Jeannie Watson Diary & Transcription, 1901-1902
Jeannie Watson Diary & Transcription, 1901-1902
Jeannie Watson
Courtesy of Elgin County Archives
20th Century, Elgin County, Aldborough Township, Ontario
Date Created
Is Part Of
Jeannie Watson Diary Collection
Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
Jeannie Watson (1877-1972)
1901-1902 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Burnside Farm Cottage
{drawing of a paper scroll with the following text: "Plan and Work done on our House";
diagonal text to the right of drawing: "Burnside Farm"}
Lot D Concession II. Aldborough Township Elgin Co. Ontario. Canada
Our House
During the summer of 1901, we decided to build a new house, as the house we were then
living in, although not so very old, was very cold and in need of a great amount of repairs. As
we had seen and liked the mason work done by McKay Bros. of Clachan we wrote to Mr.
Josiah McKay, asking him to do the mason work and as early in the spring of 1902 as
possible, which he promised to do. As we had very little timber of our own, we decided to put
up a solid brick, with a stone foundation. The first story is to be three brick thick, with iron
strapping, a hollow of an inch and then the lath and plaster, making a wall 15 in. thick. The
second story is to be a hollow wall and plastered on the brick making a wall 10 in. thick.
As there are only four of us, father, mother, son and daughter, & we have only one hundred
acres of land, we did not want to build too large a house and yet we wanted it convenient.
We examined a great many houses, but most of them were too large, and had low-roofed
kitchens, which we did not want. But after seeing new Nelson Place (Duart) and Mrs Duncan
McLean (Dutton) houses we decided on our plan. After rough sketching it, we submitted it to
Mr. Jack McKay, Rodney, who drew out our plan, and gave us lenghts and widths of door
and window sills and frames, charging for all $3.00. Our carpenter is Mr. Nick Ludy, Rodney,
whose charges are for himself $1.50 per day and for his men $1.25 per day. We are hiring all
the men by the day. The masons charges are McKay Bros. each $2.00 per day. Jack
Hillman, $1.75 per day. John McPhail tender $1.25 per day. These men are to do the
plastering also.
Basement Plan
[drawn plan of basement with each room labeled]
First Floor
{drawn plan of first floor of house}
Work of House
(Margins: Work of house) In October 1901 we ordered 35,000 brick from A. Wehlam & Sons
of Talbot St; at $3.00 a thousand and some stone from A. R. McDonald of Duart. In
December James Fowler came to help us, so that we had the two teams and two men and
they started work for (Margins: December 21st, 1901 started drawing stone) the house on
the 21st of Dec. 1901. Both teams made one trip a day for 4 days, drawing stone from Mr
McDonalds with wagons. The stone were hard to get as the ground was frozen and as Mr. A.
R. McDonald did not have enough ready for us, Willie bought 18 gauge stone from Mr. John
McDonald on the 24th; for $3.00. That same day Mr. Dan Gillies, and J. G. Gillies went up to
help the boys with the large stone. They had sleighs but as Willie broke the tongue of his
sleigh, they only brought home 3 loads or 9 stone. On the 28th, Willie bought some loads of
stone from Mr. Alex McGugan Oxford at 75 cts a load, and on the 30th, he and Jim drew 1
load of stone from Mr. McGugans with wagons, also 2 load or 1260 brick from Mr. Wehlam's.
(Margins: Dec 30th 1901 started Drawing brick) On the 31st Dave Logan helped them and
they drew 3 loads of stone from Mr. McGugans.
(Margins: Jan 3rd 1902) On Jan 1st they found they could get better stone at Mr. Morrisons
for 50 cts a load so drew 2 load from there that day and on the 3rd drew 3 load, Mr. J Kwiell
helping them. On the 4th Pa and Jim with one team and sleigh drew home 2 large stone from
Mr. J. McDonalds, and on the 6th, they ran 2 trips with both teams from there taking 8 large
(Margins: Jan 4th 1902) On the 7th, Geo. Dicks helped them and they brought 3 load of
stone from Mr. Morrisons, also paid him for 8 load ($4.00)
(Margins: Jan 7th 1902) and Mr McGugan for 5 load ($3.75). The boys drew 2 load or 1325
brick that same day. The next day they drew 1 load of stone from J. McDonalds and 1 load
from A.R. McDonalds, also 2 load or 1350 brick with sleighs. On the 9th; 11th 13th 14th &
15th they drew brick 10 loads or 8400 brick.
(Margins: Jan 16th Cutting and drawing logs.) On Jan 16th the men started to cut logs and
on the 17th they started to draw logs to mill. They worked on the 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st,
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th 29th, 31st, Feb 1st, 3rd, 4th, & 5th, at cutting, skidding,
and drawing logs to Lusty's mill, Rodney. In all they drew out one 32 ft. log and five 27 ft. logs
for 2 by 6 joice; five 24 ft. logs, five 29 ft. logs, five 16 ft. logs, one 18 ft. log and one 13 ft. log
for 2 by 8 joice; seven 14 ft. logs for rafters 2 by 3; thirteen 10 ft. logs for scantling 2 by 4;
also five 12 ft. logs for scantling 2 by 4; four 12 ft. logs for inch lumber & three 10 ft. logs for
inch lumber; five 12 ft. logs for plank and one 10 ft. log for plank. They drew all the logs out
with the sleigh.
(Margins: Jan 27th Drawing brick) On the 27th & 28th of January, Philip Schleihauf drew 4
loads (or 4073 brick) from Mr A. Wehlam's for us, and on the 30th our boys drew 6 loads, or
6000 brick. As Mr Wehlam could not supply us with enough brick, we ordered 12000 from Mr
G. Moody Highgate at $3.00 a thousand, and on February 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd
Willie drew home 9 loads or 9000 brick. On Feb. 20th & 21st Geo. Duke helped drawing 3
loads or 3000 brick. On the 22nd Willie ordered 1000 more brick from Mr Moody, also paid
him $25.00 on brick. On the 17th James Fowler left us for to work out.
(Margins: Feb 24th 1902 Drawing house lumber) On Feb 24th and March 3rd, 6th and 7th
Willie drew logs into mill and drew home some lumber. On March 4th, we found Mr. G Moody
Highgate $35.00 on brick, and on the 5th, paid Mr A. Wehlam Talbot Street - $111.50c for
(Margins: March 19th 1902 Drawing stone) As we did not yet have enough stone, we bought
3 loads at 5.0 cts a load from Geo. West. Hog Street and on March 19th, 20th, and 21st
Willie drew them home.
(Margins: March 21st 1902 Drawing home lumber) On Mar 21st, 22nd, and 24th Willie drew
home lumber from saw-mill. On the 21st, Ed Logan helped him 1/2 day piling lumber and on
the 22nd Frank Logan helped 1/2 day. Amount of lumber got out of logs taken to mill is as
near as we can estimate; 114 rafters 2 by 5; 190 scantling 2 by 4; 15 joice 16 ft long 2 by 8;
14 joice 15 ft long 2 by 8; 6 joice 18 ft long 2 by 8; 42 joice 24 ft long 2 by 8; 20 joice 29 ft
long 2 by 8; 13 joice 32 ft long 2 by 6; and 14 joice 27 ft long 2 by 6, besides the inch lumber
and plank.
(Margins: March 25th 1902 Drawing gravel) Started drawing gravel from Albert Blue's pit and
wash. Willie drew one load this morning. In the afternoon we hired Ed. Logan at 50 cts a day
to drive one of our teams and the both teams drew a load of gravel each from Campbells pit
north of Taylor. We are paying 25 cts a load for the gravel. March 25th they also drew some
150 tile for house drains from A. Wehlman. On March 26th and 27th drew home 10 loads of
gravel from A. Blues pit. James Fowler with Philip Schleihauf team helped them on the 26th
(Margins: March 27th 1902) Paid Albert Blue for 11 loads of gravel @ 25 cts ($2.75). On Mar
28th our own two teams drew 2 loads of sand from the lake at New Glasgow.
(Margins: March 31st 1902 Digging house drain) Started digging the house drain. Hired Geo.
West to help. Geo., Pa and Willie worked at the drain 1/2 day on March 31st, April 2nd and
3rd but it was caving in so bad they had to leave it for a few days and it was not finished until
April 7 when the 3 men worked another half day at it.
(Margins: Drawing tile for drain) On April 1st Pa with team drew home 100 six inch tile from
A. Wehlam's tile yard and April 3rd drew up 60 six inch tile. On April 1st paid John McDonald
for stone $3.00 and on the 3rd paid Geo. West for stone $2.50 and for 2 day's work @ 1.25 a
day ($2.50). On April 3rd Willie drew home 15 bags or 5 barrels of cement - e $100 per bll.,
from David Mistele's Rodney, and on the 4th he drew 4 loads of gravel from behind our own
barn to house.
(Margins: April 5th 1902 Excavating cellar) Commenced excavating for cellar under house. It
took our two men and 1 team all day April 5th, 1/2 day April 7th, and all day April 9th, 10th,
11th and 12th to dig out cellar about six feet. On April 12th paid Jack McKay Rodney for plan
of house $5.00.
(Margins: April 14th 1902 Putting in cement footing) Josiah McKay came to-day and started
foundation for house. They first put in a cement footing, about 2 ft thick and 1 ft deep. It took
(Margins: April 14th 1902) Pa and Willie all day on the 14th and 15th and 1/2 day on 16th of
April to put in this footing and it took 7 barrels of cement. Willie drew home 2 barrels on the
15th also ordered cellar doors and window frames from Lusty Bros. Rodney.
(Margins: April 22nd 1902 Ordered stone sills for windows and doors.) Ordered from J. E.
Thatcher Ridgetown the stone sills for doors and windows; 3 door sills 5 in by 14 in, 3 ft - 6 in
long @ $1.00 per ft; 1 window sill 5 in by 8 in 52 in long, 1 window sill 5 in by 8 in 64 in long,
One 5 in by 8 in, 48 in long and twelve 5 in by 8 in, 36 in long all at 40 cts per lineal foot.
(Margins: April 24th 1902 Building stone foundation) The masons came to-day and started
stone work. They are Josiah McKay, Henry McKay and Jack Hillman masons and John
McPhail, tender, all from Clachan. It took them all day on the 24th, 1/2 day 25th, 1 day 28th,
1/2 day 29th, all day 30th, May 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 1/2 day on the 7th or 9 1/2 days to
build stone wall all under house 20 in thick and 7 ft high and 2 brick walls through the cellar,
one lenghtwise, the other crosswise through, these are 2 brick thick. Pa with team drew in
stone and helped the mason all the time.
(Margins: N.B. Stone wall is 24 in thick at bottom and 18 inch thick at top.)
On the 24th he got H.S. Ford's (Duart) tank and drew water with.
(Margins: Drawing home lime) On the 24th Willie drew home from Lusty Bros. Rodney 33
bus lime @ 30 cts per bushel, in the 29th he brought home 5' door frames for cellar
(buttonwood) some nails, 1 barrel red mortar color and some paints and oil and shellac for
knots to prime frames, and on the 30th he brought home 30 bus lime, and 6 cellar window
frames buttonwood
5 of the cellar window frames are for 2 lights 14 by 14, and one has 2 lights 16 in high by 14
in wide. The outside door frame is 7 ft high by 3 ft wide & the 4 inside door frames are 6 ft
high and 2 1/2 ft wide, all the frames are 12 1/2 in. wide.
(Margins: May 1st 1902) Willie went to Ridgetown after the stone sills to-day and paid $30.35
for them. On the 3rd he drew 2 load of stone from our own woods and we paid Josiah McKay
$25.00 on mason work.
(Margins: May 8th 1902 Drawing sand from lake) Our own team drew sand from the lake on
the 8th, 9th, & 10th. Tom Kivell, A. Paterson with J. G. Gillies team and H. Colly with H.
Terry's team helped draw sand on the 9th and in all they drew 11 loads. On the 10th we
ordered window and door frames from Lusty Bros. They are to be made of pine.
(Margins: May 13th 1902 Drawing home lumber) Willie drew home for F.W. Scott. Highgate
500 ft Hemlock scantling and 1500 no. 1. bath. Mr David Mistele and Mr Killom tried to sell
us a furnace to-day May 14th, but we did not buy one yet.
(Margins: May 26th 1902 Laying Joice on stone wall) Mr. N. Ludy our carpenter and Josiah
McKay came to-day to lay joice on top of stone wall. They first laid a plank all around on top
of wall and then nailed 2 by 6 on to that placing them 16 in apart from centre to centre. Willie
brought 15 bus of lime from Lusty Bros. to-day.
(Margins: May 27th 1902) The 3 masons and tender came back to-day
(Margins: Starting brick work.) and started brick work. The 1st story is 3 brick thick with a
hand hole between each brick. Bon timbers (Hemlock 2 by 4) are placed in the inside row of
brick every sixth row, to nail strips 3/4 in by 2 in to, in order to lath it. They are using mortar
color to color outside mortar red. It took them all day May 27th & 28th, 1/2 day May 29th, all
day May 30th, 31st, June 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, & 1/2 day on the 7th to build 1st story. Pa
helped all the time carrying brick etc., Mother helped June 2nd, Willie helped June 4th & 7th
& Ed Logan helped 1/2 day June 6th & 7th. There are 2 doors 1 large window, 1 twin
window, 1 half round window and 5 small windows in the 1st story.
(Margins: May 28th 1902 Placed a box in N.W. corner stone) On May 28th we placed a box
in north west corner of house containing the latest papers, stamps, and coins, also the
names of those present at the laying of the box. Paid J. McKay $50.00 on mason work to-
(Margins: May 29th 1902) On May 29th Josiah McKay went to St. Thomas to see how to
build chimney for fire place. They are building two chimneys, one on the east for the fireplace
and furnace, and one on the west for the kitchen stoves. The one on the east side has two
flues 8 in by 8 in, the other one has just one flue, about 5 in by 10 in until it gets to 2nd story
when it is made bigger about 8 by 10 in. May 28th Willie went to Rodney and brought home
2 door frames, 15 bus. lime, paint, oil, etc, May 29th
(Margins: Willie drawing home frames and lime) he went twice to Rodney & brought home 3
window frames and 15 bus. lime, 30th he brought home 4 window frames and June 3rd, he
brought home 5 window frames and 1 box mortar color. The 1st floor window frames were all
set-in on May 31st. They are all box window frames for weights but the large window and the
fancy windows. Mother primed all the door frame and window frames with white paint after
rubbing all the knots with orange shellac. On June 5th ordered 4 bolts to put through brick
wall to put up hood over back door with.
(Margins: June 9th 1902 Laying joice on 1st story and starting 2nd story) Mr Ludy came out
to-day and was 1/2 day laying 2 by 8 joice on top off 1st story. The 3 masons & tender
worked to-day at 2nd story of brick work, Josiah McKay left to-night but the other 3 worked
1/2 day June 10th when they also left as they did not want to put up 2nd storey until Mr Ludy
was ready to put up roof. Pa Willie & Eddie Logan helped put up brick etc. June 9th & 10th.
June 9th paid J. McKay $50 for mason work.
(Margins: June 19th 1902 ) Willie and Ed Logan with team were 1/2 day at Lesleys Mill
drawing lumber into dry kiln.
(Margins: June 25th 1902 Drawing Brick) On the 25th Willie with team drew 1 load or 900
brick from G Moodys Highgate and on the 26th he drew another load or (975 pick Brick @
$6.00 a 1000). The rest of our brick are all Kiln Run brick.
(Margins: July 3rd 1902) Willie brought home from F.W. Scotts Highgate 200 ft Hemlock
scantling and 1000 ft Pine flooring to-day.
(Margins: July 5th 1902) Brought home some proof iron ties from H. Misteles to-day. They
are for binding the two bricks in the hollow wall, and put in every fifth row. The masons bound
with bricks too occasionally.
(Margins: July 10th 1902 Finishing Brick Work) The masons came back to-day and started at
second story of brick work. It took them all day on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and
17th to finish brick work, but just Josiah and Henry McKay worked on the 12th. They set the
upstairs windows on the 11th. Pa, Willie and team helped at house most of the time on the
14th, 15th, 16th, & 17th. On the 14th Willie drew home 22 bus. of lime from Lusty Bros. On
the 15th Mother went to Rodney and brought home some mortar color & ties for binding and
on the 17th we paid Josiah McKay $40.00 on mason work.
(Margins: August 7th 1902 Drawing home lumber) On the 7th and 8th Willie drew home
some button wood sheeting, 300 ft maple flooring, 500 ft Bass wood flooring 30 brackets for
under roof and the window sashes (2 loads). On the 8th paid Lusty Bros for sawing of
window frame $134.00 and on the 14th J. Rettermein for 5 lbs nails 25 cts.
(Margins: August 11th 1902) The framers came to-day and started at roof. They are Mr. Nick
Ludy at $1.75 per day. Arch. Campbell @ $1.25 a day
(Margins: Carpenters putting up roof.) and Johnny Ludy at 75 cts a day, all from Rodney.
They put up 2 by 6 joice on top of brick work to-day and bridged them with strips, on the 12th
& 13th they put up rafters & formed deck as our house is a cottage roofed house with a 6 ft
by 14 ft deck on way and 6 by 20 the other way. They were all day on the 14th & part of the
15th putting on sheeting. On the 13th & 16th they put on ridge roll, made Jacks for scaffold,
and put-up part of the cornish Brackets and moulding under roof. (Margins: The sheeting
was all dressed as we are putting up a slate roof.)
(Margins: Drawing home lumber and brick) On August 11th Willie drew from Lusty Bros. mill
160 ft 2 by 6 & 6 rafters 2 by 5, 20 ft long & on the 13th he drew 1600 ft sheeting, 100 ft ridge
roll and 1 plank. On the 12th he drew from 7.20 Scott's 2000 lath, Cornish lumber &
mouldings and on the 15th he drew 800 chimney brick at $3.00 a 1000 from Geo. Moodys
As we are putting on a slate roof we gave Mr Chas. Riddle of St. Thomas the work of
it and on the 16th Willie and Pa with the two teams drew the two load of slate, tin for ridgeon
(?) & slate nails from Rodney station. On the 11th Pa & Willie helped the carpenters 1/2 day
putting up joice.
(Margins: August 18th 1902) Willie went to Rodney station after slaters to-day, there are four
of them, two Mr Riddles, and we did not know the other two, all from St. Thomas.
(Margins: Starting roof) It just took them all day on the 18th and until 4 o’clock on the 19th to
put on slate and ridgeon. It took 15 1/2 squares of slate and 138 feet ridgeon. The slate were
already cut and nail holes in them when they came. They put felt paper between slate and
sheeting to make a soft bed for slate. The slate cost $8.25 a square, and the ridgeon 8 cts a
foot. Paid Chas. Riddle for slating house $138.00 on the 19th. Pa took slates to station on
the 19th and brought home the furnace. We are getting our furnace from D. Mistele. It is a 43
inch, Kilborn wood furnace, to be bricked in, has convex registers in wall and is to cost
&95.00 when complete.
(Margins: Building Chimneys) On the 18th the 3 masons came out and built the chimneys
finishing them at noon on the 19th.
(Margins: August 21st 1902 Covering deck) Mr James Anderson (D. Mistele's plumber) and
Henry Mistele came out to-day and put galvanized iron on deck. They also brought out some
more of the furnace fixings with them.
(Margins: August 25th 1902 Drawing home lumber & gravel) Willie brought home from Lust
Bros. mill, some material for strapping (3/4 in by 2 in) and bridging (1 in by 2 in) also frame
for attic window. We are just having 1 window in the attic at the back of house and just in the
roof this causing no gutters. Also, drew one load gravel from Albert Blues pit.
(Margins: August 27th 1902 Carpenters laying floors and putting in partitions and stairs.) The
3 framers came back to-day, and after finishing putting up cornish, they started to lay the
floors. They were all day on the 28th, 29th & 30th laying the 3 floors, 1st story partly maple
flooring the 2nd story and attic all pine. On September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, & 8th they
were at the partitions and stairs & on the 9th at the dumb waiter and fitting window frames.
Mr. Nick Ludy made the stairs himself and it just took him one day at each stair, front, back,
attic & cellar stair. The front stair has two square landings, one 3 steps from top the other 3
steps from bottom, with seven steps between, the back stair is a winding stair, and the attic &
cellar have each one landing, being in each 3 steps from the top. On the 1st floor we are
having a hall, drawing room, sitting room, dining room, living room & bedroom, besides the
two stairs and china closet. On the 2nd floor we have four bedrooms, (our library) front &
back hall, bathroom and four closets besides attic stair. On August 27th Willie drew home
from Lusty's mill 200 ft pine flooring, also four panes of glass, tacks and putty for attic
window from A. Martini’s Rodney and on the 29th He brought home 1200 ft pine flooring,
from Highgate. August 29th mother went to Ridgetown and brought home with her Mr James
Gowie, a painter. He is going to-do our painting, working by the day at $2.00 a day. She also
got some oil and
(Margins: August 30th 1902 Mr Gowie painting) turpentine at Mo Beattys, Ridgetown and
paid Mr Gowie for it on the 30th. Mr Gowie worked all day on the 30th of August priming
cornish and brackets under roof. Mother paid Mr. N. Ludy $30.00 August 30th.
(Margins: September 2nd/02 Masons building brick wall under verandah also two sets of
cement steps) On September 2nd the two masons and J Hillman as tender came back &
started at brick wall under verandah. Henry McKay came back yesterday afternoon but did
no work. They were at brick wall on September 2nd & 3rd and at cement steps on the 4th,
5th & on the 6th they ran lime 1/2 day. The brick wall is built with lattice work, this allowing a
circulation of air underneath the verandah. The steps are quite broad and about 8 ft long.
They are first filled in with stone and Portland cement put on top making a lovely white hard
smooth finish. On the steps leading to dining room door, on west side of house Henry McKay
printed Burnside Farm, and on the front steps on the south of house he put the date 1902.
On the 2nd Pa and team were helping at house, also Willie.
(Margins: Willie drawing home lumber brick & gravel) On Sept. 1st & 3rd Willie drew home
lumber from Lusty Bros. mill also tracks from G. Martinis for roller doors. On the 3rd he also
brought 500 brick for furnace from A. Wehlams. On the 4th he drew one load gravel from A.
Blue's pit also one load from lake on the 4th & 6th. Dave Logan also drew a load of gravel
from the lake on the 4th for us. This is for the plaster.
(Margins: Plumbers at eavetroughing gas piping etc) On September 2nd the plumbers came
out and started putting up eavetroughing. They were here on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th and
1/2 day on the 9th & 10th. Putting up eavetroughing, gas piping, some of the water piping,
lining tank and attending to hot air boxes for the furnace. We are having the house piped so
that we can put in an Acetylene gas plant any time, a pipe running to every room on first &
second floors, one to attic, one to verandah & just one yet to basement. These pipes were all
put in before. The tank for the soft water will hold about fifteen barrels and we have hot and
cold water in the bath-room, living room and basement kitchen. The hot air registers are all to
be in wall except one in living room. There is a register in every room on first floor and one in
bathroom, and east bed-room on second floor. The furnace pipe goes up through dining
room, back hall, and enters chimney in centre bedroom on east of house. There are four cold
air registers one in hall being in the floor, the other three in the wall, one in the dining room,
sitting room and bedroom, all on first-floor.
(Margins: September 8th 1902 Arthur Orendorf lathing) On September 8th Arthur Orendorf of
Ridgetown (lather) came down and started lathing. He was able to lath the whole house on
the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 1/2 day on the 13th. 760 yards in all. He charged 2 1/2 cts a
yd. The outside wall on second floor with the exception of front hall is to be plastered on brick
wall, therefore required no lathing but we had the kitchen, milk room, and pantry in basement
(Margins: Willie drawing home lime and lath) On September 8th Willie brought home 24
bushel of lime from Lusty Bros. Rodney and on the 9th 100 bunches of lath from F. W.
Scott's Highgate. On the 13th he took back 20 bunches of lath, to Highgate, and brought
home two barrels of plaster of paris. Mother took back some of the window sashes to Lusty's
to-day as they were wrong. Paid F. W. Scott for flooring and laths $50.00 on September 4th,
Joe McKay for mason work $25.00 on the 6th and Arthur Orendorf $19.00 for lathing on the
(Margins: Mason making plaster) Joe McKay and Jack Hillman were here all day on
September 10th, running lime and making plaster. They put in some hair and rope.
(Margins: September 29th Putting on first coat of plaster) Willie drew 1 load yellow sand from
road also 1 load lake sand from Mr Kivell's. Henry McKay and Jack Hillman came from Mr P
Cyleys this evening. They started plastering (the first coat) on the 30th and on October 1st
Joe McKay came and it took the 3 masons all day Oct 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th & 3/4 day on the 7th
to finish the first coat, and then on the 11th Joe McKay and Jack Hillman were here 1 hr
floating, that is making it smooth. On the 7th paid Joe McKay for mason work $25.00.
(Margins: October 1st) Pa went to Rodney to-day and brought home the windows, there are
in the house, 1 large (plate, double diamond) window in parlor, 1 double plain window in
dining room, 1 horshoe (leaded) & 1 circle (wavy) window in library, 1 half circle (leaded)
window in hall, 2 small plain windows in sitting room, 2 small plain windows in living room, 1
small plain window in each bedroom (5 in all), bathroom & back hall. All the plain windows
are weighted.
(Margins: October 18th) Willie drew home 20 bus. of lime from Lusty Bros & large window
frame, also hinges for cellar windows.
(Margins: Building in furnace) On the 20th Jack Hillman came back and ran some lime for
potty coat also started to brick in furnace. He was here all day on the 20th and 1/2 day on the
21st & 23rd. He finished bricking in furnace. James Anderson (plumber) was 1/2 day on the
20th at overflow pipe from tank and setting furnace, and he and Henry Mistele were 1/2 day
on the 21st & 22nd at furnace & furnace pipes. On the 20th, Willie helped 1/2 day and on the
21st & 23rd Pa helped 1/2 day each. On the 23rd we bought 4 lbs finishing nails @ J.
Rettermeins and paid 20cts for them.
(Margins: October 23rd Carpenters building verandah) The three carpenters started at the
verandah to-day and it took them all of the 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th and until noon on the 28th
to finish verandah, cellar windows, and other small jobs. Willie drew home some mouldings
and nails for the verandah from Rodney on the 24th, 2 loads of lake gravel on the 25th and 1
load of lake gravel on the 27th. On the 27th, mother brought some balls, etc from Rodney for
verandah. Our verandah is quite wide extending from the side door around corner of house
and over front door. It has six nice large posts with no railing. Instead of spindles, they are
making small window frames at top of verandah, these are to be filled with colored glass.
The roof is galvanized iron on the top and shingles on the sides. On Oct 28th Paid N Ludy on
carpenter work $20.00
(Margins: October 29th Mr Gowie painting cornish verandah window frames etc) Mr Gowie
Ridgetown has got the job of our painting and he came and started to-day. He is quite deaf.
We have to write what we want. He is doing the outside work now, putting three coats on
cornish at roof, verandah mouldings and posts; two coats on door and window frames and
sashes & floor of verandah and one coat on verandah shingles and ceiling of verandah. The
cornish at roof, verandah mouldings and posts are painted white, decorated with red and
green, the verandah ceiling is sky blue, the floor yellow, the shingles slate color, the window
frames has white for the ground work decorated with red and green and the sashes are
black. Mr Gowie worked on Oct 29th, 31st, Nov 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and until noon on
the 8th at the outside painting. On Oct 29th father brought home some paints, white lead, oil,
turpentine, shellac, Japan etc, from D. Misteles Rodney and on Nov 1st and 5th, mother
brought home some more. Paid Mr Gowie $3.00 on Nov 1st and $3.00 on Nov 8th.
(Margins: November 1st 4th Putting on potty coat of plastering) The plumbers tinned the
deck of verandah to-day. Henry and Josiah McKay came back to-day and started putting on
second coat of plaster. It took them the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 1/2 day
on the 15th to finish second coat of plastering and other small jobs, such as making cement
pipe holes for furnace etc. This coat gives the wall a beautiful hard, white smooth, and glossy
appearance. It is made mostly of Plaster of Paris. On Nov 7th father brought home a barrel
of Plaster of Paris and some cement from D. Mistele Rodney, and on the 8th he brought
home a load of Georgia Pine from 7.20 Scotts Highgate. we are finishing the main part of our
house in Georgia Pine. It is a hard wood with a beautiful grain, needing nothing but oiling.
(Margins: November 11th Fire in furnace for the first on 13th) The plumbers were out on on
the 11th and 13th fixing furnace pipes and on the 14th putting eaves on the verandah. We
had a fire in the furnace for the first time on the 13th of Nov.
(Margins: Laying cement floors in cellar) On Nov 18th Henry and Josiah McKay layed the
cement floors in the basement kitchen, milk room, pantry and part of the furnace room.
Father and Willie were helping all day. Mother and I are cleaning plaster out of house ready
for the painter. On Nov 21st Willie went to Highgate after a load of finishing lumber and doors
(Georgia Pine).
(Margins: November 25th Carpenters starting @ inside work) Mr Ludy sent his tools out to-
day, also some locks, nails, paper, etc from Martinis. On the 27th, Mr Ludy, Arch Campbell,
Johnny Ludy and a Mr Honeywell came out at noon and started cutting finishing material. Put
in arch upstairs on the 28th. Mr Ludy & Arch Campbell went home to-night.
(Margins: November 28th Setting fireplace Paid W. Lusty on account $30.00. On Nov. 28th
Dec 1st & 2nd Mr Honeywell and Johnny Ludy worked at back bedrooms upstairs. Dec 1st G
Martini and Jos. McKay came out to set fireplace but did not finish it. (Margins: It is 37 1/2 in
wide 36 1/2 high with a 16 in fireplace.) On Dec. 3rd & 4th Mr Ludy and Johnny were here
and worked at the front bedroom and hall upstairs.
(Margins: December 4th) Jos. McKay came out on the 4th to set fireplace, paid him $10. The
plumbers were out to-day putting in cold air pipes. Mr Honeywell came back on Dec 5th and
the three framers worked at window casings & mantel on the 5th & 6th. Charlie Johnstone,
Highgate was out on the 5th seeing about roller doors. Paid N. Ludy $12.00 on work on the
(Margins: Carpenters at inside work) Mr Ludy and Johnny worked at parlor and sitting room
on Dec 8th. Mr Honeywell came back on the 9th and the three of them worked at stairs front
door & hall. On Dec. 10th, 11th, & 12th Mr Honeywell, and Johnny Ludy worked at dining
room, kitchen and hanging doors.
(Margins: December 10th) Willie took roller doors & other ones back to Highgate and brought
home some other doors & V. matched lumber to-day. Mr Ludy came back on Dec 13th, and
the three framers worked at downstairs on the 13th, 15th, 16th, and 1/2 day on the 17th.
(Margins: December 13th Painter came back) Mr Gowie came back on the 15th and started
to paint upstairs. He was here on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th,
27th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 1903 Jan. 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and finished on the tenth.
(Margins: How the house was finished inside) The back part of second being finished in soft
pine was all painted except bathroom, which was stained cherry with hard oil finish. The back
bedroom was painted dark brown and dark slate, Will's bedroom light and dark orange;
Jeanie's room pale green and white, hall dark & light slate, attic and back stair dark orange.
Spare bedroom, front halls and stairs, parlor, sitting room and dining room were all finished in
Georgia Pine (natural wood, hard), and these Mr Gowie shellaced, sand papered and hard
oiled, until you could see yourself in them. Mother's bedroom was soft pine oiled and the
living room was stained walnut & cherry. Cellar stairs painted brownish red.
(Margins: December 16th) Plumber brought out bath tub, boiler and put in hot air pipe to
living room to-day. 1/2 day on the 17th, the 18th & 19th Mr Honeywell and J. Ludy worked at
the china closet, dumb waiter, pantry etc.,
(Margins: December 20th Putting on roller doors) Paid J. Gowie on painting $10.00. Mr
Honeywell came out at noon on Dec 22nd and worked alone on the 22nd 23rd & 24th. On
the 26th Mr Geo. Zoller came with him and both worked on the 26th 27th 29th & 30th
hanging roller doors and putting the finishing touches on. We had to pay Mr Zoller $1.50 per
day and Mr Honeywell $1.62 1/2.
(Margins: December 22nd Fixing fireplace) Jos. McKay finished fireplace to-day. Jeanie
helped him. He also filled up holes in plastering. Paid him on work $23.00
(Margins: 24th) Paid Mr. Gowie on work $6.00. On the 31st paid him $10.00 and paid Mr.
Zoller in full for work $6.
(Margins: 1903 January 10th) Paid Mr Gowie in full for painting, sand paper etc., $26.45c
(Margins: 23rd Moved in) After leaving the paint dry for about two weeks, the plumbers came
out on Friday January 23rd and moved our stove and fixed the water connections. We slept
in the house for the first time that night although it was a few weeks before we were
altogether settled.
Detailed Statement of Labor & Cash Outlay at house.
Also Material.
Names of men who worked at house receiving pay.
Per day Total
Ed Logan By the
3 cts 1.35
Clachan Josiah
Masons $2.00 $102.00
Clachan Henry
Masons $2.00 $97.00
Clachan John
Masons $1.75 $71.75
Clachan John
Masons $125 $36.25
Total cost of
mason work
Rodney Nick Ludy Carpenters $1.75 $61.15
Rodney Johnny
Carpenters $1.75 $30.00
Rodney Arch.
Carpenters $1.25 $30.00
Rodney Mr
Carpenters $1.62 1/2 $36.85
Names of men from whom we bought material
Rodney Geo. Zoller Carpenters $1.30 $6.00
Total cost of
Rodney Dave Mistele Plumbers Paid by
Rodney Henry Mistele
Rodney James
Ridgetown Arthur
Lather Paid
per yd
2 1/2 c
Ridgetown James
Painter Paid
St Thomas Mr Chas. Riddle Slaters Paid in
St Thomas Mr Riddle
St Thomas 2 men do not know
by day
per day
by job
Total Cost of Labor on House $580.00
Duart South A.R. McDonald Stone $6.00
Duart South
Duart South
Duart South
Duart South
" 3.00
Mr Morrison " 4.00
Alex McGugan " 3.75
Hog Street Geo. West " 2.50
Ridgetown J.E.Thatcher Stone sills $30.35
Brick and tile $119.50
Highgate G.W. Moody Brick $74.35
Duart Albert Blue Gravel 2.75
Ridgetown Mr Beattie Turpentine. Oil.
White Lead
Highgate F.W. Scott Laths. Lumber,
doors, etc.
Duart Joe.
Nails, Thimbles 50.
Rodney David Mistele Paints, Plumbing
Rodney Chas. Martini Nails. Locks.
Fireplace etc.,
St. Thomas Chas. Riddle Slate (Labor
Rodney Lusty Bros. Lumber, Lime
Ridgetown James Gowie Sandpaper &
Rodney Jake McKay Plan of house 5.00
Total cost of
Material for
Date Men who helped
us without pay.
1901 Dec. 27th D.M. Gillies and
drawing 1 load
J. G. Gillies " " 1 " "
31st Dave Logan " " 1 " "
• 1 Material required for house with cost
• 2 Tile for house drain
• 3 Stone for Basement
• 4 Brick for Walls.
• 5 Brick for furnace
• 6 Pit gravel used for building walls etc.,
Material required for house with cost
Tile for house drain
1902 Jan 3rd James Kivell " " 1 " "
7th Geo. Dubs " " 1 " "
27th G. P. Schleihauf " " 2 " brick
28th G. P. Schleihauf " 2 " "
Feb 20th Geo. Dubs " " 1 " "
21st Geo Dubs " 2 " "
25th, 26th, 27th, Ed. Logan helped
the men for three
26th J. Fowkes and G.
P. Schleihaufs
team drawing
1 load
April 7th Geo. West digging
1/2 day
May 9th Tom Kivell and
2 loads
lake sand
J. G. Gillies's man " " 2 " " "
H. Terrys " " " 2 " " "
Sept 6th Dave Logan " " 1 " " "
James Fowkes
helped us during
the winter driving
one of our teams.
Stone for Basement
Brick for Walls.
Brick for furnace
Pit gravel used for building walls etc.,
250 six in tile at $22 per $1000 from A. Wehlman
Talbot St.
9 load stone from A.R. McDonald Duart @ 66 2/3
cts per load
8 " " " Mr Morrison South of Duart @ 50 " " " 4.00
5 " " " Alex McGugan " @75 " " " 3.75
5 " " " Geo. West Hog Street @ 50 " " " 2.50
9 large stone " John McDonald Duart for $3.00c 3.00
22.320 kiln run brick from A. Wehlam @ $5.00 per
13.700 " " " " G.W. Moody Highgat @ $3.00 per
975 picked " " " " @ $6.00 " " 5.85
500 kiln run brick from A. Wehlman @ $5.00 per
11 loads gravel from Al. Blue's pit Duart @ 25c per
2 " " " " " " free
2 " " " Mr Campbells Kintyre "
Material used (Continued)
Lake gravel and sand
Mortar Color & Proof Iron Ties for Brickwork
6 loads lake gravel from beach at T Havens free
13 “ “ sand “ “ “ “ "
2 “ “ “ “ Mr Kivells "
2 “ yellow sand from road side. "
130 bus. lime for building brick walls from Lusty Bros. @ 30c per bus. $39.00
67 “ “ “ for plastering & building in furnace “ “ “ “ “ “ $20.10
D. Mistele
370 lbs red color for coloring mortar from D. Mistele Rodney @ 2¢ lb $11.40
29 “ proof iron ties for tying Bricks “ “ “ “ 10¢ “ $2.90
C. Martini
7 1/5 “ “ “ “ “ “ C. Martini “ “ 10¢ $0.72
D. Mistele
2 1/2 barrels Queenston cement for verandah steps etc. from D. Mistele
@ $1.00 per brl.
2 “ Portland “ “ “ “ “ “ @ $2.30 “ $5.00
7 “ Queenston “ for footing below stone wall “ “ “ $1.00 “ $7.00
7 " Queenston “ “ basement floors “ “ @ $1.00” $7.00
Stone Sills
Material used (Continued)
3 door sills 5 by 14 in and 3 ft 6 in long @ $1.00 per ft $10.50
1 window “ 5 by 8 “ 52 in long @ 40¢ “ “ $1.73
1 “ “ “ “ 64 “ “ @ “ “ “ $2.12
1 “ “ “ " 48 “ “ @ “ “ $1.60
12 “ “ “ “ 36 “ @ “ “ $14.40
Lusty Bros
Sawing 9168 ft lumber at $3.00 per 1000 $27.48
Matching 2.00
300 ft flooring pine 5.40
30 brackets for Roof of house @ 75cts a piece 22.50
280 ft scantling 2 by 6 for top of 2nd story @ $12 per 1000 3.36
1600 ft Black Ash sheeting for roof @$12 $19.20 surfacing same
18 ft pine for attic window frame 54¢ Dressing same 25¢ 0.79
100 ft ridgeroll for roof @ 3cts per ft 3.00
420 ft bridging for joice @ $5 per 1000 ft. 2.10
1200 ft strapping for walls @ $3.50 per 1000 ft. 4.20
200 ft pine flooring @ $2.50 per 100 ft. 5.00
208 ft. matched plank for water tank @ 3cts per ft. 6.24
200 ft strings boards@ 3cts per ft. 6.00
Lumber continued
220 “ treads @ 3cts per ft; 140 risers @ 3cts per ft. 10.80
100 “ matched pine @ 3cts; 11 set Jambs @ 60cts per set. 9.60
Stretching treads “ 180 ft 1 cove @ $7.50 per 1000 2.58
300 ft Scantling @ $12.00 3.60
6 verandah posts @ $2.00, 230 ft V. matched pine @ 12.50 per 1000 15.30
400 ft pine flooring @ $3.00 per 100; 9 face brackets @40cts a piece 15.60
10 corner brackets @20cts; 80 dentles @ 4cts a piece 5.20
230 ft one quarter round @ $6 per 1000; 85 ft bed mould @ $12.50
per 1000
215 ft cornish @ $3 per 100; 2 large brackets for back door @ $1.30 9.45
13 ft pine @ 3 1/2¢; 100 ft cove @ $7.50 per 1000; 112 ft Jamb lining
@ 2¢
Carried forward $187.25
Brought forward $187.25
Lusty Bros
58 ft pine @ 3cts per ft; 145 ft 3 in stops @ $12.50 per 1000 3.54
46 “ “ “ “ “ 1.38; 73 ft V. Match @ 3cts per ft 3.63
F.W. Scott
700 ft Hemlock scantling @ $15.50 per 1000 10.95
2980 “ lath @ $7.50 per 1000; 2200 ft pine flooring @ $20 per 1000 66.35
225 ft V. matched @ $24.00 per 1000; 110 ft 1x8 Du Lumber @ $26
per 1000
250 “ Bed mould @ $1.80 per 100; 126 t Geo. Pine 10 in Base @ 4¢
per ft.
70 “ Geo. Pine 8 in Base @ 3 1/2¢ per ft. 2.87
200 “ “ 7/8 1/4 Round @3/4¢ per ft. 1.92
30 Geo. Pine Base corners @ 7¢, 32 Geo Pine 10 in Base Blocks @
15 “ “ “ 8 in Base blks @ 6¢, 50 Geo Pine 5x5 Tamed Rosettes @ 6¢ 3.90
Lumber continued
300 ft 3 i casing G.P. @ 2 1/4¢ per ft. 24ft 8 in window stool @ 4¢ per
6 “ 5 in Window Stool @3¢; 74 ft Apron @ 1 1/2ct per ft. 1.29
70 “ 13/8 window stops @ 1¢ per ft. 100 ft 2 1/2 in window stop @ 1
400 “ 5 in casing white pine @ 2¢. 24 ft 5 in stool @ 3¢ per ft. 8.72
12 “ 8 in stool @ 3 1/4¢ per ft. 115 ft Geo. Pine lumber @ $40 per
34 “ 8 in Plynth Blocks @ 5¢; 53 turned corner Rosettes @ 6¢ 4.88
35 bace corners @ 3¢. 250 ft 8 in bace @ 3¢ per ft. 8.55
65 ft hat board @ 1 3/4¢. 400 ft 7/8 1/4 Round@ 60¢ per 100 3.55
150 ft V. matched @ $25 per 1000. 30 ft wainscoating cap @ 2¢ 4.35
3 newel posts @ $1.25; 2 newel posts @ $1.10; 24 ft stair rail @ 15¢ 9.55
12 ft bottom rail @ 15¢, 42 tan bannisters @ 12¢, 1 turned wall
1 piece Geo. Pine 3/8x10x14 50¢; 36 5/8x3 Geo. Pine; 50 ft panel
Soft panel mould Raise 63¢. 2 1/2 turned cob. @ 35¢ 1.33
Carried forward $371.64
Brought forward $371.64
F.W. Scott
2 pair sliding doors Geo. Pine @ 8.00, 2 Front Doors G.P. @ $6 28.00
1 Outside Door W. Pine $4.73, 1 inside G.P. Door 26x6 61 3/8 @
3 inside G.P. doors 2-8x6-8 1 3/8 @ $2.60, 1 inside G.P. Door 2-4x6-6
1 3/8 @ $2.20
2 “ “ 2-0-6-6 @ $2.00, 1 Pair Waiter doors 75¢ 4.75
3 “ W.P. “ 2-8x6-8 @ 2.25, 2 inside W.P. Doors 2-6x6-6 @ 2.20 11.15
170 ft V. Matched @ $25 per 1000, 30 ft corner lead @ 1/2¢ 4.70
Slate for Roof
Nails, Thimbles, hinges, latches, etc.,
84 “ G.P. picture mould @ 1 3/4¢, 1 door Geo. Pine 21¢ 1.68
Window and door frames
Lusty Bros
6 cellar window frames $6.00 1 cellar door frame $1.50 7.50
4 “ door frames $4.00 2 outside door frames $3.00 7.00
1 twin window frame $4 1 horseshoe window frame $4 8.00
1 1/2 circle window frame $2.25, 1 circle window frame 2.25 4.50
12 box window frame $27.00 1 circle sash $1 28.00
1 1/2 circle sash 75 ¢ 1 horseshoe sash $1.25 14 pair sashes 10.50 12.50
3 cellar sash 2.00 1 frame & sash $1.00 1 Sky Light frame 45¢ 3.45
2 cupboard doors @ $1.75; 3 sash @ 45¢ 4.55
Less $5.30 $514.67
Total cost of lumber, frames, etc. $509.37
15 1/2 squares slate from C. Riddle St. Thomas @ St.
Thomas @ $8 1/4 per square
138 ft ridgeon “ “ “ @ 8ct per foot 11.04
1 thimble for kitchen stove in cellar 5¢, 3 lbs nails 25¢ 0.30
4 lbs finishing nails @ 5¢ 0.20
1 keg nails @ $3.10, 1 keg 4 1/2 in spikes $3.05, 1 keg nails $3.20 9.35
2 set Rollers etc., for Roller doors complete @ $4.75 per set 9.50
1 keg $3.00, 5 lbs finishing nails 25¢ 1 keg nails 1 1/8 in $4.50 7.75
1 Lock 70¢ 2 sliding door set $4.00 4 1/2 pair Butts 60¢ 5.30
Glass, Putty, Sash cord, etc.
Paints, Sand paper etc.
6lbs 7. nails @ 6¢ 2 front door locks $4.00 1 Latch 7.59
C. Martini
14 pair Butts 3 1/2x3 1/2 @ 13¢ 1 Bolt 5 St Hinges 2.32
2 Locks 70¢ 7 Rim Locks @ 25¢ 12 pair Butts @7¢ 3.29
2 pair Butts 3 1/2x3 1/2 @ 13¢, 4 Thumb latches 40¢ 2 pulleys 20¢ 0.86
2 hooks 6 12latch lifts $1.18, not needed 2 Drawer pulls 1.34
Latches 27¢ 6 buttons 6, 1 Rim Lock 35¢ 2 Locks @ 35¢ 1.38
Nails 15¢ 3 Transon lifts $1.05 over charge $1.17 0.03
D. Mistele
2 chimney thimbles 10¢ 6 w Butts 75¢ Hat Hooks 15 1.00
Door bolt 10¢, 2 Pulleys 30¢ 0.60
C. Martini
4 panes glass for attic window 60¢ putty 7¢ 0.67
2 “ “ “ front door 1.10 2 panes for door @ 15¢ 30¢ 1.40
Brads 15¢ Putty 12¢ 3 glass for transoms @ 20¢ 60 0.87
D. Mistele
26 L Glass $19.50 12 lights 1.50 1 L. Glass 4.75 3 Lead Lights 9.50 35.25
1 Ruby Light $1.70 Putty 30, 5 1/2 lbs sash cord 1.93 369 lbs weights
14 L. Glass $5.00, sash cord 90 5.90
C. Martini
Sand paper 30¢ 0.30
Sand paper 15¢ Hard Oil 13.25 Paint $19.28 $32.68
D. Mistele
Shellac 16.60 Japan 80 Turpentine 2.50 19.90
J. Gowie
Sand paper 10 ochre 35 0.45
Plaster, Hair Rope, etc.
Mr. Beattie
Oil Turpentine White Lead 3.25
D. Mistele
1 bbl Plaster of Paris 3.00 75 lbs hair 2.25 Rope 1.53 $6.78
F.W. Scott
3 2/3 bbl Plaster @2.65 per bbl 9.95 1 bus hair 60 10.55
D. Mistele
Bath Tub $15.00 Boiler $8 1 Doub. B. cock 2.50 $25.50
2 coupling 50 1 hose Bib 85¢ 2 pan Bibs 1.50 2.85
32 ft 3/4 in pipe 1.92 26 ft 1/2 in pipe 1.30 1 stop cock 3.97
15 nipples 75¢ 2 Loch nuts 10¢ 6 1/2 in Elbows 30 2 lees 14 1.29
10-3/4 in elbows 70¢ 4 lees 32 3 Bushings 15 2 plugs 10 1.27
1 coupling 5, 4-1/2 in nipples 20, 2 unions 50, 1 Bib 75 1.50
Lining tank 11.00 147 ft. 12 in Eave trough 11.76 60 ft. 10 in E. Trough 26.96
1 slop tank 2.50, 28 ft oven flow 3.25 5.75
Gas Piping
148 ft. gas pipe 5.92 17 elbows 85 20 lees 1.00 14 plugs 42 8.19
10 nipples 50¢, 1 cross 5, 10 caps 40 0.95
Covering deck with galvanized iron 21.00
“ verandah “ “ 22.00
2 soot pans for chimney $1.50 1.50
For more information on Jeannie Watson, check out the “Meet the Diarists” section
under “Discover” on our website:
D. Mistele
Complete contract for furnace $95.00
C. Martini
Fire Grate set up $14.64 Tile floor 4.50 $19.14
1901-1902 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Burnside Farm Cottage
{drawing of a paper scroll with the following text: "Plan and Work done on our House";
diagonal text to the right of drawing: "Burnside Farm"}
Lot D Concession II. Aldborough Township Elgin Co. Ontario. Canada
Our House
During the summer of 1901, we decided to build a new house, as the house we were then
living in, although not so very old, was very cold and in need of a great amount of repairs. As
we had seen and liked the mason work done by McKay Bros. of Clachan we wrote to Mr.
Josiah McKay, asking him to do the mason work and as early in the spring of 1902 as
possible, which he promised to do. As we had very little timber of our own, we decided to put
up a solid brick, with a stone foundation. The first story is to be three brick thick, with iron
strapping, a hollow of an inch and then the lath and plaster, making a wall 15 in. thick. The
second story is to be a hollow wall and plastered on the brick making a wall 10 in. thick.
As there are only four of us, father, mother, son and daughter, & we have only one hundred
acres of land, we did not want to build too large a house and yet we wanted it convenient.
We examined a great many houses, but most of them were too large, and had low-roofed
kitchens, which we did not want. But after seeing new Nelson Place (Duart) and Mrs Duncan
McLean (Dutton) houses we decided on our plan. After rough sketching it, we submitted it to
Mr. Jack McKay, Rodney, who drew out our plan, and gave us lenghts and widths of door
and window sills and frames, charging for all $3.00. Our carpenter is Mr. Nick Ludy, Rodney,
whose charges are for himself $1.50 per day and for his men $1.25 per day. We are hiring all
the men by the day. The masons charges are McKay Bros. each $2.00 per day. Jack
Hillman, $1.75 per day. John McPhail tender $1.25 per day. These men are to do the
plastering also.
Basement Plan
[drawn plan of basement with each room labeled]
First Floor
{drawn plan of first floor of house}
Work of House
(Margins: Work of house) In October 1901 we ordered 35,000 brick from A. Wehlam & Sons
of Talbot St; at $3.00 a thousand and some stone from A. R. McDonald of Duart. In
December James Fowler came to help us, so that we had the two teams and two men and
they started work for (Margins: December 21st, 1901 started drawing stone) the house on
the 21st of Dec. 1901. Both teams made one trip a day for 4 days, drawing stone from Mr
McDonalds with wagons. The stone were hard to get as the ground was frozen and as Mr. A.
R. McDonald did not have enough ready for us, Willie bought 18 gauge stone from Mr. John
McDonald on the 24th; for $3.00. That same day Mr. Dan Gillies, and J. G. Gillies went up to
help the boys with the large stone. They had sleighs but as Willie broke the tongue of his
sleigh, they only brought home 3 loads or 9 stone. On the 28th, Willie bought some loads of
stone from Mr. Alex McGugan Oxford at 75 cts a load, and on the 30th, he and Jim drew 1
load of stone from Mr. McGugans with wagons, also 2 load or 1260 brick from Mr. Wehlam's.
(Margins: Dec 30th 1901 started Drawing brick) On the 31st Dave Logan helped them and
they drew 3 loads of stone from Mr. McGugans.
(Margins: Jan 3rd 1902) On Jan 1st they found they could get better stone at Mr. Morrisons
for 50 cts a load so drew 2 load from there that day and on the 3rd drew 3 load, Mr. J Kwiell
helping them. On the 4th Pa and Jim with one team and sleigh drew home 2 large stone from
Mr. J. McDonalds, and on the 6th, they ran 2 trips with both teams from there taking 8 large
(Margins: Jan 4th 1902) On the 7th, Geo. Dicks helped them and they brought 3 load of
stone from Mr. Morrisons, also paid him for 8 load ($4.00)
(Margins: Jan 7th 1902) and Mr McGugan for 5 load ($3.75). The boys drew 2 load or 1325
brick that same day. The next day they drew 1 load of stone from J. McDonalds and 1 load
from A.R. McDonalds, also 2 load or 1350 brick with sleighs. On the 9th; 11th 13th 14th &
15th they drew brick 10 loads or 8400 brick.
(Margins: Jan 16th Cutting and drawing logs.) On Jan 16th the men started to cut logs and
on the 17th they started to draw logs to mill. They worked on the 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st,
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th 29th, 31st, Feb 1st, 3rd, 4th, & 5th, at cutting, skidding,
and drawing logs to Lusty's mill, Rodney. In all they drew out one 32 ft. log and five 27 ft. logs
for 2 by 6 joice; five 24 ft. logs, five 29 ft. logs, five 16 ft. logs, one 18 ft. log and one 13 ft. log
for 2 by 8 joice; seven 14 ft. logs for rafters 2 by 3; thirteen 10 ft. logs for scantling 2 by 4;
also five 12 ft. logs for scantling 2 by 4; four 12 ft. logs for inch lumber & three 10 ft. logs for
inch lumber; five 12 ft. logs for plank and one 10 ft. log for plank. They drew all the logs out
with the sleigh.
(Margins: Jan 27th Drawing brick) On the 27th & 28th of January, Philip Schleihauf drew 4
loads (or 4073 brick) from Mr A. Wehlam's for us, and on the 30th our boys drew 6 loads, or
6000 brick. As Mr Wehlam could not supply us with enough brick, we ordered 12000 from Mr
G. Moody Highgate at $3.00 a thousand, and on February 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd
Willie drew home 9 loads or 9000 brick. On Feb. 20th & 21st Geo. Duke helped drawing 3
loads or 3000 brick. On the 22nd Willie ordered 1000 more brick from Mr Moody, also paid
him $25.00 on brick. On the 17th James Fowler left us for to work out.
(Margins: Feb 24th 1902 Drawing house lumber) On Feb 24th and March 3rd, 6th and 7th
Willie drew logs into mill and drew home some lumber. On March 4th, we found Mr. G Moody
Highgate $35.00 on brick, and on the 5th, paid Mr A. Wehlam Talbot Street - $111.50c for
(Margins: March 19th 1902 Drawing stone) As we did not yet have enough stone, we bought
3 loads at 5.0 cts a load from Geo. West. Hog Street and on March 19th, 20th, and 21st
Willie drew them home.
(Margins: March 21st 1902 Drawing home lumber) On Mar 21st, 22nd, and 24th Willie drew
home lumber from saw-mill. On the 21st, Ed Logan helped him 1/2 day piling lumber and on
the 22nd Frank Logan helped 1/2 day. Amount of lumber got out of logs taken to mill is as
near as we can estimate; 114 rafters 2 by 5; 190 scantling 2 by 4; 15 joice 16 ft long 2 by 8;
14 joice 15 ft long 2 by 8; 6 joice 18 ft long 2 by 8; 42 joice 24 ft long 2 by 8; 20 joice 29 ft
long 2 by 8; 13 joice 32 ft long 2 by 6; and 14 joice 27 ft long 2 by 6, besides the inch lumber
and plank.
(Margins: March 25th 1902 Drawing gravel) Started drawing gravel from Albert Blue's pit and
wash. Willie drew one load this morning. In the afternoon we hired Ed. Logan at 50 cts a day
to drive one of our teams and the both teams drew a load of gravel each from Campbells pit
north of Taylor. We are paying 25 cts a load for the gravel. March 25th they also drew some
150 tile for house drains from A. Wehlman. On March 26th and 27th drew home 10 loads of
gravel from A. Blues pit. James Fowler with Philip Schleihauf team helped them on the 26th
(Margins: March 27th 1902) Paid Albert Blue for 11 loads of gravel @ 25 cts ($2.75). On Mar
28th our own two teams drew 2 loads of sand from the lake at New Glasgow.
(Margins: March 31st 1902 Digging house drain) Started digging the house drain. Hired Geo.
West to help. Geo., Pa and Willie worked at the drain 1/2 day on March 31st, April 2nd and
3rd but it was caving in so bad they had to leave it for a few days and it was not finished until
April 7 when the 3 men worked another half day at it.
(Margins: Drawing tile for drain) On April 1st Pa with team drew home 100 six inch tile from
A. Wehlam's tile yard and April 3rd drew up 60 six inch tile. On April 1st paid John McDonald
for stone $3.00 and on the 3rd paid Geo. West for stone $2.50 and for 2 day's work @ 1.25 a
day ($2.50). On April 3rd Willie drew home 15 bags or 5 barrels of cement - e $100 per bll.,
from David Mistele's Rodney, and on the 4th he drew 4 loads of gravel from behind our own
barn to house.
(Margins: April 5th 1902 Excavating cellar) Commenced excavating for cellar under house. It
took our two men and 1 team all day April 5th, 1/2 day April 7th, and all day April 9th, 10th,
11th and 12th to dig out cellar about six feet. On April 12th paid Jack McKay Rodney for plan
of house $5.00.
(Margins: April 14th 1902 Putting in cement footing) Josiah McKay came to-day and started
foundation for house. They first put in a cement footing, about 2 ft thick and 1 ft deep. It took
(Margins: April 14th 1902) Pa and Willie all day on the 14th and 15th and 1/2 day on 16th of
April to put in this footing and it took 7 barrels of cement. Willie drew home 2 barrels on the
15th also ordered cellar doors and window frames from Lusty Bros. Rodney.
(Margins: April 22nd 1902 Ordered stone sills for windows and doors.) Ordered from J. E.
Thatcher Ridgetown the stone sills for doors and windows; 3 door sills 5 in by 14 in, 3 ft - 6 in
long @ $1.00 per ft; 1 window sill 5 in by 8 in 52 in long, 1 window sill 5 in by 8 in 64 in long,
One 5 in by 8 in, 48 in long and twelve 5 in by 8 in, 36 in long all at 40 cts per lineal foot.
(Margins: April 24th 1902 Building stone foundation) The masons came to-day and started
stone work. They are Josiah McKay, Henry McKay and Jack Hillman masons and John
McPhail, tender, all from Clachan. It took them all day on the 24th, 1/2 day 25th, 1 day 28th,
1/2 day 29th, all day 30th, May 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 1/2 day on the 7th or 9 1/2 days to
build stone wall all under house 20 in thick and 7 ft high and 2 brick walls through the cellar,
one lenghtwise, the other crosswise through, these are 2 brick thick. Pa with team drew in
stone and helped the mason all the time.
(Margins: N.B. Stone wall is 24 in thick at bottom and 18 inch thick at top.)
On the 24th he got H.S. Ford's (Duart) tank and drew water with.
(Margins: Drawing home lime) On the 24th Willie drew home from Lusty Bros. Rodney 33
bus lime @ 30 cts per bushel, in the 29th he brought home 5' door frames for cellar
(buttonwood) some nails, 1 barrel red mortar color and some paints and oil and shellac for
knots to prime frames, and on the 30th he brought home 30 bus lime, and 6 cellar window
frames buttonwood
5 of the cellar window frames are for 2 lights 14 by 14, and one has 2 lights 16 in high by 14
in wide. The outside door frame is 7 ft high by 3 ft wide & the 4 inside door frames are 6 ft
high and 2 1/2 ft wide, all the frames are 12 1/2 in. wide.
(Margins: May 1st 1902) Willie went to Ridgetown after the stone sills to-day and paid $30.35
for them. On the 3rd he drew 2 load of stone from our own woods and we paid Josiah McKay
$25.00 on mason work.
(Margins: May 8th 1902 Drawing sand from lake) Our own team drew sand from the lake on
the 8th, 9th, & 10th. Tom Kivell, A. Paterson with J. G. Gillies team and H. Colly with H.
Terry's team helped draw sand on the 9th and in all they drew 11 loads. On the 10th we
ordered window and door frames from Lusty Bros. They are to be made of pine.
(Margins: May 13th 1902 Drawing home lumber) Willie drew home for F.W. Scott. Highgate
500 ft Hemlock scantling and 1500 no. 1. bath. Mr David Mistele and Mr Killom tried to sell
us a furnace to-day May 14th, but we did not buy one yet.
(Margins: May 26th 1902 Laying Joice on stone wall) Mr. N. Ludy our carpenter and Josiah
McKay came to-day to lay joice on top of stone wall. They first laid a plank all around on top
of wall and then nailed 2 by 6 on to that placing them 16 in apart from centre to centre. Willie
brought 15 bus of lime from Lusty Bros. to-day.
(Margins: May 27th 1902) The 3 masons and tender came back to-day
(Margins: Starting brick work.) and started brick work. The 1st story is 3 brick thick with a
hand hole between each brick. Bon timbers (Hemlock 2 by 4) are placed in the inside row of
brick every sixth row, to nail strips 3/4 in by 2 in to, in order to lath it. They are using mortar
color to color outside mortar red. It took them all day May 27th & 28th, 1/2 day May 29th, all
day May 30th, 31st, June 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, & 1/2 day on the 7th to build 1st story. Pa
helped all the time carrying brick etc., Mother helped June 2nd, Willie helped June 4th & 7th
& Ed Logan helped 1/2 day June 6th & 7th. There are 2 doors 1 large window, 1 twin
window, 1 half round window and 5 small windows in the 1st story.
(Margins: May 28th 1902 Placed a box in N.W. corner stone) On May 28th we placed a box
in north west corner of house containing the latest papers, stamps, and coins, also the
names of those present at the laying of the box. Paid J. McKay $50.00 on mason work to-
(Margins: May 29th 1902) On May 29th Josiah McKay went to St. Thomas to see how to
build chimney for fire place. They are building two chimneys, one on the east for the fireplace
and furnace, and one on the west for the kitchen stoves. The one on the east side has two
flues 8 in by 8 in, the other one has just one flue, about 5 in by 10 in until it gets to 2nd story
when it is made bigger about 8 by 10 in. May 28th Willie went to Rodney and brought home
2 door frames, 15 bus. lime, paint, oil, etc, May 29th
(Margins: Willie drawing home frames and lime) he went twice to Rodney & brought home 3
window frames and 15 bus. lime, 30th he brought home 4 window frames and June 3rd, he
brought home 5 window frames and 1 box mortar color. The 1st floor window frames were all
set-in on May 31st. They are all box window frames for weights but the large window and the
fancy windows. Mother primed all the door frame and window frames with white paint after
rubbing all the knots with orange shellac. On June 5th ordered 4 bolts to put through brick
wall to put up hood over back door with.
(Margins: June 9th 1902 Laying joice on 1st story and starting 2nd story) Mr Ludy came out
to-day and was 1/2 day laying 2 by 8 joice on top off 1st story. The 3 masons & tender
worked to-day at 2nd story of brick work, Josiah McKay left to-night but the other 3 worked
1/2 day June 10th when they also left as they did not want to put up 2nd storey until Mr Ludy
was ready to put up roof. Pa Willie & Eddie Logan helped put up brick etc. June 9th & 10th.
June 9th paid J. McKay $50 for mason work.
(Margins: June 19th 1902 ) Willie and Ed Logan with team were 1/2 day at Lesleys Mill
drawing lumber into dry kiln.
(Margins: June 25th 1902 Drawing Brick) On the 25th Willie with team drew 1 load or 900
brick from G Moodys Highgate and on the 26th he drew another load or (975 pick Brick @
$6.00 a 1000). The rest of our brick are all Kiln Run brick.
(Margins: July 3rd 1902) Willie brought home from F.W. Scotts Highgate 200 ft Hemlock
scantling and 1000 ft Pine flooring to-day.
(Margins: July 5th 1902) Brought home some proof iron ties from H. Misteles to-day. They
are for binding the two bricks in the hollow wall, and put in every fifth row. The masons bound
with bricks too occasionally.
(Margins: July 10th 1902 Finishing Brick Work) The masons came back to-day and started at
second story of brick work. It took them all day on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and
17th to finish brick work, but just Josiah and Henry McKay worked on the 12th. They set the
upstairs windows on the 11th. Pa, Willie and team helped at house most of the time on the
14th, 15th, 16th, & 17th. On the 14th Willie drew home 22 bus. of lime from Lusty Bros. On
the 15th Mother went to Rodney and brought home some mortar color & ties for binding and
on the 17th we paid Josiah McKay $40.00 on mason work.
(Margins: August 7th 1902 Drawing home lumber) On the 7th and 8th Willie drew home
some button wood sheeting, 300 ft maple flooring, 500 ft Bass wood flooring 30 brackets for
under roof and the window sashes (2 loads). On the 8th paid Lusty Bros for sawing of
window frame $134.00 and on the 14th J. Rettermein for 5 lbs nails 25 cts.
(Margins: August 11th 1902) The framers came to-day and started at roof. They are Mr. Nick
Ludy at $1.75 per day. Arch. Campbell @ $1.25 a day
(Margins: Carpenters putting up roof.) and Johnny Ludy at 75 cts a day, all from Rodney.
They put up 2 by 6 joice on top of brick work to-day and bridged them with strips, on the 12th
& 13th they put up rafters & formed deck as our house is a cottage roofed house with a 6 ft
by 14 ft deck on way and 6 by 20 the other way. They were all day on the 14th & part of the
15th putting on sheeting. On the 13th & 16th they put on ridge roll, made Jacks for scaffold,
and put-up part of the cornish Brackets and moulding under roof. (Margins: The sheeting
was all dressed as we are putting up a slate roof.)
(Margins: Drawing home lumber and brick) On August 11th Willie drew from Lusty Bros. mill
160 ft 2 by 6 & 6 rafters 2 by 5, 20 ft long & on the 13th he drew 1600 ft sheeting, 100 ft ridge
roll and 1 plank. On the 12th he drew from 7.20 Scott's 2000 lath, Cornish lumber &
mouldings and on the 15th he drew 800 chimney brick at $3.00 a 1000 from Geo. Moodys
As we are putting on a slate roof we gave Mr Chas. Riddle of St. Thomas the work of
it and on the 16th Willie and Pa with the two teams drew the two load of slate, tin for ridgeon
(?) & slate nails from Rodney station. On the 11th Pa & Willie helped the carpenters 1/2 day
putting up joice.
(Margins: August 18th 1902) Willie went to Rodney station after slaters to-day, there are four
of them, two Mr Riddles, and we did not know the other two, all from St. Thomas.
(Margins: Starting roof) It just took them all day on the 18th and until 4 o’clock on the 19th to
put on slate and ridgeon. It took 15 1/2 squares of slate and 138 feet ridgeon. The slate were
already cut and nail holes in them when they came. They put felt paper between slate and
sheeting to make a soft bed for slate. The slate cost $8.25 a square, and the ridgeon 8 cts a
foot. Paid Chas. Riddle for slating house $138.00 on the 19th. Pa took slates to station on
the 19th and brought home the furnace. We are getting our furnace from D. Mistele. It is a 43
inch, Kilborn wood furnace, to be bricked in, has convex registers in wall and is to cost
&95.00 when complete.
(Margins: Building Chimneys) On the 18th the 3 masons came out and built the chimneys
finishing them at noon on the 19th.
(Margins: August 21st 1902 Covering deck) Mr James Anderson (D. Mistele's plumber) and
Henry Mistele came out to-day and put galvanized iron on deck. They also brought out some
more of the furnace fixings with them.
(Margins: August 25th 1902 Drawing home lumber & gravel) Willie brought home from Lust
Bros. mill, some material for strapping (3/4 in by 2 in) and bridging (1 in by 2 in) also frame
for attic window. We are just having 1 window in the attic at the back of house and just in the
roof this causing no gutters. Also, drew one load gravel from Albert Blues pit.
(Margins: August 27th 1902 Carpenters laying floors and putting in partitions and stairs.) The
3 framers came back to-day, and after finishing putting up cornish, they started to lay the
floors. They were all day on the 28th, 29th & 30th laying the 3 floors, 1st story partly maple
flooring the 2nd story and attic all pine. On September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, & 8th they
were at the partitions and stairs & on the 9th at the dumb waiter and fitting window frames.
Mr. Nick Ludy made the stairs himself and it just took him one day at each stair, front, back,
attic & cellar stair. The front stair has two square landings, one 3 steps from top the other 3
steps from bottom, with seven steps between, the back stair is a winding stair, and the attic &
cellar have each one landing, being in each 3 steps from the top. On the 1st floor we are
having a hall, drawing room, sitting room, dining room, living room & bedroom, besides the
two stairs and china closet. On the 2nd floor we have four bedrooms, (our library) front &
back hall, bathroom and four closets besides attic stair. On August 27th Willie drew home
from Lusty's mill 200 ft pine flooring, also four panes of glass, tacks and putty for attic
window from A. Martini’s Rodney and on the 29th He brought home 1200 ft pine flooring,
from Highgate. August 29th mother went to Ridgetown and brought home with her Mr James
Gowie, a painter. He is going to-do our painting, working by the day at $2.00 a day. She also
got some oil and
(Margins: August 30th 1902 Mr Gowie painting) turpentine at Mo Beattys, Ridgetown and
paid Mr Gowie for it on the 30th. Mr Gowie worked all day on the 30th of August priming
cornish and brackets under roof. Mother paid Mr. N. Ludy $30.00 August 30th.
(Margins: September 2nd/02 Masons building brick wall under verandah also two sets of
cement steps) On September 2nd the two masons and J Hillman as tender came back &
started at brick wall under verandah. Henry McKay came back yesterday afternoon but did
no work. They were at brick wall on September 2nd & 3rd and at cement steps on the 4th,
5th & on the 6th they ran lime 1/2 day. The brick wall is built with lattice work, this allowing a
circulation of air underneath the verandah. The steps are quite broad and about 8 ft long.
They are first filled in with stone and Portland cement put on top making a lovely white hard
smooth finish. On the steps leading to dining room door, on west side of house Henry McKay
printed Burnside Farm, and on the front steps on the south of house he put the date 1902.
On the 2nd Pa and team were helping at house, also Willie.
(Margins: Willie drawing home lumber brick & gravel) On Sept. 1st & 3rd Willie drew home
lumber from Lusty Bros. mill also tracks from G. Martinis for roller doors. On the 3rd he also
brought 500 brick for furnace from A. Wehlams. On the 4th he drew one load gravel from A.
Blue's pit also one load from lake on the 4th & 6th. Dave Logan also drew a load of gravel
from the lake on the 4th for us. This is for the plaster.
(Margins: Plumbers at eavetroughing gas piping etc) On September 2nd the plumbers came
out and started putting up eavetroughing. They were here on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th and
1/2 day on the 9th & 10th. Putting up eavetroughing, gas piping, some of the water piping,
lining tank and attending to hot air boxes for the furnace. We are having the house piped so
that we can put in an Acetylene gas plant any time, a pipe running to every room on first &
second floors, one to attic, one to verandah & just one yet to basement. These pipes were all
put in before. The tank for the soft water will hold about fifteen barrels and we have hot and
cold water in the bath-room, living room and basement kitchen. The hot air registers are all to
be in wall except one in living room. There is a register in every room on first floor and one in
bathroom, and east bed-room on second floor. The furnace pipe goes up through dining
room, back hall, and enters chimney in centre bedroom on east of house. There are four cold
air registers one in hall being in the floor, the other three in the wall, one in the dining room,
sitting room and bedroom, all on first-floor.
(Margins: September 8th 1902 Arthur Orendorf lathing) On September 8th Arthur Orendorf of
Ridgetown (lather) came down and started lathing. He was able to lath the whole house on
the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 1/2 day on the 13th. 760 yards in all. He charged 2 1/2 cts a
yd. The outside wall on second floor with the exception of front hall is to be plastered on brick
wall, therefore required no lathing but we had the kitchen, milk room, and pantry in basement
(Margins: Willie drawing home lime and lath) On September 8th Willie brought home 24
bushel of lime from Lusty Bros. Rodney and on the 9th 100 bunches of lath from F. W.
Scott's Highgate. On the 13th he took back 20 bunches of lath, to Highgate, and brought
home two barrels of plaster of paris. Mother took back some of the window sashes to Lusty's
to-day as they were wrong. Paid F. W. Scott for flooring and laths $50.00 on September 4th,
Joe McKay for mason work $25.00 on the 6th and Arthur Orendorf $19.00 for lathing on the
(Margins: Mason making plaster) Joe McKay and Jack Hillman were here all day on
September 10th, running lime and making plaster. They put in some hair and rope.
(Margins: September 29th Putting on first coat of plaster) Willie drew 1 load yellow sand from
road also 1 load lake sand from Mr Kivell's. Henry McKay and Jack Hillman came from Mr P
Cyleys this evening. They started plastering (the first coat) on the 30th and on October 1st
Joe McKay came and it took the 3 masons all day Oct 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th & 3/4 day on the 7th
to finish the first coat, and then on the 11th Joe McKay and Jack Hillman were here 1 hr
floating, that is making it smooth. On the 7th paid Joe McKay for mason work $25.00.
(Margins: October 1st) Pa went to Rodney to-day and brought home the windows, there are
in the house, 1 large (plate, double diamond) window in parlor, 1 double plain window in
dining room, 1 horshoe (leaded) & 1 circle (wavy) window in library, 1 half circle (leaded)
window in hall, 2 small plain windows in sitting room, 2 small plain windows in living room, 1
small plain window in each bedroom (5 in all), bathroom & back hall. All the plain windows
are weighted.
(Margins: October 18th) Willie drew home 20 bus. of lime from Lusty Bros & large window
frame, also hinges for cellar windows.
(Margins: Building in furnace) On the 20th Jack Hillman came back and ran some lime for
potty coat also started to brick in furnace. He was here all day on the 20th and 1/2 day on the
21st & 23rd. He finished bricking in furnace. James Anderson (plumber) was 1/2 day on the
20th at overflow pipe from tank and setting furnace, and he and Henry Mistele were 1/2 day
on the 21st & 22nd at furnace & furnace pipes. On the 20th, Willie helped 1/2 day and on the
21st & 23rd Pa helped 1/2 day each. On the 23rd we bought 4 lbs finishing nails @ J.
Rettermeins and paid 20cts for them.
(Margins: October 23rd Carpenters building verandah) The three carpenters started at the
verandah to-day and it took them all of the 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th and until noon on the 28th
to finish verandah, cellar windows, and other small jobs. Willie drew home some mouldings
and nails for the verandah from Rodney on the 24th, 2 loads of lake gravel on the 25th and 1
load of lake gravel on the 27th. On the 27th, mother brought some balls, etc from Rodney for
verandah. Our verandah is quite wide extending from the side door around corner of house
and over front door. It has six nice large posts with no railing. Instead of spindles, they are
making small window frames at top of verandah, these are to be filled with colored glass.
The roof is galvanized iron on the top and shingles on the sides. On Oct 28th Paid N Ludy on
carpenter work $20.00
(Margins: October 29th Mr Gowie painting cornish verandah window frames etc) Mr Gowie
Ridgetown has got the job of our painting and he came and started to-day. He is quite deaf.
We have to write what we want. He is doing the outside work now, putting three coats on
cornish at roof, verandah mouldings and posts; two coats on door and window frames and
sashes & floor of verandah and one coat on verandah shingles and ceiling of verandah. The
cornish at roof, verandah mouldings and posts are painted white, decorated with red and
green, the verandah ceiling is sky blue, the floor yellow, the shingles slate color, the window
frames has white for the ground work decorated with red and green and the sashes are
black. Mr Gowie worked on Oct 29th, 31st, Nov 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and until noon on
the 8th at the outside painting. On Oct 29th father brought home some paints, white lead, oil,
turpentine, shellac, Japan etc, from D. Misteles Rodney and on Nov 1st and 5th, mother
brought home some more. Paid Mr Gowie $3.00 on Nov 1st and $3.00 on Nov 8th.
(Margins: November 1st 4th Putting on potty coat of plastering) The plumbers tinned the
deck of verandah to-day. Henry and Josiah McKay came back to-day and started putting on
second coat of plaster. It took them the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 1/2 day
on the 15th to finish second coat of plastering and other small jobs, such as making cement
pipe holes for furnace etc. This coat gives the wall a beautiful hard, white smooth, and glossy
appearance. It is made mostly of Plaster of Paris. On Nov 7th father brought home a barrel
of Plaster of Paris and some cement from D. Mistele Rodney, and on the 8th he brought
home a load of Georgia Pine from 7.20 Scotts Highgate. we are finishing the main part of our
house in Georgia Pine. It is a hard wood with a beautiful grain, needing nothing but oiling.
(Margins: November 11th Fire in furnace for the first on 13th) The plumbers were out on on
the 11th and 13th fixing furnace pipes and on the 14th putting eaves on the verandah. We
had a fire in the furnace for the first time on the 13th of Nov.
(Margins: Laying cement floors in cellar) On Nov 18th Henry and Josiah McKay layed the
cement floors in the basement kitchen, milk room, pantry and part of the furnace room.
Father and Willie were helping all day. Mother and I are cleaning plaster out of house ready
for the painter. On Nov 21st Willie went to Highgate after a load of finishing lumber and doors
(Georgia Pine).
(Margins: November 25th Carpenters starting @ inside work) Mr Ludy sent his tools out to-
day, also some locks, nails, paper, etc from Martinis. On the 27th, Mr Ludy, Arch Campbell,
Johnny Ludy and a Mr Honeywell came out at noon and started cutting finishing material. Put
in arch upstairs on the 28th. Mr Ludy & Arch Campbell went home to-night.
(Margins: November 28th Setting fireplace Paid W. Lusty on account $30.00. On Nov. 28th
Dec 1st & 2nd Mr Honeywell and Johnny Ludy worked at back bedrooms upstairs. Dec 1st G
Martini and Jos. McKay came out to set fireplace but did not finish it. (Margins: It is 37 1/2 in
wide 36 1/2 high with a 16 in fireplace.) On Dec. 3rd & 4th Mr Ludy and Johnny were here
and worked at the front bedroom and hall upstairs.
(Margins: December 4th) Jos. McKay came out on the 4th to set fireplace, paid him $10. The
plumbers were out to-day putting in cold air pipes. Mr Honeywell came back on Dec 5th and
the three framers worked at window casings & mantel on the 5th & 6th. Charlie Johnstone,
Highgate was out on the 5th seeing about roller doors. Paid N. Ludy $12.00 on work on the
(Margins: Carpenters at inside work) Mr Ludy and Johnny worked at parlor and sitting room
on Dec 8th. Mr Honeywell came back on the 9th and the three of them worked at stairs front
door & hall. On Dec. 10th, 11th, & 12th Mr Honeywell, and Johnny Ludy worked at dining
room, kitchen and hanging doors.
(Margins: December 10th) Willie took roller doors & other ones back to Highgate and brought
home some other doors & V. matched lumber to-day. Mr Ludy came back on Dec 13th, and
the three framers worked at downstairs on the 13th, 15th, 16th, and 1/2 day on the 17th.
(Margins: December 13th Painter came back) Mr Gowie came back on the 15th and started
to paint upstairs. He was here on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th,
27th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 1903 Jan. 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and finished on the tenth.
(Margins: How the house was finished inside) The back part of second being finished in soft
pine was all painted except bathroom, which was stained cherry with hard oil finish. The back
bedroom was painted dark brown and dark slate, Will's bedroom light and dark orange;
Jeanie's room pale green and white, hall dark & light slate, attic and back stair dark orange.
Spare bedroom, front halls and stairs, parlor, sitting room and dining room were all finished in
Georgia Pine (natural wood, hard), and these Mr Gowie shellaced, sand papered and hard
oiled, until you could see yourself in them. Mother's bedroom was soft pine oiled and the
living room was stained walnut & cherry. Cellar stairs painted brownish red.
(Margins: December 16th) Plumber brought out bath tub, boiler and put in hot air pipe to
living room to-day. 1/2 day on the 17th, the 18th & 19th Mr Honeywell and J. Ludy worked at
the china closet, dumb waiter, pantry etc.,
(Margins: December 20th Putting on roller doors) Paid J. Gowie on painting $10.00. Mr
Honeywell came out at noon on Dec 22nd and worked alone on the 22nd 23rd & 24th. On
the 26th Mr Geo. Zoller came with him and both worked on the 26th 27th 29th & 30th
hanging roller doors and putting the finishing touches on. We had to pay Mr Zoller $1.50 per
day and Mr Honeywell $1.62 1/2.
(Margins: December 22nd Fixing fireplace) Jos. McKay finished fireplace to-day. Jeanie
helped him. He also filled up holes in plastering. Paid him on work $23.00
(Margins: 24th) Paid Mr. Gowie on work $6.00. On the 31st paid him $10.00 and paid Mr.
Zoller in full for work $6.
(Margins: 1903 January 10th) Paid Mr Gowie in full for painting, sand paper etc., $26.45c
(Margins: 23rd Moved in) After leaving the paint dry for about two weeks, the plumbers came
out on Friday January 23rd and moved our stove and fixed the water connections. We slept
in the house for the first time that night although it was a few weeks before we were
altogether settled.
Detailed Statement of Labor & Cash Outlay at house.
Also Material.
Names of men who worked at house receiving pay.
Per day Total
Ed Logan By the
3 cts 1.35
Clachan Josiah
Masons $2.00 $102.00
Clachan Henry
Masons $2.00 $97.00
Clachan John
Masons $1.75 $71.75
Clachan John
Masons $125 $36.25
Total cost of
mason work
Rodney Nick Ludy Carpenters $1.75 $61.15
Rodney Johnny
Carpenters $1.75 $30.00
Rodney Arch.
Carpenters $1.25 $30.00
Rodney Mr
Carpenters $1.62 1/2 $36.85
Names of men from whom we bought material
Rodney Geo. Zoller Carpenters $1.30 $6.00
Total cost of
Rodney Dave Mistele Plumbers Paid by
Rodney Henry Mistele
Rodney James
Ridgetown Arthur
Lather Paid
per yd
2 1/2 c
Ridgetown James
Painter Paid
St Thomas Mr Chas. Riddle Slaters Paid in
St Thomas Mr Riddle
St Thomas 2 men do not know
by day
per day
by job
Total Cost of Labor on House $580.00
Duart South A.R. McDonald Stone $6.00
Duart South
Duart South
Duart South
Duart South
" 3.00
Mr Morrison " 4.00
Alex McGugan " 3.75
Hog Street Geo. West " 2.50
Ridgetown J.E.Thatcher Stone sills $30.35
Brick and tile $119.50
Highgate G.W. Moody Brick $74.35
Duart Albert Blue Gravel 2.75
Ridgetown Mr Beattie Turpentine. Oil.
White Lead
Highgate F.W. Scott Laths. Lumber,
doors, etc.
Duart Joe.
Nails, Thimbles 50.
Rodney David Mistele Paints, Plumbing
Rodney Chas. Martini Nails. Locks.
Fireplace etc.,
St. Thomas Chas. Riddle Slate (Labor
Rodney Lusty Bros. Lumber, Lime
Ridgetown James Gowie Sandpaper &
Rodney Jake McKay Plan of house 5.00
Total cost of
Material for
Date Men who helped
us without pay.
1901 Dec. 27th D.M. Gillies and
drawing 1 load
J. G. Gillies " " 1 " "
31st Dave Logan " " 1 " "
• 1 Material required for house with cost
• 2 Tile for house drain
• 3 Stone for Basement
• 4 Brick for Walls.
• 5 Brick for furnace
• 6 Pit gravel used for building walls etc.,
Material required for house with cost
Tile for house drain
1902 Jan 3rd James Kivell " " 1 " "
7th Geo. Dubs " " 1 " "
27th G. P. Schleihauf " " 2 " brick
28th G. P. Schleihauf " 2 " "
Feb 20th Geo. Dubs " " 1 " "
21st Geo Dubs " 2 " "
25th, 26th, 27th, Ed. Logan helped
the men for three
26th J. Fowkes and G.
P. Schleihaufs
team drawing
1 load
April 7th Geo. West digging
1/2 day
May 9th Tom Kivell and
2 loads
lake sand
J. G. Gillies's man " " 2 " " "
H. Terrys " " " 2 " " "
Sept 6th Dave Logan " " 1 " " "
James Fowkes
helped us during
the winter driving
one of our teams.
Stone for Basement
Brick for Walls.
Brick for furnace
Pit gravel used for building walls etc.,
250 six in tile at $22 per $1000 from A. Wehlman
Talbot St.
9 load stone from A.R. McDonald Duart @ 66 2/3
cts per load
8 " " " Mr Morrison South of Duart @ 50 " " " 4.00
5 " " " Alex McGugan " @75 " " " 3.75
5 " " " Geo. West Hog Street @ 50 " " " 2.50
9 large stone " John McDonald Duart for $3.00c 3.00
22.320 kiln run brick from A. Wehlam @ $5.00 per
13.700 " " " " G.W. Moody Highgat @ $3.00 per
975 picked " " " " @ $6.00 " " 5.85
500 kiln run brick from A. Wehlman @ $5.00 per
11 loads gravel from Al. Blue's pit Duart @ 25c per
2 " " " " " " free
2 " " " Mr Campbells Kintyre "
Material used (Continued)
Lake gravel and sand
Mortar Color & Proof Iron Ties for Brickwork
6 loads lake gravel from beach at T Havens free
13 “ “ sand “ “ “ “ "
2 “ “ “ “ Mr Kivells "
2 “ yellow sand from road side. "
130 bus. lime for building brick walls from Lusty Bros. @ 30c per bus. $39.00
67 “ “ “ for plastering & building in furnace “ “ “ “ “ “ $20.10
D. Mistele
370 lbs red color for coloring mortar from D. Mistele Rodney @ 2¢ lb $11.40
29 “ proof iron ties for tying Bricks “ “ “ “ 10¢ “ $2.90
C. Martini
7 1/5 “ “ “ “ “ “ C. Martini “ “ 10¢ $0.72
D. Mistele
2 1/2 barrels Queenston cement for verandah steps etc. from D. Mistele
@ $1.00 per brl.
2 “ Portland “ “ “ “ “ “ @ $2.30 “ $5.00
7 “ Queenston “ for footing below stone wall “ “ “ $1.00 “ $7.00
7 " Queenston “ “ basement floors “ “ @ $1.00” $7.00
Stone Sills
Material used (Continued)
3 door sills 5 by 14 in and 3 ft 6 in long @ $1.00 per ft $10.50
1 window “ 5 by 8 “ 52 in long @ 40¢ “ “ $1.73
1 “ “ “ “ 64 “ “ @ “ “ “ $2.12
1 “ “ “ " 48 “ “ @ “ “ $1.60
12 “ “ “ “ 36 “ @ “ “ $14.40
Lusty Bros
Sawing 9168 ft lumber at $3.00 per 1000 $27.48
Matching 2.00
300 ft flooring pine 5.40
30 brackets for Roof of house @ 75cts a piece 22.50
280 ft scantling 2 by 6 for top of 2nd story @ $12 per 1000 3.36
1600 ft Black Ash sheeting for roof @$12 $19.20 surfacing same
18 ft pine for attic window frame 54¢ Dressing same 25¢ 0.79
100 ft ridgeroll for roof @ 3cts per ft 3.00
420 ft bridging for joice @ $5 per 1000 ft. 2.10
1200 ft strapping for walls @ $3.50 per 1000 ft. 4.20
200 ft pine flooring @ $2.50 per 100 ft. 5.00
208 ft. matched plank for water tank @ 3cts per ft. 6.24
200 ft strings boards@ 3cts per ft. 6.00
Lumber continued
220 “ treads @ 3cts per ft; 140 risers @ 3cts per ft. 10.80
100 “ matched pine @ 3cts; 11 set Jambs @ 60cts per set. 9.60
Stretching treads “ 180 ft 1 cove @ $7.50 per 1000 2.58
300 ft Scantling @ $12.00 3.60
6 verandah posts @ $2.00, 230 ft V. matched pine @ 12.50 per 1000 15.30
400 ft pine flooring @ $3.00 per 100; 9 face brackets @40cts a piece 15.60
10 corner brackets @20cts; 80 dentles @ 4cts a piece 5.20
230 ft one quarter round @ $6 per 1000; 85 ft bed mould @ $12.50
per 1000
215 ft cornish @ $3 per 100; 2 large brackets for back door @ $1.30 9.45
13 ft pine @ 3 1/2¢; 100 ft cove @ $7.50 per 1000; 112 ft Jamb lining
@ 2¢
Carried forward $187.25
Brought forward $187.25
Lusty Bros
58 ft pine @ 3cts per ft; 145 ft 3 in stops @ $12.50 per 1000 3.54
46 “ “ “ “ “ 1.38; 73 ft V. Match @ 3cts per ft 3.63
F.W. Scott
700 ft Hemlock scantling @ $15.50 per 1000 10.95
2980 “ lath @ $7.50 per 1000; 2200 ft pine flooring @ $20 per 1000 66.35
225 ft V. matched @ $24.00 per 1000; 110 ft 1x8 Du Lumber @ $26
per 1000
250 “ Bed mould @ $1.80 per 100; 126 t Geo. Pine 10 in Base @ 4¢
per ft.
70 “ Geo. Pine 8 in Base @ 3 1/2¢ per ft. 2.87
200 “ “ 7/8 1/4 Round @3/4¢ per ft. 1.92
30 Geo. Pine Base corners @ 7¢, 32 Geo Pine 10 in Base Blocks @
15 “ “ “ 8 in Base blks @ 6¢, 50 Geo Pine 5x5 Tamed Rosettes @ 6¢ 3.90
Lumber continued
300 ft 3 i casing G.P. @ 2 1/4¢ per ft. 24ft 8 in window stool @ 4¢ per
6 “ 5 in Window Stool @3¢; 74 ft Apron @ 1 1/2ct per ft. 1.29
70 “ 13/8 window stops @ 1¢ per ft. 100 ft 2 1/2 in window stop @ 1
400 “ 5 in casing white pine @ 2¢. 24 ft 5 in stool @ 3¢ per ft. 8.72
12 “ 8 in stool @ 3 1/4¢ per ft. 115 ft Geo. Pine lumber @ $40 per
34 “ 8 in Plynth Blocks @ 5¢; 53 turned corner Rosettes @ 6¢ 4.88
35 bace corners @ 3¢. 250 ft 8 in bace @ 3¢ per ft. 8.55
65 ft hat board @ 1 3/4¢. 400 ft 7/8 1/4 Round@ 60¢ per 100 3.55
150 ft V. matched @ $25 per 1000. 30 ft wainscoating cap @ 2¢ 4.35
3 newel posts @ $1.25; 2 newel posts @ $1.10; 24 ft stair rail @ 15¢ 9.55
12 ft bottom rail @ 15¢, 42 tan bannisters @ 12¢, 1 turned wall
1 piece Geo. Pine 3/8x10x14 50¢; 36 5/8x3 Geo. Pine; 50 ft panel
Soft panel mould Raise 63¢. 2 1/2 turned cob. @ 35¢ 1.33
Carried forward $371.64
Brought forward $371.64
F.W. Scott
2 pair sliding doors Geo. Pine @ 8.00, 2 Front Doors G.P. @ $6 28.00
1 Outside Door W. Pine $4.73, 1 inside G.P. Door 26x6 61 3/8 @
3 inside G.P. doors 2-8x6-8 1 3/8 @ $2.60, 1 inside G.P. Door 2-4x6-6
1 3/8 @ $2.20
2 “ “ 2-0-6-6 @ $2.00, 1 Pair Waiter doors 75¢ 4.75
3 “ W.P. “ 2-8x6-8 @ 2.25, 2 inside W.P. Doors 2-6x6-6 @ 2.20 11.15
170 ft V. Matched @ $25 per 1000, 30 ft corner lead @ 1/2¢ 4.70
Slate for Roof
Nails, Thimbles, hinges, latches, etc.,
84 “ G.P. picture mould @ 1 3/4¢, 1 door Geo. Pine 21¢ 1.68
Window and door frames
Lusty Bros
6 cellar window frames $6.00 1 cellar door frame $1.50 7.50
4 “ door frames $4.00 2 outside door frames $3.00 7.00
1 twin window frame $4 1 horseshoe window frame $4 8.00
1 1/2 circle window frame $2.25, 1 circle window frame 2.25 4.50
12 box window frame $27.00 1 circle sash $1 28.00
1 1/2 circle sash 75 ¢ 1 horseshoe sash $1.25 14 pair sashes 10.50 12.50
3 cellar sash 2.00 1 frame & sash $1.00 1 Sky Light frame 45¢ 3.45
2 cupboard doors @ $1.75; 3 sash @ 45¢ 4.55
Less $5.30 $514.67
Total cost of lumber, frames, etc. $509.37
15 1/2 squares slate from C. Riddle St. Thomas @ St.
Thomas @ $8 1/4 per square
138 ft ridgeon “ “ “ @ 8ct per foot 11.04
1 thimble for kitchen stove in cellar 5¢, 3 lbs nails 25¢ 0.30
4 lbs finishing nails @ 5¢ 0.20
1 keg nails @ $3.10, 1 keg 4 1/2 in spikes $3.05, 1 keg nails $3.20 9.35
2 set Rollers etc., for Roller doors complete @ $4.75 per set 9.50
1 keg $3.00, 5 lbs finishing nails 25¢ 1 keg nails 1 1/8 in $4.50 7.75
1 Lock 70¢ 2 sliding door set $4.00 4 1/2 pair Butts 60¢ 5.30
Glass, Putty, Sash cord, etc.
Paints, Sand paper etc.
6lbs 7. nails @ 6¢ 2 front door locks $4.00 1 Latch 7.59
C. Martini
14 pair Butts 3 1/2x3 1/2 @ 13¢ 1 Bolt 5 St Hinges 2.32
2 Locks 70¢ 7 Rim Locks @ 25¢ 12 pair Butts @7¢ 3.29
2 pair Butts 3 1/2x3 1/2 @ 13¢, 4 Thumb latches 40¢ 2 pulleys 20¢ 0.86
2 hooks 6 12latch lifts $1.18, not needed 2 Drawer pulls 1.34
Latches 27¢ 6 buttons 6, 1 Rim Lock 35¢ 2 Locks @ 35¢ 1.38
Nails 15¢ 3 Transon lifts $1.05 over charge $1.17 0.03
D. Mistele
2 chimney thimbles 10¢ 6 w Butts 75¢ Hat Hooks 15 1.00
Door bolt 10¢, 2 Pulleys 30¢ 0.60
C. Martini
4 panes glass for attic window 60¢ putty 7¢ 0.67
2 “ “ “ front door 1.10 2 panes for door @ 15¢ 30¢ 1.40
Brads 15¢ Putty 12¢ 3 glass for transoms @ 20¢ 60 0.87
D. Mistele
26 L Glass $19.50 12 lights 1.50 1 L. Glass 4.75 3 Lead Lights 9.50 35.25
1 Ruby Light $1.70 Putty 30, 5 1/2 lbs sash cord 1.93 369 lbs weights
14 L. Glass $5.00, sash cord 90 5.90
C. Martini
Sand paper 30¢ 0.30
Sand paper 15¢ Hard Oil 13.25 Paint $19.28 $32.68
D. Mistele
Shellac 16.60 Japan 80 Turpentine 2.50 19.90
J. Gowie
Sand paper 10 ochre 35 0.45
Plaster, Hair Rope, etc.
Mr. Beattie
Oil Turpentine White Lead 3.25
D. Mistele
1 bbl Plaster of Paris 3.00 75 lbs hair 2.25 Rope 1.53 $6.78
F.W. Scott
3 2/3 bbl Plaster @2.65 per bbl 9.95 1 bus hair 60 10.55
D. Mistele
Bath Tub $15.00 Boiler $8 1 Doub. B. cock 2.50 $25.50
2 coupling 50 1 hose Bib 85¢ 2 pan Bibs 1.50 2.85
32 ft 3/4 in pipe 1.92 26 ft 1/2 in pipe 1.30 1 stop cock 3.97
15 nipples 75¢ 2 Loch nuts 10¢ 6 1/2 in Elbows 30 2 lees 14 1.29
10-3/4 in elbows 70¢ 4 lees 32 3 Bushings 15 2 plugs 10 1.27
1 coupling 5, 4-1/2 in nipples 20, 2 unions 50, 1 Bib 75 1.50
Lining tank 11.00 147 ft. 12 in Eave trough 11.76 60 ft. 10 in E. Trough 26.96
1 slop tank 2.50, 28 ft oven flow 3.25 5.75
Gas Piping
148 ft. gas pipe 5.92 17 elbows 85 20 lees 1.00 14 plugs 42 8.19
10 nipples 50¢, 1 cross 5, 10 caps 40 0.95
Covering deck with galvanized iron 21.00
“ verandah “ “ 22.00
2 soot pans for chimney $1.50 1.50
For more information on Jeannie Watson, check out the “Meet the Diarists” section
under “Discover” on our website:
D. Mistele
Complete contract for furnace $95.00
C. Martini
Fire Grate set up $14.64 Tile floor 4.50 $19.14
Transcription Progress
Jeannie Watson, “Jeannie Watson Diary & Transcription, 1901-1902,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 14, 2025,