David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1873


David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1873

Date Created

January 1, 1873

Is Part Of

David Allan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Front cover of diary}



DIARY - 1873.

January Wednesday 1 1873

This is a fine new year's day plenty of snow on the ground to make good sleighing, and many driving round paying visits,

all the works are stopt as usual, the weather is very moderate 26 {degree sign} above zero at noon.

                          January    Thursday 2    1873

Quite moderate this morning and has some appearance of a thaw

The beer pump burst again this forenoon and have put on a new lower branch which was ready at hand

It began to rain about 11 Oclock and continued through the afternoon with more like sleet and was freezing as it fell,

Had some trouble with the beer pump again and put all right

Towards dark it was raining very heavy and at time showers of sleet and snow, Walter Idington was here and went home tonight

                          January    Friday 3    1873

Mild morning and the snow soft and full of water underneath, and up to the ancles in water at every step, had took down the other branch of the pump from Ingles and gave it to Arms & Worswick to finish, as he will not start work at his Foundry untill Monday

Wm and I went out to Mr Alexanders and read over the will of my late step mother Jean Allan

                            January    Saturday 4    1873

It was different weather this morning, hard frost and the roads dried up and hard, the check valve of the feed pipe of the mill boiler got clogged up with lime and had to put in a spare one we had, and Arms & Worswick bored a hole and put in a cock in it

Mr A.B. Stewart passed up to Stratford this afternoon about Clarke's estate

                           January    Monday 6    1873

This was a fair winter day very little snow fell, But frequent light showers of snow yesterday with a beating wind. Mr A.B. Stewart got down yesterday by freight train. William is confined to the House with Mumps but came out the middle of the day.

Mr A.B. Stewart and Daughter left here for Montreal this afternoon at 5 Oclock. The beer pump rod broke this evening, and we got Hooper to put a new piece in & finished it by 11 p.m.

                             January    Tuesday 7    1873

This is a fine morning

                              January    Wednesday 8    1873

This is the monthly fair day, but there being no cattle brought in for sale, there was little difference from day The day was cold blustering with frequent showers of snow Working late to night fixing the coupling of hoisting tackle of the Rectifying house

                           January    Thursday 9    1873

Very cold morning with a stiff westerly wind, glass at about zero at 7 a.m. Grand Trunk trains are much delayed for want of water many of the locomotives have to leave their loads or trains and run down to Acton for water Had to cool of the still this morning as the Montifuce pipe was choacked and found large lumps of solder and pieces of brick stuck into it, and had to saw of the bend that went down inside the still, and it works well now

[at top of page] Thursday 9th Jany 2 locomotives went down at 12 minutes past 11 for water at Acton and returned at 1:46 p.m. = 2 hours 34 m

                             January    Friday 10    1873

Very cold, at 6 a.m. it was 6 [degree sign] below zero, and a dry cold westerly wind, and about noon down to zero. The Grand Trunk men came down with the new pump shaft, and although cautioned by me to work the pumps by hand first and then examine the discharge pipe below the floor, as I was sure that it was frozen, and not to start the wheel to pump untill they were positive that there was no ice, but my advice was departed from in the latter case, and when attached to the wheel and 2 or three stropes made a gaskin fly out of a joint, and the water flew in all directions, so that had not that relief been given, the shaft would have broken again The men went home to Stratford again this evening at night 9:30 p.m. 4" below zero) William is improving

                               January    Saturday 11   1873

Still cold at 7 a.m. 3" below zero and a keen wind and continued cold through the day The pump inspector Jamison and another man were here this afternoon, about thawing the discharge pipes and I offered to draw all the water off the race to allow them to work. William is a good deal better this afternoon

                           January    Monday 13    1873

There is quite a change of weather this morning, which gave appearance of it last night, the glass is up to about 4o" at 1/2 past 10 a.m. William is considerably better this morning. It began to rain about noon & continued off and on all the afternoon so that the roads became quite sloppy & sweaming with water . The men came down from Stratford to examine the Grand Trunk pipes

                           January    Tuesday 14    1873

This morning is mild so far but just below freezing, and the roads are dry and very slippery

                            January   Wednesday 15    1873

This morning is dry and moderate, but is turning into a thaw, which I hope may help us in getting the Grand Trunk pipes free from ice

                           January    Thursday 16    1873

Heavy rain through the night, and a very close rain this morning Have begun to fix the Grand Trunk pipes again this morning, and the plan of thawing the frozen pipes which came into my head when sitting thinking on various plans the other night, and that was to attach a steam pipe to the Boiler and turn that on to thaw the ice, and have got Todd to fix the cock to the Boiler

                             January    Friday 17     1873

This is quite another kind of morning, hard frost & clear weather, and the roads very icy & slippery Have got the steam pipe attached to the Boiler of the Engine which heats up the cast iron exceedingly well Having to stop the water mill the Dam is flowing very copiously This afternoon the wind has chopped round to North & is getting very cold, and likely to freeze hard to night William over in the Office to day

                               January    Saturday 18   1873

This is a cold morning, and the glass stood at zero at 8 a.m., it was very cold during the night and must have been down to 5" or 6" below It has been snowing all the forenoon, Geo Lind came down from Fergus this morning, & left for Hamilton at 1 a m There is a good deal of wheat comming in the price is firmer $1.20 to [blank] for Fall, and $1.21. to 1.22 for Spring John & 2 men have been all day at the Grand Trunk pipes keeping the steam on & the water running over the Dam is going yo keep on all night & tomorrow I shortened the iron conecting rod 1/2 an inch, and must charge $1 for that job William is much better to day, has been at the Office & the Bank

                           January    Monday 20    1873

Moderate weather 10" to 12" above zero, & snowing as the day advanced it was a little milder, with snow continuing, Got the Grand Trunk pipe clear of ice about 10 Oclock last night, and had the Pumps going this morning, and the water mill with 3 run of stones. I observe that my old friend Mr Thomas Dennie Harris who died on Saturday last was interred to day in Toronto. I have known him since 1831 he was born in Boston in 1803 and was entering his 70th year of his age ------------- Keg butter from Brill 66 lbs 4 taken of = 62 sent down stairs

                             January    Tuesday 21    1873

Mild morning with a considerable fall of snow and kept on snowing all forenoon At 1. oclock went out to G.W. station to attend the Funeral of young Mrs Grange (Agnes oldest daughter of the late James Webster, aged 33 years, Revd A Palmer performed the service at the grave)

                            January    Wednesday 22    1873

This is a mild morning Have begun to grind coal

                           January    Thursday 23    1873

This is a moderate morning 6° above zero, with a little snow, and light Easterly wind. William made ready and started for Hamilton by the one Oclock train. About this time the wind began to increase and the snow became much heavier, and became sharp and very cold and most pearcing against the wind

                            January    Friday 24    1873

This is also a moderate morning 8° above zero and deep snpw in some places, trains late the night Express passed up at 1/4 to 7. am The whole night was very course and the wind whistling through every crack. The Snow Plough passed up at 1/2 past 11 propelled by 2 Engines then after her the morning Express also driven by 2 Engines. Mr W.J. Spicer was on board & spoke to him. Accounts from all quarters speak of the late storm as unprecedented, and all trains long behind time William came home about 11 Oclock p.m.

                            January    Saturday 25    1873

This has been a very moderate winter day that about noon where the Sun shone on the side walk it was wet. Got the bevel wheel on the upright shaft of the steam mill reaised a little as it was too deep in geer, and then got up steam to set the pumps in motion to keep them from freezing

                           January    Monday 27    1873

This was a fine clear morning 2° above zero As the day advanced it became very mild almost approaching a thaw, and very inviting for a sleigh ride, made a hurried call at Mr Alexanders Sheehan is filling the ice house now

                            January    Tuesday 28    1873

This morning much milder only 22° above zero But as the day advanced it became much colder blowing a stiff N. West wind and was very cold The County Council organized today and reelected Mr Thomas Mair as their Warden for the th time. Had to draw some copper wire that I ordered from New York being 22 instead of 26 as ordered and had to spin it into 3 ply.

                              January   Wednesday 29    1873

This is a very cold morning at 6 a.m. it was 20" below zero at 1/2 past 7 was 25° below, and at 10 a.m. 6° below fortunately there is almost no wind otherwise it would be dreadfully cold, it was difficult to keep up any throughout the night, the glass went down to freezing in my Parlour. Attended the Funeral of Mrs Helen Neeve formerly (Leden) who died in Buffalo last week of cacer in the breast & side, aged 72 and one of the first settlers in Guelph Ingles & Hunter got a heavy band of refined iron 65 lbs a

                           January    Thursday 30    1873

This morning is not quite so cold only 2° below zero at 1/2 past 7 a.m., ;ittle or no wind Preparing to fill an addition to the Ice House

                            January    Friday 31    1873

This is a mild morning 12° above zero at 1/2 past 7 the weather clear, and little or no wind but from N.West. Weighed our own middlings water mill. 43 lbs to the bushl Eby of Salem 40 lbs

                        McLean, Aberfoyle 35 "
                             February    Saturday 1    1873

This is rather colder morning than yesterday a little snow falling, and the little wind that is blowing is cold And as the day advanced it became colder, yet the water is holding out tolerably well 2 run all the forenoon but had to take of one run to allow them enough water to saw wood with the wind N.West and colder still

                           February    Monday 3    1873

Yesterday morning it was very cold at a 1/4 past 7 a.m. it was 7° below zero and quite calm the G,T, night train passed down at 8.45 a.m. This morning was much milder and as the day advanced it became close & thick and has an appearance of thaw or rain

                          February    Tuesday 4    1873

Quite a mild morning, with a little mist and as the day advanced it became a thaw William went up to Stratford at 10 a.m. and I went down to the Steam Saw Mill at Freelton to look out for a supply of saw dust for an additional ice house, and also to enquire about staves for a new still It became colder in returning home and froze hard in the evening

                          February    Wednesday 5    1873

This is the Monthly Fair day ground hard and dry, and the sky bright & clear There was a great many cattle on the ground which the shortness of Feed compelled the owners to sell if possible although not fat or in good condition, and prices were very low. William came home from Stratford this afternoon at 5 p.m.

                           February    Thursday 6    1873

This is a fine clear morning, glass 36" above zero

                           February    Friday 7    1873

This is a fine morning. During last night 2 trains collided in Trainers Cut, and the Engines and 8 or ten cars were very much injured, they worked all night to get the wreck out of the way. But when I went out to see it after breakfast there was no less than 11 pairs of wheels piled on the top of one of the tenders, and it took them till noon before the passenger trains passed. The roads are slushey to day

                             February   Saturday   1873

There is quite a change from yesterday hard frost this morning, and a slight shower of snow, during the day wind got up and it became quite cold. Chambers went down to Freelton saw mill for sawdust with the new box I made on purpose, and got home with a load at night

                           February    Monday 10    1873

This is a very sharp morning it was 5" below zero at 1/2 past 6 a.m. Yesterday was also very cold with a keen N.West wind blowing pritty stiff John went up to Enotsville this morning

                            February    Tuesday 11   1873

It has the appearance of thaw this morning the walls of the Mill & all the stone Buildings are quite white with the frost comming out. Preparing to start for Detroit & Windsor

                            February   Wednesday 12   1873


                           February    Thursday 13    1873


                            February    Friday 14     1873


                           February    Saturday 15     1873

This has been a moderate day, I left the City of Detroit this morning at 9 o'clock by the Great Western Railway and arrived home at 5 p.m., the day was frosty yet clear.

                            February    Monday 17    1873

This is a fine morning, and as the day advances it becomes milder. About the middle of the day it was quite mild and thawing fast and the roads are becoming bare of snow, Peter Idington here today

                           February    Tuesday 18    1873


                         February    Wednesday 19   1873


                           February    Thursday 20    1873


                           February    Friday 21    1873


                            February    Saturday 22    1873

This was a cold morning

                           February    Monday 24    1873

This is another very cold morning more from the wind blowing than what the glass shows being only at zero at 7 a.m. ,whereas yesterday morning at same hour it was 8 below zero, with a sharp wind also. The gas in Chalmers Church was frozen and prevented service and the congregation dispersed.

                          February    Tuesday 25    1873


                         February    Wednesday 26    1873


                           February    Thursday 27    1873

There has been a heavy fall of snow through the night

                             February    Friday 28    1873

This is a very cold morning, 10" below zero and at 1/2 past 10 the mercury rose to 12 above and the day turned out very fine. This is our Fast day in the Church.

                               March    Saturday 1    1873

This morning at 7 the glass stood at 5" above zero. I was in great anxiety about corn, having mashed the last we had, and though we have a good many cars of it laying at Stratford, where I had thoughts of going to try to push it on, when word came in that a car had come to hand by the Western and during the day another by the Grand Trunk.

                           March    Monday 3    1873

Yesterday, Sabbath morning 2 March, was mild at 7 a.m. 24° above zero, at 9 a.m. 30° with a light powdering snow falling, our Communion Sabbath, -- a light snow on ground. This morning was very different, at 7 a.m. 6° above zero and a cold north wind blowing also a little snow, at 1/2 past 2 it was colder 4" above zero and wind getting stronger & colder.

      Presentation this evening to Mr White G T Freight agent of gold watch & chain, also broach & ear rings for Mrs W, being about to leave Guelph and become General Freight Agent in Toronto.
                            March    Tuesday 4    1873

This is another cold morning glass about zero at 7 a.m. Wind still northerly, but the weather fine and clear

John Young Esqr of Hamilton died this afternoon aged 65

                           March    Wednesday 5    1873

This morning at 1/2 past 6 a.m. the glass stood at 11° below zero, but as the day advanced it became mild and above freezing. I went down to Acton to McDonalds Mill to look after long lumber for still staves

                           March   Thursday 6    1873

This morning it was not quite so cold the glass stood at zero at 7 a.m., and as the day advanced it became quite pleasant

                            March    Friday 7    1873

This is a fine mild morning at 1/2 past 9 a.m. the glass stood at 45° and drops falling from the eves of the houses. I had intended to have gone down to attend the Funeral of my old friend John Young Esqr of Hamilton where he died on Tuesday last at 4 o'clock p.m. He was born at Galston in Ayrshire in 1808 and was in his 65 year I have known him since 1833, but as I felt my legs very painfull and stiff last night I concluded not to go

[newspaper clipping] The tender of the Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, Oshawa, to supply the pumping machinery for the Ottawa Waterworks, at the price of $40,000 was accepted last evening. The other tenders were: Barclay, Montreal, $40,500, and Goldie & McCulloch, Galt, $49,000

                             March   Saturday 8    1873

This a fine winter morning, dry and a light wind. I went down to Lime House Station and got a horse & cutter from Thos Gowdy and went down to Douglas & Bannermans Saw Mill to see what they could do in cutting long stuff for staves of still. I then went down to Cox's Mill near Milton, who could saw long enough stuff but as he is not in the habbit of cutting Bill stuff & as some might be rejected and thrown on his hands he declined so far unless I could not get it elsewhere but would charge $27. per M. laid down at Georgetown so I ordered it at the first mill, and came home by the 6 o.clock train, It was very stormy in the afternoon and a heavy fall of snow.

                               GENERAL STATEMENT
                                    Town of Guelph

To balance from last year 262.10

  Cash Tavern Licenses                           $1350.00
     "     Shop          "                                     745.00
     "     Billiard       "                                      260.00
                                                                   ----------     2355.00  
   Interest on Guelph & Preston D'bnts                       1176.00
   Market fees and rents                            2949.86
   Town Hall rents                                        392.65
   Butcher's rents and sheds &c                  702.94
                                                                    ---------     4045.45
   Cash High School Treasurer                     82.00
      "   Legislative grant                               657.00
      "   Superannuation fund                          14.00
                                                                   ----------       753.00
   Assessment balance of 1871                 1541.78
              "              "           1872               26565.55
                                                                -------------   28107.33
 Cash non-resident taxes                            597.24
    "   Police fines                                         422.06
    "   Rack rents                                            10.50
   "   S.W. Agricultural Society                     200.00
   "   Rent Exhibition ground                          61.00
   "   Capt. Bruce returned                             10.00
   "   Pound keeper's fines                             24.39
   "   County grant                                        500.00
                                                                    ---------     1825.19

Total 38524.07


By Roads and Bridges 2740.00

    4 Wards                                                  798.66
                                                                   ---------      3538.66
  Fire and water                                         2189.28
  Market house                                            826.73
  Relief                                                         737.05
  Central Exhibition                                      616.76
  Insurance                                                  326.60
  Printing and stationary                              418.95
                                                                   ---------      5115.37
  Tree planting                                               30.15
  Board of healthe                                          35.00
  Remittance of taxes                                     31.64
      "           of Licenses                                151.37
                                                                     --------       248.16
  County Rate                                            4312.50
  Watering streets                                        654.00
                                                                  -----------    4966.50
  Redemption & Interest Debentures                          4357.20
  Public Schools                                        6640..18
  High School                                              446.22
  Separate  do                                             620.00
                                                                  ----------     7706.40
  Bills retired 1871                                                      4979.86
  Salaries                                                                    4287.00
  Miscellaneous payments                                         2417.48
  Collectors commission for 1871               529.21
  Balance                                                    378.23
                                                                   ---------      907.44

John Harvey, Town Treasurer

To the Mayor and Municipal Council of the Town of Guelph Gentlemen--- The undersigned beg to report that they have examined and audited the Treasurers Books, and compared the Vouchers with the payments made, and found them correct. The receipts from the various sources of revenue exhibited in the detailed statement herewith presented amount to $38,524.07. and the expenditures to $38,145.84, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer on the 31st of December 1872 of $378.23. They further report that the Books are clean and neatly kept.

    All which is respectfully submitted.
    W.S.G. Knowles

March 3rd,1873 William Hart Auditors

Saturday 8

This is a fine winter morning, dry and a light wind, I went down to Lime house station and got a horse & cutter from Thos Gowdy and went down to Douglas & Bannersmans saw mill to see what they could do in cutting long stuff for staves of (?), I then went down to Cox Mill near Milton, who could saw long enough stuff but as he is not in the habit of cutting (?) stuff & as some might he rejected and thrown on his hand, he declined so far unless I could not get it elsewhere but would charge $27. (?) laid down at Georgetown so I ordered it at the first mill, and came home by the 6 oclock train, it was very stormy in the afternoon and a heavy fall of snow

March Monday 10 1873

Moderate weather the snow laying still,

March Tuesday 11 1873


March Wednesday 12 1873

Putting up a new oak receiver of about 2000 galls for reducing in previous to pumping it into the upper receiver in the rectifying room

March Thursday 13. 1873

Rather coldish this morning, but is better through the day

I went up this afternoon to (?) farm and bought 5 pigs from her man Rudd

March Friday 14 1873

It was mild this morning, and during the day it was quite showery and the roads covered with water

March Saturday 15 1873

This is thick foggy morning & raining at 7 a.m. & must have been raining during the night for the water is running copiously all over, but has not as of yet made any increase in the river.

Attended the funeral of Mr. John Gow (father of Peter Gow) aged 84, the weather was very disagreeable raining all the afternoon, as well as the forenoon, part of the low ground of cemetry was covered with water, in the evening it began to blow hard and after dark it still increased.

March, Monday 17 1873 The storm was very severe on Sunday morning accompanied with snow, some damage was done in flowing of one barn roof and sheds, fences et cetera. To day has been a blustering day the snow still laying on the ground. We have been putting the new Oak {illegible} in its place to day which was no easy job. There is a considerable quantity of water in the river and {illegible} yesterday.

Tuesday 18 This is another blustering day with frequent showers of sleety snow, plenty of water for the {illegible} all day and yesterday also. G.Christopher Docring of Phillipsburg Waterloo died yesterday 17th March aged 56 years and 4 months was born in the {place?} and came to Canada in 1835 and leaves a wife 10 sons and 3 daughters

Wednesday 19 Quite moderate weather, snow has fallen through the night. I went out in the {illegible} to the Western {illegible} for to go to Bradford I got there about 1/2 past 9.The snow was melting fast, the Grand River is breaking up above and gorging the river with very thick ice for many miles up. Now we're at work cutting away a jaw at the iron Budge to give it relief. I went up to see {illegible} flour mill. it has 4 {illegible} of stones and a small pair for middlings.

March THURDAY 20 1873

Thick and misty morning and light rain but it became heavier about noon it began to snow heavy but it was soft and will not {lay?}. The street all over are coverend with slush


This is a stormy looking morning a considerable quantity of snow has fallen through the night, and as the day advances it keeps on snowing with a {illegible} wind

{Insurance?} meeting to day.


Dissagreable in walking it was thawing ow the sunney sides of the streets and hard as the North, not much wind

March MONDAY 24 1873

Last night was very cold, like yesterday, windy and disagreable This morning at 1/4 to 7am the glass stood at 80 above zero, but the sun has great power on the south exposure where is rises fast but there is not likely to be any {illegible} to day,


This is a cold blustering morning, with showers of snow between the gusts of wing, there is a considerable quantity of snow on the ground, but the sleighing is not generally good now as it is {worn} of in marry places


This is a wintry looking morning and snowing heavy, and must have been through the night All this forenoon has been snowing

This afternoon as heeavy as ever

March THURSDAY 27 1873

There was a great deal of snow on the ground and cold North West wind still prevailing

William Phin, farmer, died to of only 1 weeks illness aged 69 years and 8 month's.


Mild this morning, and as the day advanced began to thaw rapidly, William went down to {illegible} this morning, and continued so all day

We cur or sawed a great deal of firewood to day,

William returned about 1/2 past 9.


This is a very wet morning raining steady and must have rained a good deal during the might I intend going down to linehouse by the early train but the wet and Mrs A not being so well did not go then But as Mrs A, was getting better I went by the train at 1/2 past 11 to Line House and started far Grove Mill and found a good many of the long staves sawn and will answer with a few exceptions, the road was still well covered with snow, and sleighing fair and plenty of slow in the woods yet {food?} {hawling?} out saw logs & it rained through the afternoon The return train was late, but got home by 7 oclock,

March MONDAY 31 1873

This is a mild morning and 3 1/2 inches more snow on the ground and still snowing. It was fine and dry yesterday, we are begun to make some Oak Rectifiers.


This is a raw morning with slight covering of snow on the ground, which soon melted away, but in the afternoon there werefrequent showers of sleetand fine hail.


This is a wet kind of sleety day

Yet there is a large Fair , The show ground was quitfull of cattle

I just now hearof the death of John Taylor, Paisley Blockaged 68 years, used to work for us many years ago as a {maelunist?} (along with Roht Dunbar now of Buffalo from works)

Also of the death of Richard Evans aged 64 years, he used to attend the Steam Engine of the Mill,about 2 years ago,He was at one time Engineer of a geuttermans steam yaught in England

April THURSDAY 3 1873

This is a fine clear morning glass above {peeging?} and most od the snow is washed of the streets in Town

The reports od thelots of the Steam Ship Atlantic af the White Star Line proves to betoo true,of the cost of Halifax on themorningof the 1st about 3 oclock a.m 600 or more said to be drowned


Misty and thick weather thawing fast, the gates all up and the water flowing copiously


This is a thick dull morning and has been showing all forenoon

April MONDAY 7 1873

This is a wet morning and thick fogg with light rain say during the most of the forenoon The river is rising stillbut nit so high as I have seen is.

A Mackenzie my clerk went to Buffalo about some Malt on his own age that has been detained by the customs department there.


It has rained during most of the night and this morning occacional light showers

All the Snow about the Town is now about gone, The ice on the dawn has not broke up yet.


This is another wet morning, and it rained and blew all night,the water wasvery highand kept on hissing, and it rained steady all the forenoon and the sfternoon as well, but the ice is not broken up on the dawn enough to let it come over

Iwent down to the Dundas Bridge this afternoon and found the road coveredwith water, and then down to Giws Bridge where all the meadoesis covered with water,and the road also so that I could not go home that way, but had to return by the upper road

April THURSDAY 10 1873

This is a cool frosty morning, clear and dry with a little ice on the roads. Theriver has fallen about 6 inches

William went of to Walkerton at noon.

John Stewart (Foundry) pf Hamilton here this afternoon.


This morning {opens?} out fine, and hsa the appearance of going to be a fine day.

In the afternoon it began to be a little colder and the wind Easterly

The water in the dam is much about the the same as yesterday & a little higher


This was a fine morning, with the water in the river pretty high, but the sun had its effect and the soft wind yesterday in shifting the ice that is began to move and some thick peices got stuck onthe dam for an hour & more untill they damed back the water to a height which {Hoated?} their over, for these flakes were no legs thaw from 30 to 36 inches thick, and when one they went over other peices gave way and followed their, but thefirst of their broke & carried away the most present dam, in the afternoon, part Goldies arrow was carried away and blank and timber came down. And during the whole afternoon emense peices came one after another in quick successin, & took away the {cutt?} waters of both mill & Distillers {bids?}

April Monday 14 1873

The taking {Above the line - breaking} away of part of Goldie's Apron began to show itself on Sabbath morning, for the loosening of the top beams had made suffiecent opening to let the water underneath to that it washed away the stones and then the eath and gravel, that we observedthe water comming down quite dark and muddy before we went to Church, but had not been long there when John was called out, As Goldies Dam had gone and the water had risen & carried more ice against the Bridges breaking the port posts of the herts or peirs that the can of the bent nearest the Distillery did settle down a few inches,

Have to carry the mash for the Distillery round with the waggon, as the Bridge is not safe

Tuesday 15

Making preparations to get the leg of the heat in to support the Distillery Bridge

I understand the two Brothers of Goldies were up to day and have decided to make a temporary Dam so as to get water for the Mill before they can have the steam engine ready, they are getting in lots of Brush and long poles {se?} but I am very doubtful if they can succeed as the height is over 17 feet before they can get enough water to drive the Machinery

Wednesday 16

It blew a complete gale last night accompanied with a good deal of rain and sleet

Busey getting the leg of the hert lowered and fixed in its place,

April Thursday 17 1873

This has been a cold morning with a little rain and it {heeca?} a cold wind all day

Got the remainder of the scaffolding of the Bridge and tackle cleared away this morning and all clear for the car to run as usual

I intend going down to Toronto in the morning

Friday 18

This was a fine morning, I started to Toronto by the early Train, and found bus {illegible} but very moderate, the bricklayers were very crowded on one large building on Front Street a good many more that I though were woking to advantage

Saturday 19

This is another moderate spring day

April Monday 21 1873

This has been a coldish morning with ice on the water yesterday and this morning

This afternoon it was cold and a thick shower of snow fell

Tuesday 22

I went down to Hamilton this morning and got the Balance dice on Alex Allens mortage $228.50 {written as 50 cents expressed as a fraction 50 over 100} from T, C, Kerr $ Co,

Wednesday 23

Strung post last night, and the water falling fast

April Thursday 24 1873

This is a dull morning and has the appearance of rain, I took a look and the Goldies Brush Dam this morning, which has now reached accrofs the gape, and is constructed of trees and the tops with its bush on, placed up stream and the butt down stream, I have great doubts of its being able to do any more than direct and turn the water down to the waste gates, if even that

Friday 25


Saturday 26


April Monday 25 1873

This was a fine morning, I went down to attend the Presbytery in Hamilton and returnd the same evening The bus {niep?} was {puneiply?} to sustain the call of the 2 charge in Hamilton to the Reo Smith of Bellville

also to {receive?} a call from Mellborne for Reso Ms Edmison of Waterdown

Gibson began to work again this morning

Tuesday 29

Fine spring weather

Wednesday 30

Fine morning warm and pleasant, went up to Goldie's Dam, and found them quite busey carting gravel on it, but the weight of it will settle town the Brush and poles laid accrofs and nice to all appearance take them about 2 weeks if it does not break out, fefore they can turn the water into the Mill {na ee?}

May Thursday 1 1873

This was a dull morning and wet and had rainded through the night

There has been some showers through the day and the water rising considerably

Friday 2

This is also a heavy kind of morning

Had tidings to day of the death Mr Adam Johnston my wife's Uncle at

Saturday 3

Fine morning, and the water in the River is falling a good deal

I went up to Goldie's Mills to see how they are getting on with their Dam, and find that they have begun to close rather early as a great quantity of gravel and earth is being washed through below the brushes and advised him to use bags of earth to stop the holes

May Monday 5 1873

This is a fine summer morning

Tuesday 6

This is another fine morning Our mare had a colt this morning

I sold my calf this morning 3 weeks old for $3 William went up to Stratford this morning

Walter Jaington here to night, Wm {Wm = William} returned to night

Wednesday 7

This is a fine morning, and a great many cattle in the market ground, but them complain of low prices. The wind is {using?} and it is getting very dusty

May Thursday 8 1873

This is a dark rainey morning, and appears to have been raining all night John Allan went down in the cars to Galt this morning, thence to Ayr to see the smutt machine there. William Allan went down by the early train to Toronto to attend meeting of Thos Griffiths & Co creditors, John McPherson & Gibson and laying the joists in the lower floot of the new house We have exausted all our Indiain corn to day - and I bought 322 Bushels from Davis at 50 c {c = cents, cent symbol on original document}

Wm {Wm = William} is in Hamilton to night

Friday 9

Dark and dull this morning has been raining through the night, and a little still falling,

I went up to see how Goldie is getting on with his Dam they have got a raft out in front {are?} six wheelbarows at work wheeling gravel have some 18 more employed independant of Teamsters

Saturday 10

This is another dull morninig with a very light rain, corn about done to day again but 3 cars have arrived at the Station above & will be bought down at noon

Monday, May 12 1873

This is a very cool morning, from the rain that fell yesterday afternoon and through the night. The river is keeping high. Have been unloading corn today. Have begun to fence in the vacant lot below the old school house.

Wednesday, May 14

This was a fine morning leave for Toronto at 7:30 to attend meeting of Mack.S Creditors in Toronto

Thursday May 15, 1873

I was in Toronto to day, having waited over from yesterday, and attended meeting of Creditors of Thomas Griffith and Go Wholesale Grocers. A great deal of Building is going on in Toronto a number of large warehoses are being built in sum of them the foundation walls are very thick and in others not so, good stone pillars are built in the cellars and cart iron pillars resting on them to support the floors above got home to night at 9 oclock

Friday May 16

This is a fine morning, and find that James Goldie has got the Dam high enough to turn the water into the Mill now and 2 run of stones are going,

Saturday May 17

This is a fine morning but yet not sufficient heat to {illegible} on vegitation. We have {illegible} news of the death of Mr John Shedder who was killed last night, he had been at Goboeonk and in returning to Toronto went out at Gannington Station, and in stepping on after the Train was in motion tripped and rolled between the platform and the wheels and dried in a few minutes. I knew him well.

May Monday 19 1873

This is a very fine morning, with a gentle refreshing breeze.

Tuesday 20

No rain after all Have begun to unload the Car of large staves, bucked Boards & {Scribble shaped like printed S}

Wednesday 21

This morning is somewhat dull and looks life rain Busey to day piling up the stave stuff to day, & laying it very open to let the wind through At noon to day the Thermometer stood at 72 degrees, {degree symbol used in original text in place of "degrees", temperature presumably in Fahrenheit}

May Thursday 22 1873

This is a very fine morning, quite warm and no rain yet The water in the river is getting low, and only runs over the Dam during the forenoon Looked at Goldies Dam this afternoon who is only able to drive the smutting machinery and one pair of stones, as there is as much water passing through the dam as comes out from the 2 wheels, I Went down to Galt this afternoon to see {Wm?, Wm = William} Higenbotham at Dr {Jassics?} school and found him quite well, The rules of the school would not permit of me bringing him home with me

Friday 23

Fine warm morning, and set about examining the spring water pipes from the Priory which are still stopt by either ice or something else, they are all clear till where it crofses the main road at the Bridge, But hope that the great heat to day 84 degrees {degrees symbol used in place of "degrees", temperature likely in Fahrenheit} at noon, will thaw if it is ice A large flour will burnt in Montreal yesterday lofs from $80,000 to $100,000,

Saturday 24


May Monday 26 1873

This is a delightful morning, but we want rain very much A boy of the name of {blank space} was near drowned in my Mill race this afternoon

Tuesday 27

This is a fine fresh morning, We have had a shower of rain during the night but it had only gone down about 2 inches into the ground The water was low this morning in the River and had to wait until they had started above us Attended the Funeral of Mrs John A Wood to day. One of the Grand Trunk men from Stratford was here packing the Pump, but for all that it does not discharge the quantity fo water it ought to do and am convinced that there is a defect in the pipe where it enters the ground from the flame, and is what I have suspected is the case all winter,

Wednesday 28

This is a dull morning and looks very like rain I intend starting to day from Seneca Falls in N York State {N York State = New York State}

May Thursday 29 1873


Friday 30


Saturday 31


June Monday 2 1873

Fine weather but keeping very dry and much need of more rain

Tuesday 3

This is another very fine morning There is some appearance of rain

Wednesday 4

This is of any thing a duller morning and more like as if there will be rain, This is the monthly fair day, there was a good many peopple in Town, but not such a number of cattle as last fair day, The rain began a little in the forenoon, but the clouds very soon disapeared, but in the afternoon it came on a {smart?} shower and continued for about a couple of hours

June Thursday 5 1873

This is a fine morning At 4 Oclock this afternoon we took the child intended to be called Mary and burried her in the East corner of my Cemetry lot.

Friday 6

This is of any thing a cloudy morning There was a very slight shower in the forenoon but it soon passed off

Saturday 7

This has the appearance of going to be a warm day, Said George McCullouch We unloaded a car load containing some long Staves and some 1 1/2 inch Oak boards

June Monday 9 1873

Of any thing a dull morning and some looks of rain There was a few drops only. I went down to Toronto by the 11 Oclock train to attend metting of Griffiths creditors, but owning to the lawyers not being able to obtain evidence from a witnefs, without a regular summons to attend. the inspecting commetee could not report, and was adjourned till Saturday the 14th at 11 Oclock

Tuesday 10

This morning was dry, but in the forenoon it turned like tain Ground coal to day Went up to the Church

Wednesday 11


June Thursday 12 1873


Friday 13

This morning, William went down to Toronto at 11 Oclock William returned at 8:30 p.m

Saturday 14

Warm morning Got the Vestry at the Church in its place this afternoon

June Monday 16 1873

This is a very fine morning, but very warm and dry Have found out the cause of the falling off in the yealds in the Distillery for the last half month, it appears that there has been a leak in both of the Steam columns at the upper end, and I have now to go down to Toronto to get a new one, and the last one that was put in is to be changed and used instead of one of them, but not in time to catch the 1/2 past 5 train and had to wait, til the midnight train

Tuesday 17

This a fine morning, I got home from Toronto by the midnight train at 1/2 past 2 One omission was made in not getting the pipe of the inner column to project down through below the flange and through the head of the still to prevent the wood from burning, and which has to be done by Feek, in soldering a piece to it I found a notice from the health officer about (complaints) as to removing the filth from the pigery and the cattle sheds, and that none shall be allowed to go into the river,

Wednesday 18

This is another dry morning and no signs of rain, John is going up to Enotsville about the wood & coal.

June Thursday 19 1873

This is a dry warm morning Mrs John McCrea died at one this morning, being worn out from long illnefs from a hole in her cheek, aged 58 years About noon to day the glass stood about 90 degrees {degree symbol used in place of "degrees", temperature presumably in Fahrenheit} in the shade, and every thing is drying up

Friday 20

This is another dry morning, Have begun to draw plans of the Mill for the Excise Department in Triplicate,

Saturday 21

A good deal like rain this morning

June Monday 23 1873

This is a dark and dull morning, the same as it was all day yesterday, and no rain to speak of not enough fell to lay the dust, There is to be a meeting of the Directors of the Wellington Mutual at Hespeler to day at 1/2 past 12, I have been down at Hespeler and returned by the afternoon train and got home at 6 Oclock A fine steady rain began to fall about 1/2 past 7, and likely to continue

Tuesday 24

Fine morning, from fear of not getting an answer in time from the cheif Inspector whether he will waive the taking of stock in the Mill at this time, I have to leave for Toronto by the 7.30 train, I started accordingly and found the Mr Godson had not been at his Office, so I drove to his house and presented my letter from the Department refering the matter to him, which he acquessed in as not being necessary at this time, and he telegraphed Mr Gow to that effect.

Wednesday 25


June Thursday 26 1873


Friday 27

I have got the Plans of the Mill completed and have had hard work on account of lumbago or Rhumatism in my hip bone and all down my left leg

Saturday 28

This is a dry morning, and has the appearance of going to be a warm day

June Monday 30 1873

This is a dark wet morning, there was thunder during the night and rain, But during the early part of the forenoon it rained very heavy for several hours, and in the afternoon it rained also and continued cloundy and thick that we never saw the sun all day, William Nickols of the Court House Inn died yesterday at noon of Heart disease aged 77 he came to Guelph in June 1832 Mr G Ridout Repr {Repr = Representative} of Toronto died yesteday aged 66. he represented Toronto in Parliament

July Tuesday 1

This is close morning and warm from the rain yesterday. The Mills went all night but shut down this morning, and all the other works being Dominion Day, I had Mr Alexander in as one of my Bondsmen as formerly, him in $6,000, James D Allan $3,000, Willian Allan $3,000 Mr James Blain and wife of Galt here this afternoon on their way to Malton Higinbotham away at the opening of the Southern Extention of the W.G.S Bruce Railway to Wingham

Wednesday 2

This morning was cloudy, and wet but faired off as the day advanced it was sultry and close throughout the day Which is our Hortecultural Show Day but I am too lame with Rhumatism to attend I wrote to my sisters in Illinois, to day Great complains of the low price obtained for still fed cattle and Hogs, importations from the States are competing hard against our feeders here In the evening it rained very heavy

July Thursday 3 1873

This morning was wet and rained up to 7 Oclock, and then continued fair, but very cloudy Jaettson from Berlin here offering to sell wheat In the {afterhawl?} of the day it cleared up and likely to be dry weather

Friday 4

This is a fine morning, warm and of any thing close, a considerable quantity of wheat has come in this morning, the price has fallen $1,16 a $1,17

Saturday 5

This is a fine morning, A great many teams in with wheat, some 350 Bushels spring about $1,16 My leg is rather better to day The lining of the Mash tun broke out in holes in a thin plate, & I telegraphed for a peice to Toronto, in the mean time got Feek to solder up the holes, first & last it took all day, so there was no mashing,

July Monday 7 1873

Fine morning Dry and warm

Tuesday 8

This is also a fine morning Preparing to go to Stratford by the 2 Oclock train and to stay over at Baden for the 6 Oclock train

Wednesday 9

I returned this evening from Stratford by the Dutch mail

  June                MONDAY 30                 1873

This is a dark wet morning, there was thunder during the night and rain. But during the early part of the forenoon it rained very heavy for several hours, and in the afternoon it rained all, and continued cloude and think that we never saw the sun all day, William Nichols of the Court House Inn died yesterday at noon of Heart disease aged 77 he came to Guelph in Jun 1832. Mr G Ridout Eyr of Toronto died yesterday aged 66, he represented Toronto in Parliament

 July                 TUESDAY 1

This is a close morning and warm frim the rain yesterday. The Mills went all night but shut down this morning, and all the other works being Dominion Day, I had Mr Alexander in as one of my Bonds,em as formerly. him in $600. James D Allan $3,000. William Allan $3,000 Mr James Blain and wife of Galt here this afternoon on thier way to Matton Higinbotham away at the evening of the Southern Extention of the W.G.S Bruce Railway to Wingham

                     WEDNESDAY 2

This morning was cloudy and wet but faired off as the advanced it was sultry and close throughout the day. Which is our Horicultural Show Day. but I am too lame with Rhumatism to attend I wrote to my sister in Illinois, today Great complaint of the the low price obtained for still fed Cattle and Hogs. importation from the Hates are competeing hard against our feeders here In the evening it rained very heavy

  July                   THURSDAY 3                     1873

This morning was wet and rained up to 7 oclock, and then continued fair, but very cloudy Jackson form Berlin here offering to sell wheat In the afterpart of the day it cleared up and likely to be dry weather

                         FRIDAY 4

This is a fine morning, warm and of any thing clear, a considerable quantity of wheat has come in this morning, the price has fallen $1,16. a$1.17

                         SATURDAY 5

This ia a fine morning. A great many teams in with wheat, some 350 Burbels spring about $1.16. My log is rather better today The lining of the Mash tun broke out in holes in a thin plate & I telegraphed for a price to Toronto, in the mean time got Feek to soldin up by the holes, first & cast it took all day, so there was no mashing.

  July                    MONDAY 7                  1873

Fine morning Dry and warm

                          TUESDAY 8

This is also a fine morning Preparing to go to Stratford by the 2 oclock train and to stay over at Baden for the 6 oclock train

                          WEDNESDAY 9

I returned this evening from Stratford by the Dutch Mail.

   July                      THURSDAY 10                     1873

Very wet this morning. a good deal of rain fell through the night, and the morning feels cold & started a pie in our bedroom

                             FRIDAY 11

This was a fine day morning but not warm William started for Hamilton at one oclock and returned about 1/2 past 9

                             SATURDAY 12

Dry weather

  July                       MONDAY 14                             1873
                             TUESDAY 15

I went up to the Hay field this afternoon & find the 2 men will have it all cut his evening

                             WEDNESDAY 16

This is a dry warm morning Went up to the hay=field at the Gleke and the hay will be ready to take in after dinner, the crop is light. but there is over 3 tons of it. William left town about one oclock for Orangeville Gorden here paying part of rent for piggery Meeting to night at Massies, about inviting the Merchant Bank to open a Branch here. John Harold of Hamilton here this evening,

   July                      THURSDAY 17                     1873

This has been a wet night it rained on till after 6 Oclock this morning very heavy this afternoon got the large water tank set up and 3 hours on before night William got home to night about 12 Oclock

                             FRIDAY 18

I rained in the early part of the morning the large tub in all hooped and , they are now pushing on with the spouts The Election this day for a councillor for the East Ward in place of Bell who resigned, term mated in the declaration of Charles Daordson, mayorth over David McCrea, of 25

                            SATURDAY 19

This is quite a cool morning, and rather dull and dark, with a light breeze

  July                      MONDAY 21                          1873

This is a somewhat cool morning, and very dry weather

                            TUESDAY 22

This is a warm dry morning We are working away at the pipes for the bottom of the large tun to draw of the water to wash away the filth of the pig styes.

                            WEDNESDAY 23

This is a fine warm morning, and going to be a hot day, Have got the water running into the tun freely to day, and making arrangements in the inside, Jogn went up to day to Enatsville mowing. Marcon got married this morning about 1/2 past 6 to Mifs Goodewe,

  July                           THURSDAY 24                                1873

This is a fine morning, and likely to be a very warm day The case against Wm Gordon was brought up in the Police Court this forenoon and a several Wittneses testified as to the intolerable smell arrising from the pigs, when judgement was reserved until Saturday Higginbotham and I are going down to Toronto to see what Gooderham & Works have done to abate the smell of their yard, so much complains of there

                                 FRIDAY 25

quite a heavy shower of rain fell this evening from 6 to 8 oclock

                                 SATURDAY 26

Fine morning but no more rain, Gordon was fined $1,00 and costs and to have the pigs removed in two weeks from to day Repairing the steam Mill Bridge these two days, with new cut water post &c Higginbotham and family went down in a hired carriage to spend the day at the lake in Pushlinch. Mrs A and I went away about 4 Oclock to meet them and after going all the way to the Lake could not find them out Though several of Ingles men had seen John Allan there, and got home before them about 1/2 past 8

  July                                   MONDAY 28                                 1873

Fine morning, The Engine is standing to day for cleaning out the Boiler &c and taking of the cover of the straw chest to see what is the cause, of the squeeling noise at times as if the slide valve or Piston were going dry, but could not discover anything

                                         TUESDAY 29


                                         WEDNESDAy 30

Allan of McDond died

 July                         THURSDAY 31                       1973

The crank pin of the Steam Engine of the Mill Heated to such an extent that the Brasses were almost melted, and the pin so damaged as to require a new one. I started fro Galt at one Ocloack with it and the connecting Rod

 August                       FRIDAY 1

Shery. McDonald Burried

                              SATURDAY 2

This is a very fine morning I have made up my mind to accompany the deputation to go to Montreal to apply for a Branch of the Merchants Bank here, consisting of {Mefm?} John Hogg, Massie Wilkee & myself Martin for others

 August                      MONDAY 4                         1873

The Engineer got here I understand al noon this day with the new crank pin and connecting rod

                             TUESDAY 5


                             WEDNESDAY 6

Wm Easter one of Days men built up the seats in the dining room from 1/2 past 9 till 1/2 past 4.

 August                            THURSDAY 7                             1873

Joseph Lynch died aged 81. {reseaent?} in Park upwards of 40 grams

                                   FRIDAY 8


                                   SATURDAY 9


August Monday 11 1873
August Tuesday 12 1873
August Wednesday 13 1873
 August                           THURSDAY 14                          1873


                                  FRIDAY 15


                                  SATURDAY 16


 August                           MONDAY 18                           1873

Fine morning Have got the Heam Mill started again this forenoon Mr A.B Hewart left by the 11 Oclock train for Toronto

                                  TUESDAY 19

This is another fine morning but very dry and the day is turning out to be warm

                                 WEDNESDAY 20


 August                        THURSDAY 21                         1873

Fine morning. Jas. Glover leaves the town for Manitoba his wife 3 children and Nephew, her oldist daughter 13 years old Intelligence came that the Duke of Manchester would pay us visit

                               FRIDAY 22

Of ant thing a dull morning, but as the day advanced it became fine, And being a Holiday by Proclamation of the Mayor, many will attend the Pie nics and the great Boston, Bas Ball match The distillery is standing, but the the Mills were going.

                               SATURDAY 23

This was very fine morning, and warm have been fixing the Boom irons on the N.East side of the Dam, which was injured by the ice last winter, for some days past, )

 August                        MONDAY 25                        1873

This is a wet morning, a good deal of rain having fallen throughout the night, and still continues. at 8 am, about 10 it was quite fair, William, wife, and Annie, Mrs Higinbothain, & Annie Graut left for Illinois at 2 Oclock, It was quite an anxious day for me Observed {There is a small round brown stain.} Lenos the plasterer off work today from a hurt her got on Saturday night in stepping through a stove pipe hole in the upper floor of the new house

                              TUESDAY 26

This is a very fine morning, Gibson plastered top of stone work with water lime when worked away, Observed river very thick and muddy this forenoon and found that the new earth work at the Goldies dam had washed away, leaving them about where thet were about a fortnight ago

                              WEDNESDAY 27

This is a cool dry morning, and an excurtion day to the Falls where a is to walk on a rope below the falls elevated about 140 feet above the water, several of my men are away at it, the 2 ingineers, the distillery not being at work to day, allows Taylor to attend the Mill Engine John Allan is up at Enotsville to day, The carpenters are erecting the seaffold for plastery under the easing of roof of new house

 August                         THURSDAY 28                       1873

A man named Wilson came down to put in new leathers in valves of Grand Trunk Pumps

                                FRIDAY 29

This is a fine morning, John up the Mickles saw mill for lumber, I went down to Aeton to see the Grand Trunk steam Pump The men are lathing & Plastering under the easing of new house {There is a brown stain on "lathing".}

                                SATURDAY 30

This has been a very fine day, they are giving the facia board of the rood a coat of Paint Mr Thomas Hefferman of Hefferman Bros returned from the old country at 6 this evening. Pumps going late to night

 September                     MONDAY 1                          1873

This is a dull cool morning, Partly from the heavy rain that fell on Sunday morning which moistened the ground yet it did not fill the Dam awy faster, The Engine is stopt for cleaning out the Boiler and after that was done we had to fill the boiler with fails as the hole in the connecting rod was worn out and broke and a man came down from Stratford and took it up to repair came down from Stratford and took it up to repair I Put in a new brass Oil cup on the steam chest on trial for 3 weeks and 2 bass oilers on the crank shaft Ground some coal to day

                               TUESDAY 2

Fine morning but very dry, The oilers are not giving satisfaction as yet Three, Teams up to Enotsville for heardwood timber, and came home very late

                               WEDNESDAY 3

This was a very cool morning, and has continued so nearly all day, This is the Fair Day and a good many loads of wheat came. Man been patting up gutters in new house, The steam Mill, Boiler began to leak badly this afternoon had to stop, out the fire and Telegraph to Galt for a man A very bad time to be stopt having blown to finish by Saturday

September Thursday 4 1873

This is a dull morning, the fogg is thick & falling like fine rain The boiler maker did not arrive last night But he came by the noon train but did not bring the force pump with him as desired, I telegraphed for it & got it by 5 Oclock train filed the boiler and tested it at over 100 lbs to the inch but did not find any more leak than a good suet Got a hand hole from higles and put on above the crown sheet so as to loosen the seale there

Friday 5

Fine morning, The men worked all night expanding ends of tubes and caulking some joints, then tested the Boiler again and found it quite tight, and got her started during the forenoon, he charged full time for the day he came double time for night and a full day to go home in all 4 days which I think is too much

Saturday 6

Fine morning, but last night was cold was up at Goldies Dam Also in the Mill the Engine driving 4 pair of stones and most of the Machinery, they say their Packer and a boy can pack from 180 to 200 {Buls? = Bulls?} from 7 to 6 pm have been drawing detail drawings for school house Having taken cover of End of sylinder and found it all corded from the borings of hole for oil cup

September Monday 8 1873

This was a cool morning, Has a very busey forenoon taking out the piston expanding the springs to keep out the packing rinks, took of the cover of the steam chest to see if the borings had injured the face of the slide valve and found none, and screwed the foundation frame down solid on its site, William & his wife was to leave Allan dale to day for Chicago The water in the Dam kept up pretty well to day we ground coal in the morning, and sawed wood in the afternoon

Tuesday 9


Wednesday 10


September Thursday 11 1873

A very fine morning The Engine still continues and I intend starting for Galt to get up a man from there to examine the brasses and fill up with Babbit metal I went down to Galt and got a man to come up with me,

Friday 12

This is a fine morning

Saturday 13

This is a cold morning after the Storm last night of rain and lightning

September Monday 15 1873

Cold morning there was frost last night also as well as on Sunday morning when the ground was quite white George Worsley died this morning at 1 Oclock The weather is changing to rain which will be much against the Central Exhibition Show, which begins tomorrow being the first day A great deal of wheat comming in to the Mill William & Party returned all safe from Detroit this afternoon

Tuesday 16

The weather is chilly, yet it is likely to turn out a fine day, Cattle are pouring in very fast, and the vatious Entrie exceed those of last year by {blank space} hundred, A good deal of wheat came in to the Mill to day

Wednesday 17

This is a fine morning Preparing to attend Worsleys funeral at One Oclock A part of the Governon of the Engine broke this afternoon, and I must start to Galt in the morning to get a new peice,

September Thursday 18 1873

This morning I prepared to go down to Galt to get the peice of the Steam Engine Governon replaced, but missed the train by a couple of minutes, and had to drive down which took me 2 hours the roads were good and the weather fine after the light rain, got the peice made of wrought iron as they had no castings on hand and during the time I went up to Doon Mills I left Galt at 6 Oclock and got home about 1/2 past 8, and the darknefs was helped by {considering?} lightning

Friday 19

This morning looked wet from the great quantity of rain that had fallen through the night and early morning,

Saturday 20

This morning looked cloudy, and had the appearance of tain Great money panic in N York {N York = New York} yesterday, with a great number of failures

September Monday 22 1873

Dull morning with appearance of rain Mrs Tawse left this morning at 1/2 past 7 This forenoon has been cold and raw After dinner it rained for a considerable time and quite close and heavy at times The news to day from N York {N York = New York} are more of a moderate tone The banks here are using caution and decline to go beyond a certain limit

Tuesday 23

This was a dry day, but chilly of any thing A good deal of Barley comming in, But the price fell from $1.5 to 85 c partly owing to the Panic in N York and also partly from the Grand Trunk refusing to carry any more freight East until the Change of Gauge is finished But we have not begun to buy any yet

Wednesday 24

This is a very fine morning clear & warm The tidings from New York are more quiet but there is fears of more Houses not being able to hold out against the pressure I was out at Mr Alexanders this afternoon, in returning saw signs of a change to rain, which may come during the night

September Thursday 25 1873

This is a very wet morning and every thing looks dreary, it will be a bad day for the Provincial Show at London

Friday 26

This is a fine morning As the day advances it gets warmer I was up at Stratford to day at 3 o clock the Thermometer stood at 82 degrees {degree symbol used in place of "degrees", temperature presumably in Fahrenheit} The Plasterers are getting near a close Rained very heavy from 10 to 12 Oclock

Saturday 27

Very warm this morning I telegraphed to Galt to learn if George McCullouch is at home that I might be sure to see him if I went down, got answer, from home will be back on Monday quite warm to day also, A strange case was tried to day before the Mayor from 2 men having been found in F. W. Stones new house on his farm

September Monday 29 1873

Heavy rain this morning and during the night It faired up about 9 Oclock, It was very close and warm in Church yesterday Stone, Gurtherie, Stirton, & Gow went down to Toronto and got the matter in dispute about possesion all put to rights regarding the Farm sold to the Government,

Tuesday 30

This is a fine dry morning, and throughout the day it keeps fine, The Grand Trunk Co are taking west to Stratford a large number of cars, for to alter them into narrow guage cars,

October Wednesday 1


October Thursday 2 1873


Friday 3

Fine fair morning, but of any thing raw and chilly We are busey taking out the Machinery of the old Carding Mill to put it in repair for Sawing Wood and plaining boards for other repairs & c This is out Fast day in our Church The Grand Trunk men began to shift the nails as soon as the last car past down at 1/2 past 4

Saturday 4

This is a wet morning, and it rained heavy through the night, at 10 am raining very heavy and afraid it will hurt my sale of Plants at the Market at 11 Oclock It rained on to about 12 Oclock which prevented the Ladies from turning out to buy, so I postponed the sale till Thursday at same place and hour

October Monday 6 1873

This is a cold raw morning, yesterday morning also looked very thretning to rain and detered many from comming in to Church to attend the communion, To day the wind is cold from the N East and afternoon it turning to N West blowing fresh and cold Judge Galt passed through this afternoon on his way from Walkerton, I have a long chat with him while waiting on the train, about old times of about 35 years ago Col {Sho?} Saunders the Clerk of the Peace met with a serious accident this morning in comming to his Office, was run into while driving in his Buggy, by a runaway team, his head was scalped and scull fractured

Tuesday 7

Fine clear noon light in comming from Church

Wednesday 8

Very fine morning Mrs A and I went down to Galt at noon, left home at 5 minutes to 1 and got in Galt at 1/4 past 3, left there at 6,30, and got to W Laingtons at 1/2 past 8 and got home at 11 pm, the roads were fine

October Thursday 9 1873


Friday 10


Saturday 11

Rather a coldish day this, Col Saunders died this morning at 6 Oclock

October Monday 13 1873

This is quite a cold raw morning and looks like either rain or snow, have only One of men working to day loging the plank of platform for the circular saw, Gibson & John M Person at the geering which is near finished I attended the funeral of Col Saunders at 2 Oclock it was large, the weather was quite cold & the wind against us going up to the Cemetary, a Guelphite named Simons at the Bank of Commerce fell down stairs & Broke his neck and died at once, on Saturday night last, Dobie got on the last stone on the top of the Gable of the school house this afternoon

Tuesday 14

This is a very fine mild morning, and likely to be a warm day, Thomas Lennox, plasters was born in {Stranrar Arppshore?}, was from 60 to 65 years of age, after having finished my work on the {blank space}, He went to plaster a house for John Murphy Woolrich road, and fell down a stair & broke his spike on Friday evening the 3 and was brought to the Catholic hospital on Tuesday the 7th & after suffering a great deal, ihe died on {sentence never completed}

Wednesday 15

This is another very fine morning, Mifs McCrea, one of our {Earpers?} daughters, is to be married this forenoon in St Andrews Church by the Kev Dr Hogg to Mr {name not stated} I went out to the sale of Cattle at J, W, Stones Thos Lennox died about 9 Oclock this morning

October Thursday 16 1873

This is another fine morning, We are now getting the machinery of the Carding Mill very near ready, we are now fixing the long drum over head the coupling of which loose and of the truth, Alex Glass built up the areas of the Basement window of the new Barraks to day to kech the water from getting into them, I attended the funeral of our old Plasterer, Thomas Lennox this afternoon, and was buried in the Catholic Cemetery

Friday 17

This is a coldish morning, and are trying to get all the outdoor work done in case that snow should fall The new Barracks are now finished and getting the rooms scrubbed out Find some difficulty in getting headroom for the stairs to the infanct gallery in our new school house at the church

Saturday 18

This is a wet morning and still continues to rain, intend to pay off as many of the labourers to night as I can I have been getting a new pump put into the kitchen for soft water and the pipes that were burst in the bathroom repaired,

October THURSDAY 16 1873

This is another fine morning, we are now getting the machinery of the Carding Mill very near ready, we are now fixing the long drum over head the coupling of which was loose {?} of the truth, Alex Glass built up the areas of the Basement window of the new Barracks to day to keep the water from getting into them, attended the funeral of our old plasterer, Thomas Lennox the afternoon, and was buried {covered} cemetery

{covered, presumably FRIDAY} 17

This is a {covered}, and are trying to get all {covered} done in case that snow {covered} the new Barracks are now finished {covered} the rooms scrubbed out Find some {covered} getting headroom for the stairs {covered} gallery in our new school {covered} church

{covered, presumably SATURDAY} 18

This is a {covered} and still continues to rain, {covered} as many of the labourers to {covered} I have been getting a new pump {covered} kitchen for soft water and the {covered} burst in the Bathroom repaired,

{newspaper clipping}

Terrific Gas Explosion.

A House Blown to Pieces.

(From the Rond Eau News of Oct. 16) Last evening we had an opportunity of witnessing the most extraordinary phenomenon that has ever occured in this section of the country. For the past few days Mr.H.Truax, proprietor of the old Vester House, on the Gravel Road between Blenheim and Chatha, had had some men engaged in boring for water, a fewfeet from the hotel. Yesterday, about four o'clock, when they had reached a depth of ninety feet, they suddenly came to water, and in such quantities that in five minutes a stream of mingled water and gas the size of the ten inch hole was rushing a hundred feet into the air, making a loud rumbling noise like a train of cars. Water was pouring over the building and into the ditches along the road. Stones, thrown high into the air, were falling all around, and every minute the stream seemed to gain volume and force. This had lasted about an hour when the gas by some means, caught fire, exploding with a report like the discharge of a cannon, filling all parts of the house with flames, tearing it to pieces, and setting fire to the fragments. Quite a number of people were in the building at the time, three of whom were badly burned- Mrs. Truax, James Drake, and a man named Lewis Roc. The flames and water were now rising about seventy feet, with a sound as of a hurricane. When we visited the scene, an hour later, the column of fire was unabated, and as cloud after cloud of flame rose high into the air, lightning up the darkness, and casting a sickly, ghostly glare on the faces of the hundreds of people who had gathered from all parts of the country, the spectacle was really grand, and one not likely to be forgotten by those who witnessed it. The hole from which the fire and water escaped was by this time worn to about two feet in diameter, and the tremendous subterraneous force seemed now to be irresistible. Streams of water and sand were running in all directions, flooding the ruins. The cause of the explosion is unknown, but it is supposed to have been caused by a fire in the kitchen about 40 feet distant. At a late hour in the night the flames remained unabated, though they are likely to cease soon. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Truax, who had just refitted the hotel at considerable expense. We learn that all those injured are likely to recover, although suffering severely.

 October                     MONDAY 20                       1873

This is a cold raw morning, and looks as if it new going to turn into rain or snow the wind is N West as the day advances it becoms colder and a few flakes of snow are falling Wm Taylor out beer runner in the Distillery is loading his furniture and intends to leave with his family for Bellville by the night Express at 3 a.m. About 1/2 past 4 the wind became much stronger & turned to the N East with thick sleet & snow and was near blowing down the rafters of the New St Andrews School

                            TUESDAY 21

This is a wet slushey morning, and raining a good deal, in many parts the snow and hail are laying in the sheltered placs & showers of it comming on, still, very little outdoor work done to day, Have turned the main Drum in the Carding Mill this afternoon

                            WEDNESDAY 22

This is a dry morning but damp, and rainy like not at all settled looking, and it feels and dissagreable,

 October                               THURSDAY 23                                   1873

This is a not dissagreable morning and continues to all appearane all day as the day advances no outdoor work can be done

                                       FRIDAY 24

Fine dry morning Meeting of Directors of Wettington Mutual insurance Co to day ay 11 oclock

                                       SATURDAY 25

This is a dry morning but coldish

 October                           MONDAY 27                              1873

Of any thing a wet morning, and rather bad weather for Armstrong shingling the roof of St Andrews School house And also for Goldie finishing his dam they are laying the top bed of heavy stones for the timber to be bolted to I examined the stove in the hot air chamber in the Church, and got the Brick work partly taken down to admit of an examination

                                   TUESDAY 28

This is a very dissagreable morning drizling snow falling, as the day advances the weather no better, they are still continuing at the shingling even in the slushey weather Had to put on our old dress to go into the hot air room and found the crack on the top of the stone much wider than before and the inner end plate 1 1/2 inch open at the top and order chase to make screws to draw it together, The rouads are getting very muddy again {There is a drawing that looks like a rectangular box with three circles in it.}

                                  WEDNESDAY 29

The is the first really wintry looking morning of the season, the snow has fallen during the night about 1/2 an inch deep, the wind feels cold from the West, The mon on the school root had to quit as the mortar froze before the shingles was laid,

 October                            THURSDAY 30                               1873

This is a cold blustering day, the ground bad a frozen crust on it this morning It looks like more Snow It lookes serious for those having large quantities of turnips to take up some has not begun yet, Signed mortgage to A.B Stewart to day. Interest begins 1 May 1874. Masons put in one solid stone under pillers of Arches for fallery for Organ,

                                    FRIDAY 31

Was cold blustering, and occasionally sleet and drizzling. mixed rain & snow and very little outdoor work can be done We are about finishing stock taking in the Mill Chase finished the Iron Work of the store in the Church

 November                           SATURDAY 1

The ground is covered with snow this morning But as the day advanced it melted away. and the shingling went on Worked a;; afternoon fixing store in Church building up the Buckwork

 November                                THURSDAY 6                                  1873

Frosty morning This a Provincial Holiday for general Thanksgiving for bountiful Crops The day turned out very fine, There was Service in the forenoon in out Kirk Attended the funeral of Mr Robert Rae, Crockery Merchant aged 36. Sir John A Mcdonald Government raigned to day

                                          FRIDAY 7

Fine morning, ice on the dam the day turned out mild, The appointment of the New Ministry at Ottawa was conformed by his Excellency

                                          SATURDAY 8

Of any thing a wet drizzling morning but mild The monetary affairs in the States are not at all mending, but on the contrary a great number of Cotton Mills, from Works, Locomotive Works &c are being stopt. and a great many thousand men are out of work,

 November                           MONDAY 10                               1873


                                    TUESDAY 11

This was an ordinary winter morning very little snow on the Ground, but very unsettled, I went up ti=o Goldie's Dam this forenoon & found them putting in the last of the dtryts to support the apron, which overhangs the wall, and is about to be covered with Plank Began to snow hard this evening and blew very cold

                                    WEDNESDAY 12

There was a considerable lot of snow on the ground this morning I went down to Hespeler and thence to Plainston to see Watter who is confined to bed & has been very ill but is of any thing mending now.

 November                          THURSDAY 13                           1873


                                    FRIDAY 14

This was a very cold morning for this time of the year at 1/2 past 6 the glass stood at zero and continued cold all day Peter Idington here & got Gutheries opinion in Worsleys Will which did not amount to much We also got the wit of all the mortgages with dates &c Boyes are skaiting on the Dam which is of anything too soon

                                   SATURDAY 15

It was not quite so cold this morning, the snow still laying on the ground The day begins to look fine. which was only for a little while, & then got dull.

 November                          MONDAY 17                              1873

This is a dull morning, the Glass 2 or 3 degrees above freezing, Church meeting to day at 2 pm.

                                  TUESDAY 18

This is a fine moderate day The men are putting on the Galvanized iron on the Deck roof of St Andrews school houses Organ Gallery, Mrs Worsley & Maggie Logan left by the 1 oclock train for Hamilton. Higinbotham left for Quebec at 1/2 past 5 this afternoon. Mr Massie goes also as far as Montreal Mr Mornis of the Ontario Bank as far as Brockvile John Allan started for Enotsville about the wood &c

                                  WEDNESDAY 19

This is a cold, dear morning Putting on a peice of sheet coppar on Mash tun to day where a hole had broken through, light frost just now and a light flurry of snow falling,

November Thursday 20 1873

This is a fine winter morning, & think of going to Toronto I took the early train for Toronto to get the large Steam Pipe conducting the Steam into the lower still altered at Booths I got it begun to at once, The city is somewhat dull, although the weather is unfavourable yet they were building at the New Custom House setting heavy corner stones & c and building brick work also, and in other places in Town also got home at 1/2 past 8 pm,

Friday 21

This is a moderate morning and of any thing and likely to be a thaw Heavy lofs likely to be sustained if no thaw come as the Erie Cannal in frozen up and hundreds of loaded boats froze up, they will extend over 8 miles in length, Began to Mash 80 Bushels to day after standing a considerable time

Saturday 22

This is another fine winter morning Goldie is finishing the top of his dam with gravel, brought round from the bottom of the river behind the Dam,

November Monday 24 1873

A fall of Snow of about 3 inches fell during the night, and may assist the sleighing to day Our teams and off to Enotsville to have out a quantity of square Elm timbers on to the road Have a discusion in the Bank of Comerce with W Keurh the Inspector about increase of line of discount Higinbotham came home from Quebec about 7 pm the train being 8 hours late The teams did not get home till late & had to leave a log on the road

Tuesday 25

There has been another fall of snow during the night, and it froze hard also, We began to run beer in the distillery to day THe sleighing is much improved The water wheel of the Mill is getting out of order, the inside lining getting loose

Wednesday 26


November Thursday 27 1873


Friday 28

This was a very moderate morning, there has been a light fall of snow, I went down to Galt by the early train to arrange about getting up 2 men from goldie McCalloueh & Co to fit up a rolling school for cleaning the Brau in the Steam Mill, one man is likely to come on Monday I saw a good many new improvements, in stave cutters, shingle machines, Bolt screwing machines & c The saw making works, have begun to work and are cuting out plates,

Saturday 29

There is more snow this morning again so that we have very fine sleighing now,

December Monday 1 1873

Snowing this morning, and thick and foggy weather, We drew off the water of the race to day for the purpose of repairing the water wheel

Tuesday 2

Thawing fast and began to rain very wet and slushy under feet to day, all in a pulp to day and the good sleighing going fast Rained fast in comming from the Prayer meeting at C Pavidsons

Wednesday 3

Raniey wet morning and thawing very fast This is out Fair Day, yet I went up to Berlin thence to Waterloo Village to see the Coppersmiths at Randalls Distillery as to the cause of the lofs sustained in the column still, But found no experienced hands there, & their own still is in bad order. They are fitting up their new column still which is nine (9) feet in circumference, and 7 double chambers of 3 feet high each, and the goose tum & worm very high up in the roof {There is a small sketch in the middle of the page, likely of the column still being written about on the page. The words of the diary wrap around the sketch, implying he likely drew it on the page before writing his entry} It has rained heavy all day & to night also,

December Thursday 4 1873

Blowing hard this morning, and the wind was very high all night, and cannot remember of ever, hearing the wind so loud and strong as it was during last night, a good many roofs were blown off, fences down, 20 feet of the roof of the gass works, The {iron; written above text as an addition} smoke stalk of John McCreas Jaunery down & all in peices, The water in Smiths Creek rose so rapidly and overflowed the banks and carried away the dam at Hamburg Had a meeting Insurance Director to day, Have got the water wheel nearly finished James Dowrie, out Distillers Barn roof was stripped off William went to Hamilton this morning

Friday 5

The roads were quite dry this morning, and hard frozen, a very great change from what it was yesterday and the day before The papers teams with the destruction of Property for many miles from Kingston all the way to London and Chatham, There was not the least thing disturbed about my Property, We did not get the wheel finished yet, the flume along with the Steam Mill had to be close lined with inch boards on both sides & filleted at the bottom edge,

Saturday 6

Hard frost this morning, began to raise the outer end of the water wheel, and got a 12 feet board 12 inches broad plained down to 1/4 of an inch and put 3 peices of it under the head block, which will keep the wheel free from rubbing on the Bottom The Steam Engine is going but we cannot pump any water to the Grand Trunk on account of all the water being out of the flume, and the Company would not go to the expense of putting in pipes to the well We shut down the {lower; written above text as an addition} gates and raised the head gates and filler the race & tried the Pumps but found the pipes were frozen & would not work to our satisfaction

December Monday 8 1873

This is a mild morning, and misty and looks like rain & we are now fitting on the Steam pipes on the top of the Boiler to thaw the Grand Trunk pipe But previous to starting the Steam on, we tested the pumps again with the wheel and got the to work and throw a copious stream, Making a proof trial with the column still to day again, 2 men came up from Galt at noon to day but say they will not begin to work until tomowwow morning Wet and misty all day and fine rain The last train from Toronto was not in till after 10 Oclock owing to the think fogg that they could not see the signals

Tuesday 9

This is a wet morning, the rain is fine and close, the men from Galt began to work this morning It was wet weather part of the fore and afternoon Mr Shearson was here from Chicago

Wednesday 10

This is a frosty morning, the sky quite dull, the ground hard, this is Fat Cattle show day,

December Thursday 11 1873

Dark dull morning, and continued so most of the day with fine rain, Peter Idington came up to day, Quarter Sessions are sitting just now, Keying on a new mitre wheel on on the auglular up right haft that drives the Elevators and conveyars Peter Idington here this afternoon, & leave for Stratforn at 6 oclock

Friday 12

This is another changeble morning light coating of Snow falling on soft ground, at 10 Oclock began to rain, John went down to Galt this morning to look after Bolting cloth for New Reels & c and returned at 12 Oclock It began to snow pretty steady in the afternoon and continued on and at 9 Oclock came on heavy,

Saturday 13


December MONDAY 15 1873

This was a fine morning, but a little fogg indicating a thaw. About the middle of the day it became soft. Had meeting of the Director of the Wellington Mutual with the view of a General meeting for the Election of new Ones But the late Act requires such Elections to take place within 2 months after the 1st of Jauy in each year, therefor we had to pass a By=law postponing it till the 1st Tuesday in Feby next. Saully Glass started this afternoon


Think fogg this morning also, it thawed a good deal during the middle of the day, but the sleighing is good yet. We got in the New Smutt machine from the station this forenoon, it only arrived last night there, (Have got up all the {faming?} conveyors & op into the Heam Mill


This is a very fine clear morning, the frost by the glass is 14° above zero The men have got pretty well advanced with the new Reel

December THURSDAY 18 1873

Fine clear morning, and no thaw Revd Mr Bain of {Searlion?} started home this morning at 8:10 a.m. (sharp,)



December Monday 22 1873

This is a fine clear morning, the frost about 18° above zero A considerable quantity if Wheat comming in, at $1.12 to $1.14 for Spring, to $1.20 to $1.22 for fall


Fine morning, Thermometer at 7 am 10° above zero weather clear and bright a great many teams in with whear, at $1.13 u$1.14 for Spring to $1.20 for fal, {Mexr?} Glass re{th?} this morning from Bellville I attended funeral of G.B Frayers, son 11 years & 2 mos old named Charles Edward Have got in the enlarged drum for the Smutt Machine this afternoon The Galt {Millnoright?} The McDougals & Olive Smith says that Eureka has an excellent separator but it is not such a good scourer as the Trimmer Machine Bagar for the Benight of N.M.C Association Began today A great meany in teams in the market today


This is a very fine morning The market is quite throng to day also and the display of Butcher meat in the Halls is very splendid The Smutt Machine was started this afternoon and so far seems to clean the wheat both fast and very well T.C.Chisholin is missing is N York {nm?} Hamilton & Sons of Toronto Engine Works has failed, and several hundred men thrown out of employment

December THURSDAY 25 1873

This is a fine moderate morning, and the little snow that fell last night will help the sleighing a llittle Bother, Mill & Distillery are working today,


This was another moderate morning, glass at 7 a.m. about 30°, about 2 oclock it began to snow, it was soft and wet I went to attend the Funeral of old Mrs Hugh McDonald aged 88 years 9 months who came to Guelph in 1833. Mr Romain has returned from New York, and jave given up all hopes of finding the body of Mr T.C. Chisholin, is son in law.


Ordinary winter morning The Galt millwright got through with their work and left at noon

                                            December MONDAY 29 1873

This was a blustering morning, snowing & blowing, and it blew very hard throughout the night Nomination day, John Harris & Robt Melvin proposed for Mayor, Fred Chadwick for {Relue?} also Howard, Snow falling most of the afternoon Got a Keg of butter tonight from Haddens, containing 107 lbs of butter for the mens use at

                                              TUESDAY 30

This morning is more calm, but somewhat harden frost A great many teams in with whear also a good many sleighs in with Hogs for sale and the price is getting up, the highest to about $5.30 Have been making bins in the Mill for the tailing and chicken feed to fall into Mackenzie and the Excise officer Campbell have benn busey these two days past in taking stock in the Mill

                                               WEDNESDAY 31

This has been a very fine winter day and the market was pretty throng with wheat wool and pork The beer pump in the the distillery broke out at the upper branch They have begun to take stock in the distillery, and they are sure to finish it to night

                                  Thursday 1st January 1874

This is a very fine mild morning And as the day advances it proves finer still it is quite a thaw and ground wet under foot, all the works are standing as usual on a New Years dar and we have a freat many callers or visiter

This is another mild morning and the roads slushey and wet And a good mant teams in with wheat Vincent began to day to finish of some 800 or 900 gallons of Ginger wine that he had prepared the ingredients for Proclamation is published of the Desolation of the Dominion Parliament

Quite a thaw this morning and a thick fog As the day advances it becomes much milder and the water running swift in the gutters and all over the streets This has been a very mild winter I may say since the beginning of Doer and have had none like it for several years, Vincent still at the wine The visits for a new Election of members for the Dominion Parliament are out to day. Had a telegram from Fred K Allans that he will leave N York this evening at 8.

         Monday 5th Jany 1974

Yesterday was a very mild day and quite a glow of heat was felt when we went to church and the water running in the gutter & the streets quite sloppy, in the afternoon it began to blow and increased to a gale, and began to rain & continued till about 5 oclock about 6 than began to snow, thew sleet, & the wind blowing hard from the N.West This morning the ground is hard and freezing, 25° The water in the river is about a foot deep over the dam, Great excitement Mr Fredrick Adams arrived this afternoon more Cattle came in this evening,

             Tuesday 6th

There is a great change this morning hard frost 20° at 7 oclock a little snow had fallen between 8 & 9 oclock a shower of snow came on & once more coverd the ground with white Ordered from 25 to 30 pigs with next load of cattle to weight from 75 lbs to 150 a $5 per 100lbs live weight

            Wednesday 7th

The snow still laying but the softness of the day will back it as it was very loose before and it is now tawing, with light rain about 3 oclock it began to rain heavier and continued on till late, This was a Fair day but not much done

              Thursday 8th

The snow is being covered with a coat of frozen ice, and it is very slippery, the icy rain still falling and covering posts, trees Telegraph wires &c

         Friday 9th

A little post this morning but as the day advanced it became milderhundred, and appeased as if there was to be a general thaw, But in the afternoon it began to snow & increased as night came on, The Telegraph wires appear to be broken down for hundreds of miles round by the weight of ice can neither send a message to Montreal or N York today


1874 Jany 10th

This is a mild morning just 1 or degrees below freezing at 7 oclock, the snow still laying that fell last night, wheat has begun to come early morning,

11th Sunday This was a very fine day

Monday 12th.

This was quite a mild morning and a large market

Tuesday 13th

This was a very cold morning at 7 oclock The Thermometer stood below zero. and became mild as the day advanced in th afternoon it began to snow. and continued till 9 oclock

Wednesday 14th

This is a fine clear morning, and all the snow that fell last night is only about 2 inches deep.




cold this morning at 7 oclock it stood at zero


 Monday 19th Jany

Wet morning, heavy rain fell during the early morning, and this morning a fine rain is falling, & showers of sleet through the afternoon and the street quite slushey with the thaw but at evening it began to freeze, Henry left this morning for Hamilton with a sleigh load of whisky.

 Tuesday 20th

This is colder morning at 1/2 past 7, the glass stood at 5 o clock zero & quite different from the mild weather of yesterday & towards the afternoon it was blowing and freezing quite cold, the starter blowing and freezing, quite cold, the starter the new store in the Rectifying room this afternoon

            Wednesday 21st

There had fallen a considerable coating of snow through the night, but this morning was quite mild, with a strong sign of a thaw_ it came on to be very mild as the day advanced, and very slushy in the afternoon. I have been engaged to day cutting up 6 pigs for the House Wm, wife Miss Grant & Mrs Higinbothaw went down to Fishers Mills - got in to day all the staves for the new still into the store to get them {drofsed?}

      Thursday 22

This in a dark wet morning so that I thought the clocks had got wrong at 7 it was raining heavy and very slippery, the snow is washing away very fast, and begin to have fears about getting in enough of firewood It rained in the afternoon also.

      Friday 23

It must have rained through the night or the water in the river is very high, at the Mill race head gates the water was half way up pm tje rich beam {acchop?} the race inside of the rack or grating, and we had to hoist One, or the Bottom flood gates as the water was coming in to the lower floor of the Mill

   Saturday 24th.

This has been a very cold stormy day with frequent shows of snow, and freezing all the time, which begins to show a freeing in the river, Maggie & Mary went up to Alna this evening John returned from London, this afternoon Hou Samueal Mills died to day aged 67

  Date             CASH ACCOUNT-MARCH     Recd.       Paid

Monday 26th July, 1874.

This is a cold morning & like yesterday about 10° above zero, the snow that fell on Saturday helps to make fair sleighing. Began on Saturday to dress the staves for the new chamber still, 24 feet long. Have had all the old rectifiers in the distillery down on their place buttons on new button hoops & others where required Also agreed for a Brush Machine for the smutt Machine, went out to look at a drove of pigs this evening.

Tuesday morning 27th

This is with a mild morning glass at 36° at 1/2 past 10 it began to rain % continued for some time & then sleet coupiously.

Wednesday 28th

This was a mild morning and quite soft, but by 10 oclock the wind veered round to the North and there it began to freeze, and became very cold I cut up 2 more pigs this afternoon about 150 lbs each,

Transcription Progress



David Allan Diary, 1873 Part 1.pdf
David Allan Diary, 1873 Part 2.pdf
David Allan Diary, 1873 Part 3.pdf
David Allan 1873 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1873,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/167.
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