Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1878-1881
Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1878-1881
Duncan MacFarlane
Courtesy of Private Collection
19th Century, Wellington County, Puslinch Township, Ontario
Date Created
Is Part Of
Duncan MacFarlane Diary Collection
Scanned Manuscript and Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
Duncan MacFarlane (1818-1892)
1878-1881 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
July 1 this day is very warm the men are ploughing
" 2 we had a fine rain today in the afternoon I was cleaning the Carrots
" 3 this is a fine growing day more rain the morning I went to Guelph fair I bought a new
Sulky raik from M Bardell for 12 cord of tamarack wood to be delivered at J B Armstrongs
next winter. it is the Massonar Gallawe raik made at Oshawa I went to Aberfoyle got home
the old Buggy we got it repaired new rims and new tyres
" 5 this day is very warm the School Annual Picnick John was cutting Hay in the forenoon
" 6 cut some heay and raiked some up the Council was examining the ditch back at Watts
this day is very warm
" 8 there was some rain last night and this morning Meeting of Council in the afternoon
" 9 a fine day got in 6 loads of heay
July 10 this is a fine day got in 5 loads of Heay
" 11 cutting Heay in Oarchard it is very heavy it comenced to rain about noon
" 12 this is very weet it rained for nearly 24 hours I went to Guelph Bought 3 lb of Parisgreen
paid 40 cts per lb got 1 quart of castor oil for the machine
" 12 I went to Guelp with William Horrocks to see the Lawer we got in 3 loads of Heay
" 13 got in all the Heay in the back field finished cutting the Heay in the Oarchard
" 15 this is a fine Heay day
" 16 this is a fine day very warm got in all the Heay in the Oarchard cut the Heay in big flatt
field finnished
" 17 this is a fine day comenced to thin the Turnips yesterday John cutt 2 acres of Barley and
some wheat I was rakeing heay in the afternoon
" 18 got in 2 loads of heay it rained very heavy about 11 oclock then about 2 oclock a very
heavy shour
July 19 this day is very hott and sultry no breeze in the fornoon a fine afternoon got in 3
loads of Barley
" 20 a very fine day got in 4 loads of heay finished the heay it was a very good crop 30 loads
comenced to cut the wheat with the reaper about 4 oclock it is very ripe it ought to have been
all cutt before this
" 22 a very high wind it is shakeing out the wheat cutting the wheat
" 24 a fine harvest day finnished cutting the fall wheat in the morning then comenced to cut
the Barley in the field near the house
25 a fine day in the forenoon finnished cutting the Barley and hauled in 5 loads of fall wheat
and 3 of Baley it comenced to rain about 4 oclock
26 this day has ben very wett it rained for 24 hours there was a great quantity of rain we
went to Aberfoyle to the store in the evening
27 this is a fine day the wheat and Barley is very weet working among the shocks and
turning the Barley got the Barley in in the evening 3 loads Robert Amos and Margret came
29 hauling in wheat it comenced to rain in the evening it was very dull all day
July 30 this day is very dull and soft rained some all night and forenoon not heavy
31 this is a fine day got in the Fall wheat in the evening it is sprouted some
August 1 cutting the spring wheat and raiking the fall wheat stubble the weather is dull
" 2 this is a fine day got in some spring wheat 2 loads it was loose it was a poor crop golden
drop I bought the seed from Goldie Guelph comenced to cut the Oats in the back field they
are a fine crop
" 3 a fine day got in all the spring wheat 3 loads of read chaff
" 5 a great deal of thunder and lightening all day we had a very heavy shour about noon
great storms all round
" 6 a great thunder and lightening and a terable storm about noon every place is floded
" 7 this is a fine day bound some oats in the afternoon I was at Guelph fair
" 8 got in 5 loads of oats a fine day
" 9 a fine day we were thrashing wheat
10 the men is pulling peas
Aug 10 I went to Aberfoyle Mill with 12 Bushels of spring wheat old for a grist
12 a fine day the men is pulling Peas got in one load
14 a fine day pulling peas
15 a fine day at Watts thrashing got in 3 loads of peas and the last of the Barley
16 I went to Rockwood with the wool to carde we had a great storm in the evening a great
deal of thunder and lightning James Hume got 3 sheep killed with the lightning
" 17 a fine day we went to Guelph had 3 bags of Apples got 87 1/2 cents per bag we went up
to Robert Amoses
" 20 a fine day hauling in Peas 4 big loads
" 21 a very fine day John is over at Georges cutting his oats and McLaren is at Laings
Thrashing I was cleaning wheat
24 rained last night I went to Guelph
26 got in the last of the Peas 12 loads Meeting of Council in the afternoon
27 I was at the seed fair at Aberfoyle I got the 4 prise sold 10 bushels to Robert Watson at
$1.15 cents per B
August 29 John is cutting oats back in the flats
" 31 we have had a fine harvest week we have been binding Oats hauled in 2 loads it rained
some in the afternoon
Sep. 2 a fine day but close and warm we have a great deal of rain since Saturday it rained all
night and nearly all day yesterday
" 3 this day is dull and warm we bound some Oats in the afternoon
4 this day is very soft some rain I went to Guelph fair
5 very dull and warm there is very little draught we bound up some oats in the afternoon they
were not very dry and sprouted some {unclements}
7 this is a fine day got in some Oats and cut some
9 this is a fine day got in 3 loads of Oats comenced to sow the fall wheat sowed the field out
at the Concessisson 6 Bushels
10 I was at the Nomination of a Member of Parliment for the House of Commons it rained
nearly all the afternoon
12 a wett day I was at the Sale at the Model farm
Sept 13 this is a very wett day it rained nearly all day yesterday and the night before we had
a terible heavy rain all night the whole place is flooded with water we do not mind of such
heavy rain continuing so long it is one of the greatest floods that Canada has ever seen it
has done a great amount of damage all over the Country
16 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with some articles for the Centeral Exibition
17 a fine day this is the Election for Members of Parliment for the House of Commons of
Canada Mr D Guthrie was Elected for the South Riding of Wellington by the Reform Partie
18 this is a fine day Susan got Married to John Little Blacksmith
19 we were at the Guelph Centeral Show it was a fine day but it got very dark and stormie
after night a thunder storm
14 Johns Wife had a Daughter this morning
Sept 20 I went to C Littles for 3 bushels of scott wheat for seed when I was coming home the
holdback of the britchin brock coming down the hill at the back lot and I was thrown out of the
Bugie and badly hurt the hors run away and brock the Bugie John was at the Guelph Show
and brought home the articles we got no prize
"21 I had to go over to Robert Duglus to investigate the fire that Burned his Barn and crop
23 I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 37 by measure and 33 B 50 lb by weight got 95
cents per Bushel Clawson wheat we bought some furnitur for Susan John finnished the
sowing the Fall Wheat
24 George and me went over to the Township of Blenhem for to see C Forbas we drove
about 70 miles with Fannie and McCaigs Dick the roads were very good the most of the way
Sept 27 this is a fine day but very coold we had a meeting of the Directors of the Insurance
Company about Dugluss fire
" 28 very frosty last night John Iles and I were letting some jobs on the roads it was some
Ditchen on the Sideline between lots 15 & 16 on the 10 con
" 30 this was a very fine day warm Johns Baby has been very bad since saturday they are
ploughing the new land down on the flats near the creek
October 1 this is a very fine warm day Johns Baby Died this evening it has been very bad
since Saturday we cleaned up a load of fall wheat this afternoon 38 Bushels
2 I was up to Guelph and marden Johns Baby was Burried today it is a fine day
3 I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat got 92 cents per Bushell 35 B 50 lb measure 38 B
8 Puslinch Show a fine day we got the first prize for one of the 2 year old Colts first for Beets
9 we went over to John Littles and to Crists we had a terible high wind and some rain
October 14 Meeting of Council in the afternoon we are getting in the apples
" 12 Mr Leslie and me wer letting some jobs on the roads over in Badinoch
11 were thrashing the Barley and some Oats
19 this day is some Colder we went to Guelph to meet the funeral of Mrs Johnston she Died
up at Walkerton and was burried on the plains
22 it is very fine weather and warm the girles are toping the turnips the men are ploughing
and I am cutting stone
23 this day is wett in the forenoon I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 7 1/2 Bushels of
Wheat part spring part fall
24 this is a fine warm day it is the fast day before the Sacrament the fencevewers were
called out by David Watt to settle some dispute about the ditches on the road and through
our land
25 a fine day I was at old John Clarks Funeral John harrowed up some of the turnips and
hauled in 2 loads
26 this day was very weet it rained a good
deal last night it has rained nearly all day and very heavy this afternoon and tonight
October we were at the church today
" 27 this day is rather soft and dull this is the Sacrament Sabath
" 28 this is a good day for the turniph we hauled in 10 loads
" 29 some snow in the morning and frost we hauled in 9 loads of turnips
" 31 this day is very blustry and cold it was shoury in the morning and cleared up in the
afternoon I went to Guelph in the forenoon
Nov 2 this is a fine morning finished hauling in the turnips 47 loads large loads the crop was
not very great part of them was very good and part not very good {large space} we
comenced to pull the carrots but it rained some in the afternoon
4 this day is clear and cold pulled all the carrots and hauled some in
6 we went to Guelph Fair with a load of Barley 51 Bushels by measure 46 B 27 lb by weight
Paid W Sunly for Johns Stove $19.75
Nov 7 we thrashed Oats and wheat a fine day for thrashing
8 finnished thrashing the wheat we went out to Aberfoyle to here W.F Clarke lecture before
the Farmers Club
9 I went to Guelph with a load apples sold 9 bags of Northern Spy at 75 cts per B 1 of
culverts 60 and 1 Snow 50 cts and brought 2 bags home Bought a quarter of Beef at $3 1/2
per 100 lb the weather has ben frosty
11 the weather is soft it rained in the afternoon
12 the men is ploughing
13 I was over at John Murray with regard to Mrs Johnstone Will Mr Dawson was there to
read it Robert Beatie and myself is appointed Exicutors of the Will
14 I went to Guelph with Mrs Johnstones Will to the Surigate Office and got Sworn in
Thomas Wright has ben thrashing peas this week he thrashed 48 Bushels he went up to
Guelph today
15 this is a fine day
Nov 16 We were Cutting Peas with the cutting box this forenoon Duncan and me went to
Morriston in the afternoon a fine day
18 this day is very dull and warm we had good deal of rain since Saturday night the roads
are very bad Duncan went to Rockwood Woolen factory with 15 1/2 lb of wool to get it
20 this is a very fine warm day I went to Guelph with a load 10 bags of Wheat 24 B by
measure 22 B 30 lb by weight got 88 cents per B I had 9 bags of apples 6 at 70 cents and 3
at 75 cts
21 this is a very warm fine day indian summer I was cutting stone John went to Guelph with
Lizie Willson
22 this day is wett and raw I was at Patton sale I went to the Mill with a grist of 94 Bushels
fall Wheat
23 I went to Guelph about Mrs Johnston affairs the roads are very bad
25 this morning is rather cooler it snowed some George came over with 16 Bushels of Peas
for the pigs he is to get his seed from here
November 25 John McLaren left here this afternoon he has ben 9 months here
Nov 26 this is a fine day I went to Duncan Stewarts for a load of Potatos 16 bags at 60 cents
per bag they are very good earley rose
" 27 this morning was rather cold with a strong east wind it comenced to rain about 11
Oclock and rained very heavy all afternoon
29 I went to Guelph with Duncan Stewart to do some buisness with Stirton it a fine day
30 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle in the afternoon
Decem 2 a very weet day it has rained all night and nearly all day and the most of yesterday
the Council mett for the last time this year received forty Dolars
" 4 this is rather a stormy forenoon it snowed some the roads are very bad a reaguler slush
this is the National Thanksgiveing day I was at the Church
December 6 this day is frosty we put the Sow to Duncan Gilchrist Boar
" 7 I went to Guelph with 8 bags of fall Wheat 19 B by measure 17 B 40 lb by weight at 93 cts
per B and 7 bags of apples sold 4 bags at 60 cts 3 at 50 cts Bought a 100 lb of Oatmeal at
$2. 29/100 the roads are good
" 8 this is a fine day the roads are very good we were at the Church
" 9 it snowed all night there is a good bit of but it comenced to rain in the forenoon and rained
all day we were cleaning up Peas after cutting them with the cutting Box
" 10 this day is Weet and dull it rained all night and a good part of today I went down to Mr
Leslies with Duncan Stewart about a note Bill McFather forged on him
" 11 this day is cold and frosty with a very high wind a great change of weather
13 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle in the afternoon
14 this day is very stormy it snowed very hard
December 14 I was out with Mr McLaren Teacher to Duncan Stewarts he was getting his
Will drawen Out it very stormy in the evening
" 12 we were at Guelph Christamas fair we had the sleigh but the sleighing is very bad
" 16 I went to Guelph with Robert Beattie to Draw the Money out of the Bank beloning to Mrs
" 17 we had Meeting of the Heirs of Mrs Johnston at John Murrays to give them there Portion
" 20 this day is very cold and stormy the sleighs are running we were at John McRobbies
" 21 we went to Guelph with 6 bags of Apples got 50 cents per bag for good winter apples
times are very dull it is hard to sell anything they had some Butter and eggs and chickens it
turned out very stormey it snowed a good deal went up to Robert Amoss I bought an Overcot
paid $9 at Rutherfords
December 25 this day is very stormy and cold there has been three very cold days with a
high wind the road are badly drifted we were over to Christ Littles getting our Christmas
dinner the friends were there
28 John went to Guelph with a load of wood for J B Armstrong for a Sulky rake
30 this is a fine day this is the Nomination of Councilors
Jan 31 I went to Aberfoyle mill with 3 bags to chopp
" 1 this is a very fine day very plesent for the season warm good sleiging
" 2 this is a very stormy day I went down to the second com
" 4 very stormy and cold we have had three very cold and stormy days the roads are all
blocked up Duncan and me went up to Guelph
" 6 this is a fine day the roads are very bad this is the Election of Councilors I am elected a
Councilor for 1879
January 8 this was the annual school meeting we went up to Mardan to Robert Amoss with
Elisibeth to go to the school
" 11 we went to Guelph with a load of fall wheat 35 B by measure 32 B 40 lb by weight got
87 cents per Bushel
" 13 this day is very raw and cold white frost I went to James McCaigs funeral on the 2 con
14 this is a very fine Mild day we were cutting peas with the cutting box George was over
15 a fine clear day but very cold John is hauling wood to Guelph the Annual Social of the
Farmers Club there was a great turn out we were at it
16 this is a very stormy forenoon and part of the night but the afternoon is fine and warm I
went to Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 9 1/2 Bushels by measure 8 B 35 lb by weight got 290 lb
flour that is 34 lb to the B weight Bran and shorts 155 lb
January 18 this is a fine day had some more wind and snow last night I went to the Meeting
of the Puslinch Mutual Fire Insurance Company I was Elected to be Presedent for the
Currant year
" 20 a fine day but very frosty this was our first Meeting of the Council for the year
22 this is a fine day we were over to Georges the roads are prety good
23 this is a fine day we were over to James Lennies and to John Porters Sale
25 I went to Guelph with John and his wife we had 5 bags of Apples sold 2 for 60 cts 3 for 50
cts they were very good apples I settled up with J B Armstrong with the Cordwood I delivered
12 cord of tamarack for a Sulky Horse Rake I got from A Bardwel
27 this day is very soft day we have a thaw we were cleaning peas
28 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 5 bags of Oats & Peas to chopp I went to Morriston and
sold some Heay to Mr Ross for $8 per ton
31 Annual Meeting of the Farmers Club.
February 3 Meeting of the Township Council
" 4 I has ben hauling Heay 4 loads 4 ton 280 lb at $8 per ton $32.87 one load to the
Aberfoyle Mill 2050 lb got the same weight of Bran
" 5 we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 35 1/2 Bushels by measure 32 B by weight got
85 cents it was not very good some sprouted
7 I went to Guelph for a pair of sleigh runners paid $1.33 for the Bobsleigh
8 this is a fine day they are going to the Blacks Smiths shop with the sleigh I went over to
John Littles shoop with the sleigh to fix one runner was broken we Went to Janes
10 I went down to Moriston a fine day
11 this day is Blustry and soft sort of snow and rain I went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart
12 this day is very cold and stormy high wind
13 this is a very fine day
15 very cold the keenest frost of the season yesterday was very cold
18 John is hauling wood to James Fairley of Guelph tamarack at $2. 25/100 per cord
February 19 John hauled 4 1/2 cords of Tamarack wood to James Fairley Guelph at 2. 25/10
per cord
"13 John went down to Moriston with a load of Heay to the Doctor
19 I went over to the Lake along with Leslie & Nicoll to inspect a job on the road that we lett
22 very fine weather for the season cold sometimes
21 a fine day cleaned up a load of wheat 35 B
24 a fine day but very frosty I went to Aberfoyle to meet the rest of the Councillors about
some matters with regard to a certain letter
25 this is a very stormy day snow from the east I am mending shoes
14 John hauled a load of Heay to Dr Orton Moriston 2050 lb at $8 per ton
27 this day is very cold I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 24 B 35 lb at 97 cents 8 B 5 lb
at 85 cents the 4 bags was the raikins it was sprouted went up to Roberts then went to old
Mr Amoses Sale at the farm
28 this morning is very cold and frosty very severe but clear I went to the Aberfoyle mill with
6 bags of peas & oats to chopp
March 1 this morning was rather warm and fine but it got windy and cold before night we cut
some soft wood with the saw about 2 cords
"3 this a very fine clear day the sun is very strong I went over to Ferrishes Milll near
Rockwood with a grist of 6 bags of Fall and spring Wheat 15 B by measure got 485 lbs flour
that is 32 lb to the B measure Hugh Cassin got Killed with a tree chopping in the Bush
4 this day is stormy it started to rain then turned to snow
7 this is a fine day I went over to Georges the Wife had a Daughter last Monday the 3rd the
Mrs came home I was at the Farmers Club Meeting in the evening
10 this day very warm the snow is getting very soft the sleighing is about done
11 I went over Hugh McNaughtons Sale
12 this day is colder I sold a Steer to Farr & Hales for $56
14 this day is blustry and cold snow shours I went to Peter Grants sale
15 I went to Guelph with Duncan he is
March 14 going up to Arthur to hew timber the roads are very bad especiely the Brock road I
sold 4 bags of apples at 70 cents Butter 18 1/2 cents
"17 we went to Guelph with the Steer I sold he is not 3 years old and weighed 1355 lb I got
$56 for him
19 I went over to Georges when I came home there was one of the cows died she calfed
before I went away she put out her calf bed
21 this is a very fine day we were sawing Wood sawed a great pile
22 this day is very stormy snow out of the east we went to Guelph with Butter & eggs and the
cows hide it weighed 58 lb got 4 1/2 cents per lb
24 snow out of the east in the forenoon then rain Meeting of Council in the afternoon
26 I went to Aberfoyle with some Peas & Barley to the seed show I sold the Peas 10 B 26 lb
at 73 cents per B and brought the Barley home
27 this day is soft and mild I was at Sherrats sale I got $2.50 from him Bull money
March 27 John went to Galt with a load of fat sheep for John Murray
28 the roads are getting soft I was up to the Modle Farm at the Closeing examination of the
29 it rained heavy last night with some thunder were at Guelph with Butter and egs
April 2 I went to the Guelph fair this day is very cold and frosty the sow had five young pigs
they are smart
3 we were sawing wood at Georges and some straw the day is very cold the roads are rough
March 31 cutting wood at John Murrays
April 5 we went to Guelph this day is very cold this week has been very cold and frosty with
high winds
7 this is fine day but frosty at night I was up to Guelph at a meeting of reformers to make
arangements to select a Candidate for the next Election
April 8 I went over C Littles to see him he is very sick he has Inflamation of the lungs
" 9 this is a fine warm day John went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 3 bags of wheat fall
and spring 5 bags of Barley peas & oats and 2 bags of oats to chopp
" 10 this day is very wett and stormy Duncan came home from Arthur
11 John went over to John Littles shop with the new roller to get iorned
12 we went up to Guelph and to Robert Amoses it is a fine day but cold at night hard frost
14 a fine day but cold I was at a Meeting of Reformers at the Town hall Aberfoyle to appoint
Deligates to the Convention at Guelph
15 this a fine day frosty at night hard frost every night the Ewes began to lamb we had 2
16 this is a fine day I was at Guelph to the Convention to select a Candidate in the reform
intrest at the next General Election James Laidlaw was Selected
April 19 we were at Guelph I bought 265 lb of land salt paid 25 cents per 100 lb
" 21 this is a fine day comenced to cultivate and Gang plough the turnip land for Wheat
" 23 fine weather comenced to sow the spring wheat sowed 2 Bushels of Golden drop 6 B of
beardid and 1 1/2 Bushels of read chopp
" 24 6 Bushels of Oats
" 26 sowed 10 Bushels Barley sowed about 170 lb of Clover and Timothy I was at Guelph
" 28 fine weather we had a fine shour last night things are starting to grow I comenced to dig
the garden
" 29 it a fine day white frost in the morning Duncan and me went to Guelph I bought a new
shovel paid 90 cents the men are ploughing sod
" 30 this day is quite cool George was over last evening and got 6 Bushels of Barley and 16
Bushels of Peas for seed Crist Little got 10 Bushels Barley
May 2 a fine day Sowed 3 Bushels of Barley out at the corner field
" 3 we went up to Guelph and Marden
May 6 Duncan and his men went up to Peel to work it is very cold and frosty at night
" 7 this day is cold in the morning we went up to Guelph fair with the Cow Cherry and sold
her for beef at $36 50/100
" 8 I went down to Moriston with some bills for a reform meeting it is warm John Sowed 4
bags of Peas
" 9 I was at a Meeting at the Town hall Aberfoyle in the evening about Election matters
" 10 this day is very warm we were at Guelph then went down to Moriston John finished
sowing the Peas about 24 Bushels
" 12 this day is very warm
" 13 it is very warm and close today
14 this day is hot it thundred last night and some rain it is fine growing weather John sowed 4
Acres of Oats back on the flats William Gilfillan was here
15 this day is rather dull and light shours it rained a good bit last night John sowed 6 Bushels
of Barley down near the creek
May 17 finished sowing the Oats sowed the field down near the side road sowed 12 Bushels
sowed 26 Bushels in all I went to Guelph with Butter & eggs I got home the Buggy harness
Scott was repairing them
19 the weather is very hot and warm John went over to Georges to sow his Peas Willey is
rolling the Oat land
20 this day is very warm and dry John has ben over to Georges this two days Willey is
picking stones off the grass
24 the weather very dry and cold at night finished picking the stones off the grass comenced
to haul out the dung for the Potatoes
26 this morning is very cold and windy I went over to James McPhersons on the first
concession to investigate the caus of the fire he having got his House burned on Fridy
27 Meeting of the Council Cort of Bevision comenced to plant the Potatos
28 washed the sheep this day is fine and warm
May 29 this a fine day it is the Fast day for the Sacrament I was at Guelph at the Nomination
of a Member of Parliment James Laidlaw and Mathew Swetnam was Nominated
" 30 finished planting the Potatoes
31 a fine day we were at the Church John and me went to Guelph in the evening to here the
Hon O Mowat and Hon E Blake we had great storm of thunder and rain in the evening
McQuillans Barn was Burned
June 2 this is a fine day I was at the Church and Morriston I took a grist of 10 B 50 lb got
{blank space} lb flour
5 this was the Election of Member of Parliment James Laidlaw the Reform Candidate was
Elected by a Majority of 119
6 the men are hauling out dung and ploughing the turnip land I finished shearing the sheep
there is 22 sheep and 16 lambs John Smiths Barn was raised this afternoon Duncan has the
job of the Barn
7 we went to Guelph with Butter and
eggs and two bags of Golden Russet Apples got $1 25/100 per bag
June 9 finished ploughing the turnip land
" 11 this day is very warm the men are ploughing back behing the Bush for rape
" 12 the men are takeing out stones in the summer fallow I went to Aberfoyle to the Post
office I brought back Alexander Morison and Mrs McLennan it fine weather
" 13 we was down at Aberfoyle and over at Georges
" 14 we were up to Guelph and Marden we had a fine rain in the evening bought 100 cabage
15 cts 9 lb turnip seed 17 cents per lb 5 lb rape 10 cents per lb
" 16 this is a fine growing day we had a fine rain yesterday we bought an Organ from Mr
Crawford of Guelph it is a Clinton Organ
" 17 this day very Cool John is drilling for the turnips sowed some turnips in the afternoon
they are ploughing the Summer fallow
18 finnished drilling for the turnips
June 18 sowed the most of the turnips sowed two one half acres of rape 5 lb this is a fine
" 19 finished sowing the turnip 5 acres 9 lb 6 lb Sharps 2 lb Suttons champion 1 lb East
lothian I was over near hespeler examining the roads petitioned for aid
" 21 we was in to Guelph the weather is very warm we finished working the Statute labour
" 24 the weather is very warm and dry the men finished ploughing the Sumer fallow the field
next McKenzies orchard I have ben cutting thistles out of the grain
" 25 it is very warm I was at Littles Blacksmith shop to get the horses Shod I Sold 2 fat ewes
to Pett Laing for $11 50/100
26 we had a very fine rain I went down to Morriston Paid Scott $2 for fixing harness
28 I went up to Arthur Township near Mountforrest yesterday with Duncan and his men they
are going to put up
June 28 a new Barn for Mr {blank space} it is over forty five miles from here I came down
today there was a heavy rain last night
" 30 John comenced to Plough the field back of the Bush near the creek
July 1 this is a very warm day we went up to Guelph to the Calidonian games there was a
great many people there
" 2 comenced to cutt the Heay in the afternoon we were at Guelph it is fair day I sold the
Wool 83 lb at 23 cents per lb $19..9
" 3 it rained very heavy for the most of the forenoon we cleaned up the Spring wheat {blank
space} Bushels
" 4 this is a fine day the school Annual picknick cutting heay and plouging
5 I went to Guelph with Annie she is gone up to Hepple to see her Granmother got in 3 loads
of heay
7 Meeting of Council at 2PM got 5 loads of heay it rained in the afternoon
8 a fine day got in 3 loads of heay
July 8 I went to Guelph for some guards for the mower got one at 25 cts the other 40 cts got
4 rake spring teeth paid 40 cts each
" 11 we had a very heavy rain and a great storm of wind thunder and lightning the greatest
storm we have had for a long time
" 12 a fine day for the heay got in 3 loads Duncan came down from Arthur
" 17 this day is very cold got all the heay in the fields near home in 31 loads
" 18 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle Mill with a grist 15 B 50lb John is cutting heay for
Robert Ingle he finished cutting our own yesterday cutt 4 acres at the back lott got it all
raiked up and cocked up can not get it in till we get the fall wheat in
19 a fine day the men are thinning the turnips the Fallwheat is redy to cutt
21 the weather is very hot we comenced to cutt the fall wheat in the field out at the
concession it is a very good crop well filled
July 21 Joseph Shaw comenced to work after noon he is hired for one Month for $25 we got
the field at the con done
" 22 comenced to cutt the field back at the creek it comenced to rain about ten Oclock and
rained all day we went to Aberfoyle Mill for the Grist
" 23 this day is very dull and warm the men is at the turnips cut some wheat in the evening
24 a fine harvest day finished cutting the wheat in the field at the creek I went to Guelph to
get some section nives for the repper got 6 but they did not fitt
25 a fine day got in all the heay in we have 37 loads
26 finished cutting the fall wheat and got in 10 loads
28 cutt part of the Barley it rained a little in the afternoon
29 finished cutting all the barly that is ripe it is a good crop
July 30 this is a fine day got in all the fall wheat but the raikins 23 loads got in 4 loads of
31 a fine warm day the men is cleaning the turnips I went to Guelph got 10 new sections for
the reapernives
Aug 1 Willie went over to help George for two days Joseph is scuffeling the turnips
2 this is a fine day till 5 Oclock then we had a terable storm thunder and wind and rain we got
in all the wheat raikins 2 load we have 25 load of wheat that is fall wheat we cut some spring
wheat about 1 1/3 acres golden drop it a very good crop it is earley
4 this day is warm and dull sultry John is cutting Oats in field at the lime kill they are a very
good crop Willie is gang ploughing the summerfallow
5 this is a fine day John is putting out dung on the summer fallow we bound up some Oats
6 finished binding the Oats in the field at the lime kill cutt Barley back at the creek it heavy
August 6 comenced to pull the Peas
" 9 finished cutting the spring Wheat it is a very fine crop got all the Barley in 13 loads
" 12 we thrashed 197 Bushels of fall wheat and 20 of spring and 27 B of Oats
" 14 hauling in Peas hauled in all the spring Wheat 7 loads
" 15 hauling in peas
16 this Morning is very weet it rained all forenoon Duncan came home from Arthur
18 the men went over to Georges to pull Peas
19 finished hauling in the Peas
21 Joseph Shaw left his Month is up I paid him $25 Willie is Ploughing the sumer fallow
20 we went to Guelph with some Apples 3 bags got 60 cents per Bag had Butter & egs
23 was in to Guelph Butter & egs and 5 bags of Apples sold them from 40 to 60 cents
25 Willie went over to Georges to help him I was at the Cuncil Meeting John is
Gangploughing the Pea lang
August 29 we had Stewarts Thrashing Machine thrashing Barley thrashed 272 Bushels theye
were done about the midle of the Afternoon
30 went to Guelph with Butter crabappls Plums and 5 bags of Apples got 40 cents per bag
the men is cutting Oats warm weather
Sept 1 this is very warm weather and dry we are at the Oats they are very heavie and hard to
cutt they are laid down very bad they are a fine crop
" 2 it rained a little in the morning a fine day after got in 5 loads of Oats Willie is at Gilchrist
" 3 this day is soft and shoury all day John is Ploughing I cleaned up some Wheat
" 4 Cradeling Oats John & me
" 5 finished cutting the oats in the forenoon they were very hard to do we could not cutt them
with the reaper
" 6 we went to Guelph George is over to help us to bind Oats
" 9 comenced to sow the Fall Wheat
" 10 finished hauling in the Oats 22 loads the Weather is dry and frosty at night
Sept 11 this is a very fine dry day finished sowing the Wheat in the field at the Barn we have
the Pea land to sow yet and plough Susan had a son last night
" 15 this day is rather cool John is over at Georges thrashing I went down to Morriston in the
" 16 I went to Guelph to the Centeral Show with a bag of spring wheat John finished sowing
the fall wheat we sowed 18 acres in all {blank space} Bushels Clawson and 5 Bushels scott
17 it rained a great quantity last night and shoury all forenoon a fine afternoon we were all up
to Guelph to the Show the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Luese was in Guelph it was a
great day
18 we cleaned up a load of Barley 13 bags I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 2 bags
of Spring Wheat
19 I went to Guelph with some Barley 29 Bushels got 48 cents per Bushel it is dark in couler
I got a bar of bibbet mettle 3lb 60cts
Sept 20 this day is rather cold frost at night I was letting jobs on the roads I drove 33 miles
and lett 7 jobs
22 this is a fine warm day I sowed 4 acres with timothy back in the flatt fields
" 24 this day is very cold for the season I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 44 Bushels
36lb at 53 cents $23.68 50 by measure
25 a fine day we comenced to take up the Potatoes I cleaned a load of Barley
26 a fine warm day John went to Guelph with his Mrs she is going up to her Friends at
29 we had a very heavy rain yesterday this is a fine warm day John went awa up to
Teasewater with the horse and Bugy
30 we finished takeing up the Potatoes over 8 loads they are a fine crope some rotton ones
in the hollows
Octobr 1 this day is very warm I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 46 Bush 32 lb at 50
cents per B $23.32
" 2 this day is very warm fine growing weather
October 4 we Thrashed the remainder of the fall wheat {blank space} Bushels and {blank
space} Spring wheat and 86 Bushels Oats
" 7 fine warm weather this is Puslinch Show we got the first Prize for spring wheat
" 8 I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 43 B 6 lb at 51 cents 47 1/2 B by measure
" 11 this is very warm fore Season we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 46 B at 51 cents
50 B by measure
13 I went over to John Porters with Annie
10 we thrashed Peas this afternoon with the Machine abou 150 B
17 we got the Apples near all gathered in John went to Morriston to the cider mill with apples
he took 5 bushles of wheat to the Aberfoyle Mill yesterday afternoon
18 I went to Guelph with 5 bags of Barley 11 B 27 lb at 52 cents 12 1/2 B by measure 5 bags
Potatoes at 50 cents 5 bags Apples at 40 cents
October 21 this is fine warm weather I was at McHenzies thrashing I plastered the the
cisteren yesterday
" 22 this is a fine warm day Willie is at Hardies thrashing John is at Watts thrashing
23 this day is cold and raw this is the fast day
24 this is a very cold day a very cold wind the children comenced to top the turnips
25 this a fine day for working but a cold aire they are toping the turnips we were at the
Church John went down for bella Gilfillan to attend his Wife she had a Daughter yesterday
26 this is the Sacriment Sabath a fine day the weather is warmer
27 a fine day hauled in 18 loads of turnips in the afternoon
28 it rained a good deal last night it is shoury today the men are ploughing
29 this a very fine day we are at the turnips I sold 9 lambs to a man of the name of Thorp
from Fergus for $28.45 cent to be sent to Guelph tomorrow
October 30 we are bussey at the turnips I went to Guelph with 9 lambs we sold we finished
hauling in turnips 58 loads the weather is getting cold
Nov 1 we went to Guelph with 12 bags of Potatos and Sold them for 50 cents per Bag
" 3 we have had a fall of snow it snowed some all day yesterday the sleighs are running
" 5 we went to Guelph with the wagon with a load of Potatos 20 bags at 50 cents it snowed
heavy after night
" 6 we went to the church this is thanksgiving day I took 6 bags of Potatoes to George
McLane at Aberfoyle 55 cents per bag
7 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a Grist of 6 bags of wheat got 471 lb of flour the snow is
nearly all gone it is very warm
8 we went to Guelph with 7 bags of fall apples got 45 cents per bag some butter and fouls
10 this is a fine warm day ploughing
Nov 11 this day is very dull and heavy shours the roads are very bad
" 12 this day is very wett rained nearly all day some very heavey shours
" 13 this day is dull and warm fine in the afternoon we went over with Bella Gilfillan to her
" 14 this is a very wett day some very heavy rain
" 15 this day is wett in the morning fine day after we went to Guelph with 7 Bags of apples
got 50 cents per Bag $3.50 Butter 12 lb 18 cts
Nov 4 lett the Ram to the Ewes 18 there is 6 Ewe lambs
" 11 Putt the young Sow to the Boar Duncan Gilchrists
17 this day is fine rather dull the men are Ploughing I went to Littles Blacksmiths shop with
the Buggie wheel to get the tyre sett and 2 shoes on the horses
18 this day is rather cold I went to W McHenzies the creek sale
19 the old sow was put to Gilchrists Boar the weather is rather cold the men are Ploughing I
went to Guelph with a load of Peas 35 B 20 lb at 55 cents per B total $19.62
Nov 20 this is a very cold day high wind and frosty we killed 3 pigs very good ones they
weighed 250 x 276 x 268 lbs
21 this is a fine day but very frosty we thrashed the Oats 350 Bushels I went over with W
Nicoll to inspect a job on the roads over at Littles on the 3
22 this day is cold and some snow I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 11 B 28 lb at $1.13
1/2 $13.1 22 B 25 lb at $1.8cts $24.21cts total 37.22cts and one pig weighed 250 lb at $5.12
cts $12.69 cts the one lot weighed 58 lb to the B the other 58 1/2 lb to the B John went to
Guelph with a load of tamarick wood to Mr Fairley
25 this is a very fine day William Galbreath left this morning he has ben here 8 months we
paid him $90 for the time I went to Rockwood Woollen Mill with the wool to card 35 lb John
went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 8 bags of Peas and Oats to chop
26 this is a very fine warm day
27 it snowed some last night this day is soft and shoury I went to P McLarens hill
Nov 28 this day is soft and shoury all day and last night I am mending shoes
" 29 this day is rather colder we went to Guelph with 7 bags of Apples sold them for 50 cents
per Bag Butter 18 cts per lb
Dec 1 this is a fine day the Council meet for the last time this year we got our pay $40
" 2 this is a fine day we cleaned up a load of Wheat 38 Bushels by measure John took over
some Heay to John Littles 694 lb
" 3 it rained heavey last night and snowed all day today
5 this day is very dull and foggey we went down to Aberfoyle Mill with a load of Fall Wheat
Sold it for $1.17 per B 35 B 50 lb $41.92
" 6 this was a fine morning warm but it comenced to rain about noon and rained very heavey
for 2 hours I went to Guelph I had 4 Bags of Apples got 60 cents per B 2 sheep skins for
$1.50 they weer poor
Dec 8 this is a fine day John is Ploughing in the field at the creek
" 9 this is a fine day in the forenoon but got stormey in the afternoon sort of sleet and rain
Annie went over to Mr Amoss in Dumfries
10 this is a very wet day it rained all last night and most of this day George had his Auction
sale on Forbes farm
11 this day is colder and some frost we went to the Christmess show in Guelph I paid John
Grieve $91 on a note and interest for a Bull the Oxford Lad I paid Malcom McNaughton 25
cents for record
12 this is a fine day rather chilley we cleaned up a load of fall wheat 40 Bushels by measure
13 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph with a load of fall wheat 38 B 23 lb weight
per B 59 lb sold for $1. 28/100 $48.73 cts John Bought a Clock for $3.75
15 this is a fine day we have had some snow I went down to Morriston with the Buggie I was
over to Georges
Dec 16 we have had a little more snow I went to Guelph with the cutter there is not much
sleighing yet
17 some more snow last night this is a fine day I am mending shoes I went to get the horses
shode Doll & Royall
18 this is a fine day we had a prayer meeting at our house Clemintine McLane or Mrs
Wishart and her Husband and 4 children came here from Manatobo on a visit
19 John went to Guelph with a load of wood for George
20 went to Guelph with some Wheat 28 1/4 Bushels by measure 27 B 21 lb by weight got
$1.26/100 dockd 1 lb $34.18 cts 4 bags of apples at 70 cents per bag 1 Barrel at $1.50
brought home some furniture a sofa 6 chairs and rocking chaire Soffa $14 chairs $1 rocker
23 John went to Guelph with a load of wood
24 John went to Guelph with a load of wood for James Fairley tamarack
December 29 this day is very soft this is the Nomination for Councilors Duncan Sold his
Horse Billey to Daniel Beattie for $85
" 28 this is a very cold day a very severe cold east wind
31 fine milde weather
Jan 1 This day is milde good sleighing our Family and there Children were all here to Diner
fine weather
" 2 fine warm weather we killed 4 Hogs 8 months old weight 212 x 202 x 200 x 195
" 3 went to Guelph with a pig sold it for $6.25 per 100 weight 211 $13.05 D Stewart 95lb
" 4 this day is very soft rained last night nearly all night it rained very heavie the snow is
nearly all gone
" 5 this is a fine day but frosty this is the Election for Councillors I was Elected
" 10 fine weather we went to Guelph with the Buggie got 5 gallons coal oil 18 cts
11 it rained very heavie in the evening
Jan 12 a fine day we were down to Georges to Diner
13 this is a fine day frosty we went over to Dumfries to visit Mr Robert Amos and William
Beatties Familes the Whelling is very good
15 we got home from Dumfries we went to Galt and I Bought 2 knives for the Straw Cutter
paid $3 for the two
17 this is a soft warm day the roads are getting very soft and muddey I was at the Annual
Meeting of the Puslinch Insurance Company I was elected President for the eight time
" 19 this is a very fine warm day like a spring day Meeting of Council
" 20 this day is rather stormy snowing some but not cold George and Peter Gunigal is
chopping cord wood tamerack
21 this is a very fine day Puslinchs Farmers Clubs Social at Aberfoyle
Jan 22 this day is soft a strong thaw
24 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a grist of 19 Bushels by measure of fall wheat I
went to Foltons Mill Waterloo road the Sleighing is not very good I took 2 Lambs skins to sell
I sold them for $3.50 the Lambs died yesterday
26 a very fine day John went to Guelph with a load of wood for Fairley with the wagon
brought home the Grist I left on Saturday
27 this day is very warm it is like a spring day John went to Guelph with a load of wood he
broke the wheel of the Wagon in Guelph
28 this day is colder I took the Wagon wheel to W Sevensons to get fixed
30 this day is soft it rained in the afternoon I was at the Annual meeting at the church I got
home the wheel from Stevensons left it at Littles shop
31 this day is very cold I went to the annual meeting of the Farmers Club
Feb 2 this is a fine day Meeting of the Council
" 3 this is a very windy day and some snow
4 a fine day we were at Mrs James McLean Funeral at Aberfoyle there is some sleighing but
not good
7 we cutt some Peas and cleaned up 6 Bushels John went to Aberfoyl Mill with 4 Bags of
Oats & Peas to chopp
9 the sleighing is poor I went to Aberfoyle Mill for the chopt stuff Duncan & George went over
to Spayside for a load of shingles Duncan went up to Frank Rassins to Hugh timber for a
11 John & George went to Guelph with 2 loads of Wood with the sleigh the sleighing is done
I was at Guelph and barganed with JB Armstrong for Tamarac wood for a Buggy at $2.75 per
14 the weather is very mild no snow
19 cold wind the roads are very rough
20 this is a very fine day
Feb 21 this is a fine day we had a shour of snow last night we went to Guelph with the
Buggy had some Butter 22 cents per lb
23 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 5 bags of Oats & Peas to chopp
24 we went up to Robert Amos to Marden it is a very fine day good Whelling in the morning
but soft at night
25 this day is very wet it rained nearly all day and last night
26 this is a fine warm day but the roads are very bad I went over to the Lake to lett a job on
the roads
27 a fine day we were sawing firewood in the afternoon
28 a fine day very warm the roads are almost impassible we have had a very mild open
month of February the winter has ben very open and mild no sleighing since the new year
very little snow all winter
March 1 this day very windy and cold the roads are very rough
" 2 a fine warm day
March 3 frosty in the morning but it got very soft and rained in the afternoon the roads are
very muddy I went to Guelph with 21 lb butter got 21 cents
" 6 I went to Guelph with 9 lb Butter got 22 cents got 5 gallons of cole oil paid 18 cents
" 8 this day is very frosty and cold I was at R T Johnstons Funeral
" 9 I went over to the Lake to see a job on the roads and I went to Killen to examin a bridge
the roads are very hard and rough
" 10 this day is very cold and frosty I went to Guelph with Christ Little to see about Murdoch
McLeod house he is going to buy it
" 11 this a little cold a fine winter day I was cleaning peas we cut them yesterday
" 12 a fine day I went to Aberfoyle Mill with 7 bags of peas and some oats to chop paid 70
" 13 we went to Guelph with butter I bought 312 lb of bran 65 cents per 100 lb
" 15 this is a fine day we went down to Moriston to See Benjamin Grigor he was Dead before
we got there he Died very sudden he was in good health on friday and Died 3 oclock today
March 16 this day is very stormy sowed all forenoon a little but not enough to make
sleighing I went to rockwood for 9 bags of Oat seeds at $10 per tun 7 bags of bran at $12 per
tun a 100 lb of oatmeal at $2.50
" 18 this is a fine day we went down to Ben Grigors Funeral Williams Horracks and his wife
was here last night from Minto
" 20 we went to Guelph it got very windy and cold
" 22 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting John went to Guelph with a load of wood
" 24 this day is very cold and windy keen frost
" 25 this is a fine day but frosty rough roads we were at old John Littles Funeral
" 26 we were hauling home peas in the forenoon and cutting peas in the afternoon
" 27 I went to Guelph had some butter got 20 cents 12 lb went to the station for John
Willsons trunk it rained and snowed got to be very stormy and cold before night
" 29 a fine day the ews begun to lamb
31 a fine day cutting wood at Murreys
April 1 a fine day we were at the seed show and stallion show at Aberfoyle I had some spring
Wheat 10 bushels got the second prize $2 sold it to Tom Willoughby for $1.35 per bushel
" 2 was down to Aberfoyle Mill for a grist of Wheat 12 bushels by measure got 413 lb flour
" 3 this is a very wett day it rained all day Duncan and me went over to Killean to lett a job of
building a new bridge the roads are very bad
" 2 John Willson comenced to work he is hired for eight month at $12 per month
" 6 this day is frequent snow shours got cold in the evening John went to the Aberfoyle Mill
with 8 bags of peas to chop
7 this is a very cold frosty day the roads are very rough and hard we went to the Guelph Fair
had some butter got 20 cents per lb
April 10 this is a very fine morning warm but it got very cold and stormy in the afternoon it got
to be a terable stormy night we went to Guelph with some butter got 19 cents per lb we went
into Duncan Stewarts the Horse went away and upset the buggie at the corner of the garden
fence and went home without it
" 12 this day is very cold and frosty I went over to John Littles with the Harrows and Gang
plough to get fixed the men are picking stones
13 this is a fine day I went up to Arkle with the old wagon Axeltre to get a new one made we
have 20 lambs
22 this is a fine day we have had some cold weather we sowed the spring wheat {blank
space} Bushels Beardid 2 Bushels Golden drop
23 a fine day we went down to Moriston in the afternoon got the makeings of a new coat
25 cold rain we were at the church
27 I went to Guelph with the Grigor family they are gon to Michigan
April 28 this is a fine day I went to Aberloyle mill with 4 bags of peas to chop I got a telagraph
from Kepple Mrs Taylor my Mother in law is dead
" 29 the mrs and me started at 2 oclock am to go to Kepple we went on the 4:19 oclock train
at Guelph to Georgeston then took the 9 oclock train on the Hamilton and NWRR to Calidon
then got on the Narrow gage at Mono road for Owensound got there at half past 4 then got
on the Boat at 5 oclock for big baye got about 8 oclock it rained nearly all afternoon we got to
George Graham about 9 oclock we had to walk 2 miles bad roads
30 this day is cold the ground is white with snow we went over to Alexander McCoags 5
miles Mrs Taylor was Burried at bigbay church she was 87 on new years day she has ben
living with Jane for about 7 years
May 1 this day is raw and cold I went round to see the rocks of Kepper it is a very rough
country with rocks the soil is good
May 3 this is beautifull warm day we started from A McCoags at 12 oclock in the morning to
go to the Sound got there at half past 5 over 20 miles very rough roads in a lumber wagon
we got on the train at half past 6 got to Guelph 20 minutes past 6 got home before dark we
traveled nearly 200 miles
" 4 a fine warm day John sowed the field at the creek part with Barley and part Oats
" 5 this is a very warm day we went to Guelph Fair with two steers they were sold some time
ago at $5 1/4 per 100 they weighed 2475
" 6 this a fine day but cold comenced the garden
" 7 started to sow some barley we were working in the flatt fields till noon but afternoon it
came on a terible thunderstorm a reaglur flood of rain the flatt fields are all fluded
8 this morning was very warm we had a very heavy thunder shour with hail in the afternoon
we went to Guelph with a load of Potatos George had 13 bags and we
May 8 we had 5 bags sold them for 30 cents per bag there was a great many loads in the
" 10 this day is very close and warm it rained in the forenoon
" 11 this is a fine dry day the men are working out at the field at the concession comenced to
sow some peas
" 12 a fine dry day the ground is drying fine John finished sowing the Peas in the field at the
concession I sowed beets and carrots in the garden and I sowed grass seed in the pea land
Struck Duffield cut a two year old colt Charley Dick
" 13 Sowed Peas in the big flat field 4 acers
" 14 finished sowing the Barley 13 B
" 16 finished Sowing the Peas 23 1/2 B the weather has ben dry and cold for a few day
" 17 the weather is very warm busy gang ploughing and sowing Oats in the flats
18 very warm sowing oats
May 19 finished sowing the Oats 39 B it was very warm today we had a great storm of wind
about 2 oclock pm but not much rain it did not last over 10 minutes Duncan Gilchrist got the
roof blowen of the one side of his Barn it a fine evening
20 this is a fine day a thunder storm about 2 Oclock but we had very little rain I went down to
Georges in the morning with 100 lb of flour we went to Moriston in the evening after supper
there was a great thunder storm about 8 Oclock in the evening when we were comeing home
21 I went to the Aberfoyl Mill with some peas to chop it rained nearly all the afternoon Jane
had a young Daughter this morning John was at Gilchrists helping to put the roof on the barn
the men has ben ploughing the oarchard for the potatos I sold 2 bags of potatoes to Dan
McLaren for 35 cents per
May 24 this is a fine warm day we washed the sheep 23
25 this is a very warm day went down to Moriston with butter and eags then went in to John
McKenzies to exchange 2 bags of potatoes I got the late rose
26 this is very fine day there was thunder after noon but we had not much rain we comenced
to plant the Potatoes
21 we put the Mare Jess to Janes Scotts Horse
27 this is a fine day a shour in the evening I the Mare Doll to the Hors Dusty miller
28 finished planting the potatos three acres
29 Shearing the sheep it rained at night nearly all night
31 a fine warm day it rained at night I was at the Council Meeting
June 1 a fine day but a little cool I finished Shearing the Sheep 23 of our own and 3 of
" 2 we went to the Guelph fair we bought a new Single reaper the Dundas $110
June 2 we brought home a new Buggie from J B Armstrongs we are to pay it in tamarick
wood $100
3 this is the fast day for the Sacriment
5 we were at the church it was a very wett day after ten oclock
8 I was away along with John Iles to axamin the roads
9 this is a fine day we were up to Waterloo to Mr Duns he Died yesterday I bought 10 200
Cabage plants paid 30 cents
10 this day is dull and shoury I was up Mr Duns funeral
12 this day shoury heavey thunder shours were up to Guelph with 9 bags of Potatos sold
them for 30 cents per B had the wool in but did not sell it it fell
15 John Started to Drill for the turnips
18 finished Sowing the swede turnips the weather is very Dry since last
19 saturday we were at Guelph with the wool sold 101 lb docked 3 lb got 28 1/2 cents sold 8
bags potatoes 30 cent
June 21 a fine warm day we were cutting thistles in the spring wheat
22 the men is working on the roads I was at Littles Blacksmiths shop got the horses shod
23 we were up at James Scotts in the evening
24 we put the old Sow to Robert Lambs Boar
25 this day is very warm the men finished ploughing the summer fallow
26 this day is very warm I went to Guelph with George Taylor him and Mrs Taylor is here on
a visit
27 there has ben great amount of rain today
28 this day is very warm and Shoury
29 a fine day we comenced to cut the Heay
30 Shoury in the morning cutting Heay
July 1 a fine day but dull comenced to raik the Heay
2 Duncan Stewart Died this morning we went to Guelph for a coffin for Duncan Stewart
July 3 a fine warm day got in 6 loads of Heay we were at Duncan Stewarts Funeral
9 this day is very warm I went to Guelph for to get some fixing for the mower it went wrong
10 this day is very warm we went to Guelph about Duncan Stewarts Will to get it Regestered
I am one of the Exacuter of the Will John is cutting Heay
11 very warm we had a very heavy shour
12 finished cutting the Heay
14 very warm we got nearly all the Heay in we made a stack I went up to Francis Rassins in
the afternoon with the team and wagon
15 this is a fine harvest day but very warm we comenced to cut the Fall wheat in the field at
the end of the Barn
17 this is a fine day I went to Guelph John was at John Hardeys cutting wheat
19 cutting wheat till 3 oclock we had a heavy rain with thunder and lightning
July 20 a fine day we finished cutting the fall wheat
" 21 all hands are at the turnips thinning I went to the Blacksmiths shop for the wagon wheel
" 22 this is a fine dry day we were hauling in the wheat of the field near the barn 12 loads it
is a fine crop
" 23 hauling in wheat from the flat field we had a shour at noon got in 6 loads
" 24 this is a fine day got in all the fall wheat 24 loads we were at Guelph got a new grain
wheel lifter in place of the one that brock
" 26 Shoury in the forenoon I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 9 1/2 Bush of spring
wheat got home {blank space} lb flour
" 27 a fine day John cut the Barley in the field at the creek
" 28 got in the Barley 2 good loads a fine day
" 29 John is Scuffeling the turnips the second time wilson is hauling back Dung
July 31 this is a fine warm day we were at Guelph John cut some Barley and some spring
wheat the goldendrop it is a very poor crop it all brock down there a little over an Acre of it
August 2 we had a shower in the forenoon Willson is at A McKenzies thrashing
" 3 this is a fine day we hauled in the Barley 3 loads in all 5 loads it is not a very good crop it
was too wet in the spring
" 4 a fine day the men comenced to pull the Peas I was at Hardies Thrashing
" 5 a fine day we are pulling Peas
" 6 a fine harvest day pretty warm we cut the spring wheat the Beardid variety the grain is
good but rather thin on the ground
" 7 very warm the men was pulling peas in the forenoon hauled in 3 loads I was at Guelph I
got 2 cushions for the Carriage from Caleb Chase I paid $4 for them a new fork handle 12
1/2 cents I sold 3 bags of apple astracan variety got 50 cents per bag
August 9 a very fine day we hauled in 2 loads of Peas and 5 loads of spring wheat we had 6
load of spring wheat and a load of raikins
" 10 this day is very close and warm we had a heavy shoure in the evening I went down to
morriston in the evening
" 11 the men is pulling peas We had a very heavy thunder shour in the afternoon
" 12 this is fine day the men is pilling peas
" 7 went to Guelph sold 13 Bushels 20 lb spring Wheat at $1.10 $14.66
" 13 a fine day comenced to cut the oats in the field at the creek finished pulling the peas in
the field back at the turnips
" 14 this morning is dull and a little rain we were at Guelph with a lot of truck
" 16 a fine day very warm we hauled in 5 load of peas and thrashed them with the horses in
the Barnyard
" 17 a fine day we were cleaning up the peas 35 Bushels
18 we had some rain last night we were thrashing Wheat and Barley 210 W 80 B
August 19 this day is shoury the men puled some peas I was out to Aberfoyle and Hugh
" 20 a fine day the men hauled in 4 loads of peas in the afternoon I was at Watts thrash
" 21 we were at Guelph the men are pulling peas we had a very heavy rain last night
" 23 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting the men hauled in 4 loads of Peas in the
24 a fine day hauled in 6 loads of peas got the peas all puled
25 shoury in the morning dull and cold
26 a fine day but cold John was cutting Oats in the field behind the Bush we hauled in 3
loads of Oats and 1 of peas 24 loads
27 this day is very warm I was at Aberfoyle Seed Show with some fall wheat I Sold 10
bushels to C Colfast for $1.10 per B I bought 2 Bushels of fultye wheat for $1.25 per B
28 we had a very heavy rain last night we were binding oats in the afternoon
August 30 this is a fine day we had a very heavy rain on saturday night and yesterday the
land is very weet we can hardly cutt the Oats it is so very soft we bound some oat in the
" 31 this day is very dull we bound some Oats we were at Mrs W McKenzies funeral
Sept 1 this day is very warm and dull there was a very heavy rain this forenoon we went to
Morriston in the afternoon
" 2 this is a fine day we bound oats in the afternoon John cutt some the ground that soft he
had to quit cutting with the reaper there is about an acer to cutt
" 3 we had another very wett night and this forenoon I went over to the west side of the Brock
road to lett some jobs on the roads
" 4 this day is very hott and shoury we were letting jobs on the roads in the afternoon John
Iles with me
Sept 6 this is a fine day we have had a very wet harvest lately the ground is very weet we
cutt the last bit of Oats with the cradle we could not cut them with the reaper the ground is so
soft we hauled in 5 loads of Oats
" 7 a fine day had a small shour about noon we were hauling in Oats 8 loads
" 8 a fine day but cold finished hauling in the Oats 10 lbs 27 big loads altogether
" 10 this is a fine day I was at the Sale of cattle and sheep at the Modle farm
" 11 John Sowed the fall wheat in the field at the back corner next A McK 11 Bushels I was in
Guelph bought 12 bags paid $4 at Haddens
" 13 this day is cold I went to Guelph with Annie She went to Toronto
" 15 this is a fine warm day we were at Christopher Littles Sale I bought a plough for $6 and
a sett of harnes for $8 twelve month credit finished sowing the Wheat
Sept 15 sowed 4 1/2 Bushels of Wheat 2 B of the Fultye wheat and 2 1/2 of Scott
" 16 this is a fine warm day we were at C Littles for the things we bought and got Prince and
Royle shode
" 18 we were up to Guelph with some apples sold them for 45 cents per Bag Butter 20 cents
Brother John came from California to visit us he has ben away for 34 years
" 21 this day is cold we went to Guelph with Brother John he went off on the cars
" 22 this day is cold we were cleaning barley the men is ploughing
" 23 a fine day we are at the apple picking
" 24 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 37 B 9lb at 60 cts
$22.30/100 I went over to the 5th and 7th concessions to inspect some jobs on the roads
" 25 this day is very warm we are pulling apples the men is Ploughing
27 this day is very dull we had a terable heavy rain last night
Sept 29 this day is cool and shoury I went down to Hamilton to the Provincial Show I went
with James Scott and John Murray
30 we came home from Hamilton this day is cold
October 2 this day is fine we went to Guelph with a load of wheat Clawson 40 1/2 by measur
39 B 35 lb at $1.2 cent it weighed 58 1/2 lb per B
" 4 this day is very wett it rained all forenoon
" 6 this day Shoury and cold we went to Backwood with the wool sold 21 lb at 30 cents per lb
for cloth Christopher Little moved out to Aberfoyle
" 8 this is a very fine day we were at the Aberfoyl Show
" 9 we comenced to take up the Potatos
" 12 we went to William Grahams Sale I bought a coller and bridle for 60 a pump for $4.29
" 13 a fine day Robert Amos was down
October for Apples got 26 bags for to make cider he is going to make is on shares that is the
apple butter
" 14 finished takeing up the Potatoes 11 loads
" 15 a fine day we have had fine warm weather this week we went out to W Grahams for
some furniture we bought
" 16 this fore noon is very wet John went out to move some things for W Graham
" 18 the weather is very cold
" 21 we finished pulling the Apples
22 this forenoon is cold it comenced to snow after noon a storm out off the east I went to the
Aberfoyle Mill with a Grist of 7 Bushels of Wheat got 270 lb of flour
" 23 this day is blustry and shoury we went to Guelph with some butter got 22 cents per lb
" 25 a fine forenoon rained in the evening John went over to Galt with W Grahams things
Oct 26 this day is soft and shoury John went Guelph in the afternoon for 16 apple barels
" 27 a fine day comenced to harrow and haul
"-29- in the turnips got in 10 loads
" 28 we went to Church it is the fast day
" 30 a fine warm day the apple packers came in the afternoon filled 15 barels
" 31 this is the Sacrament Sabath
Nov 1 a fine day for the turnips we are bussey
" 2 this is fine warm day the men from Guelph were here bareling apples they packed 38
" 3 this a fine warm day we got finished with the turnips we had a very fine crop about 125
loads they were in the second back field we finished gathering the apples we had a very
good crop
" 4 this is very fine day the men is covering the Turnip pits I went to Guelph fair with a load of
wheat 35 Bushels 10 lb at $1.4/100 $36.22 its weight was 59 lb per B I was docked 1 cent
Oct 26 got 4 gallons of coal oil imper 30 cents
Nov 5 it rained last night this day is dull and soft the men went to Guelph with 2 loads of
apples 30 barrels
" 6 this day is very wett it rained for 24 hours sometimes very heavey I went in to Guelph with
8 barrels of apples I sold 38 barrels of winter Apples to Edwin Parkinson for one Doler per
Barrel $38 the Boys was with me and got new boots and hats
" 7 some snow this morning and cold
" 9 this day is very warm and fine the men is ploughing and covering the turnip pit we were at
Miss Cauldfield Funeral
10 a fine forenoon it rained very heavey all afternoon out of the East we were at Robert
Ingles Sale I cleaned a load of Wheat 15 bags
" 12 this day is cold and windy the men is covering the turnip pit I went to Guelph with a load
of Wheat 31 B 58 lb at $1.10
" 13 hard frost we went to Guelph with some butter and 2 bags of apples 40 cents this day is
dull snowed at night
Nov 16 a fine day we had some snow last night we killed a pig wight 311 lb sold 149 lb to
Mrs Stewart
" 17 we were thrashing wheat snowed some
18 we were thrashing today 110 B fall Wheat 45 spring Wheat 202 Oats 78 peas this day is
cold and windy quite a bit of snow they are running with sleighs
" 19 John went with 6 bags of Oats & Peas to chop at the Aberfoyle Mill I was Killing Pigs at
Duncan Gilchrists Killed 10 pigs
20 a fine day but cold I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 35 B 5 lb at $1.7/100 $37.54
" 21 this day is terable cold a very high wind
" 22 this day is very cold not so windy but very keen frost I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a
grist 10 B 45 lb fall wheat got 407 lb flour I went over to John Smiths to pay a note of one
hundred Dolers
" 23 this Day is very keen frost I went over to Rockwood for the yarn got home 20 1/2 lb
bought 945 lb of bran at Ferrishes Mill paid at the rate of $10 per ton
Nov 24 this day is a little milder a little more snow we are fixing about home
25 this is a fine day but cold we went to Guelph with with 865 lb of old mettle for J A
McDugald in part payment for a plow sold 4 bags of Potatoes at 45 cents per B to Mrs
Cordrie we went up to Robert Amos {small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
" 27 I went to Guelph with the sleigh and a load of 10 bags of potatoes at 50 cents 7 bags
Apples at 50 and 45 per Bag
" 30 I cleaned up a load of fall wheat 38 B John went up to Guelph with 1100 lb of Hay for
John A McDugald in part payment of a Plow of Watsons of {illegible} I paid $15 in old iorn
Potatoes & Hay
Dec 1 went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 34 B 5 lb at $1.10 Bought 100 lb of oat meal at
$2.25 got a half Barel of herring for George paid $2.75 we had a fall of snow this morning it is
good sleighing
2 a fine day the men went to Guelph with 2 loads of Tamarick wod for Armstrong
December 4 this is a very fine day the sleighing is good in the morning we went to Guelph
with 9 bags of Potatoes sold them for 45 cents per Bag 11 bag of Apples at 50 cts I bought a
pair of horsecovers for $3.29 John was in Guelph with Wood
" 5 it rained last night a thaw today the sleighing is done
" 6 this day is cold a great change since yesterday Christopher Little took away the lambs he
Bought 11 lambs at $3.50 each John Little Blacksmith Bought a fat ewe for $8 I was at the
Council Meeting it was our last Meeting for the year I got $40
" 8 we have very cold weather these few days I put the ram and 3 ews in to fatten and the
old sow
" 6 John Wilson hired for a year at $116 comenced work today
" 11 this day is cold and windy we have had cold frosty weather all week I went to Guelph
with 12 bags of potatoes sold them for 50 cts per B 6 bags Apples at 50 cts John Wilson
went up to Tesewatter
December 11 I bought an Overcoat for $7 a pair of felt boots for $3.50 4 galons imperial coal
oil at 25 cts per galon
"14 it snowed in the forenoon it rained a little and thawed some in the afternoon we are
working about home
" 15 this is a fine day the sleigh runs prety good John went to Guelph with wood I went to
Guelph to the Christmas fat cattle fair
"16 this day is prety cold we killed the old cow and 4 spring pigs there weight is 242 x 232 x
190 180
"18 this day is cold and frosty I went to Guelph with one pig its weight is 242 at $6.25/100 per
100 cow hide 70 lb at $8 per 100 calf skin 30 cents 8 bags of apples but I did not sell a
sheepskin for John Little $1.30
21 a fine day John went to the Mill at Arkel with 9 bags of Oats and peas to Chop paid 8
cents per bag
{Publisher printed "1880"}
December 22 a fine day very white frost on the trees at the school examination John hauled
some hemlock logs to Martins Mill
" 24 I went to Guelph with 6 bags of apples sold them for 40 and 45 cents per bag they were
some of them frosted
" 25 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} for a
Christmas Dinner
" 27 this day is cold and stormy I was at the Nomination of Councillors at Aberfoyle
" 28 this day is very cold Bob Amos and Bob Doughty came to chop some tamarick
31 I went to Guelph with the old Mettle of the reaper for W Dun we have had four days very
cold the coldest spell for a number of years
{Publisher Printed (1881)}
Jan 1 Newyears day a fine day but cold and frosty I went over to Crief with the Petition
against the syndicate contract Mr & Mrs Murray and Duncan Gilchrist and the Most of our
family was here last nigt
December 22 a fine day very white frost on the trees at the school examination John hauled
some hemlock logs to Martins Mill
" 24 I went to Guelph with 8 bags of apples sold them for 40 and 45 cents per bag they were
some of them frosted
" 25 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} for a
Christmas Dinner
" 27 this day is cold and stormy I was at the Nomination of Councillors at Aberfoyle
" 28 this day is very cold Bob Amos and Bob Doughty came to chop some tamarick
30 I went to Guelph with the old mettle of the reaper for W Dun we have had four days very
cold the coldest spell for a number of years
Jan 1 Newyears day a fine day but cold and frosty I went over to Crief with the Petition
against the syndicate contract Mr & Mrs Murray and Duncan Gilchrist and the Most of our
family was here last nigt
Jan 3 this is a fine day this was the Election of Councillors I was Elected along with Little and
" 5 we went to Guelph fair with the cow Plummy to sell I sold her for $35.50 she Calfed last
" 6 I went to Hainses Mill with a Grist of Wheat 5 bags 11 1/2 Bushels I then went to Guelph
with the turnip shlicher to get fixed at Toltons
" 8 this is a fine day good sleighing I went to Guelph with 8 bags of Apples I sold 5 bags at
45 and 50 cents per bag they are a very dull sale Johns Marey came home from Tesewatter
on the Cars I brought home the turnip shlicher I got it bushed and new pinions I paid $2
" 11 a fine day but very frosty in the morning the keenest frost we have had this winter
" 14 very cold and frosty John has got all the wood hauled that is cutt
" 15 I was at the Annual Meeting of the Puslinch Insurance Company at Aberfoyle
Jan 15 I was Elected President of the Puslinch Mutual Insurance Company
" 17 this is very fine day but frosty we had our first Meeting of the Township Council
" 18 a very fine clear day but it was very keen frost last night I went up with Annie & Anne
Grigor to Robert Amos
" 19 this is a fine clear day not cold but very frosty at night the most of the Family is away to
the Farmers Social at the Town Hall Aberfoyle
" 17 John went to Hains Mill with 10 bags of Peas & Oats to chop paid 8 cts per B
" 20 this is a fine day raw and cold in the evening we went down to Moriston in the Afternoon
" 21 this is a stormy day wind and snow
" 22 it is snowing the most of the day but not so windy I have been mending shoes
" 26 this day is very stormy the roads are drifting the snow is deep I was at Duncan
McKerrashers funeral
" 27 this day very cold clear and windy
Jan 29 this is a fine day we went to Guelph Robert Amos and Margaret was down he brought
down 4 bags of barley for seed
31 a fine day cold in the afternoon I was at the Annual Meeting at the Church and at Mrs
Falconers Funeral I Paid R Amos and R Doughty $7.60 for chopping 19 cords of tamarick
wood at 40 cents per cord
Feb 1 this is a terable cold day we went out to Mrs Stewarts with a letter from W Black his
wife died last week in Nebrasca John went to Guelph with a load of wood
" 2 this is a very cold day the coldest day for great number of years it was 30 degres below
zero I was at Guelph Fair John was in with a load of wood he has got in all the wood we
were to give to JB Armstrong
" 5 this is a fine day not so cold as it has been all week it has been very cold all week very
keen frost at nights I was at Guelph with 6 bags of apples got 50 cents per bag 4 bags
Potatoes got 55 cents per B I settled up with JB Armstrong and got my note
Feb 5 we gave 42 cords of Tamarack to JB Armstrong for a new Buggie we got it last June
" 7 this is a fine day I was at a Meeting of the Council
" 8 there is a great change of the weather it is soft and dull some rain we were at the Church
to here a lecture from the Rev Dr McKay a Missionery to Formossa in China
" 9 we have a great thaw the snow is very soft some rain
" 10 this day is very soft it rained nearly all night we killed the old sow weight 332 lb
" 11 this is a fine day a little frost in the morning we went to Guelph with Annie Grigor she
went home to Michagan I sold 3 bags of potatoes for 55 cents per Bag Margaret and her
Children came down
" 12 this day is colder John went up to Hains Mill with 9 bags of peas & oats to chop paid 8
cents per B
" 13 this day is very cold and stormy
Feb 18 it has ben fine weather all week but rather cold it has snowed nearly all day steady
and caulm
19 this is a fine day cold frosty wind from the north we went to Guelph with the butter
" 21 a fine day George came up to help us to cutt some peas and saw some firewood
" 22 a very fine day rather soft in the midle of the day John went to Martins saw Mill with a
23 this day is very Cold and windy the men went to the Mill with saw logs
24 a fine day but raw and cold I went down to Moriston to see the Doctor the men went to the
Mill with logs 12 in all
25 a fine day the men is hauling turnips from the pit they are bad frozen at top John went to
Haines Mill with a grist 4 bags of fall wheat
26 the men hauled in some turnips the other pit is good it is a fine day
27 this day is soft it rained some
28 this is a fine day it rained last night the men is Cutting Maple logs
March 1 a great change of weather it is a cold west wind we had a young lamb yesterday I
went to Littles Blacksmiths shop to get the Horses shod Fanney & Royel
" 2 the weather is cold but a fine day I went to Guelph Fair
" 3 this day is very stormy wind and snow out of the east
" 4 snowed all day
" 5 snowed all night and this forenoon we went down to Moriston to the Docter
" 9 this is fine weather I went Guelph and got a truss at Petries paid $2.50 for it
" 10 a fine day John and I went to James Cowans Sale of Thourabread Cattle
" 12 a fine day we went to Guelph I had a barrel of russet apple for Mr Henrey $1.25 I bought
4 bushels of white Rusian spring wheat from John Dicheson $1.25
March 14 this day is very warm we had another storm of snow yesterday I went up to
Arimosia to look after a young Bull John went to the Mill with 10 bags of Oats and Peas to
chop on saturday
" 15 this day is very warm I was at Hains Sale the men is getting wood
" 16 this day is very warm and soft
" 18 I went over to John Littles with 4 Bags potatoes
" 19 I went in to Guelph with the cutter had some butter got 20 cents per lb it turned out out a
terable stormy weet day it rained out of the east very heavey
22 this is a fine day clear and cold I went up to the Paisley block and bought a young Bull
Eleven Months old for $80 from John McKorkindale
24 a fine day but frosty I went up for the young Bull we were out to Mrs Cockburns
26 I went to Guelph bought 100 lb oatmeal paid $2.50 some Corn 82 cents this day is clear
and cold had the Bugy
March 28 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting
29 this is a fine clear day we were sawing firewood and cutt some Peas
30 this day is cold and windy from the east snowed in the evening the weather has ben very
cold this month the most of the time we have 6 lambs at present George got 1/2 ton of Heay
31 this day is blustry and some snow John went to Hains Mill with 11 bags of Oats and peas
to chopp he left it I went down to Moriston with the truss I got from the Doctor
April 1 a fine day I went up to the Mill for the chopp
" 2 we went to Guelph with some Butter got 21 cts I sold the Horse Royel to an American
" 4 I went over to Martins Mill about some lumber we are getting sawed
" 5 this is a terable cold day with high wind very keen frost the turnips froze in the roothouse
we have very cold frosty weather every day the ground is nearly all covered with snow good
sleighing in some places on the back roads
April 5 John went over to Martins saw Mill to haul the Lumber from the Mill brought some
" 6 this day is cold we went to Guelph Fair with the fat Cattle 2 heiffers weight 2175 lb at 4
3/4 & $103.31 a cow $40 Bull $45 total $188.31 we bought 17 Bushels Peas at 80 cents per
B $13.20 Bought 1 Bushel Clover seed $5 1/4 1 1/2 B timothy seed at $3 1/4 per B $10.13 I
paid Donald Martin for sawing lumber $9.15
" 8 I went to the seed fair at Aberfoyle and took down a grist of Wheat to the Mill 6 bags 13 B
20 lb
9 we went to Guelph with 4 bags of Apples got 70 cents for 1 bag 6 for 1 and 80 cents for 2 3
bags potatoes at 70 cents per Bag
" 11 I went to Guelph with the Horse Royal we sold sold to SB Reppuling for $131
12 I went to Aberfoyl to the Horse Show brought the old Wagon down to repair to Mr Gibbon
" 16 we went to Guelph I paid John McKorkindale $80 for the young Bull
April 18 this is a fine day Robert Amos and his family and Christ Little and his family and
Susan was here on a visit
" 19 a fine day I am pruning Apple trees I went to Aberfoyle for the old Wagon paid $3
" 20 a very fine day but frost at night there is snow round the fences yet in some places it has
ben very dry and cold all this month we have not plowed any yet the men is choreing round
John has not wrought any for 2 weeks with a bile on his rump I am pruning trees George is
sick with a sore throt we have 19 lambs
" 21 a fine day the men comenced to Plough
22 this day is rather cold we went down to Moriston in the evening with some Butter and egs
23 this is a fine warm day but cold at night John and his wife and I went to Guelph I bought
14 apple trees 11 Baldwins and 4 Spys from Sunlay
" 25 this is a fine warm day we planted 14 apple trees this is the first fine spring weather we
have had this spring
April 26 very fine weather had a shour last night we sowed nearly 5 bushels of Barley in the
Orchard 3 acres we were at Mrs Hugh Cockburns Funerl she Died on the 24th
" 27 this is a very fine day comenced to work in the Garden got it ploughed one of the pigs
" 29 this day is rather cold John Sowed 5 acres of Barley in the flat field next A McKenzie we
went to Moriston in the evening I bought a whip paid $1 for it
" 30 this day is cold and frosty at night John sowed some Oats I went to Guelph with 12 bags
of potatoes got 77 cents per 10 Bags and 80 cents for 2 and 3 bags of Apples got 40 cents
bought a trunk for Annie paid $3.75 for it a basket 90 cents Buls ring 40 cts
May 2 a fine day but cold and dry John sowed some Oats
" 3 a fine day but cold the weather is very dry and cold there is very little growth yet John
finished Sowing the Barley 16 Bus I finished pruning the apple trees
May 4 this day is warm and dry we Went to Guelph fair with 3 fat Sheep I Sold the ram for 4
1/2 cents per lb he weighed 229 lb $10.30 2 ewes at 5 1/2 cents per lb weight 363 $19.96
bought 22.75 lb Salt at $4 1/2 per tun one Bushel timothy seed at $2.75 20 lb clover at 4 1/2
per B
" 5 a fine day we sowed the spring wheat 9 Bushels 4 B of white Russian 5 Beardid I sowed
salt on the Barley in the flats
" 6 I finished Sowing the Salt on the Wheat
" 7 this day is warm I went to Guelph with a load of Potatoes 8 bag for George and 4 for our
own got 60 cents per B 3 bags of apples at 40 cents per bag
" 9 Annie started off on the cars to go to California she went by the Great Western RR paid
$5.65 for a through ticket
" 10 I was Grafting apple trees
" 12 John finished sowing the Oats 42 Bushels the weather is very warm and dry
14 John comenced to the peas sowed 5 1/2 Bushels this is a fine day some rain in the
May 16 we had a fine shour on last evening thing is growing fine we got a letter from Annie
" 17 we finished sowing the Peas in the field at the creek we sowed 15 1/4 Bushels we
bought and 5 Bushels of our own our own is very bad with bugs
" 19 the weather is very dull the crops is growing very well the men is picking stones off the
" 14 we sowed the carrots in the field and place
" 21 I went to Guelph bought a pair of Springs for the Wagon Seat Armstrongs paid $2.40 a
pair of specticales $1 a Bushel of Corn 70 cents a peck of potatoes the Beauty of heburn 30
" 20 a fine day I sowed plaster on the clover
" 23 the weather is very warm we washed the sheep 27
" 25 I went up with the team to Frank Rassins with Duncans men there going to put a
" 26 the weather is very hott and dry we started to plant the potatoes
28 the weather is fine but dry we finished planting the potatoes I went to Guelph with 3 bags
May 28 of Apples sold them for 50 cents per bags russets and 4 bags of potatoes at 50 cts
per B bought 100 lb Oatmeal at $2.50
" 30 I was at the Council Meeting the men is hauling dung for the turnips
" 31 finished shearing the sheep 27 with Georges 3
June 1 a very light shour last night
" 2 a fine day but cool I went to Toronto with the other members of the Council as a
deputation on the Credit Valey RR got a free ride and diner at the Rosin House
" 4 a fine day I was at the Church and at a Meeting of the Insurance company in the
" 5 the Sacaraments Sabath
" 7 it rained some in the forenoon
" 8 a fine day I was round inspected the roads the men is ploughing
" 9 this day is dull we were at Peter Littles Funeral
June 11 I went to Guelph with 7 bags of Potatoes sold them for 30 cents per bag 1 bag of
Apples for 60 cents bought 500 lb of plaster and 800 lb salt for the turnips
" 14 a fine day I went to Guelph I bought a new Syth and Sneth $1.50
" 16 comenced to sow the turnips
" 18 finished sowing the turnips 5 3/4 acres I went to Guelph with the wool sold 15 fleces 85
lb at 24 1/4 cents $20.61 we kept 9 fleces there was a fine rain this evening
" 13 we had tereble storm of wind and dust in the afternoon a great deal of lightning and
thunder but not much rain
" 22 the weather is dry and cold frost in some places where it is low John Murreys new barn
was raised today
" 21 I went down to Moriston and bought a new turnip scuffeler from Tom Ingram Paid $10
for it
" 23 the weather is dull and Cold for the season
" 25 we comenced to cut the Heay the weather has been cold all June frost this week in low
June 27 I went to Guelph with the Mower to get repaired got it bushed and other fixings it
cost $5 I bought a new section grinder at Griffins Foundry paid $6 we had a fine rain it rained
4 or 5 hours
" 28 we had a great storm of wind and rain it was worse in some places nor here
" 29 this is fine weather old Rodrick McDonald Died this morning he was a week ill
" 30 we were at Rodrick McDonalds Funeral got 2 loads of hay in
July 2 I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat and some Potatos 6 bags at 60 cents per Bag
24 B 30 lb spring wheat at $1.19 5 B 50 lb fall wheat at $1.20 one firkin butter at 16 cents per
" 4 this day is very warm I was at the Council Meeting I sent a letter to Annie
" 5 this day is very warm we went to Morriston in the evening
" 6 this day is very hot we had Bob Robertson helping with the hay Wilson is sick he has not
worked any this week we got in 8 loads of heay today we have 16 big loads in now Mrs & me
was at Ann McDonalds Weding
" 7 there is a fine rain today calm and not very heavy
8 this is a fine day we went up to see Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} folcks John is cutting hay
July 9 this is a fine heay day John & Bob Robertson was setting up the potatoes in the
forenoon hauled in 3 loads of heay in the afternoon
" 10 this day is very warm it has been excessef hot for some days we had a shour in the
" 11 a fine day John finished cutting the heay we got in 3 loads of hay John Willson
comenced to Work he was off all last week and one day the week before
" 12 a fine day Willson finished ploughing the Sumerfallow John comenced to scuffel the
" 13 this is a beautifull day we got in 4 loads of heay in the afternoon comenced to thin the
turnips and harrowing the fallow
" 14 we got in all the hay 28 large loads some of it was very good and some of it poor
finished scuffling the turnips
" 15 the weather is very warm I was down at Georges setting up his potatoes
16 I was cutting thistles the rest is at the turnips
July 19 the weather is rather cooler we cut the Barley in the Oarcherd it is a good crop this is
Roarys Sale
" 20 we comenced to cut the Wheat
" 21 this day is warm I went to Guelph in the morning and bought a new steel barley fork paid
$1.10 six fingers for a wooden barley fork paid 23 cents we hauled in 3 loads of barley out of
the oarcherd
" 22 a fine day cutting wheat in the afternoon
" 23 John cutt the Barley in the flatt field
" 25 hauled in some wheat and some Barley we had a light shour this morning
" 26 we finished cutting the fall wheat it is a very good crop we had a small shour
" 28 we finished hauling in the Barley 9 loads
" 29 a fine day we finished hauling in the fall wheat 12 loads
" 30 this day is very warm we was in Guelph with some Butter
Aug 1 the men started to thin the turnips the second time I was a David Dicksons funeral
" 3 we are working at the turnips the weather is very warm
" 8 we thrashed some wheat and Barley in the afternoon
August 10 we cutt the spring wheat it is a good crop
" 11 comenced to cut the oats we brock the leaver of the reaper I got it fixed at Littles shop
" 12 we had a fine rain in the morning cutting oats in the afternoon
" 13 a fine day the men comenced to pull the Peas we went to Guelph with 4 bags of apples
got 75 cents for some and 40 for one
" 15 cutting oats and some peas
" 16 hauled in some spring wheat in the afternoon
" 17 finished hauling in the spring wheat 7 loads
" 18 I was at Watts thrashing the men is pulling peas
" 19 we finished cutting the oats they have ben a very fair crop
" 20 hauled in some peas
" 22 hauled in some peas n the forenoon and pulling in the afternoon I was at the Council
meting in the afternoon
23 hauled in Oats all day 8 loads
24 we have very dry weather the pasture is dryed up intirely we were hauling in Peas I was
at the Funeral of Mrs Peter Hume in the afternoon
25 very warm hauling in Oats in the forenoon
August 25 we were over at the Puslinch Lake along with the Gilchrists Clan at there Annual
" 26 finished hauling in the Peas and Oats I was at the Seed Show at Aberfoyle in the
afternoon and at a Meeting of Council
" 27 the men comenced to plough for the fall wheat
" 31 the weather is very warm and dry
Sept 1 this is an extreemly cloce warm day it is Suffocating about 4 Oclock it got very dark
and a great storm of wind and rain it was a great deal wors in some Sections of the Country
than here the lightning done a grate amount of damage in some places
" 3 the weather is still very warm the men finished ploughing and harrowing back field for the
fall wheat I went to Guelph with Some apples 4 bags got 50 cents per bag
" 5 comenced to sow the fall wheat we got the best calf drowned in the spring yesterday
afternoon it fell in and could not get up the water is very scarse
Sept 6 this is terable hot dry weather there is a great many fires around we are clearing up a
pease of land back at the creek got some fence burned John finished sowing the Wheat in
the back field there is 15 acres sowed 5 acres of Fulty wheat 9 bushels
" 7 John finished sowing the Wheat the little field out at the corner 1 1/2 acres we sowed 15
1/2 Bushels of Clawson 9 B Fulty 4 of Scott Wheat 28 1/2 I went to Guelph with Duncan he
went away with the Cars to go to Manitoba Hel{en} Stewart went with him I was at Stones
Sale of Stock
" 8 we were at the annual Sale at the Modle farm the weather is very dry
" 9 I was down at James Hoggs with James Scott to examin about the fire he got his Barn
burned on Wednesday night he is insured in the Puslinch Companey
" 10 I went to Guelph with a load of Barley sold it for 79 cents per B there was 38 B 46 lb
$30.77 and 2 bags of apples got 50 cents per B
" 12 we had a Meeting of the Directors of the Insurance Company the weather very warm
Sept 14 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 44 B 38 lb got 79 cents per B $35.35 I
bought 1 1/2 Bushels of timothy paid $3.50 per B $5.25 bought a keeg of nails paid $2.75
and razor strap paid 85 cents paid Crist Littles note $14
" 15 this day is very windy we have had terable dry weather this harvest we have not had
much rain all sumer there has ben a great amount of damage by fires through the Country it
comenced to rain in the evening I was sowing timothy seed back in the field bhind the Bush I
sawed abou 8 acres
" 16 this is a fine day we had a light shour last night John went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a
grist of ten Bushels and fifty lb he did not get it home
" 17 a fine day but dull it rained Some in the evening I went to the Aberfoyle Mill for the grist
got 400 lb flour Robert Amos and Margaret and the Children came down
" 19 this is very fine warm day I was away with John Iles letting jobs on the Roads we went
over to the west side of the Township
" 20 I was down to Moriston got Wilsons boots at Cuyins paid $2 I went C Littles Sale Johns
Sept 21 I was at a metting of the Directors of the Insurance Company to settle with James
Hogg with regard to the Burning of his barn
" 23 I was away in the afternoon letting some jobs on the Roads
" 24 I went to Guelph with 15 B 55 lb of fall wheat sold it for $1.28 per Bushel $20.44 and 8
bags of fallen apples got 50 cents per bag I bought 4 gallons of Coal Oil paid 28 cents per
" 26 I comenced to pull the Apples John is bad with a sore back he is not able to work
27 John is at Murrays thrashing and Willson is at James Niccols ploughing bee
" 28 we are Clening up the new land
" 29 I was at the Apples Willson is ploughing in the field at the creek John is at Murrays
" 28 I bought a new Weigh Scales from Angus Stewart paid $26
30 comenced to take up the potatoes
October 4 I went to Guelph with 5 barels of fall apples I sold to Parkinson for $1 per Barel
" 6 we went to Guelph to the Show then we went down to Aberfoyle to get tikets for the show
October 7 a beautiful day this is the Pushlinch Show we were nearly all at it
" 10 fine weather Andrew Elliot comenced to dig a weell down at the Barn the framers
comenced to hew the timber for the sheep house
" 12 it is dull and soft fine rain Elliot finished the weell it is 18 feet deep I paid him $18 for it
" 13 this is the fast day for the Sacrament we were at the Church
" 15 it rained very heavy in the morning on till 10 Oclock we went to the church
" 16 a fine day the Sacrament Sabath
" 17 John Iles and me went over to the 4 con to examin some jobs on the roads in the
forenoon then went to the Meeting of Council in the afternoon John started away up with
John Little
" 8 I went out to Mrs Stewarts to measure her apples this day is shoury
" 10 we finished takeing up the Potatoes the are a pretty fair crop
" 20 this is the National thanksgiveing day John came home from moveing John Little up to
Bells corners near Pratton the roads are bad up there
October 18 this day is raw and cold day Flaws & Johnston put in a new pump in the weell the
price of it is $9.50 payable in tamarack wood we are to geet 2 1/2 cents per foot 380 feet
they repaired the old pump and put it in the weell in the garden I paid them $5 for it in cash I
went down to Morriston with the brass kettles we had boiling Cider I 25 cents for each of
them there was 2
" 20 Edward Wakefield and his men comenced to build the foundation for the sheep house
21 the Masons finished the foundation of the sheep house they were a day and half 2
masons and a labourer I went over to Spayeside to see about shingles I went up to
Rockwood to get the yarn at the Woolen factory 50 lb paid $7.50 or 15 cent per lb
" 22 went to Mrs Stewart we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart we bought a Marble headstone
for Duncan Stewart from Kennady & co for $45 it is a fine day
" 26 Duncan came home from Manatoba he has been away since the 7th Sept
" 25 I went to Spayeside for 9 squares of shingles paid $1.75 per square
Oct 25 we raised the fraim of the sheep house a fine day
" 26 a fine day we were thrashing today wheat and oats
" 27 a very fine day we were thrashing peas Barley and Oats
"28 John Comenced to harrow up the turnips a fine day we went down to Morriston with
some Ducks
29 it is very wett this forenoon it rained all night and a good part ot the forenoon I went to
Guelph in the afternoon John went up to Hains{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} Mill with 8 bags of Peas and 2 bags Oats to chopp
" 31 a fine day John comenced pull the carrots and haul in the turnips I went over the 3rd con
to McCormacks pond to examin job on the roads
Nov 1 a fine day I was at Grants thrashing Wilson is not working this forenoon nor yesterday
his Mother is very sick he went to Guelph today to meet his sister
" 2 a fine day I went to Guelph fair I bought a 2 shear ram I paid $10 to Mr Robertson of Earn
Township Robert Amos took him up to his place I had nothing but the Bugie
" 3 this day is rather cooler it rained heavy last night James Wilson came down from
Nov 4 this day is cold and windy we had a light shour of Snow in the morning it was all away
by noon we finished hauling in the turnips 24 loads off 5 acres they were a very poor crop
they were a compleet failure they got covered with a sort of lice then the frost killed them
John went to Hainses Mill with a grist Wheat 4 bags
" 5 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 21 bags 48 Bushels 46 lb at 87 cents per B
$42.59 John went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
for a Ram I Bought from D Robertson of Erin on the fair day I paid $10 he is a 2 sheare the
morning was stormy and snowing but it chainged and rained heavy before noon it faired up
in the afternoon
" 7 a very fine day I went to Guelph with David {in margin "ram to ews"} Wilson to meet the
train I bought 50 lb of Oatemeal I paid at the rate of $2.75 per 100 lb
" 8 this is a very fine day warm the men is buissey ploughing I put the ram to the Ewes
" 9 a fine day it rained heavy last night the men is ploughing
" 10 cold we were cutting wood at J Murrays
Nov 11 this day is rather cold the men is ploughing I cleaned up a load of Wheat for the
market went to Aberfoyle in the evening Jane had a young Daughter yesterday
" 12 this is a very wett day it rained all night and all forenoon I went to Aberfoyle to post a
letter to California for Annie I sent some flannel in a parcel to Annie with a young Man that is
going to San Francisco his name is Frank Coffie he went away on the 9th
15 there is some snow this Morning Wilson is scrapping at the sheep house I went to Guelph
with a load Wheat 16 bags it weighed at home 34 Bushels 20 lb it weighed in Guelph at
Pressants 34 B 15 lb got $1.29 $44.18 I bought a barrall of salt paid 90 cts
" 16 John is diging post holes for the sheep yard I cleaned up some Oats & peas for to chopp
" 17 this is a fine morning the men is ploughing I went to Toronto with a deputation to the
Goverment in the interest of Col Higenbotham for the Regesterhip it rained in the afternoon it
was very dark an night hard to get home
Nov 18 a fine day but a little cold the men is ploughing I went up to Hains{small superscript
occurs, indicating the possessive} Mill with 8 bags of chopp Oats & Peas
" 19 this morning is stormey it is snowing in the forenoon we went down to Aberfoyle in the
" 21 this is a fine day raw and cold the ground is covered with snow John went up to William
Rudds Boar with the Sow
" 22 a fine day but frosty the men is fixing about the Well I was fixing the fence at the sheep
" 23 a fine day the men is diging post holes near the new well
" 24 this day is cold and frosty with high wind we are fixing about the sheep house and the
well we had a prayer meeting in the afternoon
" 25 this day is cold and stormy we went down Mrs Stewart to the Graveyard and to Gilfillians
" 26 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with 7 bags of Appls got 80 cts per bag bought boots
for the boys Roberts cost $2.60 Edwards $2.50 Marys $1.79
" 29 the weather is soft we got a letter from Annie about the parcel we sent to her and got
stolen at Galt
" 30 it a great thaw the roads are very bad we went to Guelph to get a Coffin for Mrs Wilson
she Died last night at Johns
December 1 this day is cold and windy Mrs Wilson was Burried today J Wilson went to
Guelph for his Brother & Sister
" 2 this day is milder I went to Aberfoyle to the Blacksmiths
" 3 I went to Guelph with 6 bags of Apples sold them for 80 cts per bag bought a 100 lb of
Oatemeal for $2.75
" 5 this is a fine day I was at the Council meeting the last for the year got $40 for pay Peter
McGibbon Died this Morning and Thomas Carter
" 6 a fine day but raw and cold in the afternoon the roads are very bad I was at Thomas
Carters funeral
" 7 this is a very stormy morning snow shours then it got very cold and windy and hard frost
we were at Peter McGibbons funeral
" 8 a fine day very hard frost the roads are very rough we are taking in the straw stack to the
" 9 this day is very frosty but clear John went to Guelph with a load of tamarack wood for
pumps to P Grant
" 10 we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 38 B 55 lb sold it for $1.29 per B $50.20
" 12 this is a fine warm day it got soft and rained some in the afternoon the men is getting out
" 13 this day is very wett it rained nearly all day and last night the roads is very soft
December 14 this is a fine day comenced to freze we killed 6 pigs of our own and 1 for
George we killed Georges Cow we took her up to the Bush and killed her she got ruptured
some time ago she would have died in the calving the weight of the pigs 198 X160 X160 X
210 X 210
15 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph fat cattle show we took in a pig sold it for
$7.75 per 100 lb its weight was 193 1/2 lb $15 a sheep skin got $1
"16 this is a fine day we cut some firewood with the Saw and some paveing blocks I went to
Aberfoyle in the afternoon got some papers and a letter from Annie George went to Haines
Mill for some flour and he took a Grist for us 5 bags 11 1/2 bushels home {blank space} lbs
of flour
" 17 I went to Guelph with 6 bags of Apples sold them for 80 cents per bag I bought a new
cap at Russells paid $3.75 Edward was with me
" 20 we have had very fine weather lately clear and mild no appearance of any snow I was at
D Gilchrists killings pigs J Wilson has left his time is up he has been one year and nine
" 21 a fine day it is thretning a storm from the east it rained in the evening
December 24 John and me went to Guelph with a load of Potatoes 14 bags sold them for 96
cents and 4 bags of apples at 90 cents per bag
" 26 this is a fine day this is nomination day I was nominated as Dep Reeve Nicoll was
elected Reeve Little Glennie Rea as Councillors
" 27 I went to Guelph for a can of dried figs that Brother John sent as a present from
California it cost $1.5 to get it out of the Costume house 75 cent for Duty and 30 cents for
filling out a paper it was shiped on the 12th of November from Galt
" 28 this day is very soft it rained last night all night this is Mothers birth day she is 59 years
the Family was all here that was in the locality Annie and Susan was not here Annie is in
California and Susan is up at Bells corners up above Aurther
" 29 a fine day but the roads are fearfull bad I went away down through Badinough to
" 30 there is a great change in the weather it is cold and frosty I went over to the locality near
the lake and over to Crief the roads are rough
" 31 this day is cold I went to Guelph
For more information on Duncan MacFarlane, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
under “Discover” on our website: ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca
1878-1881 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
July 1 this day is very warm the men are ploughing
" 2 we had a fine rain today in the afternoon I was cleaning the Carrots
" 3 this is a fine growing day more rain the morning I went to Guelph fair I bought a new
Sulky raik from M Bardell for 12 cord of tamarack wood to be delivered at J B Armstrongs
next winter. it is the Massonar Gallawe raik made at Oshawa I went to Aberfoyle got home
the old Buggy we got it repaired new rims and new tyres
" 5 this day is very warm the School Annual Picnick John was cutting Hay in the forenoon
" 6 cut some heay and raiked some up the Council was examining the ditch back at Watts
this day is very warm
" 8 there was some rain last night and this morning Meeting of Council in the afternoon
" 9 a fine day got in 6 loads of heay
July 10 this is a fine day got in 5 loads of Heay
" 11 cutting Heay in Oarchard it is very heavy it comenced to rain about noon
" 12 this is very weet it rained for nearly 24 hours I went to Guelph Bought 3 lb of Parisgreen
paid 40 cts per lb got 1 quart of castor oil for the machine
" 12 I went to Guelp with William Horrocks to see the Lawer we got in 3 loads of Heay
" 13 got in all the Heay in the back field finished cutting the Heay in the Oarchard
" 15 this is a fine Heay day
" 16 this is a fine day very warm got in all the Heay in the Oarchard cut the Heay in big flatt
field finnished
" 17 this is a fine day comenced to thin the Turnips yesterday John cutt 2 acres of Barley and
some wheat I was rakeing heay in the afternoon
" 18 got in 2 loads of heay it rained very heavy about 11 oclock then about 2 oclock a very
heavy shour
July 19 this day is very hott and sultry no breeze in the fornoon a fine afternoon got in 3
loads of Barley
" 20 a very fine day got in 4 loads of heay finished the heay it was a very good crop 30 loads
comenced to cut the wheat with the reaper about 4 oclock it is very ripe it ought to have been
all cutt before this
" 22 a very high wind it is shakeing out the wheat cutting the wheat
" 24 a fine harvest day finnished cutting the fall wheat in the morning then comenced to cut
the Barley in the field near the house
25 a fine day in the forenoon finnished cutting the Barley and hauled in 5 loads of fall wheat
and 3 of Baley it comenced to rain about 4 oclock
26 this day has ben very wett it rained for 24 hours there was a great quantity of rain we
went to Aberfoyle to the store in the evening
27 this is a fine day the wheat and Barley is very weet working among the shocks and
turning the Barley got the Barley in in the evening 3 loads Robert Amos and Margret came
29 hauling in wheat it comenced to rain in the evening it was very dull all day
July 30 this day is very dull and soft rained some all night and forenoon not heavy
31 this is a fine day got in the Fall wheat in the evening it is sprouted some
August 1 cutting the spring wheat and raiking the fall wheat stubble the weather is dull
" 2 this is a fine day got in some spring wheat 2 loads it was loose it was a poor crop golden
drop I bought the seed from Goldie Guelph comenced to cut the Oats in the back field they
are a fine crop
" 3 a fine day got in all the spring wheat 3 loads of read chaff
" 5 a great deal of thunder and lightening all day we had a very heavy shour about noon
great storms all round
" 6 a great thunder and lightening and a terable storm about noon every place is floded
" 7 this is a fine day bound some oats in the afternoon I was at Guelph fair
" 8 got in 5 loads of oats a fine day
" 9 a fine day we were thrashing wheat
10 the men is pulling peas
Aug 10 I went to Aberfoyle Mill with 12 Bushels of spring wheat old for a grist
12 a fine day the men is pulling Peas got in one load
14 a fine day pulling peas
15 a fine day at Watts thrashing got in 3 loads of peas and the last of the Barley
16 I went to Rockwood with the wool to carde we had a great storm in the evening a great
deal of thunder and lightning James Hume got 3 sheep killed with the lightning
" 17 a fine day we went to Guelph had 3 bags of Apples got 87 1/2 cents per bag we went up
to Robert Amoses
" 20 a fine day hauling in Peas 4 big loads
" 21 a very fine day John is over at Georges cutting his oats and McLaren is at Laings
Thrashing I was cleaning wheat
24 rained last night I went to Guelph
26 got in the last of the Peas 12 loads Meeting of Council in the afternoon
27 I was at the seed fair at Aberfoyle I got the 4 prise sold 10 bushels to Robert Watson at
$1.15 cents per B
August 29 John is cutting oats back in the flats
" 31 we have had a fine harvest week we have been binding Oats hauled in 2 loads it rained
some in the afternoon
Sep. 2 a fine day but close and warm we have a great deal of rain since Saturday it rained all
night and nearly all day yesterday
" 3 this day is dull and warm we bound some Oats in the afternoon
4 this day is very soft some rain I went to Guelph fair
5 very dull and warm there is very little draught we bound up some oats in the afternoon they
were not very dry and sprouted some {unclements}
7 this is a fine day got in some Oats and cut some
9 this is a fine day got in 3 loads of Oats comenced to sow the fall wheat sowed the field out
at the Concessisson 6 Bushels
10 I was at the Nomination of a Member of Parliment for the House of Commons it rained
nearly all the afternoon
12 a wett day I was at the Sale at the Model farm
Sept 13 this is a very wett day it rained nearly all day yesterday and the night before we had
a terible heavy rain all night the whole place is flooded with water we do not mind of such
heavy rain continuing so long it is one of the greatest floods that Canada has ever seen it
has done a great amount of damage all over the Country
16 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with some articles for the Centeral Exibition
17 a fine day this is the Election for Members of Parliment for the House of Commons of
Canada Mr D Guthrie was Elected for the South Riding of Wellington by the Reform Partie
18 this is a fine day Susan got Married to John Little Blacksmith
19 we were at the Guelph Centeral Show it was a fine day but it got very dark and stormie
after night a thunder storm
14 Johns Wife had a Daughter this morning
Sept 20 I went to C Littles for 3 bushels of scott wheat for seed when I was coming home the
holdback of the britchin brock coming down the hill at the back lot and I was thrown out of the
Bugie and badly hurt the hors run away and brock the Bugie John was at the Guelph Show
and brought home the articles we got no prize
"21 I had to go over to Robert Duglus to investigate the fire that Burned his Barn and crop
23 I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 37 by measure and 33 B 50 lb by weight got 95
cents per Bushel Clawson wheat we bought some furnitur for Susan John finnished the
sowing the Fall Wheat
24 George and me went over to the Township of Blenhem for to see C Forbas we drove
about 70 miles with Fannie and McCaigs Dick the roads were very good the most of the way
Sept 27 this is a fine day but very coold we had a meeting of the Directors of the Insurance
Company about Dugluss fire
" 28 very frosty last night John Iles and I were letting some jobs on the roads it was some
Ditchen on the Sideline between lots 15 & 16 on the 10 con
" 30 this was a very fine day warm Johns Baby has been very bad since saturday they are
ploughing the new land down on the flats near the creek
October 1 this is a very fine warm day Johns Baby Died this evening it has been very bad
since Saturday we cleaned up a load of fall wheat this afternoon 38 Bushels
2 I was up to Guelph and marden Johns Baby was Burried today it is a fine day
3 I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat got 92 cents per Bushell 35 B 50 lb measure 38 B
8 Puslinch Show a fine day we got the first prize for one of the 2 year old Colts first for Beets
9 we went over to John Littles and to Crists we had a terible high wind and some rain
October 14 Meeting of Council in the afternoon we are getting in the apples
" 12 Mr Leslie and me wer letting some jobs on the roads over in Badinoch
11 were thrashing the Barley and some Oats
19 this day is some Colder we went to Guelph to meet the funeral of Mrs Johnston she Died
up at Walkerton and was burried on the plains
22 it is very fine weather and warm the girles are toping the turnips the men are ploughing
and I am cutting stone
23 this day is wett in the forenoon I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 7 1/2 Bushels of
Wheat part spring part fall
24 this is a fine warm day it is the fast day before the Sacrament the fencevewers were
called out by David Watt to settle some dispute about the ditches on the road and through
our land
25 a fine day I was at old John Clarks Funeral John harrowed up some of the turnips and
hauled in 2 loads
26 this day was very weet it rained a good
deal last night it has rained nearly all day and very heavy this afternoon and tonight
October we were at the church today
" 27 this day is rather soft and dull this is the Sacrament Sabath
" 28 this is a good day for the turniph we hauled in 10 loads
" 29 some snow in the morning and frost we hauled in 9 loads of turnips
" 31 this day is very blustry and cold it was shoury in the morning and cleared up in the
afternoon I went to Guelph in the forenoon
Nov 2 this is a fine morning finished hauling in the turnips 47 loads large loads the crop was
not very great part of them was very good and part not very good {large space} we
comenced to pull the carrots but it rained some in the afternoon
4 this day is clear and cold pulled all the carrots and hauled some in
6 we went to Guelph Fair with a load of Barley 51 Bushels by measure 46 B 27 lb by weight
Paid W Sunly for Johns Stove $19.75
Nov 7 we thrashed Oats and wheat a fine day for thrashing
8 finnished thrashing the wheat we went out to Aberfoyle to here W.F Clarke lecture before
the Farmers Club
9 I went to Guelph with a load apples sold 9 bags of Northern Spy at 75 cts per B 1 of
culverts 60 and 1 Snow 50 cts and brought 2 bags home Bought a quarter of Beef at $3 1/2
per 100 lb the weather has ben frosty
11 the weather is soft it rained in the afternoon
12 the men is ploughing
13 I was over at John Murray with regard to Mrs Johnstone Will Mr Dawson was there to
read it Robert Beatie and myself is appointed Exicutors of the Will
14 I went to Guelph with Mrs Johnstones Will to the Surigate Office and got Sworn in
Thomas Wright has ben thrashing peas this week he thrashed 48 Bushels he went up to
Guelph today
15 this is a fine day
Nov 16 We were Cutting Peas with the cutting box this forenoon Duncan and me went to
Morriston in the afternoon a fine day
18 this day is very dull and warm we had good deal of rain since Saturday night the roads
are very bad Duncan went to Rockwood Woolen factory with 15 1/2 lb of wool to get it
20 this is a very fine warm day I went to Guelph with a load 10 bags of Wheat 24 B by
measure 22 B 30 lb by weight got 88 cents per B I had 9 bags of apples 6 at 70 cents and 3
at 75 cts
21 this is a very warm fine day indian summer I was cutting stone John went to Guelph with
Lizie Willson
22 this day is wett and raw I was at Patton sale I went to the Mill with a grist of 94 Bushels
fall Wheat
23 I went to Guelph about Mrs Johnston affairs the roads are very bad
25 this morning is rather cooler it snowed some George came over with 16 Bushels of Peas
for the pigs he is to get his seed from here
November 25 John McLaren left here this afternoon he has ben 9 months here
Nov 26 this is a fine day I went to Duncan Stewarts for a load of Potatos 16 bags at 60 cents
per bag they are very good earley rose
" 27 this morning was rather cold with a strong east wind it comenced to rain about 11
Oclock and rained very heavy all afternoon
29 I went to Guelph with Duncan Stewart to do some buisness with Stirton it a fine day
30 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle in the afternoon
Decem 2 a very weet day it has rained all night and nearly all day and the most of yesterday
the Council mett for the last time this year received forty Dolars
" 4 this is rather a stormy forenoon it snowed some the roads are very bad a reaguler slush
this is the National Thanksgiveing day I was at the Church
December 6 this day is frosty we put the Sow to Duncan Gilchrist Boar
" 7 I went to Guelph with 8 bags of fall Wheat 19 B by measure 17 B 40 lb by weight at 93 cts
per B and 7 bags of apples sold 4 bags at 60 cts 3 at 50 cts Bought a 100 lb of Oatmeal at
$2. 29/100 the roads are good
" 8 this is a fine day the roads are very good we were at the Church
" 9 it snowed all night there is a good bit of but it comenced to rain in the forenoon and rained
all day we were cleaning up Peas after cutting them with the cutting Box
" 10 this day is Weet and dull it rained all night and a good part of today I went down to Mr
Leslies with Duncan Stewart about a note Bill McFather forged on him
" 11 this day is cold and frosty with a very high wind a great change of weather
13 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle in the afternoon
14 this day is very stormy it snowed very hard
December 14 I was out with Mr McLaren Teacher to Duncan Stewarts he was getting his
Will drawen Out it very stormy in the evening
" 12 we were at Guelph Christamas fair we had the sleigh but the sleighing is very bad
" 16 I went to Guelph with Robert Beattie to Draw the Money out of the Bank beloning to Mrs
" 17 we had Meeting of the Heirs of Mrs Johnston at John Murrays to give them there Portion
" 20 this day is very cold and stormy the sleighs are running we were at John McRobbies
" 21 we went to Guelph with 6 bags of Apples got 50 cents per bag for good winter apples
times are very dull it is hard to sell anything they had some Butter and eggs and chickens it
turned out very stormey it snowed a good deal went up to Robert Amoss I bought an Overcot
paid $9 at Rutherfords
December 25 this day is very stormy and cold there has been three very cold days with a
high wind the road are badly drifted we were over to Christ Littles getting our Christmas
dinner the friends were there
28 John went to Guelph with a load of wood for J B Armstrong for a Sulky rake
30 this is a fine day this is the Nomination of Councilors
Jan 31 I went to Aberfoyle mill with 3 bags to chopp
" 1 this is a very fine day very plesent for the season warm good sleiging
" 2 this is a very stormy day I went down to the second com
" 4 very stormy and cold we have had three very cold and stormy days the roads are all
blocked up Duncan and me went up to Guelph
" 6 this is a fine day the roads are very bad this is the Election of Councilors I am elected a
Councilor for 1879
January 8 this was the annual school meeting we went up to Mardan to Robert Amoss with
Elisibeth to go to the school
" 11 we went to Guelph with a load of fall wheat 35 B by measure 32 B 40 lb by weight got
87 cents per Bushel
" 13 this day is very raw and cold white frost I went to James McCaigs funeral on the 2 con
14 this is a very fine Mild day we were cutting peas with the cutting box George was over
15 a fine clear day but very cold John is hauling wood to Guelph the Annual Social of the
Farmers Club there was a great turn out we were at it
16 this is a very stormy forenoon and part of the night but the afternoon is fine and warm I
went to Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 9 1/2 Bushels by measure 8 B 35 lb by weight got 290 lb
flour that is 34 lb to the B weight Bran and shorts 155 lb
January 18 this is a fine day had some more wind and snow last night I went to the Meeting
of the Puslinch Mutual Fire Insurance Company I was Elected to be Presedent for the
Currant year
" 20 a fine day but very frosty this was our first Meeting of the Council for the year
22 this is a fine day we were over to Georges the roads are prety good
23 this is a fine day we were over to James Lennies and to John Porters Sale
25 I went to Guelph with John and his wife we had 5 bags of Apples sold 2 for 60 cts 3 for 50
cts they were very good apples I settled up with J B Armstrong with the Cordwood I delivered
12 cord of tamarack for a Sulky Horse Rake I got from A Bardwel
27 this day is very soft day we have a thaw we were cleaning peas
28 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 5 bags of Oats & Peas to chopp I went to Morriston and
sold some Heay to Mr Ross for $8 per ton
31 Annual Meeting of the Farmers Club.
February 3 Meeting of the Township Council
" 4 I has ben hauling Heay 4 loads 4 ton 280 lb at $8 per ton $32.87 one load to the
Aberfoyle Mill 2050 lb got the same weight of Bran
" 5 we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 35 1/2 Bushels by measure 32 B by weight got
85 cents it was not very good some sprouted
7 I went to Guelph for a pair of sleigh runners paid $1.33 for the Bobsleigh
8 this is a fine day they are going to the Blacks Smiths shop with the sleigh I went over to
John Littles shoop with the sleigh to fix one runner was broken we Went to Janes
10 I went down to Moriston a fine day
11 this day is Blustry and soft sort of snow and rain I went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart
12 this day is very cold and stormy high wind
13 this is a very fine day
15 very cold the keenest frost of the season yesterday was very cold
18 John is hauling wood to James Fairley of Guelph tamarack at $2. 25/100 per cord
February 19 John hauled 4 1/2 cords of Tamarack wood to James Fairley Guelph at 2. 25/10
per cord
"13 John went down to Moriston with a load of Heay to the Doctor
19 I went over to the Lake along with Leslie & Nicoll to inspect a job on the road that we lett
22 very fine weather for the season cold sometimes
21 a fine day cleaned up a load of wheat 35 B
24 a fine day but very frosty I went to Aberfoyle to meet the rest of the Councillors about
some matters with regard to a certain letter
25 this is a very stormy day snow from the east I am mending shoes
14 John hauled a load of Heay to Dr Orton Moriston 2050 lb at $8 per ton
27 this day is very cold I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 24 B 35 lb at 97 cents 8 B 5 lb
at 85 cents the 4 bags was the raikins it was sprouted went up to Roberts then went to old
Mr Amoses Sale at the farm
28 this morning is very cold and frosty very severe but clear I went to the Aberfoyle mill with
6 bags of peas & oats to chopp
March 1 this morning was rather warm and fine but it got windy and cold before night we cut
some soft wood with the saw about 2 cords
"3 this a very fine clear day the sun is very strong I went over to Ferrishes Milll near
Rockwood with a grist of 6 bags of Fall and spring Wheat 15 B by measure got 485 lbs flour
that is 32 lb to the B measure Hugh Cassin got Killed with a tree chopping in the Bush
4 this day is stormy it started to rain then turned to snow
7 this is a fine day I went over to Georges the Wife had a Daughter last Monday the 3rd the
Mrs came home I was at the Farmers Club Meeting in the evening
10 this day very warm the snow is getting very soft the sleighing is about done
11 I went over Hugh McNaughtons Sale
12 this day is colder I sold a Steer to Farr & Hales for $56
14 this day is blustry and cold snow shours I went to Peter Grants sale
15 I went to Guelph with Duncan he is
March 14 going up to Arthur to hew timber the roads are very bad especiely the Brock road I
sold 4 bags of apples at 70 cents Butter 18 1/2 cents
"17 we went to Guelph with the Steer I sold he is not 3 years old and weighed 1355 lb I got
$56 for him
19 I went over to Georges when I came home there was one of the cows died she calfed
before I went away she put out her calf bed
21 this is a very fine day we were sawing Wood sawed a great pile
22 this day is very stormy snow out of the east we went to Guelph with Butter & eggs and the
cows hide it weighed 58 lb got 4 1/2 cents per lb
24 snow out of the east in the forenoon then rain Meeting of Council in the afternoon
26 I went to Aberfoyle with some Peas & Barley to the seed show I sold the Peas 10 B 26 lb
at 73 cents per B and brought the Barley home
27 this day is soft and mild I was at Sherrats sale I got $2.50 from him Bull money
March 27 John went to Galt with a load of fat sheep for John Murray
28 the roads are getting soft I was up to the Modle Farm at the Closeing examination of the
29 it rained heavy last night with some thunder were at Guelph with Butter and egs
April 2 I went to the Guelph fair this day is very cold and frosty the sow had five young pigs
they are smart
3 we were sawing wood at Georges and some straw the day is very cold the roads are rough
March 31 cutting wood at John Murrays
April 5 we went to Guelph this day is very cold this week has been very cold and frosty with
high winds
7 this is fine day but frosty at night I was up to Guelph at a meeting of reformers to make
arangements to select a Candidate for the next Election
April 8 I went over C Littles to see him he is very sick he has Inflamation of the lungs
" 9 this is a fine warm day John went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 3 bags of wheat fall
and spring 5 bags of Barley peas & oats and 2 bags of oats to chopp
" 10 this day is very wett and stormy Duncan came home from Arthur
11 John went over to John Littles shop with the new roller to get iorned
12 we went up to Guelph and to Robert Amoses it is a fine day but cold at night hard frost
14 a fine day but cold I was at a Meeting of Reformers at the Town hall Aberfoyle to appoint
Deligates to the Convention at Guelph
15 this a fine day frosty at night hard frost every night the Ewes began to lamb we had 2
16 this is a fine day I was at Guelph to the Convention to select a Candidate in the reform
intrest at the next General Election James Laidlaw was Selected
April 19 we were at Guelph I bought 265 lb of land salt paid 25 cents per 100 lb
" 21 this is a fine day comenced to cultivate and Gang plough the turnip land for Wheat
" 23 fine weather comenced to sow the spring wheat sowed 2 Bushels of Golden drop 6 B of
beardid and 1 1/2 Bushels of read chopp
" 24 6 Bushels of Oats
" 26 sowed 10 Bushels Barley sowed about 170 lb of Clover and Timothy I was at Guelph
" 28 fine weather we had a fine shour last night things are starting to grow I comenced to dig
the garden
" 29 it a fine day white frost in the morning Duncan and me went to Guelph I bought a new
shovel paid 90 cents the men are ploughing sod
" 30 this day is quite cool George was over last evening and got 6 Bushels of Barley and 16
Bushels of Peas for seed Crist Little got 10 Bushels Barley
May 2 a fine day Sowed 3 Bushels of Barley out at the corner field
" 3 we went up to Guelph and Marden
May 6 Duncan and his men went up to Peel to work it is very cold and frosty at night
" 7 this day is cold in the morning we went up to Guelph fair with the Cow Cherry and sold
her for beef at $36 50/100
" 8 I went down to Moriston with some bills for a reform meeting it is warm John Sowed 4
bags of Peas
" 9 I was at a Meeting at the Town hall Aberfoyle in the evening about Election matters
" 10 this day is very warm we were at Guelph then went down to Moriston John finished
sowing the Peas about 24 Bushels
" 12 this day is very warm
" 13 it is very warm and close today
14 this day is hot it thundred last night and some rain it is fine growing weather John sowed 4
Acres of Oats back on the flats William Gilfillan was here
15 this day is rather dull and light shours it rained a good bit last night John sowed 6 Bushels
of Barley down near the creek
May 17 finished sowing the Oats sowed the field down near the side road sowed 12 Bushels
sowed 26 Bushels in all I went to Guelph with Butter & eggs I got home the Buggy harness
Scott was repairing them
19 the weather is very hot and warm John went over to Georges to sow his Peas Willey is
rolling the Oat land
20 this day is very warm and dry John has ben over to Georges this two days Willey is
picking stones off the grass
24 the weather very dry and cold at night finished picking the stones off the grass comenced
to haul out the dung for the Potatoes
26 this morning is very cold and windy I went over to James McPhersons on the first
concession to investigate the caus of the fire he having got his House burned on Fridy
27 Meeting of the Council Cort of Bevision comenced to plant the Potatos
28 washed the sheep this day is fine and warm
May 29 this a fine day it is the Fast day for the Sacrament I was at Guelph at the Nomination
of a Member of Parliment James Laidlaw and Mathew Swetnam was Nominated
" 30 finished planting the Potatoes
31 a fine day we were at the Church John and me went to Guelph in the evening to here the
Hon O Mowat and Hon E Blake we had great storm of thunder and rain in the evening
McQuillans Barn was Burned
June 2 this is a fine day I was at the Church and Morriston I took a grist of 10 B 50 lb got
{blank space} lb flour
5 this was the Election of Member of Parliment James Laidlaw the Reform Candidate was
Elected by a Majority of 119
6 the men are hauling out dung and ploughing the turnip land I finished shearing the sheep
there is 22 sheep and 16 lambs John Smiths Barn was raised this afternoon Duncan has the
job of the Barn
7 we went to Guelph with Butter and
eggs and two bags of Golden Russet Apples got $1 25/100 per bag
June 9 finished ploughing the turnip land
" 11 this day is very warm the men are ploughing back behing the Bush for rape
" 12 the men are takeing out stones in the summer fallow I went to Aberfoyle to the Post
office I brought back Alexander Morison and Mrs McLennan it fine weather
" 13 we was down at Aberfoyle and over at Georges
" 14 we were up to Guelph and Marden we had a fine rain in the evening bought 100 cabage
15 cts 9 lb turnip seed 17 cents per lb 5 lb rape 10 cents per lb
" 16 this is a fine growing day we had a fine rain yesterday we bought an Organ from Mr
Crawford of Guelph it is a Clinton Organ
" 17 this day very Cool John is drilling for the turnips sowed some turnips in the afternoon
they are ploughing the Summer fallow
18 finnished drilling for the turnips
June 18 sowed the most of the turnips sowed two one half acres of rape 5 lb this is a fine
" 19 finished sowing the turnip 5 acres 9 lb 6 lb Sharps 2 lb Suttons champion 1 lb East
lothian I was over near hespeler examining the roads petitioned for aid
" 21 we was in to Guelph the weather is very warm we finished working the Statute labour
" 24 the weather is very warm and dry the men finished ploughing the Sumer fallow the field
next McKenzies orchard I have ben cutting thistles out of the grain
" 25 it is very warm I was at Littles Blacksmith shop to get the horses Shod I Sold 2 fat ewes
to Pett Laing for $11 50/100
26 we had a very fine rain I went down to Morriston Paid Scott $2 for fixing harness
28 I went up to Arthur Township near Mountforrest yesterday with Duncan and his men they
are going to put up
June 28 a new Barn for Mr {blank space} it is over forty five miles from here I came down
today there was a heavy rain last night
" 30 John comenced to Plough the field back of the Bush near the creek
July 1 this is a very warm day we went up to Guelph to the Calidonian games there was a
great many people there
" 2 comenced to cutt the Heay in the afternoon we were at Guelph it is fair day I sold the
Wool 83 lb at 23 cents per lb $19..9
" 3 it rained very heavy for the most of the forenoon we cleaned up the Spring wheat {blank
space} Bushels
" 4 this is a fine day the school Annual picknick cutting heay and plouging
5 I went to Guelph with Annie she is gone up to Hepple to see her Granmother got in 3 loads
of heay
7 Meeting of Council at 2PM got 5 loads of heay it rained in the afternoon
8 a fine day got in 3 loads of heay
July 8 I went to Guelph for some guards for the mower got one at 25 cts the other 40 cts got
4 rake spring teeth paid 40 cts each
" 11 we had a very heavy rain and a great storm of wind thunder and lightning the greatest
storm we have had for a long time
" 12 a fine day for the heay got in 3 loads Duncan came down from Arthur
" 17 this day is very cold got all the heay in the fields near home in 31 loads
" 18 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle Mill with a grist 15 B 50lb John is cutting heay for
Robert Ingle he finished cutting our own yesterday cutt 4 acres at the back lott got it all
raiked up and cocked up can not get it in till we get the fall wheat in
19 a fine day the men are thinning the turnips the Fallwheat is redy to cutt
21 the weather is very hot we comenced to cutt the fall wheat in the field out at the
concession it is a very good crop well filled
July 21 Joseph Shaw comenced to work after noon he is hired for one Month for $25 we got
the field at the con done
" 22 comenced to cutt the field back at the creek it comenced to rain about ten Oclock and
rained all day we went to Aberfoyle Mill for the Grist
" 23 this day is very dull and warm the men is at the turnips cut some wheat in the evening
24 a fine harvest day finished cutting the wheat in the field at the creek I went to Guelph to
get some section nives for the repper got 6 but they did not fitt
25 a fine day got in all the heay in we have 37 loads
26 finished cutting the fall wheat and got in 10 loads
28 cutt part of the Barley it rained a little in the afternoon
29 finished cutting all the barly that is ripe it is a good crop
July 30 this is a fine day got in all the fall wheat but the raikins 23 loads got in 4 loads of
31 a fine warm day the men is cleaning the turnips I went to Guelph got 10 new sections for
the reapernives
Aug 1 Willie went over to help George for two days Joseph is scuffeling the turnips
2 this is a fine day till 5 Oclock then we had a terable storm thunder and wind and rain we got
in all the wheat raikins 2 load we have 25 load of wheat that is fall wheat we cut some spring
wheat about 1 1/3 acres golden drop it a very good crop it is earley
4 this day is warm and dull sultry John is cutting Oats in field at the lime kill they are a very
good crop Willie is gang ploughing the summerfallow
5 this is a fine day John is putting out dung on the summer fallow we bound up some Oats
6 finished binding the Oats in the field at the lime kill cutt Barley back at the creek it heavy
August 6 comenced to pull the Peas
" 9 finished cutting the spring Wheat it is a very fine crop got all the Barley in 13 loads
" 12 we thrashed 197 Bushels of fall wheat and 20 of spring and 27 B of Oats
" 14 hauling in Peas hauled in all the spring Wheat 7 loads
" 15 hauling in peas
16 this Morning is very weet it rained all forenoon Duncan came home from Arthur
18 the men went over to Georges to pull Peas
19 finished hauling in the Peas
21 Joseph Shaw left his Month is up I paid him $25 Willie is Ploughing the sumer fallow
20 we went to Guelph with some Apples 3 bags got 60 cents per Bag had Butter & egs
23 was in to Guelph Butter & egs and 5 bags of Apples sold them from 40 to 60 cents
25 Willie went over to Georges to help him I was at the Cuncil Meeting John is
Gangploughing the Pea lang
August 29 we had Stewarts Thrashing Machine thrashing Barley thrashed 272 Bushels theye
were done about the midle of the Afternoon
30 went to Guelph with Butter crabappls Plums and 5 bags of Apples got 40 cents per bag
the men is cutting Oats warm weather
Sept 1 this is very warm weather and dry we are at the Oats they are very heavie and hard to
cutt they are laid down very bad they are a fine crop
" 2 it rained a little in the morning a fine day after got in 5 loads of Oats Willie is at Gilchrist
" 3 this day is soft and shoury all day John is Ploughing I cleaned up some Wheat
" 4 Cradeling Oats John & me
" 5 finished cutting the oats in the forenoon they were very hard to do we could not cutt them
with the reaper
" 6 we went to Guelph George is over to help us to bind Oats
" 9 comenced to sow the Fall Wheat
" 10 finished hauling in the Oats 22 loads the Weather is dry and frosty at night
Sept 11 this is a very fine dry day finished sowing the Wheat in the field at the Barn we have
the Pea land to sow yet and plough Susan had a son last night
" 15 this day is rather cool John is over at Georges thrashing I went down to Morriston in the
" 16 I went to Guelph to the Centeral Show with a bag of spring wheat John finished sowing
the fall wheat we sowed 18 acres in all {blank space} Bushels Clawson and 5 Bushels scott
17 it rained a great quantity last night and shoury all forenoon a fine afternoon we were all up
to Guelph to the Show the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Luese was in Guelph it was a
great day
18 we cleaned up a load of Barley 13 bags I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 2 bags
of Spring Wheat
19 I went to Guelph with some Barley 29 Bushels got 48 cents per Bushel it is dark in couler
I got a bar of bibbet mettle 3lb 60cts
Sept 20 this day is rather cold frost at night I was letting jobs on the roads I drove 33 miles
and lett 7 jobs
22 this is a fine warm day I sowed 4 acres with timothy back in the flatt fields
" 24 this day is very cold for the season I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 44 Bushels
36lb at 53 cents $23.68 50 by measure
25 a fine day we comenced to take up the Potatoes I cleaned a load of Barley
26 a fine warm day John went to Guelph with his Mrs she is going up to her Friends at
29 we had a very heavy rain yesterday this is a fine warm day John went awa up to
Teasewater with the horse and Bugy
30 we finished takeing up the Potatoes over 8 loads they are a fine crope some rotton ones
in the hollows
Octobr 1 this day is very warm I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 46 Bush 32 lb at 50
cents per B $23.32
" 2 this day is very warm fine growing weather
October 4 we Thrashed the remainder of the fall wheat {blank space} Bushels and {blank
space} Spring wheat and 86 Bushels Oats
" 7 fine warm weather this is Puslinch Show we got the first Prize for spring wheat
" 8 I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 43 B 6 lb at 51 cents 47 1/2 B by measure
" 11 this is very warm fore Season we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 46 B at 51 cents
50 B by measure
13 I went over to John Porters with Annie
10 we thrashed Peas this afternoon with the Machine abou 150 B
17 we got the Apples near all gathered in John went to Morriston to the cider mill with apples
he took 5 bushles of wheat to the Aberfoyle Mill yesterday afternoon
18 I went to Guelph with 5 bags of Barley 11 B 27 lb at 52 cents 12 1/2 B by measure 5 bags
Potatoes at 50 cents 5 bags Apples at 40 cents
October 21 this is fine warm weather I was at McHenzies thrashing I plastered the the
cisteren yesterday
" 22 this is a fine warm day Willie is at Hardies thrashing John is at Watts thrashing
23 this day is cold and raw this is the fast day
24 this is a very cold day a very cold wind the children comenced to top the turnips
25 this a fine day for working but a cold aire they are toping the turnips we were at the
Church John went down for bella Gilfillan to attend his Wife she had a Daughter yesterday
26 this is the Sacriment Sabath a fine day the weather is warmer
27 a fine day hauled in 18 loads of turnips in the afternoon
28 it rained a good deal last night it is shoury today the men are ploughing
29 this a very fine day we are at the turnips I sold 9 lambs to a man of the name of Thorp
from Fergus for $28.45 cent to be sent to Guelph tomorrow
October 30 we are bussey at the turnips I went to Guelph with 9 lambs we sold we finished
hauling in turnips 58 loads the weather is getting cold
Nov 1 we went to Guelph with 12 bags of Potatos and Sold them for 50 cents per Bag
" 3 we have had a fall of snow it snowed some all day yesterday the sleighs are running
" 5 we went to Guelph with the wagon with a load of Potatos 20 bags at 50 cents it snowed
heavy after night
" 6 we went to the church this is thanksgiving day I took 6 bags of Potatoes to George
McLane at Aberfoyle 55 cents per bag
7 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a Grist of 6 bags of wheat got 471 lb of flour the snow is
nearly all gone it is very warm
8 we went to Guelph with 7 bags of fall apples got 45 cents per bag some butter and fouls
10 this is a fine warm day ploughing
Nov 11 this day is very dull and heavy shours the roads are very bad
" 12 this day is very wett rained nearly all day some very heavey shours
" 13 this day is dull and warm fine in the afternoon we went over with Bella Gilfillan to her
" 14 this is a very wett day some very heavy rain
" 15 this day is wett in the morning fine day after we went to Guelph with 7 Bags of apples
got 50 cents per Bag $3.50 Butter 12 lb 18 cts
Nov 4 lett the Ram to the Ewes 18 there is 6 Ewe lambs
" 11 Putt the young Sow to the Boar Duncan Gilchrists
17 this day is fine rather dull the men are Ploughing I went to Littles Blacksmiths shop with
the Buggie wheel to get the tyre sett and 2 shoes on the horses
18 this day is rather cold I went to W McHenzies the creek sale
19 the old sow was put to Gilchrists Boar the weather is rather cold the men are Ploughing I
went to Guelph with a load of Peas 35 B 20 lb at 55 cents per B total $19.62
Nov 20 this is a very cold day high wind and frosty we killed 3 pigs very good ones they
weighed 250 x 276 x 268 lbs
21 this is a fine day but very frosty we thrashed the Oats 350 Bushels I went over with W
Nicoll to inspect a job on the roads over at Littles on the 3
22 this day is cold and some snow I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 11 B 28 lb at $1.13
1/2 $13.1 22 B 25 lb at $1.8cts $24.21cts total 37.22cts and one pig weighed 250 lb at $5.12
cts $12.69 cts the one lot weighed 58 lb to the B the other 58 1/2 lb to the B John went to
Guelph with a load of tamarick wood to Mr Fairley
25 this is a very fine day William Galbreath left this morning he has ben here 8 months we
paid him $90 for the time I went to Rockwood Woollen Mill with the wool to card 35 lb John
went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 8 bags of Peas and Oats to chop
26 this is a very fine warm day
27 it snowed some last night this day is soft and shoury I went to P McLarens hill
Nov 28 this day is soft and shoury all day and last night I am mending shoes
" 29 this day is rather colder we went to Guelph with 7 bags of Apples sold them for 50 cents
per Bag Butter 18 cts per lb
Dec 1 this is a fine day the Council meet for the last time this year we got our pay $40
" 2 this is a fine day we cleaned up a load of Wheat 38 Bushels by measure John took over
some Heay to John Littles 694 lb
" 3 it rained heavey last night and snowed all day today
5 this day is very dull and foggey we went down to Aberfoyle Mill with a load of Fall Wheat
Sold it for $1.17 per B 35 B 50 lb $41.92
" 6 this was a fine morning warm but it comenced to rain about noon and rained very heavey
for 2 hours I went to Guelph I had 4 Bags of Apples got 60 cents per B 2 sheep skins for
$1.50 they weer poor
Dec 8 this is a fine day John is Ploughing in the field at the creek
" 9 this is a fine day in the forenoon but got stormey in the afternoon sort of sleet and rain
Annie went over to Mr Amoss in Dumfries
10 this is a very wet day it rained all last night and most of this day George had his Auction
sale on Forbes farm
11 this day is colder and some frost we went to the Christmess show in Guelph I paid John
Grieve $91 on a note and interest for a Bull the Oxford Lad I paid Malcom McNaughton 25
cents for record
12 this is a fine day rather chilley we cleaned up a load of fall wheat 40 Bushels by measure
13 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph with a load of fall wheat 38 B 23 lb weight
per B 59 lb sold for $1. 28/100 $48.73 cts John Bought a Clock for $3.75
15 this is a fine day we have had some snow I went down to Morriston with the Buggie I was
over to Georges
Dec 16 we have had a little more snow I went to Guelph with the cutter there is not much
sleighing yet
17 some more snow last night this is a fine day I am mending shoes I went to get the horses
shode Doll & Royall
18 this is a fine day we had a prayer meeting at our house Clemintine McLane or Mrs
Wishart and her Husband and 4 children came here from Manatobo on a visit
19 John went to Guelph with a load of wood for George
20 went to Guelph with some Wheat 28 1/4 Bushels by measure 27 B 21 lb by weight got
$1.26/100 dockd 1 lb $34.18 cts 4 bags of apples at 70 cents per bag 1 Barrel at $1.50
brought home some furniture a sofa 6 chairs and rocking chaire Soffa $14 chairs $1 rocker
23 John went to Guelph with a load of wood
24 John went to Guelph with a load of wood for James Fairley tamarack
December 29 this day is very soft this is the Nomination for Councilors Duncan Sold his
Horse Billey to Daniel Beattie for $85
" 28 this is a very cold day a very severe cold east wind
31 fine milde weather
Jan 1 This day is milde good sleighing our Family and there Children were all here to Diner
fine weather
" 2 fine warm weather we killed 4 Hogs 8 months old weight 212 x 202 x 200 x 195
" 3 went to Guelph with a pig sold it for $6.25 per 100 weight 211 $13.05 D Stewart 95lb
" 4 this day is very soft rained last night nearly all night it rained very heavie the snow is
nearly all gone
" 5 this is a fine day but frosty this is the Election for Councillors I was Elected
" 10 fine weather we went to Guelph with the Buggie got 5 gallons coal oil 18 cts
11 it rained very heavie in the evening
Jan 12 a fine day we were down to Georges to Diner
13 this is a fine day frosty we went over to Dumfries to visit Mr Robert Amos and William
Beatties Familes the Whelling is very good
15 we got home from Dumfries we went to Galt and I Bought 2 knives for the Straw Cutter
paid $3 for the two
17 this is a soft warm day the roads are getting very soft and muddey I was at the Annual
Meeting of the Puslinch Insurance Company I was elected President for the eight time
" 19 this is a very fine warm day like a spring day Meeting of Council
" 20 this day is rather stormy snowing some but not cold George and Peter Gunigal is
chopping cord wood tamerack
21 this is a very fine day Puslinchs Farmers Clubs Social at Aberfoyle
Jan 22 this day is soft a strong thaw
24 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a grist of 19 Bushels by measure of fall wheat I
went to Foltons Mill Waterloo road the Sleighing is not very good I took 2 Lambs skins to sell
I sold them for $3.50 the Lambs died yesterday
26 a very fine day John went to Guelph with a load of wood for Fairley with the wagon
brought home the Grist I left on Saturday
27 this day is very warm it is like a spring day John went to Guelph with a load of wood he
broke the wheel of the Wagon in Guelph
28 this day is colder I took the Wagon wheel to W Sevensons to get fixed
30 this day is soft it rained in the afternoon I was at the Annual meeting at the church I got
home the wheel from Stevensons left it at Littles shop
31 this day is very cold I went to the annual meeting of the Farmers Club
Feb 2 this is a fine day Meeting of the Council
" 3 this is a very windy day and some snow
4 a fine day we were at Mrs James McLean Funeral at Aberfoyle there is some sleighing but
not good
7 we cutt some Peas and cleaned up 6 Bushels John went to Aberfoyl Mill with 4 Bags of
Oats & Peas to chopp
9 the sleighing is poor I went to Aberfoyle Mill for the chopt stuff Duncan & George went over
to Spayside for a load of shingles Duncan went up to Frank Rassins to Hugh timber for a
11 John & George went to Guelph with 2 loads of Wood with the sleigh the sleighing is done
I was at Guelph and barganed with JB Armstrong for Tamarac wood for a Buggy at $2.75 per
14 the weather is very mild no snow
19 cold wind the roads are very rough
20 this is a very fine day
Feb 21 this is a fine day we had a shour of snow last night we went to Guelph with the
Buggy had some Butter 22 cents per lb
23 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 5 bags of Oats & Peas to chopp
24 we went up to Robert Amos to Marden it is a very fine day good Whelling in the morning
but soft at night
25 this day is very wet it rained nearly all day and last night
26 this is a fine warm day but the roads are very bad I went over to the Lake to lett a job on
the roads
27 a fine day we were sawing firewood in the afternoon
28 a fine day very warm the roads are almost impassible we have had a very mild open
month of February the winter has ben very open and mild no sleighing since the new year
very little snow all winter
March 1 this day very windy and cold the roads are very rough
" 2 a fine warm day
March 3 frosty in the morning but it got very soft and rained in the afternoon the roads are
very muddy I went to Guelph with 21 lb butter got 21 cents
" 6 I went to Guelph with 9 lb Butter got 22 cents got 5 gallons of cole oil paid 18 cents
" 8 this day is very frosty and cold I was at R T Johnstons Funeral
" 9 I went over to the Lake to see a job on the roads and I went to Killen to examin a bridge
the roads are very hard and rough
" 10 this day is very cold and frosty I went to Guelph with Christ Little to see about Murdoch
McLeod house he is going to buy it
" 11 this a little cold a fine winter day I was cleaning peas we cut them yesterday
" 12 a fine day I went to Aberfoyle Mill with 7 bags of peas and some oats to chop paid 70
" 13 we went to Guelph with butter I bought 312 lb of bran 65 cents per 100 lb
" 15 this is a fine day we went down to Moriston to See Benjamin Grigor he was Dead before
we got there he Died very sudden he was in good health on friday and Died 3 oclock today
March 16 this day is very stormy sowed all forenoon a little but not enough to make
sleighing I went to rockwood for 9 bags of Oat seeds at $10 per tun 7 bags of bran at $12 per
tun a 100 lb of oatmeal at $2.50
" 18 this is a fine day we went down to Ben Grigors Funeral Williams Horracks and his wife
was here last night from Minto
" 20 we went to Guelph it got very windy and cold
" 22 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting John went to Guelph with a load of wood
" 24 this day is very cold and windy keen frost
" 25 this is a fine day but frosty rough roads we were at old John Littles Funeral
" 26 we were hauling home peas in the forenoon and cutting peas in the afternoon
" 27 I went to Guelph had some butter got 20 cents 12 lb went to the station for John
Willsons trunk it rained and snowed got to be very stormy and cold before night
" 29 a fine day the ews begun to lamb
31 a fine day cutting wood at Murreys
April 1 a fine day we were at the seed show and stallion show at Aberfoyle I had some spring
Wheat 10 bushels got the second prize $2 sold it to Tom Willoughby for $1.35 per bushel
" 2 was down to Aberfoyle Mill for a grist of Wheat 12 bushels by measure got 413 lb flour
" 3 this is a very wett day it rained all day Duncan and me went over to Killean to lett a job of
building a new bridge the roads are very bad
" 2 John Willson comenced to work he is hired for eight month at $12 per month
" 6 this day is frequent snow shours got cold in the evening John went to the Aberfoyle Mill
with 8 bags of peas to chop
7 this is a very cold frosty day the roads are very rough and hard we went to the Guelph Fair
had some butter got 20 cents per lb
April 10 this is a very fine morning warm but it got very cold and stormy in the afternoon it got
to be a terable stormy night we went to Guelph with some butter got 19 cents per lb we went
into Duncan Stewarts the Horse went away and upset the buggie at the corner of the garden
fence and went home without it
" 12 this day is very cold and frosty I went over to John Littles with the Harrows and Gang
plough to get fixed the men are picking stones
13 this is a fine day I went up to Arkle with the old wagon Axeltre to get a new one made we
have 20 lambs
22 this is a fine day we have had some cold weather we sowed the spring wheat {blank
space} Bushels Beardid 2 Bushels Golden drop
23 a fine day we went down to Moriston in the afternoon got the makeings of a new coat
25 cold rain we were at the church
27 I went to Guelph with the Grigor family they are gon to Michigan
April 28 this is a fine day I went to Aberloyle mill with 4 bags of peas to chop I got a telagraph
from Kepple Mrs Taylor my Mother in law is dead
" 29 the mrs and me started at 2 oclock am to go to Kepple we went on the 4:19 oclock train
at Guelph to Georgeston then took the 9 oclock train on the Hamilton and NWRR to Calidon
then got on the Narrow gage at Mono road for Owensound got there at half past 4 then got
on the Boat at 5 oclock for big baye got about 8 oclock it rained nearly all afternoon we got to
George Graham about 9 oclock we had to walk 2 miles bad roads
30 this day is cold the ground is white with snow we went over to Alexander McCoags 5
miles Mrs Taylor was Burried at bigbay church she was 87 on new years day she has ben
living with Jane for about 7 years
May 1 this day is raw and cold I went round to see the rocks of Kepper it is a very rough
country with rocks the soil is good
May 3 this is beautifull warm day we started from A McCoags at 12 oclock in the morning to
go to the Sound got there at half past 5 over 20 miles very rough roads in a lumber wagon
we got on the train at half past 6 got to Guelph 20 minutes past 6 got home before dark we
traveled nearly 200 miles
" 4 a fine warm day John sowed the field at the creek part with Barley and part Oats
" 5 this is a very warm day we went to Guelph Fair with two steers they were sold some time
ago at $5 1/4 per 100 they weighed 2475
" 6 this a fine day but cold comenced the garden
" 7 started to sow some barley we were working in the flatt fields till noon but afternoon it
came on a terible thunderstorm a reaglur flood of rain the flatt fields are all fluded
8 this morning was very warm we had a very heavy thunder shour with hail in the afternoon
we went to Guelph with a load of Potatos George had 13 bags and we
May 8 we had 5 bags sold them for 30 cents per bag there was a great many loads in the
" 10 this day is very close and warm it rained in the forenoon
" 11 this is a fine dry day the men are working out at the field at the concession comenced to
sow some peas
" 12 a fine dry day the ground is drying fine John finished sowing the Peas in the field at the
concession I sowed beets and carrots in the garden and I sowed grass seed in the pea land
Struck Duffield cut a two year old colt Charley Dick
" 13 Sowed Peas in the big flat field 4 acers
" 14 finished sowing the Barley 13 B
" 16 finished Sowing the Peas 23 1/2 B the weather has ben dry and cold for a few day
" 17 the weather is very warm busy gang ploughing and sowing Oats in the flats
18 very warm sowing oats
May 19 finished sowing the Oats 39 B it was very warm today we had a great storm of wind
about 2 oclock pm but not much rain it did not last over 10 minutes Duncan Gilchrist got the
roof blowen of the one side of his Barn it a fine evening
20 this is a fine day a thunder storm about 2 Oclock but we had very little rain I went down to
Georges in the morning with 100 lb of flour we went to Moriston in the evening after supper
there was a great thunder storm about 8 Oclock in the evening when we were comeing home
21 I went to the Aberfoyl Mill with some peas to chop it rained nearly all the afternoon Jane
had a young Daughter this morning John was at Gilchrists helping to put the roof on the barn
the men has ben ploughing the oarchard for the potatos I sold 2 bags of potatoes to Dan
McLaren for 35 cents per
May 24 this is a fine warm day we washed the sheep 23
25 this is a very warm day went down to Moriston with butter and eags then went in to John
McKenzies to exchange 2 bags of potatoes I got the late rose
26 this is very fine day there was thunder after noon but we had not much rain we comenced
to plant the Potatoes
21 we put the Mare Jess to Janes Scotts Horse
27 this is a fine day a shour in the evening I the Mare Doll to the Hors Dusty miller
28 finished planting the potatos three acres
29 Shearing the sheep it rained at night nearly all night
31 a fine warm day it rained at night I was at the Council Meeting
June 1 a fine day but a little cool I finished Shearing the Sheep 23 of our own and 3 of
" 2 we went to the Guelph fair we bought a new Single reaper the Dundas $110
June 2 we brought home a new Buggie from J B Armstrongs we are to pay it in tamarick
wood $100
3 this is the fast day for the Sacriment
5 we were at the church it was a very wett day after ten oclock
8 I was away along with John Iles to axamin the roads
9 this is a fine day we were up to Waterloo to Mr Duns he Died yesterday I bought 10 200
Cabage plants paid 30 cents
10 this day is dull and shoury I was up Mr Duns funeral
12 this day shoury heavey thunder shours were up to Guelph with 9 bags of Potatos sold
them for 30 cents per B had the wool in but did not sell it it fell
15 John Started to Drill for the turnips
18 finished Sowing the swede turnips the weather is very Dry since last
19 saturday we were at Guelph with the wool sold 101 lb docked 3 lb got 28 1/2 cents sold 8
bags potatoes 30 cent
June 21 a fine warm day we were cutting thistles in the spring wheat
22 the men is working on the roads I was at Littles Blacksmiths shop got the horses shod
23 we were up at James Scotts in the evening
24 we put the old Sow to Robert Lambs Boar
25 this day is very warm the men finished ploughing the summer fallow
26 this day is very warm I went to Guelph with George Taylor him and Mrs Taylor is here on
a visit
27 there has ben great amount of rain today
28 this day is very warm and Shoury
29 a fine day we comenced to cut the Heay
30 Shoury in the morning cutting Heay
July 1 a fine day but dull comenced to raik the Heay
2 Duncan Stewart Died this morning we went to Guelph for a coffin for Duncan Stewart
July 3 a fine warm day got in 6 loads of Heay we were at Duncan Stewarts Funeral
9 this day is very warm I went to Guelph for to get some fixing for the mower it went wrong
10 this day is very warm we went to Guelph about Duncan Stewarts Will to get it Regestered
I am one of the Exacuter of the Will John is cutting Heay
11 very warm we had a very heavy shour
12 finished cutting the Heay
14 very warm we got nearly all the Heay in we made a stack I went up to Francis Rassins in
the afternoon with the team and wagon
15 this is a fine harvest day but very warm we comenced to cut the Fall wheat in the field at
the end of the Barn
17 this is a fine day I went to Guelph John was at John Hardeys cutting wheat
19 cutting wheat till 3 oclock we had a heavy rain with thunder and lightning
July 20 a fine day we finished cutting the fall wheat
" 21 all hands are at the turnips thinning I went to the Blacksmiths shop for the wagon wheel
" 22 this is a fine dry day we were hauling in the wheat of the field near the barn 12 loads it
is a fine crop
" 23 hauling in wheat from the flat field we had a shour at noon got in 6 loads
" 24 this is a fine day got in all the fall wheat 24 loads we were at Guelph got a new grain
wheel lifter in place of the one that brock
" 26 Shoury in the forenoon I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 9 1/2 Bush of spring
wheat got home {blank space} lb flour
" 27 a fine day John cut the Barley in the field at the creek
" 28 got in the Barley 2 good loads a fine day
" 29 John is Scuffeling the turnips the second time wilson is hauling back Dung
July 31 this is a fine warm day we were at Guelph John cut some Barley and some spring
wheat the goldendrop it is a very poor crop it all brock down there a little over an Acre of it
August 2 we had a shower in the forenoon Willson is at A McKenzies thrashing
" 3 this is a fine day we hauled in the Barley 3 loads in all 5 loads it is not a very good crop it
was too wet in the spring
" 4 a fine day the men comenced to pull the Peas I was at Hardies Thrashing
" 5 a fine day we are pulling Peas
" 6 a fine harvest day pretty warm we cut the spring wheat the Beardid variety the grain is
good but rather thin on the ground
" 7 very warm the men was pulling peas in the forenoon hauled in 3 loads I was at Guelph I
got 2 cushions for the Carriage from Caleb Chase I paid $4 for them a new fork handle 12
1/2 cents I sold 3 bags of apple astracan variety got 50 cents per bag
August 9 a very fine day we hauled in 2 loads of Peas and 5 loads of spring wheat we had 6
load of spring wheat and a load of raikins
" 10 this day is very close and warm we had a heavy shoure in the evening I went down to
morriston in the evening
" 11 the men is pulling peas We had a very heavy thunder shour in the afternoon
" 12 this is fine day the men is pilling peas
" 7 went to Guelph sold 13 Bushels 20 lb spring Wheat at $1.10 $14.66
" 13 a fine day comenced to cut the oats in the field at the creek finished pulling the peas in
the field back at the turnips
" 14 this morning is dull and a little rain we were at Guelph with a lot of truck
" 16 a fine day very warm we hauled in 5 load of peas and thrashed them with the horses in
the Barnyard
" 17 a fine day we were cleaning up the peas 35 Bushels
18 we had some rain last night we were thrashing Wheat and Barley 210 W 80 B
August 19 this day is shoury the men puled some peas I was out to Aberfoyle and Hugh
" 20 a fine day the men hauled in 4 loads of peas in the afternoon I was at Watts thrash
" 21 we were at Guelph the men are pulling peas we had a very heavy rain last night
" 23 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting the men hauled in 4 loads of Peas in the
24 a fine day hauled in 6 loads of peas got the peas all puled
25 shoury in the morning dull and cold
26 a fine day but cold John was cutting Oats in the field behind the Bush we hauled in 3
loads of Oats and 1 of peas 24 loads
27 this day is very warm I was at Aberfoyle Seed Show with some fall wheat I Sold 10
bushels to C Colfast for $1.10 per B I bought 2 Bushels of fultye wheat for $1.25 per B
28 we had a very heavy rain last night we were binding oats in the afternoon
August 30 this is a fine day we had a very heavy rain on saturday night and yesterday the
land is very weet we can hardly cutt the Oats it is so very soft we bound some oat in the
" 31 this day is very dull we bound some Oats we were at Mrs W McKenzies funeral
Sept 1 this day is very warm and dull there was a very heavy rain this forenoon we went to
Morriston in the afternoon
" 2 this is a fine day we bound oats in the afternoon John cutt some the ground that soft he
had to quit cutting with the reaper there is about an acer to cutt
" 3 we had another very wett night and this forenoon I went over to the west side of the Brock
road to lett some jobs on the roads
" 4 this day is very hott and shoury we were letting jobs on the roads in the afternoon John
Iles with me
Sept 6 this is a fine day we have had a very wet harvest lately the ground is very weet we
cutt the last bit of Oats with the cradle we could not cut them with the reaper the ground is so
soft we hauled in 5 loads of Oats
" 7 a fine day had a small shour about noon we were hauling in Oats 8 loads
" 8 a fine day but cold finished hauling in the Oats 10 lbs 27 big loads altogether
" 10 this is a fine day I was at the Sale of cattle and sheep at the Modle farm
" 11 John Sowed the fall wheat in the field at the back corner next A McK 11 Bushels I was in
Guelph bought 12 bags paid $4 at Haddens
" 13 this day is cold I went to Guelph with Annie She went to Toronto
" 15 this is a fine warm day we were at Christopher Littles Sale I bought a plough for $6 and
a sett of harnes for $8 twelve month credit finished sowing the Wheat
Sept 15 sowed 4 1/2 Bushels of Wheat 2 B of the Fultye wheat and 2 1/2 of Scott
" 16 this is a fine warm day we were at C Littles for the things we bought and got Prince and
Royle shode
" 18 we were up to Guelph with some apples sold them for 45 cents per Bag Butter 20 cents
Brother John came from California to visit us he has ben away for 34 years
" 21 this day is cold we went to Guelph with Brother John he went off on the cars
" 22 this day is cold we were cleaning barley the men is ploughing
" 23 a fine day we are at the apple picking
" 24 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 37 B 9lb at 60 cts
$22.30/100 I went over to the 5th and 7th concessions to inspect some jobs on the roads
" 25 this day is very warm we are pulling apples the men is Ploughing
27 this day is very dull we had a terable heavy rain last night
Sept 29 this day is cool and shoury I went down to Hamilton to the Provincial Show I went
with James Scott and John Murray
30 we came home from Hamilton this day is cold
October 2 this day is fine we went to Guelph with a load of wheat Clawson 40 1/2 by measur
39 B 35 lb at $1.2 cent it weighed 58 1/2 lb per B
" 4 this day is very wett it rained all forenoon
" 6 this day Shoury and cold we went to Backwood with the wool sold 21 lb at 30 cents per lb
for cloth Christopher Little moved out to Aberfoyle
" 8 this is a very fine day we were at the Aberfoyl Show
" 9 we comenced to take up the Potatos
" 12 we went to William Grahams Sale I bought a coller and bridle for 60 a pump for $4.29
" 13 a fine day Robert Amos was down
October for Apples got 26 bags for to make cider he is going to make is on shares that is the
apple butter
" 14 finished takeing up the Potatoes 11 loads
" 15 a fine day we have had fine warm weather this week we went out to W Grahams for
some furniture we bought
" 16 this fore noon is very wet John went out to move some things for W Graham
" 18 the weather is very cold
" 21 we finished pulling the Apples
22 this forenoon is cold it comenced to snow after noon a storm out off the east I went to the
Aberfoyle Mill with a Grist of 7 Bushels of Wheat got 270 lb of flour
" 23 this day is blustry and shoury we went to Guelph with some butter got 22 cents per lb
" 25 a fine forenoon rained in the evening John went over to Galt with W Grahams things
Oct 26 this day is soft and shoury John went Guelph in the afternoon for 16 apple barels
" 27 a fine day comenced to harrow and haul
"-29- in the turnips got in 10 loads
" 28 we went to Church it is the fast day
" 30 a fine warm day the apple packers came in the afternoon filled 15 barels
" 31 this is the Sacrament Sabath
Nov 1 a fine day for the turnips we are bussey
" 2 this is fine warm day the men from Guelph were here bareling apples they packed 38
" 3 this a fine warm day we got finished with the turnips we had a very fine crop about 125
loads they were in the second back field we finished gathering the apples we had a very
good crop
" 4 this is very fine day the men is covering the Turnip pits I went to Guelph fair with a load of
wheat 35 Bushels 10 lb at $1.4/100 $36.22 its weight was 59 lb per B I was docked 1 cent
Oct 26 got 4 gallons of coal oil imper 30 cents
Nov 5 it rained last night this day is dull and soft the men went to Guelph with 2 loads of
apples 30 barrels
" 6 this day is very wett it rained for 24 hours sometimes very heavey I went in to Guelph with
8 barrels of apples I sold 38 barrels of winter Apples to Edwin Parkinson for one Doler per
Barrel $38 the Boys was with me and got new boots and hats
" 7 some snow this morning and cold
" 9 this day is very warm and fine the men is ploughing and covering the turnip pit we were at
Miss Cauldfield Funeral
10 a fine forenoon it rained very heavey all afternoon out of the East we were at Robert
Ingles Sale I cleaned a load of Wheat 15 bags
" 12 this day is cold and windy the men is covering the turnip pit I went to Guelph with a load
of Wheat 31 B 58 lb at $1.10
" 13 hard frost we went to Guelph with some butter and 2 bags of apples 40 cents this day is
dull snowed at night
Nov 16 a fine day we had some snow last night we killed a pig wight 311 lb sold 149 lb to
Mrs Stewart
" 17 we were thrashing wheat snowed some
18 we were thrashing today 110 B fall Wheat 45 spring Wheat 202 Oats 78 peas this day is
cold and windy quite a bit of snow they are running with sleighs
" 19 John went with 6 bags of Oats & Peas to chop at the Aberfoyle Mill I was Killing Pigs at
Duncan Gilchrists Killed 10 pigs
20 a fine day but cold I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 35 B 5 lb at $1.7/100 $37.54
" 21 this day is terable cold a very high wind
" 22 this day is very cold not so windy but very keen frost I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a
grist 10 B 45 lb fall wheat got 407 lb flour I went over to John Smiths to pay a note of one
hundred Dolers
" 23 this Day is very keen frost I went over to Rockwood for the yarn got home 20 1/2 lb
bought 945 lb of bran at Ferrishes Mill paid at the rate of $10 per ton
Nov 24 this day is a little milder a little more snow we are fixing about home
25 this is a fine day but cold we went to Guelph with with 865 lb of old mettle for J A
McDugald in part payment for a plow sold 4 bags of Potatoes at 45 cents per B to Mrs
Cordrie we went up to Robert Amos {small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
" 27 I went to Guelph with the sleigh and a load of 10 bags of potatoes at 50 cents 7 bags
Apples at 50 and 45 per Bag
" 30 I cleaned up a load of fall wheat 38 B John went up to Guelph with 1100 lb of Hay for
John A McDugald in part payment of a Plow of Watsons of {illegible} I paid $15 in old iorn
Potatoes & Hay
Dec 1 went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 34 B 5 lb at $1.10 Bought 100 lb of oat meal at
$2.25 got a half Barel of herring for George paid $2.75 we had a fall of snow this morning it is
good sleighing
2 a fine day the men went to Guelph with 2 loads of Tamarick wod for Armstrong
December 4 this is a very fine day the sleighing is good in the morning we went to Guelph
with 9 bags of Potatoes sold them for 45 cents per Bag 11 bag of Apples at 50 cts I bought a
pair of horsecovers for $3.29 John was in Guelph with Wood
" 5 it rained last night a thaw today the sleighing is done
" 6 this day is cold a great change since yesterday Christopher Little took away the lambs he
Bought 11 lambs at $3.50 each John Little Blacksmith Bought a fat ewe for $8 I was at the
Council Meeting it was our last Meeting for the year I got $40
" 8 we have very cold weather these few days I put the ram and 3 ews in to fatten and the
old sow
" 6 John Wilson hired for a year at $116 comenced work today
" 11 this day is cold and windy we have had cold frosty weather all week I went to Guelph
with 12 bags of potatoes sold them for 50 cts per B 6 bags Apples at 50 cts John Wilson
went up to Tesewatter
December 11 I bought an Overcoat for $7 a pair of felt boots for $3.50 4 galons imperial coal
oil at 25 cts per galon
"14 it snowed in the forenoon it rained a little and thawed some in the afternoon we are
working about home
" 15 this is a fine day the sleigh runs prety good John went to Guelph with wood I went to
Guelph to the Christmas fat cattle fair
"16 this day is prety cold we killed the old cow and 4 spring pigs there weight is 242 x 232 x
190 180
"18 this day is cold and frosty I went to Guelph with one pig its weight is 242 at $6.25/100 per
100 cow hide 70 lb at $8 per 100 calf skin 30 cents 8 bags of apples but I did not sell a
sheepskin for John Little $1.30
21 a fine day John went to the Mill at Arkel with 9 bags of Oats and peas to Chop paid 8
cents per bag
{Publisher printed "1880"}
December 22 a fine day very white frost on the trees at the school examination John hauled
some hemlock logs to Martins Mill
" 24 I went to Guelph with 6 bags of apples sold them for 40 and 45 cents per bag they were
some of them frosted
" 25 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} for a
Christmas Dinner
" 27 this day is cold and stormy I was at the Nomination of Councillors at Aberfoyle
" 28 this day is very cold Bob Amos and Bob Doughty came to chop some tamarick
31 I went to Guelph with the old Mettle of the reaper for W Dun we have had four days very
cold the coldest spell for a number of years
{Publisher Printed (1881)}
Jan 1 Newyears day a fine day but cold and frosty I went over to Crief with the Petition
against the syndicate contract Mr & Mrs Murray and Duncan Gilchrist and the Most of our
family was here last nigt
December 22 a fine day very white frost on the trees at the school examination John hauled
some hemlock logs to Martins Mill
" 24 I went to Guelph with 8 bags of apples sold them for 40 and 45 cents per bag they were
some of them frosted
" 25 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} for a
Christmas Dinner
" 27 this day is cold and stormy I was at the Nomination of Councillors at Aberfoyle
" 28 this day is very cold Bob Amos and Bob Doughty came to chop some tamarick
30 I went to Guelph with the old mettle of the reaper for W Dun we have had four days very
cold the coldest spell for a number of years
Jan 1 Newyears day a fine day but cold and frosty I went over to Crief with the Petition
against the syndicate contract Mr & Mrs Murray and Duncan Gilchrist and the Most of our
family was here last nigt
Jan 3 this is a fine day this was the Election of Councillors I was Elected along with Little and
" 5 we went to Guelph fair with the cow Plummy to sell I sold her for $35.50 she Calfed last
" 6 I went to Hainses Mill with a Grist of Wheat 5 bags 11 1/2 Bushels I then went to Guelph
with the turnip shlicher to get fixed at Toltons
" 8 this is a fine day good sleighing I went to Guelph with 8 bags of Apples I sold 5 bags at
45 and 50 cents per bag they are a very dull sale Johns Marey came home from Tesewatter
on the Cars I brought home the turnip shlicher I got it bushed and new pinions I paid $2
" 11 a fine day but very frosty in the morning the keenest frost we have had this winter
" 14 very cold and frosty John has got all the wood hauled that is cutt
" 15 I was at the Annual Meeting of the Puslinch Insurance Company at Aberfoyle
Jan 15 I was Elected President of the Puslinch Mutual Insurance Company
" 17 this is very fine day but frosty we had our first Meeting of the Township Council
" 18 a very fine clear day but it was very keen frost last night I went up with Annie & Anne
Grigor to Robert Amos
" 19 this is a fine clear day not cold but very frosty at night the most of the Family is away to
the Farmers Social at the Town Hall Aberfoyle
" 17 John went to Hains Mill with 10 bags of Peas & Oats to chop paid 8 cts per B
" 20 this is a fine day raw and cold in the evening we went down to Moriston in the Afternoon
" 21 this is a stormy day wind and snow
" 22 it is snowing the most of the day but not so windy I have been mending shoes
" 26 this day is very stormy the roads are drifting the snow is deep I was at Duncan
McKerrashers funeral
" 27 this day very cold clear and windy
Jan 29 this is a fine day we went to Guelph Robert Amos and Margaret was down he brought
down 4 bags of barley for seed
31 a fine day cold in the afternoon I was at the Annual Meeting at the Church and at Mrs
Falconers Funeral I Paid R Amos and R Doughty $7.60 for chopping 19 cords of tamarick
wood at 40 cents per cord
Feb 1 this is a terable cold day we went out to Mrs Stewarts with a letter from W Black his
wife died last week in Nebrasca John went to Guelph with a load of wood
" 2 this is a very cold day the coldest day for great number of years it was 30 degres below
zero I was at Guelph Fair John was in with a load of wood he has got in all the wood we
were to give to JB Armstrong
" 5 this is a fine day not so cold as it has been all week it has been very cold all week very
keen frost at nights I was at Guelph with 6 bags of apples got 50 cents per bag 4 bags
Potatoes got 55 cents per B I settled up with JB Armstrong and got my note
Feb 5 we gave 42 cords of Tamarack to JB Armstrong for a new Buggie we got it last June
" 7 this is a fine day I was at a Meeting of the Council
" 8 there is a great change of the weather it is soft and dull some rain we were at the Church
to here a lecture from the Rev Dr McKay a Missionery to Formossa in China
" 9 we have a great thaw the snow is very soft some rain
" 10 this day is very soft it rained nearly all night we killed the old sow weight 332 lb
" 11 this is a fine day a little frost in the morning we went to Guelph with Annie Grigor she
went home to Michagan I sold 3 bags of potatoes for 55 cents per Bag Margaret and her
Children came down
" 12 this day is colder John went up to Hains Mill with 9 bags of peas & oats to chop paid 8
cents per B
" 13 this day is very cold and stormy
Feb 18 it has ben fine weather all week but rather cold it has snowed nearly all day steady
and caulm
19 this is a fine day cold frosty wind from the north we went to Guelph with the butter
" 21 a fine day George came up to help us to cutt some peas and saw some firewood
" 22 a very fine day rather soft in the midle of the day John went to Martins saw Mill with a
23 this day is very Cold and windy the men went to the Mill with saw logs
24 a fine day but raw and cold I went down to Moriston to see the Doctor the men went to the
Mill with logs 12 in all
25 a fine day the men is hauling turnips from the pit they are bad frozen at top John went to
Haines Mill with a grist 4 bags of fall wheat
26 the men hauled in some turnips the other pit is good it is a fine day
27 this day is soft it rained some
28 this is a fine day it rained last night the men is Cutting Maple logs
March 1 a great change of weather it is a cold west wind we had a young lamb yesterday I
went to Littles Blacksmiths shop to get the Horses shod Fanney & Royel
" 2 the weather is cold but a fine day I went to Guelph Fair
" 3 this day is very stormy wind and snow out of the east
" 4 snowed all day
" 5 snowed all night and this forenoon we went down to Moriston to the Docter
" 9 this is fine weather I went Guelph and got a truss at Petries paid $2.50 for it
" 10 a fine day John and I went to James Cowans Sale of Thourabread Cattle
" 12 a fine day we went to Guelph I had a barrel of russet apple for Mr Henrey $1.25 I bought
4 bushels of white Rusian spring wheat from John Dicheson $1.25
March 14 this day is very warm we had another storm of snow yesterday I went up to
Arimosia to look after a young Bull John went to the Mill with 10 bags of Oats and Peas to
chop on saturday
" 15 this day is very warm I was at Hains Sale the men is getting wood
" 16 this day is very warm and soft
" 18 I went over to John Littles with 4 Bags potatoes
" 19 I went in to Guelph with the cutter had some butter got 20 cents per lb it turned out out a
terable stormy weet day it rained out of the east very heavey
22 this is a fine day clear and cold I went up to the Paisley block and bought a young Bull
Eleven Months old for $80 from John McKorkindale
24 a fine day but frosty I went up for the young Bull we were out to Mrs Cockburns
26 I went to Guelph bought 100 lb oatmeal paid $2.50 some Corn 82 cents this day is clear
and cold had the Bugy
March 28 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting
29 this is a fine clear day we were sawing firewood and cutt some Peas
30 this day is cold and windy from the east snowed in the evening the weather has ben very
cold this month the most of the time we have 6 lambs at present George got 1/2 ton of Heay
31 this day is blustry and some snow John went to Hains Mill with 11 bags of Oats and peas
to chopp he left it I went down to Moriston with the truss I got from the Doctor
April 1 a fine day I went up to the Mill for the chopp
" 2 we went to Guelph with some Butter got 21 cts I sold the Horse Royel to an American
" 4 I went over to Martins Mill about some lumber we are getting sawed
" 5 this is a terable cold day with high wind very keen frost the turnips froze in the roothouse
we have very cold frosty weather every day the ground is nearly all covered with snow good
sleighing in some places on the back roads
April 5 John went over to Martins saw Mill to haul the Lumber from the Mill brought some
" 6 this day is cold we went to Guelph Fair with the fat Cattle 2 heiffers weight 2175 lb at 4
3/4 & $103.31 a cow $40 Bull $45 total $188.31 we bought 17 Bushels Peas at 80 cents per
B $13.20 Bought 1 Bushel Clover seed $5 1/4 1 1/2 B timothy seed at $3 1/4 per B $10.13 I
paid Donald Martin for sawing lumber $9.15
" 8 I went to the seed fair at Aberfoyle and took down a grist of Wheat to the Mill 6 bags 13 B
20 lb
9 we went to Guelph with 4 bags of Apples got 70 cents for 1 bag 6 for 1 and 80 cents for 2 3
bags potatoes at 70 cents per Bag
" 11 I went to Guelph with the Horse Royal we sold sold to SB Reppuling for $131
12 I went to Aberfoyl to the Horse Show brought the old Wagon down to repair to Mr Gibbon
" 16 we went to Guelph I paid John McKorkindale $80 for the young Bull
April 18 this is a fine day Robert Amos and his family and Christ Little and his family and
Susan was here on a visit
" 19 a fine day I am pruning Apple trees I went to Aberfoyle for the old Wagon paid $3
" 20 a very fine day but frost at night there is snow round the fences yet in some places it has
ben very dry and cold all this month we have not plowed any yet the men is choreing round
John has not wrought any for 2 weeks with a bile on his rump I am pruning trees George is
sick with a sore throt we have 19 lambs
" 21 a fine day the men comenced to Plough
22 this day is rather cold we went down to Moriston in the evening with some Butter and egs
23 this is a fine warm day but cold at night John and his wife and I went to Guelph I bought
14 apple trees 11 Baldwins and 4 Spys from Sunlay
" 25 this is a fine warm day we planted 14 apple trees this is the first fine spring weather we
have had this spring
April 26 very fine weather had a shour last night we sowed nearly 5 bushels of Barley in the
Orchard 3 acres we were at Mrs Hugh Cockburns Funerl she Died on the 24th
" 27 this is a very fine day comenced to work in the Garden got it ploughed one of the pigs
" 29 this day is rather cold John Sowed 5 acres of Barley in the flat field next A McKenzie we
went to Moriston in the evening I bought a whip paid $1 for it
" 30 this day is cold and frosty at night John sowed some Oats I went to Guelph with 12 bags
of potatoes got 77 cents per 10 Bags and 80 cents for 2 and 3 bags of Apples got 40 cents
bought a trunk for Annie paid $3.75 for it a basket 90 cents Buls ring 40 cts
May 2 a fine day but cold and dry John sowed some Oats
" 3 a fine day but cold the weather is very dry and cold there is very little growth yet John
finished Sowing the Barley 16 Bus I finished pruning the apple trees
May 4 this day is warm and dry we Went to Guelph fair with 3 fat Sheep I Sold the ram for 4
1/2 cents per lb he weighed 229 lb $10.30 2 ewes at 5 1/2 cents per lb weight 363 $19.96
bought 22.75 lb Salt at $4 1/2 per tun one Bushel timothy seed at $2.75 20 lb clover at 4 1/2
per B
" 5 a fine day we sowed the spring wheat 9 Bushels 4 B of white Russian 5 Beardid I sowed
salt on the Barley in the flats
" 6 I finished Sowing the Salt on the Wheat
" 7 this day is warm I went to Guelph with a load of Potatoes 8 bag for George and 4 for our
own got 60 cents per B 3 bags of apples at 40 cents per bag
" 9 Annie started off on the cars to go to California she went by the Great Western RR paid
$5.65 for a through ticket
" 10 I was Grafting apple trees
" 12 John finished sowing the Oats 42 Bushels the weather is very warm and dry
14 John comenced to the peas sowed 5 1/2 Bushels this is a fine day some rain in the
May 16 we had a fine shour on last evening thing is growing fine we got a letter from Annie
" 17 we finished sowing the Peas in the field at the creek we sowed 15 1/4 Bushels we
bought and 5 Bushels of our own our own is very bad with bugs
" 19 the weather is very dull the crops is growing very well the men is picking stones off the
" 14 we sowed the carrots in the field and place
" 21 I went to Guelph bought a pair of Springs for the Wagon Seat Armstrongs paid $2.40 a
pair of specticales $1 a Bushel of Corn 70 cents a peck of potatoes the Beauty of heburn 30
" 20 a fine day I sowed plaster on the clover
" 23 the weather is very warm we washed the sheep 27
" 25 I went up with the team to Frank Rassins with Duncans men there going to put a
" 26 the weather is very hott and dry we started to plant the potatoes
28 the weather is fine but dry we finished planting the potatoes I went to Guelph with 3 bags
May 28 of Apples sold them for 50 cents per bags russets and 4 bags of potatoes at 50 cts
per B bought 100 lb Oatmeal at $2.50
" 30 I was at the Council Meeting the men is hauling dung for the turnips
" 31 finished shearing the sheep 27 with Georges 3
June 1 a very light shour last night
" 2 a fine day but cool I went to Toronto with the other members of the Council as a
deputation on the Credit Valey RR got a free ride and diner at the Rosin House
" 4 a fine day I was at the Church and at a Meeting of the Insurance company in the
" 5 the Sacaraments Sabath
" 7 it rained some in the forenoon
" 8 a fine day I was round inspected the roads the men is ploughing
" 9 this day is dull we were at Peter Littles Funeral
June 11 I went to Guelph with 7 bags of Potatoes sold them for 30 cents per bag 1 bag of
Apples for 60 cents bought 500 lb of plaster and 800 lb salt for the turnips
" 14 a fine day I went to Guelph I bought a new Syth and Sneth $1.50
" 16 comenced to sow the turnips
" 18 finished sowing the turnips 5 3/4 acres I went to Guelph with the wool sold 15 fleces 85
lb at 24 1/4 cents $20.61 we kept 9 fleces there was a fine rain this evening
" 13 we had tereble storm of wind and dust in the afternoon a great deal of lightning and
thunder but not much rain
" 22 the weather is dry and cold frost in some places where it is low John Murreys new barn
was raised today
" 21 I went down to Moriston and bought a new turnip scuffeler from Tom Ingram Paid $10
for it
" 23 the weather is dull and Cold for the season
" 25 we comenced to cut the Heay the weather has been cold all June frost this week in low
June 27 I went to Guelph with the Mower to get repaired got it bushed and other fixings it
cost $5 I bought a new section grinder at Griffins Foundry paid $6 we had a fine rain it rained
4 or 5 hours
" 28 we had a great storm of wind and rain it was worse in some places nor here
" 29 this is fine weather old Rodrick McDonald Died this morning he was a week ill
" 30 we were at Rodrick McDonalds Funeral got 2 loads of hay in
July 2 I went to Guelph with a load of Wheat and some Potatos 6 bags at 60 cents per Bag
24 B 30 lb spring wheat at $1.19 5 B 50 lb fall wheat at $1.20 one firkin butter at 16 cents per
" 4 this day is very warm I was at the Council Meeting I sent a letter to Annie
" 5 this day is very warm we went to Morriston in the evening
" 6 this day is very hot we had Bob Robertson helping with the hay Wilson is sick he has not
worked any this week we got in 8 loads of heay today we have 16 big loads in now Mrs & me
was at Ann McDonalds Weding
" 7 there is a fine rain today calm and not very heavy
8 this is a fine day we went up to see Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} folcks John is cutting hay
July 9 this is a fine heay day John & Bob Robertson was setting up the potatoes in the
forenoon hauled in 3 loads of heay in the afternoon
" 10 this day is very warm it has been excessef hot for some days we had a shour in the
" 11 a fine day John finished cutting the heay we got in 3 loads of hay John Willson
comenced to Work he was off all last week and one day the week before
" 12 a fine day Willson finished ploughing the Sumerfallow John comenced to scuffel the
" 13 this is a beautifull day we got in 4 loads of heay in the afternoon comenced to thin the
turnips and harrowing the fallow
" 14 we got in all the hay 28 large loads some of it was very good and some of it poor
finished scuffling the turnips
" 15 the weather is very warm I was down at Georges setting up his potatoes
16 I was cutting thistles the rest is at the turnips
July 19 the weather is rather cooler we cut the Barley in the Oarcherd it is a good crop this is
Roarys Sale
" 20 we comenced to cut the Wheat
" 21 this day is warm I went to Guelph in the morning and bought a new steel barley fork paid
$1.10 six fingers for a wooden barley fork paid 23 cents we hauled in 3 loads of barley out of
the oarcherd
" 22 a fine day cutting wheat in the afternoon
" 23 John cutt the Barley in the flatt field
" 25 hauled in some wheat and some Barley we had a light shour this morning
" 26 we finished cutting the fall wheat it is a very good crop we had a small shour
" 28 we finished hauling in the Barley 9 loads
" 29 a fine day we finished hauling in the fall wheat 12 loads
" 30 this day is very warm we was in Guelph with some Butter
Aug 1 the men started to thin the turnips the second time I was a David Dicksons funeral
" 3 we are working at the turnips the weather is very warm
" 8 we thrashed some wheat and Barley in the afternoon
August 10 we cutt the spring wheat it is a good crop
" 11 comenced to cut the oats we brock the leaver of the reaper I got it fixed at Littles shop
" 12 we had a fine rain in the morning cutting oats in the afternoon
" 13 a fine day the men comenced to pull the Peas we went to Guelph with 4 bags of apples
got 75 cents for some and 40 for one
" 15 cutting oats and some peas
" 16 hauled in some spring wheat in the afternoon
" 17 finished hauling in the spring wheat 7 loads
" 18 I was at Watts thrashing the men is pulling peas
" 19 we finished cutting the oats they have ben a very fair crop
" 20 hauled in some peas
" 22 hauled in some peas n the forenoon and pulling in the afternoon I was at the Council
meting in the afternoon
23 hauled in Oats all day 8 loads
24 we have very dry weather the pasture is dryed up intirely we were hauling in Peas I was
at the Funeral of Mrs Peter Hume in the afternoon
25 very warm hauling in Oats in the forenoon
August 25 we were over at the Puslinch Lake along with the Gilchrists Clan at there Annual
" 26 finished hauling in the Peas and Oats I was at the Seed Show at Aberfoyle in the
afternoon and at a Meeting of Council
" 27 the men comenced to plough for the fall wheat
" 31 the weather is very warm and dry
Sept 1 this is an extreemly cloce warm day it is Suffocating about 4 Oclock it got very dark
and a great storm of wind and rain it was a great deal wors in some Sections of the Country
than here the lightning done a grate amount of damage in some places
" 3 the weather is still very warm the men finished ploughing and harrowing back field for the
fall wheat I went to Guelph with Some apples 4 bags got 50 cents per bag
" 5 comenced to sow the fall wheat we got the best calf drowned in the spring yesterday
afternoon it fell in and could not get up the water is very scarse
Sept 6 this is terable hot dry weather there is a great many fires around we are clearing up a
pease of land back at the creek got some fence burned John finished sowing the Wheat in
the back field there is 15 acres sowed 5 acres of Fulty wheat 9 bushels
" 7 John finished sowing the Wheat the little field out at the corner 1 1/2 acres we sowed 15
1/2 Bushels of Clawson 9 B Fulty 4 of Scott Wheat 28 1/2 I went to Guelph with Duncan he
went away with the Cars to go to Manitoba Hel{en} Stewart went with him I was at Stones
Sale of Stock
" 8 we were at the annual Sale at the Modle farm the weather is very dry
" 9 I was down at James Hoggs with James Scott to examin about the fire he got his Barn
burned on Wednesday night he is insured in the Puslinch Companey
" 10 I went to Guelph with a load of Barley sold it for 79 cents per B there was 38 B 46 lb
$30.77 and 2 bags of apples got 50 cents per B
" 12 we had a Meeting of the Directors of the Insurance Company the weather very warm
Sept 14 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 44 B 38 lb got 79 cents per B $35.35 I
bought 1 1/2 Bushels of timothy paid $3.50 per B $5.25 bought a keeg of nails paid $2.75
and razor strap paid 85 cents paid Crist Littles note $14
" 15 this day is very windy we have had terable dry weather this harvest we have not had
much rain all sumer there has ben a great amount of damage by fires through the Country it
comenced to rain in the evening I was sowing timothy seed back in the field bhind the Bush I
sawed abou 8 acres
" 16 this is a fine day we had a light shour last night John went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a
grist of ten Bushels and fifty lb he did not get it home
" 17 a fine day but dull it rained Some in the evening I went to the Aberfoyle Mill for the grist
got 400 lb flour Robert Amos and Margaret and the Children came down
" 19 this is very fine warm day I was away with John Iles letting jobs on the Roads we went
over to the west side of the Township
" 20 I was down to Moriston got Wilsons boots at Cuyins paid $2 I went C Littles Sale Johns
Sept 21 I was at a metting of the Directors of the Insurance Company to settle with James
Hogg with regard to the Burning of his barn
" 23 I was away in the afternoon letting some jobs on the Roads
" 24 I went to Guelph with 15 B 55 lb of fall wheat sold it for $1.28 per Bushel $20.44 and 8
bags of fallen apples got 50 cents per bag I bought 4 gallons of Coal Oil paid 28 cents per
" 26 I comenced to pull the Apples John is bad with a sore back he is not able to work
27 John is at Murrays thrashing and Willson is at James Niccols ploughing bee
" 28 we are Clening up the new land
" 29 I was at the Apples Willson is ploughing in the field at the creek John is at Murrays
" 28 I bought a new Weigh Scales from Angus Stewart paid $26
30 comenced to take up the potatoes
October 4 I went to Guelph with 5 barels of fall apples I sold to Parkinson for $1 per Barel
" 6 we went to Guelph to the Show then we went down to Aberfoyle to get tikets for the show
October 7 a beautiful day this is the Pushlinch Show we were nearly all at it
" 10 fine weather Andrew Elliot comenced to dig a weell down at the Barn the framers
comenced to hew the timber for the sheep house
" 12 it is dull and soft fine rain Elliot finished the weell it is 18 feet deep I paid him $18 for it
" 13 this is the fast day for the Sacrament we were at the Church
" 15 it rained very heavy in the morning on till 10 Oclock we went to the church
" 16 a fine day the Sacrament Sabath
" 17 John Iles and me went over to the 4 con to examin some jobs on the roads in the
forenoon then went to the Meeting of Council in the afternoon John started away up with
John Little
" 8 I went out to Mrs Stewarts to measure her apples this day is shoury
" 10 we finished takeing up the Potatoes the are a pretty fair crop
" 20 this is the National thanksgiveing day John came home from moveing John Little up to
Bells corners near Pratton the roads are bad up there
October 18 this day is raw and cold day Flaws & Johnston put in a new pump in the weell the
price of it is $9.50 payable in tamarack wood we are to geet 2 1/2 cents per foot 380 feet
they repaired the old pump and put it in the weell in the garden I paid them $5 for it in cash I
went down to Morriston with the brass kettles we had boiling Cider I 25 cents for each of
them there was 2
" 20 Edward Wakefield and his men comenced to build the foundation for the sheep house
21 the Masons finished the foundation of the sheep house they were a day and half 2
masons and a labourer I went over to Spayeside to see about shingles I went up to
Rockwood to get the yarn at the Woolen factory 50 lb paid $7.50 or 15 cent per lb
" 22 went to Mrs Stewart we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart we bought a Marble headstone
for Duncan Stewart from Kennady & co for $45 it is a fine day
" 26 Duncan came home from Manatoba he has been away since the 7th Sept
" 25 I went to Spayeside for 9 squares of shingles paid $1.75 per square
Oct 25 we raised the fraim of the sheep house a fine day
" 26 a fine day we were thrashing today wheat and oats
" 27 a very fine day we were thrashing peas Barley and Oats
"28 John Comenced to harrow up the turnips a fine day we went down to Morriston with
some Ducks
29 it is very wett this forenoon it rained all night and a good part ot the forenoon I went to
Guelph in the afternoon John went up to Hains{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} Mill with 8 bags of Peas and 2 bags Oats to chopp
" 31 a fine day John comenced pull the carrots and haul in the turnips I went over the 3rd con
to McCormacks pond to examin job on the roads
Nov 1 a fine day I was at Grants thrashing Wilson is not working this forenoon nor yesterday
his Mother is very sick he went to Guelph today to meet his sister
" 2 a fine day I went to Guelph fair I bought a 2 shear ram I paid $10 to Mr Robertson of Earn
Township Robert Amos took him up to his place I had nothing but the Bugie
" 3 this day is rather cooler it rained heavy last night James Wilson came down from
Nov 4 this day is cold and windy we had a light shour of Snow in the morning it was all away
by noon we finished hauling in the turnips 24 loads off 5 acres they were a very poor crop
they were a compleet failure they got covered with a sort of lice then the frost killed them
John went to Hainses Mill with a grist Wheat 4 bags
" 5 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 21 bags 48 Bushels 46 lb at 87 cents per B
$42.59 John went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
for a Ram I Bought from D Robertson of Erin on the fair day I paid $10 he is a 2 sheare the
morning was stormy and snowing but it chainged and rained heavy before noon it faired up
in the afternoon
" 7 a very fine day I went to Guelph with David {in margin "ram to ews"} Wilson to meet the
train I bought 50 lb of Oatemeal I paid at the rate of $2.75 per 100 lb
" 8 this is a very fine day warm the men is buissey ploughing I put the ram to the Ewes
" 9 a fine day it rained heavy last night the men is ploughing
" 10 cold we were cutting wood at J Murrays
Nov 11 this day is rather cold the men is ploughing I cleaned up a load of Wheat for the
market went to Aberfoyle in the evening Jane had a young Daughter yesterday
" 12 this is a very wett day it rained all night and all forenoon I went to Aberfoyle to post a
letter to California for Annie I sent some flannel in a parcel to Annie with a young Man that is
going to San Francisco his name is Frank Coffie he went away on the 9th
15 there is some snow this Morning Wilson is scrapping at the sheep house I went to Guelph
with a load Wheat 16 bags it weighed at home 34 Bushels 20 lb it weighed in Guelph at
Pressants 34 B 15 lb got $1.29 $44.18 I bought a barrall of salt paid 90 cts
" 16 John is diging post holes for the sheep yard I cleaned up some Oats & peas for to chopp
" 17 this is a fine morning the men is ploughing I went to Toronto with a deputation to the
Goverment in the interest of Col Higenbotham for the Regesterhip it rained in the afternoon it
was very dark an night hard to get home
Nov 18 a fine day but a little cold the men is ploughing I went up to Hains{small superscript
occurs, indicating the possessive} Mill with 8 bags of chopp Oats & Peas
" 19 this morning is stormey it is snowing in the forenoon we went down to Aberfoyle in the
" 21 this is a fine day raw and cold the ground is covered with snow John went up to William
Rudds Boar with the Sow
" 22 a fine day but frosty the men is fixing about the Well I was fixing the fence at the sheep
" 23 a fine day the men is diging post holes near the new well
" 24 this day is cold and frosty with high wind we are fixing about the sheep house and the
well we had a prayer meeting in the afternoon
" 25 this day is cold and stormy we went down Mrs Stewart to the Graveyard and to Gilfillians
" 26 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with 7 bags of Appls got 80 cts per bag bought boots
for the boys Roberts cost $2.60 Edwards $2.50 Marys $1.79
" 29 the weather is soft we got a letter from Annie about the parcel we sent to her and got
stolen at Galt
" 30 it a great thaw the roads are very bad we went to Guelph to get a Coffin for Mrs Wilson
she Died last night at Johns
December 1 this day is cold and windy Mrs Wilson was Burried today J Wilson went to
Guelph for his Brother & Sister
" 2 this day is milder I went to Aberfoyle to the Blacksmiths
" 3 I went to Guelph with 6 bags of Apples sold them for 80 cts per bag bought a 100 lb of
Oatemeal for $2.75
" 5 this is a fine day I was at the Council meeting the last for the year got $40 for pay Peter
McGibbon Died this Morning and Thomas Carter
" 6 a fine day but raw and cold in the afternoon the roads are very bad I was at Thomas
Carters funeral
" 7 this is a very stormy morning snow shours then it got very cold and windy and hard frost
we were at Peter McGibbons funeral
" 8 a fine day very hard frost the roads are very rough we are taking in the straw stack to the
" 9 this day is very frosty but clear John went to Guelph with a load of tamarack wood for
pumps to P Grant
" 10 we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 38 B 55 lb sold it for $1.29 per B $50.20
" 12 this is a fine warm day it got soft and rained some in the afternoon the men is getting out
" 13 this day is very wett it rained nearly all day and last night the roads is very soft
December 14 this is a fine day comenced to freze we killed 6 pigs of our own and 1 for
George we killed Georges Cow we took her up to the Bush and killed her she got ruptured
some time ago she would have died in the calving the weight of the pigs 198 X160 X160 X
210 X 210
15 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph fat cattle show we took in a pig sold it for
$7.75 per 100 lb its weight was 193 1/2 lb $15 a sheep skin got $1
"16 this is a fine day we cut some firewood with the Saw and some paveing blocks I went to
Aberfoyle in the afternoon got some papers and a letter from Annie George went to Haines
Mill for some flour and he took a Grist for us 5 bags 11 1/2 bushels home {blank space} lbs
of flour
" 17 I went to Guelph with 6 bags of Apples sold them for 80 cents per bag I bought a new
cap at Russells paid $3.75 Edward was with me
" 20 we have had very fine weather lately clear and mild no appearance of any snow I was at
D Gilchrists killings pigs J Wilson has left his time is up he has been one year and nine
" 21 a fine day it is thretning a storm from the east it rained in the evening
December 24 John and me went to Guelph with a load of Potatoes 14 bags sold them for 96
cents and 4 bags of apples at 90 cents per bag
" 26 this is a fine day this is nomination day I was nominated as Dep Reeve Nicoll was
elected Reeve Little Glennie Rea as Councillors
" 27 I went to Guelph for a can of dried figs that Brother John sent as a present from
California it cost $1.5 to get it out of the Costume house 75 cent for Duty and 30 cents for
filling out a paper it was shiped on the 12th of November from Galt
" 28 this day is very soft it rained last night all night this is Mothers birth day she is 59 years
the Family was all here that was in the locality Annie and Susan was not here Annie is in
California and Susan is up at Bells corners up above Aurther
" 29 a fine day but the roads are fearfull bad I went away down through Badinough to
" 30 there is a great change in the weather it is cold and frosty I went over to the locality near
the lake and over to Crief the roads are rough
" 31 this day is cold I went to Guelph
For more information on Duncan MacFarlane, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
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Duncan MacFarlane, “Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1878-1881,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/147.