Jemima Ripley Diary & Transcription, 1869-1870


Jemima Ripley Diary & Transcription, 1869-1870


Jemima Ripley


Courtesy of Rideau Lakes History Center Archive




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, South Crosby Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Jemima Ripley Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Jemima Ripley

1869 - 1870

Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers

{Address Label glued to left side} Jack Le Clair, 1533 Weyburn St, Ottawa, Ont K1G 0Y4 {1988 Written in blue pen}

Miss Jemima Ripley, Elgin Ont

Later Mrs Ernestus Sliter (Jan) Jan 1 1869

{underlining in red pencil}

January the 1st 1869

Friday Stay with Grandpa. Marsh and Matilda calls Lee goes with them read all day very cold

Jan the 2nd Saturday do the housework make pies fry cakes &c Lee goes to Elgin

Jan the 3rd Sunday come home with Lee Stay at home while Lee and Mary goes to Elgin to meeting go home with Lee in the evening

Jan the 4th

Monday Grandpa is very sick this morning Lee goes to Elgin to election Grampa is better Goes to Elgin in the afternoon thaw commences

Tuesday Jan the 5th 1869

am sick not able to work Lee goes over to Fathers for Sarah she is gone to Uncle Tooles {Sarah circled in red pencil}

Jan the 6th Wednesday

Lee is gone to Henrys I stay with Grandpa {Henry circled in red pencil}

do some darning knit on stocking Sarah comes in the afternoon go to Alberts with Marsh come back in the evening Chapmans barn is burned

Jan the 7th Thursday

help Sarah fix her coat knit the rest of the day

Jan the 8th Fri

go home help Matilda make a wreath of roses for cake go back to Grandpas in the evening

Jan the 9th Sat, rains all day do the house work. Lester often calls

Jan the 10 Sunday go home with Henry & Matilda Mother,Father & Sarah go to Philipsville to dedication of Baptist church

Jan the 11th Monday help Grandpa brings me home get ready for tea meeting go in the evening have a splended time

Jan the 12th go home with Albert knit on Annies stocking

Jan the 13th Stay to Alberts all day. Albert & me go to Philipsville.

Jan the 14th. Thurs Stay to A.D.D's

Jan the 15th Albert brings me home find Marsh very sick. Stay up with him all night father goes for the doctor at 2 of the clock P.M.

Jan the 16th Sat wait upon Marsh and do house work. Tilda goes to Caintown with Willie Pole.

Jan the 17th Sunday Stay at home

Lester & {illeligible} {illeligible} Wille's, Tilda Jarnes! also

Jan the 18th Monday Do house work Matilda washes

Jan the 19th Tues Knit a glove Jan the 20th Do some mending

forenoon go to Alberts afternoon with Marsh find Annie sick stay until Sunday the 24th. Albert and Mary comes home with me go to Grandpa's to dinner. Tilda goes home with Albert Pelbarg

Jan the 25th Knit glove for myself

Jan the 26th {illeligible} my silk dress

Wednesday Jan the 27th make pies in go to Newboro with Marsh take dinner to Alberts melt snow to was get tea

Thursday Jan the 28th Wash woolen clothes get dinner do the housework mother goes to the Furnace Falls go to Samuel Ripley's in the evening get home at 11 PM

Friday Jan the 29th

Iron & do house work Mother & Father go to Elgin make pies cut & bost bed tick

Saturday Jan 30th

Do Saturdays work twist 10 knots cotton yarn fix my cloak Set up stocking for Mimma Delong

Sunday Jan the 31st

Stay at home all day Samuel Superior Stays here to day Father & Mother go to Philipsville to church {drawing in red pencil in left margin}

February 1st

Monday February the 1st

Do house work sew and knit go to meeting with Lee in the eve evening stop to Fullers {Fuller Stevens written in blue pen in left margin} for them Laura and Celestine Clara is here all day

Tuesty February 2nd

do house work sew on Marshes coat Fuller wife Lenora and Celeste {question mark written in red pencil in left margin} come here we all go to Grandpas in the evening

Feb - 3rd Wednes

help do house work Sew on coat

Thursday F 4th

help do house work Sew on coat

Friday Feb 5th

sew all day on Marshas coat

Sat Feb 6th

help do Saturday work finish coat Lester Allen takes tea here Mother & Father have gon to Portland Marsh up to Fullers Tilda & I are at home alone

Sunday F 7th

go to Quarterly meeting with Tilda & Marsh

Monday Feb 8th

melt Snow to wash help do house work and &c A Taggert & wife are here to day stay all night

Tuesday F 9th

I do house work Tilda washes Albert & Mary comes Albert goes to Leeds Mary & the children stay here I go home with them Stay a week

Wed Feb 10th

Help Mary do house work sew on my dress

Thurs Feb 11th

Sew all day

Frid Feb 12th

Finish my dress sewing on Mary's put a tuck in Annies dress & skirt

Sat Feb 13th

Wash breakfast dishes & iron fo Mary {I & M} finish Mary's dress put a tuck in Mims dress snows all day Albert goes for the Dr for his Father

Sun Feb 14th

Stay at Alberts all day Snows & blow so that I cannot go home

Monday Feb 15th

help do house work knit on Mimas stocking

Tues Feb 16th

Albert goes fo the Dr for his father Mary & I go to Mr DeLongs & Stay until he comes back A. D. L brings me home by the way of Elgin

Wed February 17th

Help do house work make a night cap< /u> John Shaw wife & Mother comes Lester & Lucretia also!

Thurs Feb 18th

make a might cap for Matilda

Fri Feb 19th

Sew on Shimmie do house work &c

Sat Feb 20th

help do Saturdays work finish shimmie go to Elgin with Lee

Sun Feb 21st

go to J. FE Delongs with Marsh

Mo 22nd Feb

Wash cut out white apron

Tue Feb 23rd

make apron. knit in the evening Snows & blows all day encesently

Wed Feb 24th

piece quilt iron Starched cloths. Aunt Taggeret & Nina comes here the roads are all blockaded with snow Marsh harnesess his coalts

Thur Feb 25th

Sew on peice work all day

Fri Feb 26th

Sew on peice work Aunt Margt & A goes to W{nell} Stephens with Marsh

Sat Feb 27th

chore round a little go to Fulers in the evening with Marsh & Tilda tat Donation in Elgin

Sun Feb 28th

Stay at home fine day Mother & Tilda are cleaning potatoes for dinner Henry & Lee takes dinner here to day


March 1 {blue pen}

Mo - March 1st

Peices T'S help Tilda finish quilt fine wether

{Tilda finishes quilt. written in blue ink in left margin}

Tues March 2nd

Help wash dishes narrow off stocking {narrow off stockings written in blue ink in left margin} for Mima. make beds up stairs wash some peices go for potatoes for dinner Set quilt togather {get quilt together written in blue ink in left margin}

Wed March 3rd

Peice quilt help do house work

Thur. March 4th

Finish Mims Stocking

piece quilt Mother at granpa's

Thursday March 4th Piece quilt


Fri March

make cuffs & collar do house work Fuller & brings Sarah home Mr Morton here to day Matilda goes to grandpas Mother comes home with Marsh

Sat March 6th

Do the work Set up stocking for my self go to Mer Toppings in the evening Tat

Sun. March 7th

Stay at home all day read Father & Mother go to Alberts

Mon. March 8th

go to Grandpas A.M come home rip up my buff dress go to Dave Johnsons

to a Surprise what a time Mother stays to Grandpa all night

Tues March 9th {9th written in blue ink in left margin}

Do the work Tilda goes to Elgin AM piece T.S fo quilt

Wed March 10th

D house work peice T's for quilt wash buff to Set in quilt cut buff blocks

Thurs March 11th

wash A.M. work at quilt again P.M.

12th Friday

work at quilt all day finish it at last

13th Sat

Do the work Iron fri cake. & cut &c W Topping & wife C Merman wife & children are here in the evening

14th Sunday

Stay at home

Albert Mary Matilda & Jesse here to Stay Mother at grandpas.

15th Monday

I piece wool on quilt AM cut carpet rags do house work knit

16 Tuesday

cut carpet rags all day knit in here evening

17th Wednesday

wash dishes make pies get dinner cut carpet rags Carline Coone Mary Taggart & Annie {Ripley written in left margin} here P.M. Clarrie in the evening make tissue flowers knit Mary stays all night

18th Thursday

Finish my stocking set up another Elisha Rowswell wife & children here to day Mary

Taggart & Matilda have gone to Alberts knit Marsh gone to Elgin

19th Friday

get breakfast wash the dishes arange the parlour make beds up stairs sweep the chamber knit until noon get dinner wash dishes {pencil changes to black ink} cut carpet rags get dinner for Henry Mary Taggart & Matilda comes from Alberts knit in the evening

Saturday 20th

Help do house cleaning get dinner Matilda & I go to Henrys after noon knit

21st Sunday

Stay at home Mary Tagart comes Mother & Father goes to Grandpas Lee comes

22d Monday

Help do house work melt snow to wash Henry & Sarah Jane comes Mother goes to Freemans Father Starts for town Rev W. Savage & wife come

Mary Tagart goes to Uncle Stephens Clara Halladay calls

23rd Tues

Do the house work Matilda washes Mother goes to big Jim Murphy's Sarah goes to Grandpas R Leech McCan Stedman & Bruster all come for hay Father comes home Mother gets cotton & {Henry} to peice quilt finish my stocking set up sock for Marsh

24th Wednesday

Help get breakfast wring & hang clothes mop the floor cut teas for Mothers quilt help get dinner & wash dishes g Matilda & I go to Tom Cavanahs with Freemans. call on Cynthia Tilda has the head ache

25th Thurs

Get breakfast wash dishes & do the morning work Mary Tagart comes Matilda Mary & I go Uncle

Coons to dinner Sam Ripleys to tea Caroline goes with us but soon returns go to Duncons call at Harvys return to Sams Marsh & Clara are there to bring us home Richard Leach takes dinner here

26th Friday

Help do the morning work iron Sarah goes to Mr Toppings Matilda cleans the chamber Willie Bass & Mr Hopkins come for hay Luther Coon calls. Thomas Taggart comes for Mary peice on Mothers quilt Albert calls

27th Saturday

Help do the work Matilda & I finish quilt Sarah returns from Mr Toppings Henry calls. Thawing very fast

28th Sunday

Stay at home all day Father & Mother go to Grandpas Lee calls

Sarah goes to Freemans Matilda is sleeping Marsh reading and I am going to get tea

29th Monday

am not very well Matilda washes I go to bed am better P.M knit & sew some on my dress Mr Topping calls Clare! Also

30th Tuesday

Help to do the work and sew on my dress Sarah Ann & Mary Ann calls Sarah goes goes home with Thomas Clare here to night

31st Wednesday

Do up the work in the morning knit a while then sew on dress William Taggart & Mary comes Mr Topping calls Sam Stevenson here Sarah Ann & Clare comes at noon Clare goes to the sugar bush {sugar bush also written in blue pen in left margin} with Marsh comes back & stays until chore time Marsh gone to Elgin

April Thrursday {all fools day?} Do house work knit on {illegible} sock {illegible} Taggart here Wneke's Aunt [Jovle?] comes Mother and Mary Taggart goes to Sam Ripley Mr Gopping calls Mary & Albert comes to go to Mr Gopping's I go with them May {Camron?} here I go home with Albert's folks stay until Sunday

April 2nd Friday knit make button holes in Mary's coat

3rd Saturday Iron for Mary knit on sock Albert's sugar buns

4th Sunday Came home with Albert Uncle Joel very sick Father & Mother gone to see him

5th Monday Do the work Matilda washes Uncle Joel dies Mother down there Matilda Thomas {Maroh?} & I go down in the evening

Stay all night sew on dress for Sally sit up all night

6th Tuesday Sew all day for Sally stay again all night

7th Wednesday Come home at 3 in the morning get redy for funreal come home bring Mr & Mrs Sliter here William & {illegible} Taggart come home write as I go over to Sam Ripley's Thomas & Mary Taggart come Thomas goes home Mary William and Caroline stay all night

8th Thursday go home with William & Mary Taggart {illegible} stay to Aunt the remainder on the day knit

9th Friday Mary Taggart & I go to {Charles?} make shirt of dress * knit on sock get back to Aunt's to tea

10th Sat

Go to Alba Lee's finish dress and crotchet Shimie sleve

11th Sunday

Stay at Aunt's & Alba Lees all day

12th Monday

Take dinner at A L Taggarts crotchet all day

13th Tuesday

Mary & I go to Charles & quilt all day call at {Amasa's?}

14th Wednesday

go to Mr Batmans work Shimie yoak for Mima Delorry

16th Thursday

Finish yoak cut vest for {Win?} Taggart help Mary finish harness

16th Friday

Sew on vest help Mary draw in {piece?}

17th Sat

Finish vest pack for home VC

18th Sunday

William brings me home Stays all night Matilda {Caroline?} & I go to Grandpas

19th Monday

Get on quilt for Matilda quilt after noon

20th Tuesday

{Helpdo?} home work & quilt finish quilt put on another for Tilda Mr. Mcloy & Clark stay all night

21st Wenesday

Quilt all day long Mary Camron here helps quilt finish quilt

22nd Thursday

Put quilt on frame for Mother Henry's wife comes helps quilt

23rd Friday

We finish Mothers quilt but out aprons

24th Sat

Help do Saturday work make apron

25th Sunday

Stay at home Joseph Main buried our people go to funeral xcept Tilda & I bearers come here to dinner Mrs Sliter & hired men Chara here

26th Monday

fix cucumbers fo pickling chore round Chara here

27th Tuesday

Card some bats do house work etc

28th Wenesday

Put on wolen quilt for my self quild go to grandpas in the evening to see how Henry is

29th Thursday

finis quilt all day

30th Friday

finish quilt {A.M?} Matilda & I go Elgin to get pictures taken I go to Alberts {Mate?} comes home take tea at Sam Penn {above: hs}

<3>1st Sat

Stay at Alberts rains so I cannot get home finish Shimmie for for {Mimane?}

1st May Sunday

Stay at A.D.D rains all day two yankies there to dinner Matilda Jesse & bub there also

{illegible} Monday

Stay at Alberts rains all day

{illegible} Tuesday

Albert brings me home do large washing of cotton cloths

4th Wednesday

Wring & hang cloths Matilda irons woolen cloths. I iron cotton Matilda puts on quilt for her self

5th Thursday

Do house workin morning make pies.Matilda cleans flors.Father goes to[illegible] Mother to Uncle William Rowswells Matilda. I work in gardens.M Sarah goes to Elgin.

6th Friday

Do chores half [illegible] Matilda V Henry's wife go to Elgin quilt.Lanija Murphy comes home with Matilda mother comes home today.

8th Sat

Finish Matilda's quilt work in garden until noon.[illegible]

5th Sunday

Mary V. Albert here Marsh V. Lee go to Elgin Sahath school. Clare comes home with them all go Sabath.

8 O clock P.M.

15th Monday

Do up morning work Matilda peeks wool for quilt

her and I card the bets put ont the quilt for Matilda fin our silk dresses {illegible}childs funeral have our pictures taken

11th Tuesday Go to Freemens quilting

12th Wednes quilt all day Matilda & I take of quilt father sick all day

13th {illegible} Thursday Sarah goes to Alberts Matilda & I sew carpet rugs Mother puts on quilt Caroline Taggart comes quilt afternoon Uncle {illegible} here

14th Friday rains quilt take off Sarah comes home with willie Toole make flower beds & sweep front yard Sarah goes home with Willie

15th May Sat Do Sat-s house cleaning A.M. Matilda does cooking sew carpet rugs Willie Tovle here

16th Sunday Father & Mother go to Leeds Marsh & Lee to {illegible} Sabath Schoole Willie Tovle & Caroline Taggart here Henry & wife here to dinner rains Igre calls all goto Sabath School

17th May Monday Wash woolen cloths and quills & A.M. Sew carpets P.M.

18th Tuesday Matilda& I do house work & sew carpet rugs all day Mr Topping calls

19th Wednesday We cut & make {illegible} Mrs Topping calls goes home with Edna

20th May Thursd

I iron woolen clothes Matilda washes cotton go to Grandpas after noon {Frid?} James here Sarah A & Elizabeth calls

21st Friday

I am not very well

1870 Jan 1st. Satu

Do the morning work go to {Winston?} Tooles to dinner go to Newboro to tea meeting Stay all night at {Winston's?}

Sunday Jan 2nd

Raining like sheet can't go home Marsh & Matilda after noon go to the School house to meeting Sleep with sis in parlor bed room


Monday 3d

Fir giles a west set up glove for whlbe Laines & Giles go to North Crosby


Loth knit on glove Uncle & Aunts go to Nensboro set up until one Oclock they dont come ganes as Giles go to North Crosby

Wednesday 5 hac

Finish Willies Gloves Nell & I gulier come home with me

Thursday 6th

knit on Marsh glove Matilda & I go Elynn fill come

Friday 7th

Matilda to tae from do house work knit glove

Sat 8th

Do Saturday work No other goes to Men Toppings grape rosetts for my boots

Sunday 9th

M U Father w to Alberts Bee No crush here alone

Jan Monday 10th

Haelp to morning work knit on glove for Marsh get dinner Sarah & Henry go to Elgin sew on my drawers get her wash the dishes

Tues 11th 1870

got breakfast do up the work get ready to go to Alberts cant yet have a horse Marsh goes to mill finish my drawers get dinner help Sarah pack her cloths for Goshem make cookies and shortcake

{continued from previous page} for Tea Grandpa Henry & Sarah come I go to Alberts for Sarah's seirt. Mers boom & Safiny comes see comes home with Marsh stayes all night

Wednes 12th

Do morning work mop flore get dinner Marsh takes Lee to Delta with his coalts Grandpa & blare takes dinner here rains & snows all day make an under skirt Marsh & Soit up until 19 O Clock to start Sarah & Father for Brockville

=== 13 Jan Thursday === (1870)

Sarah starts for Goshem at 10 minutes after one snows and blons fearful all day. Do house work and finish might dyes han pocket handkerchief

Jan 14th Fri

Make pies wash some woolen clothes. bind woolen quilt knit in the evening

15th Jan 1878

Do Saturdays work sew on apron father returns from Brockville had a === faint thit ===

16th Jan Sunday

Do morning work get ready to go to Alberts with Marsh meet them & return home again Mary & Albert here to diner see a Mar Bell & Georg Hoobyes to tea Marsh goes to meeting to He Ripley's School house

17th Jan Mond

Do morning work wash make shinie Marsh goes to Elgin rains all day wash woolen cloth

18th Tues Jan

make shnie do house work wash that filew down Albert here walling for I J h

19th Jan Wednes

wash cotton cloths mop chamber with apron that Mary gave me Marsh & Marten chop wood to saw

20th Jan Thurs

Make apron get dinner Mother & Father go for {ADDL?} iron woolen cloths

21st Friday

Do morning work make flannel rapper cut Marsh's pants iron cotton cloths

22nd Satur

Do morning work make pies do house cleaning. Sew on Marshes pants Giles & Matilda come U & E Moore come

23 Sunday

Stay at home all day Lee & Moffe Derraught come

24th Monday

Do house work {Matt?} Tilder washes Mother goes to Grandpas sew on pants for Marsh

25th Tuesday

Finish Marshes pants make pillow slip Sawers come

26 Wednes

Help do home work make stand cover crotchet go home with H S R go to Elgin with Henry & wife stay all night to Grandpas

27th Thursday

come home cook for surpirse {illegible} & Albert Bush {calls?} to party in to W H Erls

28th Friday

Go to Alberts with Marsh bring the old mare horse Charlene & {Adgeline?} here go to Grandpas Henry brings me home.

29th Sat

Hem purple dress & {winsy?} Mother and father go to {illegible} Pooles Mr Smith & Bruce call Albert brings Marsh home Matilda goes to Stay with Grandpa

30th Sunday

Go to Edwards with father take dinner at Merbhicks boys gun

31st Monday

Go to Brockville Caroline goes with us Father Beat pictures Hillie hes a picture taken go back to Edwards stay all night

Feb 1 Tues

Came home very cold get dinner at {"Delta" written in blue pen in different handwriting} delta Albert & Marsh {"draw" in the same pen writing as before} draw hay Sarah A Sopping here

3rd Thursday

Make flannel rapper do housework

4th Friday

Make night dress

5th Sat

Help do Saturday's work crotchet trimming

6th Sunday

Go to barntown with Father loys are gone

7th Monday

{Large X drawn over this day's entry and first two lines of the next entry} go to Brockville barsline ges with us Get Summer dresses for Matilda fal go to Edwards with Willie make bed tick for Adaline

8th Tues

Father & I came home very cold stop to betlyns for dinner Albert helps Marth draw hay Sarah A Sopping here

7th Monday

Do Housework Melt Snow to wash sew on aprons

8th Tues

Do morning work Go to Seeds with Alb Matilda washes John Poole & Mrs Seot curves

9th Wednesday

Finish frilled apron crotchet trimming

10th Thursday

Do morning work Mother & tilda go to Duncans Tilda takes one to Uncle Pooles Julie among howe

11th Friday

Commence coat for Uncle Poole

12th Sat

{light blue pen saying at Pooles} Finish coat for Uncle's fine coat Giles & Willie come from the front help boys part up fed sted in parlour bed room John Shaw comes for Aunt

13th Sunday

Ago to quarterly meeting eyeeht John Willie & I get dinner

14th Monday

Sis & I get up at 30 clock do parlour work darn Willies mittings get breakfast & do morning work John Shaw brings Aunt home Start shinnie yuak for Matilda cart & bast pants for Giles & gamie

15th Tuesday

Help do house work & Sew on pants Julia comes home from Alberts

16th Wednesday

Mrs Doraruesy dies Winele & Aunt goes to the make finish boys pants crotchet

17th Thursday

Go to the frowned dissappointed by the minister go to Btish Roswells to {illegible} Willie goes to Elgin named by Nembers gets me & spooles of thread for boys

18th Friday

Fit Willies black pants petcrotchet an quilt quilt all day

19th Saturday

quilt until noon finish it

20th Sunday

Cut Willies hair go to here a funeral sermon preached by Rep Reigh Nichol Julie & I go to John Shaws snows fast

21st Monday

Aunt & I go to John Shaws make coat & vest {uncertain name} & family come to Wineles Wille Bass slay all might


22nd Thursday

Get up at 2 oclockhelp Aunt get breakfast for Giles & Willie Bass they start for Kingsturn crolchet all day john outs

his foot Uncle & Willie goes to New boru for mediecn

23rd Wednesday

Make plaster for Johns foot Dr Treston comes leans & stiches up the wound snores all day Giles stays to by Ads for ti blushes in {illegible}

24th Thursday

Giles comes home crotchet

245th Friday

Uncle & Aunt brings me home pare apples for mince pies and {illegible} go togomtores with Me

26th Sat

Father sick all day help do saturday's work

27th Sunday

Matilda Marsh's I go to Mr Delury's call at Alberts snows fast

28th Monday

Help do housework novels with Moush for vovwel crotchet go to Joppings in

1st March Tuesday

Do house work Do nearly sick with cold Matlda Marth & I go to Alberts Matilda & Jesse earnes

2nd Wednesday

Do house work & crotchet Matilda washes

3rd Thursday

From wooden calcee loths crotchet Giles & Willes come have from Kingstoun

4th Friday

Do house work crotchet make pies

5th Saturday

Help do Saturdays work crotchet Julia Jimie & Willie come stay all night

6th Sunday

Father & Mother go to seeds Lester & Lucretia come I get dinner Willie helps get tea Willie helps again company Seanies Father & Mother comes home

7th Monday

Matilda & I line our winter coats Uncle Poole calls

8th Tuesday Do house work crotchet Matilda Marsh & I go to Mr Soppings in the evening he is away

9th Wednesday

Do house work crotchet Matilda & Mar go to the swamp por {circled "ginn"} Father & Mother go to Marton Clare here gannes & Willie come stay all night

10th Thursday

Willie goes to palls with Marsh Father with ginnie to Horton I crotchet Lester comes we go to H. S. R.'s Seboole house to meeting

11th Friday

Willie ginnie & Marsh go to the Sponocan Matilda & I do house work & make tinier flowers Mr Sliter I Struthers james & Will here to dinner Mathew Green dies Horton calls Matilda & I here alone

12th Sat

Help do housework make pies we finish our tissue wreath Mother to Grandpas all day ginnie & Willie came Stay all night

13th Sunday

Marsh & I start for Thomas Sis Snow prevents go round by Grandpas. Henry hibs & I go to Seeds Clare here Snows all day

14th Monday

finish my shinie yoak

15th Tuesday

Crotchet band for shinie stove Albert belong & Walter McDoughe here to dinner Matilda & I visit schools taught by E. Moore Albert Mary Matilda {asterisk in light blue pen}Jesse & Walter here to tea also! See W. Stevens & Clare

16th Wednesday

Matilda washes wool cloths Snowing & blowing fearfuls Solo parlor work get things ready for dinner crotchet hand for shinie sleve F Moore Flggie Sopping & Aum Halladas stay here all night

17th Thursday

Help do morning work but & make vest for Marsh E Home Sis & Aum stay here all nigh again

18th Friday

Mend pants & fip west for Marsh out sleves for carybrae shimie Clare here F Moore stays here

19th Saturday

Do morning work mop finish Shimie Mother goes with Marsh

Transcription Progress



Jemima Ripley Diary, 1869-1870.pdf
Jemima Ripley 1869-1870 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Jemima Ripley, “Jemima Ripley Diary & Transcription, 1869-1870,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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