Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1886-1887


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1886-1887

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Page is quite faded in places. Left margin is torn. String of binding is visible in places.}

January 1st 1886

{1?torn} home all day Boys went Shooting {faded word} Mild & Calm all day. like april. I gathered fine lot of Beechnuts. they were plenty this {faded}

2 Boys Sawed fine wood Y & {faded} {faded} {faded} {faded} old bush for Boiling Sugar W. rain {faded}

Sunday 3 I & Nancy & little ones went to {faded} {faded} W. drizzly AM rain from east all PM 4 Sorted Potatoes in Cellar. some are wrotten {B? faded} {Comm? faded} giving to {S?faded} today. W. rain from East all day, light {faded}

5 Spent day in young Orchard. 71 {faded} {faded} {faded} {torn & faded} {faded} ? & ? went Shooting {faded} {faded} Shanty in Sugar Bush after {faded} {faded} home W. Cleo this Morning, getting {faded}

6 Cleaning grist & {faded} took it to Mill {Boys?} {faded} Peas W. vry Cold N wind

7 Chored & Thrashed Peas. W. {faded} {faded} {faded}

8 F took 16 1/2 bus Peas to Mill & Chored W. Cold {torn & faded} {faded} went to Cedar Grove PM East Wind

9 Chored. Cleaned 20 1/2 Bus Peas at other bean Mill Store Mashed them John Brought home grist of flour W. Snow from N East nearly all day {torn & faded} at home all day. {M? faded} {St? faded} {torn & faded} {torn & faded} home W. very strong North wind. Cold {torn & faded}

Jan 1886

11 I went to Whitevale & telegraphed to Dr Freel to Come to B. C. his wife is rather {loonac?} Herman began going to School P & F went Foodhunting AM John helped Peter B kill Beef PM W. pretty Cold. N. Wind

12 Killed a Beef AM {V?}B helped. Boys helped him kill a pig PM. W. 14 dg below Zero this Morning. very Calm

13 I went to Markham AM Boys went to J Ryan's Sale PM. W. getting Milder each evening

14 Boys Sawed fire wood. I went to Markham PM {V?Uncertain Name}went with me to T McDowells then we visited there this evening. W. fine Milder

15 Boys Sawed AM F went to Whitevale PM W. very fine Mild

16 Oiled Harness & Chored. W. rained from East all day. turned to snow after dusk

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B. C Sermon St. Luke 16* {Unknown} {torn & faded} S Hoover {IU?} No Youngsters were here PM I & {uncertain name} went to B. C. PM W. fine Mild & wind PM. Thin Sleighing.

18 I & {uncertain name} went to B. {unreadable}{unreadable} Hoover's W. Mild. raw east wind Coming home Boys helped N B Kill Big hog A M took Cord Pine to Scarboro School PM

19 Dug a grave for D Hoover's Child AM John went to Green River for bran PM I was. at Gravyard {torn} {torn} Child Buried PM. W. east wind & little snow AM west wind PM

Jan 1886

11 I went to Whitevale & telegraphed to Dr Freel to Come to B. C. his wife is rather {loonac?} Herman began going to School P & F went Foodhunting AM John helped Peter B kill Beef PM W. pretty Cold. N. Wind

12 Killed a Beef AM {V?}B helped. Boys helped him kill a pig PM. W. 14 dg below Zero this Morning. very Calm

13 I went to Markham AM Boys went to J Ryan's Sale PM. W. getting Milder each evening

14 Boys Sawed fire wood. I went to Markham PM {V?Uncertain Name}went with me to T McDowells then we visited there this evening. W. fine Milder

15 Boys Sawed AM F went to Whitevale PM W. very fine Mild

16 Oiled Harness & Chored. W. rained from East all day. turned to snow after dusk

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B. C Sermon St. Luke 16* {Unknown} {torn & faded} S Hoover {IU?} No Youngsters were here PM I & {uncertain name} went to B. C. PM W. fine Mild & wind PM. Thin Sleighing.

18 I & {uncertain name} went to B. {unreadable}{unreadable} Hoover's W. Mild. raw east wind Coming home Boys helped N B Kill Big hog A M took Cord Pine to Scarboro School PM

19 Dug a grave for D Hoover's Child AM John went to Green River for bran PM I was. at Gravyard {torn} {torn} Child Buried PM. W. east wind & little snow AM west wind PM

Jan 1886

20 I got horses Shod I went to Ceder Grove AM Started Machine & Chored PM B. C brought his wife here awile PM W. Mild. Snow PM

21 Thrashed between 6 & 700 Bus Oats W. about 9 in snow last night Mild & drissly this Morning a little Colder & Clear today Strong wind. went down towards evening {"towards evening" added between the main lines}

22 Boys Finished & split nearly all of Pine wood at School AM S Lehman's son & Daughter were here PM today! W. Milder Storm from West after dark

23 Chored & sorted Potatoes W. 5 betow zero this Morning I went to Whitevale PM

Sunday 24 at home A B & N B were here today & B.A. this evening. W. Milder Sleighing good

25 F took grist of Peas away from Major Mills they Cannot run the Mill the race is full of ice) he took them to green River. we Cleaned up barn floor & Chopped Some Oats & spring wheat PMW. ____ this morning. milder today

25 Herman went to Toronto with B Christian}

26 John brought home grist AM he & Flavius dug a grave for John Boyer's Child they brought it from Michigan. Tilman Shank helped dig it W. {uncertain}{uncertain}

27 Herman went to Toronto with B. C. Thomas Sold Beef Hide 617 lbs @ {??} John & Flavius helped {trying to fit two lines of writing into last line at bottom of page} Bury Boyers Child B inlaw Peters were here. Sermon by B C & Peter Baker. old John Boyer spoke too W. mild a little {uncertain} {P?}

John Wideman's were here this evening. Feb {written above the top line of the page}

Jan 1866 {squeezed in between the above and below noted above the top line of the page}

28 I went to JB Boys worked in bush. W. fine

Simon Hoover's were here this evening {squeezed in between top line and second line}

29 I went to Markham AM Boys Cut logs for Shingles W. very fine & mild a little snow

Boys 30 Boys drew 1 log to S M Drew 2 logs to A B Romin for Shingles PM. G & H & {unknown name} Cut few logs PM. W. Fine. good sleding

Sunday 31 at home all day. Young folks went to P B this evening W. fine

Feb 1 V B helped kill 6 Pigs A M F & H helped him kill 9 Pigs PM. John took Shingle log to A B Romin PM. W. fine zero this morning {Fit between lines near the right margin} Candle Mas day 2 F & V B took Pigs to Toronto @ $5.60. John took Shingles log A M we chop full lot of feed. Spring wheat & Oats PM W. Clear nearly all day. Cold west wind

3 Chored I & John brought load dry pine from others bush for Oven wood PM. W.

4 Chored Boys thrashed Peas PM I went to PM. W. very Cold Clear 14 dg below Zero. This morning {squeezed in between the lines}

5 Boys Finished Thrashing Peas & Cleaned them W. 18 deg below Zero. milder & snow PM

6 Chored. Boys helped Menno Stower Clean Peas at other barn AM. W. milder some snow PM D H Ramers were here this evening

Feb 1866

Sunday 7 at home all day Boys & girls went to BrC his daughter Ketura has been bed fast about a week. {Martin?} Baskys were here this evening W. fine

8 Killed Flavius's Pig AM drew home Pea Straw from other place PM. W. very fine 40 deg above Zero at noon

9 F & B C, Thomas went to Toronto sold Pig 5.90 {unreadable} 10 lb Butter 20. 14 doz Eggs 26. W. very fine 40 deg at noon John took Shingle log AM I & he Cut down stub PM

10 I & Nancy went to Daniel Ramiers 2 Boyls helped B S's {unreadable} W. thawed some east wind

11 I & Nancy & little girls went to B inlaw Peter's for seed Barley 2 Boys, helped B S {unreadable} AM. W. soft. drissly rain awhile PM. east wind. sleighing going

12 Boys {drew} {undreadable} on wheat at the other {place} from home. hung up meat to smoke W. soft

13 Chored. W. rain all day, water high

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron {unreadable} & Sermon on St Mark 3 @ C by B C B Stores was here PM I & Nancy & little ones went to B C PM & staid the evening W. mild. soft snow PM

15 Boys went {unreadable} hunting. I bought Combines Seeder & Drill. Masson's Make Oshawa $63 B inlaw Peter & Jesse brought Colt. Nancy bought it at $50.00. Coming year old W. soft snow all PM

Mar 1886

Clean Oats AM W. thawing Sleighing going

Br N was here this evening

Sunday 7 at home all day young folks & Thomas went to M No PM. W fine

8 Chopped grain & Cleaned grist Wheat AM F took grist about 15 bus fall Wheat & 5 {"10 lb" written above "5"} bus for J Mainland to B Hoover's I & other boys Cut & drew 2 Basswood & 1 pine log PM. W. fine. soft snow PM {"PM" fit in below at the end of the line.}

9 J helped J Dr {Huerh?} with team I & other boys Cut & drew 2 pine logs AM. B Gaymac & Anne Culp from Clinton were here PM W. frose last night. Soft snow made sleighing a little better I & Nancy went to Aunt Lissy B this evening

10 Cut & drew home logs for firewood John brought home grist AM Nancy was at B C PM {something crossed out} S Lehman's were there & brought her home & Staid for Supper. W. fine. thawing a little

11 Boys Cut & drew home logs for wood I went to Ceder Grove PM B inlaw D Hoover Called PM. I & Nancy went to see Abraham Honer in Cherry wood this Morning he is very sick with Paralysis & Heart Disease his right foot is shrunken & withered away W. fine thawing some

12 Chored. HItched up 2 year old Colt PM went well W. soft snow nearly all day

Mar 1886

13 drew home logs AM Nancy & Benj' went to Markham. I went to Whitevale Boys Chopped grain & John began grave for Abe Hoover he died this Monday. W. fine

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B C Sermon by B Law Hoover on Heb 11 @ J B were here PM I & Nancy & little ones went to Mermo Stories this evening a little W. fine Clr

15 went to Funeral of Ab Hoover a Methodist Minister & Daniel Hoover Preached Sermon M V & J H {R??? last name unreadable} were here PM. Brinlaw David Hoover's this evening W. alittle snow last night. fair today

16 Peter helped us Kill 7 Pigs AM. I went to Meeting house PM to see about building Some Sheds. agreed to build 14. W fine

17 I & Nancy went to Solomon Bunkholder Called at Benj Lehman's & M Nos Senior Homes. Sleighing about gone. W. very fine F & B. took 6 Pigs to Toronto @ $6.95, 13 doz Eggs 14 {raised letters?}

18 Boys Chopped grain & sawed wood I went to Gunn's AM Boys drew out pine wood with 2 teams PM {Voace} Moyrin & AMos Moyex were here at noon. I took Pig to Gunn's. PM

19 I & B drew out wood awhile AM. I & F & H fixed ready to thresh PM. rained awhile AM. quit at noon threshed about 200 Bus Oats PM. W. rained awhile PM very heavy thunder & sharp lightning this evening & through the night

20 I & Susanna went to Markham AMBoys Cleaned up barn & sawed wood W rather foggy& mild. roads bad {light east wind. written under line}

Sunday 21 I & Nancy & little ones started to go to C B road damaged on 4th Con then went to J D. W. heavy rain AM Clear awhile PM. drissled awhile at sun set. Clear Coming home. wind east this morning west through the day. east this evening

22 Sawed wood AM all went to Lotton's Sale PM. W. rain. damp. west wind soft {"snow PM" written under the line}

23 Boys split wood in Shed AM. all went to Munnays Sale PM. bought Pair BobSleighs $1.25. W. very Cold NW. wind

24 I & Flauvis took Buggy to Pringles in Markham to get fixed AM Tapped about 100 Buckets PM sap run pretty well W. Milder & fine. frose hard last night

25 Boys sawed wood I & little boys chopped Oats AM. W. run fine

Mar 1886 April

26 I & little boys Boiled Sap. Boys went to Sale at Boyals Belford PM. & this evening. W. fine

27 Boiled Sap & Sawed wood W. Fine

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & little ones went to C B I have very lame back. W. fine.

29 Cleaned Wheat. John went to Sale of Abe Hoover's things at Cherrywood PM W. rain around all day Back very lame

30 Cleaned last of Wheat. Boys boiled Sap W. rain nearly all day

31 Chored Boys Sawed little wood John drew some pine roots into sugar bush PM. Boys Boiled Sap PM W. rained off & on all day Sap has run well the last few days My back is very lame yet

April 1st Boys Shovelled old Wheat AM helped B C Thomas hitch up & drive Colt John took Lassies to B S PM W. Flurries of Snow AM. high wind all day. not cold

2 Boys Sawed wood JOhn went to Markham AM. drew Pine roots to sugar bush PM. Boys Boiled Sap all day. W. ground white with Snow this Morning. Back a little better

3 Boiled Sap & Sawed wood. John & Abe Chopped Some Oats AM W. frose hard last night thawed today

April 1886

Sunday 4 at home Aunt Lissy & Rosina Burkholder. A B Jesse & Martha were here at dinner & B C & wife at Supper. W. frose hard last night {written under line & underlined fine today}

5 Boys Sawed wood John & Benj split rails in the bush PM. I went to B S PM to see his Dam. part of the Tumbling dam broke away on 21st {hlt.?} W. raw east wind

6 I went to Cedar Grove this Morning Boys Sawed wood at home & Chored. {made as u handles?}. W. very strong north east wind & heavy Snow PM. not Cold. very very heavy storm

7 Boys drew rails along bush at the other place with Sleigh AM Sawed wood PM W. about 5 in Soft Snow yesterday & last night. mild today sap near PM

8 Boiled Suger F went to Markham AM. Sawed wood PM. Sap ran well

9 Boiled Sugar F went to Markham AM I got Fommer Shod & Chopped Oats Sawed little wood W. frose a little last night Sap ran all night & today {written above the line in the middle: Snow going away}

10 Boys sawed at home AM F & H went to Menno Stories sawing Bee PM. John took Nancy & I to Station we went to Toronto Boys Boiled Sap all day. W. Cloudy AM Clear PM

April 1886

Sunday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron. {Remarks?} & Sermon {off?} {lt?} Police 12th C {?} B. C W. rather raw Cold wind

12 Began boiling sap at half past 4 0 {deg symbol} this Morning Boys Sawed wood W. Cloudy AM warm rain PM & this evening

13 Boiled Sugar & Sawed wood W. fine

14 Boys Sawed wood AM. went fishing the Milnes PM Caught 8 & bought 2 doz I boiled 7 quarts Molasses We have Made 103 1/2 lbs Sugar & 57 quart Jars of Molasses. W. Fine

15 Boys split rails in other bush. I went to B S in Whitewale AM. & to other bush PM. W. very fine & warm. vouls bad

16 Boys Split rails. they went fishing to Cedar Grove awhile PM Caught 93. B S Dam is broke & the fish get up to Cedar Grove. I went to Whitevale B S. AM W air fine warm

17 I Boiled about 5 Jars Molasses BoysChored. Cut down few trees in Dooryard that Stood too Close W. very fine warm growing {written uner the line & underlined: weather}

Sunday 18 I & Nancy & little ones went to B S they were not at home. Children Stayed. we went to B N. W. very fine & warm about 70 deg

April 1886

19 J & N Chopped Some Oats AM went to B S. PM to hlep fix Dam F & B tried to plow sod at other place. too soft. W. very very fine Thunder Shower went {unreadable} PM Three boys got up after Midnight and went to Cedar Grove & Caught 85 fish {written under line and underlined: suckers}

20 I and Adeline went to Markham AM F & H helped B & S fix Dam we put in Stakes for Bush fence at other place PM W. very fine & warm

21 I & Nancy went to Markham & to Mother in laws Boys Picked Stones off Meadows & Sowed Some Oats at other place W. very wine & warm

22 Sowed about 5 acres Spring wheat made Some gardens. W. very fine trees Coming into leaf starting to bud out

Good Friday 23 all went to Meeting at H____ except Ester & {Herman?}. remarks & Sermon on Isaiah 53. C by B C. Tilman {Ra___?} v Abram {Reamaris?}. Came at noon W. fine rain at bedtime.

24 Cleaned Seed Oats I & Herman took 11 bags Oats to Cherrywood to Dan Hoover to get Chopped our mill needs new {Conearu?} boys drew home hay PM. W rain AM & nearly all PM. Cooler

Easter Sunday 25 at home all day. W. Clear AM. rain towards evening

Easter Monday 26. at home. Boys went Fishing to Big {unreadable} AM. Caught 10 went to Petticoat Creek PM Caught 2 B inlaw Peter & Jesse. Came this evening to fish. we went with them {faded} in Petticoat Creek. Caught 2. W. sunny this Morning. fine today

27 Sawed pine logs for ovenwood in School I & Flavius & Herman Sawed few White Ash logs in other bush PM. W. rain awhile AM fine warm PM. I went to B N & B S PM

28 Drew rails & Posts for Dush fence at other place AM Boys went fishing down Petticoat creek met after dinner Caught 35 fish Ones Planted Maple trees where they missed on Pickering twonline. PM went Shearing this evening. got 20. W. very fine warm

29 I & John & {Bary?} Deliveres fat Cattle at Markham. old Cow & 2year old Steer a $56.00 I took 23 suckers to B inlaw Peters then brought boys home. W. fine

April & May 1886

F & H plowed Sod at the other place AM rather wet. Their boys plowed in fallen Wheat PM. all killed out W. fine. Showers in north {written below the line and partly underlined : This evening} I went to Sewells PM Bought 13 Bus Seed Barley @ 50 cts it is {rakuip?}. regular Price is 75 cts but Seed Barley is very Dence a great deal of fall wheat is plowed down

30 Boys drew stones off new meadow behind Cider house John went to B S I went to Cedar Grove AM J & H {lenowed?} field back of garden F brought home seed barly I went to Cherrywood PM. W. a little Cooler John finished sewing {root?} ground with spring wheat. Strong East wind

May 1 John Sowed Oats back of garden F G subbed Wheat field east of dam with old Seeder. The Wheat is killed except a land or two on North side. he patched that with spring wheat I walked to J Tripps PM. W. fine & warm Bush nearly in full leaf boys put in last of turnip out of Pit

Sunday May 2 we went to B S Boys & girls went to Johnny B W. fine warm Clear

3 Sowed wheat field east of dam with Oats I & Benj put new tongue in roller AM dug garden PM. W. fine warm

4 sowed Barley back of barn AM H got nellie Shod 2 boys plowed in Corner wheat field PM W. fine AM Showry PM brought home Sap Buckets

5 2 Boys plowed in Wheat field we worked in back garden AM Finished Sowing barly behind barn PM I got strawberry plants at B S PM W. fine. rather Cool

6 Sowed barley on east 7 acres in NE corner field. Joann Moyer's brought two Anne Moyer's at dinner W white frost this Morning

7 Sowed Peas in South half of NW corner field W. fine air rather Cool

8 F sowed knoll with Peas AM he has sewed wheat at other place PM John Patched it with Oats AM but there is not very much wheat left. W. fine. rather Cool I & Nancy went to Green Pines Store this {written under the line and underlined partially: evening}

Sunday 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B C Sermon on St Mat 18 by R Jac Widerman C Burkholder & A B Raner's were here PM. W. fine Cool

10 Boys began to sow Peas & some Oats at other place began to rain about 10 AM very strong wind from east I & Nancy went to Clairmont there to M N got home without much rain

11 drew home hay John went to B S F took Oats to D Raner's to get chopped Plowed Sod & sowed Peas PM. W. clear

12 Sowed Peas on sod at other place & south I & F took Mase May to horse |Daybreak|

May 1886

13 Sowed young Orchard at the other place with Peas & Oats Mixed. AM Chored PM W. east wind AM rain from east PM

14 I & Nancy went to Markham AM Fixed gate & drew rails at other place PM W. very foggy AM Clear PM

15 John went to Markham AM Took Colts & Cattle to Pasture at other place. Fixed fences at home PM W. very heavy rain & Thunder last night. high Water today

Sunday 16 J & H & girls went to Meeting at Widemans. J D & P B were here PM. W. Cool. Clear

17 Split {Ocun?} wood & boys drew rails at other place AM. Boys worked at Bush fun. & I &Nancy went to Funeral of Susan M C Wain PM Sermon by {Penny} She was Joseph Benkeys oldest Daughter got supper at P B Rainer's W. White frost this morning I went to Whitevale this Morning

May 1886

18 Boys dug Post holes for Bush fence John sowed five Acres Oats in NW field it is not all fit yet I & Benj traimmed little Orchard PM. F rolled PM W. fine warm Clear

19 F rolled all day I rolled PM John drew dung on east end of big field for Corn AM. he & H & Benj washed sheep PM. W. fine

20 J & H helped Peter B chase dung with team F rolled. & Sowed last of Oats in NW field. I went to Markham AM. got 7 Cavities in my Teeth filled by Dr Robinson W. very fine

21 Boys Finished Sowing. few low places I went to Claremont for new Clothes AM F & Benj drew Stones off Meadow at other place. W. fine AM little rain PM

22 worked at Bush fence AM. Sheared Sheep & Planted Corn PM. W. fine warm

Sunday 23 at home. A B were here PM Boys & girls went to B S. W. fine Cool

24 Boys & girls went to S Lehmans W. fine

25 drew dung on root ground I got Nellie Shod PM. W. very Cool. Strong N wind

26 Boys drew dung AM H & J helped Peter B Pull down Barn PM

May 1886

F & Abram went to Toronto Sold 2 Calves $10.00 15 doz Eggs 10 cts W. fine Cool

27 Boys Plowed Potatoe ground I took Bishop Gayman & Pre A Rittenhouse from B Cs to I Moyer's & left them at P S then Came home Philip Hoch Came PM then I Moyer's & M Bisking's & John G Rerson's brought Saul & John Moyer's & Amos Moyer & Ratz Housen then I took Hoch to Manasu Frets this evening W. rainy this Morning fine today

28 Bishop Gayman & Pre A Rittenhouse were here last night & I took them to Yearly Conference at Widemans today a great many visitors about 100 altogether. Passed off reasonably well W. very fine day I brought home Moses Weber Daniel Weber & Levi Martin. left Menno Shants at B N & Bishop A Martin at B C

29 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Benj he took the two Webers & L Martin & C Snider to Station. Pre J Wisman &

May & June 1886

wife & A Knots & wife & {Menesee} {Fretis} & wife were here at dinner W. very fine day Bishop L Martin I Webber H Detwiler & Joseph Wisman were at Meeting Boys plowed turnip ground F went to Dan Reeds Meeting PM

Sunday 30 Herman & girls. & I & Nancy & Abe went to Meeting at Widemans suitable Sermons for Celebration of Lords Supper by Bishop SEyman & Martin went to J B after SErvice. W very fine

31 Boys dug Post holes and drew wood into shed J & F helped Retins draw sand with 2 teams PM B S brought Jacob Hoch & wife AM Jacob Reesor's brought J Brubacher & wife & Lydia Brubacher. Grace Moyer's were done at noon. W. fine Clear

June 1 Worked at bush fence & drew wood into shed. W. fine Clear

2 Boys worked at bush fence I & Benj finished drawing wood into Shed AM B S brought Pre Isaac Rittenhouse & wife PM. we took them to Grace Moyer's this evening. W. fine Showers at noon Ascension day 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B C Sermon on {??cts} 1st C by Pre I Rittenhouse W. fine. cool

June 1886

4 Boys worked at Bush fence I went to Markham AM. W. fine Cool

5 J & Benj worked at Bush fence I & T & H helped at Bee to Overhaul fence in front of Meeting house W. fine AM nice rain PM

Sunday 6 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rev Jos Barkey Suitable Sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by B C W fine Jos Barkeys were here

7 Boys worked at Bush fence I went to Markham PM W. rain this AM

8 drew dung on fallows with 2 teams & 3 waggons. I harrowed fallow W. fine cool {cool fit in under neath and between lines}

9 drew dung. I & J & Benj went to help finish fence at Meeting house PM. M No were here. W. fine cool John went to Markham for Plow sheres this evening {evening fit in under neath and between lines}

10 Boys Plowed fallow finished drawing dung AM. W. a little rain AM

June 1886

11 Plowed fallow W. fine

12 Boys finished Plowing fallow & Potatoe ground I & Herman helped at building

14 sheds at Meeting house got all Posts Set. John brought load {Secritling} for Sheds PM. W fine Cool Cler

Whitsunday13 Boys & girls went to Drudges we went to Johnny Rames's. they were not at home. we went to J D's. W. fine

Whit Monday 14 I & Nancy & little ones went to Menno Storiers. they live on G Moyer's place, Boys helped N B move a building. girls & Retura went to Johnny Bamin. W. a very little rain last night. very warm today

15 Planted Potatoes. I & Nancy went to see Grandmother PM She had {written between the lines: F took 18 bus Grist Wheat to B Hoover's} Erysipelas on face is better again {Written between the lines, below: W. very warm}

16 I & Susanna went Toronto 60 lbs Butter 14 cts 11 doz Eggs 12 cts Boys Chored. harrowed

June 1886

fallow. W. rain this Morning. & heavy rain PM. Coming home

17 I & Nancy went to Brinlaw Johnie Hoovers. his wife is very Sick. Boys worked at Bush fence PM. W. showers this morning. heavy rain PM Cold wind this evening {evening written under the line and underlined though there was room on the line.}

18 Herman went for Grist it was not done I & J Put up some wire fence at Bush fence F & Benj topped thistles at other place W. Cooler

19 I & J worked at {fur} AM Boys topped thistles at home AM I went to Markham & Boys finished Bush fences PM W. fine Cool

Sunday 20 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Altona remarks by C C SErmon on {blank space} by Pr S Hoover (he still spoke english at the latter part of his SErmon at Altona & Cedar Grove) went to H Boyer's & to Menno Buskholder W. very very fair June day

21 Boys plowed turnip ground I & J hoed early Potatoes. & Chored. I went for Bunows. little Mese Topry has sore eye & Charly has something in his foot wooden thorn. Bunows took it out. W. fine

June 1886

a very little rain this evening. Cool

22 Boys made turnip drills John brought home grist from B Hoover's took along 8 Bus Peas to D Romens & got them Chopped W Cloudy. a little rain after supper

23 Chored. Steady rain about all day

24 I & J & Benj Put in logs F & H drew home last of old hay & 2 loads of sand W. a little rain this Morning. Cloudy today

25 Cut Some Saiulage & drew them with trucks W. fine Cool H & Benj Sowed turnips PM. heavy Showers tonight

26 J & Benj drew 4 logs I & F & H worked on roads Markham work 2 times AM. Three Boys topped thistles I & John drew 4 logs & brought load of lumber for Meeting Sheds PM. W. fine Clear

Sunday 27 I & Nancy & little ones went to N B for dinner. Johnny Reesor were here at supper {Written below the line and underlined W. fine}

28 Boys mowed fence Corners & Topped last of thistles Benj walled between sleepers in old barn John mowed half of Clover field at other place PM. W. fine Cool I went to Cedar Grove PM

June July 1886

29 F & Boys went to barn raising at Peter's B & J Mowed other half of Clover at other place & H Mowed fence Corners Both went to raising PM. W. fine

30 Raked & Cocked all the hay at other place I & John took 400 ft Sheeting to D Ranson's & brought load lumber home for Meeting Sheds AM. I & Nancy went to Martin Baskeys for Strawberries & I brought waggon wheels from Cherrywood after supper. W. fine

July 1 Drew in all hay at other place 13 good loads. W. very fine Clear

2 J & F finished Markham road work with 2 teams drew gravel H Cut about 3 Acres in field behind Cider hose W. warm

3 I & Nancy went Toronto 50 lbs Butter 17cts 9 doz eggs 12cts J finished cutting behind Cider house W. fine. warm

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks B C Sermon on St. Mat 22 by Re S Hoover C Brillinger & wife & D B Homes & wife were here at noon & J B at supper W. very warm

5 Drew in nearly all hay behind Cider house J Stories were here. W. very very warm

July 1886

6 Finished drawing hay behind Cider house F & H went to raising at D Reesor's farm on 11th Con. Peter's & Motherinlaw were here today W. very very warm

7 Cleaned load Oats. & I went to Whitevale PM. W. pretty warm. fine breese

8 I & Nancy & little ones went to S. Lehman's they were not at home. we Staid & had dinner then we Called at J H Rainer's for supper John took load Oats 80 Bus to Toronto @ 34 1/2cts F cut hay south of bush W. fine cooling

9 Drew in Some hay at other place Herman took about 79 Bus Oats to D Raners to get Chopped & brought home Sheeting. drew in hay south of bush 4 loads. W. pretty warm

10 Mowed in swale back of Orchard I went to M Benkeys this Morning J & F went to R Clinks raising PM H & Benj drew in some hay at other place & raking south of bush. W. fine warm I went to see Patton after supper

Sunday 11 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by B C Sermon on {blank space left} by R C House went to Enos Harris. & to D Nighowanders at Supper. W. fine. Cool this Morning

July 1886

12 H & F finished Mowing Swale AM J brought 43 Bunches Shingles from A B Raner's. Scuffled Potatoes F took gist Peas about 20 Bus to Whitevale PM J Plowed creek east of Richard after supper we intend to clean it out this fall W. warm

13 J & F Rolled & harrowed fallow AM I & Adeline went to Markham PM brought in last of hay Ulrich Bunkholder & wife from Indiana were here at supper W. a little like rain {rain written under the line and partly underlined}

14 Chored. Boys began plowing sod South of bush after Supper. W rain through the night & till supper

15 Boys plowed I & Herman piled lumber. W. Some drissle A M & PM

16 Boys finished plowing {hessoway?} & rolling sod I went to Markham AM H & B hoed Potatoes & Cut weeds around other place. W. Fine. thunder Shower went round north this evening

17 Three Boys turned dung at other place John went to Lacys for lime got none I & Nancy started to go to Jacob Groves turned back Thunder Showe Came after supper {after supper filled in over line above}

July 1886

W. Thunder Clouds around all day rain after supper {after supper written in under the line and partly underlined}

Sunday 18 I & Nancy & little ones went to A B for dinner & to J D. W. Cloudy Cool

19 Four boys helped N B thin turnip I & Abram & Henry brought 400 Bricks from A Niels yard on 6th Con Markham W. fine pretty warm. a little rain this evening {evening written under the line and partly underlined}

20 Three boys helped N B finish hoeing turnips John drew stones into Barnyard for paving I & Abram brought lime from Markham AM. W. fine evening

21 Patton & Son Came this morning we Shingled Mother's Kitchen. John went Toronto 40 lbs butter 17cts 8 quts Black Currants 10ct F Paved some in Barnyard & drew some stones W. warm

22 John began Plowing fallow. rest of us helped Patton & Son shingle big house. W. Cool last night warm today F brought big load sand after supper. we are laying the Shingles in Mortar on big house.

23 Finished Shingling big house {He left out the W. this time}warmer

24 Three boys Plowed. Patton's branded east Gable of big house, W. very warm

Aug 1886

road plank PM did not get there W. very Cool. Strong wind. a little rain last night {night fit in under the line and partially underlined}

4 I went to Markham this Morning we began drawing in barley behind barn a little before noon. W. Still a little cool

{written partway along and between the lines:} Some talk of frost this Morning

5 finished drawing barley out of both fields till noon 23 loads J harrowed fallow F drew gravel into barnyard I & B piled gravel lumber PM W. fine warm

6 Cut about 4 acres oats at other place till Supper F brought load gravel after supper W warm clear {warm clear fit in under the line and partially underlined}

7 Shoveled out of Creek AM drew in fall wheat PM W. warm

Sunday 8 3 boys and girls went to Meeting at Widemans Johnny Boyer's were here we went to Peter's awhile this evening they are both Sick. W. warm & dry

9 F went to Markham for a barrel salt John brought Planks for bridge AM began Cutting. Out east end of dam PM W warm

10 Finished east of dam & began in field back of garden I went to Whitevale PM W. very warm & dry Parching wind

Aug 1886

11 Finished with half of Oats back of garden & cut Spring Wheat Joe Spragger & his Brother built new Chimneys on house didn't get quite done. W very warm. heavy thunder storm went North east a nice little shower here

12 2 Boys helped B B thresh Finished spring wheat & Boys Cleaned roof of house I went to Markham PM W. not quite so warm

13 Boys Cut Oats at other place that was Sowed in fall Wheat AM Cut South half of Oat back of garden PM. I got tines set of 3 spring wagon AM. W. fine

14 Cut late sown spring wheat AM Boys drew 5 loads Oats at the other place PM I & Nancy & little Anne went to J. Groves for supper & to Tilman Wideman's to stay all night. W. very fine. Cool N W wind

Sunday 15 went to Meeting at Almira remarks by Re Pas Barkey Sermon on St Mat 25 C ly Re J Wideman went to C Gayman's to dinner & to John Wideman to supper. W. fine clr

Aug 1886

16 H helped N B draw Peas AM F & B Cut Peas & Oats missed in Orchard at the other place AM {P?} got horses shod. Boys Shoveled wheat in granary PM W. Clear AM. rained few hours PM. from east {fit below the line and partly underlined: cool} I & Nancy went to Peters to sit up Both he & his wife are sick. he is up again

17 I & Abram went to Markham AM Boys drew dung on Plowed sod south of brush. set Machine & asked hands to thresh tomorrow. W. Cloudy

18 Threshed. all went well. about 550 Bus barley. & little fall Wheat {fit below the line: W. very fine}

19 Boys pulled few Peas AM I & Herman drew 2 loads Spring Wheat AM. Boys drew 5 PM. & Pulled peas at other place after supper. I & Nancy went to Markham & to B Hoover's to see Twin Boys. W. fine. Cool, Clr

20 Four Boys Pulled Peas at other place I & Abram drew in 2 loads spring Wheat after supper I went to Cedar Grove PM. W. pretty warm. rather Cloudy I & B C & Thomas had a run after a dog supposed to be mad. did not get him

Aug 1886

21 F helped McCreight thresh 3 boys pulled Peas. W. fine

Sunday 22 at home young folks went to Johnny Rainer's B S's were here & J D at supper. W. fine Showers AM

23 Boys pulled few Peas & harrowed fallow I & Adeline went to Whitevale W. fine {written between the lines: J & F put in Sluce way on sideroad at B C Shower AM. but we need a soaking rain

24 Boys plowed in fallow & drew off stones Two of them Pulled Peas at other place PM. Stumper Came this evening

25 Finished Cutting few Oats at other place this Morning then Cut last at home 4 acres & Pulled some Peas H & B pulled last of Peas at other place AM. W. fine Clear warm

26 drew Peas at other place W. very heavy dew. very warm today

27 Finished drawing Peas at other place & few Oats. W. very very warm {written in between the lines: very heavy dew}

28 drew in Oats at home all day. boys went to Menno Stories binding Bee I had a Surprise this evening in passing B C they called me in & there I seen seven dear friends from Ohio Pre A Brubacher & wife Deacon C Lehman Lissy Caty & Susanne Lehman & Caty Weaver

Aug & Sept 1886

Sunday 29 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B C Sermon on St. Mat 18 by R A Brubacher Jacob Grovs youngsters were here at dinner & {unreadable} Hoovers at Supper W. not so warm AM pretty warm PM

30 I & Nancy & J D took visitors to Manasse Fret's to N B to dinner to Saul Reesor's {written above the line: not at home} to Johnny Raner's & to Menno Reesor's & to Br S to Supper & to stay all night W. fine shower AM

31 I & Nancy Br C & Br S took Visitor's to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Po Pas Berkey Sermon on St Luke Part of 16 C by R A Brubacher took Visitor's to Pas Berkey's for dinner then we & Br S took the Lehman friends to little C Hoover's {carrot pointing up to this text written between the lines: to Supper} & to Peter Burkholder they were not at home then to Chris Burkholder's & left them to stay all night W very fine & Cool Boys plowed in fallow

Sept 1 Boys Pulled last Peas at home I & John drew in 2 loads Oats at other place PM W. fine

2 drew in last of Peas. W. fine Cool

Sept 1886

3 F & H helped Br N thresh we drew in last of Oats at home PM I went to Markham AM BOys finished plowing & harrowing fallow W. fine Clr Cool

4 drew in 2 loads Peas & Oats Missed out of Orchard at other place AM 2 boys plowed South of brush PM John brought 22 Bus Seed Wheat from Johnny Reesor's then he sowed fallow W. fine clr looks like rain this evening

Sunday 5 I & Nancy & little ones esccept Abram went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Re Jos Barkey Sermon on St Mat fast of 5 C by B C Went to B-inlaw Peter's then went to Peter Burkholders to help Br B take the 5 Ohio Cousins to J Widemans & to Widow Kindy's then left them at A Burkholders W. very fine

6 Boys Plowed South of brush John sowed a 7 little of it this evening W. warm

7 Boys plowed in Pea ground at other place John finished Sowing south of bush W. warm

8 Ohio Cousins were here we took them to Drudges to Supper & left them at J Dr

Sept 1886

they are going to Waterloo tomorrow W. very warm. Cooler this evening

9 Boys drew dung on Peaground & finished plowing W. fine heavy rain about noon

10 Boys finished drawing dung I & Br C went to Markham PM I & Nancy went to see Menno Stories after supper he has been very sick is a little better W. Cooler hevy shower north & South PM. not much here

11 Sowed 4 acres Peaground at other place AM Herman helped draw in Oats for Menno Stories other boys drew off 9 stumps into line fence PM W. Cool

Sunday 12 at home Br N & A Bower here at noon. W. fine rain last night & awhile AM

13 J & H scraped out at Creek below Orchard F & B threshed Peas AM J took Peas to Whitevale & brought home Two furrow gang Plow @ $15.00 W. Cool. very high wind tonight

14 I & Nancy went to Sand {Lehmerus} H ganged in barly stubble near {Harris} rest of boys cleaned turnips W. very fine

Sept 1886

15 I & Nancy & Br C & wife went to Markham AM. to sign Deeds of transfer 41 acre of land in Markham village on Vinegar Hill to F K Reesor for the Sum of $200. Boys ganged J plowed behind barn AM I went with N B to drive his horse for him he drove 4 heard of Cattle to Pasture at Downies at Duffins Creek. W. strong east wind

16 Chored F & B hitched up 2 yr old Colt PM he went well J plowed behind barn W. heavy rain AM Thunder shower

17 B plowed behind bard PM I & J shot & buried Old Cent AM. made railing on bridge at our Comer PM. F {Kennored? faded} with 2 year old Charley PM W. very fine the ground is well soaked now 18 maggie was sick with Milk fever on Tuesday & few days since she better again Frank was

18 J Plowed F ganged PM Frank was sick this Morning is better again H & B Searched barnyard PM W. very fine I walked to Whitevale AM

Sept 1886

Sunday 19 at home I & Nancy went to Br C a little while PM Herman went to Meeting at Wideman's Elias Stories went with him W. Cloudy this Morning rain AM

20 Boys plowed I & B went to Markham AM I went to Cherrywood PM W. fine Cool AM squaals of rain PM heavy {written under, between lines near center of page, partly underlined: after dark}

21 Boys plowed & trimmed few stumps I & Nancy went to Toronto 38 lbs Butter @ 21 ct I sold 4 Hogs @ 7.00 to be Delivered Friday or Saturday W. fine

22 Boys Plowed F & H went to Markham PM for Boots. W. Cloudy. shower this {written between lines below: evening}

23 Boys Plowed Herman helped Stumpers load Machine AM I & J & B killed 4 Pigs PM F Helped Stumpers take Machine to to Menno Bunkholder's PM J got Major Shod PM this evening W. fine

24 I & Nancy & girls went to Funeral of Red Jos Barkey he died on Wednesday evening {written between the lines: F & B took Pigs to Toronto weighed nearly 500 lbs} Funeral Discourse by B C & Joe Wideman & {?} Totten W. Cloudy & foggy all day

25 Boys Plowed J & B Piled some lunber I brought home lambs this evening

Sept 1886 Oct

J Br were here at supper W. rain this morning & awhile AM. very warm clear PM

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting at Hebron Suitable remarks & sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by Br C Ann Shirk was here PM. W. reain all AM not very many in Meeting. had a fine meeting

27 Boys Plowed I & Herman Made about 50 gals Cider PM. W. fine today. heavy rain this evening this is my 50th Birthday

28 2 boys helpet Peter thrash. Boiled Sauce I & Abe Mad made about 35 gals Cider PM. F & H Plowed. W. drissly rain PM heavy {written between the lines below and partially underlined: this evening}

29 2 boys helped Peter till {4?} PM. Boiled Sauce. F & H Polwed Abe drew off stones then he Plowed too. W. very fine & Clear

30 I & Nancy & little Anne went to B r inlaw Peter's for dinner Mohterin law is not very well then went to M N & staid all night. W. fine {written below and between the lines: stron S West Wind rain tonight heavy}

Oct 1 went to Simon Hoovers for dinner then Came home. W. very Cool Cloudy

2 boys helped N B thrash yesterday and today other boys finished Plowing, NW corner field

Oct 1886 {It seems this left hand page of the diary was miss printed, the lines are missing. Benjamin started off writing without lines and then drew them in freehand, I guess he didn't have a ruler or other straight edge available to him to do it more neatly as they are uneven and angled,}

2 drew out Scrapings of barnyard PM J went to Markham for Boots & plowed in Creek. W. fine Clr Cool a little Snow in the air yesterday at Altona {written between the lines below: & home too}

Sunday 3 A Moyer's J D's & A Br Children were here W. fine Clear Cool white frost last night

4 I went to Cedar Grove AM 2 BoysScraped out Creek J plowed in barley stubble near Hoover's W. rainy AM

5 I went with Br C to Markham for lime wnet round by Unionville to see Old John Stover he is Poorly Boys plowed W. Cloudy warm {written above & between the lines: B treshed Peas PM}

6 John helped Br C thresh with {team} B helped too PM I & F plowed AM I & H took 14 bus 20 lbs Peas to D Raner's {written between the lines and below: H threshed Peas AM} to get Chopped W. very fine warm Clear

7 J & B drew dung on South half of field east of dam it is gangedF & H finished field near Hoover's as far as it is ganged the rest is single plowed F. scraped Creek B & H began plowing field east of dam right through ganged part & all W. very fine warm growing weather

Oct 1886

8 Boys went to Markham Fair I & Henry went to Cedar Grove AM I & Abe & Henry drew in Pumpkins & Squashes PM. W. very very fine & warm

9 Boys plowed F got Frank shod PM then we Set Machine & thrashed Oats this evening W. very very fine & warm Br inlaw Enor was here AM

Sunday 10 I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny {Remer's} Three Boys & girls went Meeting at Latona Boy's went to J {Dr} W. very fine & warm

11 dry Potatoes W. very warm & fine

12 Boys plowed. T went to work for N B. PM. his man Elias Storey is sick W. litter squals of rain warm

13 Chored AM I & John Made 50 gal Cider PM Boys Plowed W. drissly AM Cleared up PM

14 Boiled Sauce boys Plowed AM thrashed Peas & Plowed awhile PM. W. gine AM heavy rain awhile PM. very Long gale of wind after dark. & all night Cooler

15 Boys plowed. finished field east of dam & began crossplowing field back of garden it was ganged. W. very high Cold wind all day some drissle of rain Boiled Sauce AM I went to Cedar Grove PM a little while to B F Reesors & D Dukson's Sale. didnt stay long pretty Cool Picked few Potatoes that were plowed out

Oct 1886

16 John took small grist Peas to Whitevale H & {hidden in page crease} Plowed awhile AM dry & Picked last of Potatoes AM all Picked apples PM. W. Cold air from north. fine clr

Sunday 17 at home W. Soft Snow AM ground covered rain PM. snow going

18 Boys plowed. W. fine snow all gone

19 Boys nearly finished plowing back of garden AM B. Picked apples PM. J & H finished plowing back of garden then we drew wood to leave at other place for steaming. W. very fine warm

20 Boys plowed Orchard at other place I & susanne went to Markham She got all her upper Teeth extracted AM. boys scraped out Creek at town line other side of fence PM W. fine warm

21 I went to Whitevale Boys fixed up barn at other place ready to thresh AM threshed with W Reesor's steamer PM W. Strong NW wind Clr mild

22 Finished thrashing about 9 AM J & F took Steamer to Whitevale Peas & Oats turned out well B tood 6 bags Peas to D Ramer's to get Chopped AM J took 18 bags Oats PM. W. fine Clr

Oct 1886

23 B helped Johnny B thrash I & J & F drew off 45 Stump Abe helped N B dig Potatoes H wored worked for N B yesterday & today F has been there since the 12th {inst} at noon. Elias Storey is very sick yet he is deranged the most of the time the Doctor says it is Neuralgice on the brain. W. very very fine Clr

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on St. Luke parts of 21st C by Br C Ann Shirk was there I & Nancy went to Br C PM Br S's youngsters were here PM W. fine

25. began Pulling turnips John took Chop Peas & Oats to Whitevale & got Horses shod AM B helped Johnny Br finish threshing a while this morning I went to Markham PM got Nell shod at Whitevale as I went. W. fine AM. rough & rainy PM

26 J helped Br C thrash with team. H helped AM Boys finished pulling turnips W. Fine

27 I & B helped work at Meeting house Sheds other boys drew turnips 9 loads W. Cloudy AM drissly rain nearly all PM. raining at Bedtime. this is the 29 anniversary of our wedding day

Oct 1886 Nov

28 Cleaned grist & Chored. W. rain nearly {written above the line: all day}

29 J took grist 18 bus Wheat to B Hoover'sF & H took 7 bags Peas to D Ramer'swith Mag & Charlie AM I & F took about 50 Bus old Wheat to P Hoover's PM @ 71 cts. it is a little Musty. W. fine

30 Boys took 3 loads. over 150 Bus Wheat to P Hoover's @ 70 Cts it is a little Musty he thinks he paid to Much for the last load I & Br S were at W Milnes AM W. very fine

Sunday 31 I & Nancy went to Meeting at {written above the line: Wideman's} remarks by R JoeWideman Sermon on {space left blank} by Br C went to Tilman Reesor's & to Br inlaw Peter's at supper W. very very fine like September

Nov 1 I went to Markham AM Mother inlaw & Peter's were here boys finished drawing turnip 13 loads we have about 1000 Bus W. very fine {written between and below the line: & warm}

2 I & Nancy & little ones went to M No Boys plowed in turnip ground J & B went Shooting PM Shot 4 Partridges & five Squab W. very very fine & warm roads good

3 H plowed in turnip ground J drew 2 loads lumber from Milner to Meeting house F & B took load Cider apples to {Palapp?} @ 15 cts AM drew in Corn PM W. very very fine

Nov 1886

4 I & Nancy went to A B after dinner Motherinlaw & Peter's were there too. then after dinner A B & I & Peter went to Old Sarah Storie's Sale I bought Cooking stove @ 4.25 H & B went to Sale F went Shooting J Made 25 gal Cider PM. W. fine. rather Cold NW wind

5 J went to Drudges Plowing Bee. he has tonight A {Nhaleys?} farm F drew 2 loads Wheat H Plowed Potatoe ground & took 10 bags Peas to D Ramer'sW. fine. D Burkholder Came to Make Storm doors Pas Wideman came to stay all night

6 Chored & Cleared load Wheat AM boys all went Shooting PM I & Abe & Henry brought home Pea Chop PM W Soft snow All AM. & little ones went to B S's W. pretty Cold. snow thawed some

{Benjamine missed a rare day, no entry for 7}

8 Boys trimmed Stumps & F took last load Wheat @ $65 cts it is musty then they drew stumps PM. we & Br C went to Jacob Reasor's they were not at home then Br Cs staid at our place for supper W. fine rather Cold West wind

9 Worked at Sheds at Meeting house F helped AM H PM. John took grist chop & H plowed last of root ground AM they trimmed Stumps PM. W. very fine snow all gone

Nov 1886

10 D Burkholder Made Storm doors F brought home Chop AM they Cleaned up along line fence wehre we are building Stump fence PM B helped Br C PM W. drissly rain AM mild PM

11 D B finished Storm doors AM boys Cut & drew Hemlock logs AM Drew stump PM. W. mild

12 Boys drew stumps AM dug garden PM. I went to J Fr he helped me get 34 White Brahma Rooster's @ $ 50 cts each 1 @ 40 W. Cold N Wind freesing

13 I & Nancy went to Toronto 18 lb Butt @ 22 cts we went on Cans. boys brought home Colts Cattle & Sheep from other place Fixed henhouse. W. Cold frose hard

Sunday 14 I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny Br W. very fine. getting milder

15 Boys drew stumps AM I & J cut & drew {* in margin?} 3 Basswood logs F got Maggie shod & {smudged?} & H dug garden PM. W. pretty Cold. Clr

16 J & H Cut & drew 4 Basswood logs AM J took 20 Bus Peas to D Ramer's & got them Chopped I went along to S M & Piled Some lumber F & H dug among Raspberries B has been working for Br C some days W. fine Clr

Nov 1886

17 Three Boys & Thomas went to Uxbridge to Shoot Rabbits They went with Br inlaw Peter Jesse & Enos. They brought home 2 W. rain all day from east.

Thanksgiving day 18 all went to Meeting at Henron remarks & Sermon on St. Luke 12 C by Br C Ann Shirk was here {Grace?} Moyer's brought Anne Moyer here PM I took her to Br N after supper W. stron S W wind & squals of snow PM. freesing

19 Boys went to draw stumps Broke harness I went to Cedar Grove AM I & John brought Sawdust to bed Pigs. rest of boys Cleaned wheat tailings. W. very strong W wind little {written between and below the line and underlined: snow}

20 I & F went to Markham he got 11 Cavities in his upper Teeth filled J & H burned stumps AM. went to C Stotts Sale PM I & F Cleaned out Creek at Townline a little W. very fine & Clear Br inlaw J R Hoover was here at dinner

Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on St Mat 16 @ by Br C. {Sarnl?} Hoover Came very late John G {Rusor's?} & Matty Cork were here at dinner & Sid Brownsbury we went to Br C for supper with Matty W. very very fine & Clr

Nov 1886

22 F helped J D thresh with team B helps Br C rest of us killed Pig & opened Mouths of tile drains. W. fine Clr

23 husked Corn & Chored. W rain nearly all day F took 24 bus Oats to D Ramer's PM

24 Boys trimmed trees in other bush I & J fixed hog pen roof & brought home Chop PM, W Cold Clr

25 I & H went to Markham F helped J D thresh with team J took Colt to Burrows AM F brought home load Planks from Mill & J & H brought Mortar from other place PM W. some soft snow. Mild

26 Boys began putting new floor in Horse Stable it is spoiled with dry rot & I & Nancy helped C Br kill a hog & a beef W. very fine. a few inches of snow

27 worked at stable floors. got done for the present. W. fine Clr

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & little ones went to Peter Reesor. J D youngsters were home. W. Fine

29 Chored AM John took about 700 ft Clear lumber for us & about 200 ft for Br S to Green River Station. W. pretty Cold

30 I helped Br C Kill hogs & F helped N B

Nov & Dec 1886

J & B burned Stumps & H went to Markham PM W. pretty Cold

Dec 1 we Killed 7 hogs. W. fine

2 F & H helped Br S thresh we Chored W. pretty Cold Some squaals of snow

3 J & H helped for Br S thresh B helped Br C I & F drew Cord first Class wood to Cherry wood School at 4.50 AM & a load Hard Culls to P Robinson @ $ 2.50 PM. W. Cold. roads pretty good

4 Boys drew some wood home out of old bush AM drew together drags in other bush PM. I walked to W A Milners AM to pay my bill & lumber that we got for Meeting Sheds. W. very Cold {nengh?} N wind

Sunday 5 at home N Br were here at noon Johnny Ramer's & M Barkeys at supper W. Milder dry flakes of show all day

6 H drew wood home out of old bush J got Horses Shod F & B burned stumps AM {hidden in crease of page} got Horses shod J & B brought load of {hidden in crease of page} from other place PM W. very fine mild C Morrison was here at noon

Dec 1886

7 Boys drew Stumps S Lehman's were here at dinner. they & we went to Johnny Ramer's this evening.W. very fine {Written between the lines spread out: Sinclair Holden Buried today}

8 B went to Toronto with Br C Thomas F & Nancy went to Markham AM Trimmed Pine trees & J took Oats & Peas to D Ramer's PM. Br inlaw Simon's were here this evening W. fine

9 Boys drew stumps I went to Cedar Grove AM. W. very fine & Mild roads good This is my Nancys 47th Birthday

10 I went to Markham to see the weekly Market it commenced last Friday the was a good attendance. & fair prices. Boys drew stumps AM Herman went to F K Reesors sale J & F went to look for Hound he is lost two weeks ago. I & Nancy & little ones went to J D's. W. fine {written between the lines: "this evening" not sure if it is referring to the lost dog or the visit to J D's}

11 B & H trimmed young Pines J brought home Oat Chop &I & F mended eave trough & pipe on house & gutter on kitchen AM all boys went to Stouffer's sale in Clarks Hollow PM I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM. roads getting soft. W. warm. thawing

Sunday 12 at home all day. W. Mild. Strong E Wind

13 F & H helped McCreight thresh. B helped for Br C John & Ab Shoveled Barley W. drissly rain more or less all day

Dec 1886

Old Nancy Musselman Burried yesterday

14 turned up old logs in other bush AM trimmed young Pines around old bush PM. W. very Cold

{Written between the lines: J hog lame shoulder}

15 H went to B S. S. I & F Cleaned grist Peas & Oats in other barn AM B took grist to Cedar Grove Mills & H & F brought load hay from other Place PM W. very Cold. raw wind from N East a very little snow last night

16 {quite a few letters crossed out in this days post} F helped J D thrash H helped for B C W. B helped dress Chickens & Ducks & Brought home Chop. W. pretty Cold

17 H & B went to Markhma Market sold Ducks 6 1/2 & 6 cts per lb Roosters 50 & 45 cts per {hidden by center binding} Chored PM. W. fine Milder

18 Asked hands to thrash AM set Machine & Boys drew off one big stump PM W. about 2 in snow last night. Mild J went to Markham AM

Sunday 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on St John 12 C 24 to end of C by Br C Saul Wideman B Stores & D Hanes youngsters were here. W. fine mild

20 Thrashed about 100 BUs spring wheat about 20 bags Misced wheat & over 200 Bus Oats. W. mild SW wind all day

21 Finished thrashing till 3 PM about 550 Bus Oats. W. mild & snow from S West PM

Dec 1886 {another unprinted page where it appears Benjamin ruled in some lines}

22 Boys drew five Stumps AM I went to Markham AM Chored PM U Drudges were here this evening he took sick & they Staid all night W. fine Mild roads pretty level.

23 Boys drew stumps I & Nancy went to myms Reesor's this evening. W. fine Mild Dredge was better this morning. & they went home

24 Chored Cleaned Some Missed Wheat PM J took some Peas & some Oats to D Ramer's PM W. Snow from east all day. soft & Mild Colder this evening

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & SErmon on St Luke part of 2 C by Br C Minna Burkholder's were here after Service. W. good Sleighing fine clear winter day

Sunday 26 I & Nancy went to Funeral of old Sam Barky SErmon by J Wideman & Sam Hoover went to Motherinlaws after Service. W. fine winter day Snow this Morning & PM good Sleiging

27 H & B sawed wood in other bush F & J Hitched up 2 yr old Colt AM J brought home grist PM W. fine Cleared load Oats PM

28 I & Nancy went to J Br boys drew home some wood from bush & sawed in other bush W. cold W wind. Ontario Elections Today

Dec 1886 & 1887 Jan {another unprinted page where it appears Benjamin ruled in some lines}

29 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br inlaw Sam Hoover's F & B took 67 bus 24 lbs Oats to Toronto @ 31 1/2 cts H went to Toronto with Br C. Thomas H bought new watch B bought new Gun W. pretty Cold from N. east.

30 Boys drew home hay & Pea straw from other place. W. Cold

31 Boys sawed wood at other place AM Chored PM. W Cold AM Snowed PM Medicine Man. Daves. came to stay all {writted between the line above: night}

Jan 1st 1887 at home all day boys went Shooting a little then Boys & girls & Br C Thomas & {Ketuna} & Johnny Resor's went to Menno Storey's this evening W. Cold

Sunday 2 at home Br S Came PM & Staid this evening W. very very Cold little Anna was not well these few days this evening she is worse J & F are just gone for Dr Robinson 120 PM

3 Boys took Grist 20 Bus Peas & 20 Bus Oats to D Ramer's W. very Cold. Coldest Morning

4 H helped B Burkholder threshother boys sawed wood J Drew few logs AM I & Abe went to Markhma Anne some better W. Milder Good Sleighing

5 H & F helped B B thresh AM J took 20 Bus mixed Peas & Oats to D Ramer's AM

Jan 1887

Killed Beef PM Gave my Order to H L Vansant for Brantford Binder $175 W. a great deal Milder

6 F & B Sawed in other bush J took Nellie to Stouffville to try to sell her. didnt Sell I & H Cut up beef & rendered tallow Joe Wideman Came to stay all night W. Milder

7 Boys threshed Peas I & Nancy went to J H Ramer's their boy Ambrose is very sick we staid to dinner W. pretty Cold

8 Boys drew some logs F & B took grist to B HOover's with Colt Chesly to Hebron Meeting house to settle for sheds W. rather Cold

9 Sunday at home all day W. Snow from east all day did not drift

10 {written in blue pencil, instead of the usual black} I went to Hebron Meeting to See Mary {Bear} Commence Teaching German School we have hired her for 2 Months @ $12.00 & board Boys drew home Some wood. W. pretty Cold I went to Cedar Grove PM

11 I went to Pay W Jones for pulling stumps AM Boys Cut wood in Shed & Chored W. very Cold S W wind drifting Some {back to usual pencil} Sold 14 Sheep to H Handing for $689$68.00

12 Boys delivered Sheep AM went to other bush to draw out logs. broke harness got ti fixed PM. W. pretty Cold Some Snow PM

Jan 1887

13 Herman took me to Markham this Morning to see Dr Robinson Anne is worse then I took Midland for Toronto to get some German School Books got none to Suit Me Came home on CPR. boys drew some logs W. wind from east drifted {fit in between the lines above: some}

14 Chored. W. snow from east nearly all day. Anne pretty sick Dr was here last night. I think Medicine Made her Sick

15 took grist Oats to D Ramer's AM & 27 bus 5 {lbs} Oats to Cedar Grove Mill PM for C {Minnoors}. W. Cold Snow very deep

Sunday 15 All went to Meeting at Hebron except John & Susanna they staid with Anne (she is some better) remarks & sermon on St. Luke 1 C by Br C M Ns Br inlaw Peter & Albert & Man Hoover were here & Elias & Ben Stories & Sid Brownsburger at Supper. W. fine. Milder. Albert & Mary Hoover T Lornes & {Keturar} wre were here awhile last night

17 I & J made hogtrough AM he brought home Chom PM F & H have bad cold W. Strong. W. wind not very Cold. drifting Some fresh snow last night

18 Boys not very well yet B is going to German School nearly every day

Jan 1887

I & B went to Funeral of Peter Lapps wife at 11th Con PM. W. very Cold School Mam Came here to board this evening N She was at N Br & Tilly is sick

19 Chored AM I & J took 1/2 Cord wood to School Teacher living in our house at other place F & H went to German School PM W. very stormy from W AM Calmer PM

20 I & F & Susanna went to Markham F got 2 Cavities filled got impression taken for new set for Susanna Tillman Ramer's John Lehman's & wesley Reesor's & Peter & Freeman Runer were here this evening, W, Mild Thawing Soft wind

21 Got 2 loads wood ready AM J & F took it to Markham PM. W thawed fast last night. frose a little this morning. Mild {written between the lines below: today}

22 Boys Chored J took load wood PM W rain more or less all day {written between the lines above: I & NAncy went to {Drudges} PM {Ruhamer} is sick}

Sunday 23 I & Nancy & little onew went to Br N he has been sick a week or more is better. W. mild rain more or less

24 J got horses Shot AM took load wood PM F & H drew dung to other place W mild

25 Boys went shooting a little I went to Markham J Took load wook @ 4.25 boys drew dung PM. W. fine Mild

Jan 1887 Feb

26 J took load wood @ 4.00 AM boys Chored AM boys went to other bush cut Some logs I dont feel well bad Cold W. Strong Cold N Wind

27 J took load wood AM @ 4.25 F got horses Shod. F took load @ 4.24 PM H got Nell Shod. W fine Mild Clear

28 I went to Markhma AM J took load wood @ 4.25 boys Cut logs W. fine Mild

29 F took load wood @4.25 AM J took load to School master in our house PM @$4.00 F & H Sawed PM. I & Nancy went to D Haris this evening W. fine

Sunday 30 I & Nancy & Henry went to Meeting at Altona remarks & Sermon on St. Luke part of 5 C by B C went to G E {Thorman's} PM. W. fine & Mild blowed up stront W wind & soft snow PM Calmer this evening

31 N went to German School J & {F} Cleaned Peas at home & I went to Cedar Grove AM we Cleaned Grist Peas & Oats at other barn & J took it to D Ramer's PM W. fine AM Snow PM

Feb 1 Boys we sawed in other bush I went to Markham AM J brought home Chop F & H girls Br C. & A Br youngsters went to D Nigh

Feb 1887

{another page Benjamin had to rule lines onto, not exactly straight or even, worst such page so far}

Swander's this PM. W. fine pretty Cold CandleMas day Feb 2 F went to German School. I & J Chored W. snow & strong wind from east all day pretty Mild no sunshine all day

3 Killed 4 pigs AM N B helped Chored PM. W. fine Mild

4 J took 4 Pigs to Toronto @ $6.25 lard 9cts 7 doz eggs 30 cts Beef hide 6.50 {cts pr lb} F took load Oats for N V. with his own team. W. fine pretty {sharp}

5 F & B sawed wood in old bush AM we cleaned load Barley AM F took it to Markham {written between the lines, in the middle: 59.45 lbs} @ 55 cts PM H & B Sawed wood PM W. Cold

Sunday 6 at home all day W Cloudy Mild drissly nearly all day

7 Cleaned load barly AM Boys threshed Some Peas PM. W Snow AM Sleet PM

8 Chored F & H went to School PM W rain nearly all day. J took 12 Bus Chop to D Ramer's {written below, between the lines: this evening}

9 F took 88 bus barley to Markham AM @ 55 cts J & Adeline went to Markham PM boys Cleaned a load PM I went to See I Moyers he is sick I & Nancy & little ones went to A Br this evening. W. very fine

10 I took 95 Bus barley to Markham @56 AM J took load Second Class Hardwood PM we cleaned another load barly. W. fine Mild raining tonight

11 F went to German School boys Chored drove Colt to Cedar Grove this evening W. Snowed all day Mild. Snow deep

12 Chored AM J & F took 116 bus berley to Markham @ 56 cts PM. W. fine Clear

Sunday 13 I & Boys & girls went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy Sprained her Knee this Morning so she staid with Henry & Abe they had sore throat, are better remarks by Br C sermon on {something scratched out} 1st Cor 10 C by S Hoover. J Br Mich Fretis & A Br youngsters at dinner & {Sand} Hoover's Youngsters at Supper W. fine

14 J took load wood to Markham AM we Cleaned load barley F took it PM 71 bus he took 19 bags Oats along to D Ramer's, boys Sawed PM. W. fine

15 boys Cleaned Peas AM J & H helped dig grave for old John Stories PM W. Soft drissly rain AM Clear PM

16 All went to Funeral of Old John Stories except School Mam & few of little ones

Feb 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

Sam Hoover & Jac Widerman Preached Henry Stories & Br inlaw {Saul} Hoover's were here at dinner. W. fine Mild

17 Boys sawed in other bush AM F fixed Saw PM J drew Some logs Old Saul Stories & their daughter Fanny were here today W. very fine & Clr

18 Boys threshed few Peas AM went to Shaws Sale PM. W. Strong E wind all night & AM little snow Calm PM began to rain about 4 PM. Cleared up again

19 I & Susanna went to Markham to Dentist AM. her Teeth were not ready. Herman took her again PM. Boys Chored. W. Mild very Strong W. Wind at times

Sunday 20 at home all day W. fine Boys & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's

21 Sawed wood in old bush F took load Second Class wood to Markham @$3.00 PM. J Ds were here this evening. W. fine

22 Killed Herman's Pig AM Sawed some wood PM. W. very fine J took Chop {written between the lines below: to D Ramer's PM}

23 F & H went to Toronto Pin $6.00 I & Nancy went to Jac Reesor's last night

Feb 1887 Mar

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

Gobbler $1.25. Chickens 95cts for 2 PM 9 ½ dos Eggs 24cts Oats 34 cts W fine Strong east wind this evening B went to Toronto on {Cens}. Came home with {written between the lines, below: boys} I & J drew 2 Cords Soft wood to J he lives in Br Cs house at $2.00 per Cord

24 Boys went to N Br AM to help move Some Pigs AM threshed Peas PM. W. rough {written between the lines, below: rather Stormy} took Chop to D Ramer's this evening

25 Boys threshed Peas all day. Finished them. W. fine Clear Stumps this morning School man went to Br C to board Petunia is sick and they need help

26 Boys Cleaned Peas AM 50 bus making over 100 that they thrashed since the fall brought home Chop PM. W Strong east wind rain this evening

Sunday 27 at home all day W. Strong W wind all day. Cold

28 Chored AM. I & Herman went to Markham PM W. very Cold NW wind

March 1 F took load 2nd Class wood to Markham @$3.00 AM

Mar 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

boys drew dung to {scribbled out: Othe} Other place Menno Burkholder brought M Rittenhouser & John Moyer AM John took them to M Barkeys J Ds & Peter Reesor's PM other Boys helped Br C set up Coal Stoves PM. W. fine Clr PM

2 Killed 4 Pigs J took load wood AM Boys drew home hay & load dung & brought home some Pine for oven wood PM I went to see Br N he has been confined to the house about 8 weeks with Influensa. W. very fine Mild

3 F went to Toronto 4 Pigs $6.30 14 ½ doz Eggs 20 cts H took 2 loads wood to Markham. J & B Chored W. very fine

4 H Took load wood to Markham other boys Chored {carrot inserted: AM} Boys all went to Sale near Cobins PM (Man's name is Collins) H Barkey's & Schoolman's Mother were here today this was last day of German School. W. very fine {shoop}

5 H & F took load of wood AM done nothing PM. W. Strong east wind all day. Snow PM

Mar 1878 {perhaps a glint of dyslexia here?}

Sunday 6 at home all day Could not get out of lane Boys & Girls went across field to Br C PM. W. {something crossed out} fine Mild

7 Boys Shoveled out lane J went to Markham with Cutter PM I went to see J D AM he has abscess or Some kind of gathering in his mouth I & Nancy went to See Moyer this evening he has been Sick a few weeks W. very fine Clr & Mild

8 F took last load 2nd Class wood to Markham AM I & Nancy & little ones went to Br inlaw Peters. Ester went to work at Br Cs this week {Ketusce} is in bed Some weeks Boys & girls went to Menno Burkholders this evening W. fine Clr rather sharp AM

9 Boys brought home load wood & Sawed it Cleaned Some harness I & F took grist Chop to D Ramer's PM. W. Mild. Rained awhile PM

10 Cut down ash tree behind {drioriy} house & Cleaned Seed Peas for Br inlaw Saul Hoover

Mar 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

his son Simeon brought 20 Bus to Exchange F took grist Chop to D Ramer's & brought home home I went along as far as Br No. He is getting better I was at J Ds this morning. He is Mending. W. fine Cler. Sharp AM

11 J brought home Chop H went to Markham to get Boots Fixed AM drew home 4 small loads hay from other place PM. W. sharp. Fine. I & Nancy & little ones went to Br Cs after supper

12 Chored & Cut up dead Black Ash east of Orchard I & Henry went to Cedar Grove & I went to see J D he is Mending {written between the lines, below: W. fine}

Sunday 13 all went to Meeting except Some of boys. they have Cold. remarks and Sermon on St Mat 11 @ by Br C A G Burkholder's & J Stories were here at noon & Peter Burkholder's & Eli??? {faded} Lehman's at supper. W. pretty Cold {written between the lines, below, partly underlined: Cloudy PM}

14 Washed & Oiled Harness W. very Cold. Strong N East wind all day

15 boys split wood I & J brought home boards from SM AM boys all went to sale {Mesowells} PM. W. pretty Cold windy clr

Mar 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

16 Made Hatching nests for hens. 3 boys cut wood in other bush PM. W. Cold raw wind

17 John went to Markham AM. Sawed wood in other bush. Daniel Ramer's were here. W. Cold raw wind

18 Boys Sawed wood I & J drew 2 Maple logs AM J drew home Pine stove wood from other bush PM. I & Nancy went to J Ds & to Aunt Lissy Burkholder's this evening. W. raw Cold Wind Aunt Lizzy fell on the stove and burnt her right hand badly this evening

19 I went to Markham boys drew home wood AM they went to sale at Mal colin's at Cedar Grove PM W. windy. rather milder

Sunday 20 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C Sermon on Philippines 2nd C by R Saul Hoover went to Enos Hoover's for dinner & to Menno Burkholder's for Supper. W. mild a little wind

21 Boys sawed wood at other bush F took grist 24 bus Wheat to B Hoover's PM I & Nancy & little ones went to Menno Stores this evening W fine mild

Mar 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not very straight across}

22 boys Sawed wood & took grist Chop to D Ramer's PM I & Nancy went to Jacob {King?? lost in crease of page} W. Mild AM now Cold wind from north PM

23 Boys Sawed wood H brought home Chop I went with him as far a Po. W. Clear Sharp

24 Boys Sawed wood I & H got down Sap Buckets & soaked them W. mild began to rain this evening

25 F & B got Cold Charley Shod on four feet Other boys Chored AM I & F went to Markham brought home big grist wheat 12 bags other boys Sawed wood PM. W. very raw cold wind from N W all day

26 boys Sawed Wood W. pretty Cold

Sunday 27 {switched to blue pencil} at home all day. Mary Bear was here She is working at Br C W very Strong east wind all day. Snow this evening

28 N took Grist Chop to D Ramer's AM Boys all went to Burgess Sale above Belford PM. W. Cler. Cold N W wind about 5 in new snow last night

29 J took Abram to school Farmer took sick on the road he got him to J D & brought Barrows. He had something wrong on Kidneys Boys Brought home Chop & took some Oats to D Ramer's

Mar 1887 April

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

A B's were here this evening {back to writing with usual black pencil} W Cold N wind

30 J brought Farmer home this morning he is better Benj's brought home Oat Chop. They Sawed wood in other bush PM. W. fine {written between the lines above and below: F went to Downier & to Markham with N B} 31I & Nancy went to P. Bs after supper his wife is very sick. Some better

31 Boys sawed wood H went with Br C Thomas to Markham AM he has sore hand. W. fine warm.

April 1st Fred Boys Sawed wood I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's this evening. W. fine. Cler. sleighing go {written above the line: ing}

2 Fixed wire loops on Sap Buckets to hang them to the trees AM Tapped near a hundred trees PM. J got horse Shod & H went to Markham with Springboard PM W. very fine Cler Sap runs {Mrelling?} well

Sunday 3 at home all day Boys & girls went to Johnny Remer's with Buggy W. fine Mild

4 Gathered sap. (didn't run much) & chored AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. Snow going very fast roads Muddy. high water

5 Sawed wood AM F & H went to A McCreights Sawing Bee PM W. very Cold raw N wind {?frore dead?}

Apr 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not very straight across}

6 Chored & Sawed wood J went to Kingston road to see how road is for Wheels then he went to Markham to see Butcher to buy Pigs Butcher Came PM. Bought 7 Pigs @ $43.00 W. fine. Mild. Thawing again

7 I went to Jac Reesor's & M {Fretis?} & Boiled 6 qts Molasses Boys Sawed wood & put Battings on part of Meeting shed roof PM W. very fine frose last night. Thawed today

Good Friday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on Isaiah 53 C by Br C. B storey was here at noon Br C & wife awhile PM. & Menno Stories at supper W {written between the lines below and partially underlined: very fine & clr

9 I made 14 pans molasses H helped J Ds thresh with team AM F & B went to Will Reesor's sawing Bee PM J opened 11th Con & got 10 bags Oats chopped PM. W. very fine & warm.

Easter Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St. Mat 28 C by R S Hoover Jos Grove & wife were here at noon

Easter Monday 11 at home all day H took

April 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on}

girls & Mary Baer to Markham Station they are going to Stouffville to H Barky's to stay till tomorrow Boys went Shooting W. rather cloudy PM. warm

12 I boiled sap J {detrierd?} hogs alive at Markham Station. F brought home girls J & H trimmed pine trees along Demboro townline W. a little drissel rain PM. Rather Cooler Called in Burrows this evening. Mag is sick

13. Boiled Sap AM Finished off 19 qts Molasses PM. Went to W Reesor's & to I Moyer's this evening W. Cold {written between the lines, below, partially underlined: Boys Sawed wood East wind}

14 Boys Sawed wood I went to Cedar Groves PM W. raw weather Cold east wind. Roads {written between the lines, below, partially underlined: good}

15 Boys Sawed wood. I & B & Abram went to Br Ss & to Kirkhams with Moyer's Dip net to try to Catch Suckers. Got 1 at Kirkhams there were a good many Caught yesterday got home at noon Grandmother & Peter's were here when we got home. W. drissly this Morning. Fine at noon Showry PM heavy thunder & rain this evening

April 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not very straight across}

16 Chored AM J & F went to Br S AM to look for Suckers got none then I & Nancy & Boys went to Funeral of Ulrich Burkholder at Hebron Sermon on 2nd Tim 1 C 12 {Vly} Baptist Minister Singing in German Boys Piled wood PM. I went to S M & to Cedar Grove. W. Cold NW wind, freesing tonight

Sunday 17 at home Br No were here H went to Meeting at Wideman's with Br C Thomas Boys & Girls went to {faded} Br W. sharp frost last night fine today

18 Boiled 13 Jars Molasses Boys took grist Chop AM & brought it home PM Sawed Wood. W white frost last night. Fine today H got Nell shod

19 I & Nancy wen to Br inlaw J Hoover's at dinner to J Brat supper Boys worked at other place W. white frost last night fine today

20 boiled 14 Jars Molasses Boys Caught 19 Suckers PM J & B went to John Milroys raising AM W. fine mild I went to Manasse Fouts this Morning

21 Boys Caught 43 Suckers AM

April 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not consistently}

Chored PM I went to Markham this evening W. Stormy this morning heavy thunder Shower went round N East after dinner

22 I & J Put in 22 logs B went dipping with I Moyers to Kirkham's got none there were not Many Sucker's Caught in the big Rouge there fine days Boys drew off {???} & Stories I Boiled about 15 Jars Molasses today which makes about 80 Jars for the Season W. very strong east wind very strong PM 23 Chored AM Boys Chased very large white bird didnt Shoot it J Plowed at other place I & H piled lumber PM W. rained a little this morning blowed up Cold this evening. Boys speared 9 Suckers at Br S this evening there were a good many Caught there lately

Sunday 24 at home all day Boys & Girls went to Br Ss. W. Cool. a little Squals of {written between the lines, above: snow}

25 F & B got up early & went to Br Ss & Caught about 50 Suckers Br No Albert helped them Boys drew off roots & Plowed at other place

April 1887 May

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not very consistently}

I & F & B brought load of turnip from Br Na they have more than they can feed there we return them in the fall W. fine

26 Boys drew off roots & stones & plowed I & Nancy went to Toronto 34 doz eggs @ 13 W. fine a very little rain Cool white frost this morning.

27 Boys drew off Stones & roots AM J sowed Oats at other place PM W. sharp frost last night. {Something scribbled out} {written between the lines, below and partly underlined: fine today}

28 Boys harrowed & grubbed with both Seeders in field back of garden & sowed strip of mixed Oats & Peas behind barn for green feed AM they sowed about 42 ack acres spring wheat in east end of big field I & B helped girls scrub Meeting house PM W. east wind AM. Drissly rain PM heavy this evening

29 Chored. W. rained heavy last night little drissle today. Water high

30 Boys plowed & drew off roots at other place took & brought home grist Oats to D Ramer's W. Cler. Cold N wind I went with N B to Wilsons nursery in Pickering {written between the lines below: AM}

Sunday May 1 I & Nancy & little ones went to N Br PM W. drissly AM Clear PM

May 1867 {somehow we are 20 years off?}

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not very consistently}

2 Boys plowed & worked at other place Sowed Oats & Peas & Oats Mixed at other Place PM. J Milroy was here PM Putting on some grafts. J & Br Na Albert Caught 85 Suckers at Kirk {Unreadable Name} this Morning. A little rain

3 Boys sowed barley back of garden I went to Markham with Br C PM. W. fine warm

4 Boys sowed Oats in south half of N W Corner field & on knoll. qaub bed NE Corner field W. fine warm

5 Sowed barley in about 7 acres east end of N East field W. fine warm

6 Sowed Oats in west part of NE Corner field W. a very little rain this morning. Fine today Mare Maggie had fine Colt after Supper

7 Sowed field behind barn with Oats I & B & F planted 18 trees along Pickering townline where Mice had Killed them burned brush east of Orchard W. very fine growing weather

May 1887

{Another unruled page Benjamin penciled lines on, not very consistently}

Sunday 8 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Re S Hoover Sermon on St Mat 5 Cly Br C Nancy was taken with a Sick Spell & I had to bring her home after the Leset was read Ann Shirk & Dave Stories were here. W. fine. Warm

9 Boys ganged 3 acres east of dam & Sowed it with Multiplier Peas & began ganging in N W Corner field F & B went fishing with B Diller AM Caught 9 I went to Cedar Grove PM. & to Cherry wood after Supper got Medicine aff Burrows Horses have Imfluensa W. very fine warm & growing {10 crossed out} F & B fixed fences at other place PM

10 Boys Sowed Peas north half of NW Corner field F & B fixed fences at other place AM we took young Cattle to other place to pasture W. very very warm & growing

11 I went to Markham AM J Plowed at Other place H & B drew off roots & stones at other place F rolled W. fine & warm

12 J & H plowed at other place I sowed about 3 bus Peas & F harrowed them AM he took 6 bags Chop to Cedar Grove Mills & brought it home W. fine

May 1887

13 F rolled J & H finished Plowing at other place. Sowed last of Peas PM which finishes our Seeding. W. very fine & Clear. Cooler Bush finaly green. Grain growing fine

14 Planted early Potatoes J & B drew rubbish from around the place to sugar Camp F rolled at home H at other place both finished W. fine

Sunday 15 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 15 by R Jac Wideman went to Br inlaw Peter's for dinner then to Gibmer's they were not at home W. very fine roads good

16 Drew dung on root ground F got Mag Shod AM went for Burrows PM old Jess had dead Colt W. Cler very warm at noon

17 drew dung on root ground J Plowed PM Buried poor Old Jess She could not get up John Shot her at noon W. Cooler looks like rain this evening

18 Boys drew dung J Plowed harrowed & rolled Potatoes & corn ground W. fine

Ascension day 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Acts {something not visible in binding} C by Br C Mathy Cook & Br inlaw Jesse were here PM W. very fine & Cler

20 drew dung I & H went to Markham PM {written between the lines above: W fine

21 Finished drawing dung on root ground AM Planted Corn J took 13 bags Oats to D R PM W fine

May 1887

{Starting on this page Benjamin is writing without adding lines. Entries are closer together and the writing is smaller.}

Sunday 22 I & Nancy & little ones went to A Br young folks went to J D's PM. W dine

23 I went to Whitevale Boys Planted Buffalo Bill & Beauty of Hebron Potatoes & F Sheared J Milroys sheep AM I & H took 170 feet lumber to D Ranier's to get dresses & brought home Oat Chop Boys fixed fence along 11th Con PM. W. very warm thunder north

24 Boys went fishing to mouth of Rouge Caught 16 Some beanpoles & caught about 50 fish. W. fine rain last night & another heavy shower PM grass & grain are very far advanced

25 Boys Plowed in turnip ground I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. Cooler

26 Boys Plowed I went to SM & to Cedar Grove AM I & Nancy Planted Melons PM W. fine {warmer crossed out} rather cooler

27 went to other bush to Saw Shingle timber this morning. Began to drissle Came home & Cleaned Spring Wheat. Boys went to Saw PM. Rained again I took 6 bags Pea & barley Chop to D Ramer's PM wet Coming home

28 Sawed Shingle timber Amabram harrowed trunip ground we fixed fences PM. W. fine Clr Cool

29 F & H & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's I & Nancy & little ones went to J Ds W. fine

Whit Monday 30 I & Nancy & little ones went to S Lehman's to dinner I & Nancy got Supper with John Lehman's Boys went fishing

May 1887 June

{Benjamin is writing without adding lines. Entries are closer together and the writing is smaller.}

Benjamin went to Toronto with Br S & Bertha & David & J D's two girls to go to Niagariu Falls tommorrow W. fine strong east wind PM

31 Finished Sawing Shingles timber Abram harrowed turnip ground W. drissly this Morning pretty Cool

June 1 I brought Benj'n home from Br S AM he got back from the falls Boys Chored W. drissly rain AM

2 drew Stones off fallow at other place small ones on middle of road J went to Markham W. Shower drissly

3 I & Benj went fishing to K Gryston road Caught a few Boys {faded clogid?} Stones & dug out Burr's W. foggy AM. Cler PM. Very growing weather

4 drew off Stones AM Planted Chili Potatoes PM H went to Dunker's Forest with Br C Thomas. W. fine Cler Warm PM

Sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron Suitable Teset remarks & Sermon for Celebration of Lords Supper by Br C Enos Nighswander's & Enos Hoover's were here H Boyer's & M Baskeys at supper W. a little rain this Morning. Fine today

6 Chored AM drew out big Cedar log Out of Swale at other place I went to Cedar Grove PM W. drissly all AM & awhile PM

June 1887

{Benjamin is adding lines again.}

7 Adeline & F went Toronto 45 lbs Butter @ 17ct 24 Dos Eggs 12ct 4 bags Potatoes $1.00 other boys drew Stones & dung at other Place I trimmed & Burned Pine brush at end of lane in Br Cs field. W. Cloudy. Cler this evening

{now writing in blue}

8 drew off stones B began plowing fallow at other place PM field where we drive in W. foggy this Morning. Cleared up fine

9 B plowed other boys drew dung J has very lame back about a week F brought Burrows this every Cherly horse has Influensa he lanced his throat. W. fine warm Peter brought his wife & Children this morning & left them here all day W. fine I & J hoed early Potatoes got ripe strawbry in our garden today

10 Boys pulled Pidgeon week I & John drew 2 Cedar logs to S M for Cedar Posts we piled some lumber AM he got Major Shod this eveng W. very warm & fine Isaac Moyer's brought Amos Moyer & wife to stay all night

June 1887 {in black}

{Benjamin is adding lines again.} {now writing in blue}

11 I & Nancy took A Moyer's to Peter B while there to J D's for dinner then we Came home F plowed other boys Chopped Thistles W. fine warm

Sunday 12 I & Nancy {went scratched out} & Abram went to Meeting at Widemans Herman & girls went too remarks by Jac Wideman Sermon on {blank space left} by Br C Br S's Tilman & wife & Joseph Hoover & his wife were Baptised went to C Bunkholder's to dinner & to Gibmer's to supper. W. very fine Cler

13 I went to Markham AM I & J went to Job letting on Pickering townline PM we began Plowing & scraping at end of lane after supper doing Scarboro road work W. fine

14 F & H finished Scarboro road work AM I & B took 12 bags Oats to D Ramer's PM. W. fine warm

15 Plowed at other place W. Warm

16 J Bs were here J & H worked road work in Markham drawing gravel I & B trimmed brush at dam & topped thistles W. very very warm

June 1887

{Benjamin is adding lines again.} {still writing in blue}

17 J & H drew gravel AM F filled I & B dug out Burdocks H {written over J} plowed PM I & H drew one load gravel which finishes road work then H plowed too F & B Scuffled Corn {initial hidden in binding} & I helped to hoe it W. little rain last night some PM & this evening

18 Scuffled & hoed Potatoes ganged turnip ground topped thistles at other place W fine. Cler

Sunday 19 I & Nancy & Henry Started to go to Meeting at Altona turned at Sides and heavy rain soaker at home all day. Cler PM

20 F & B began drain behind barns to drain walls AM topped thistles PM J & H finished plowing fallow AM H ganged turnip ground J harrowed fallow PM I went to S M helped Br S saw Some Cedar Posts AM went to Whitevalle PM W. Cler very warm Br inlaw Peter got diner here he got load of tiles at Cherry wood

21 I & J got 25 Cedar Posts at J {faded and caught in binding} at Cedar Grove this morning heavy rain & some thunder Am & PM

June 1887

R Wallace was here at dinner boys turned dung in other barnyard after supper

{Benjamin switched back to black pencil}

22 dug in drain AM took ½ ton hay to W Burkholder's @ $5.00 PM harrowed turnip ground PM. W. Shower heavy rain after supper

23 Boys drilled turnip ground & sowed some this evening I went to Toronto 52 lbs butter 15cts 7 dos eggs 15 cts 2 bags Potatoes $1.11 W. fine

24 Finished Rowing turnip Finished drain behind barn Shovel plowed early Potatoes W. warm

25 I went to Whitevale boys moved fence at other place along townline where we intend to Make Straight rail fence {something scratched out} F mowed fence corner at other place AM I & he drew 3 logs to S M & H took load bolts to A B Ramer's B mowed fence Corners PM J has lame back W. fine Cool

Sunday 26 at home Johnny Reesor's were here at noon & Jesse & Martha too. Johnny Ramer's were here at Supper. W fine

27 H began digging Post holes at other place F & B drew sawlogs & I went to Markham AM

June 1887

{No lines on page}

I & F drew logs PM H & B dug post holes J harrowed fallow PM W. fine Cler

28 F & H dug Post holes J drew gravel at Bee on Scarboro Townline B filled I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona Jac Wideman D Wismer from Kansas & Ale Honsberger officiated went to M No for dinner W. fine very warm Saw great smoke as we were going up townline this Morning heard this evening that it was George E Reesor's barn on the Old John Reesor place that was burnt. B F Reesor's Mill at Newmarket was burned last Friday Morning

{written in blue pencil}

29 Scuffled & hoed Potatoes awhile then all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R Jac Wideman Sermon on St John part of 11 C by R D Wisman A B Ramer's Y M N wee here J took load Bolts to A B Ramer's & F went to B S H & B dug post holes PM W. very very warm

30 Boys dug Post holes J Cut most of Meadow at other Place I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. very very hot & close

{written in black pencil} {Benjamin took off Canada's Birthday July 1st this year}

2 F took 12 bags wheat grist to B Hoover's J took Mower to get fixed at B.S.S. {something scratched out} H & H But thistles AM raked & Cocked last of hay at other plae PM W. very warm a little showery this evening

July 1887

{No lines on page}

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon by S Hoover on Heb 11 D Nightwander Tilman Reesor's & Herman & Elvia Lehmans were here at noon Grace Moyer's at Supper. W. warm

4 Cut young Orchard AM F went to J Goulds raising I & other boys drew in hay at other place all except rakings about 11 loads. W. very very warm & close thunder Showers went around this evening. A little rain last night. A little this evening

5 hoed Corn & Scuffled it AM H took last load of Shingle bolts & brought home grist hoed Potatoes PM. W. fine little rain last night. Warm today I went to Funeral of Andrew Andrew Reesor's Child it was kicked to death by a hours on Sunday PM

6 had Peter's Man & team to help Scrape out & Straighten Creek at other place two of our teams helped J went to Toronto 52 lbs butter 16cts 1 bus old Potat Potatoes 55cts W. warm fine Breese from {written between the lines below:west

7 J took Mower to Whitevale AM to get Boxing filed tried to Mow PM it would not Cut I & he took it to S Ramer Pmthen I went this evening & got new Pitman rod. At S Ramer's Boys mowed fence Corners at home. W. very very warm & Sultry

8 J Mowed Meadow behind Cider House mower works Splendid F & H turnpiked on Cedar Grove lane AM Finished Cutting fences Corners PM drew in load hay out of little

July 1887

{No lines on page}

this evening W. very very warm & dry

9 Weaned & Sorted Pigs this morning raked & cocked hay till about noon nice little Shower hilled up early Potatoes after dinner (had a mess) gathered fence combed hay then raked all of meadow after supper it is not all fit to Cock W warm

Sunday 10 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on Philipians 2nd C by Br S Hoovers went for Br inlaw Peters for dinner & to Br inlaw Samuals for supper W. very fine & Cool West wind

11 drew in 12 loads hay behind Cider house Shovel plowed some of Potatoes W pretty warm

12 Boys mowed swail are back of garden AM drew in rakings 2 small loads & began swail in N W Corner field after Supper Peter's & Motherinlaw were here today. W. very very warm again

13 Boys finished Mowing & drew in swaile PM I & Henry went to Markham PM Saw the ruins of Cedar Grove Store & Stables all burned down on Monday night W. very warm

14 Finished putting Paris Green on Pots toes then boys all went to Funeral of Thomas Milroy had S Ramer here PM fixing reaper F brought new reaper from Gilchrists Vansant gave it to him on 24th May & promised to Send up another and did not do it so he gave it up to us Boys Cut road round Wheat South of bush

July 1887

{No lines on page}

W. warm | 15 drew in last of hay tried new binder I went to Markham after supper binder works pretty well W. warm a {something scratched out} little rain AM & at noon. Not much

16 J cut barley for Peter binder didn't work very well boys hoed & scuffled turnip AM Cut Wheat north of bush with reaper PM I Painted Stoop W. very warm I think it was the warmest day this summer {written between the lines below: 100 deg in shade}

Sunday 17 I & Nancy Mary & Anne went to Johnny Boyers W. good Shower last night very very warm today

18 J Cut awhile for Peter this morning came home tired to fold binder. broke butter I went to Stouffville got another Casting boys Cut wheat north of bush with reaper. Expert came at noon. Fixed Knotter on binder. Tightened Canvas. Cuts finstrater W. pretty warm J cut barly in NE Corner field.

19 J finished NE Corner field AM began in field back of garden PM boys finished wheat north of bush W. very warm

20 J finished larly AM Cut for Peter PM boys Cut fall wheat at other place I & Susanna went to Markham PM. W. vry warm

21 J Cut for Peter Boys Scuffled & Chored turnips I painted at front Stoop of big part of house very warm. Patton making Chests

22 Boys worked at turnip J & H plowed fallows at other place W. a vry little rain vry vry warm

July 1887

{No lines on page}

23 J Cut 9 acres barly for Peter I & Other boys drew in about 14 loads fall wheat it is a very good crop except a few spots killed out. I went to see John Stover he was badly Kicked by a horse on Tuesday and lives on the 3rd Con {faded} W. not so warm

Sunday 24 I & Nancy Mary & Anne went to Meeting at Widemans remarks & Sermon on {space left blank} by Br C went to C B Hoover's for dinner Mary went to Br inlaw Peter's to see Ester she has been there since 12th July then we went to young Mannasse Fret's they live with Mikis ) for supper W. Cool this Morning warm PM

25 Drew in all the barley & 2 loads fall wheat 20 loads W. Cloudy this Morning. Warmer

26 drew in last of Wheat at home 19 loads in all then went to other place & drew in that 5 loads till noon. Boys finished hoing turnip & hoed feed Corn. & I went to Markham PM. W. very warm

27 Cut Oats at other place AM I helped Patton fin Horse Power & Kitchen table he has been here Some days Making Chests 2 boys Cut Mixed Peas & Oats in orchard at other place PM I nearly finished Painting Stoop PM W. very warm & Sultry. Dry weather

28 Boys Finished Cutting Oats at other place I & Nancy went to Toronto 46 lbs Butter 22cts 16 doz Eggs 15cts W. very warm & sultry fair B {unreadable}

29 J cut Spring Wheat & began Oats other boys drew in Mixed Peas & Oats at other place & some rakirys at home W vry warm

July 1887 Aug

{No lines on page}

30 J Cut Oats H got Nell Shod AM Shocked Oats & drew in last of rakirys & load Mixed Peas & Oats. Widow Anne Barkey & Aunt Lissy were here PM. Br Cs Kitura was here all day she is very weak yet. W. quiter warm. I finished Painting Stoop

Sunday 31 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on {blank space left} by Br C Tilman McDowels were here at noon & A Br at Supper W. very warm

August 1 F & H helped Br S thresh J Cut Oats W. very warm

2 F & H helped Br N thresh B helped for Br C J finished Cutting Oats I & Susanna went to Markham & J & Abram Plowed fallow at other place PM. W. vry vry warm & dry Br inlaw Peter brought Ester home

3 Boys drew dung at other place I & J set machine AM threshed 3 loads seed wheat with 5 horses PM it turns out very well {unreadable} though few Oats too they turn out well but the grain is light W. very vry warm Peter Came this evening for Ester again his wife Mary is not well.

4 F & B helped A McCreight thresh till about ½ past 2 {unreadable} J & H finished drawing dung at other place then H took Nell to daybreak we drew in Spring Wheat PM 7 loads W. vry vry warm & sultry

Aug 1887

{No lines on page}

5 boys worked at turnip AM J plowed fallow I spread dung H Cut Oats for A McCreight boys pulled Peas at other place & I plowed W. fine little shower last night & another at sy supper time some thunder

6 2 boys plowed fallow we moved dung in barnyard to make room for straw stack Ashed hands to thresh on Monday 2 boys Pulled Pees Peas F finished Cutting Oats for McCreight PM W. fine Cool strong wind from north

Sunday 7 I & Nancy & Some of little ones went to Br N then we went to Funeral of my Old Uncle Ira Whites at Cedar Grove at 2 PM he died in the Township of Malahide then we went to Br C for Supper. W. fine Cool

8 Threshed about 420 bus barly a load of Oats & nearly all spring Wheat it is very poor & Shrunken & Midge eaten W. Fine Clr. Cool

9 Drew in 9 loads Oats at other place 2 boys Pulled Peas. W. warm

10 drew in 20 loads Oats at home I went to Markham AM W. warm

11 Chored AM Cleaned Spring Wheat J took 32 bus 45 lbs old spring Wheat to Spinks @ 78cts PM J & H went to G E Reesor's barn raising B ganged barly stubble W. nice rain early this morning till 9 AM Br inlaw Peter brought Ester home

Aug 1887

{No lines on page}

12 F cut Oats for Peter. B helped Johnny B thresh J & H Pulled Peas W. fine

13 F finished Peter's Oats before noon. Other boys Pulled Peas at home we all drew in Peas at other place 14 loads PM. W fine Cool

Sunday 14 at home Boys & girels girls went to Menno stories PM. N Br & Aunt Lissy were here PM. W. fine cool

15 Boys Finished pulling Peas 4 acres in NW Corner field & drew them in {space left blank} loads & then drew in 4 loads Oats I & Susanna went to Toronto. It was Toronto's Civic Holiday we did not know it. Business was Closed. I managed to sell 28 lbs butter 22 ct 17 doz eggs 10ct to 14cts at the Buth Butcher's they were open awhile in the morning W. fine Cool dry. Nice Breese

16 F helped Br C thresh with team. H helped for Johnny B we drew in last of Oats & nearly finished pulling Peas in north field we pulled them with sulky rake I & Nancy went to A Br this evening W. warm. Cool this evening

17 Finished drawing in Peas till about 4 PM 9 loads then F & B went to Markham W. cloudy a drissly rain this evening at dark. finished harvest

18 H harrowed fallow J ganged Barley stubble. Very hard F got Charley shod AM F & B helped Br C draw in & I went to Markham PM W. fine

19 H & B helped Pilkey thresh F helped B B thresh J & Abe & I Cleaned up both Barn floors at home AM Pulled foxtail out of Potatoes PM I went to Cedar Grove after Supper. W fine J took old waggon to Br S

Aug 1887 Sept

{No lines on page, writing is getting very dense}

to get times set did not get it done Blacksmith is not working. They took new waggon up few days ago & it is not done either

20 J & H plowed fallow at other place F Scuffled turnips we dug early Potatoes Br Cn Thomas brought a son of Jacob Mensch from Penn & Noah Webber from Waterloo they were here at dinner W. fine {squeezed in under line}

Sunday 21 I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny Ramer's they were not at home then we went to Drudge's they live on Alex Whaly Place. Staid to dinner I seen little boys I then went to Menno Reesor's staid to supper (and Run little girls) W. Cloudy drissly rain AM {squeezed in under line}

22 boys finished Scraping Coak at other place I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peters he was sick last week is Poorly yet Called at Mineral Spring. W fine Cool

23 B began work for Br C. Thomas has gone to Pennsylvania with A Mensch J & H plowed at other place F went to B S brought home waggon AM drew dung on barly stubble PM I & W. fine Shower after Midnight

24 Boys drew dung all day with 2 waggons I asked hands to thresh at other place tomorrow W. Clr Cool wind from north

25 Had W Reesor to thresh at other place with steam thresher about 60 bus F Wheat 70 Peas & 250 Oats got done about 2.30 PM then J took Steamer to J Jarves & H took 15 bags Oats to D Ramer's W. Cool N Wind

26 H helped J Ds thresh with team J & F Plowed at other place I went to Funeral of Widow Lehman at Altona with Br C

Aug 1887

Sermon by Br C on 1st Cor 15 C {unreadable} Sam Hoover spoke awhile W. very Cool N Wind

27 F & J Plowed Abram too PM H helped thresh for W Reesor I & Abe & Henry took 10 bus Pea to D Ramer's got them Chopped AM W. fine very Cool Morning & evening some talk of frost

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St John {space left blank} C by Rev S Hoover H Stories H Wideman & wife from Hay Ann Shirk & Menno Burkholder's girls & Josey Burkholder were here I & Nancy took H Wideman's to Chris Stories & to Br C for Supper & awhile to Br Ns & to old Joe Reesor's where they stay all night W. fine

29 Boys plowed. W. fine Cler Deepened Creek {written between the lines in the middle of page: at other place}

30 Boys Harrowed & rolled fallow at other place I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peter's PM Motherinlaw was sick is better again Peter is Poorly W. Fine warm {written between the lines above: I went to} cherrywood AM

31 J Sowed nearly all fallow H ganged at other place F worked at Br C B hurt his finger W. fine Clr warm I went to Whitevale PM

Sept 1 J Finished Sowing & got Br S's Truck he & H drew 6 Maple logs PM F drew wood in Shed out of old bush W. like rain PM

2 H ganged I & J drew 2 Maple logs & took about 1200 ft Sheeting to D Ramer's AM F drew gravel into our Meeting Shed & J Br & into barnyard I & J helped him PM W fine nice little shower last night. Very dry yet Drew Muck out of dam it is dry long ago

Sept 1887

F & Abram went to Toronto 32 lbs Butter 22ct 22 dos Eggs 14ct. I went to Markham & to Conference PM W. Cler Cooler Wind

Sunday 4 Boys & girls went to A Br little ones went to Br Cr I & Nancy & Anne Shirk went to Coler's PM W. fine warm. Fire raging in Burrows Slash on old Abe Hoover place & one in Lait Swamp. vry vry dry

5 H ganged at other place J & F drew muck out of dam AM took 15 bags Cide apples to P Lapps to sell PM W. warm

6 Finished drawing Muck this morning brought home gang Plow began ganging Fall Wheat stubble north north of bush & Plowing south of bush I & H took 5 bags Peas to D Ramer's this evening W. fine rain last night little AM

7 boys ganged & brought home Chop & Drew lumber Plowed South of bush I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Simon Hoover's I went to Stouffville. Went to J B's were not at home went to br inlaw Enos were not at home then we Came home W. Cler very Blustery N Wind PM Cool

8 F helped Peter's fill dung I & H Plowed south of bush AM J ganged B came home at noon Thomas came home last night Andrew Miller Becce's Brother Came with him & Two girls {writing in blue pencil now} named Anne Miller & Leah {Erch?? faded and into binding} {faded} W. fine & Cler

9 {faded} finished ganging Wheat Stubble north of bush & began Oat Stubble in N E corner {faded} other boys Plowed & {unreadable} creek below garden W. Cool fine rain this evening

Sept 1887

{writing in black pencil now} {this is the front side of last page of the book and is in poor condition, torn and faded in places}

10 J & H helped draw gravel on Big Rouge Hill with team F ganged B took 15 bags Oats to D Ramer's AM T & B went shooting PM B shot 5 Partidges & Abe brought home Oat chop this evening W. very Cool

Sunday 11 3 Boys & girls went to Meeting at Altona we were at home all day AM Shirk was ehre W. very cool this morning

12 I went to Markham AM took Ann Shirk to Br S. Pm F ganged H harrowed B Cut Corn W. Cloudy AM Cler fine PM

{writing in blue pencil now}

13 F ganged H harrowed I rolled north of bush AM where we intend to sow Timothy {faded} {faded} & Abe went Shooting PM Shot W Pidgeons Black squirrel W. fine Thunder {written between the lines below with carrot in black:shower} this morning

{writing in black pencil now}

14 I & Nancy & little ones went to M No F ganged B Plowed at other place W. very fine

15 2 boys Plowed at other place AM H went to Markham F ganged PM Br C brought {torn}dy & Anne Miller & Leah Eachlemuer here they staid to supper W. fine little shower PM

16 H & B helped N B thresh J Plowed at other F ganged AM then he Plowed at place too {torn} m & Abe ganged W fine Cool I went to {unreadable} {torn} rore PM

17 H & B helped N B thresh F helped Johnny Reesor thresh we Sowed Timothy Reed this Morning Br inlaw Peter Came to Shoot J & A went with him they shot a grey Rabbit & Black squirrel I & H took 8 bags Pea Chop to D ramer's & Abe & H brought it home PM {torn} iscect Vinegar PM. W. Fine warm Clr

Sunday 18 F H & B & Girls that went to Meeting at Wideman's I & Nancy went {torn page, could be straightened up to read more on scan} Wideman & wife

Sept 1887

{this is the back side of last page of the book and is in poor condition, torn and faded in places}

{corner of page folded over} Sacrement was held we went to J B yong folks went to Tilman Reesor's W. fine

19 H ganged Rr Picked Cider apples I went to Cedar Grove & hunted up Copper Kettle AM I & F Piled Maple Flooring PM Bur?? to Mark Cider didnt get it Made W {written between the lines below and back from right margin: fine} Br Na & J B started for Ohio & Indiana today

20 F & H helped Peter thresh B got Cider Made AM he helped Pilkey then PM J finished ganging behind barn we boiled Sauce PM W. fine warm

21 F helped Peter thresh AM H & B Boiled Sauce at other place AM Killed 3 Pigs PM W. Misty this Morning very warm today Shower PM

22 J Plowed at other place AM Put in Posts {faded & torn} at other place PM F & H went to Toronto 3 pigs 318 lbs @ $7.00 29 lbs Butter 24ct W. Cool

23 F & H Plowed B Picked Cider apples I went up through Markham PM to {apporist?} Meeting at Wideman's tommorrow at 2 PM W. vry East raw N Wind. Preacher from Ohio & {Water???}

24 J & H finished plowing at other place for the present F & B drew out limb word in {torn} bush W. Cold this Morning Milder & fine today

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron Ressor on {faded}

26 & 27 C by Br C & Rev H Being from Wayne Co Ohio Service was held today M N Menno Burkholder & D Storey was {faded} R H Berry I took {Beesy?} to Jac Reesor's to I Moyers for to supper to Br Ss to stay all night W. very smoky {faded}

26 F & B helped B. Burkholder thrash H helped W Reesor Make Cider we Boiled Same PM W. fine {faded & torn} {faded and folded} Dug Potatoes & Boiled Sauce J Brought home {faded & torn} {faded and folded} {unreadable}.

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1886-1887 Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1886-1887 Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1886-1887 Diary Transcription.pdf


“Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1886-1887,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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