some this morn chilly damp air cold wind in afternoon A little child came in the
yard crying & cold. Charlie's took him in but we could make out nothing by him only he
"wanted papa," he was so cold & frightened and could not talk plain, after awhile when the
little fellow had got warm his Papa came in looking for him, it was C. Poldons child, he had
come up from the village. I finished Geo's{?} socks & read some.
Sat 3- Bright but cold wind Moses brought load of wood in afternoon I got letter from Cath
also two parcels I mended Clarences school coat & read rest of time
March 1889
Sun 31 Snowed with rain & sleet all day, from East Clarence took Rachel & Lily down to S.S.
& church Alice was not out to-day. Mother & I had quiet afternoon H. Henderson was buried
today in village
April 1889
Mon 1 Looked like winter this morn, snow several inches deep, but soft & thawing to day,
bright in afternoon Mother washed clothes dried nice. Moses brought load of wood in sleigh. I
saw several sleighs out but they cut through to mud, Mrs J. came in a little while this
afternoon. {Added in the margin} I wrote to Cathie{?}
Tue 2 Nice bright day snow thawed considerable making it muddy again. I helped iron in
morn, and in afternoon sewed & read some in, "An Endless Chain" Charlie R & children went
out to Elias's this afternoon
Wed 3 Cloudy & dull, rained a little several times through the day but did not take snow all
off. Charlie took me out to to night in morn, to stay all night, Miss Merrill came over in
afternoon, had a pleasant visit.
Thur 4 Partly bright to day, cool wind, froze some last night I crocheted on my tidy and
{visited?} hard us I could Emma boiled down syrup & Churned & got dinner Charlie came for
me about six, The roads very muddy C & R went home & brought Honey back. I read a card
from N. Mott.
Fri, 5 Dull, stormed in afternoon, snow & rain, I read after doing up work, "Four Girls at
Chautaugua". Charlie's all went up to school Storming from East to-night
Sat 6 Bright up cold E. wind, snowed last night to cover the ground, thawed considerable to-
day, very muddy I finished reading my book. R went down to get her {teeth?} out
April 1889
Sun 7 A beautiful day, ground dried a good deal The folks all went to church, we kept Walter
Edwin came to Charlie's from church, stayed till after church at night. C. took Nancy home
Mon 8 Another grand warm day I was busy about the house and stuffed sofa cushion this
morn. In afternoon I read out load "An Endless Chain." Mothers was taken with a severe pain
in her foot, I bathed it with hot water, then liniment{?}, it is some better but is painful yet to-
Tue 9 A beautiful warm day. The ground has dried so I was able to walk over to Mr. J's,
found Mrs J. busy housecleaning. Mrs Jacob & Charlie came there too. Wm{?} Lynnes &
wife to Charlie's to-day, Charlie ploughed the garden, the first ploughing, Mother's foot badly
swollen but no so painful.
Wed 10 Another fine day, grass begins to look little bit green. Being M, meeting Alice was
out all day, Rachel & her went to see Annie Palmer & baby, then Charlie took Alice & I to
village to trade Uncle C. took dinner with us. Kate & Will came down to Charlie's in evening.
Thur 11 Fine & warm in forenoon but started to rain in afternoon I finished my white apron.
Fri 12 Rained by spells till afternoon, warm rain, starting the grass, I did my Fri. work and
mended Clarences stockings & old coat. Charlie & R went up home to-night to get some
butter as they are making so little.
Sat 13 Bright but cold wind. After doing up work I washed Stella and fixed Clarences vest
Took care of Louie while K & W went to village. Carrie & Grace Wilson are to Charlie's
April 1889
Sun 14 Bright but cool wind, froze quite hard last night Clarence took R. down to S.S. &
church Geo. took Lily & Grace Elias's not out, Clarence & Lily took Carrie home to-night.
Mon 15 Nice bright but cold E. wind. Mother washed, got through before dinner and washed
some carpet this afternoon I made a strawtick and helped Mrs J. make a robe for Lottie.
Charlie put on his first grain to-day.
Tue 16 A beautiful day, though cool wind We ironed in forenoon I cut out gingham waist this
afternoon It has been Arbor day at the school house Geo. took the team & helped this
forenoon Clarence & Lily went & helped all day. I got letter from N.H. Charlie got one from
Wed 17 A beautiful warm day. I did some glueing and grated some horseradish in forenoon
and finished my waist in afternoon. Ida brought Charlie a parcel from John. Charlie &
Clarence went down to Hawtrey{?} in the afternoon.
Thur 18 Cloudy by spells, looked like rain, S. Kurts come down to C's to dinner, went to
village and took tea with Mother then stayed to C's all night. Charlie Mott came out for one
just before tea Nellie is home and wants me to help her sew. I had first started a mat for
Rachel but I came back with him
Good Fri 19 Very warm, blew up a heavy thunder shower in afternoon which continued till
after dark, wind blew a perfect gale lightening burned two barns. I sewed all day on two
dresses for Nellie, we had Good Fri pancakes for dinner
Sat 20 A lovely warm day, grass nice & green, Carrie got nice lot of wild flowers & dandelion.
We sewed all day. C & R came out to-night. Charlies come off the train to stay all night.
April 1889
Easter Sun 21 A lovely day, but cool wind Kate & Will came and stayed to dinner & tea We
had a nice time & plenty of good things. Harry came down for Charlie
Mon 22 Bright but cold wind, ground froze some last night We finished Nellies sewing she
went back on afternoon train, Ida came over in time to see her off. I then sewed a few carpet
rags for Alice
Tue 23 Cool wind though nice I had a bad headache all day, laid on lounge most of time
Alice ironed, and sewed in afternoon Stella started to school.
Wed 24 Bright in forenoon but very windy, another thunder shower about 3 o'clock, lightening
& thunder seemed near by, the rain blew in sheets, after it stopped Elias brought me home.
Alice changed her plants, I sewed more rags for her making a little over two pounds in all
Thur 25 Cloudy, dull day, grass growing fast and buds coming out on trees. I worked one
corner on felt stand cover The boys are fixing fence that blew down. Wrote to N. Haxley
Fri 26 Chilly wind, cloudy most all day. I worked another corner on stand cover, R. changed
her plants & put in flower seed in boxes, Clarence went down to-night, brought me a letter
from Paulina. Mother started the leach running to-day.
Sat 27 Rained all day, don't think it stopped once not very cold however. R. washed & put out
the clothes, they are wetter now than when she hung them out. I worked on S. cover after
doing up work
April 1889
Sun 28 Rained all morning cleared off some in afternoon, but still cloudy Stella & Lily went
over to S.S. Emma sent me a library book "The Kings Daughter" Fred Hand stayed last night
to Charlie's
Mon 29 Rained 7 snowed a regular squall this morn Mother washed, clothes dried though it
kept cloudy & threatening. Moses took dinner with us he being Sanitary Inspector was out
inspecting{?} I finished my stand cover and read to Stella after supper.
Tue 30 Cold raw wind, slight sprinkle of snowy rain this morn Mother ironed, I sewed on
Rachel's mat. Clarence went down town after school and brought back word that Aunt Phebe
is dead, Strange they did not send us word, we had not heard she was sick. I read to Stella
to-night in "The Kings Daughter."
May 1889
Wed 1 White frost bright morn but grew cloudy with cold wind. Mother boiled her soap,
making a nice kettleful, she bought some fish, I had a dull headache but worked at the mat,
and read to Stella after supper, She goes to school
Thur 2 Started to rain about noon, cleared up at night I wrote a letter to John in forenoon and
sewed on mat in afternoon. Aunt Phebe was buried yesterday
Fri 3 Nice bright day but cool wind, I pinked{?} my shawl cover on morn and then went in and
cleaned out the parlor & loosened the carpet ready to have it papered and cleaned Sent
letter & paper to Office by Lottie
Sat 4 Beautiful day. Clarence helped me plant in garden last night & this morn, the first seeds
then went up to Moses to stay all night, C Carles{?} came to Charlies to night. We kept Louie
awhile to-night.
May 1889
Sun 5 A lovely growing day. trees coming out fast. Alice & Elias called in after meeting.
Charlie took C. Carles home & brought Clarence back. Geo, Rachel & Lily went down to
Methodist church this morn. I read to Stella in afternoon.
Mon 6 A lovely day, very warm, We took up sitting room & bedroom carpets and cleaned
some, feel very tired. I went down town after supper and got the paper for parlor ceiling.
Tue 7 A warmer day than yesterday, can see some trees in blossom and the apple trees will
soon be out We did not clean much to-day, but took down the pipe and cleaned the chimney
I finished R's mat Charlie braded horses with Carin. Clarence went down and seen Mrs Batty
to-night she brought him a big cake from {his} Ma {Following is written sideways in the
margin} first Took milk for to-day it goes over to Losees{?} {illegible}
Wed 8 Another summer day, very warm, We did some baking this morn and cleaned the
woodwork in sitting room after dinner. Moses & Mel called in from meeting but did not stay. I
mended Mothers dress and put in some fancy seed.
Thur 9 Very warm indeed, We cleaned upstairs, kept busy all day and feel very tired to-night.
It is so warm & close we set out on verandah till 10 o'clock Charlie got his horse back last
night as he only traded on conditions.
Fri 10 Warm & sultry, heavy thunder shower in forenoon which started everything up
wonderful, everything looking beautiful cherry trees white over. Bradley came to do our
whitewashing & papering he got through by tea time. R & C went to village afternoon &
brought me a letter from J{or P?} & L
Sat 11 A good deal cooler. we cleaned woodwork on entry & all the floors in parlor. Kate &
Will drove in. Mrs Polley also called in evening.
May 1889
Sun 12 A lovely day first cool enough to be pleasant and a little fire not amies{?} in forenoon.
Elias's not out Charlie's went up home after Stella came from S.S. Clarence & Lily went down
to see Mrs Betty, then in evening Mother & Lily went over to hear Wm Allen preach Clarence
stayed with me.
Mar 13 Cool wind, partly cloudy, sprinkled little towards night Mother washed, clothes dried
nice. I cleaned the windows & put in window screens and read to Stella Lottie & Curie came
in a little while
Tue 14 Beautiful day, cool wind I helped Mother iron in morn and did some mending in
afternoon and put my flower seeds in garden after supper. The boys whipped the carpets.
Wed 15 Cloudy like rain all day, quite cool, but blew up a thunder shower after supper
Rachel & I put down the three carpets and we got pretty well straightened up Charlie shipped
Jans{Ians?} horse. I got a card from Cathi & Edies picture
Thur 16 Bright in morn, threatened with thunder shower in afternoon but only sprinkled I
sewed carpet rags for R. all day. Mother cleaned closets and parlor stove Moses & Allie
came in awhile Mother & R. went over to see Mrs Bowan after supper
Fri 17 Beautiful day but very warm. We cleaned Clarence's room & entry I got letter from
Nellie Mott, Kate & Louie came in evening & stayed while Will took C. Brood{Broad?} home.
Sat 18 Fine growing day, Sun very hot, After doing up work I fixed my flower bed and
Clarence helped me put in beans & potatoes in garden. I got a letter from Alice tonight The
apple blossoms nearly gone, lilacs are out.
May 1889
Sun 19 Sun very hot in morn but clouded over about noon & blew up a rain & kept rainy
through afternoon considerable cooler Elias's not out. Rachel went over to meeting Stella
brought a library, "Wise & Otherwise" for me to read.
Mon 20 A nice day, cool enough to pleasant We cleaned up the cupboard & dishes in
forenoon, in the afternoon I fixed my muslin dress & did some mending for Clarence.
Tue 21 Cool, rained a little towards night & grew night & grew real cold I cut out some blocks
for mat in forenoon and did some mending for myself & Clarence in afternoon
Wed 22 Chilly air, cloudy & dark in afternoon I wrote a long letter to Catharine in forenoon,
after dinner Charlie put up picture hooks in parlor and R. put up curtains & helped me
straighten it around, then I told her I would make some clothes for Stella, so she cut them out
and I stitched them up & wrote to Paulina in the evening
Thur 23 A nice day, rather cool, some frost last night wind blew like rain towards night. I
finished Paulinas letter, wrote ten pages, after dinner I went over to see Mrs J. but she was
not in so I came back & sewed for Stella. C & R. went to village after supper & got the papers
& some tomato plants.
Fri 24 Very cloudy in morn & looked very rainy but brightened up I went out to spend the day
with Alice, C. did not come after me so I stayed all night, found her fixing carpet. I finished
Stellas sewing.
Sat 25 Nice day but rather cool. Charlie came for me this morn Mother had work done up
when I got home we got the first asparagus we have had this year I wrote long letter to N.
Mott. After supper Mother & I planted some peas in garden.
May 1889
Sun 26 A nice day, cool enough for little fire to feel good Elias's not out. Stella went to S.S. &
meeting. I read her library to her. Lily Geo. & Clarence went to S.S. C & R went up home
after dinner. Frost last night in some places.
Mon 24 Cool, started to rain before noon & poured down for awhile, squalls through
afternoon. Mother washed but left clothes in water, I did up work & finished the sewing for
Tue. 28 Cold wind sun came out a little in morn, but got slight squalls by spells, cleared up
towards night cold, thermometer down to -28 at 9 o'clock, clothes dried and we ironed in
afternoon. R colored her carpet-rags
Wed 29 A remarkable frost last night, fences & grass white long after sunrise, ice 1/4 inch
thick, potatoes tops black, and leaves on walnut trees & others, curled up Wet this afternoon,
very chilly. We baked some pies this morn and mended the rest of the day
Thur 30 Rained hard all day front East, cold too, they say the frost hurt the fruit very much,
Charlie took the children up to school, Milne had the horse & buggy away all night. I wrote
long letter to Jan{?} and sewed for myself Charlie went over to Carlans{?} to help take care
of sick colt to-night.
Fri 31 Very foggy this morn, thought it would brighten up but it commenced to drizzle again
by spells, Alice came before dinner & stayed all day. Mother bought a fish, Rachel took her
carpet rags to weavers. K & W called on going to hear the Jubilee singers
June 1889
Sat 1 Cloudy, dull, everything very wet, we did up work bought some meat & cooked it I
made waists for Stella in afternoon. R. painted her floor. C's head bad
June 1889
Sun 2 Cloudy, chilly, like rain, some fire feels good Clarence & Stella took dinner with us, S.
cried because she did not get a library to-day. E.H. called in.
Mon 3 Rather cleared up to-day Sun shining part of time but raining again to-night, the
ground was too wet to plough, Charlie's had headache three days washed some this
afternoon I mended for Clarence, we set out tomatoes tonight.
Tue. 4 Cool, cloudy by spells in morn but bright in afternoon Emma H. came before tea, Will
came down here for her, wanted me to go up there with her and stay a few days, which I did,
most cold enough for frost Charlie planted his first potatoes
Wed 5 Dull and rainy by spells ground too wet to do road work, though some are doing it, I
had headache all day, did not work. Emma helped Kate with work.
Thur 6 Cool, but bright all day, which made it very pleasant driving Kate, Emma and I went
out to Elias's in morn and stayed till after tea, sewed three lbs rags for Alice called in and had
chat with Mother and got home before sundown having enjoyed the visit very much. Louie is
so good and cunning. Annie Palmer over to see Rachel.
Fri 7 Sun out a little in morn but began to drizzle before noon & showery all afternoon. J.
Moore had a raising in spite of weather, got it up all night. Kate & Will went Em & I kept
house, cut out a dress for Emma & sewed on it.
Sat 8 Still wet, slight showers, much warmer We finished Emmas dress, Will took her to
station to take the train for Hawbrey She helped Kate with work while I sewed, we had fish
for dinner Kate feels poorly
June 1889
Sun. 9 Very warm & close in morn had a smart shower about 11 o'clock after which it
brightened up with a nice breeze W & K. brought one home on their way to church, we kept
Louie, they came to Charlie's to dinner, I found two letters from Cath & John waiting for me.
Nancy came down to stay awhile with R.
Mon, 10 Nice day, mostly right, Mother washed, clothes dried nice, and she folded them for
ironing she also washed a blanket & some carpet. I did up the work
Tue. 11 Cooler, bright & pleasant, Mother ironed. I put new sleeves in my grey dress, after
dinner I went over to Mr Jolley's. Mrs J. was first going up to Burgesville so I went along for a
ride, did not get out came home and mended Clarence coat
Wed 12 Nice day, Sun very warm. Monthly m. but no one came I mended all day, worked
some in garden after supper planted some beans. R. put down the new carpet
Thur 13 Another nice day, sun very warm, but a nice breeze a slight shower towards night, I
weeded onions, beets, & carrots and hoed frost all day, things have not grown much since it
has been so cold, had our first lettuce for dinner
Fri 14 Very warm, Mother did some baking. I fixed up Mothers green dress. Mrs Jolley
brought over a taste of strawberries, the first we had sum{?} Uncle Charlie called in Quarterly
m. commenced to-day.
Sat 15 Very warm, threatened to rain all morn, got a shower about noon, then cleared up
nice, had five to dinner from meeting. Uncle C, Marrianna and Emma C. going to stay all
night Kate came to tea Read a letter from Nellie M.
June 1889
Sun 16 Very warm, a thunder shower threatened but passed around A large meeting, we had
no visitors, Geo & Kate Treffry to Charlie's to dinner
Mon 17 A nice day we straightened up house and did some mending I also made pincushion
Susie called on us after tea. Charlie went Ira to buy cheese.
Tue. 18 Nice day, with a cool wind, almost cold to-wards night, I worked on my mat in the
afternoon & read the papers
Wed 19 Very close & sultry & rainy, sun came out hot in afternoon, had a thunder shower
after tea, it rained very hard but think we did not get the heaviest of it, the sky looked very
yellow & peculiar. Kate & Louie here all day Elias, Alice & Moses here to dinner, I worked on
my mat.
Thur 20 A beautiful day, Sun very warm, but a nice breeze. I wrote a letter to Cathn{?} and
sent it to Office by R. & Nancy, they were to S.S. convention in afternoon, I worked on my
mat, and read to Stella after school.
Fri 21 A thunder shower very early in morn and several showers through the day, a good
deal of rain fell making the ground very very{underlined} wet, it grew cooler in afternoon,
wind blew, Sun came out. I read & sewed my mat together, Mrs J. brought us a basket of
strawberries they were delicious.
Sat 22 Cloudy, with chilly cold wind all morn, brightened up in afternoon, but still cool, I did
up work and put up strings for morning glorys, took a bath and gave Stella one,
Aug 1889
Sun 25 A lovely day, but so dry & dusty, however it was a very enjoyable day to me, one long
to be remembered. Mr & Mrs V. Alice & I went up to the Park and spent the day. In forenoon
we heard a ground Sermon from Chancellor Sins. Mr Faucet spoke in afternoon. We took our
dinner with us & got home for tea. Hetty Burtis buried to-day in Nebraska.
Mon 26 A nice day, Alice & I went up in the bus to Park after dinner and spent the afternoon
in looking around and attended a W.C.T.U(Women Christian Temperance Union}. meeting
there, Went out by the Lake and watched the bathers boats, & steamer unload.
Tue 27 Much warmer to-day. I rested & crocheted a little Alice helped peel pears Maggie
came over in afternoon
Wed 28 A very warm day. We took the morn train and came home to-day. Mrs V. came with
us each brought a basket of plums. Nobody to meet me as they had not got my letter so
Charlie drove me up first then went back for his Ma & Mrs Vandyke
Thur 29 A very hot day, and a busy one for us. We did up our plums and fixed some corn to-
day and put the cucumbers in brine, after dinner I went over to see Mrs Jolley, but she was
not home.
Fri 30 Hoter than ever, or more close, It seems as though everything will burn up if it doesnt
rain soon The Well threatens to give out & cistern is out. I wrote long letter to John C.
Sat 31 A little cooler, or more breeze, in fact real cool out on verandah after tea. We had a
busy day, besides the Sat work we peeled & picked some pears and wrote a long letter to
Catharine. Stella is quite poorly with cough. Charlie finished his harvesting.
Sept 1889
Sun 1 Foggy & smoky looking this morn with a cool E. wind, but Sun came out very hot. the
air seems full of dust Nellie & Edwin came out. N. visited us, while Edwin visited Charlies,
they cut the first watermelon to-day.
Mon 2 Very very{underlined} warm. Mother washed, clothes dried in a hurry, I did the
morning work, got dinner & dusted upstairs, Nellie drove over stayed a few minutes this
Tue 3 Hot, hot{underlined}. We ironed this morn and the heat was terrible, almost unbearable
by spells, we were glad enough to let the fire down. I crocheted on tidy this afternoon. Charlie
brought me a paper from John to-night.
Wed 4 Very warm, but Sun not out so hot & bright as yesterday threatened to rain all
afternoon, has rained lightly for half an hour since dark. I worked around house all morn
cleaning windows, moving & watering plants and dusting parlor. I finished crocheting tidy &
put in fringe, Geo & Lily went to picnic to Haights{?} this afternoon, took Milne, no school in
Thur 5 Warm, had a nice rain this afternoon & to-night, which will do a great deal of good. I
started another tidy and teaching Stella to sew.
Fri 6 A good deal cooler, almost cold to-night We did some baking this morn, looked for
Moses's down but they did not come, I got a letter from John, Charlie. Rachel & Norman
went out to Elvis tonight
Sat 7 Cool & pleasant, Moses, Mel, & Mrs V came down this afternoon to tea After tea Nellie
drove over for me. we drove down town and then I came home with her to stay all night.
Sept 1889
Sun 8 Cool & pleasant but the sun is hot, my head ached this forenoon, but grew better after
dinner. Alice and Elias & Carrie went up to Moses's Kate & Will came down to tea, Louie too
of course.
Mon 9 Some warmer to-day, looked a little like rain, Alice washed, the men all away to
supper I helped Nellie sew, am going to stay till to-morrow.
Tue 10 Pretty warm to-day. it is getting very dusty again I sewed for Nellie all day. Mrs Harry
Moth came over in afternoon, after tea Nellie came home with me to stay all night, when we
got home found Charlie had gone to Station to meet Cath they did not get home till late, as
Charlie had an upset & runaway before he went to Station, nothing serious happened.
Wed 11 Sun very hot, but a cool breeze. Moses & Mel came from M. meeting & Nellie
walked down town, did some trading and went home with Will in afternoon. I crocheted on
Thur 12 Not overly hot, cool cast breeze. I had a headache all day, consequently did nothing.
Cath helped mother Lynnes to Charlie's visiting
Fri 13 Cool breeze, but quite warm through the day, looked some like rain to-night. I havent
done much of anything to-day, worked around the home all morn and crocheted a little.
Sat 14 Very close & sultry like rain. mostly cloudy. To-day being Mother's 75 birthday
Charlie's invited Mother, Cath & I out also Moses & Elias's to eat goose. Will, Kate & Nellie
were there to tea too.
Sept 1889
Sun 15 Very warm, bright till towards night, rained a little before dark. Alice stayed all night
with us, went home after mtg. C & R went up home tonight.
Mon 16 Cooler, a heavy rain in night & threatening to-day Mother washed clothes dried Kate
& Nellie came to-night Will went mtg N. stayed to C's. they have lots of watermelons now. H.
Websters baby buried to-day, I crocheted
Tue 17 Cool & dull, rained hard in night, a little bit to-day and hard again to-night. I crocheted
some and made a cake besides my usual house work. Kate drove down to-night for Nellie
Another baby buried here to-day
Wed 18 Sun shining in forenoon, a cool wind, cloudy in afternoon, rained some towards night
Cathn helped Mother iron. I wrote a letter to John. May B. came down to Charlie's this morn
to stay a day or two, she took tea with us, and so did Moses after which Mother & Cathn
went out to Elias's to stay a day or two.
Thur 19 Bright till afternoon when it burned rainy again, cold wind Mary slept with me and
helped get breakfast I had a bad sickheadache, it got better in afternoon Mrs Titus came said
she would stay all night, so I had to get tea which I didn't intend to do being alone here.
Fri 20 Slight showers by spells all day, grown colder since morn, very cloudy & fall like, Mary
slept with me again and helped get breakfast after which Mrs Titus went away, I then kept
busy till noon about the house. Mother & Cath came home to-night.
Sat 21 Cold & windy, cloudy, Moses & Charlie went to Fullarton to-day George took Mary
Burtis home to-night
Sept 1889
Sun 22 Bright but cool. some frost-last night, enough to wilt the melon vines, and symptoms
of another to-night Alice & Edwin drove and Wills drove in this afternoon taking Nellie home
Cath & I went for a walk to-night.
Mon 23 Another fine day, little warmer, had a harder frost last night. Cath went down and got
a basket of corn to dry and she helped Mother dig some potatoes this afternoon Susie Sutton
took tea with us.
Tue 24 Beautiful day, pretty warm Carthn got some more corn to dry, I helped to shave it,
and doubled some yarn to twist for bodies. Moses & Charlie came on noon train, I got letter
from John. Mrs. Jolley in to-night.
Wed 25 Fine till towards night when it rained a little helped Cath with some more corn she
got sick and had to lie down, I did a little sewing for Stella.
Thur 26 Sunshiny part of day, clouded up towards night and rained down, cold, Cath twisted
some yarn for me, I wound it, and fixed ends of table scarf. then read he papers, Mother
made some put cheese for supper Charlie & Rachel took Nancy home
Fri 27 Bright this morn, but cold wind and little like squalls dark & raining some to-night
Our{?} fair begins to-day we are going to have roast turkey tomorrow expect John up to-
night. I picked the turkey and dusted the dishes and crocheted on tidy Lottie was over this
Sat 28 A lovely day, sun very warm, but cool in shade John came last night Nellie & Carrie
Sewart came in little while We all went to the Fair but Mother after dinner.
Sept 1889
Sun 29 Beautiful till afternoon then it clouded like rain a white frost last night. Cath went
down to church with John & Geo. Will's and Wm Motts to Charlies for dinner Cath & I took a
long walk to-night
Mon 30 A rainy drizzly day, Mother & Cath washed up did not put on clothes John took
afternoon train for home I made a jar of pickles for Lib and we packed a crate of vegetables
for him to take, then I wound some yarn
Oct 1889
Tue. 1 Cloudy & chilly with occasional rain squalls in afternoon, slight ones, Mother got the
clothes dry, Alice came this afternoon and stayed to tea it was just what we wanted but didn't
expect her. We had some turkey left yet.
Wed 2 Bright and nice but cold wind. Mother & Cath ironed then went over to Suttons this
afternoon but Susie was not home so they came back, Henry is very poorly, I finished my tidy
for Cath birthday present and picked green tomatoes for pickling.
Thur 3 Had a thunder shower this morn, frizzled by spells till along in afternoon it brightened
up nice. It was very cold last night, thought there could be a hard frost but it turned warmer &
rained. Cath twisted her yarn I sliced tomatoes for pickle and made a beechart{?} for Nellie
H. Kate, Will & Carrie Stewart called in. Nellie also called to bid us goodbye she goes to
Toronto tomorrow
Fri 4 A nice day, bright part of time very cold to-night like a hard frost. I cleaned bedroom
windows & put up clean curtains and did up the pickles. Cath finished twisting yarn
Sat 5 Rainy again cleared up a little in afternoon but raining again to-night bad for Otterville
Fair. After doing up work I made a cake washed Stella and crocheted on another tidy.
Oct 1889
Sun 6 Cold wind, cloudy & dull, rained hard last night, with some sleet or snow they say,
Alice called in & brought our honey. Mother, Cath & I had a quiet day to read.
Mon 7 Very cold wind and cloudy. Cathn did the washing and went with Charlie & Rachel up
to Moses's towards night. I worked around the house, repaired my black dress and crocheted
some, read in evening to Mother.
Tue 8 Bright but a very cold wind, frost last night, Mother & Cath ironed this morn. I helped
Cathn after dinner pack a trunk with vegetables & get ready to go home this afternoon.
Charlie did not get home till after dark, the train was late.
Wed 9 A nice day, not quite so cold. Alice drove out to go to M. meeting Uncle Charlie &
Marianna came to dinner too, Alice went down town with them after dinner Kate & Carrie
Stewart & their babies came in to tea, they were to C's for dinner.
Thur 10 A beautiful day, though a little cool. I took up the bedroom carpet & got the room
ready for painting in forenoon and straightened up parlor after the company, rec'd a letter
from Cath saying she got home safe. Mother got the beets & carrots in roots froze stiff this
Fri 11 A grand day, somewhat warmer I worked around the home, and went over to Jolley's
in afternoon, C. Brood there sewing. Charlie digging potatoes to-day It acts like a storm to-
night, Mrs Jolley brought our mail when she went down for Ellie.
Sat 12 Cloudy, wind blew cold like a storm all day I did my Sat work and hoped to have
Norman help me set put some raspberry bushes but he was picking potatoes in morn and it
was too cold in afternoon
Oct 1889
Sun 13 Bright part of day, but a very cold wind, Alice & Edwin & Carrie called on their way to
meeting. Norman went home with them and walked home I read Stella's library to her and
then read, "Grace Darling," to Mother.
Mon 14 A fine day, but cold wind. I tore the old paper off bedroom wall and painted the
woodwork partly over after washing the floor and feel most too tired to sit up to-night.
Tue 15 A lovely day, Sun real warm, I went in garden after dinner and helped Mother pick a
few rope beans, late ones. I finished painting the woodwork this morn Mattie Coon called to
see us, and Lottie came over a little while to-night. I finished reading "Grace Darling."
Wed 16 A grand day, quite warm I was busy doing housework all morn after dinner I painted
the woodwork again Mother went over to Suttons again Henry is very poorly
Thur 17 A wild day, but cloudy & very smoky. I did a big days work, at least it was
big{underlined} for me, I was all morn setting out raspberry bushes Norman helped me till
school time, this afternoon I gave the woodwork the finishing coat, wrote a letter to Edie H.
Fri 18 Another lovely day, but had a very hard white frost last night Mothers washed some
prints dresses and ironed them. I was busy all morn doing up the work went down town in
evening with C. & R. and got the wall paper for bedroom.
Sat 19 A grand day again, another hard white frost, very foggy & smoky, roads dry & dusty
like summer I did my Sat work and got ready to go out to Elias's to stay a week but it got so
late I gave it up, Carrie came out to stay all night.
Oct 1889
Sun 20 A beautiful day. Sun warm, but a cool wind Carrie went to S.S. and home with her
folks Charlie & R, drove me out to Elias's after dinner. A & Elias drove up to see Jas Haight
towards night
Mon 21 Cold & cloudy most of day, ice on our bedroom window this morn, Alice washed &
finished up a white apron for Carrie & fixed up her school dress.
Tue 22 Rather nice in morn but cloudy & chilly in afternoon, a few flakes of snow flying Elias
went to Butterfields sale then ironed & tended to her soap making. I made flannel shirt for
Wed 23 Very cold wind though bright, frozen hard enough to freeze apples through, Charlie
gathered what few there is I ripped up A's dress to make one for Carrie, Alice cut it out in
Thur 24 A nice day but pretty cold morn, froze hard cloudy towards night. A & I went up to
Haights in morn & stayed till near night. found Jas. cheerful, he set up 3 hours and is growing
weaker but very patient & like himself. I sewed for Carrie. she drove up for us after school
Fri 25 Started to rain about noon and drizzled a little the first for three weeks I sewed on
Carrie's dress Kate & Will came down for tea
Sat 26 A dull day rained some. I sewed on Carries dress Alice, Elias & Carrie went to down
after dinner I started to make a night shirt for Edwin
October 1889
Sun 27 A dull damp chilly day. I had a headache all day, could not read Alice, Charlie &
Carrie went to meeting. Aunt A & Willie called in on their way home from Haights, Jas had a
bad day.
Mon 28 Cloudy & chilly Alice washed and the clothes dried, to-night they made sausage did
not get through till eleven o'clock. I finished one night shirt
Tue 29 Another cloudy chilly day, Alice ironed & tended {leach?}, she is so busy every day,
she hardly sits down Edwin is drawing 100 cards wood to brick yard. I made Carrie a white
apron and started another shirt.
Wed 30 Cloudy, damp air, cold wind afternoon. I finished the shirt, sewed the buttons better
on E's new flannels and made a pillow case Alice cut out her blue print dress this afternoon,
Moses. Mel called in a few minutes
Thur 31 A rainy day, but not very much rain either. Alice & Edwin went to town after dinner,
gone most of afternoon I sewed on the print dress Alice gets litle time to sew We looked for
Mary Burtis but she didn't come.
Nov 1889
Fri 1 Very wet, rained hard by spells, but Edwin drew wood, and Carrie walked to school I
worked at the dress all day and got it just about done.
Sat 2 Wetter still, some very hard showers this afternoon but Elias went to town through it to
get the mail and Mrs Scott came through it to get some honey. I finished the dress and made
Carrie another white apron am going home to-morrow.
Nov. 1889
Sun 3 A beautiful bright morn but cold West wind grew cloudy in afternoon I came home as
Edwin went up to Kates Carrie came with me, Mary Burtis & her Father came first as I got
home. Kate came down with Edwin, here to tea, Mary went home with Edwin & Carrie
Mon 4 Cloudy & cold. I kept busy about the house all morn dusted upstairs & down. (No I'm
mistaken it was not cloudy this morn, but it was cold, and frosty) I made button holes in
Stella's coat. Mary came back to-night, her Father stayed to Charlies last night {written in the
margins} Englishman started work for Charlie
Tue 5 Cold & cloudy a few snow flakes in the air Mary & Rachel papered the bedroom for
me, then Charlie took Mary home, she bid us good bye expecting to start with her Father to
Neb. My head ached all morn
Wed 6 Bright, but a cold wind this afternoon. Charlie took Mother out to see Jas H, I put
carpet down in the bedroom and straightened it up, and fixed up the shoe box.
Thur 7 Thanksgiving. A beautiful day, wind a little cool I did a little fixing up about the house
in morn in afternoon I fixed Mother's black dress larger Moses & Charlie V called to see us
toward evening.
Fri 8 Cloudy, chilly E. wind After doing up work I wrote to Jno, also some in Normans letter to
Cath finished Mothers dress & knit on mitten in evening
Sat 9 A misty damp air, very wet with fog or {dew?} in morn, I did my Sat. work and did up
cucumber pickles, and then knit on Mel's mitten.
Nov 1889
Sun 10 A mild nice day, sun out part of time very pleasant, Alice & Charlie called, they were
going to Ks after meeting We had a quiet day to read, Read Normans library to him in
Mon 11 Cloudy, damp air. Mother washed, clothes only partly dried, I did up work, mixed
some paint, got dinner ready, painted some chairs & table in afternoon and knit on mitten,
Geo. went out to Elias's to-night
Tue 12 A nice warm bright day, helped Mother iron in forenoon, painted over chairs & table in
afternoon and knit on mitten, had a dull headache all day. {written in margin} A blossom on
flowering currant bush
Wed. 13 Mild & warm, but rainy by spells, though not much I helped with work then painted
over table & chairs Moses & Mel came from meeting I went down town with them after
dinner, they stayed to tea, I rec'd letter from N. Mott
Thu. 14Looked nice in morn, but turned rainy again and grew colder. Mother & I cleaned out
the room upstairs I scrubbed the stairs also and felt very tired when I got through, and my
head ached, but I knit on mitten, am anxious to get them done by Sat.
Fri. 15 Bright but cold wind ground frozen some this morn. We did our Sat, sweeping & made
some pies and did a wee bit of painting in forenoon. In afternoon, I made Mother a cap. Read
letter from Catharine to-night.
Sat 16 Bright & nice with a cool wind, roads pretty good It is Quarterly mtg, Alice & Uncle C.
here to dinner Uncle C. will stay all night Kate left Louie while they went to town, I finished
the mittens
Nov 1889
Sun 17 A lovely day, hard white frost this morn and a cool wind, but bright & nice for
Quarterly mtg and roads good for time of year Emma C & Lucy Walker stayed all night We
had a quiet afternoon C's went up home.
Mon 18 A wet day I straightened up & dusted out the bedrooms & fixed my dress to put on,
then read in "Ester Reid yet Speaking,"
Tue 19 More rainy than yesterday. I sewed on machine all day on clothes for Mother. Allan
Haight came with Milne to C's for dinner, Charlie went down town in afternoon
Wed 20 Misty & drizzling all day, not very cold. I ripped up Mother's brown dress waist to
make a new one. The boys tried the new grinding mill
Thur 21 Still rainy, though it looked this morn for a while as though it might clear up, it makes
short days, did not rain so but what the boys ploughed Meetings over here each evening. I
worked at the dress all day. Finished reading "Ester Reid yet Speaking."
Fri 22 Another rainy day, but some colder think the rain about over this time, clothes that
were washed Monday still out on the lines. I finished the dress this afternoon. In forenoon I
did up my work and finished up the painting & cleaned the brushes Charlie brought our mail,
then I read papers.
Sat 23 Cloudy & chilly but didn't rain, wind blew through night so it dried the clothes, I did my
Sat. work & crocheted R. colored some mat stuff for me
Nov 1889
Sun 24 A lovely day for time of year, quite windy, dried up the mud considerable, nobody
here, we had a quiet day Norman, R. & Lily went over to mtg tonight
Mon 25 Cloudy and rather cold wind. Mother washed, the clothes froze some for first time. I
got dinner did up the work ripped up my green dress & various other chores. Kate & Louie
came down to C's in evening, Will went to town.
Tue 26 A rather nice day not bright, a hard frost, We ironed in afternoon I put sleeves in my
print dress, Mother packed our first butter C. got us a bush of apples from J. Moore. Alice
drove over, had been to town and brought some turkish toweling for me I wrote to Nellie M.
Wed 27 Snowed last night, everything white this morn snow blowed everywhere & rain with it
from East making the trees quite icy, very slushy, saw a sleigh & cuter out. I worked on green
dress and taught Stella to work on cardboard.
Thur 28 Snowed a little this morn, but very fair day, some colder to-night, freezing, I worked
on my dress and taught Stella to crochet cuffs. Rec'd a paper from Jno.
Fri, 29 A very fair winter day, think it will freeze pretty hard to-night, I helped do some baking
and worked on dress, stitched a coat for R. snowed a little more.
Sat 30 A clear cold frosty morn, bright & grew some warmer the snow still stinks on. I did my
Sat work and cleaned up before dinner. After dinner I washed Stella cut Mothers corns,
sewed a little on dress Read a letter from Lizzie Atkins.
Dec 1889
Sun 1 A lovely bright day, with cool wind, thawed some making it rather sloppy walking, Alice
& Carrie came out to mtg. and stayed to dinner Norman went over to mtg to-night. Cs went
up home brought Nancy back.
Mon 2 A pleasant mild day, though not bright, snow soft & dirty, but goes slowly. I sewed all
day on dress, but did not finish, Mother made oat cakes George left C's to-day, been there
nearly six years.
Tues 3 Very stormy in forenoon, rain & snow from N, E. but grew clear & cold afternoon. I
sewed on dress in morn and knit on my mitten in afternoon Kate came, Will went to a
farmers meeting, came back to tea, Moses came too, and went again in evening. Mrs Jolley
came over little while. I rec'd a letter from John.
Wed 4 Very cold last night, 5 below zero, clear to-day, some warmer to-night, I finished my
dress at last, Charlie went to Chambers sale. Mother finished packing butter
Thur 5 Rained nearly all morn, froze as it came, making it quite icy, but thawed off some this
afternoon I worked button holes in Walter's overcoat and knit.
Fri, 6 A bright beautiful day, though cool wind. Mother was taken sick this morn with a terrible
dizziness in her head and was not able to get up. I did up the work and did what I could for
Sat 7 Another nice day, thawed, making ground quite muddy, ground not frozen much,
Mother not able to get up yet, I did up work & feel pretty tired Norman & Stella helped. E
Palmers baby died.
Dec 1889
Sun 8 A rainy, dark, muddy day. Mother not feeling better we went for doctor, I had a
miserable headache but managed to wait on her with Normans help and wrote to John
Charlie went out to Elias's
Mon 9 A lovely day, just a little cool. The Dr came up to see Mother and thought her a little
better Alice came out in forenoon stayed till night & helped me wait on Mother and cooked a
chicken for her.
Tue 10 Began to rain about noon, a cold E, rain, rained very hard about middle of afternoon,
Mother about same Norman went out to Elias's came home in rain I did up work & knit on
Wed 11 Weather improved, since yesterday, but a chilly S.W. wind. Alice came out before
dinner stayed till afternoon Moses & Emma came to dinner it being M, mtg. Mother still in
Thur 12 Mild but rather cloudy in morn but brightened up beautiful by noon. Mrs Jolley came
over & brought me a nice biscuit for dinner Susie came over in afternoon to see Mother. Dr
came up and thinks Mother is doing well.
Fri 13 Appeared like an E, storm all day but it did not come, chilly wind, Moses called, had
been up to factory to get John Mother sat up in bed little while I keep pretty busy doing up
work & waiting on Mother.
Sat 14 Stormy all morn, sleet 7 snow from E, or N.E. fine rain that froze as it came and cut
ones face but grew milder by afternoon Norman helped me with work and Rachel cleaned
out the entrys Rec'd a letter from Cath
Dec 1889
Sun 15 A bright beautiful day, though cool wind, thawed enough to make the roads
smoother, ground not frozen of any account yet. Alice & Carrie came out but did not go to
mtg. A, got Mother up & made the bed and went home to dinner, I read in afternoon & wrote
to Cath in the evening
Mon 16 White frost this morn, chilly damp air started to rain about noon, drizzled all
afternoon Mother sat up in chair an hour & quarter I did up the work & knit on mitten Mrs J.
came over little while R. did our washing
Tue 17 A wet day, rained hard in afternoon Mother did not get up till evening, she sat up
about two hours I helped Stella with her Xmas presents. after doing up the work I feel very
tired {written in margins} got 4 1/2 gol{got?}. cool oil of B. Treffry
Wed 18 Another dull rainy day, Mother sat up in her room awhile, she gains slowly, Kate
called as she was going down home to spend the day.
Thur 19 Dull & damp but did not actually rain. The clothes partly dried, but it looked so much
like rain R. brought them in & dried & ironed them Mother sat up little while in evening Mrs J
came over to see her
Fri 20 A very rainy day, but has stopped and turned colder to-night, wind blows hard. I kept
very busy to-day and feel tired out to-night. After Mother got up in afternoon I cleaned out the
bedroom C & R gone down to get Xmas presents.
Sat 21 Cleared up at last Sun out nice in afternoon, not cold either. R came in & swept &
cleaned entrys first as we got done Alice came to help so she blackened the stove I cleaned
windows & put up clean blinds
Dec 1889
Sun 22 A dull gloomy day, rained hard in night from E. froze as it came, with thunder &
lightening trees bowed down this morn but soon thawed no one here to-day, Mother got up
before dinner C & R gone up home
Mon 23 A beautiful day, like spring, roads very bad, Mother got up quite early though she
does not feel very smart, Moses called brought us some meat, which I cooked, and after
doing up the work & getting dinner, feel rather tired. Norman gone to school {escan?}
Tue 24 A dull dark rainy day, thundered some to-night Mother about the same, Nellie &
Carrie drove out this afternoon and brought some Xmas {cheer?} Ettie came over little while
Wed 25 Xmas, bright quite warm, roads very muddy Mother just able to walk in to Charlie's &
stay while we ate dinner, then she came home to lie down Moses & Mel drove down, had
been to see J Haight, I got them some tea and they went back to Haights, Jas is very low,
Kate & Will also called
Thur 26 Bright, but very windy, Mother about the same It takes me most of time to do the
work. I read the paper to Mother & did some glueing
Fri 27 A bright nice day, ground frozen. Mother not near so well, we sent for doctor again
Jas, Haight died this morn. Kate & Will to C's this morning.
Sat 28 Almost an April day, cloudy towards night. Mother had a bad night Neuralgia very bad
in her side, Charlies went up home Mrs J over this afternoon. Nellie called in.
{Neuralgia is a stabbing, burning, and often quite severe pain that occurs due to a damaged
Dec 1889
Sn 29 Warm & rainy, heavy showers this afternoon then the sun came out between them like
April but cleared up very quickly to-night The doctor thought Mother some better. Mrs
Bowman came over in afternoon Nellie drove in on her way home from Ks
Mon 30 Colder, bright part of day, a little snow flying Poor James buried to-day C's all went
to funeral Elias's Moses's K & W called to see Mother. Elias's stayed, Mother still suffers {y
really?} with neuralya. R & L washed for us.
Tue 31 Bright, but very cold wind, ground frozen up I did up the work, waited on Mother and
mended my dress there the doctor came & gave orders which employed me for an hour or
two. Moses & Mel drove down but would not stay
Jan 1890
Wed 1 New Years day and a wet one too, The sky was so red this morn first after day light
that it made the ground look red, but it was raining a few minutes after Mother a little easier
to-day, C's got a trunk from Jno for Lily, with some goodies{underlined} in it,
Thur 2 Rainy in forenoon, but cleared up fine in afternoon I tried out and had to rest a spell
on lounge after dinner. Norman went to Office & got our papers Mother about the same.
Fri 3 Rather cold & cloudy in morn, but cleared up bright ground frozen, I had first got the
morning work done up when Alice came, she helped me clean the pictures then she cleaned
the entrys & did other things. Mother does not seem to gain much.
Sat 4 A beautiful day, hard white frost. I did up the work & waited on Mother, Dr says she is
better Lily went this morn to Toronto Ettie came over a little while.
Sun 5 Another rainy day, very muddy, I had a bad headache, but managed to do up work
and wait on Mother with Normans help, of course, I cannot see that she is much better.
Mon 6 Dull & damp, though did not rain much, some colder to-night. I did up work, cooked
some dinner, mended my dress. Mother keeps very weak & poorly, Norman went to Office,
brought my letter from Cath Moses came to see Mother
Tue 7 A nice day, but quite a cold wind. Mother keeps about same. I did up morning work,
then Norman & I cleaned out under the stairs, after dinner he rode punch up to K's, but K ate
was first corning here so he came back. K stayed while Will went to town. I rec'd a card from
Wed 8 Cold and very stormy towards night Alice came out it was monthly mtg, drove herself,
it stormed hard when she went home, she bought me some chicken & a cranberry frie, it
came very acceptable Mother pretty comfortable, but weak Mrs Jolley was in awhile.
Thur 9 A winter like day, quite fine in morn, but snowed all afternoon, enough to cover the
ground Mother about the came from day to day, she hopes to be up soon The work keeps
me busy till afternoon. I taught Norman to work on cardboard.
Fri 10 A very fair winter day, a little misty snow fell, looks winterly out, but no sleighing yet,
ground rough, I kept busy till late in afternoon about the house, wrote a card to Cath Mother
not feeling very smart to-day. Fred is staying to C's, he is sick in bed to-day, doctor came to
see him to-night.
Sat. 11 An icy rain towards morn making a little crust but thawed soon & cleared up fine in
afternoon, some cutters out. R & Walter also sick to-day. The doctor says it is La
Grippe{french for influenza} that ails them. Mother better to-day. A came out.
Jan 1890
Sun 12 Rainy again, but not cold, Mother sat up a little while this afternoon The doctor thinks
she will get along now. C's about all sick to-day.
Mon 13 Colder & windy, snowed hard towards night Mother sat up two or three hours, but
she keeps very weak. I do not get much time to sit down now days. C's folks better all but
Fred, Kate & Louie there to-night, Will went to meeting. Mrs J, in a little while
Tue 14 A fine winter day, ground covered with snow, trees sparkled with frost this morn, but
Sun quite warm Norman went up to K's, Mother about same, set up awhile I did up the work,
waited on Mother, crotcheted a little
Wed 15 Rainy & soft again, nothing fresh to-day, Mother set up a while this afternoon. I went
through the same routine as other days, only finished up Normans needle-book that he
Thur 16 Stormed some Things went on about as usual to-day Mother set up a while. I wrote
to John to-night We heard of J. Moore being shot.
Fri 17 A nice day, pretty sharp air, cloudy in afternoon Alice drove out to stay all day, Elias is
in Stratford. A, helped me clean up, she also blacked parlor stove. Mrs J came over awhile
Elias came home on evening train, had his tea here.
Sat 18 A beautiful warm day, I managed to do up the work but felt very poorly all day. La
Grippe{influenza} having fastened on me. I ached terribly. The doctor came up to see Fred
and came in to see me
Jan 1890
Sun 19 Chilly damp air, rained towards night I had a very sick night and bad all to-day The
doctor came again, Mother begins to cough too.
Mon 20 Threatened to storm all day, wind blew cold I felt some better, doctor came again, I
laid on lounge, Norman waited on us I helped Mother up. R. made me some chicken soup.
Mel brought Emma to stay with us.
Tue 21 Cold raw wind, snowed in afternoon Alice & Elias drove over to see us, but Alice has
La Grippe{influenza} too and should not be out, Mother not feeling so well. We are both
coughing away, Nancy to C's sick
Wed 22 A very cold night, coldest yet I think, clear & cold all day. Mother felt pretty sick in
afternoon Moses drove down to see us, I feel pretty well considering but terribly weak, lay on
lounge most of time.
Thur 23 Snowy & blowy, not quite so cold, We are about the same to-day Edie came down
on noon train unexpected, walked up through the storm Mrs J came in to see us. I rec'd letter
from Nellie.
Fri 24 Clear & cold Mother little better, but coughs hard yet. Things went on about same.
Emma & Edie Aid up work, I washed Stella & Walter & taught Norman to sew blocks for my
days work.
Sat 25 Cloudy in afternoon, chilly wind, We feel some better Moses drove down, took Emma
back Ettie came over this afternoon. Elias drove over and the doctor came in so we had
plenty of collers Rec'd a letter from M.B
Jan 1890
Sun 26 Cloudy, foggy & dull. We were very quiet all day Geo. came in a little while, Mother
set up longer than usual, quite rainy towards night.
Mon 27 Not very cold, but quite dull, Mother set up forenoon & afternoon, I wiped dishes and
helped Edie pack Normans valise, he is going home to-morrow.
Tue 28 A nice day, quite mild, but ground frozen Mother is gaining slowly She set up too long
and got very tired Norman went on morning train I mended some stockings and set up mitten
for Carrie Mott.
Wed 29 A nice day, not very cold. Edie tried her hand at starting the fire & did well with it. I
knit a little on mitten. Mrs Jolley came in awhile
Thur 30 A misty chilly day I had a miserable headache all day. Old Mrs Haight buried here
to-day Moses & el called in and brought our washing home. Will also called after the funeral.
Fri 31 Rained some in morn but cleared up fine Alice came out & stayed an hour or two in
afternoon. She looks very poorly, not having got entirely over La Grippe yet. I did a little
mending and knit a little Mother seems to be gaining slowly, but very weak yet.
Feb 1890
Sat 1 A chilly East wind. Edie got work done up by noon with a little of my help I still feel
weak. Mother gets up in forenoon & takes a rest after dinner Uncle C. called to see us this
Feb 1890
Sun. 2 Cloudy, dull We had a very quiet day Edie & I read in afternoon I am reading "A New
{Raft?} on the Family Tree,"
Mon. 3 Still no sleighing, cloudy. Edie & I took dishes out of cupboard & dusted them off. I
finished one mitten & set up the other
Tue. 4 Another dull chilly misty day, rained a little bit towards noon. Mrs Jolley came in the
morn they & Mr Baxters were going up to Moses's to-day Edie wrote home to-night. I knit on
Wed. 5 Very windy, grew colder towards noon, sky very red in morn. Edie washed her
clothes & some for us, Mother not feeling extra well, though she got up to dinner. C's all went
over to Palmers to tea.
Thur 6 A bright beautiful day. I had a terrible head ache all day. Edie ironed. Alice & Elias
called in, on their way up to Kate's. Charlie's went down to Lynnes, left Walter with us
Fri 7 Snowed hard in afternoon, not very cold, though ground is frozen Mother not feeling so
well we sent for the doctor again to-night, Edie & I were up late carrying out his directions I
nearly finished the mittens
Sat 8 Snow deep enough for sleighing, snowed some more to-day, lots of cutters & sleighs
out. The doctor came again Mother not feeling any better she did not get up. I helped Edie
with work & finished the mittens & waited on Mother
Feb 1890
Sun 9 A very fair winter day It seems so nice to have some sleighing. Heser Woodard was
buried here to-day. There was a number in to see Mother. Elias's and Moses's stayed.
Mother feels very poorly to-day.
Feb 10 A beautiful bright winter day, sleighing getting thin Another funeral to-day, Mrs
Ficht's. Alice was here to dinner. Uncle & Aunt A. called to see Mother. She feels a little
better The work keeps Edie & I quite busy
Tue 11 A glorious winter morn, everything outside covered with white frost, it looked lovely in
the sunshine but the sleighing is about gone, though a few cutters out Mother set up some, I
felt poorly but helped around & waited on Mother
Wed 12 Cloudy like a storm. Monthly mtg, but no one here Moses's called also Freffry's. I
stitched Edie's N. dress and crocheted on tidy. Fred & C's all in to-night.
Thur 13 A lovely bright day, thawed enough to make it sloppy under foot. Susie Sutton came
over to see Mother. Mother gains very slow, sits up two or three hours a day, I knit on
stocking for Stella. C's went up to Kate's
Fri 14 My birthday and a rainy one too, rained hard from East in forenoon. stacked up some
about noon when Kate & Louie came down to celebrate the day. Alice had arranged to come,
but it rained too hard. Will came & stayed to tea We did our Fri, work. I knit in afternoon
Sat 15 Cleared up fine, not very cold Edie & I kept very busy all morn After dinner Alice came
bringing us some good things, a nice birthday present & a boquet Ettie J. also brought a nice
present so I had another birthday. {written in margin} Toronto University burned last night.
Feb. 1890
Sun. 16 A beautiful day, thawed considerable. Mother keeps about same from day to day We
had a good quiet afternoon for reading, I read to Mother E. Stover's son was buried to-day.
Mon 17 A nice mild day, though not very bright, thawed through the day. Edie did some
washing, I did up work & got dinner waited on Mother, and knit, Rec'd a card from John.
Tue 18 A dull misty day, hard quite an ice storm last night, trees bent down considerable with
ice, which is partly on yet, Mother sat up longer to-day, she got up before dinner. Edie ironed.
I finished Stella's stocking & sat up tidy for Alice
Wed 19 Bright till afternoon, then a cold E. wind Spring up, stormed in evening, thunder &
lightning with sleet, I put in a busy day mending housework E. Palmers over to C's tonight,
Mother seems to be gaining.
Thur 20 A blustering stormy day, W. wind, snowed most of day but no sleighing, not so very
cold. We got our work done early in morn, I then mended & crocheted on my tidy Edie is
writing a letter, Charlie has gone for N.
Fri 21 Cold West wind, ground slippery, one or two cutters out though a buggy would run
better. Elias & Alice drove out. A stayed while E. went to town, she was learning to knit a
tidy. Edie & I were busy all morn about the house sweeping & cleaning Mother about the
Sat 22 A mild nice day, bright in afternoon We got our work done up in morn, after dinner I
read to Mother some, showed Stella about sewing block Edie went over to Jolley's awhile. C.
taken sick in night R. sent for doctor this morn, but is better and up.
Feb 1890
Sun 23 Much warmer seems like a thaw up, a little damp snow & fine rain fell by spells.
Another funeral to-day Mrs Andrew Wilson was buried, a large funeral. Edie went with Ettie.
Mon. 24 Very mild & warm, rained a little in forenoon, what little snow is on is very soft I
wrote a long letter to Nellie M. this afternoon. Edie finished her tidy Mother begins to walk a
little alone. R has a birthday celebration for her Father.
Tue, 25 Cloudy & dull, damp air, roads very bad I was busy about the house all morn,
crocheted on my tidy in afternoon Edie went down town with Charlie & Nancy this afternoon
and is learning to make a switch to-night.
Wed 26 Cloudy still, but some colder, a raw wind. Edie cleaned upstairs in forenoon and
worked on her switch in afternoon I helped with work and rusted out cupboard & dishes,
finished up my tidy in evening K. & W. down to C's to-night. Mother keeps pretty much the
Thur 27 Dull, chilly E. wind, ground frozen some this morn raining a little to-night. We got our
work done up early and set down before diner. I started another tidy. E. started a pair of
mittens for Nellie Mrs J. over awhile this evening. C. took Nancy home
Fri 28 Last day of winter, and a dull one too, rained by spells, wind blows to-night We did out
Fri. work got through by noon. I commenced a fine N, dress. Edie knit Mother has not felt so
well to-day
March 1890
Sat 1 Cold, snowed by spells, We got our work done up before dinner. Alice came while Alias
went to town. Edie went down with him. C. took our lock to get cleaned got a letter from John
{This page is a repeat of PDF Part B (26).}
{This page is a repeat of PDF Part B 27.}
March 1890
Sun 2 Bright in forenoon, but cold, cloudy in afternoon We had a quiet day. Geo. came in
little while in afternoon, Charlies all gone out to Elias's. I wrote to John.
Mon 3 Not very cold, snowed about noon, big soft-flakes like sugar snow. Edie washed, I had
a headache but did up the work, got dinner and helped Edie some Mother feels better.
Emma Corless brought our washing home.
Tues 4 Very stormy all day colder towards night, ground nicely covered with snow. I helped
Edie iron in forenoon and crocheted on some insertion for white apron in afternoon. Fred
went to Brantford to work.
Wed, 5 Very cold, but clear, Edie & I got the work done up early then I worked on my white
apron Edie is making a tidy for me. Mother seems to be gaining.
Thur 6 Very very cold, clear & frosty, The coldest spell yet but did not freeze anything in the
entrys. We got the work done up in morn, had a good time to sew nearly finished my apron, J
Corless to C's for dinner he came in to see us. I rec'd letter from Lib. Mother is able to sit up
longer and wipes the dishes sometimes.
Fri 7 Another clear cold day, beautiful & bright, very cold this morn, but a little warmer
towards night We did our usual Fri, sweeping I finished my apron and commenced one for
Edie She also finished my tidy. Will called in and brought some fresh meat for Mother.
Sat 8 A lovely bright day thawed enough to make it some muddy John came in and surprised
us this morn he came to C's last night Moses & Harry here to dinner too. A came out after
March 1890
Sun 9 Another delightful day. Mother got up earlier than usual to visit with John, he & c. went
to Church. Edie went to church with. Will, then home with him J took tea with Mother & I, then
he & C went to church Kate & Louie came & stayed with us while Will & Edie went to Church
in evening, Mother & the rest us did not go to bed till eleven o'clock
Mon 10 Dull, snowed some then turned to rain. J. went home on afternoon train after making
some calls, Moses drew us two loads of wood. Lottie over in afternoon I worked on E's white
apron, She started another tidy
Tue 11 A rainy day getting very muddy, M. brought a load of wood this afternoon. I finished
E's apron, she finished the tidy, I also fasted Stellas blacks she finished the last of {second?}
Wed 12 Rained hard part of day, Monthly mtg, but no one here though we waited dinner &
cooked a chicken and made a pudding. I had a headache but cleaned E's dress in afternoon
Thur 13 Dull in morn, but brightened up nice in afternoon C & R started to go up home but
only got as far as Will's, roads being so bad, Stella stayed with us. Edie walked down town in
afternoon Mother knit a little for first time since being sick I did some mending cleaned out
dish cupboard
Fri 14 Nice & bright in morn but stormed some after. ground frozen a little. K. sent word for
me to come up to-day but thought I wouldn't. E & I did up Fri, work washed our heads, and
prepared cotton & foundation for spread
Sat 15 Cold & blustery. We did our Sat. work before dinner I worked on N. dress in
afternoon. C sent for our seeds E. got letter to-night saying she must come home Monday
March 1890
Sun. 16 Very stormy We were alone all day Mother felt very poorly. Edie took tea in to C's. I
got our own tea
Mon. 17 Very stormy in forenoon, not so bad in afternoon C. took Edie to Station in morn. I
did up the work Stella helped me some, worked on N, dress Moses brought load of wood.
Tue. 18 Not very cold, nor stormy, ground frozen yet, but not very deep. I have fire to make
now mornings got the morn, work done up in good time worked on N. dress in afternoon M.
brought two loads of wood The Bible Society collectors called on us
Wed. 19 A nice day, though cloudy towards night, Alice come out this morn but had not been
here long when Treffry's came for her, they were going out there so she went home, I was so
disappointed Mother feels some better. M. brought two loads of wood. I worked on N. dress.
Thur. 20 Beautiful till afternoon when it rained a little bit I worked a little on N. dress but done
get much time to sew, though Mother helped a little to-day about getting meals, and Stella
helps me too. Will called in he brought some {grinching?}
Fri. 21 Rained a little in night, looked showery this morn but cleared up. I kept busy all morn,
swept our room & dusted beside the regular work Mother peeled potatoes & helped
considerable though she is still weak. C went down town brought me a leer from Edie I
worked n. dress C & R went over to Palmers to eat sugar
Sat. 22 Cloudy, chilly wind. though right at sunset I worked hard all morn, swept the sitting
room and cleaned entrys besides the rest got through at noon. Susie Sutton and A came in
afternoon awhile. Ettie came over after supper {written in left margin} Mother got up to her
breakfast first time for 15 week
March 1890
Sun 23 Stormy by spells, would snow hard for few minutes then the sun came out colder
towards night, thawed a little of what froze last night, good sugar weather Mother & I had a
nice quiet day to read. Geo. same in few minutes
Mon 24 Bright & nice, but a cold wind, looks like a storm to night, thawed to-day I kept busy
about the house till noon, dusted upstairs Mother goes around helping quite a bit. Moses
brought last load.
Tues 25 Chilly E. wind early in morn, but turned warmer & rained hard till near noon then
brightened up Charlie went to Office got a card saying Willie would come to-morrow. I
finished N dress, rained some to-night.
Wed 26 Stormy by spells, heavy squalls of damp snow, terrible roads, Charlie went Station
for Nellie Huxley. I did up the work good, and made a white skirt had dinner waiting for Nellie
Mother feels better.
Thur 27 A bright beautiful day, Sun very warm. Nelie & I got through work early. I crocheted
on some lace for my white skirt. wrote to Mary Burtis. Saw the first robin & blackbird
Fri 28 A most terrible day storm of snow & rain from East. wind blew hard through night and
a thunder storm early in morn. Alice came out in morn & stayed all day Elias went to
Woodstock on train, snow quite deep to-night Nellie was sick all day
Sat 29 A fair winter day. All sleighs & cutters out to-day, {croll?} wind, but sun warm, though
it did not thaw much. Nellie better, we did our Sat, work I crocheted on lace in afternoon. C &
R gone up home to-night.
March 1890
Sun 30 A beautiful bright day though quite a cool wind about half the people were out in
cutters but pretty muddy in middle of day Nellie went to church with Ettie & Lottie I read,
"Julia Reid," to Mother. Alice called in
Mon 31 Another grand day. Sun very warm. Will took his meat down to C's, to smoke it this
morn, and I came home with him to stay a few days and make a spread. Emma Haight is
here, I had my first cutter ride, a pretty rough one, it was frozen in morn but soon thawed,
worked at spread in afternoon Kate sugared off tonight
April 1890
Tues 1 Another fine day. I had bad headache all day could not work till middle of afternoon,
then not much Emma worked on it. Will took her to station to-night.
Wed 2 Still another fine day My head ached all night and all forenoon but I kept {complur?}
on it and worked away. Louie is very good she amuses me so much calls herself Baby Jape.
Thur 3 Fine till afternoon when it clouded up and sprinkled some. I put in a busy day at the
spread it makes my fingers very sore, Will went to town in morn. Kate did some trading with
an egg buyer.
Fri 4 Cloudy all day, except a little while in morn, rained a little bit in forenoon, grew colder in
afternoon It has been good sap weather, freezes at night quite hard I worked faithfully on the
spread, Kate does most of cutting for me, Will helped me work some to day. I want to get it
done to get home to-morrow {written in left margin} Good Friday
Sat 5 Another beautiful day, froze pretty hard last night Finished the spread about 3 o'clock,
then got ready and Will brought me home as he went to town, the roads muddy & rough.
Mother is quite Smart. A letter from J. and one from Nellie
April 1890
Sun 6 Bright in morn but clouded up like rain, seems quite spring like to hear the robins &
phebe birds blackbirds and frogs Nellie & Nancy walked down to church We were shocked to
hear of G. Cooke being found dead in bed this morn. Kate & Will called in on their way home
I read in "Julia Reid" {written in right margin} Easter Sunday
Mon 7 Rained some in night but nice to-day, roads in a bad state. I finished up lace for white
skirt, wrote a letter & posted it to John. Nellie went over to Jolleys in afternoon, Charlie took
Nancy hoe & got molasses for John.
Tue 8 Rained this morn, but cleared up fine & warm G. Cooke buried to-day. I put the dots in
bedspread for Alice and feel very tired to-night. C & R gone up to Mollins to stay all night
Wed 9 A little rain this morn, but sun out and wind blowing hard before noon Moses & Mel
came from Monthly mtg to dinner. Nellie went down town with Mrs Jolley. I worked on
spread. Stella stayed with us rather squally & rainy to-night
Thur 10 Snowed a little this morn with damp chilly wind Kate & Louie came this morn &
stayed all day. Will come to tea. Nellie went down town with him, C & R got home about 2
o'clock. I worked on and finished the spread.
Fri 11 Bright & drying but the wind is cold. I did my Fri. sweeping & other work, read the
papers and crocheted on the insertion for Cath apron
Sat 12 A lovely day, Sun very warm, quite windy, drying up ground fast. I helped with work
then sat out doors and gratered horseradish for dinner & raked around the door Kate Louie
came while Will went to town. Alice & Charlie drove over, it is her birthday, she brought us a
pie and meat
April 1890
Sun 13 A grand lovely day most like summer We had both doors open and let fire down,
Charlie & Carrie came out. Nellie went to Church in morn with Will and to-night with George,
Mother is getting quite smart.
Mon 14 Morning dull, cold wind, bright towards night Nellie washed, clothes dried. I cleaned
out dish cupboard and worked on Cath white apron Wm Lynnes & wife to C's to tea.
Tues 15 A bright day, wind quite cool. Mother & Nellie ironed in morn. N. walked to town in
afternoon. I worked on apron. garden seeds came.
Wed 16 A lovely day, sharp white frost this morn and the ground frozen, warmer towards
night, I had a miserable headache but worked a little on the apron We got the work done
early and had a nice long day. saw Kate & Will go out home very early
Thur 17 Another grand day Sun very warm, a white frost Nellie walked up to Kate's to spend
the day. I finished the apron at last. Charlie went down town this afternoon Mother rec'd a
box by express from John, containing some fresh & dried fruit
Fri 18 A fine day, though cool wind I did my Friday sweeping, and spent the afternoon in
mending Nellie walked down town in afternoon I wrote a letter to John & sent it off. Charlie is
going ploughing
Sat 19 Bright but very cold this morn, froze hard last night Mother & Nellie cleaned the stove
out, we got the work done up early I made a cake and crocheted on tidy. Nellie walked down
to Office after tea.
April 1890
Sun 20 A beautiful day, with a cool wind Nellie went down to S.S. did not come home till after
church at night. C & R went up home, left Walter with us Alice & Elias called in before
Mon 21 A lovely day Sun very warm Nellie washed some blankets they dried nice, she went
over to Mr Jolleys after tea I crochet on my tidy
Tue 22 Another fine day, very dry & dusty, some wind. Nellie &I cleaned out parlor &
bedroom got through about 3 then she walked down town Ettie & Lottie came over to tea. I
feel very tired
Wed 23 Had a nice rain all forenoon, made the grass took nice and green I crocheted some
lace for R. worked all day at it Mother has a cold & swollen face Nellie slept a good share of
the day
Thur 24 Bright except a while in morn, but a cool wind I crocheted for R. again as yesterday.
Nellie walked out to Haights after dinner we set up {fax?} her but she has not come yet
Fri 25 A nice day though cold E. wind, we got the work done up early, sweeping all done and
intended to clean upstairs but Nellie did not get back till 10 and it was too late Mrs Palmer
over to C's
Sat 26 A cold rainy day, or at least it rained hard from about 11 o'clock. We did our sat. work
and I traded a little with Bradley and I washed Stella before dinner Crocheted on tidy in
afternoon Charlie went down in rain and got the mail.
April 1890
Sun 27 Dull & rainy till about noon, then cleared up cooler to-night, had a dull headache but
read a little. Geo. came in a while, he & Nellie started for church but were too late.
Mon 28 A beautiful day, with a cool freeze. I went down town with Charlie in morn came
home helped get dinner, then started some lace for R. Nellie went down town in afternoon.
Kate & Will called or drove in to-night
Tue 29 Rained most all forenoon but fine in afternoon Mother, Nellie & I did the ironing in
morn, Moses called in took tea, then Nellie went home with him to stay all night
Wed 30 Rather dull in morn, but brightened up, a somewhat cold strong wind. I took up
sitting room & bedroom carpets. Moses brought Nellie home, she helped m clean woodwork
in sitting room, bedroom & entrys
May 1890
Thur 1 Rained last night, fine to-day, though cool Nellie & I cleaned upstairs finished before
tea. Bradley came to whitewash but was too poorly to do it, so went home. Isaac Mott came
in to see Mother Alice & Elias drove over a little while, Edwin has gone on to Dakota Nellie
walked down to Office after tea, brought me a letter & paper from John.
Fri 2 Bright but cool, hard frost this morn. We waited around all morn for the whitewasher to
come, but he came after dinner, papered the entrys as well, after tea I cleaned some of
windows. K & W drove down to C's
Sat 3 A lovely day, very warm We got up early. N. cleaned stove before lighting fire, we put
down both carpets before dinner. I kept busy till near tea time and ful{felt?} tired. Mother feels
rather used up too.
May 1890
Sun. 4 A misty damp morn, chilly all day. Alice & Elias called in, Nellie & Ettie walked down
to church in morn. Geo. took H. out to Elias's in afternoon Mother is very lame to-day, while I
have a sore throat.
Mon 5 Misty this morn and rained some this afternoon Nellie washed, some of the clothes
dried before the rain, Nellie went home this afternoon. Moses took dinner to Cs. I was busy
about the house this forenoon, crocheted on R's lace this afternoon.
Tue 6 Partly bright, rained & hailed a little in afternoon, chilly to-night. Mother ironed with my
help. We both felt very tired when done. In afternoon I cut out an under garment for Stella, to
make it herself.
Wed 7 Cool, bright mostly hard frost. We put the room upstairs to rights After dinner I taught
Stella to sew and crocheted on tidy. No school yesterday nor today, Teacher sick. Charlie
went to Milldale for flour Jimmie Cloane working for Charlie
Thur 8 A fine day, quite cool, sharp frost. Besides the usual work I cleaned out cupboard &
dishes, taught S. & crocheted on tidy. Charlie ploughed our garden. Jimmie cleaned out
raspberry bushes.
Fri 9 Bright & cool in forenoon. Started to rain in afternoon, but the boys kept to work. I kept
busy working around till near morn, crocheted in afternoon
Sat 10 A very wet day, cold E. rain all day with the exception of a few hours, lovely sunset to-
night though & cold. I finished the tidy all but fringe and sewed some lace on, for Stella.
Moses called, he was going to Brantford.
May 1890
Sun 11 Beautiful day, but cool enough for a fire to feel good, froze hard last night, ground
frozen some. Alice & Elias & Carrie called in. I read to Mother when not visiting with C. & R.
Mon 12 Bright till afternoon when it clouded up and sprinkled a little, some warmer. I fixed the
crumb-cloth, did some basted another garment for Stella and set up a stocking for myself. C.
put his first garden seed in.
Tue 13 Rained by spells, warm growing showers, grass looks beautiful grows fast. I
straightened out fruit cupboard grated some horseradish and repaired m clothes Mother
bought some fish of R. Treffry, C went to Milldale for grist.
Wed. 14 Cloudy like rain till towards night, then bright, a little cool, Alice Marrianna Emma &
Lizzie & baby here to dinner, being Monthly mtg. I didn't do much but help with housework
and visit. C. & R. gone up to Kate's to-night.
Thur 15 Bright mostly through it looked rainy by spells, quite cool wind. After doing up work I
repaired my clothes S. Burtis came in afternoon, took tea with Mother & I and stayed all night
with Charlies
Fri 16 Fine, but cool wind. We did part of our Sat. work to-day, so to-morrow would be easier
for us, Mother not feeling very strong yet, though pretty well for her In afternoon did some
repairing & knit Ellie & her cousin came over in evening, brought me some lovely pansies
Sat 17 Bright, Sun warm but a cold wind. We did our work early and cleaned up before
dinner, in afternoon I mended Stellas dress & washed her which took most of afternoon
May 1890
Sun 18 Dull rained through middle of day real hard nobody here to-day. We didn't get our
mail and felt lost without the herald, but I read Stellas library to her.
Mon 19 Bright in morn, cloudy in afternoon, sprinkled some towards. Mother washed, first
time since she was sick I wrote to Lib, and was in garden all after-noon Jimmie Sloane
planted lettuce, beets, carrots, onions, beans and potatoes for us. Peach trees in blossoms.
Tue 20 Bright in afternoon, real cool, We ironed in morn I had a miserable headache, knit
some in afternoon Moses drove over for little while, says Edwin is coming home.
Wed 21 Bright most of day, cool, frost last night, rained a little towards night. School opened
to-day. R. washed & colored Stellas pink dress. I sewed for Rachel The flowering currants
are out sweet.
Thur 22 Cloudy towards night, though a fine day, much warmer to-night. I did some sewing
for myself in forenoon and sewed for Rachel in afternoon
Fri 23 Thunder storm towards morn, ground too wet to work, cleared up fine in afternoon, I
made scrap bag for R. a birthday present. They cleaned the cellar out. Moses came & took
Charlie up to Dereham to visit some factories
Sat 24 Cloudy & slightly rainy part of day, but fine awhile towards night, thunder & lightening
about dark, Mother I I took dinner in to C's being Rachel's birthday. I put the fringe in my tidy.
washed Stella and sewed some lace on for her.
May 1890
Sun 25 Warm & showery till afternoon, making the roads very sloppy then cleared up nice.
Elias & Alice & Carrie called in on their way up to K's. Edwin came home Thur. night. Charlie
went up and got Nancy. J. Corless called on us. I had a severe headache, Cherry & pear
trees are in full blossom.
Mon 26 A lovely day, grew cloudy and rained little in afternoon but fine soon after. Fred
called in to see us. People are holding the 24th to-day I did some mending. a man came
along with a dancing bear, which he let dance for 10 cts.
Tues 27 Another lovely day, quite cool wind. I had a miserable headache all morn but it grew
better sot hat I wrote to Nellie M. & Edie Huxley in afternoon. Ettie brought me a lovely bunch
of pansies.
Wed 28 Bright & rather cool till towards night when it grew cloudy and sprinkled the least bit.
I puttered around the house and did a little sewing and got ready to go to Elias's with Mother
after tea to stay a few days. C, is going to take us.
Thur 29 A slight rain before we got up this morn but turned out a beautiful day. Sun very
warm but a cool breeze. I enjoyed the day very much, helped Alice make shirts for Edwin she
has not quite finished housecleaning, got her new carpet home to-night We had some
asparagus for first to-day.
Fri 30 Bright this morn, towards noon threatened rain thundered by spells, did rain some
towards night, boys finished getting in one price corn. I sewed on carpet for Alice all day
Sat 31 A lovely day, very warm, Charlie came out for us this morn got home about 10. After
dinner I went over to Mr Jolleys first time this year. Nancy & Rachel cleaning house started a
tidy for Ettie to make.
June 1890
Sun 1 A perfect June day I think, very warm. Appletree blossoms blowing off and the lilacs
out very sweet I had a very bad headache not able to read a bit till after tea.
Mon. 2 another summer day, bright & beautiful The country looks lovely & fresh Mother
washed, clothes dried quick, I did up the work, swept, dusted, washed dishes, made bed,
wiped off floors, & prepared dinner The garden stuff up nice except potatoes, sold milk for
Tue. 3 Very very warm, bright till noon, then we had thunder shower but not much rain, to-
night however, are having a tremendous thunder & lightening shower, almost a continual
flash. We ironed I did some mending in afternoon. Charlie & Nancy went to town I rec'd a
letter from John
Wed. 4 Still thundering & raining this morn, then Sun came out very hot & sultry, continued to
thunder all day. A great deal of rain through night, Flats covered with water, I made print shirt
for Walter
Thur 5 Very warm this morn, a little cooler in afternoon, more breeze, threatened to rain. I did
some sewing for myself also knit some. Charlie started roadwork
Fri 6 Cloudy nearly all day, threatened with a thunder shower in afternoon but it passed over.
Kate's boy William Edwin born this morn, Jimmie worked in our garden this afternoon,
planted beans & potatoes I put new sleeves in my grey dress and did our Fri. work.
Sat 7 Cold wind and very cloudy till afternoon then cleared up I finished my dress, did up
work, made a cake, and got ready to go out to Elias's with Emma H. and stay a week Aunt
Alice Uncle C. and Moses called in afternoon.
June 1890
Sun. 8 A beautiful day though cool, some frost last night Emma & I got here at tea time, Alice
drove back to stay all night at K's, after dinner Edwin took Em up & brought his Ma home S.
Burtis came this afternoon
Mon 9 Another nice day, but very warm I sewed on an apron for Carrie and did various little
chores for Alice to help her get ready to go to Toronto this afternoon in order to be there for
Convocation to-morrow when Nellie will take her degree of B.A.
Tues 10 Mostly cloudy, threatened to rain, quite warm Carrie & I did up the work, and got
dinner work over then took a rest after which we cleaned up and I sewed till supper time,
after that we hoed the flower bed.
Wed 11 Bright part of time, a heavy shower in afternoon with some thunder & lightening, The
house work and cooking dinner kept us busy in forenoon. I sewed in afternoon, Alice came
home to-night.
Thur 12 Cloudy all morn Sun very warm in afternoon I got up with a miserable headache
which I doctored all forenoon, after dinner it felt better so I went with Alice up to see Kate,
called in to see Mother. {written in right margin} We had our first new butter
Fri 13 Cloudy & warm. Alice washed. I helped around the house in the morn, and sewed for
Alice in the forenoon. Edwin gave me the first strawberry
Sat 14 Cloudy partly. Elias went to Brantford back on the noon train, down town in afternoon
Nellie came to-night from Toronto I sewed all day fixing white dress for Carrie
June 1890
Sun 15 A lovely day with cool breeze. Sun very warm I went with Nellie & Carrie up to Kate's
in afternoon, stayed to tea, then I came home.
Mon 16 A vey warm bright day. Mother washed I did up the work and got dinner, fixed my
blue dress in afternoon
Tue. 17 Terribly hot, threatened with a thunder shower but did not rain much here. I helped
with ironing in morning and did some mending in afternoon
Wed 18 Some cooler to-day, so we do not mind having a little fire. I sewed up a sheet for A.
Charlie went to town brought me a letter from Edie.
Thur 19 Another nice day not too hot and nice and cool at night We sided out the closed up
stairs before dinner. I also dusted out the dishcupboard then sewed another sheet. Lottie
brought us the first strawberries we have had.
Fri 20 A lovely day though pretty hot in Sun. looks like rain to-night. I weeded in garden most
of day and felt very, but went down afterwards with C. S Burtis came after tea to stay all night
Sat 21 Very rainy till afternoon, chilly E. rain then cleared up fine. Alice & Carrie came out it
being Quarterly mtg. Alice stayed till after tea Burtis went home with her. Carrie stayed all
night She & Stella took part in S.S. Conference Willie Treffry brought our molasses up.
June 1890
Sun 22 Close & warm, thundered and rained a little in forenoon, but brightened up by time
meeting was out, nobody here to-day, we had a quiet afternoon.
Mon, 23 A fine day but very very warm, so close, We put our molasses in cans, did up the
work and I sewed & read the rest of time. Lottie brought C's & us such a quart of berries
Tue 24 Another very warm day though a little more breeze than yesterday. We had very
warm work too doing up fruit most of day, first as we were cleaning some gooseberries R.
brought in, Edwin came with a hot strawberries for Cs. & us.
Wed 25 A beautiful day Sun very warm, but a cool breeze We expected Alice out, but K.
being poorly Will took her up there, then to S.S. convention to-night and then left her to stay
all night with us. Paulina & Jessie came to see us. Moses, Mel and Em were here to tea also.
Thur 26 A lovely day, quite cool in evening. I had a headache after tea, did not do much of
anything to day, wrote a letter to Edie H. read in afternoon
Fri 27 A fine day, grew pretty warm in afternoon Had a miserable headache in morn, but it
wore off, Nellie came out stayed all day, I came home with her, had a nice ride.
Sat 28 A thunder shower in morn, cleared up about 9 very warm or hot, about 90 in shade. I
could eat me breakfast, was so sick, felt better by noon. Nellie & I sat in shade of trees all
afternoon. C's baby born to-day.{In the left margin "Olive" is written, not in the diarists
handwriting.} C. took Alice home and I came with him today.
June 1890
Sun 29 Another very hot day, threatened to rain towards night. Alice drove out to dress the
baby then she & Carrie went home, I read in afternoon.
Mon 30 Bright and very hot, terribly hot to-night I have been busy mending my clothes. Wm
Lynnes & wife up to see R.
July 1890
Tue 1 Cloudy most of day, but very warm & close thundered, Sun shining towards night,
Mother washed and feels very tired, I did up the work, knit some, and hoed in garden after
Wed 2 Cool early in morn, Sun came out very hot, two light thunder showers, noon and after,
some cooler to-night, Nellie drove out to breakfast, then I went home with her and spent the
day She brought me home to-night, had a fin drive each way, going around by town, I
regretted leaving Mother to do all the ironing though
Thur 3 Very much cooler, so that we kept a fire all day, it was cloudy also, Alice came in
afternoon and brought Kate & children and Will came for them after tea I didn't do much of
anything and yet kept busy
Fri 4 Bright but a very cool wind, cold enough at night for a frost & very clear, a little fire felt
comfortable, I cut out a gingham dress for Louie, was first starting to go over to Jolleys when
Susie came and after awhile Jessie came over.
Sat 5 Beautiful, pleasantly cool, but warmer towards night. Had a miserable headache, better
in afternoon. Made button holes for Mrs J. Moses here to tea. Nellie came & took me for a
drive {written in right margin} A letter from John.
July 1890
Sun 6 Warmer, bright till afternoon when it threatened to rain. We had a quiet day I got the
children ready for S.S. and read & rested myself.
Mon, 7 Very warm, ground getting dry. I sewed all day on Louie's dress, worked a pattern on
skirt Norman popped in after tea & surprised us Paulina made us a short call Boys went up
to Jimmes & got some black cherries
Tue 8 Tremendous hot, though there was a good breeze, in afternoon a thunder shower with
heavy rain & high wind which blew down some buildings. Nellie came out, after tea it was
fine, so I went down town with her and then out home.
Wed 9 Real cool so that we kept a fire and some doors shut, bright, Alice brought me home
and she will stay till to-morrow. It was Monthly mtg, Uncle C & Emma here to dinner, Alice & I
went down town, I got a dress
Thur 10 A lovely day, some warmer, but just nice. Alice & I papered our bedroom. After tea
H. Dickinson from Toronto called, Nellie & Carrie came for Alice. I sewed on dress after tea.
Charlie started haying.
Fri 11 A fine day, but sun very warm. After doing up the work I went in garden & weeded but
it made my headache, though I finished Louies dress in afternoon with hard work
Sat 12 Bright & pretty warm in forenoon, cloudy & close in afternoon, sprinkled a little I did
my first Sat. work, gave Stella a bath & took one myself Walter was sick on our lounge most
all day We had boiled beets for first. Nellie came in afternoon took me for a drive.
July 1890
Sun 13 Oh! so warm to-day, fairly hot, Paulina came last night and stayed till this afternoon.
Carrie came out this morn on her way to K's, Will came for her.
Mon 14 Another hot day, cloudy towards night, very dry again, Mother washed, did two
blankets besides the clothes, felt very tired & hot. I did up the work & got dinner. Charlies
head laid him up, but towards night he & Nancy took the rolls to be spun.
Tue 15 Very very warm, very little breeze We ironed this morn and it seemed as though we
would melt. In afternoon I did some mending. Nellie out and I came home with her to stay all
week and make my dress.
Wed 16 A thunder shower along about noon, rained quite hard, sun came out hot, but a
breeze sprung up and it grew quite cool by night. I worked at my dress all day The two Mrs
Palmer & Willie came in afternoon also Emma H. & A. Douglas came to tea, had been to
Fri. 18 A beautiful day with a cool breeze. I had a slight headache, but went with Nellie to
Town for a ride in morn it was so nice, no dust, sewed at my dress the rest of time Lots of
folks coming for bee stuff. Nellie is braiding her blue dress.
Sat 19 Very cool, with strong breeze, but bright & nice, I finished my dress all but trimming.
Went down Town with Nellie after tea. got letter from John drove over home and came back
with Nellie to stay another night, got home first dark, real cold riding.
July 1890
Sun 20 A lovely day, real cool. out of Sun. I had a dull headache all day. Nellie & Edwin went
to church in morn, first got back when Kate. Will & children came, brought Carrie home.
Nellie & Carrie brought me home after tea.
Mon 21 A fine day, pleasantly cool, out of Sun. After doing up work I wrote a long letter to
John. Nellie came first as we are going to have dinner for me to help on her blue dress,
which I did, She went home after tea. {written in left margin} Charlie cut Wills wheat to-day.
Tue 22 Another nice day, pretty warm out in Sun. I worked in garden two hours before dinner
and felt very warm & tired We canned a few Raspberries, the first, In afternoon I put velvet
on my dress Charlie took Nancy home to-night, she has been here over eight weeks. {written
in left margin} A letter from Edie Huxley.
Wed 23 Bright part of day and quite warm, then clouded up like rain, wind blew. Alice called
in on her way to K's to pick raspberries, asked me to go, but I didn't feel well enough,
Mothers head bad too. I thinned the carrots to-night. {written in left margin} C started to cut
his wheat.
Thur 24 Rained several showers, some thunder with it, cooler to-night The rain would do
much good Mother picked few berries and our first mess garden peas. I dusted out the
dishcupboard beside my regular work, and started a tidy.
Fri 25 Nice day, pretty warm A heavy thunder shower in the night, and threatens for another
one now. I did my Fri. work, wrote to Edie and crochet on tidy Nellie & Jessie called in this
morn. C finished cutting wheat
Sat 26 Nice day, cool breeze turned cooler last night though the Sun is pretty warm. I did my
Sat work, dusted up stairs & down. Afternoon I was about to start over to Mrs Jolleys when
Nellie came & wanted me to go home with her, so I did.
July 1890
Sun 27 A lovely day, pretty warm out, but cool in house Got up with a headache, but it went
of before noon Alice & Elias & Carrie went to meeting, C stayed with Stella till night, Charlie
R & baby came out in afternoon, Nellie brought me home after tea and took Carrie & Stella
Mon 28 Nice day but very warm, Mother washed. I did up the work and then was busy fixing
my dresses and took care of the baby some for R. Alice called in, had been up to K's picking
Tue 29 Very very warm, We ironed in the morn, after dinner I went in & helped Rachel do up,
then cut out some new sleeves for my print dress & made them. Nellie drove over after tea,
she is going to Brantford to-morrow
Wed 30 Several slight showers, close & warm, I had a tedious headache but helped to do up
the work and rocked the baby awhile for R. Rec'd a letter from John. B.M. brought a {colt?}
for C. to break.
Thur 31 Terribly sultry & hot, though considerable breeze acts like a thunder shower coming I
put sleeves in my dress and crocheted on tidy
Aug 1890
Fri 1 A fine day, Sun very hot, but air clearer & better quite cool and nice to-night, I had a
headache all morn but did my Fri. sweeping, felt better after dinner so went over to Mr
Jolleys found Mr & Mrs J. busy with bees & honey, but stayed to tea. then Lottie came over
with me and brought a pan of apples, Moses had been here and brought us some potatoes
Sat 2 Fine but pretty warm, After doing my work went in and helped R. a little, crocheted in
afternoon. C. drawing hay in driving house, Norman went with Harry & Most up to see John.
Nellie & Carrie drove out after tea. N. took me for a drive.
Aug 1890
Sun 3 The hottest day so far I think, 98{degrees symbol} in he shade, thundered some &
looked like rain. I went up to K's with Edwin & Nellie to dinner and then came home with
them to stay a day or two
Mon 4 Some cooler, rained some towards night. I made a spread foundation for Alice and
wound some cotton for it. Alice washed.
Tues 5 Much cooler, a smart shower early this morn I finished winding the cotton Nellie &
Carrie brought me home in afternoon after driving down town They took tea with us
Wed 6 A beautiful day, Some warmer, After doing up the work I went in the garden and
weeded till noon & got very tired. I crochet on tidy in afternoon Charlie cut oats for Will, took
Norman & Walter.
Thur 7 Looked some like rain, not overly warm. I had a miserable headache & sore neck, so
did it do much but crochet a little on another tidy. Charlie finished cutting oats for Will, took
Stella & Norman with him covered my chair over.
Fri 8 Pretty warm, bright, Did our Fri. sweeping & tidying, crocheted on tidy in afternoon.
Clarence came and took us by surprise Bessie Moore brought him he has grown a good
deal, but looks much the same.
Sat 9 Another fine day, a nice breeze, but Sun pretty warm turned much cooler to-night. I did
up my work and cleaned up before dinner then crocheted all afternoon finishing all but some
fringe. Clarence went up to see Aunt Katie with Bessie & Grace this afternoon
Aug 1890
Sun 10. Very cool all day, cloudy in morn but brightened up, real cold to-night Paulina &
Jessie came over last night and stayed to-day. We all took dinner to Charlie's. Charlie run a
hail in his foot badly but took P. & J. up to see Katie after tea, then home.
Mon 11 Nice, some warmer but cool breeze very dry & dusty Mother washed, I did work got
dinner. Clarence took me down town this afternoon tog et some little presents for J. & P.
came home and worked at them S. Burtis to Cs all night.
Tue 12 Some warmer but nice breeze Mother & I ironed in morn. I made white apron for
Paulina in afternoon Nellie drove over with her friend Miss Clayton. C's foot some better, cut
oats to-day. S Burtis bid us good bye, he goes to {Neb?} soon
Wed 13 Bright fore part of day, but blew like rain to-night After doing up my work, went in and
helped R. till moon, Finished up Jessie's present. She & Paulina called to bid us good bye to-
night. C. took them over to Stevens monthly mtg, no one here
Thur 14 Cloudy and rained least bit this morn, then cleared up and sun came out hot, think
there was rain South about noon Cooler to-night. Clarence & drove up to Mose's took dinner
& tea there, had green corn brought some home. C. finished cutting grain {written in left
margin} Letter from Lizzie Burtis
Fri 15 Bright, nice & cool, but terribly dry & dusty. We did our Fri. work, kept us busy till noon.
I knit on my black stocking this afternoon. The baby poorly, they sent for the doctor, by Milne.
Sat 16 Cool this morn, but grew warm through the day. After doing up my work went in and
helped R. most of day the baby being poorly, Nellie & Miss Robson drove over for a few
minutes in afternoon Mrs Harper died suddenly
Aug 1890
Sun 17 Warm this morn but started to rain about 11, had a nice rain after which it was much
cooler clear to-night Clarence & Norman got wet coming from church, Alice & Miss Robson
called in few minutes Kate & children came to-night and stayed while Will went to church
Mon 18 A nice, bright day, quite cool, Mother washed out a few things this morn. After dinner
Clarence drove me over to Suttons, came for me after tea, we drove down town, Mrs Jolley
was in when we got home. W. Batty called this afternoon. {written in left margin} letter from
E. Hexley
Tue 19 Cloudy, dull, started to rain towards noon but did not make out much till night when it
poured for a little while. C's threshed out his wheat, Clarence & I went out to Elias's in
afternoon, came home in rain but didn't get wet, Alice up to K's few days
Wed 20 Cleared up fine & cool. Clarence & I went up to K's to dinner then he went over to
Suttons for visit We came home after tea, had good visit,
Thur 21 Rained hard most of forenoon, chilly rain from East cleared up towards night, cold, I
finished one stocking and started another. Clarence went to Farringtons in afternoon. Will's
to C's tonight. Elias went up to K's for Alice
Fri 22 Cleared up bright to-day, but cold, I did my Fri, work went out and picked the first Lima
beans for dinner Clarence & I went over to Jolleys in afternoon, took tea there.
Sat 23 Bright but cool, they say there was some frost last night in low places, Clarence went
home this morn, after getting him off I kept busy about the house till noon. Cleaned up after
dinner, then we picked over Edlerberries which Norman picked for us. Nellie went to her
school to-day.
Aug 1890
Sun 24 Bright in morning, but grew cloudy about noon, real chilly. Alice & Charlie called after
meeting I went home with them. Edwin & Carrie brought me home after tea
Mon 25 Dull in morn but brightened up awhile then cloudy rest of day, sprinkled a little.
Mother washed, clothes dried I got dinner and tried to working garden, but too damp Norman
went home this afternoon. I sent letter to Edie C & Nancy went down for yarn.
Tue 26 Rained little in night and again this afternoon some. I helped Mother iron them went
in garden & hoed a little and gathered our few pickling onions came in, cleaned up, and read
some to Stella in evening.
Wed 27 A beautiful day, cool wind, clouded over once or twice & sprinkled a little. I looked for
Alice out to go down town but she didn't come. C & R went down I made a white skirt and did
some mending. Got card from Clarence.
Thur 28 A cloudy sky, looks like rain, though sun peeped out few times, quite cool, Rachel
put the baby in short clothes. I dusted out the parlor and other work then knit on my stocking
till noon. Afternoon I put fresh cover on Mothers rocking chair. Mrs J. brought us a little
basket of nice apples.
Fri 29 Rained first thing this morn, had rained some in night, cleared away but cloudy by
spells all day, real cool. Alice came out this morn, She & I went down town after dinner. I got
new print dress and stuff to fix my silk one, Got a letter from Jessie
Sat 30 Cloudy with cold wind. I got my work done up early and made the skirt to my new blue
print, Went out after tea and rocked the baby and washed Stella & Walter in the tub for
Aug 1890
Sun, 31. A beautiful day though cool enough for a fire to feel good. We had a quiet day,
Stella stayed here in afternoon, C's went to Lynnes. I read Stellas library to her A. was not
out. I hadn't my shoe on, bound a piece of lemon on my corn to cure it.
Mon 1 Sept 1890
Mon. 1 A nice day, some warmer, I worked at my print dress Mother did a small washing.
Elias called first dark for me to go home with him he said So I hurried around, packed a few
things and came, to do over my silk dress. {written in left margin} Some frost.
Tue 2 A lovely day, Sun pretty warm. I ripped my dress and made a start at it After tea Carrie
drew me in the top buggy down to see the plumb trees, they are full of plums getting ripe.
Wed 3 Another fine day, quite warm, I worked all day at my dress and feel very tired to-night
Mr Stratford & son of Brantford and Jacob Mott were here to dinner then Alias took them up
to Stovers to see the Silo then to the Station.
Thur 4 Mostly bright, pretty strong wind in afternoon though quite warm. I had a miserable
headache all morn but worked at my dress. Alice & I drove down town in afternoon and over
home I felt pretty sick when I got back
Fri 5 Dull, cloudy like rain, warm. I worked at dress Carrie stayed home with a headache,
Moses called in.
Sat 6 Looked like rain till middle of afternoon when it brightened up fine. I worked hard at
dress and nearly finished it. Alice went to town in afternoon Carrie went to Pearces to stay al
night They began to cut corn for Silo
Sept 1890
Very foggy & close this morn, then a breeze sprung up and Sun came out, but very warm I
had bad headache, laid on lounge all morn George came out in afternoon Alice & Carrie
brought me home after tea.
Mon 8 Close this morn, alternate clouds & Sunshine till afternoon when it rained a little.
Mother washed, clothes dried, I wrote to Jno in morn, and sewed on print dress in afternoon.
Kate & Louie were there to tea cooler to-night.
Tue 9 Cloudy part of day and quite cool. Mother ironed and I worked at my dress and
finished it Mother is making soap also
Wed 10 Raining some when we got up, cleared up and grew very windy Moses walked down
to monthly mtg took dinner with me. I did up my work and stitched for R. before dinner cut out
a waist and nearly made it. {written in left margin} A letter from Nellie M.
Thur 11 Very wet, rained from E. Alice brought our plums, we did them before dinner. I wrote
a long letter to Nellie M. finished up my silk dress Fred H. to Charlies
Fri 12 Warm ,still threatens for rain rec'd a letter from Jno & Lib in regard to my coming down
have answered telling them I will come Mon. went down town this afternoon and got a Valise
Sat 13 Rained this forenoon pretty hard, then cleared up fine & burned colder, very clear to-
night We all went up to Moses to celebrate Mother's birthday Elias's, Will & Kate and all were
there had a very pleasant time got home about dark
Sept 1890
Sun 14 A bright beautiful day, a little cool, quite a hard frost which cut corn a little, Alice &
Edwin called in. C. & R. went up home this afternoon, Stella Walter & Fred H. were here to
Mon 15 Beautiful in morn, but grew cloudy like rain after I took the morning train for Toronto,
reached here about 3 o'clock. J. met me at Station. A. Lessing & wife came and took tea with
us, being down to the Fair. I feel some tired
Tue 16 Bright in morn but turned cloudy again, cool enough to be pleasant, I rested all day
then helped Lib make sandwiches to take to a reception in the church, given to their minister
who has just returned from England we all went.
Wed 17 A grand day, though a cool breeze, very cool in evening L & I spent the day at the
Exhibition, did not get home till near 11. J. drove us with pony & cart. I enjoyed the day very
much there was so much to see. An immense lot of people there.
Thur 18 Another beautiful day, warmer than yesterday. L & I did not get up very early feeling
tired, after the work was done and we entertained several callers we were resting a few
minutes when Mr & Mrs Farrington came, they all went out in afternoon but little Mable & J.
Fri 19 Warm and bright till afternoon, thin clouded & rained about an hour, then brightened &
turned colder. Mr & Mrs F. and Lib went out in morn awhile, they went home in afternoon Mrs
Moore, Bessie & bean came over to tea. We are all tired & sleepy.
Sat 20 Cold, cloudy mostly, looks like snow. Lib & I stayed home & rested & read Pansy
books. John went to a Lacrosse match Clarence tended shop. L & I had tea alone we had
pancakes, good ones.
Sept 1890
Sun 21 Bright & beautiful, but a cold wind in forenoon Clarence took Mrs Moore & I for a
drive before dinner In afternoon John Lib, Clarence & I took a long drive and a grand one
saw some of the principal places and beautiful residences.
Mon 22 Mostly cloudy, grew windy & colder in afternoon. I wrote to Alice in noon, In
afternoon we sat upstairs read & looked out of window Mrs Schofield came over, Lib washed
and ironed some, and went out with H. in evening.
Tue 23 A fine day though rather cool & windy. I was home all day, Lib went over to J.B.s to
get the cart but it was getting fixed, I wrote Edie this morning while Lib entertained callers,
rec'd letter from Edie and one from Alice.
Wed 24 Another beautiful day, a little cool, Lib, Bessie & I went for a drive this afternoon out
to the Cemetery & Reservoir, beautiful places, came home hungry and had warm supper.
Rec'd letter from Nellie M. Read the Birchall trial which is going on.
Thur 25 Beautiful day, warmer this afternoon, hard frost last night I helped L. a little and read,
"The Randolphs." After dinner Lib, little Charlie & I went for drive with pony & cart visited
Osgoode Hall & Normal School came home had supper and went to a wedding in M. church.
Fri 26 Dull, chilly & misty. I tidied my room and wrote to Charlie Mrs Schofield invited us there
to tea We went and had a good time, Ambrose came to drive us home took Lib to Prayer mtg
and drove me around till it was out, then took us home.
Sat 27 Bright in forenoon, but very cold wind. Ambrose drove L & I to the city in morning, we
got back to J.B.s about 3 they would have us come in and have dinner and then kept us till
after tea. Lily has come to stay all night.
Sept 1890
Sun 28 A lovely day, though cool. I have had sick headache all day, and laid on the lounge
since breakfast ate a little supper and feel better to-night Mrs Moore & Bessie here to tea.
Jno has been poorly too.
Mon 29 Another fine day. Sharp frost last night, It is terribly dusty up this way. Lib washed, &
ironed some I helped around a little, read some, After supper C. took his Ma & I for a drive, it
was very cool
Tue 30 A lovely day, Sun warm but a cool breeze. We were home for day, we started a crazy
work spread for the lounge in afternoon. I rec'd letter from Alice, good as usual. Mrs
Schofield came over after tea. Birchall sentenced yesterday to be hung.
Oct 1890
Wed 1 A nice day, but rather cloudy in afternoon, some warmer I worked on crazy in work in
morn. Lib made pies & cakes. This afternoon C. had half holiday so he drove his Ma & I
down to the city to do some shopping
Thur 2 A lovely day and very warm for time of year. We worked on c, work in forenoon. Lib
went to the Mission circle this afternoon, I read the papers ill C. came from school and
helped him get supper as his Ma went to J.Bs after the mtg, I have a cold and feel {mean?}
so am going to bed early.
Fri 3 Very wet in forenoon, cleared up partly in afternoon one or two little showers, warm
ones We needed rain very much We worked at c. work all day Lib went to a mtg to-night
Sat 4 A beautiful day, everything to fresh after the rain sun very warm but cool in shade Mrs
Wetheral came home before dinner and stayed till evening Mr W. came to tea Mrs Schofield
called also C. Corless John brought a basket of grapes
Oct 1890
Sun 5 Cloudy all day, but warm enough so that I sat out on he balcony this afternoon while L.
was to S.S. John stayed home with me, he & C. went to church this evening it is raining. We
had a warm supper, chicken & potatoes.
Mon 6 A rainy chilly day. Lib & I went over to J.Bs and spent the day ,they came for us &
brought us home we took our c. work along. It rained a little when we came home.
Tue 7 Cloudy, dull, I think it rained some. i had a bad headache all morn, Lib made some
coffee for my dinner and it felt better after. I wrote to Charlie telling him I would be home Sat.
L & I were going to a mtg to-night in Broadway {Tobernacle?}, but the cart was broken, so we
couldn't go.
Wed 8 A bright beautiful day with a cool wind, and sharp to-night, Lib washed, I wrote to
Alice this morn. John brought the horse & way you up to noon and after dinner drove us
down to Mr Battys. C. came after school, we had a pleasant time. John came for us about
Thur 9 A nice day though some cloudy. Lib & I went to the city again, took a street car and
went to the market first and looked around there then to the Stores and then took a car back
to the shop and J. droves us home. Suns to me I was never so tired before, but I saw so
much that was new I enjoyed it Bessie & Ma over to-night.
Fri 10 A beautiful afternoon, little rainy this morn, L. ironed I fixed two sets of towel rings, Mrs
Schofield came over this afternoon, stayed to tea, Lily and Bessie were here too.
Sat 11 Mostly cloudy, looked very much like rian this afternoon C. Corless came to dinner. I
packed my things and got ready for home. John came with me We reached home safe,
found all well.
Oct 1890
Sun 12 A rainy dull day, though not so wet in afternoon John stayed with C's all night, but
took dinner with Mother & I, George took dinner here too. Alice & Carrie drove out in
afternoon to see us, Mother came home from there yesterday
Mon 13 Another dull wet day. I spent a good share of the day in with Stella, she is sick with
measles. I fixed up a jar of pickles to send to Lib. John & Charlie made a number of calls.
Tue 14 Partly fine, rained a little bit. John took breakfast with us, he & Charlie went up to
Moses's and had dinner, came back and we packed up some things for him to take home, he
went this afternoon. I helped Rachel pick chickens & wash dishes. Stella is better.
Wed 15 A lovely day, pleasant working, Mother washed, clothes dried fine, I did up the
morning work and dusted out parlor & bedroom and upstairs, shook entry carpets & washed
the floors, got dinner, washed dishes, tidied up myself & Stella and feel tired after such a
long idle spell
Thur 16 Rained again this afternoon. Mother & I ironed this morn, I knit my stocking in
afternoon Charlie's cleaned out their stove pipes
Fri 17 A fine day again, quite windy in afternoon We did our Fri, sweeping & dusting, and I
cleaned the dishes & cupboard out, set up a sock and showed Stella how to knit it, she is
going to knit for Uncle John, Mother picked the last of the beans which I helped her spell.
Sat 18 Rather bright in morn threatened to rain in afternoon and rained hard soon after dark.
After doing our work I helped R. with hers and sewed some on Stella's grey dress for her
Ettie called. Threshers came to C's to-night. A. went to Lucan
Oct 1890
Sun 19 A wet day, very chilly, raining hard to-night We had a nice quiet day for reading which
I enjoyed very much, read the Christian Heralds which had come in my absence. Geo.
brought the new one.
Mon 20 Cleared up, but not bright all day. I helped Rachel most of the day, as they had
threshers to dinner, they got through about 4. I afterwards knit on my stocking.
Tue 21 A nice day for the time of year. After doing up my morning work I started to make a
flannelette dress for Mary Olive, nearly finished it, Charlie began to dig their potatoes. The
apple packers came, packed 14 barrels. I finished my black stocking.
Wed 22 Rather cloudy in morn, brightened up some after. I cleaned the pictures & windows
in sitting room and put up clean blinds, then peeled some onions for pickling. Finished the
babys dress in afternoon. R. Treffry came with coal oil, got 4 1/2 gall's. I wrote to Jessie.
{written in left margin} Cold to-night
Thur 23 Very chilly air this morn, E. wind, Started to rain about 10 and rained pretty steady
rest of day. I cut up some red cabbage for pickling after doing up work, then set up a stocking
for Walter knit all afternoon Stella is getting on fine with hers. Young Buckrel came to hire
Fri 24 Partially cleared up all day, raining a little to-night, chilly, We had a busy day, did our
Fri. sweeping & dusting I cleaned windows & put up fresh curtains & blinds in bedroom
Mother made pies & cakes. I sewed on Stella's School dress in afternoon.
Sat 25 Promised in the morn to be bright, but turned cloudy like a storm in afternoon, chilly
wind. After doing up my work I knit and washed Stella, crochet an edge on her drawers and
pickled the onions Moses Emma & Harry called little while.
Nov. 1890
Sun 9 Rained all morn, very dull, but a good day to read, which Mother & I did pretty steady
Mon 10 Dull & cold, feels like snow, I kept very busy all day, Mother washed I did up work
cleaned some windows, got dinner, knit foot stocking went down town with C. did not get
home till after dark.
Tue 11 A nice day though rather cloudy in afternoon We ironed before dinner. I helped R.
some after dinner with her work, then did some mending. Fayette Barnes child scalded so it
died Nov. 1890
Sun 9 Rained all morn, very dull, but a good day to read, which Mother & I did pretty steady
Mon 10 Dull & cold, feels like snow, I kept very busy all day, Mother washed I did up work
cleaned some windows, got dinner, knit foot stocking went down town with C. did not get
home till after dark.
Tue 11 A nice day though rather cloudy in afternoon We ironed before dinner. I helped R.
some after dinner with her work, then did some mending. Fayette Barnes child scalded so it
Wed 12 Bright & beautiful though a little cold. I had a bad sick headache which lasted till near
night Alice Aunt A. & Emma were here to dinner, being monthly mtg and the funeral of
Barne's child
Thur 13 Another lovely day, with a little cool wind, must be "Indian Summer." I felt better and
worked very hard all day, went upstairs and helped Mother clean out the big room windows
and all also cleaned the silverware before dinner then I helped R. clean her parlor in
afternoon and worked there till after dark
Fri 14 A grander, warmer day still, This morn we had both doors open while we did our
Friday sweeping baked & cleaned myself up and set down to sew feeling pretty tired Susie
came on an errand, her father is very low had a long letter from L in which I answered.
{written in left margin} Birchall hung in Woodstock.
Sat 15 Rained a little by spells, not much though. Quarterly mtg Moses Mel & Em Alice,
Carrie Em Haight to dinner Moses to tea The two Emmas will stay all night Our chimney took
fire to-night
Wed 12 Bright & beautiful though a little cold. I had a bad sick headache which lasted till near
night Alice Aunt A. & Emma were here to dinner, being monthly mtg and the funeral of
Barne's child
Thur 13 Another lovely day, with a little cool wind, must be "Indian Summer." I felt better and
worked very hard all day, went upstairs and helped Mother clean out the big room windows
and all also cleaned the silverware before dinner then I helped R. clean her parlor in
afternoon and worked there till after dark
Fri 14 A grander, warmer day still, This morn we had both doors open while we did our
Friday sweeping baked & cleaned myself up and set down to sew feeling pretty tired Susie
came on an errand, her father is very low had a long letter from L in which I answered.
{written in left margin} Birchall hung in Woodstock.
Sat 15 Rained a little by spells, not much though. Quarterly mtg Moses Mel & Em Alice,
Carrie Em Haight to dinner Moses to tea The two Emmas will stay all night Our chimney took
fire to-night
Nov 1890
Sun 16 Very nice & mild, not so bright as we have had a good many to mtg, roads good for
time of year. nobody here after the two Emmas went, except K & Will called a few minutes.
Eliza {Tompson?} to Charlies
Mon 17 Rained hard all day from East, swept & tidied up the parlor before dinner. Read the
papers and did some sewing in afternoon wrote a letter to Catharin
Tue 18 Rather bright in morn but soon clouded and sprinkled a little After doing up my work,
went in and helped R. some till noon Moses was here to dinner. Elias called for me to come
out home with him I helped Alice put a spread on the frames {written in right margin} C. went
to help E. Palmer butcher
Wed 19 Bright in morn, but somewhat squally afterwards by spells, not very cold Alice,
Carrie & I worked at the spread, got on nicely with it, Elias went to Town heard of J. Millers
Thur 20 A nice bright day, little cold We worked earnestly at the spread and got it off to-night.
Alice is well pleased with it, She & Carrie helped all the time they could get.
Fri 21 Bright & nice, ground froze last night the hardest it has yet, but soon thawed. Alice
swept out parlor hall & bedrooms, and I dusted them and made a flannel for Carrie, or nearly.
Read papers in evening
Sat 22 Bright mostly, little snow squalls once or twice grew colder all day, strong West wind. I
helped Alice in forenoon She brought me home in afternoon, roads some muddy but not bad
considering time of year. Moses brought some ducks to send to John.
Nov. 1890
Sun 23 A nice day, a little cool, Alice & Edwin called in after mtg. We had a good day to read,
read to Stella in evening.
Mon 24 Another nice day, though it looked dull in morn, quite warm, Mother washed. I ripped
my black dress to make it over, and did up work
Tues 25 Quite nice though it squalled a little and turned colder. We ironed, I worked at my
dress afterwards. Mother finished packing the butter. I read aloud in evening B. Treffrey
bought C's oil.
Wed 26 A fine day for the time, quite cold, not much mud so far, will freeze pretty hard to-
night I worked at my dress all day Charlie took screen doors off for us. Moses & Charlie took
dinner to C's. Charlie came from Toronto to look after the school.
Thur 27 Quite fine, but pretty cold all day, ground hard the coldest it has been. We looked for
Alice but she didn't come. I got my dress pretty well along The boys put apples in cellar
Fri 28 Cloudy & pretty cold. We did our Fri, cleaning gave the sitting room a thorough
sweeping & dusting and the lounge a thorough beating out doors. After dinner I did the
stitching on my dress then put it away till next week Charlie & R went down town, got the
mail, a latter from Edie
Sat 29 Some warmer Sun shining beautiful most of day I kept busy about the house nearly
all morn, dusted upstairs & down, and took a bath before dinner After I washed up dishes,
did some mending for Stella and washed her. then finished knitting my grey Yarn lace
Mov. 1890
Sun 30 Started to rain a little this morn but stopped and turned cold & windy We had a quiet
day to read
Dec 1890
Mon 1 Stormy turned much colder towards night, fixed Mothers brown dress sleeves in morn
and made my flannel {d's?} in afternoon
Tues 2 Very cold last night, froze in house some clear to-day. I finished my flannel and
sorted Stellas S.S. papers to send away, she has a cold and stays home. J. Corless and
Fred Hand to Charlies
Wed 3 Terribly {added above} Stormy & cold, snowed from E. more moderate towards night,
several inches of snow sleights & cutters started. I put wrappers on and addressed Stellas
paper and made the buttonholes in Walters slip.
Thur 4 A fine winter day though sharp wind. I made a beginning at Xmas presents. Henry
Sutton died Alice & Elias called few minutes. Charlie & N. went to town
Fri 5 Snowed a little in morn but brightened up afterward, sun shone beautiful. We did our
Fri. work, then I did a little more at Xmas work, and crocheted on my lace in afternoon
Sat 6 Another fine day though rather cloudy in morn. Ettie was in a little while this morn I
asked her to bring our mail if they went to town, which they did. I crochet on my lace Charlie
has gone over to Suttons to sit up to-night. It is very cold, but still
Dec. 1890
Sun 7 Bright & nice but sharp & frosty. Alice & Elias were here to dinner stayed to go to the
funeral. C. & R. went to take Nancy home left Stella here
Mon 8 Dull this morn but bright in afternoon Mother washed, clothes froze quick. Charlie took
me down town towards night. I was white with frost when I got home. I wrote to John
Tue 9 A beautiful day, little cloudy in afternoon We could not iron till afternoon, clothes not fit
so we made some pies in morn
Wed 10 A beautiful day, thawed some, sleighing almost gone. Monthly mtg Alice & Carrie
came out Carrie stayed. I started a pair of mittens for Stella Xmas C's killing pigs
Thur 11 Mild, little cloudy in morn, but turned out a beautiful day. Will called in and took
Carrie & I up home with him, and Alice came up. I made apron for R. and knit some. Charlie
didn't come for us, so we will stay.
Fri 12 Snowed a little last night and this morn some colder, bright in afternoon. I had a hard
headache did nothing but lay on lounge all day Charlie came up for us to-night and got his
hair cut, a letter here for me from Nellie when I got home
Sat 13 Rather cold, and a little stormy towards night sleighing renewed a little bit Carrie
Stella & Walter went down to visit a T. Walkers After doing up my work I helped Carrie with
her present then I knit on mittens
Dec 1890
Sun 14 A beautiful day thawed considerable folks took buggies again Carrie went home with
her folks Fred H. came in a little while he is going to stay to C's to-night he starts in morn for
Mon 15 Mild. I went in and helped R. put up Freds lunch George came and took him to
Station I knit on mittens some and finished my black dress
Tues 16 Moderate snowed a little bit more, but some buggies are out as well as cutters I
worked all day at Xmas presents, went in and stayed to-night with the baby while C & R.
picked some ducks to send John
Wed 17 Thawed some, but a chilly wind, and more so to-night. I kept busy at my presents
Thur 18 Not very cold, just cloudy & chilly. I worked at my presents, went down town with
Charlie in afternoon when he went to ship ducks to John, we went in the buggy, though a
cutter would {second would X'd out} run there is but little snow but quite slippery I worked in
the evening at my presents again.
Fri 19 Bright but keen frosty air all day. We did our Fri sweeping then I washed Stella &
Walter to go to the school examination with their Mother we kept the baby. I worked at a
present for Alice
Sat 20 A beautiful bright day, quite sharp. I did my Sat. work and fixed some pickles and
worked at present for John Just as we were eating dinner Nellie came on her way from
Lucan Moses called Charlie {written in right margin} has won a gold medal at the Normal.
Dec 1890
Sun 21 Weather moderate, wheeling good, a few stick to cutters had a good quiet day to
read. R & children in in the afternoon.
Mon 22 A nice day, rather windy, thawed some. Mother washed. I did up work, got dinner
and worked at worked at a present for Charlie and one for Alice what spare time I had, it
keeps me very busy
Tues 23 Cloudy & colder, very stormy by spells in afternoon & evening. I helped iron in morn
and packed up some presents to send to John, and worked at presents in afternoon &
evening. C. & R. went to town in afternoon we kept the children. I crochet napkin rings in
Wed 24 Cloudy and a little stormy by spells cold wind from West I worked hard all day
finishing presents and getting ready to go out to Elias's for xmas. C. went to Station to meet
noon train and get Norman, he brought a Xmas box from John's, with presents & goodies for
Thur 25 Xmas day, bright mostly but cold & frosty a few snow flakes flying in afternoon,
Charlie brought Mother & I out last night about dark. had a lively time exchanging presents
this morn Kate & Will and children came at noon, had a pleasant time.
Fri 26 Pretty cold last night & to-day, some warmer to-night bright in morn cloudy in
afternoon. I had a lazy day only knit a little, Mother read & knit B. Palmer here to-night so
Nellie, Carrie & I cleared off to the parlor.
Sat 27 Some warmer but snowed hard by spells, I dusted some for Carrie and knit a little and
took it easy. Alice went to Missionary mtg in afternoon when Elias went to town {Moses,
Nellie & Allie? - some water damage} came & stayed the evening
Dec. 1890
Sun 28 Pretty cold, bright in morn, dull in afternoon Alice & Edwin went out to mtg. K & W. &
children came
Mon 29 Some warmer, snowed once in awhile. Alice & Elias went to Hawtrey to a family
gathering at Treffrey's, started before ten did not get back till in evening, Nellie started for a
Toronto visit this morn, so Mother Carrie & I kept house I helped Carrie some, read, and knit
a little B. Palmer here to tea.
Tue 30 A fine day, Alice washed, clothes dried. I helped Carrie tidy up house, finished one
sock and set up another helped Alice a little in picking chickens tonight.
Wed 31 Weather moderate but dull sprinkled a little, raining little to-night & freezing. Elias
gone up to Palmers, he went to Town this afternoon I helped tidy up, ironed few things so
Alice got through by noon fixed my black waist & knit in afternoon
Jan 1891
Thur 1 Rained all day, harder in afternoon, so it spoiled what little sleighing there was. I
finished the socks for Elias and in afternoon cut out some blacks for a {worsted?} quilt for
Alice, pieced them in evening. Mothers head bad.
Fri 2 Cloudy & windy grew colder all day very cold to-night wind in N.W. stormed some in
afternoon. I helped around the house all morn, dusting after the sweeping of bedrooms and
packing our things to go home After an 11 o'clock dinner Elias took Mother home I couldn't
ride so waited for C. to come after me {written in right margin} card from John
Sat 3 Bright & beautiful, but keen & frosty very cold night We are home at work again, I
swept & dusted and cleaned out dishcupboard kept busy till noon, then went in and tidied
{up? word extremely faded} R's room She & Charlie gone to {Mollins?} then washed Stella &
Jan 1891
Sun 4 Bright & frosty in forenoon cloudy in afternoon Alice & Charlie called to see if I would
to see if I would go with them to K's I thought not, so Norman went. Mrs Jolley came to
turpentine to doctor a sick child.
Tue 6 Clear, cold & frosty, very cold night lately. We ironed. I worked at a linen apron for my
self this afternoon, Moses called, had taken Charlie down to his boarding place, I taught
Stella to work a needle {book?}
Wed 7 Another clear cold day. Spent a good share of morning in tidying up the house and in
afternoon worked at my linen aprons.
Thur 8 Bright clear & cold. After doing up morning work I rubbed up the silver spoons then
finished my apron, just when we were washing the dinner dishes, Susie came over, stayed
till dark. Jaques's to Charlie's. Farmers Institute met.
Fri 9 Fine, but not quite so right, while frost on trees this morn. We did our Fri, sweeping then
I dusted out parlour, parlor too, then went in and peeled potatoes for R. Wm Bishop was
there helping kill pigs after dinner I went in washed her dishes and tidied up. She & Charlie
went up to Wills to-night.
Sat 12 A heavy white frost hanging on trees which the sun thawed off in afternoon, I did my
work early then helped R. all noon. Made a cap for Mother in afternoon.
Jan 1891
Sun 11 Started misting in morn which grew into rain freezing, and then turned to snow from
East Alice & Edwin called Charlie's expected Wills & Alice Youngs but they didn't come.
Mon 12 Cold and rather blustery all day though Sun shone pleasant, enough snow for
sleights to start. I was busy all day fixing up Mothers caps. Entire came in little while. C. went
to town got us some Sugar & meat
Tue 13 Pretty sharp in morn, snowed in afternoon Kate & children came early in morn stayed
till Will came back from Harley, he & Charlie took potatoes there, Mother & I did up some
baking had a busy day.
Wed 14 Quite blustery though not very cold till towards night, when it grew very keen &
frosty. Cathn came on noon train. Moses was here to dinner, being monthly mtg. Alice came
out after dinner for awhile. Kate, Will & children were here to tea. I was busy about the house
& meals most of day.
Thur 15 Very very {second very X's out} in morn though a bright pleasant day colder towards
night, clear & frosty. I sewed on a plaid dress that I gave Stella, Cathn & Mother chatted &
worked while I chimed in occasionally. Got a letter from Lib.
Fri 16 I think the coldest morn yet, so very sharp & frosty but bright, sleighing quite good We
did our Fri sweeping then I went to work on Stellas dress got it pretty near done, with
Rachels help.
Sat 17 White frost hung thick on trees most all day, some warmer in afternoon, after doing
the work I finished the dress. Cathn helped R. Iron, I washed Stella & Walter Cathn washed
the baby. They all went. Up home to a supper.
Jan 1891
Sun 18 Cloudy & chilly but not very cold. Elias & Alice came out to dinner after mtg. went
home early.
Mon 19 Another dull day, chilly. I started to crochet a card basket for Nellie H. Moses brought
a load of wood.
Tue 20 Dull, thawed some sleighing not extra. Charlie took Cathn & I out to Elias's to spend
the day with Alice We had a good visit came home after tea. Elias had gone to Mr Stratford's.
I crocheted a little on basket.
Wed 21 Weather moderate, started to rain late in afternoon Alice & boys intended to call and
take Cathn & I up to K's if it hadn't rained, I finished making basket, stiffened & varnished it,
and fixed my hoof match safe in evening
Thur 22 Stormed most all day, snow very damp, most as bad as rain, roads slushy. Charlie
took Cathn & I to Village in forenoon, past noon when we got back I got Felt for table cover
and bags for Allie & Carrie stamped, worked some on them in afternoon.
Fri 23 Not very cold, but chilly wind especially towards night, brighter in morning. We did our
Fri sweeping, got through in good time, Cathn helping us. I wrote to John in afternoon and
worked on the bags what spare time I ha. Ettie & Gertie J. Came over a while after school
was out
Sat 24 Nice day, pretty bright, weather moderate, a little sleighing left, brilliant moonlight We
asked Ettie over to tea, had a nice little visit. Moses & Charlie called but. Would not stay to
tea, I didn't do much besides help with work, dust the parlor and visit.
Jan 1891
Sun 25 Weather dull, very chilly wind. Alice called on her way to mtg. Ettie brought me a
book to read, "Judge Burnhams Daughters" I read some in it. Mothers back is very lame to-
Mon, 26 Dull & snowed in morn but cleared away so the clothes dried, Cathn washed for
Mother. her back is not better. I made a felt duster bag for Cathn and worked on the girls
bags. Alice came over a little while towards night had Louie with her she told us of Jimmie
Motts death in Minnesota
Tue 27 Bright in morn but clouded like rain, thawed sleighing very poor Cathn helped Mother
iron. then her head got very bad so she could not go to Moses's I stitched some for Cathn
mended my dress & read
Wed 28 Very frosty & foggy this morn but bright, cloud in afternoon Cathn went home on
afternoon train I gilded a horn & hoofs for her to take. hemmed a neck kerchief for Mother &
read. Kate & Will called had been to J. Motts funeral.
Thur 29 Dull & misty in morn, set in to rain about noon rained hard all afternoon I hemmed
kerchief and read the rest of time John writes he & Batty have dissolved partners
Fri 30 Dull & chilly weather though cleared up some in afternoon. After doing our Fri,
sweeping, dusting & work I wrote Nellie Mott, then started to fix my blue dress over
Sat 31 Dull, chilly, frosty, foggy started to rain again after dinner. Worked on my dress after
doing Sat. Work J. Corless came in to see us he took dinner to Charlie's Norman went out to
Elias's I rec'd letter from Edie H.
Feb 1891
Sun 1 Very Dull & cloudy, one or two little squalls of rain & snow in afternoon. Alice, Elias &
Aunt A. called and left Carrie till they came back from K's. C. Corless up to C's, came in to
see us I read, "Mildred Keith" Norman came in on a run to-night to tell, "the baby has a
Mon 2 Weather quite moderate but dull, sleighing done I finished my blue dress, Charlie went
out to the cedar swamp to cut posts
Tue 3 Very stormy most of day, and turned much colder We got our work al done up early I
picked a chicken too and fist Mother dressed it we discovered our pipe to be on fire which
frightened Mother badly so she got the boys to clean it, and we had our work to do over. I did
up the C. Heralds to send away and cleaned the cupboard & dishes
Wed 4 Very very {underlined} cold and stormed hard though middle of day but not enough for
sleighing Alice & Aunt A. drove out, went to mtg, and mad a visit here. I hemmed a kerchief
my head ached badly towards night. Charlie & Will went to woods
Thur 5 Fine, but pretty cold till afternoon, some warmer. I covered a bible and varnished a
picture frame and mended my chair cushion then cut out two N. dresses for Mother C & R
went down town
Fri 6 A lovely day thawed considerable, dull in morn like snow We did our Fri, work, then I
worked at N. Dresses Charlie & Edwin out to Charlies to-night
Sat 7 Raw E. wind which brought a regular snowstorm in afternoon, after doing up the work I
sewed on N. dresses Norman went to Village twice having lost a letter the first time he had to
go back and look for it. C & W went to the cedar swamp
Feb 1891
Sun 15 A lovely bright springlike day, clouded towards night like rain I got in ready to go
home with Alice after meeting but as Will came from church he called to take me home with
him, so I came am going to stay all night Will went to church to-night
Mon 16 Rained in night and again to-night dull all day and very muddy, Will couldn't go to
swamp, so they persuaded me to stay till to-morrow, he went to hire a boy Kate & I had a
good visit, William Mott brother-in-law here to dinner {written in left margin} 41/g gal of coal
oil from B. Treffry
Tues 17. More rainy still than yesterday so I wont get to Elias's till morn, some colder to-night
Kate is not very well so she took it easy, we visited as we worked. I knit for her
Wed 18 Bright but cold W. wind, ground frozen to bear up almost a little squally about noon. I
came to Elias this morn with Will & C. as they went to swamp, but they couldn't work for the
water. Elias has gone to Phil'a to be gone a few days I worked at a worsted quilt for Alice this
Thur 19 A beautiful day quite warm I put the quilt together ready for knotting or tying. Alice
ripped some cloth and got it ready to make a cloth quilt as quilts are the order of the day.
Fri 20 As dull, foggy rainy to-day as it was nice yesterday Carrie didn't go to school Alice &
Edwin went to town in afternoon got more quilt stuff I sewed on cloth one. Elias came home
to-night, raining hard at time, froze little as it came to-day
Sat 21 Bright and pleasant over head rather crusty & sloppy under foot. Alice did her Sat.
work, baked and colored some stuff for mother quilt I finished piecing cloth one then we
knotted and found it to-night
Feb 1891
Sun 22 Pleasant, though pretty cold. Alice & Edwin went out to meeting I started to read
"Barriers Burned Away" the second time.
Mon 23 A nice day, weather mild, Elias went to Woodstock Alice washed, clothes dried
splendid. I cut out some print blocks towards another quilt, in the afternoon we tied another
confurtor & bound it.
Tues 24 Rainy, rainier day, we expected company but didn't come Alice ironed and I cut the
blocks in forenoon In afternoon we pieced another worsted comfortor.
Wed 25 Dull, gloomy, rained some in morn. Elias took Carrie to school and went to village,
mud deep We tied the third comfortor this morn then swept and tiedied house I pieced blocks
in afternoon.
Thur 26 A lovely bright forenoon, considerable colder to-night I finished piecing blocks and
set them together ready to quilt. Carrie went to Scots to tea then brought a schoolmate home
to stay all night
Fri 27 Bright and nice, though very cold wind I helped Alice about the work in forenoon as
she was busy baking, after dinner washed the dishes and dusted the bedrooms for her, then
mended my dress, read some, and set up a tidy for Alice. After supper wen put the quilt on
the frames
Sat 28 A beautiful day, though a little stormy by spells in forenoon. Elias went to Woodstock I
quilted all day and evening too. Alice did morning work up then she joined me left Carrie to
get dinner and keep fires We got the quilt half done.
March 1891
Sun 1 Fine & bright though pretty sharp air, thawed a little in roads Alice & Charlie went out
to mtg. Charlie & Rachel Stella & baby came out in afternoon. I read what time was left.
Mon 2 Dull and very cold wind Alice washed and said clothes froze before she could hang
them up, and pretty cold on fingers. I quilted all day, A. did in afternoon Charlie & Will were
out to swamp.
Tues 3 Not quite so cold as yesterday, cloudy like a storm We finished the quilt just after
dinner, then took it off and gave parlor & hall a thorough sweeping & dusting and tidied
ourselves up
Wed 4 A stormy day, very blustery by spells, I thought some of going home but it was so
stormy gave it up, so Alice went with Edwin to the village in afternoon and I bound the quilt,
making four in all
Thur 5 Clear & bright all day, but sharp air, I cut and pieced some mat rags for Alice. Elias
went out to vote this afternoon feeling confident the Reformers will win the election. Charlie
brought me home after supper. I found Mother real well.
Fri 6 Cloudy, cold E. wind, some stormy in afternoon I did my Fri, sweeping & dusting, read
in afternoon Moses finished drawing our wood. C & R went out to Palmers to spend the
evening I played with Norman & Stella after tea
Sat 7 Cloudy with chilly E. wind I had miserable headache but managed to do my part of
housework sat by stove all afternoon
March 1891
Sun 8 Dull, E. wind, but not so cold in afternoon rained a little bit, Alice & Edwin called in. C &
R went up home Ettie brought me a book, "Aunt Judith" which I read aloud in evening.
Mon 9 Dull, with little snow flurries in afternoon quite soft, but colder to-night. Mother washed,
part of clothes dried. I died up {added above:} work got dinner and read in afternoon.
Tue 10 Beautiful and springlike. We baked some pies & cake and I dusted parlor in forenoon.
Mother ironed in afternoon while I wrote long letter to John
Wed 11 Another grand day, but it is making muddy roads Monthly mtg, Moses & Mel here to
dinner & tea. Alice first came for awhile in afternoon while Elias went to Stephen Coon's
funeral. I showed her how to crochet a mat
Thur 12 Rainy in morn then turned to snow and finally cleared up in afternoon, freezing some
tonight. After doing my morning work, I cleared silver spoons & {illegible} then cushioned a
stool for a present to Mother. In afternoon did a little sewing and superintended Stellas block
sewing, she is staying home from school.
Fri 13 Stormy, snowing & blowing, not very cold. After doing my Fri, sweeping and work I
dusted the dishes & cupboard from top to bottom. My head ached so badly in afternoon, I did
no work, but show Stella about her sewing. Very Stormy.
Sat 14 Very stormy & cold, some for sleighs out again, but the snow blows off the road. Did
my Sat, work took a bath after dinner and washed Stellas head, hemmed a muslin
handkerchief for Mother and directed Stellas sewing, got three letters, one from John, long
one, one from Nellie M. one from Edie
March 1891
Sun 15 Bright, clear & cold till afternoon when it turned cloudy & blowy Alice & Charlie out to
mtg, Charlie stayed to Cs George came in afternoon We had a good quiet time to read.
Mon 16 Bright but pretty cold, stormed a little by spells I have been very busy all day fixing
my old grey dress
Tue 17 Another cold da, though quite pleasant, a very cold night, froze in our bedroom. I
fixed Mothers stool over made it a little smaller. cut out a print dress for Mother and one for
myself like it. Rachel brought me a pair of hoofs in to-night that she had polished for me.
Read to children in evening.
Wed 18 As soft and warm as it has been cold, took off what little sleighing there was, rained
& snowed in afternoon. Charlie & man went to swamp but could not work for breaking
through. I worked at my dress all day The Bible Society collectors called.
Thur 19 Cold N.E. wind, somewhat blustery, quite a fall of snow in night, some use cutters
and some buggies to-day Alice drove out for a visit, we all enjoyed it. I worked at my dress.
Trustees discharged teacher so the children have holidays.
Fri 20 East icy rain this morn, which gradually thawed, but continued damp all day. After
doing Fri. work I finished my dress and wrote part of letter to Jessie in afternoon
Sat 21 Misty & damp all morn but cleared up about noon, very slushy. Got the work done and
cleaned myself before dinner. Washed Stella and made skirt of Mothers print dress in
afternoon Ettie came over a little while, she told us of Andrew Wilsons death.
March 1891
Sun 22 Misty in morn, cleared up some after very muddy. A. Wilson buried this afternoon
Rachel & Norman went to funeral. Alice & Elias stayed awhile after funeral Norman went to
Moses's to-night to stay awhile
Mon 23 Cloudy & dull all day. Mother washed but clothes didn't dry. I did up the work, got
dinner finished Jessies letter, worked on Mother's dress in afternoon.
Tue 24 Cloudy & dull Mother ironed what clothes were dry. I worked at the dress, and went
down town in afternoon with Charlie The roads are very muddy, but the frost is not all out.
Wed 25 Beautiful, clear & bright, but a cold E. wind. froze quite hard. Charlie tapped a few
trees. Mother finished ironing. I finished her dress. and put the braid on her brown print.
Thur 26 Fine but a very cold E. wind, I went in to Charlie's this afternoon and made a black
velvet hat for myself did not quite finish it, came home to tea, saw Edwin go by on his way to
Fri 27 Good Friday, and a stormy one too, fine snow from East most of day. We did our Fri.
work then I mended my dresses. R. put ribbon on my hat. In evening I nearly made a pair of
{ds?} for Stella
Sat 28 Fine again, ground white with snow which thawed and added to the mud. I had
miserable headache but did my share of work, then finished the d's and got ready to go out
to Elias's to spend Easter. C. & R. went to town we kept the children. Nellie drove out for me
this afternoon I came home with her in time for tea
March 1891
Sun 29 Easter Sunday, a lovely day, warmest we've had door open most of day, and sat in
verandah in afternoon. Alice & Charlie went to mtg. Kate & Will came before dinner. Nellie &
Edwin went to church to-night
Mon 30 Nice & bright till afternoon then clouded, rained a little to-night. I took the day easy,
first made a few button holes for Nellie, she got her things ready to go back to Lucan to-
morrow, have had a good visit with her. Alice washed. Elias went to Brantford on train
Tue 31 Very rainy all day. Nellie went her Pa went with her part way on his way to Goderich.
Alice & I put a quilt on after they started, and quilted rest of day & evening
April 1891
Wed 1 Very dull, rained a little, it is very muddy Alice & I quilted away Carrie doing a good
share of the work and got dinner for us. I feel very tired to-night. Elias came home to-night
Thur 2 Still dull & damp, though it looked like clearing. up this forenoon. I had such a
headache I couldn't quilt at all, nor do anything else. Alice quilted some in afternoon, she
ironed this morn and a lot other work, it is Elias's birthday, had plum pudding for dinner.
Fri 3 Very dull and snowed some, enough to whiten the ground, colder to-night. We worked
hard at the quilt and took it off in the evening with pretty sore fingers.
Sat 4 Clear & bright but a very cold wind. bedroom windows covered with frost this morn. I
dissected Alice's pincushion found 80 needles, made it up again, and helped around the
house some, dusted the rooms and straightened up after quilting, and finished off the quilt .
April 1891
Sun 5 Fine day but very cold wind. Alice brought me home, the roads were so bad & rough it
took us so long to come she was too late for mtg so she got warm and went back. I read to
the children in the evening
Mon 6 A beautiful day some warmer, white frost. Mother washed, clothes dried fine. I wrote
to Edie after doing up the work, did little mending and started to make a white apron for Alice
a birthday present
Tue 7 A lovely day, wind a little cool. Mother ironed I worked at the apron putting in the tucks
and doing it all by hand Charlie and man are trimming the orchard. R's folks brought Nancy
and left her for the day
Wed 8 Another beautiful day some warmer than yesterday. Monthly mtg, no one here Emma
H. called in awhile on her way to mtg. we looked for Alice but in vain John Corless was
married this afternoon to Martha Wand. I worked at apron
Thur 9 Bright till afternoon then looked like storm, wind in East. I worked at apron, nearly
finished it, Charlies went down to George Treffrys got back about 8 in evening, Stella had
supper with us
Fri. 10. Rain showers through the night from East and little this morn but pleasant in
afternoon, feels like spring, the blackbirds are very busy in the old pine I did my Fri, work and
then finished the apron
Sat. 11. Very raing most of the day. After doing up the work I cleaned up and sat reading
when Kate came in, Will was going down {added above:} town he came back and stayed to
ten I bound the bottom of Mother's chambray dress Norman rec'd a letter from his Pa.
April 1891
Sun 12. Cloudy, dull & chilly all day. We spent the day in reading, & chatting with Rachel &
children Alice didn't come out though we looked for her, it is her birthday
Mon 13 A lovely day. There wasn't much work to do so I wrote a long letter to John. Moses
called he had been down town getting Johns stove & things. John & wife also drove over but
didn't come in. I am reading the story of "Martin Rattler" to Norman, in evenings now. {added
in left margin:} I saw the first butterfly
Tue 14 Nice in morn, but clouded up and started to rain before noon, very warm for awhile,
rained very hard in afternoon, thundered & lightened in evening, some cooler. I dusted the
parlor and was busy about the house till dinner sewed at Mother's black apron & read in
afternoon. C. went to town, we sent for sugar.
Wed 15 Rained hard through the night, creek high this morn I wrote a long {added above:}
letter to Nellie and finished up Mothers black apron
Thur 16 Dull & damp till afternoon, when it brightened up I mended for Mother most of day
then started to make a hair receiver, read some, C. & R. gone up home to take the horns
they have finished off.
Fri 17 A beautiful warm day a real, April shower about 5 in afternoon with a beautiful rainbow
Norman went to town after school, got his parcel from home, I finished making hair receiver
Sat 18 Cloudy & seemed like more rain all forenoon but cleared up beautiful in afternoon Sun
real warm, grass looks nice and green, roads are terribly bad in places yet. After doing up my
Sat work I cleaned up, read awhile, washed and tidied up Stella, then Susie came in and
chatted awhile. George & Edwin came in awhile in evening. I received a letter from Jessie. e
had a slight thunder shower to-night
April 1891
Sun 19 A beautiful day, though a little cool, Alice & Edwin came out to mtg, we gave her her
birthday presents We had a quiet afternoon to read. Charlie went up and brought Nancy
Mon 20 Lovely, sun very warm still a cool North breeze, Mother washed, clothes dried quick I
did up my morning work then wrote to Lizzie Burtis, read "Ben-Hur" in afternoon Moses came
along and stayed to tea had Allie with him.
Tue 21 Beautiful, some warmer than yesterday I helped Mother iron in forenoon, and went
over to Jolleys awhile in afternoon for the first time this spring Edwin drove his colt out to-
Wed 22 Beautiful though quite windy. I sorted over my mat rags and started a log cabin mat
Kate & Emma H. went out home with Will he went for seed wheat Kate ran in going down
and coming back
Thur 23 Beautiful and so warm we were glad to let the fire out in afternoon I did some gilding
this morn, then worked at my mat The Census taken, George Tidey, came to-day and plied
us with questions. R. & N. are cleaning house.
Fri 24 Bright & nice but a real cool wind. I did my Fri. sweeping & dusting then went in and
sat with Stella (she is sick to-day) while I did some mending then got ready and went over to
see Susie had a good visit, stayed till after dark, Carrie came out to stay till Sunday
Sat 25 Beautiful but a strong cool wind, cool night, I did my Sat. work and waited on Stella
she laid in our room sick, but better in afternoon I sewed a little on mat in afternoon Jacob
Mott & boy came to Charlies to dinner, he came in to see us awhile. I rec'd letter from Edie.
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Phoebe Mott Diary, 1888-1891.pdf
Phoebe Mott Diary Transcripts, 1888-1891.pdf


Phoebe Mott, “Phoebe Mott Diary & Transcript, 1888-1891,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 30, 2025,
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