Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1890-1892


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1890-1892


Benjamin Reesor


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




19th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription




May 13th 1890 77.2.7a Boys drew 2 loads hay from other place AM Finished drawing off stones at other place PM. W. fine Cler

14 laid up fences at other place & split Pine wood {illegible} for stove till evening I & Henry went to Ceder Gove PM. W. fine, Cool

Ascension day 15 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline & Susanna remarks & sermon on Acts 1st C by Br C. Saml Lehman & family was here & AB's Martha & AB's Came PM W. fine {illegible}

16 A rolled at other place F {illegible} ganged & harrowed root ground H worked 3 yr old she went well W. fine

17 F went to Toronto with Will Reesor's team took load old Iron Will ganged turnip ground with a team H finished rolling at other place A finished plowing Mangel ground Harrowed & rolled at Jake Moyers helped did garden AM W. {illegible} Cool N. W wind

Thursday 18 at home all day . W blowed strong & Cold from east began to rain about noon rained till about 5 PM.

May 1890

I Came by Mart Barkeys for Tomato plants went to JD's after dinner & to Br S's this evening for Seed Corn. W. very fine, little showers PM

28 Boys drew dung I & J & little Anne planted early Potatoes & hill Corn in root field AM I helped Nancy did garden PM I & Nancy & Mary went to Ceder Grove after supper

29 Boys finished drawing dung AM F helped dig garden H & A Cleaned out Colt stable PM AB's brought Weldy & wife from Ohio to stay to supper W. fine warm J went to Markham PM

30 Cut seed Potatoes & F plowed a little sod at other pace where we intend to plant some Potatoes AM Planted our late Potatoes in root field PM. W. rainy till about 9 AM very fine & warm PM

31 F finished Plowing sod & Harrowed it & H Plowed in turnip ground AM F Plowed in root ground I & H & A Henry planted Potatoes on sod at other place then H.A. & Henry washed sheep PM W. very fine & warm

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Sunday June 1 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks & sermon on St John 12C 24 V to end of C by Br C JB's were here PM Menno Burkholder's young folks Levi Grove & Fanny Hoover at supper Aunt Lissy Burkholder awhile after supper. W. very fine

2 J went to Unionville for his road list F Plowed H got Frank & Charly shod AM we filled 10 bags with Potatoes & 20 bags with Oats PM. W. very fine & Cool Br N's Albert brought Lissy Rittenhouse & her Brother Tobias & 2 other girls awhile AM I got summons to serve as Petit Juror in Toronto on June 10th

3 H took 45 bus Oats & 10 bags Potatoes to Toronto Oats 42 cts Potatoes 70 cts per bag I took Susanna to Old Mrs A Burkholder to get Cured of liver Complaint F Carried Potatoes out of Cellar A plowed I J & F. finished planting potatoes at other place.

Jun 1890

W. fine & warm a very little rain at noon Heavy rain & some thunder this evening

4 Shelled Corn & Cleaned Oat tailings & I & J took it to Br S's AM Boys Plowed with 2 teams PM I & J brought load wood from other bush PM A took Susanna & left her at AB's to stay all night. W. very warm & sultry two Mrs Ionsons were here at dinner. They wanted some Butter

5 F Sheared sheep H brought home Chop A brought home Susanna AM Boys didn't do much PM Ontario Provincial Elections Came off today. W. very warm & sultry AM very very heavy rain PM. Creek high as spring freshet thunder & lightning nearly all last night

6 Boys Chored & fixed some fences I & Nancy went Markham to Markham AM I & J went to Cherrywood PM got new head in Plow W. fine & warm still signs of rain yet there have been heavy freshets through the Country Bridges & Mill dams good

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June 1890

7 H got mare Jenny shod F went fishing I & J .A & Henry Pulled Pidgeon weed out of Wheat at other place J topped it with Scythe in Meadow. AM H went to Dunkards feast AB's Jesse went with him Boys fixed some fence PM I & Henry brought load wood after supper. W. fine. Cool W wind

Sunday 8 at home, little ones went to JD's W Reesor Came for Nancy AM She came home about 3 PM they have a young son. W. fine Cool Cler

9 I took Susanna to old AB's boys Plowed in root ground AM F & H Sheared Betsy Milroys sheep PM J & A finished plowing & harrowing root ground J F & H trimmed & grafted Rambo trees on young Orchard after supper. W. fine Cler & warm

10 I went to Toronto on CPR to serve as Petit Juror engaged board at Black Horse Hitch was not called today W. fine

11 was not Called W. heavy Thunder & very heavy rain storm this evening

June 1890

12 was Called on Mimico Man Slaughter Case today, disagreed no verdict. W. fine

13 was Called today got through till 2 PM then we Could all go home except those in the Jury box. I walked to North Toronto & then walked home from Locust Hill. W. fine a little rain PM boys drew some Manure of fallow & Plowed some but the rain made it too wet

14 H Nancy & little Anne went to Markham. F & A plowed in fallow AM they Chored & F took 10 bags Peas & barley to Br S's & got it Chopped PM. W. heavy shower PM

Sunday 15 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by young Saml Hoover went to Br inlaw John Hoover to dinner & to Simon's to supper W. Cloudy this morning, fine today

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June 1890

16 Boys finished drawing dung on fallow W. fine

17 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br in law Peter's Boys drew few logs with trucks. W. uncommon heavy rain went north & some south we did not start home till after six PM did not rain Coming home.

18 F drew few logs AM J,F & A & Br C's Thomas went to 8th Con Pickering to see the scene of an accident on CPR the stone Bridge near Atha was undermined with the great Freshet an Engine & Van went into the River & five men were Killed or Drowned D Nighswander escaped. Duffin's Creek was higher than it was known to be for years I went to D Reesor's AM got bag of Corn Cracked for hens at Br S's PM W. fine

19 A Plowed fallow F drew logs AM H drew PM. W fine

20 Boys hoed Mangels I & Nancy started to go to Markham. JH Ramer's were at Br C's & said they were Coming here

June 1890

So we turned back & they Came & brought their Daughters Elizabeth & Fanny along W. very warm & fine

21 I & Nancy went to Markham AM F ganged in turnip ground H topped thistles in barley J took 12 bags Wheat to Ceder Grove Mills J Malcolm has rented the Ceder Grove Grist Mill & J Bishop has rented the Saw Mill Colon Reesor has Moved into the old Saml homestead Jac has left the Mill house & is going to British Columbia to see if he likes the place W. Cloudy this morning fine PM

Sunday 22 at home Adeline & F & H went to AB's M Barkeys were here PM NB's Came too but they got visitors then they went home. W. fine & warm looked like rain this morning

23 F drew 2 logs then began Making turnip drills J & A Puttied house at other place & Put Knotting on Knots PM we began sowing turnips this evening W. very warm I went to Whitevale PM

June 1890

24 F finished Making drills AM H finished sowing then F made Br C's drills & B helped top thistles at other place J & A Painted at other house at other place AM & awhile PM. W. very very warm

25 Boys topped thistles at other place I went to Markham AM J & A finished Painting house at other place first time the old part that was sheeted up new last year J & F went to Markham after supper H & A brought load of wood from other bush I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very warm

26 Boys finished toppping thistles at other place & hoed Potatoes. H got Frank shod AM W. very warm

27 Chored AM Boys done nothing or worse than nothing) PM I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peters PM he is very sick W. fine Breese from north

28 Cleaned Barley AM J & F brought 2 loads wood from other place PM A scuffled feed Corn PM Saml Smith 's young folks were here at supper

June & July 1890

W. Cloudy fine shower PM

Sunday 29 all went to Meeting except Susanna & Mary remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C Abraham Smith & David Hane's were here at dinner & MN's at supper W. very warm

30 F & A drew gravel H filled J is Pathmaster they drew from Pickering Put onto Pickering Townline I got Farmer shod PM. took Susanna to Br C's AM & brought her home PM Dr Robinson brought Dr Freel to see her one day last week they think she is likely to get better a son of Josephus Reesor's at Markham was kicked to death by a horse on Friday last & was buried yesterday W. very very warm, breese from north

July 1 Boys Finished hoeing Mangels & began second time W. very heavy thunder & rain this morning. thunder storms north & south all day I took Susanna to Br S's PM to give

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July 1890

to give her a drive took a bag of Corn & got it Cracked for the Chickens & Turkeys I & Nancy walked to Johnny Reesor's this evening Angeline was sick she is better again

2 F & H finished Markham roadwork with one team & Put in one day for George Duncan. he paid his work he lives in Colin Reesor's house A took Susanna to Dr Robinson he was not at home. they staid at Anthony Lehmans for dinner Anthony's live at B Hoover's W. shower at noon & heavy this evening

3 F & H worked at Scarboro road work I & A took 6 bags barly to Br S's & got it Chopped & went to Ceder Grove AM I went to Steven's Blk Smith & to M Barkeys for Celery Plants PM. W. Cooler

4 F & H finished with team AM. Scarboro road work. they topped thistles in big Oat field PM J scuffled feed Corn PM W. fine Cool Nancy finished Packing 130 lbs Butter for the Mrs Ionsons today one of them Came & took on Jar away @ 17cts per lb

July 1890

I was at Br C's awhile AM old Wismer & Elais Weber from Waterloo & young Sam Hoover Jake Wideman Jake Reesor & Chris Hoover were there & didn't altogether know what they wanted

5 I & F & H cut some logs in other bush AM J & H drew some PM I F & A put Paris green on Potatoes PM. W. fine & Cool

Sunday 6 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's old Sam Hoover old Wismer & Elias Weber led of today the less said the better went to Enos Hoover's for dinner they live at Milnesville we went to Menno Burkholders for supper W. fine a very little rain PM

7 F & H drew logs all day J A & Henry hoed & scuffled roots W. fine I took Susanna to JD's PM girls brought her home this evening

8 Boys hoed Corn Potatoes & finished Mangels I scuffled W. very very warm Heavy thunder & rain about 3 PM a little hail

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July 1890

9 Boys finished hoeing Potatoes & drew 1 load hay from other place & a load of Peas that were left at other barn AM they finished hoeing Potatoes at other place & put Paris Green on them then threshed Peas J & Henry brought a load of gravel from Br N's & put it on JB's shed then J brought a load of wood from other place I & Henry gave Susanna a drive this Morning. Henry scuffled turnips PM W. fine, very Cool N wind

10 Cleaned Peas & chored AM Drew 2 loads Timber slabs from other bush for oven wood & Henry scuffled turnips W. fine Cool

11 Sorted 8 bags Potatoes & boys drew 1 load slabs AM F & Henry brought load sand from Milnes H & A made larger yard behind Orchard for Mare Top H. took 40 lbs butter & 6 bags Potatoes to Coakwells this evening butter 18 cts. Potatoes $1.00 per bag they took Eggs today @ 16 cts They took 2 bags Potatoes with them. Patton fixed Cradles W. fine Cool air sun warm

12 J & F took turns Cutting grass & Mowing fence Corners at other place AM they cut all west of gate & good piece east of it till noon. Machine runs very well. we got new Knife for it. H & A brought lath lime naild & hair from Markham AM

July 1890

we intend to Plaster upstairs in part of house at other place. boys drew wood from other place with 2 teams PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove & Called at Br S's to see how their son Menno is he is poorly this long time. W. fine

Sunday 13 at home young folks went to Cober's Meeting Aunt Lissy & Tilly Burkholder Came awhile PM Aunt Lissy staid to supper then I & Nancy & she went awhile to Br C's W. warm

14 F & H mowed fence Corners A scuffled feed Corn & late Potatoes and J Mowed last of Meadow at other place & Orchard he started about 10 AM Br C's Cut awhile this morning A raked PM & other boys began drawing PM drew 5 loads W. very very sultry & warm

15 F Mowed in big meadow north of bush, lost a guard out of Cutter bar J got another at Br N's. F got biggest half of Meadow Cut H & A Cocked at other place PM Henry raked. W. warm Cler

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July 1890

16 I went to Ceder Grove Susanna went with me as far as Br N's H Mowed in big meadow other boys raked & drew hay at other place I finished mowing north of bush when I got back H helped draw. Br inlaw Peter's & Grandmother Came PM they were at AB's at dinner Lissy Came with them boys finished drawing in hay at other place 7 loads They raked & Cocked at home after supper. W. Cooler, fine

17 Drew in 2 loads hay out of big field, shower stopped us. Chored F went to Br S's boys scuffled & hoed turnips I went to see Isaac Moyer this evening he had Inflammation heard the Henry Boyer's little son had his leg cut off with a Mowing Machine today. W. Cooler

18 Drew in 9 loads Hay J & Susanna went to Markham AM. W. fine

19 Finished drawing hay about 15 loads out of big meadow altogether I went to Whitevale for Twine @ 14 cts per lb W. fine, blowed up very Cool

Sunday 20 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks by Br C

July 1890

Sermon on St Mat 5 C by young Saml Hoover Jake Wideman Spoke on it too went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner & to Saml Ramer's (Br S's Emma's) they live in the old Asa Wismer Homestead) to supper W. very fine & Cool. Clear

21 F H & A helped Br C's draw a stack hay J ganged fallow I & Susanna & little Anne went to see old Moyer after supper he was worse again. W. very fine, Cool & Cler

22 Boys hoed & finished Scuffling turnip second time B helped for Br C I scuffled awhile in Mangels AM I & Henry & Susanna took 4 bags Barly to br S's went to Ceder Grove for a Barrel salt W. fine Cool Cler

23 I & Nancy & little ones took wool to SB Lehman's left little ones there & we went to D Shaffer's for dinner then staid at Lehman's for supper got home before 10 W. fine, a very little rain at sunset Boys mowed a small swail at other place Banked Potatoes at other place finished scuffling Mangels & chored

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July 1890

24 F Mowed Meeting house yard with Mower H helped with scythe J & A run lime at other place AM Boys began Cutting Barly behind barn Cut about 10 rounds, too green I & A took some boards to D Ramer's to get dressed Susanna went along to Br S's W. warm, fine shower PM

25 F & H Cut Thistles on road around this place AM they began to dig Post holes to Make yard at other house PM. W. very heavy thunder & rain storm last night Lightning struck Johnny Reesor's Barn did not fire it very heavy rain, fine today another shower after supper. Br C & I loosened windows in Hebron Meeting house so they woup open better after supper Dam full, Creek running

26 Boys finished hoeing turnips then finished Cutting barly behind barn till about 4 PM then began Cutting wheat at other place I & Br C & Br S's finished fixing Meeting house windows this Morning. W. fine Cler

July 1890

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mark part of 10C by Br C D Nighswander U Drudge's Menno Stover's & Johnny Ramer's were here to dinner. W. fine

28 Boys finished Cutting Most at other place except lowground & began Cutting barly in east part of field east of dam I & Susanna went to Markham Boys finished Cutting barly PM W. fine

29 Boys Cut F Wheat at home except low places where we sowed spring Wheat it seems to be filling pretty well W. fine, warm I & A & Henry drew in hay out of Meeting house yard & swail at other place & took 9 Bus Peas & Barly Chop to Br S's this evening

30 F & H mowed some barley in Stumpy field at other place & J Cut few acres in field behind barn next bush (it was short) with Mowing Machine AM Chored & shelled Corn PM W fine & warm AM slow rain PM boys brought home Chop after supper

31 J Cut barly for JD's all day F & H Cut fall Wheat in rough ground at other place H Finished Whitewashing Kitchen at east end and & fixed hearth W. warm slight showers at noon

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Aug 1890

August 1 F & H began to Cut barly at other place with old reaper Cut well but the last rut of grain wheel axle then they cut till noon with Scythes J & Susanna went to Markham AM F went to W Armstrongs barn raising & we drew in Short loose barley out of field behind barn PM Killed 3 Pigs after supper & H took them to Coakwells @$6.50 Pr cwt W. fine warm & Cler

2 F & H finished Cutting barly at other place with old reaper AM we drew in loads with 2 teams PM W. fine warm Cler

Sunday 3 at home all day young folks went to Br C's W. the warmest day this season, a fine shower & some thunder this evening

4 Boys hoed turnips second time I & Nancy went to Mannasse Frets awhile PM his wife if Poorly J & A brought dressed lumber from D Ramer's & took 4 bags barly to Br S's W. very warm heavy shower & some thunder PM

5 Boys Chored & began ganging barley stubble behind barn heavy shower stopped them AM

Aug 1890

F went to Markham H & A dug post holes at other place I & Nancy went to H Boyer's to see little boy that has his foot cut off he is doing very well went to MN's after supper boys ganged awhile this evening W. Cleared up heavy shower at Menno Burkholder's none here PM

6 F & H Pulled Peas with Scythes east of stump fence at other place A ganged behind barn Henry finished raking barly stubble behind barn I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove Pm. W. fine & Cooler

7 drew in 6 loads Wheat & 6 loads barly with 2 teams at other place till supper & 2 loads & 1 load rakings at home after supper J is getting quite smart he can pitch pretty well. W. pretty warm

8 boys drew in fall Wheat at home AM 6 loads. A ganged J & F drew nearly 4 loads Peas at other place I & Susanna went to Markham PM I dont feel very well. W. fine warm

9 A ganged boys hoed turnips AM J Cut oats south of bush & other boys began to pull Peas south of garden PM I & Nancy went to Manasse Fret's after supper his wife is a little better W. fine Cool a little rain last night

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Aug 1890

Sunday 10 at home JD's were here I & Nancy & little ones went to NB's PM they were not at home W. Cold strong north wind PM drissly rain after supper, very Cool

11 J cut Mixed spring & Fall Wheat back of Orchard other boys finished Pulling Peas at home I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. Cool strong NW wind

12 Boys Pulled Peas at other place & Cut roads around all the Oats J Finished ganging behind barn W. fine, rather warmer I & Nancy Painted Kitchen & Cook house floors

13 J Cut Oats in NE Corner field got done at sunset other boys drew in all Peas below Orchard 8 loads very poor Crop, too wet. I went for Dr Robinson AM Susanna was worse, is better again W. fine

14 J Cut Oats at other place Finished hill field at Townline & began other piece part of field below barn other boys drew in Peas at other place {blank space} loads W. fine I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Whitevale PM

Aug 1890

15 Boys shocked Oats at home AM & at other place. PM H helped McCreights thresh PM I & Nancy went to D Nighswander's AM he is very poorly W. very fine & Cool

16 F & A Cut & bound spring Wheat at other place where fall Wheat was Killed I & J & Henry finished shocking Oats at other place AM F & A Cut oast in young Orchard PM W. fine & Cler

Sunday 17 at home F H & Adeline started to go to Meeting at Wideman's steady rain Commenced about 9. then they went to Saml Ramer's Cleared up about 2 PM fine this evening

18 Boys finished hoeing turnips Harrowed barley stubble AM Bound Oats in little orchard PM A took grist Chop to Br S's PM brought it home this evening W. fine

19 drew in Mixed spring & Fall Wheat 4 loads & J raked barley & Fall Wheat stubble at other place & other boys brought it home AM J began ridging up other boys began drawing dung on barly stubble PM. W. Cloudy AM drissly rain at times PM

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Aug 1890

20 J ridged up other boys drew dung I & Adeline & Susanna went to Markham AM. W. fine Cler

21 Chrored AM F & H took 3 horses to B S's in Whitevale I & Henry went to Ceder Grove Pulled foxtail out of Potatoes after supper asked hands to thresh tommorrow W. heavy rain AM. Cool PM D Nighswander died this morning

22 Threshed. W Reesor with steamer, about 90 Bus Treadwell & 50 Bus Mixed & over 300 Barly got done 3 PM W. fine steady NW wind. short shower PM I & A set up Oat shocks in NE Corner field J Plowed after we were done, H & H helped to Move Machine to Sam Peavers

23 I & Nancy Susanna A & Mary went to funeral of David Nighswander sermon by Br C on 39th Psalm 5 & 6 V Willoughby a Christian Preacher Made a short address too we went to Menno Stover's too dinner W. fine, Cool

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd Jos Wismer from Clinton Ont

Aug & Sept 1890

30 Boys drew dung on stubble J harrowed fallow AM I & Nancy started about 1/2 past 11 for Widemans Meeting house I went to attend fall Conderence when we got there a young man by the name of Hamlin was buried J Boyer Preached then Nancy went to Widow Barkeys & I staid to Conference went to Widow Barkeys for supper then went to JB's to stay all night. W. Clear Cold N wind

Sunday 31 went to Meeting remarks by Old Saml Hoover sermon on St Mat 5 C by Jac Wideman, Umfraged went to Peter Burkholder to dinner W. fine warm Cler

Sept 1 Boys Plowed AM I & H & F drew in last of Oats at other place 3 loads PM. W. fine warm Cler

2 boys Plowed finished stubble began to harrow & roll I & J went to Blacksmiths sale at Ceder Grove PM. W. fine warm Cler

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Sept 1890

B Sowed stubble behind barn H raked wheat stubble & J helped drew in rakings & Oats out of little Orchard which finishes our harvest except Oats in wheat field swale boys mowed them few days ago & they are hardly dry yet. W. warm Cler 4 J McGaw & his man J Raper were here at dinner. they worked at Meeting house at 11th Con they are building a new one

4 boys drew dung at other place on Pea stubble J began plowing PM. Cousin Jacob Burkholder, Uncle Jacobs son Came here PM to stay all night he is visiting all his Cousins W. fine warm

5 boys plowed at other place Cousin Jacob was here till 3 PM B inlaw Peter's Mary & Enos's Delilah Came for Elder Bernies were here at dinner. W. very warm & Cler

6 Boys finished Plowing at other place AM Sowed Wheat PM W. shower this Morning Cleared up fine today I walked to Cedar Grove PM

Sunday 7 at home all day JH Ramer's 2 boys Peter & Freeman & Abraham Raymond

Sept 1890

& his wife were here at noon & Saml Ramer's at supper W. very warm & sultry cloudy this morning

18 A began ganging in NE Oat field F & H dug Post holes at other place H went threshing for W Reesor PM I & J drew in 2 logs & Br S's sawed them PM. W. Cooler a little rain this evening

9 F & J dug Post holes H & A ganged I & Susanna went to Markham AM W. Reesor's wife rode with us to T McDowell's A & J ganged F & H dug holes PM sold Cow Dolly to Chris Hare @ $35.50 W. fine Cler

10 I & Nancy went to MN's for 6 Pigs had dinner at Enos's they built a new house last summer & Enos's live at one end & MN's at the other F & H delivered Cow at Chris Hare's & went to Markham & brought home new Buggy for Flavius @$85.00 I spoke for it yesterday J & A Finished ganging NE Corner field W. fine east wind, not cold

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Sept 1890

11 Chored. W. rain from east all day looks like Equinoctial storm

12 Boys Plowed in Peas stubble south of garden W. mild Cloudy

13 F & A ganged 7 acres oat stubble at other place H plowed in Pea stubble stubble at home we Picked some Cider apples PM. W. fine warm Cler

Sunday 14 at home AM I & Nancy & little ones went to Br C's PM W. fine Cool, Cler

15 F & A ganged at other place AM A harrowed at home in Oat field that was ganged F ganged at other palce PM H went driving engine for W Reesor J & Henry Made 55 gals Cider AM W. fine Cler AB's Jess & Martha brought 2 Leppard girls from Clinton or Pelham to dinner W. fine

16 F worked at Br C's in B's place he is not very well H plowed AM. J went to Br S's H & A dug few Potatoes PM Br S's David & Br N's Jacob brought two Waterloo girls Ida Weaver & Lydia Ann

Sept 1890

Stants & the two Leppard girls to supper I & Nancy boiled over 10 Crocks apple sauce W. very fine & Clear

17 J & B went to Toronto F worked in B's place H Plowed. A plowed AM then he & Susanna went to Markham PM. W. very fine & warm

18 F & A went to Toronto with spring waggon took over 18 bus Oats @ 45 cts H plowed I went to Markham PM J McGaw & his Man got dinner & supper & McGaw stops over night. W. fine

19 Boys dug Potatoes, some rotten. J Plowed below Orchard PM I walked to Whitevale PM W. warm & sultry strong wind PM driving rain from South west about 4 PM rained till dusk

20 F worked in B's place his hand is very sore, had a boil on wrist H & A dug Potatoes J finished Plowing below house & east of Orchard then I & he took grist Peas & barley to Br S's & got it Chopped W. very Cold N wind

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Sept 1890

Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C Enos Nighswander's D Stover Br S's Isaac & Lydia with Emma Rittenhouse & her sister Sophia & Johnny Reesor's were here at dinner JD's young folks brought Ida Weaver & Lydia Ann Shants to supper. W. Cool. Cler

22 F worked in B's place J & H Plowed south of bush A Picked Potatoes. B & Susanna went to Markham AM W. fine Cool, Cler

23 J & A finished plowing south of bush soon after dinner then B began in Wheat stubble PM J harrowed Potato ground & A Picked them I walked to Cherrrywood AM W. fine Cool Cler 24 F worked in B's place H helped thresh at Betsy Milroys

24 F & H helped thresh at Pilkeys A plowed in Wheat stubble I & J drew 2 loads wood AM & fixed Barn ready to thresh at other place

Sept 1890

Br S.s Isaac & Lydia brought 2 young men by the names of Stouffer & their siter & B Hurst from Waterloo they was here at dinner W. very fine Cler

25 We threshed at other place W Reesor's steamer got done soon after 4 PM barley very small yeild Fall Wheat good Peas & Oats very fair Barbara Stover & her 2 Children Came to yesterday to stay all night I & Nancy took her home PM. W. dry fine White frost last night some things in garden frose

26 F & H helped Peter's thresh J & A Plowed in Wheat stubble I went with young McCrea to get a load of 2nd Class wood AM I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. light drissles of rain

27 F & H helped NB thresh J & A harrowed at other place I went to Whitevale AM I & A Cut & shocked hill Corn PM W. fine Cler, a little frost last night

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & Anne went to Br S's & A Esther & Mary went along the they walked to Drudges Br S's young folks were not at home W. fine Cool Cler

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Sept 1890 Oct

F. H & Adeline went to Meeting at Widemans

29 F & H helped NB thresh J & A plowed AM J & H Plowed F & A Cut feed Corn PM W. very fine & warm a little frost the last 2 night. not much damage

30 Boys Plowed & finished Cutting Corn I & Nancy went to Tilman McDowells sale PM I bought 2 in & 3/4 in Auger & Hay Knife @ 50cts Herman went to sale too with NB W. very fine & warm & Cler

Oct 1 J & A finished plowing Wheat stubble back of Orchard H helped JD's thresh I took Nancy & Mary to Locust hill station (late Green River) they went to Toronto to Meet Susanna I forgot to Mention that she went to Clinton with the Rittenhouse girls a week ago yesterday, they all Nancy, Susanna & Mary Came home this evening well pleased with their trip W. fine & warm

2 H helped Pilkey move old Church on 11th up to his place he bought it for a driving house F went to Markham AM he has a sore hand we dug out a dozen drills of Potatoes that were planted pretty late

Oct 1890

I went along Townline to tell about the death of George Lehman's wife she died very sudden last night W. fine

3 Chored AM I & Henry Adeline & Esther went to the funeral of Lehman wife young Saml Hoover & Willoughby officiated Br C helped very little W. rain last night & AM a little drissly PM at times

4 F helpded JD's finish threshing awhile this morning then he & J brought load wood from other bush H got Frank & Doll Shod & A began plowing in barley stubble east of Wheat east of dam Am I & Nancy started after dinner with Br C & Beccy to go to Vaughn Boys plowed Pm J helped Pilkey move old Church, we went to Daniel Smiths to supper thern to Saml Smiths to stay all night W. fine & Cler

Sunday 5 went to Meeting at Vaughn remarks & sermon St Mat 21st C by Br C went to Abraham Smith

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Oct 1890

to dinner then Came home W. fine a little Cloudy PM few drops rain

6 Boys drew dung on east side of barly stubble east of wheat J Plowed AM I went to Burrows for Powder for Cow Rhody Chored PM Killed Pig just before dinner W. east wind AM, rain all PM boys & girls went to JD's after supper

7 Boys & Br C's Cut Bee tree/ great big Elm in Br C's bush AM got fine lot honey & swarm Beeds dont know if Bees will stay or not they plowed PM W. drissly more or less all day I have swelled face & toothache

8 J & Susanna & Henry went to Markham AM other boys Plowed, began in field that was ganged NE Corner field W. fine

9 H made about 65 gals Cider AM we boiled a Kettle full PM Boys plowed W. fine my face is very sore Tooth ulcerated

10 Boys Cleaned grist Wheat then they went to Markham about 1/2 past 10 oclock I & Nancy Boiled Kettle full sauce W. rain till near noon Cler. PM

Oct 1890

11 F & H Pulled all our Mangels A & Henry drew 20 loads with Cart I & Nancy went to Markham PM I got my tooth pulled it feels a great deal better. W. fine. Cler

Sunday 12 I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to AB's H came just at noon to say that Johnny Boyers had come so we came home right after dinner to two Stouffer boys from Waterloo Came to supper one of the is staying all night W. fine Cler

13 A & Henry finished drawing Mangels 19 Cart loads F& H drew dung W. strong east wind rained about half hour about 4 PM Cleaned up again J went to AB's the with Stouffer & then took hime to Menno Reesor's & left him there

14 Boys Plowed I & J filled up grist at other barn H took it to Br S's PM Spragge's began to lath upstairs at house at other place. W. fine

15 Boys Plowed A Picked grapes & apples I sold Cord Hardwood to C Smiths son @ $3.50 W. very fine & warm, saw flock wild geese

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Oct 1890

16 Boys plowed I & H brought load sand from Milnes & brought home Chop W. fine warm AM began to rain about 2 PM rainy yet

17 H helped Br S's thresh other boys finished plowing NE Corner field & then finished field east of dam where we drew dung for Mangels next year W. fine & Cler

18 A & Henry brought 1 1/2 bbls lime from Markham J & F drew some wood AM then I & A run lime Nancy Susanna & Henry went to John Stovers J & F went to D Brownsburgers sale at Solomon Burkholder's PM W. fine & warm H helped Br S's finish threshing

Sunday 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Susanna Anne & H remarks & sermon on St John 14 C by Br C W. rain rain from NE all day rainy yet at Bedtime

20 Three boys Plowed in Wheat stubble at other place J brought Burrows

Oct 1890

Horse Billy has lump on his side W. Clear & fine

21 J, H & A Plowed at other place I & F dug Potatoes at other place AM they are a good Crop but a great Many rotten I & boys & girls went to Br N's sale PM Nancy & little Anne had to stay at home J McGaw Came to work at Church at 11th Con & left his little girls here W very fine

22 I & H Nancy Susanna & little Anne went to Br inlaw John Hoover's Sale he sold off his Cows & Pigs I bought half bred Jersey Heifer few Months old @ $9.00 W. very fine & Cler

23 H helped Br C's thresh with one horse F brought home Calf that I bought J & A Plowed F picked few apples PM began to rain 1/2 past 3 PM J McGaw & two Men had dinner today. he & one Man yesterday

24 F got May & Charley shod other boys Chored AM H helped Br C's finish threshing with one horse & J F & A Plowed PM W. drissly this Morning Cloudy all day

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Oct 1890

25 Boys Plowed & F & Henry Picked some Potatoes at other place they Plowed them out with Potato digger J took Susanna to D Byer. PM she has something like a Cancer on her Ear she staid at Menno Stover's W. fine Cler

Sunday 26 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's AB's Jesse was here PM W. Cloudy Cool

27 I & Nancy went to Markham AM I went to Steven's B.S.S PM Boys plowed at other place W. rather Cool this is the 33rd Anniversary of our Wedding

28 Boys Plowed & finished digging Potatoes AM A Plowed PM other boys went to Markham PM Spragge & his brother Came to finish plastering house at other place PM Adeline Esther & Henry went to Barbara Stover's quilting today W. fine & Cler Cool

29 J finished plowing at other place AM other boys Picked some apples. they all plowed awhile in Mangel ground PM Spragge's finished plastering AM W. Cloudy some rain before & after dinnner. Br inlaw Peter's & Grandmother were here today they brought Susanna home & took Adeline along to Byer's she has a Cancer too

Oct Nov 1890

30 Put in Posts at other place & fixed Orchard fence & F took lot of Chop to Br S's AM F H & A began Pulling turnip & J drew 2 loads wood from other bush & brought home Chop PM W. very fine & Cler, shower this evening

31 H helped W Reesor thresh at Shanks F & A took in load Potatoes out of Pits AM there were not many rotten J Plowed in Mangel ground W. fine heavy White frost the last few nights

Nov 1 Boys took in Potatoes out of one Pit then pulled turnip till noon done nothing PM I started at 11 oclock to bring home Adeline from Br inlaw Peters W. fine AM soft snow all PM turned to rain this evening

Sunday 2 I & Nancy went to NB's W soft snow & rain nearly all day

3 H went to Toronto on train to buy an overcoat boys drew apples to the house brought in one Pit Potatoes & Chored at other place I took 8 bags Chop to Br S's PM W. hard frost last night soft today

4 Boys drew 7 loads turnips AM Picked some apples & Finished Pulling turnip PM

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Nov 1890

I took Susanna to Byer's AM to get her Cancer taken out it was dead but it was fast. Esther went along to get a Tooth drawn. W. very fine & Cler

5 Boys drew 14 loads turnips AM then I & Boys went to Lewis' Reesor's sale PM I bought Pair of Bob sleighs at $1.25. W. fine & Cler, beautiful

Thanksgiving day 6 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline & Susanna Adeline's Cancer is very sore she is lame remarks & sermon on St Mat 6 C by Br C. I & Nancy & Henry & Anne went to M Barkey's PM. W. very fine & Cler

7 Finished drawing turnip 19 loads into Cellar at home & boys took 8 big loads into barn Cellar at other place & Cart loads into horse feeding room. W. very fine & mild, Cloudy at times PM a little like rain 8 heavy shower at bedtime

8 I & H brought home sleighs that I bought at Lewis Reesor's sale (they are very good) F got Horse Charley shod AM boys took in one Potato pit PM W. Cool, Cloudy

Nov 1890

Sunday 9 at home I & Nancy went little while PM to see B Diller's little girl 3 days old. W. rain steady all AM Cloudy & rain at times PM

10 Cleaned 20 bags Wheat AM H took nearly 40 bus to Spinks Mill PM at 95 cts we Cleaned another load PM. W. very fine & Cler H took {11} nearly 40 bus Wheat to Spinksmills @ 95cts AM I & he took 11 bags Chop for hogs to Br S's PM F & Thomas went trolling to F mans bay got nothing J & A Made {blank space} gals Cider PM W. Cloudy AM very fine & Cler PM

12 Boys took in last of Potatoes & some all of hill Corn. I & Nancy boiled Kettle of sauce W. heavy white frost this morning very fine today

13 Boys Chored at other place AM Plowed with 2 teams in root ground & I & J took one Crock of sauce to J Murison's & four Crocks to J Malcolms & brought home Chop PM I & Br C went to Funeral of

{second page}

Nov 1890

old Widow Pike we did not go to graveyard we went to Markham W. white frost, very fine today

14 Boys plowed in turnip ground I went to JD's PM to help him to Measure some fields PM W. very fine & Cler Jacob Reesor's brought Amos Cressman & wife & I Bauman & wife a little while AM I & Nancy went with them to Br C's they only staid about a half hour at either place

15 Chored, Boys Moved W Reesor's Machine from Shanks to our place asked hands to thresh on Tuesday W. drissly & rainy nearly all day

Sunday 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron except John & Adeline. her Cancer is sore yet remarks & sermon on St Mark 1st by Br C Ezra Stauffer was here PM I & Nancy Henry & Anne went awhile to Br C's PM W. fine

Nov 1890

17. Chored all day & rain all day. 18. Chored & M helped to set Machine Threshed all the Oats PM about 6:00 Bas W {illeligible}. Clear through the middle of the day 19. Cleaned load Meat at other place & took it to Cedar Grove before dinner 49 tons @ 95 cents helped move Machine to McCreights PM H helped {illegible} 20 F H helped Mcreights mesh nearly all day. I & Gary went to AB pm W Cold wind, freezing 21 Had bee to fire tie Poles at Hebron Meeting house AMH & A helped. O & F chored at other place. I & Susanne went to Mrs. Rharum PM boys dug some garden & drew some wood. {illeligible} this morning. 22 F & H drove gravel on swamp in 11. Con A. helped to fill. There was a sort of Bee The Council pays half wages W. Firs I & Henry took {illeligible} Am.I & Henry brought it home PM {illeligible} 23 I & {illeligible} & little ones went to Meeting at Wadman's.

Second Page Nov 1890 {illeligible} by young I and {illeligible} Sermon on Pm. John part of 1st C by R P Windeman went to Daust Ramons W. ground White with {illeligible} this morning. Cold & Clear today 24 Fired up things at other {illeligible} AM I went to Unionville & to Markham PM H & P brought load of wood from other bush. PM W. old this morning Milder this evening. snow all gone 25 I and Nancy A & Mary went to Funeral of B inlaw John Hoovers youngest child Elizabeth Sermon by Willoughs our St. Mat part of 5th C went to John's for dinner. M. Cloudy squals of soft snow awhile. A fine me boys went shooting awhile {illeligible} ready for killing hogs tomorrow 26 Killed 8 hogs M. froze hard. Cold this morning. very frigid & clear today 27 I salted meat Boys {fisced} things at other place & took Oats to B & D P & B went shooting to (old hollow) am shot 3 Brown Rabbits & one Partridge B & time was up at B & C on Sunday evening M. Cold clear

Nov Dec 1890

28 H went Threshing for W Reesor B went to work at Br C's by the day other boys Chored I & F cleaned frist 20 bus Wheat at other place AM I took it to Ceder Grove Mills PM W. Cold

29 Boys drew home wood with 2 waggons from other bush a few loads from old bush Nancy & Adeline & Esther cleaned house at other place awhile PM J & Susanna went to Markham PM W. getting milder. thawing a little

Sunday 30 Br N's were here, Boys & girls went to Br S's W. Cloudy a few drops of rain this morning Cleared up high wind today. Colder this evening

Dec 1 B & F worked at Br C's AM I & A went to Markham AM J Boys all went to sale of J McLeans sale A Nancy & girls Cleaned house at other place I took 5 bags Chop to Br S's & got it Chopped PM. W. dry snow all AM Cler Cold PM. roads very good

2 Boys Painted inside Nancy & Esther Cleaned at other house all day I went to Steven's B S S AM W. very Cold, Coldest so far.

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Dec 1890

3 Chored all day Nancy Esther F & H went to AB's to help Kill hogs Came home again didnt Kill, too stormy snowed from east all day. Boys went to Ceder Grove PM with sleigh, run well

4 Nancy Esther F & H helped AB's kill hogs W. fine about 8 in snow

5 I & F went to Markham PM sleighing fair boys drew some old Pine from other bush to old bush to boil sugar W. fine mild H got Mare Jenny shod AM

6 F & B went to Toronto on Train other boys Chored. W. Mild

Sunday 7 I & Nancy & little ones went to Peter's H.B. Adeline & Susanna went to B Diller's this evening. W. pretty Cold N wind. Cler, fair sleighing

8 Boys Chored at other place Br inlaw Peter Came for Benjamin he is going to work for him awhile J brought some Mouldings from D Ramers boys put them on doors & windows in other place. W. fine Cler

9 F helped Br C's Kill hogs J & H Chored at other house put on Mouldings at other house AM H helped B Burkholder's thresh PM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. fine

Dec 1890

This is Nancy's 51st Birthday

10 F took a Cord of dry wood to Markham with sleigh H helped B Burkholder thresh J got Frank & Doll shod I & A Painted in other house Nancy Esther & Mary Cleaned at house. W. Milder thawing a little but Cloudy

11 H helped B Burkholder finish threshing awhile this morning A took 24 Axles {?} to Markham AM F & Susanna went to Stouffville AM boys drew home few loads hay from other place & A drew few loads wood from other bush Nancy Adeline & Esther finished Cleaning house at other place PM. W. Mild thawing a little snowed here after dark

12 I went to Markham AM A took load wood & F got Horse Charly AM F took load Wood PM, we are getting $4.50 per Cord in trade for Cutter & Harness & Cook Stove J & A Painted at house W. Cold. sleighing pretty fair snow blowed off some in places

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Dec 1890

13 F & H took load wood apiece AM H & A Painted awhile PM J took 10 bags Oats to Br S's PM W. fine Cold, Cler

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Esther & Henry remarks & sermon on St Mat 11 C by Br C. JB's were here at dinner. A. Esther & Mary went to Br S's this evening F H Adeline & Susanna went to Peter's Reesor's W. very fine & Cler, thawing in the sun

15 I & F went to Markham for a new Cooking Stove @ $28.00 H got young Mare Bonnie shod set up stove in other house PM. W very fine thawing some, sleighing very thin

16 Chored AM. I & Nancy started about 1/2 past 11 00 AM to go to Saml Brownsberger's our son Flavius got Married to their youngest daughter Fanny they went to Stouffville about 4 PM, a Christian Minister by name Willoughby Married them Herman & AB's daughter went with them W. Cloudy this Morning Cleared at noon Cloudy this evening began to snow after dark snowing at bed time we staid all night, we went in buggy but could have Come home in Cutter

Dec 1890

17 got home before dinner boys Chored Br S's young folks Br C's Thomas & Ketura JD's young folks & AB's Jesse & Martha were here for supper Br S's Isaac was Married yesterday to Preacher Abraham Rittenhouse's daughter Emma yester they came home today & came here this evening. Br N's young folks Could not come. W. fine & mild

18 H & Adeline helped NB's Kill hogs east wind a little stormy

19 J & H drew some wood from other bush AM Chored & H brought Chop home PM W. Cler, Cold Flavius & Fanny are visiting their Uncles every day our young folks all went to AB's this evening with them A took 10 Turkeys to Coakwells @ 9 1/2 cts & 2 Geese @ 6 cts

20 boys Chored. I & Nancy Susanna Esther & Henry went to Markham PM. W. fine Mild sleighing t{illegible}

Sunday 21 H Adeline & Susanna

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Dec 1890

went to Meeting at Wideman's with Buggy I & Nancy & little ones went to Benj'n Diller's with sleigh Esther went along as far as Br C's W. Mild Cloudy, a shower PM snow going

22 Boys Painted at other house & deepened Cellar a few inches I went to Br N's to Br S's AM & to M Barkeys PM. W. Cler, mild

23 Boys Finished Painting other house & worked a little at Cellar J & F went to a sale in Markham Village PM. W. pretty Cold wind Squaals of snow this evening I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM

24 Boys finished Cleaning Cellar at other place I & Nancy & Henry swept Meeting house W. pretty Cold

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J. A. & F remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C H & girls went to Br C this evening. W. pretty Cold

Dec 1890

26 Chored AM Boys threshed few Peas PM. W snow from east all day

27 I & Nancy started this Morning went to Br inlaw Peters for dinner he was in bed with lame back. then we went to Joseph Shank's was at supper with Daniels they live with old folks was all night with old folks W. mild a little snowy all day

28 Sunday went to Meeting at Almira remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Jac Wideman went to Christian Wideman's to dinner & to Christian Gayman's to supper they live on John Wideman's Homestead then we staid all night with John's he is not very well, result of Grippe then

29 we went to Abraham Hoover's on the 7th Con to dinner then Came home W. blowed up Cold Saturday night. Cold yesterday Mild & snow today sleighing good here not so good further north

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Dec 1890 Jan 1891

30 Boys chored AM H & A took 2 loads wood to Markham PM F Fanny & Adeline fixed at house Flavius went to Markham PM. W. snow from east all AM

31 H took load wood to Markham AM Flavius & some of girls Cleaned at other house B Came home last night & went to Wedding at Jonas Ramer's Simon Hoover's son Albert is getting Married to Jonas' second wife's daughter Anne Raymond W. strong wind & some snow from east

Jan 1st 1891 at home all day B. & Flavius' were here had roast Turkeys. W. trees covered with Ice Foggy mild began to rain PM Br inlaw Jesse Hoover & Herman Lehman were here at dinner

2 Flavius & girls Cleaned & Papered at house J H & A went Fox hunting in Pickering got nothing I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. W. soft AM blowed up Cold PM Joseph Groves & wife brought Samuel Grove & wife from Michigan to dinner

Jan 1891

3 H got Frank & Jennie Shod J got Charly shod J & H went to a sale on 6th Con Pickering PM A got Farmer shod PM Flavius took Fanny home PM W. sharp

Sundy 4 at home Br S's were here H & girls went to U Drudges this evening. W. fine sharp

5 H took Farmer to Burrows AM he has bad blood he took load wood to Markham PM sleighing fine W. fine Milder

6 F went to Souffville {sic} bought second hand Parlor Stove @ $4.00 AM I & Nancy went to Markham got some furniture for Flavius Bureau Bedstead & 6 Chairs H took load wood PM & brought home furniture W. Cler sharp JD's were here this evening

7 Boys put up temporary wood shed at other house AM J & F went to bring home Fanny's Cow from Abraham Burkholders Brownsberger's brought her there

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Jan 1891

girls Cleaned house all day W. Cold windy this evening

8 Boys worked at other place I went to Markham AM bought a Clock for Flavius W. sharp AM Milder PM

9 Boys worked at other place & drew home load hay & few loads wood from old bush I took grist Corn to Ceder Grove Mills PM. W. Mild fine & Cler always pretty good sleighing thin

10 Boys Cleaned stables & chored at other place F went to Whitechurch PM I & J & Henry brought some gravel for the hens from 4th Scarboro AM. W. sharp & foggy misty all day

Sunday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St {blank space} by young Saml Hoover MN's & Ben Stover & his Mother were here at dinner young Sam Hoover's were here last night W. sharp AM Snow all PM

12 Chored AM F went to Whitechurch with double sleigh PM they are intending to Move tomorrow

Jan 1891

H went to Markham with Thomas PM. W. strong N wind pretty Cold snow blowing

13 Flavius Moved. W. fine, Cold we took his Furniture over he moved into our house on Lot 4, 5th Con Scarboro east & west roads drifted pretty bad

14 J & H threshed 3 bags Peas AM J took them & some barly to Br S's PM H went as far as Flavius's W. Mild some snow strong wind from north PM

15 H & Susanna went to Markham AM H brought Chop home PM then brought Colts Dick & Jess home from other place they & the 2 yearlings have been there all winter W. fine & Cler

16 I went to Markham AM sorted Hens PM W. Coldest so far this winter H & girls & Br C's Thomas went to Menno Burkholder's this evening

17 H helped Flavius cut wood AM he & J drew some 3 sawlogs PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. Milder

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Jan 1891

Sunday 18 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C Sermon on Hebrews part of 11th C by Old S Hoover went to Christian Burkholder's to dinner & to Abraham Burkholders fot supper W. Cler sharp this Morning. Milder tonight

19 J & H drew 3 sawlogs AM brought a shingle log to end of lane at noon H took it to Green Pines PM W. fine Mild I & Br C went to 4th Con Scarboro for more gravel for him PM

20 Killed big hog for Flavius he & Fanny helped W. fine & Cler

21 F & A went to bring B home from Peter's Br inlaw Peter's they took guns along hunted rabbits got one I & Nancy & little ones went to JH Ramer's they were not at home but they Came at 2 PM & then we staid to supper W. Mild & soft snow going. thin places getting bare H helped Br C's Thomas thresh at Bob Reesor's with Br C's Machine. They finish the Job for W Reesor.


22 Chored Cleaned stables hung up Pork to smoke W. light rain AM turned to snow getting Colder this evening, freezing

23 H went threshing B helped F cut some wood & cut some smoke wood J took 12 bags Oats to Br S's & brought home smoke wood I & Henry went to Ceder Grove AM W. fine, sleighing fair I & Nancy went to Aunt Lissy's this evening

24 H went threshing till noon F & A cut stub for shingles & cut Bolts PM J took stub to Green River PM & brought home Chop from Br S's I & Nancy went awhile to AB's PM W. fine

Sunday 25 at home I Moyer's were here H, Adeline Susanna, F & Fanny went to S Lehman's. W. fine

26 Boys threshed 4 bags Peas AM I took them with 6 bags barley to Br S's PM J went with Br C's Thomas to Markham F & H went to buy a Cow at J Barkeys at Mongolia PM did not get her W. snow AM fine PM B helped NB Kill Pigs PM

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Jan 1891

27 H & B brought shingle butt to the house this Morning B Chored AM H took it to Green River & B drew wood for Alexander PM I went around to tell that Samuel Wideman's widow died this morning W. heavy snow AM Cler PM

28 Boys drew home load hay A & H brought home Chop AM they all went to Whitson's sale in Pickering F went with them & Fanny was here all PM. W. fine Mild thawing a little I went to Ceder Grove PM

29 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Widow Wideman at Wideman Meeting house Old & young Sam Hoover officiated --- ---- ---- we went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner Boys cut shingle bolts W. Cloudy foggy AM began to rain from east at 3 PM rained all the way home

30 H & B Cut bolts AM they hitched up Colt Jess PM she went well W. fine & Mild, the rain did not spoil the sleighing

31 H & B cut bolts AM & awhile PM then they cleaned out Ice house

Jan Feb 1891

J & A drew home 2 logs for Ovenwood & took a load bolts to Green River I & Nancy & Ann went awhile to Flavius PM W. mild soft snow & rain this evening

Sunday Feb 1 at home Boys & girls went to JD's W. fine

Candleman day 2 H & B Cut bolts I went to Trustee Meeting at Hebron Br. S, M Barkey & Manesse Frets were elected Trustees for the Cemetery Frets was not present, I went to other bush PM. W. fine & Cler AM, Mild east wind this evening, Cloudy PM

3 Boys Cut & drew home 2 loads Ice from Br S's Pond. W. fine AM squaals of snow PM a little rain last night, the snow today made the sleighing pretty fair again a little snow this Morning

4 Boys threshed 4 bags Peas & took them to Br S's AM they could not Cut Ice, too cold Ice frose on saws I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very Cold 5 deg below this morning

5 boys Cut Ice drew 2 loads H Adeline & Esther & Flavius & Fanny AB's Jess Martha & Ben Stover's & Br C's

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Feb 1891

Thomas went to JH Ramer's this evening W. getting Milder, towards evening JH R's were not at home, so they went to Jac Groves

6 Boys Cut Ice Nancy & Susanna & Anne went to Markham AM J brought last load of Ice PM I did not feel well. B helped F bring some Ice for him PM W. fine mild

7 H helped F Pack his Ice I & B cut some logs AM J Drew them he & B & A went to bush PM drew 2 more then snow storm from east stopped them. A & Henry went to Markham AM snowing yet at Bedtime

Sunday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J. remarks & sermon on St Mark part of 8th C by Br C AB's were here at noon I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny Ramer's this evening W. a little snow this Morning very fine PM

9 Chored this Morning Boys went to bush after 9 AM drew 3 logs & I went to Ceder Grove we Cleaned a lot of Oats PM W. driving Mist from east nearly all day rain this evening

Feb 1891

10 H got Frank & Jenny shod AM went to Graham Bro's with AB's Jesse to see Horses PM F & B Cut logs & J Drew. W. fine

11 Boys cuts some logs & J drew AM I & F brought load saw dust from Ceder Grove & B & H drew 2 logs PM. W. fine Cler

12 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br in law Peter's boys drew logs & skinned Cow Queen she was strangled in her stall last night W. fine

13 Boys drew 3 loads hay from Br C's AM we are buying it @ $4.00 per ton they drew logs & Cut bolts PM. W. fine & Cler

14 J Drew 1 load logs boys split bolts AM J took load bolts to Green River & boys split bolts PM. I & Nancy & little ones went to Br N's this evening they live in west end of their house W. sharp Cler their son Albert was Married to Elisabeth Rittenhouse daughter of Pre A Rittenhouse they live in the east of the house

{second page}

Feb Feb 1891

Sunday 15 I & Nancy & little ones walked to Johnny Reesor's today B.B. Adeline & Susanna went to Isaac Reesor's this evening they live on the west end of Br S's farm he built a new house for them this summer Abram & Esther went to JD's this evening. W. very fine & Cler, thawing

16 B helped F Chore & Cut bolts H & J Drew home logs for wood R Wallace was here at dinner W. Mild Cloudy, thawing began to rain towards evening

17 Boys top threshed load of Oat Sheaves J then hitched up Colt Jess & I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. soft snow AM fine PM Sleighing pretty fair again

18 H & B helped F cut bolts J drew home some pine logs for ovenwood we exchanged about 85 bus Oats with old Abe Burkholder's, they want our's for seed. W. high wind from north flurries of snow

19 Boys all went chasing foxes got nothing. W. fine Cler H took load bolts to green River AM helped Br C Kill Pigs PM

20 Boys threshed few Peas W. snow from east all AM turned to rain this evening

Feb 1891

21 Boys helped F saw bolts AM I & boys went to Jacob Reesor's sale PM he sold Jersey Cattle & Horses W. soft & Cler, thawing, freesing a little this evening

Sunday 22 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's W. sharp & Blustry AM fine PM

23 Boys sawed bolts H took grist Barly & Peas to Br S's AM J took load bolts & brought home Chop PM I & Nancy went to Old Sam Stover's PM & staide awhile this evening he is pretty smart, he drives out a little W. Mild, east wind

24 Boys sawed bolts J took load bolts with sleigh AM brought load with waggon as far as house rain stopped hime, rain till bedtime

25 Boys Chored. H went with Br C's Thomas to put up Bills for Br C's sale on March 11th They all went to Isaac's sale on 9th Con Markham PM I & Nancy & little ones went to Flavius with sleighs this evening sleighing about gone W. rain AM getting Colder PM

26 Boys sawed bolts J took load with Waggon PM. W. Cold this Morning fine today Br C's were here this evening

27 Boys finished sawing bolts AM they all went to Kirtons sale in Whitevale PM W. Blustry, squaals of snow

{second page}

Feb Mar 1891

28 Boys threshed Peas AM they sawed some wood in other bush PM F went to Toronto on Cars W. strong N Wind. very Cold this evening Edith Robinson & her little sister Alice came to stay all night

Sunday March 1st at home all day AB's Jesse & Martha were here at dinner & Will Reesor's at supper. W. Clear, Cold Zero this Morning

2 Boys & Flavius Cut 4 fot wood J brought fore quarter beef from Coakwells AM went to B'S'S PM. W. strong east wind all day some snow PM, too Cold to snow much

3 Boys threshed Peas AM Cleaned grist fall wheat at other barn PM Menno Burkholders young folks Elisabeth Nighswander & Jacob Groves two sons were here at supper W. strong east wind all day snow at times heavy this evening

4 Boys threshed Peas AM they all went to D Milnes sale PM W. snow from west this morning Cler awhile very heavy squaals of snow PM

Mar 1891

5 F. H & B sawed wppd AM F & H sawed at F's house PM B & J took 6 bags Chop to Br S's & brought home load Pine PM W. very Cold West wind thin sleighing it is blown off the road in places

6 Boys Cut wood F went to Markham PM brought 8 bus Bonansa Oats from JH Ramer's for me @ $1.00 per bus J drew last bolts out of bush PM I went to Ceder Grove W. fine AM, heavy snow towards evening

7 boys Cut wood AM J took 2 loads bolts A took one PM with F's team which finishes them I & Susanna went to Markham AM W. fine Sleighing pretty fine

Sunday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline, she has pain in her Eye remark by Br C sermon on Acts 3 C by young Saml Hoover nobody here at dinner Henry Brownsberger & Flavius's, NB's & Aunt Lissy & Br S's David & Bertha were here at supper W. strong east wind all day, Mild

9 Boys went to Cut wood, came home before dinner finished threshing Peas PM W. drissly rain from east AM soft snow PM. freesing this evening

10 B helped F cut wood H went to Br C's Thomas's wedding he got Married to Joseph Grove's daughter Adeline I & Nancy Esther Mary & Anne went to Widow D Nighswander's Elisabeth was not at home so we went to JB's left carpet rags at J Kindy's W. very fine thawing Sleighing good fair sleighing {?}

11 Chored & Boys went to Br C's AM to help get things ready for their sale. Br inlaw John Hoover's came to dinner, we all went to sale PM. a great Crowd I bought a lot of things Buggy @ $5.20 spinning Wheel & Reel $3.00 Horse Fork $2.00 Post hole digger 15 cts Cant hook 15 cts Kitchen Table 65 cts wood rack 15 cts side saddle $2.50 W. very fine about the finest day we have had this long time but the sleighing is gone the most of the people came in sleighs but they had hard going home

12 Chored J brought home grist other boys Cut some straw for feed Hitched up Colt Dick we sold him to J Mainland @ $84.00 Cash but we keep him about a week to break him. W. drissly rain all AM Cleared up fine PM

Mar 1891

13 Boys went to Cut wood did not work rained they cut some straw PM hitched Colt this evening W. rain AM rain & soft snow nearly all PM Colder this evening

14 B & A Cut wood F helped PM. J drew a load into sugar bush from other bush PM & one load into woodshed W. squaal of snow. Cold north wind pretty fair sleighing

Sunday 15 at home H Adeline & Susanna went to Meeting at Wideman's went to Enos Hoover's to dinner. M Barkeys were here at supper W. Cler Cold very strong wind through the day Cold

16 Boys Cut wood J returned his road list at Unionville today, he went with Cutter, fair sleighing, strong North wind Cold this evening

17 Boys Cut wood & J drew out some first class for sale we are keeping the second class 4 ft wood for our own use, then B went to Beir's boys sawing Bee PM & other boys & F went to Madills sale W. rain wind from east I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM

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Mar 1891

began to snow from east about dark

18 Boys cut wood I & Nancy Esther Mary & Ann went to Widow D Nighswanders PM. W. fine Am very heavy snow from north not much wind, very mild, quit snowing about dark, fine coming home

19 H & B cut wood AM drew home some straw for bedding from other place PM Menno Stover's were her they got 46 bus seed barly @ 50cts W. very fine I & Nancy & little Anne went to Manasse Fret's this evening, rain east wind

20 Chored, boys hitched up Colt Dick AM H & B went to Pilkeys sawing Bee PM D Mainland took away his Cold PM I & Henry went to Cherrywood PM W. drissly rain awhile this Morning heavy snow till near noon drissly at times PM

21 Chored AM H went to Jesse Reesor's sawing Bee (Samls Jess) he lives in Br S's house we Soaked Sap tubs & Buckets J & B then drove Colt Jess & I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's. W. soft snow & drissle AM Cler PM. drissly after dark, Mild

Sunday 22 at home H & girls went to

Mar 1891

Johnny Ramer's Br C's Ketura was here B Diller's Came this evening W. mild thawing fast sleighing gone

23 Chored Boys cut straw to fill beds AM Cleaned Harness PM H helped F Clean & Oil his W. drissly rain all day

24 Boys cut wood J drew 3 loads from old bush & A Oiled one set of Harness AM he & J drew & piled first Class wood at other bush PM W. fine Cler, Colder this evening

25 Boys Cut wood AM they all went to J Larkins sale PM except A. PM. W. sharp this Morning, thawing today

26 H & F cut wood I & B & J Cleaned 78 Bus barly for J Pike @ 50 cts per Bus AM H went to Manasse Frets's sawing Bee J & F went to Dumonds sale PM F bought Cutting Box @ {blank space} Wheelbarrow @ {blank space} & Scoop shovel @ {blank space} W Cler, sharp east wind A went to MN's for 4 little Pigs PM

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Mar 1891

Good Friday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mark part of 15 C by Br C Matty Cook was here for dinner I & Nancy took her to Br S's PM. W. very sharp & strong east wind all day

28 Cleaned about 120 Bus barly Torrance took away 50 bus this morning & Jacob Reesor's 40 Bags tapped trees over 100 sap run very fast H went to John Milroys PM they had few hands sawing wood I went to F to P Hoover's sale PM F bought spring board @ $5.75 W. very fine & Cler, we gathered big tub very near full of sap this evening & Most of trees were tapped aftger dinner

Easter Sunday 29 F & Fanny were here at dinner I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's staid to supper heard that old Saml Stover's son Simeon died today of Inflammation on the lungs W. very fine & mild

Mar 1891 April

Easter Mondy 30 Boiled sap had to do it Boys helped to dig grave Br N's Peter & Jacob & NB helped A Adeline Susanna & Esther went to Markham PM Wl fine & Cler east wind sap running some today very fast yesterday

31 went to Funeral of Simeon Stover at Hebron sermon by Baptist Minister by the name of Shaw Henry Stover & wife were here at dinner W. very sharp & strong east wind AM began to snow fast about noon snowed all PM. thawing at bedtime boys Cleaned some seed barly PM

April 1 H & B helped F cut wood we boiled sap I & J brought load old Pine from other bush to sugar Camp & J brought home Chop, he drew some logs for Jesse Reesor PM W. snow thawing a little sleighing, rained awhile PM

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April 1891

2 Chored AM went to bush about 1100 AM & started fire H & B cut wood PM W. drissly rain AM Cloudy PM, a little drissly towards evening Nancy & Henry went to Ceder Grove PM Christian Stover brought back Mare Bonny that Simeon Stover had bought from us last December his widow has no use for her the snow is nearly all gone roads very bad

3 H & B helped F Cut wood AM F & B went to G Duncan's sawing Bee PM J Nancy & Henry went to Markham I let Job of stumping about 10 acres to G Kelly's man PM I & A boiled sap PM. W. a little drissly AM getting Colder. N wind PM

4 Boys Cut wood J & A brought load old pine to Camp from other place & load sawdust for bedding we Cleaned 30 bus seed barly for P Lewis his man took it away W. very Cold N wind freesing hard

Sundy 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks & sermon on St Mat

April 1891

part of 5th C by Br C Matty Cook was here PM Br C held (umfrage) alone. W. Cler, sharp this morning

6 Boys Cut wood I & J & A sowed Wheat field back of barn with Clover & Timothy J too J took grist barly to Br S's after we were done Br inlaw Peters were here today. W. frose very hard this morning J & A drew in few logs at Mill PM

7 I walked to Boxgrove to see Bishop this morning then I & J & B drew in some logs at SM H & F cut wood AM then three boys went to Br C's Thomas's Bee sawing wood PM I & A boiled sap. frose hard last night very fine today, sap running

8 B & A sawed wood H & J drew in logs & brought home load sawdust AM H went to Old Christian Stover's sawing Bee J B & A drew away some lumber PM I & Susanna went to Markham

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April 1891

AM Jacob Kindy's were here at dinner W. frose last night very fine today. roads good

9 drew in logs drew away lumber gathered sap & Boiled till bedtime great run of sap. W. east wind Milder

10 Boys drew in some logs I & A boiled sap all day, it did not run much this PM. A took Butter & Eggs to Coakwell's this evening. W. rain awhile this Morning & again PM. Cleared up this evening, Milder

11 Boys drew in few logs & took away one load lumber rain stopped them I & A boiled sap all day rain awhile AM & nearly all PM sap run a little. Nancy finished 14 qts on stove that we boiled yesterday & 12 qts that we boiled today

Sunday 12 at home all day Esther & Mary went to Flavius' Adeline Susanna & Esther went awhile to NB's this evening. W. Cloudy Mild

13 J F & B took away lumber & put in few logs AM B went dipping for suckers at Kirkhams Caught 12 H is not well I & A boiled sap

April 1891

all day I & Br C went to funeral of Ben White's wife PM at Ceder Grove did not stay for sermon W. fine warm & Clear heard frogs Croaking in bush this evening

14 Boys Cut wood A boiled sap I went to Markham AM Helped A PM. W. very warm AM Cooler PM began to rain from east about 4 PM quit at dusk Br in law Peter Came for Esther she is to work there this summer

15 Chored & Cleaned 46 bus Peas AM Boys cut wood B took grist Pea Oat & barly Chop to Br S's & got it ground & I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. rainy AM Cloudy & drissly PM

16 I & A boiled sap all day boys cut wood, Jess Reesor helped PM for the half day that J drew logs for him. W. very fine & warm

17 H F & B went fishing to Kirkham's W Reesor & Jess Reesor went along they caught 105 got home after dinner

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April 1891

I & J split wood awhile in other bush AM. Chored hung meat in garret boys Made a boiler to boil feed with sheet Iron bottom and wooden sides. W. fine a little rain this evening

18 Boys Cut wood Jess Reesor helped I & J drew in last logs AM A boiled sap I helped PM we finished off in the bush one gallon W. showry AM very warm & Cler PM A Moore brought new Pump for well at house at other place Henry Stover & wife Called PM

Sundy 19 at home Peter Reesor's were here Charley Jones (U Drudges nephew) was here last night & today W. fine & Cler

20 Boys split & piled wood J drew 3 loads wood from other place then boys drew load straw for bedding from other place W. fine

21 H & B plowed sod at other place I & J & A took away lumber boys Caught 13 suckers in Petticoat

April 1891

last night they caught 5 or 6 before W. very fine & Cler, east wind PM

22 Sowed Munny Peas south of bush & early Ramer's Peas east of gate at other place W. very warm & Cler

23 Sowed 4 acres of Oats at other place west of stump fence J & F went to Markham PM I & B took away last of lumber this morning. W. Cloudy. Cooler

24 Killed 6 Pigs AM Sowed Oats east of stump fence PM W. frost this morning cool today B took Pigs to Lewis's farm (late D Milnes) this evening $5.50 per cwt

25 Boys sowed barley south of wheat at other place I went to Ceder Grove AM W. sharp Cold, N. wind, fine & Cler roads very good B & Susanna were at Markham yesterday PM I & A & Henry brought home sap buckets this PM

Sundy 26 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by young Sam Hoover sermon on St Mark 18th C by Br C Br C held (Umfrage) alone went to Br inlaw Peter's for dinner W. Cool, fine & Cler

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April 1891 May

27 Sowed field behind Cider house with barly there was some of it ganged then B & A ganged the rest F came with his team (Charley & Jenny) & drilled it in H harrowed before the seeder with Farmer & 2 year old Mare Jess. W. very fine & warm strong wind got up this evening

28 H harrowed barly & then sowed 6 bus goose Wheat in west end of NW Corner field at other place B sowed about 7 acres Peas by hand in NE Corner field J ganged them in & A harrowed I went to Markham PM W. very strong N wind very Cool

29 Finished NE Corner field with Oats west part H grubbed south of house & east of Orchard with old seeder W. not so Cool

30 sowed field south of house & east of Orchard with Oats & harrowed H grubbed field north of Meeting house I & Nancy & Jake Moyer nearly finished making front garden. Br S's Called awhile PM. & Aunt Lissy Burkholder. W. very fine & warm

May 1 Sowed field north of Meeting house with Oats H finished plowing sod at other place a part east of road

May 1891

& F sowed it with Peas I planted few early Potatoes in garden W. some frost this morning fine today

2 A finished rolling at other place then B rolled some at home PM we planted 4 drills early Potatoes below garden sowed a strip Oats Called (Bonanza) along bush oppposite Br C's house we got 8 bus off JH Ramer they were badly mixed, so we hand picked about 3 qts & will Chop the rest for feed old John Wideman & wife Came to stay all night. W. rather Cloudy at times

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline remarks & sermon appropriate for Celebraton of Lords supper by Br C. Br C was all alone Tilman Reesor's & Menno Burkholder's were here at dinner W. fine shower last night, very fine today

4 B. filled dung A drew with 2 waggons on Mangel ground east part of field east of dam F & H drew dung at other place on hillside field for Mangels

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May 1891

W. very Cold & strong NW wind I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Burrows PM we have a calf that has lumps on its nose

5 B & A finished drawing dung AM they plowed PM F was here spreading dung. W. very Cold strong NW wind hard frost last night, ground frose a little snow on ground this morning

6 B & Adeline went to Stouffville J & A finished Plowing Mangel ground I spread dung AM J & B drew stones off fields A harrowed Mangel ground PM W. strong cold N wind

Ascension day 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Acts part of 1st C by Br C Matty Cook was here after service I & Nancy took Matty Cook & Aunt Lissy to Meeting at Saml Stovers Br C administered sacrament to them W. very fine & Cler Mild

May 1891

8 B made Mangel drills A rolled ground then rolled Oats I J & F Piled Maple Flooring & Axles at SM. PM. W. very fine & Cler quite warm this evening it is getting very dry, our Creek is not running Ionson was here last night with his horse

9 I & B brought drill from Br S's & 12 lbs Mangel seed from John Milroys he got it in Toronto @ 20 ct per lb B sowed Mangels AM boys Planted 2 bags early Ohio Potatoes at other place PM we bought them off A McCreight @ $1.15 per bag A finished rolling AM he brought home 3 old Waggon wheels from Br S's we got new felloes in them I & Nancy went to Johnny Ramer after supper W. very warm, fine & Cler

Sundy 10 B & girls went to Meeting at Widemans I & Nancy & little ones went too remarks by Jac Wideman Suitable sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by Br C went to Br inlaw Enos Hoover's to dinner W. rather

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May 1891

Cloudy, fine slow rain PM did not get wet Coming home

11 J ganged turnip ground B & A drew dung on it with 2 Waggons & one team I went to M Barkeys for Tomatoe plants AM helped women in back garden PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening there is a new storekeeper by the name of Kennedy there now W. fine rain last night Cler today the woods are fine & green

12 I & J helped Scrub Meeting house B & A plowed back garden AM boys drew dung PM. W. fine warm Cler we Cut scrubby trees out of Burying ground at Meeting house & staked it off the old stakes were rotted off.

13 boys drew dung I & Nancy & little ones went to MN's W. fine & Cler

14 boys finished drawing dung W. fine, Cler

15 boys drew dung on feed Corn ground, strip in wheat field behind barn. B plowed & fixed it ready PM & we planted it J & A

May 1891

laid up fence between pasture & Meadow J McGaw & Willie Wales were here at supper we went Ground Hog shooting awhile this evening, got none. W fine & Cler I & Nancy went to Markham AM

16 B got Mary May shod H brought load sand from W Milnes AM H & B brought 2 loads PM J & A fixed fences. W. very Cold & strong N. Wind

Sundy Whit Sundy 17 Isaac Reesor's were here at dinner B & girls were at AB's I & Nancy & little ones went to Br C's to supper they were in Vaughn but Came home early W. Cler & Cool a little Cloudy towards evening

Whit Monday 18 I went to Ceder Grove AM when I got home Br inlaw Simeon Hoover's their son Albert & his wife Annie Raymond their daughter Mary & her Man Frank Williamson were here & wanted to go fish so I & J & B went with them to Mouth of Rouge got very few. W. Cool north wind Cler

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May 1891

19 I & J went to Markham for 6 Barrels of lime AM I & A took 700 fet Maple flooring to D Ramer's PM H & B began digging Kitchen foundation at other house F & Fanny Susanna & Mary & Br inlaw Peter Hoover's went fishing to Mouth of Rouge Caught about 60 fine ones J plowed in turnip ground W,. Cler & Cool

20 B helped F & H finish digging foundation AM he finished spr spreading dung PM I & A spread AM J plowed A helped PM W. a very little rain AM very fine & Cler today, real warm F & H drew stones into foundation PM

21 Finished drawing stones into foundation & finished plowing our turnip ground. W. very warm

22 B helped H finish plowing turnip ground at other place & A helped Kill Flavius' 2 pigs he sold them to Lewis for $15.00 I bought them of W Reesor

May 1891

early in the spring for $6.00 I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM J took grist 12 Bus Wheat to Ceder Grove Mills & brought home barly Chop PM. W. very Cool some rain & hail passed around last night

23 J & A Planted 12 rows hill corn along side of turnip ground AM B rolled turnip ground they planted 8 rows for Flavius at other place & brought home little load of hay I started to go to Ceder Grove this morning met John Weaver & wife & Joseph Schawn from Indiana Preacher Berry & S Connell from Ohio Br S's wife were bringing them to Br C's I turned back & helped bring them then I went to Ceder Grove they all Came here to stay all night W. fine

Sunday 24 I & Nancy took Weavers & Joseph Schawn to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Pre Weaver sermon on St Luke 10C 30 V to end by Pre Berry went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner

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May 1891

I & Nancy & Weaver's got dinner with Widow Barkey then Called at Br inlaw Peter's to supper at Christian Burkholder's Called at old widow Barkeys (Pre Henry's widow) & left Weaver's & Schawn at Johnny Burkholder's. David Burkholder took Berry & Connell to Menno Burkholders W. hard frost last night Tomatoes frozen I forgot to say that Peter B Reesor's took Pre Berry & Connell this Morning & as far as C Burkholder's

25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Pre Beary sermon on St John Parts of 3rd C by Pre Weaver JH Ramer's were here at dinner I & Nancy went to Br N's this evening all them Visitors were there they go to Waterloo tommorrow Br N's go with them, boys Cut & Planted Potatoes W. fine warm & Cler F & H began digging turnip cellar Fanny had not time to go to Meeting this Morning so boys worked too

26 Boys took last Potatoes out of Cellar & finished planting ours at other place W. fine little shower last night very Cool this morning

May 1891

Alf Spraige began Cook house foundation wall stump diggers began work today I went to see Bishop

27 B helped dig turnip Cellar AM I I J & A had a hunt after Cows this morning I Could not find them last night we have had them on the roads this while. I & J tied stakes with wire between pasture & Meadow AM planted potatoes for Flavius & B & J took load sheeting to D Ramer's & brought home grist flour W. a little frost last night fine today turned Cows to pasture very dry weather grass grows slow

28 B helped at turnip Cellar A drew 6 loads dung from home to turnip ground at other place I went to Ceder Grove PM W. a little warmer, fine & Cler

29 Boys worked at turnip Cellar J & A drew dung on strip that we left in field behind Cider house for feed Corn plowed it down & sowed it with Corn AM then they spread dung & plowed the last of Flavius' turnip ground PM W. fine Cler & warm

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May & June 1891

30 Boys nearly finished turnip Cellar I & J took Peas & Oats Chop to SM & piled some lumber AM J went to bring home Esther F & Fanny went to Markham PM W. dry & warm

Sunday 31 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C Esther was here all day B took her home this evening W. fine warm

June 1 Boys tended Spragge with stones at turnip Cellar & H brought 16 Brls lime from Markham PM B & A washed sheep PM W. rain shower went around PM few drops here very warm & sultry

2 Boys tended Mason & dug at last Corner of Cellar J & A planted last of feed Corn in root field AM we drew home a ton of hay that we bought off Br C's Thomas @ $7.00 part Clover. I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine shower of rain & some thunder early this Morning. Cool & Cloudy today

3 H & B drew 2 loads sand AM I & J & B built an arch in smokehouse

June 1891

to boil feed A got mare Bonnie shod PM. W. Cloudy, drissly rain at times I went to Stevens B.S. AM

4 Put rings in 7 pigs noses & turned them into old orchard Cleaned out Pig pen AM B went to Make Mortar for Alf Spragge for turnip Cellar I went to Steven's B.S.S W. a little drissly, fine today rather cool

5 I went to see Bishop A brought last of dressed lumber AM we Pulled weeds out of 3 acres fall Wheat east of dam & scuffled Mangel drills. they have not Come yet it was too dry. W. fine Cler

6 B sheared sheep A tended Spragge AM we finished scuffling Mangels & scuffled early Potatoes below garden & Pulled nearly all weeds out of Wheat behind barn PM W. fine Cler, Cool

Sunday 7 at home all day Flavius' were here PM. W. fine Cler Cool

8 J took 5 bags Oats to Br S's & brought a little lumber from D Ramer's that was dressed & brought home Chop AM I & J & A drew home some heavy

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June 1891

timber from SM to other place PM I went to Ceder Grove Mills for some Graham flour this Morning. W warm fine & Cler

9 J & A fixed north fence AM I took old Buggy (that I bought at Br C's sale) to Whitevale to get Wheels fixed & J went to Unionville for his road list PM. I went to Whaleys to see Bishop after supper. W. very warm & dry

10 J & A went to Johnny Ramer's AM for a Cedar log for stringer for bridge at our Corner on Scarboro Townline Chored PM W. very warm and a little rain PM

11 J A & Henry went fishing to dead water of Rouge Caught only 2. W. fine rain this morning good heavy shower PM some thunder, Sir John A McDonald was buried this PM he Died on Saturday evening 6th inst {?}

12 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Jacob Barkey (Joseph's son) Baptist man Preached young Saml Hoover helped a little went to Br inlaw Peter's Boys Made a stone wall along end of Kitchen PM B tended Mason AM he finished Cellar at noon

June 1891

W very fine & Cool

13 I & Henry brought home old Buggy & left the other one to have box lowered Boys trimmed some apple trees AM we fixed bridge at creek on townline PM. W. fine & warm

Sunday 14 Boys & girls went to Meeting at Cober's I & Nancy & little ones went to M Barkeys PM. W. very warm & Cler

15 worked on roads drawing gravel with one team J is Pathmaster B & A helped Flavius fight fire in Pasture at other place Am they trimmed some rubbish out of the stumpers way they had to work awhile yesterday PM B took 500 ft 1 1/2 wide flooring to D Ramer's for JB PM W. very warm looks like rain

16 drew gravel on Pickering townline 2 teams PM B trimmed apple trees part of the time Br N's Albert & his wife brought Abram & Naomi Rittenhouse to dinner W. very warm & sultry I brought Buggy home from Whitevale PM heavy rain & thunder shower about 6 PM rained very heavy & a good long while

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June 1891

17 boys turnpiked on 11th H went to Markham AM W. Cloudy & Cooler fine steady rain Came on about 5 PM rained fully an hour, ground is well soaked

18 I & J fixed fence at bush at other place B & A drew wood from other bush AM. J & A took grist Wheat about 15 bus to Ceder Grove Mills PM B went to Bee shingling shed at 11th Con Meeting house W. Cool Cloudy a little drissle at noon our creek running again

19 boys trimmed some trees AM they all & F & H went fishing to Kirkham's PM with net, Caught fine Eel & few dozen other fish, Henry went fishing at Br S's AM he Caught Eel that measured 32 1/2 in below tumbling dam W. Cloudy Cool

20 Boys trimmed trees & spudded Thistles in Barley I & Nancy went to Markham AM heard that Br inlaw Peter was very sick then we went about 5 PM to stay all night Peter was some better he has Grippe & Bronchitis W. fine AM pretty warm PM

Sunday 21 we went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by Jac Wideman

June 1891

we went to br inlaw Sam Hoover's to dinner W. Cloudy & foggy this AM fine & Cler PM

22 B & A plowed in turnip ground J scuffled Mangels they are Coming now I filled gravel 2 hours at Scarboro road work PM F & H worked too W. very warm & sultry slight showers PM

23 B & A finished turnip ground B began making drills PM I & Nancy went to D Ramers PM W. strong North wind. Cool I went to M Barkeys for plants this morning

24 finished making drills & sowed turnips W. very warm & sultry

25 B got Mare Maggie shod & A Sowed turnips at other place & I walked to SM & got some boards ripped AM B & A hoed Potatoes at other place & J took 4 bags barly & got it Chopped PM W. very very warm I & J made 2 gates today

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June 1891

26 Boys finished hoeing Potatoes W. very warm today Cooler this evening I went to Fred K Reesor's this evening

27 A & Henry scuffled Potatoes at other place B trimmed apple trees I & J hoed Hill Corn PM W. fine & Cool Cler

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St John part of 1st C by Br C (he was all alone today) Saml Smith & wife (from Vaughan) Br inlaw S B Lehman Br inlaw Enos Hoover's & Ethleen Stover & Our Esther Came with them Christian Burkholder's son & Daughter & Levi Hamer David Burkholder Benj'n Hoover & family & Ezra Stouffer were here at dinner & some of them staid to supper. W. very fine & Cler

29 B harrowed down Mangel drills they are not doing well A & J hoed feed Corn & topped thistles I went to green River AM W. fine & warm looks a little like rain this evening

30 B & A Plowed down Mangel drills J went to Markham AM B went to Dimmer's raising.

June July 1891

& J Plowed PM W. pretty warm I Painted Summer Kitchen floor PM

July 1st Chored AM Cut straw for beds & Put in Post to hang gate beside ashouse to go into old Orchard & boys brought load ovenwood from other bush PM W. rain early this morning & till about 10 or 11 AM soaking steady rain Cloudy PM

2 B & H drew 2 loads shingles from P Hoover's Mill B brought another PM I & J & A Picked & Carried some lumber for Carpenter Hague he is working at Summer Kitchen at F's J took 4 bags Chop to Br S's AM A harrowed ground where Mangels were & began to roll PM W. prety warm, fine heavy rain after dark Br inlaw Peter's were here today

3 B & A helped Hague at Kitchen between Showers I & J went to SM AM got some lumber ripped W. some rain last night fine long shower this Morning till after 9 Oc very strong south east wind & squaals of rain PM. J took Butter to Lewis's

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July 1891

this evening we & Flavius take it every friday to Lewis's farm he paid 17 cts today

4 Boys helped Hague I went to Markham AM. W. very Cool strong North wind some Shower's PM

Sunday 5 at home AB's were here H & girls went to Meeting at Widemans W. very Cool, slight squaal PM

6 Boys helped Hague

7 Boys helped Thomas put up his rack lifter AM went fishing to Kingston road PM Caught fewW/ rainy AM. shower this evening

8 Boys Mowed 4 Acres at other place with Machine we intend to get the hay off so the stumpers Can pull the stumps they are nearly done in the pasture I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to SB Lehman's with wool W. very Cool this Morning, fine today Had supper at Br inlaw Peters

July 1891

B & A laid floor AM at new Kitchen Hague was not there B Made drills & A sowed grey stone turnips PM J laid floor PM. W. fine Cler & warm

10 Finished turnips this morning boys pulled Tares out of spring wheat raked & Cocked hay PM, I went to Markham PM W. very fine & warm Cler

11 drew in hay load AM J took some boards to D Ramer's to get dressed PM B & F went to J Ferguson's barn raising PM W. warm & Cler

Sundy 12 at home JD's & Menno Reesor's & Aunt Lissy were here W. very warm & cler H went to Almira lat evening with Br S's David & Bertha Br N's Jacob was here PM

13 J mowed at other place got done AM then Mowed in Meadow NW Corner PM gaurd {sic} broke this evening B & A Mowed fence Corner's PM

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July 1891

F H B & A Mowed fence at other place AM so the stumpers Can pull stumps where the Clover was W. very warm

14 B started at daylight to Unionville for gaurd for Mower got home before dinner Chored PM W. rainy all day fine soaking rain J got Frank Shod & B took 4 bags barly to Br S's PM

15 Boys finished Mowing Meadow & swale Henry scuffled rest of turnips PM I & A & Henry fixed gate north of Meeting shed this morning W. very fine & Cler I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening

16 raked & Cocked Knoll & south half of Meadow west of Creek W. fine Cool

17 drew in all hay out of Meadow loads very very light Crop F & H helped AM. W. very warm & Cler

18 J raked big Meadow B & A hoed turnip I went to Whitevale bought 100 lbs Bindery Twine @ 11 1/2 cts per lb AM drew in load rakings & load out of young Orchard PM W. fine AM slight shower PM

July 1891

Sunday 19 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's Old Sam Hoover & Elias Weber officiated Abraham Shark was Baptised by Weber we went to Cousin Saml Burkholder's W. very Cool this Morning warm

20 Hoed turnips A went to Unionville for Pinion for binder AM J Cut Orchard at other place with Mower W. fine Cool this evening I went to Ceder Grove PM

21 Boys A hoed last of turnips got done about 4 PM B & Henry hoed Corn then Cut roads around Wheat A{illegible} went to Ceder Grove W. fine

22 Cut golden drop Wheat about 4 acres next bush behind barn I went to Ceder Grove PM H Barkeys were here at supper. W. fine warm Boys Cut part of thistles in new fallow at other place after supper

23 Boys helped F & H lever cellar dirt at turnip Cellar W. looks like rain

24 boys helped level dirt AM Cut & shocked wheat east of dam

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July 1891

Standard wheat PM W. fine shower & some thunder last night very warm today, Cooler at bedtime

25 J Cut Standard wheat at other place B & A finished burning apple brush in old Orchard AM cut standard Wheat behind barn PM W. fine & Cool north wind all day I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening Cool tonight

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting except Susanna & Anne, remarks & sermon on St John part of 3rd C by Br C MN's JB's & Saml Ramer's (Br S's Enos & Our Esther were here at dinner. Joseph Barkeys widow too) Br inlaw Jesse Hoover was here at supper he was at AB's to dinner Esther Came with him W. very fine & Cler, Cool this morning

27 Boys Made a stone bridge back of Old barn AM Cut east half of barly back of Cider house PM I & Susanna went to Markham AM W. fine & Cool

28 B brought new Cooking stove from McGaws I bought it yesterday $25.00

July 1891

J & A brought load Hay from other place out of little Hay barn F wants to Move it. AM J began to Cut barly PM rain stopping him W. fine shower's PM JB was here at dinner. McGaw's two little girls Came with B to stay few days

29 B went to Corner of Scarboro & Pickering townline with team to help Old Barnes on his Machine for Grading road Barnes didnt Come then Boys all thinned Greystone turnips F & H helped awhile PM I went to Stevens B S PM. W warm showering PM

30 B helped Old Barnes AM I went to Markham PM McGaw's girls went home with me had Bee to take down hay barn & raise driving house at Flavius Boys tried last evening to move hay barn with 4 teams sill broke had to leave it W. warm shower

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July 1891 Aug

this morning strong wind PM Cool this evening

31 B helped Carpenters at driving house J finished Cutting barley A shocked it then they hoed turnips stumpers were here at supper I Paid them $205.00 for 490 stump W. fine Cool. Cler

August 1 B & A mowed fence Corners I went to Ceder Grove AM J took Binder to other place after dinner to Cut barly began to rain about 10 O slow dribbling rain all PM

Sunday 2 I & Nancy & little ones went to U Drudges they were not at home. went to Johnny Ramer's were not at home, then went to Menno Reesor's they were at home staid to dinner then went to Isaac Reesor's to supper W. very fine Cler

3 J Cut barley at other place AM H shocked it nearly all then he went to barn raising in Scarboro south

Aug 1891

of School house on old Johnny Peter's place PM F helped us all day with team drawing in all fall Wheat 14 loads & 3 loads barly. W. very fine

4 A & Henry raked Wheat stubble had Thomas's rake. AM F & H helped draw in all barly & Wheat rakings PM W. fine

5 Boys Mowed fence Comes at Thomas AM Mark fence along feed Corn behind barn so we Can put hogs into Wheat stubble PM W. very warm C Lewis a Toronto Man J Noble were here at dinner today

6 Boys all hoed Thistles out of Potatoes at other place AM drew home hay from Thomas' fence Corners fair load PM W. Parching hot August Weather Adeline Susanna & Flavius Fanny went to Brownsbergers today. they stopped at Stouffville to see the Market it is held every Thursday and is a success

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Aug 1891

7 Boys Pulled Peas west of road at other place with scythes & drew in barly PM I & Nancy took things to Lewis's Butter 17 per lb Eggs 16 cts per Doz Chickens 40 per pr W. warm Parching getting dry

8 J & B hoed turnips second time A & Susanna went to Markham AM B & A helped Thomas draw in barly & J brought Buggy home from B S S he took it yesterday to get Tires set PM. W. very Close & sultry slight shower at daybreak another this eening at bedtime Thunder showers went around several times today

Sundy 9 Albert Reesor's brought Pre Abraham Rittenhouse & wife & 3 little boys to dinner Br N's were here too, I & Nancy & little ones went to NB's PM. W. fine rain this Morning showery through the day very heavy rain this evening we did not get home from NB's till about sunset

10 Boys ganged in barly stubble J cut piece Oats est of stump fence at other place PM. B & Henry finished hoeing turnip PM I went to Steven's B S AM & to SM PM W. Cler, very warm.

Aug 1891

11 J & Henry finished ganging barly stubble & harrowed some of it other boys began Pulling Munny Peas they are a little too green so they went & Pulled them east of road at other place W. very very warm, heavy thunder shower went over the lake this evening

12 Boys drew in Peas west of road at other place AM J Cut last of Oats west of stump fence at other place PM I B & A Pulled Peas with rake in NE Corner field PM H Came & worked in my place before supper W. very fine & Cool

13 Boys finished Pulling Peas at home & drew in east of road at other place & brought home a load of Oats I went to Ceder Grove AM. Asked hands to thresh tommorrow & went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine & Cler

14 W Reesor threshed till early supper time all Fall Wheat & Barley very good yield Wheat about {blank space} per acre

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Aug 1891

Barly about 40 Bus per acre small load of Oats 360 sheaves 49 Bus W. fine AM Cloudy a little drissly PM

15 Boys finished Pulling Munny Peas with scythes . W. pretty warm B Moved Steamer to S Pe{illegbile} after supper

Sunday 16 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C Jac Widemans spoke on St Mark 7 C went to Menno Stover's to dinner & to Joseph Grove's to supper W. fine

17 Drew in Munny Peas 7 loads then drew 5 loads out of NE Corner field till evening F & H helped with team. W. fine warm

18 Finished drawing Peas 10 loads till supper then J began Cutting Oats west part of NE Corner filed W. very warm & Cler I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove Am I went again PM

19 J Finished NE Field & Cut nearly all field back of Orchard I went to Whitevale AM W. Cler sun very warm

Aug 1891

20 J Finished field back of Orchard then Cut below house & east of Orchard Saml Brownsberger & daughter Elisabeth were here at noon. W. very warm shower went round west towards evening B helped McCreights thresh till 4 PM

21 Boys Cleaned some seed Wheat & I went to JD's AM J Cut Oats Boys shocked PM I went to Ceder Grove & to Burrow's PM I & Susanna took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's this evening W. very warm & sultry AM rain this morning & last night Cler PM Cool this evening

22 J finished Cutting Oats below garden AM Boys shocked very heavy crop. J Cut spring Wheat at other place & boys shocked it Asked hands to thresh Peas on Monday Morning. W Reesor brought his Machine this evening W. fine

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd J Mensch

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Aug 1891

from Pennsylvania. Umfrage Pre J Mensch & wife his Brother & his wife Johnny Ramer's David Burkholder old Christian Wideman & his wife were here to dinner Esther Came last evening B took her home this evening W. rainy & drissly all day

24 threshed awhile. W. drissly all morning began to thresh about 10 Oc Engine broke soon after dinnner they took it to Markham, weather Cleared up PM boys dug Post holes at other place PM we intend to Move gate east to make the lane square

25 J & A began plowing in barly stubble B helped Thomas thresh J helped awhile this evening I plowed in his place I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine Cler

26 B & A plowed AM J cut Oats in swale along creek in field back of Orchard W. Reesor brought his steamer & started it Cleaned up floor then we helped him move Machine to B Burkholders

Aug 1891

I took Susanna to old A Burkholders for Liver Cure then I went to Markham AM. W. warm & sultry PM

27 J & A Plowed AM drew in Oats 5 loads at other place PM B helped B Burkholder thresh I took Susanna to old AB's this AM W. fine, very warm I got Mare Mag shod PM

28 B helped B Burkholder thresh nearly all day A & J Plowed I plowed part of the time I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's this evening W. warm AM strong N wind PM blowed up Cold this evening heavy shower last night

29 B helped Johnny Reesor thresh F & H helped Pilkey J & A Plowed AM I & A drew in one load of Oats PM they were not very dry so we quit & A plowed again W. fine

Sunday 30 I & Nancy & little ones went to U Drudges they were not at home Called at Br S's old folks were not at home so we Came home again B & girls went to Br S's PM . W. fine Cool Cler

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Aug 1891 Aug Sept

31 Drew in 5 loads Oats F helped H helped JD's thresh W began to rain about 10 AM, did not rain much B & A Plowed in Pea stubble south of bush I took 4 1/2 B barly to Br S's PM

September 1 B & A plowed AM drew in 11 loads Oats out of field back of Orchard PM W. fine I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove PM

2 Boys Plowed awhile AM then went to other place & drew in spring Wheat 3 loads then drew in 10 loads Oats out of field below house, 1 out of field back of Orchard I went to Green River this morning W. very foggy & Misty this Morning Cleared up about 9 AM warm today

3 Finished Drawing Oats 4 loads AM Finishes our harvest except oat rakings AM B & A Plowed PM. W. Clear very warm

4 B & A Rolled & harrowed barly stubble field J raked oat stubble W. very warm & Cler brought in 1 load oat rakings.

5 J sowed barley stubble with Golden drop Wheat B & A brought in last of Oat rakings & drew dung on Pea Stubble south of bush W. cloudy drissly nearly all PM

Sept 1891

Nancy & Susanna went to Markham PM

Sundy 6 I & Nancy went to AB's AB's young folks were here W. Cler

7 B & A drew dung on Pea stubble & J harrowed it in then sowed it with golden drop Wheat I went to Markham PM to get wire to make lane fence at other place W. fine Cool this evening

8 B & H helped thresh for Betsy Milroy I & J drew a log to SM AM J A & Henry began shingling old Cookhouse at east end of house where my Mother used to Cook W. fine Cool John G Reesors widow was here at dinner she lives in Cayuga

9 B & F helped Betsy thresh awhile AM then B helped Thomas pull Peas H helped him all day A went to Markham AM J helped F make wire fence along new lane at other place I took Susanna to Old Abe Burkholder's she has taken a Course of Liver Cure now W. fine

10 J & B began fall plowing in Wheat stubble in root field AM I helped F make wire fence A took Fruit to Locust Hill

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Sept 1891

Station we & Br C's Thomas are sending Plums Pears & Apples to Commission Merchants McWilliam & Everist we got 30 cts for Apples & 40 ct for Pears for Basket Containing a little more than a Peck, less Commission & Freight, then A helped Thomas Pull Peas with Horse Rake W. fine Cler B got Frank shod PM

11 Boys plowed AM B F & H helped Thomas thresh Peas PM. W. Reesor set his steamer in field & threshed them off the Waggon. W. fine warm Cler

12 Boys finished plowing Wheat stubble in root field I went to Jac Reesors this Morning A went to Dr Robinson PM he has Asthma I & B Cleaned a lot of seed Wheat PM we are selling a good deal at October prices W. very warm & Cler heavy thunder shower after dark

Sunday 13 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's Old Saml Hoover & Elias Weber officiated. Elias held sacrament to such as were willing to partake of it we went to

Sept 1891

JH Ramers after service Br S's young folks were here PM with 4 young men from the Twenty 2 by the name of Rittenhouse & 2 by the name of Hansberger W. fine rain last night Cloudy this morning very fine & warm today Cool this evening

14 W Reesor threshed at Flavius's about 88 bus barly, 55 bus Wild Goose 65 fall Wheat 90 Peas & 175 Oats W. fine & Cool Cler

15 B & J ganged back of garden B helped Br S's thresh & A ganged PM I & M Barkey cut rubbish out of graveyard at Hebron AM I helped F work at lane fence PM W. drissly rain AM awhile AM Cler PM

16 H & B helped Br S's thresh AM B helped JD's PM & H helped Isaac Reesor's PM A helped F dig Potatoes J & Henry Finished ganging back of garden AM they helped dig Potatoes PM W. very fine & warm

17 H helped Isaac thresh AM B & A drew home wood from other bush AM J & F went to Toronto with 23 bags Potatoes @ 45 cts per bag J McGaw & family were here for Elderberries PM

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Sept 1896

B & A went with him shooting awhile shot nothing. W. very very warm & Cler

18 B & A Plowed J helped F at fence W. very very warm, fine thunder shower about 4 PM did not rain very much

19 J & A Plowed I helped F at fence AM B & Br S's David started to the Twenty settlement this Morning W. not quite so warm

20 Sundy 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & suitable sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by Br C he was alone today, nearly all present partook of it the Meeting house was well filled old John Wideman & wife Abraham Smith & family Joseph Koch & family Br inlaw Peter & Esher & Leonard were here at dinner & Henry Boyer & family & Aunt Lissy Burkholder were here at supper W. pretty warm

21 A made about 30 gals Cider at Ramer's Mill near Dixon's hill J Plowed W. very very warm

22 J & A Plowed I & Nancy boiled sauce I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very very warm, like august

23 I & A Plowed J & Susanna went to Markham AM J & A Plowed PM W. very very warm

Sept 1891 Oct

B Came home this evening

24 I & Nancy Br C & Beccy & Aunt Lissy Burkholder started for Waterloo got there took 11.16 train for Toronto took 100 train for Berlin arrived at 3.33. where Menno Shants met us & took us home, we spent nine day very pleasantly visiting among the friends the weather was very warm until the 29th it blowed up fine & Cool for a few days

Oct 2 arrived safe home this evening found family all well went to Br C's (I & Nancy did) after supper they sent for us Christian Hostetter & his daughter both from Pennsylvania were there Chatted awhile W. very warm again

3 boys helped F fill foundation for Pig pen with small stones W. very very warm H went to Work at Br inlaw Peter's in Enos's place on Tuesday evening last

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Oct 1891

Enos's went to the Twenty

Sunday 4 at home W Reesor & family were here PM. W. very warm

5 B & A plowed below garden & east of Orchard I & J helped F cut & draw sawlogs with trucks W. very fine rain last night Cool today

6 B & A Plowed AM B cut feed Corn in root field & I plowed PM J helped F Enos brought home H PM W. fine Cool Adeline & Mary went to Markham PM Mare Mag got off the road & broke Buggy shaft they had to borrow a Buggy to Come home, the Mare is blind, nobody was hurt

7 I took Susanna to Old A Burkholder & went to Whitevale got Farmer shod AM J Plowed B helped Br N's Albert thresh AM I & Nancy went with Br C's to take Henry Eby & wife Andrew Nissly & wife & Widow Reist from Pennsylvania to Isaac Moyer's then to JD's to supper & left them at Br C's to stay all night W. Cloudy drissly rain AM steady rain from east all PM boys Cleaned barly PM

Oct 1891

8 I & Nancy helped Br C's to take visitors to Br S's then Br N took two of them I & Nancy took the rest to Markham station they are going to Waterloo J plowed A tended Sprague at foundation for Pig pen at other place B took 67 bus barly to F mans bay @ 48 cts PM. W. Cool & beautiful Cler H helped Alberts finish threshing AM

9 Boys went to Markham some of them rode with Henry there he brought home 2 barrels lime I & Henry took butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM. W. very fine & Cler

10 H & B helped JD's thresh A tended Sprague J helped F draw stones I took 3 bags Peas to Br S's & went to Ceder Grove AM W. fine White frost last night, nothing frose yet so far this fall

Sunday 11 I & Nancy & little ones went to Albert Reesor's W. Cool Cler

12 Cleaned load Barly B took it

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Oct 1891

to Locust Hill PM 65 bus @ 48 cts A Plowed I took grist Wheat 12 Bus to Ceder Grove Mills W. Cler very sharp east wind

13 A Plowed we cleaned another load Barly B took it PM didnt get unloaded Engine Broke left bags. W. very fine & Cler sharp east wind Killed Pig this morning I & Nancy Pulled Beans PM

14 B & A plowed AM B plowed A Picked grapes & I brought grist home PM J helped F & H take in Mangels at other place W. fine AM east wind began to rain from east at 4 PM Cleared up after dark, didnt rain much

15 H & B helped NB thresh F went to Alf Spragues stone Bee he is building a house for himself he bought a lot off Jonas Ramer he had a sale of lots off his front I & J Plowed AM A picked grapes A drew in Mangels with Cart PM, I plowed awhile & J Picked grapes Lorinda Snelgrove was here at noon W. fine Cler

16 H & B helped NB thresh AM I & A Plowed AM J Plowed awhile we Killed 4 Pigs PM E Lewis takes them @ $5.75 per Cwt

Oct 1891

Br inlaw Peter brought home Esther to stay. Ann Shirk was here at dinner W. Cler, sharp wind A took Pigs & Butter to Lewis's after supper

17 J & Henry Plowed by turns. B & Adeline went to Markham AM A got Farmer shod AM F picked apples AM I & A & B helped PM W. fine Cler White frost last night

Sunday 18 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Nancy she has swelled face remarks & sermon on St Mat 11th C by Br C. Matty Cook was here at dinner W. fine AM Cloudy PM, Mild

19 Picked winter apples, fine crop F helped J Plowed. W. fine began to rain from east about 4 PM

20 I & Nancy Went to JB's AM he has been sick, is on the mend J Made about 3 Barrels Cider AM we boiled PM J Plowed all day A plowed awhile PM B & A went shooting AM got nothing W. cool, drissly rain PM

21 I & Nancy boiled sauce all day B plowed J took 6 bags Peas to Br S's & brought load

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Oct 1891

wood AM then plowed PM H & A picked winter apples, W. Cler, rather Cool PM

22 J finished plowing field north of Orchard AM B helped Pilkey Kill hogs awhile AM helped Johnny Reesor thresh PM I & A & J helped F Kill 3 Pigs PM Nancy helped too Ann Shirk Came again to stay all night W. Cool AM blowed up Cold PM

23 B helped Johnny Reesor finish threshing AM J & B dug few Potatoes & brought 2 loads pine roots for steamer A was at other place H is not very well he went to D Browns sale PM Nancy went to AB's with Ann Shirk, W. very Cold this Morning ground frose very fine PM

24 drew home wood from other bush I & J drew 500 bricks from 11th Con to other place (they was left after the Church was built) we intend to brick a Cistern. boys all went to B White's sale PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. W. Cold AM fine PM ________________________________________________________ Sunday 25 H Adeline & Susanna went to Meeting at Altona Br C is all alone now the other Preachers & both Deacons are seceded from the old faith & hold Meetings _______________________________________________________

Oct 1891

by themselves Br C Preaches every 4 weeks at Hebron, Altona, Widemans & Almira. A Esther & Mary went to JD's I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to Thomas's to dinner Ann Shirk was here & went with us W. fine & Cler, Cool

26 I & J asked hands to thresh tommorrow he went with road Cart & then went to Markham B & A Pulled turnip AM. A drew in one load. J helped Milroys thresh PM I & B & A Cleaned up barn PM. W. fine & mild

27 W Reesor threshed for us with steamer about 110 Bu Peas & {blank space} Oats. W. very strong & cold NW wind this is the 34th anniversary of our Wedding

28 Finished threshing about {blank space} Oats AM boys pulled turnips PM Delus Reesor helped I & J took 4 bags Oats to Br S's & got them chopped W. fine & mild

29 Boys Pulled & drew in 9 loads turnips I & J took Horse Power to Degeer at Ceder Grove to get part of wood work renewed

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Oct 1891 Nov

J went to Barton's sale near Green River Br inlaw Peter's & Motherinlaw were here W. very fine & Cler

30 B Pulled turnips Henry drew 14 loads with Cart A drew {blank space} loads with Waggon he drew in 4 loads feed Corn PM J helped W. very fine Cler & warm

31 drew in 6 loads turnip with 2 waggons H helped with F's team) rain stopped us, chored. then I & B drew 2 loads of lumber from Mill to F's & H went to Markham for 2 barrels of lime Nancy & Adeline went with him W.. Mild Cleared up PM, didnt rain much

Nov 1 Sunday I & Nancy & little ones went to Flavius's. W. sharp Cold wind, Cler

2 Pulled & drew in turnips. W. frose too hard to pull this morning Cold all day

3 Pulled & drew in turnip W. milder J went to Markham PM I went with him as far as Ceder Grove W. fine & Cler. E Lewis Came to stay all night. Peddler H Myer was here last night. Henry went to school again today he has been drawing in turnip with the Cart nearly every day

Nov 1891

4 Pulled & drew turnip. W. fine.

5 I & B took another piece of timber to Ceder Grove to Degeer for the Horse Power he has to put inall new timber H Made about 90 gals Cider Am Pulled last of turnips & drew 6 loads to other barn PM W. a very little rain last night very fine today

6 Boys took in Flavius Potatoes AM A drew one load turnip to other barn this morning then I sold the last of them about 3 or 4 loads to John Steven's @ 3 cts per bush they are Greystones Boys brought home one load of potatoes PM I & Nancy boiled sauce J & Susanna went to Markham & J went to Unionville to pay taxes. J & B took in last of feed Corn & B brought home Pea Chop PM. W. very very fine & Cler

7 Boys brought home our Potatoes 82 bags I & Nancy boiled sauce I took 62 lbs to J Malcom @ 5 cts per lb Am J Stevens drew his turnip today 105 Bus W. very fine

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Nov 1891

Sunday 8 at home all day W. fine Cloudy this morning

9 Killed Pig & Picked load Cider apples AM J plowed in turnip ground B began building wall for outside Cellar door at other place I went to see Bishop PM. W. very very fine & Cler

10 J Plowed in turnip ground awhile AM he brought some Planks from FK Reesor's for Culvert north of Meeting house on Pickering Townline then Plowed awhile B plowed too W. shower AM some more PM.

11 I & B brought 2 Ceder logs from JD's AM I & B & J put in Culvert PM A & Henry plowed W. fine

Thanksgiving day 12 All went to Meeting except H he staid at Flavius remarks & sermon on St Mat 6 C 16 V to end of C by Br C I & Nancy went awhile to Flavius PM. W. fine rather Cool

13 B went to W Reesor's ploughing Bee (he has rented Jackson farm late F J Reesor's H went too PM. J Plowed I made Morter for F he is building Butments for stoop W. fine rather Cool. Yake, Clock Cleaner was here over night

Nov 1891

14 Boys plowed in turnip ground I & J brought some lumber from SM to other place this morning. Henry finished turnip ground & J started in sod PM H & B brought in apples & put some of them in Cellar PM I pitted some Russets & Millers Keepers PM then I walked to Ceder Grove W. frose prety hard last night fine today

Sunday 15 Alll went to Meeting at Hebron except Nancy Flavius came for her last evening, remarks & sermon on St Mat 7 C by Br C (umfrage for the selection of one Preacher & two Deacon's David Stover & Elisabeth Rammers were here at dinner I & Anne went to Flavius's PM to see their little girl Born this morning brought Nancy home. W. Cool. Cler

16 I & Nancy went to Flavius AM J & A plowed sod B & H helped McCreight to thresh W. Cloudy showry AM, rain all PM

17 Cleaned 20 bags Wheat AM J took it to Spink Mills @ 93 cts PM B & H helped McCreight finish threshing W. drissly AM very high wind & squaals of snow PM Cold & ground White this evening

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Nov 1891

18 B helped JD's thresh J & A Cleaned out Hen house & drew in some stones I & Nancy went to Flavius AM & to Whitevale PM W. very Cold this morning ground white with snow

19 Boys finished paving hen house with stones then Covered it with earth & began plowing & scraping a ditch east of dam to turn overflowing water into Creek. I walked to Whitevale PM to order a heavy Chain with B Elison & a heavy sett of Harness with A. Armstrong W. Milder pretty windy PM getting soft

20 Boys worked at ditch at dam awhile AM J plowed in sod A helped awhile AM then B & A helped H level dirt that Came out of turnip Cellar PM F nearly finished walls at Cellar door I & Susanna took Butter to Lewis's he is paying 22 cts this good while W. fine, Mild, Cloudy I went to FK Reesor's this Morning to tell him that we built the Culvert

21 J helped level dirt AM I B A & Henry Picked load of Cider apples. began to rain soon after dinner rained till night

Nov 1891

Sunday 22 at home all day AB's were here. W., Cloudy this morning drissly AM steady rain PM. very mild

23 Chored. J went to Markham & B got Mare Bonnie shod PM W. rain nearly all day, Mild

24 I went to Whitevale & J took 50 bus Cider Apples to Ceder Grove Cider Mill @ 10 cts per bus AM we all went to a raising of old Hay barn PM at other place PM we have one of Bishps men to help the boys we intend to make Pig pen & hen house of it. W. strong Cold West wind

25 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br inlaw Peter's Boys helped Bishop W. Cold W. wind

26 H helped Thomas thresh Boys helped Bishop I & J went to SM he took 3 bags Peas got them Choppe & brought little lumber. W. frose hard this morning soft PM

27 B went to Markham early this Morning for more tar paper J plowed at Flavius A plowed at home J Came home PM & plowed in sod A plowed till 3 PM then he took Butter to Lewis's & I plowed W. Milder slow steady soft snow PM ground white thie evening

28 B worked at Pigpen at F's Bishop was not there AM F & H went to Markham AM I & J Cleaned 12 bags Peas AM

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Nov 1891

he took them to Br S's & brought home Horse Power from Degeers A went to Whitevale with lot of Lard to J Malcom's PM W. steady Cold about 2 in snow

Sunday 29 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks & sermon on St Mat part of 8th C by Br C there were Candidates for 1 Preacher & 2 Deacons nominated today Vis for Western District west of 11th Con Markham Josep Hoover Tilman Reesor Christian Burkholder Peter Burkholder Joseph Grove & Daniel Ramer for Deacon all the same except David Ramer for Eastern District East of 10th Con H for Deacon Henry Baskey Abraham Lehman Menno Burkholder & John B Reesor: went to JB's to dinner. W. Coldest day so far. fine & Cler, roads pretty good

30 A Esther & Mary went in on Buggy I & Henry is another to Meeting at Wideman's remarks & sermon out of St Luke 10 C by Br C with the help of old Chris Wideman & Abraham Hoover it was decided by Lot that Christian Burkholder be Preacher & Tilman Reesor & John Reesor be Deacons I & Henry

Dec 1891

staid a short time at Menno Stover's A & girls went to Br inlaw Peter's W. milder than yesterday H & B went to Pilkys to thresh didnt thresh then they Chored

Dec 1 H & B helped Pilky thresh all day J helped & A helped at Woodshed W. thawing some fine & Clear

2 I went to Markham AM boys helped finish woodshed except a little shingling where stoop roof adjoins it J brought home load oven wood PM W. getting softer roads muddy PM

3 Boys helped put up stoop & trimmed few stumps I & Nancy went to Whitevale P Malcom is keeping store there W very fine B took a Cord of of dry wood to Markham with waggon AM

4 Husked Corn W. rain all day mild

5 B plowed in sod J helped finish shingling stoop AM he plowed too PM A brought load of wood & load pine roots from other place W. Cler strong W wind mild Abraham Dover & wife were here at supper

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Dec 1891

Sunday 6 at home Br S's were here Boys & girls went to Thomas's I & Nancy went to F's a little this morning Baby is not very well W. sharp N wind milder PM, snow this evening I walked to F's after supper to see how Baby was, not better yet.

7 Killed our 9 hogs F says Baby is better W. fine & Cler about 3 in snow

8 B helped NB's Kill hogs J went shooting got a Partridge A went to Markham AM I salted meat W. strong W wind Milder this evening

9 H B Nancy & Esther helped AB's Kill hogs J & A helped Flavius make stump Boat J plowed sod awhile at F. W. sharp this morning mild PM snow going

10 J & A plowed sod B helped thresh at Betsy Milroys for Thomas H helped for us F helped too I & Nancy went to Br N's his wife is not well I went to Ceder Grove W. fine & mild

11 H helped Thomas Kill hogs J & A plowed sod B took Butter & Eggs & 4 pr Chickens to Lewis's after supper I went with him as far as Br S's W. fine mild Cler

Dec 1891

12 Chored B & A finished plowing sod (big field) PM. J helped Cler up rubbish at F's I went to Saml Shanks awhile AM to talk with him about buying his farm he is thinking of selling it w. frose a little this Morning soft PM

Sunday 13 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 14th C 22nd V to end of C by Br C. Menno Stover's were here at dinner Br S's David & Bertha M. Barkey & NB's were here at supper F's & Baby & Adeline were here awhile PM Adeline has been there since Baby was born. W. fine & Cler

14 Chored. W. rain all AM soft snow PM Deacon Johnny Reesor read Text yesterday, Deacon Tilman was there too

15 I & Nancy B & A helped F's Kill 3 hogs W. rain & soft snow all AM Cloudy & Mild PM a few in snow

16 Boys Chored & fixed Manger in horse stable I went to Ceder Grove AM W. strong NW wind squaals of snow PM

17 I & B took washing Machine to Degeer to get it fixed AM I went to Whitevale for new Harness

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Dec 1891

Double Sett Complete except Collars & Breeching @$24.50. Cash Boys began drawing stumps PM W. Cold Zero this Morning, drew 10 stumps

18 set Horse Power & Cutting Box & Cut feed about half an hour AM works very well Boys went to sale at Ormerods in Scarboro PM H helped W Reesor thresh at Murisons I sold Cow Spotty to AB @ $40.00 B took her this AM. W. fine & Cler Milder

19 H helped thresh other boys drew 19 stumps I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove PM. W. soft & mild Boys slip back & forth with sleigh, but it is thawing

Sunday 20 at home I Moyer's were her boys & girls went to Albert Reesor's this evenng. W. fine mild Cler

21 Boys drew 26 stumps I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM. W. fine Cler

22 Cut pile of feed AM boys trimmmed stumps A got Farmer shod PM W. rain awhile this morning. Clear PM getting soft

23 Chored A & Adeline & Susanna went to Markham AM W. rain nearly all day

Dec 1891

24 J F H & Henry drew 25 stumps B Esther & Mary went to Toronto on Train I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cloudy a little drissly PM

Christmas day 25 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C, Tilman Reesor read Texts F's & Baby were here when we Came home our boys were not all in Meeting today they went to look for Johnny Diller he disappeared yesterday evening at dusk & quite a few of the neighbours went to search for him about 9 OClock this morning PB Reesor found him at Locust Hill station he Intended to go away on the train. he is pretty deranged in his Mind. W. Cloudy & foggy soft & Mild, roads getting bad I walked to JD's PM Johnny seems quiet

26 Chored AM boys trimmed stumps PM J went to Whitevale AM W. drissly AM blowed up Cold PM

Sunday 27 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's. W. Cler Cold Johnny Diller seems all right

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Dec 1891 Jan 1892

28 B & H got both teams shod AM they drew 10 stumps PM W. fine Cler

19 Boys drew 10 stumps AM W Reesor helped with team. F H & B went to Whitevale PM. W. Cloudy AM rain PM

30 Boys drew 45 stumps W Reesor helped I walked to Ceder Grove PM J took 15 bags Oats to Br S's AM W. Cold NW wind frose hard

31 Boys drew 6 stumps AM Delas Reesor helped we cut some feed PM Br C's were here this evening W. sharp east wind all day began to snow after supper

January 1st 1892 at home all day Fanny & Baby (Amelia) were here I & Henry took Butter to Lewis's PM Boys all went Hunting got 12 Rabbtis dogs tore one. Ferret Killed one that they did not get (Dinna's boys were along) W. about an inch of snow this morning all away before night, very fine & Cler F & B got a Fox

2 Boys trimmed stumps & drew home 2 loads of roots I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. mild Cloudy a little drissly AM slight squaal of snow PM

Jan 1892

Sunday 3 at home. Boys & girls went to M Barkeys this evening W. cold squaals of snow

4 Boys threshed few Peas I & Nancy went to NB's awhile AM Aunt Lissy has very sore hand Boys drew 8 big stumps PM W. Zero this morning, Milder PM

5 Boys drew stumps AM H B & A Adeline Susanna & Esther went to JD's PM their Daughter Barbara was Married to a David Weber from Missouri J & F drew 5 stumps PM W. sharp Clear

6 Boys drew 5 stumps AM finish Horse stable floor PMI & Nancy went to MN's. W. snow from east & N East all day pretty Cold roads pretty good a little more snow will make sleighing

7 Boys drew stumps Barbara Diller & her man were here this evening W. fine Cler, not quite enough snow for sleighing

8 Boys drew 10 stumps W. fine Cler a few sleighs slipping along the road

9 Boys Chored AM drew stumps PM W. Cold

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Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Luke 4 C by Br C I & Nancy & little ones went to Peter B Reesor's this evening. W. 5 below Zero this morning fine & Cler milder tonight

11 Boys drew 26 stump W. fine Barbara Diller & Maria & Barbara's Husband started for Missouri today they intend to live there

12 H helped Pilkey kill hogs AM Boys brought load wood they went Foxhunting Caught nothing I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM, we cut a lot of feed after we Came home W. a little rain this morning freezing again this evening I & Nancy went to see Aunt Lissy this eveing her hand is getting better. it was like a Frog Felon

13 Boys drew stumps W. a little snow this morning, snowing again this evening

14 Boys Chored took grist Pig Chop to Br S's & brought load wood PM I & Adeline went to Markham PM W. snow last night & AM about 6 in very fine sleighing fine & Mild

15 Boys drew a load of Peastraw from Thomas's AM we exchange a load of dung for a load

Jan 1892

of Peas straw for bedding they took a load of it to Flavius PM and then drew 6 stumps PM. I & Susanna took Butter to Lewis's PM. W. Cler sharp, Cold

16 I & F went to Dave Reesor's & boys Chored AM Boys went to Boyles's sale PM I & A went to Markham PM. W. Cler sharp, pretty Cold

Sunday 17 I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to Meeting at Altona remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mark part of 10 C by Br C went to Ed Moyer's to dinner & to Br inlaw Simon Hoover's to supper w. fine A Esther & Mary went with JD's young folks

18 Boys drew few stumps AM B helped Thomas Kill hogs AM Chored PM W. fine AM snow PM mild

19 Boys Chored & threshed peas W. very very Cold below Zero & north wind 4 or 5 in snow

20 B & H drew gravel on Pickering town line from Pickering pit F & A filled teams free & shovellers get pay W. 16 deg below Zero this morning but no wind milder this evening

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Jan 1892

21 B & H drew gravel F & A filled I brought Fanny & Baby this morning & took them home this evening W. Milder good sleighing J went to Markham AM

22 Boys brought load Pea straw from Thomas's AM took Horse Power to F's & Cut straw for hime PM I went to Ceder Grove & to FK Reesors PM W. Milder Cloudy B took Butter Turkeys & Chickens to Lewis's this evening Butter 20 cts Turkeys 10 cts per lb & Chickens 60 pr pair

23 Boys finished Cutting straw AM drew 2 loads wood from other bush PM. W. fine, pretty Cold

Sunday 24 at home all day Boys & girls went to Peter B Reesor's this evening W. fine Mild Cler girls brought Ketura AM she went with them to Peter's this evening

25 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Abraham Hoover's wife 17th Con sermon by Br C on 1st Corinthians 15 C Pr Hainer made few remarks went to Br inlaw Enos Hoover's to dinner, A Esther & Mary went to Funeral too W. very fine & Milder a great many people at Funeral

Jan 1892 Feb

Boys Cut feed AM drew 7 stumps PM

26 Boys Chored threshed few Peas W. very very Cold 8 below Zero this Morning strong Cold wind PM

27 Boys threshed few Peas AM J went to Whitevale I & Nancy went to F's awhile other boys took grist Oats to Br S's & brought load roots PM Henry Stover & wife Came to stay all night W. Cold AM, Milder PM

28 boys Chored H & B Adeline & Susanna & AB's young folks went to Mrs D Nighswander's PM W. Mild I went to Ceder Grove PM J & A helped open Br S's Pond & began Cutting Ice Albert Thomas & NB helped

29 Boys Cut & drew Ice I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's Johnny Reesor's were here this evening. W. fine Mild Cler

30 Boys brought Jag of Ice & Henry got Farmer shod AM Chored & J went to Whitevale PM. W. fine mild B took load cordwood to Markham AM

Sunday 31 I & Nancy & little ones went to U Drudges to dinner & to Johnny Ramer's this evening W. fine & Mild

Feb 1 I went to Hebron to Election of Trustees I. Martin Barkey & PB Reesor

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Feb 1892

were Elected for the Current year B brought load sawdust AM they brought load Pea straw from Thomas's & took Pes & Oat Chop to Br S's PM I & Nancy went to J Cobers this evening W. Cler AM soft snow & drissly rain PM sleighing getting thin

Candlemas day 2 Chored. W. snow from east from 8 AM soft but not thawing Cloudy all day about 8 in of snow fell

3 Boys cut up some down trees in old bush into log lengths & skidded the cut some feed I & Nancy went to Susanna Hoover PM. W. very fine & Mild good sleighing

4 Boys Chored H & B Adeline & Esther went with Br S's David & a lot of other young folks to Jacob Grove's PM W. fine Cler

5 Boys sawed wood in old bush I took Nancy to F's this Morning & brought her home this evening A & Adeline went to Markham W. fine

6 B took Cordwood to Markham AM to Coakwell @ $4.50 we give 2 Cords for a Yak robe AM other boys Chored & Sawed some wood. W. fine Cler

Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron, except J remarks by C Burkholder, sermon on St Mat part of 12 C by Br C MN's D Ramer's & B Stover

Feb 1892

were here at dinner. W. mild, strong east wind a little snow AM a little drissle of rain PM Boys & girls went to Benj Diller's this evening. heard today that Bishop Gayman's wife at Cayuga died

8 Chored AM Boys hung up pork Hitched up 2 big Colts Jack & Prince PM they went well together then they cut a lot of feed I & Nancy went to Menno Burkholder's PM W. fine & Mild

9 Boys Hitched up Colts again & Chored. I went to JD's PM. W. fine

10 Boys sawed wood in old bush & J took some Oats to Br S's AM they drew load Pea straw PM W. fine & Cler F & J wen to JM Bells stock sale PM

11 Boys Cleaned Peas & Hitched up Colts W. soft snow AM, Colder PM 12 Boys Chored & Cleaned grist Wheat 20 Bus & we Picked 5 Turkeys & 2 pr Chickens H took them & Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM W. very very Cold & strong NW wind all day I & Herman went to Shank's this Morning he sent for me to Come & talk about buying his farm

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Feb 1892

we got no Bargain I offered to buy it at $5000 but he would not accept it he wants $6,800

13 Boys Chored I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to Br N's this evening W. Milder

Sunday 14 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks & sermon on St Mat 7 C by C Burkholder we went to JB's after service W. raw east wind AM snow from east all PM Milder

15 H & B helped F cut wood J & A hitched up Colts PM. W. heavy squaals of wind last night, fine today

16 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peter's Boys sawed wood J brought home grist of flour from Ceder Grove & Chop from Br S's Shank was here today wanting to see me W. sharp fine

17 H went to Old Peter Stover's & to CL Hoover's sale I went to FK Reesor's & Post office AM to Shanks but got no bargain, then to Whitevale PM W. sharp & Cler B went on a trip

18 I went with Br C to S Larkins & to Old C Stover's AM then I went to Markham PM to see HB Reesor Boys threshed at Peas AM drew Pea straw PM W. very fine & mild B came home

Feb 1882

19 I & J went to Whitevale Called at S Shanks to tell him that we Cannot give more than $5000 for his farm. AM boys Chored H took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's. W. strong East wind & drissle AM, snow all PM, wind not so strong

20 I & Nancy went to Markham AM to see Dentist Robinson, he didnt Come Boys Cut some wood J & Henry Hitched up Colts PM. W. fine Mild

Sunday 21 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mark part of 12 C by Br C went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner. W. very Mild & Cloudy all day

22 B took Cord dry wood to Markham other boys Cleaned load F Wheat at F's AM. H took it to Spink Mills PM @ 88 cts. J & F Cleaned load Goose Wheat PM B & A Sawed wood PM. W. very fine & Cler thawing

23 B Took load Goose Wheat to Spink Mills @ 78 cts AM he & J Cleaned load of F Wheat at home PM H helped F draw stones from F's to Br S's dam to Make it higher & stronger he gets 50 cts per load. W. Cler thawing

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Feb 1892

24 B took load F Wheat over 50 Bus to Spink Mills @ 88 cts. AM he & A Chored & J went to A Collin's sale at Riggbest PM H helped F drew stones W. very fine thawing at daytime & freezing at night C Burkholder & wife were here today

25 B & A sawed wood in other bush I & Nancy went to Markham AM I have Toothache wanted to get it pulled and Dr was not at home it is better now W. Misty & Cloudy this Morning Cleaned up today I went to other bush PM

26 J went to Annan's Sale with NB

26 B & A sawed wood & Cut sawlogs J drew 2 logs PM I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's Susanna went with me. W. fine & Cler thawing very fast sleighing about gone freesing this evening

27 Boys sawed wood AM Chored & Cut some feed PM J took 5 bags Chop to Br S's for F this evening W. nearly Zero this Morning sharp east wind

Sunday 28 at home Flavius's were here at dinner AB's young folks Albert Reesor & wife Sarah Lehman & Jac Wideman & Ben Stover were here.

Feb 1892 Mar

at supper W. sharp east wind

29 Boys Chored W. soft snow form east nearly all day. Colder this evening

March 1 Boys threshed Peas AM they all went o Jackson's sale on 4th of Pickering where Flavius Reesor lived J bought a 1/2 acre Lot of timber @ $11.00 Philip Wismer & his sister Margaret Came AM Jac Reesor's youngsters brought them our young folks took them to PB Reesor's this evening W. cold N East wind. Cler all day then fresh snow has helped the sleighing quite a bit

2 H & B, Susanna & Esther went visiting all day with visitor. I went to Jackson & Paid for the Lot. W. sharp & Clear JD's were here this evening

3 H & B Sawed in other bush they cut some Pine logs J skidded them PM I & Nancy went to F's this evening Anne was there all day Minding Baby I went to Ceder Grove Mills for Cornmeal AM W. fine Cler, thin sleighing

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4 Boys drew Pine roots into sugar bush with 2 teams H drew too with F's team Cut some feed this evening. W. fine Cler

5 Boys Cut wood A & Adeline went to Markham PM Nancy & Henry went to Whitevale PM Nancy & Henry went to Whitevale PM W. fine sleighing gone

Sunday 6 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John part of 14 C by Br C I & Nancy & Anne went awhile to Br C's PM then we went to NB's to supper Mary & Henry went too. W. fine & Cler

7 Boys drew off roots & broken stumps AM H went to Markham to get Boots Mended & B got Frank & doll shod PM. W. very fine & Cler I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to W Reesor's after supper

8 Boys drew roots AM Chored PM W. east wind AM rain from east PM. Peter Pike's wife buried today

9 H & B have bad Cold J & A began Making new Box on old Buggy that I bought at Br C's sale I & Nancy Esther Mary B & A wen to Funeral of J Mainlands wife at 11th Con PM W. fine Cler roads getting bad I & J went to SM for a few boards AM

Mar 1882

10 Boys finished plugging stump fences I & Nancy went to JH Ramer's to dinner then we went awhile to Michael Frets's he is very poorly with something like Consumption W. fine Cold north wind roads bad

11 Boys threshed Peas F helped we Cleaned 13 bags Oats for Menno Reesor he exchanges for seed W. very very Cold & strong North wind A drove one team for NB they went to Markham for two loads shingles

12 Boys threshed Peas. W. snow from east AM Cler Cold PM

Sunday 13 I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's Boys & girls went to Br S's W. Cold N wind

14 Boys finished threshing & Cleaning Peas & threshed Bonanza Oats about 2 bush, the mice destroyed about half of them we sowed about 2 or 3 quarts of them last spring W. very Very Cold N wind

15 Boys trimmed stumps AM drew 2 bigs ones PM. W. still pretty Cold, getting milder

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Mar 1892

16 Boys sawed wood AM they all went to Beans Boys sale PM I & Nancy went to Whitevale AM Bought a Barrel of granulated sugar 283 lbs @ 4 3/4 cts Thomas came for Nancy after dinner She Came home after supper they had a Daughter, Martha born W. pretty cold Cler

17 Boys sawed wood AM nearly finished Buggy Box PM I & Nancy Mary Henry & Anne went to Br inlaw John Hoovers they were not at home then we went to MN's W. fine, rather Cold from north

18 Boys sawed wood A drew home few loads AM we all went to Saml Shanks sale PM he has not sold his farm yet but it is supposed that it will be sold W. snowed more or less all day

19 Boys drew roots & sawed wood they drew 2 stumps AM. I went to Markham AM W. Cold N Wind Cler roads very good they was dry in places the snow dampened them a little Menno Burkholder's young folks were here to supper they went with our young folks to singing school at Cherrywood

Mar 1892

Sunday 20 I & Nancy & Anne went to Br S's H went to AB's PM he & Jesse went to Wideman's Meeting house this evening the Funk Party are holding Protracted Meeting every night this week or two W. very Cold & strong W wind

21 Boys sawed wood J took 8 bags Chop to Br S's & got it done I went to JB's AM he had had Grip again is a little better does not go out at all I Called at Menno Burkholder's got 2 1/2 doz Eggs off Davids son Joseph W. very fine freezing at night thawing in daytime

22 Boys Cut lot of feed I went to Brougham AM Boys went to A 23 Malcom's sale PM. W. very very Cold & raw wind A frome east AM snow & rain from east PM

23 Boys sawed wood I & J Cleaned 22 Bus seed Oats for W Hollinger @ 35 cts AM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. W. fine & Cler W wind PM

24 Boys sawed wood & Cut feed AM I & H. B & A went to J Burrow's sale

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Mar 1892

PM. I bought Burdock spruce @ 15 cts J has German Measles the most of our Children have them but are getting better W. fine & Cler west wind I also bought 2 Bus Stray Beauty Potatoes @ 31 cts per Bus they are an early variety

25 F H & B helped Menno Reesor move a Building AM H & B sawed wood PM F Chored he is taking the Measles W. fine I brought home Potatoes from Burrows PM

26 H & B sawed wood W. fine, east wind

Sunday 27 I & Nancy & Henry went to M Barkey's Boys & girls went to F's W. fine Cler roads muddy

28 Boys sawed wood drew rails at F's & cut some feed I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM W. fine Cler freezing every night & thawing in daytime

29 Boys drew rails & Cut wood I went to W Pettys for some eggs to set a hen AM then I went to see F K Reesor PM W. fine Clear R Wallace was here at supper

30 B & A sawed wood H helped W Reesor's move to Jackson's place J took a load too A drew home roots J returned his road list H & B sawed wood PM W. Cler east wind

31 Boys Chored. I & Nancy went to Funeral of Old Sally Hoover on 6th Con Markham

Mar 1892 April

Sermon by Jac Wideman's young Sam Hoover & a Funk Man by the name of Lehman he has been here in Markham about a week holding Protracted Meetings last week one by the name of Kaufman was holding Meetings & before that one by the name of Hosteller was here Noah Stouffer & Jake Gingerich were here awhile they are running things lively as the Methodists I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peter's for dinner. W. sharp east wind milder tonight

April 1 Boys sawed wood W. very fine & Mild

2 Chored Put Pork up into garret B took grist Chop to Br S's AM Boys all drew off small roots at F's PM W. very very strong West Wind not Cold. Cler Br inlaw Saml Hoover's were here at noon a little rain this morning

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 5 C by Br C (umfrage) Enos Nighswander's were here at noon Boys & girls went to NB's for supper

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April 1892

W. very fine & Clear, beautiful spring day

4 Boys sawed wood & drew off roots & Cut feed for Flavius B went dipping at Kirkhams this morning J went to bring him home PM. he Caught 60 suckers & 1 11 inch Trout W. showry AM some slight showers PM fall Wheat looking very well

5 Boys sawed wood W. warm, very high W wind PM

6 Boys sawed wood J began plowing Sod at F's PM & H & B helped Pilkey saw wood PM. W. fine I brought Fanny & Baby this Morning she is sewing here today I went to Whitevale PM F came this evening they staid all night

7 J Plowed sod A helped F draw stones & rubbish H & B sawed in old bush I took Butter & Eggs to Coakwells PM Butter 20 Eggs 11 ct W. very fine & Cler roads getting better

8 H & B sawed in old bush J Plowed sod W. fine AM rain from about 2 PM

9 H & B sawed in old bush AM

April 1892

A finished Making scalding trough I went to Ceder Grove AM Boys all helped Thomas move a driving shed PM W. frose hard this morning Cold NW wind soft snow & rain at times PM

Sunday 10 I & Nancy & Anne went to Meeting at Altona A & Esther & Mary went to Br S's PM Ketura was here all day we went to Abraham Lehman's to dinner W. Cold NW wind all day Cler, roads very bad, better up north

11 Killed 6 Pigs AM B & A sawed in other bush PM H got F's mare Jenny shod PM W. Cler & Cold NW wind all day frose hard last night, a little snow last night

12 H took 6 Pigs to Toronto @ $6.00 per Cwt 802 bls other boys worked at F's AM sawed Pine behind woodshed PM I & Susanna went to Markham AM I took 4 bus Peas to Br S's PM W. very cold NW wind all day

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April 1892

13 I & Nancy went to JB's he is not very well yet Boys helped F they plowed PM. W. sharp wind from north roads getting better, fine & Cler

14 Boys helped F Plow & draw stones H worked at Pilkeys PM he wants him by the day for awhile I took Butter to Coakwells & went to Markham PM W. Cler some NW wind

Good Friday 15 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Henry & Anne. Anne is not well & Henry staid with her remarks & sermon on St John part of 19 C by Br C I & Nancy went to Br C's PM. W. fine & Cler all day Cool

16 H was a Pilkeys Boys helped F I went to Markham bought the Shank farm @ $5,500 off W Fleming he had a claim on it then he bought all the other Claims to same himself he has it rented to Benj Burkholder for one year I get the next. W. very fine & Cler

17 Easter Sunday I & Nancy & Anne went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by C Burkholder sermon on

April 1892

St Mat part of 18 C by Br C went to Jos Barkey's widows to dinner W. very very fine & Cler Cold air from the north roads very good

Easter Monday 18 I & A went to Markham I wanted to see HB Reesor & W Fleming we had a Bargain for $500 Cash & $5000 next 1st of April I took a notion to pay $2500 cash & we arranged it so Fanny & Baby were here all day B plowed at Pilkeys J & H brought new spring tooth Cultivator from Locust Hill then they had a holiday W. very fine Dentist Robinson Came to stay all night

19 Boys helped F J got Farmer shod AM A ganged in furrows & B harrowed PM W. fine some warmer we have frost every night this good while Dentist fixed Nancy's {illegible scribble} teeth & filled a few for Adeline stays all night again

20 B grubbed with old seeder we could not get Teeth on new Cultivator 2 young Gohm boys were here & put

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April 1892

them on in a sort of way so that B used it PM & we sowed a little spring wheat this evening W. very fine & warm east wind yet

21 B finished sowing spring wheat about 3 acres of root ground & sowed Oats in same field until noon rain all PM strong from east Cleaned seed grain PM I brought home scholars

22 Boys helped F draw off roots AM B finished sowing field east of dam about 3 acres Colorado spring wheat the balance Oats I Cultivated awhile in big sod field with new spring tooth Cultivator PM it works very well then I wen to F Crawfords to engage pasture for some Colts W. foggy this Morning Cleared up fine today H is at Pilkys every day 23 Susanna & Mary went to Stouffville. PM

23 J B & A sowed big sod filed with Munny Peas J harrowed

April 1892

with big 3 year old Colts he has bee driving them this while they work very well I & Nancy went to Markham AM we finished up the purchase of the Shank farm Paid down $2500 & gave a Mortgage for $3000 it is leased to B Burkholder for one year @ $325 rent which we get W. very fine & warm blowed up squaaly & Cool this evening

Sunday 24 I & Nancy & Anne went to B Dillers H Susanna & Esther went to Isaac Reesor's PM. W. frose hard this morning Clear & Cool today

25 B drew roots at F's I & A & Henry Picked Stones into furrows in clover AM B Cultivated A & J harrowed in field back of Orchard PM. W. fine & Cool

26 I helped scrub Meeting house & fixed some of graveyard fence

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April 1892

Boys sowed field back of Orchard with Oats B A & J harrowed filed south of house. W. very fine & Clear frost last night I took 6 bus Barly & Oats Chop to Br S's to get it chopped PM

27 Boys sowed field south of house & east of Orchard with oats A harrowed part of NE Corner field W. fine Cler, east wind a little rain towards evening

28 Boys sowed about 5 acres in east part of NE Corner of field 2 bags Munny Peas & 3 bags Oats I took Butter & Eggs to Coakwells PM Nancy went with Me to F's W. very fine & warm A dug garden at Br C's PM

29 B helped plow at F's J rolled AM J helped draw roots at F's PM A rolled awhile PM then fixed roller I brought 100 lbs shorts from P Hoover's AM I & Henry dug garden J planted some Potatoes PM W. fine & Cler, Cold N wind papers say there is snow in Manitoba

April 1892 May

30 J & B helped F A rolled in Pea field PM Burrows & Brodie the Veterinary dissected a lump out of Colt Billys side it has been there over a year W. fine I was not well today have Dysentry

Sunday May 1 all went to Meeting except Adeline she is not very well remarks by C Burkholder on St Mat 26 C sermon by Br C on St Mat 27 C Lords Supper was Celebrated P.B Joseph Groves youngsters & A Lehman's youngsters & Br inlaw Jesse Hoover were here at dinner & MN's at supper Jesse staid too W. drissly rain through the middle of the day

2 Chored. W. nice steady rain nearly all day fine & warm

3 Boys helped Flavius AM B helped Thomas kill 7 Pigs I & Susanna went to Markham AM I & A filled 4 Barls with apples PM W. Cloudy AM

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May 1892

Heavy shower & little thunder PM nice & growing weather

4 J & A helped Flavius H helped Pilkey take a fat Cow to Butcher at Ellesons B went to Toronto 4 Barrels apples @ $2.00 for a part Barl of Spies $2.25 each for 2 Bals Greenings $1.50 for 1 Bal Russets W. fine warm Cler I walked to Ceder Grove AM went to JD's done some grafting PM

5 Boys helped Flavius W. cloudy drissly rain nearly all PM Ionson Came with his horse to stay all night J & Henry harrowed & ganged mangel ground

6 Boys hlepd Flavius W. Cool & Cloudy

7 B Plowed at F's I & H went to Markham AM I & A helped M Barkey & PB Reesor fix graveyard fence J H & Henry drew stones off grain field PM W Cler Cool

Sunday 8 H Adeline & Susanna went to Meeting at Altona I & Nancy Mary Henry & Anne walked to JD's they were not at home AM then we walked to Will Reesor's PM (they live on Jackson's place) we were there about

May 1892

an hour when A Came for us PB Reesor had come so we Came home W. fine Cler

9 B helped F. AM J rolled AM H was at Pilkey A dug garden at Br C's Henry rolled PM J & B brought load rails from other place & load sawdust W. fine warm PM

10 H B & A drwe dung on Mangel ground I & J took 6 bags Pea & Oats to Br S & then went to Crawfords to engage Pasture for 3 yearling Colts I spoke for 2 2 year olds a few weeks ago J finished rolling & brought home Chop PM. W. strong Cold east wind all day.

11 Boys Chored all day W. showry AM rain nearly all PM, warm

12 J & A took grist Oats to Br S's & got them Chopped H & B brought Jag of turnips from F's & 1/2 ton hay from Pilkeys AM Boys fixed fences PM I & Br C went to JD's PM their son Johnny has went away again he disappeared on Tuesday and they can hear no account of him

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May 1892

W. very fine & growing weather I & Br C went down spring Creek from new road to the little rouge then up the east bank to Diller's west from buildings Dillers have been to every station from Claremont to Pickering to Toronto on Pacific & Grand Trunk lines & today B Diller is in Toronto to notify Detectives & advertise in Daily Globe

13 B & A helped F all day I & J brought some lumber to Make gates I went to JD's this morning (no news) H was at Pilkeys AM I J & H went to help look for Johnny Diller PM we searched both Rouge's from Br S's bridge to Dead water & up to Kirkham' Mill on big Rouge W. very fine & warm (found no sign) Henry & Anne have old fashioned Measles The German Measles have been through the Country a few Months ago

14 B & A helped F make fences J & A ganged root ground I & Nancy went awhile to JD's PM no work of Johnny yet W. fine & warm

May 1892

Sunday 15 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks on St Luke 28 by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke 23 rd C by Br C Lords Supper was Celebrated today went to Menno Stover's to dinner W. Cloudy all day rain part of way Coming home Anne is in bed with Measles

16 B & A got up at 3 AM went fishing F went & brought them home got back at 3 PM they got about 240 suckers & Catfish J & H brougt 30 bus turnips from Thomas's H got Mare Bonnie shod then they drew some dung W. fine strong west wind JB's Called PM B went with F's Man Jesse Shank Peddling suckers this evening they sold about 100 @ 25 cts per doz

17 Boys plowed Mangel ground J harrowed with Colts H worked at Johnny Reesors PM W. fine & warm

18 Sowed Mangels & 6 drills feed corn in west end of NE Corner field H worked at Johnny Reesor's AM

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May 1892

H & girls & Fanny went to Wideman's meeting house PM Funk Party done some Baptising Old Wismer & Weber from Waterloo Officiated for them J & A took Colts Fly & Polly to Crawfords after dinner W. fine warm, strong W. wind

19 Boys drew dung on turnip ground J rolled at F's AM Chored PM W. strong very strong east wind AM rain PM R Wallace was here at noon & PM

20 Boys all helped F make fence I & Nancy went to Markham AM to Dentist got Nancys teeth fixed I & Susanna went to Prince's filed Picked a lot of Mushrooms W. rather Cloudy, Clearned up fine

21 Chored Cleaned grist last of Wheat about 25 Bus. Br S's David & Bertha brought 4 young Funkites from Waterloo to supper W. rain all day more or less

Sunday 22 at home all day W. Cloudy drissly rain through to the Middle of the day

May 1892

23 Boys helped F at fences H took grist Wheat to Ceder Grove Mills PM I got bag Corn cracked at Br S's AM W. Cloudy drissly rain at times

24 Chored J & H went to Crawfords Pasture to see about Colts they had got out of pasture they are all night Burrows was here to Castrate 2 Colts Tom Myer's & family were here PM W. fine & Clear nearly all day

25 B went to Markham H took fat Cow Tidy to Lewis's farm @ $35.00 AM Boys drew dung PM I & Henry planted 4 drills sugar Cane PM Br C & Beccy Came PM with her sister Leah & her Man Jcob Steinger they staid to supper then I & Nancy took them to John Cobers to stay all night W. very fine & warm clouded up after supper rained fine shower we heard last night that Johnny Diller wrote a letter to Reuben Stevens stating that he is in Kingston working in a factory

Ascension day 26 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peter's Grandmother had Erysipalis is better again W. shower this morning another this evening fine & warm

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May 1892

Br S's brought Joseph Weber & wife from Waterloo to stay all night

27 I & Nancy took Weber's first awhile to Aunt Lissy Burkholder's then to AB's to dinner then to M Barkey's to supper then to Colin Reesor's & left them to stay all night. W. fine Cool Cler Boys helped F make fence

28 J & A plowed patch ground H filled dung at Pilkeys B was there yesterday I & Henry went to Kirkhams fishing with hook & line with Jacob Stevens Ketura & his wife went along to gather mushrooms they got a fine lot & we got a fine lot of fish W. fine & Cler

Sundy 29 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 16 C 13 V to end of Chap by Jacob Weber from Ohio Joseph Grove's Menno Burkholder's young folks AB's young folks Susan Hoover & Enos Hoover's were here at dinner Johnny Reesor's brought Pr Jacob Weber Blosses & wife & Christian Lehman from Mahoning Ohio

May 1892 June

to stay all night W. rain this morning Cloudy most of the day

30 I & Nancy took visitors awhile to Br C's then awhile to JD's then JD's helped us to take them to Br S's to dinner then we Came home planted some potatoes B & A took 3 yearling colts to Crawfords AM W. very fine warm & Cler

31 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C Sermon on {blank space} by Jacob Weaver went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner friends were all there {illegible scribble} boys finished planting potatoes & corn W. very fine & warm roads good

June 1 boys drew dung on turnip ground A & Thomas's helped one another to wash sheep W. very very warm Thunder shower last night another went around this evening

2 Boys drew dung I went to Br S's this morning they started to Waterloo with the Ohio visitors then I trimmed F's Orchard PM & helped Nancy make garden W. very very warm thunder shower west around towards evening steady rain at bedtime

{second page}

June 1892

3 Boys carried Potatoes out of Cellar AM Plowed in turnip ground PM W. rain last night warm today

4 Chored AM finished gate & hung it at root field PM H went to Markham PM W. rainy AM Cloudy PM. B & Susanna went visiting with Jacob & Sophia Rittenhouse & Alice Culp they were here last night

Whit Sunday 5 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's PM H & girls went to Johnny Ramer's W. foggy AM very warm & Cler PM very heavy rain about supper time

Whit Monday 6 at home Boys & girls went fishing with Flavius & Br inlaw Peter's W. fine & Cler I & Anne went to Steven's bush for Mushrooms PM got fine lot

7 B sheared sheep boys drew dung on strip back of barn plowed it & sowed it with Cow Corn planted 3 drills white beans & fixed some fence W. fine & Cler Cool

8 Boys plowed H worked at NB's PM B helped F putty windows in Kitchen PM W. Thunder shower this morning Cler today

June 1892

9 H worked at NB's B putied windows awhile & Chored I & Henry went to Whitevale AM J took Oats to Br S's W. rain AM & PM

10 B & J drew logs AM B sheared R Milroys sheep 16 & 5 for A McCreight PM W. very fine & warm

11 I & J drew logs AM J & A drew PM. W. fine & warm A & Nancy went to Lots for Coils for Washing Machine

Sunday 12 I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to Meeting at Wideman's A Esther & Mary went too remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part 6 C by C Burkholder wen to Joseph Koch's to dinner & to Saml Ramer's to supper W very very warm

13 J drew logs A & F Cut B went on a trip on Saturday Morning Came back this evening W. very very warm

14 J & A drew logs I & Susanna went to Markham AM B began building straight fence at Br S's we hav a Job of building about 30 rods H is at NB's every day helping dig turnip Cellar. W. not quite so warm

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June 1892

15 J & A drew logs I went to JD's for a fleece of Black wool @ 17 cts per lb this morning brought Fanny & Baby & took them home again she was here sewing yesterday & today. W. fine & Cooler

16 A got Trucks fixed & got Horses shod J scuffled some Mangels & I helped B set posts at Br S's AM J & A drew few logs I & Anne sorted 2 Bus Russet apples PM W. very very warm Br N's brought Amos Moyer & his two sisters Matty & Caty to stay all night Caty was not well so I took them to I Moyers & brought Amos to stay here all night

17 I & Nancy started to visit with Amos & Matty (Caty is sick yet) then as we were starting Br inlaw Peters & Grandmother Came after they were gone we went to JD's to supper & left Amos & Matty at Moyer's A & J scuffled Mangels Cultivated & rolled turnip ground W. very warm AM fine & Cool PM

18 J & A plowed turnip ground I & Nancy started after dinner took one bushel russets to McGaw's @ 60 ct then went to Joseph Hoovers on 7th Con Markham to supper then went to Tilman Culp's they were not at home then we went to Abraham Grove's & staid all night

June 1892

W. fine & Cool

Sunday 19 went to Meeting at Almira remarks by C Burkholder sermon on {blank space} by Br C went to Christian Wideman's to dinner & to John Wideman's to supper then to Tilmon Culp's to stay all night W. fine AM very heavy rain after 6 PM light rain going to Culp's

20 went to Saml Brownsberger's to dinner then came home W fine AM heavy rain at north end of Markham about 3 PM none here boys drew few logs & took away some lumber B finished fence at Br S's AM

21 Boys finished plowing turnip ground I & A took away one load lumber PM W. very warm shower at bedtime

22 A made turnip drills B went to Garland's raising this morning got home about 3 PM then he & J sowed turnips w. very warm slight shower this evening

23 Boys hoed Mangels, finished & hoed some sugar Cane J Mowed Meeting house yard

{second page}

June 1892

this morning & took away one load lumber AB Called PM with his Uncle Martin Hoover from Indiana W. fine warm

24 Boys finished hoeing Cane & some feed Corn then Topped Thistles I got few bus Peas Chopped at Br S's AM & few bus barly PM W. fine warm

25 B worked at Br S's H drove Pilkeys team drawing gravel J & A drove our 2 teams & I filled we drew from Br N's bush for Markham Satute {sic} labor W. very fine & Cool

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat part of 22nd C by Christian Burkholder Christian Gayman's & Jacob Groves & David Stover were here at dinner, Flavius' at supper W. very fine June day

27 B & H finished road work with one team J & A scuffled potatoes & Mowed fence Corners W. shower this Morning, very heavy after dinner & some thunder Br C's brought Abraham Rickert & wife from Medina Ohio to stay all night

June 1892 July

28 I & Nancy went visiting with Rickerts first to Aunt Lissys then to AB's & to M Barkeys to dinner then to JD's & to Peters & to Br N's to supper & to Br S's & left them to stay all night W. fine & Cler

29 I & Nancy Mary Henry & Anne took Wool to S Lehmans boys took away last of lumber J brought 4 Barrels of lime from Markham boys dug foundation for shed at F's yesterday w. slight shower this Morning, heavy rain after dinner another at Markham as we were coming home

30 Chored AM B began building foundation wall at F's PM H & Jesse Shank cut some Hemlock logs J mowed few acres in new Clover behind barn PM I went to Ceder Grove PM. W heavy rain this morning fine today Cool this evening

July 1 B began building foundation wall for shed at F's H attended him J scuffled Corn A drew home some wood AM

{second page}

July 1892

they hoed PM Br N's brought Pre Joseph Wismer & wife here to dinner I & Nancy went with them to Johnny Reesor's then to M Barkey's & to Jac Reesor's they were not at home then we went to Mannasse Frets's to supper & left them there W. fine AM heavy showers 6 PM

2 B finished wall A tended him H worked for Br S's W. fine AM Cloudy PM heavy steady rain this evening rainy yet bedtime

Sunday 3 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on 1st C 1st {illegible} St Peter by Joseph Wismer went to MN's after service W. rain last night slacked a little this morning then rained all day, didnt get very wet

4 H B & A went fishing to Mouth of Rouge, got 5 I & B drew 2 logs PM W. fine & Cler creek not very high

5 Boys drew 5 logs & scuffled Corn & Potatoes. W. fine & Cler they turned the Clover that was Cut on Thursday W. very fine I & Henry went fishing with Hook & line to Br N's flats caught about 50 Chubs, mostly small ones

July 1892

6 Boys Chored AM H went to Simon Reesor's raising near Markham PM I & B & A drew in 4 loads hay J cut few acres. W. very fine & Cler

7 J Cut little Orchard & piece in Meadow AM boys split oven wood & cut wood at dam for the steamer J & A brought load pine from other place & then drew the wood for steamer behind barn W. very fine warm & Cler

8 Boys Chored AM drew in 5 loads hay PM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. very warm fine & Cler I & A went to the Shank farm after supper & took off broken barn door Hinge & I took it to Steven's & got it fixed I & J Bishop were there last evening to examine the barn he will Make out a Bill of timber for the building of a new one

9 drew in 5 loads Hay AM F & Jesse helped then Boys helped F draw in 8 loads PM & J finished Mowing East of Meadow W. warm Cler

{second page}

July 1892

Sunday 10 at home Flavius's were here PM. H & Adeline & Susanna went to Meeting at Wideman's W. warm & fine

11 A scuffled turnips J Cut swale in field east of orchard a part north of old Orchard he Cut it with mowing Machine & then they turned hay in meadow I went to Coakwells AM Boys sprouted lot of potatoes & Cocked hay PM. W. very very warm heavy thunder shower went around north PM little sprinkle here

12 B & A helped JD's shingle on barn at B Dillars & I went to Markham AM J & H Cut Ceder Post at Shank swamp & took it to F's & drew in 2 loads hay AM they drew 5 loads PM & then raised shed at F's after supper W. very very warm & Cler

13 B went to Toronto 21 bags potatoes @ 30 cts per bag I & other boys finished haying drew in {blank space} loads W. very warm AM shower went around south PM Cooler after it I & H brought load of lumber from SM to F's this morning

14 B got Frank shod I & other boys hoed Cane & few turnips J scuffed boys opened ditch from barnyard PM W. pretty warm

July 1892

15 Boys Cleaned away dung behind Pigpen AM H mowed fence Corners & A shovel plowed Potatoes PM they all went to F's after supper to help Cock hay very ver strong wind & heavy rain & thunder stopped them about 6 oclock rained very heavy, it was very warm today, Cooler now

16 I & H drew away 2 loads Hemlock & A split oven wood J went to Crawfords to look at Colts some of them have distemper Boys thinned turnips PM they helped F's Man Cock hay after supper & H helped Thomas's man draw in hay after supper W. very fine & Cool & Cler

17 Sunday H Esther & Mary went to Funk Meeting at Widemans they wanted to go to see Grandmother so they went there for dinner we were at home all day Henry Adeline & Susanna took a drive through Dixie & old Mill Hollow PM. W. very very fine & Cler

18 B went to work at Br S's he was there Friday & Saturday H was at JD's AM & at Pilkeys PM J & A hoed turnip I & J brought away last load lumber this Morning then we hung barn door at Shanks place before dinner I & J went to look

{second page}

July 1892

at Colts after dinner they are doing well J & A brought in fence Corner hay after supper. W. very fine & Cler Nancy Esther & Anne went to Whitevale PM

19 Hoed turnips Boys finished them PM W. very fine & Cler

20 Put Paris green on potatoes AM Boys hoed Potatoes PM. W. fine & Cler Nancy & Susanna went to John Stovers for Raspberries today

21 J went to Markham for Binding Twine AM we Cut F Wheat south of bush PM. W. very warm & Cler J McGaw & his little girls were here at supper

22 A scuffled Mangels J took Binder to F's this morning then he went to Unionville to see Gohn the Knotter does not work very well Chored PM W. fine AM Thunder shower PM rained nearly all PM F cut nearly all his Wheat AM

23 Cut Wheat behind Cider house did not get done Gohn & Dixon came & fixed Binder it goes better W. very very warm

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J Susanna & Anne remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke part of 12 C by Br C AB's S Lehman's

July 1892

Widow Anne & Elisabeth Nighswander & Alfred Spragge & wife were here at dinner. Anne & Elisabeth Nighswander staid for supper. W. very very warm a thunder shower before daylight another went south west this evening

25 Finished Cutting Wheat AM took in Jag of swail hay along creek behind Meeting house PM W. very very warm I went to Ceder Grove to Br S's after supper B worked at Br S's today heas been there all last week except half day & a heavy thunder after dark heavy wind

26 drew 2 loads dist onto dam AM boys set up shocks PM the wind blew down a great many last night I & J & Henry Cut a 12 foot Cedar Log in the Shank swamp PM they took it to SM then we harrowed & rolled the new turnpike after supper Br N had a road Machine last friday to grade from 11th Con to our bridge

27 Boys Cut & drew 2 logs AM A & Adeline went to Markham AM Boys all went to G Peppers stock sale on 9th Con Markham PM. W. very warm, heavy thunder shower PM

{second page}

July 1892 Aug

28 Chored & J H & Henry Cut & drew 2 logs to SM AM B brought D Ramer's Honey extractor then boys slung about 50 bls of Honey PM W. very very warm heavy thunder shower about 5 PM the heaviest of it went south & east 29 I think this was the warmest day so far

29 Boys Piled lot of lumber at F's & J Plowed F's have to level it. (the lane that goes to the bush) AM they hoed turnip PM I took Gobbler & Basket of Blk Currants to Lewis's farm this evening W. very warm AM Gust of wind & squaal of rain Came up PM then it got Cooler. fine & Cool this evening

30 2 boys Plowed in pasture field we are thinking of fixing it for Fall Wheat H & Henry put Paris Green on potatoes AM J got mare Bonnie shod PM W. fine & Cool

Sunday 31 I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 12th C by C Burkholder went to Br inlaw John Hoovers to dinner & to Henry Boyer's to supper W. very fine summer day A Esther & Mary were in Meeting too

August 1st drew in all our Fall Wheat till supper then boys helped Flavius draw in his he & Jess helped us W. very fine summer day

Aug 1892

2 Boys plowed sod H went to Markham AM B helped Thomas's PM A helped Thomas's yesterday Br inlaw Simon Hoover's were here at supper W. a shower this morning another PM very fine this evening

3 Boys Plowed I & Henry went to Whitevale for Twine AM Boys finished hoeing turnips Henry raked Wheat Stubble & Boys drew them in after supper W. pretty warm 4 A & H pl B worked at Thomas's

4 A & B plowed H was at Flavius's AM J cut Colorado Spring Wheat & A plowed PM B & H shocked W. very fine & Cool a heavy shower & a little thunder before daylight Nancy Susanna & Henry were in Markham AM

5 Boys finished plowing sod west of Creek Henry scuffled turnip I went to Whitevale AM & to M Barkeys PM W. fine & Cool began to rain steady & slowly after supper

6 Boys Pulled stalls & floor out of Pigpen AM Cut Bonanza Oats with Mower. they were badly down & Boys pulled Headlands in big Pea field PM W. very fine & Cler

Sunday 7 I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 13 C by C Burkholder & Bishop Gayman

{second page}

Aug 1892

of Cayuga went to David Ramer's to dinner A Esther & Mary were in Meeting too W. very very fine day

8 I & Nancy & Anne went to Henry Barkey's Ann Shirk is there & is sick she wanted us to Come to see her she is a little better B & A Pulled nearly 2 acres Peas in root field then boys all went after supper to help Flavius draw in Peas J got spring waggon tongue fixed AM it broke yesterday W. Cloudy & very warm H started threshing with W. Reesor

9 B & Henry ganged south bush AM they Pulled Peas with Rob Milroy's rake in big field PM W. very very warm thunder showers before day light another went south this evening J Ionson was here last night with his Horse on his way to Claremont

10 B brought home new Pea rake that I ordered in Whitevale @ $9.00 J Cut oats in field east of dam I & B A & Henry Pulled Peas in big field from 1000 till noon B helped McCreights to thresh PM J & A went to Flavius PM to help pull Peas with scythes JH Ramer's were here at nooon Br S's brought Christian Gayman & his sister widow Culp to supper W. very very warm shower after dinner & some more towards evening

11 Boys finished ganging south of bush AM J finished Cutting Oats east of dam B helped JD's thresh. A helped Flavius Pull Peas with Scythe I & Nancy took Gayman & his sister to M Burkholders PM. W. rain before daylight Cler today very warm AM fine & Cool PM

12 J cut Oats in root field about 3 acres & field back of Orchard all except Swail we pulled Peas with rake F helped shock Oats most of the day Jess Shank helped pitch back Peas W. very fine & Cool

13 B helped Thomas's thresh we shocked Oats till about 1000 then I & J Henry & Jess Shank finished pulling Peas till noon A finished shocking Oats then A & Henry helped Jess draw in Peas at Flavius J Cut some Oats below OrchardW. very fine & Cool

Sunday 14 at home NBs & Aunt Lissy were here at noon H B Adeline & Susanna went to Flavius W. very fine & Cool

15 B helped R Milroy thresh F helped us draw in spring Wheat & 5 loads Peas out of big field J finished Cutting oats except some lodged along creek west of Meeting house W. pretty warm I went to Ceder Grove PM & fixed some oat shocks at Flavius

{second page}

Aug 1892

16 B helped Johnny Reesor to thresh Flavius & Jesse helped to draw in 13 loads Peas till supper then boys helped them draw in his spring Wheat & one load Oats W. warm

17 B went threshing in H's place he has cold J H & A & Henry drew in 3 loads Peas AM Henry helped Flavius PM other boys drew 3 loads Peas & one big load loose Oats Bonanza) PM. big field is all in now W. very very warm. I dont feel very well

18 J & B helped Flavius thresh AM I & A & Henry drew last of Peas out of root field 3 big loads then boys drew in Bonanza Oats loose & shocked few Oats below Orchard W. very very warm & sultry

19 shocked last of Oats drew dung away so that we can build straw stack fixed ready to thresh tommorrow B went threshing H came home he has cough W. very fine, Cooler

20 had W Reesor's steamer, threshed Fall Wheat about {blank space} Bus. spring Wheat {blank space} Bus Munny Peas off big field about 1 bus & one load in the west barn we did not thresh W. fine pretty warm south wind

Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 18 C by Br C. Peter Burkholder & family & David Burkholder

Aug 1892

also Amos Strickler & wife Nisly & wife Peter Witmer & wife Jacob Newcomer & wife all from Lancaster Cy Pennsylvania were here to dinner I & Nancy took them to Br N's awhile to Br S's to supper & to JD's awhile & left them at Br C's W. fine

22 boys drew in 8 loads Oats I & Moyer took the four visitors Trolling to F mans bay Caught one then went to Mouth of Rouge caught few small fish had a fine time all day W. fine slight shower this evening

23 I & boys drew 15 loads Oats I Pitched H is threshing every day W. fine rather Cloudy PM every day

24 drew in Oats with 2 teams out of field below house AM B A & Henry finished PM till supper J helped PM other boys helped F after supper W fine Cloudy PM

25 Chored boys ganged a little A began to Cultivate in pasture with spring Tooth I went to Noah Hoover's with NB to look for some Cotswold sheep AM a man in P.A. PS Hershey wrote to me asking me to look for some W. showry heavy rain AM & PM heavy rain last night

26 Chored & Cleaned out woodshed I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM W. showry all day, roads muddy

27 J & Henry brought load Bran from Spink Mills @ $11.00 per ton B & A ganged behind Cider house

{second page}

{possibly cattle breeding records}

Brocky NB's July 29 1891
Judy NB's Aug 1
Gentle NB's " 3
Black Maud J Reesor's Aug 15
Brocky NB's Aug 20
Rhody NB's
Rhody NB's Sept 14
Maud JR's Sept 15
Judy NB's Oct 3
Maud JR's Sept 15
Judy NB's Oct 3
Maud JR's Oct 13
Beauty NB's Oct 19
Judy NB's Oct 25
Maud JR's Nov 11
Jennie JD's Nov 20
Judy NB's Nov 26
Black Maud JR's Dec 5
Maud JR's Dec 16
Black Maud JD's Jan 15 1892
Black Maud NB's Feb 3
Black Maud NB's Feb 24
Rosy NB's
Black Maud PBR's April 7
Roan NB's May 11th


Cow Queen Served at J Reesor's June 29th 1890
Cherry J Reesors July 9th
Lady N Burkholders July 9th
Queen J Reesor's July 13
Roan NB's Aug 9th
Queen at J Reesors Aug 25th
Rosy NB's Sept 3
Beauty NB's Sept 12
Roan NB's Sept 22
Flora Br N's Sept 27
Gwen J Reesors Oct 20
Beauty Nov 10th at NB's
Jennie Br N's Nov 22
Rhody NB's Dec 1st
Beauty NB's Dec 1st
Roan NB's Dec 16th
Gwen NB's Dec 22nd
Sppotty NB's Jan 10th 1891
Queen NB's Jan 26
Rhody NB's Jan 30
Spotty NB's Feb 7
Spotty NB's Feb 28
Roan NB's Mar 24

{back cover, reddish brown, black border}

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1890-1892 Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1890-1892 Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1890-1892 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Benjamin Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1890-1892,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,
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