Olive Philp Diary & Transcription, 1918


Olive Philp Diary & Transcription, 1918


Olive Philp


Courtesy of Private Donor


20th Century, Wellington County, Maryborough Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


January NEW YEAR'S DAY (Dominion) TUESDAY, 1 (1-365) 1919

Men choring in forenoon At bush in afternoon cutting wood. Brock & I down to concert in Drayton at night Fine and brought but very frosty Ed. Hambly & Ida Scott married

WEDNESDAY, 2 (2-363

Choring in morning and cutting wood in afternoon Roy came after his goose. I up there in afternoon. Flurries of snow in afternoon but cold north wind and sharp.

THURSDAY, 3 (3-362)

Men choring in forenoon. Cutting wood in afternoon Brock down for his lesson at night. Bright and frosty.

January FRIDAY, 4 (4-361) 1918

Men choring and cutting wood in afternoon. Fine but cold.

SATURDAY, 5 (5-360)

Done chores and drawing up wood from bush for furnace. Beautiful bright day and milder Brock and I to town at night.

Epiphany (Quebec) SUNDAY, 6 (6-359)

Brock down to memorial service at night for Jno. McDowell. East wind all day and hard pickles of snow at night.

January MONDAY, 7 (7-358) 1918

Done chores and drawing out manure to other place below turnip ground. Very dull and dark. started to snow a little at night

TUESDAY, 8 (8-357)

Done chores drawing out manure. Brock & I up to Roys at night John Walker there. Quite stormy at times but not very cold.

==WEDNESDAY, 9 (9-356)

Brock down for chop in morning. A car of coal came for O.B. Henry so he brought home 1800 lbs. Went back after dinner for chop. Da choring. Storming but not cold. Sideroad very heavy.

January Thursday, 10 (10-355) 1918

Men choring. Quite a windy stormy day and cold. Brock down for his lesson at night.

Friday, 11 (11-354)

Da done changes in morning Brock took down a few bags of chop. Brought home 2300 lbs 7 coal fence rackets. He chop and cutter. Drawing out marume in afternoon. Quite mild, list wind.

Saturday, 12 (12-353)

Men done chores. Textile stormy wind s.w. and very strong. Snowed all night. 16° below zero in freezing.

January Sunday, 13 (13-352) 1918

Very stormy day. Wind a little more west but very strong. Couldn't see corner for storm.

Monday, 14 (14-351)

Men choring Da walked to town in afternoon. Brock broke road down to townline in afternoon. Storming in morning and a little in afternoon. Cold.

Tuesday, 15 (15-350)

Men choring at bush in afternoon. Brock & I over to Hoshels in evening. Storming a little and drifting. No trains since Saturday at 10 o'clock.

January Wednesday, 16 (16-349) 1918

Men chroing and at bush in afternoon. I walk to town in P.M. Drifting but finer towards night sharp. Train at night from north for the fisr.

Thursday, 17 (17-348)

Done chores and cutting wood. Brock & I to town at night. Telephone Clara. Fine but drifitng and blowing very cold.

Friday, 18 (18-347)

Done chores Brock down with chop in morning at bush in afternoon. Rather fine but real cold wind. Brock down for his lesson at night.

January Saturday, 19 (19-346) 1918

Done chores and cutting wood in afternoon. Brock & I to town at night. Fine and very sharp. No freight moving this week.

Sunday, 20 (20-345)

Home all day. Fine and bright. Cold.

Monday, 21 (21-344)

Men done chores and getting ready to kill pigs in forenoon. What here in afternoon helping kill two pigs Lovely bright day but cold. Brock down to jacks in morning to see if Brock was shipping but wasn't.

January Tuesday, 22 (22-343) 1918

Da done chores. Cut up pigs and salted meat Brock went for chop but heard Booth was shipping hogs no came Large and took 8 to moorefield. Came round by Oreytan for his chop. Dull and cold. Storming at times and drifting in afternoon.

Wednesday, 23 (23-342)

Da done chores in morning Brcok took mother to the train. Jane to Chatsworth. Came round by Harry's. Cutting up sausage meat and heads in afternoon. Bright and blustery cold.

Thursday, 24 (24-341)

Done chores and killed beef in afternoon. Harry helped Brock down for his lesson at night. Quite snowy in morning timer in afternoon and a little milder.

January Friday, 25 (25-340) 1918

Done chores and cutting up beef and put it out to freeze. Sold a (lind marker?) to Cester Walker. Quite stormy and cold in afternoon and evening.

Saturday, 26 (26-339)

Done chores. packed beef. Brock & I to town at night. Fine and bright but very sharp.

Sunday, 27 (27-338)

Home all day. Bright and very frosty.

January. Monday, 28. (28-337) 1918

Men choring. Very cold stormy day from east. Modereated to warm evening.

Tuesday, 29. (29-336)

Choring Brock to town in afternoon and up to see S.B. Henry's pigs. Blustery wind in west and real cold. Clara has a daughter.

Wednesday, 30 (30-335)

Men done chores. Both helping pack shovel on road in afternoon. Bright and calm but cold.

January Thursday, 31 (31-334). 1918

Brock took down some chop and a bal of potatoes to cloud forenoon. Da done chores & having out mammie in afternoon. Real cold all day but bright.

February Friday, 1 (32-333)

Done chores and drawing out (??) in afternoon. Brock down for his lesson at night. Fine but very cold.

Saturday, 2 (33-332)

Men choring. Brock down in morning to frost pameal to mother. We down at night. Was so bright and smilden.

February Sunday, 3 (34-331) 1918

Home all day. Dull and shiek in morning. Started to storm about noon and very rough afternoon. Cold.

Monday, 4. (35-330)

Done chores. Very bright but terrible cold. 16° below most of day.

Tuesday, 5 (36-329)

Men done chores Brock down to D.B. Henry's sale in afternoon. Dull and cold. Blowing and drifting at night from south. Clarence baby buried 26° below this a.m.

February Wednesday, 6 (37-328) 1918

Brock done chores and clearing pens. Jack came up in morning to say Melville telephoned down for him to go up. Brock took him to ten train. Dull and milden. Fine snow falling in afternoon.

Thursday, 7 (38-327)

Brock done chores Fine bright day but cool.

Friday, 8 (39-326)

Brock done chores. Over to Irwin Elliots in afternoon with pig. Went to meet Da about six and didn't get home until 11:45 P.M. Train late. East wind and drifting morning and steeling in night.

February Saturday, 9 (40-325) 1918

Choring Brock cleaned out pens and Da (??) Ashes. All (???) and (???) 7 businesses charged today and Monday to (??) fuel. Fine bright day.

Sunday, 10 (41-324)

Brock to church at night I up to Ray's but no one home. Fine and milder. Fa down to Jack's in afternoon to telephone to Chatsworth.

Monday, 11 (42-323)

Done chores and cleaned hen pens in morning. Decorated at noon the pipes were fozen no stanted to dig down by pig pen in afternoon. Lovely bright warm day. Thawing very fast.

February Tuesday, 12 (43-322) 1918

Done chores and digging at pipes but didn't get them open. Carried water for houses and calmes at night. Very dull and foggy and steady rain all day. Wind changed to north after supper.

Ash Wednesday (Quebec & N.W.T.) Wednesday, 13 (44-321)

Done chores in forenoon and cleaned up some chop. Brock to town in afternoon with it Da went as far as town line with him. roads very soft out with Jack driving road in afternoon. Dull and raw wind from east. Da 62 yrs. old.

Thursday, 14 (45-320)

Done chores and digging at pipes but didn't get them open. Bright at times during day but cloudy at night. Rainny at times all night. Harder and lightening.

Februrary Friday, 15 (46-319) 1918

Men choring. Brock & I to town in afternoon Mr. Craig came in afternoon and stayed all night. Cold wind and a little snowy at times. Fine night. Brock down to Hilborns.

Saturday, 16 (47-318)

Choring and drawing out franume. Mr. Craig went to town this forenoon Brock & I down at night. Fine bright day. Storming a little at night.

Saturday, 17 (48-317)

Brock to church at night Lonely bright day.

February Monday, 18 (49-316) 1918

Choring and drawing out manure. FIne bright but strong south wind.

Tuesday, 19 (50-315)

Choring and drew manure in morning D moving down water in afternoon. Rained in night and at times all day. Heavy rain after supper. Very icy.

Wednesday, 20 (51-314)

Men choring Quite stormy and windy.

Februrary Thursday, 21 (52-313) 1918

Choring in morning. Brock to town in afternoon. Sut Wiley had in front and down to Mr. H. Stududge's sale. Da silted ashes in afternoon. Down for his lesson at night. Fine but real cold wind.

Friday, 22 (53-312)

Choring and drawing out manure

Cold and very snowy at times in afternoon, but a fine night.

Druine Wilson's sale.

D up to Ray's in evening Hydro (??) on in D rayter.

February Sunday, 24 (55-310) 1918

Brock to church at night.

Lonely bright warm day. having Fields all bare.

Colder after supper.

Monday, 25 (56-309)

Done chores in morning and cleared up Chop.

Brock down with it in afternoon but didn't get it home.

Lovely bright morning but dull & very foggy rain after supper. a little thunder.

Tuesday, 26 (57-308)

Men choring D new down water after dinner and Brock went after his chop.

Quite stormy in morning and a very high wind Turned colder in night Brighter in afternoon but blurry at times.

February Wednesday, 27 (58-307) 1918

Men done chores and at bush in afternoon.

Snowing a little early in morning but a bright mild day.

Thursday, 28 (59-306)

Done chores and at bush in afternoon.

Very fine soft snow all morning but finer in afternoon.

Brock down for his at lesson at night.

March Friday, 1 (60-305)

Da done chores and Brock to town with a box to send to Clara in morning. at bush in afternoon Mr. Morrison called to get Brock to help more hive on Thursday to another on at Morrisons at night

Beautiful fine bright day. Mr. Jack [??] buried this a.m. killed on track

March Saturday, 2 (61-304) 1918

Done chores and at bush in afternoon.

Brock & I to town at night.

Beautiful fine bright day, but very high wind at times and after supper.

Sunday, 3 (62-303)

Brock to church at night.

Fine bright day.

Monday, 4 (63-302)

Done chores Da went to Morrison about ten o' clock. Brock over at sale in afternoon.

He down to palriatie consent grew by Clara people at night.

Fine bright morning. But rained a little about four o'clock then soft-snow

March Tuesday, 5 (64-301) 1918

Done choring Brock left about nine o'clock to take a load to another for Mr. Morrison. Home at 6:30.

Lizzie here for tea. Hod, Sadie & Leo Manis here in evening.

Very foggy damp day.

Wednesday, 6 (65-300)

Done chores Brock down to Dreytaw in morning and get 5 cent flour at bush in afternoon.

Dull and calm. Started to snow about four o'clock but mild.

Madge 28 yrs old.

Thursday, 7 (66-299)

Done chores. Da and Brock at Mr. Agnew's sale in afternoon.

Fine day but got much colder towards night.

Da and ma 36 yrs. rainned.

Tess 23 yrs. old.

March Friday, 8 (67-298) 1918

Done chores at bush in afternoon. Brock down to Hilborne at night but Seth going away so didn't get a lesson.

Fine bright morning and warm a little cloudy in afternoon.

Saturday, 9 (68-297)

Done chores and Brock down for mail in forenoon. at bush in afternoon.

Fine morning but very stormy in afternoon and some at night. High east wind.

Sunday, 10 (69-296)

Brock to church at night.

Stormy morning but finer in afternoon and bright.

March Monday, 11 (70-295) 1918

Done chores and at bush in afternoon. Brock down town at night for mail and to Seth's for a lesson.

Bright morning but cloudy in afternoon.

Tuesday, 12 (71-294)

Done chores Brock to town in moving with chop at bush in afternoon.

Beautiful bright day. Snow going very quickly.

Wednesday, 13 (72-293)

Done chores and at bush in afternoon.

Mr. Wesley James came about three o'clock and stayed for tea.

Brock to town at night.

Bright morning but dull in afternoon and raining hard and freezing after supper.

March Thursday, 14 (73-292) 1918

Brock to Moorefield in morning with 6 pigs. Da done chores choring in afternoon.

Foggy and very damp all morning. Heavy rain toward noon.

Harold brought Edith Brian over about five o'clock.

Brock down for his lesson.

Friday, 15 (74-291)

Da done chores. Brock took Edith morning train. Fixing door on 16' space in afternoon. Brock down to meet mother. She coming from Chatsworth.

Real cold morning but bright

Trees very icy.

Saturday, 16 (75-290)

Choring in morning and finished fixing the door in afternoon.

Me to town at night.

Fine bright day but cool.

March Sunday, 17 (76-289) 1918

Brock to church at night.

Fine bright day and thawing very fast.

Monday, 18 (77-288)

Done chores and drowing out manure.

Fine warm day. thawing.

Tuesday, 19 (78-287)

Done chores, and drawing out manure. Brock & I to Ms. Snells in evening.

Very mild and warm.

Roads getting bare and some buggies on road.

March Wednesday, 20 (79-286) 1918

Done chores and finished drawing out manure in forenoon.

Da keeping put meat today to dry in afternoon Brock choring.

I went to town in morning and called in to ask about Sam. He very sick.

Beautiful spring day. Very warm.

Thursday, 21 (80-285)

Done chores. Mr. Ms Janae here in morning. Da and he went to town about [???].

at high in afternon. Brock down for his lesson at night.

Very warm & calm.

Snow going rapidly.

Friday, 22 (81-284)

Done chores and at bush. Lonely bright day. Clara 33 yrs old.

March Saturday, 23 (82-283) 1918

We done chores. Brock down with chop in morning.

at bush in afternoon.

Me to town at night.

Beautiful day a little cooler.

Drew down water and at bush in P.M.

Sunday, 24 (83-282)

Brock to church at night and Da up to Harry's.

Fine bright day.

Monday, 25 (84-281)

Done chores and cutting wood.

Fine morning but cloudy and colder in afternoon and flurries of snow.

David Shent buried.

March Tuesday, 26 (85-280) 1918

Men done chores and cutting wood in bush.

Fine bush cold wind and flurries of snow.

Wednesday, 27 (86-279)

Done chores and cutting wood in bush Wilmott here asking hands to wood bee.

Brock & I to town at night.

I up to Charles loalkens but no one at home.

Cloudy at times and cold wind.

Thursday, 28 (87-278)

Done chores and at bush in forenoon at Wilmotts wood bee in afternoon

Brock down to Seths for lesson at night

Beautiful bright day. Cool in morning

March GOOD FRIDAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 29 (88-277) 1918

Da done chores. Brock took down a bare to [caprear?] to Clara and them took team and went up to Starry;s for bar and round to stod for buckets.

Selling ready to tap in afternoon and tapped about 25 trees.

Warm bright day.

SATURDAY, 30 (89-276)

Men done chores and getting kettler cleaned and wood gathered to boil. Boiling in afternoon. Had 1 sal & 1 [??]

Brock & I to town at night.

Fine very bright day.

SUNDAY,31 Easter Sunday

Brock to church at night

Beautiful bright freezy day.

April EASTER MONDAY (Dominion) Monday, 1 (91-274) 1918

Done choring Da at Drayden on Dumers business Home about six o'clock

Brock in bush in afternoon for a while.

Very foggy aged dull. Rained hard in afternoon.

Thunder and ligthening rain in night

== Tuesday, 2 (92-273)


Done chores Da down to [??] in morning with ike on Duncan business.

Brock back out startea to bail.

Lizzie Hilborn here for a while in afternoon

Brock and I up to Ms. Donalds in evening

Beautiful warm bright day. Colder in evening and lightening in south.

Wednesday, 3 (93-272)

Done chores and boiling all afternoon. Had 3 gals [??]

Brock and I over to Stod's in evening.

Fine bright day.

April Thursday, 4 (94-271) 1918

Done chores out back in bush. Splitting wood and boiling.

Quite a cold new day.

Friday, 5 x (25-27)

Da done chores and drew down water. Brock went to town in morning with chop and got 2500 lbs. of coal from raeckets. Splitting wood in afternoon and gathered sap.

Bright day but real cold wind.

Saturday, 6 (96-269)

Done chores and boiling all afternoon. Sap nursing good this morning. Brock over to bucksaw a can from Stod. We to town at night.

Mr. Henderson called in afternoon.

Beautiful fine warm day.

April Sunday, 7 (97-268) 1918

Brock to church at night.

Ray and Peggie called for a pameal brought out from town last night.

Warmed and looking like rain but brightened by noon.

Monday, 8 (98-267)

Done chores Da boiling in bush spent of forenoon and all afternoon. Bright moving but cloudy and colder at night. frrezing & snow ice the air

Tuesday, 9 (99-266)

Done chores and drawing out manure.

Brock up to Elenie in evening.

Bright but very cold north wind freezing.

Souin Montgomery dead 39 yrs.

April Wednesday, 10 (100-265) 1918

Done chores drawing out manure all day.

Bucked modge and Lieut Halevig here for tea and to spend the evening.

Fine day but cold wind

Thursday, 11 (101-264)

One chore and finished the manure by noon.

Da silted ashes and took manure off drain in afternoon.

Brock mother & I at Sauin Montgomery funeral in afternoon. I up to Chater for his and Brock came ip in evening.

Warm afternoon but fall of snow early in morning and dull.

Friday, 12 (102-263)

Done chores and went back to {??} bush. Buckets full. Da boiling all afternoon.

Mr. Ms {???} and children here also Georgie and baby in afternoon.

Warmer and a little dull at times.

April Saturday, 13 (103-262) 1918

Done chores then boiling down all day in bush.

Brock & I to town at night.

Beautiful bright warm day.

Sunday, 14 (104-261)

Brock to church at night.

Clock moved ahead 1 hr today

Lonely warm day like summer.

Monday, 15 (105-260)

Done chores. Brock to town for 1000 7 tile in morning.

Da back boiling down. {??} up the buckets and took out {??}/

Mr. Henderson called in morning.

Beautiful warm day and calm.

April Tuesday, 16 (106-259) 1918

Da done chores and Brock to town with chop.

Brought up buckets and kettles from bush in afternoon and cleaned there.

Brock look {??} buckets home and got some wheat from Wilmott.

Warm and looking like rain. Quite a shower in night. Thunder lightening.

Wednesday, 17 (107-258)

Done chores and Brock down to {??} some syrup to Clara. Then getting ready to clean seed grain. Cleaning grain in afternoon.

Dull and foggy in morning. Started to rain about four o'clock. Raining quite steady all evening.

Thursday, 18 (108-257)

Done chores. Finished clearing grain {??} a little apple tree and {??}

this sapt wood in yard in afternoon.

Rather dull and cold wind.

Fall & snow snow in night and early morning.

April Friday, 10 (109-256) 1918

Done chores and piling wood in bush. Finished it in afternoon.

Bright day but coal wind.

Saturday, 20 (110-255)

Done chores. Then digging at pipes all afternoon and got the water going to barn about six o'clock.

Brock & I to town at night.

Fine day but coal east wind

Sunday, 21 (111-254)

Mr. {??} Riteh and Maniel here for dinner and tea.

Mr. Henderson & Brett here for tea.

Brock to town with {??} at night. Da over to hostel in evening to ask Had to keep with {??} in snowing.

Dull and rainy in morning brightened a little in afternoon and colder.

April Monday, 22 (112-253) 1918

Done chores. Then had Brock each took steer in waggon to moonfield. One of them got out. I gone & Brock had to go to the 6th after it and got home about 7:30 P.M.

On choring and filling men the water pipes where they were dug up.

Dull morning. rain & snow. fine bright Clara 4 yrs married.

Tuesday, 23 (113-252)

Done chores. Da drew out same manure in yarden patch and Brock willowing little patch on other place and root ground in forenoon. {??}, harrowed & sawed little patch in afternoon to wheat. Had to stop about 4:30 as rain came on turned to snow and quite a heavy soft fall.

I to town in afternoon.

Lonely bright forenoon.

Wednesday, 24 (114-251)

Done chores and ploughing in field back by windfall in other place. Harry Booth here and {??} Ebany $110.

Snowy and wintery looking in forenoon.

Brightened in afternoon.

fine clear night.

April THURSDAY, 25 (115-250) 1918

Men choring

Brock took load of chop to town forenoon. brought home the east wheele and balance of tile.

Aline & I went to town with Willy. Aline went on five train to Elara.

Men sloughing off. bright but cool.

Friday, 26 (116-249)

Men choring and back to plough forenoon. At noon Robt took Ebany over to Eli Mitchells. Then afternoon they took out seed oats and sowed them on root ground and harrowed them. Finished and went back to plough for an hover cool and very like rain.

Saturday, 27 (117-248)

Done chores. Both ploughing back field in forenoon. Then Brock finished and ploughed lane and Da started to plough some manure in back of {??}

Brock to town at night.

Fine but looking like rain at times.

April Sunday, 28 (118-247) 1918

Mr Mrs Thompson brought me home this afternoon. Mr Mrs Ritch and Muniel called to tak eosme of us for a ride as Brock went up Mr. {??} with them.

Bright in forenoon but cloudy and sprinkling rain in evening.

Monday, 29 (119-246)

Done chores. {??} and cultivating back & maple tree in forenoon. Sowing and harrowing it after dinner but didn't get quite finished at came on rain about 4:30 P.M. shawery all evening. Very high wind all day but bright in morning.

X Tuesday, 30 (120-245)

Done chores {??}, and cultivating back & maple tree waht they didn't get finished yesterday Sowing and harrowing it in afternoon.

Cool and dull came on shower about five o'clock.

May Wednesday, 1 (121-244) 1918

Done chores cultivating and {??} in forenoon over fence there {??} blushes. Sawing and harrowing in afternoon.

Brock to town at night, round by Wilmott & Hoshels.

Little flurry of snow in morning Bright and cool wind all day.

Thursday, 2 (122-243)

Done chores. Cultivating in forenoon back by ditch.

Sound and harrowed it in afternoon.

Revd {??} and Caph Cawland called. Clara & baby came on five train. Sea Green brought Rev out.

Dull in morning and a sprinkle of rain. Very windy in afternoon but fine.

Friday, 3 (123-242)

Done chores. Cultivating part of old Parkline field. Harrowing and sowing that they had cultivated in afternoon.

Georgie left Edna here in afternoon while she went to town.

Mrs. Water here in evening for duck eggs.

Lovely bright morning a sleight shower abour four but cleared up again warmed.

May Saturday, 4 (124-241) 1918

Done chores, cultivating next 7 parture in forenoon. Sowed and harrowed it in afternoon Brock & I to town at night Fine bright day and warm a little dull in morning.

Sunday, 5 (125-240)

Brock Clara & baby up to Uncle Richd in afternoon.

Brock to church at night.

Beautiful warm bright day.

Monday, 6 (126-239)

Done chores. Then cultivating part of 14 ac. field this side of windmill that had been ploughed. Sawed and harrowed it in afternoon.

Aunt Emma Uncle Richd here in evening to say Aunt Catty was very sick. Mary wrote and told them.

Mother 55 yrs. old.

May TUESDAY, 7 (127-238) 1918

Done chores. Ploughing all day on other place, ploughing in manure on other side & root grained.

Clara & I to town in afternoon.

Brock down to Parkside base social in evening.

Warm died dull looking like rain at times and high wind.

Wednesday, 8 (128-237)

Done chores. Cultivating summer fallow on other place in forenoon.

Ploughing in manure in afternoon.

Out and cold in morning.

Bright and warmer in afternoon high wind.

Ascension Day THURSDAY, 9 (129-236)

Done chores. Harrowing and dincing where the manure was, then harrowed and saved it in afternoon finished seeding.

Dull and looking like rain, came on quite a shower in afternoon. raining in evening, thunder and lightening in night and high wind.

May FRIDAY, 10 (130-235) 1918

Choring in morning and filled up some chop. Brock to town in afternoon and Da ploughing sod back of barn

Clara & I up to Georgie's in evening with ward about Aunt Catty. Raining quite hard at times all morning. Colder & windy in P.M. fine night.

Saturday, 11 (131-234)

Done chores. Finished ploughing sod back of barn.

Janet & Brett Henderson came out with message that Jr. Mr Read was dead.

Brock took Clara & babe to five train she gone to Brampton.

Brock & I to team at night. Fine day but looking like rain at night.

Sunday, 12 (132-233)

Brock to church at night. Raining nearly all day.

May MONDAY, 13 (133-232) 1918

Done chores and started to plough up corner field. poor catch of seeds. Melville & Clara came in evening. Mr. Green drove there out. Dad gave him sac of potatoes.

Rather dull in morning but fine afternoon. Little shower in evening. Mr has Anderson. Mrs Pollock & Mrs. Codweed called in evening.

TUESDAY, 14 (134-231)

Done chores. Ploughing and harrowing in corner field.

Melville to {??} in afternoon.

Beautiful bright breezy day. Georgie called to say Aunt Catty hat {???} much

WEDNESDAY, 15 (135-230)

Done chores Ploughing and harrowing in corner field.

Mr. Henderson brought out {??} I went back to town with him & Brock down to town in evening.

Fine day. breezy and cool.

May THURSDAY, 16 (136-229) 1918

Done chores. Ploughing and harrowing in corner field.

Beautiful day. Very warm.

Mr. Wilson here for dinner.

Aunt Carrt {??} on at 9. a.m. Removed a {??} tumor attached to kidnet and back bone.

Friday, 17 (137-228)

Done chore. Ralling sowing and harrowing corner field.

Same day. Very warm.

Mrs. Noble here for duck eggs.

May Sunday, 19 (139-226) 1918

Mr and Mrs Thompson Evelyn {??} here for dinner and tea

Mr. Henderson called in evening and Harry here.

Fine warm day. Looking like rain at times.

Brock to church at night.

Monday, 20 (140-225)

Done chores. Brock took pig and was calmes to Moonfield and Da led {??{

Sprouting potatoes in afternoon Mr. Rennie here for dinner.

Dull and cool, misting a little

Tuesday, 21 (141-224)

Done chores and sprouting potatoes all day.

Fine day.

Cattle out on road.

May Wednesday, 22 (142-223) 1918

Done chores and working {??} ground. Brock sowed them in afternoon. Ma & I to town in P.M. thunder and lightening in morning but but much rain.

fine day and warm.

THURSDAY, 23 (143-222)

Done chores and working on root ground. Planted 5 rows of potatoes back by {??}. Clara & I down to Ran's in afternoon. Horhel over for some seed potatoes in evening.

Brock to town at night.

Fine breezy day. Frost at night

Friday, 24 (144-221)

Done chores and cultivated summer fallow on other place in morning Brock harrowed it in afternoon and Da worked up garden and got it ready to plant.

Planted some early buck-eye potatoes in garden. Put fence round after supper.

Very dull all day a little sprinkle about five o'clock.

May SATURDAY, 25 (145-220) 1918

Done chores Brock to town with chop in afternoon and Da drawing out manure with stone boat on to garden patch.

Brock & I to town at night.

Jack up and filled up his bags of potatoes in P.M.

SUNDAY, 26 (145-219)

Brock to church at night

Fine but very sulky and looking like rain.

Came on storm about nine o'clock Rained last night and {??} about eight.

MONDAY, 27 (147-218)

Done chores. Cut some potatoes and planted them in garden on other side of carrot bushes.

Plowed the other garden sees in afternoon. Brock went to Elana about 3.30 P.M. for some small pigs.

Mr. Remie here for dinner.

Dull & windy in morning Came out very hat & smetry. Thunder storm in Evg.

May Tuesday, 28 (148-217) 1918

Done chores. Da went to town about 9.30 a.m and there to Jack Mr {??} made in afternoon.

Brock over to sale in afternoon. Dull in morning but brightened and was fine afternoon & Evg.

WEDNESDAY, 29 (149-216)

Done chores. Da working in garden. Brock over to Jack Mcqueen for 4 tard pigs he b t in forenoon.

Helping started plough in afternoon Da choring.

Dull and warm. Came on miggling rain about three o'clock.

{??} growing weather.

THURSDAY, 30 (150-215)

Done chores. Da started to trim space. Brock to trim in afternoon to tell Dr. to come out to see baby' 2 eyes. Get Wiley shod.

Dr. Cassidy here about noon. More thet gult 5 bags potatoes.

Fine day a little cloudy at times.

May FRIDAY, 31 (159-214) 1918

Done chores. Da trimming spruce in morning and Brock to town for Ma's medicine. Working on root ground in afternoon. Georgie there for tea. Mr. Duff here for potatoes in afternoon after Dr. Liscumbs. Very hot and looking like thunder storm. cooler in evening. Brock up to Lou Corbetts' to buy some little pigs

June SATURDAY, 1 (152-213)

Done chores. Planted some potatoes in morning and sowed corn in afternoon. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day. Very high wind in afternoon.

SUNDAY, 2 (153-212)

Melville and Mrs. Milson arrived about ten o'clock. Brock to church at night. Fine day, cool

June MONDAY, 3 (154-211) 1918

Done chores. Brock down with rails to make a pen to put sheep in at river. Da working root ground. Washed sheep in afternoon. Melville took Ma and Mrs. Milson to town in a.m. and even to cemetry in P.M. Left for Chatsworth about three o'clock. Mr. Corbett brought pigs in evg and Les Waters here for potatoes {The rest of the entry is written into the next section} Mr Rennie here for dinner.

TUESDAY, 4 (155-210)

Brock to town in forenoon with chaf. Da working on root ground all day. Brock working rape ground in P.M. on other place. Mrs. Newtead and Mina Buchaee called. Dull and cool all day.

WEDNESDAY, 5 (156-209)

Brock finished cultivating rape ground in forenoon. Da drawing manure on to root ground. Both working at manure in afternoon. Ma and Clara to town in afternoon. Fine warm day.

June THURSDAY, 6 (157-208) 1918

Done chores. Drawing out manure on to root ground. to Kitchener with Mr. Henderson. Dull and looking like rain. slight thunder shower in Evg.

FRIDAY, 7 (158-207)

men ploughing in manure on root ground. Cultivating and harrowing summer fallow in afternoon. Brock to town at night. Fine but cool and very high wind

SATURDAY, 8 (519-206)

Working on summer fallow all day. Clara Brock and I to town at night. Fine and quite breezy. Cloudy in Evening and a few drops of rain.

June SUNDAY, 9 (160-205) 1918

Home all day. Maisha foaled in evening. Dull and raining most of day. Quite a heavy shower after tea.

MONDAY, 10 (161-204)

Men took 5 fat cattle to Moorefield in forenoon. Mr. Rennie here for dinner. Brock helping Ike McIssac move in afternoon to Jack's farms. Da setting out cabbage and tomato plants in P.M. Melville brought Billy down. arrived about seven. Les came in car about sic. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ritch here in Evg. with 9 little ducks. Cloudy in a.m. but a nice day.

TUESDAY, 11 (162-203)

Da, Brock, Melville and Les down town in morning. Da discing root ground in afternoon and the rest went to Kitchener. Cloudy and looking like rain brightened in afternoon for a while but came up a heavy thunder storm about eight.

June WEDNESDAY, 12 (163-202) 1918

Da and Brock choring and put in a cement sill in pig pen. Les and Melv. left about ten o'clock for Harriston. Da and Brock down to Jack Ritches in Evening. Cold and very heavy mist all day. rained at night.

THURSDAY, 13 (164-201)

Da trimming spruce all day. Brock choring in forenoon and cultivated turnip ground in afternoon. Cloudy but brightened in afternoon. Quite breezy. Brock to town at night.

FRIDAY, 14 (165-200)

shearing sheep. Fine cool day.

June SATURDAY, 15 (166-199) 1918

Brock cultivating and rolling turnip ground. Da ridged it up and Brock sowing them in afternoon. Clara Brock and I to town at night. Mr. Fleet here for calf for John Ritch. Fine day and cool.

SUNDAY, 16 (167-198)

Brock to church at night. Dr. and Mrs. Ferrier and Mrs. Ellis called to see baby about 5 P.M. Ms. Henderson and Mrs. Patterson here in Evening. We went for a little ride with them. cloudy like rain. warm.

MONDAY, 17 (168-197)

Brock took Clara and baby to ten train. She gone home to Chatsworth. Da over to Moorefield with two sheep in forenoon. Dipping lambs in afternoon. Mr. Rennie here for dinner. Beautiful warm day.

June TUESDAY, 18 (169-196) 1918

Drawing out manure to other place. Mr and Mrs. Thompson here in Evening. Beautiful warm day.

WEDNESDAY, 19 (170-195)

Brock drawing out manure all day. Da scuffling potatoes in morning Scuffling and hoeing mangel in afternoon. Beautiful bright day cool at night.

THURSDAY, 20 (171-194)

Da hoeing mangel all day. Brock to town in morning with chaf and cream can. Da to meet Rennie at Hatches with Martha. Brock away in Evening. Fine day, breezy and cool. Norm Perkin here for dinner. Helping fix pump at low windmill.

June FRIDAY, 21 (172-193) 1918

{Someone other than Olive is making entries} Brock drawing out manure all day. Da hoeing mangels. Very dull and cloudy Quite heavy showers at times. Sultry and thundering Mr. Henderson brought out telegrame from Tabby in afternoon.

SATURDAY, 22 (173-192)

Brock, Olive and I up to the school to register then Brock took Olive to the nine train for a short visit to Kingston. Da weeding in the garden fore and up to Register aft. and back on the other place. Brock finished the manure and took his plough to plough on the summer fallow. Mrs Will Anderson here all afternoon from Rothsay and Mrs Ed. Smith called for her. Brock down town at night misty and cool all day

SUNDAY, 23 (174-191)

very fine day all at home till Evening then Brock went to Goshen Dr McGregger here from Elora stopped about an hour very fine afternoon

June {Following is written in}X {Typed}MONDAY, 24 (175-190) 1918

{Olive resumes writing} Da scuffling corn all day Brock plowing on rape ground. {Someone else writing} Mr Rennie here at noon Violet and Will and George arrived here at eleven. very fine day Brock and Will down town for trunk

TUESDAY, 25 (176-189)

Brock ploughing all day " " took V. W. and G. up to Roys for dinner. Da finished scuffling corn and hoeing potatoes Brock over to Zion. at night Violet W. and G came back and brought Elwin driver {The remainder of the entry was in the margins} with them

WEDNESDAY, 26 (177-188)

Men started in to do the road work. Violet took Will to the train and took Elwins horse home very fine day

June THURSDAY, 27 (178-187) 1918

{Olive resumes writing} men doing road work. I came home tonight from Kingston. Fine and warm.

FRIDAY, 28 (179-186)

Brock doing road work. team on road grader, finished about ten o'clock then ploughing on rape ground rest of afternoon. Da pulling mustard and hoeing turnips. Fine and warm.

SATURDAY, 29 (180-185)

Da and Brock lifting up windmill pump in low well and mended the rod on back windmill in forenoon. then took the young cattle out of bush over to Ike's to pasture in afternoon. Violet, Brock and I to town at night. Very warm and fine.

June SUNDAY, 30 (181-184) 1918

Brock took Violet and George up to Uncle Rich in forenoon. To church at night. Fine morning. Rained quite hard in afternoon and evening. Thunder and lightening

July DOMINION DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 1 (182-183)

Men ploughing on rape ground and finished it. Brock ploughed lane. Mr. Rennie here for dinner. Misting and very cold in afternoon and evening.

TUESDAY, 2 (183 -182)

Cultivated rape ground in morning. Brock harrowing it in afternoon and Da hoeing mangels. finished them second time over. Mr. Henderson and Janet called in evening. Fine bright day a little cloudy in evening.

July WEDNESDAY, 3 (184-181) 1918

Brock to town with chaf and cream can in forenoon. Working on rape ground in afternoon. Da scuffling potatoes and corn. Grace Brett, Lowe and Fleuellings called in evening. Beautiful day and hot.

THURSDAY, 4 (185-180)

Brock working on rape ground. Da scuffling corn. Brock to Arthur at night. Elwin down in Evg. Sold wool to Kaplan for 94c per lb. Fine and warm a little cloudy at times.

FRIDAY, 5 (186-179)

Da finished scuffling corn in forenoon. Brock getting ground ready to sow turnips on other place. Da ridged it up in afternoon and Brock sowed there. Fine day and beautiful Evening. I up to Ray's at night.

July SATURDAY, 6 (187-178) 1918

Da hoeing potatoes back of barn in forenoon. Helping Brock pick roots on other place in afternoon. Brock cultivating Elwin brought Violet and George home in evening. Fine day

SUNDAY, 7 (188-177)

Brock to church at night. Cool and dull.

MONDAY, 8 (189-176)

Brock harrowing summer fallow in forenoon. Then Da and he ploughing it in afternoon. Mr. Rennie here for dinner. Brock took Violet and George down to Uncle Johns about five o'clock. Fine but cool and breezy. Da very miserable in bed most of forenoon.

July TUESDAY, 9 (190-175) 1918

{Another author is writing} choring and made a pen for geese outside in forenoon. Ploughing on rape ground in afternoon. Dull and heavy mist like rain at times, a little finer in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 10 (191-174)

Ploughing rape ground all day. Brock to town at night with cream can. Fine but a little cloudy.

THURSDAY, 11 (192-173)

Finished ploughing rape ground by noon. Da banked potatoes. Both working on rape ground in afternoon. Stretches some barb wire after supper. Fine warm day a little shower about five but lovely Evening.

July FRIDAY, 12 (193-172) 1918

Working on rape ground all day. I to town in forenoon and got Wiley shod. Celebration at Fergus and Listowl. Fine day but warm.

SATURDAY, 13 (194-171)

{Olive resumes writing} Sowing rape in forenoon and harrowing it. Burning some roots in afternoon and Brock greened potatoes. Da scuffling. Brock met Uncle Jim and Lillian at night train. then we back to town. Beautiful day and warm.

SUNDAY, 14 (195-170)

Uncle Jim and Brock over to cemetry in afternoon. Brock to church at night. Fine and warm.

July MONDAY, 15 (196-169) 1918

Hoeing turnips all day. Mr. Rennie here for dinner. Fine and very warm. Brock took Uncle Jim to morning train.

TUESDAY, 16 (197-168)

Hoeing turnips all day. Dr. McGregor here in evening. Cloudy and dull. Little showers at times. heavier in evening. warm.

WEDNESDAY, 17 (198-167)

Brock to town in morning with chaf. Da scuffling turnips and both hoeing rest of day. Dull but brightened and came out hot in afternoon. Mother down to see Mrs. Mosser in a.m. She quite sick. Brock 25 yrs. old.

July THURSDAY, 18 (199-166) 1918

Hoeing turnips all day. Finished them. Mrs. Hill here in evening. Fine warm day. Brock down with cream can and over to Zion at night.

FRIDAY, 19 (200-165)

Brock cut about five acres in corner field by oats. Da scuffling turnips. Brock greened potatoes in field. then raked what he had cut about five o'clock. Coiling up after tea. Fine and very warm.

SATURDAY, 20 (201-164)

Cut part field on other side of orchard. then raking it after dinner, and got it coiled up. Da coiling up in corner fields all morning finished it about 2 P.M. We to town at night Fine and very warm.

July {Following is written in}X {Typed}SUNDAY, 21 (202-163) 1918

Brock to church at night a terrible hot day.

MONDAY, 22 (203-162)

Cut hay next Jack's line fence in morning. Da getting barn ready to draw in. Got a couple of loads today before dinner from corner field and finished it in afternoon. Mr. Rennie here for dinner. Very warm but not such a fierce heat as yesterday.

TUESDAY, 23 (204-161)

Drawing in from other side of orchard Brock raked after dinner down by line fence and drawing it rest of afternoon. Very warm.

July WEDNESDAY, 24 (205-160)

Finished drawing in field next Jack's line fence in forenoon and ground mower knife. Brock cutting hay on other place in afternoon. Da hoeing potatoes. Brock to town at night Very hot and calm. a few drops of rain in P.M. Heavy storms went round.

THURSDAY, 25 (206-159)

Brock cutting hay in forenoon on other place, Da cutting same weeds and choring then went to rake what Brock cut yesterday. Both coiling up in afternoon. I down to Mossers{?} for 6 boxes of berries @ 209 Fine but very warm.

FRIDAY, 26 (207-158)

Finished cutting hay in forenoon. and Da raking. Both coiling up in afternoon. Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Craig and Jennie called in Evening. Fine and hot. a little sprinkle about three o'clock.

July SATURDAY, 27 (208-157) 1918

Da and Brock raking and coiling up hay in forenoon. Drawing in after dinner. I took mother and Lillian to six train to go to Guelph. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day but warm.

SUNDAY, 28 (209-156)

Brock to church at night Fine and warm.

MONDAY, 29 (210-155)

Drawing in hay from other place. Tom came to shingle rest of barn. I to town to meet mother on ten train. Julie a heavy rain about 2.30 P.M. stopped them drawing in. thunder and lightening. Then cleared a little in evening very warm in morning. Mr. Kaplan got wool. Mr. Rennie here for dinner.

July TUESDAY, 30 (211-154) 1918

Cleaning pens and hen house and fixing carriage in driving house. Cut little orchard on other place after dinner and coiled it up. Mr and Mrs. Malcolmson called to see about my ticket. Misty in morning but fine breezy afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 31 (212-153)

Drawing in hay from other place all day. Finished haying. Tom here shingling barn. Fine breezy day.

August THURSDAY, 1 (213-152)

Brock to town with chaf and cream can in morning. Da scuffling turnips and hoed his rows. Brock greened potatoes in afternoon. up to Ray's for a bunch of shingles and helping Tom. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pollock and Beekie called after too. Fine day and warm quite breezy in afternoon.

August FRIDAY, 2 (214-151) 1918

Hoeing turnips all day. Brock to town at night. Fine day and real cool evening.

SATURDAY, 3 (215-150)

Finished hoeing the turnips. Brock and I to town at night. Fine and warmer.

SUNDAY, 4 (216-149)

Ma and Da to Jack Ritches for dinner and tea. Fine and very warm.

August MONDAY, 5 (217-148) 1918

Da and Brock hoed the mangels. Da scuffling turnips on other place after supper. Fine and very hot.

TUESDAY, 6 (218-147)

Hoed the turnips on other place. and finished scuffling them. Very hot day. Aaron to Waltons barn on burwell line struck by lightening and burned this a.m.

WEDNESDAY, 7 (219-146)

Got out binder and cut grain back of poplars and hacked it. hew ground a trifle. Brock to town at night. Mr. Malcolmson here with my ticket in Evg. very hot. Thunder storms all round.

August THURSDAY, 8 (220-145) 1918

Cutting the mixed grain on root ground on other place in forenoon and shocked it. Hoeing corn in afternoon. Very hot day. Thunder storms going round all day. We had one about six o'clock. Mr. Owens barn burned and Tom Hendersons stable. Raining a little all evening and sultry

FRIDAY, 9 (221-144)

Da to town in forenoon. Brock fixing bars and cutting weed on road. Picking berries in afternoon and hoed a row of corn. I up to Rays in evening. very cloudy and sultry in forenoon a little breeze in afternoon but close and hot.

SATURDAY, 10 (222-143)

Cut the little patch of wheat on other place in forenoon and hacked it. Hoeing corn in afternoon. Mother, Brock and I to town at night Fine but hot.

August SUNDAY, 11 (223-142) 1918

Thompsons and Mr. Cody here for tea and to spend evening. Fine but hot. lightening at night All at home all day

MONDAY, 12 (224-141)

{Elizabeth writing} Robt choring for an hour Brock took Olive to train this morning she going out west for a holiday. Men started in to cut barley in the corner field about half past nine. Cut it and shocked it up very warm in middle of the day

TUESDAY, 13 (225-140)

Robt and Brock cutting and shocking rye all day back at the line fence between Roy and us. finished piece. fearful hot day the thermometer 100 in the shade, thunder and lightening at night but no rain here, very black in the north

August WEDNESDAY, 14 {Following is written in}X {Typed}(226-139) 1918

The weather very much cooler Robt and Brock drawing in mixed grain from behind the driving house an other place. fore - Drawing in at house afternoon. cool wind. finished the piece, and Brock went to town {Written cross-hatch in the left margin by someone else} Olive arrived in Pt. Arthur.

THURSDAY, 15 (227-138)

Men drawing in out of the corner field all day very fine cool day {Someone else writing} Olive got the Kenora 8 a.m. Martha met her!

FRIDAY, 16 (228-137)

Men finished. drawing in out of the corner field and drew in the patch of wheat. Then Brock went to town with chaf. found the chopper broke. cool and very fine day

August SATURDAY, 17 (229-136) 1918

Men started to cut the last piece of grain on this place Cool and very fine. {Clara writing} Brock to town in evening.

SUNDAY, 18 (230-135)

Melv. Babe and I came down from Chatsworth for dinner, Melv. and father to Harriston in afternoon. a lovely day. Brock to church in evening.

MONDAY, 19 (231-134)

Men cut piece of mixed grain by rape, on other place, and stooked it. Got a road cut round back 14 acre field before dinner too. Melv. helping stook. Lovely day.

August TUESDAY, 20 (232-133) 1918

Cutting and stooking in back field on other place. Finished big field and started on piece by windmill. Melv. helping stook. Quite warm day.

WEDNESDAY, 21 (233-132)

Finished cutting and put binder away by noon. Drawing in in afternoon until shower came about 5 P.M. Drawing from behind poplar bushes. Brock to town at night. Melv. there most of day. Warm day.

THURSDAY, 22 (234-131)

Men drawing in afternoon. Leveling grains in mow and put off load in forenoon. Came quite a heavy shower about 5 P.M. Brock went down to see if chopper is going yet. Melv. went to Chatsworth in forenoon. Quite hot and sultry.

August FRIDAY, 23 (235-130) 1918

Men divided sheep and lambs and brought in a load before dinner. Drawing in afternoon. Came a little shower about 6 A.M. Heavy rain went round. Very close evening. Strong wind all day. Babe fell out of bed this a.m.

SATURDAY, 24 (236-129)

Men finished drawing on this place. Brock went to town at night. Earl Newstead went with him. a fine day.

SUNDAY, 25 (237-128)

Sarah Hilborn and children here for an hour in afternoon. Brock to church in evening. a hot day. Babe weighs 17 1/2 lb - 2 - 113. Brock 143.

August MONDAY, 26 (238-127) 1918

Men drawing from back field on other place and stacking it in front of driving house. {Someone else writing} drew 7 loads drawing all day fine day Sold 28 young ducks to Joe the Jew for 16c per lb. $17.12c

TUESDAY, 27 (239-126)

Men drawing in from the back field all day fine cool day. drew 7 loads

WEDNESDAY, 28 (240-125)

{Clara resumes writing} Men got two loads up from back field when rain came on. Rained quite hard until after two o'clock. Father took cheques to Uncle Rich'd to sign. Brock went to Drayton to see if mill was running. Heavy shower at six P.M. very dull dark day. Art. Armstrong and Vina Smith, married Eyebrow, Sask.

August THURSDAY, 29 (241-124) 1918

Brock took grist of chaf to Moorefield and got team shod. Father went to bank with the Walker girls cheques ($1019.24c each.) Went to see if grain was dry and fixed up a gap. Cool, breezy and quite sunny. Rain and thunder storm during night.

FRIDAY, 30 (242-123)

Men took top down on stacks and drew in all day. Quite bright and breezy in forenoon, but threatened rain all afternoon. Brett Henderson brought out 24 baskets tomatoes for us from express. Mistake as we only ordered 12 bsks.

SATURDAY, 31 (243-122)

A very heavy rain in morning. Men unloaded a load of grain and Brock cleaned pens. Took mother, Babe and I to town in afternoon. Cleaned up in afternoon. Brock to town at night.

September SUNDAY, 1 (244-121) 1918

A very fine day - breezy. Brock to church at night and to see young cattle in forenoon.

LABOR DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 2 (245-120)

Finished Harvest. Art. Garneau here in forenoon. We washed and churned. Men finished harvest. Quite fine but looking like rain.

TUESDAY, 3 (246-119)

Men cleaning up barn floor, putting away waggons and racks. Got up threshing wood in afternoon. mizzling and raining all forenoon. cloudy in afternoon, cool.

September WEDNESDAY, 4 (247-118) 1918

Men drawing up wood and piling it in wood-shed until 3 P.M. Came on rain then. Brock and I went to town. Quite a steady rain and continued all night becoming heavier after dark.

THURSDAY, 5 (248-117)

Brock to Moorefield with grist of chaf. Home about 2.20 P.M. Had dinner then men started to plow beside mangols. Da piling over lumber pile which had fallen over, in forenoon. Quite a fall day - dull cloudy and pretty cool.

FRIDAY, 6 (249-116)

Brock took 4 hogs to Moorefield then plowing till noon. Da plowing. Both drawing wood from bush and putting in woodshed in afternoon. Lovely bright day.

September SATURDAY, 7 (250-115) 1918

Eunice Flath came over to say coal had arrived. Brock drew two loads in forenoon, one of stone coal, 4280 lbs and one of chestnut 2990 lbs. Da plowing till noon. both at wood in afternoon. Finished it, wood shed full. Brock and Ma at town at night. Fine forenoon. Bits of shower in afternoon. Olive went in to Winnipeg.

SUNDAY, 8 (251-114)

Brock to church at night. Lovely day.

MONDAY, 9 (252-113)

Men plowing, finished that piece and went back to Pine fence to plow. We preparing for threshers, Mrs. Ches. Walker got basket tomatoes. Fine day, cloudy towards night. Signs of frost this morning.

September TUESDAY, 10 (253-112) 1918

Da plowing all day. Brock plowed till noon, then went to Drayton for piping. Got his chop too. After tea he went to see about threshers and came round by town. Turned very cold during night. Quite sunny but looking like rain Mr. Moffat here and paid $2.00 on raw lamb. Babe's first tooth came through.

WEDNESDAY, 11 (254-111)

Threshers came about 10 a.m. Threshed stack by driving house and moved into barn by 3 P.M. 10 men for dinner. Came on rain and they had to stop threshing. Threshers (J. Johnson and W. Boyd) went to town after tea. Quite a heavy rain all afternoon and still raining at night.

THURSDAY, 12 (255-110)

Rained all night but stopped about seven. Threshed till 9 a.m. when a very heavy downpour came. Men stayed for dinner, but went away after. Very heavy rain in afternoon. Father and Brock went to McIssac's for one of heifers, but got her in Hilborn's field. Brock went to town for meat.

September FRIDAY, 13 (256-109) 1918

Threshers came along about 10 a.m. and started to thresh after dinner. Had 13 men for supper. Quite a heavy rain before daylight this morning rather misty in afternoon. Babe weighs 19 1/4 lbs.

SATURDAY, 14 (257-108)

Finished threshing for just now, about 10 a.m. Both Went to Jack Walkers. Brock there until 2 P.M. when Millers machine came to Wilmots and he went over. Finished Walker's at night. Brock to town. Lovely bright day but looking like rain.

SUNDAY, 15 (258-107)

Quite rainy in forenoon, cleared in afternoon. Brock and I up to Ray's. Brock to church. Hamilton sow has eleven wee pigs.

September MONDAY, 16 (259-106) 1918

Brock at Wilmot's threshing until eleven a.m. then moved to Hosheal's. Father cleaning up barn floor and fixing scaffold. walked out for mail about 4 P.M. Rain came on about 5 a.m. continued all evening. letter from Wpg. re Aunt Catty's business.

TUESDAY, 17 (260-105)

Brock at Hosheal's threshing all day. Father fixing round barn and went over to Hod's in afternoon. Came out quite a fine day.

WEDNESDAY, 18 (261-104)

Brock and I went to town in morning. Back here shortly after 9 a.m. Father went to J. Hillborn's to thresh stack moved to Mosser's about 2 P.M. then both men there. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson here for tea men got here about 6 P.M. Quite fine day. a couple heavy rains during evening.

September THURSDAY, 19 (262-103) 1918

Men took Brock's team and went to Arthur for gas engine and grinder that was bot from J. McKay, Chatsworth. Both men at Mosser's threshing till 10:30 a.m. Brock at Wat's all afternoon. Da plowing. Men back about 2 P.M. Rather bright in forenoon, because dull with little rain in afternoon.

FRIDAY, 20 (263-102)

Brock at Burrow's threshing until eleven o'clock, when crank shaft broke. Da plowing all day, Brock plowing in afternoon. Men at town in morning, he, Hod. and Wilmat set up gas engine and chopper in afternoon. Scuds of rain at times, quite cool tonight. little wood fire in furnace.

SATURDAY, 21 V (264-101)

Brock at Burrow's threshing until 9 a.m. when they moved here and threshed wheat and stack. Finished about 3.30 P.M. and moved to Harry's. Both men up there. Brock to town at night. Pretty cold and quite windy. Mosser's house took fire about 1.30 all men went down, saved it, but it was quite badly burned behind plaster. Men to town for bread and meat in forenoon.

September SUNDAY, 22 (265-100)

Quite dull and windy. Jack McKay and Jim Laird arrived here at 6 P.M. from Chatsworth Brock and Lairds to church.

MONDAY, 23 (266-99)

Da went to Harry's threshing Brock went up about 10 a.m. McKay starting engine. then he went over to moorefield and Drayton.{Olive resumes writing} rather dull and little warmer Clara and Melo McKay and Laird started far home at four o'clock. Evening started to rain about seven. Brock and I burned out the pipes and cleaned out stove

TUESDAY, 24 (267-98)

Robt ploughing all day Brock at Elvins threshing all day I Horon to see Mrs Mosser afternoon very fine afternoon

September WEDNESDAY, 25 (268-97) 1918

Brock threshing at Roy's till two oclock then moved over to the Bell place threshed till night Robt ploughing all day very fine day

THURSDAY, 26 (269-96)

Brock finished at Elvins about ten. cut a row round the corn till noon. afternoon snow storms off and on all day till four o/c then rain went to Hod for corn binder and started to cut. but had to stop as the ground is too wet. Brock took C. Binder over to Wats. Robt ploughing till four oclock

FRIDAY, 27 (270-95)

Robt and Brock cutting corn all day with the hooks. cool in the morning but quite fine afternoon Brock went to town with can of cream after tea

September SATURDAY, 28 (271-94) 1918

Men cutting corn all day. Brock met me at night train. I home from west. Left Winnipeg Thurs. Evg. Cold wind but fine.

SUNDAY, 29 (272-93)

Brock to church at night. Cloudy at times and cool wind.

MONDAY, 30 (273-92)

Men cutting corn all day. Brock at Issac Hilborns threshing at Craig barn in forenoon. Fine but cold. Heavy frost at night.

October TUESDAY, 1 (274-91) 1918

Cutting corn all day finished it. Brock down for my suit case in evening. Uncle Will came up on night train. Beautiful fall day.

WEDNESDAY, 2 (275-90)

Choring in forenoon. Da driving some stakes along by rape in afternoon. We three down to show in P.M. Brock and I to concert at night started to rain in night. Rained nearly all forenoon. Clearing in afternoon.

THURSDAY, 3 (276-89)

Men fixing fence round rape on other place in forenoon. Over to Ike's in afternoon for young cattle. Then raising some potatoes in garden patch. Fine but cloudy at times and cool. heavy frost at night.

October FRIDAY, 4 (277-88) 1918

Digging potatoes in field back of barn. some rotten ones. Rather fine but came on a little shower about five o'clock.

SATURDAY, 5 (278-87)

Men picking over potatoes in morning. Cleaning up barn floor in afternoon. Brock took down a couple of bags of wet grain to be chopped but mill not running. We to town at night. Heavy rain. Thunder and lightening and hail about eleven o'clock P.M.

SUNDAY, 6 (279-86)

Brock to church at night. Memorial service for Alf. Henry. Raining and misting at times all day.

October MONDAY, 7 (280-85) 1918

Brock to town in morning with chaf. Da ploughing back by ditch. Both ploughing in afternoon. I up to Roy's in Evening. Beautiful bright day. Had to bring cows home from other place. Couldn't keep them out of rape.

TUESDAY, 8 (281-84)

Ploughing back by ditch all day. Finished it. Lovely bright day.

WEDNESDAY, 9 (282-83)

Took up potatoes in garden in forenoon. Then started to plough in 14 ac. field on other place this side of windmill. Brock and I to town at night. Beautiful warm day. Bill Barry here to borrow sickles.

October THURSDAY, 10 (283-82) 1918

Men ploughing in 14 ac. field all day. Lovely bright warm day.

FRIDAY, 11 (284-81)

Ploughing all day on other place. Beautiful warm day.

SATURDAY, 12 (285-80)

Ploughing all day on other place. Misting and a little rain early in morning. Fine warm night Brock and I to town

October SUNDAY, 13 (286-79) 1918

Elwin and Aunt Emma called in afternoon. Brock to town. Quite cloudy, windy and cool.

Thanksgiving Day {handwritten next to date} MONDAY, 14 (287-78)

Ploughing all day in 14 ac. field finished it. Rain {upward arrow} at times and heavy mist all forenoon a little hail. Brighter in afternoon.

TUESDAY, 15 (288-77)

Started to plough in corner field. Ploughing until noon. Then topping and drawing mangels. I to town in afternoon. Cool and cloudy in morning but fine afternoon. Heavy frost last night

October WEDNESDAY, 16 (289-76) 1918

Topping mangels all forenoon. Drawing them in afternoon. Finished about six o'clock. Misty in morning but turned out a nice day. James Gregory buried 85 yrs old.

THURSDAY, 17 (290-75)

Ploughing all day in corner field. Brock to town at night. Fine day but a little rain about eight. Divided sheep at noon.

FRIDAY, 18 (291-74)

Ploughing all day in corner field. Fine and bright but cold wind.

October SATURDAY, 19 (292-73) 1918

Brock to town with chaf in morning and Da ploughing. Both ploughing in afternoon and finished corner field. Brock and I to town at night Beautiful day but cold wind from S.E.

SUNDAY, 20 (293-72)

Brock to town at night. Dr. McGregor here for tea. Rained hard most of the night and very heavy mist until noon. Cleared in afternoon. Lightening and rain in evening.

MONDAY, 21 (294-71)

Men picking over potatoes and brought up binder canvas in forenoon Started to plough sod down by bush next Jack's line fence in afternoon Bright fine day.

October TUESDAY, 22 (295-70) 1918

Ploughing sod all day by bush. rather fine.

WEDNESDAY, 23 {Following written in}X {Typed}(296-69)

Ploughing sod all day by bush. Misty and dull at times. warm,

THURSDAY, 24 (297-68)

Men finished ploughing sod about five o'clock. Mother and I to town in afternoon and got Wiley shod. Heard Gus. Riley was dead. influenza.

October FRIDAY, 25 (298-67) 1918

Men drawing out manure unto ground the other side of turnips. Da over to Hashels in Evening for Kitten. Dull, misty and rain at times. Very foggy at night.

SATURDAY, 26 (299-66)

Finished drawing out manure by noon then ploughed it in after dinner. Brock and I to town at night. Beatrice Dowling died about seven tonight. influenza Dull at times and looking like rain. foggy night

SUNDAY, 27 (300-65)

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Hazel and Auseu here for tea. Brock to town at night. Dwell at times, rain in evening. Great many sick with influenza. schools and churches closed.

October MONDAY, 28 (301-64) 1918

Men choring and fixing glas in windows in forenoon. Started to plough 4 ac. and sod on other place below rape in afternoon. Very wet morning until about eleven then stopped raining but dull, cloudy and windy.

TUESDAY, 29 (302-63)

Ploughing on other place. Da ploughed in afternoon and Brock at Cecil Henry's funeral in afternoon. Bright at times but looking like rain.

WEDNESDAY, 30 (303-62)

Finished the 4 ac. of sod about 6 o'clock then started turnips Topping and drawing after dinner. Dull and looking like rain mild.

October THURSDAY, 31 (304-61) 1918

Topping and harrowing out turnips then drawing rest of day. Dull and a little cooler to wards Evening Mr. Moffat here in morning for ram lamb.

November ALL SAINTS' DAY (Quebec) FRIDAY, 1 (305-60)

Topping turnips for about an hour but came on thick snow storm. Brock took chop and fat lame saw to Moorefield. got home about four o'clock. Then drew in 3 loads turnips. Da topping and harrowing them out. Cold wind, cloudy and snow squalls all day.

SATURDAY,2 (306-59)

Drawing at turnips all day. Brock + I to town at night. Dull and cold wind

November SUNDAY, 3 (307-58) 1918

Home all day. Very cloudy and dull. Started to rain after supper. rained a lot through the night

MONDAY, 4 (308-57)

Men drawing filling from Isaac Hilborns hill to put around through in shed and in 16 space. Dull and cloudy. mostly in morning.

TUESDAY, 5 (309-56)

Topped and harrowed out rest of turnips on this place then drawing rest of day. started to put them in box stall. root house full. Howard here to say they were going to thresh. Heavy white frost but a beautiful bright-day.

November WEDNESDAY, 6 (310-55) 1918

Da and Brock finished drawing turnips back of barn about eleven then went to top some on other place. Da harrowing them out and drawing some in afternoon. Brock at Issac Hilborns threshing in afternoon. To town at night. Fine bright day.

THURSDAY, 7 (311-54)

Brock at Isaac's Hilborns threshing all day. Da topping and drawing turnips from other place. Fine morning but cloudy and raining at times in afternoon.

FRIDAY, 8 (312-53)

Working at turnips all day. Topping and drawing. Brock took a load to Adam Flath in evening. Mr. Flath here in afternoon and pd. his hole $112.00 very foggy and windy all morning. Drizzling rain all afternoon and Evening, Very dirty day. Tabby died at 8 P.M. in Halifax from influenza and pneumonia.

November SATURDAY, 9 (313-52) 1918

Choring round barn and throwing back turnips until about ten then went back and finished topping turnips. Drawing them in afternoon and finished. Brock and I to town at night. Raining mostly all night very misty wet morning. Cleared after dinner.

SUNDAY, 10 (314-51)

Da and Ma at Ike McIssacs for dinner and tea Brock to town at night. Sort of rain or snow at times colder.

Peace declared. {handwritten next to date} MONDAY, 11 (315-50)

Brock took load of turnips to Adam Flath then cleaning pens and getting ready to draw gravel. Da ploughing little field where wheat was. Brock drawing gravel in afternoon. Jno. Ritch here for dinner out getting Victory Bonds. Harry brought wire that Tabby was dead. Body leaving Halifax at 3 P.M. Mr. Henderson brought out a letter from Ann Eliza. over to see Grace Brett at Lowes. Mrs. Henderson stayed for tea. Brock to town at night. Holiday all day celebrating peace.

November TUESDAY, 12 (316-49) 1918

Brock to town in morning with chaf and drawing gravel in afternoon. Da rolled up wire fences and ploughed garden and potatoe patches in afternoon. heavy frost last night misty morning but fine afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 13 (317-48)

Choring and doing some cementing in shed. Dull and calm.

THURSDAY, 14 (318-47)

Brock drawing filling from Hilborns hill. Da moving fence down by corner of bush. Dull forenoon brighter after dinner and mild. Tabby buried in Kingston at 10 a.m. Service in house. Body at undertaker's parlors.

November FRIDAY, 15 (319-46) 1918

Da getting ready to plough down in corner of bush. Started to plough after dinner. Brock drawing clay in forenoon at Cecie Henry's sale in afternoon mother went to town with him Mild and quite bright.

SATURDAY, 16 (320-45)

Da ploughing down by bush all day. Brock drawing clay in forenoon and got a load of sand after dinner. We to town at night mild and dull.

SUNDAY, 17 (321-44)

Mr. Henderson, Janet and Brett here for tea. George and Edna and Bob Sam here also. very dull foggy day. Raining at times in P.M.

November MONDAY, 18 (322-43) 1918

Men choring and cementing in 16' space. Raining hard in forenoon with mist and rain in P.M.

TUESDAY, 19 {Following written in}X {Typed}(323-42)

Da ploughing down by corner of bush. Brock choring and put on lower storm windows. Dull and cool.

WEDNESDAY, 20 (324-41)

Da finished ploughing corner down by bush in forenoon. then choring and deepening open ditch in P.M. Brock choring and to Robt. Hamiltons in P.M. with pig. Bright sunshine and flurries of snow all day.

November THURSDAY, 21 (325-40) 1918

Brock to town in forenoon with chaf. Drew a load of clay and one of gravel in afternoon. Da choring and brought up some poles from bush. Dull and cold.

FRIDAY, 22 (326-39)

Choring and divided sheep. Brought up Billy and Molly and Lion from other place also young cattle and tieing them up. Freezing hard but fine

SATURDAY, 23 (327-38)

Done chores and took 4 lambs up to Will Philps in forenoon, choring and trimming horses feet in afternoon. Brock and I to town at night. Freezing but bright.

November SUNDAY, 24 (328-37) 1918

Brock to church at night Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Ansen here for tea. Bright but strong wet wind.

MONDAY, 25 (329-36)

Men choring and fixing a stall in the box stall for Lion. Bright for a little while in morning then thick squalls of snow rest of day. Strong west wind and cold.

TUESDAY, 26 (330-35)

Done chores and drawing clay to fix box stall. Ma and I over to Dick Lawes to see Grace Brett. She very low. Fine and bright but cold wind.

November WEDNESDAY, 27 (331-34) 1918

Done chores. Put on storm sash upstairs then cut down dead apple tree in orchard. Brock to town at night. Beautiful warm day.

THURSDAY, 28 (332-33)

Done chores, drew in a load of corn and the wood from orchard in forenoon. choring afternoon. Dull and started to rain about noon. raining all afternoon. strong E wind.

FRIDAY, 29 (333-32)

Choring and cleaning hen pens. and got ready a load of chop. Dull and squalls of snow in afternoon.

November SATURDAY, 30 (334-31) 1918

Done chores. Da drew up corn in afternoon and Brock round to Tom Millers for a belt. Stormy morning but finer in afternoon Very windy stormy night.

December SUNDAY, 1 (335-30)

Brock and I up to Uncle Richs in afternoon. Brock to church at night. Fine and bright in forenoon Dull and east wind in P.M.

MONDAY, 2 (336-29)

Da choring Brock to town in morning with chop. Then he and I down in P.M. Da stuffing the big shed door aft. Dull and snowy at times. Tabby 31 yrs. old.

December TUESDAY, 3 (337-28) 1918

{Someone else is writing} Da and Brock choring then Brock took Olive to ten train to go up to Clara for a week Men got out sleighs and started to draw out manure back to line fence. Mild but quite a call of fine snow {The rest of the entry is written in the left margin} Sam 3-4 years

WEDNESDAY, 4 (338-27)

Men choring and drawing out manure still a fine snow falling.

THURSDAY, 5 (339-26)

Men choring and finished drawing out the manure and brought up load of corn soft snow falling

December FRIDAY, 6 (340-25) 1918

Men choring till eleven then Da went to Drayton Brock cleaning pens and fixing hog trough Da choring round after comming from town snowing a little and colder

SATURDAY, 7 (341-24)

Men choring forenoon Da gone for load of corn and Brock choring round getting down the cutter and cleaning Bells. fine day. Brock to town took can of cream

CONCEPTION DAY (Quebec) SUNDAY, 8 (342-23)

At home all day Earl Elliott got stuck on sideroad with car and came here for chains Da went and helped dig him out very fine day Brock at P. Anniversary in Town hall Dr. McGillivary Toronto Preached

December MONDAY, 9 (343-22) 1918

{Olive resumes writing}{Written in margin over date} Brock met Melville and I at night train. {The rest written under date} Men choring and filling up chop. Brock went with chop afternoon Da choring round and bringing up load of corn Earl Mewstead here with cow Beautiful bright day

TUESDAY, 10 (344-21)

Men choring. Melville to town in forenoon to get Billy shod. Started for Chatsworth about 4 P.M. Dull and very strong east wind

WEDNESDAY, 11 (345-20)

Da choring and drew in load of corn. Took Brock to morning train. He gone to Fat stock show at Guelph. Very misty and damp all day.

December THURSDAY, 12 (346-19) 1918

Da done chores in forenoon. Lou Flath here about noon to say a car of coal was expected. Da took down in afternoon to get them shod but couldn't. Brock came home from Guelph on night train. Fine bright day.

FRIDAY, 13 (347-18)

choring. Brock down early this morning and got horses shod. Coal didn't come. Choring in afternoon. Dull. Quite a fall of snow early then turned milder and raining mostly all day and at night.

SATURDAY, 14 (348-17)

Men choring and Brock Brock went up to Rothsay to pay taxes forenoon Olive and him went to Drayton aft Brock got Wyley shod rainy dirty day.

December SUNDAY, 15 (349-16) 1918

{Elizabeth is writing} All at home all day Brock very sick Olive went down to Jacks and called Dr Ferrier. (Trouble) Influenza temperature 103 1/2 Went to be about six P.M. Robt choring very fine day

MONDAY, 16 (350-15)

Robt choring all day Olive and I looking after Brock and Washing Brock seems a little better Most beautiful weather Mrs. Jim Natl died tonight. Dr. here.

TUESDAY, 17 (351-14)

Robt choring and down to Drayton for a few thing for us Olive real sick and had to go to bed Brock still feeling better Olive temp 101 very fine day Beef ring supper at Burrows Dr. here.

December WEDNESDAY, 18 (352-13) 1918

Robt choring and sifting ashes. beautiful bright day Brock still feeling better but Olive real sick at noon Robt well and I feeling better my temp at night 102 1/2 Dr. here.

THURSDAY, 19 (353-12)

{Olive resumes writing} Da choring. Came in and went to bed about eleven and slept eleven and slept until three. Da and Ma fairly well. Lovely bright day. Dr. here.

Friday, 20 (354-11)

Da choring. Went for a load of coal first in morning. Then drew in some corn and unloaded it after dinner Mr. Henderson called in to see Brock and I. Dr. Ferrier didn't get here until 11 P.M. Fine day. Mr. Hoey here for a goose.

December SATURDAY, 21 (355-10) 1918

Da choring. Elwin helped him home with the lambs in afternoon from Will Philps. Will Philp has pneumonia not so bright and started to rain in evening.

SUNDAY, 22 (356-9)

Brock up to day for the first. Dr. here in Evening.

MONDAY, 23 (357-8)

Da done chores Fine and mild.

December TUESDAY, 24 (358-7) 1918

Choring and Brock out to barn. mild and very dull dark day east wind. Dr. called in afternoon.

CHRISTMAS DAY (Dominion) WEDNESDAY, 25 (359-6)

Uncle Will came up on morning train and Mr. Hoey brought him out. Brock took him to train at night. Colder and a little snow at times I up for the first.

THURSDAY, 26 (360-5)

Choring. Brock over to pay Adam Flath for coal and round by Drayton in afternoon. Lovely bright day but sharp.

December FRIDAY, 27 (361-4) 1918

Choring and getting belt ready for Engine. Chopping a little in afternoon. Mild and dull.

SATURDAY, 28 (362-3)

Choring and chopping in afternoon. Brock and I to town at night. Fine and mild. Mrs. Dave Roberts died.

SUNDAY, 29 (363-2)

Brock to church at night. Snowy at times. east wind.

December MONDAY, 30 (364-1) 1918

Done chores. cleaned pens and filled up some chop Brock to town after dinner with chop and geese but brought them home again. Kaplau only paying 16.4 Dull and cold wind.

TUESDAY, 31 (365)

Choring. We picked 6 geese Brock to town in afternoon with goose to Mr. Henderson and one to Thompsons. Very dull and foggy all day. Eunice Flath here for goose in a.m.

{Handwritten date in empty entry} Jan. 1 New Years Day

Choring. Foggy and dull started to rain about ten o'clock rainy afternoon. windy at night. Vance and Art Garneau here for an hour. Harry Philp married to Della Stinson


Jan. 2 Choring and chopping in afternoon. Harry Booth called. Brock to town at night. Heavy fall of snow in P.M. fine night

Jan.3 Brock took 8 pigs to moorefield $314.00 in a.m. Da done chores. Sifted ashes and churning in P.M. Ma sick with cold. Fine bright day. colder.

Jan 4. Choring. Brock to Moorefield in a.m. with 9 lambs. Very stormy morning and cold. Snowy in afternoon but a little milder Brock and I to town at night

Jan 5 Brock to church at night Fine and cold

Jan 6. Brock done chores. we picked 16 geese. Mr. Henderson here for tea. Grace Brett died this a.m. about ten. Milder fine morning but snowy at times in P.M.






Fred Brian C.E.R.A. on board T no 2. Died Nov. 8/18 at Halifax. Body left Monday Nov. 11th for Kingston arriving there Wednesday night sometime. Buried Thursday Nov. 14th at 10 a.m. in Cateraque cemetry. Service in house by Res. Stephens of St. Andrews Preby. church. wreath from crew of "niobe," wreath from masons. 1 doz roses from Edith, bunch of flowers Billie, Wreaths - Mr. Brian + Heab{?}. spray roses (myself). Influenza pneumonia. Age - 30 yrs. 11 mos 6 days. T.R. 2 left Halifax Nov. 2nd at daybreak for a weeks mine sweeping. Tabby not well Sunday Nov. 3 so meant to see Dr. at Liverpool. Came aboard again but stayed in his cabin Monday and Tuesday. Sat up Wednesday and went on deck. Took a chill at supper time and went to bed. Capt Archie Miller sent weielers{?} wanting med. aid was told to put into nearest port which was Liverpool. Dr. Cawe aboard but couldn't remove Tabby as there was no place to take him so Capt. made for Halifax arriving there Friday Nov. 8th at 8 P.M. Took Tabby to naval hospital. He died at 8 P.m. was in a state of coma from Friday noon. Information from Archie Miller skipper of T.R.2.

Transcription Progress



Olive Philp Diary, 1918 Part 1.pdf
Olive Philp Diary, 1918 Part 2.pdf
Olive Philp Diary Transcription, 1918.pdf


Olive Philp, “Olive Philp Diary & Transcription, 1918,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 14, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/137.
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