Stephen "Marsh" Ripley Diary & Transcription, 1869


Stephen "Marsh" Ripley Diary & Transcription, 1869


Stephen "Marsh" Ripley


Courtesy of Rideau Lakes History Center Archive




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, South Crosby Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Stephen "Marsh" Ripley Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


[Black Diary Cover]

Marsh Ripley Elgin Feb 14 1869

Marsh Ripley Elgin

Jan 19^th 1869

Marsh Ripley Elgin

Elgin Leeds County Canada.

Marsh Ripley Elgin west County Canada West

[pencil scribbles]

January 20^th snows verry hard all day


Monday January 19th

Father and I do the chores. Go to school.

Took Lea's Coalt home

Wednesday January 21

Do the chores. school all day. Go to Alberts return by Elgin.

Thursday January 21.

Do that chores & Go to F Hallway's after

Went to Azle Guile [arrow symbol]

Friday January 22

Do the chores split wood Go to Henry Ripley By Lynhurst

P/11- Saturday January 23^th Thrash to Henry Riples forenoon. Got a log of drywood. Come home by the Whitefish

P1- Sunday January 24^th Do the chores go to Grandpas

Monday January 23 Do the chores Elisha Rowswell is here split wood make nails for the school house Stove Door Marsh Ripley Elgin January's Yours


Tuesday January 26

Do the choars go to Grandpa Split wood go to TJ Halladay after cutter. go to school house Lee & Jiles no here stay all night.

Wednesday January 27^th

Do the choars go to Newboro to get a coat cut [illegible] to Albert Delongs

Thursday January 28

Do the chores help Henry load kaz. Help Tom Freeman Thrash. Chop wood for Old Robe. Go to Samuel Ripley's

1) Friday January 29 Do the choars split wood to the house

Saturday January 30^th Do the choars. Help Lee clean rye go to Elgin stop to Fullers stay to Lee's all night

Sunday January 31^st Do the choars Samuel Sherman Superior stays here from Saturday untill Monday morning

Monday February 1^the Do the choars go to Freeman with Lonso. Draws wood out to Granpas.


Tuesday February 2^th Do the choars. Draw two loads of wood to the laker. Go to Elgin meeting with Lee & load

Wednesday February 3^th Do the choars. Go to school & Clarence allso Fuller Sarah Lawn and Calista comes here we all go to Grampas

Thursday February 4^th Do the choars. Go to school

Friday February 5 Do the choars. Help Lee to load Rye. Go to Elgin meeting

Saturday February 6^th Do the choars. Help Henry load hay. Lester Allyn Thomas & Lee is here Go to Fullers stay all night

Sunday Februaury 7^th Comes home from Ful Go to quarlty meeting]

Monday February 8^th Draw two loads of wood to the lake Alba Lee and wife stays here all night

February 9^th Tuesday Draw one load of wood and two loads of Ice. Take a load of Grist to Samuel to [illegible] to prayer meeting


Wednesday February 10^th Do the choars Granpa and I take three steers to Nate Steavensy. Take Stove dinner to Eli Holmeses. Go to Elder Nicoleses Donation. Come home with Lee by Elgin

Thursday February 11^th Do the choars. Draw

Feb 11^th Three loads of wheat to lake Henry two. Joes Clark stay's here all night

Tuday February 17^th Drew two loads of wood to lake. Henry two,. go to Elgin for male.


Saturday Feburary 13th

Do the choars {chores}. Go to Delta. Chick and I go to Luther Coons childs funeral.

Sunday Feburary 12the

Do the choars. Go to Delta to Baptism.

Feb 15the

Do the choars, Henry, Sam and I drew three loads of wood to {illegible}. of litter from Julia

== Feb 16the == Do the choars Henry Clarence Sam {number 3 on top of Clarence and Sam} and I drew ten loads of wood to the lake. Me three load.


Feb 17th

Drew wood Sam Clarence and ^ marsh {4 on top of all three names}

Feb 18th

Do the choars Clarence hauls wood {2 above Clarence}. Sam takes a load for Thomas to Leeds

Feb 19 Delta

{Scribbled out elegible words} Feb 19th Sam and I drew six loads of wood to lake

Feb 20

Sam and Marsh drew light loads of wood to lake

Feb 21th Do the choars. Go to J.K. Delongs Matilda comes back to Alberts with us

Feb 22 Drew wood out to Granpas forenoon Clarence ^2 Henry ^2 and March ^2 drew wood to lake

Feb 23 Clarence and Marsh drew two loads wood to lake. Snows verry hard all Day. Howard's Donation is to come tonight

{second page}

Feb 24th

Do the choars Go to Grandpas to brake roads. Make a Snow plough

Feb 25 D Do the choars Go to Granpas Henry and I brake walk Go to Elgin twice mistake

{on side} Do the choars here I brake walk got to {illegible}

Feb 26 Do the choars draw two loads of wood to house go to William T {illegible} Howards Donation tonight

Go to Fullers Denvina Tilda and I

Feb 28 Do the choars

March 1th Do the choars Shovel roads over to Sly's corners. Go to lake to brake roads

Mar 2th Do the choars Draw wood out to Grampas

Mar 3th Drew nine load of wood out to Grampas

{second page}

Mar 4th Drew nine loads of wood out to Grampas

Mar 5 Drew eight loads of wood out to Grampas

Mar 6 Drew four loads of wood out to Grampas. Go to William Topping

Mar 7th Do th choars Father & Mother goes to Albert Delongs Lee comes here

Mar 8th Drew light load of wood out to Grampas. Go to Dave Johnstons to a surpise

Mar 9 Drew three {illegible} of loads to lake

Mar 10 Thomas comes to help draw wood Drew two loads down in Smiths Fields Storns very hard all day. Thomas goes home Lee and one horse here

{second page}

Mar 11th

Do the choars Father & I clean wheat

Mar 12th Do the choars Go to Elgin Go to Wm Topping

Mar 13th Do the chores Chop wood. Charles Merriman and wife W. Topping and wife is here to make an evening visit -- William Taggart comes here Stays all night

Mar 14th Do the choars Albert Delong Mary Jesse & Matilda is here stays all day

Mar 15 Do the choars. Sam Seeds and Truman {illegible{sesses, Loester Alyn took dinner here. Go to Henry pop corn. Comes home on snow shoes. Go to Elgin after male.

Mar 16th Do the choars Go to Fullers Go to milk meeting

Mar 17th Go to Fringe Falls. Come back to Thomases. Go and See George Newek

March 18th Do the choars Mary Taggart here. Elisha Sarah Minie & Herbert Lee & I goes to Elgin

Mar 19th Do the chores Go to George Chesnee with Henry.

Marsh Ripley

Mar 20th Do the choars Go to Vowels with Henry after Cow

Mar 21th Do the choars. Lee is here

Mar 22th Do the choars Father & I clean rye to go to Kingston

Mar 23th Do the choars. John Murphy is here. Shovel roads to the lower Farm. McCan got a load of hay here

{second page}

Mar 24 Do the choars Go to horse Island after spiles. Go to Elgin

Mar 25 Do the choars. Go to Whitefish after Grist. Helps Leech load hay Go to Sam Ripley after girls

Mar 26 Do the choars Burn Spiles Hulk load two load of hay. Scald 150 Buckets tap 25 Trees John Taylor

Mar 27 Do the choars Thomas and I tap one hundred and thirty trees. Scald one hundred Buckets

Mar 28th B O Neil Died Do the choars Lee & Pat Murphy is here

Mar 29th Do the choars Thomas and I brake roads in the Shugar Bush

Mar 30 Do the choars. Gather 25 pails of sap

{second page}

Tap 75 trees Thomas Goes home. Sarah goes to Kingston

Mar 31th Do the choars. sugar Shuger off Clarence and Sam is down to the Shuger Bush Go to Elgin.

Feb April 1th Do the choars Uncle Samuel Tod And Mary Camron Mary Taggart Sam is here. JS to Furnace Fall after a load of Lumber for William Topping

{in different penmanship - "? Morton Furnace Falls}

April 2th Do the choars help load three loads of hay. Scald one hundred and fifty buckets. Go to Fullers {different handwriting - "Fuller Stevens}

April 3th Do the choars. Load one load of hay. Thom and I gather sap in Bush sap until eleven O clock

April 4th Do the choars. Henry feeds I goes to Thomas Ripley. to see Uncle Joel. Lee stays here to dinner. Albert

{second page}

fetches Jemima homes.

April 5the Do the choars. Thomas & I gather sap Joel Ripley Died today

April 6the Do the choars. Gather sap. Boil until 11 Oclo

April 7th Do the choars tap 25 trees. Go to Joel Ripleys Funeral. Ernest & wife comes here {in different hand in margin "Ernestus Sliter"}

April 8 Do the choars. Gather sap. Henry, Sarah Tilda and I goes to William {illegible}

April 9th Do the choars. Chop wood for the sh{illegible} Bush. Gather sap . Go to Elgin.

April 10th Do the choars. Draw two loads of wood out of Smiths Field Change four bushels of barly for six of peas. With Luther Coon. Gather the sap Caroline Taggart to the shugar Bush

April 11th Do the choars. Go to Albert D Delongs.

{second page}

April 12the Do the choars. Help Henry load a cook stove. Gather sap.

April 13th Do the choars. Boil sap. Draw wood to Shugar Bush. Gather sap.

April 14th Do the choars. Chop wood for the shugar bush Gather sap. Draw two loads of wood to shugar house.

April 15th Do the choars. Boil sap. Draw three of wood to the sugar house Go to Elgin

April 16 Do the choars. Gather sap. Chop wood to house

April 17th Do the choars. Strain syrup. Chop wood to the house. Go to Henry Ripleys. Move the stove. Go to sugar Bush after sugar Buy H J Ripleys Buggy

April 18th Do the choars. Lee & Caroline Taggart stay here all night. Go to Grampas with Lee. William Taggart & Jessee to Sam Ripleys Go to Truman's

{second page}

April 19th Do the choars. Father & I drew corn. Start to plough froze Go to the sugar bush after sled Draw the stack here from the new barn. Go to HS Ripleys after Buggy

April 20 Do the choars. Thomas and I drew two tons of hay Measure ten bushels of corn for James Murphy. Go to Floods rasin {in different hand "barn raising?"}

April 21th Do the choars. Boil sap Clean the carriage House. Go to William Toppings {in different hand "Toppings"}

April 22th Do the choars. William Topping and I puts up Smiths Fences where we drew wood. Tip up fences round the lower place. Drew a load of straw for bedding. Go to T J Halladays after coalt {in different hand "colt"}

April 23rd Go to John Jonses. Do the choars. Pick stone of the meddow before Freeman's. Joe Mane Death

April 24th Do the choars.

{second page}

Pick Stone. Go to the Marsh. Come home Draw the banker away from the house

April 21st Do the choars. Lee and I goes to Elgin Goes to Joe Manse Funeral

April 26 Do the choars. Ploughs Thomas Gather the Buckets. Mr Morton is here

April 29th Do the choars. Ploughs

April 29th Do the choars. Plough

April 30th Do the choars. Go to Henry after drag Lee sows. I drag Draw rails for HJ Ripley afternoon

May 1the Do the choars. Plough for HJ Ripley Charles drags I come home after dinner and drag.

May 2th Do the choars. Got to Sunday School

{second page}

Clarence & I goes to Sam Ripley's.

May 3th Do the choars. Lee & I split rails. Go to Lorenzo Sly and got a buz saw

May 4 Do the choars. Help Tom Freeman skin a cow Albert fetches James home. Rool five acres.

May 5th Lee and I drew a load of hay from the Lower Barn. Drew two loads of rails from the {illegible}. Ploughs. Lee & James {illegible}

May 6th Do the choars. Lee and I put up fences. James Toole is here I go to Grampas with him Dr Skiner stays here all night

May 7the Do the choars. Brake coalts

May 8th Brake coalts. Lee and I go to Cheenes Come home. got to House Help the girls make garden. Drew one load of hay from the lower place. Help Thomas load hay Lee & I goes to Elgin.

May 9th Do the choars. Lee and I goes to Elgin Sunday School. Clarence comes home with us. Go to Sunday School to CL Ripley School house.

May 10th Do the choars. Granmpa and I make a bush fence. Henry and I go to Newboro with coalts & cans. come home by Elgin. William Morton child is burryed today

May 11th

Go to Johns Locks after Father {illegible}

Transcription Progress



Stephen 'Marsh' Ripley Diary, 1869.pdf
Stephen 'Marsh' Ripley 1869 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Stephen "Marsh" Ripley, “Stephen "Marsh" Ripley Diary & Transcription, 1869,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 30, 2025,
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