William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1896


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1896


William Sunter


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Eramosa Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



Wm. Sunter 1896 Oct. - Dec. 1914 Account of Everton (Village)

{Calendar for 1894 and first 4 months of 1895}



{Information - Eclipses, 1894. ; Fixed and Movable Festivals, &c. ; Bank Holidays. ; Terms and Sittings of Courts. ; List of Sundays in 1894. ; Interest Table. ; Valuable Information for Business Men. ; Table of Wages by the Week. ; Value of Foreign Coins.}

DIARY, 1896.










Sunday 5













{End column} about this time the sow counts for pigging - from 110 to 114 days.












A very fine morning excepting for a fog that prevailed and a great frost rine that covered everything outside. the trees were heavily loaded with it and presented a pretty picture, I was early up this morning and George Duffield also who stayed with us all night, we got ready for Guelph and had the loan of Henry Duffields light Bobs. and also had the loan of Johnys "Nettie" mare to man our "Fred". Henry Duffield rode in with us and Joe McIntosh also coming back, we had the ten geese. sold at 6c. per lb to McHardy. 94 lbs $5.64. sold butter mostly to Willie @ 18c. the balance to Kennedy @ 19 4 bags potatoes. 3 @ 25c. and one to Willie @ 20c. I had dinner at Willies and fed my horses there. bought this Diary at Days for 25cts. we had a dissagreeable ride home as it snowed heavily all afternoon, and quite soft. Johny took a load of turnips with our team to Rockwood, his ticket gives us credit for 70 bushels to day and 57 the load before, in all. 127.30.

{End column} bought this Diary to day at Guelph _ sold Geese and butter _ Johny took a load of turnips to Rockwood _ snowed heavily

Sunday 19

Quite a fall of snow last night again and this has been rather a mild day. Maggie drove to Everton meeting this forenoon all alone, Joe accompanied her in the evening, I have been much taken up with doing the chores. not much time to read, my Rheumatism is again troubling me considerably. mostly in the right shoulder. Johny & Lizzie drove over to John Mutries this afternoon with our cutter.

{End column} Maggie to Everton _ Joe also at night _ Rheumatism


Very misty and a great frost rine prevailing this morning until late on in the forenoon. I think that kind of weather bad for producing colds. I have now contracted another cold during the prevalence of this weather. Willie came from Guelph this morning with his little team, he took our team & drew out his cordwood at Uncle Duncan's woods, and afterwards mated up our "King" with Johnny's "Nettie" and took in his stove wood, he has had lying here so long, and intends returning tomorrow morning. he leaves his little team in my charge. Joe helped me bag up 3 bags chop and I got it chopped at Everton before dinner, I also took down one of the young goblers to Hortops, they paid me a dollar for it. I paid Willie abbott one dollar for putting on 3 new shoes and one reset, on the grey horse and King some days ago. Joe, with Maggie and her mother; took a drive down to Robertsons this afternoon, they returned home about 7 oclock, and I had the house to myself till that time. Maggie & Joe are visiting at Ried McWilliams this evening.

{End column} misty _ Willie from Guelph. _ drawing cordwood at Uncle Duncan's _ chopped stuff at Everton Mill _ sold turkey to Hortops _ paid a dollar to Willie Abbott _ folks away visiting. _ Willie away to Guelph with a load of wood.


Another dull day throughout, it has however, been mild and otherwise pleasant, without sunshine though very much of the element that goes to raise the spirits and give life an animation to the individual is absent, and if there is not some other substitute to take its place, low spirits is likely to prevail. Willlie was here from Guelph this morning at about 8 oclock, before we had our breakfast he hitched up his other team and, with our harness and sleigh, took in the balance of the cordwood he had left, about ¾ of a cord he sent the sleigh and harness back with Robert Jestin. Joe Fielding was here today and left 18 lbs tea at 35 cts per lb. Joe McIntosh drove down to Everton this evening and got the mail, he also borrowed some tools to hang our storm doors with. I have been trimming some turnips in addition to doing the chores. Tina McKinnon is very low at the present time. Robt. Jestin reports her alive today noon Geo. Tindal is also very low just now from "gastric fever", I hope he may be saved for his young family.

{End column} very dull weather although mild _ Willie out from Guelph and back _ Joe Fielding bought tea from him. _ Tina McKinnon and Geo. Tindal both very low.


Hoar frost again this morning as has usually prevailed this some time back, the mist began to lift about 10 oclock, but the rine remained on and the sun never shone out the whole day long. Joe McIntosh drove down to Everton this morning and brought up the two Mrs Abbotts, they remained all day and Joe drove them down again at night, Joe hung the storm door today on the front, before the glass door. I have been moving some of the turnips in the roof they have not generally become hot however and I dont think there will be very much loss from that cause. James Ramshaw called this evening and paid twenty two dollars on the note I hold against him. I was very glad indeed to find so much of the money paid on that miserable transaction. Ramshaw talks as if the horse gave him good satisfaction and that he would not have parted with him had he not have got into straitned circumstances and required the money. Joe has received a card from Tindal informing him that George is a little better.

{End column} Sunless weather and hoar frost prevailing. _ Joe hung storm door _ the 2 Mrs Abbotts on a visit _ Ramshaw paid 22 dollars on the note. _ George Tindal some better

Thursday 23

Hoar frost still continues and the absence of sunshine as conspicuous as ever. the wind blows from the east as usual and the weather must necessarily be very unhealthy. Colds have now prevailed very generally for some time back. Johny is making preparations for killing his pigs tomorrow, the weather will have to improve if he will have a good time killing them outside. Joselh Hindley & wife paid us a visit this afternoon their daughter and Minnie Robertson were at Johny's the greater part of the afternoon, and they all joined us in the evening. leaving between 9 & 10 oclock. the weather became very bad in the afternoon & evening, raining and freezing as it fell, and they had an unpleasant time to drive home in. my time was taken up attending to the regular chores and keeping company with the visitors. I intended going to Everton for the mail but could not well leave under the circumstances Joe has a cold and he did not care about turning out either so we had to do without the papers. The trees and every exposure is getting covered with ice, it is to be hoped it will not bring about as bad results as in the past.

{End column} no sunshine yet, but as dull & comfortless as ever _ rain this afternoon and ice forming _ Joseph Hindley and party visiting here today


A terribly stormy day, the rain and sleet has given place to snow, and the wind being high it is being piled up into heaps and driven through crannies very uncomfortably. Johny intended to kill his pigs to day and made the preparations necessary. his help came to hand but they seemed to prefer putting it off rather than to stand such a storm at that work. Mother and I were both detailed to help but I was as well pleased they decided to postpone it. I hurried through my chores and drove to Everton for the mail, taking a bag of peas &c to chop for Johny's pigs now that he is carrying them on longer. I was surprised to meet many of our neighbours returning from the Cemetery where they had just been at the burial of Alexander Currie, Senr. he died on Wednesday evening last, and until a little before he died, his death was not looked upon as being so near, we hear that George Tindal is some better, but Tina McKinnon seems to be sinking.

{End column} storm still continues _ Johny postponed his pig killing _ drove to Everton & the mill _ met parties returning from the burial of Alex. Currie Senr. we did not know of his death. _ a thick coating of ice is upon all exposures


The storm has abated, but the cloudy sunless weather still continues, a very thick coating of ice is upon every thing exposed to the storm that has prevailed, to day it became milder and for a time gave promise of getting soft enough to melt off the ice from the overburdened exposures they became only partially releived however, and as it has got colder this evening we will have to wait and wish that everything may soon get clear of its icy burden. I have not felt well today, but have attended to my necessary chores as usual considerable snowfall last night and the sleighing now willl now be excellent as soon as sufficiently packed and driven upon. Joe McIntosh hung the storm door at the back of the house; the other in front he hung some days ago. Maggie and her Mother and myself spent the evening down at John Webbs. Joe went with Johny to a special chozen freinds meeting

{End column} milder and a little of the ice in this part has fallen off from the heavily laden tree branches & other exposures _ hung storm door on the back of the house

SUNDAY 26 (28.337)

A little colder today. but calm and no drifting. the sun has been hidden as usual however. so that we have the most of our ice coatings still with us. there are terrible accounts of the storm from Toronto & other places. great damage to telegraph poles &c. Maggie and Joe have been at Everton twice today.

{End column} Joe & Maggie at Everton twice today _ the papers contain long accounts of the storm.


After a steady week of dull, cloudy and sunless days, the sun has at last shone out today. the frost has been a little keaner than what has prevailed for some time, but it has been very much pleasanter on account of the sunshine I did up my chores this forenoon and trimmed some turnips. After dinner I forwarded the work so that I could leave and I drove down to Acton and paid Mr Murray the balance due on the Alexander note, ($6.00) Joe & Margaret rode with me as far as Millars where they remained to visit Auntie Janet until I returned, after coming back I had to wait with the rest for tea, and had a pleasant while with them. On returning home we found Maggie had the most of the chores done up, and as Joe had promised to go up to Duffields this evening, we locked up the house and all went up, on getting there we found Mr and Mrs Webb and Ada, already there before us, and we spent a very pleasant evening Robert Jestin & Freddie were also there awhile. Joe sang quite a number of songs and Ada Webb played an accompaniment for him.

{End column} pleasant change of the weather sunshine now for the first in a week _ Acton, paying balance of Alexander note _ sent cash to Mrs Alex McGregor ($6.00) as interest _ sent letter to Bro. Alex Meaford. _ visiting at Millars. also at Duffields evening


Another very fine day. inclined to be soft this afternoon, but notwithstanding, a great part of the ice remained on the trees &c. a little bristling wind however I think, would have releived them much. Joe helped me to shovel off the snow from the shed roof. there was a heavy drift of snow immediately over the space in front of the water trough in shed, and I opened out beside the fill up over the spouting at the junction of the roofs. I sent five dollars to Erin in a letter. Its pay this months double assmts, & dues of A. O. U. W. for myself and John McKenzie, also six dollars to S. Tovell for interest. Joe and Maggie took a drive this afternoon to David Robertsons, and they agreed to bring home the mail, it was brought however by Duffields before the arrived home. I received a letter from Cousin John Turney after a long term of silence he speaks of very hard times in Chcago, and they were being felt by them very much for the last 3 years. he says Cousin Alex has been out of employment for some time back and that he has gone South to live, in the neighbourhood of new Orleans, James is still working in the interest of the varnish, and John himself is working at the business he started some years ago. although it has not been in very good shape

{End column} The ice still on the trees &c. _ shovelling snow off the roof. _ paid assmt & dues for self and John McKenzie A.O.U.W. $5.00 _ Joe & Maggie visiting at David Robertsons _ paid S. Tovell $6.00 _ Letter from cousin John Turney, Chicago


A change again to the foggy and dull weather that has lately so much prevailed the ice that is still, in great measure, hanging to the trees and other things is giving signs of loosing its hold, and a slight thaw is setting in, Joe has been visiting at Johnys and Robert McWilliams, and her also took a drive with Johny down to Everton this forennoon. Johny was offered $3.90 for his hogs to day, live weight but he held for $4.00, hogs are going up, we got a notice of Tina McKinnons death, she is to be buried on Friday afternoon. McCulloch was here today and wants me to take 2 loads of turnips to Rockwood tomorrow, he paid me $11.00 for the last 2 loads, he owes me 40 cts yet, he hadn't the change. Joe took 2 bags of mixed grain and had them chopped at Everton, he brought up Millie Mitchell on a short visit.

{End column} foggy and dull again not healthy weather I should think _ Joe & Johny drove to Everton _ a rise in the price of Hogs. got notice of the death of Tina McKinnon _ got notice to take two loads of turnips to Rockwood _ Joe took 2 bags grain to chop. _ Millie Mitchell visiting.


This has been a very mild day but very dull and murky, in the evening there came on a small drizzling rain which became icy as it did before, but, as the temperature is not so low I think the ice will not form and remain as it did. Joe helped me prepare and load up a load of turnips for Rockwood, and I started with them at 1.30, arriving at Rockwood at 3.30. I had 59 Bushels & 45 lbs. the snow is soft to day and the sleigh slips over the road like greese. Joe took Millie Mitchell to Everton. She goes to Milton tomorrow. Johny has been over at John Mutrie's threshing to day. James McCullough's two sons were at Rockwood with a load of turnips when I was down, it was (I think the largest load I ever saw) nearly 100 bushels the box I should say was fully six feet high on the sides, our turnips I think are the best quality that going into Rockwood.

{End column} Continues dull and unpleasant weather. _ took a load of turnips to Rockwood _ large load of turnips _ good sleighing at present.


Froze up last night, contrary to my expectations. I was anxious to chop the ice out of the ewe trough in the cattle shed but the frost has it hardened up again, the water is coming down badly into the shed. Margaret went to Guelph to day to attend at the funeral of Tina McKinnon, Joe drove her in and remained himself in Guelph, I understand he is to sing at a Concert at Aberfoyle this evening. Annie Abbott rode out with Margaret, there was quite a company from Everton and vicinity. I took down another load of turnips to Rockwood it was a cold raw day and I was very cold - during the blowing of a snow storm for about a couple of hours. I left home with my load about the same hour as yesterday (1.30.pm) but not having much delay at Rockwood was earlier home, Margaret caught up to me before getting home, as she drove from Guelph. I would have gone to Guelph to attend the funeral too, but on account of being alone and promising to take the turnips, I could not go. Old Mrs Graham, living on the Everton line below McNabs, was buried also this afternoon, she has not survived her partner very long.

{End column} at Rockwood with the second load of turnips _ the sleighing has been excellent to day. and the load ran easily _ Margaret attending Tina McKinnon's funeral. _ Mrs Graham also buried to day at Acton _ Joe drove Margaret to Guelph and remained.


Froze up a little tighter again last night, but the sun shining out some makes it more pleasant. I have contented myself with doing the chores, cleaning up things a little extra after having had the turnip {draving} on hand. Maggie and her mother drove down to Everton to see Mary who has been complaining this little while back, she is keeping better, Mrs Webb is rather poorly these times, her cough has troubled her and her breathing Johny intended killing his pigs yesterday but as this market is unsettled with an advancing tendency he thought it best to put it off for a little. we hear that old Mr Greigson is very ill and low also Mr Allan, Eramosa. Mr David Shultz also is very low, with no chance of recovery, (Consumption)

{End column} weather a little improved. _ Maggie & her mother visiting at Everton _ 3 sick men at death's door. Mr Allan, David Shultz & Mr Greigson

Sunday 2

A beautiful day. Clear and warm sunshine just the reverse of the weather that has prevailed principally for the last two weeks. Maggie drove to the meeting at Everton this A.M. I was kept pretty close at home attending the chores in the evening Margaret and myself drove down to Webbs where we spent an hour or two. Johny & Lizzie were at Ospringe with our cutter, this was sacrament day.

{End column} favourable change of weather _ Maggie at Everton _ Mother & I visiting at Webbs.


Quite a change of weather, this morning opened out quite cold and bleak, a strong east wind presaging a coming storm which came on about 11 oclock snowing and drifting all afternoon. I got all my chores through with by dinner time and got things in such a shape as to quickly do things up at nightfall. I then hitched up hurriedly after dinner and got away at about 1.30 to attend the first meeting of the Board of Health for the year, all present excepting John Rea. I supposed it too stormy for him to venture such a long drive. I got my old post as Chairman of the Board, Dr Dryden proposed me and Mr Auld seconded, I suggested Mr Auld, but he would rather I would act, until he had more experience. Called at Everton on my way home for the papers, the roads were a little heavy with the drifting snow, it was a bad afternoon for Mr Tindal's sale. I clipped and shaved the hair off Fred's spavin this eveing and mean to apply the blister tomorrow. Maggie and her mother are working hard. sowing rags for rag carpet.

{End column} A drifting storm east wind _ got through my chores expeditiously this a.m. amd attended a meeting of the Board of Health when we organized _ Tindal's Auction Sale today


Another dull and unpleasant day, the sun has never shone out once that I noticed, and the snow that has been falling has stuck to the trees &c. in the morning and into the forenoon a mist prevailed that, I think, can hardly be other than prejudicial to the general health. I have not felt very well to day, but for all I attended to the stock rather above the ordinary, I curried the horses more than usual, also the fattening cow, I also blistered (or rather applied the blister) to Fred's spavin, I also worked some among the turnips to let the earth and other dirt get to the ground. Johny was helping John Mutrie to bring some quarried stones over from the Ashenhurst works in Erine. Maggie and her Mother have been busy sewing of the carpet rags. Maggie is away with a number of others up to Mimosa this evening to Humphrey Jessops I beleive. The snow is now accumulating to a good depth. George Duffield & some of his brothers are working now in the swamp. Cutting cord wood.

{End column} no sunshine _ mist, and snow, sticking to the trees &c. _ applied the blister to Fred's Spavin _ Johny helping John Mutrie drawing stones _ Maggie away to Mimosa visiting _ Maggie and her mother working at Carpet rags.


A very fine day, the sun has shone out clear and bright nearly all day long. a very great rarity these 2 weeks past, the temperature has been very mild and the weather, with the exception of being so little sunshine, is about all that could be desired, of course we should mention and except too the damp atmosphere and hoar frost that has so much prevailed. I have had to hustle up with my chores as I put up 7 bags of mixed grain and took it to Everton mills and got it chopped before night fall, Johny helped me to bag it. I borrowed the bags from Robert McWilliams and we had to empty them all of chopped stuff before I could get them. Johny is going to help Albert Tolton to cut straw tomorrow and he will very soon have to cut for himself. I was more than astonished to find to day he had gone nearly through all his cut straw. I thought it should at least, have served another 2 weeks yet. I had a letter from Alex. McGregor this evening, he is in the Toronto General Hospital and does not write near so hopefully as he did some time ago in regard to his case.

{End column} clear and warm sunshine all day long a great rarity. _ to Everton mills with 7 bags of chop. _ Letter from Alex. McGregor. _ paid chop


A woeful change of the weather from yesterday, there has not been any particular cold and but very little, if any frost, but there has been no sunshine and the snow has been falling almost incessantly all day. The snow has been soft otherwise it would have drifted, as there has been quite a wind blowing. Johny has been helping Albert Tolton to cut straw. I have had a very busy day, and not getting up till late did not help matters any, besides doing the ordinary chores and some little addition by way of the pigs cleaning out, I had to kill 8 turkeys for the women and carry them over from the pig pen. The snow filled the old bracks up badly. I killed 2 at a time as they required them after plucking them, I also emptied the meal (10 bags) and cleaned the bags to go home, pulped up a lot of potatoes and turnips to be used while I may be away tomorrow & Saturday, and bagged about 4 bushels potatoes and carried them to the house cellar. I also prepared the straw to be handy for feeding, the snow is blocking up all the surroundings. I fear it will make Johny's pig killing tomorrow difficult. I am attending to the blistering of Fred's spavin.

{End column} Quite a heavy fall of snow _ killing turkeys emptying meal, carrying potatoes from barn to the house cellar and doing up other chores so to help at Johny's pig killing tomorrow.


A great deal of snow has fallen to day, especially in the forenoon. The wind was high in the morning and there was great promise of a particularly rough day, from about 9 oclock however it began to improve and it turned out not so bad after all. Johny killed his pigs this forenoon (10 of them) he had good help and they finished before taking dinner, he had helping him Robert Morton, Robert McWilliams, Robert Jestin, John Coffey, & himself. Mother and I helped to clean the insides, I got there about ten oclock, and they had then 4 hung up. After dinner I hurried home and did up the chores. I found James Richard Synnott had been at our house to see me about the chopping going on in the swamp he fears, I suppose, we may take some of his timber by overstepping the boundary. I drove the team back there, there were 5 at work, the father and 4 sons. we plodded through the deep snow and I found the corner stane, there need be no running over the line however, as the straightest line to the back should be 33⅓ rods, and any deviation from the straight line will fail of reaching the back. I took over the 8 turkeys to Johny's to be ready to load in the morning. I had to water and clean the stables after dark to night

{End column} Quite a fall of snow to day. _ drifting in places _ had a tough drive with the team to the back of the place James Synnott was here and seems afraid we may cut over the line. _ Johny killed his pigs this forenoon _ mother and I helping _ preparing for Guelph tomorrow


A very fine day, sunshine and warm. I was early astir this morning and had the stables cleaned out before daylight, and watered the stock also before breakfast, Maggie and her mother did the greater part of the feeding. after breakfast I went over to Johny's and helped him weigh and load up his hogs. they weighed in all 1437 lbs. and after taking them to Guelph he got paid for the near 1400. 10 hogs and 2 lbs off each hog. showed them to have shrunk 17 lbs. he got 5,20C per 100 lb for them. making $72.80 in all. I had 8 turkeys. they weighed 83 lbs on our scales. sold one weighing 11½ lbs for 90C. the remaining 7 I sold to Fred Barber at 7C per lb. he made them weigh only 70 lbs - $4.90. the roads were very heavy going in, and the team stuck at James Talbots, near his gate where it was badly drifted. the rest of the road, though heavy, was not so bad. Johny & I had dinner at Willies. I got 50C worth sugar, and 10 {?} Box sodas there. I paid the Mercury for 2 years for Alex. Holyoke. it is now paid in advance to next Oct. the cattle feeding was all done when I arrived home. I had to water all the stock and clean and fix up the horses. I bought a hind quarter of beef from Keough the Rockwood butcher weighing 94 lbs @ 5¼ per 100 $4.92. he cut it up for me. there was a good crowd at Guelph.

{End column} early at the chores this morning and off with Johny to Guelph. _ difficult getting along on the road _ sold turkeys at 7C per lb. _ Johny got $5.20 for his pork _ bought hindquarter beef. _ paid Mercury for Alex. Holyoke.

Sunday 9th

Quite a snow storm on again, it is not cold neither does it blow, but it is very wintry nowithstanding. George Duffield paid us a visit to day. Maggie did not venture to go to Everton to day, her mother and I took a drive down to Webbs in the evening and she accompanied us, the roads have been getting filled up with snow considerably we had a hard pull going to Webbs. we had King. Fred is used up with the blister these times.

{End column} snow storm _ visiting at John Webbs


A passibly fine day. not at all cold and the afternoon sun shone out nicely, it was duller in the forenoon and threatned worse things than happened. Johny and I hauled over to his place three {jags} of pea straw, we expected to be cutting at his place to day, but they have put it off till tomorrow. Albert & his father are away to Guelph today. I offered to give John Webb a load of mangolds and George Abbott came along for them this afternoon, I was sorry to be so engaged with the pea straw that I could not help him, however he managed himself all right, we took them out by the side of the door where I intend placing the {pulgur}. we did not get to Everton yesterday and Consequently failed to get the mail. McWilliams brought it to day, they were down at meeting last night. I got a letter from Bro Alex. Meaford, he sent me a sample book of which he has ninety copies to sell. he would like to get a man to undertake their sale, and would allow him a good commision it is the debate on Baptism that took place in the Town of Meaford, between Wilkinson and Harding.

{End column} moderately fine weather _ hauling pea straw over to Johny's _ George Abbott took a load of Mangolds down to John Webbs. _ received a letter and a book from Bro. Alexander Meaford


An unfortunate turn in the weather for the business we had laid out for ourselves. The wind blew very high all last night and the snow has piled up very unsightly drifts and badly blocked up all surroundings I had to shovel the road to the barn also dig out a large drift at the well pump, it has blown hard all day through and, I fear, all the roads will be blocked up, we intended cutting straw at Johnys to day, but the Toltons didn't make their appearance, but even if they had the work could not have gone on very well on account of the heavy and high wind on that gangway I haven't gone off the place all day. but laid out to keep the stock as comfortable as possible, I did some repairing to the harness this afternoon and helped Johny to grind his axe, he talked of going to the swamp to work this afternoon, I would hardly think he could get along very well through the storm previously. This afternoon is the time for John Loree's Auction Sale. I fear it would turn out a failure, for people could hardly attend no matter how much they might wish to, we have seen no travel on the town line to day. likely the roads will be blocked and a general shovelling follow suit. Colder tonight

{End column} very high wind to day and the snow has drifted up into great piles _ mending harness _ this the day of John Loree's Auction sale. _ shovelling snow _ grinding axe.


The wind has fallen and to day the weather has been moderate and, in fact, milder than for some days, but, oh, to look around and see the snow drifts, Johny expected to get on and cut straw to day. but instead had to turn out and shovel snow the most of the day. I shovelled the drift down at the line gate, and the one up here at the back gate expecting I might get down the side of the lane without much shovelling, I had no time to hitch up the horses after getting done and it is snowing to night hard and perhaps all my work will go for nothing, there has been quite a turn out of the neighbours shovelling the roads. they have made the roads over to the 1st line of Erin through Duffield's and Coffey's fields, my Rheumatism arm is very sore and lame to night from the work of shovelling. my usual chores are about enough for me these times without having the shovelling, I think the Manitoba Cow is doing very well. she is quite a hearty eater, she gets 4 large turnips each meal, and a heaped old milk pan of chopped stuff, besides the chaff. There is a great cry out about the shortness of feed. I fear Johny is terribly short, and we will not be able to help him much.

{End column} storm abated. snow drifts everywhere _ gangs out shovelling snow. _ our lane is filled higher than the fence, I shovelled at the gates at each end of lane and intend opening out the side of lane next the orchard. _ Jamie Duffield is to come and help me the half of 31 days for three dollars


It appears we can't be afforded much of a lull in these terrible stormy times, the most of the work done yesterday in opening up the roads and surroundings will be undone to day. it has snowed hard the greater part of the day and there has been a stiff wind from the east all the time, the drifting before has been principally from the west but to day it has been from the east, we have not had any mail since Monday and I hardly think there will be any to day, we have not heard how the stage has been running, but we know that the most of the roads have been badly blocked, Johny expected the Toltons might have come over to day with the horse power and cutting box, but they failed to put in an appearance I have, in addition to my usual chores, cleared a place in the turnip house and set the pulper into it, I can now pulp more than what is fed at a time and leave it under the machine as there will not be any frost to hurt the feed. it is a convenience also to have it out of the passage as we found it much in the way of feeding the straw especially, it has cleared up this evening and we may hope the storm has again spent itself, there will have to be more shovelling done

{End column} Another storm of wind & snow from the east this time. _ Cant get the mails _ the stage has been running very unsteadily _ Changed the position of the pulper put it in the root house


Another day of storm, wind and snow, for a time snow fell thick and heavy and the wind kept driving it in clouds till everything is filled up again with snow, all our work of shovelling is again lost sight of and we have much of the work to do over again, Charlie Duffield got down to Everton this forenoon and brought up our mail, the stage went from Erin to Guelph on Wednesday and returned to Erin to day. Maggie received a letter from Ewart to day, they are all well and business fairly prospering. Ewart says they have little or no snow there and no sleighing quite different from us here where we are nearly buried in snow, this has been a terrible week for storm and snow and it has completely stopped all outward communication, I have done little or nothing more than fixing up the stock and doing the general chores, we have been expecting the Toltons with their Cutting box along to Johnys but they have not ventured out yet, both Johny and myself are much in need of having straw cut as we are clean out of chaff and cut stuff for the fattenng cattle. I see John Loree's auction sale is postponed till next Thursday, no doubt the storm of last Tuesday prevented it going on.

{End column} more snow and more drifting _ there is little chance to move about now everything is so snowed up _ we got our mail today I wondered that it came along so nearly on time. _ Letter from Holyoke. _ all well & business prospering


The temperature has been very mild to day, considerable wind prevailed in the forenoon, but there was not much drifting on account of the snow being so soft. there has been a wonderful blocking up of the roads this week and we have been well used to keeping around home. Johny drove over to Toltons to see about them coming to cut straw, they were contentedly working the machine at Smith Aureys. I think it would have been better for both of us to have rigged up our own machine After dinner I dug out the gate leading into the South front field, the women folks helping me. I then had quite a job getting the fence taken down at the line and afterwards hitching up the team & sleigh and breaking the road through the field. I had put in some rails into the ditch to help keep the sleigh from going in so deeply, but it will only be a second class road at best as the ditch is so deep and there is not sufficient room to turn on to the main road. I was in favour of keeping a way open round by Johnys, but the women would rather have this one so we will give it a trial. McWilliams went to Guelph to day and the stage went east from Guelph.

{End column} Fine mild day. _ Johny over to Toltons _ broke a road through the field to the line _ our lane is full of snow.

Sunday 16

Much colder to day, the frost has been very kean, we arranged that I would drive Maggie down to Everton meeting this forenoon but on account of the cold and the state of the roads it was abandoned, she went down in the evening with the McWilliams. Willie drove out from Guelph this afternoon, he intends cutting some wood at Robertsons tomorrow

{End column} Willie out from Guelph _ Everton at night.


An awfully cold night has passed over, the frost has been the most severe of the season, and the cold to day did not relax much, if any, all day long, the sun made it more endurable where it shone out good, but, after all it was a very cold day. I did up my chores in good time so as to be at liberty to help Johny to cut straw when they were ready to go to work, they were late in coming however, Albert & David brought the machine, their father accompanying them, Thomas paid me six dollars on Kate's money, (interest on note) $6,66 he paid me the four dollars I furnished as interest on McGregor's note, he still owes me the 66 cts when cutting awhile after dinner the cover burst off and one of the fans was broken off, there was nothing for it but go at the chopping and Albert took down the fan &c, and got the braces fixed up, also the cover repaired, we got between 20 & 30 bags of grain chopped. I drove for them quite a long time but they let me off to do up my chores, the two of them ran the chopper quite awhile. Mr & Mrs Henry Duffield paid us a visit this evening, David Tolton helped me to fill up 12 bags of grain for chopping tomorrow. Jamie Duffield helped Willie to cut wood this forenoon.

{End column} Coldest night and day of the season. _ The Thermometer is said to have registered 27 below zero. _ Cutting straw & chopping after noon _ visitors _ Willie cut wood & then drove home.


Another very cold day, last night was also very cold but not quite so severe as the night before. I was up and at my chores early this morning, had the cattle cleaned out by lantern light. and my horses fed, cleaned, and harnessed, we got started to chop this morning very shortly after eight oclock, and ran the chopper till 11.15, when we hitched on to the straw cutter till noon, they expected to finish in an hour after hitching on after dinner but it was half past four before they got over with all the machinery, they thought of getting on with an hours work but it turned out as I told them it would be, no running to night. I brought over our Chop at noon, out of the 12 bags of grain we had 17½ bags of chop, 8 bags clear oats, and 9½ mixed, there was about a third of barley & peas in the oats for the cattle feed, and 7 bags grain, clear oats (black) 5 bags. Jamie Duffield went to Johny's for me, and I emptied the meal, and did up all the feeding, watering and other chores before they got out with the machine

{End column} very cold again to day. _ cut straw and chopped grain till 4 oclock at Johnys _ set the machine at our place this evening __ I got 12 bags chopped.


Another fall of snow last night with enough of wind to cause a little drifting, this morning opened out tolerably clear and we expected passably fine weather for the day, in this however we were mistaken as it was not long before snow began to fall which increased in volumn as the day advanced. we started to cut straw at a little after 8 oclock and ran on till noon, we cut the most out of the shed when we took a little over a run out of the {bay mow}, clearing all out excepting a little hay and some barley chaff, I told Johny he could take the chaff which he gladly accepted, I went down for Robert Morton in the morning, Geo. Abbott also helped us till we run through the little balance after dinner, when they both went home, they then set the chopper and ran through 13 bags for us. 7 bags of oats and 6 mixed half & half with barley. making with yesterdays Chop, 25 bags in all. Robert McWilliams brought 15 bags oats and they finished up with that. I paid them a dollar for my chop, and a dollar and half for the cutting which sum he told Johny he would take from me for the ½ days cutting 75 cts each. we had a good job done, a nice lot of cut straw and, with what meal was in the bin before there must now be over 30 bags meal. washed Fred's spavin sore and applying salve

{End column} cutting straw to day in the forenoon and chopping grain afternoon. _ Robert McWilliam also got some chopping done _ paid them for the work. _ dissagreeably snowy day.


Another terribly stormy day and very cold, the thermometer does not show such a low temperature as on monday last, but the wind has been much higher, which makes the cold more penetrating, the frost has been finding its way into the cattle stables more and root house, the roots, however have come off very free so far, and, if the cold relaxes a little soon there will be no damage done, the snow has been drifting considerably and the crust on the top of the old snow is so hard we have been afraid to venture the breaking of our road to the swamp, so Jamie and I have been working in the barn all day, we bagged up the peas that were in the bin (5 bags) and we filled the two furthest in bins with the white oats out in the barn. there must be about 200 bushels of them, and there are still left of black oats about enough, I think, to fill another bin. This is the afternoon of John Loree's sale. I drove down to Everton and got the mail this evening and they say the sale came off, the prices were not high but we can't expect that in these times, feed is very scarce and people do not care to undertake the feeding of more stock than they have. Johny drew 4 loads of barley chaff I gave him, and we put up some hay on swing beam

{End column} terrilby stormy and cold. _ Johnny Loree's sale came off this afternoon _ carrying in the oats out of the barn and putting them into the Granary _ Toltons at Mr McWilliams cutting straw and chopping


Very cold to day yet, but the wind has not been nearly so high as yesterday. Johny took unwell last night from an unpleasant affection of the throat, they were uneasy about it but this A.M. he seems a little better and we are in hopes it will pass off without bad results, we think he may have contracted a cold from exposure to the dust and cold yesterday while drawing over the barley chaff. Jamie and I took the team to the swamp before dinner and then after dinner Jamie drove down a few times and brought home light loads, it was a hard job on the horses to break the crust the first time, but after that was done the principal trouble was over. I helped the women to kill the turkeys this aternoon, 7 over here, and we got the gobler over at Johnys; we also brought the scales over on the sleigh at same time. I got Johnys mare, Nettie, to drive to Guelph tomorrow and also borrowed Richd. McWilliams Cutter, which will hold the turkeys and other things better than our own.


Another very sharp day, the frost has been pretty kean the most of the day. The wind was high last night and somewhat filled the sleigh tracks on the lines. Margaret and I got a fair start for Guelph this morning, our turkeys weighed 92¾ lbs on our scales last night, and to day we were paid for 92 lbs at Guelph. James White bought the lot at 10 c. per lb, $9.20. we had 4 lbs butter at 18 cts. and 2 dozen eggs, @ 22 c. I got the last tooth in my upper jaw extracted to day, {?} Parker, the dentist, he is to fill up the hole in the plate where the tooth was and I paid him a dollar for the whole work, he is to do it at my convenience, we put up at Willies and had our dinner there and got some groceries. Jamie Duffield brought up from the swamp 5 loads of wood to day, of course they were not large loads as the road is not yet properly broke I had my 2 overcoats on going to Guelph, but only one coming home and was warmer.

Sunday 23

Much milder to day and thawing this afternoon. Maggie rode to Everton with the Duffields and returned with John McKenzie and Bella. Maggie accompanied Bella home, she intends to stay a week with them. Jamie Duffield has been around all day, and is attending to the stock. John McKenzie paid me $3.50, for last months assmt. and this.

{End column} John McKenzie paid $3.50 for A.O.U.W.


Froze up again last night, although not very hard, we are very well pleased to have it freeze up again as we are anxious to have the wood hauled up from the swamp. I have been shovelling snow at the wood pile in the yard and Jamie has drawn up 6 loads. I helped with one or two loads at the swamp and helped unload in the yard, we stuck with the first load in turning into the field, but managed better aferwards by watchng to keep the sleigh on the track. I went with Johny to his swamp to break the road, he had the long sleigh and it was difficult to get it turned in the very deep snow, he got it broken however and brought up several loads. I was agreeably surprised to find our horses were able to haul out of the swamp so large a load, the bob-sleighs are the thing for hauling out wood from so rough a place I think the Duffields are making a very good job down in the swamp the brush seems to be well piled and the roads are such that we can get fairly well along in geting the wood out.


A very beautiful clear & sunshiny day. the frost however last night was pretty kean and it has remained pretty frosty all day. we were at it in fair time this morning and after getting breakfast and all the chores done up, I went down with Jamie to the swamp, and after helping him to draw 2 loads up to the yard and one to the field I remained up to shovel again at the piling place. Jamie drew 4 loads this afternoon and the 3 in the forenoon, making 7 loads in all. I did up all the chores at night. Dan Tolton and young Mr Hall of Toronto paid us a visit to day and had dinner with us. Hall is an intelligent young man, and works in the T. Eaton establishment. Mr & Mrs {J} Webb paid us a visit this evening. Mr Webb is troubled yet with his painful toe, which causes him a great deal of trouble especially at night by making him lose his sleep.


A very fine winter's day. Jamie and I have been hauling at the wood from the swamp. we only made the 6 loads to day, there was considerable shovelling to do and I had to attend to that, our fat Cow, the Manitoba one, shows signs of sickness and being off her feed. I took her feed from her after she left it, I also let her out and drove her to the back field I guess it is indigestion that is the trouble. there was a little snow last night and a little drifting which made the roads rather heavy for drawing the wood.


A very clear sunshiny day and very warm in the sun. Jamie and I have been drawing the wood again from the swamp, the road is getting soft and there is danger of breaking through, our cow does not seem any better and it makes one uneasy about her. Jamie and I took up six loads, and Jamie went back for the seventh while I did up the chores.


Receipe for sick cow (indigestion) Froze up last night, and though not very hard still it has made a great improvement on the road to the swamp and, also in the swamp itself. I made a mistake in writing the forgoing the weather has been quite soft to day, no frost at all day or night, this afternoon it commenced to rain a little about 3 oclock and it came down so hard about 4 oclock that we hurried home without a load, we brought one load of wood home at noon, and we drew out of the swamp the rest of the time and unloaded it in the field. the road became treacherous and the sleigh broke in some, we also had considerable trouble in the swamp, the snow is sinking and the stumps are showing up a good deal. Collins & Evans sent out a man to buy our turnips but I would not engage to take them on account of the state of the roads and also interfering with getting our wood out of the swamp, we gave the cow another doze this evening. 1 Quart Linseed oil 2 oz Annaseed, 2 oz Carraway seed, 2 oz Ginger, 1 lb salts, 2 oz nitre.

{End column} Quite a thaw _ drawing out wood from the swamp _ Receipe for a sick cow _ gave her the doze this evening


Froze up again last night, and it kept fine and hard all forenoon, the sun has great power now however and the road softened up considerably this afternoon. Jamie and I have had a busy day at the wood hauling I did up Johny's chores at noon and Jamie brought up one load before dinner alone, we got six loads up and he was going back for the seventh when he noticed the shoerig on the front bob broken, so we had to stop. Johny & Lizzie went to Guelph to day, the cow does not seem much better, she has passage in her bowels but not sufficient to make us decide that the medicine has operated. O'Connor sent up word he would like 300 bushels turnips on Monday at11 c {?} I can't think of going at them at present.

March Sunday 1

Rather stormy to day, considerable snow fell this A.M. and afternoon the wind increased to a gale and drifted up the roads very much. Mother & I drove down to McKenzies this forenoon, we got Johny's Janie mare and she travelled well we found them all fairly well, barring colds, we left there about 5.30 and took fully 2 hours on the road, a little short of that going down Jamie kept house and did the chores for us to day.


Quite a cold turn of the weather, the frost is kean and never gave way all day. I took the front bob on the long sleigh to Everton this morning Willie Abbott fixed the shoe, by putting a piece of an old wagon tire, while he was at it I drove mother down to Everton where she is staying till tomorrow night paying freinds a visit. I took her to Mary's. I got a bag of bran at the mill 35 cts (paid) got it to give to the sick cow. I think the cow is improving although she is yet sick enough to cause us uneasiness. I got the sleigh fixed so as to get home by 12.30, paid 60 cts for repairing it, after dinner Jamie & I started again at the wood drawing, we had some difficulties to contend against and we only got 3 loads up. Jamie did the chores and some other extras this forenoon while I was at Everton. I sent 2 dollars to Erin in payment of Assmts of A.O.U.W. for John McKenzie & self. Henry Duffield has been chopping all alone to day in the swamp.

{End column} Henry Duffield working in swamp. _ Sent 2 dollars for A.O.U.W.


A very frosty day. and the cold has been severe, Jamie and I have been hauling up the wood from the swamp, it was so very cold that we had difficulty in keeping ourselves reasonably warm, the wind was very cutting and we had to wear our overcoats while on the road between the swamp and the barn, we tracked the road to the north end of the swamp and had quite a time in getting the horses through, they got down in the snow. Henry Duffield helped us to get a start out the new way, we got 5 loads up, 2 in the forenoon and 3 afternoon. the loads were very heavy being composed principally of round tamarac timber. the Cow is some better, evidence of the medicine having operated was first given to day. she now seems inclined to want some food. James Dunbar drove Mother home to night. Johny drove to Everton and was to call for her, but by some means they missed each other.

MARCH WEDNESDAY 7 4 (66-299) 18946

Another very cold day. the frost has been very sharp and kean, but the wind has not been so high as yesterday and other days previous. Jamie and I have been again drawing wood from the swamp, we finished up the 3rd pile and have about 3 loads of a start on the fourth. we just got 5 loads up - 2 forenoon and 3 afternoon. the loads were round tamarac sticks being the chief timber. the road in the swamp is getting very bare of snow and the stumps and other stuff is getting on top a good deal so that it makes hard pulling for the horses. George Duffield tells me to day they think of quiting the chopping now, the stuff is so small they can't make the work pay. of course I can't expect them to continue this work under those circumstance although I could have wished them to clear off the timber from the back line. the cow seems to be getting over her trouble and commencing to eat again. Johny and Lizzie are away to Willie Croft's marriage this afternoon. {in margin} Marriage Willie Croft.

THURSDAY 8 5 (67-298)

Kean frost again last night and the greater part of the forenoon showed no signs of relaxing the cold grip. After dinner, however, the cold gave way very much and the sun shone out so strong that the snow began to melt in the places exposed to the sun's rays. Jamie and I got 2 large loads of wood up from the swamp. we cleared out all the wood from the southern portion of their chopping. and we commenced to haul out of the northern part and out of a new road we broke out on Tuesday last. in the afternoon we got 4 loads drawn up. I staid up the last load so as to do up the feeding and other chores. the cow is on her feed again and I hope we have seen the last of her sickness - Willie drove out from Guelph to day. he wished to help at the drawing up of the wood till tomorrow and then wanted me to draw him in a load of wood on Saturday. I told him I would take him in the wood but that I would rather wait and take him a load next week, as we were very anxious to get done with the drawing out of the swamp before a break up should come. John Farries and Tom Warner came to see if I would take turnips to Rockwood at 10cts per bushel. I declined taking them. Henry Duffield has begun to cut out a piece of brushy swamp, that he was leaving on account of not making wages, by me giving him a dollar extra.

MARCH FRIDAY 9 6 (68-297) 1894 6

Quite a change in the weather, from the hard frost and extreme cold of a number of days back we have it milder to day. but very unpleasant, as rain has come and freezes as it falls making a hard and solid caking of ice all over. it is very hard getting along on it. people run great risk of falling and hurting themselves. we found it too wet and disagreeable to think of going at the wood drawing this forenoon. so Jamie and I sat about fixing up things at the barn. Jamie carried all the cattle meal, except about a couple of bags. that was more than sufficient to fill both our bins in the cattle stable. we then placed a bag over the cattle meal in the granary passage, and emptied the horse feed (chopped oats) on top of it, and then carried the remainder of the oats out in the barn bin, into the granary bin next the dooor where the chopped oats were. there are some mixed oats in the bottom of the bin, the rest are black oats. fairly clear. we went at it after dinner and drew up 4 loads of wood from the swamp - we had to hustle for it. Willie came yesterday out from Guelph and would liked to have helped awhile at the wood so that we would draw a load of wood to Guelph, but there would have been a poor chance of carrying out that program on account of the bad turn of the weather. we have taken the scalding trough up the feed room and intend wetting the cut stuff and preparing it for the cattle there. the passage is now clear.

SATURDAY 10 7 (69-296)

A very stormy day. the cold has not been great but the wind and snow has made it very dissagreeable to be out working in it. the snow is being piled up in great drifts again, and it is colder this evening giving promise of winter weather ahead. we are so far having a very stormy and wintry spell for the beginning of March. besides doing up the chores Jamie split up some wood in thre wood shed, and we both started off to the swamp between 10 & 11 oclock for a load of wood which very nearly finished up the 4th and last pile in the barn yard. after dinner we went at it again, although dissagreeable, and got up another 3 loads. I stayed up and did the cattle & pig feeding while Jamie brought the last. we have commenced a new pile at the south end of the barn. the fat cow is getting her appetite again, but this will put her back considerably.

Sunday 8

Very snowy last night again and a high wind has piled it up into ungainly piles for clambering over or shoveling out. I had obliged to do some shovelling before we could get to the well for water. this is a wintry spell for the time of the year. we all kept at home but Jamie who spent the day with his own folks. I have had all to do to day excepting in the morning that Jamie helped me -


Frosty last night and looked wintry enough this morning, it became milder through the day and in the sun the snow melted a little, there were some snow showers that passed over. Jamie and I have been again at the wood drawing, we intended to draw up 3 loads this forenoon but, on account of delay, by reason of breaking out new roads in the swamp we only got 2 loads, we made an early start after dinner however and got 4 loads in the afternoon, so that we piled 6 loads to day on our new pile by the end of the barn. Henry Duffield finished up what he started himself to do in the swamp. I give him a dollar extra for the last piece he chopped on account of it being largely composed of brush that did not count in the cordwood pile. Mrs Richd. McWilliams & Maggie spent the greater part of the afternoon with our folks, and Richd. himself spent the evening also. I am so busy these times at the wood drawing and doing up the chores that I can't pay the attention to visitors I would like. I paid Richd. two dollars this evening for the cows I took there

{End Column} Keeps wintry _ 6 loads of wood to day _ paid Richd. McWilliams two dollars for cows.


Frosty again last night and it has remained colder to day than yesterday. Jamie and I have again been drawing wood, we did not manage more than two loads this forenoon, and only 3 afternoon, we suffered some delay by the piles being mostly in new places in the swamp.The piles are getting pretty well taken away, and we have hopes of clearing the swamp tomorrow if nothing unusual occurs, it will keep us busy under favourable circumstances however. A German pack pedlar with a horse had dinner with us to day. we finished up one pile of the wood to the length of 56 feet, and have one load to beg in backing up with a second pile. Mr & Mrs John Webb drove up and spent the evening with us. Alice and Ada walked up afterwards. we had a pleasant time. we have been feeding our two milk cows some potatoes daily and we find the flow of milk much increased. I got Robert McWilliams to bring us out a bag of oil cake (100 lbs) for which I paid a dollar, much cheaper than I ever remember it of being, and I give the fattening cow a cupfull of it 3 times a day.

{End column} wintry weather _ 5 loads of wood from the swamp to day.

MARCH WEDNESDAY 14 11 (73-292) 1894 6

A very cold day, the frost has been very sharp and kean, and the wind has been high which has made the cold more penetrating. Jamie had I have been working as usual at the wood drawing - the wind has been driving the snow into the track which has made it very hard drawing for the horses. coming up through the field it is a cold ride and through the gaps at the fences where the snow has drifted the horses have a very hard pull. We expected to get six loads home to day but only made five. 2 in the forenoon and 3 afternoon. they have quit chopping now and we had hopes of finishing up the drawing to day, but we find that there is more wood than we expected and it is harder getting it out now too. it will yet take another day to clear the swamp - we have been so busy at this wood drawing that we have not been able to get the mail since last Friday and no person is thoughtful enough to bring it to us although they visit the post office. {in margin} Cold weather - still in the workof clearing the swamp of wood, heaving drawing by drifting - 5 loads drawn to day -

THURSDAY 15 12 (74-291)

Another extremely cold day. the frost has been so kean as to invade the cattle stables again, and if it stayed long so cold we might expect to find it creeping into the root house. the wind has been strong and high nearly all day, and the snow has driven before the wind and settled in hard drifts wherever it got leave to lie. Jamie and I have had a very cold job of it to day. we fully expected to complete the drawing of the wood to day, but on account of the drifting of the roads we were unable to draw full loads and we have one load yet left in the field to bring up. we have the swamp cleared however. we took up 3 loads before dinner and 3 afternoon. we had a heavy experience in the back part of the swamp where in drawing out of new places the horses were terribly strained to pull them out. the women folks at home are busy again at mat hooking.

MARCH FRIDAY 16 13 (75-290) 1894 6

Continues very cold, the frost has been kean again to day, but not so much so as yesterday and the wind has not been so strong and high, which has made the cold less penetrating and more endurable. Jamie brought the load of wood up from the field and finished the second pile at the end of the barn. they are both of about a length and height, and make about 21 cords. I filed the cross cut saw this forenoon and when getting through with the wood we drove down to the swamp before dinner and sawed down the pine tree and put a but cut into it. the tree is sound, but very windy and I made the logs different lengths so as to have them as straight as possible. the first we made 8 feet long, the next 10 feet, and the next 12, 10, 12 respectively. afternoon we finished the cutting and drew them up to the barn yard, putting 2 on a gang way. and leaving the other 3 on the sleigh for taking to Everton. we also brought up a dry cedar tree for kindling. Maggie and her mother finished their second mat today. Maggie is over at Johny's tonight. {in margin} finished drawing the cord wood up to the yard. filed the cross cut saw. and cut up the pine tree into saw logs. also cut a dry cedar for kindling -

SATURDAY 17 14 (76-289)

Another very cold day, the frost has been very kean last night and if it had not been for the heat of the sun there would not have been much relaxing of the cold to day. Jamie took down to Everton the three pine logs that were on the sleigh from last night and was back about 10 oclock. we then drove down to the hard wood bush and cut down the two hemlock stubbs. one making a saw log 16 feet long and the other making 2 logs 12 feet long. the latter had been struck by lightning and is somewhat shattered, but I think it may make some useful lumber. we brought them all up to the yard and Jamie took the 2 last to Everton. I did up the chores and Jamie was a little late in getting home. Johny & Lizzie are away over to Mutries this evening. they hear Mrs Mutrie is very sick. {in margin} taking saw logs to the Everton saw mill - Johny & Lizzie gone over to Mrs Mutrie who is very sick -


A very fair day, and the frost and cold has somewhat relaxed. Maggie accompanied the Duffields to Everton meeting this forenoon. she has not attended them for the last 3 Sundays, for want of opportunities to get there. Fred the young horse has not left the stable for about 5 weeks now - we had a visit this evening of David Tolton & Bessie, Thomas McDougal and Miss McDougal. Mother & I were over at Johny's when they came. David intends starting for Manitoba next Tuesday. {in margin} visitors to day - Maggie to Everton -

MARCH MONDAY 19 16 (78-287) 18946

The frost has considerably relaxed last night and the snow has been softer and melting some in places to day. we hear the roads to Guelph are in a terrible state, the pitch holes are very numerous and awfully bad, being both very steep and deep. I took down to Everton the last three logs this morning, and hurried home to do up the chores fore noon before attinding May's Auction Sale. after getting all done I went to the sale and drove "King" in the cutter, leaving him in Edwin Awrey's shed while I walked over to the sale. I bid on a heifer to 22 dollars but she went to 24 1/2 and I did not follow that far. I paid Henry Dunbar a dollar as I promised for the old horse - he made a little objection to take any thing, but took it. Dan. Toldton and Sam. Gibson were here for dinner to day and bade us good bye. they intend starting for Manitoba tomorrow. Geroge & Alfred Duffield also. and William & Peter Dunbar, and one of the McDougals &c. John McKenzie drove up to day to get Mother - Bella is very poorly from Quinsey and the grip they think. Old Mrs Mutrie is worse to day. Johny & Lizzie are away there this evening. Robt. McWilliams was sawing with the drag saw. and Johny is very tired holding it. Jamie Duffield was there for me to day. {in margin} paid a dollar to Henry Dunbar - Attended May's Auction sale. John McKenzie up for Mother - Bella is poorly. Robt McWilliams sawing with the machine - Jamie there -

TUESDAY 20 17 (79-286)

The cold has moderated very much, although there was enough of frost last night to harden things outside pretty well. the snow is going a little where the sun shines on it. but there is terrible banks of snow to be thawed off before we can think of warm weather. Jamie was at Robt. McWilliams sawing this forenoon with the team - it was only to be an hour & a falf, but Jamie did not get home till 1/2 after 11 oclock. I borrowed Webbs sleigh and left ours with him and I took down to Rockwood 42 Bls. 15 lbs. McCullough bought them for D. L. Shultz. Jamie did not get home before dinner to help me much at the trimming and it was 3 oclock before I got started away with the load. I arrived home again about 7.30. the roads are very rough from pitch holes, and it is very hard passing teams. one team on the Town line with a load of bags filled with peas upset while passing me. I did not hear how Bella was to day. Mrs Mutrie was a little better this morning. Willie & Colin Campbell out from Guelph this evening. Colin drove on to Mimosa - {in margin} Jamie again at Robt. McWilliams this A.M. - trimmed a load of turnips and took them to Rockwood 42 B & 15 lbs - Willie out from Guelph this evening - Mr Barry from Rockwood called to see about turnips.

MARCH WEDNESDAY 21 18 (80-285)

A fine day inclined to thaw. the snow melts where the sun shines and the roads are getting to that loads break through on places. Jamie and I got a load of turnips ready for Rockwood this forenoon and as Johny had to go to Joe Crofts for the Circular saw he took the load down for me. he did not get the ticket but he tells me there was 48 bushels and some pounds. I took in hand to drive over to Mutries to bring Lizzie home if she could come. Mrs Mutrie was not fit to leave however, so I returned as I went. the roads are blocked so that much of the way over had to be done by the fields. I intended to drive over to Barrie Drydens to see about the school for Nellie Sunter, but while on the way over I found they had a male Teacher hired. so that I did not go. Mrs Mutrie is very bad with the inflammation of the Lungs - Jamie Duffield is very good at doing the chores and when I was away to day he also was splitting at the stove wood in the wood house. Johny tells me that McCullough would like a load of turnips taken down tomorrow and would give me 12 cents per bushel for them. Johny started with his load about 2 oclock and did not get back with the Circular saw till about 8 oclock.

THURSDAY 22 19 (81-284)

Quite a fall of snow last night and the day broke out windy as well. the wind increased very much uin the afternoon and the snow fell faster. it kept mild through it all however until about 5 oclock, P.M. we prepared a load for Rockwood and I was very undecided whether to venture to take it down or not. Johny & Jamie both were against me going but as I did not know what about the taking of the turnips at any other time I made up my mind to go. it was a fatal step for my comfort. the roads were very heavy but i got along all right until reaching the Rockwood line when I encountered drifted roads with a vengance, and down a little below Gray's gate my load went over. I had then to pull out the sleigh and right it and run down with the half of the load, and Mr McCullough accompanied me back for the other half. there were 43 bushels and 10 lbs. I then faced home in the dark and got alond fairly well till coming opposite Jamie Talbot's place after leaving his field throgh the gateway. and the horses there got up to their backs, and I failed to find the track for them. I unhitched them from the sleigh and let them plunge out as best they could and I rode 'King" home the other going by his side. the storm raged frightfully all the time and I had quite an adventure again at the gravel pit, but at last reached home at about 10 oclock P.M. the folks at home were much concerned about me and releived when I arrived.

MARCH FRIDAY 23 20 (82-283) 18946

A terrible day for this time of the year. the storm of yesterday has but little abated. there has not been so much snow falling but the cold is much greater than yesterday and the wind has been piling the snow up into terrible drifts. all our surroundings are completely banked up with snow. I had to shovel out the pump and had to grope and dig for it as it was completely out of sight. Johny's Barn yard on this side is almost completely filled. the wind blew a hurricane all last night and we expected to see a general block up this morning - I did not venture out to look after the sleigh to day. the 2 blankets and scoop shovel are with it. I cleaned up the horses well to day and they do not seem to be much the worse of their bad experience of yesterday. Jamie's time was up to day at noon. he stayed on till night. I paid him six dollars which pays him in full to date according to agreement. we cut up all the long sticks in the wood house, also a number of the cedar sticks we brought up from the swamp for kindling. Lizzie and Margaret both being away they will feel shut off from home during this blockade. Johny thinks of sawing tomorrow and Maggie will have to cook for the men.

SATURDAY 24 21 (83-282)

Moderately frosty last night and the snow kept well all day excepting where the sun had a good chance to play on it. Jamie Duffield helped me to do the chores this morning and I got the team ready and went off to get the sleigh. when I arrived at the corner I found the travellers had taken down Dan. Talbots fence and were driving through his fields. a gang of men were at work cutting out a road through the drifts. I left my team at Abbotts, and rode up with Agt. Hartley and found they had dug out my sleigh which was right on the track. we pulled it out and I had to go back for my team, before getting everything righted and calling at Everton for the mail. it was nearly 3 oclock P.M. before I got home, and before getting dinner and the noon feeding done. it was about 4 oclock before I could get near Johny, who is sawing this afternoon - I helped him then for over an hour, but then had to leave to do the night work. Johny got along very well considering that he had a very late start. there are only about 4 logs to finish up with the drag saw, and then he will finish with the Circular. he intends finishing on Monday.

Sunday 22

Frosty last night but moderate. the wind was very high and there was rain in the evening, but the drifting was stopped on account of the frost. Maggie & I have been at home all day excepting that I walked down to Webbs in the evening.













webbs in the evening

MARCH MONDAY 26 23 (85-280) 1894 6

EASTER MONDAY (DOMINION) Quite cold to day. the wind has been blowing strong and the air frosty. I was early astir this morning and fed up all the stock before breakfast. also cleaned and harnessed my horses ready for sawing at Johnys. as the hands seemed slow to gather I took time to clean out all the stables before going over to Johny's and we got started to saw somewhere about 8 oclock. we finished up the drag saw work in the first place , and then set the Circular and cut on till noon. there was a little left but it did not take us long after dinner to finish it up. I got 3 bage of wheat (gorse) that I am exchanging with Johny for fall wheat for our gristing.

TUESDAY 27 24 (86-279)

A little milder to day, although this morning it was pretty cold and frosty. I was early out of bed again this morning (4.45) and got all the feeding and stable cleaning out before breakfast - soon after breakfast I loaded up the 6 bags of grain into the sleigh and drew it round to the turnip house window. Maggie and Jamie then helped me load on the turnips and for all it was 10.30 before I got off with my load - the sleigh was cutting off a little in going down but got safely to Rockwood at about noon, and past one before leaving for McKenzies. found that they had all been sick. Bella was better though - John and I had to hustle with the getting on of our load 6 bushels peas for the Duffields, 10 for ourselves and 3 bags barley and 3 of fall wheat. the turnip rack on top of the grain formed a good place for Margaret & Mrs McKenzie to sit on coming home. we arrived home about 8 oclock. there was 25 bushels & 25 lbs of turnips. Amos Theaker and U were together at the track with our turnips. the price is up. Barry offered me 15cts for all I have to spare. Jamie Duffield drove Johny down to Rockwood in the cutter early this morning. the train left at 6.55. A.M. Johny is a delegate for the Chozen freinds at Toronto.

MARCH WEDNESDAY 28 25 (87-278) 1894 6

Softer to day. the snow has gone off considerabley to day. and the appearances were for rain during the afternoon. it held off well however, and there was no rain till after dark when a little fell. I did up all my chores in good time this morning and then drove Mrs McKenzie in the cutter to Usherands before going to Richd McWilliams sawing bee. I took our saw and Wm Tindle and I sawed together. while I did my noon chores Willie sharpened and fixed my saw a little and it worked better afterwards. there were a number of very hard maple logs and some large and particularly fine sound birch logs - there were five saws going and they think there was about the half of their logs cut. there certainly was a fine lot cut at all events. the man from Toronto took away the turkeys from Robert Jestins this morning. I rather think they would have a hard job to make Toronto as they intended to drive all the way. one of Thos. Weatherstans daughters was getting married to day to a son of Thos. McCutchens. they drove up past while we were at work at the sawing bee.

THURSDAY <s>29</s> 26 (88-277)

Froze up last night again, and to day it has been steadily getting colder all day. I worked out the most of the day among the stock cleaning out the pigs and fixing up around where things have been getting a little out of joint. Johny arrived home about noon to day. they pushed the work through in two days and saved quite a sum by letting the 300 members off so as not to draw on the third days pay. Johny thinks we ought to cut with the Circular on Saturday, so we loaded the horse power on the sleigh this evening. the snow banks are very inconvenient in our barn yard where we intend to saw and we may have some trouble shovelling &c.

MARCH FRIDAY 30 27 (89-276) 189<s>4</s> 6

Quite cold and frosty. it is astonishing how wintry it keeps for this late time of the season - Johny brought over the horse power this morning and took away John Webbs sleigh to take to Everton a load of chop. he just had it loaded when Abbott came for the sleigh as they were taking it to Guelph. Johny then sent Jamie Duffield with our own bobs to the mill. they do not track well however in the present state of the roads. Johny & myself set the machine for sawing tomorrow. I had a lot of shovelling of snow to do, and we set it so as it will freeze in tonight solid. which we expect it will do. I drove down this evening to see Wm Abbott about the renting of Mrs Peavoy's house and agreed with him to give him possession of the house for, at least, six months, perhaps 12 months, he to pay 2 dollars per month. and payable 3 months in advance. he to do the road work and pay the taxes. the time to commence 1st April. {in margin} agreement with Willi(am) Abbott for the renting of Mrs Peavoys house in Everton.

SATURDAY 31 28 (90-275)

Frosty again last night and the machine was firmly froze to its place. the day however has turned out fine and from appearances frost & snow may, before long, be a thing of the past. there are great banks of snow however to be disposed of. we started in fair time this morning at the cutting of the cordwood with the circular saw. Johny has not been very well but he made the venture and did very well. we had help from the 2 McWilliams, John Webb, Henry Duffield & team. Robt. McWilliams team also - Jamie Duffield with Johny,and myself making 7 in all. we would have been the better of another hand asthey could not gey the wood foreward quick enough for the sawyer. we cut about an hour after dinner and think we have over 30 cord stove wood - Colin McMillan has accepted my offer of 15 dollars a month for seven months commencing Monday the 6th April next. {in margin. edge cut off} Johny ha{s} cut at o{ur} place with John Mutries circular s{aw} -

Sunday 29

A change in the weather. warm and raining with some thunder this morning. the snow is now melting fast to day - we cut our wood on the right day. Maggie drove to Church with Fred - the first time hitched since his long rest. I walked down this evening to see Mr Webb who has been poorly and I got into deep water and well soaked in a icy cold bath. Robert Morton is also very poorly these times. {in margin} Matthew Sweet{??} buried today - found dead in bed Friday morning. thought to be heart failure - a letter from Mrs. A. S. Peavoy -

APRILMarch MONDAY 2 30 (92-273) 1894 6

A very fine day. the sun has shown out clear and hot, and the snow is taking its departure in a very summary fashion. the roads are now in a most deplorable condition. it is not safe to venture out at all onto them. we hear the Guelph road is being or about to be opened out. the fields having become impassable. some yesterday , last night had to turn when on their way to Everton. I split up some of the hard wood, and am almost sorry at not letting Colin McMillan come right on to work as he offered to do. it would likely, from the look of things, take all the time from the present to get the wood and other chores off hand before the field work begins - Wm Jestin, a son of John Jestin, called on us to day to see about hiring with us. he took a letter containing a dollar to mail for Erin Village. 50cts each for John McKenzie & self for balance of Relief call No 16. A.O.U.W.

TUESDAY 31 (93-272)

A very warm day, the sun has shone out clear and hot and the snow has fairly rushed off in volumns of water and flooding all the low places into temporary lakes and all the common avenues for the running off of the surplus water into rushing rivers. the fields are now assuming their earthy black appearance, fringed with the great drifts of melting snow. Johny has been helping Robert Jestin to day at a bee for cutting wood at the bush. he says the job was very dissagreeable and uncomfortable on account of the extreme wetness under foot. I sewed up the rips in an old pair of his shoes which made away with the most of my spare time after doing my ordinary chores - I also did a little wood splitting but not very much and made a thorough cleaning of the small pigs in the horse stable. wrote a letter to Brother James, Meaford this evening.

APRIL WEDNESDAY 4 1 (94-271) 1894 6

Froze up some last night, and this morning it was much easier getting around on the dry, frozen crust than for some days past as the day advanced. the frost gave way and again the slush prevailed. I walked over this forenoon to see Willie Loree about Mrs Peavoys rent money, but he was away to Guelph with Wm Maikens to procure a coffin for poor George Maikens, who died this morning - George has been, for a long time, very poorly, but there is an end to it all now. Prudence also has been quite unwell for a long time, so that they have had affliction, their condition, according to all accounts is not very enviable. their indoor, as well as, outdoor arrangements being badly out of sorts. George, I hear, is 73 years old. the funeral is set for the afternoon of Friday next at 2 oclock. I went down to John Webbs this afternoon and was delayed on account of Geo. Abbott getting stuck in their lane with a load of chopped stuff. I stayed and helped him while we took the load to the barn 3 times on the stone boat, and emptied 10 of McWilliams bags for my own use and brought them home. Maggie is bed fast with an attack of Gripp. we think her throat is quite sore. {in margin} Death of George Maikens -

THURSDAY 5 2 (95-270)

Quite frosty last night and cold and wintry looking this morning. there have also been gusts of wind and snow clouds at times - it remained all forenoon, the snow not melting perceptibly till the afternoon when it gave way only a little. it is extraordinary weather for this time of the year. when one goes out on the roads and encounters the high, solid banks of snow and ice that abound everywhere it does look as if spring was very remote indeed. people, too, are more than ordinarily anxious this year for the breaking up of winter and opening up of spring on account of the great scarcity of fodder for the stock. our Johny is extremely short of feed and I feel sorry we are not in a position to help him much. I think we have what would carry us through all right if let alone but we may be forced to part with some of it to help Johny through and bring us also to the pinches - I took 6 bags of wheat and 6 of mixed barley & oats and 2 oats to the mill and got them ground this afternoon. I suppose there were 475 lbs or so of flour and bran shorts. paid a dollar & 85cts for all the job. I had 20 bags home with me and the roads were in a poor way with holes and sidlings. Charles Duffield & Johny helped me off with the load and I had a busy night afterwards doing up all my chores. among the rest of the mail was a letter from Holyoke. Alex has got another boy added to his little family of two. they are concerned about the baby as there seems to be something wrong with his tongue.

APRIL FRIDAY 6 3 (96-269) 1894 6

Continues wintry. the frost was pretty hard again last night and it has been very cold all day. the wind has been blowing high which makes the cold harder to bear. I did up all my chores this forenoon and had also to hustle and dispose of all the chopped stuff, as the hens were going for the bags badly. After doing up the noon feeding I had to get ready to go to the funeral intending to hitch on to the cutter. I found however that it was too late to think of driving round the road. so I walked through the field, and just got there at the hour 2 oclock. there was not a large gathering but the roads being so bad partly accounted for that - a number of their distant freinds were present. some from Toronto and elsewhere. Mr Baker had a short sevice at the house and at the grave. Wm Loree gave me ten dollars ($10.00) as rent for Mrs Peavoy. he only kept back a dollar for what I owe him, which was not enough. as I think I must owe him some more. Johny did not feel well and he did not attend the funeral. Maggie is some better and got up to day awhile. her throat is still sore although showing signs of getting better

SATURDAY 7 4 (97-268)

Continues frosty and cold. it is astonishingly wintry weather for being so late in the season. very little melting of the snow to day yet. the drifts seem to be settling some, however, no doubt caused by the melting of the snow underneath. the fields are oin great measure bare of snow, but the unsightly piles which have drifted on lanes and around the fences and other places still in a large degree remain, and keep the air cool and make it feel as like winter as in January. I di dnot wrap enough yesterday while at the funeral and to day I am suffering from toothache or neuralgia of the jaws. it is very unpleasant indeed. Johny took over the curcular saw to Mutries to day. Jamie Duffield went with him a piece of the road for me, and I repaired a boot for him in the interval. I also repaired a pair of shoes for Margaret.

Sunday 5

A very fine clear sunshiny day. the snow has melted away considerably although it has been mostly due to the heat of the sun, there being quite a cool air prevailing in the shade. Johny anfd Lizzie have been over to Mutries to day. Maggie as well as the rest of us kept at home. George Loree paid us a nice long visit. got the chance of a ride up and footed it home.

APRIL MONDAY 9 6 99-266 1894 6

A beautiful clear day. the sun has shone out brightly all day long, but, like yesterday, the cold frosty air still prevails, much that is ice bound remain so still and the snow banks, although smaller are still large and unsightly for this day of the year. I have had a poor time of it with my aching face. I fancy it may be neuralgia instead of toothache. Colin McMillan came along this morning and, on account of my face ache, I thought it would be better for me to stay at home and so sent Colin to Robert Morton's sawing bee, instead of going myself as I decided upon. I can do the chores mostly without exposing myself to the cold air, which, I found, generally started the pain. I drove over to Joe Hindleys this afternoon to get the machine spindles but, could not find any and Joe was away from home himself attending the funeral of Old Peter McArthur, on the 4th line, Erin. we have known Peter now for a long time, ever since we first settled in Eramosa. Johny was at Morton's sawing bee, in the morning he ran up a load of saw logs to McKinnons bush before going to the bee.

TUESDAY 10 7 (100-265)

Another fine day, but still the cold wintry air prevailing. the snow banks are becoming a bit smaller but, go at a very slow pace. Johny drove over to Joe Hindleys this morning and got the spindles, one of them he got at Richd Standishs place. he then took them down to the blacksmiths shop and had their ends fitted for the knuckles - Colin split wood awhile in the morning but he & I joined later on to get ready for the straw cutting. We carried the larger portion of the straw in the shed forward to the dropping off place, and Johny returned in time to get starrted to cut about 4.30 we ran pretty steady for about two hours, and got a nice bulk of stuff cut. the machine works well - Johny made it so that the knuckle of the threshing machine can be used on ti and it runs like a charm. we think there may be nearly the half of the straw left to cut, which we intend to do tomorrow morning.

APRIL WEDNESDAY 11 8 (101-264) 1894 6

Continues very fine weather although perhaps not so warm or spring like as the lateness of the season would seem to require to carry off all the banks of snow that still abound all over the country. the snow however is surely becoming less although a little slowly. we finished our cutting of straw about ten oclock and soon had it moved to Jno. Webbs and going about 11 oclock, having an hours run before dinner. we cut again after dinner till about 3 oclock when we moved to Robert Morton's place and were going there at 3.55. they cut all Robert wanted but it took till after 6 to do it. they then moved the machine to Wm Usherwoods where they intend to cut on the first opportunity. at about 5 oclock this evening while I was on the wheel at Mortons, Colin came to let me know that Margaret had taken a poorly spell. she has been troubled this some time back with dizziness at times, and shakings - I drove down to see the doctor at Everton, he said it was not her heart, as she feared, but a stoppage in the circulation in the head and extremeties and directed to keep her quiet and take absolute rest, bathe her feet in warm water and keep the bowels open. her head raised during the attack and its effects. he did not think it was necessary for him to see her in order to prescribe for her. I received a letter each from Brother Alex. Meaford and Alex. McGregor Toronto. the latter seems no better of his malady.

THURSDAY 12 9 (102-263)

Softer today - thaw has prevailed for some time. the snow has gone more than usual although there is yet very cool air. this evening there has been quite a flurry of snow. I helped Johny to haul over to his barn the cut straw I apportioned off for him. we took it over at 4 times. we cut a nice little bit of corn with the other straw, which will sweeten it up some. we did it before dinner. and he went to Duffields sawing bee after dinner. Colin was splitting up the hard stone wood this forenoon. afternoon he also went to the bee taking our saw with him. the white cow calved prematurely this evening. we think she will come to her milk all right. Colin took the milk from her, a quarter of a pail perhaps - I was cleaning up the barn to day after Johny got away his cut stuff. Mr Baker called up to day and brought Mary along with him. the doctor wishes Margaret to keep her bed all this week at least. she seems to be improving.

APRIL FRIDAY 13 10 (103-262) 1894 6

Quite a change from the winter weather that has so lately prevailed. to day the snow has gone faster than most any day yet. it has been warm and every thing soft and humid. I took the two turkeys over to Standish's to be with their gobler. I left a bag of black oats to feed them. Colin is splitting up the stove wood (hardwood) - he and I bagged up 6 bags oats and 5 bags oats and barley for chopping. I took them to Everton this afternoon in the sleigh. it was a very tough pull in front of Webbs & Theakers' places. the rest of the road was not so bad excepting at Everton when near the mill. I got the grist home with me. Johny attended a sawing bee at Wm Theakers to day. (John Webb paid us a visit to day also Mrs Robt. Jestin, and Hindley. Henry Duffield called for his mail and had a letter from George at Manatoba.) {notation within parenthesis:} this should have been written for Saturday - George had not fallen in for a suitable place and was heart sick of Manatoba. he wants 40 dollars sent out to him so that he may return. {in margin} Weather turned mild & everything now soft. splitting up the stove wood. 2 Turkeys to Standish - Johny at Wm Theakers sawing Bee. Everton Mill with 11 bags chop. letters each from Brother Alex. and Alex. McGregor

SATURDAY 14 11 (104-261)

Another very soft day. it started to rain this morning but cleared up soon again. there was rain through the night. Colin chanced it to Guelph to day. I gave him the receipts for the turnips and he got them cashed. $18.16. there is a mistake in not allowing more than 12cts for the last load, because Mr Barrie offered 15. but I did not see McCullough on delivering them and there was no price set. I thought it was McCullough who sent for the turnips while it was Mr Barrie through Reddick. Colin did not return till late from Guelph. he saw Willie in Guelph and Robert Jestin was telling him about his mother. the roads were bad especially in Guelph Township where they (the snow) have not been cut out so well as in Eramosa. there were quite a large number of people in although the roads were so bad. Margaret got out of bed and down stairs this afternoon. {in margin} Continuation of soft weather - Colin chanced it to Guelph - got the money for the turnip $18.16. Margaret improving -

Sunday 12th

Rain last night and this morning - Willie drove out from Guelph in a road cart to see his Mother. he drove up to Mimosa. John Campbell has been ill and is still poorly. we all staid at home to day. there is no comfort travelling the roads these times - {in margin} wrote two letters to day. one to Holyoke and the other to Meaford.

APRIL MONDAY 16 13 (106-259) 1894 6

A very fine warm day. the snow has gone at a rapid rate and every thing begins to wear a new appearance. the grass coming out of its snowy covering looks green and nice. Willie drove down from Mimosa this morning and left for home at about 10:30. he gave his mare a few oats but would not stay himself for dinner. Colin has been splitting at the wood and I have been piling some. I paid Henry Duffield 40 dollars to send to his Son George at Manatoba. George has not fallen in for suitable work there and has got homesick, and sent for the money to take him home. I hitched up King to the buggie and drove Mary home this evening. I took eggs and butter to Marshall's store and dealt for goods mostly sugar. I sent the 2 letters, Holyoke & Meaford with Willie to mail, and I also wrote and sent away a letter to Mrs A. S. Peavoy this evening. Dugald Robertson and wife paid us a visit this afternoon. they came up to see Margaret. Margaret is improving although she is not as well as we would like. {in margin} Paid Henry Duffield forty ($40.00) dollars to send to George. this leaves 60 dollars still to pay -

TUESDAY 17 14 (107-258)

a splendid day for taking away the snow. Very warm and the snow has run off in torrents of water, our lane yesterday was hard to go through, on account of the deep snow, and to day (afternoon) it is almost all gone. Colin and I worked at the wood the greater part of the forenoon, only that cleaned out the pig pen so as to put up the hogs. the hogs are rooting badly and we can't keep them in the shed since the great thaw. this afternoon Colin and I had a terrible time in getting them housed, and they ran me over most the place before we got them fast. hogs are frightful brutes to manage at times and we had our turn to day. Johny was at the mill with our Wagon with a grist of chop. the roads are getting greatly clear of snow and give promise of drying up quickly as there does not seem to be much frost in the ground.

APRIL WEDNESDAY 18 15 (108-257) 1894 6

Weather continues warm and balmy, the snow has mostly dissapeared even where the heaviest drifts existed. the grass is coming out from under the snow fresh and green, and, indeed, the grass fields showing quite green and fresh already. Colin and I have worked a good part of the day picking and loading 20 bags of potatoes which we took down at twice to Webbs. 10 bags at a time and bagged up and brought back the same of his kind (Peerless Savoy) for seed. we helped them to ring 6 of their pigs. Scott the cattle buyer came to Webbs while we were there and bought his cattle. $108.00 for the 4 head. he then went up to Johnys and bought his $125.00 for the 4 head. the fifth one has a swelled jaw and he wouldn't take it. he looked at our cow but he would like to have her fatter. Colin went down to Theakers this evening and brought up his things, trunk &c.

THURSDAY 19 16 (109-256)

Beautiful weather, warm and splendid growing weather. the change is so great that we can hardly expect it to continue. the grass is showing uncommonly green for so shortly out of the grip of frost and snow. I helped Johny to take off large stones from the quarry field this forenoon. we built them as a fence on the west side of the field. got down the dried meat and wrapped it in papers and put it in two barrells. Covering it and packing it in oats. there were pieces. Colin drove down for the mail this evening after tea. Maggie accompanied him. Margaret is improving, although not very strong yet.

APRIL FRIDAY 20 17 (110-255) 1894 6

A most beautiful day, hot enough for any day in summer. Colin has been splitting the tamarac stove wood the most of the day. I had not time to help much but did some. I repaired a shoe for George Abbott, and helped to clean and bag 2 bags of northern spys for Guelph tomorrow. thunder and rain to night and we are a little afraid the weather may prevent us getting to Guelph tomorrow. I drove down to Everton this evening with Johnys Nettie and had a shoe put on her front. she pulled it off although lately put on by Robinson and he did not care to have her go without it to Guelph tomorrow. I had a chat with Dr McCullough when down there about Margaret's trouble. he thinks it may have been aggravated by her recent attack of Grippe and thinks she will soon improve, but will have to take good care of herself. avoid worry and any undue exercise, and attend to proper diet &c.

SATURDAY 21 18 (111-254)

An extemely hot day, many expressed their opinion that it was hot enough for July. Maggie and Lizzie and I started for Guelph this morning shortly after 7 oclock, and arrived there at 9.40. I had 2 bags apples (N.Spys) for which I got $1.25 per bag. butter 16 & 17cts per lb - Eggs 10cts per doz. Willie got 8 lbs butter @ 16cts - took raisins & currants for most of it. Lizzie & Maggie did not go up to Willies as they had a good deal of shopping to do. the road was a little rough near Guelph, but they are generally drying wonderfully up. the grass is becoming quite green and the fall wheat on different farms is looking splendidly. Colin brought home the lumber in 2 loads from Everton to day, and helped Johny to move a fence. they drew it a piece from its bed with a horse and Johny intends building it there, taking in some sod . I had Johnt\ys Nettie & our Fred to Guelph. while I was at Hearns getting 4 1/2 bushels seed corn, the horses got restive at the post opposite the store door, and between them broke the tongue of the democrat. Penfolds fitted me up with an old tongue to bring me home and I left the other to get fixed. the heat to day in Guelph was spoken of as being 85 in the shade - {in margin} heat 85 in the shade - Guelph market Maggie & Lizzie. Mr McEuchin and Haskin rode with us. sold apples butter and eggs. bought our seed corn -

Sunday 19th

Continues fine - the growth is marvellous. Cooler this afternoon. Colin and Maggie drove Fred to Everton meeting this forenoon and again at night - I drove Margaret down to Webbs this afternoon where she & I had our tea. Colin and Maggie called for her as they returned, but I came home -

APRIL MONDAY 23 20 (113-252) 18946

A very warm day and sultry. I thought as it looked thundry that a break out might cool the air but it cleared off again and the temperature remained about the same. Colin and I started this morning at the stone acre and drew off the stones to the back lane forming a fence, to make the boundary to the back field. Colin remained all afternoon till 5 oclock at the work, but I went with Johny after dinner down to Loree's to get a load of straw. we got back shortly after 4 oclock and we set the machine and cutting box. Colin came up from the field when seeing us with the load, and as soon as we had supper we commenced to cut which was exactly 5.40. we cut Lorees Ushers {illegible} load in 35 minutes, and sharpened and cut Lorees in 25 minutes. we were done at 7 oclock, and had to hustle to get our chores completed by dark. Robert Morton came up and helped us.

TUESDAY 23 21 (114-251)

Warm in the early part of the day. it looked thundry and rain clouds seemed to pass around. towards evening it became much cooler and we have fears for frost. Colin and I have been all day taking off stones from the stony acre. it is a heavy job and some of the stones alone make the horses {illegible} to haul them off. Johny talks of wanting the stone boat to morrow, so we cleared the part of plowed land behind stony acre of stones and may sow it to morrow. Margaret seems much better to day and is able to be around quite lively and doing the work as usual.

APRIL WEDNESDAY 26 22 (115-250) 1894 6

Cold to day for a change. one feels it pleasant after so much hot weather. Johny used the stone boat this forenoon to prepare for gang plowing over at Wm Loree's corner. and Colin and I took the opportunity to split wood in the yard. it split fairly easy, in fact, Colin thought easier than when at first sawed - in the afternoon we again tackled the stones at the stony acre. we have to take the chance of the boat as we can get it - Mr & Mrs John Webb paid us a visit this evening, and Margaret ventured to the head of the hill in convoying them a piece home. we called at Robt. McWilliams and I got the loan of ten bags from him - I intend taking a grist of chop tomorrow.

THURSDAY 26 23 (116-249)

The weather is again warm to day, but not so hot as it has been lately. we were early astir this morning, and prepared to get to Everton with the chop. we bagged up the 10 bags of black oats, and with the 5 bags of peas I took them to the mill. I got away with the load about 8.30 and as there was no one ahead of me - I got my grist chopped without delay. I had Johnys Jeenie mare along with Fred. Johny drove his 4 cattle to Rockwood this forenoon sold to Scott of Brampton. $125.00. I got back at 12 oclock. but Johny was nearly a couple of hours later. he brought me up from Abbotts 3 teeth for my harrow from Willie Abbott. not paid - old Mr Pike of Rockwood dropt dead this A.M. about 8 oclock. it is a sudden call for the old man although he has had a checquered life. still his wife and family will deeply feel his loss. we hear of a Mr Morely, who has lived near Rockwood and who was in conversation with Mr Pike yesterday having died in the same way within a short time of each other, within an hour of so. life is uncertain - Colin stones this forenoon and cultivated the patch for the oats this afternoon.

APRIL FRIDAY 27 24 (117-248) 189 4 6

Cold east wind prevailing to day. and considerable rain has fallen. it did not rain heavily but enough to stop seeding operations in the fore part of the day. Colin and I bagged up 15 bags of white oats and took them to the mill this forenoon. he also got King's front shoes removed & reset at Willie Abbotts - paid for the chop and the shoeing too. after he came home we emptied the chop and then hitched on the seeder and sowed the 2 acre patch to oats. our young cow calved this forenoon - a nice red calf. our cut stuff is getting small and I begin to have fears it will hardly see us out long enough. we have plenty of turnips however which will help us out some - Margaret, we think, is keeping better. she is working around again too much and tires herself. we cannot keep her from it however. I have been building up fallen fences this afternoon and hunting up our harrow which got out of sight, found them over Johnys piggery where we stowed them away for safe keeping.

SATURDAY 28 25 (118-247)

Dull and misty this morning and I had some fears the weather would not turn out fine. the sun soon shone out however and we had very fine weather the whole day. Colin took the harrows back to the piece he sowed yesterday afternoon. he got done with that about 9.30 and then hitched on to the 2 furrow plow and plowed all day in last years turnip & potato land. the field at the back of the orchard, it is too wet but as it is getting late we think it best to work it up so that it may dry for sowing. I thought once of cultivating it, but afterwards concluded plowing would make a dry seed bed quicker. I scrubbed up the rusty mould boards and they cleaned fairly well. I started off to Rockwood before 12 oclock and arrived there at 1 oclock. just in time to be present at the funeral services at the Pikes. they soon started off for Guelph and I drove down to McKenzies. they were fairly well. I got 2 bags peas (4 bushels) and got home by dark. a letter from Ewart to night - {in margin. right edge cut off} plowing with the tw{o} furrow plo{w} in the turn{ip} and potato land. attended {the} funeral of Mr Pike a{t} Rockwood - drove then to McKenzies - got 20 bags peas - Letter for Ewart,

Sunday 26

beautiful day. Maggie & Colin drove Fred to meeting this A.M. after dinner Margaret & I drove over to see Mrs McKenzie at Wm Suttons - she was away to Christy McCarters. Staid awhile at Suttons and then drove over to Albert Toltons where we had tea and made a fine pleasant visit - John Rossell & wife & children were there, also Mrs Thomson. they have another son there.

APRIL MONDAY 30 27 (120-245) 1894 6

A fine working day. a little dull and threatning looking and a sprinkling of rain fell after dinner but not enough to stop us working. Colin has gang plowed again in the field behind the orchard. he got me to gang plow awhile while he hitched up Fred to the stone boat and took off the sods be plowed up in the garden and he spread them on the lane. the land is wet yet on the fields we are working at but the season is advancing and the growth is rapid now and we dont like to lose it.

TUESDAY 1 28 (121-244)

Fine day. the land is drying up considerably - Colin has been gang plowing all day and there is yet he thinks about half a day's work yet to do. Johny paid me to day one hundred dollars in 2 . 50 dollar bills/ I drove down to verton this evening and got my Clover & grass seeds. I got it half red clover and half Alsike, and about the same proportions of timothy. 48 lbs for the sowing of eight acres. costing about $8.75 - {in margin} bought grass seed at Everton -

April WEDNESDAY 29 (122-243) 1894 6

Rather dull weather this morning. it soon cleared up however to be a good drying day. the wind has blowing very strong and the ground has dried up a good deal. Johny brought his team to day and sowed our wheat and barley in the field behind the orchard. Colin harrowed ahead of him, also gang plowed what he expected would take him this forenoon to do. he harrowed quite a bit after the sower. Johny was done sowing shortly after 5 oclock, but thought it was hardly worth while to rig up the harrow for the little time. so Colin will have to do it in the morning before he goes over to Johnys' -

THURSDAY 30 (123-242)

Very dull all day, and looked much like rain. Colin finished the harrowing of the wheat field this morning - it took 2 hours to do it. he then went with the team to Johnys and worked our gang plow a good while. I gang plowed for Johny too, with his team, while he cleaned up some grain. I sowed grass seed on the burnt part in the swamp this afternoon - Colin brought home a wagon box full of cut straw. ours is all used up now. Margaret took a ride with me to Everton this afternoon - she got some flowers and garden plants from Janet Abbott. also some seeds &c on coming home at Webbs. she stayed there, while I drove over to Standishes for the turkeys. it was lucky I went to night, as this was the first day for them to lay. I brought home with them the 2 eggs they laid. {in margin} sent to Erin three dollars for single assessment & dues for self & John McKenzie. A.O.U.W.

MAY FRIDAY 4 1 (124-241) 1894 6

Very threatning looking this morning for rain. a little fell but, although it kept dull for a long time the rain didn't come and we were glad of it. Colin hauled off the stones from the fields that are to sow this forenoon. there are quite a few wet spots in them. it is rather surprising to find so much wet land on our place when so many speak of being done seeding. we hear Duffields & Jestin finished their seeding yesterday. John Webb is working up his last field. Colin gang plowed some of the outside of our south front field, and after filling in the furrows he cultivated the balance. it is too wet and cloggy but we feel like pushing on not withstanding as we are losing the fine growing weather now obtaining. I fixed up a lot of dilapidated fences this forenoon and a part of the afternoon. also fixed up a place in cow stable for each of the sows we are expecting to sow soon. I turned out the 8 young cattle this forenoon to pick their living. the grass is now a good length.

SATURDAY 5 2 (125-240)

Very fine in the early part of the day. but it became very dull and lowering after noon. Colin cultivated sowed with seeder the south front field this forenoon and had not quite done, finished in a little while after dinner. he took King and harrowed it alone with the iron harrows - I hitched Fred with the grey horse and rolled the whole field which is seeded down. I started at 2.30 and at 4.30 had to quit on account of rain falling too heavily and making it cloggy. there is only about 2 acres left. so that there is rolled somewhere {illegible} 7 acres. not bad for two hours work. Colin finished harrowing and then plowed in the furrows in the north front field. ready for ganging -

Sunday 3

A very fine day. fine gleams of warm sun shine is drying the land up nicely. the grass and everything is growing on apace. Maggie and Colin drove to Everton Meeting this forenoon. I have done up all the chores at noon and night. Mr & Mrs Webb here to night,

MAY MONDAY 7 4 (127-238) 1894 6

A very breezy drying day. Some thunder clouds were passing around this afternoon and there is lightning to night. we are hoping it will keep dry for a few days now and let us get through with our seeding. I drove to Everton this morning the first thing after doing the chores and getting breakfast. I mailed seven dollars to Auntie Kate Moore. Thomas Tolton's interst on note. $6.66. the change I will see about again. Colin finished the rolling in wheat & barley field. and then hitched to the cultivator and cultivated the north front field. when I returned from Everton about 9.40, Colin put in Fred as a third horse. they then went faster. he had it nearly done at dinner time. we cleaned up 5 bags of Johny's Houdan oats, they weighed 397 lbs, bags included, we got 4 1/2 bushels by measure on the previous occasion - Colin sowed with the seeder as nearly as we could judge 2 bushels to the acre. he worked Fred along with the Grey (Brit) and I harrowed after him with "King" - the land has been rather sad and wet, but it dried quickly after being stirred. we did not quite finish the field. I have been building up fallen fences besides, have hung gate &c. {in margin} fine drying day. Everton mailed 7 dollars to Kate Moore Georgetown - Maggie sent letter to Ewart Holyoke - Sowing oats on front field north - Maggie and her mother at the garden - oats from Johny for seed.

TUESDAY 8 5 (128-237)

Weather continues all that could be desired. dry & cool for the field work. the team seems to stand the work very well, the old horse heaves away a little but it does not seem to disable him for doing his work. I finished harrowing the north front field this morning. Colin drove a load of manure out to the old garden patch and spread it on the side next the garden. he then plowed it, as well as all the old Onion part of garden with the long plow. he was about a couple of hours at it with Brit & Fred. I took "King" and with the double plow levelled the furrows in the oat patch in the back field (north) - Colin got down in time to do some before dinner and start to cultivate - he was done a little early in the evening and started to plow with double plow in the second field from barn to the south. I thought once of cultivating it but found it very thirsty and as it is for peas we concluded to plow it.















== Your title here... ==

MAY WEDNESDAY 9 6 (129-236) 1894 6

Another beautiful day. the air has been cool and though an occasional blink of the sun caused a extra warmth, still one could not wish for better spring weather. some clouds having the appearance of thunder passed along but did not amount to anything. Colin has worked the double plow all day in the back field but one on the south side of lane where we intend sowing peas. the other piece we cultivated is drying up nicely. I am suffering from a lame back to day - wrenched it roaming after fowels and {flinging?} after them - Margaret and I drove down to Standishs and got a fine lot of strawberries. we got over 200. 3 kinds - Crescent, Michal Early, and Wilson. the crescent are placed in a row between the others in order to make them bear. I drove to the blacksmith shop (Willie Abbotts) and got Fred shod all round with his old shoes. hoes & fork fixed, and gate hinges in all 55cts paid. I bought a box of Chases Kidney Liver pills from C. Casino. Willie Abbott tells me they seem to do him good when suffering from pains in his back and limbs. so I will try them, as I have been suffering a good deal from Rheumatism this while back.

THURSDAY 10 7 (130-235)

A very fine day. beautiful sunshine and rather warm. the air has been cool in the shade but in the sun it has been quite hot at times. the land is drying up very fast. in the dry places we will soon be wishing for rain. Colin gang plowed up till dinner time at the pea land. we then cleaned up the New Zealand oats. 5 bags, weighing 404 lbs bags included at Johny. Colin sowed them in the back field, north side. it has dried up well since being cultivated last Tuesday. he scattered nearly all the oats on the patch. I harrowed after him till a little past six. when I then came home to do the chores. Colin finished sowing however. Willie drove out from Guelph this evening - Mrs {Cathra?} was with him. he took her up to Mimosa after supper. Maggie went with them for a ride. the big white sow pigged this morning. she has just six pigs. they seem smart. we hope they will all live. Johny has the help of Robt. Jestins man & team to day. he is finisheing all but a piece of sod he is taking into another field -{in margin} got oats from Johny New Zealand. Big white sow pigged 6 pigs -

MAY FRIDAY 11 8 (131-234) 1894 6

An extremely hot day. there has been a stiff breeze which has cooled the air some but is very drying. Colin and I were in the field this morning with the threee horses - I finished the harrowing of the new zealand oats. on the east 1/2 of the back field on north side, and had about started to harrow the peas in the last field, but one, on the south side, when the bell called me home. I found a drover from Kingston along with Keough of Rockwood - I sold him the cow for $37.00 and Johny sold his heifer with the lump in her jaw for $26.00, and we both delivered this afternoon. we started about noon and it took us till about 4 oclock to get there. the cattle got very hot, especially 3 of Adam Weatherstons which we fell in with and accompanied. I called to see the Stewarts - they are all some better but none of them strong. Lizzie drove down the buggie with us and we three rode home, getting back before dark. Colin harrowed the pea field before sowing, and sowed about two thirds of the field. we got our money from the {buyer?} all right without any grumbling - I paid Dr Dryden his Bell in full of a/c to date $21.00 was the am't, but I took back some of the medicine, and he took a dollar off. {in margin} sold our fat cow to day for $37.00 and delivered her along with Johny's heifer that he sold for $26.00 - Paid Dr Dryden's Bill.

SATURDAY 12 9 (132-233)

Another very drying day, and very hot. a breeze however, as yesterday, makes it cooler then it otherwise would be. I drove to Guelph with Fred and buggie accompanied by Maggie and her Mother. we had 50 dozen of eggs, which brought 8cts per dozen, and 27 lbs. butter at 12 1/2 - 4 lbs of it brought 14c. I bought 10 bushel corn for feed at 42cts per bushel, and 6 bags at 90cts $5.10. at Thorps. I had my tooth plate fixed at Parkers to day. I sent $15,00 by Express order to Mrs A. S. Peavoy. John McDermott brought the corn for me. I chanced it home as we were too crowded in the buggie. Colin finished sowing & harrowing the peas and he rolled the field in front with black oats. he had to see to all the chores as we were all away. he broke off the teeth of the 6 young pigs. {in margin} Guelph at the market with butter and eggs. sent $15.00 to Mrs Peavoy - took the teeth out of the six pigs.

Sunday 10

Another very hot day. we would be much the better of a good shower of rain. John McKenzie & Bella & children came along this forenoon. Maggie & Colin drove to Everton meeting this forenoon - Mary came up with them and returned home with them at night. John drove our 'King" over to Gilbert McCarters to see his mother who has been very poorly. she is not at all well yet -

MAY MONDAY 14 11 (134-231) 1894 6

Weather continues very fine but very dry and we are much in need of rain. the early sown grain seems to be growing very well, but we cqn hardly expect late sown to make much of a start as the land is now so very dry. Colin and I have been taking off the stones from the stony acre and building a fence near the back line with them. we cleared away some of the old timber and other rubbish from the fence bottom - Mr McLean, agent for the "London Mutual Insurance Co." came along about supper time and he renewed the risk again. he did not charge fees, as Johny paid, he thought too high last time. 17 dollars for 1700 dollars, he says he never knew of them charging more than 90cts on the hundred dollars, and he was rather surprised to find that the larger assessment had been collected. Johny has been cultivating his sod and harrowing it in. I drove to Everton this evening and got the mail. Margaret rode down with me as far as Webbs, and I called for her as I returned home. {in margin} Insurance renewed on the over{illegible} buildings -

TUESDAY 15 12 (135-230)

Cool at night but through the day dry and hot in the sun. the growth goes on but things would be immensely benefited by a nice rain. Colin started to plow the stony acre this morning. I went down awhile this forenoon and helped throw up the stones after the plow. I am on a poor way for such stooping work - by back and limbs being very sore. there is a terrible amount of stones being plowed up after all that has been taken off. this afternoon I have been choring aroung doing up some necessary things round the buildings and stock.

MAY WEDNESDAY 16 13 (136-229) 1894 6

Continues very fine weather only that we are wishing very much for rain. there is nothing particularly suffering perhaps, but rain would now advance the growth exceedingly as the ground is getting very dry in some places. there is a very cool air especially at night but the sun comes out hot, and the winds are very drying. Colin has again been plowing at the stony acre, and I helped to throw up the stones this forenoon. he worked alone in the afternoon as I helped Maggie at the papering of our front room. I quit that at 4 oclock and took 3 bags of chop to the Everton mill. 1 bag of corn and 2 bags oats. Johny is finishing up the plowing and sowing of the piece of sod he is taking in below and behind the barn. George Duffield was to have helped him clean up his fence bottom &c, but failed to appear. he also dissapointed John Webb the same way. {in margin} little sow pigged - about now - Colin broke the teeth out of both litters when a few days old.

THURSDAY 17 14 (137-228)

Weather much the same as has prevailed for this some back. very dry and hot through the day. coolish at night but no sign of reaching the freezing point. Colin and I have spent a faithful day working hard at the plowing and throwing up the stones on the stony acre. we got what we have laid out for plowing done about sharp six oclock. Johny and I after supper hitched up Fred to the buggie and drove over to the Centre to the reform political meeting for organization. Thos. Waters resigned the position of President of the reform association of the Township on account of ill health. and Hugh Black was appointed in this place. I drove to Everton in the going, for the mail, while Johny rode over with Charles Sockett. there was a general arranging of and appointing committees &c. and Mr Innes made a short address on the importance of being up and doing before the general Election that takes place on the 23d of June. we had a nice rain this evening and we had a very dark drive home through it.

MAY FRIDAY 18 15 (138-227) 1894 6

A little cooler to day after the rain of last night. this has been a splendid growing day . Colin and I have been hauling off stones all day. if I made no mistake we took off and built on the fence 20 large loads of stones. 10 in the forenoon and the same in the afternoon. we had also to help do up some extra chores at noon, moving stoves, cleaning carpets &c. Maggie has had a hard job cleaning and fixing up the front room. it looks well now since being newly papered and otherwise cleaned up. as our turnips have taken badly to rot I have made up my mind to turn out the cows tomorrow to the grass. it will also lessen the amount of our chores which will be acceptable in these busy times.

SATURDAY 19 16 (139-226)

The weather continues much the same. cool at night and the sun coming out hot through the day. the wind has been very high which has the effect of drying up everything very much and very quickly. Colin and I have had another busy day trying to finish up the stone hauling. it seems however to be a never ending job - it will take us all day on Monday to get them off and the peas sowed and harrowed - we took about the same as yesterday. 20 loads off the land and good loads at that.

Sunday 17th

A very fine day, but very windy. there is a scarcity of rain and the high winds cause a great need for rain, as the land dries up much more than on that account. Colin drove Maggie and her Mother to Everton meeting this forenoon & I staid at home and did the chores and rested. Henry Dunbar came along in the evening and we both walked down to Webbs where Mother had gone {before?} {in margin} a little rain this morning -

MAY MONDAY 21 18 (141-224) 1894 6

A very fine day and very drying. it has been cooler especially at night. no doubt there has been thunder and perhaps rain somewhere not far away which has cooled the air. Colin and I worked hard to try and clear off all the stones before dinner - we were beat however and had 2 loads after dinner. we put off a few loads of small stones on the road into the watering place. I hand sowed a little over 1 1/2 bushels peas on the piece and Colin gave it 2 tines of the harrow. we unhitched then and put on Fred with King and Colin took 4 bags of oats and 2 of corn to the mill and also brought home 8 stone boat planks and the produce of the short but log of pine. he got King's shoe removed and the harness repaired. paid 20cts and I owe him (Willie Abbott) 15cts yet. the grist was paid for. there are a great many nest of caterpillars on the fruit trees and they are getting too old to remain in their nest and they are in consequence difficult to clear off. that stony acre has solely engaged our time & attention this last week.

Tuesday 23 19 (142-223)

Weather dry and warm through the day - cool at nights. Colin has drawn out dung for the mangolds. I helped spread it and he got some plowed before quiting time. I spent some time this morning taking off caterpillars off the apple trees. they are very numerous this season much more than usual - Margaret set her two turkeys on eggs to day. I rigged up and sharpened a scyth to day and cut the grass on the lawn. the grass had grown very long and lathery, that the lawn mower was no use in it. Richard McWilliam is very poorly at the present time. Margaret and I visited them this evening. {in margin} set Turkeys.

MAY WEDNESDAY 23 20 (143-222) 1894 6

No change in this very dry weather. we are getting anxious for rain, the winds have been hot and drying and what little rains there was lately soon dried out again. Colin plowed the Mangold ground this forenoon and harrowed and rolled it. after dinner he drilled it up, and I prepared the horse and sower and he sowed them. I rolled the most of the pea field while he was doing it. I fixed up the fence at the watering place and around there. Charlie Duffield helped me, he also helped me in the orchard to kill the caterpillars. he wants his boots repaired and he was working for it. I also made a new handle for the lawn mower and put it on this afternoon.


CORPUS CHRISTIE (QUEBEC) Very much like a change in the weather but it comes very tardily. it has been very much overcast to day and we would have been much pleased to see rain but it cleared up again, it has been very cool and there may have been rain not far away. I finished up all the rolling on the grain (12 to 13 acres) by about 3 or 4 oclock. and Colin took out dung after that he was splitting the tamarac stove wood while I was rolling. I repaired the old boots of George Duffield. Charlie Duffield wanted them for his use and helped him some yesterday in order that I might do them. I also fixed up a pair of boots for George Abbott. the soles were ripping off, and I rivited them on. Maggie and her Mother went away with Fred and buggie - Among the Everton freinds this afternoon - they also paid a visit to Uncle Duncan's folks. they got the mail. also a Telegram to meet my Brother Alex from Meaford at 10 oclock, A.M. tomorrow at Erin.

MAY FRIDAY 25 22 (145-220) 1894 6

A very fine day, dry and cool. it was cold enough last night to suspect frost but I could not see any although up early. I got the horse and buggie ready in good time this morning and drove over to Erin Village And met Brother Alex. at the C.P.R. Station at 10.20. when I arrived at the Village I had half an hour to spare, so set about doing a little business. I paid two dollars to Mr Wood Single Ass'm'ts A.O.U.W. for Jno. McKenzie & self. I also paid Charles Overland fifteen dollars as part payment of account for coffin & hearse at Minnie's funeral. He says $13.00 more will do, but I was trying for $10.00 to pay the balance, as I was almost led to expect that to be the charge from the first. Alex & I had a very pleasant drive over home, and we walked down to Webbs in the evening. Colin has been hauling out the manure on the turnip land - {in margin} A.O.U.W. Assm't paid - one dollar each for Jno McKenzie & self.

SATURDAY 26 23 (146-218)

Continues dry and warm through the day although cool at night. John Smallhorn has been helping Johny this 2 days back and finished up with him this morning between 9 and ten oclock. he then helped us all day to fill the manure as Colin drew it out. I also helped to fill this forenoon. After dinner I hitched to the horse and buggie and drove over Alex. to Toltons. we had tea with them and a very pleasant visit. After returning home we drove down to Everton. Calling awhile at Mary's. George and Jim Dunbar were there also. while there, we learned of the death to day at noon of George Williams at Toronto Junction. his death was not unexpected but still it seemed sudden at last. we received a letter from Alex. Holyoke. the baby is ill and not expected to recover. Alex went fishing and got 19 fish mostly chubs however.

Sunday 24

Continues the same kind of weather, only that it has been closer & warmer to day. Colin & Maggie drove twice to the Everton Meeting and brought up Annie Sunter with them. She returned with them to the evening meeting. Alex and I have been walking around a good deal.

MAY MONDAY 28 25 (148-217) 1894 6

Hot and sultry to day. and everything dry and dusty. towards night it gathered for a thunder storm and before dark the rain came on. the thunder and lightning was terrible, especially the lightning which lighted up the whole heavens like a flame. it will be a wonder if there is not much damage done. Brother Alex and myself drove to Guelph this morning with Fred and buggie and I let him off at Uncle Peter's house and then drove up to Willies where I had dinner - the street cars are now running up to their door and as there was a base ball match both forenoon and afternoon there was quite a thorough fare all the time. I went down to Oliphants after dinner to join my Brother but he had just gone up there and we missed each other on the way. Willie and I had quite a survey of the base ball grounds after getting dinner. we did not stay late in Guelph as it began to threaten thunder and rain and we made home before the storm. Maggie and Colin were down at Bellas to day. they had Johny's buggie and "King" hitched to it. they did not get home till after midnight, leaving there at 11 oclock P.M.

TUESDAY 29 26 (149-216)

A fine day after the storm of last night. the rain is most welcome as it was very much needed but we hear of considerable damage being done by the lightning, with loss of life. we understnad that either one or two men were killed up by Elora, and a barn burned - also a number of buildings between Guelph and Berlin. there is also an account of a great fire at the same time below Toronto. caused by a spark brom a Boat on the Lake. Margaret and I with Mary, who has been staying with her Mother yesterday, drove down to the grave yard this morning and fixed up our plot. cutting the grass and otherwise dressing it up. we returned home before dinner and made ready for the funeral of George Williams which we attended with the democrat. Colin drove the rig, and Brother Alex. accompanied us. Maggie and her Mother going with us. there was quite a large funeral. a few of the members of the "Home Circle" taking a part in the burial. George was a member of the "Knights of Pythias" and A.O.U.W. I understand there is $5000.00 on his life. it is a good thing for his wife & Family. Brother Alex. and I drove over to Thomas' this evening, but they were all from home. Thomas proffered to take Alex. to the Station tomorrow morning and he was going to accept it. but they being all away he returned with me. {in margin} "Forester cow" taken to McWilliams to day. damage by fire - Geo. Williams buried to day. large Funeral. drove over to Thomas Toltons but all from home - a hen and 15 chickens dead this morning - no doubt from the lightning - the {hen?} ill too -

MAY WEDNESDAY 30 27 (150-215) 1894 6

A fine Shower early this morning and this has been a very fine day. the air has become cool after such an outburst of electricity. but the sun has shone out warm and fine. the growth is now great and vegetation cannot fail of being immensely benefited. I drove Brother Alex. to Erin this morning - the train leaves Erin at 9.27 and we left here about 7 so that we had plenty of time. David Robertson sent over Kate Williams policy to Chals Overland (Home Circle) for $1000 - also his own dollar for A.O.U.W. we were over there more than half an hour. and I drove over the grounds of "Stanley Park" after the train left. I arrived home again at sharp 12 oclock and had dinner with the rest of the folks. Colin has plowed in the orchard all day. I plowed instead of him while he cleared away some obstructing branches from the trees. I made a couple of straps for Johny to tie down his breechy cows this afternoon. wrote a letter to Alex.(Holyoke) and sent it by mail this morning at Erin. Margaret and I drove down to Webbs this evening. Mr Webb is very poorly these times from pain in his legs. he cannot get his sleep at night with the pain. {in margin} over at Erin Village with Brother Alex. hen dead this morning whose chicks died yesterday - took Mrs Williams policy to Charles Overland - plowing orchard -

THURSDAY 31 28 (151-214)

Quite a heavy rain last and the ground this morning looks as if well soaked. if it keeps warm there must be a great rush of growth. it has taken Colin up to about 4 oclock to finish plowing the orchard. he did up round the trees with "King" alone, and finished head lands &c with the team. I loaded up 3 or 4 loads manure and Colin made out another row in the field. I thought it better to do that than go plowing when it was so late. I took down the colt to Webbs, to pasture. it bothers round after the horses when here. Maggie and her mother drove down to the grave yard this afternoon and fixed up the plot. they planted some flowers that Hugh Black's folks gave them for the purpose. I sold our lot of 8 pigs to Joe Atwell this evening. to be delivered next monday morning at Bellwood. price $3.85 per 100. under certain conditions an extra 5c is to be paid. A man, Jno McLeod by name, living at Elora was killed by lightning in the late storm. Joe knew him well, he says. {in margin} plowing the orchard - drawing our manure - took colt to Webb's pasture - sold 8 pigs to Joe Atwell - John McLeod of Elora killed by Lightning -

JUNE May FRIDAY 1 29 (152-213) 1894 6

Considerably colder to day. we hope it will not increase so as to bring frost. there are sad accounts from all over of the harm done to life and property from the late storm. the daily of the day contains the particulars of the terrible havoc wrought by it at St. Louis, U.S. when it is estimated a thousand lives have been lost. Colin and I have been at the turnip land to day. he spread the manure while I plowed. I quit at sharp 4 oclock and took 3 bags chop to Everton with the buggie - 1 bag corn and 2 of oats. I got at the mill some chicken feed making it in all 40cts which I paid. the cattle market has been, and is yet, very bad. I think it was a good thing Johny and I sold out when we did. we could not have done as well now. there are a great many who have the most of their cattle on hand yet and only offered prices that they could have had before feeding them. David Robertson was offered 1/2 a cent a pound more for his between 2 and 3 weeks ago.

SATURDAY 2 30 (153-212)

Very cool to day, in fact rather uncomfortably cold, only for those working at the manual labour. we were early astir this morning and Maggie and her Mother started for Guelph exactly at 6.30, they said they were at Guelph about 8.30. they had 36 dozen Eggs which brought 11cts and 24 lbs. Butter which brought 12cts - 4 lbs 12 1/2. they took my shoes back and got others for themselves instead. I plowed some this forenoon and some also in the afternoon while Colin finished spreading the manure. we brought up Robert McWilliams Waggon and stock rack to be ready for taking the pigs Monday morning. they felt the cold badly to day in the driving to Guelph and return. a few drizzling showers passed over but nothing of consequence. A letter from Brother Alex. announces his safe arrival home again.

Sunday 31

A fine day. cool at night. some talk of frost but I did not see any. Maggie & Colin drove to the morning & evening meeting at Everton . I thought of walking over to Dunbars and Toltons but did not feel well enough. Margaret and I walked up to Lee Duffields folks and had tea there. we afterwards paid a visit to Richd McWilliams folks.

JUNE MONDAY 2 1 (155-210) 1894 6

Cool again last night. I looked for frost this morning but could not say to have seen any. we were up at sharp five this morning and had our 8 hogs loaded quickly and safely. the wagon, with Robt. McWilliams rack was backed up to the pig house window, and we laid a track (2 boards) from the floor inside to the wagon bottom. and fenced with 3 lengths of rails from end door to front door, so that the pigs walked right in without a stop. I started off with them about 6.40, and was about 2 1/2 hours in going up, and left there for home about ten, getting home at 12.30. the pigs weighted 1160 at 3.85 made $44.66. Colin has been harrowing the turnip land that is plowed with the old grey horse and drawing off the stones from the potatoe land. in the afternoon he hitched "King" again with the grey and plowed at the unplowed portion of the turnip land.

TUESDAY 3 2 (156-209)

A fine working day. Cool but very dry, the coolness has somewhat checked the growth that was so rapid at first, the meadows I am afraid are going to be short although they gave promise of being extra good. Johny is out on the road to day. they have been drawing gravel from Richd McWilliams pit and laying it on the hill they turnpiked yesterday. there was a good lot of teams at work (8 or() and they drew 60 odd loads. I was working Johny's team at harrowing his turnips and potatoe land and after that was done I harrowed his Corn patch (the young orchard in front of Barn) and then picked the stones off the potatoe and turnip land. Cousin Wm Ewart came along this afternoon with a horse and rig, he is selling wire matting and has some along with his. also quilting frames - I worked for Johny today and he lets his time go to pay up our road work. he puts in 5 days while we put in 3. there is 8 days in all for both places.

JUNE WEDNESDAY 6 3 (157-208) 1894 6

Cool at night, but the sun has been hotter to day. there are some indications of rain and we hope it may come. the late rains moistened the ground very nicely at the time but it soon dries up again. Colin has finished plowing the turnip land and started the potatoe land between 3 and 4 oclock - I did up the chores and started to cut our seed potatoes but got stopped by Mr & Mrs David Stewart coming on us on a visit. they had dinner and tea with us and then drove on up to Josiahs where they intend remaining all night. I remained in his company the most of the time and he passed a very cheerful and pleasing time. he is very anxious that I go down to Rockwood on Friday night, and attend a political meeting (conservative) to be held there. William Ewart started off with his horse and rig this afternoon for a whiles canvass at his business. {in margin} "Jersey cow to MCWilliams to day."

THURSDAY 7 4 (158-207)

The temperature is now getting warm and there prognostication in the papers of a highter temperature the growth, lately, has been very slow on account, I think, of the coolness which has prevailed for quite a time. I have been busy sprouting the potatoes and cutting them for seed. finding the root house damp and otherwise unpleasant , I have carried the potatoes to the little kitchen at the house and Margaret has helped to cut. we have somewhere about a dozen bags cut now. Colin has been plowing the potatoe land and got over a large quantity to day. he hopes to be done with is sometime tomorrow forenoon.

JUNE FRIDAY 8 5 (159-206)

Quite warm to day and sultry. the sky has looked dull and hazy with mottled clouds. at night it became very dark and quite a thunder storm broke out. the lightning was very bright and dazzling - I suppose that, however, was intensified by the darkness of the night. I drove to Rockland after 5 oclock and saw Mrs Pike's horse. it suited me all right. she wants 50 dollars for it, and I don't feel like paying so much money. I paid Stout , and got a plow share from Lundy, which is to be paid. he was not at home and they did not know the price. I attended a political meeting in the interest of the Conservatives. they had a Mr Elliott from Milton, a good speaker. And another speaker from Guelph. Mr Jeffrey spoke in favor of Mr Innes and did well. it was about 12 oclock when the meeting was dismissed and about 2 oclock before I got home to bed. David Stewart hung on his lantern on the hind axle of my buggie, but it took fire and went to smash. Colin finished plowing the potatoe land this forenoon and harrowed all the piece and what was left of the turnip land that was unharrowed.

SATURDAY 9 6 (160-205)

Another hot day. things are considerably freshened up by the little rain that fell last night. a good heavy rain is much needed. the meadows are going to be very light if moisture delays its coming. Colin and I hauled off the pruned branches from the orchard and I rolled the turnip and hungarian grass land. also two thirds of the orchard before dinner while I rolled with the team (Fred & King). Colin harrowed the orchard and drew off the stones with Brit. I helped Johny to build his kitchen chimney - that was thrown down when the old wood shed was blown down - we sowed and harrowed in the hungarian grass seed before supper, and after supper we washed the sheep -

Sunday 7

A very hot day, and thundry looking. there came on somewhere between 4 & 5 oclock P.M. quite a thunder storm, and a heavy rain accompanied it. Margaret accompanied Colin and Maggie to Everton Meeting. while there they learned that Uncle Duncan Robertson was very sick. Margaret and I drove down after dinner to see him. he seems very low and they have fears for the result.

JUNE MONDAY 11 8 (162-203) 1894 6

A splendid growing day. there has been a grand rain and every thing will now grow on apace. Colin and I put in a space of corn in the orchard this morning before going at the potatoe planting. we then spent all the rest of the day at the potatoes planting about 9 bags of cuts. I plant with both hands carrying the bag over my shoulder - the rows are about 35 rods long and it takes 2 pretty full pailfuls to plant a row. I planted the cuts about 2 feet apart as near as may be. Margaret and I drove down to see Uncle Duncan this evening. he is some better and they are having better hopes of his recovery - he was very despondant himself last night - this evening he was quite chatty & cheerful - Duncan Junr is up from Oakville. they seemed to have taken quite a fright about him and no wonder. he is quite an old man and pneumonia is a serious trouble for the like of him. {in margin} potatoe planting - a little corn also planted so as to be getting ready for feeding - Uncle Duncan Robertson very ill.

TUESDAY 12 9 (163-202)

Rather a showery day. it was quite close and warm in the early part of the day, but in the afternoon and especially toward night it became much cooler. Colin and I have been again at the potatoe planting , and got in another 9 bags. we were done with the seed about half past 5. so had to quit and come home - we planted some corn in the orchard till the bell rang. it will take about 2 1/2 or 3 bags more to finish the patch. there is about 8 paces wide to do, about an 8th of the whole. Johny & John Smallhorn have been planting this afternoon. this is their first I think. we have just heard to day that Colin Campbell is very sick and has come to Willie's house in Guelph. they seem to think his trouble is very serious - reported to be consumption of the lungs and bowels. {in margin} potatoe planting - Johny also started to day - Colin Campbell back to Willie's quite ill -

JUNE WEDNESDAY 13 10 (164-201) 1894 6

Continues dry and very fine. cool at noight. Colin and I worked hard in the orchard to get as much corn sown as possible before I had to start off for Guelph. there are now two bags in and it has sown 3 1/2 spaces of the orchard. there are yet 2 spaces to do and I calculate about a bag to do it. I got it at Guelph this afternoon also 3 bags for feed. I paid about $3.60 for the whole. 15cts for an empty bag. 42c for feed. 52c for seed. Johny & I & Lizzie drove with the democrat in to Guelph, starting about 2 P.M. got our new pole at Penfolds and took theirs back. I went up to see Colin Campbell who is quite sick. they think him a little better. we then attended the great Laurier Meeting at the Rink. there was a full house and the Leader and his following received a spendid reception. the 2 chairmen, Dunbar and McMillan opened the proceedings, and then E.F.B. Johnston & G. Bertram, Toronto. aferwards Laurier and Ballantyne. the latter not getting a very good hearing speaking after Laurier as he did. the audience went wild upon Laurier rising to speak and the ladies from the gallery showered down bouquets on the platform - the meeting broke up about 11 oclock and we had rather a cold drive home getting to bed about 2 AM.{in margin} sowing corn in the orchard - Colin plowing it in while I drop it in to every third furrow - I drove to Guelph this afternoon - bought corn for feed and seed. attended the big Laurier meeting this evening.

THURSDAY 14 11 (165-200)

The weather continues much of the same charactor all the while. cool nights and there may have been frosts when not observed by any of us. this, we think, has likely been the case and may account for the poor appearance the hay is making. there have been some local showers and it is a good thing we have fallen in for a share as they passed round. Colin and I finished the putting in of the corn in the orchard this forenoonto day, and spent the rest of the time putting in the potatoes. the late shower went deeply into the ground as it was quite moist while working it up for the potatoes.

JUNE FRIDAY 15 12 (166-199) 1894 6

Weather keeps very fine. we hear of the terribly wet spell that has visited the Manitobans. if we had a share of their overplus of rain it would have been a benefit to both counties. Colin and I finished up the planting of the potatoes this forenoon. I put in about 2 rows of the early kind I got from Mr Webb. 1 whole row where a pin is planted and another short piece on the next row to the south on this east end, and another row further to the north - also with a pin, excepting that a short piece at this east end is taken up with some old fashioned Cups and marked by a pin. upon finishing the potatoes Colin commenced to plow for the turnips. I got the sheep in and shore them this afternoon

SATURDAY 16 13 (167-198)

A cool air, especially at night when it almost borders on a frost. the sun, however, through the day bears down in great heat. as we found ourselves out of meal for the pigs also out of chopped oats for the old horse, we cleaned up 4 bags of oats to mix with 2 bags corn for the pigs, and 4 bags oats for the horse. I also gave Johny one bag of corn (105 lbs) and had it too chopped for him. Johny owes me 79cts for that. when Colin was on his way home with the grist, the tire came off the wagon (right front wheel) and he had to get it on be Willie Abbott. he got home about 2 oclock. he plowed on turnip ground the remainder of the day. I cut the burs all round the fields, also a good many thistles and dug up a lot of burdocks with spade/ there is yet a lot of that work to do. Margaret and I drove down to Webbs in the evening - they were not at home and we went on the Mortons where we spent a pleasant while. the 2 Webb girls were there. Margaret on returning home had an unpleasant attack in her head, ending in a violent headache. Willie Ewart came along this afternoon, but went again over to Toltons - {in margin} Johny owes 79cts for corn -

Sunday 14

Cool air but the sun hot & dry withering wind prevailing. Margaret had a rather poor night in the past! her head ached the most of the night, and I didn't sleep till about 4 oclock for the most part. we called up the doctor to see her as he was returning from Jestins. he gave her some powder and says it will likely pass off again without serious consequence. John MacKenzie & family paid us a visit to day. they did not go to meeting to day -

JUNE MONDAY 18 15 (169-196) 1894 6

Continues very cool at night and the air in daytime is cool when the sun is shaded. there has been appearances of rain going around this afternoon, some thunder clouds looming up. a very little rain fell here. this is the day the great Tupper visits Guelph - there is quite a commotion among the tories out this way. it is reported they made up quite a procession and had a band of music leading the way. the College Boys are reported to have carried on rather obstreperously and interrupted the speakers in the rink - Colin has plowed all day at the turnip land - and it is mostly done up to where we will have to put on some manure. I have been doing up some very necessary fixings. nailing up the delapidations in the board fence. cutting out all the burdocks out of the yard, and shovelling up the manure in the shed &c. took both sows from their litters to day. Colin rung them. Mother is not so well to night again. her head is troubling her. it took me about 2 hours this afternoon to sift and clean the hungarian grass seed. first took out the sand with the flour seive, and then the straws with a larger screen. I took it down to Geo. Marshall who is going to sell it for me. I got 5 lbs turnips seed from him. 2 lbs Elephant, 2 lbs Skirvings and 1 lb Halls Westbury for shipping. wrote a card to Alex. Holyoke.

TUESDAY 19 16 (170-195)

Very warm to day, although it still keeps cool at night. there are yet appearances of rain but none has come. we would like some as moisture is what is needed now - Colin and I cleaned up the cattle shed this forenoon of the manure. I filled the waggon while Colin drew it out and spread it from the waggon as he went. we took out 6 loads this forenoon, which finished it. Colin nearly finished up the plowing this afternoon - I drove over to Thomas Toltons this afternoon to see if I could get the colt pastured with him but, as they have nine horses of their own and all their cattle out they don't feel like as they could afford to take in any. besides they don't think it would be very safe for a strange colt to be put among them. Colin and I attended {Innes?} political meeting at Everton this evening. the speakers were Jeffrey (Grit) Donovan (Con) Ryan (Grit) Hugh Guthrie (Grit) - the speakers aquited themselves well, but some Tory rowdies interrupted some of them badly. notably Hugh Guthrie. A wrangle between Hortop, Jonathan Loree & John Mutrie finished up the proceedings. Mary & George entertained their freinds to tea at 1 A.M. among them, Guthrie, Mutrie, Ryan, Jeffrey, Mr Baker, the Dr McCullough, and a number more. {in margin} took out 6 loads of manure - cleaned up the cattle shed. Drove over to Toltons to see about getting pasture for the colt. attended a political meeting at Everton. a rowdie display -

JUNE WEDNESDAY 20 17 (171-194) 1894 6

A very hot day. the sun has shown out hot and burning. the night has however has, as usual, been cool! thunder clouds have been passing around - we hear there was a fine rain at Guelph and we could see another shower over in Erin T'p - we were visited by a little shower but of little consequence. Colin and I have been working on the turnip land. it is all plowed and harrowed and rolled, and Colin has done a little of the drilling up. I picked off the stones with Fred and stone boat this forenoon, and did some of the rolling this afternoon. I also straightened the gate post leading out of the yard to Johnys and built the wood cross ways up to it. Johny is also plowing up his turnip land. Margaret is going around again but she is not very well yet. the doctor called up to see her to day. Mr Baker was with him. there is great excitement over the elections. people work themselves up to a wonderful pitch of enthusiasm. and after all their minds are pretty much made up from the first how they are going to vote. {in margin} working on the turnip land - got it all ready for drilling up. doctor called up to see Margaret.

THURSDAY 21 18 (172-193)

Weather continues much the same. this has been a very hot day. Colin has drilled up for the turnips and finished up in good time. I followed on with the sowing with Fred. got quite a nice start before dinner and then gave up Fred to Colin as the grey horse seemed to get very tired and slow. his wind is very bad these times. the heat and dust are very hard on him. I put him onto the turnip drill and he got along finely on that. there are over 60 drills of the Elephants on the lower side of the field. and on this side next to the hungarian grass there are over 30 drills of "Halls Westbury" for shippers. between these two kinds the Skirvings are sowed. there were 2 lbs Elephants, 2 lbs Skirvings, and one lb {?ees} - there is perhaps nearly 1/2 lb Elephant left over. The 2 Mrs Abbotts paid us a visit to day. Maggie drove down to Everton in the morning and they took the chance of getting a ride up. I took the horse and buggie down in the evening and gave tyhem a ride home. we called to see Uncle Duncan on our way. he is not at all well. {in margin} drilled up the land and sowed the turnips - the 2 Mrs Abbotts on a visit - took them home in the evening and called to see Uncle Duncan -

JUNE FRIDAY 22 19 (173-192) 1894 6

An extremely hot day. there have been indications of rain. we need rain very much and we are anxiously hoping they may be realized. I sowed quite a large piece of Johny's turnips this forenoon. Colin rolled ours with the heavy roller this forenoon, and afterwards drew rails from the corner at the watering place to the line fence between Jestin and us. he and I fixed up the fence after dinner getting done about 5 oclock. we let the horses out to the field this afternoon for the first time. the harness has hardly ever been off them on any working day since spring opened up till now. we have had quite a fight to make up to the work. the breaking up and stoning of the stony acre took up so much of our time as to throw us considerably behind - Mrs John Webb paid us a visit this afternoon - John and his brother William have been at Erin Village to day. the fence between Jestin and us has been, for many years, in a very poor condition. that is, the old part that has never been properly in line, or range with the rest, and to day we took off all the riders and straightened it up and built it, two rails higher and put on the riders again and locked it all through. {in margin} Helped Johny to sow his turnips to day. rolled ours with heavy roller. drew rails and fixed up the old line fence between Jestin & us. rain much needed. the spring wheat disimproving in appearance - oats looking fairly well -

SATURDAY 23 20 (174-191)

Very hot to day. both sun & air is oppresively so. thunder clouds have been passing around. but no rain has fallen on us. we hear that a great thunder plump has deluged Guelph to day. I wish it had been more evenly distributed and that we should have had a share. the spring wheat is going back in appearance - Colin and I have been cutting thistles in the south front fields among the black oats . we also cut down those among the raspberry bushes. I borrowed a scythe from Henry Duffield, and sharped it up for our use. Johny got his turnips sowed yesterday and he has been away from home the greater part of the day. to night he is going away up to Oustin on Committee business. this election business is monopolising the time and attention of most of the people at the present times. I notice the corn is growing very rapidly. ours is nicely up and making a fine appearance for the short time it has been in. the potatoes are not making any show yet and, as I hear of rotting in the ground am anxious - {in margin} Hot. Hot. Thunder cloud pours out volumns of water at Guelph - no rain here. cutting thistles - "old white sow taken to Webbs to day"

Sunday 21

Not so hot as yesterday. dull and indications of rain and a little fell but not much of consequence. Maggie and Colin have been twice at Meeting. Margaret & myself have remained at home all day. we were visited by Robert Morton, who had tea with us. then David Robertson & wife & child. Mrs Duffield and then Henry too. John Webb and his Brother William -

JUNE MONDAY 25 22 (176-189) 1894 6

Continues hot and dry. Margaret and I made ready this morning to drive to Rockwood and take the wool to Harris woolen mills. we had been for some time back laying out to do that but she did not feel well enough to go until this morning. the 5 fleece weighed at the mill 23 1/2 lbs and they did not dock it any. Margaret took it out in goods and was allowed 20cts per lb for it. after doing our business at the mill we drove back to David Stewarts and had our dinner. And Mrs Stewart agreed with Margaret to go down on the 6 oclock P.M. train to Georgetown to visit a few days there. which they did. I drove them to the station. I sent $103.00 to McGregor to retire my note on demand at 7%. I also went to see Mrs Pike about her horse, and offered her 40 dollars for him. I think she would have accepted 45. she would take 5 0r 6 cords of our tamarac wood as part pay on him. she is to write me what decision she comes to. Colin has been cutting thistles to day. {in margin} Rockwood woolen mills sold wool - retired note - Margaret & Mrs Stewart to Georgetown - Saw Mrs Pike about her horse - I offered her 40 dollars for him - she did not accept but will decide soon -

TUESDSAY 26 23 (177-188)

A beautiful day, excepting that it continues dry when we are very anxious that it would rain. the grass is getting burned and red looking. grasshoppers are plentiful and altogether we are in great need of moisture. this is the great day to decide the fate of its Gov'mt for the next 5 years. Election talk has been running very high for quite a time back but to day it finishes up in action. Colin and I drove up after dinner to Oustin and voted. Willie drove out from Guelph and after getting dinner with us, went away up to Mimosa to vote. Colin and Maggie and I drove down to Everton after tea, and locked up the house. we were met by the intelligence of Innes's defeat. at the corner the returns were not all in, but it looked sure enough. we waited a long time so as to get the latest reports. and Mr Baker, John Everts and myself through the Telephone got the intelligence from the Reform Committee rooms that there were 20 gains and 5 losses for Ontario - Quebec nearly solid liberal. other places favorable so that it looks sure for the late Government defeat - Johny has gone to Guelph.{in margin} Election day for Dominion Gover'mt - James Innes defeated - Liberals have gained the day.

JUNE WEDNESDAY 27 24 (178-187) 1894 6

No change in the weather. we are panting in the heat and wishing for rain to revive the drooping crops. the spring wheat is visibly going back in stead of forward. Wm Tindal and I found a tree that will likely make a sill for the barn. Colin cut the grass on the strawberry patch and he and I spent the time afterwards cutting thistles through the grain.

THURSDAY 28 25 (179-186)

Very cool last night, but the day opened out this morning clear and warm and as the day wore on it got extremely hot. I started off theis morning with the team, Fred and King and Wagon to try and get some potatoes for the pigs. Colin also started off the 8 young cattle and drove them up to Jno Parker s to pasture. and I called and got him to go through the bush to meet Colin on the other line. I then drove over the side road to the 6th line of Erin and got 12 bags of potatoes at Joseph Colins, paying 12 1/2cts a bag for them. getting my dinner with them and starting back the same road. the road was heavy as they were working in the stuatute labour. I drove past the 7th line to Nodwells, as I heard he had potatoes, but he hadn't and I came back to Colins. when I returned I found Margaret at home. Stewarts had driven her up home. she had returned, along with Mrs Stewart, to Rockwood last night. Colin has scuffled the mangolds and cutting thistles &c. the ground is getting very dry and if rain does not come soon there wil be harm done the crops. I got 4 {illegible} boards at McKinnons mill. inch thick 7 inches wide. 9 feet long to make a pig trough. and just there found I had forgotten to take my money for potatoes or anything else - Mr McKinnon at once loaned me $5.00 which I returned to him on coming back. Minus $2.50 which I spent on the potatoes & lumber and which I must get to him as soon as possible.

JUNE FRIDAY 29 26 (180-185) 1894 6

{Crossed out printed text in diary} ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL (QUEBEC) Weather continues dry and hot. the signs of rain have gone off without any. we are longing for rain. the pastures are not only getting bare but drying up to nothing . our turnips are not coming and, I fear, will not either until rain comes. Colin cut Johnys clover hay with his own team to day, getting done about 4 oclock. Johny has Willie Tindal helping him to build a fence behind the barn in the back field. I drove to Rockwood this forenoon to see Mrs Pike, who sent me word she wished to see me about the horse. I made a bargain with her and am to have the horse delivered next Wednesday. gave my note for forty dollars ($40.00) payable 1st January next. I also get her single driving harness and the horses collar for 4 cords of tamerac wood. she agreees to give the halter with the horse. after returning home I started in the back oat field to the right cutting the thistles. Colin also came on when done at Johnys and we finished it by supper time. Margaret & I went to Webbs after tea and spent a pleasant everning with Wm Webb. John was very poorly today. he seems to think he was hurt with the sun while trimming his hedge. {in margin} drou{t?} - bought the horse "Doc" from Mrs Pike Rockwood - also got the harness and the collar for the horse -

SATURDAY 30 27 (181-184)

Weather much the same as has prevailed so long. there have been indications of change, but as these have often failed, no dependence can be placed in them. Colin hitched up the horses this morning and we drew in the bit of hay the strawberry patch grass made. we also drew the dry thistles into the shed, and did up some other chores in lumber &c. he and I then went to the woods and we cut down an elm tree before dinner as sills for the barn. Wm Tindal came after dinner and Johny & Colin and him had hard work to get it flattened. they say it was a heavy job. I put up the most of Johnys hay in the afternoon. it was very windy which made it difficult to do. as it was getting dark there were four of the hands near by gave us a lift and we soon had it all up. Johny came along after sundown - the tree kept them very late at work.

Sunday 28

Indications of rain and a little fell but not sufficient to do much good. the air became cool afterwards. Geo. Loree paid us a visit to day. I wrote a letter to Bro. Alex. Meaford and gave it to Geo. to Mail. Maggie a& Colin are away to meeting to night. Margaret is some better since coming home.

JULY June MONDAY 29 (183-182) 1894 6

Cool to day. the air looks as if cleared up by some electric storm not far away. no rain here however. Johny took his six pigs to Belwood to day. they weighed 965 at $3.80 - he returned home about 3 oclock P.M. 2 hours later than when I drove up there with hogs. Colin and I and Wm Tindal finished scoring and hewing the sill this morning. we had it finished about 1/2 past nine. we then drew it out of the woods to the edge of the clearing and loaded it on the wagon. it is a heavy elm stick. 36 feet long and a foot square - Wm Tindal framed at it this afternoon commencing before dinner. Colin harrowed the potatoes this afternoon, or rather after supper. we were preparing the barn for getting the sill placed in position - Colin drove down to Theakers for the boring machine and other tools of Tindals. and took 4 bags of oats to Duffields to pay back those I borrowed in the fall - I drove over the buggie to Ospringe and hired Hiram Swackhammer's 2 Screw Jacks to lift the barn up to receive the sill. I gave him 50 cents for the job. {in margin} paid back oats to Henry Duffield -

TUESDAY 30 (184-181)

White frost this morning - Again cool to day, but very fine, only so very dry, when we are longing for the rain to revive the drooping crops. we have had a very busy time to day. the first thing Colin and I did was to bag up 22 bags of oats before breakfast and I harnessed the horses too. Colin drew them over to Johnys granary, and we bagged the balance 17 or 18 bags and got them over too before going at Johnys hay to draw it in. Colin then helped Johny till about 4 oclock to take in his hay – 7 loads – I carried out all the chopped stuff out of the granary and tore a good part of it down before Tindal was ready to help me. the 2 Duffield boys came early to help, and after tea a good gathering of the neighbors set about Jacking up the building and clearing away the old sill and getting the new one in place. we had considerable difficulty in getting everything right, and darkness came on before it was quite completed. we had it done however as far as a gathering of men was required, and will wait till morning to finish up - {in margin} drew over 22 bags oats to Johny Barn and dumped them in the Bin. also drew over other 17 bags oats - left them in the bags. put in the new sill in the Barn. tearing down the granary and clearing out chopped stuff &c.

JULY WEDNESDAY 4 1 (185-180) 1894 6

Warmer to day. very hot indeed in the middle of the day. Wm Tindal came along this morning and we finished up the setting the barn on the sill. by wedging up taking out the Jacks &c. we were done somewhere between 9 & ten. Margaret took down Tindals tools to Theakers in the buggy, and intended going on to Mary, but met her down there some where. we then afterwards drove down through Everton to Rockwood and got our new horse at Mrs Pikes. also got the harness. we hitched "Doc" as he is called to the buggy and tried to make Fred follow. this he did not do well and with lines and tie I drove him along side the other. and we got home a little later than the ordinary dinner time. Colin hitched the new horse and King together and plowed up the old strawberry patch and what we intend for the new patch. the horses work well together - they seem to be very much of ione temper - easy going. Colin helped Johny this forenoon to finish up his first hay, by taking off a load and taking in the rakings. {in margin} putting in a new sill in Barn - brought home our new horse "Doc" from Rockwood -

THURSDAY 5 2 (186-179)

An extremely hot day. the heat and drouth are getting so great as to cause great anxiety about the crops. the roots will also suffer. our turnips are not appearing yet. Colin has been hoeing the mangolds to day and toward supper time he and I cut down two little hemlock for flatted beams to place over the granary in the barn. after tea, I drew them out to the clearing and under the hind wheels of the old waggon dreww them up home. Maggie drove Mary home this evening with Fred & buggie, and returned to Mrs Theakers to help Mrs Theaker at their raising. Colin went there also after supper. he is putting up a small drive house. I had quite a run round in search of cedar sticks for sleepers of which I need four - they are hard to get now.

JULY FRIDAY 6 3 (187-178) 1894 6

The hottest day, I think, of this hot spell. it begins to look like rain but comes very tardily. a thunder cloud passed around us and left a good deal rain to the east & South east of us, even the Lorees got quite a nice shower. the dust was hardly laid with us. I drove over to McKinnon's saw mill this forenoon, and paid him the two dollars I borrowed of him the other day. I also bought 150 feet, inch lumber, and a dozen 8 feet scantling. cost $2.60 - I got too, 200 feet lumber for Johny for a rack. the product of logs taken to saw, paid for same 60cts in all $3.20 - Colin drew up one cedar sleeper and took out other 2 this forenoon. after returning home I helped draw them up also procured a fourth one. Johny paid me 15 dollars to day. paid Janet Abbott $4.50. Margaret & I drove to Everton after supper this evening. we were getting some red currant from Mary. I bought 10 lbs wire nails from George Marshall 40 cts - 3lbs 4 inch. 7 lb 3 inch. {in margin} $15.00 from Johny -

SATURDAY 7 4 (188-177)

Hot again to day until the bursting of a thunder cloud, when it became cooler. about 11 oclock A.M. we had a fine heavy shower - which, I think wet the ground fully two inches, and further on in the afternoon we had another splendid shower. the combined showers wet the ground splendidly and we look for the best results from it. as the ground and every growing thing was terribly parched. I drove down for Mary to come up and stay with her mother while Maggie was away down to Georgetown. Colin McMillan drove down Heffernans horse & buggie and took Nelly Heffernan & our Maggie along. I was taking up a part of the barn floor and otherwise preparing for fixing up the barn so as to get our hay in. I have pulled down nearly all the granary, and raised a part of the floor &c. we will have to hurry up and get the barn ready as the hay is drying up - never remember of seeing the timothy so early dead.

Sunday 5

Dull weather, which will give the moisture a chance to work good in the ground. things look much revived after the fine rain of yesterday. Mary drove Fred to meeting this forenoon and George ro{Your comment here...}de back with her. Johny & Bella drove up with the children from Eden. they think we had more rain than them. {in margin} John McKenzie paid me four dollars A.O.U.W. ( $4.00.)

JULY MONDAY 9 6 (190-175) 1894 6

Cooler weather, and duller, the work of the rain does not get dried up as on the dry, hot winds prevailing. Colin and Maggie and Nelly Heffernan returned before noon from Norval. I then drove down with the buggy to Mrs Theakers for Wm Tindals tools, and he came and worked at the barn this afternoon. we flatted the 2 sticks for the top of the granary. also the 2 sleepers. we had quite a job raising the floor and getting the sleepers placed. the mud sill was rotted and sunk in the centre and we had to place cedar peices in to take its place - I sent away with Mary, who went home with Nelly Heffernan, a letter containing two dollars to pay last months A.O.U.W. assints for Johny McKenzie and myself. I overlooked the sending of it last month. don't know of ever having neglected or forgotten doing it before - Johny thought of cutting his hay to day but as the weather looked threatning he went at other work. some of the neighbors have their hay lying cut through all the late rain. it will be badly spoiled. {in margin} cooler after the rain. Colin & Maggie back from Georgetown and Norval - paid last month ass. A.O.U.W.

TUESDAY 10 7 (191-174)

Fine day. Keeps moderately cool. we have been working all day at the barn. Wm Tindal stayed with us all day. the floor had to be fixed up so as to be level and in shape to build the granary upon. it took us till noon to do that. And in the afternoon we got up the flatted beams and put in a number of the studs for the granary - the tearing down &c taking nearly as much time as fitting up. Johny was going to Everton this evening and he took Wm Tindal's tools down to Wm Theakers for us.

JULY WEDNESDAY 11 8 (192-173) 1894 6

Warm to day especially the afternoon. the mottled clouds have been showing up, and in the early part of the night I was predicting rain on that account - the sun, however, on going down, shone up the sky so red and beautifully that it seemed to presage fine weather ahead. Colin has been cutting with the mower to day. he had bad luck with it. there seems to be too many small stones on top of the ground which dulls the knife. one of the guards had the top part broken off and it would not cut right, and I borrowed one of Dugald Robertsons, his mower being of much the same pattern. the meadow is very light but it is fully as good as I have been expecting. the late rains have improved the appearance of things very much. the turnips, that we had almost given up as a gone case, are coming up quite thickly. they will likely be small, it is now so late. Willie drove out from Guelph this evening accompanied by his two cousins, Annie and Edna Sunter. he reports Colin Campbell as being little or no better - it is very sad to see a worthy young man like him drooping and getting into bad health.

THURSDAY 12 9 (193-172)

Cool to day. there has been some rain after all this morning and it kept dull all forenoon. it brightened up some this afternoon. Willie stayed this forenoon and hitched up Johny's colt to our old buggy and drove him round quite a bit. he seemed to come in very quickly and showed no signs of bad temper. Colin finished up the cutting of the meadow with the mower and after supper I gathereed some of it together with the horse rake. Johny helped us to cone it up. I was working some in the barn, putting foreward some of the work which comes through making the changes in the granary &c. we have had quite a lot of visitors, in addition to Willie and the Cousins Mrs David Tolton and the family drove along just as we were at supper and she remained till about sun down when she drove off again for Edward Toltons. Maggie drove down to Everton this evening taking Annie and Edna along. they brought Annie's wheel up. it is a fine looking article. Annie has to be up with the times. I have received a letter from Alex McGregor stating that he and the family are not coming here this summer. they have been invited repeatedly to visit at Creemore at {Patallars?}. and they were some time before deciding what to do but finally made up their minds to go to Creemore.

JULY FRIDAY 13 10 (194-171) 1894 6

Weather somewhat unsettled for haying. the grass that is cut will not make into hay but as there is little sunshine it is not getting injured much. I got some made into haycocks, but the greater part of what was cut yesterday is too green. so we let it alone. Johny and Colin drew in 2 loads this afternoon of Johnys from the field next to Wm Lorees. Colin drew earth to the gang way of the barn and stove wood to the wood house. the rain and unsettled weather is not convenient for haying, nevertheless it would do much good if we got a fair fall of rain at the present time. the turnips are coming now but it requires more moisture to make them grow as they should do, and as they require to do to make up for lost time. the other things, excepting the potatoes, seem to be doing fairly well. the barley is colouring and the oats and peas are both streatching out since the rain. Margaret drove down alone to Everton this evening and Mary accompanied her back. She is fixing a dress for her mother. a letter from Alex. Holyoke, received to night tells of them all being faily well excepting the baby, who keeps not so well and is a matter of concern to them - I half soled a pair of shoes for Maggie to day.

SATURDAY 14 11 (195-170)

A very fine day, the sun has shone out well and the wind has been very drying. with Johny's help, we got things agoing in getting in the hay. we had to clear away the rubbish in the way of getting into the barn, and put up the hay fork - I gathered together all of the hay that was not put up and we hauled in five loads. after which I raked what was in Johny's orchard and they took it in in a load - it was an ackward job to work the horse and rake under the branches of the trees. I did it with our new horse (Doc) - he seems a very patient, good working horse. Colin had to drive to Willie Abbotts at noon to get the hay fork fixed before we could work it. we forgot it was broken - Edna & Annie have quite a time learning to ride the bycicle. they go back by themselves to the back lane and there have it by themselves - {in margin} put up the horse fork and taken in five loads of hay. hay fork fixed - horse raking here and at Johny's. Edna and Annie learninf to ride the Bycicle -

Sunday 12

Very fine day. the Cousins Annie and Edna rode down to Everton with Maggie this morning and they did not return. Maggie also remained till night - Colin brought back the horse and drove himself back again in the evening to bring Maggie home.Margaret and I visited at Webbs this evening.

JULY MONDAY 16 13 (197-168) 1894 6

Quite a heavy shower this morning which laid the dust well. I had to meet Kate Moore this morning at Rockwood at 9:30. And as I made a start the heavy shower came up. another came when I did start. I got 2 front shoes reset on King at Haskins, and was just in time to meet the train. Kate & Mabel and Joe were there, Dugald Robertson was also there and met Toronto freinds (Menzies) after dinner we made ready and all drove down to Robertsons to the reunion of his many freinds to celebrtate the birthday of Uncle Duncan. he was 85 years old yesterday. there was a very pleasant and enjoyable afternoon spent in social converse among the freinds and acquaintances who had not seen each other for a long time. Joe Hindley's organ was brought there. Johny McKenzie had his fiddle and another instrument. the music was good, and Joe also sang quite a number of songs. the supper was grand and about 80 sat down to it, other games were engaged in, and for the young people swings were prepared in the barn. the weather was so fine that the grass outside of the house offered inviting footing for all, and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

TUESDAY 17 14 (198-167)

A very fine day. nice and drying for the balance of the hay. Colin helped Johny to finish up his hay by drawing in his rakings. they then drew in the balance of ours. (3 loads) making the total of the field 8 loads. it is good quality. that makes one load more than last year, and better quality. I raked it with the new horse and drew it up into the mow with King, while Johny's team drew it in from the field, and were done before dinner. the pump at the barn has been a long time out of order and we hauled it up and put on new leather on the plunger and otherwise fixed it. I cut some round the fence below the barley field - Colin has scuffled the corn in the orchard. he drove Kate Moore to Rockwood this evening and had his clothes fitted there that Stinson is making up for him.

JULY WEDNESDAY 18 15 (199-166) 1894 6

Quite a little shower this morning but of very short duration. we would be much the better of a good fall of rain. Crops however are looking much better of the showers that have lately fallen. Colin has been hand hoeing among the corn some to day. he and I made up a trough for the pigs. and I cut some more at the fence corners. Maggie drove the 2 Cousins down to Hugh Blacks place and remained the most of the day. Margaret and I drove down to C. Casinos and took the Case full of eggs (30 doz) for which he allowed 10c per doz. I got a shirt 55cts and a pair of Boots, gaiters, $1.85. –– $2.40. the balance in sugar. except 10c in cash. Bella rode up with their neighbors Mr & Mrs Hagan, who are on the lookout for a home to purchase - they took a look at Webbs place and at ours, also drove over to Thos. Toltons and Dunbars. and we met them on the Town line, on their way home, as the sun was going down. I am preparing this evening for being off for Meaford in the morning along with Thos Tolton.

THURSDAY 19 16 (200-165)

A very fine day. Sunshine and warm cool. I was up early this morning and made ready to be off to Meaford. Colin drove me over to Thos. Toltons after we got breakfast, and I had to wait quite a while before they were ready to start. we got away somewhere between 7 & 8 oclock. it was rather cool for riding and I wore my overcoat with comfort. little Ed Stevens rode along with us. after waiting some for Mary, we met at Billwood, according to arrangement with Mary Stevens & the rest of her family. when the 2 buggies both journeyed together to Wm Hodgins, near Kenilworth where we remained all night. Hodgins was drawing in hay - his crops look fairly well and they seem to be doing very well. they have a very good stone house to live in and the outbuildings are fairly good, he has rented 165 acres and pays $340.00 in advance rent. we passed through Arthur Village in going up and I noted a great improvement in the place since I saw it last. {in margin} Away from Home. drawing up towards Meaford along with Thos. Tolton. stopt all night at Wm Hodgins place . went through Arthur Village.

JULY FRIDAY 20 17 (201-164) 1894 6

A little warmer to day. Thomas & I with our little passenger, (EdStevens) started off from Hodgins before Mary did. And on our way up called at George Gray's place, Mount Forest, they invited us to stay for dinner, which we did. George is very comfortably settled in the Village, and, with his wife, seems to enjoy good health and a comfortable living. they have a good house and a fine garden - he has rented his farm of 100 acres to his 2 sons, and he says, he can live comfortably on the rent and his garden. he says he has half his house rented, for which he receives 50 dollars a year. after paying them a good visit taking a walk round the town awhile, we set out north again and arrived at Holstein in good time. we walked round the Village some and after tea we paid Colin McKinnon a visit. they seem to be very comfortably settles. Edward Stephens had been out in the country on business, but returned later on. the crops appeared to be pretty good most of the way up to this place, but not quite so good round here. {in margin} Still on our journey towards Meaford. Arrived at Holstein this evening - Saw Mr & Mrs George Gray at Mount Forest -

SATURDAY 21 18 (202- 163)

Warmer to day. Thomas and I started off alone this morning on the last stage to Meaford. the road proved to be rather hilly, and in some places they were doing gravelling work which made them heavy - we drove up by way of Flesherton and thence up the Seventh line of Enphrasia and St Vincent. Thomas drove the horse very slowly and carefully and though it was very warm, he did not sweat hardly any - we took dinner at the Railway Station part of Flesherton. and after feeding ourselves and the horse we again started north, reaching Rocklyn somewhere, I think, between 4 & 5 oclock. we fed him again there and made the last stage to Meaford in about 2 1/2 hours. Thos. did not hurry the horse and he arrived in Meaford in good condition. we found all the freinds well and we received a freindly welcome.{in margin} Meaford - arrived at our destination about 8 oclock.

Sunday 19

Fine and warm to day. Thomas attended the meeting at the disciple Church this forenoon, but I remained at Alex's house. we walked together, in the evening, up to William Ewarts.

JULY MONDAY 23 20 (204-161) 1894 6

Weather continues very fine and the Lake is very smooth and glassy looking. I have been moving round the Town and surroundings. Thomas and Ella Sunter took a drive together to visit a Cousin of Thomas'. A Mrs Richardson, Sister to Mrs Jay. Margaret and I together paid a visit and had tea at David Mitchells. we had a very pleasant time with them. David has his house and surroundings very nicely and conveniently arranged, and his garden and lawn looked very fine. he has the advantage of the water works system and has hoes to reach all parts of his garden and premises. All Alex. family are at home and they have Miss Hogg of Collingwood visiting with them. also many callers, so that it is a lively place at present.

TUESDAY 24 21 (205-160)

A very warm day, indeed it was quite hot a good part of the day. Thoas and I drove the horse and buggie up to Jamies place this forenoon, and, after going all round his little farm, which we did with great pleasure, as his vrops are very good - we settled down to dinner. some of the girls took back Thomas' house & buggie to Meaford, and Jamie and Annie & Thomas & I with his horses and a democrat took a drive up to the little Lake.

JULY WEDNESDAY 25 22 (206-159) 1894 6


A most beautiful day. Sunshine and warm. about ten oclock, I think, we saw the fine new steamer Majestic approaching Meaford and Thomas & Brother Alex & I set off for the wharf. the excursion was from Collingwood to Warton, and called at Meaford. the three of us got aboard, and we were surprised to find Maggie & Loui & Miss Hogg also on board. Mr Hogg from Collingwood met them on the whard and bought tickets for them. and made them come. there were, they said, about 850 on board, a brass band accompanied the excursionists. we had a beautiful sail to Warton, so smooth that we could hardly perceive the motion of the vessel. the steamer was very finely finished off and elegantly furnished, on returning home a stiff breeze sprang up which made the Lake a little rough. but it did not affect, but very little, the motion of the vessel. Warton now is very different from the time of my former visit to it. it is built up to be a fine large town, with fairly good buildings. Lumbering and other interests make it have a busy appearance. the road to the town from the wharf is a very bad one, being by the side of the railway track, and between the wagon track and Railway there is not much room for foot passengers, and not safe. I called on the Hunters. James was from home. Called also on Mr Symons, storekeeper. they seem all to be driving a good business -

THURSDAY 26 25 (207-158)

Cooler to day and very windy. we had been in expectation of seeing the steamer "City of Midland" make her appearance with excursionists, as per advertisement. on account of the roughness of the lake it was reported the steamer was going to Collingwood instead of Meaford. this proved erroneous, as we sighted her later on. She arrived. I think, somewhere about 2 oclock, or a little after. there were indications of a good deal of sickness having been on board. it was said there were about 250 passengers. Thomas and I walked up to the Exhibition groundsm where a base ball game had been arranged for between the Meaford and the Midlands. the time being so limited they could only get 3 or 4 innings, when they had to make for the boat at 5 oclock. Meaford players had the best of it.

JULY FRIDAY 27 24 (208-157) 1894 6

Very dull and threatening looking this morning at Meaford - Thomas and I were early astir and made ready for starting home. we got under way, after bidding the freinds good bye, about 7 oclock. when getting a piece on the road, the rain began to fall, and for a time we thought we would have a wet day. it cleared up about noon however, and we had a pleasant drive the rest of the time. as we proceeded south we found less trace of the rain. we reached the same Hotel, Whites, Globe Hotel, about 1/2 past 12, and after a good dinner left there about 2. turned at the 6 Corners and had good roads all the way down to Damascus which place we reached about 1/2 past seven. we put up at Jonathan Tovells. we found the crops were very good the most of the way through {Proton?} and Luther as far as this place. at the head of Luther they were Magnificant - Jonathan is going round with his arm in a sling. he met and accident some time ago which broke his arm or collar bone. he is recovering but not able to work. I called at Isaac Anderson on our way down. they made us welcome to stay with them, but we thought we had better go on to Tovells.

SATURDAY 28 25 (209-156)

A beautiful morning. Thomas and I got up about 1/2 past five this morning and the rest of the house hold were soon after us. after getting breakfast, we took a walk back to see Anderson's folks and have a sight of his garden which was very fine. we were soon on the road again, driving through the marsh, we reached Greigson's place about 1/2 past ten, and being invited, we waited for dinner, where we also got feed for our horse. after dinner we again set out for home. arriving between 4 & 5 oclock. Thomas brought me home but would not stop for tea. thus wound up our journey to Meaford, they had a rain here a week ago. {in margin} Damascus

Sunday 26

Dull and threatning rain in the morning -

JULY MONDAY 30 27 (211-154) 1894 6

Considereable rain has fallen which will do the roots a lot of good. our turnips are rather far advanced especially as they are rather thickly sown and the pine grass is growing up amongst them. I expected Colin would have had them done, or about, in the 9 days I was away. as it was he ran through the corn and potatoes with the scuffler and may have hand hoed, a little at them. I wish he had made it more his business to see that the turnips were thinned. he hasn't done the third of them, I don't think. he and I have been thinning at them to day, but the land is rather soft to make good head way. and there have been showers to prevent us sticking at them. while some of them lasted we worked some in the barn at the work of fixing up the granary. Maggie has been, along with Geo. Abbott and the Webb girls, picking raspberries in Lynnotts bush behind our sugar bush. she got over 5 lbs. they had to come home on account of getting wet, but went out again only to be served the same way again.

TUESDAY 31 28 (212-153)

An extremely hot day. the showers of yesterday have not cooled the air. there have been thunder showers passing around us, we hear that heavy rain fell at Guelph. Colin has been thinning at the turnips all day. I did not go at them, but was busy at other things. I was pulling a long time at a patch of wild oats we have found in the north front field. I also fixed up the hog pen for receiving the 2 batches of young pigs. the trough was leaking and I had to patch it up. it kept me busy. in the evening I hitched up and Margaret and I drove down to Everton and got the papers and a letter for Maggie from Mrs Garbut. also got 25c worth oatmeal. 12 lbs. we called, on returning home, at David Robertsons for a mower guard for our mower, as I think to cut our barley. David was away and I borrowed one from Dugald again. Thomas Mac is laid up sick, - the doctor attending. Met Mr & Mrs Bryant coming from Everton - they arranged to visit us to day.

August July WEDNESDAY 1 29 (213-152) 1894 6

Very close and hot this forenoon. thunder clouds began to loom up about noon, which culminated at last in a violent thunder storm with very heavy rain & wind between one and two oclock. our crops I fear will be damaged considerably especially the heaviest of the oats - some of which look as if a roller had passed over them - Mr & Mrs Bryant paid us a visit to day and had dinner & tea with us. they came shortly after 11 oclock, and they went home with Willie, as he returned home to Guelph. he came out for a straw cutter that John Campbell had up at Mimosa., but which has been taken away. Colin hoed turnips up to dinner time but the deluge of rain stopped all that. he has been taking down the erection we had up for the 2 litters of pigs in the cattle stable. we took the pigs to the pig house this morning. Colin weighed one that weighed 50 lbs. Johny and Lizzie are away to Jeenie Crofts wedding this afternoon. I cut the weeds, this morning, in the lane leading to Johnys, and spent the balance of the time pulling at the wild oats up to noon. after which I remained in the house with the Bryants -

THURSDAY 2 30 (214-151)

The air has not cleared up fully yet. it remains warmer than might be expected after such a storm. the wind rose however and is raising the fallen grain a little. we hope it will {b??ing} it up again as otherwise it will be damaged both in filling and in its harvesting.Colin and I dusted the potatoes to day with the bug killer. we did it in the forenoon but had difficulty in doing it as the wind rose too high. we spent the rest of the day at the turnips hoeing. the turnips are getting hard to do on account of them being too thickly sown and the pine grass is getting very strong and thick,

August July FRIDAY 4 31 (215-150) 1894 6

A very fine day. the wind has risen and drying up everything again. I finished up the dusting of the potatoes (12 rows) before breakfast this morning. Colin and I afterwards hoed at the turnips till dinner time. I quit a little before dinner and harnessed the team and got the mower out, so as to cut down the barley. we sharpened the knife and Colin cut it down this afternoon. I hope it will keep dry till we get it in the barn. I hoed at the turnips till supper time. after which I had trouble with the pigs getting into the peas. Mrs Andrew Tolton with her two little girls Ethel & Hattie, were visiting us this afternoon. Andrew is at McDermotts fixing a pea harvester they have lately purchased . I paid four dollars ($4.00) to William Tindal payment in full to date for the work done at the barn. Johny got 15 lbs of the bug killer besides can full.{in margin. right edge slightly cut off.} killing pot{atoe}bugs - cut barl{ey} with mo{wer} - hoeing the turnips - Mrs Andrew Tolton and 2 children visiting from Guelph - paid four dollars to Wm Tindal -

August SATURDAY 5 1 (216-149)

A very fine day. warm in the forenoon, and gathered for rain after noon. Colin and I hoed at the turnips this forenoon. I hitched up Fred, after dinner, to the horse rake and raked about half of the barley when we were stopped by the rain coming on. Johny & Colin drew in 2 loads and we cocked up the rest that I had gathered together. if we had started at it as soon as the dew had dried up we could have had it all in the barn easily, but I thought it would be the better of standing till after dinner and therby was caught - I drove Fred down to the blcksmith shop and Mr Hoskin put on 4 new shoes on him . I did not pay him for it. I then drove down to the mill and got 100 lbs shorts. pd 60cts for them. ordered 50 lbs binding twine from Geo. Marshall. at 8c per lb. paid illegible Oct. 1/4 ct off for cash - Sunday 2 A very fine day, the weather appeared of doubtful settlement in the early part of the day, but became cooler and more settled looking in the after part - Maggie drove alone to meeting this forenoon and Mary accompanied her home. She & Mary with Colin went again in the evening. I wrote a letter to Alec. Holyoke and with a card to James Ramshaw and 2 papers Mercuries for Mrs Peavoy - gave them to Mary to mail in the morning.

AUGUST MONDAY 6 3 (218-147) 1894 6

A beautiful day. bright sunshine and warm. Colin and I hoed at the turnips this forenoon. there are yet about 35 long rows to thin and they are getting too large and as they are quite thick it is a hard and tedious job to single them. After dinner I raked the balance of the barley and Johny helped Colin to draw it in. there was 3 loads to day, making 5 loads in all. Johny paid me fourteen dollars & 50 cts ($14.50). Mrs Garbut & Fred & 2 of the girls paid us a visit to day. had tea with us. I drove over to Erin Village after Supper, and paid 2 double Assm'ts & dues. one for John McKenzie and one for self. also ten cents each for last months levy. A.O.U.W. I also settled up in full with Charles Overland for the undertaking work of Minnies funeral & burial. 12 dollars. making 27 dollars in all with my former payment of 15 dollars. I also bought a pair of harvest gloves, oil can and fork handle for Johny's barley fork which I ran over with the hay rake, and broke to day. I remained over to the Lodge meeting. there was a very poor attendance. the new hall is a very commodious and pleasant one. and I should say more healthful than the old one, in that it can be thoroughly ventilated. {in margin} took in the last of the barley - hoeing the turnips - Johny p'd me $14.50 - drove top Erin Village - settled with C. Overland - paid 2 double assm't & dues & 10 cents extra, for John McKenzie & myself - in all $5.20, purchases -

TUESDAY 7 3 4 (219-146)

Another fine day. the indications pointed to a change - we are not caring to have any more rain at present, but we may have to take it for all. Johny helped us at the thinning of the turnips from about ten oclock this forenoon. there was about 28 rows to do. Mrs Garbut and Fred were here this afternoon - they brought back the democrat. they drove home to Norval after tea. Margaret and I were invited to our tea at Richard McWilliams in company of Mr & Mrs Bryant and others. we attended and had a very pleasant time. I drove down to Everton this evening and got 50 lbs twine, also 50 lbs for Johny. it is the red Cap 7 3/4c if paid by the 15th and eight cents of paid 1st Oct.

AUGUST WEDNESDAY 8 5 (220-145) 1894 6

Thunder and lightning and rain last night. cleared up to day again. we finished up the thinning of the turnips this forenoon. Johny and I hunted up a stick in the bush to make a tongue for the binder before dinner. after dinner we rigged up the binder and started to cut in the black oats in South front field. Some little things going wrong, it hindered the work sone to get them fixed. I have been feeding the corn to the cows for some days - 2 of the cows seem to relish it all right but the other 2 are a little dainty about it. I went down to Webbs this evening and brought home the young goose that is "hors de combat" from an accident that befel it in Webbs beaver meadow. I brought home a stick from the bush and commensed to work it up to make it fit for a tongue for the binder. The horses worked fine together Johny's Nettie works along with our span of bays.

THURSDAY 9 6 (221-144)

Very hot weather, it seems that the thunder & lightning does not cool the air and it feels as if preparation is being made for another outbreak of thunder. Johny & Colin have finished up at the black oats and started in to the north front field. the machine gave them a good deal of trouble and caused much delay by failing to deliver the sheaf - the trip worked all right, but upon the trip being releived of its hold the delivery arms failed to go round and throw off the sheaf. McWilliams boys–– or rarther George & his father–– think they see it similarly wrong to what their own was and it will have to go to the shop. I may go in tomorrow. Willie was out fron Guelph this morning and drove away so as to get back by dinner time. John Campbell brought his organ to Johny's this morning and Willie expected that he might have to drive up for it. one of the Parkers brought it down however and saved Willie the trouble - I have been hoeing the thistles in potatoe patch.

AUGUST FRIDAY 10 7 (222-143) 1894 6

An extremely fine day. it was nice and cool early this morning, but the sun had no sooner made its appearance than it became perceptibly warmer which increased greatly as the day wore on. I got up early this morning knowing that I had to go to Guelph with the parts of the knotter that failed to work. the delivering part would not work. Johny was anxious to see me back at dinner time. but, on such a hot day as this is much easier to talk about it than to do it. I drove in Fred and our own buggie and reached Guelph between 9 & 10 oclock. other work prevented them doing my job right away. so I drove up to Willie's and fed my horse and had my own dinner. getting away for home between 12 & 1. Johny immediatly attached the pieces and started work in our north front field where he did faily well till night. Colin moulded up a large portion of the potatoes while I was away. he also dusted 5 rows with the bug killer. I hoed a good share of the thistles in potatoe patch, afternoon. paid a dollar to Toltons for fixing the parts of the knotter,

SATURDAY 11 8 (223-142)

Another steaming hot day. Johny attempted to finish up the cutting of our oats in north front field and when nearly done was met by another provoking little break which necessitated him going to the blacksmith shop to get fixed. he got done shortly after dinner, and then left for his own oats (mixed with wheat) behind the barn, they got along very well for the time. the grain does not stand well and makes it more tedious to cut. I put on the bug killer on about the half of our potatoe patch this morning, and hoed some afterwards. Colin also helping for awhile when Johny was away to the blacksmith shop. Maggie and her mother drove down to Everton this afternoon - I was choring around but did not go to the field on account of the great heat.

Sunday 9

Another blisterer of a day. the sun has been terribly hot - Maggie and Colin have been twice to Everton meeting. Mary came up with them and George walked up, David Robertson wife & two youngest children also came along. they had all dinner and tea with us and, but for the heat passed a very pleasant time. I helped Johny up with his sow and 10 young pigs from the bush.

AUGUST MONDAY 13 0 (225-140) 1894 6

Continues extremely hot and sultry. the sun shone out brightly this forenoon, but the afternoon brought dulness and threatning clouds around, towards evening there was a heavy thunder Cloud passed round to the south of us. a very little rain fell here. Johny went to the blacksmith shop this morning and got another part of the knotter fixed that had given away. it was about ten oclock before he started to cut, he finished up the cutting of the mixed crop by dinner time however, and then after dinner cut fully 3 acres of his wheat by early supper time. after supper he and Colin started into our wheat and cut down about the half of it (about 3 acres) before quiting time. I have worked among the potatoes all day. first took the team and Gale Harrow to soften the land before moulding. they were so buggy however that I thought it best to pick them first. so spent about 4 hours in picking over 30 rows . I then, after tea, ran the Gale Harrow through them and made a fine job. they are now ready for the final moulding. Colin moulded the other half of them by going through them twice with the plow.

TUESDAY 14 11 (226-139)

Another very hot day. the sun burns very hard on these days. Johny finished cutting the spring wheat this forenoonand then moved into the 5 acre patch immediatly behind it in the next field. the oats are very heavy and badly down, so that they can only be cut in two ways. another of the connections of the packers broke again to day and luckily there was an old one to spare with which Johny kept the machine going. I got a new one from Willie Abbott this evening - I ran the Gale Harrow through the turnips to day, with Fred and Jeenie Mare. it made a good job of them. my back and {hench?} have been very sore to day and sitting on the Gale harrow has not improved it any. there has been much lightning this evening. the thunder and lightning is getting so heavy lately as to cause much damage throughout the country.

AUGUST WEDNESDAY 15 12 (227-138) 1894 6

There was quite a thunderstorm last night and considerable rain fell. I am getting anxious to see our cutting done so that we can have it housed on the first opportunity. Johny finished cutting oats before supper time this afternoon and he & Colin went right off to the quarry field. Colin and I walked over to James Symott's this morning in search of the 4 calves that strayed over there. we could not find them all at once, and Colin soon returned to the cutting again, while I eventually got the cattle and drove them round the road. after dinner I moulded up the potatoes with the old grey horse. Boulton & Walter Cutting were here looking at the old grey horse with a view of threshing with him but I did not encourage them - I would rather shoot the old horse than subject him to ill treatment, and I rather guess they would not use him too well.

THURSDAY 16 13 (228-137)

Although it is what might be called very warm weather, still it is not nearly so hot as these late days that have passed. I notice by the papers that a great many deaths have taken place in a number of the large American cities, through the great heat. Johny has cut at his oats in the quarry field to day but, as they have to be cut principally the one way it makes it a much more tedious job. Colin and I took in 2 loads of the black oats this forenoon while Johny cut away and Colin counted on catching up with him, which he did. I dusted about 30 rows of the potatoes with the bug killer this morning, had them done before 10 oclock. I sewed the seams in my boots this afternoon and afterwards plowed and harrowed the strawberry patch. which was much in need of cleaning. drove down to Everton this evening for the mail and was accompanied home by Bennie Gollap, wife and child, also Maggie Mitchell with them.

AUGUST FRIDAY 17 14 (229-136) 1894 6

Cool at night and dry and warm through the day. Johny and Colin have been laying hard at the cutting and shocking to day. they finished up all the sheaf cutting doing the new piece after tea. it was a fine crop and stood fairly well –– over 3 acres –– I remained with Bennie Gollap & his company this forenoon. they went to Johnys for dinner. I hoed some this afternoon at the second hoeing of the turnips.

SATURDAY 18 15 (230-135)

Another fine harvest day. dry and warm - we are anxious to be at the hauling in of the grain. neither Johny nor ourselves have had, up to this afternoon any sheaf grain into the barns - Colin helped Johny at his potatoes this forenoon he moulded them all up while Johny put paris green on them. he has been wanting to get at them this some time back, but on account of the cutting could never manage it. we hauled in 3 loads of black oats, making 5 loads in all. also 5 loads in north front field – which finished it. we have now 10 loads of oats in altogether, and our barley.

Sunday 16

A very fine day. warm in the middle of the day, but got much cooler towards evening. Margaret and I drove down to McKenzies to day. we left here about 8 A.M. and reached there before ten. we stayed till after tea. John has all his harvest done, but his peas. they are well. the crops are only middling. he hardly knows what to think about staying or leaving. we called at Stewarts on our way home -

AUGUST MONDAY 20 17 (232-133) 1894 6

A splendid harvest day. a little bit {go?ly} & threatning and a few drops of rain fell at times but nothing to interfere with harvest work - Johny has been drawing in all day. I helped them in the mow. he took in the mixed grain behind his barn, and afterwards the wheat – 8 loads in all. (2 in potatoe field) they afterwards drew in 5 loads of our oats. making 13 loads hauled to day. the stuff is in fine order. but some of the oats are very worthless on account of the rust which has seriously affected a large proportion of the later oats. we hear that Wm Usherwood has 2 fields not worth the cutting but for the straw. our north back field oats are our worst although they are New Zealand. they dont seem to be so badly rusted as blighted with the terrible heat that has so long prevailed.

TUESDAY 21 18 (233-132)

Cooler to day. fine harvest forenoon, a heavy rain cloud came up, this forenoon and stopt us drawing in. we had just finished up the oats all to the rakings, and I had been raking as they were drawing in. we took in 3 loads to day. – very large loads – with the rakings 19 loads in all. on getting stopt we arranged the machinery and vehicles and placed them in order in the driving house over the way. and Colin went to the flax pulling at John Webbs this afternoon - Horace Tovell came at noon to cut peas for Johny with scythe and Johny also went at the same work. I expected he would have gone to Webbs too but he did not go. I finished up the raking of oats in the back north field and bunched them. I guess we wont trouble to rake any of the rest as we can let the pigs into all the rest. I drove to Everton this evening and got the mail. I settled with Geo, Marshall for the turnip seed and brought home the balance of the hungarian grass seed. he sold a bushel for which he allowed me a dollar, the turnip seed was 80c. I got 15c in money and a {dipper?} 5c.

AUGUST WEDNESDAY 22 19 (234-131) 1894 6

A splendid harvest day. cool and dry. we finished drawing in our sheaves to day by taking in our goose wheat. there was somewhere betweeen 5 & 6 acres and we took it in 3 loads. they were very large however. Colin was making a kind of brag about it which made him load so heavy. John Mutrie sent 2 men to Johny to day to help him. and Johny goes to help him thresh on Friday. Sandy Rea and McDonald, Rea helped us draw in, besides the wheat we had a load of oat rakings. after we got through (about 2 oclock) we then drew at Johnys peas. took in 6 loads. he also had a load of rakings (oats). Harry Tovell has been pulling peas for Johny a day and half, and Johny and McDonald all day. excepting that Johny left them to help draw in after supper. Colin went to a flax pulling Bee at Coffeys after supper, and did not return till after eleven. I hoed 6 rows of turnips before starting to draw in. Colin hoed 3. Maggie and her Mother drove together and paid Mrs James McDermott a visit this afternoon.

THURSDAY 23 20 (235-130)

Another grand harvest day. the temperature now for a little time back has ruled much lower than during the awful heated term. and people have a chance to sleep at night and work with comfort through the day. Johny has put himself well foreward with his harvest to day. Colin has had the team there all day and Robert McWilliams and Johny Burnett with the team were helping also in the afternoon. Horry Tovell was pulling peas this afternoon. I hoed in the turnips this forenoon. Roby Mutrie helped them in the mow, while Johny & Colin drew in at oats, but when they started on the 2 teams they then wanted me on. Mr & Mrs David Stewart came along before dinner and I did not like to leave them but David knows how to excuse farmers in harvest time. they stayed on till after supper and seemed to enjoy themselves very well. I drove to Everton after quiting time and got the mail. have engaged Horry Tovell to come and cut peas tomorrow. I let the pigs into the wheat stubble for the first to day.

AUGUST FRIDAY 24 21 (236-129) 1894 6

Continues very fine harvest weather. the heat has been but moderate and late peas & oats are having a good time for ripening. there are a great many poor oats throughout the country. the great heat struck the late oats just at filling time and killed and blighted them. Horry Tovell and Colin have been pulling peas with the scythe to day. they say they are a good crop and they pulled about three acres to day. it is a nice clean job and but very little spilling. I hoed in the turnips all day. and cleaned, I think, 22 rows. the turnips seem to be doing very well lately, although they wou{l}d do much better with more rain. the ground is too dry for either potatoes or turnips. Johny & Lizzie went over to John Mutries to day. they are threshing at the old place and John Mutrie always likes to have Johny over to help him. I thought to keep Horry Tovell over to morrow so as to have the rest of our field done, but as he charged a dollar a day, I paid him for todays work and told him I could not afford to give so high a wage. some are only charging 75cts and it is as much as any farmer can afford to pay.

SATURDAY 25 22 (237-128)

Fine harvest weather. weather a shade warmer to day. Colin went to Guelph to day in company of his brother. he hired Charliue Duffield to take his place to day. Johny got in the last of his peas (3 loads) and a load of oat rakings. we had to take in a load after dinner, and got a start of our own at 2.{10?} we almost finished taking in ours, we had 6 loads and put them up into our swing beam mow with the horse fork - Charlie and I moved them away while Johny managed the fork. Maggie led out King. the peas are in fine order and seem to be fairly well podded and a good crop of straw. Margaret drove to Guelph taking butter & eggs. Ruth McWilliams was kind enough to accompany her as neither Maggie nor I could very well go on account of the drawing in of the peas. the butter brought 16 & 15cts and the eggs 9 & 10 cts. she went to Willies - he returned from Meaford last Friday forenoon (at 10 oclock) drove from James Cunninghams that morning and from Meaford the day previous to Cunninghams. he left Colin Campbell up there. it was thought his health had improved -

Sunday 23

A little rain fell last night, and there was some thunder. it was all cleared off this morning and we have had a fine day. a little warmer again. Maggie and Colin were at Everton meeting this A. M. Willie and Jeenie drove out from Guelph this forenoon and had dinner with us. John Campbell & Willie McDougal drove down to meet Jeenie. She went up to her Mother who has been lately quite ill. Mr Dunbar drove out this evening and paid us a visit. we went down together to Webbs. Margaret was also down there awhile this evening.

AUGUST MONDAY 27 24 (239-126) 1894 6

A very fine harvest day. Cool and dry. the sunshine out rather warm in the middle of the day. some rain at present would be very acceptable as the potatoes and turnips are both needing moisture. Colin and I cut round the balance of the peas in the middle field and then pulled them out with the horse and revolving rake. Johny held the rake and I drove the horse and Colin forked them back after dinner, I forked them back before dinner, while Colin drove. we commenced drawing in about 3 oclock and had 2 loads in before supper. we took in other 2 loads after tea which finished the field – 10 loads in all – Charles McDougal came along before tea to renew the insurance of Mrs {Annie?} Peavoys house in Everton - I renewed it for her. and Charles gave me an "Interim receipt". if paid before the 20th of next month. then the business will be completed. if not paid by that time I agreed to call at the Office and sign a note of hand for the amount and can take 3 months to pay it in. without interest. we have yet to pull the peas on the stony acre. they are green on the tops of the vines but ripe below. as I think of plowing and sowing it to fall wheat we will likely pull the peas right away and get them off the ground. {in margin - right edge cut off} pulled about 2 acres of peas with t{he} horse a{nd} pea rake - hauled them in to the ba{rn} this P.M. renewed Mrs A S. Peavoy house insuran{ce} by Charles McDoug{al} -

TUESDAY 28 25 (240-125)

Very fine weather but very dry. a good fall of rain is very much needed now to moisten the ground for the plow and to make the roots grow. I hoed 8 rows of the turnips this afternoon and the ground is very dry and dusty. I drove to Everton this morning with the team and lumber waggon taking down a cord of Tamarac wood to Annie Abbott. I left the waggon with Robertson to put a new tongue and hind bolster into it. I hitched the democrat behind the waggon on going down and had it to come home with. I got a 100 of flour at the mill. $1.75 not paid. Sam Congdon rode up with me, and I gave him an order for some fruit trees. they may be delivered this fall, or not till spring and it is optional with me whether I pay them this fall or spring. Maggie and her Mother drove over to Toltons in the buggie this forenoon and did not return till after seven at night. we had to get our own dinner and wait late for supper. Toltons are yet busy at their harvest. Colin has been pulling the peas on the stony acre with the scythe and pulled them all to about an hour & half's work

AUGUST WEDNESDAY 29 26 (241-124) 1894 6

Continues splendid weather for finishing up the late harvest. dry and warm through the day cool at night. Colin finished up the pea pulling this morning and afterwards hoed at the turnips along with me. Colin advised me to pull in the peas. although some of them were a little green on the tops. so we hitched up after dinner and drove out to the field. we were rather late however, as there was quite a heavy shower came up before we had the third of the peas on and I had to run in with them . after tea I hitched on to the denocrat and drove down to Everton and brought home the lumber waggon. Robertson had it fixed. (new tongue and holster) I paid him $1.50. owe him 25cts yet. Grace Ann Abbott paid me a dollar & half for the wood I took down to her and I got a letter containing 5 dollars, from James Ramshaw. the rack being on the waggon, I brought home from Charle Casinos 14 empty barrells for holding apples. they are 10c each. didn't pay them.

THURSDAY 30 27 (242-123)

Very fine and pleasant day. I am nearly laid up to day. My back is much worse - I think the drive home last night from Everton on top of the barrells on the lumber waggon is the cause. it was quite cold and I got very chilly - Colin and I rigged up the lumber waggon with Robert Morton's wood rack and loaded on a load of the tamarack wood for Mrs. Pike. I was not able to go on account of my back. and after getting the load ready, we hoed turnips till dinner time and then Colin took it down to Rockwood. they found there was a cord and quareter when they piled it. I covered "Doc's" bit with leather. his mouth is very tender and it makes him awkward and unpleasant to drive.

AUGUST FRIDAY 31 28 (243-122) 1894 6

A beautiful day. a little frost last night, cool morning and nights but completely warm through the day. I have suffered a great deal to day from a lame back. the pain that has annoyed me for these two or three weeks increased very much to day. I think being exposed to the cold last Wednesday night bringing home the barrells made it worse. I turned the peas before dinner, and Colin & Johny took them in after tea - Colin started to plow in the the north front field. he also cut down the Hungarian grass. I hitched to the buggie this afternoon and, with Margaret, drove up to see Mrs Cathraw. She is some better and was sitting up on the edge of the bed when we were there. she has got a pretty bad shake but she says she does not suffer any pain of consequence - Jeenie is getting rather impatient at being away from home and is anxious to get her Mother into Guelph with them. her mother has agreed to go and may try and go tomorrow. coming down as far as our place first and then I to drive her to Guelph afternoon. Cathraw's family seem to be dissatisfied about their stepmother coming there and have nearly all left. he is a green stick anyway. he does not try to make matters pleasant or agreeable for all parties. {in margin} finished grain harvest.

SATURDAY 4 29 (244-121)

The weather continues much the same. cool nights with a little frost and dry and warm through the day. Colin plowed in the north front field to day. after tea he took the team and got a load of flax loaded of John Webbs which they agreed to take into Guelph for him on Monday. I was hoeing this forenoon in the turnips, Jeenie came down from her Mother's this forenoon and wished to get to Guelph. they were afraid it would be too crowded for 3 to ride in the buggie, so they intend to drive out again for her. I drove Jeeneie to Guelph after dinner. we left here at 1.20, and reached Willies at 3.30. I did some shopping when the horse rested & fed. got an apple parer, 45c – smooth sickle 25c – 1/2 bushel tomatoes 15c – box Fraser's axle grease 13c. high No 7 share and a pair of double plow shares, 85c – John Campbell paid me 85c for bag of oats. pair plow lines 25c – got back home between 9 & 10 P.M. I drove to the G.T.R. Guelph and met Annie Sunter & Colin Campbell as they returned from Meaford. drove Annie home. Willie took her trunk -

Sunday 30.

Fine day. had quite a shower about 5 P.M. Bella & John McKenzie & children accompanied our folks from Everton meeting. Mary also was with them. John tells me he has given up the place. had a visit of Mr & Mrs John Webb also Nancy Currie and her child. I wrote to Robert Wood. enclosing 2 dollars for A.O.U.W. ass'm't for John & self.

SEPTEMBER August MONDAY 31 (246-119) 1894 6

Very cool to day. some frost again last night and this morning. Colin started off the morning about 7 oclock. George and him had their loads into Robert McWilliams barn to keep them dry. Colin returned about 7 P.M. being 12 hours away. John and Colin Campbell drove out from Guelph to get their mother today. they had their dinner with us and drove up Fred, so as to have their own horse (Jack) fresh. they encountered opposition from Isaiah Cawthra however, and John came down alone and is driving to Guelph to night intending to return tomorrow with a cab for their Mother. I have been hoeing turnips to day. they are all done except 33 rows, and I hope to get them done tomorrow. they are not so hard to do now. there is less Jane grass or any other weeds among them, and I hope to do them tomorrow and afterwards get them scuffled. I put the 20 pigs into the back field to day so as to pick up the peas in the stony acre. I want to get it plowed and sowed to fall wheat.

September TUESDAY 4 1 (247-118)

A very fine day. nice for drying up the hungarian grass - John & Colin Campbell & Jeenie drove out from Guelph to day in a buss. they hired it, with a horse to mate their own, to take their mother to Guelph. they returned from Cawthra's in the middle of the afternoon on their way to Guelph, Mrs Cawthra seemed to be getting on very nicely in the conveyance. they got some refreshments here and then went on again. After dinner Colin and I with Johny's help went at to rake up and take in the hungarian grass. I raked it together while Johny & Colin loaded it on the wagon. there were 2 loads of it. the first was large. the second not so large. after getting the first load off and while Colin was moving the wagon away from where it was pitched off, Johny, who was moving about inside the rack at the same time, lost his balance and fell heavily on his right side on the sill of the rack. he seemed badly injured and lay for some time in pain. this evening Lizzie and he drove sown to Everton to see the doctor. the doctor advises absolute rest for a few days, and directed to put on a mustard plaster on the part that is injured. he says the chield danger is from inflamation or Pleurisy. Colin and I finished up the Hungarian grass by ourselves. I am not very fit to fork hay but there was nothing else for it.

SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 5 2 (248-117) 1894 6

A fine day to day, as we are now booked for threshing a couple of days, beginning tomorrow morning at Robert McWilliams. I got Colin started in good time to plow up the stony acre for fall wheat. I was a little afraid that, from the stony nature of the ground, he might find it difficult to get it all turned over. he got it done however, besides a few rounds on the around the adjoining oat stubble. it will be in order now to get the stone taken off and the seed sown and harrowed in tomorrow. I hoed 12 rows of the 24 rows of turnips this forenoon. I hitched up the horse & buggie and drove down to Dan Talbot's and got a bag of fall wheat (Dawsons golden chaff) I paid $1.60 for it , 70cts per bushel. 140 lbs. called by Everton on my way home, and got the papers &c. a letter from brother Alex. Meaford. is inviting me to meet him at Toronto at the Exhibition, I wrote him the other day telling him I would not go there this season.

THURSDAY 6 3 (249-116)

Quite a nice rain last night, and it had not cleared up this morning. there was not much rain this morning however. Robert McWIlliams threshed to day and did not get quite done. I went to the threshing until about 10 oclock. they ran through all the peas by that time, over 150 bushels. they think - Colin drew off the stones from the stony acre and took down the roller and harrows and I took the team, with the bag of fall wheat down after dinner, and sowed the piece by hand and harrowed it 3 times. I then took off the larger stones and rolled it. the piece of ground looks as if it might be worked up now without much trouble. it has lain between 30 & 40 years without being in crop. of course we had a hard job this spring stoning it and breaking it up.

SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 7 4 (250-115) 1894 6

A very fine day. the little rain that has fallen has softened the ground somewhat and it will also freshen up the grass, and the turnip and potatoes will be greatly benefited by it. Colin has been at the threshing all day. they finished up Robert McWilliam's by about 1/2 past 8 this morning and they think they had the machine going at Robert Mortons in about an hour after. they threshed all of Roberts grain only his peas, and only did a few of them. I had quite a job starting the double plow this morning. I put on a pair of new shares and one of them was a very bad fitting one and I had a terrible job getting it on. after getting the shares on, I had then to polish things up as they had become very rusty. it was about ten oclock before I got a start at the field to plow. I got along very well however. Colin had it nearly half plowed and I would have finished it had I got on it in the ordinary time.

SATURDAY 8 5 (251-114)

Very threatening to day. and some rain did fall, but, though not very pleasant for working out, there was not enough to stop work. Colin finished the north front field {ganing?} in an hour, and then went to the oat stubble behind , this way of the stony acre he finished it up. he broke a piece of each of the plow shares. the ground is very stony close by the stony acre , and on some of them the shares caught and broke. I hoed 6 rows of the turnips this forenoon while out awhile. ther are yet 6 rows left. the tops have got so large that I think of letting them alone. the Gale harrow especially would tear them too bad. the wheels are apt to run down on top of the plants. the rows should be a little wider for it to work well among them. I hitched up the old horse and drew off the small stones off the stony acre this P.M. Maggie and her Mother drove to Guelph to day with the buggie and Fred. they had butter & eggs. 16c better. 12c eggs. $6.00 the lot. Johny is up to day. and outside with his overcoat on. he is some better.


A splendid rain last night. the ground to day seemed to be pretty well saturated. Maggie and her Mother drove to Everton meeting this forenoon. Colin walked away up about Robertsons, in the evening, he drove Maggie to Everton Meeting. Mother accompanied them as far as Macks. they have a sick child. Howard Tolton & wife and baby paid us a visit this afternoon.

SEPTEMBER MONDAY 10 7 (253-112) 1894 6

Cool at night, and very fine through the day. Splendid weather for plowing and doing other work in the field. Colin plowed in South front field this forenoon. he went to Robert Kerr's bee this afternoon. I partly made a large rack for drying apples on this forenoon. drove over, after getting dinner, to Dunbar's to see if he was going to Erin Village this evening. he agreed to go, and I hurried back and plowed till 5 oclock, when I unhitched and did up the chores and got supper. I started for the Village at about 7 oclock, and was a few minutes ahead of Dunbar at Ospringe. he rode the balance of the road with me, and thos. Russell drove his horse. I bought a large Belladona plaster for Johnys sore side. it just cost 30cts. we had quite a discussion of the Charges introduced by the Supreme Lodge A.O.U.W. relative to the graded system of assessments. it was rather a thin meeting for the discussion of so important a matter and it was suggested that another opportunity (illegible) be given for further discussion at another meeting. an initiation in the workman degree to night.

TUESDAY 11 8 (254-111)

A beautiful day. warm sunshine although cool at night. Colin attended at Isaac Theaker's threshing all day. I was anxious to put in a whole day at the double plow but circumstances were against me getting any more than about half a day works at it. I finished up ripping stuff and makong aple rack this morning before starting at the plow. and at about 3.30 P.M. Bella & Mrs Lang came driving along from Erin. Bella came up to see Johny as soon as she heard of him getting hurt. I got little done after that as I finally unhitched at 5 oclock to {tea?} after which time they started off home and I hitched to the buggy and drove over to Standish's to get Margaret. she had gone there visiting this P.M. we got a nice lot of strawberry plants. and I had a long conversation with Joseph Standish - Richard's brother. he is a very intelligent man. he lives at Bellville and is in the Govm't Service. Johny & Lizzie drove over to Mutries this afternoon and Bella did not see {see?} after driving all the way up.

SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 12 9 (255-110) 1894 6

Fine weather. cooler at night but not so cool as it has been in the past. the temperature seems to be rising again. very likely we will get another warm spell. I finished plowing the south front field this forenoon and started to plow in the pea field. 3rd field back on south side. Colin hitched up Fred and Brit, and hauled out a load of short manure and spread it over the strawberry patch. he afterwards harrowed it. I found there was quite a scattering of small stones on the pea land so I got him to go at it and gather them off. received a letter from Ewart Holyoke. we have had a long wait for it. and I wrote them a scolding letter the other day which they had not got at the time they wrote. "out of sight of mind" is a very true axiom, too true indeed. {in margin - young roan cow to McWilliams Bull - }

THURSDAY 13 10 (256-109)

A very warm day. the sun shone out quite hot and made it very oppressive to work. I have been plowing with the double plow in the pea land. some of it is very hard and dry. the new shares however take good hold of it. Colin finished picking the stones off it about 11 oclock this forenoon. he drew in a load of stove wood before dinner. we went to Coffey's after dinner expecting them to thresh. they did not get through at Kerr's till 4 oclock however, and Colin came back and fired the swamp. it made a great blaze and, I think, it has made a very clean job - Johny has recovered so as to go to Coffey's threshing and drive the horses on the machine - he has Thomas Macks oldest boy on working the team at the double plow. we hear of several cases of Typhoid fever around. they fear Willie Tindal has it - Joseph Croft is very ill at present with it. James McCullough's two sons are down with it. little Stanley Tovell also.

SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 14 11 (257-108) 1894 6

Another very warm day. there has been quite a stiff breeze this afternoon which has made the heat more bearable. Colin has been at Coffey's threshing all day. it is not finished up yet. they think it will take them till nearly noon tomorrow. Duffields boys think Albert has not push enough. I have plowed all day in the pea land. I think the team would have been able to have finished it up by to night, but it is hard work for me to follow them in the great heat. the fires in the swamp were making quite a smoke again this afternoon. I think some one is putting out fire over by Symmotts this afternoon. Our potatoes have improved lately in appearance very much. a fresh bloom has appeared among them, whatever that may indicate. the late rain, although not very profuse has had the affect of making them grow larger.

SATURDAY 15 12 (258-107)

Another very warm day. very close and calm. it has been unlike the few days past in that there was little or no breeze. I finished the crossplowing with the double plow at dinner time. Colion returned from Coffey's threshing after dinner. it has taken quite a long time for them to do their threshing. Colin cultivated the north front field this afternoon. we wished to kill the sow thistle. I drove down to John Blacks. Margaret accompanying me where she remained to visit. I drove over to Hugh Black's to see what had best be done about the Board of Health business. Dr Dryden being away from Rockwood we thought it best for Dr McCullough to look after the cases of Typhoid under his care and ascertain whether measures could be instituted to check the further progress of the disease. Hugh Black has on a strong gang yesterday and to day, filling his Silo. 10 men & 3 teams and an engine driving the ensilage cutter, they are very busy. they had the silo filled, 32 feet deep and 12 feet x 16 or thereabout.

Sunday 13

A very fine day. keeps dry although rain is wanted for the roots &c. as usual Maggie & Colin have attended at Everton twice to day. I kept pretty much to home until about 4 P.M. when I walked across to see Mr Dunbar. as the McDermotts want the old horse I wished to know whether he had any objections. he had none. so if they still want him I will let him go.

SEPTEMBER MONDAY 17 14 (260-105) 1894 6

A very dull day all day long. close and warm this forenoon but consideredable breeze in the afternoon. Colin has harrowed all day. he went twice over the most of it, and is done all to about an acre. I finished up the hoeing of the turnips first thing this forenoon, and then began the cutting of the corn. 3 rows at a time and went nearly three times through. I had to leave it over a couple of hours this afternoon, helping Johny's boy to take his harrows to the field. and after I came back it looked so much like rain that I carried lumbar into the barn to be ready for fixing the granary. Robert Morton has promised to help me on Thursday next. also Johny. Robert was helping Johny to kill and dress a porker this forenoon. Albert talks of threshing for us next Monday. Mr & Mrs John Webb paid us a visit this evening as they were returning from Wm Hindleys. they called while on their way home. at Mrs Mutries where her tenant has an Auction Sale of his stock & implements this afternoon. Johny & Lizzie have been there -

TUESDAY 18 15 (261-104)

Very dull all day. warm the most of the day. towards evening it became cooler. we have been expecting rain but none of any consequence has come. it took Colin a little while this morning to finish the harrowing and then he unhitched the horses and we both at cutting the corn. after cutting awhile we began to think that if we had gaps made so as to avoid the trees. we might be able to cut the balance down with the binder, so we spent a good deal of out time making those gaps. we did very little at the cutting this forenoon as we cleaned out the barn and lifted the floor where a new sleeper will have to be put in. Johny has started to cut his corn. Maggie and her mother drove down to Everton this evening. we hear Joseph Crosft is a little better. some improvement in others of the Typhoid cases. had a letter from Alex, Holyoke. he complains that Ewart does not set himself to read up or study for further adnancement in his business. I also had a letter from brother Alex. Meaford, he attended the Industrial at Toronto.

SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 19 16 (262-103) 1894 6

Continues fine weather. quite dull this forenoon again but cleared up afternoon to bright sunshine toward evening - it began to show up like rain and after dark awhile we had a nice steady falling rain which I was very glad to see. Colin and I cut at the corn this forenoon and have opened up the way mostly round the trees so that we may take in the machine - there is fully the half of the corn in the orchard cut now. Colin plowed in south front field this afternoon. this is the first of our second plowing. I am thinking of sowing {rife?} on it so as to plow it in again for potatoes. I cut some more corn this P.M. myself and bound up some of it. it ties very well. the smallest stalks making bands. we have been peeling & coring apples till quite late this evening.

THURSDAY 20 17 (263-102)

Cleared up to sunshine again. there has been quite a good breeze too, and it has been very pleasant. of course a good rain was what we wanted and if we had got it some time ago it would have been of great benefit to the roots but it has come very sparsely indeed. Johny & Robert Morton have been working with us to day, making the granary in the barn. they have worked very steadyly and nearly completed the bins. the doors are yet to be made and fitted up. I lifted up the back part of the barn floor and put in a new sleeper - the old sleeper has got rotten and the horses fell through the floor lately. the barn at the back is requiring repairs. the rain comes down and rots the timbers and it will have to be looked after. Colin plowed the most of the day, but helped me awhile to place the sleeper and floor. Henry Duffield helped me awhile to patch the floor in granary. we cut it out with the cross cut and made a straight bed for a patch, which we fitted in. Robbie Gollop drove up from Norval. he brought 2 crocks from Mrs Garbut which she had of ours with butter.

SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 21 18 (264-101) 1894 6

A very pleasant and warm day. towards night it began to cast up clouds and had much the appearance of rain setting in. before bed time the rain had started. Colin has plowed in the south front field the most of the day. he quit between 4 & 5 oclock and helped me to draw some of the corn together and set it up against the fence on west side of the orchard. we are wanting to have the openings made on the rows of trees cleared of the cut corn. and we have been drawing it out on the stone boat. I drove over to Toltons this forenoon to see Albert about our threshing. Emerson told me he lays out to come to us on Monday next. so I returned home without seeing Albert. I hitched up the old horse and drew away all the cut timber out of the barn and piled it up at the end of the shed outside. the short stuff &c hauled it to the house for burning. Albert Tolton's mare was here to night to make sure of the day for threshing - we settled for Monday. he says they intend to move the machine tomorrow night.

SATURDAY 22 19 (265-100)

Quite rainy all forenoon, and windy and blusting afternoon, with occasional showers. it got up cold at night. Colin and I have been quite busy finishing up the granary . some lining to day and Colin covered up the holes and bad fitting boards with lathes and other pieces. we had quite a bit of lining up to do in the passage in front of the horses. Johny helped us a little while in the forenoon. we hitched the horses after dinner and drew up the binder into Johny's barn where we want to prepare it for cutting the balance of our corn in the orchard. I drove to Everton after night and got some groceries for the threshing on Monday. Willie Abbott paid me four ($4.00) dollars on Mrs. Peavoy's rent. Albert Tolton brought the threshing machine this evening. Johny McDermott was here again about the old horse and said he was going to take him, but would he not better do it after night. I think he is very slow about it. he surely must think a dollar and half a high price. the price of his hide only.

Sunday 20th

Fine weather to day. Maggie & Colin went twice to Everton to day. I intended taking a walk out to day, but did not go out till evening. I wrote a long letter to Ewart, taking him to task for not reading and studying up. also a few lines to Alex. After tea took a walk up to Duffields and from there to Webbs, whither Margaret had gone before.

SEPTEMBER MONDAY 24 21 (267- 98) 1894 6

Weather good to day. a little close and warmer than has pervailed for some days. indications of a change this evening. mottled clouds and hazy sky. we got a fair start at the threshing this morning and threshed very steadily and well all day. Colin carried the grain to the bins. the first oats we threshed were the new Zealands and they were lighter than the rest, being later in ripening and caught in the blighting weather. they weigh somewhere between 30 & 31 lbs. we had the old hands helping us. Uncle Thomas came over, there were also John Coffey, Isaac Theaker, Henry Duffield, Geo. McWilliams, Robert McWilliams, Dennis Heffernan (for John Webb), Robert Morton, John Smallhorn, Albert Tolton had Gilbert McCarthur and Robertson with him for the machine. our new horse went finely on the machine and the two made a good team. we felt the good of the remodelled granary. it is very handy and we have all the nine bins occupioed. of course they are not all full, but it is thought there are somewhere between 8 or 900 bushels. {in margin. right edge cut off} threshing - names of men helping - new gra{nary} holds all -

TUESDAY 25 22 (266-97)

A long heavy rain fell last night, and this morning the rain kept on falling till about 8 oclock. I was afraid John Webb would hardly get his threshing done, but it cleared up in time earlier than might have been expected and they got on to thresh as soon as the rain quit falling. Colin attended there all day. I had a job cleaning up the barn taking down scaffold &c. I forked over the most of the barley chaff into the mow. and rid up things so as to get a chance to move around. afternoon I hitched up the team and gathered up and piled the corn in one of the rows of trees. I brought one of the loads in and spread a part of it around for the cattle to eat. and took the rest into the barn. I find the apples have been badly blown off the trees. the ground under the trees are literally strewed with apples.

SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 26 23 (269-96) 1894 6

Very heavy frost last night. this morning opened out very doleful looking, everything was covered with frost rine. the mud was frozen hard and it was not very long before the effect of the killing frost was quite apparent. the potatoes are black - this is the first frost that I could say I have noticed do anything to the potatoes. our corn that is uncut is pretty badly cut. the flowers are mostly killed. Colin plowed till ten oclock this morning, he and I afterwards hitched up and drew together the balance of the cut corn by the side of the line of apple trrees - after dinner Colin prepared the binder and cut down some of the corn but did not get along very well. I thought that if even he got along slowly we would get it done. we did not get it half done however. we must just try again. the orchard is a poor place to expect to use the binder. the trees are so much in the way. I put up the pigs (8 of them) to fatten, feeding them whole peas. Johny has been at Robert Jestins threshing to day. Margaret took a sick spell this morning but soon got some better. we moved the cook stove into the house this forenoon.

THURSDAY 27 24 (270-95)

A fine day. the sun has shone out fairly well, and is drying things up. the corn and all other green things have got a great scorching with the frost of night before last. our corn is in bad shape now for cutting, the late high wind and heavy rain has driven it down badly. Colin tried to cut some again with the binder but got along very badly. he had to quit about 10 oclock. as the machine came on to Rich'd McWilliams from Jestins, and he helped there. I cut some more with the hook to make more room near the trees, and Johny came and cut a space and a part of one. I helped him to gather his corn for the service. I would not wish to have the corn in the orchard again and think of cutting it with the machine. the trees are a terrible hindreance. Albert Tolton has a fine threshing machine this time. it makes a fine job of peas and they can put them through as fast almost as they can be put to them - the grain is also very clean. I don't think I ever saw better work done than he is doing now.

SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 28 25 (271-94) 1894 6

Milder last night and today, toward evening it threatned rain and some little did fall. it has been a very pleasant day however through the most of the time. Colin has been at Rich McWilliams threshing up till about 4 oclock P.M. when they finished they then moved over to Johny's barn and threshed his peas out for him. Johny thinks he has about 100 bushels of them. I helped Johny to get ready his barn for threshing and we got the mower out and cut the balance of the corn with it. we had a hard enough job to cut it that way, it was so badly down, it is also far too thickly sown which has made a lot of short fuzzy stuff. the half of the seed sown would have been too much - we took the binder over to the drive house again and laid it away in its corner as also the other machinery and implements. I paid John Parker for the pasture of the young cattle, $5.50. he wanted $6.00 but I demurred on account of the 4 yearlings not doing very well and finding them out on the line before the month had expired. he accepted of the sum named however as payment in full. he sent his brother here last night with the peremptory message that the ammount must be paid tomorrow. {in margin} Settled with John Parker for cattle pasturing -

SATURDAY 29 26 (272-93)

A very fine warm day. and clear sunshine. Colin finished up at the plowing of the north front field, and began to sow it at 3 oclock P.M. he sowed it all and got about the third of it harrowed. I took Fred and the buggie up to Edward McDermotts, and bought the Rye to sow it. there are about, as near as I could judge, 4 acres in the piece, and I got 6 Bushels and some 19 lbs. we wished to sow about 1 1/2 B. per acre - I paid him 40cts per Bushel, $2.50 for the lot - I helped Johny to fix up his corn this P.M. and I got his mare to do some chores with the stone boat. went to the back fields for harrows - took off some stone s before harrowing rife round and then drew together some of our corn in orchard - {in margin} Bought Rye from Edward McDermott - drawing corn together for Johny and ourselves -

Sunday 27

Very heavy rain last night. it was a pity Colin did not get the harrowing finished last night. kept dull today but did not rain. Bella & John McKenzie & children drove up today - they left Mrs McKenzie Senr at the corner to go to Usherwoods. Our Willie drove out from Guelph this afternoon. he brought Mary out home. She has been at Guelph some days. Maggie and Colin twice to Everton Meeting. John McKenzie paid me $4.00 on account of A.O.U.W.

OCTOBER {William forgot to cross out 'October'. It is still September.} MONDAY 1 28 (274-91) 1894 6

A fine day and the ground has dried up fairly well since the drenching it got on Saturday night. Colin and I hauled the corn and stood it against the fence on east side of the orchard. this forenoon, he started to plow the second time in north front field. it was rather cloggy with the colter on account of the stubble and we changed it for the skimmer. it worked a little better then. he harrowed the balance of the rye field that he failed in doing Saturday night. I was cutting the down stuff of the corn that the machine ran over, and I helped Johny to cut and bring up a cedar log from the bush. a double length of long stakes for a new fence he is going to build on the south side of his orchard - Willie drove away from home this morning. took a basket of eggs for which he brings out sundries when he returns in a day or two for wood he has at Duncan Robertsons.

TUESDAY 29 (275-90)

Very dull this forenoon, and threatning rain, after dinner the rain came on and we had a very wet afternoon. towards night it became windy and stormy and the rain fell more heavily. Colin plowed all forenoon. After dinner we cleaned up 5 bags wheat for a grist. and 2 bags barley & peas for chop. the goose wheat weighed, with 52 lbs of fall wheat we had left of Dan. Talbots seed 640 lbs. I traded with Mr Hortop 2 bags goose wheat for 2 of fall, and he was to pay himself for the extra value out of the grist. Colin and I weighed the grist on coming home, and I was surprised to find there was only 352 lbs of flour. I then weighed the bran and shorts, which weighed 225 lbs. bags all included in both cases. only that there was 3 bags more weighed, after being ground. the difference being 63 lbs in total weight. I got "Doc"s shoes all reset at Willie Abootts (not paid) - Received a letter from Holyoke this evening. they have had the third operation performed on the baby's tongue. poor thing it must suffer. {in margin} 2 bags barley and peas chopped - also a grist of wheat - ground - account of respective weights. "Doc" shod - Letter from Holyoke - Alex baby sugical operation.

OCTOBER Sept. WEDNESDAY 30 (276-89) 1894 6

A very rainy day. with the rain that fell yesterday afternoona and what fell last night and to day the ground is getting quite full of water. the land of course has been long very dry and it takes a good deal to overload it, but there has been a great quantity of rain lately. Colin and I have been sawing up some of the stuff lying in the barn yard. one long cedar we cut into 6 inch blocks for paving some of the stalls in the cattle stable. 47 blocks. everything around is soaking wet, although not much rain fell this afternoon. the corn lying cut on the ground is soaked and we hauled it out on the truck to the pasture field for the cattle to eat. Joseph Hindley & wife came this evening with their democrat. they brought 2 empty barrells to get filled with Northern Spy apples. we gave them home 2 bags of Snows, and arranged to give them some for making cider. fall apples are a complete dry in the market. in fact, there is hardly any sale for them. Johny has been away to day with William Tindal building a fence at Usherwoods. I suppose they might have been able to work outside this P.M.

October THURSDAY 4 1 (277-88)

Quite a fine day after the rain. the land is drying up again on the top although we find it has got a great soaking. Colin helped to pick the snow apples. he climbed the trees and got the highest ones. there were 4 trees to pick in that way. Maggie and her Mother had picked the lower limbs previously. there are now 13 barrells from these 4 trees all hand picked. there are yet a few on one tree. I plowed in the north front field while Colin was at the apples. Willie drove out from Guelph to day. he rigged up our waggon and McWilliams wood rack and with Johny's team drove it down to Duncan Robertsons and loaded up the wood ready for Johny to take in to Guelph tomorrow. Rich'd McWilliams had a fine suckling colt die to day. it is supposed it was hurt by being on the fresh rape. Margaret drove to Everton this evening. We find that McWilliams colt was out during the long heavy , cold rain of the night before last, and it is thought that had as much to do with its fatal illness as the eating of the rape.

OCTOBER MONDAY 8 5 (281-84) 1894 6

A beautiful day. fine sunshine and quite warm. we have had a very busy day among the apples. Joseph Hindley and his two daughters came on this morning and bagged up 12 bags of fallen apples that we are giving them gratis. they remained on this afternoon to help us with ours, and we also barrelled 2 barrells of Northern Spys for them. Joe took his 12 bags home between 4 & 5 oclock, and returned with 3 empty bags. we loaded on the 2 barrells of Spys and the 3 bags culls and he set off before dark, taking the girls with him. I made up an enclosure with 12 foot lumber in the house yard, for putting our surplus apples in which we intend to sell this fall. we drew in over a dozen barrells and emptied a number of them so as to give us empty barrells for holding our winter fruit - I helped them at the apple pulling and fixing them all day. Colin finished the plowing of the front field before dinner, and after helping us some at the apples he commenced to plow the oat stubble in the back north field. same as where the turnips are in . he was the most of the afternoon plowing there. Wm Tindal is plowing to day for Johny. Johny drove down by Everton with his colt to day and got him shod. he drives pretty well. {in margin} Joseph Hindley and 2 daughters helping us to pull apples - they got 15 bags of culls from us and 2 barrells Northern Spys - I have beren working all day at the apples &c. Colin plowing.

TUESDAY 9 6 (282-83)

Beautiful weather this forenoon. it became lowering in the afternoon and rain began to fall about four oclock which increased as night approached and afterwards we had a very wet and comfortless night - I spent quite a while on the shed roof. patching the shingling where the bad leaks were ajoining the Barn. I also had to prepare barrells for holding the winter apples. we emptied some into the place I prepared for them in the yard. Colin has plowed in the stubble in the east side of the turnip patch. he and I both got wet by staying too long out in the rain in the evening. Johny is preparing a load of apples (10 bags) to take to Guelph tomorrow in the democrat. he gets our harness and Fred. Wm Tindal is plowing for him and he works the colt along with one of the mares when Johny is away with the apples. we are still drawing out the corn for the cattle out of the orchard. we draw it night & morning on the trucks and spread it on the grass field between the barns. {in margin} fine weather forenoon but dull and lowering afternoon with rain at night - Colin plowing - I have been helping with the apples and patching shed roof.

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 10 7 (283-82) 1894 6

A very cold comfortless day. the wind has been high and the temperature low. just a regular fall day. I notice the foliage is fast dropping off and we have all the indications of approaching winter. Maggie and her mother have been picking and barreling some of the winter apples in the dwarf archard. 3 or 4 barrels. I had quite a job emptying the contents out of some barrels so as to get them for the apples. I was patching on the shed and stable roofs. it was a very cold job. I had to wear my fur cap and muffler and was then quite cold. Johny went to Guelph to day with 10 bags of apples on the democrat. he returned home between 2 & 3 oclock. sold his apples at 25cts per bag. Colin plowed all day in the stubble. Wm Tindal plowed all day for Johny with one of the mares and the colt. Johny had one of them with our Fred to Guelph.

THURSDAY 11 8 (284-81)

Some improvement in the weather. Sunshine and warmer than yesterday. I have been patching at the roof to day. and have torn up some of the old and worn out shingles and replaced them with new ones. Johny and Wm Tindal helped Colin and I to draw up the roof of the old sheep pen closer to the shed and stayed it there with scantling spiked to the rafters and the girt of the shed. we took the noon spell for it. Colin has plowed in the stubble all day. he noticed our fat ewe was not right someway and called me down from the roof. the sheep have all been among the turnips for some days, when I went down I saw she was bloating on the tops and so brought her home and bled and dressed her letting out the gas from the paunch. she is a fine piece of Mutton and weighed exactly 100 lbs when dressed.

OCTOBER FRIDAY 12 9 (285-80) 1894 6

A very fine day for fall work, but rather cold for comfort. Clear sunshine & dry. I started to pull up some mangolds this forenoon and place them in piles. the late frosts have scared me and we must have them stored away. Colin plowed till between 11 & 12 oclock, and then we both quiet and after dinner made ready for Rockwood show. Margaret & I took "Doc" and our own buggie and Colin and Maggie went with Fred and Heffernans buggie. I put our horse in Stewarts stable. Colin and Maggie remained for the concert. there was a large number of people at the show and a very good display. the hall was well filled with the ordinary articles, apples were in large supply and excellent in quality. roots were fine, there was a great show of horses and other stock was fairly well represented. it was very cold on the ground and I felt as if home would be the best place to make for but Margaret had a desire to see it to the end. so we stayed. we had a warm supper at Stewarts and then started off in the darkness for home. it was not a very dark night however and we drove home quite comfortably. we first heard on the show ground that John Rafferty had died yesterday. {in margin} Death of John Rafferty -

SATURDAY 13 10 (286-79)

A very fine day. warmer than yesterday and clear sunshine. Colin and I have taken in the Mangolds today. we had five large loads. I pulled them and left them in rows while Colin hauled them up. some of them we pulled and loaded as we went along. Colin took one load himself in this way. we wrenched the tops off with our hands as we pulled them. John & Wm Tindal are drawing away a pile of stones and depositing them at the west end of the barn, under the turnip house window. I shut up the sow to day in the horse stable as her time is about up for pigging.

Sunday 11

Cool again, and very misty this morning, but cleared up fine. Margaret and I were busy this morning getting ready to attend John Rafferty's funeral. we reached Mimosa a little before nine oclock, and about 1/2 past nine the Corpse was lifted. there was a large attendance. and I acted as pall bearer along with Peter McGregor, Dan McDougal, Mr Brown, Humphrey Jessop and Wm Tookey - our Willie & Colin Campbell drove out. the Ceremony at the Church took a long time to go through. John McKenzie and Bella, with the little ones are with us over night to night.

OCTOBER MONDAY 15 12 (288-77) `894 6

A very fine day. Colin finished the plowing of the stubble land, excepting the head lands. he started to plow the 2 acre patch next the potatoes. I have been a good while at the roof patching the shingles. the weather looked a little threatning this afternoon but it soon cleared up again. I feel terribly annoyed at our old sow. she is getting her litter of pigs down pretty small. they are down to seven now. I don't know whether she kills them or not, but we know she eats them after they are dead. I caught her eating one. I think we will have to put her off now, this is the second time she has thinned off her litter. Mrs David Stewart and Mary drove up to day. they came as we were finishing our dinner. we bagged up a bag of Talmond sweet apples for Mr Stewart, also some Snow apples. I wrote a letter to Alex Holyoke this evenbing and took it down this evening to Everton to mail. {in margin} old sow's litter dwindling down very small -

TUESDAY 16 13 (289-76)

Another very fine day. Colin plowed all forenoon at the 2 acre patch. Maggie and I were pulling apples this forenoon, and we kept Colin and the team this afternoon and drew them in to the cellar as we pulled them. we finished up both orchards and shook down the very small apples - we have been putting them on the floor in the old cellar. the sow seems to have become reconciled to her pigs, as she still has the seven to day. I hope she will keep now what she has got and not make away with any more of them.

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 17 14 (290-75) 1894 6

This has been a very beautiful day. not nearly so cold as it has lately been and clear sunshine - the moon makes the nights clear and beautiful at the present too. Colin and I started to take up the potatoes this morning, he plowed out 5 rows and we picked them into the wagon before dinner. afterwards he plowed out the alternate 5 rows and we had not got very far in the picking when the bell rang for dinner. Colin attended the Duffield's threshing this afternoon and I had to pick the potatoes alone and unload them at night, as they were a little late in starting to thresh - Colin was able to give me a lift after dinner awhile. it kept me jumping however to get done with them before dark. Maggie is not well today. Cramps and pain trouble her in bed last night, and to day she has not been much better.

THURSDAY 18 15 (291-74)

A most beautiful day. warm sunshine and has much the appearance of indian summer. I was anxious to put in a good days plowing to day, but things went out of joint so that it could not be doine. Colin had to go to Henty Duffield's threshing and not being early up left me all to do in pig and cattle feeding. Fred and the colt broke out of the yard through a dilapidated part of the board fence and made off. I had to hitch up and go off in search of them. I found them down by Standish's and had trouble in getting the colt to drive and it put off my time that it was 10.30 before I started the plow. Duffields were late in getting done having to use the lantern to finish. I drove to Everton for the mail this evening. Maggie is considerably better today.

OCTOBERR FRIDAY 19 16 (292-73) 1894 6

Colder to day than yesterday, but a fine day for working out. Colin and I have been taking up the potatoes to day. we took up 14 rows. 6 in the forenoon and 8 afternoon. the Webb potatoes (Peerless Savoy) although they did not grow as evenly as the Elephants we got from Johny, are much the best quality. what they lack in number is more than made up in size. we took in 2 wagon loads to day I should think perhaps 7/8 full each. I calculated that what we took in on Wednesday would make a load and a half. Maggie is up and about again to day, although not well enough to do any work. I did not get early to the field this morning as all the Elephant potatoes had to be binned in a corner of the bin by themselves, and fitted it up and moved the potatoes before going down. Since finishing the picking of the apples in the large orchard, we have let the 11 young pigs in and they have a fine time. they seem to be growing well.

SATURDAY 20 17 (293-72)

Overcast and threatning looking this forenoon which culminated in a very disagreeable falling of snow nearly all afternoon. Colin plowed out 8 rows of potatoes this forenoon which we mostly picked. after dinner he plowed out six more, which was unfortunate, as the snow fall made the work very unpleasant, besides making the potatoes very mucky. we finished up however in the midst of the snow and left the load in the barn where, we hope, they will dry off some. there are now 38 rows taken up leaving 28 yet in the ground. I took the teeth out of the young pigs to day. we got a letter from Holyoke this evening. Alex. is anxious that his mother pay them a visit. he says he took stock lately and finds he is worth $6000.00. Johny and Lizzie have been at Guelph to day. they had apples chickens &c. {in margin} first snow of the season - taking up potatoes in the midst of it. Johny & Lizzie to Guelph. since taking our old oats from his barn he has got 5 bags more - first 2 not weighed. then 84. 78. 76, odd.

Sunday 18

A fine day. the snow gives the surroundings a very wintry appearance but it is going principally, although in the sheltered places it is wonderful how the snow remains. Maggie and Colin drove to Everton this forenoon. Margaret and I drove down to David Robertsons and spent the afternoon and evening. Mr & Mrs Shaw Loree came also when we were there. we had a pleasant visit. {in margin} Johny got a bag of oats 79 lbs.

OCTOBER MONDAY 22 19 (295-70)

Very hard frost last night. we left our load of potatoes in the barn, not expecting there would be frost enough to do any harm to them there. we found them quite frozen this morning however, we cannot say whether they are injured but the wet clay that was on them is quite hard and frozen on them. we are putting them by themselves in the root house. Colin plowed this forenoon and I did the chores. repaired a pair of shoes for Maggie, and piled Mangolds in the root house. we plowed up 8 rows of potatoes after dinner and picked them, we had the waggon fully filled level. they are nice potatoes although thin in the ground. we were done early and did up some other work. I drove Margaret down to Everton after tea. she had to purchase some articles preparing for her visit to Holyoke. Mrs Webb has been making up some soap with Margaret this afternoon. Mrs John Webb of Eden & daughter has been visiting also. I went down to visit John Smallhorn about his potatoes. he says he will come tomorrow and take them up. he had promised to go to Wm Burns but he must see about his potatoes he says -

TUESDAY 23 20 (296-69)

A fine day. it had a wintry cold appearance early in the morning but it turned out fine as the day wore on. we had twelve rows of popatoes for to days lifting, and Colin plowed out 12 rows first thing in the morning after taking off the load that stood in the barn. we got along fairly well. Johgn Smallhorn and Amelia his daughter came along and filled four bags with a little less than 2 rows. they had dinner with us and after finishing up here they went to Johnys and took up their 3 rows there., filling about 7 ordinary bags. Colin took them all down after supper for them and gave them both a ride. I also gave John a bag of peas on loan. 146 lbs. bag included. he says he is going tp thresh Burn's peas and he will get them from him to pay me back, and they will make good seed.

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 24 21 (297-68) 1894 6

A very cold dissagreeable day. blustery and quite a number of heavy snow showers in the afternoon. not a very auspicious day at all for Erin Show. quite a lot of people made their way there however. Mr Burt the old Secretary is ill, so I suppose they will have another acting in his place. Colin started to plow this morning but left for the show about nine oclock. he went with Geo. Mcwilliams. I took in hand the plow when Colin left and managed to get over about an acre and 1/4. I drove down to Everton after supper to hear 2 Japanese lecture about Japan. they Illustrated their subject with showing some nice maps and pictures. the work, I believe, of one of the lectures. I was telling the doctor that Maggie was again complaining of pain. he thinks she should look after it. there was quite a show of a fire out toward Guelph as I drove down.

THURSDAY 25 22 (298-67)

Quite a mantle of snow on the ground this morning which took till about noon to be melted away. the frost was sufficient to harden the land through the night and between the frost and snow it had a very wintry appearance this morning - I topped the stray turnips on the mangold ground and other 4 rows in the regualar patch before dinner. Colin plowed all day and got a good chance to do a days work - our plowing is getting pretty well through with - I spent the afternoon in fixing up the turnip house, finishing up the piling of the mangolds, and moving the potatoes that were thrown in the middle window. there were 51 half bushel measures in the load that were standing in the barn during the frosty night, and which we were afraid might be a little frost bitten. I piled these on top of the Elephants with pea straw between them. I piled 4 bags of "Erin Wonders" in a corner. I commenced to feed meal to the 4 young cattle we are going to feed. Maggie and her Mother drove down to see the doctor about the pain that sticks to Maggie so persistently - he gave directions to go to bed and have the place subjected to hot applications - {in margin} Johny got another bag oats 84 lbs -

OCTOBER FRIDAY 26 23 (299-66) 1894 6

Very heavy frost last night which made the ground like iron this morning. as the forenoon wore on however the frost gave way rapidly and soon all was clear again. Colin plowed this forenoon and is getting well along with the last field but one (the orchard) - After dinner Colin and I drew in the turnips that were among the mangolds and then harrowed the potatoe ground - we picked the potatoes but, as there were many of what was left frozen, we got but very few home with us. perhaps a bag full would be all. I did a little patching at the roof in the forenoon - Maggie has been easier to day. they have kept the hot applications persistantly and steadily since the start and we think they are doing her good. night, as well as day, they have been kept steadily on. Mary lies on the lounge and keeps the fire on and though she takes some sleep she generally manages to wake up to attend to the hot applications.

SATURDAY 27 24 (300-65)

A pleasant day, dry but very cool, and occasional snow flights in the afternoon. Colin and I topped turnips all day. and leaving out the shippers, we nearly topped all the rest. I quit at 4 oclock P.M. and after supper drove over to Thomson Smiths to see if his daughter was going over to Springfield so as to accompany Mother to Holyoke, where she intends visitiing at Alex. I found there are 2 of them going in the first week of November, and we hope Maggie will sufficiently recover from her ailment , so as to allow of her Mother going with them. we had a card from Alex. this evening and he thinks Miss Fessant will also be going. so there may be quite a colony of them.

Sunday 25

A very fine day. not so cold as yesterday or such as has prevailed this while back. I took a drive over to Toltons this forenoon and had dinner with them. Thomas was away up to John Rossells. Johny is unwell. they think he is taking {Quinsay?}. John McKenzie and Bella with the children drove up to day to see Maggie. they only got the word of her sickness yesterday. the Dr. called in to see maggie and he is pleased to find her so much better - he says the hot applications might be discontinued, but to see that the heat is kept partly up by other means. {in margin} {margin edge cut off slightly} John McKenzie paid me five dollars ($5.00) on A.O.U.W. account. Dr McCullon called to day (to) see Maggie - I drove over (to) Toltons to d{word cut off} -

OCTOBER MONDAY 29 26 (302-63) 1894 6

Quite frosty this morning and very chilly and cold. I rose a little earlier than usual this morning and drove to Guelph after breakfast. I wanted to see how we could do with the hogs we have up fattening. the buyers are very particular about their weight and condition. they do not wish them too heavy or too fat. Barber offered me $3.60 live weight and take them in on Thursday next, but I did not sell. Mr Corman says he will drive out and see them and if they suit him he will give 5cts per lb. I got my dinner at Willie's and arrived home again between 2 & 3 oclock. Colin had 4 loads of turnips in when I returned and we got other 3 loads with the shelving on, making 7 loads in to day. 8 loads in all with the mangold lot. the turnips are small but they are thick on the ground and count up after all. some people complain of having a good many unsound among their crop, but we have no reason to complain on that score. we received a letter from Alex. Holyoke. Containing a Post Office order for twenty dollars on Guelph post office. Alex does not delay in the matter of getting the means on hand for his mother to start out for Holyoke. {in margin} Johny got another bags of oats - 8 loads of turnips in all to day.

TUESDAY 30 27 (303-62)

A very beautiful day. warm sunshine - Heavy white frost this morning, and the ground was quite hard frozen. Colin and I have been very busy at the turnips all day. I help load up in the field and while Colin is up unloading I top at what stands untopped. I finished up the topping except the shippers, and I have started at them too. there 31 or 32 rows of them. we mean to top them carefully with the hoes and then plow them out and harrow as we did last year. we bring large loads home, by having the shelving on and heaped up besides. I think there are likely 35 bushels on each load. we took in 8 loads to day. Colin and I are alone at them and it keeps us very busy to get even that amount in. they are rather small and tedious to handle. Miss Smith and Miss Burt were over to day, to say it is doubtful whether they will now go to Springfield. they have got word that business is very dull there at the present time. Annie Garland is paying us a visit to night. George Loree is also up on a visit. Maggie is improving very much.


A very warm day, but very dull and threatning rain nearly all the time. a little fell but notheing of any account until late at night. Colin and I have been busy at the turnips again to day . we harrowed them all out except the shippers. I have got the half of them topped to day. we took in 7 loads and blocked up the windows badly - I went at it after tea and threw them back from the windows. one of them we dug down to the ground. Colin helped me awhile after returning from Everton. he drove down Mary and Annie Garbut. Annie had a bid to attend a shin dig at John Mutries this evening at the opening of their new house - Johny & Lizzie are both away to it. Willie has helped Johny these two days back. he drove away home to night. {in margin} Johny got another bag of oats this afternoon - taken in 7 loads of turnips -


Heavy rain last night, and this forenoon it was quite dull and murky. although it threatened rain hardly any fell. the afternoon brought fine clear sunshine and heavy very warm. it had more the appearance of a fine May or June day than the present date. I cleared the middle window in the root house to the ground before going to the field this morning. Colin and I drew in 7 loads to day. 3 forenoon and 4 afternoon. I have all the shippers topped to 5 rows. we have now 30 loads of turnips of turnips in the root house, and they are very large loads compared to what we usually drew in. we have shelving on the wagon and pile them up high. Johny is busy to day and has a boy helping him. I have been again throwing back turnips. to night Albert Tolson and Judson were awhile with me at the root house. they want Johny to go to the plowing match over at Ospring to help them. {in margin} took in 7 loads of turnips to day. have now 30 loads in in all -

NOVEMBER October FRIDAY 3 30 (306-59) 1894 6

Quite a fall of rain this morning, and this forenoon, up to about 9 or 10 oclock it kept raining, we did not go out to the turnips until between 2 and 3 oclock that I found they were again getting dry enough to handle. Colin had first started to plow some when I thought we had better go again at the turnips. I wished to run over to Ospringe to see the plowing match but, I thought business should come before pleasure so I helped Colin to load up 2 loads before leaving between 4 and 5 oclock. we thought we could have taken all the turnips that were harrowed out in at 3 loads. Colin however found there were more than he could take so only took a small load after I left, and left another load yet out. I drove to Ospringe in time to see the plowing before dark. there was good work done. 4 of the old "long plows", Albert and Emerson Tolton, John Robertson and a man from Milton way. Albert swept the field in first prizes. 1st feering, 1st for finish, 1st in ridge, and sweepstakes. Robertson 2nd, Emerson 3rd. of course Milton man 4th - Johny was there all day. they did not start to plow till the rain stopt. I put up 8 bags snow apples for Guelph tomorrow. {in margin} ground wet and too mucky to work at the turnips forenoon. took in 3 loads afternoon - drove over to see the plowing at Ospringe - Albert Tolton took 1st in every thing in his class. Emerson took 3rd.

SATURDAY 31 (301-58)

A very fine day throughout, in the moprning it had a threatning appearance and we took the umbrella for fear of rain. Margaret and I drove down to Guelph taking 8 bags snow apples - some butter & eggs. 2 sheepskins. $1.10 for latter. 18c Eggs. 16c for butter, and 25c per bag for the apples. I got dressed stuff for granary door 90cts a trunk for Margaret to travel with $2.15 a pair of boots $1.18. we had dinner at Willie's he got some of the chickens his mother had. I got the post office "Money order" cashed for $20.00. got $10.00 in American bills at the bank. we called at Everton on the way home and got another letter from Alex. he urges his Mother to make an early start, if the state of things will allow of it, and advises to look no more after company for her, as she if not at all likely to experience any trouble on the way to Holyoke.{in margin} Colin took in 4 loads of turnips to day. one of the old kind and three of the shippers - he plowed and harrowed the latter out. 37 loads of turnips in all -

Sunday 1st November

A very pleasant day. Sunshine for the most part. although there was awhile of duller weather. I drove Mary home this morning, and when I returned Mr Dunbar was waiting. I gave him five dollars to take over to Mr Wood tomorrow night, to pay the double assm't & dues for myself and John McKenzie. I walked back with him quite a piece of the way home.{in margin} paid $5.00 assm't and dues for self and John McKenzie. A.O.U.W.

NOVEMBER MONDAY 5 2 (309-56) 1894 6

Heavy white frost this morning. Colin harrowed out the balance of the turnips after first plowing them. they were not as clean as I would have liked them - the frozen ground was melting and caused them to be somewhat mucky. I piled the turnips back from the windows, also piled the potatoes back, Colin and I had little time enough to get finished up but we managed it, had 5 full loads and one cull load at the last. we did not count it. this makes 42 loads of turnips in all. they were large loads for the most past, shelving on and well rounded up, although the turnips were a little mucky this forenoon they dried up well for the afternoon's picking, {in margin} Johny got 79 lbs oats this A.M. we took in 5 full loads of shipping turnips . the last was made of {chewed?} culls and we didn't count it. 42 loads in all, and finished up.

TUESDAY 6 3 (310-55)

A very fine day. frost not so heavy last night and this morning. I was early astir this morning, getting ready to be off with John Webb. Robert Justins horses broke in to our fields and we had some trouble in getting them out. Colin plowed this forenoon - Mr Webb and I drove over to see Edward's farm that has been some time advertized to rent. John McKenzie has an idea of looking at it. when we got there we found it was rented last week. we drove round by Henry Dunbar's on our way home, and John Webb bought a lamb ram from him at five dollars. we drove home in time for dinner and Willie drove out from Guelph just as we were at dinner. he clipt our horse "King". Samuel Tovell came along and paid us a nice little visit. then Louis Black and Mary her sister. Willie got the clipping of the horse finished although he was delayed with buyers looking at and trying Johny's colt in view of buying him.

NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 7 4 (311-54) 1894 6

Rather a dull day, and threatned rain. a little fell this afternoon but nothing of consequence. I got some time put off this morning and forenoon hunting up bags to take a load of chop to the mill. I got 7 from Robert McWilliams and helped him to pull up his pump at the house which had gone wrong. Colin and I bagged up 18 bags of grain, Barley & oats (black) half & half, with a small propertion of peas. and slao finished taking in the feed corn before dinner. after doinner I took down the load of chop to the mill, and while it was grinding, drove back to the corner and had 3 shoes reset on King by Willie Abbott, not paid. and Fred's reset all round, by Hoskins, for which I paid him 40cts. I then got my grist, and paid 90cts for chopping. Mary thought of riding up with me, but backed out again and it got so dark and wet after night that I did not go back for her. Colin drew in stove wood this afternoon - also got Robt McWilliam's wagon and stock rack up ready for the hogs tomorrow morning. John Mutrie brought along his thrashing machine to Johny's. {in margin} finished taking in the feed corn - prepared a load of chop this forenoon and took it to the mill after noon. got Fred & King shod - Colin this P.M. drew in stove wood to the wood house - we hear McKindley is elected President U.S.A.

THURSDAY 85 (312-53)

Wet and dissagreeable the greater part of the day although it rained less or more the most of the time. still there was not any real heavy fall until the afternoon when we had some heavy showers, with one downpour and a high storm of wind with it. John Mutrie never unhitched during all the rain, and finished up Johny's threshing about 5 oclock. I think he might have had a dark drive home after supper. Colin and I loaded up the 5 pigs after breakfast and after I started her mother off for Mary to Everton, I borrowed Robt. McWilliams wagon & rack and took them in it getting down to Rockwood about 10.30. and leaving there for home about noon. the hogs weight 835 lbs making $30.06. I arrived home a little after two oclock and made ready for Guelph, getting away about 4 oclock - shortly after a terrible storm of wind and rain, on the way to Guelph it cleared up somewhat and became colder, and the wind high. we were both rather cold and uncomfortable having to face a high and cold wind. we reached Guelph shortly after dark, as there was a great storm with heavy rain at Guelph in the afternoon - the freinds thought it possible we might not start. they thought we did right however to drive in. {in margin} a rainy dissagreeable day. Johny threshed to day. I took the 5 fat hogs to Rockwood. weighed 835 lbs - making $30.06 - drove in Margaret to Guelph as to be ready to start for Holyoke in the morning -

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 9 6 (313-52) 1894 6

A very high wind all night, and some of the time accompanied with rain and sleet. Margaret felt tolerably well and rested this morning. She had a good sleep and rest, so she will be the better able to stand the long ride. Willie and I drove down town after breakfast and procured the ticket and got the trunk checked through to Holyoke. the ticket to Holyoke cost $11.35 after returning to Willie's we were not long in starting over to the "diamond" amd after, perhaps, a half hours waiting, our train came along. And we bade Mother good bye, earnestly hoping that she would get safely through to her destination. I walked down town, Colin accompanying me before dinner and had a look at the overcoats at Ryan's and Williamsons, and returned at dinner time, hitched up for home between 2 & 3 oclock and bought one of Ryan's best overcoats, paying $8.38 for it. I also paid Charles McDougal three dollars, the premium on Mrs Peavoys insurance policy. Colin Campbell was standing by at the time. John Day, the architect, was found dead in the house this morning in Guelph. Shot through the head. it is considered to be suicide. he was a drinking man.

SATURDAY 10 7 (314-51)

Weather fine to day. windy & cool however, but sunshine for the most part has prevailed. Colin has been plowing the greater part of the day and has finished up the 3 fields back (to the south) - also finished headlands on the field opposite (to the north) we also ran a double furrow out of the old water run and I shovelled it out, and all the ends of furrows &c. I was otherwise choring round and headed a number of apple barrels Colin hauled them in from the orchard and I placed them in the cellar, twenty four barrels of them. Mr Webb walked up this afternoon to find if we had word from Margaret. Maggie drove to Everton this forenoon and got a telegram from Springfield announcing from Alex. that his Mother had arrived there safely. Rich. McWilliams went up to Owen Sound yesterday morning and last night their freinds here got a letter saying their brother John seemed in a dying state. so Robt. & Wm started off there this morning .

Sunday 8

A little cold but not unpleasant. Colin drove Maggie and Mary to meeting this forenoon. Mary stayed in Everton and returned with Colin & Maggie in the evening. I wrote a letter to Bro. Alex Meaford. and one to Holyoke and a card to Kate Moore. Kept the house pretty close took a walk to Webbs in the evening.

NOVEMBER MONDAY 12 9 (316-49) 1894 6

A little blustery and cold this forenoon, but the weather became more pleasant afternoon. Colin finished the plowing by the side of the potatoes - the Mangold patch - and he plowed out a run for the water from the hollow wet spot on the field foreward of it, and I shovelled it out and cleared all the furrow ends. Colin started to plow the orchard by plowing up the trees with "Doc" alone. I covered up the fruit trees I purchased of Stone & Wellington on the line of trees in the orchard. Robert Gollop and John came up to Johny's to day. they had dinner with us. John bought Johny's colt and paid him a hundred dollars cash down for him. they seem well pleased with the colt. he is a very stylish animal and a good size and good bone. I wrote a letter for John Webb this ev'g to an applicant for his farm, giving him particulars regarding it. Willie drove out from Guelph this forenoon , he took the coal stove. I gave him a bag of apples, and he took straw for a bed. he had Scott Millman's rig which {carried?} the whole business nicely.

TUESDAY 13 10 (317-48)

Hard frost last night and the ground was pretty hard this morning. Colin got on the plow however, although it was not very pleasant plowing in the forenoon. it was all right after dinner. I took down 2 Ewes and John Webb's ram lamb he purchased of Henry Dunbar. we were catching ewes to clip the {tags?} from them and Colin broke the front leg of one of them by holding it by the leg alone. I had to butcher it as I did not think it would do any good by keeping - lucky it was in fair condition, so that it will not be much of a loss. I have had a day's choring, fixing up things around. Churned for Maggie. set up the corn in the hay mow. started to keep the fat cattle in to day, and the butchering of the sheep was unexpected.

NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 14 11 (318-47) 1894 6 Very rough last night, rain and sleet. it rained on till nine oclock this morning. Colin got on then to the plowing of the orchard and it kept him till night to finish up. I have been very busy again choring to day. I got the glass last night at Everton and put in five panes in the sash at the pig house and placed them, protecting them against the fowls by nails on lath across the sash. I also fixed up the door step and jams as they had rotted out below and otherwise gone wrong. repaired the wheelbarrow, and attended the stock. cut up the sheep and helped the girls some, they have got done cleaning up to night, have been a couple of days at it. Colin drove to Everton this evening. he brought home a letter from Ewart, Holyoke, giving some particulars about Mother's journey hither. {in margin} stormy last night - fixing up things preparing for winter - Colin finished plowing orchard - Mary and Maggie finished the cleaning up the house this evening -

THURSDAY 15 12 (319-46)

Weather fine to day. it has been rather cold but sunshine and very pleasant. Colin plowed for Johny all day. Maggie and I drove down to McKenzies this forenoon. the roads were good and we had a pleasant drive. Mary stayed at home here. we got down to Eden between 10 & 11 oclock. quite a number from a distance gathered there shortly after that time. Among them the Auctioneer Ingram. the grounds around the house and barn were dry and made the work of the sale much more pleasant than if it had been muddy. the sale began about 2 oclock and the implements &c were not long in being disposed of. the auctioneer hung longer on his bids for the stock. and fair prices were realized for the greater part of it. I bought the first cow that was put up. $30.00. She is 5 or 6 years old and Bella says she is the best milker they have. John bid quite a few articles in, but, with the exception of the old mare and colt, he did not put up what stock he kept. I was pleased to learn that the sale made so much money $570. perhaps there were $150 worth bid back to himself. Willie bought the 3 year Colt - he is quite a lively and showy animal. he bid him up to $53.00 - he paid the cash and was allowed the discount, making it $49. odds- it was late before Maggie and returned home. {in margin} Fine day for McKenzies sale which came off this afternoon - Colin plowed for Johny to day - bought a cow at the sale for $30.00. Willie bought the 3 year old colt.

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 16 13 (320-45) 1894 6

Quite a snow storm last night and the ground to day has quite a mantle of snow upon it. there was no frost when the snow fell on the ground, but it became frostier and colder this afternoon as night approached - it was the intention that Colin plow at Robert Mortons to day, but there was too much snow for plowing so didn't go. I piled stove wood in the wood house this A. M. and Colin rigged up the Bobsleigh and drew it in. it is lucky that John McKenzie had his sale yesterday in stead of to day. so much snow and cold frosty air in the afternoon would have made it very unpleasant to be standing or walking round at a sale. Colin brought over the democrat after dinner and we bagged up 10 bags of apples and loaded them in the barn. 8 b ags snows and 2 Talmand Sweets there are quite a few culls left in the pile and I have dirested Colin to get them carried in to the cellar tomorrow when I am away to Guelph. {in margin} Quite a mantle of snow this morning - drawing in the stove wood and piling it in the wood house. bagging up apples for Guelph to morrow.

SATURDAY 17 14 (321-44)

Frost kean last night and the ground is frozen hard this morning. it softened up some by dinner time and Johny plowed in the afternoon. Colin helped him take in his barrreled apples to day. he also carried in our culls into the cellar. I started for Guelph about 1/2 past seven, and had very hard frozen roads. Fred and "Doc" was the team. King being clipped so lately I do not care to expose him too much to the cold. when a little past the frog pond, the off front tire burst, and I was afraid of the wheel's collapse. the botts held the tire on however while I drove cautiously to Penfolds and got wire wound on it till I sold and delivered my load, after which I got 7 spokes and a 1/2 rim and tire set, which, with the old age of pole &c. made $3.68 which I paid in full. I realized for apples & sheepskin $3.35. apples 25cts per bag except one at 20cts. Sheepskin 90cts. bought 5 Gals coal oil 80cts - oatmeal 25cts Barrel Salt at Scott & Millman $1.00. it was well toward night before I started for home. didn't go up to Willie's to day. saw him on the market. also saw Colin Campbell.


A very fine day. Colin & Maggie drove twice to Everton to day. Mary came home with them in the evening - I took a walk to John /webb's in the evening. Maggie and I joined in a letter to Holyoke to day.

NOVEMBER MONDAY 19 16 (323-42) 1894 6

A most beautiful day for this time of the year. the air has been mild and balmy and clear sunshine has prevailed all day long. Colin has plowed at Robert Mortons all day. I owed Robert a day's work with the team. he worked with Johny at building the granary, and also had his team at our threshing. I was patching the roof on our outbuildings this forenoon. after dinner I drove over to the Centre Inn and attended our meeting of the Board of Health. Drs Dryden and Livingstone were both present. Mr Auld, John Red and Hugh Black. we made up the account. $6.00 for Mr Auld. $5.00 for Hugh Black. $2.00 John Red. afterwards added for Mr Dyer $2.50. and for the use of room $2.00. After returning home I hurried up with the work of the cattle and stables and pig feedings and then drove over to Erin Village and attended a meeting of the A.O.U.W. there was quite a nice gathering and a pleasant social time. hot coffee and biscuit and cheese. the matter of how to celebrate the anniversity of the Lodge in Erin was taken and the different views ventilated. I think they will have an entertainmant made up of home talent. {in margin} Colin p[lowing at Mortons. patching the roof with shingle - Meeting of the Board of Health at the Centre Inn - over at a meeting at Erin of the A.O.U.W.

TUESDAY 20 17 (324-41)

A fine day in the fore part, but weather was threatning all the time until rain did come pretty heavy in the evening. Colin and I went at drawing and piling the stove wood in the wood house. he drew it with the horses and Bobsleigh and I piled it up the while. after getting in all the stove wood we gathered together the lumber and drew it to the shed and put it up above so as to keep it dry - I was helping Maggie and Mary a make 2 little tables. they make them up very nice looking with Binder twine and Cloth top after the frames are made. old broom handles make the legs and after being fastened on the tops they are wrapped all their length with binder twine. {in margin} drawing in stove wood. helping Maggie & Mary to make fancy tables -

NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 21 18 (325-40) 1894 6

Rather windy and boisterous to day, not cold however. at night, or rather towards night, we had several very heavy showers and the wind at each shower blew up very high - we did up some choring this morning and at about 1/2 past ten Colin and I started off for McKenzies. we got down there as they were at their dinner. afer dinner Colin started off for home leading the cow I bought - John and I started over to Anderson's sale as I wanted to see the Bobsleighs that were to be sold there. they did not suit me at all, so I did not bid on them. I bought a scuffler of Gowdy's make, comparitively new for $1.50. John wished to wait till a horse, he had an idea of bidding on, sold. it went too high for him and we immediately after started for home. after getting tea I hitched up and drove home - a good deal of rain fell and the wind was very high. as it was mostly blowing from behind however, I was able to put up the top which sheltered me from the rain. Mr Kingsbury is busy plowing now and boarding at John's. {in margin} Colin and I drove down to McKenzies - Colin led home the cow - and I went to a sale with John McKenzie - bought a scuffler - John paid me $7.00 on A.S.U.W. account -

THURSDAY 22 19 (326-39)

Very hard frost last night and the ground has been quite hard the most of the day. Colin hitched up the horses and drove up to McWilliam's gravel pit for a load of sand for the cattle stable. I had a busy forenoon hanging and fixing up the storm doors. the wind has been very cold to day and been sifting into the house. the storm doors are a great protection - after we had dinner, Willie Rea's son and a Mr Geary came along wishing to negotiate with Colin about the renting of his place. they had their dinner and afterwards came to an understanding to meet in Guelph on Saturday regarding the renting of the farm. Mr Geary took a notion of one of our sucking pigs which we just took off the sow to day. he gave me $1.50 for it. I set Colin at plowing between the raspberry bushes this afternoon and he afterwards brought home some evergreen bows for covering the strawberries - we got a letter from Ewart, Holyoke this evening. he says his Mother seems to be enjoying herself and keeping well. {in margin} brought home a load of sand for the cattle stables - Colin negotiating with Mr Geary about renting his farm. sold him a sucking pig for $1.50 - plowing raspberries - Letter from Ewart.

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 23 20 (327-38) 1894 6

Very hard frost again last night and the ground is very hard this morning and indeed it softened but very little all day. it has been a very pleasant day however especially in the forenoon when we had clear and bright sunshine. Colin and I have been choring and fixing up all day around the premises. we sawed up all the old sills and other trumpery in the yard and drew it into the wood house. we also covered the strawberries with the branches and pea straw. I also finished up the blocking of the far stall in the cattle stable and changed the steers into it. we also moved the heifers into the stall next to them and got room to put in all the young cattle. it has now got so cold at night that the cattle are better in the stable.

SATURDAY 2421 (328-37)

This morning showed signs of continued frost and very dull and threatning. about 8 oclock snow began to fall and by noon I should think there was nearly, if not quite, 5 inches of snow. it was astonishing how everything around was white. I was glad in having done so much yesterday in preparation for winter. Colin chanced it to Guelph to day and I have had the work & care of the stock all to myself. I also set about fixing up around again. fixing the windows for root house, which had gone wrong and placing them in. in the afternoon Johny came and helped me make the granary door. we did not get it hung however. there is considerable work to prepare it for hanging. the beam above the granary had to be hewed to admit of the hanging apparatus being placed upon it. we will have to get another turn at it to finish it. Mr Webb called up to see us this evening. {in margin} Robert and Wm McWilliams are both away to Owen Sound - their brother John has died and will be buried tomorrow - Colin went to Guelph to day. made the granary door - choring round -

Sunday 22

Quite a wintry appearance to day. the snow is drier to day than yesterday afternoon, when we had the appearance of softening. I drove over to Toltons this forenoon - Thos. had just returned from Holstein, I had dinner with them and they went to meeting when I returned home. Maggie and Colin went to Everton meeting this eve'ng. they did not go to day.

NOVEMBER MONDAY 26 23 (330-35) 1894 6

Milder to day,especially in the afternoon when the snow began to give way. towards night it became soft and misty and a regular thaw set in. Johny came over this forenoon and we finished hanging and fixing the granary door. Colin and I fixed up other things around - boarded up the top of the granary, and cleaned up the chips and dirt in the barn. we closed up the door way on the west end of the shed and boarded up the dilapidated part of the siding of the barn in front. We have now begun to feed the outside 11 pigs better. they have lately been shut out from getting any thing on the ground in the fields, &c amd they have been failing. I have also started to feed the turkeys and the other fowls more liberally. I have given what we expect to be the fattening hogs last feed to night. we intend killing them on Wednesday forenoon and will starve them all day tomorrow.

TUESDAY 27 24 (331-34)

A very fine day. Sunshine and Summer like. quite a contrast to the weather which has lately prevailed. the snow has gone about as fast as it came. and the temperature so very mild besides makes the changes very swift and very great. I drove to Everton this morning and mailed 3 letters. one to Holyoke, and one to Alex McGregor, and another with four dollars enclosed to Mr Robt Wood, in payment of single assm't and Relief Call No 17 of one dollar for myself and John McKenzie. Colin took the old white sow to Mr Barbers this forenoon. I finished blocking the second stall in the cattle stable this afternoon, and spent awhile preparing for the pig killing to morrow. Carried 10 pails water to the boiler in the pig pen. Colin plowed the garden plot in the front field and took out some manure. also plowed the old strawbery patch. I visited Daniel Talbot this morning who is very much used up from his experience at Buffalo. he was struck by a passenger train Engine - while going very fast. he is likely to recover from its effects however. {in margin} sow taken down to Barber's to day.

NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 28 25 (332-33) 1894 6

A very wet and unpleasant day. the rain forms into ice as it falls and the east wind that blows is not frosty but it is chilly and unpleasant. it is also misty this forenoon. Colin and I had quite a job getting the boiler ready to boil the water for pig killing this morning - the pipes are rotten and we could hardly get them to hold together while we boiled the water. we succeeded at last however, and got started to kill about nine oclock when Thos. Tolton came to hand. we had them all done by dinner time excepting to finish cleaning the enterals. that being my job. Thomas and I drove to John Jestin's Auction Sale of stock. he had fine stock and they were sold reasonable - more reasonable than was pleasnat for the owner, but, no doubt, the weather had some effect in keeping people from coming. Mrs James McCullough was buried to day. poor woman. she has had a long time of suffering from that terrible typhoid fever. they are an afflicted family. 6 of them having been laid up with the disease -

THURSDAY 29 26 (333-32)

A very fine and Summer like day. very mild in temperature and beautiful sunshine - more like July weather than this day of the year. Colin has been doing up the chores this forenoon , splitting wood &c. and helped me to draw over to the old {dinning?} room the three pigs. we weighed them at the barn in passing. one of them 195 lbs. 171. 165 = 531 - I cut them nearly all up and boned them ready for salting before dinner. after dinner I salted them down in the cellar, and afterwards - Colin and I went together with the team to the old "stony acre" ground and spent the afternoon in drawing off stones and continuing the fence we have been building this year there. there is yet about a quarter of an acre or so to be cleared of stones and I would like to have it all under the plow.

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 30 27 (334-31) 1894 6

Another very fine and beautiul day. it has been inclined to wind and rain a little at times, but, the fine weather prevailed mostly. Colin and I with the team spent the forenoon at the old "stony acre" corner building the fence of stones. Colin worked alone at it this afternoon, taking off the old rails and other timber and stumps and rubbish. I hitched up as soon as I ate my dinner and drove up to the Baldwins where John Loree's effects were being sold. they went too high for me and besides I did not like them. I bought a logging chain 55cts and 2 long trace chains 15cts. in all 70cts. Poor John has made a very poor fist of his opportunities in life. he and his wife skipped off to Manitoba a week or two ago, and left some mourners. he had better remained and wound everything up even if he kept back enough to take them to Manatoba. the roads are now heavy from the melting of the late snow, and from the recent rains -


Cold and frosty last night and to day, but very pleasant. Colin and I have been all day working among the stones at the stony acre. we dug round the large stones and drew them onto the surface of the ground. some of the largest we took up and drew them along and deposited them on the line of fence. one very large stone we had to roll it along principally until getting it to its place at the fence. the chain I bought at Baldwins Sale came in good, as the other was too short. I am pleased to see the stones getting scarce in that corner. they have been for a long term of years an eye sore on the farm. I have often wished the boys to take the matter in hand and get it cleaned up and made ready for the plow, but they always shunned the tackling of it.

Sunday 29

Continues cold and wintry again. the frost is beginning to seep into the ground and shut out the plow & spade &c. Colin and Maggie have been twice at Everton meeting. Maggie and I wrote a letter to Ewart - Holyoke, and we mailed it at night. I walked down with John Webb this evening, and got some shocks on the Electric battery.

DECEMBER November MONDAY 30 (337-28) 1894 6

Quite cold and wintry to day, and the frost last night has very much hardened up the ground - there were quite a number of snow showers through the day, which made the ground somewhat white with a thin covering of snow. after getting the chores done up this morning, Colin and I were making ready to go to the stones again. Richard Synnott's son, Edward, came along and wished me to join his father at the bush where he and his Uncle James were wishing to run the line between our lands - we measured so many lengths of a rope they had on the upper line from the stake, and the same fron the lower stake, and then measured the parrallel lines, this making a base line out in Reddick's field for ranging the line between us. in the afternoon we got Johny's help. we expected to get out to the corner stake at the 3 corner of ours and Maikers and Synnotts - we did so, but were about 18 feet to much in on me. so the line is faulty after all. I was pleased it was that particular way however, as they had proof that I kept on my own ground in the chopping. the line skirting th clearing very closely the most of the way. Colin worked away among the stones alone all day.

December TUESDAY 4 1 (338-27)

A very cold, frosty and comfortable day. A sprinkling of snow has fallen but it has been too cold to snow much. I was doing up some chores this morning when Richard Synnott came along again wishing me to go with him and see if we could do any thing more about the line. I went with him and we spent the time up to the dinner hour again. we measured it across the clearing 33 rods and 5 1/2 feet to where we cut the line at the swamp, and found it to reach about 10 feet further into the swamp than the line we ran. we commenced at a point about 30 rods from the corner of our line fence between Jestin and us, and sighted from the north end of Jestin's Barn. I think the range would be pretty nearly correct. Colin did up some chores but we did not attempt to go at any particular work. it was so very cold. we took out the debris from the cattle stable and Colin put the 11 pigs into the pig pen at the pig house. also brought the geese home and put them into the box stall. I got the money this evening by mail. paid Colin $100.00 he is now paid for his seven months work $105.00 and I suppose has overstepped the half month by a day or two. we are told this evening that John Mutrie and Maggie Allen are to be married tomorrow at Toronto.{in margin} got a letter from Holyke this ev'g saying that Mother intends starting for home some day this week. Settlement with Colin -

DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 5 2 (339-26) 1894 6

Another cold day although hardly so bitter as yesterday. Colin went to Guelph to day and I have had all to do. I have also done up some chores. among them - put in anoither pane of glass in the old sash and placed it in position in the box stall. we have the geese shut in there now. and otherwise closed it round. I also spread the sand in the cattle stable and fixed up some other things around - I hitched up Fred to the buggy and drove over to Ospringe to see a pair of Bob sleighs that James Hill partly owns and which he called yesterday to tell me he would like to sell to me. I think that although they look like good sleighs, I can better myself by dealing with Penfolds in Guelph. they offer to build me a pair for $22.00 and take soft wood at $2.25 a cord, if it suits me to do so, or money if i choose, while Hill wants $25.00 for his.

THURSDAY 6 3 (340-25)

Continues cold and the ground is very hard with the late heavy frosts. I have been choring around agian. there are a great many things going wrong around the place and I am spending my time fixing them up. Colin fixed up the wood rack and I also helped him to get ready a load of wood to take down to Mrs. Pike. he was rather late in getting away but he delivered it all right. I did up all the chores and drove down to Everton for the mail. we expected to have word from Holyoke telling when Mother would start for home, but there was no letter. I sold the 3 lambs to Geo. Coughlin for $10.25 he paid me $4.00 on them.

DECEMBER FRIDAY 7 4 (341-24)

Slight flurries of snow, but nothing to make sleighing. it is also milder than what has lately prevailed for some time. I was choring round this forenoon, fixing up the broken barn door and other work around. Colin got another load of the wood ready before dinner and started off with it about an hour earlier than yesterdays load. Somewhere between 1 & 2 oclock I think. I had to hurry up with some of my fixings and get all the feeding and tending stock work done, and then drove to Everton to get the mail. received a letter from Alex. Holyoke saying his Mother was to start for home to day, and to meet her in Guelph to morrow at the noon train. he did not know that train has been cancelled. I fear she will not reach Gualph sooner than by the 8.30 P.M. train. Colin drove Maggie to Everton this evening to practice singing for a coming entertainment. David Robertsons baby seems a little better this evening.

SATURDAY 8 5 (342-23)

Turned quite soft and damp, all forenoon there was a light rainfall which made it disagreeable to be out in it. I borrowed Henry Duffield's democrat and took over to Geo. Coughlins the 3 lambs he bought of me. it was a little late dinner time when I returned. I then had dinner and put off for Guelph with "Fred" & buggie to meet Margaret. when nearing Guelph I met people who kept telling me what I was going in for, and then I found she had reached Guelph about 2 oclock, on the mixed train. she was with Johny and Lizzie near Guelph and she got in with me. Johny bringing on the trunk. we went back to Willie's where his Mother washed up and we had supper and started off home, getting here about 9 oclock. the Webbs and McWilliams were here to welcome her. I did some business in Guelph looking after bobsleighs at Penfolds and some shopping. Mother has much to tell about Holyoke and the Boys. Alen seems to have a good business, and Ewart seems to be kept pretty busy as well as Alex. they have an apprentice also. Alex. and Annie came to Springfield and saw Mother off last night at 6 oclock. {in margin} delivered 3 lambs to Geo. Coughlin this forenoon didn't get the balance of the price $6.25. drove to Guelph and met Mother. she arrived about 2 P.M.

Sunday 6th

Continues soft. a very little rain has been falling betimes. Colin and Maggie went to Everton this A.M. also in the evening. Mary came up with them to see her Mother. Mrs. Webb and Ada came up to see Margaret and had a nice visit.

DECEMBER MONDAY 10 7 (344-21) 1894 6

Very moderate weather. no snow. I have got somewhat afraid that we might not have much sleighing and have started Colin at the drawing of the wood to Guelph with the Waggon. it is not as handy to draw it that way as on the sleigh when there is good sleighing, but when it gets late in the season before the snow falls there is too short a time to do much {teaming?}. Colin did very well to day with his load. we thought there was a little more than a cord and he got three dollars for it. He pays 5c marked fees, and pays 25cts for his dinner at {Sing?la?} and free stable. taking his own feed for the horses. I have done all the chores myself to day and did some other fixing round which has kept me quite busy. Willie drove from Guelph for a days hunt bringing with him Mr Wideman, Geo. Tindal and another young man. they only met moderate success - 5 hares. Willie was very unfortunate. he fell across a log on his back, hurting himself badlyu, being partly unconcious for a length of time. on struggling to "right" himself he moved his gun while the muzzle was pointed towards him and one of the barrels discharged the load close to his head. a close call. he thinks he has had enough of hunting for a while. {in margin} Colin dod not take a load of wood today, which has been recorded by mistake -

TUESDAY 11 8 (345-20)

Weather continues much the same. no snow yet, but the wheeling is very fair. Colin took another load of wood to Guelph to day and got along very well - he was paid the same to day as yesterday - three dollars for his load and something about the same quantity, a little over a cord. he got home a little before dark and he put on the load again ready for starting in the morning. John McKenzie drove up to day and brought Bella and the children to visit for a couple of weeks or so.

DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 12 9 (346-19) 1894 6

Quite a little fall of snow last night, perhaps 4 or 5 inches. as the ground was a little soft before it fell it does not make sleighing. Colin took his load to Guelph to day agian and got the same money, three dollars, for it. He says the roads were a little heavy in the morning going in, but the snow is pretty much gone again to night. he was home in fair time and put on his load again. I hitched up "Fred" to the Cutter this afternoon and Bella & her mother and I drove over to Toltons. it is the first time we have been there since the trouble fell upon them. I feel extremely sorry for Thomas and Alice especially. poor Bessie is to be pitied, but being the offender the same sympathy is not always extended. Mr & Mrs Edward Tolton were also there. poor Bessie asked us in to her room, and requested her Uncle Edward to read a passage in the Psalms for her. the 51st Psalm, which he did, also 72nd. poor Bessie seems to feel her position keenly. the baby seems a fine child. {in margin} a fall of snow - Colin took a load of wood to Guelph - Bella & her Mother and I drive over to Toltons this afternoon - Mr & Mrs Edward Tolton also there -

THURSDAY 13 10 (347-18)

Mild weather again and the snow is about all gone. mud in many places is taking its place. Colin took a load of wood to Guelph to day. he had about the same as the rest on, but got some more for it. $3.40. he sold to John Royce. he was very late in returning home, being unfortunate in having one of the tires to burst at Guelph. he had ot get the tire set at McConnels costing 50cts. he paid me $10.35. getting the money from Peavoy $1.50. Geo. Coughlin $6.25. and the load of wood $3.40. total = $11.15. market fees 5c dinner 25cts- tire 50cts = 80cts off leaving $10.35. Maggie and Bella have been away to day. Bella paying a visit with the children to Usherwoods, Maggie collecting for the Bible Society along with Ruth McWilliams. I walked down with John Webb and had a shock with the battery. my right arm and shoulder are pained now very badly with rheumatism.

DECEMBER FRIDAY 14 11 (348-17) 1894 6

A very fine day, mild and pleasant. not at all like winter weather. Colin went to Jestins sawing of wood with the Circular to day. Johny had to attend a threshing at John Mutrie's to day and Colin went to Jestins for him. I have not done much more than attend to chores to day. my shoulder is very painful - Maggie and Bella have been visiting at Duffields to day. the children have enjoyed themselves with their grandmother finely. Mrs David Stewart drove along in her buggie this afternoon. she is staying all night. she has been further up the country among friends and now on her way home again. Colin seems to think the roads so rough when near Guelph as to make it unsafe to drive the wood over them. the waggons have been cutting into them rather badly since the soft weather set in. {in margin} Jestin sawing with the Mr Leary Circular - Colin was there for Johny. Maggie & Bella have been visiting at Duffields to day. Mrs David Stewart visiting here.

SATURDAY 15 12 (349-16)

Slight frost last night but, its effects were very soon dissipated by the warm and clear sunshine which prevailed after sunrise. the day was beautiful throughout, but the ground became very sloppy. Mrs Stewart remained with us till dinner time, after which she started off home again with her little horse and buggie. I have been half soling my shoes and attending to the chores. Colin took six bags of grain to chop and got a new front bolster made for the wagon by Robertson, in Everton. paid 30c for chop. and 60c for bolster and fixing draw bolt for wagon, which, I think, is a very moderate charge. Maggie and Bella & children drove to Everton this afternoon - Robert Jestins sawing with the circular was continued this forenoon. Johny attended it himself. he had {Lo??} Martin on this afternoon fixing up his cistern. it was leaking. the walls were cracked in places and they broke up {illegible} parts.{in margin} Beautiful weather. too fine for this time of the year. shoe mending. Colin took team and wagon to Everton and 6 bags chopped. also got bolster of wagon renewed. all paid -

Sunday 13

Quite soft and mild all day. a little cooler in the evening with slight showers of snow falling. Bella & Maggie went with Colin to meeting this forenoon. Maggie remained in Everton and Colin drove down for her at night. I have written a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford. and besides doing chores, did some more writing, and reading also.

DECEMBER MONDAY 17 14 (351-14) 1894 6

Froze up again last night and the ground is hard and quite dry. the air has been quite frosty and the wind piercing. I helped Johny to clean out his cistern this forenoon, also awhile afternoon - Loui Martinoni plastered it over the second time this morning and I held the light for him. Colin loaded up the waggon with a load of wood to be taken to Guelph to morrow - we cut down a doorway into the horse stable and into a stall further into the stable from the house side. so as to be opposite the door leading into the Barn, which was changed through making the granary larger. Johny helped us awhile at it, and Colin also while we were working at it. Our women folk have been visiting at Webb's this afternoon. Colin and I walked down there after tea, Colin taking Maggie down to Everton , so as to be present at their musical rehearsals in preparation for their concert. {in margin} Johny fixing up his cistern - Colin loading up his load of wood for Guelph tomorrow - our women visiting Webb's to day. Maggie at Everton practicing singing.

TUESDAY 18 15 (352-13)

Hard frost last night and the ground to day is like iron. I hurried up with my chores this morning and got through with the feeding about 9.30 - I then made ready my papers &c and drove over to the Council meeting, getting there about 10.30 the Council attended shortly to my business of the Board of Health, and paid me over the expenses in connection with it. I gave Wm Argo $6.00 to take to Mr Auld. Paid John Rea $2.00 . Hugh Black $5.00. Matthias McCann $2.00. in all paid to day $15.00. Dr Dryden has to get $11.30, and Mr Dyer of Rockwood $2.50. and myself $5.00, making in all $33.80. I intended going to James Hyndman's Auction sale this afternoon but, I found that before the chores were done and some other things, that it was too late to go. John Campbell came as I had just eat dinner for the sugar kettle, and scalding trough. also 60 lbs salt that we had borrowed of John Webb. Colin drove a load of wood into Guelph. he started before day light about 6.30. the roads are very rough and very hard. he only got $2.75 to day for his liad. he thinks it was rather a small load. {in margin} Colin drove a load of wood to Guelph to day. sold it for $2.75. went to the Council meeting and gave in my report of the Board of Health - paid 60 lbs salt to John Webb.

DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 19 16 (353-12) 1894 6

A beautiful day. clear sunshine and very pleasant - the air has been cool and the wind cold in the shade, but the sun was warm enough to melt the hard frozen lumps. Colin took in a load of wood to day. he says the roads are getting smoother. he was off this morning before daylight. he got three dollars to day for his load. yesterday was the only day that he took less than the 3 dollars. Alex McKinnons son is also driving to Guelph every day with wood. Colin and he met on the town line both yesterday and to day . Johny helped me to hang the door on the granary in the passage, also the door leading into the stable. I was with him him awhile helping him wash the walls of the cistern. Lizzie was helping. I fixed up the gate leading over to Johny's. it kept me busy doing up the chores and doing up these other things. Bella and her mother and the children visited at Richd McWilliams this afternoon. I went down after tea and spent awhile in the evening. John and Mrs Webb were also there. we had some music. Ruth and Bella were both playing. {in margin} Johny helped me to hang doors in horse passage - one for granary and one the horse stable - fixing his cistern - Colin took a load of wood to Guelph. got three dollars for it.

THURSDAY 20 17 (354-11)

Another very fine day. a little cool but very pleasant. the sun is just warm enough to melt the ground slightly, and the roads are getting smooth thereby. Colin took another load of wood to Guelph to day, and made three dollars. he had his dinner at Willie's. he paid me $5.55 for yesterdays load and to days. paid 10c for a bolt for the reach and 5c for something elso. 30c for his dinner yesterday. I took the sow to Barbers again to day and left her. I hurried back from there and watered and cleaned out the cattle. Maggie helped me feed up. I hitched up the horse and buggie and attended John Currie's sale. Maggie & Bella rode down to the Guelph road with me. they visited at Robertsons and I called for them when coming home. Uncle Duncan is feeble and complaining. I bought 2 pairs of Ewes at Currie's sale. 1 pair $7.00 each, the other pair $6.75 each = $27.50 in all. they seem like good sheep. I saw John McKenzie there and invited him up to his Christman dinner.

DECEMBER FRIDAY 21 18 (355-10) 18946

A very windy and rather stormy day. rather cold also. snow has fallen betimes as if a snow storm was imminent but, they cleared off again and the cold increased - I borrowed Henry Duffield's democrat and stock rack and drove to Currie's this morning for the sheep I purchased yesterday at the sale. there were quite a number of purchasers there getting their purchases into their own possession and making home with them - I was fortunate in finding volunteers to lift my sheep in to the rig and I soon drove home with them. After dinner I hitched up Fred to the buggie and drove down to Rockwood, taking the Box to Express to Collingwood to Mrs Lynn's friends. I paid $11.30 to Dr Livingstone for Dr Dryden. his year's renumeration for working as Medical Health officer. I also paid Mrs Pike forty dollar and returned retired my note which was given for the amount for the horse "Doctor" or "Doc" as we call him. Henry duffield rode down with me. we were soon on our way home again, as we had all our respective chores to do. Colin has been away to day at a "Bee" cutting stove wood for the church at John Blacks. Our "Forester Cow' has slipped her calf to day. it is a pity. {in margin} drove down to Currie's and got the sheep I bought yesterday. drove down to Rockwood this afternoon and paid Dr Dryden's money to Dr Livingstone $11.30. paid $40.00 to Mrs Pike and retired my note for "Doc" - wood cutting Bee Colin at it. John Blacks - paid Dr Livingstone for Dr Dryden as Medical Officer $11.30. Forester Cow slipped calf.

SATURDAY 22 19 (356-9)

Colder to day. the little snow on the ground from yesterday showers make it wintry looking. although there is very little it has made the roads slippery for the horses. Colin was to Guelph to day with a load of wood for Willie. he says the horses slipped considerably. Bella and Maggie drove to Guelph with Fred and buggie. they were shopping - Maggie got a new hat which fails in giving satisfaction - I have spent the most of my time doing the chores. doing some extra cleaning out of pigs &c. I also went down to Webbs and brought home our two ewes. the travellers did not arrive home till somewhat late. darkness had set in. {in margin} Colin took a load of wood to Willie to day. Bella and Maggie also drove to Guelph -

Sunday 20

Cold to day, but not excessive. Snow flakes flying, but of no consequence. Bella & the children drove to Everton this morning with Maggie when she went to meeting. Bella remained in Everton and Janet Abbott rode back with Maggie, going back with Colin and her in the evening.

DECEMBER MONDAY 24 21 (358-7) 1896 6

Snow is falling to day, somewhat constant but not heavy. the ground is hard, but very dry, and it would take considerable depth to make good sleighing. Colin went to Wm Abbotts this afternoon with the team to get them sharp shod. he found it was with great difficulty they travelled on the road on Saturday. they got 5 new shoes on. I repaired a bridle this forenoon and worked at the chores. Colin loaded up his load for Guelph tomorrow. I rode over with Joseph Croft to the Nomination of county Councillors at Ospringe - there was quite a gathering, Hugh Black was nominating Officer and held the time over from 1 till 2 oclock P.M. for nominations. there was quite a batch of names. John Rea, Joseph Fletcher, John Mutrie - Eramosa. Lang. Walker, Duff Dunbar, Kirkwood Erin. All retired but Rea, Fletcher, Lang. Walker & Duff. this is the first of the new law governing County Councils, and its working will, no doubt, be watched with considerable interest. I paid Richd McWilliams two dollars to day bull money, did not pay for the young roan cow as we are not sure that she is in calf. {in margin} The little fall of snow makes it slippry for the horses. and Colion took them to Willie Abbotts and had them shod all round 5 new shoes, and 3 reset. I went over to Ospringe with Joseph Croft to the Nomination - paid two dollars ($2.00) to Richd McWilliams -

TUESDAY 25 22 (359-6)

A winter day, although not very cold. considerable snow has fallen and the wind has been high and drifting the snow into inconvenient piles in places. I have had a job moving some of the turnips in the root house. they have become too hot in the middle of the house and for some days have been smoking ominously. I found some rotting and they are altogether too hot in the middle of the pile at the middle window. I have had a busy day doing up the chores and moving the turnips. Mother has been sewing up the rips in the robe to day - we have got cloth to line it anew. Colin took in a load of wod to Guelph to day. he got three dollars for it. he says the roads are good and smooth now. {in margin} Some little snow drifting. I have been moving some of the turnips in the root house - they are too warm and show signs of rotting. Margaret has been sewing up the robe,

DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 26 23 (360-5) 1894 6

A cold frosty day, but sunshine and pleasant - Colin drove in a load of wood to Guelph - he has risen these few days back alone and taken his breakfast without disturbing anyone. he got $3.25 for his load to day, and was home in good time. he put on his load for tomorrow and got ready the bobsleighs and we all rode down to Everton to the S. S. Social. there was a large gathering of people. the house being very well filled the money taken at the doors must have footed up to a good sum. 15cts being the charge. the music was very good. Jamie Abbott played for the choir, and some of the younger singers. Miss Benham sang a Solo. another young woman played for her. Miss Weatherston gave a couple of her readings. Sanders McLaughan, and the boiling of the Rabbit. Geo. Loree acted "Santa Clause" very well at the closing scene, and the "entertainment" came to an end about 11 oclock. altogether it was a very enjoyable and good entertainment - we had the sleighs but the snow was so thin that we could have wished to have the wheels. I killed a Gobler to day, for the Christmas dinner. the Abbotts are asked along with our own foldks. Hanah Steven's baby was buried this afternoon. being alone and so far away I could not attend. {in margin} Killed Gobler weighing 16 lbs.

THURSDAY 27 24 (361-4)

Another very cold day. the frost was very sharp and kean last night. Colin was up and away early this morning, taking his breakfast all alone. he returned home shortly after four oclock. he sold his load again to day for $3.25. a man that he partly sold to yesterday held to his bargain, and Colin had the three dollars clear to day. as he had no market fees to pay. I have been choring and fixing up some to day in additrion to the usual work. the frost has reached the stables a little which shows the cold is severe. the window of the turnip house has been out this day or two, on account of the heat of the turnips, but I put it in to day. Johny has been sawing with the drag saw these 2 days back at Sam Allan's -

DECEMBER Christmas FRIDAY 28 25 (362-3) 1894 6

Rather a cold day for comfortable getting around. otherwise pleasant however. sunshine and dry footing. the wind has been somewhat strong and westerly, making it cold travelling toward the west. we have had all the family available here to their Christmas dinner. Alex and Ewart being the only absentees. we also had the two Abbott women and the younger folks. Jamie gave us some very nice music. John McKenzie came up also and took Bella and the little ones home. Willie came out from Guelph after dinner was over. he had his dinner by himself. Maggie accompanied him to Guelph in the evening. they will have a cold drive. I drove Fred and the buggie to Everton in the evening, taking with me Janet Abbott & Nettie. Jamie & his Mother went with Willie & Maggie to the corner. Eddie went with Geo. Loree & Mary who left early to take supper at the Lorees, Senr. we had a very pleasant time with all the freinds. I drove down with the democrat in the morning for them. I paid Mr Haskins, blacksmith, $1.25. full of all demands to date. Colin has been at home all day. loaded up his wood for tomorrow.

SATURDAY 29 26 (363-2)

Another cold day. I have been very busy at some other chores than the ordinary work, which forces me to work round pretty lively. Johny and Lizzie went to Guelph to day with the democrat. he had 8 bags apples, got 30cts per bag. 35 lbs or so of butter, 16 cts per lb. Colin took a load of wood and found ready sale at $3.50 the highest price for a load. as yet obtained. he got home in time to load up again. Maggie returned with Johny and was a little on the late side. I was sorry Johny did not leave word how and what to feed his cattle at noon. Maggie was not pleased with a hat she bought at Williamsons and she got another instead to day. Jeenie was with her making the change.

Sunday 27

Continues cold but pleasant. the cold increased towards evening. Maggie and Colin have gone twice to Everton meeting to day. they tell us that Edward Tolton took his formal leave of the church to day. we understand he has had it long in Contemplation - Margaret & I paid Webb's a visit this evening.

DECEMBER MONDAY 31 28 (365) 1894 6

Very misty this morning, and raw, and cold. it became a little warmer as the day wore on, and signs of thawing set in, although it softened up but very little. Colin set off to Guelph in good time this morning, and he returned home in time to get on his load ready for Guelph again. he got $3.25 for his load to day. I have been busy to day as, besides doing my own work, I helped Johny to clean up a grist of wheat 5 bags, and bagged up some mixed grain for chopping. I also went to Standish's with the buggie and bought a Gobler, it weighed alive about 20 lbs. they are selling them for 8cts per pound, dressed, and they deducted 2 lbs off. I paid them $1.45. they only wanted $1.40, but I made them take the other. he is a fine Bird. they were kind enough to send over and let us know they were going to kill them to day, and I had been asking them to keep one for us. Margaret and I drove down to Robert Mortons this evening. Mrs Morton is quite sick. her brother died last week and she is the worse of being over there, as she was unwell before going.{in margin} Misty inclined to thaw - Colin to Guelph with a load of wood - got $3.25. bought a Turkey at Standish's paid $1.45 - Mrs Morton sick, we drove down to see them - helped Johny to clean a grist of wheat -

Tuesday 29

Softer to day. there has been no sunshine all day, and it has been misty and damp threatning rain, but it held up well. Colin took a load of wood again to day. and he met pretty ready sale at $3.30. he was home in good time to get his load on again. I got my feeding done and all stables cleaned out early. so as to help Johny to cut straw. he did not cut, however, and I got the more time to do other things. I also helped Johny to place his horse power on the gangway for cutting tomorrow. I was fixing the catches on the stable door, and put up 8 bags of mixed grain for chopping tomorrow. Margaret got a hen turkey from Mrs Hindley to day, for which she is to give one of hers. Alice Webb drove her up there this afternoon. {in margin} softer to day. Colin took a load of wood to Guelph got $3.30. Margaret got a hen turkey from Mrs Hindley to day. bagged up 8 bags mixed grain to chop tomorrow.

Wednesday 30 1896

Soft again to day. Colin was up early this morning and way with his load before day light. I saw him off with the light. I hurried up with the feeding and cleaned out the stable before going to the mill with the chop. just as I reached the corner the stage moved off for Guelph. Mr Hortop was taking a ride on it on his way to the school house. I should have been on hand there too with him, as Dan. Talbot and I had to Audit the books. but I went on to the mill with the 6 bags of chop, and was early enough, after all, at the school house. I paid Hortop's account $4.65 and the chop 30c making $4.95 in all to Willie Hortop. his father intended riding home with me, but was delayed at the school house. I had Johny's horses and democrat with the chop and had to hurry home to cut straw for him this P.M. Jamie Morton helped us with their team. the machine did not go well for a time, we found it go better not cutting the corn at the same time with the straw. it seemed to wet the rollers and made it clog. Colin met a duller sale to day at $2.75 for the load. he and Maggie attended the Ospringe S. S. Social this evening. {in margin} attended school meeting to day. settles Hortop's account - took a grist of 6 bags to the mill. mailed 2 dollars to Meaford and two dollars to Erin in payment of Jno McKenzie's and my own ass'm'ts A.O.U.W. cutting straw at Johny's -

Thursday 31

Froze up a little last night and there has been drier footing around to day. Colin did not go to Guelph to day, but instead, took a load of wood to Mrs Pike, Rockwood. he started off with it after dinner, he had a cord and an eighth. I have her all paid up now, and she owes me a dollar. the 8th of a cord I will let go to make the rest good measure. and the blanket represents one dollar. so there is another dollar to me. I have been doing some tinkering around which has kept me busy as it has been in addition to me ordinary work. Dan. Tolton called to night, they wish help to thresh tomorrow. John Webb visited us this evening.

{William Sunter continues his diary into the year 1897 using the 'Memoranda' and 'Cash Account' pages in the back of his book. The last entry for January 1897 is for Saturday January 9th. Then follows several pages of entries from 1914. These entries are dated from Friday, October 23, 1914 through Wednesday, November 4, 1914. The pages after the 1914 entries are written in pencil (in William's handwriting)and appear to be drafts of a historical sketch of Everton. The last diary pages return to 1896 and include accounts receivable data.}

January 1897

Friday 1st

Froze up slightly last night, although the indications now point to mild weather. I drove over to Tolton's this morning to help them thresh. they finished up shortly after twelve oclock. they had threshed 2 days before at the present time, and other 2 half days earlier in the season, besides a spurt of about 2 hours on another occasion, so, I think, they must have had a good crop this year. Colin did the chores to day. he got Henry Duffield to come down and lance the lump on the heifer's neck. he put on his load for Guelph to morrow. rain on to night.{in margin} I attended Tolton's thresh - lanced lump on heifers neck - Rain.

Saturday 2

Considerable rain fell last night, but it has not rained any to day. Colin started off this morning before day light, Johny also went with 8 bags apples and other produce. they did not arrive home till after dark - Colin only got $2.75 for his load, and slow sale. it will take cold weather to sharpen the demand. I fed Johny's stock at noon. I have also been at work, besides the usual chores, changing the doorway from barn to cattle stable, and made a new door . Maggie and her Mother drove to Everton this afternoon - Maggie returned alone, her Mother staying all night with Mary, who has been poorly this week. {in margin} Colin went to Guelph to day with a load of wood - Johny there also with apples &c.

Sunday 3

Continues mild and soft. this has been more like a spring day than this day of the year. quite muddy under foot. Thomas Tolton drove over for Margaret to go over, as Bessie's baby is very sick. he had to drive down to Everton for her. Colin and Maggie have been at Meeting twice. Henry Dunbar & his brother Thomas paid us a visit this afternoon. Thomas seems quite rational and is dissatisfied with the surveillance imposed upon him. {in margin} very soft and quite muddy under foot. Henry and Thomas Dunbar paid us a visit.

Monday 4

Very mild and soft to day. it has rained a good part of the time this forenoon. the frost is leaving the ground very fast, and the roads are very bad. we remained at home all forenoon and I repaired my shoes. also put a patch on one of Colin's shoes. After dinner Colin and I hitched "King" to the buggie and drove up to Oustic. the roads were terribly bad in places. I gave 2 marks for John Rea for C. Council - marked for Talbot & Argo. and it was about dark when er returned home. Mother returned home this P.M. the baby is not likely to get better. it is vomiting blood. the Dr has been there. {in margin} Voting at Oustic- repairing shoes.

Tuesday 5

Froze up last night again and there is good footing once more. Colin has a heavy cold and he does not care to drive wood to Guelph until he feels better. I drove down to Everton this afternoon and attended {Peo.?} Vasconi's Sale. Margaret went with me, but did not go to the sale. I bought a few articles. Cross Cut saw & keyhole saw 10C. Trowel 25C, sleigh bells 25c. Tub 10C. curry comb & brush 15c total = 85c{in margin} Attended Peo. Vasconis Auction Sale in Everton -

January 1897

Wednesday 6

Continues frosty and the ground remains hard and dry. Johny took a load of apples to Guelph to day. he got 25c per bag. I fed his cattle at noon. Geo. Abbott came to him the other day to go to school and work nights & mornings for his board. I was driving over with Margaret to Toltons and was met by Ella McDougal on her way over for her. the baby is very low. the Dr thinks it can't live long. he called here as he passed, to look at my face - the troublesome little growth below my left eye, gives me some annoyance, but he thinks it some wart or other simple thing. Colin is not yet very well. I drove over to Tolton this evening. Margaret stays.

Thursday 7

A little snow fell last night , but nothing of any consequence. Dan came over telling us the baby died last night and was to be buried this afternoon. I went over at 2 oclock, and they did not leave till 3. Ms Baker was there and had a little Service. there were a few there, {Ju??} took the little Corpse, and Thomas rode with me. they buried on the front of the monument, south east side, along sid Hanah - John Smallhorn has a Bee to day cutting up the willow Friday 8 trees in front of Richd McWilliam's orchard. they are a rough concern to cut up, but, I suppose it will make not so bad summer wood. I helped awhile in the morning but Colin helped all day.

Friday 8

Moderate weather, not very cold and not any snow yet. so far this is a very snowless season, and the late soft weather made the roads very rough after freezing up again. they are improving however. I drove over to Joseph Reads and bargained for 40 bushels barley at 25cts per bushel, and spoke of going over tomorrow for it. I found however that we could not conveniently go so I ran over again in the evening to tell him so. we bagged up 9 bags snow apples to take to Guelph to morrow. also killed 2 geese.

Saturday 9

Very misty this morning and the most of the forenoon, and raw and chilly. Margaret & I were off to Guelph at 7.10 this morning, with a big team, getting in in about the neat 2 hours. I had the front wheel of the buggie fixed, a half rim. 3 spokes and tire set $1.45. (Pd) 9 bags apples (snow) 6 at 30c and 3 at 25c. $2.55. 2 geese $1.19. Butter 11 lbs. 4 lbs at 16c the rest at 15c. = $1.69. bought 2 out of date Diaries. 40cts at Days. 2 shirts for me (under shirt) $1.00 and other sundries. we were at Willie's for dinner and fed the horses there. Colin did the chores at home and helped Johny cut straw afternoon.

{The next two pages are dated 1914.}

October Friday 23

A very fine day, cool in morning but the sun shone out strong and warm as the day advanced - I rode to Guelph with Ewart with a load of potatoes - he had 26 bags and realized about $14.00 for them. we pedled them cheifly in St Patricks ward among the Italians - we had trouble about the pumps fixing. Mr Field in the hospital from an injury by falling off a wind mill 20 feet. made arrangments to go in on Monday to see about a second hand pump from Herman Tovell's Land lady. {in margin. 1st margin entry has band of black ink around it.} Charles McNab funeral to day. would like to have been present - had to go to Guelph - to Guelph to day with Ewart with potatoes -

Saturday 24

Rain on this morning but did not last very long - the weather was not very pleasant throughout the day. being tired from yesterday's run to Guelph, I did not take in hand any work of importance. James Duffield's boy (young Clark) brought along our barrel of spy apples.{in margin} James duffield sent along a barrel of spy apples -

Sunday 25

Cool but pleasant weather. I kept the house the greater part of the day reading &c. Errett came to S. S. and left for home in good time. there had been a good attendance at church and Sunday school. I went in the evening to church and heard a good practical discourse on the teachings and character of Jesus Christ and the effect it should have on his followers. {in margin} at church this evening and heard a very practical sermon by Mr Thorpe on Christian cond{end of word cut off} & character.

Monday 26

Cold and unpleasant early morning, but cleared up fine as the day advanced. I gathered the potatoe tops to a heap for burning, but could not burn them as snow clouds passed over leaving considerable snow on the ground. this is the first snow of the season here. Ewart drove to Guelph to day and got the pump at Herman Tovells. {in margin} I gave a check for 5 dollars to G. A. Marshall and he cashed it. Ewart drove to Guelph for pump. paid 4 dollars for it, and $1.25 for new plunger -

Tuesday 27

Very cold turn of the weather. we put our beet & carrots into the cellar this forenoon. we pulled them up last night and put them in the stable. after that I pulled the Cabbage up and brought them in. Ewart brought the pump down to get a band on cylinder. I gave him 5 dollars for payment of pump - the pump was 4 dollars, and the plunger of barn pump was $1.25 - we have the garden cleared of crop except the strawberries. by the papers we learn the Germans are losing ground and much loss of life - D. L. Schultz is arrested as a spy.{in margin} housing the garden truck. paid Ewart for pump.

Wednesday 28

continues cold, but kept dry. I took the chance of a ride up to Ewarts before dinner and helped him to take in his turnips. we picked and hauled in 5 loads. Ewart had all the patch topped, and he grubbed 2 rows into one and afterwards ran the old iron harrows through there to shake the soil off them. they are a fine crop and very clean. if they hold out as well as they have begun there will likely be about 25 loads altogether in acre & half - Gertie helped to load them and, with me, to unload. I gave Ewart 2 dollars to pay J Duffield $1.50 for the apples, and 50c to himself for pump expenses. I am staying overnight to help again tomorrow. {in margin} Chanced it up to Ewarts and helped him with his turnips. paid for spy apples to J. Duffield also finished pump expenses - staying overnight with Ewart to help tomorrow -

Oct. & November Thursday 29 1914

Rain on this morning. and continued, less or more, all day. of course, we gave up any idea of working at the turnips, and Ewart drove me down home this morning in time to bring the boys to school. snow cloud dropped some snow which soon melted. fixed Gerties shoe some - {in margin} Rain which stopped the turnip work -

Friday 30

Weather still unsettled, and no good for working at turnips. think it will likely dry up again soon. the war news is yet very terrible. the poor fellows who fight the battles have an awful time of it. their suffering must be intense, hand to hand and bayonet charges are frequent - {in margin} letter from brother James - they are in usual mettle - awful war news. terrible suffering and carnage.

Saturday 31

Weather settled, heavy frost last night, and the land this forenoon was very muddy, and I concluded that Ewart would not go at his turnips, and so did not go up. I was mistaken however, as Ewart & Gertie with the boys were down this evening tell as they took up and in 10 loads this afternoon, and they were in good condition. they used the 2 wagons, and Ewart unloaded while Gertie and the boys loaded in the field. Errett drawing them up. we hear this evening that Dougald Robertson is ill seriously. Pneumonia has set in. {in margin} better weather. Ewart took in 10 loads turnips this P.M. Boys helping - Douald Robertson taken ill, think Pneumonia -

Sunday, November 1

Nov. 1 - Fair weather again. have kept pretty close to the to day. Maggie went to S.S., this morning and did not see her again till late bed time. she wernt over to McKenzies from church - the war news looks serious. Turkey is now into the frey. I have read this afternoon the greater part of Isaihs prophecies. especially from about the 42d Chap. to the end of his prophesies. he presents a graphic picture of the latter days. {in margin} Weather settles - kept the house pretty close. reading Isaiahs prophecies -

Monday 2

Rained a little this morning, but it soon faired up again, and although a little dull, it reamained dry all day. I expected to help Ewart to finish up his turnip housing to day but he did not sent the buggie down, as I requested. and I did not walk up further than the corner to see. likely they have taken them in today. reports of terrible slaughter at that cruel war. {in margin} I hear the Jas. Black and Jack Greives are up for Reeveship - Mr Thorpe here at tea this evening - terrible accounts about the war -

Tuesday 3

Rained again this morning, but soon cleared up again. I have not heard how Ewart got along with his turnips, but it is likely he would get the most of them housed yesterday. no doubt he will be able to make a clear finish of them to day some time. {in margin} Ewart finish the turnip housing.

Wednesday 4

Pleasant weather, although rather cold for comfort. some clouds have passed over which drapt a lettle rain but nothing to speak of. Dougald Robertson is getting nicely better I hear. by this evenings papers we read the fortunes of war this week are rather against the Allies, the British have lost 2 Cruisors down by South America. they were not aware that any large German war ships were hovering round in that direction. so were unprepared to meet them. the Allies on the old battle front however have been holding their own and a little more. there was a terrible onslaught last Tuesday, but the Allies came out best. {in margin} Dougald Robertson on the mend. war news not so good for British lost 2 cruisers - Allies on the land holding their own -

{The rest of pages in this diary consist of what appears to be a rough draft (in pencil) of some Everton history.}

The Village of Everton, like many another village in the country obtained its name in commemoration of a family of the name of Everts, who first settled on its site, and who, in the early 40s became aware of the great value of its water privelige which obtained on a part of Lot 10, con 7 of the Township of Eramosa earlier than about 1850. 51. the history of the village is pretty much a sealed Book, seeing that all the members of the family have now passed off excepting Wm Everts, a grandson of the original proprietor, and he being comparitively a young man yet could not be expected to be cognisant of the changes as they took place from the earliert periods - the writer of this sketch having moved at the above date into the neighborhood of the village, and personally acquainted with the members of the Evert family up to the time of their passing away, is likely to know as much of its history as could otherwise be obtained. the original Evert estate consisted of 400 acres. Lots No 9 & 10. con 6 & 7. Lot 9 comprising 200 acres of very fine farming land, making 2 farms of 100 acres each and have been occupied by 2 of the Gd sons of the original proprietor. one of whom now only survive. Lot 10. con 6 & 7 consists of a very rocky and swampy region through which a branch of the Grand River wends its way among the rocks on its way through Rockwood and beyong. this portion of the property fell into the hands of Rufus, the oldest son of the proprietor, who built a saw mill and also the frame of the present grist & flour mill upon the site of the water power which now obtains the heavy frame of the grist & flour mill stood uncovered for a length of time, because, it was said Mr R. Everts did not feel able to go on with it to a finish, but eventually {Mesgrs?} William & Simon Pevies saw it to their advantage to complete the buildings and put in all the machinery required for the mill business. for the consideration of the use of the property for a term of years. this was mutually agreed and acted upon, after the {illegible} of which it fell once more into the possession of Rufus Everts who ran it a number of years, but finally sold out to the present proprietor. Mr Henry Hortop, who also in turn gave its management over to his eldest son William, who now runs the business very successfully. the firm also at very large expense made great improvements to the property, enlarging the dam, setting up a set of rolls in flour mill, up to date chopper, also saw and shingle mill &c, which has proved a great Boon to all the district around.

the main street of the village is situated to the north of the valley where the river andf the mills are located, and is reached from below by a good road cut out of the rocks to the table land above and street above, where about 50 years or so ago Mr Peter Stewart employed a surveyer to survey and locate {phrase above line may be 'and at his expense'} that northern part of the village. the southern end of the village is not so extensive but the road is good and leads to a fine farming country to the south & east, where beautiful farms abound on every road. the northern part, which consists of a tiny peice of upland on Stewarts survey, extends to within 1/2 a mile or less, of the county gravel road leading from Guelph to Erin village. the cemetery lying about half way between the outskirts of the village and the county gravel road where the early pioneers, for the most part, are laid in their last resting place. upon this northwestern part of the village Mr Peter Stewart built the large and commodious stone store now owned and occupied by Mr G. A. Marshall, general merchant and Agent, whose store is reputed to be one of the best in the district & country, and whose other business ramifications demand much of the time & attention of the proprietor. the congregation of the denomination of the Disciples of Christ who met in various places in the township many years ago, at last conceived the idea of amalgamation and in the year of 1861, had the present large edifice erected for their use, and where up to the present time they have regularly continued to meet for worship. Subsequently the Methodist denomination also followed suit & erected the very nice and suitable brick chapel for their special use, which they have continued to occupy and regularly have meetings ever since. the Presbyterians also, in the past, had their meeting house, but it has long been discarded, on account of the newer and larger building at Ospringe taking its place, and where their regular minister presides every Sunday. Some of the usual industries in {illegible} in the long past years of the village have ceased to operate, greatly on account of their work being monopolized by large outside factories. such as wagon & carriage building which was carried by Mr Robert Copeland, in conjunction with Mr Wm Torrence, the Blacksmith. flour milling also in the smaller mills being much in request. it was found necessary to have the barrells readily at hand and a cooperage of considerable dimentions was

in operation for years in the village, under the management of the Gou{??}ey family and later on by some others. the shoe making and repairing interest was, for many years, attended to by a number of the craft who found it to be their interest to be stationed in Everton but who eventually gave up the business. framing and house carpentering was also very well represented by members of the families of the Mitchells, Abbotts, Jestins &c, but most all, in their turn, ceased to operate. the blacksmithing business has never lacked a representative during all the years, and is now cared for in the Village by Mr George Robertson, who is always on hand to do his best to please his customers with a ready and willing hand. The Public for a long time in the early days, had to put up with a very innaficient and unsatisfactory postal service. the mails carried principally over the rough road once a week on horse back. soon however, a By weekly and try weekly mail was established, to be superceded by the daily Auto car which is comfortably covered to carry passengers & parcels, and run daily (except Sunday) from Erin to Guelph & return, calling at Everton each time morning & night. Mr James Neville of Erin is the driver and manager of the car and its business, and any business entrusted to Mr Neville will be carefully and courtiously attended to, as has been the daily experience.

{The top of this page contains accounting data from 1896. The left edge of the page is cut off. The bottom of the page is a continuation of the rough draft of a historical sketch of Everton which was written by William no earlier than 1914. }

{This appears to be rough draft #2 of William's sketch of Everton. It is in pencil. The left edge of the page is cut off.} The Village of Everton, situated about midway between the {ci}ty of Guelph and Erin Village, is one of the finest farming {??}ctions of the county of Wellington, is southerly {??}acent to the county {gr}avel road which connects these two points. its flour and grist {mi}lls, saw log and shingle mills occupy a central position in the {vi}llage and are snugly situated in a rocky valley, where a branch of {th}e grand river provides the power for the mills. after doing so the river wends its way through among the high & precititate {r}ocks {to} Rockwood and beyond. the village, like many others in the country obtained its name in commemoration of the family bearing the name of Everts -
17 Johny borrowed 5 bags oats  
18 " " 1 bag " 79
22 " " " " 84
26 " " " " 79
2 " " " "  

{this appears to be accounting data from 1896}


according to recepts sent to Guelph by Colin McMillan to D. L. Shultz for turnips. 1 load. March 17th 42. 15 lbs at 11c - March 19th 2 loads. 43.10. at 48 _ 15 at 12cts - March 24th 25. 25 at 15cts at least Barrie offered that. (only allowed 12cts) Rockwood. Eramosa - Everton, and Guelph

{typewritten page}

{typewritten page}

{typewritten page}

Transcription Progress



William Sunter Diary Transcription, 1896.pdf


William Sunter, “William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1896,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/144.
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