Charles Kirk Clarke Diary & Transcription, 1865-1866


Charles Kirk Clarke Diary & Transcription, 1865-1866


Charles Kirk Clarke


Courtesy of Simcoe County Archives


19th Century, Wellington County, Elora Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Charles Kirk Clarke Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Charles Kirk Clarke (1857 - 1924)

1865 - 1866 Diary

Transcribed by Rural Diary Volunteers

{Front Cover}


{Print of a beaver}

COPY BOOK. {Hand written} & Daily Journal of Charles Kirk Clarke

GEO. BARNES & CO. Booksellers and Stationers, Dealers in Wall Papers, AND BOOKBINDERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. KING STREET, HAMILTON, C.W.


{Inside Front Cover}

A Daily Journal written By Charles Clarke & Son

A Daily Journal

A Daily Journal

{Facing Page}

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Friday Elora. Dec 1st. 1865

I went to school and said my lesson. It was snowing all to day. I had one sleigh ride to day the side walks are very slippery. I got two or three falls on them. Father is going to drill to night in the new drill shed.

Saturday Elora. Dec 2nd 1865

I went over to Mr Shaws and stayed to tea with them. Mr Shaw went to Toronto to day and is not back yet. Jennie and Emma went to their music. I hitched colley to the sleigh for the first time this winter. I went to the post office and got the bread at the same time. I got a good many sleigh rides to day. It was very

cold to day

Sunday. Dec 3rd. 1865.

I Went to the Methodist church to day. It was very sloppy and warm. Father and Emma and Jennie Cartwright and I went over as far as Kinnetels {or Kinnettles}. I had two apples this afternoon. I looked at Harpers weekely to nighgtt.

Monday Dec 4th 1865.

We got in the new school to day. It was raining this morning a little this but soon cleard up. I went to school said my lessons. Said my French. Emma and Lucy Chinnech did not say their French because Mrs Hollis was not very well. Floy was not very well to day.

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Tuesday Dec 5th 1865.

It was a very fine day but very sharp. There was not a very larg fair to day. Jennie Cartwright is {illegible} just now. A good deal of butter was bought in the shop. I went to school and said my lessons.

Wedensday Dec 6th 1865.

I was a very fine day to day. John Hollis and I built a house out of branches to day. Mother is making window blinds for my bed room. I went to school said my lessons and said my french.

Thursday Dec 7th 1865.

Itwas a very fine but cold

I went to school said my lessons. I wrote my a french lesson to day. I finished my copy book. Jennie and Emma have just come from Miss Shepards

Friday Dec 8th. 1865.

I went to school said my lessons. It is Lillys Cartwrights birth day. It was very cold to day. The river is frozen over to day and there is are a great many skating but two fell in and were nearly drownd one was John Duncan and the other John Shields one up by the tannery and the other own by Mr G Taylors

Saturday Dec 9th 1865

It was very cold and it snowed

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this after noon. Father gave Willy Shaw a pair of skates and Willy says he is proud of them. I went over to Mr Shaws this morning. Fatherrley Milnes Funeral was to day. There wasere about forty on the ice to day

Sunday Dec 10th 1865.

It was pretty warm and a good bit of snow on the ground. There was a fire down the Village in the Coopers shop to day at first we thought it was the mill they thought that a few cinders got under the floor, but it was saved. I saw a cutter and a sleigh the cutter was Mr Mundels and I dont know whose sleigh was

Monday Dec 12 1865

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Monday Dec 11th 1865

Very fine day but slushy and wet. We did not go to school because the girls had bad colds and I took some medicine. I painted 5 pictures to day. The Docter has been to do Aunt she has not been out of bead to day. Miss Mikels chimney was on fire to night

Tuesday Dec 12th 1865.

It was a fine day but very mudy. There was not a very large fair and the Salem pepole sent the band waggon to take the people up to the Salem fair. We did not look sell our cow to day. I made a dozen of paper flags this afternoon I went for it this. morning.

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Wedensday Dec 13th 1865.

It was very cold to day. I went to Guelph and saw a sheep of Mr Stone's that weighed 400 pounds and a lot of pigs that was so fat that they could not see without you opend their eyes and they had such little legs and noses. Anne came home to night with Mr. Tompson we met her at Mr Hearst's.

Thursday Dec 14th 1865

It was very cold to daay. Anne brought me home a terrestrial globe and thearts two hearts and Jennie got a Ladies Companion and Jennie Cartwright the same and Emmy a yard measure in the shape of a win mill and Flag

a needle case in the shape of an umbrela and Bessy Queen Sheaba in her charriot and a lion drawing it. I went over to Mr Shaws and was folding paper with Willey Shaw this after non(?).

Friday Dec 15th 1865

It was very cold to day. I went over to play with Willy Shaw and went for a sleigh ride in Mr Shaws new cutter up to Salem for some bran. Willey had to go to school and so I went down to the shop. Father went to a meeting at Mr Dabby's new hotel

Saturday Dec 16th 1865.

It was very cold to day. I went

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to the post office 2 this Morning and after I and Willy Shaw went down skating all to day the ice is about a foot thick now. Jennie Clarke and Emmy and Jennie Cartwright all went over to Mr Lawerences. They were curling on the ice to day.

Sunday Dec 17th 1865

I was very fine to day. I went to the Methodist church to day Mr Tear preached to day. We got a telegraph that Aunt Jane was in Guelph I wen over to the Methodist church to tell George Bristow to go down and fetch her up.

Monday Dec 18th 1865.

It was a nice day to day. Lilly Cartwright came with Aunt it is the first time I ever saw Lilly Aunt brought a lot of game from Waukon and she broutght Emmy some bird seed for her bird and she brout some pop corn and she brought some appeles out of their garden. I got my skating stick fixed so that I would not fall I got a broken pol stuck in it with an iron thing around it.

Tuesday Dec 19th 1865

It was very wet and disegreble. I went to school said my lessons it was very late before we got out because we had a lot of lessons. I went to the post office angl got the bread. I am going

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to get some grammer to night. Floy and Lilly and Bessy are playing now

Wedensday Dec 20th. 1865.

I was a very nice day. I went to the exmanation to day. there was Mr and Mrs Midmedler and Mrs Dollar and Mrs Reyonels and Mr Shaw and Mr Taylor and Father and Aunt Jane. I went to skate this after noon and Jennie and Emmy and Jennie Cartwright and George Bristow all went. Aunt isent quite so well to day. Aunt Jane wents oto Mrs Catnie's this after noon. I had part of a guail to day. Jenie has just wrote {tramp} for George and is now is writing for Jenie Cartwright


Thursday Dec 21st 1865.

It was very cold today and was drifting. Mr Crowely died to day he went to a funeral and when he was coming back he got thrown out and they thought he had a broken back. I went over to Mr Shaw's and was folding papers. Aunt Jane went down to Mrs Catriah's to get her new cloak. We was cutting out paper flowers out of wal paper for the flags and cornopous and we got the flags finished and some of the cornopous. Aunt Drury is a little better to day she got down stairs about four o clock. Mr William Drury came doun

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to day. Mr Drury brought down a tree for Xmas but it was too small and so he is going to get another one, he took Mrs Potters girl with him. I had part of a quail to day. I went to the post office and got the bread. there is a good many sleighs and cutters out to day. There is no skating to day. The snow is about a quater of a foot thick. Floy and Bessy and Lilly are all playing to night they all went to bed to gether to night

Wedensday Dec 22nd 1865.

It was cold to day and snowed to night. Willy Shaw and I was playing and we

Willy got his cart and we filled it with snow and then we peretended that we was in war. Aunt Jane made a lot of cornopous while I cut out ormanets for them. Mr William Drury brought a nother Xmas and it will reach up to the cealing

Saturday Dec 23rd 1865.

It was a cold day and was snowing a little. I got out the big sleigh and Willy Shaw and I was sleighriding to day I went over to Mr Shaws an Willy and I was roling the press.

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Sunday Dec 24th 1865.

It was a very nice day to day. I went to church and it was deckrated. George Bristow went up home to day. We hung up our stocking to night

Monday Dec 25th 1865

It was a nice day to day. I went up to Mr Williams Drurys to ask if he would get some ceader and he brought down the sleigh and got some ceader by the bridg and then he came to our house and ROBERT Foster and Floy and Lilly Cartwright and Bessy all went out this morning

and Jennie and Emrmy and Jennie Cartwright and Floy and Lilly Cartwright and Bessy and Jane Drury all went up to Furges this after noon. I got a book and a game and some candies.

Tuesday Dec 26th 1865

I was a very fogy day to day to day. I went over to play with Willy Shaw all to day. Mr Hollis was here to day. The girls went to ask the girls and borys to day.

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Wedensday Dec 27th 1865

It was a pleasent day to day it was frezing to. I Went to play with Willy Shaw to day. The party was to day. I enjoyed my self very much I got a g{?}s of the Xmas tree.

Thursday Dec 28th 1865

It was a nice day to day. I went to play with Willy Shaw to day. I went down skating this after nioon. It was snowing a little this after noon.

Friday Dec 29th 1865

It was a nice day to day. I went to play with Willy Shaw to day.

Mr Kilpatrack a def and dum man was here to day. I went skating to day I went about a mile from Furges and there was two men up ther waching mink traps frightend us away. Mrs Foster brought us each a preasent to night.

Friday Dec 29th 1865.

It was a fine day but cold. A deaf and dum man was here to day to diner and after diner we each gave him a york shilleng for to go to New York with to go to school to finesh his education. We all went skating to day and Lilly and

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Bessie went in the sleigh

Saturday Dec 30th 1865.

I was a fine day but cold and foggy at night. Aunt Cartwright and Jennie Cartwright and Lilly and Bessy and Mrs Foster and her two boys and Jimmy Drury all went up to Luther early this morning.

Sunday Dec 31st 1865.

It was a very fine day to day. Aunt Cartwright and Jennie and Emmy and Jennie Clarke and I all went to the Englash church this Morning we went to the caskade this after noon Robert Foster and I climbed up to the top of itt

Monday De Jan 1st 1866

It was a nice day to day. It is New years day to day. I went skating and the two Jennies and Emmy and George Bristow went skating to day. The election was to day. I saw to bucks deer to day when I was comming home from skating. I went to the tea meating and heard some speachs after.

Tuesday Jan 2nd 1866.

It was a very nice day to day. I was down skating most of the day. Mre Holmes and Mary And and Robert was all here to day. Floy was

{facing page}

on skates for the first time to day. I went up to Maroborough to night we started at fife o clock and got there a quarter to nine.

Wedensday Jan 3rd 1866.

I was a nice day to day, John Wesly and Mr Farrow and his son and Mr Noble and Mr Holms and a nother man was killing pigs to day. Robert and I was thrashing peas with a flail and a man slept with me at night. I got up early that at morning and went down to the stable with Mr Hoilms

Thursday Jan 4th 1866.

It was a very nasty cold day and was drifting. Robert and I were playing marbles this morning

until Emmy Vancamp/s cousins Solora an Surina Walker. and then Charlie Burrows and he stoped and played with us till half past one o clock we went down to the barn and was thrashing peas and then played again.

Friday Jan 5th 1866.

I was a nasty day again snowing and drifting. Josh beres was at Mr Holms thrashing peas all morning and we faned them in the after noon there was twenty bushel of peas that was Faned. Robert and I were tramping pea straw.

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Saturday Jan 6th 1866.

It was a nice day to day. I got up early this morning but it had gone before day light and so I had to wait till the after noon stage. Robert and I went up to Rothsey and I saw Fathers lot were the Englash church. Robert and I went down to Mr Gub's and got dinner there and Willy Gub came dowm to Mr Holmes with us and after while the the stage came and so I got in and came down to Elora.

Sunday Jan 7th 1866.

I was a very cold day to day. I Went to the Englash church this Morning and M Tompson

preached and Georg Bristow went to. Grandma was not very wel to day. I went for a walk with father at night. And Mrs Cathren Drury and Mrs Charles Drury was here last night. We had the ducks that Aunt Yates sent to diner.

Monday Jan 8th 1866

I was a cold day to day. Went to school said my lessons we got five new scholars to day. We got the Beeton annual to day there is no skating to day the ice is all floded

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Tuesday Jan 9th 1866

I went to school said my lessons. I was a cold day to day. Jennie cartwright and I went down to Mrs Dalbys to night to get some milk. Jennie Clarke got a wild duck Mr Smart gave it to her. Mr Crowly died to day.

Wedensday Jan 10th 1866.

I was not cold and it snowed a little. I went to school said my lessons we got two new schoolars this morning. The new Christmas numbers of the Illustrated london news

Thursday Jan 11th 1866

It was a nice day to day. I went to school said my lessons. I wen to the post office got the milk. There was a good many skating to day. There is a man that is going to try to get an new singing school.

Friday Jan 12th 1866

I thawed to day and I it snowed. I went to school said my lessons. Jennie Clarke practisced and we sung and them {f} after we plaig some games. Got the milk went to the post office.

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Saturday Janm 13th 1866.

It was a mild day to day. Went to the post office got the milk. I went to play with Willy Shay and was getting wood in after we got the wood in we played in the pea strayu{w} with toby

Sunday Jan 14th 1866

It was a cold day to day. I went to church and Mr Tompson preached the new bell rung four times to day it does not ring very loud. I got the milk. We sung to night. I looked at a bound Illustrated London news.

Saturday Dec Jan 15

Monday Jan 15th 1866

It was a very cold day to day. I went to school said my: lessons. I went to the post office ys got the milk. Aunt Jane and Mother went up to Salem.

Tuesday Jan 16th 1866.

I was a not a nice day it snowed and drifted. I to went to school said my lessons. We went to a new singing school. Mr Yowmans he has goat a base fiddle and another one.

Wedensday Jan 17th

I was a mild day to day. I went to school said my

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lessons we got a new schoolar to day Willy Noble. Mr Fenwick gave us the skins of Jenie's bird. Got th{ink blot} milk and as we were comming up with it we met Willy Benaly a boy we had in the Store he is now working at his fathers mill

Thursday Jan 18th 1866

It was warm and it thawd. Went to school said my lessons. GJennie and Emmy went to their music. We went to singing school. We had compnay to night Mr Chineck and Mrs Chineck and Mr Shaw and Mrs Shaw and Mr Lawernce and Mrs Lawernce

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And Miss Alen and Mr Sibley all were here to night. we went to bed at one o clock in the morning

Friday Jan 19 1866

It was a very foggy day and it thawed. I went to school said my lessons. Graandmother is sickto day. Got the milk and went to the post office. I went to a panarama to night.

Saturday Jan 20th 1866.

It was a very cold and windy to day and it froze a {great written over} good bit at night. I went to play with Willy Shaw to day. I got washed in the tub to day. I went to singing school at two oclock the afternoon and 7 at night

Transcription Progress



Charles Kirk Clarke Diary 1865-66 Transcription.pdf


Charles Kirk Clarke, “Charles Kirk Clarke Diary & Transcription, 1865-1866,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,
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