James Geddes Diary, 1889-1893


James Geddes Diary, 1889-1893

Date Created

October 31, 1889

Is Part Of

James Geddes Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript of Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

A. S
. Barber, 1973.
Opening hymn Shall we Gather at the River Xmas 1890
Chairmans Address.
opening address Wellington Vanmeer
The Birds 6 boys & girls
Our Cheerful Sabbath Home - school
Rock of Ages Sarah Jane Parks
No Grace Ellis
Mr. Nobody Alex Bone
The blood of the Lamb Choir
The little orphans S. J. Parks
Little things six schoolars
Beautiful Sunshine school
The little angel Maggi Robertson
The sluggard Westley Venmeer
Jesus & the Soul Mr. Mints & Mr. Tennant
The cancelled bond Sarah J. Parks
Down in the valley Mrs. McGuir
The Teetotollar Well. Vanmeer
I am a little girl Eva Parks
Death Song
The Sunbeam
Beautiful City
Mr. Aberdeen
Sarah May Tough
David Tough
Christmas Tree
Votes of Thanks
Appointed to South Falls, Eagles Lake, Rye & Commanda
Oct. 31
Nov. 1
X 3
X 10
X 17
X 24
Went by steamer to Burk's Falls for South River.
Earnestly prayed to God for help in this work.
Went to Eagle Lake to visit before Sabbath Service.
Went to South River and visited several families.
Service at D.R. & E.L. Text 1 Pet. 1. 394 (Our
Inheritance). Felt at home in the service. Trust some
good done.
Visited at Eagle Lake. Getting acquainted with the people.
Visited at Eagle Lake. Wonder am I to be blessed in this
Visited Rye. 7th. Visited Rye. Oh for the true spirit
of work.
Visited Commanda.. 9th Visited Com. people scattered.
Many indifferent as to the pres, cause. Oh for refreshing
Back to Rye at 7:30 held Bible Class. Quite a number of
good men & women present. Can I do them good? Help!
Service at Rye & Com. Subject "Our Inheritance". Asked
help of God. Surely the weak things will be made strong.
11th to 16 spent in visiting and studying.
Service at D.R. & E. L. Sub. "Continue Ye in my Love"
attendence good. Atten. good. May He follow with the
blessing. 18th to 23 visiting & studying.
Ser. at Rye & Com. Sub. "Continue Ye in my Love"
good attendence. Atten. good. One person much impressed.
i x 5 8
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5 *1
X '-
< 15
to 30th vis. & studying.
Ser. at D.R. & E. L. Sub. "Jesus the light of the world
2 to 6th studying for Missionary Meetings.
Started with Mr. Finlay, Eagle Lake for Rye. Miss.
Meeting, but instead went to Magnetawan. Walked 12
miles, stayed with Mr. Grinton.
Got Mr. S. G. Best's cutter. Went to Miss. Road.
Preached at Miss. Road at 10. Spence at 2:30 and
Magnetawan at 6:30. Poured of rain. But pretty good
meetings. Sub. "Jesus the light of the world."
9th to 14th at home. Found all well. God be praised.
Ser. at S. R. & E. L. Sub. "The Judgement". Roads bad
16th to 18 studying.
Tues. meeting at S. R. Rain, yet good atten. Mr.
Robertson of Sundridge, Mr. Sinewright of Huntsville,
Mr. Smith of Powassan & Mr. Sanderson of S. R. speakers
Mr. J. D. Reid of "Arrow Burk's Falls, chairman. Good
meeting, good addresses. $ about 34.
Social 10 cents. Wet night, pretty good attendance.
Mr. Sanderson (meth.) & myself the only speakers.
Nov. 25
Dec. 1
X '
22 Serv. at Rye & Com. Sub. "Jesus the light of the world",
att. fair. atten. good. Roads rather bad. "Hope
in God" 23 & 25 visited at Com & Rye. Oh for a
25 Spent Chrismas with Mr. Tennant, along with Mr. & Mrs.
Mip Aberdeen. Quiet but happy night. The Davisons born,
what an inestimable blessing. In Him and through Him
all blessings flow. Praise Him!
26 to 28 Studying and reading.
29 Ser. at S. R. & E. L. Sub. "Christians defence". Bad
roads, poor att. Felt a blessing in my soul. What
security in Christ! 30th to 3rd. Visited Mr. McCaig's
to Mr. Aberdeen's, a new road to one. Spent New Years
day with Mr. McCaig & R. Aberdeen.
4 Went to Rye. Good Bible Class.
5 Ser. Rye & Com. Sub. "Christians Defence ". 2 Kings
16. Roads very icy with snow. Poor att. Pretty tired.
Got a ride back same night to Mrs. McLarens.
6 Went to Eagle Lake. 7th Visited Mr. Snow & Mr. McQuinn
Heavy snow and wind. Drifting. Slept at Mr. McQuinns.
9 Went to Sundridge. Stayed with Mr. Barrowman. Saw
Mr. Robertson. Enjoyed his company. Blessed him.
Jan 10
X 12
X 19
Preached at Mr. Hills School on "Jesus the light of the
Went with own team to Mr. Dukes at Hartfell. New road
to Mrs.?Heavy fall of snow.
Ser. at Lynch Lake, Hartfell & Sundridge. Mr. Duke drove
me. Heavy roads. Poor att. Lynch Lake Sub. "Christian
defence". School house very cold. Fire would not go.
Cold service. Hartfell & Sundridge "Jesus the light of
the world. Better attendance, service warm. Oh that the
fire celestial would be imparted." Help!
Heavy rain. Back to S. R. in afternoon. Visited.
Came to E. L. with Mr. Tennants sleigh. Studying 16.
Went to Rye. Visited Mrs. Mannering.
Good Service at Rye. Large congregation. Roads good.
Text "If we recieve the witness of men, the witness of
God is greater". Trust it will strengthen one faith.
Poor att. at Com. Service seemed cold. Oh for refresh­
ing times.! We must work for it, must pray for it.
Walked back i
o Rye after service.
Went home. Mai met me with the team. Raining.
Jan 20
X 26
Got home by five. Found all well.
Mr. Whelpton visited me. Felt a little sick.
Felt better. Mai and I drove to Burk's Falls.
Visited Mr. Drinnan. Had pleasant Christian intercourse.
Telegraphed to Malcolm Morris. Afraid some accident has
happened to him. Home by six o™clock.
Doing chores. Can serve the Lord even here.
Walked to Magnetawan. Found Mr. Grinton sick.
Drove to South River with our own sleigh. Took Mrs.
Geddes with me. Visited Mr. Geo. May at Sundridge.
Arrived at Mr. Hulditche at five.
Good service at S. R. Mr. Downey sick. Mr. Aberdeen
absent. Sub. "If we receive the witness of Men". Mr
McQuinn led the singing. Surely some good done. Good
ser. at E. L. Felt the power of the spirit. How I
wished every one hearing me would become united to Christ!
Oh that that blessful time would come.
Visited Henry Tough with Mrs. Geddes.
Visited South River. Staid with Mrs. Hulditch.
Heavenly conversion. Tis a real blessing to be with a
child of God.
Visited Mr. Downey. Remained over night. Felt cheered
in the Christian Race by our intercourse.
Jan. 30
Feb. 1
X 2
Visited John Snow and family. Then Mr. Moore.
Back to Eagle Lake. Visited Mr. Conley by the way.
Went to Rye. Visited Mr. Archer & Mr. Russel & family,
Mr. Philip Smith & Family, Mr. Folke, Trent & Sen. Had
a nice bible class at night. Subject "Jesus brought
into the Temple. Felt at home on this beautiful phrase
of Christs life. Oh that we were more dedicated.
Sabbath. Good meeting at Rye. Sub. "Falling asleep
in Jesus". Beautiful thought I May we all be enabled
to do so. Let us work for it.
Good meeting at Commanda. One there who never came
before. Encouraging. God grant some good is being done
in this cold place.
Left after service, drove to Mrs. McLarens. Had tea
and drove to Mr. Woods. Fine night, moonlight.
Left Rye for home. Reached Magnetawan about 12 o'clock.
Home at five. All well.
Visited Mr. Rousel, found him sick with influenza.
Visited Mrs. Gutridge, sick too with cold.
Visited Mr. Mitchell. Found Mrs. Stewart from Sask.
Maria home. All well. Visited Mrs. Noll too.
Feb. 8
X 9
X 16
X 23
Drove with James to Sundridge# took cars to South River.
Sabbath. Good meeting Sub. "Asleet in Jesus" Had a
hoarseness in throat. Good meeting too at Eagle Lake.
Feel the blessedness of sowing the word. May my own
soul be watered and refreshed and God glorified.
Studying 11th to 12th visited Mr. Halls Eagle Lake.
& 14th Vis. Mr. McCaig, Geo. McCaig & Mr Aberdeen.
Back to Eagle Lake 15th went to Rye Bible Class only 7.
Service at Rye and Commanda, very good attendence.
Sub. "Saul, Saul why persecutest thou me". Tried to
make it a personal matter. Trust the Holy Spirit sent
the truth home. Oh how aften we do persecute the loving
Walked back to Mrs. McLarens. 18th Back to Eagle Lake.
Vis. Mrs. Mat. Parks. Mark Robertson, Geo. McCaig.
Service at Mr. McGuirs. Drifting very bad. Few present.
Vis. Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Aberdeen,then went to South River.
Vis. Frank Downey, Wm. Holditch, Mrs. Taylor
Ser. at South River. Good atten. Good roads.
Serv. at Eagle Lake. Atten. Good. Had to walk but 1%
miles. Attention very good. Trust the subject will
help people to reflect, and change. Sub."Saul, Saul
why persecutest.
Feb 24
March 1
X 2
Attended Mrs McCains funeral. She died on Friday morning.
Funeral services at her house at ten in the morning.
Text John 11. 25 & 26. Solemn occasion crowded house.
Felt the occasion, and preached sermon earnestly. Oh
that all were prepared for death. Went with the remains
to Sundridge. Solemn service at the grave. Much weeping.
Oh that it may make the mourners turn to Jesus! The only
Reached Eagle Lake at 8 p.m.
Very tired. Hardly can read or study. But willl feel
sure have the blessing of sleep to-night.
Rose refreshed. Feel thankful to the "Giver of all
Good. Read, wrote, and studied. Preparing a few sermons
that I might be enabled to visit home, and the families
of my stations. Visiting, conversation, reading & prayer.
Walked to Rye. Visited Mr. Folke. Very sick, and I fear
near the end of his journey. Spoke seriously to him and
feel glad that he was prepared to die. What a blessing.
Service very good at Rye. Best att yet. Trust much good
was the result. Poor att. at Commanda. Cold church
(fire would not burn) and I fear cold service.
March 3
7& 8
X 9
X 16
Visited Mr. Mawe, Mr. Arthur, Mrs Carrs, Mr. Bone,
Mr. Collins, Mr. Young, and Mr. Henleys, and Mr. Clarks.
Cannot get roused up to come to service. Some will promise,
but will not always perform. Oh that their hearts were
fired with love!
Travelled to Mrs. McLarens. Stayed at night.
Travelled to Mr. Noods. Visited Mrs. Mannering. Walked
to Eagle Lake. Found all well. Goat a letter from home.
Glad to here all better from the colds.
Walked to Geo. McCaigs, then to Mr. McGuirs, held a
meeting there. Good attendance. Sub. "Asleep in Jesus".
Visited at South River.
Service at South River & Eagle Lake. Sub. "The people
swelt in Kadesh". Pleading for deciding for Christ. No
halting at the boundry line." "Step over the line" through
the help fo the Spirit.
Went home, Malcolm met me. Found all well, and glad to
see me.
Left for Rye. Dinner at Mr. Woods, left with Mr. Cameron
for Commanda. Visited at Commands.
Visited at the settlement, intimating change of hours of
Service at 10 at Com. Good meeting. Sub. "Fiery furnace"
Service at Rye at 3. Good attendance. Same sub. Many
seemed interested. Trust the Holy Spirit would send home
the truth.
X 23
Walked after service to Eagle Lake. Fine cool night.
Got a ride to South River. Visited Mr. Snow.
Went to Barrie. Left at 5:35 a.m. At Presbytery meeting
by 12. Examined by the committee. Easily passed. Spent
most of the day in the meeting.
Left Barrie for South River at 3 p.m. Saw most of
Gient trade of taking ice to the United States, hundreds
employed. Saw ice flows, ice slides (elevated by steam)
Visited Mr. Unger, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Boreas, Mr. Minto.
Visited Mrs. Greaves, Mrs. Holditch, Mrs. Mood.,
Visited Mr. Erbe, Mr. Peacemen.
Service at South River, & Eagle Lake. Sub. "Fiery Furnace"
Good attendance & attention. Mr. Downey drove me. Good
service. Felt the inspiration. God help all Christians
stand to their feet.
Walked home (26 miles) Found all well. Consulted about
staying longer in the field. Resolved to stay till other
supply came, or all the summer if supply would be soon.
Want to work somewhere for the Master.
Drove from home to Rye with young Cult and Malcolm.
Lovely day. Had a nice stay at Magnetawan.
March 30
April 1
Service at Rye & Commanda. Good meeting at Rye, but very
poor at Com. When shall the work revive? Oh Lord bare
thhe hand. Thine is the power and thine be the glory.
Drove back to Rye same night. Sub. "Is not my world."
Malcolm went home, and I visited at Rye. Walked to
Eagle Lake same night. Lovely night. God was with me.
Went to George McCaigs, Mr. Waters, Joe McGuir and passed
the night with Mr. Aberdeen. Prayer and reading & con­
versation with all. A good way of serving the Master I
Visited Mr. McGuir. Held a service there. good attendance
and attention. Spoke on "lam the doors" May some have
At Mr. Aberdeens. Read & conversed. Sang the song of Zion
At Mr. Downeys South River. Visited Mrs. Taylor, Mrs
Greaves, Mrs. Holditch. Studided for Sabbath
Good service at S.R. Poor attend, at Eagle Lake. Text
"Is not my word like as a fire saith the Lord".
Hope many warmed & cheered and some brought into this
fold. How hard to reach the masses!
X 6
April 7
X 13
Went to Mr. James Frowman child's funeral.
Large gathering. Text "The flower fadeth, but the
word of the Lord shall endure for ever." Impressive
service, many in tears. Young child, about one year,
gone to Jesus to bloom in the garden of Heaven.
Oh that the little Angel may dress the parents thus.
9th &. 10th Studying.
Went to Mecinoma & Spring Lake visited every home.
Went to Rye, found friends all well.
Service at Rye. Very good att. & atten. Many thanks
will be the last Sub. for sleighing, so availed themselves.
School house full. Subject :"The Rock Christ Jesus.
Trust many are in this foundation. No other safe.
Small meeting at Com. When will the people be roused?
Visited Mr. Maw. Hada tea with Mr. Peaves the Meth.
student. First time we met. Glad to meet as church
worker. "As iron sharpens iron" so I trust our meeting
together will quicken both of us.
Visited Mrs. McLaren, and then to Mr. Woods.
Then to Eagle Lake. The roads very bad.
April 17
X 20
X 27
Studying. Read Drummonds "Natural Law in the Spiritual
World". Many splendid thoughts.
Went to South River. Visited Mr. Snow, Mrs. Holditch,
Mr. Frank Downey. 19th Visited & studyed.
Service at South River. Bad roads, but good attendance
principally males. Subject "Jesus the Rock of our
Salvation" Just the simple gospel, the "good News"
I felt an inspiration. May perhaps never meet the
same congregation again, but rust meet many of them in the
"Many Mansions". Good service at Eagle Lake. Felt as
if I was speaking to God's own people. Most of the
congregation being members. Mostly males, only six
females. Bad roads.
Studying and writting. 22, 23, 24th studying and visiting
Went to Rye, visited Mr. Parks.
Bible Class for the last time. Had a good meeting.
Trust to meet many of the class yet.
Good services at Rye and Commanda. People turned out well.
Excelent attention. Preached "How shall we escape if
we neglect so great salvation. " Warned, plead, and
entreated my to flee to Jesus.
April 27
Went to visit Mr. Bones family, spent Sabbath night
with them. Oh that we all would be in earnest about the
things that pertain to our souls salvation.
Went to the village, visited several families, bade
good-bye. Visited Mrs. McLarens, then walked to Rye.
Left by stage for home by Magnetawan. Spent night with
Mr. Grinton and family.
Walked home in the midst of rain. Found a hearty welcome,
and all well.
Thus finished by six months in the mission field
of South River, Eagle Lake, Rye and Commanda,
Enjoying the service, the people, good health,
and the walking in a fair measure. May the
blessing of our God attend the effort for good.
Jas Geddes
Ce-Cebe Lake
Parry Sound District
Oct 17
X 19
Left home in the afternoon by steamer.
Left Burks' Falls at 8 p.m. arriving at South River
at 9. Welcomed by Mr. Downie, Glad to be again the
field, and trust the endeavour will be blessed by our
Heavenly Father.
Visited Mrs. Holditch, Mr. Taylor, and Mrs. Geo.Travine.
Trust who dropped a wind in season.
Preached at South River & Eagle Lake on "I will guide
thee with mine eye." Felt at home in the service.
Good number, good attention. Oh for the blessing!
Studying & writting.
Visited Andrew McGee, Mr. Preston and Mr. Harrison
Read & prayed. Trust that some heart has been touched.
Visited Mark Robertson, Mrs. Parks, and Charles Ruble.
Urged them to attend divine service. How cold in this
duty does some seem to be. Oh God rouse them.
Visited Mr. Tough. Found the boy David confined with a
swelled leg. Reading and writting.
Went to Rye in the afternoon. Had a warm welcome at
Mr. Woods. What a fine Christian he is.
Oct. 25
X 26
Nov 1
Visited Mr. Russel, Mr. Archer, Mr. Philip Smith,
Mr. Folke, Ralph Folke, Found Mrs Ralph very sick.
God is good. Trust she will be drawn to him. How
much need we all have.
Services good at Rye, and the best ever Had at
Commanda. Still it is hard to get people to live as
the word of God teaches. Sub "I will guide thee.
Visited at Commanda settlement. A hearty welcome.
Visited Arthur Day, Mr. Zine, Davis Smith, Mrs. Parks.
Walked to Eagle Lake. Wrote letters, and studied.
Walked to Geo. McCaigs, Jas McGuirs & Robt Aberdeen.
Got a hearty welcome. Had a profitable little prayer
meeting at Mr. McGinn's. Text "Hope the anchor of the
Visited Mr. Snow's, Mr. Hills, Mrs. McQueen, Mr. Conollys
Glad to see me. Read & prayed. Trust that these visi­
tations are blessed on souls. They let us know each other
and our wants.
Visited Mr. Moore, Mr. Brockville, Found Mrs. B. anxious
about her duty as to joining the church. She has three
children not baptized. May the Lord help her to see her
duty. I trust I did my duty by them. My prayers are
with them.
Nov 2
Service good at South River, notwithstanding the
slushy roads and falling snow. Sub. "How shall we
escape". Poor attendance at Eagle Lake. Felt the
influence of the Holy Spirit.
Studying. 4th Reading & studying. 5th writting & I
do &. visiting. 7th studying 8th walked to Rye.
Had a good Bible Class. Sub. Jesus before Pilate &
Service but poorly att. at Rye. Better at Com. Roads
very bad. 4 inches of snow, and a crust and raining.
But yet was in time. Spoke of "The Truth held in
unr ighteousness.
Visited at Com and at Mrs. McLarens. Spend monday night
with Mr. Wright, the young methodist student, at Mr
Woods . He has many discouragements. Hope God will open
up his way. He will I trust be a faithful servant.
Had a fine Cottage meetingat Dick Mannerings. Well
attended spoke on the cream of the bible John 3.16.
Some impressed.
Walked to Eagle Lake. Answered letters.
Visited Ge. McCaig, Mr. Waters, Joseph McGinn, Jas.McGinn,
Robert Aberdeen. Lovely day, sun shining. Oh for the
shining of the Sun of Righteousness! 15th visited
South River. Staid at Mrs. Holditches.
Nov. 16
X 23
Service at South River. Fine day, but muddy roads.
Best attendance yet. Sub. Truth held in unrighteiousness
Rom. 1.18. Semeed inspired. Trust good done. At Eagle
Lake atten. also very good. Same subject. Oh how many
"hold the Truth in Unrighteousness." Bare thine arm
O Lord". Open the blinded eyes."
Reading, writting and studying. 18th The same.
The same. 20th. Weather stormy, and roads bad, so I am
preparing a few sermons so that I may be able to visit
when the roads get better. Trust I should be able to
say a word in season to some careless one, or encourage
a weary one.
Went to Spring Lake. Remained at night with Walter Folk.
Visited Mr. Pawson, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Folks and Mrs. Woods.
Good service at Rye & Com. Roads very frosty, but good.
The best attendance yet at Com. Preached from Lucke 18.
27. "Gods Power" Excelent att. Oh for the power of
God to influence these tations.
Walked to Mrs. McLarens 25th Walked to Mrs. Woods. Had
a nice cottage meeting at Philip Smiths. Some visibly
Walked to Eagle Lake & studyed. 27th Read & studyed.
Walked to Mr. McGirr's for prayer meeting. Snowing.
Dec 14
X 21
X 28
Service at South River & Eagle Lake, good attd.
Best ever had at E. L. Seven sleighs at the door. Sub.
"Oh that those wouldst hearken to my commandmentsi"
Felt quite at home with this sub. When will man listen.
Studyed, and preparing for E.Lake S.S.Social.
Attended the S.S.Social. Full house. All seemed pleased.
Spoke on being "true to the core" Everything spoken &
sung was good, and if acted on would bless.
18th, 19th Reading, writting and studying.
Went to Rye. Held Bible Class.
Service at Rye & Com. Fair attd. Stormy. Walked to Com
and back to Rye same night. Spoke from Izek 21. 9 & 10th.
What a strong warning to sinners. Would think every one
would see this and flee to Jesus! Felt the influence of
the Holy Spirit.
Went home by Magnetawan. Had good roads. James met me
with the horse & sleigh. Home by 2 P.M. Found all well.
Left home for South River. Arrived at five. Good roads.
Good service at Eagle Lake, but poor at S.Riv. Very cold
Sub. "A sword a sword
Went home to spend the New Year.
Jan X 4 Mr. Grinton took the Rye and Com apointment for me.
Nov 28
X 30
Dec 1
X 7
Had a profitable cottage meeting at Mr. McGirrs. Subject
"Godliness" Good attend. 29th Visited Mr. Aberdeen,
Mr. Snow, Mrs. Greaves, Mr. Downes, Mrs. Taylors.
Service at South River. Day threatning. Poor attd.
Better attd. at E. Lake. Sub. "Gods power." Oh that the
time would come when sinners would allow the Savious to
use his saving power! Walked from E. Lake after service
to Mecunoma. On Monday morning started for home by
Magnetawan. Walked all the long road of 20 miles. Took
the friends by surprse. Got a right hearty welcome.
& 3rd visited withe friends 4th Had service in the evening
at Midluthin, sub. "Oh that thou hadst Full
house, great att. May the blessing follow. 5th visited
Drove with James to Mecunoma, then walked to Mr. Woods.
Had good service at Rye, and better at Com. Lovely day.
Several strangers present at Com. Sub. "Oh that thour"
Visited at settlement 9th Walked to Rye. Cottage
meeting at Mr. Parks. Good attd. 10th Walked to E. Lake.
Studided 12th Walked to Mr. McGirrs & held cottage
Walked to South River. visited Mr. Downeys, Mrs. Holdichs.
Jan 4
X 11
James drove me. Pretty good meetings.
Held service at Midlothin. Preached from Ezek,21.8,9,10.
Full house & good att. Hope some soul was arrested and
Left home for South River. Had the colt with me. She
behaved well. Hound all well at S.R.
Good meetings at S.R. & E.L. Glad to see some out for
the first time. Sub. "Peters release" Oh for faithful
preaching to the people!
13th Studying 14th visited Mrs. Mat. Parks.
Fair meeting at Rye and good at Com. quite a number of
strangers, (Sub. "Peters release".) but some presbyterian
friends absent that could be there, had they a proper
interest in the cause. Had a walk as my colt got loose
in the stable at Rye and went as far as Spences. Had to
walk after her on Monday. Caught her after walking 30
miles. Very tired.
At home. 21st. Went to an open meeting of Midlothin
Lodge of Good Temples. Full house, Mr. Bluthewick
(baptist minister) showed some beatiful views by the
Lantern. Some joined the Lodge that night.
Jan 22
X 25
Feb.X 1
Went to Rye. 23rd Went to Eagle Lake, then to Mr.
Mol sons to hold cottage meeting.
To South River. Visited Mr. Downeys, Mr. Taylors,
Mrs. Greaves.
Good services. Weather & roads good. Preached from that
warning text "How long hath ye between two opinions? If
the Lord be God follow him". My prayer is that souls may
be decided for God. This indecision is fearful.
Writting and studying. 27th visited Mr. McQueen, Mrs.
Moore, Mr. Conolly, Mr. Brockville. 28th Visited Mr.
Mrs. Holditch, Mr. Erb, James Wood & Mark Robertson.
Visited Harry Pawson, Walter Folke, Philip Smith.
Visited Charles Wood, Wm. Parks, Mrs. Manering.
Good service at Commanda, but small at Rye. Heavy roads,
had cutter. Attention real good. Plead deciding for
Christ. How long halth ye between two opinions? If the
Lord be God follow him.
Visited Mr. Bone, found Mrs. Bone poorly. Trust she is
prepared for death. Spoke seriously to her. Visited
Mr. Collins. Hard to impress him. Visited Mr. Clark.
Hope some good will be done him.
Feb. 3
X 15
Went home. Found all well. 4th 5th 6th home.
Went to Katrine by Doe Lake. Dined with Mr. Nelson.
Com service held by Mr. Robertson of Burk's Falls.
Good services. 10:30 Katrine fairly full. 2:30
Burks Falls well filled, 6:30 Buridale, the largest
I ever held. Subject "Oh that they would hearken to my
com" .
Drove to South River, heavy roads, drifting & snowing
The Colt "Fanny" scared at the engines, nearly an
accident, but provedientily escaped. Miss, meeting.
Drove to Eagle Lake. Too soon, Mr. Finlay, Mr.
Garwick, and myself out in the storm, but got "Fanny"
in shelter. Lifted the window of the church, and soon
had a comfortable fire. But a small meeting, but good
Spent most of the day at Eagle Lake with Mr. Finlay,
and Mr. Garwick, both of whom went to Miss, meeting
at Rye. Mr. Finlay wishes me to be in continous work.
Studying 13th. Went to Meconoma to meet Mr. Garwick.
Went to South River to go to Powasson. Arrived at
Powasson by last train 9:30. Mrs. Garwicks son met me.
Fine morning. Had Mor. service at Powasson 10:30
Good attd. Preached from "If the Lord be God follow him"
Feb 15
X 22
Powasson church a large firm church. All chairs.
The people sit too much at the sides. Fair choir,
and good organ. In the afternoon drove to Nipissing.
Poor congregation. The church unfinished and cold.
One half mile of the road badly drifted. Good service
at Powasson in the evening. Text "0
n that thine" Sing­
ing led without the choir & organ. Better singing then
in the morning. Good attention. Hope in have been all
blessed. Mr. Garwick held communion services at Rye
& Com. Had extra attendence, best ever held at these
Studying in Mr. Garrwick's house. Went to South River
by last train. Slept in Mrs. Holditches. Warm day.
Studying & visiting at South River. Mr. Garwick came
to South River, and left for Pow. by last train.
19 20 Visiting & studying at South River. Went to Mr.
McGirrs in evening. Held cottage meeting.
Visited Jas Tennents, Joe McGirrs, Robt. Aberdeens.
Fair attd. at South River service and fair at Eagle L.
Roads drifted, but took the lumber road from the village
to past Cole's hill. Attention very good. Some strangers
present. Sub. "Looking into Jesus."
24 25 26 Studying & writing 24th a day of heavy rain.
Felt glad had not to go out in the storm. Tuesday
& Wednesday quite a thaw. Snow dissappearing.
Thursday freezing slightly.
27 Visiting at Andrew McGies. Mr. Prestons, Mr. Harrisons,
John Hawkins, and D. Hawkins.
28 Went to Rye.
1 Service at Rye & Com well attd. Good att. preached
from Heb. 12 .2 "Looking into Jesus". Just as we go
to the church find two of our female members out for a
cutter ride. What an example] Oh for more of the true
spirit of Christ. Went back same day to Rye. Had Mip
Woud with me from Rye & back.
2 Went home to consult about staying in the work in summer.
Got home by way of Spence & Kidlothin Lake. Lake too
icy for colt. Decided to continue in the work in the
summer. 3rd. & 4th helped at home.
5 Drove by way of Silvesters. Recorded my vote for the
Dominion Election. Then to Burk's Falls, then to
Birndale. Malcolm with me who drove other 12 miles to
Tilsons camp.
May 6
X 10
X 17
Started from home for new field by stage. Reached
Doe Lake by 4 p.m. 7th Left at 7 a.m. arrived at
Armstrongs at noon.Walked to Mr. Paces. Left on 8th
at 8 a.m. and arrived at Aspdin. Stayed at T.D.Smiths.
Visited Mr. Jas. Darlings, Mrs. Darlings, Mr. Whites,
Mr. Sprosts.
Good service at Aspdin. Fine day. good attention. At
3:30 service at Chalmers Church 9 miles from Asp. not
so good attd. more attn. Sub "Oh that thous".
12 13 Reading & studying. On 13th got trunk.
Visited Mr Hood. 15th & 16th studying, reading and
fighting fires. Great bush fires all round Mr. Paces.
But in the evening some rain came.
Fair service at Chalmers Church. Sub. "Gods power"
There are many that might come that do not. Started
for Hoods. When near Hoodstown asked a woman the road.
She told me to go to the left, whereas I should have
gone straight on. Travelled miles extra on lonely
roads past Mrs. Mums, when I board at Hoodstown, and
arrived long round Fire Lake at Mr. Mulkins weary and
sorry having missed the service. Mr. Mulkins (Ch. of
Eng. puple) was very kind giving me tea, and paddling
me over to Mr. Munns.
May 18
X 24
X 31
19th Visited near Fox lake. Urged the people to
come to service. Congregation at Hoodstown very small.
It will be up hill work to gather congregation on
this field, so many careless ones, and so many Ch. of
Walked to Mr. Paces by a new road. Got all right.
Studying and writting letters. Wrote one to Widow
May God care for her and her little ones.
Walked to Aspdin for Mr. Finlays preparitory meeting.
Held a profitable service, though a small congregation.
Walked to Hoodstown, Mr. Finlay going to Ch. Ch for
Pre meeting.
Small attd at Hoodstown, owing to many of the people
fighting fires. Sub. "Oh that thous" Mr. Finlay held
Com. services at Ch. Ch and Aspdin. Good attd at both.
Six children baptized.
Visited Mr. Wellington & Charles Wellington, Mr. Robinson.
Mr. Brooks, and Mr. Tipper at Hoodstown.
28 19 Studyed 30th Walked to Aspiden.
Very warm, road dry, oppressive walking. Good service.
Large attd. at Aspiden, but fair only a Ch.Ch. Many
seemed to feel impressed by the service. Oh for the
June 1
X 7
X 14
2. 3. Studying & writting 3rd. First rain for a month.
"Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness"
Visited Mr. Hamilton & Mr. Howell at McMunich boundary.
Glad to meet with any true Christians. But we are so
aft to turn our conversation on worldly matters.
6th Reading, writting & studying.
Warm day. Good services at Ch. Church & Hoodstown.
Roads very dusty. No rain for weeks. Many people
late at Ch. Church. Congregations very attentive.
Felt the power of the Holy Spirit. Were they one
single soul touched?
9 10 11 Spent at Hoodstown, reading visiting and
boating. Visited Mr. Hilditch often. Poor man lying
helpless. He has strong temptations. Oh that he
implicitly trusted Christ.
Walked to Aspdin. Visited Mr. Sproat, Mrs. Hemmings,
Adam Darling and both Mr. Rice's father & son. At
9:30 reached Mr. Smiths. Rested allthe 13th.
Best attendence yet at Aspdin & Hoodstown. Very dry
and warm. No rain. The visiting brought out several
It is a pleasure to preach when people turn out.
Walked to Mr. Paces. Got several letters, two from
home, sweet home. Glad all seemed well.
June 16
X 21
& 26
& 17 Studying & reading. Very dry. no rain for weeks.
Walked to Aspdin. Warm walk. Crops not growing.
Visited Alex Macmichel# Harry Dickson, Robt Dicson,
Robt. Macmichel & Mr. Dickson & Mrs. Sweegi .
Rested & read.
Very dry and warm. Good attd. at Aspdin, but only
fair at Ch. Church. Preached from "How shall we
escape if we neglect so great salvation". Felt helped
by the spirit of God. Would that souls were saved.
Went down to Armstrongs to catch the stage for home.
Spent at home. Walked on Monday 20 miles, the stage
having broken down, fore axle broken. Lost a ride
from Doe Lake through the stage being late, so had to
walk. Walked from Mr. Paces to Armstrongs 3 miles,
near Spincedale 5.(through stage breaking down).
Doe lake to home 12^ mi in all 20^. Felt very tired
next day. On friday left home by waggon to Mr. Nelsons.
Left Mr.' M's in afternoon for Doe Lake P.G.
Left Doe Lake P.0, arrived at noon at Armstrongs.
After dinner came to Mr. Paces. Found all well.
Enjoyed the trip, notwithstanding the weary tramp.
Oh how dry theweather is! Oh for rain!
28 Service at Ch. Church and Hoodstown. Pretty good
attd. at both services. Very dry walking. Got a
ride to Armstrong shaded road after that to Hoodstown
Had a solemn text to preach from. How I wish good
will be the result. 29th to July 3 walked/ read, and
visited at Hoodstown.
3 Went to Aspiden. Rained nearly all the day. What a
4 Rained all day. Visited Mr. Whites.
5 Service at Aspdin. Fairly well attended. Raining.
Only 5 at Hoodstown. So wet. This rain is indeed a
6th to 10th Studying & reading. Came from Hoodstown on
Monday. Lovely weather but cool. Must visit more
10 Went to Aspdin. Visited Mr. Sweesys & Mr. Sproats.
11 Visited Mr. Hemming & Mrs. Darlings.
12 Good service at Aspdin & Ch. Church. Very warm. Did
not sleep well on Saturday night, and so felt very
tired on Sunday night. Glad to rest at Mr. Campbells
on my way back from service. Had a few strangers at
Ch. Church. Pity the people do not come better out.
Must work and pray for it.
13 to 18 At Mr. Paces. Reading, writting & Studying.Read
the "Prince of the House of David," "Mary Lundie Duncan,"
Ester Ried still speaking" beside more substantial work
such as "Charnock in Regeneration^' "Moores spiritual
truth for believers" "Spencers Sermon" &
X 19 Service at Ch. Church pretty good, but poor at Hoodstown.
What can be done to get people to take more interest in
the services. I spoke as earnestly on unbelief as I could
Oh for the spirit of real belife, real trust! Few presen t
at H. Mr. Andersons son got his leg broken, preventing
them. But carelessness I fear with too many.
20 to 23 at Hoodstown.
24 Went to Mr Paces. Glad to find a letter from home.
25 Went to Aspdin after tea. Very hot day, but evening cool.
X 26 Fine day. Good service at Aspkin, attendance poor at
Hoodstown. How I longed for the salvation of souls! Am
I taking the best way of attaining this object? I fear
I am not so consecrated as I might. God help me to be
more so. May He use me for good. Oh to relie on him!
27 Left Hoodstown for home. Took stage at Armstrong.
Reached Doe Lake at 6 p.m. M. Malcolm my son met
me with the team, along with my nieces, Eliza &
Katty Sutherland, and Lizzie Geddes, and Carry
Rousell. All went to an open meeting of the Doe Lake
Lodge of Good Temples. Excelent meeting. Home by
12 p.m.
8 Left home at 4 a.m. for Doe Lake to go with the stage
for Armstrongs. Lovely day; reached Mr. Paces about
3 p.m. Spent my time at home in haying, visiting
and reading, though not much of the latter. Spent
Sabbath the 2nd at Burk's Falls. Morning in Methodist
church. Usual service. Love feast, and communion
service in afternoon at the Presbyterian church. What
an excelent sermon, how eloquent was Mr. T.L. Robertson.
In the evening at the Baptist church, music good, sermon
of Mr. Blatherwick very good. Mostly young people pre­
sent. Music I fear more of an attraction with many
then worship.
9 Pouring of rain. Did not go to service. Told no
one would be there, the people have so far to come.
I have felt it keenly. Wonder if I should not have
gone in all the rain. Trust I have done my duty.
Went in the afternoon to Hoodstown. Rain, bo service
12 Visited Mr. Anderson. Had a long conversation with
his son who got his leg broken a few weeks ago. Tried
to lead him to our Saviour.
14 Went to Aspdin.
16 Good service at Aspdin, but small at Hoodstown. Felt
the influence of the Sabbath and the sanctuary.
Subjects Gods protecting power. And truly His pro­
tecting power is grand. What a consoling!
17 to 21st studying & visiting near Chalmers Church.
21 Went to Aspdin.
22 Mr. Smith drove me to Port Sydney. Fine day. Had
dinner at Mr. Farqnarsons. Mr. F. and I then rowed to
Hood's landing in Mary Lake, when I walked to Mr.
Fletcher Broadbent's (5 miles).
Mr. F. & I were exchanging pulpits. I went to Mr. F.
B's to be ready for morning services.
23 Dull morning. Rained a little. Began service at
Brunei at 10:30. Small attd. But a warm hearted
people, who were drinking in the words. Felt in­
spired by their attention. Showed by their actions
they appreciated the service. Got many thanks for the
sermon. Spoke from Isa 48. 18. Had a fine Christian
conversation with Mr. Symour who drove me to Port
Good att'd at P.I. but not so sympathetic an audience
as Brunnel. Had to lead the singing here. Fine church.
Paid good att. However at night at 7 had service at
Parkersville. Mr. Wilson drove me. School house full,
principally young people. Great att. spoke on "Jesus
the light of the world".
24 Rained heavy during sub. night & mon. morning and cn
tillnoon. At 3 started for Aspdin. Passed through
Utterson. Reached Mr. Smith in time for ten, feet
soaking wet, but soon comfortable at Mr. S's stove.
Enjoyed the change.
25 Travelled to Mr. Paces. Set to work on a sermon for
the presbytery - selected Rev. 7th 9 & 10. "The Great
Multitude". Studying, Reading & visiting all week.
Several times felt a wish to run home and see the
friends there. Had a letter from Mr. Finlay asking
if I would go out in the winter. Replied I would be
glad, but would like to be near home. I am getting
of home and the friends there. Wearied more for home
this summer than ever I did. God bless my dear home
30 Good service at Chalmers Church. Many strangers pre­
sent. Spoke of that delightful subject "The great
multitude arround the Great White Throne". May a
blissing attend our services. Small attendence at
Hoodstown. Do not know what is to be done with this
station. I have tried my best to get more interest
in it, but as yet seem to fail.
31 Delightful sail on Vernon Lake from Hoodstown to
Huntsville & back on steamer "Lady of the Lake", along
with Mr.Munn and Mepus Armstrong & Mrs. Armstrong.
Lovely day, and pleasant company. Walked to Mr.
1 Walked this morning to Mr. Paces. Found all well.
2 Visited McMurick. Mr. Pace drove me. Called at
Mr. Stewarts, Mr Marshalls, and Mrs. Marshalls. All
buisy at the harvest. Hard to get many of the people
here to feel an interest in our services, or things
partaining to eternity.
3 Studying.
4 Went to Aspdin. Got a ride by Mr. Paces team.
5 Visited at Aspdin.
6 Very like rain. Few females at service at Aspdin,
but quite a few males. Cleared up, but no service
at Hoodstown. Only two came. My last service here.
I fear the service here will be discontinued.
7 Walked to Mr. Paces. Very dull weather. A great
to deal of the harvest cut but lying in the wet.
12 Reading, studying & visiting at Chalmers Church.
13 Lovely day. Good congregations at Aspdin & Ch.
Ch. Held service in the school house at Campbells
at 7 p.m. Full house. Spoke on "indicition".
1 Kings 18. 21 Good attention.
14 Went home by stage. Got a chance by Mr. F. Blushill
from Todd's corners. Found all in bed but my niece
who gladly supplied the outward man.
Helped to shingle & the barn, at which the boys are
so busy. Visited my brothers family & Mrs. Gutridges.
19 Left home by 4 a.m. with the team. Too late to catch
Sept 19
X 20
X 27
the "stage" What must it be to be too late in getting
Salvation!. Had to walk 14 miles before the stage came
up to me. It having broken down, and had to get re­
paired. Went all the way to Aspdin with the stage.
Fine day. Arge congregation at Aspdin, the largest
yet. Small at ch.ch. Spoke on the "Firey furnace".
Got great attention. Was then a seed sown which will
spring up to life eternal! God grant there may.
Had dinner at Mr. McDonalds, He drove me till we
caught Mr. Paces Team. Was very glad of the ride for
it was very warm. After service, went with Mr. Rome
to Axe Lake. Stayed Sabbath night, and Monday
night there.
Visited Mr. McPherson, Mip Clark teacher at the school,
Mr. Brown and Mr. Quinn.
Back to Mr. Paces. Visited Mr. Howell, Mr. Campbell
Mr. Bolter. Mrs. Percley.
Went to Aspdin. 26th Went to Skeleton Lake.
Beautiful warm sabbath. Good attendance. Service
at Aspdin, Ch. Ch. & Campbells school. Blessful
Sept 27
Oct 2
Subject at Aspdin & Ch. Church The "Rock Christ
Jesus" and Campbell's School House. "I will guide
them with mine eye" Felt at home in the services.
Next Sabbath my last sabbath in the district.
Appointed for Emsdale field. How often I have
wondered whether there has been good done while
I have been here. "The day will declare it" My
prayer is may He use me for His glory.
Resting & reading. More tired today then usual.
Went to Stisted Agricultural Show and then to
Hoodstown. Visited there on 1st October.
Went to Aspdin. Visited Mr. Sproat, Mrs. Jas
Darling and Mr White & Mr.T D. Smith,
Visited Mr. Hemmings & Mrs. Darling.
Wet Sabbath. Last Sabbath on field. Raining most
of the day. Yet had good congregation, but would
have been larger had it been favourable w'eather.
Subject "Prepare to meet thy God". Great attention
Many strangers present.
Midlothian 8th Oct. 1891.
Oct 5 Preparing to leave. Filling up reports etc.
6 Bidding "Goodbye". Trust a blessing will follow.
7 Left the field by stage. James met me with the
Thus passed the summer months in the Stisted
field. Enjoyed good health, though sometimes
weared in body and mind. So many careless, so
many stay away from service. And Hoodstown
so poorly attended. Yet glad some good was done and
sometimes a seed dropped in good soil.
To God be the glory!
Oct 9 Left after dinner for Burk's Falls. Stayed with
Mr. Whelpton.
10 Left by cars for Novar, arrived at 10:30 a.m.
Stayed with Mr. Coopes. Visited Mrs. McGillvary.
X 11 Good services. Had to walk all the way. Good
roads. Sub. "I will guide thee”. Trust I shall
be guided in this new field by the Divine Hand.
12 Rested and read at Mr. Copelands Sprucedale.
13 Visited Mrs. Corbett, Mr. Smith, Mr. Fountain, Mr.
Mills., Mr. Dean & Mr. Peddie.
14 Mr. Copeland, Mr. Heron, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Macadie
Stayed all night at Haldone Hill.
15 Mr. Sherwood, Mip Kirkman.
16 Studying 17th The same.
X 18 Good Services at all the stations. Driving by
Mr. Dean's rig from Sp. to Ems. Rode with Mr. Smith
till within four miles of Novar. Enjoyed the services.
Good singing at Novar, organ & choir, Bourding with
Mr. McGillevray.
19 Resting & Reading.
20 Visited two widows Mrs. Fleming & Mrs. Nichols.
21 Visited Mr. Hooie, Jas. Rogers, Mrs. Guthbert, Mrs.
Dan Campbell Rogers, Lovegroves, Dexon.
McGillevray, Sinclair Stayed over night at Mr. Dixons.
Visited, rested & read
23 Studying. 24th The same.
25 Good services. Fine dry, warm day. Turned out
well, walked from Novar to Emsdale. God a ride to
Sprucedale from Mr. Fitzpatrick spoke on Gods power.
Good attention. Mrs. Copeland very sick.
26 Resting & Reading.
27 Visited Mr. Pearce, & Mr. Chapman & Mip Kirkman.
28 Visited Mr. Freeland. Left early in the morning for
Mrs. Sims (by Doe lake) to bury her little boy
(9 years) Good attd. at funeral service. Burried at
Emsdale. Happy change for the little boy, who had
s uffered for years, and was unable to speak and de­
29 Stayed last night and tonight at Mr. Brices. Visited
all round Mr. Brices.
30 Visited many families north of Emsdale. Walked at
night to Sprucedale. 31st studyed & wrote.
1 Fair attd. Cool & dry. Driven to Emsdale, thence to
Bridge. In good time at Novar. Small meeting at
Novar. Spoke on "Jusus the light of the world".
Would that men would be enlightened. How we His
servants should work for it.
Nov 2 Read, Pansy's "From different standpoints"
3 Visited Ed. Hosey, Mr.Matise, &
4 Went by 5:40 morning train to Emsdale for Sprucedale.
Got telegram to attend Mr. Fowlers funeral (Beggbon)
Terrible accident, crushed to death by mill. What a
warning! God help me to improve the occasion.
Walked from Emsdale to Sprucedale. Large funeral
service at Beggsboro at eight at night. Very
impressive, and a large gathering. Subject "Prepare
to meet thy God" Stayed all night with the family
Tried to comfort and draw them to Jesus.
5 Went to Mr. Copelands. Visited. Attended a meeting
in Mr. Mills house about building the new church.
6 Walked to Mr. Hamiltons Star Lake P.0. Gota ride to
Emsdale. While passed school house was told Mr.
Finlay was writing me at Mr. Freelands for missionary
and communion meetings. Had received no words, the
letter gene amissing. Felt so sorry. Communion serv.
put off till first week in December. Mr. Finlay & I
visited Mr. Shaws, and then Mr. Buchanans. Stayed
there all night. Next morning Mrs. Finlay went to
Burk's Falls.
Nov 7
X 8
X 15
Visited Mr. Hill, walked to Novar. Visited Mr.
Best service at Novar & Emsdale, poor at Sprucedale
Got a ride from Emsdale to Sp. by getting La Fontain
Copelands rig, Mr. Craving walked home before the
service. Great attention at Sp. owing to accident at
Went home, visited Mrs. Fowlers at Beggsboro.
Daniel met me 3 miles from Beggsboro. Foundall well
and got a hearty welcome. Home by three.
Plowing with the colts. 11th do raining the afternoon.
Visited Magnetawan. Union thanksgiving meeting.
Plowing with the colts.
Went to Sprucedale. Visited Mrs. Fowels. Stayed till
Fair attd. at Sp & Novar, good at Ems. Got a ride to
Ems. & from Ems to high bridge. Dull moonlight.
Eclipse of moon. Got in time.
Rested. Pouring rain. Visited Jake Condon, who cut
his feet with an axe. Strong Methodist, & Good Temple.
Snowing. Wrote letters. Visited Mrs. Nichols & Mrs.
Wrote home. Read. Got summer money from Mr. Moodie.
Visited Mr. Hooey & Mr. Mattice, & Mr. Cooper, Agreed to
Nov 19
X 22
X 29
No service at Novar, owing to opening of Meth. Chris.
Walked to Mr. Freelands Emsdale.
Visited Mr. Clearwater, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Greenaway
and Mr. Neil Smith. Stayed all night at Mr. Smiths.
Visited Mr. John Smiths. Mr. Thortons, Mr. Neukin.
Pouring of rain. Glad to change my sock at Mr. Freelands.
Small attd at Ems. No service at Sp. It rained so.
Glad Mitchell Freeland drove me all the way to Sp.
Went to Sp. church in all the wet, but only Mr. Copeland
& Mr. Deams & myself present. How would the covenantors
have acted on such a night. Oh for their spirit!
Resting & writting. 24th studying. 25th do. snowing.
Copying over former books (own books connected with my
various fields.) Reading and studying.
Visited Mr. McFarlane, and Mr. Pearce, & Mr Fowler.
Fair attd at all the stations.- Walked from Ems to Novar.
In time. No organ now at Novar. Subject. Epistts
of Christ. When will we be epistles of Christ? God
help us, we are often unfaithful. Oh for a closer
walke with God!
Mar 30
Dec 1
X 6
Resting and reading. Dec 1st. Visited Mr. McPhail
Godrey/ Mrs Fleming, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs Cooper.
Walked to Emsdale, visited Mr. Sherwood, Mr. Shaw
Stayed at Mr. Freelands 3rd Walked to Sprucedale.
Expected Mrs. Finlay, but did not come till the
evening train. Reached Sprucedale at 7:30 Held
Miss meeting small attd. Raining.
Pouring of rain. Got Mr. Deans "buggy" to drive
Mr. Finlay to Emsdale. Terrible rain all the time.
Boughta $8. water proof, and found the good of it.
Left Mr. F. to conduct the Ems. & Novar, Miss &
Communion Services alone. Drove baick myself to
Sprucedale. Bruised my heel walking.
High winds, and slightly snowing. Reading & writting.
Attended Sabbath School at Sprucedale. Conducted it.
Good service at night, full house. Mr. Finlay con­
ducted the services. Comparitively few members present.
Impressive communion service. Good collection. Fair
attd. at Emsdale & Novar. Three new members at Emsdale.
Expect more. Hope they will come forward next time.
Studying. Mr. Finlay left at one for Emsdale and the
north. Feel my foot yet. cannot visit far.
Dec 8&9
X 13
X 20
Studying. 10th visited David Copeland, Jake Westwick
Visited Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Well & Mrs. Fowler &
Mrs. Lawrence. Stayed on 10th at Mr. Westwicks,
11th Mrs. Fowlers. Hope these visits will be bless to
us all. 12th studyed at Mr. Copelands.
Subject "Our Friend". Good turn out at Sp. best yet.
small at Ems. good at Novar. Subject appropriate after
com service. Walked from Ems to Novar.
Rested. Lovely day, bright sunshine.
Very stormy, wind & hail. Kept house,felt a little
Dull. Cleared up in af. noon. Left Mr. McGillvrays
as they have now no room, there neice coming. Went
to Mr. Coopers.
Left by 4 p.m. train for Ems Miss, meeting. Mr.Finley
there. Fair attd. Lamps would not burn. Had stable
Stayed 17 & 18 at Mr. Freelands. 19th left by 10 a.m.
train for Novar. Visited Mr.McGillvrays.
Dull, but mild. Walked all the way to Sp. No service
at Ems. as Meth. church was being opened. Forgot on
my lunch at Novar, and glad to get dinner at Mr. Hamiltons
Got a ride from Mr. Copelands to church, and from
church to Beggsboro. Good sleighing. Many teams out.
Best attd yet.
Dec 21
X 27
Jan. 1
Left Beggsboro at 8:30 a.m. for home. Walked to
Mr. Nelsons. James met Me then. Home by one
Hearty welcome!
Drove to Magnetawan with Mrs. Geddes. Warm, snow
melting. Roads nearly bare coming back. Visited
Mr. Muraro, & Grinton. Saw Mr. Jameson, & Mr.
McKenzie (Pres.) & Mr. Farrer (Meth). "Fanny"
had a hard pull. Met Mr. Mannering from Rye.
24 at home doing chores and reading.
Christmas Spent it at home withmy brothers family,
had a nice quiet evening, pleasant and happy.
Malcolm comes home by 11 fun McCormacks camp.
Travelled 40 miles, and felt very tired, but well.
Mai. drove me to Doe Lake P.O. Travelled then to Sp.
Fine cool day, but hard roads, and scarce any snow.
Fair cong. at all stations. Bad roads, but little
snow. Had to walk all the way. Felt it. A little
late at Ems. in time at Novar. Sub.,"This rock
Christ Jesus" That all might build in Him!
Lovely day. Resting. Felt tired.
Dull sleet & snow. 30th Lovely sunshine. Reading.
Cold. Walked to Mr. Freelands Ems.
New Years day spent at Mr. Freelands. Had a sleigh
ride to Ems.
Jan 11
X 17
Dull morning. Went after dinner to Mr Bryces. He
has got the "Grippe". Stayed all night.
Visited Mr. Giles# Mr. Bosfield, Mr. Robb & Mr. McQullin.
Drove to Mr. Thoms Katrine. Stayed all night. Got
colds too.
Drove to Mr. Buchanans. Stayed all night.
Visited Mr. Galbraiths & Mrs. Wilsons, and then Mr.
Freelands. Taking advantage of having the colt. Read
& prayed in all the houses.
Visited Assn McCaig, Mr. Thomson, & Mr. Clark & Mr.
Visited Mr. Neil Smith. Drove to Novar.
Cold clean day. Fair attd at Novar, good at Ems. &
Sp. Had Cutter. The colt shied at Ems. Neary a
accident. How we are preserved. Sub. "Likness to
King Jesus". What a priveledge to be like the Master.
Quite a few strangers at Ems. Visiting brought them out.
Drove home by bush road by Reids. Heavy fall of snow,
and drifted. Very cold. Ar. at 2:30 at 7 went to
open meeting of 1.0. G. T. Fine social meeting, splendid
behavbur. Expected Mr. Blatherwick (Baptist) but
dissappointed made me chairman instead. Rev Mr. Miller
(Bap) present, who spoke and sung.
Jan 19
X 24
to 22. Helping at home. Went to Magnetawan on 22nd
with the team. Heavy roads and slush on lake. Saw
Mr. & Mrs. Grinton. Quite a conversation with them.
Fellow Christians.
Left at 9 for Sp. Heavy snow. Broke the road to
junction there was one sleigh ahead. Better as I
approached Sp.
Good att at Sp & Ems. Poor at Sovar owing to all the
churches having service. Sub. "Christians defence"
Felt much at home. One person much impressed at JSiovar.
Trust that he will accept the Savious as his Sav. Oh
that men would flock to the Saviour.
Drove from Novar to Mr.Dicksons (5 miles). Arrived in
time for a great "Drift" storm. How it drifts, and how
cold, yet I should be thankful I was well sheltered.
Stayed two nights, and then the storm seemed over.
Visited Mr. Wm. Hoey's & Dan Campbells, all sick with
"La Grippe".
Drove from Mr. Dixsons to Mrs. Freelands Ems. Bad roads.
Broke the whiffletree in a drift. Thankful nothing
wor se.
Visited Mr. Sherwood, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Spiers & Mr.
Visited Mr. Hill, Mr. Neakin, Mr. Thorton. Just heard
of the death of Mr. Walker of Stisted. Another child of
God translated. God help us all to be ready. Died of
cancer in the tongue.
30 Drove to Novar. Roads improved a little.
31 Fair Cong. Sub ’

Take my yoke upon you". What a
change if men would! Felt at home in pressing men to
choose Christ and his yoke.
1 Left Sp. in the morning, drove to Mr. Campbells
Stisted. Had dinner there and visited around there.
All glad to see me again. At form went to Mr. Paces.
Gave a ride to Miss ELckout the teacher, who boards
at Mr. Paces. What a hearty welcome! Glad to meet
old Christian firends.
2 Drove to Aspdin. Hearty welcome at J.D.Smiths.
Visited Mr. Sproats.
3 Visited Mr. & Mrs. Darlings, Mr. Hemmings, James
Darlings and Mr. Whites. Found Mrs. Whites little
girl still suffering from a terrible burn she got in
the fall. Her flesh wasted with fire! Whate a
patie rt child.
4 Visited Mr. Sporat, A. McDonald, Mrs. Walker. Missed
Fir. Walker, who died a week ago from cancer in the
tongue. How he suffered. Stayed all night at
Mr. Paces.
5 Drove to Sp. visited xMr. Campbell, Mrs. Murray.
Holden Hill, Mr. Heron, Mrs. Heron slowly recovering
from his fall.
5 Went to Foresters meeting at Sp. Spoke on "Aim
in life". Rev. Mr. McGillvray gave a grand address
on the benefit of the order of foresters.
6 Studying. Mr. James Rousell called upon me, told
me that Mrs. Sutherland was very sick.
7 Good cong. Sub. "The great Judgement" Cong very
att. oh that all present may at last hear Jesus
saying to them "Come ye blessed of my Father". Snowing
8 Drove from Fiovar to Sp. Very heavy roads. Fanny
9 Drove home by noon. The last of the journey very
heavy. Found Mrs. Sutherland very low and weak.
10 Drove to Burk's Falls to consult the doctor. He
has good hopes of her. Late coming back and heavy
crossing the lake.
11 Helping at home. 12th In the afternoon James and I
drove to Walter Ballams to say "Good bye" as they
are leaving for the n. west. They drove to Burk's
falls. Attending Mr. Bethunes revival meeting. Met
Mr. Robertson (Pres) and x M r . Smillie (Meth) as well
as Mr. Bethune. Stayed with Mr. & Mrs. Blushill.
13 Took cars for Novar. Mr. Bethune on boat for
Feb 14 Fine day. Good cong. Sub. "Unbelief". Mr.
Dixon drove me to high bridge, got a ride there by
a team to Ems.
Geo. Copland came for me from Sp. with Rev. Mr.
Grants team. Had a quick ride to Sp. and then a
nice rest. Mr. Grant(Inspector) took the service
at Sp.
15 Walked to Mr. Freelands Ems. Visited Mr. Clarks
and Mr. Hamilton and the school at Ems.
16 Studying for tea meeting tonight and for Sabbath.
Attended tea-meeting. Appointed chairman. Did not
feel at home. Spoke on "Snow" as an emblemn of
what life should be. Very noisy meeting at first.
Dissappointed in Mr. Robertson if Burks Falls not
coming and Mr. Elliott & Sparling coming so late.
And some too if Mr. Tarts songs too frivilous. Some
good things said and sung, but then was too much
mixing for a ch. churche tea meeting. Forgive oh
forgive our heavenly Father whatever is earing.
17 18 19 Studying and copying my sermons in a book.
20 Went to Sp. very dull morning. Like more snow.
Mrs. McGilvray spent the week with Mrs. Freeland,
before going to the M.W. another presbyterian family
leaving Novar.
21 Very mild day. Good cong. except Novar. Services
in all the churches then. Sub. "Jesus able to keep
from falling. Organ & choir at Emsdale. We cannot
keep ourselves, but He can. His is our Helper.
May we ever realize this!
22 Walked from Novar to Mr.Byces. Ems to visit Mr.
Bonsfield who is dying from mortification, begun
at his feet. Knows he is and professes to be ready.
May he be in reality.
23 Call again on Mr. Bonsfield. Did all I could to get
the family to trust their saviour. Visited Mr.
Rattan (Meth)and then went to Mr. Freelands.
24 Studying. 25th do. 26th Went to Mr. Buchanans.
27 Took cars to Novar. Read and visited.
28 Good cong. Fine day. Sub."Our inheritance" Inh. of
sin, salvation and Heaven. We took the one, oh may
we accept the other! Was driven to high bridge Scotia.
Got a ride from Ems. to Sp. by a chance team.
29 Went home. James met me. Got home at noon. Found
my sister-in-law very poorly, but slowly mending.
Also Daniel with a cold. March 1st. 2nd 3rd helping.
5 Drove to Sprucedale with cutter, and the colt "Dick".
6 Fine day. Good attd. Sub"Saul/ Saul why
persecuteth rhou me". Oh how sinners and saved
sinners persecuteth Christ. How can we do such
a think to our best friend.
7 Studying & visiting. 8th Drove to Mr. Smiths
Scotia and then to Mr. Freelands. Urged the Smiths
to attend.
9 Drove to Sprucedale. 10th Drove to Whitehall with
Mip Copeland and Mip Annie Fowler. When passing
Sp. station, the cold shied at the engine, and
sprung into the deep snow. No harm done. How
thankful we ought to be! Might indeed have been
11 Drove from Sp. to Ems. Took Mrs. Peddie with me.
She is going to the "front". After dinner (in
Mrs. Sherwoods") drove to Novar.
12 Visited Mr. McGillvrays, Mr. Finlays.
13 Cold north wind. Good cong. Sub. "The Ark".
Refered to the death of Mrs. Cooper, one of our
Novar members. Best singing yet. What safety,
what security in the Ark, in Jesus!
14 Held cottage meeting at Mr. Herons, on Mrs Herons
account, she is still so sick after her accident
Small meeting but good feeling. Spoke from
John 3 . 16 "The cream of the bible!
15 Drove to Midlothien for Mr. Rousell, who is to play
in the bass violin at our Sp tea meeting on 17th.
Was home for three hours. Found all getting better.
How thankful!
March 16
X 20
Spent at Sp. Head the Choir practice. Prepared a short
address for tea-meeting on "Putting a true value on
Lovely day. Full house at tea meeting. Mr. Robertson
of B. F. in the chair. All came off well. Realized
about $40. Visited Mr. Dan Lawrence, he is very sick.
An unconverted Mr. and Mrs. Heron.
Drove with Mr. Robertson to Elmsdale. Spent the night
Studying and walked to Sp. Mr. R. left this mor.
Enjoyed his company.
Cold north wind. Small cong. Sub. "Looking unto Jesus."
Better attd at Novar village then usual. Got a ride
from Sp. to Elms, with Lafontins Coplands horse, and
got Mr.Freelands horse and cutter to Novar. Good horse,
good cutter, and good roads and fine afternoon. Reached
Novar at 6. Good meeting. Let me look to Jesus for
all the help I need.
Drove to Mr. Freelands Elm. In time for dinner. Fine
& 23 Reading and studying. Snowing and stormy.
Went to Haldane hill. Got a ride to Sprucedale. Visited
all the way. Slept at Mrs. Murrays Huldane Hill. Mrs.
Macade and her daughter Mrs. Murray are leaving for
"Chicago". Both born in Latheron Caithness, Scotland.
May these visits by blessed.
Visited Mr. Alex Jameson, is mile past Huldane Hill, then
March 25
X 27
April 1
X 3
walked back to Sprucedale got a ride to Mr. Thomsons,
visited Thomsons, Clarkes and Hamiltons, stayed at
Hamiltons all night.
Walked back to Sprucedale.
Lovely day. Good cong. Sub. "How shall we escape if we
neglect so great Salvation?" Oh that men would flee
to Jesus! Roads getting bad. Snow meltin. Glad a
ride half way to Sp with Mr. Thomson. No organ at Ems.
or Sp. but excelent singing.
Resting, reading and writting.
Walked to Mr. Freelands, Ems. visited along with Mrs.
Bryce, Mrs. Carmichal, who had just burried her husband.
Also Mr. Cunningham. Stayed with Mr. Bryce. Improved
these opportunities, but not half as much as I might
have done. In some houses I feel it hard to speak of
Jesus as I should like. Oh for less of the fear of
man, and more wisdom.
Visited Ge. McDonald, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Sherwood.
Walked to Sprucedale, visited Mrs. Corbett, whose
husband has just died in the Toronto Asylum. His re­
mains came tonight. Had a short service. 2nd studying
Went to Mrs. Corbetts house at 8:30 At 9 had a short
April 3 At 10 the procession started for the grave yard.
Quite a number of teams. After the ceremony at the
grave, church service began at 11*15. Very impressive.
Crowded house. Many present for the first time since
I came. Preached from John 11. 11 "Our friend Lazarus
Sleepeth". Mr. Corbett was a member of our church.
I tried to do good to the living. Mr. Dean drove
me to Ems. Pools of water on the road. Snow going
fast away. Walked from Ems. to Novar by the rail­
way tract. No meeting in Novar. Only three came.
4 Stormy. Resting and reading. Felt tired.
5 Visited Mr. Finlay, Mrs. Fleming, Mr. McGillvray.
Settle with Mr. G. for board, who gave it in a pre­
sent to the Church. Settle with Mr. Cooper for
board also ($6.25)
6 Visited two strangers. 7th Reading and writting
& studying.
7 Went home as Mr. Johnston the student is coming
in this afternoon to supply for the summer.
Thus finished my winters labors in this field. What
success there has been, I know not fully, but be
knows and I leave it in His hands, praying that some
seeds cast in weakness may yet bring forth much
fruit, to His honor, praise and glory.
Erasdale, Sprucedale and Novar Field.
Oct 13 Being again approinted to this field, and willing
to do what in me lies for Christs cause here, and
having prayerfully considered the whole matter, I
Left home this day to begin my appointment. I have
been home all this summer, working in the fields,
tilling the ground, sowing the seed, and reaping
harvests of hay, and grain. And on Sabbaths in
Sunday school and in regular services sowing the
seed "the word of God". Sorry to have to learn this
home field", yet hoping to be able to do more good^
under the Presbytery of Barrie.
Rowed accjoss our lake to "wood pile" . Took steamer to
Burks Falls at 5. Reached at 8. The last four miles
very dark, the steamer treading here way slowly and
carefully. How aften have we to do this same in our
spiritual life. The difficulties great, the enemy
vigilent. "Watching unto prayer". Stayed at Burks
Hotel. Visited Mr. Whelpton and Mr. Todd.
14 Left by cars at 9:30 for Emsdale. Walked to Mr.
15 Left for Sprucedale. Visited Mr. Hamilton, Clarks,
Thomsons, Mills, Peddies, and Capelands. Boarding
with Mr. Macfarlane. What a stormy night, lightning
and torrents of rain!
16 Cool morning but dry. Good cong. Sub. "The truth
held in unrighteousness." Mr. Dean drove me to Ems.
Mrs. Bryce part of the way to Novar. God grant some
good may have been done.
17 Spent in Mr. Coopers when I board at Novar, reading
& studying.
18 Visited Mr. Ed. Hooie, Ronald Wovlie, and Mr.
Mattice. Stayed at Mr. Mattice, it rained so.
19 Visited Mr. Bates (past Cyaprus) Mr. Brown, Mr
Egerton, McKay.
20 Vis. Wm. Hooie, Mr. Rogers, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs.
McMillar, Mr. Dixon. Stayed at Dixons. 21st. Vis.
Mr. Lovegrove, Mr. McGillvray, Mr. Cutherberts, Mr.
Murphy, Mr. Denham. Read & prayed.
22 Studdied.
23 Good cong. at Novar & Sprucedale, small at Ems. Sub.
"Fiery furnace" Left my notes at Novar, but go on
well for all that. Was driven by Mr. Mattice to
Scotia, walked to Ems. Driven by Mr. Hamilton to
Sp. Muddy roads to Sp.church glad I had Mr.
McFarlanes lantern. I wonder will there be more
additional ch. courage infused through my sabbath
efforts. Oh for more of the spirit of the three
Hebrew Youths!
24 "At home" reading. Intend to visit here this week.
25 Snowing but mild.
Mip Krixman.
Vis. Lar. F. Copeland, Mr. Taylor,
26 Vis. Mrs. Corbett, Mr. Smith.
27 Mr. Heron, D. Lawrence, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Copeland.
28 D. Copeland, Mr. Westwick, & Mrs Fowler. Bad roads
heavy rain.
29 Spent last night at Bugslens. A ch. family. Then to
Mr. McFar.
30 Muddy roads. Good cong. Full at Ems. No service
in the Meth church. Sub. "Continue ye in my love"
Several thanked me for my sermon. There is an
inspiration in a full house. Geo. Copeland Jr.
drove me to Ems and Hamilton Sherwood to Novar.
Felt much at home in pleading.
31 Walked to Ems. Boarding there at Mr. Freelands.
1 Vis. Mr. Bryces (stayed two nights) and Mr. Giles.
2 Mr. Robb, Mr. May, Mr. Macquillin, Mr. Taylor,
Mr. Sandwick.
3 Mr. Bosfield, Geo. McDonald & Mr. Buchanan. Stayed
at night.
4 Mr. Sherwood, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Freelands. Very cold
5 Took cars to Novar. Bad roads. Sorry to find one
of our newly joined members at Sp. worse of liquor
at Novar. He fought manfully the demin for
six months, but from some dissappointment he yielded.
"Watch unto prayer".
6 Very mild Sabbath. Had to walk to Ems. Bad roads,
muddy. Mrs. Bryce kindly drove me 2/3 to Sp. Very
6 Met our Sp, nember, who had been intoxicated, in
his way to Sp. I felt so sorry for Henry Hoffman.
May God help hime. Sub "Elijah's message". Small
7 At home in Mr. Macfarlanes. Raining.
8 What a dreadful storm of wind. Oh for the poor
sailors. Very cold north wind, and snowing. 9th
Better day.
10 Vis. Mr. Hill. Mrs. Hill is a good ch. A pleasure
to meet one. Thanksgiving day. Held a cottage
meeting at Mr. Copelands house. Quite a few out
22 present. Sub "Thou crownest the year with thy
goodness". Visited Mr. Taylors, Shoemaker who had
fallen on the 4th from a frame barn which was being
raised. He is getting wonderful well.
11 Vis. Mr. Chapman and Mr. Copeland who has been sick.
Told of the death of Frances Ramey of Burdeau settle­
ment. A young woman about 22. Was asked to bury her.
12 Preparing for funeral and Sabbath. This is three
sermons for this week, one for Thursday, one for
Sab. & one for this funeral.
13 Fine Sabbath morning. Two inches of snow, mild.
Good cong. at Sp. poor at Ems. fair at Novar.
Thanksgiving Sab. Just as I was beginning service
at Sp. got word that
13 the Methodist student would bury the remains of
Mip Ramsy. He had been visiting her. Held our
regular service, but alluded to the death. The
funeral party had not arrived when we left the
church. Sub. at Sp. "Bread of life" at Ems &
Novar, "Thou crownest the year. Mr. Deans rig
drove me to Ems. Walked to Novar. Mr. Cooper
drove me to church.
14 Pouring of rain. Cleared up in the afternoon.
Vis. Mr. McPhail and Mr. Godfrey. 15ht Wrote
home. Dull day. Felt tired.
16 Kep the house. Raining & misty.
17 Raining. Went by cars to Ems.
18 Heavy rain. Writting. Cleared up in the afternoon.
All left the house but myself till tea time. Pre­
paring for two weeks.
19 Took cars for Novar. Very bad roads
20 Sub. "End of Faith" Bad roads. Mr. Cooper drove
me to Novar church, and l h miles farther. Had to
walk all the rest, some 16 miles. Fearfull roads.
Never was so tired on a "field before. When within
two miles of Sp. felt unable to go farther. Rested
and prayed for help. Roads, forzen mud, and wet
spots. Tired limbs, blistered feet, yet thankful
I made out and in time. Never preached so tired.
Sat all the time I could.
21 Mr. McFarlane drove me to Beffsboro/ 3^ miles on
my way home. Walked three miles when James met me.
Found all well. Roads so bad, that the front of
1 a wood bob sleigh with the team.
26 Left for Sp. James drove Dick, in a single sleigh.
27 Good cong except at Ems. Mr. Dean drove me to Ems.
Walked to Novar. Good tract on railway. Mr. Cooper
drove me to Ch. and back. Sub Afflictions. Hard
subject to understand.
28 Reading 29th Studying.
30 Walked to Scotia. Vis John Smith and Neil Smith.
Stayed with Neil Smith. Dec 1st Vis Mr. Sherwood
and Mr. Shaw, then to Mr. Freelands.
2 Studying. 3rd Train to Novar.
4 Good cong Mr. Gilmour of Doe Lake took the service
at Sprucedale, so I stayed at Ems. Sub. "Exceeding
riches of His grace". Driven by T Dixon to Scotia,
then by T.H.
5 Studying 6th do. 7th Vis. Alex Freeland, Mr. Sang
Mr. Glendinning, Mr. Herd, Mr. Murphy, Mr Sherwood
and A. Ellis.
8 Left Mr. Freelands for Sp. Visited Mr. Mills.
9 Vis. T Peddie, Mip Kirkman, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Morrison
Mrs. M. Feels her failings and tries to rest in Jesus.
10 Vis. Mr. Copeland. Studying.
11 Good sleighing & roads. Large cong Sub. "I am a
stranger". Felt at home with the subject. Mrs.
Mills drove me to Ems. Mr. Shaw to Novar. Gods
people are strangers here.
12 Reading 13th Vis Mr. McPhail, Mr. Godfrey &
Mr. Denham.
14 Stormy, snowing 15th Lovely day. Walked to
16 Reading 17th Walked to Novar in the morning. Cool.
Lovely day, but felt tired and fell aslept for two
18 Snowing, but mild. Good cong. Mr. Cooper drove me
to Scotia, Mr. Smith to Ems. Preached for the
Methodists. Their anniversary. No service in our
own. Large cong. Subject "Kadish". Had to walk
to Sp. Mr. Hamilton dissappointed me.
9 Snowing & blowing. Ems. Meth tea meeting. Could
not go.
20 Keen frost. Mr. McFarlanes roof took fire. We soon
put it out.
21 Tea meeting at Sp. under "ladies Aid" Fair turn
out good programme. Self in chair. Mr. Gilmour of
Doe Lake and myself the only speakers. I spoke On
"Yes and No" Made $25.
22 Walked to Ems. Attended the Ems. School exam and
Xmas tree, recitation and singing. All did well.
Mr. Chowen Chairman (English church clergyman). I
spoke on "Arm in life" We had plenty of fruit and
cake. Vis. Geo McDonald. Had tea there and walked
back to Mr. Freelands. In all 13 miles walk.
23 Cars to Novar. Attended the U. B. tea meeting.
Large crowd spoke on "Aim in life". Four Speakers
One far too long.
24 Cars to Ems. then got a ride to Sp. by Mr. Peddies
25 Xmas Sub. "The word made flesh". Cold day 20 below.
Mr. Morrison drove me to Ems. Good Cong there.
Mr. Geo. McDonald drove me to Novar and after service
to Ems. Novar church very cold. Preached with one
overcoat on. Cold ride back, had to get out three
times. Walked from Scotia to Mr. Freelands. What a
delightful theme the birth of Christ! What a change
it has made to the world. May we let its influence
befit in our lives! "Let your lights so shine before
men" .
26 Mr. Freeland drove me to Ems. Walked along railway
tract to Katrine. James met me there. Horn by five.
Found my dear wife very sick. She has been sick for
more then a week. Got doctors prescription, but not
much better. A little better on thursday. What a
blessing she feels in Gods hands and is ready for
whatever He sees best. What a blessing a true
Christian wife is. One cannot be to thankful for this.
30 Left for Burks Falls. Got a ride from Knolls, with
Mr. Morrison to within two miles. Stayed with
Wm, Whelpton. Vi3- Me. Todd.
X Jan
30 and Geo Whelpton. Met Mr. Blatherwick(Baptist
Minister of Bracebridge) Spent a profitable
night there.
31 Left at 11 a.m. for Kovar; along with Mr.
Blatherwick. We had a conversation about the
sudden death of Ge. Silvester, Burk's Falls. He
was sawing down a tree, when a limb fell on him.
In a few days he was buried. How may warnings
we get?
1 New Years day. Missed the "Watch Meeting" on New
Years eve. Sub. "Gods Message" A message for New
Years and every day, "Gods love to man". Good cong
though many absent that might be. John Dixon drove
me to Scotia, T Smith to Ems. Our organist
at Ems. (Mip Spiers) present for the fi r ± time this
winter. No organist at Sp. Sick. Mip Martin is
very regular at Sp.
2 Geo Copeland so kindly drove me to Todd;s corner
and Mr. Nelson to Midlathian. Felt anxious to know
how my dear wife was. She was poorly indeed. I
hope by blessing of God and the human means employed
she will get stronger. We have done all we can for
her. We have laid her case before the throne of
grace. Helped at home this week, in and out. One
way of serving the Lord "In His Name"!
7 James drove me to Doe Lake. Walked to Beggsboro.
Dinner there. Vis. Mr. Bell & Mrs Lawrence. Walked
to Sprucedale.
8 Fine clear cold morning. Sub. "Snowing" Tried
to show the responsibility of Christians in their
duty and priviledge of "Sowing beside all waters".
If all would do so, oh what a change would come over
the world.
Geo. Copeland drove me to Ems. Mr. Shaw to
Cyprus. (New Novar). We had fair cong. very good
at Ems. Many Mtheodists present. Trust souls were
re-consecrated to God.
9 Resting. Felt tired after the work at home, and the
days preaching. Fell asleep for two hours in the
afternoon. Snowing heavy.
10 Stormy north wind. Drifting. Vis. Mrs. Fleming
before she leaves.
11 Clear Vis. Wm. Hooie, Mr. Blin, Mrs. Nicholl. Very
cold 37 below zero.
12 Took cars to Ems. 13th Met Mr. Ridman (Mrs at Keary)
We are to change this Sabbath. Both got a ride to
Kearny. Stayed at Mr. Mclvors (Mr R's boarding house).
14 Mr. Redman left for Novar, and I walked to Ravensworth.
15 Good service at 10:30 in Mr. Garrwicks house, (son of
Rev. T. Garrwich). House full fine singing. Church
here not yet finished. Sub "Oh that thou hadst
hearkened. Mr. Garrwick drove me to Kearney. Very
slow horse. Yet in time. Good cong. five Rom
Catholics present. They have a fine churchhere. I
suppose they will have to confess.
15 this sin (What a thought!) of being present at our
16 Walked to Mr. Buchanans. Vis. by the way Mr. Cong.
Mr. Balbraith & Mrs Wilson. Mr. Ridman met me at Mr
Buchanans. Spent a pleasent and profitable e vening.
17 Mr. Redman walked to Kearney and I to Ems. Vis. John
McDonalds, a ch. family, but strong Methodists & Mr.
18 Reading and writting.
20 Vis. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Clar, and Mr. Thomson. Walked
to Sp.
21 Vis. Mr. Armstrong John Westwick & B. Copeland. L. B.
Copeland Mrs. Westwick & Mip Garriot (who was
helping her) I found laid aside with measels. Had a
hard time, but mending now. Mrs. Westwick feels
keenly she is not faithful enough to her saviour.
Mip G. professes to be a child of God.
Counselled & comforted from His dear word & promises.
22 Mild but slightly snowing. Roads very good. Best
cong. yet. Sub. "A sword, a sword" Felt great freedom
in preaching, almost as if I was conscious of it
being my last apportunity of warning dying souls.
Some told me they felt the service blessed to there
souls, and that I seemed inspired. Oh that we felt
more this way. Geo Copeland drove me to Sp. Walked
to Novar.
23 Reading. 24th Driven to Mr. Dixons (five miles
east of Novar ) so as I might have an opportunity
of visiting.
25 Vis. Mr Sinclair, Mr. Martin, Mr. Sinclair a member
of our church at Hamilton, but never yet joined us
here. Too far to walk, and her husband to careless
to drive here. Oh what indifference there is in
spiritual matters!
26 Very stormy drifting. Read Dr. Cummings book "Bread
of life".
27 Vis. Mr. Lovegrove, Mrs. McGillvray, Mr. Guthbert
Dan Campbell, Mrs. Gillespie. Mr. Rogers and Mrs
Hooie. Had a nights singing with Mr. Hooie.
28 Snowing. Heavy rain during the whole night.
29 Raining. Went to Novar church in the midst of rain.
Only two came. No service. Back to Novar (one
mile), got lunch. Started to walk by railway tract
for Ems. Weather cleared up and a terrible west
wind sprung up. Bad walking, hardly able to keep
the tract with the wind and sinking in the snow.
Got in time to Ems. Only 14 present. Sub. "Let your
light shine" Three in choir, sang and played a
beautiful anthem during Collect.
30 Did not go to Sp. teribly drifting.
Lovely day. Sun shining. Writting, to make up for
lost ime.
31 Went to see Ge. McDonald who is to go away tonight for
Dorkes one of our members. He is well like by every­
one. Wish them God speed.
31 Visited Mr. Bryce. Stayed all night. Part of the
family at Armon.
1 Vis. Mr. Taylor, Mr. May, Mr. Robb, Mcquillan, Mr.
Bosfield and Mr. Giles. Read and prayed with all
Many of them careless.
2 Vis. Mr. A. Freeland, Mr. Sherwood, Mr. Bates, Mip
3 Got to Sprucedale with Mr. Heron. Road full. 4th
5 Stormy day, drifting some. No tract to Sp. Church.
Only 12 present. Driven to Ems. by Mr. Mills. Good
cong full choir. Walked to Novar by railway tract.
Real good walking. 20 present at Novar.
Sub. "Brazen serpent".
6 Snowing, getting deep. Went by cars to B.F's Stayed
with Wm. Whelpton. Very kind to me. Visited Mr. Todd
Dr. Crawford and consulted about Mrs. Geddes health.
7 Took stage to Cecebe Bad roads, all drifted. Walked
accross the lake, bad walking. Some slush. Daniel
met me and helped by giving me the snow shoes. Found
Mrs. Geddes better. Very thankful. Our prayers
are for her.
10 Been helping at home. Wal ked today on snow shoes to
Cowans P. 0. Took stage to B. F's Drifted roads.
Took 3 hours to go 10 miles. Met two lumbermens
teams that ook 8 hours to go 6^ miles. Horses
crowd so. Stayed at Wm. W. Visited Mr. Geo.Welptons.
11 Took cars to Novar. 5 hours behind time.
12 Mild day. Good cong. at Novar. Driven by Mr. T.
Dixon to "high bridge". Walked to Ems. by rail
way tract. Tract very good. Large cong. at Ems.
Church nearly full. Driven towithin two miles of
Sp. by Mr. Shaw. Held service on Sp. in Mr.
Copelands house, the road not being broken to the
church. Room full. Sub at Sp. & Novar "Let your
light so shine" at Ems. "Is not my word like a
fire saith the Lord". Splendid attention.
13 Got a ride to Mr. Freelands. Roads improving.
14 Writting. In the afternoon visited Mr. Sandwich; s
15 Writting, vis. Mr. Herd, Mr. Shaw, Mrs. A. Freeland.
16 Vis Mr. Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs H. has been sick, but
getting better. Vis Mr. Smith "Scotia". Old Mr. J
was an elder outside. The sons do not take the in­
terest spiritually that they might.
17 Walked to Novar. Attended a meeting to reconsruct
the Union S. School. Owing to the Methodists this
has come to nought.
18 Took cars to Huntsville. Changing with Mr. Siverwright
who takes the anniversary services tomorrow at
19 Stormy day, snowing 6 drifting. Sub. at morning
meeting at
19 H. and afternoon meeting at Allansville. "Oh that
thou hadst hearkened" Good cong for such a day.
Wild drive out to O.S. Sub for night at H. "Con­
tinue ye in my love" Better cong.
20 Train late, too late for tea meeting at E so took
cars for B. F's. Put up at Burk House, too late to
stay with friends.
21 Left by stage for home. Found Mrs. Geddes very weak.
25 Left home for Burks Falls. Got a ride by Mr. Mitchel.
Vis Geo. Whelpton, Mrs. Blashill, Wm. Whelpton
staid with T. D. Reid, where Mr. Patterson boards
Mr. Siverwiight Huntsville is to be at the opening of
the new church at Sprucedale, Mr. P. goes to
Huntsville and I at Burks Falls.
26 Got the horse & cutter x
. P. uses. Drove to
Birndale. Small cong. there. Back to Burk's Falls
Good cong, though snowing. Drove out to Katrine
small cong. Lovely clear night to drive back. Sub.
today "Continue ye in my love"
27 Walked home. Had dinner in W. Silvesters. Found Mrs.
G improving slowly. All the others well.
4 Left home at 7i'30 Walked to Midlothian, Thomas Gertridge
drove me by Rousels saw log road to Doe Lake P. 0.
4 Walked from P. 0. to Sprucedale. Had dinner at
Beggsboro. All this week it has been snowing &
drifting, so roads are bad.
5 Fine day. Good cong at Spruce & Ems. Fair at
Novar. First time preached in new church at
Sp. Fine church easy to speak in. They had good
cong at the three services on opening sabbath.
Rev Martin from Toronto & Siverwright from
Huntsville. Crowded tea meeting on Monday night
{26 & 27 Feb) Realized about $100 at tea
meeting and $26 on Sabbath. Was driven to day by Mr
Deans rig to Ems. & walked by r. tract to Novar. The
tract good.
6 Took car for Ems. Got a ride to Mr. Bryces. Mr.
Thomson Mrs. Bryces father very sick. One of Christs
own. Hard to see if he is to recover, but if not,
he is prepared to die.
7 Went to Mr. Freelands. Writting & studying.
8 Vis. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Clark & Mr Thomson. Arrived
at Sp. at 7:30 vis Mr. Mills, Mr Deans, Mr. Copeland.
Mis. meeting. But, the roads being so bad, Mr.
Finlay did not arrive, till after the meeting was
over 9:30. Mr. F. was not pleased that I did not
make better arrangements for him being driven to
Sp. I did the best I could, but oh the roads were
bad indeed.
March 10
X 12
Mip. Meeting at Emsdale. I was chairman. Left the
speaking to Mr. F. He did well. Gave us a fund of
information on our home mission work. Had a bus­
iness meeting afterward about getting an ordained
missionary. Agreed to try to see if they could
raise enough. Choir led our singing.
Saw Mr. F. off for Novar by cars. I did not go as
the roads are so bad. It will be enough to get Mr.
F driven to Ems.
What a night of rain. Cleared up about 8 a.m. Mr.
Finlay took the com service at Novar. At one o'
clock it began to rain at Novar, and rained till
four. Mr. F. did not come to Emsdale service. We
waited an hour, then I took the service to teams
out, the roads so soft. About 30 present. Subject
"Our Guid". After service it was too late to go
to Sprucedale with such roads. Had Mr. F. come to
Ems, though late, I would have left the service and
gone to Sprucedale.
Mr. Finlay walked up to Mr. Bryces from Novar last
night. Saw him today. He explained all to me. We
had no rain yesterday after 8 a.m. at Ems, but
they had at Novar.
Visited Mr. Sahw and Mrs. Buchanan. Hard to get some
out to church.
Visited Mr. Clark, Mrs. Turner then walked to
18 Visited Mr. Peddie, Mr. Copeland and Mr. Stewart.
19 Fine mild day. Good cong. Sub."What dost thou here?"
Tried to make it a personal matter between God and
their conscience. Driven to Ems.by Mr. Morrison
Walked to Novar.
20 Lovely day. Visited Mr. Hooie to make up the half
yearly statement. Got my foot sprained cbn Sabbath
21 Very mild. Foot still sore, cannot visit though
I would like being so near the end of my six months.
25 Still very firm. Been three days in the house.
26 Lovely day. Driven to Ems. Walked to Sp. Large
Con sub "Awake out of sleep" Felt at hoem Plead
with the people.
27 Vis Mr Corbett, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Fowler, Beggsboro
Found Mrs. Fowler had gone away wouth to visit her
28 Vis Mr. Heron, Mr. Stevenson, D. Lawrence & Mr Copeland.
29 Vis Mr. Dalglish, John Marshall, Mr. Hill, La F.
30 Sent for by Mr. Bryce. His father-in-law Mr Thomson is
dead. Mr. Bryce's son drove me to Mr. Freelands.
31 Conducted Mr. Thomsons funeral service. A short
service at the house. Text "I am the re. and the
life". Funeral sermon on Sabbath. What a blessing
to know he is safe with Jesus, a solemn service.
Many in tears, while I plead with them.
1 8 9 3
1 Drove from Ems. to Sp. by stage. Bad roads. Rain
through the night. Vix. Mr. Peddie, had dinner
then. Vis Mr. Stewart, had tea there. Vis Mip
Kirkman. Farewell visits.
2 Bright sunny day. Had a good cong. at Sp. Sub.
"Jesus the light of the world" Crowded at Ems.
Mr. Thomson's funeral sermon. Sub. 0 r friend
Lazarus sleepeth". Very impressive. Beautiful
singing, so appropriate. Fair cong at Novar. Many
came though the roads were bad. One woman at Ems.
anxious about her conversion Tried to point her to
the Saviour. Spent all my spare time with here after
service. A little late at Novar. Was driven from
Sp. to Ems by Lochart Copeland and had to walk to
Novar. Mr. Cooper drove me to church and back.
Hearty shaking of hands at all the stations, many
expressing a wish that we were staying.
3 After Vis. friends at Novar, took cars to Ems. Then
walked to Mr. Bryces . Stayed all night. Mrs.
Thomson feels the loss of her husband, but is resigned
to her Fathers will.
4 Walked this morning to Mr. Freelands. Wrote and
read. At 4 p.m. went to Ems station with trunk. Took
cars to
1 8 9 3
April 4 Burks Falls. Spent the night in Burks Hotel.
Read a part of a "Christians secret of a happy
5 Got home, and found Mrs. Geddess much better and the
rest well. Glad to be home again.
6 Spent the day in writing friends on the field. Do
not yet know whether I am to be out on the mission
field this summer or not. But at home or abroad,
I trust I may be able to be the human means of doing
some good.
19 Got word from Mr. Finlay to go for a few weeks on
the commander field as the missionary is sick. Will
start on friday 28th for Rye, Com, and Nippissing
Village. Have written to the station that I will be
with them on Sabbath 30th. The distances between
the stations are very long. So long indeed that if
they cannot drive a part of the way I will be unable
to keep in the field. I trust the friends will help
May God use me for these weeks rn my prayers. May
souls be saved. May Christians be encouraged.
Jas Geddes.

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James Geddes Diary, 1889-1893.pdf


“James Geddes Diary, 1889-1893,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 31, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/116.

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