Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1905


Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1905


Clara Philp


Courtesy of Private Donor


20th Century, Wellington County, Maryborough Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{front cover}




{Calendar for 1905}

220 Robt. Philp

Dominion Diary

Daily Journal

for 1905

{drawing of pine tree branch}

Published annually by

The Copp, Clark COmpany, Limited

64 & 66 Front Street West, Toronto

{Sterling Exchange Tables}

{Sterling Exchange Tables continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs}

{The French Treat Circular from the CUstoms Department, dated 14th October, 1895}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Canadian Tariff of Customs Continued}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies.}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies.}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies. continued}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies. Continued}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies. continued}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies.Continued}

{Banks in Canada with their Agencies. Continued}

{Public Statutory Holidays }

{The Ontario Succession Duty Act.}

{Canadian Commercial Agencies.}

{Mercantile Law.}

{Mercantile Law. Continued}

{Mercantile Law. Continued}

{Sittings of the Courts}

{Postal Information}

{Postal Information continued}

{Joint Stock Companies.}

{Joint Stock Companies. continued}

{Joint Stock Companies. continued}

{Abstract of Ontario Game Laws.}

Diary for 1905

Notes for 1905

{ Lists of Holidays }

New Year's Day (Dominion) (Jan. 1 falling this year on a Sunday.) Monday, 2 (2-363)

Da and Wat took logs over to Moorefield in forenoon. Had dinner there then came home and he and Wat went over to vote for the Municipal Election. Ma and we children at Grandma's for dinner. The boys up here after tea. rather soft morning, but turned colder towards night. Stormy forenoon. Dickson, Reeve; J. Philp, Wetzel, McArthur, Brooks.

Tuesday, 3 (3-362)

Da choring all day Uncle Jim went home on 4.44 train. Stormy forenoon. very cold day. cold night

Thursday, 5 (5-360)

Da choring all day. Ma and Brock at Drayton in afternoon. very nasty cold day. raw east wind rather stormy afternoon, getting worse towards night.

Epiphany (Quebec) Friday, 6 (6-359)

Da choring in forenoon, took shoes off team in afternoon. Mr. Webber came about four o'clock and fixed windmill pump. Here for tea. Uncle Willie here for while in afternoon. Hamp Bishop here looking to buy cattle. Not so very cold, but strong east wind snowing and somewhat stormy.

January Saturday, 7 (7-358) 1905

Da choring in forenoon, took team to Drayton and got team shod, also took a few bags of chop. very stormy afternoon and night not very cold.

Sunday, 8 (8-357)

Clive and I at Grandma's in afternoon. Uncle Willie up here in evening. very stormy at times all day not very cold.

Monday, 9 (9-356)

Da choring in forenoon, over at Henry Hilborn's threshing in afternoon. Miss Stone walked down before dinner Brock drove her home about four o'clock. No school. teacher sick, not back yet. Beautiful morning, but terrible stormy afternoon and night ! Strong wind. not very cold

January Tuesday, 10 (10-355) 1905

Da choring in forenoon. cleaned up some wheat in afternoon. Uncle Willie up to. night. terrible stormy all day but cleared up at night. rather sharp to-night.

Wednesday, 11 (11-354)

Da choring and Cleaning pens all day. Uncle Willie and Ma at Drayton in forenoon. rather fine forenoon, but was terrible stormy and windy all afternoon. hailing at night.

Thursday, 12 (12-353)

Da choring in forenoon. He and Brock took wheat up to Mr. Morrison's and Uncle Richds in afternoon. I over to see Alice Page in afternoon. turned soft in night and was rather icy in morning. got colder through day. Stormy afternoon. Jersey calved. Calf is mine C.P.

January Friday, 13 (13-352) 1905

Da choring in forenoon, Up helping Uncle Richd kill a beef in afternoon. Uncle Willie and Ma went up to see Aunty Gass in forenoon. Ma stayed up because Auntie had fell the day before and broke her leg up near the thigh. It cannot be set. Brock went up for Ma in afternoon. Will Walker here for few minutes. We three went with them to rink to Bill Richards first carnival. Beautiful day. Uncle Will went back to St. Thomas. Lovely night

Saturday, 14 (14-351)

Da choring and cleaning pens all day. Ma and Brock at Drayton in afternoon. Lovely bright day, but getting stormy towards night. Uncle Rich'd brought down a quarter of beef. very cold night

Sunday, 15 (15-350)

Da drove Ma up to Auntie Gass's in afternoon. She staying all night. I at Grandma's. very stormy all day. pretty sharp wind

January Monday, 16 (16-349) 1905

Will Walker came down this morning. He and Da choring and cleaned up a grist of chop in forenoon. Da took it to Drayton in afternoon. Went up for Ma to Gass's in evening. very stormy all day. and quite cold.

Tuesday, 17 (17-348)

Da and Will done up chores, then farmed up some oats. Mr. Craig and Annie here for dinner. Charlie Hilborn here in forenoon. Paid him $12.50 for threshing. Will went home at noon. Da went up to Gass's for Ma. very fine afternoon. rather stormy forenoon. quite sharp.

Wednesday, 18 (18-347)

Da and Will choring and Will took a grist to town in forenoon and again in afternoon. quite mild forenoon, but started to storm after dinner.

January Thursday, 19 (19-346) 1905

Da done chores and Will took out a couple of loads of chop. Bill Gass here for dinner and took Ma back with him. Auntie getting a little worse. Will went home to-night. Olive and I went up to Mr. Walker's to a small party. Home half past two. Had a very fine time. lovely night. Nice clear day. not very cold.

Friday, 20 (20-345)

Da done chores. Will took out a grist this forenoon. Drawing out manure to other place in afternoon. Ma came home after dinner. very fine forenoon, but not quite so bright this afternoon. rather mild out. Fred Wilson here in afternoon to by pigs. Did not get any.

Saturday, 21 (21-344)

Da and Will done the chores, then drawing manure all day. Olive and Brock at town in afternoon. Da and Ma down at night. beautiful bright afternoon. not very cold. Auntie Philp, in Drayton was found dead in her bed this morning.

January Sunday, 22 (22-343) 1905

Olive, Brock and I up to see Aunty Gass in afternoon, Ma down to Grandma's. rather sharp and stormy at times.

Monday, 23 (23-342)

Will not here to-day. Da done chores in forenoon, cleaned out pens in afternoon. Ma went up to Aunty Gass's this afternoon. Brock drove her up. She's staying all night. beautiful, bright, clear forenoon. rather dull this afternoon quite raw wind.

Tuesday, 24 (24-341)

Da and Will choring in forenoon. Will drawing manure in afternoon. Da at Aunty Philp's funeral. Bill Gass brought Ma home at noon. Miss Craig here for dinner. Wilmot Drury and A. Schmans here to spend evening. I over to party at Henry HIlborne. Abbey Fallis married to Capt. Smith this forenoon. very stormy afternoon. lot of snow fell turned very cold after supper, with strong wind. Aunty Philp 98 years old.

Provincial Election Day 25.

January Wednesday, 25 (258-340) 1905

Da and Will choring in forenoon. Will went home after dinner. Da went to vote. Too cold to draw manure. very stormy, windy cold day. terrible raw cold wind. roads heavy. Conservative Party have got into power by over 40 majority. South, East & West Wellington all returned Conservative to power. Downey, Craig and Tucker.

Thursday, 26 (26-339)

Da and Will choring in forenoon . Will and Wat drawing ice from Drayton, brought four loads this afternoon. rather stormy forenoon but very bright clear afternoon. very sharp wind.

Friday, 27 (24-338)

Da choring in forenoon. Wat brought a load of ice in forenoon. Da and Wat. fixing place in shed for ice. very stormy all day. not cold roads very heavy. Will not here to-day.

January Saturday, 28 (28-337) 1905

Da done the chores, and Will went for a load of ice in forenoon. Will brought two loads in afternoon. Wat. drawing also. Brock to town with Will in afternoon. Da up to Uncle Richds with sow in afternoon beautiful clear bright day, but quite sharp.

Sunday, 29 (29-336)

Harry, Earl and Ella Lowes and Jennie Craig here in afternoon and for tea. very fine, beautiful, bright day. not cold.

Monday, 30 (30-335)

Da choring in forenoon. Wat and he packing away at the ice in afternoon. Mike Morris here to sell a cutter. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. very fine day, clear and bright. not cold.

January Tuesday, 31 (31-344) 1905

Da and Will choring in forenoon, Watt came over after dinner and finished packing the ice. Da and Will then drawing out manure. Annie Craig gave us our lesson and stayed for dinner. Ma up to see Auntie Gass in afternoon. beautiful bright day. not cold.

February Wednesday, 1 (32-333)

Da and Will finished drawing out the manure and did the chores. very bright day, but pretty cold. Hugh Gibbs have young son to-day.

Thursday, 2 (33-332)

Da and Will choring in forenoon. Will went home after dinner. I at Drayton all day getting Mrs. Gordon to help me with a waist. very stormy day. strong wind and very keen.

February Friday, 3 (34-331) 1905

Da choring in forenoon. Went to Drayton in afternoon. brought home a hundred of flour. very sharp cold day and night. not storming to-day.

Saturday, 4 (35-330)

Ada Philp 21 years old today. Da choring and cleaning pens all day Mr. Joe Bell came for Ma about ten o'clock this morning. Aunty Gass died very early this morning. Da and I up for a little while at Gass's to-night. Ma staying all night. beautiful day, very clear and bright and sharp. Thermometer registered 20º below zero at half-past six this morning.

Sunday, 5 (36-329)

Brock and Olive went up to Gass's for Ma after dinner. very stormy all day. quite sharp.

February Monday, 6 (37-328) 1905

Da did chores this forenoon. Then he and Ma at Aunty Gass's funeral in afternoon. quite a snowy forenoon, but turned out nice towards evening Uncle Jim came up on noon train. rather raw wind. roads heavy.

Tuesday, 7 (38-327)

Will Walker came down this morning. He and Da done chores in forenoon. Went over after dinner and drew old "Dan" Burrows horse out of stable dead. Then they went to bush and cut wood. Ma went up to Gass's and brought Mrs. Brian down with her for tea. She staying at Grandma's to-night. Olive 15 years old to-day. beautiful fine day. quite sharp. drifting a little. Jack Walker up here to-night.

Wednesday, 8 (39-326)

Wat and Will took five of our pigs and some of their own to Drayton this forenoon. Ma took Mrs. Brian to station this morning. Da and Will did not go to bush. WIll went home this evening. very stromy day. got worse on in afternoon. raw searching wind.

February Thursday, 9 (40-325) 1905

Will came down before dinner. Da did chores in forenoon. Cutting wood in bush in afternoon. Geo. Tucker here in afternoon to see fat cattle. quite soft day. very mild. snowed a little towards night. roads bad.

Friday, 10 (41-324)

Da and Will done up chores then drew up wood from bush till noon. Cutting wood in bush in afternoon. Mr. Corbett here to see fat cattle. Very stormy at times. Snowed very hard at times, then would blow. getting colder towards night. roads bad.

2 Saturday, 11 (42-323)

Da and Will done up chores then at bush till noon. Will went home after dinner to go to milk-letting. Da scraped away snow from driving house doors, in afternoon. Will called in with milk report to-night. beautiful bright day. duller towards evening.

February Sunday, 12 (42-322) 1905

I at Grandma's for dinner. Olive and I over to Burrow's after tea very stormy all day. East storm changing sound to west at night. very mild all day. little wind getting up at night.

Monday, 13 (44-321)

Will came down to help take cattle (fat) away, but got word that car didn't come. Da choring and cleaning pens. Will went home after dinner. very stormy all day. wind very cold. Thermometer 8º below zero at milking time. wind went down a little at dark. roads very quiet to-day. Da 49 years old to-day. Uncle Jim 32 years old.

Tuesday, 14 (45-320)

St. Valentine's Day. Da choring all day. Mr. Bready and Mr. Steve Moore came here about half past nine and stayed for dinner. very stormy all day. Thermometer registered 22º below zero this morning. moderated a lot towards evening. wind went down towards evening.

February Wednesday, 15 (46-319) 1905

Da choring in forenoon. Da at Drayton in afternoon for sugar. Could not get any as there was none in town. Had no train since Monday. Ma down helping Mrs. Jack Walker quilt in afternoon Charlie, Hosheal, Retta and Cranson Hillborn over here for the evening. very cold wind and quite stormy. roads bad.

Thursday, 16 (47-318)

Da done chores, cleaned pens and went to Drayton in afternoon. Got 100 lbs of sugar. very high wind, went down a little at night. cold day Sarah Burrows here in afternoon.

Friday, 17 (48-317)

Da choring all day. rather fine forenoon, but got terrible stormy after dinner and very windy. not very cold.

February Saturday, 18 (49-316) 1905

Da choring all day. Olive and I up to help Winnie Walker, (make flower for carnival), in afternoon beautiful forenoon, little stormy after dinner, but calmed down and was a beautiful night. no travel on the roads.

Sunday, 19 (50-315)

Home all day. very fine mild day. snowed a little in morning. not so bright in afternoon.

Monday, 20 (51-314)

Da and Will choring in forenoon and at bush cutting wood in afternoon. rather fine day. blowing a little at noon. not cold day

February Tuesday, 21 (52-313) 1905

Da and Will choring and cutting wood in bush. Annie Craig gave us our lessons and walked home after dinner. Ma up to Uncle Richard's in afternoon. very mild day. quite foggy all day.

Wednesday, 22 (53-312)

Da and Will choring and cutting wood in bush. I walked up to see Miss Stone in afternoon. N. Perkin here in afternoon. Da and Will went up to Chas. Walkers for evening. rather stormy forenoon, but very mild day. Milder than yesterday. foggy.

Thursday, 23 (54-311)

Da choring in forenoon. Percy and he plowed the road in afternoon. Olive, Brock and I drove down to a Carnival on the rink at night. roads rough. very mild all day, but not very bright. Olive got second prize for "Music Costume"

February Friday, 24 (55-310) 1905

Da choring in forenoon, and drawing up wood from bush in afternoon. Olive and I up to Mr. Walker's to a dance at night. very mild day. not very bright.

Saturday, 25 (56-309)

Da did up the chores. Then Wat, Brock and he took our 5 heifers to Moorefield. Got home about five o'clock. Uncle Richd took 10 head over also. Ma and Olive at Drayton in afternoon. Mr. J. Corbitt, assessor in this afternoon. very soft all day. soft snow falling in afternoon. turned quite a bit colder at night.

Sunday, 26 (57 - 308)

At home all day. I down to Grandma's in afternoon. very stormy all day. quite cold.

February Monday, 27 (58-307) 1905

Da choring in forenoon. drawing up wood from bush in afternoon. Cecil Walker came down from school and stayed for tea. Olive and I went with Walker's young folks to a party at Bill Barrys in Rothsay. Had a fine time. very nice fine day. a little snowy at times in evening. not very cold.

Tuesday, 28 (59-306)

Da choring in forenoon. He and Uncle RIchd at Drayton in afternoon. rather stormy forenoon. lovely afternoon. Olive and I over to a party at Retta Hilborn's (night Hasheal came after us. We came home with McEwings. beautiful night.

March Wednesday, 1 (60-305)

Da and Will choring and farmed up a grist of chop. Will took it to Drayton in afternoon. Mr. Kemp came here in afternoon, he and Da went up to Uncle Richds to pick out a monument Mr. Kemp stayed all night. Played Euchre. beautiful bright day. not very cold. Will Walker came down this morning.

March Thursday, 2 (61-304) 1905

Will took load of chop to Drayton in forenoon and another in afternoon. Da done the chores. Will went home to-night. Da gone over to Burrows to have game of euchre at night. beautiful bright day, but rather cold wind.

Friday, 3 (62-303)

Da done the chores and took a grist to Drayton in forenoon. Will came home with him and helped fill another. Da took it down in afternoon. Ma and Grandma over to see Mrs. Harrison in afternoon. Stayed for tea. rather mild day. cold bleak wind. snowing quite heavily at night.

Saturday, 4 (63-302)

Will came down this morning and took a grist to town. Da did chores. Then took black heifer down to Johnny Brooks after dinner and cut load of ice while Will brought home the chop. Brought ice at night. Brock at Drayton with Will in afternoon. beautiful bright, clear, day. rather cold wind. Mr. North called this morning and left a pump log to go to Uncle Rich'ds

March Sunday, 5 (64-301) 1905

Brock up to Uncle Richds in afternoon. drifting all day. rather a little stormy in afternoon wind rather searching.

Monday, 6 (65-300)

Da and Will done chores and cleaned out pens, then drawing manure all day. Ma up to Bob Gass for bag of spy apples in afternoon. Just a beautiful bright warm day. Wilmot Drury's party. Did not go.

Tuesday, 7 (66-299)

Da and Will choring and drawing Manure all day. Wise Craig here for dinner. Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon. Mabel came down this afternoon. Alex Duff here in afternoon and took Bull away. very fine day, but got little dull towards evening. very mild. Da and Ma married 23 years to-night:

March Ash Wednesday (Quebec & N.W.T.) Wednesday, 8 (67-298) 1905

Da and Will choring and finished drawing out the manure. Da gone up to Mr. Morrison's and over to J. Irvins to see Toivi Miller. Will went home to-night and was going to see Gregary's and Herb. McLaughlan and see Stewart Malcolson. Brock at Hilborns and McEwings asking hands to wood-bee. beautiful bright day. E.G. Henry called in this evening.

Thursday, 9 (68-297)

Da and Will did the chores, then went to bush and filled trees till noon. Had wood-bee in the afternoon. Had 17 men for tea. Mabel here in afternoon. Mr. Walker came down after tea and had game of euchre. Will went home. very fine day. quite soft and mild.

Friday, 10 (69-296)

Da choring in forenoon and put in props under the kitchen. At Drayton in afternoon. Had our party to-night. TOm Miller played and Stewart Malcasom called off. About 46 here. Broke up about half past three. beautiful night; rather sharp. a little stormy through the day.

March Saturday, 11 (70-295) 1905

Da done up the chores and cleaned out pens. TOok the Jersey down to Bill Richard's in afternoon. Cecil in Walker here for dinner. Will and Mr. Walker drawing home hay from the stack. We straightning up after party. Very fine bright day. rather sharp wind.

Sunday, 12 (71-294)

Ma and I up to church in forenoon. fine forenoon. qite stormy in afternoon, but cleared off and was a beautiful eveingin sharp wind.

Monday, 13 (72-293)

Da and Will done up chores, then drawing up wood from bush the rest of day. Ma over helping Mrs. Burrow paper the north bed-room. Brock went to town for a hundred of flour after school. beautiful fine clear day. 10º below zero this morning

March Tuesday, 14 (73-292) 1905

Da and Will done up the chores then drawing up wood from the bush all day. Miss Craig here and have us our lessons. stayed to dinner. Finished drawing up the body wood. just the limbs now to get up. beautiful bright day. lovely moon-light nights. Wilmot Drury here asking for a party at Bill Well's on 8th P.M. to-morrow night.

Wednesday, 15 (74-291)

Da and Will done the chores, then drawing hay from the stack into the barn. Mr. Walker and Chester helping. They took home a load of hay and straw. Will went home to-night. Ma and Grandma at Drayton this afternoon. Brock over to Wilmot's to say we're not going to party. Hosheal Hilborn went West to-day. Beautiful bright day, quite warm in middle of day.

Thursday, 16 (75-290)

Da did chores in forenoon. drawing limbs up to house from bush in afternoon. Mrs. J. Walker up here at supper time. Sleeting in forenoon and freezing on every thing very slippery. very mild day. dull and dark.

March Friday, 17 (76-289) 1905

St. Patrick's Day. Da done chores in forenoon, then at bush cutting up limbs in afternoon. Ma at quilting at Mrs. J. Walker's in afternoon. very foggy forenoon, cleared off at noon and was beautiful afternoon. snow went in fields quite a bit this afternoon very mild all day.

Saturday, 18 (77-288)

Da choring in forenoon. cleaned out pens and walked to Drayon in afternoon. very dull day. very foggy and showry in forenoon. cleared off after dinner but was still showery. thunder and lightning in afternoon. very foggy at night. roads very soft. snow gone a lot to-day.

Sunday, 19 (78-287)

Olive and I walked up to Miss Stones for dinner and back again in evening. rather dull day. roads bad. raw east wind. turned cold through night and froze.

March MONDAY, 20 (79-286) 1905

Da did chores in forenoon, then Wat and he covered the ice in afternoon. beautiful bright day. snow went away a lot to day. Freezing at night.

TUESDAY, 21 (80-285)

Will Walker came down to do chores. Da gone to Harriston on noon train. walked to station. Annie Craig here and gave us our lessons. She walked. C. Hilborn here after his saw at night. rather dull day, bright about noon but dull again towards evening. soft to night, raw east wind all day. Will splitting wood here at house.

WEDNESDAY, 22 (81-284)

Will done up the chores, then splitting wood all day. I walked down to Drayton in morning. Da came off morning train. Then we came back at noon. Will went home to night. thawing all day. not bright at all. Eli Mitchel married to Ida McKay. Elmer Ganis " " {Clara uses quotation marks (also known as ditto marks) to insinuate the same text as her previous line, that being "married to"} Ida Blackwell. Clara 20 years old.

March THURSDAY, 23 (82-283) 1905

Da done chores then splitting wood in afternoon. Uncle Johnny Gordon here in afternoon. very fine day. snow gone a lot to-day. roads bad. looking like a change in the weather.

FRIDAY, 24 (83-282)

Da done the chores, and cleaned out the pens in the forenoon, splitting wood in afternoon. raining a little this morning but cleared off and was quite bright. not freezing any snow going fast to-day. roads very bad (soft).

SATURDAY, 25 (84-281)

Da done the chores, splitting wood and digging a drain to let water away from in front of driving house. Olive, Brock and I walked to Drayton in afternoon. beautiful bright warm day. snow ^ going {Clara added "going" afterwards} very quickly. roads quite soft. getting bare on the 12th.

March SUNDAY, 26 (85-280) 1905

Da down to Mr. McEwing's in afternoon. Wallace Walker here this afternoon. very dull at times. quite shiffs of rain off and on, cooler to-day.

MONDAY, 27 (86-279)

Da done up chores and cleaned pens in forenoon. Walked to town in afternoon for salt for sick cow (Judy) Mr. Josh Gregory brought in two bags potatoes in afternoon. very warm day. bright. lawsuit on between Will Gregory and Hugh Gibbs over potatoes that were frozen.

TUESDAY, 28 (87-278)

Da done the chores and splitting wood all day. Mr. Craig brought Annie over this morning and called for her after dinner. Dave Corbitt and Bill Noble here in afternoon. very warm bright day. looking like rain. buggy's and waggons running now. Judy calved.

March WEDNESDAY, 29 (88-277) 1905

Da done up chores and cleaned pens in forenoon. Splitting wood in afternoon. very hot day. Thermometer 74º very bright. snow all gone round house.

THURSDAY, 30 (89-276)

Da done chores and finished splitting wood. Piling up the wood. Mr. Johnston agent for machinery called in this afternoon. Quite heavy shower rain about school time, dull till noon, then cleared off and was very bright afternoon high wind, but it went down at night.

FRIDAY, 31 (90-275)

Da done the chores and piling wood rest of day. Ma went up to Gass's {?} and helped Bill empty a bed-tick. very fine day. I started Olive's dress.

April SATURDAY, 1 (91-274) 1905

Da choring and finished piling the wood. Ma, Olive and Brock at Drayton in afternoon. bright, forenoon, but dull and dark in afternoon. rather raw cold wind. I working at Olive's brown dress all day

SUNDAY, 2 (92-273)

At home all day. dull all day. rather raw last wind.

MONDAY, 3 (93-272)

Da did chores, then he and Wat loaded up the hogs and he took them to Moorefield. Will Walker came down after dinner then he and Da cutting up limbs in bush. Came on rain after supper and rained quite hard. quite bright at times strong, rather cold last wind. Will stayed all night.

April TUESDAY, 4 (94-271) 1905

Da done the chores. Then split a few ^hard {added above text} blocks of wood before dinner. Jack Walker up here in forenoon. Da helping Jack Walker clean up seed grains in afternoon. Will went home after breakfast. quite a rain before breakfast. dull till noon. then quite fine with very strong wind. very sultry, but turned colder towards night, Miss Craig not here.

WEDNESDAY, 5 (95-270)

Da done up the chores in forenoon then he and Watt cleaning up seed grains here in afternoon. Jon Henderson and Burrows Deering Agents here in forenoon. rather cold day, but a little milder towards night. cloudy at times. quite hard frost.

THURSDAY, 6 (96-269)

Da did up the chores, then lying round the house all afternoon. He took sick in the night with diarrhoea and his stomach feels very weak. Mr. Walker and Chester drew his loads of straw home in afternoon. dull and cloudy, with quite a flurry of snow in afternoon. a little milder towards night.

April FRIDAY, 7 (97-268) 1905

Da cleaned out the stables, then lying around rest of day. Felt a little better but still very weak. Brock came home sick tonight. quite bright, but cold wind.

SATURDAY, 8 (98-267)

Will Walker came down this morning. Did up chores and cleaned out pens, then he and Da started to clip "Mark", finished him after dinner and Olive and I went to town. Da and Will farming up some oats for Will. Da and Will gone to town after supper. very fine bright day, but cold wind. hard frost this morning.

SUNDAY, 9 (99-266)

Ma and Brock up to see Miss Stone in afternoon. Da and Ma down to I. Hilborn's after tea to see old Mr. Lundy. Olive and I at Grandma's for dinner. Sara Burrows here in evening. lovely bright afternoon. dull forenoon rather strong wind quite warm.

April MONDAY, 10 (100-265) 1905

Da did up chores, then John Walker came and they cleaned up wheat then took fanning mill over to Watt, just before milking. Ma helping Mrs. Burrows paper the boy's chamber. raining almost steady till three o'clock then cleared up quite warm gentle rain. mild night.

TUESDAY, 11 (101-264)

Da did up the chores then went over and helping Wat. to clean up seed and grain the rest of day. Miss Craig here and gave us our lessons. rather dull forenoon but got brighter as the day went on. colder towards evening Freezing at night.

WEDNESDAY, 12 (102-263)

Da did up the chores, then went over and helped Wat, finish farming up seed grain then Da took team to town and got them shod. Brought home a Butter- worker. Ma at Draytons in forenoon and got Mark shod. Lovely bright day. quite strong wind in afternoon. warm.

April THURSDAY, 13 (103-262) 1905

Da did up chores and cleaned out pens in forenoon. Went to Drayton in afternoon and had "Dick" shod. Spring Horse Show to-day. Beautiful bright day but quite cold in evening.

FRIDAY, 14 (104-261)

Da done the chores, then he killed a pig. Mr. Burrows helping. Hitched up the colt with Molly, for first time and drove them on the lines in the afternoon. rather dull day. snow flurries at times colder towards night.

SATURDAY, 15 (105-260)

Da done the chores in forenoon, then he and Brock took piece of meat up to Uncle Richie. Drove colt for first to waggon. Drawing a few rails from old orchard fence over to house. Olive walked to town in afternoon. Got two teeth filled quite a cold day. heavy snow flurrys in afternoon.

April SUNDAY, 16 (106-259) 1905

Da and Ma over to Dick Lowes to-day. rather bright at times, with heavy snow storms towards evening. high wind and pretty cold.

MONDAY, 17 (107-258)

Mr. Chas Walker got 33 bush of oats @ 40¢ of bush this forenoon. Da done up the chores and cleared pens in forenoon. Drew up some limbs from bush then Bob Gass came along for seed Barley. very wintry morning. ground covered with snow, very heavy falls of snow and stormy at times all day. quite cold. rather {author now writing slightly higher to fit word in} bright

TUESDAY, 18 (108-257)

Da did up chores then drawing up limbs from bush till he cracked the "reach" of waggon then drawing rails off sideroad. Bush very soft. terrible snow storms at times in forenoon, slight flurries in afternoon. quite cold. C. Hilborn and Will brought engine and saw here from Lowery's after tea to saw wood. Miss Craig not here.

April WEDNESDAY, 19 (109-256) 1905

Will came down this forenoon and helped with the chores then they drew rest of rails from side-road and filled tank before dinner. Ma at Drayton in forenoon. Wat and Chester helping saw up rails and limbs. very fine day. high wind all day. rather cold in morning. snow all disappeared and ground drying very quickly.

THURSDAY, 20 (110-255)

Da done up chores in forenoon and cleaned out pens. I went to town after dinner to send Dr. Pickel up to see Vesta. She has inflammation of Bowels. Da piling wood rather dull spitting rain in afternoon. Will Walker here in forenoon for a couple of bags of seed oats and took old Dick over to work Lowery's horse sick.

GOOD FRIDAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 21 (111-254)

Da done up the chores, then piling up the wood rest of day. raining through night and turned to sleet with heavy fall of snow wet and disagreeable. quite fine at night. Brock went to town after dinner with an instrument of Dr. Pickel's. rather raw day.

April TUESDAY, 25 (115-250) 1905

Da and Brock done the chores then Da plowing in orchard all day. Ma at Grandma's making soap out of "Gilletts Lye", in afternoon. very beautiful day, quite strong wind in afternoon. Miss Craig not here.

WEDNESDAY, 26 (116-249)

Da and Brock done the chores then finished plowing the orchard, then started to cultivate field along side wire fence. Olive walked to town in forenoon got some teeth filled. Norm Perkins here for dinner. Aunt Emma here in afternoon rather dull in forenoon but turned out very fine. quite hot afternoon. ground rather wet.

THURSDAY, 27 (117-248)

Da done some of the chores, then sowed, what he cultivated yesterday, in forenoon, Finished the chores at noon and got John Walker's three horse cultivator and finished the field to-night. Olive and Brock up to Miss Stone's for Rose bush, in afternoon. very fine day. quite hazy and pretty warm.

April FRIDAY, 28 (118-247) 1905

Da finished sowing what he cultivated yesterday afternoon and then harrowed it. Finished about four o'clock, then cultivating root ground. very fine day. pretty warm, but good breeze. hazy and smoky all day. planted a few potatoes after supper.

SATURDAY, 29 (119-246)

Da disced the wet part of root ground finished cultivating it then sowed and harrowed it. Mr. North here for dinner, but couldn't fix pump as he had not windlass. Olive and I at town in forenoon. little rain in the night and a sprinkle this morning. cleared off and was fine afternoon, strong wind. Da cleaned pens and disced a piece of the orchard after tea. Have about 15 acres sowed to night.

SUNDAY, 30 (120-245)

At home all day. We children back to bush in afternoon. very few flowers out. very dull day. quite cold and very cloudy.

May MONDAY, 1 (121-244) 1905

Da cultivating in forenoon and sowing what he cultivated, in afternoon, back at Uncle Richds. line fence. Ma took Olive down to Drayton this morning. She starting to school in town and boarding at Tom Hendersons. rather dull and cold this forenoon, but cleared off and was quite bright. Cheese factory started John Walker milk drawer.

TUESDAY, 2 (122-243)

Da done up the chores, then went out about ten and disced in field back of Poplars. After dinner he harrowed what was sowed the day before, then cultivating till six o'clock. Miss Craig here and gave me a lesson. Planted few potatoes and beans in orchard after supper. snowing and sleeting before breakfast, sprinkle of rain after breakfast, then cleared off and was fine afternoon, searching last wind.

WEDNESDAY, 3 (123-242)

Da done the chores, then took a grist of chop to Drayton in forenoon. Da cultivating some and sowing this afternoon. I went to Drayton before dinner and got Mrs. Gordon to fit my blue dress. quite heavy showers this morning, then cleared off and was very hot the rest of day. Thundering at night and looking like rain.

May THURSDAY, 4 (124-241) 1905

{Diarist writing above first line} Elise colt 3 years old. Mr. McEwing here at night. {Diarist now writing on lines of paper} Da done the chores, then went and harrowed behind Poplars, brought cultivator up with him, and broke the tongue coming up. Picked some stone off little field on other place and got J. Walker's cultivator before dinner. Cultivated field behind Grandpas driving house and started in the one this way. Roy sowing oats in afternoon where Da cultivated. strong wind fine afternoon, turned colder through night foggy morning.

FRIDAY, 5 (125-240)

Da done the chores then he and Uncle Richds two teams and Ross McEwing working on other place. Cultivated and sowed at 14 acre field and 6 acres. Brock went for Olive after school. Mr. + Mrs. Jim Gregory here in evening for short while. Jim Bready here for first time for dinner. went to Drayton from here. foggy morning cleared off and was fine day. sprinkle of rain about four. heavy showers went round. quite a breeze and warm.

SATURDAY, 6 (126-239)

Da harrowed what was sowed yesterday in forenoon. Went to town about four o'clock for grist. Professor Rayner came here to tune piano. Stayed for dinner. came on a drizzling rain about ten o'clock. rained very steadily and hard till about four o'clock, turned quite cold. Mother 42 years old.

May SUNDAY, 7 (127-238) 1905

Da and I down to {diarist added word above text} ^ old {diarist back to writing on the line} Mrs. Hambly's funeral in afternoon. dull and dark forenoon, but turned out fine in afternoon. very high wind, but went at night. Mr. + Mrs. T. Henderson called to-night had been over to Dick Lowes.

MONDAY, 8 (128-237)

Da done up some chores, then Wat and Uncle Richd helped him load 13 hogs and he took them to Moore field in forenoon. Turned young cattle out for first time, in afternoon, into field behind farm. then drawing out manure onto other place to spread round fence when they could not get in winter time. quite heavy showers after dinner, quite cool and windy all day. rather bright forenoon. Brock took Olive back to school this morning.

TUESDAY, 9 (129-236)

Da done the chores then Harry and Roy came down with their team and all drew out manure {diarist writing above text} to their place. {Diarist writing on lines again} Uncle Richd. here also. Miss Craig here for dinner. Bill Barry here for while in evening quite cold wind, bright at times, then dull again.

May WEDNESDAY, 10 (130-235) 1905

Uncle Richds two teams came down this morning to gang-plow. Ross up with his teams. Da ganging also, in field behind old orchard. Didn't get finished. Ma and Grandma at Drayton in forenoon. Ma got brown straw hat. dull all day. no sunshine, sprinkle of rain about four o'clock.

THURSDAY, 11 (131-234)

Da and Harry, sowed and (harrowed twice) half of field behind old orchard. Ma helping Grandma make soap in afternoon. Minnie Walker and Sara Burrows here in evening. dull and quite hazy all day. scarcely any sunshine.

FRIDAY, 12 (132-233)

Da and Harry finished the seeding at noon to-day. Da cleaned out pens and covered a patch of twitch grass with it, in wheat field. then cultivated in turnip ground. Jim Bready here for dinner. Brock went for Olive round by the 10th and she came round other way with Hilborns. Da gone to town at night for to pay C. White some money. very fine afternoon. dull morning. strong breeze. beautiful night. Alice Page 20 years old

May SATURDAY, 13 (133-232) 1905

Da done the chores, then cultivating til noon with John Walkers' cultivator, on turnip and mangol ground. Took cultivator home and brought up turnip drill, then sowed mangols 36 rows. Miss Stone came down this forenoon and Brock drove her to town. he also took back Uncle Richds grass seed. Ma dug over pansy bed in afternoon very fine day. and a lovely night.

SUNDAY, 14 (134-231)

Ma at Grandma's in afternoon Mr. Craig here for while. very heavy rain this morning. cleared off and was very hot at times.

MONDAY, 15 (135-230)

Da done the chores, then cleared rubbish out of orchard and disced it till noon. Digging between trees in afternoon. Brock drove Olive back to school this morning. Mr. Craig got load of hay this forenoon out of barn. very disagreeable forenoon. little scud of rain at times. very dull afternoon. rather cool. milk goes to factory every day now.

May TUESDAY, 16 (136-229) 1905

Da digging between trees in orchard in forenoon. Throwing rotten turnips out of root-house in afternoon. Let cows out for first time at noon on to other place. We washed blankets in afternoon. Miss Craig here in forenoon. quite fine forenoon, but quite a big shower in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 17 (137-228)

Da plowed little patch in front and some corn around other side of driving house in forenoon, working on corn ground and harrowing piece in front. Miss Stone and Lawrence here for dinner. I at town in afternoon for Olive. no school rest of week. Teachers convention. quite fine at times, then again, cloudy. thundering at noon.

THURSDAY, 18 (138-227)

Da and Wat made gravel box in forenoon. Then over helping draw Burrows barn together in afternoon. Brock up to Wooddissee for strawberry plants in afternoon. Ma down helping Grandma pack up things, all day. quite heavy rain in forenoon, raw, dull and cold in afternoon. Uncle Willie came home to-night.

May FRIDAY, 19 (139-226) 1905

Da plowing at the corn ground, then moving fence below it. Ma and Brock at Drayton from eleven o'clock helping Grandma straighten things round. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Minnie Walker here in afternoon, asked us to go to Elora Rocks on 24th May. very fine bright day, but very windy, looking like frost.

SATURDAY, 20 (140-225)

Da marked {diarist placed an asterisk above "a" in the work marked} rows for potatoes and cut some potatoes in forenoon. Dropped potatoes in afternoon below orchard. Ma at Drayton all day helping Grandma Myrtle Burrows and Annie here for while in afternoon. very bright day, but cold wind. froze very hard {diarist scratched out the word "also" under text} at night, also night before.

SUNDAY, 21 (141-224)

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davidson came here in afternoon and stayed for tea. Uncle Willie and Jim her after tea for a while. very fine bright day, wind rather cool.

May MONDAY, 22 (142-232) 1905

Da working on corn ground and planting some potatoes. Bill Barry came here to build fence from orchard fence, down to brush fence. rather dull in forenoon. fine afternoon. frost at night. Brock took Olive back to school.

TUESDAY, 23 (143-222)

Da working on corn ground in forenoon. sowing it in afternoon, and piching {?} up along big ditch. I at Drayton in forenoon. Bill working at fence all day. very fine bright day, but wind rather cold. I sent word to Miss Craig not to come as I don't know my lesson.

VICTORIA DAY (Dominion) WEDNESDAY, 24 (144-221)

Da plowing and harrowing piece of sod over big ditch, and moving rails. Bill building fence. I went to Elora Rock with Templars of Rothsay. (frizzle). beautiful bright day. cool in evening and morning.

May THURSDAY, 25 (145-220) 1905

Da cleared out pens, then drawing out manure on to turnip ground. Bill fencing behind Poplar brushes. Ma at Drayton at Grandma's all day. very fine day, but very windy all afternoon. wind fell off at night and quite a shower after tea.

FRIDAY, 26 (146-219)

Da drawing out manure on to turnip ground all day. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Brock went for Olive after school. quite fine day, but rather cool wind, very hard frost at night. Brock brought sack of "Cream Equivalant" $2.00 for calves.

SATURDAY, 27 (147-218)

Da plowing down manure on turnip ground in forenoon. Bill Barry came over after dinner and he and Da cut potatoes and planted them below corn in afternoon. Da finished plowing in manure and harrowed it twice Olive over to Craigs for her music lesson in afternoon. Ma and Brock planted tomatoes and cabbage plants to-night. very fine day. quite hot. Uncle Richd brought up two bags of potatoes from Mr. Andrews for us.

May SUNDAY, 28 (148-217) 1905

Olive and I up to English Church in forenoon. Ma and Brock over to grave yard in afternoon. very fine day, rather windy. cool.

MONDAY, 29 (149-216)

Da cleaned out pens and drawing out man-ure to turnip-ground till about noon. Over to Burrows after dinner, then cleaned calf-pens. Hay press came to Burrows. Brock took Olive back to school. very wet day. started to sprinkle about ten o'clock, and kept getting heavier, till it rained hard and steadily till after four o'clock. lot of water fell. Cecil Walker here for tea.

TUESDAY, 30 (150-215)

Da over at Burrow's helping press hay, till about eleven o'clock. Bill Barry took over team and took a load of rails to Rothsay Da hoeing potatoes in afternoon and scuffled strawberries after tea. mowed and raked lawn before dinner. Ma and I cleaned front room in afternoon. Miss Craig not here to-day. cleared off about ten o'clock and came out very warm.

May WEDNESDAY, 31 (151-214) 1905

Da drawing out manure to turnip ground in forenoon. spreading what was in a heap back there, in afternoon, plowing it in after tea. ma and I cleaned two bed rooms to-day. beautiful day. just cool enough to make it agreeable. frost this morning.

June ASCENSION DAY (Quebec) THURSDAY, 1 (152-213)

Da finished plowing in the manure, then drawing from shed and manure house on to turnip ground. Uncle Willie here in afternoon. Mrs. Bill Barry here in afternoon. Annie Craig called to see if I could make here a Dressing Sacque. Ma and I cleaned two bed rooms. very fine day, quite warm. looking like rain. Brock to town for Beef this morning.

FRIDAY, 2 (153-212)

Da working on root ground all day. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Da and Ma at Drayton in evening. Dull morning, but cleared off and turned out quite fine. cool evening. windy. Brock went for Olive.

June SATURDAY, 3 (154-211) 1905

Da over helping Mr. Hatch "jack" up his barn in forenoon. Working on root ground in afternoon. I went to town this forenoon Brock up at Uncle Richd in afternoon. very fine bright day. heavy frost this morning.

SUNDAY, 4 (155-210)

Da, Ma and I up to see old Mrs. McKay in evening. dull, damp forenoon, but turned out quite sultry in afternoon.

MONDAY, 5 (156-209)

Brock took Olive back to town this morning. Da went out to work turnip ground, but it came on rain. Da buried a sheep after dinner, then choring. came on very heavy rain about three o'clock. cleared off about about five, and Uncle Willie and I went up to Mr. J Gregory's for tea. Spent a very nice evening. cool and very damp. Uncle Willie 37 years old.

June TUESDAY, 6 (157-208) 1905

Da at Jack Walker in forenoon helping press hay. Ma down also. Da choring in afternoon. Went up to McKee's after tea to see when press was coming here. F. Page here for block of ice. Miss Craig did not come. rained very gentle steady rain about breakfast time cleared off and came out quite fine, but raining again to-night. very sharp lightning.

WEDNESDAY, 7 (158-207)

Bill Barry came down about noon. Noecker's hay press came here about four o'clock. Mr. Duff, Mr. Longthorn, Mr. McColgan, Mr. Cavenaugh, Da choring in forenoon. Da and Mr. Duff went {word "went" written above the word "came" crossed out} to town at night. Bill stayed at Burrows, all night. Uncle Will called here for few minutes. very steady rain for while in forenoon but cleared off some. Had eleven men for tea. cool night.

THURSDAY, 8 (159-206)

Hay pressers, went away about ten o'clock this morning. Noecker wouldn't press stack, but just took hay in barn. Da took load of hay to town and had the horses shod. Very fine day. shunshiny day. Minnie Walker and Mrs. Lowrey called this afternoon and asked us up to their place for Friday night. Bill Barry came down from Morrisons and helped load hay. stayed all night.

June FRIDAY, 9 (160-205) 1905

Da took load of hay in forenoon, then he and Wat each took a load in afternoon. Ma at Drayton all day, brought Olive home. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Bill Barry came down and helped load hay. Olive and I up to Mr. Walker's to spend evening. Had a splendid time. rather dull and quite sultry. looking like rain.

SATURDAY, 10 (161-204)

Da cleaning pens and stables, in forenoon, Brought cultivator over from other place and choring some in afternoon. Dave Corbitt here in afternoon quite heavy rain in morning, then cleared up some, but come on rain again towards night. quite sultry at night. Mrs. Craig and Annie here and gave us each a music lesson.

SUNDAY, 11 (162-203)

Da and Mr. Bready drove out to Arthur this forenoon. Olive Brock and I up to Miss Stone's for dinner. Uncle Willie here in afternoon. very sultry at times cooler towards evening. quite a mizzle rain this morning.

June MONDAY, 12 (163-202) 1905

Da and Wat each took a load of our hay to station this morning. That finishes our hay. Da helping Wat draw his hay, took three loads. I took Olive to town this morning, roads very muddy, but dried a little this afternoon. very foggy morning but cleared off this afternoon. not very bright.

TUESDAY, 13 (164-201)

Da took two loads of hay, for Wat, this forenoon. Took a load of our hay (loose) down to Dr. Pickel in afternoon. Jennie Craig here in afternoon for her Mothers umbrella. Ross helped load the hay after dinner. very foggy morning, but cleared off and was a lovely day.

A beautiful moon-light night. Johnny Benson went West this morning.

WEDNESDAY, 14 (165-200)

Wat. Percy and Ross helped Da load a fat steer. Da and Wat took it to Moorefield. Burrows, Uncle Richd and we washed sheep in afternoon Mr. Walper and Mr. T. Henderson here for tea. I down to McEwing after tea.

very hot day. Thermometer stood at 100° at half past six. no breeze, steer brought $70.xx

June THURSDAY, 15 (166-199) 1905

Da got John Walker's cultivator, and cultivated the turnip ground this forenoon. Harry came down this afternoon and ridged up turnip ground. Da sowed the turnips. Ma at Drayton all day. Wat had our stock rack this morning.

terrible hot day, Horses and cattle suffer with the heat.

FRIDAY, 16 (167-198)

Da cleaning pens and horse stables in forenoon. Over at Mr. Burrows in afternoon helping "jack" up the barn, to push it together. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Ma up to see Mrs. C. Walker in afternoon. She had tumor cut out of breast. Brock went for Olive. very sultry all day, quite a rain this forenoon and again in the afternoon. very heavy shower after tea. Mrs. Jack Mitchell and old Mrs McKay both dead.

SATURDAY, 17 (168-197)

Da took a grist and some wheat to town in forenoon, Choring in afternoon. Ma and I over to Mrs. Jack Mitchells funeral in afternoon. large funeral.

very hot day on man and beast.

Will Walker called here in forenoon. Farmers' Excursion to O. A. College. Da scuffling potatoes and strawberries after tea.

June SUNDAY, 18 (169-196) 1905

Ma, Olive and I up to Old Mrs. McKay funeral. large funeral. very hot day.

MONDAY, 19 (170---195)

Da sheared the sheep to-day, finished scuffling potatoes after tea. I took Oliver to school this morning.

very hot forenoon, but breeze sprang up at noon, and the air cooled down some.

Old Mrs. Woods died suddenly.

TUESDAY, 20 (171---194)

Da up at Rothsay doing road work. Had dinner with Miss Stone. Will Walker came over this morning, scuffled mangolds and hoeing all day. Miss Craig here for dinner. MissNorth, her mother, and Miss McCarthy called here for while in afternoon.

very warm day, but very nice breeze.

June WEDNESDAY, 21 (172---193) 1905

Da and Brock finished hoeing the mangols at milking-time. Ma and I at Old Mrs Wood's funeral in afternoon. large funeral.

pretty hot at times, again cloudy. looking like rain at night. Da started to scuffle corn after tea.

THURSDAY, 22 (173---192)

Da finished scuffling corn, then cleaned out pens. Jack Walker helping Da "ring" hogs after tea. Ma at Drayton all day.

very bright day, but quite cool. Orton's birthday.

FRIDAY, 23 (174---191)

Da plowed and harrowed little patch down where Grandpa's were. Mr. Bready here for dinner. I over baking for Mrs Burrows in afternoon. Olive, Brock and I over to Zion Social in evening. Uncle Willie called in for little while in evening. very fine day, evening cool.

Grandpa Philp one year dead to-day.

June SATURDAY, 24 (175---190) 1905

Da took the wool and a few bags of chop to Drayton this forenoon. Helping Isaac Hilborn draw cemenet from station in afternoon. Brock up to Mr. McKay's in forenoon, for duck eggs. Da fixing gravel box after tea. very fine day. hot, but good night for sleeping.

SUNDAY, 25 (176---189)

Ma, Olive and Brock up to Presbyterian Church in forenoon.

Art. Garneau and Wat here in afternoon very warm all day, heavy rainstorms went round. not much rain here, but turned a lot cooler.

MONDAY, 26 (177---188)

Started road work this morning. Bill Barry and Percy here for dinner. Bill stayed all night. I at Drayton all day sewing. Olive went back to school.

very cool morning, but cleared up and was quite warm at noon.

Old Mr. Sterne died in Alma. Otto Mosser here at noon and paid his road-work $7.00

June TUESDAY, 27 (178---187) 1905

Da and Bill working at road work all day. Bill went home at night. Mrs Jack Woods and her sister-in-law, Mrs Callough here for dinner. Annie Craig here in forenoon. Mr. Henderson brought Janet out to-night.

very nice day, bright. rather cool. looking like frost.

WEDNESDAY, 28 (179---186)

Da finished our road-work to-day. Brock drove the team to-day I went to Drayton for Olive after tea. very fine day. cloudy at times. cool evening.

THURSDAY, 29 (180---185)

Da and McEwings doing Mr. Mossers roadwork. Brock drove our team. Work finished on our beat now.

very warm day.

Catholic Picnic in Samis' Grove.

June FRIDAY, 30 (181---184) 1905

Da cleaned all the pens and stables in forenoon. Over at Mr. Josh. Gregory's barn raising in afternoon Mr. Bready here for dinner. I at town all day helping Mrs. Gordon sew. Olive and Janet over to see Minnie Hilborn. very warm day. looking like shower at night.

July Dominion Day (Dominion) SATURDAY, 1 (182---183)

Da went back to help finish putting up Mr. Gregory's barn. home about eleven, then went back and pumped trough of water on other place. In afternoon, Da and Will Walker drove "old Vesta" out to Arthur. home at half-past nine. very dull forenoon, mizzling and rainy in afternoon.

SUNDAY, 2 (183---182)

Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson and Brett came out after dinner for Janet. Stayed for tea. Olive and I up to Mr. Walker's after tea. Mr. Duncan here after tea. very dull forenoon, but came out very warm.

beautiful evening.

July MONDAY, 3 (184---181) 1905

Da hoeing the weeds out of the potatoes and strawberries. Brock drove Olive up to Mr. Wooddisse's to pick strawberries She picked 60 boxes. Brock paris-greened the potatoes.

quite fine day. quite steady east wind, dull towards evening. I have bad cold.

TUESDAY, 4 (185---180)

Da moulded up the potatoes, then plowing the orchard. Ma and Brock at Drayton all day. Wilmot Drury here for dinner. Mr. Arbuckle here in morning for "Spavin cure" for horse. Olive rode up to Wooddisse's with him. Didn't pick. Too wet. Da up to Uncle Richds after tea. very heavy shower just before dinner. Then came out very warm. Another heavy rain just after tea. Strong wind all afternoon. Got my rain coat from Eaton's - Blue $11.00

WEDNESDAY, 5 (187---179)

Da finished plowing orchard, then plowed little patch in front. I up to see if Mabel would go to Falls. quite fine day. little showery.

Olive at Wooddisse's picking berries. pulled 50 boxes.

July THURSDAY, 6 (187---178) 1905

Da working rape patch to-day. Brock and I at Drayton in afternoon Olive picking berries at Wooddisse's all day. picked 54 boxes. very fine day.

I got pair tan slippers & hose $2.40 + 25¢ = $2.65

FRIDAY, 7 (188---177)

Da scuffled mangolds and started to hoe them over. Cleaned out pens. Mr Bready here for dinner. I went on excursion to Niagara Falls. arrived at little after 2 P.M. Left at 7. P.M. home at 25 min. to one oc'loc Da met us and Uncle Rich. took Mabel and I to station. Har. Coram here in evening. rather dull forenoon but turned out beautiful afternoon. shower here in evening Old Mrs. Leich buried.

SATURDAY, 8 (189---176)

Da scuffling turnips till about ten o'clock then he went with Jack Walker up to Corbetts to see a horse. Brock and he hoeing rest of day. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Got pine apples from Guelph Retta Hilborn and two Miss McIntyres called here in afternoon. quite showery at time. very sultry between showers. Flora McDonald ran in on her way home from town.

July SUNDAY, 9 (170---175) 1905

Bill Barry and Will McDougal here for dinner. Bob. Gass and Maggie here in afternoon and for tea. dull morning but turned out quite fine. quite a cool spell in afternoon.

MONDAY, 10 (191---174)

Da cleaned up grist of chop and took it to town and got Carrie shod. Scuffling turnips in afternoon. Brock hoeing. Went up to Mr. Newsteads for load sand after tea. Brought 200 lbs. Flour to-day. steady light rain till well on in forenoon, then cleared up and was fine, but very sultry.

TUESDAY, 11 (192---173)

Da went away before seven o'clock with sand to erect Grandpa Philp's monument. Bill Barry and Brock hoeing turnips all day. Bill got "Dick" and buggy to go to Mt. Forest. Da came home with his front finger on right hand jammed. quite fine day till about three then came on rain, not very heavy. very sultry. Har. Coram called here in afternoon. I drove Olive up to Wooddiss'e's. picked 32 boxes came home about three o'clock. Ma at Drayton for meat in forenoon.

July WEDNESDAY, 12 (193---172) 1905

I drove Ma and Brock down to station. They went to Mt. Forest for 12th July. I met them at night. Da choring round all day. very rainy morning. rained steadily till noon then slacked up a little and rained slightly after dinner. very nice evening.

THURSDAY, 13 (194---171)

Da hoeing turnips in forenoon. Bill brought horse back and hoed till noon. Olive and I went up to pick berries. Got 14 boxes picked when a very heavy storm came up. very fierce lightning and thunder. Brock came after us after dinner. fine afternoon. Da got load of clay and went to level graves in cemetry, after tea. Olive and I up to Uncle Rich'ds after tea.

FRIDAY, 14 (195---170)

Da and Brock hoeing turnips all day Olive at Drayton for meat this forenoon. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Ma greening potatoes. Had new beans and potatoes for first time for dinner quite fine till about eleven o'clock, then came on quite a heavy rain. cleared off about two and was a lovely afternoon. fresh breeze.

July SATURDAY, 15 (196---169) 1905

Da and Brock finished hoeing the turnip at noon Da scuffled them in afternoon. Ma and Brock finished "greening" potatoes Da and Ma went to Drayton after tea. Olive up to Wooddisse's. not picking to-day. beautiful bright day. no rain. cloudy towards evening.

SUNDAY 16 (197---168)

Uncle Jim here in forenoon, for an hour, then called again at milking time, took Olive and I down to have tea with Grandma. Ma and Brock came down also.

beautiful fine day. very nice breeze, but warm.

MONDAY, 17 (198---167)

Da cleaned pens, got out mower and ground the knife, in forenoon. Mowed little patch in front and patch on other place. Cut up, in coil, little bit in front, in evening. Mary and two little girls here in evening (Carrie Solomon & Annie Newman.) Olive and I up at Wooddisse's picking berries. Brock 12 years old, and at Drayton in forenoon. very hot day. threatning rain to-night. Olive earned $2.53¢ picking berries. We got a crate.

July TUESDAY, 18 X (199---166) 1905

Da mowed little patch down next McEwing. in forenoon. He and Brock putting up in coil, what was cut in forenoon, raked it up after dinner. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Got Brock's wheel. Olive and I up to see Lily Morrison in evening. Mr. Har. Coram. gave Olive & I our first lesson in afternoon. very warm day. very fierce heat after dinner. slight breeze.

WEDNESDAY, 19 (200---165)

Da went up to Uncle Richds in morning to see well-drillers. Then drew a load of rails back to other place. Cutting hay in afternoon in back field on other place. Bill Barry came down before dinner. Well-drillers came here about four o'clock in afternoon. started to drill in well away back on other place after tea. Mr. Frank Wilson and four men with drill. Ma over to Craigs in evening. fierce wind in night with little rain. very fine all day. good breeze all day.

THURSDAY, 20 (201---164)

Da finished mowing and raked a couple of rounds in forenoon. Brock raking in afternoon, Bill and Da putting up hay in afternoon Drillers still drilling away got out of the quicksand night. Olive at town for meat this morning. quite fine day. cooler in evening.

Mr. F. Wilson, manager, Mr. Stratton, Mr. Sodden, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Voab.

July FRIDAY, 21 (202---163) 1905

Da and Bill filled the tank for well-drillers then drawing hay from back field all day. Filled tank again at night. Mr. Bready here for last time to-day. Olive at Drayton in afternoon for meat. quite fine day. hot at noon. cool evening.

Mr. Wilson went away after dinner.

SATURDAY, 22 (203---162)

Da and Bill finished big field at night. Olive and I drove Bill part way home. Da at town at night. Ma at town in afternoon. got 2 sacks of sugar from Guelph. Drillers didn't do much. had no casing. Mr. Stratton went away after dinner other 3 went after tea. Some of them helped little at hay. beautiful bright day. hot about noon.

SUNDAY, 23 (204---161)

Home all day.

Mrs. W. Gordon and Mrs. Wen. Cosford here in afternoon for while. little shower this morning. cleared off and was lovely day. good breeze. cool evening.

July MONDAY, 24 (205---160) 1905

Da and Bill Barry filled the tank and got some wood, then ground the mower knife in forenoon. Drew in little patches of hay in afternoon. Mr. Wilson came back and rest of men except Mr. Stratton. Olive and I at berry-patch (Walker's) in forenoon. Brock at town in afternoon. very nasty day. quite heavy showers off and on all day. cool, evening Bill Barry slept at Burrows.

TUESDAY, 25 (206---159)

Da mowing hay back of Poplars. Bill putting up hay. Brock raking. Brock at Drayton in morning for spring for hay rake. Mr. Stratton came back this morning. All the drillers went home except Willie Wilson. Have had back luck. Their rope broke. Mabel, Mary and Miss Frances here in evening. very fine day. good strong breeze.

Mr. Har. Coram here after dinner.

WEDNESDAY, 26 (207---158)

Da finished cutting hay behind Poplars. then started in field next to sideroad. raked up some after dinner, then cutting again till tea. Took tank of water back to water young cattle, after tea. Bill Barry and Willie Wilson putting up hay all day. Hold turnips till hay dried off. Ma took Brock to town and got tooth out. beautiful day, but little windy for putting up hay. cloudy towards night.

July THURSDAY, 27 (208---157) 1905

Da finished cutting in last field, and raked it nearly all before dinner. Willie Wilson and Brock hoed strawberries, then he, Bill Barry and Da finished putting up hay at supper time. Da took back some wood for well drillers. Mr. F. Wilson and Mr. Voal came to-night. Olive and I at berry-bush this forenoon. very fine day. quite strong wind. Bill Barry went home to-night.

FRIDAY, 28 (209---156)

Da, Bill Barry and Will Walker drawing in hay from back of Poplars. Got in sixteen loads. Mr. Wilson has very bad luck. Has started on a new place to drill. I at Drayton in afternoon. Mr. Henderson and an agent here in evening. quite fine forenoon, but dull in afternoon. Heavy rains gone round. few drops here in afternoon.

Mr. Webber and Mr. Johnston called in afternoon.

SATURDAY, 29 (210---155)

Mr. Chas Walker and Ches. came down with team and got load hay and took it home. Da and Bill Barry filled tank, then brought in hay in little patch and what was left behind Poplars. Bill Barry went home after dinner. Da got grist of chop and went to town. Got team shod. Mr. Frank Wilson went home on noon train. other two drove after tea. very dull all day got two baskets cherries $1.15 each. quite sultry.

July SUNDAY, 30 (211---154) 1905

Olive, Brock and I up to see Miss Stone in afternoon. Marie Black and Alex McLennan here in evening. Heavy rain through the night. Dull forenoon, but cleared up a little in afternoon. strong wind. cool evening.

MONDAY, 31 (212-153)

Da and Bill Barry started to draw hay, but it was too wet. Then they turned the coils till noon. Mr. Walker and Ches. here with team all afternoon. stacking hay in field. Mr. Voal and Sodden came this morning Mr. F. Wilson and Willie came after dinner. Mr. Stratton came about five o'clock. Olive at town in afternoon. very fine day. good breeze all day.

August TUESDAY, 1 (213---152)

Finished haying to-day. Bill Barry and Will Walker, helping. Took load of hay up to Miss Stone after tea. Ma and Brock up to Rothsay. Got 16½ lbs. raspberries from Mrs. Barry. Olive up to Uncle Rich'ds in evening. Drillers have struck "hard-pan" to-night. Bill Barry gone home. Mr. Voal took very sick through night. Feeling better to-night. lovely bright day. cool evening.

Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon. little frost at night.

August WEDNESDAY, 2 (214---151) 1905

Da and Bill Barry filled the tank and got some wood. Scuffling and hoeing turnips in afternoon. Ma at Drayton, at Grandma's for dinner. Da and Mr. Wilson away looking at road after tea.

Drillers getting along very well.

lovely bright day. cool evening Irvin's girls brought 13 lbs. raspberries @ 6¢ lb. Beautiful "norther lights" at night.

THURSDAY, 3 (215---150)

Drillers struck water in the night at about 114 feet. They packed up and had tea then left about half-past six for Arthur (evening). T. Henderson here in afternoon. I at Drayton in forenoon. We three up to Lawn Social at Mr. Morrison at night. Da and Bill Barry gathering up some loose hay in low orchard and raking down stack in forenoon. Da helping Mr. Wilson in afternoon. Bill Barry and Brock hoeing turnips. Bill went home at night. lovely day. quite hot.

FRIDAY, 4 (216---149)

Da started at half-past six with the drills and fasing to go to Mitchell's in Arthur, Tp. Home about four o'clock. started to rain about eleven o'clock and rained steadily till three. came out very hot after rain.

August SATURDAY, 5 (217---148) 1905

Da and Brock hoeing turnips in forenoon. Da dipped a trough of water for young cattle in afternoon. very heavy rains going round in afternoon had some rain in afternoon very hot in forenoon and again in after rain. Brock at town in forenoon.


Home all day till evening Ma, Olive and I over to Mr. Duncan's in evening. Brock wheeled down to Grandma's in afternoon. quite fine afternoon, dull morning. some rain in night. fierce thunder and lightning in night.


Da and Bill Barry took load of hogs to Moorefield in forenoon. All hoeing turnips in afternoon. Mr. Webber here in afternoon and for tea. Olive and I up to Rothsay in evening for raspberries. Got 39¼ lbs. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Cecil Walker here in afternoon.

quite hot day. Hogs brought $78.00

August TUESDAY, 8 (220---145) 1905

Da and Bill Barry finished hoeing mangolds Bill cut a few stakes and Da scuffled strawberries till dew dried off. Bill got little pig and took it home at night. All of us down to a Lawn Social at Mr. McEwings in evening. Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon. very fine day.

Heard at noon that well-drillers had broke through a culbert on way to Arthur. Frank got hurt.

WEDNESDAY, 9 (221---144

Da plowing little patch in front and hoeing out strawberries in forenoon. Dipped trough of water and went to town for a few brick and got a coil of poultry wire. Bill Barry cutting stakes in Poplars and on other place. He and Da at Drayton at night with dog "Mint".

very warm day. so sultry in forenoon nice breeze in afternoon.

THURSDAY, 10 (222---143)

Da and Bill put up the poultry wire from driving house to wood pile, then cutting stakes on other place. Bill gone home at night. Alice Page, Agnes and Mary Robertson here in afternoon.

very hot day, so sultry. sky a hazy. Thundering quite a bit in afternoon.

August FRIDAY, 11 (223---142) 1905

Da and Bill got out binder and started to cut barley on other place. Da and Ma over to Lawn Social at Mr. H. Montgomery's in evening. very hot day. smothering. little breeze in evening.

SATURDAY, 12 (224---141)

Da finished cutting the barley and Bill shocked it. Da took load of straw to Jack White and brought dog home, after tea.

Olive and I started about nine o'clock this morning and drove to Arthur to see Miss Magee. Got there about half-past eleven. very warm day.

SUNDAY, 13 (225---140)

Home all day.

fine but real cool.

August MONDAY, 14 (226---139) 1905

Da took load of hogs to Moorefield in forenoon. Up at Chas. Walker's threshing in afternoon. Bill Barry came down at noon, sharpening stakes on other place. Olive and I arrived home from Arthur at half-past ten this forenoon

very strong east wind all day. pretty cool

8 hogs brought $78.00

TUESDAY, 15 (227---138)

Da cleaned out root-house in forenoon went to Goldstone in afternoon to see Mr. Webber. Ordered a wind mill. Bill Barry went home after dinner. terrible heavy rain. rained all night and till about noon to-day. very strong north-east wind cool.

Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 16 (228---137)

Da drawing clay from knolls on side of road and making a culbert to go into other place. Ma at Drayton for dinner.

lovely day. heavy dew to-night.

August THURSDAY, 17 (229---136) 1905

Da started about nine o'clock to cut oats in field below house. Oats down quite a bit. Myrtle Burrows here in afternoon. Ma over to H. Hilborn's to see Mrs. McIntyre but she not there. Bill Barry not here.

beautiful bright day. quite hot. flies bad on cattle.

The "Bilton and Giles Case" tried to-day Moorefield. Roy Bilton got "Scot free" at trial

FRIDAY, 18 (230---135)

Da finished cutting oats in field below house, about noon. Bill Barry and he finished shocking it about four. Then started to cut on little fields on other place. Grain badly down. Bill Barry went to Matchets flax-bee after tea. Oliver, Winnie and I down to Isaac Hilborn's after tea. very fine all day. good breeze.

Ma went down to Mrs. J. Walker after dinner. baby girl born about two o'clock.

SATURDAY, 19 (231---134)

Mr. McEwing, Percy, Ross and team came up and all drew barley till two o'clock then a heavy rain came on. Bill Barry gone home after tea. Olive at Drayton in afternoon. Mrs. H. Hilborn, Retta, Mrs. McIntyre and Will all here for tea.

Got barley all in except a couple of loads. very dull morning, but cleared off about noon. Was very high wind about noon.

August SUNDAY, 20 (232---133) 1905

At home all day till evening, then Ma and I down to see Grandpas' after tea. Frank Page here in afternoon.

beautiful fine day.

MONDAY, 21 (233---132)

Da and Bill Barry brought in the two loads of barley, then cut the rest of the oats in two little fields on other place. Minnie Walker here in afternoon. Sarah Burrows serving here in afternoon. quite fine day. rumbling of thunder in afternoon. came on rain about half past six. very sharp lightning. Mr. W. Fair came in here out of storm. School started to-day. A Mr. Allen from Dublin teacher. salary $325.00

TUESDAY, 22 (234---131)

Da started to cut on big field of oats on other place. Bill shocking. Sarah Burrows here serving till noon. Mr. Har. Coram here this afternoon. Had a rubber-tire buggy. Beautiful bright day.

Oats pretty badly down.

August WEDNESDAY, 23 (235---130) 1905

Da finished cutting that field of oats on other place. Started goose- wheat in front of house about five o'clock. Cut three sides of it. Olive at Drayton in forenoon. Bill shocking.

very fine day. quite warm.

I finished Olive's silk dress. Willie Wilson wheeled over from Arthur and got Frank's money. $75.00 Willie going home to Manitoba.

THURSDAY, 24 (236---129)

Da finished cutting wheat about half-past eleven, then started to cut oats back of Poplars. Bill shocking. Ma took Olive to noon train. She gone to Guelph. I up to Uncle Rich'ds in evening. Bill gone home to-night. very dull day.

spitting rain at times.

FRIDAY, 25 (237---128)

Da finished cutting to-night about five o'clock. Put away binder, then he and Bill went to station for windmill. Ma down to see Mrs. J. Walker.

Mr. Fielding (tea-man) here this morning.

very fine day.

August SATURDAY, 26 (238---127) 1905

Da and Bill drew in field of oats next to Walkers, then Da took Bill to Rothsay and saw Henry Heseltine. I at Drayton in afternoon.

very fine day.

SUNDAY, 27 (239---126)

At home all day till evening. then Sarah Burrows and I down to Jack Walker's.

very fine day.

Mr. McEwing here in evening.

MONDAY, 28 (240---125)

Da and Bill Barry down at McEwings drawing in all day. McEwings two teams came up here about dark and brought in three loads of oats. Henry Heseltine here digging for windmill all day. Job. Rogers and Mr. Webber erected mill (Canadian Airmotor) to-day. Ma and Brock at Drayton in forenoon. met Olive on noon train. very dull morning little spatter of rain, but came out rather fine.

August TUESDAY, 29 (241---124) 1905

Mr. McEwing's three men and two team here all day. Also Jack Walker and Alwin Flemming. Drawing in all day. Bill Barry pitching in field. Brock at town in morning. Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon.

Was a dull forenoon, but cleared up and was lovely afternoon.

Mr. Rogers finished the wind mill and went home this morning.

WEDNESDAY, 30 (242---123)

Da and Bill drawing in at McEwings finished the harvest there about six o'clock. Then came up here and drew in wheat from back by line fence. Ma at Drayton in afternoon for fruit. Got 4 baskets Tomatoes @ 30¢ 1 basket Plums 50¢ very dull for while in morning, but cleared off and was very fine and very windy. Saw the eclipse of the sun this morning. Only partial here.

THURSDAY, 31 (243---122)

Finished harvest at noon to-day. Mr. McEwing's three men and one team up here, also Jack Walker and Alwin. Da and Bill Barry helping draw in at Uncle Richds after dinner. Bill gone home at night. Mabel and I over to Herb Benson's for dinner. very fine day.

cool north wind all day. Our men drew wheat this forenoon.

September FRIDAY, 1 (244---121) 1905

Da and Bill Barry up at Uncle Richds all day. Finished all harvest, but pease. Wat. Burrows at Isaac Hilborn's threshing in afternoon, for us.

Olive started go up to MacDonalds on wheel, but fell off and hurt herself, so came back.

very fine bright day. clouding up at night and wind gone round to east.

SATURDAY, 2 (245---120)

Bill Barry at Wilmot Drury's and Mr. McTavish's threshing in forenoon, and at John Walkers in afternoon. We all taking up the potatoes. Finished about four o'clock. Potatoes very rotten. Da went to town at night. very disagreeable day. Strong east wind, started to rain about four o'clock - quite heavy rain through night.

SUNDAY, 3 (246---119)

At home all day till evening then Ma and I up to see Mrs. Chas. Walker. She operated on for cancer, I think, on Friday. Mr. Craig here in afternoon and for tea. very fine day. rather cool. "Carrie" got out of her stall and kicked "Mark" Bruised his hips pretty badly and one cut on leg. Pickle in to see him in afternoon. Brock at Grandma's for dinner.

September LABOR DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 4 (247---118) 1905

Bill Barry at Jack Walker's then at McEwings till night. Finished Walkers and threshed McEwings' stack. Da went to town in forenoon for brick, plank and scantling. Then he and Mr. McEwing went to Toronto on the 4.36 to the Exbhibition. Jessie and Orbie Barber up here in evening. rather dull day. little mist of rain in afternoon.

TUESDAY, 5 (248---117)

Ma took Olive back to school in Drayton, this morning. Bill started to rake barley stubble, but rain came on and then he and Brock drew the long and short stakes back sideroad. Bill started sideroad fence in afternoon. Brock raking stubbles. Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon. Had his buggy wheel punctured. I at Mr. McEwings in afternoon. Dull at times with showers at time. quite little shower at night.

WEDNESDAY, 6 (249---116)

Bill building at sideroad fence all day. Brock raking stubbles. Brock went to Drayton in morning.

very fine afternoon, but little dull in forenoon.

September THURSDAY, 7 (250---115) 1905

Bill building fence all day, went home at night. Brock at Drayton in afternoon on his wheel. Da came home from Toronto to-night.

very fine day. very foggy about five o'clock this morning.

FRIDAY, 8 (251---114)

Da took team and drew back some stakes to sideroad fence, then he and Bill drew in the rakings and put them in Burrows barn. Ma went to Drayton in afternoon and brought Olive home.

very fine bright day.

SATURDAY, 9 (252---113)

Da and Bill raising potatoes below the corn. Part of them are Barry's Da not feeling well. Has bad cold.

very hot day and very bright scarcely any breeze.

September SUNDAY, 10 (253---112) 1905

Da and Ma went down to Jack Rich's for dinner.

very fine all day, but looking dull towards night.

MONDAY, 11 (254---111)

Da piling wood into wood-house all day. I took Olive to town and had seven cavaties in my teeth filled $3.50 Bill McDougal got some hay here this morning.

Brock started to school this morning. very nasty forenoon. rained till noon, then faired up and was very fine.

TUESDAY, 12 (255---110)

Da took a load of cheese to Moorefield in forenoon. Piled in sxome wood down to J. Walkers in afternoon. Mr. Webber and old Mr. Marks came here to finish wind mill about four o'clock. Did not get it all done. Mr. Har Coram here in afternoon. I over baking for Mrs. Burrows.

very hot day, turned cooler in afternoon. Bill Barry fencing

September WEDNESDAY, 13 (256---109) 1905

Da piling wood all day. Finished filling wood house to-night. Bill Barry finished the sideroad fence to-night. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Brought a little canary bird. I helping Mrs. Burrows get dinner for hay pressers. Will Walker called to-night. Bill gone home. very fine bright day, but cool. Frost to-night.

THURSDAY, 14 (257---108)

Da and Bill cleaned out pens, then cutting at corn all day. Ma at town in forenoon. Up to see Mrs. Chas. Walker in afternoon. She not at home.

very fine all day. cool morning. rather cloudy to-night. Mr. Morrison asking hands to thresh.

FRIDAY, 15 (258---107)

Da and Bill at Mr. Morrisons threshing till three o'clock, then Da came home and Bill went to F. Pages. I went over to Geo. Hick's for Miss Magee in afternoon. Olive came home with Retta Hilborn.

quite fine all day, but threatened rain in afternoon. rather hot.

September SATURDAY, 16 (259---106) 1905

Da and Bill finished cutting the corn and putting it up and put calves down on rape. Bill Barry gone home at night. Miss Magee and I up to Newsteads, Walkers and over to Hilborns. At Drayton in afternoon very hot about noon. duller towards night. very foggy morning.

SUNDAY, 17 (260---105)

All at home all day.

very dull day. rained steadily a gentle rain all day.


MONDAY, 18 (261---104)

I took Miss Magee back to school. Da drove Olive to town, then took a grist of chop down and got horses shod

very foggy morning, but cleared up and came out terrible hot.

September TUESDAY, 19 (262---103) 1905

Da started to gang-plow behind Poplars. Bill Barry came this morning got "Dick" and waggon and drawing rails off sideroad to Rothsay Ma at Drayton in afternoon Got 3 baskets of peaches 75¢. Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon. very warm day, but good breeze. Heavy storm between six and seven to-night. Lot of rain,

THURSDAY, 21 (264---101)

Da gang-plowing all day on other place Miss Stone came down this morning and stayed for dinner. Ma took her back after dinner and called into Joe MacDonald's Cecil Walker here for tea. I down to John Walker's after tea to see Jessie Barber.

very fine day, but terrible high wind all afternoon.

September FRIDAY, 22 (265---100) 1905

Da gang-plowing all day behind old driving house. Bill Barry working at fence by Poplars all day or cutting stakes for it out of road fence. I at Drayton all day fixing Grandma's shirt. Brought Olive home.

quite fine day till four o'clock, then came on a heavy shower, but cleared off. quite a lot cooler.

SATURDAY, 23 (266---99)

Da finished gang-plowing that little patch, then harrowed it. Bill building at fence all day. Gone home to-night. Brock wheeled to Drayton after dinner.

very fine all day, but very windy. I cold - like frost.

SUNDAY, 24 (267---98)

Home all day till evening, then Da and Ma up to Uncle Richds. Jessie Barber up here in evening.

beautiful and bright at times, again quite cloudy. cold. very high wind.

Cranson Hilborn buried to-day. Died in Winnipeg and was brought home to New Dundee

September MONDAY, 25 (268---97) 1905

Da gang-plowing, in second field on other place, in forenoon, and a little while after dinner, then he and Bill helping Mr. Webber fix wind mill. Have it in working order now. I took Olive back to school. Bill Barry finished fence behind Poplars and started on the barn-yard fence. very fine day. quite cold but not so windy. hard freeze to-night.

TUESDAY, 26 (269---96)

Da gang-plowing till noon then he and Bill picked over the pitted potatoes a great many rotten. Started about three to plow again. Bill put a fence back of barn-yard. Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon.

very fine all day. rather cool.

WEDNESDAY, 27 (270---95)

Da gang-plowing all day, on other place. Bill Barry went down to Jack Walker's this morning. Uncle Willie called this morning for an hour. I over to see Retta Hilborn in afternoon.

very fine all day. quite warm afternoon.

September THURSDAY, 28 (271---94) 1905

Da gang-plowing all day. very hot day. Horses suffered. lightning to-night, little cloudy, but very sultry.

FRIDAY, 29 (272---93)

Da finished that field on other place about eleven o'clock and started to gang-plow this field next to Walker. Ma went to Drayton in afternoon and brought Olive home.

very hot day 94° in afternoon by thermometer. Horses suffer from heat very much. No breeze.

SATURDAY, 30 (273---92)

Da harrowing back of Poplars in forenoon. Cleaned out pig-pens after dinner. Harrowed what he plowed yesterday and ganged the rest of little patch in front. Brock took Dick down and got him shod this morning. Terrible hot day. Ground very dry. No wind. Wind mills scarcely stirred.

Winnie and Nell McEwing up for while this evening.

October SUNDAY, 1 (274---91) 1905

At home all day. Ma over to Burrows after tea.

very warm forenoon, but was good breeze in afternoon.

MONDAY, 2 (275---90)

Da took Olive to Drayton this morning Then gang-plowing in afternoon. Mr. Har. Coram gave me a lesson, to-day Started to rain about six o'clock this morning and rained steadily till about noon. nice gentle rain. Came out fine in afternoon and was nice and cool.

TUESDAY, 3 (276---89)

Da gang plowing all day. We all went down to the show. Brock wheeled down. Ma and I stayed down for concert at night. Miss Mabel Manley, Cameron, McDonald, Fax & Casselle, were the artists. Da done the milking. very fine but got cloudy, towards night.

October WEDNESDAY, 4 (277---88) 1905

Da finished gang-plowing that field next to Walker, to-night. Joe McDonald brought Mr. Sloan of Hamilton, here this morning and tuned our piano. Mr. T. Henderson got load of straw this forenoon. picked a few apples at noon. Bill Barry staying all night. very fine day. Got very windy in afternoon.

THURSDAY, 5 (278---87)

Da and Ma picked over potatoes in root-house forenoon. Rotting very badly. Ma down to see Mrs. Mosser in afternoon. Da got ready and brought in two loads of mangols.

very fine day, but very windy.

FRIDAY, 6 (279---86)

Da working at mangolds all day. Tops them by hand. Brought in five loads to-day. Ma went to Drayton in afternoon for Olive. Bill Barry brought horse home this forenoon. Stayed for dinner. Not feeling well. Cecil Walker here for tea.

very fine day. hot in middle of day. beautiful moon light night. cool

October SATURDAY, 7 (280---85) 1905

Da and Brock working at Mangols all day. Put five loads in a pit, and one load in the barn. Ma and Brock at town in morning and got Brock measured for a suit. George brought Miss Duncan over here this evening. very fine day. Da saw Frank Wilson on his way home to Listowel to-night.

SUNDAY, 8 (281---84)

Ma and Miss Duncan up to church this morning. Mr. Duncan came over after tea and Miss Duncan went home.

very fine day. quite warm.

7 MONDAY, 9 (282---83)

Da finished the mangols. Brought in 4 loads and took the last one up to Miss Stone. Have 16 loads of mangols. Brock took Olive back to school. very warm all day. scarcely any breeze.

{Old Mrs. Heseltine buried.}

{Old Mrs. Annis - Harriston dead.}

{Maggie McKay - Winnipeg dead}.

October TUESDAY, 10 (283---82) 1905

Da covered the mangol pit in forenoon. Harrowed the field next to Walker in afternoon. Mr. Har. Coram here in afternoon - 13th lesson quite fine forenoon, but got quite dull in afternoon. few drops of rain at milking time. Divided sheep from lambs at noon.

WEDNESDAY, 11 (284---81)

Da throwing back mangols in root house all day. Mrs. Chas. Walker and Mrs. Lowery of Guelph here in afternoon and for tea.

raining a little in morning, dull forenoon, but turned out quite fine afternoon. quite a wind in afternoon and cold, but milder towards night.

THURSDAY, 12 (285---80)

Da cleaned up a grist of chop and took it to town in forenoon. plowing in little field on other of the old house, on other place. Bought a goose from Dan Hambly for $1.25. Dull at times with scuds of rain, then again quite bright. cold.

October FRIDAY, 13 (286---79) 1905

Da plowing all day on other place. Ma went to Drayton in afternoon and brought Olive home.

very fine all day.

SATURDAY, 14 (287---78)

Da harrowing in little field. Brock went to town for dinner, then up to Barry's in afternoon Roy here asking hands to thresh, also Otto Mosser.

very fine all day.

SUNDAY, 15 (288---77)

Da and Ma down to Tom Henderson for dinner. quite fine forenoon but very windy. got quite dull after dinner and there was a skiff of rain.

October MONDAY, 16 (289---76) 1905

Da at Mossers threshing all day. Bill Barry at Uncle Richds threshing for us. I drove Olive to Drayton this morning with "old Dick". Bill stayed here to-night

quite fine day, but very windy and cold. Da went down to McEwings in Evening. Kept cows in all night for first.

TUESDAY, 17 (290---75)

Da and Bill Barry at Uncle Richds threshing all day. Bill gone home, Harry Coram here in afternoon I went up to Chas. Walkers for basket of crab-apples in afternoon. dull, rain, cold day.

WEDNESDAY, 18 (291---74)

Da choring all day. Sarah Burrows here in afternoon. very dull day. rained steadily almost all day. very hard at times. quite warm rain.

October THURSDAY, 19 (292---73) 1905

Da started to plow sod pasture field next to bush. I over baking for Mrs. Burrows threshing, all day. dull all day. misty at times in afternoon, quite heavy rain after tea to-night. very dark night.

FRIDAY, 20 (293---72)

Da plowing sod till eleven o'clock then choring in afternoon. Brock went down for Olive. quite rainy in forenoon, got worse after dinner and came on heavy. flurries of snow. cold and bleak all day.

Expected threshing machine at Burrows this afternoon, but it came to-night.

SATURDAY, 21 (294---71)

Da at Burrows' threshing till five o'clock. Brock brought calves up from other place. Olive and I helped Mrs. Burrows all day. nasty day, snow flurries at times, quite cold

October SUNDAY, 22 (295---70) 1905

At home all day.

very dull, quite heavy snow fall at times, very disagreeable day. cool.

MONDAY, 23 (296---69)

Da went up to Chas Walkers to thresh, but got word to take lambs to Moorefield, so Bill Barry went to threshing. Finished about two oclock. Da plowing sod in afternoon. Bill took Dick and took up some potatoes. stayed here all night. I took Olive to school this morning. rather fine day, but cold. roads sloppy. Lambs $49.75

Jack and Ria McKay brought down goose $1.17.

TUESDAY, 24 (297---68)

Da plowing sod all day.

Mr. Coram did not come.

rather bright at times but dull towards night. cool.

Bill Barry gone to fence at J. Walker's this morning.

Edgie Benson called in this afternoon to say his baby was dead.

October WEDNESDAY, 25 (298---67) 1905

Da plowing sod all day. Ma and I at Edgie Bensons' baby's funeral in afternoon Brock went for Olave after school. very bright but cold. was frosty this morning.

Harry Cole married to a Miss Craig.

Thanksgiving THURSDAY, 26 Day. (299---66)

Da plowing sod all day. Bill Barry here for tea, going home from Walkers.

quite fine day, but raw east wind blowing all day.

Da went up to Uncle Richds for ram in morning. ground frozen pretty hard. too hard to plow for while.

FRIDAY, 27 (300---65)

Da plowing sod all day. Brock took Olave back to school and went for her to-night. Da gone up to Uncle Richds after he done the chores. Brock brought grey goose home from Dan Hamblys. Uncle Richds driver "Flint" has lock-Jaw.

October SATURDAY, 28 (301---64) 1905

Da finished plowing sod field at noon. Banked up mangol pit and cleaned closet.

very disagreeable day. very heavy flurries of snow at times. rather cold.

SUNDAY, 29 (302---63)

Ma and Brock walked out across the fields this forenoon to Grandma's. Olive and I drove up and went to church with Miss Stone then came back and had dinner with her. Mr. Craig here in afternoon.

quite fine day, but cool.

MONDAY, 30 (303---62)

Da, Bill Barry, Lawrence Stone and Brock topping and drawing turnips all day. Got in 7 loads in afternoon. Bill gone home to-night. I took Olive to town in morning. Then I went with McEwings to hear "East Lynne" played. Ground frozen hard this morning. Lovely forenoon but dull and dark in afternoon. Birthday party at Edith Barry's to-night.

October Hallow E'en. TUESDAY, 31 (304---61) 1905

Da and Mr. Stone took up a loads of turnips to Rothsay in forenoon. Da came home and brought grain home from Burrows (Barley Then took grist to town in afternoon. Har. Coram here in afternoon I finished my first quarter to-day.

Mr. North came here for tea and stayed all night. ground covered with snow this morning but all disappeared. raw to-night

Red Polly has eleven little pigs.

November ALL SAINTS' DAY (Quebec) WEDNESDAY, 1 (305---60)

Da choring and getting stables ready for young cattle. Kept cows in all day. Brought young cattle and colts home this evening. very wintry day. snowy and blustry. cold.

THURSDAY, 2 (306---59)

Da done the chores in forenoon. Harrowed out rest of turnips in afternoon. Uncle Rich'd here in forenoon.

beautiful bright afternoon. snow has disappeared some.

drawing milk every other day now.

November FRIDAY, 3 (307---58) 1905

Da choring and cleaning out pens. I went to town for Olave this afternoon. Mr. Craig came after his pig which has been round here.

very disagreeable forenoon. heavy fall of very soft snow in morning turning to rain and misted till noon. roads very slushy.

SATURDAY, 4 (308---57)

Da done the chores then brought in a load of turnips in forenoon and drew five loads this afternoon. Picked them with a fork. rather muddy for handling with the hands.

came out bright and nice about noon, but got duller in afternoon. beautiful night - freezing some.

SUNDAY, 5 (309---56)

{different writer - Elizabeth}

All at home forenoon.

Clara & Olive went to Jack Walkers for a couple of hours.

Percie McEwing called to say good bye Going to Toronto in the morning

very cold and raw. dull.

November MONDAY, 6 (310---55) 1905

raining forenoon

Clara started to sew with Mrs. Gordon Robt took the Girls to Drayton got back at noon. Choring afternoon

Dull & spitting rain afternoon

Norm Perkins brought a new pulper here going to keep it (Brock at school)

TUESDAY, 7 (311---54)

Robt done chores and then went at the Turnips. Rich; Harry & Roy all helping all day. Craig and man here afternoon helping Also Lawrance Stone here aft.

Finished Turnips all but half a load. Mr & Mrs Jas Brady here for Dinner and stayed till three o'clock.

Very dirty day sometimes rain & Sometimes Snow harvested about 40 loads of Turnips.

WEDNESDAY, 8 (312---53)

Robt choring & filling up some pig chop forenoon. then after dinner took a load of turnips to Tom Henderson and the chop to the mill.

dull & snowing at times all day

November THURSDAY, 9 (313---52) 1905

Robt choring till noon Then back at line fence ploughing Bill Barry here for dinner

Snowing, Some Sunshine but cold

FRIDAY, 10 (314---51)

{Clara resumes writing}

Da choring and plowing. Brock came for Olave after school. raw cold wind. fine overhead.

SATURDAY, 11 (315---50)

Da choring and then plowing rest of day. Ma at Grandma's and brought me home from Drayton. Da went after halter that we left, at night. nice day.

quite bright. road very muddy.

November SUNDAY, 12 (316---49) 1905

Home all day.

quite fine. rather hazy

Indian Summer

MONDAY, 13 (317---48)

{Elizabeth resumes writing}

Robt choring and then ploughing rest of day

turned cold and quite Stormy

TUESDAY, 14 (318---47)

Robt choring and bringing up hay from the Stack in the field forenoon

ploughing afternoon. very fine at noon Snowing thick and fast from 3 oclock

November WEDNESDAY, 15 (319---46) 1905

Robt choring forenoon Cleaning out the Hen pen and choring afternoon

dull & snowing a little Milder at night

THURSDAY, 16 (320---45)

Robt choring and getting ready to draw out manure forenoon very dull

Drawing out manure afternoon

Brock left early for school this morning so as to have half hour to Skate still dull & windy

FRIDAY, 17 (321---44)

Robt choring forenoon. drawing out manure & got a load of hay from Stack

Brock gone down for Olive dull & dark. but mild

November SATURDAY, 18 (322---43) 1905

Robt & Brock choring forenoon

drawing out manure aft -- and brought in load of hay from Stack Brock gone to Rothsay to get Bill Barry to go to Hilborns threshing very fine day Clara walked home from Drayton Robt went to Drayton at night

SUNDAY, 19 (323---42)

At home all day

Olive & Clara up at Richards afternoon

beautiful fine day

MONDAY, 20 (324---41)

Brock took the Girls to Drayton before school. Robt choring and drawing out manure Bill Barry at Isaac Hilborns threshing for us

Both up to see Jack Fisher at night

beautiful bright day

November TUESDAY, 21 (325---40) 1905

Bill Barry at Hilborns threshing forenoon

Bill covered his potato pit then went away Robt choring and drawing out manure

Robt up to see Jack Fisher and on to factory for a cheese. beautiful, bright day hard frost at night

Murphy's . sale, on McDonnalds place.

WEDNESDAY, 22 (326---39)

Robt choring cleaning pens & bringing a load of hay from Stack forenoon

Jim Brady Called (about butter)

Getting wood to Thresh afternoon. {Clara writing} Da stayed at Fishers all night {Elizabeth writing} McEwing threshing all day Bill Barry there for us

Robt up to see Jack Fisher and on to the factory for cheese

beautiful day

THURSDAY, 23 (327---38)

{Clara writing} Da and Bill at McEwings threshing till noon. Bill at F. Pages in afternoon Da choring. Ma at Drayton in afternoon.

beautiful day. warm.

November FRIDAY, 24 (328---37) 1905

Da choring in forenoon. Getting wood to thresh with in afternoon over to Pages to see when they would be through threshing. Bill Barry at Pages threshing. went home at night. Brock came for Olave and I. Da up to Fishers. stayed all night nasty day. raining at times. very strong wind at night. Jack Fisher died about midnight.

SATURDAY, 25 (329---36)

Da choring in forenoon and getting barn ready for machine. Jack Walker here in forenoon. Bill Barry at Pages threshing in forenoon. Charlie moved here after dinner and threshed all afternoon.

very nice day. snowing a little towards night. not cold.

8 SUNDAY, 26 (330---35)

Ma and Brock up to see Miss Stone and into see Mr. Fisher.

Uncle Willie here for a short time in evening.

dull and dark in afternoon. Very thick snow storm came on about five o'clock. not very cold.

November MONDAY, 27 (331---34) 1905

Da done the chores in forenoon He and Ma at Jack Fisher's funeral in afternoon. Bill Barry drawing sugar beets for Isaac Hilborn, all day, with our team. Brock took Olave back to school. Da gone up to see Henry Heseltine at night. fine all day, but very dull and dark looking towards night. getting colder

TUESDAY, 28 (332---33)

Did not thresh to-day. Terrible storm this morning. Snowing and a regular gale. Turned warmer and sleeting. very dull afternoon. Wind went down some about noon. Bill Barry gone home after dinner. Da choring all day and cleaning pens.

very foggy night.

rain, thunder and lightning through the night.

WEDNESDAY, 29 (333---32)

Threshing all day.

Mr. Bready here for dinner. took away 56 lbs Butter @ 21¢

quite fine till on in afternoon then started to snow. very stormy after tea. quite mild in morning but got colder.

Will Gregory, Will Walker and Charlie Hilborn played euchre to-night.

November THURSDAY, 30 (334---31) 1905

Finished threshing about nine o'clock. Da and Bill Barry done the chores, and cleaned up grist. Bill went home in afternoon. I walked to Drayton in forenoon. very sharp cold wind, but bright and frozen hard.

December FRIDAY, 1 (335---30)

Da done chores in forenoon and took grist to Drayton in afternoon. Olive got ride home with Mr. Craig. Mr. North called in afternoon.

real cold wind.

Mr. Jim Lowes got struck with a tree in bush and died through the night. Bill Barry at H. Hilborn's threshing all day.

SATURDAY, 2 (336---29)

Da done chores in forenoon and cleaned out pens in afternoon. Da came to town for me after tea. rather mild. lot of snow fell through night. very soft snow falling at times in forenoon.

December SUNDAY, 3 (337---28) 1905

Olive and I over to Burrows for tea.

quite mild all day. snow falling in afternoon. little colder in afternoon.

Brock at Grandma's in afternoon.

MONDAY, 4 (338---27)

{Elizabeth writing}

Brock took Clara & Olive to Drayton.

Willie Walker here doing chores all day

Robt & Adam Flath gone to Harriston at noon and back on the 4,36 train

Snowing a little all day. beautiful moonlight

TUESDAY, 5 (339---26)

rather mild day

Robt and W. W-- doing chores and killed a pig forenoon.

Robt went to Drayton for tile but did not get any afternoon fime

Charlie Walker's started to draw the sand for the house

December WEDNESDAY, 6 (340---25) 1905

rather fime day Robt cutting up pig and helping salt it down then doing chores and down for tile I down to Drayton aft and got Dick sharp shod.

Got a Pekin Drake from Doone for Brock.

THURSDAY, 7 (341---24)

beautiful day. foggy morn.

Robt & Willie Walker doing chores And then both down to Drayton for tile got them all

W. W. gone home at night

Robt gone to Drayton to see if Brick has come from Milton for house then over to Jim Lowes

CONCEPTION DAY (Quebec) FRIDAY, 8 (342---23)

{Clara writing}

Da done chores in forenoon, then drew brick from station.

Ma at Jim Lowes funeral in afternoon. Brought Olive home with her. quite foggy all day. very mild.

December SATURDAY, 9 (343---22) 1905

Da done the chores. Brock and Will Walker finished the brick. Da and Ma came for me to-night. Harry Philp helping draw brick also.

very foggy all day. mild but colder at night and windy.

SUNDAY, 10 (344---21)

Miss Magee called here in afternoon. Was at Newsteads. Da and Ma up to see Uncle Richds and into Mr. Morrisons.

rather stormy at times and cold.

MONDAY, 11 (345---20)

Da done chores and Will Walker drew chop to mill. Will gone home early to go to hot supper at Rothsay.

dull - raw and cold.

December TUESDAY, 12 (346---19) 1905

Da done chores. Finished farming grain out of seeds and took out seeds to burn.

Da and Ma down town at night.

quite fine day.

WEDNESDAY, 13 (347---18)

Da done the chores. took Ma and Brock down to morning train to go to Fat Stock Show at Guelph. Went to Mr. McCrearys to pay taxes.

rather dull all day. Cold raw wind.

THURSDAY, 14 (348---17)

Da done the chores, then got out bob-sleighs and took some manure down to potato-pit. Went to station to meet Ma and Brock. very cold night. rather dull but turned out very fine. Ma had lovely time. Olive got a fur $4.50¢

December FRIDAY, 15 (349---16) 1905

Da doing chores and drawing manure onto other place.

Brock came for Olive at four o'clock.

very sharp day. Cold.

SATURDAY, 16 (350---15)

Da and Will Walker drawing manure and doing chores. Will went home at noon. Da came down for me after tea.

beautiful bright day. quite sharp.

lovely roads. couldn't be better wheeling.

SUNDAY, 17 (351---14)

Da and Ma down to old Mrs. Dales funeral in afternoon. Bob Mitchell and Lizzie here in afternoon and for tea. beautiful morning, but turned quite foggy. milder than day before.

Great quantity of flowers at funeral.

December MONDAY, 18 (352---13) 1905

{Elizabeth writing}

Brock took girls to Drayton morning

Robt & Willie Walker choring and then drawing out manure the rest of day

Very foggy and mild

TUESDAY, 19 (353---12)

Robt & Will Walker choring And finished drawing out the manure

Jersy Calved

Still very mild and foggy

Brock and Will Walker to Drayton to see if the rest of the brick came.

WEDNESDAY, 20 (354---11)

Robt & Willie W - choring and then drawing Stone the rest of the day finished the pile back by the bush here.

Willie down to Drayton at night to see if the brick came. (did not come.

Still foggy. looking like a change in the weather

December THURSDAY, 21 (355---10) 1905

Robt & Willie choring

Oke Flath here to say that 10.000 brick had arrived at the Station this morning. Robt & Willie gone to bring some this forenoon. {Clara writing} Harry Philp, Howard Hilborn, Herb Page and our team brought up brick in afternoon.

{Elizabeth writing} very windy with snow & sleet

FRIDAY, 22 (356---9)

{Clara writing} Done the chores and drawing brick. Wat and Wilmot Drury helping unload here at home. Harry, Howard, Ross, Jack Walker and Herb Page also our team, Ches Walker drawing brick. Will Walker here.

Olive came home with Joe McDonald, from school. 10,000 Milton Brick arrived to-night.

fine day for working.

SATURDAY, 23 (357---8)

Howard, Harry, Ches, Ross, our team drawing brick. Will Walker drove team. Da at car at station. Brock came after me this afternoon. Done serving now. cold wind. quite stormy at times. Got the car of Milton brick home to-night.

quite stormy in afternoon and colder.

December SUNDAY, 24 (358---7) 1905

Olive and I over to Burrows at night.

quite stormy at times - cold.

CHRISTMAS DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 25 (359---6)

Da done chores and down to station after dinner to see if brick came. None there.

snowing at times. not very cold.

TUESDAY, 26 (360---5)

Da and Will Walker done the chores then took down a few bags of chop. Roy Farewell came up to see Mark's foot. Da and Will took load of hay down to Har. Coram in afternoon. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Tom Henderson called this afternoon.

beautiful fine day.

December WEDNESDAY, 27 (361---4) 1905

Da and Will done the chores {different writer} Brock went to see if any brick came. 10,000 came from Harriston, seven teams drawing brick emptyed the car today

beautiful bright day

Girls gone to the rink tonight

THURSDAY, 28 (362---3)

{Clara writing}

Finished drawing brick. Ross, Charlie, Ches. J. Walker, our team Gavin Montgomery and Mr. Craig brought load. Drew 8000 Milton brick. McEwing's, Uncle Rich's and Walkers young folks here to spend evening. also Miss Lowery of Guelph. Da at Drayton at night. beautiful day. very mild. started to mist and rain at night. lightning to-night.

FRIDAY, 29 (363---2)

Da choring and cleaned out pens.

very dull all day.

rained quite hard in forenoon freezing towards night.

December SATURDAY, 30 (364---1) 1905

Da done the chores, then took a load of wood up to school for John Walker, then he went to town with John. very blustry and stormy all day. but not cold.

SUNDAY, 31 (365)

Olive and I walked up to Miss Stone's for dinner.

quite mild. little breeze.



Feb. 3. Da brought home one bag of Drayton Flour this afternoon.

June 13 Uncle Jim & Will have bought a grocery business in Guelph last week.

July 27. Bill Barry got $10.00 to-night.

Aug. 12. Bill Barry got $5.00.

Aug. 26. Bill Barry got $10.00.

Sept. 9 Bill Barry got $20.00

Nov. 25 Bill Barry got $2.00


August, 3, 1905.

Well-drillers struck water through the night. Mr. Stratton and Willie Wilson were working on night work. Mr. Wilson had very bad luck here. He came here July 19th and started to drill in bottom of well away back. Went over a hundred feet in quick sand. Got so bad that he had to leave it all together. Started a new well and struck water at 114 feet. He broke his rope and was off for a couple of days. Paid him $60. to-day. Mr. Wm. Voal, Mr. Rhode Stratton, Geordie Sodden Willie and Frank Wilson are the men.

Fine crowd of men. very

Well alone cost. $135.00/100

August 23, 1905. Willie Wilson got balance of Frank's money $75.00.

The night they left here they broke through a culbert near the 16th. Engine went down into the creek, also Frank. rest jumped. Frank hurt his knee pretty badly. They lost over a week by the break and it cost about $300.00 Had very bad luck here and also at Uncle Richd's. Drilled at Sam Noble's and Tom Bretts before they came to Uncle Richds. Our well is giving good satisfaction Oct. 28, 1905. (Frank got $100.00 damages from Peel Council over the bridge. ( Nov. 28))


Wednesday, August 2, 1905.

Roy Bilton and Fred Giles had a fight. Roy Bilton used a knife. Fred is pretty badly cut up. Bilton struck off and went to Kennedy's Caplin caught him and brought him back. Geo Bilton, Bill Pollock & John Hanna has gone his bail. Roy is remanded till Friday 11th, might add - Bilton got, free.

Feb. 8 Sold to Geo. Tucker cash 5 hogs for $50.00 $50.00
Feb. 13. Will Walker got $5.00 $5.00
" 16. To 100 lbs. Sugar $6.15¢ $6.15
" 25 Sold 5 heifers to Corbitt for $235.00
Mar. 6 Will McDougal paid for a bull they got two years ago $30.00
Mar. 7. Sold Bull to Alex Duff. $45.00
" 13. Got 100 lbs. Flour $2.65
Paid for windmill $128.75
Apr. 4. Paid Will Walker for 35½ days work $22 + $5 he had before. (very reasonable) 27.00
Apr 3. Sold 6 hogs for 59.00
Date CASH ACCOUNT---MAY Rec'd Paid
May 1 Olive started to school in Drayton. School fees $1.00
Board a week. 1.75
May 8 Sold 13 hogs at Moorefield for just about $150.00
" 10 Ma got hat $2.00 $2.00
Olive's hat. $2.00 $2.00

{Political card pasted over previous page. Photos of Sir Wilfred Laurier, Premier of Canada and Hon. J. P. Whitney, Premier of Ontario}

{Written on left corner} 1905 {minus} 1885 {=} 20

Printed: "IDEAL" is the Premier Fence Made by The McGregor Banwell Fence Co., Limited WALKERVILLE ONT.

Written under the above: Support Hon. J. P. Whitney

{Post Card pasted on diary page from Brock to W. C. Benson}

CANADIAN SOUVENIR POST CARD Postage One Cent For Canada And U. S. Two Cents For Abroad

This Space For Correspondence This Space For Address Only
With love from Brock P.S. We are all well here Compliments of The McGregor Banwell Fence Co., Limited. Walkerville, Ont. W. C. Benson, Guelph, Ont., Box 865

Transcription Progress



Clara Philp Diary, 1905 Part 1.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1905 Part 2.pdf
Clara Philp 1905 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Clara Philp, “Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1905,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 14, 2025,
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