Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1895


Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1895


Courtland Olds


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




19th Century, Norfolk County, Woodhouse Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


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January TUESDAY 1 1895

Have been cuting wood in the woods to day with Jim's help. The weather has been quite cold with some wind and occasional snow flurries. Have still a gracious assurance of acceptance, and am happy in His love. upon truth His presence makes any paradice and where He is is heaven. Am looking forward to greater victories, through Divine grace.

January WEDNESDAY 2 1895

Jim and I have been working out in the woods most of the time to day. I went out to Dover about noon to take my mother to a visiting party at Bro Cookmans, went out again this evening after takeing my wife with me. We went to hear Dr Sexton lecture on sleep and dreams while in Dover. He seems a very learned man & unusually capable as a lecturer

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January THURSDAY 3 1895

Worked this forenoon at sundry jobs around the barn and house. This afternoon We we went up to my unckle A. Clarke Matthews, there being a family gathering there is house of unckle Caleb Matthews & wife lately arrived from Michigan where they live. We had a very pleasent visit together there. Weather rather cold.

January FRIDAY 4 1895

Snow fell last night; but, only in a moderate quantity, so sleighing has not come yet. Got up a load of wood for Fred this forenoon, also one for ourselves. Went up to the Lynn Valley hills this afternoon, for chop and flour, also corn & oatmeal. This weather has become exceedingly cold, being Zero weather to night, and likely to be a good deal more by morning.

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January SATURDAY 5

1895 Have had unckle Caleb Matthews to gather with unckles George, and Clarke Matthews with their families for to take dinner with us. It was mostly in honour of my unckle Caleb who lives in the state of Michigan and does not visit us, only about once in four or five years. Had a nice visit, with our relatives, & could not but think, how unlikely we are all to meet again in the same {illegible}

January SUNDAY 6 1895

Have remained at home today, owing to rain this morning and the presence of my unckle and Aunt from Michigan. It has been raining most of the time today however and we were glad to have remained at home. Have been blessed with the presence of Gods Spirit in the devotion of the day His presence makes my paradise and where He is is heaven

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January MONDAY 7 1895

Went down to see Addeson Frollick this morning about helping me kill hoggs. Succeeded in getting him to help this afternoon, so we have at last got our hog killing done. The weather has moderated very much; and strange to say the snow has nearly all gone A considerable quantity of rain has fallen since yesterday morning.

January TUESDAY 8 1895

According to appointment my mother, together with Maggie and I went out to my unckle George Matthews for our last family dinner before the departure of unckle Caleb Matthews who goes with his better half for Michigan to-morrow. We had a pleasant gathering. There were present Unckle & wife, Unckle John & wife, Clarke & wife Wesly Matthews & wife Mrs Vail & two daughters besides a number of others. A group Photo was take before braking up.

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January WEDNESDAY 9 1895

According to promise I took George out to Townsend centre to day. The weather was rather cold but our ride was not a very unpleasant one Got to R. Longer's in time for dinner, And after a two hour's visit I started back. The roads are very good just now, but snow is about all gone, some ice remains however.

January THURSDAY 10 1895

Owing to a continuous rain to day which by the way has partly frozen into ice as it came, I have been working inside most of the time at chores &c. Took belle up to new blacksmith shop for a set of horse-shoes. Have been rather under the weather with a severe cold, and am not improving any apparently to night.

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January FRIDAY 11 1895

Have been afflicted by a very severe cold lately. Have to help along do not have time to doctor it up very much. Got up some wood for ourselves and for Fred's this afternoon. He is still unable to leave the house owing to the inflamitory Rheumatism &c. Maggie and I went over to our neighbour John Maer's this evening for a visit. Had a pleasant time.

January MONDAY 14 1895

The weather is still stormy and Winter is here in earnest. I have been geting ready for drawing loggs most of the time to day. Thought to have got started to day but failed. Took my aunt up to unckle Johns this afternoon she having completed her sojourn with us for the present. Heard this evening of the death of Levi Lampkin, an old neighbour and friend.

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January TUESDAY 1895

Went out to Dover this forenoon after some necessaries, takeing my mother with me. Got home for dinner and this afternoon I have been geting up wood. Succeeded in geting up {illegible} cords. Sleighing is very good just now and we want to improve it as much as possible, in different ways. An old resident Mr Levi Lampkins died recently, yesterday I think.

January WEDNESDAY 16 1895

My old friend G.W. Lemon stayed over night with us last night. Have been bothered with a cold and sore throat lately and did not work much this forenoon on account of it. Got in three hickory loggs to the mill this afternoon for my unckle George Matthews, this afternoon, these being the first. Sleighing is very good just now and many are improving it.

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January THURSDAY 1895

Got up a load of wood for Fred's this morning, and took another hickory saw-log down to the mill before noon. Had Mr R Longer and Henry Cunningham's father to dinner. Had a pleasant visit with them but it kept me from geting a saw log to the mill. Got in two to day however makeing five in all so far. We are still haveing fine Winter weather & good sleighing.

January FRIDAY 18 1895

Have been geting in loggs to day as usual. Got in four more makeing nine so far. Went out to Dover this evening takeing my nephew with me. Had a disagreeable ride both out and back owing to a terriffic snow and wind storm from the North East. Called at our ministers for a while and from there went to hear the Rev Mr May, at S.S. Convention in Presbyterian Church.

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January SATURDAY 19 1895

Jim and I have been working in the woods to day geting some more logs ready to draw and some more wood cut as well. The weather has been quite cold since the snow storm of last night. Found it almost too cold to work to day. We seem likely to have cold weather and plenty of sleighing for some time to come.

January SUNDAY 20 1895

Went out to church this morning as is our custom, takeing my mother with me. Sent George and Bertha out this evening. Our Forresters lodge was out in full force this morning to our church. Bro Cookman preached to them, an excellent discourse, "Now abideth these three and the greatest of these is charity". He spoke very highly of the object of Forrestry.

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January MONDAY 21, 1895

Rain came last night, and has been falling at times to day. I have been to the saw-mill a couple of times takeing two loggs each time. Had to change my clothes twice as one of the results. It has some appearance of a January thaw. The snow has gone off very fast to day any way. To night a very strong SW wind is blowing.

January TUESDAY 22 1895

I went out to Dover this morning in time for the seven o'clock train, My nephew George Cunningham started for home by that train. We had to face a terrific snow and wind storm nearly the whole of the way. but Got there in time for the train however. Called this morning at Bro Cookman's to see my old friend Mr Barr who of Brittish Collumbia Conference Found him in bed, but talked to him some.

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January WEDNESDAY 23 1895

We have had a very stormy and disagreeable day. Wind has been blowing almost a hurricane from the West. I have been drawing loggs down to the saw mill, as usual. Have only succeeded in geting three drawn to day. They were all large ones however. We seem likely to pay for the fine weather of the first part of Winter.

January THURSDAY 24 1895

The very cold and disagreeable weather still continues. Have had some snow & wind squalls to day. I have been working away at the saw-loggs to day as usual. have nearly finished drawing the logs that are cut & ready. Intend to cut a few more as soon as possible however, and to get them drawn before Winter closes DV

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January FRIDAY 25 1895

Took a couple of saw-logs down to the mill this forenoon. These two makes twenty four in all so far. Have only one more ready. I went out to Dover this afternoon with a load of hay which was sold to Henry Huffernan. Found the road to Dover much better than I expected. An East snow storm is raging to night.

January SATURDAY 26 1895

Haveing promised to take out a load of hay to Bro Cookman to day, Jim & I got one on the sleighs ready but owing to a terrific snow and wind storm that has been raging all day was compelled to give up going as I had intended. The side roads are drifted terribly I am sure. Cannot help thinking of the sufferings of the poor in larger cities during such storms as this.

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January SUNDAY 27 1895

On account of the terriffic snow storm which has prevailed yesterday and to day including last night I we did not get to church to day as we desired. Have done what we could to improve to improve the precious Sabbath however and have felt that it was good to wait upon the Lord even in the seclusion of home. He meets us everywhere.

January MONDAY 28 1895

I have been digging a road through snow banks to day, in order to get out to the road with a load of hay for our minister. Hoped to have got through by noon; but found it impossible for it took until night. Hope however to get out to morrow. Had to dig about half the way to the road, some some places about five feet deep Jim helped me this afternoon.

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January TUESDAY 29 1895

After geting through with our morning chores I went out the lane through the snow drifts successfully with a load of hay for our minister. Got through with it all right and found them wanting for it. Am so thankful to find that my Heavenly Father opens up my ways from day to day for me. This is according to promise. Surely He is not a man that He should be or the son of man that He {illegible}

January WEDNESDAY 30 1895

Worked awhile this forenoon at repairing or making a new roller for the rear bob-sleigh have broken it last night. Had my friend W.J. Carpenter & family with our minister Rev Mr C. Cookman & we wife. Of course we had a good visit with our kind friends, having our last turkey for dinner in honour of their visit. Weather still cold with some falling snow.

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January THURSDAY 31 1895

Have buisy at repairing the roller of my bob-sleighs most of the time to day. Succeeded in geting it done towards night. Jim and I got a load of hay on the sleigh ready to take to town in the morning. Have adopted the plan of loading up hay after school in order not to keep Jim home from school for that purpose. The weather still keeps Cold and windy.

February FRIDAY 1 1895

Took my load of hay out to Dover this morning and left it at Dr Hamiltons. Had to wait along time to help take off the load of hay. Had dinner at Bro Cookmans and a pleasant visit as well. Found the sleighing much improved since I went out the with the last load. Have been rather unwell to day from a sort of billiousness.

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February SATURDAY 2 1895

Have been buisy with Jim's help at cuting down some bass-wood trees, for saw loggs. We have cut down some three or four trees and got about five loggs cut ready for the mill. The weather is so cold that Jim could scarcely keep warm working. Did not make a very days work as a consequence.

February SUNDAY 3 1895

Did not go out to church this morning, there being Quarterly meeting at Walsh to day. Maggie and I went out this evening however and heard Bro. Cookman. The weather is still very cold though not below Zero. Have not been without some of the benefits of the Sabbath though not privileged to attend morning service as usual.

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February MONDAY 4 1895

Spent the forenoon in making some repairs on hay rack besides doing some other chores. Went out to the woods this afternoon to work at cuting some saw logs from a lodged tree. Went back to the little barn this evening and put on a load of hay for Dover in the morning. My old friend G.W.Lemon came this evening. The weather is very cold these days.

February TUESDAY 5 1895

I went out to Dover with another load of hay to day. This time I took it to our minister being the third one for him. Had dinner with them at the parsonage. There was two funerals in the village today. One was Alex Patrae and other was Mrs John Hume. A son of William Dill had died this morning.

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February WEDNESDAY 6 1895

The weather continues very cold, Thermometer stood at thirteen degrees below Zero this morning, the coldest yet for the season. I have been working in the woods most of the time to day. Am cuting basswood logs now. Have succeeded in geting nine ready to draw. Would like as many more before I quit. Am so thankful for the great mercy and goodness of God to me.

February THURSDAY 7 1895

Have had a very rough cold day the wind being from the North East. The thermometer was at thirteen degrees below Zero this morning the lowest of the season so far. Have been cuting basswood trees into loggs to day notwithstanding the extreme cold. Got five more loggs ready for the mill to day. This was the day for Womans Mifsionary Convention Jarvis but our folks could not go on account of the extreme cold.

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February FRIDAY 8 1895

A terrible wind and snow storm has been raging for some fourteen hours, from the North and North West and still continues this evening. The thermometer stands below zero. I have not been prevented from working in the woods however and have succeeded in geting two or three loads cut ready to fetch home. Have not felt the cold so very much, although so extreme.

February SATURDAY 9 1895

I had a visit from my unckle Clarke Matthews to day. He finaly bought an oak tree agreeing to give me fourteen dollars if not sound at the but, and fifteen if sound. It has been a terribly stormy day, the snow has been very much drifted. We were out of wood and I had to get up a couple of loads before Sunday.

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February SUNDAY 10 1895

On account of the snow blockade resulting from the terrific snow and wind storm of yesterday we could not get out to our usual church service this morning. Have been enjoying the blessed Sabbath at home however which is no small privilege sometimes. He meets with us even at home, in our devotions, sometimes.

February MONDAY 11 1895

Spent the forenoon in trying to dig snow in the lane in order to get to the road. Got discouraged however and opened a road accross the flat in the field by McBrides instead. Took a couple of loads bass-wood loggs to the saw-mill this afternoon, being the first of this kind. Have been rejoicing in my Saviour to day. In His great salvation.

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February TUESDAY 12 1895

Took my wife and mother up to Simcoe, to day, haveing some due - bills to trade out at the store &c. We had dinner at my cousins Mrs Harris. Went to see George Lemon about the job of delivering in the Spring. The general agt Mr Mackay wants us to take the job on a percentage this year. Have not decided together as yet.

February WEDNESDAY 13 1895

Worked this forenoon at some odd jobs arround the house, besides geting up a load of wood for ourselves. Took a couple of bass-wood loggs down to the saw mill this afternoon and after unloading these I loaded up plank and took them out to my uncle George's at Port Dover. Did not get home this evening until after seven however.

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February THURSDAY 14 1895

Got up wood for Fred this forenoon. This afternoon I went down to the saw-mill with a couple of bass-wood loggs. After geting them unloaded I loaded up a load of plank &c and took it to Dover delivering at my unckle Georges according to contract. The weather is rather fine just now. Brought a large cotton-seed-oil barrell home to night intending to make it into a cistern.

February FRIDAY 15 1895

I worked at geting up wood this forenoon; but this afternoon took a couple of basswood loggs, down to the saw-mill. After unloading the latter I got on a load of lumber for my unckle & took it out to Port Dover. This is the last of what was cut ready for drawing. Got through all right, though the sleighing is geting quite poor in places. Brought home a couple of my cousins with me on the bob sleighs.

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February SATURDAY 16 1895

Owing to the help of my boy, I have been able to use the cross-cut-saw to day. We cut up an old basswood tree this forenoon but only got one good saw-log; the ballance was wood. This afternoon we cut down an old hickory tree & west of the old barn or nearly. Started also to cut it up for saw-loggs. We are having a slight thaw just now. There is some prospect of its continuance.

February SUNDAY 17 1895

Took Maggie with me this morning together with Jim, and went to church as usual. Our senior minister preached as usual, it being his Sunday. We were told in the class meeting that James Elles had been seeking the Saviour for the last fortnight & was glad to hear that he has been found of him. This proving the promise true with another case.

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February MONDAY 18 1895

Have been geting saw-loggs drawn to the mill to day. Took down six loggs in three loads, all basswood. This makes fourteen of this kind so far. The weather has been rather stormy to day and very disagreeable to work out. Am glad to think that my job of geting in saw loggs is so well advanced.

February TUESDAY 19 1895

I have been working in the woods to day geting hickory logs cut ready to draw. Got four more large ones ready and two White Ash for to morrow. Mr Alfred Beemer was here this afternoon to see if Bell was in Jail; but of course I could not pay him Had a serious letter from Will this evening from the C.P. requiring immediate attention. We went over to Jackson's to spend the evening.

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February WEDNESDAY 20 1895

I went out to town this forenoon g after geting chores done to see about sundry matters. This afternoon have been drawing loggs again down to the mill. Took one large bass-wood logg down, and got a large hickory log ready loaded for morning. There is apparently a change taking place in the weather. A strong south wind has been blowing nearly all day and still continues this evening.

February THURSDAY 21 1895

Have had a very cold day, but not so cold but what we could work out-side. Have taken a couple of loggs down to the saw-mill and do not purpose takeing many more for this time. Had a letter from my brother in-law W.WA Ferguson about our business, requiring immediate attention Intend going to Delhi on Saturday.

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February FRIDAY 22 1895

Have been very buisy to day at geting up wood &c. Took my last log down to the mill this morning; or I suppose it will be the last for this season. The weather is becoming much more moderate of late, though not at all warm. Have had a very cold Winter since it commenced, with no January thaw at all.

February SATURDAY 23 1895

After geting chores and some necessary work done, Maggie and I started for Delhi, geting to Simcoe about dinner time. Took the latter at G.W. Lemons and arrived in Delhi about the middle of the afternoon at W.A. Fergusons After doing some business with him and takeing tea with them we drove over to Wyecombe, where we arrived at about nine this evening.

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February SUNDAY 24 1895

Bec Maggie & I have been with father and mother in Wyecombe to day. There being a strong indication of a storm we thought best to steer for home to night. So we started about five o'clock in the evening. Arrived safely at bed-time and found the family all well and everything right. Jim has done our chores for us during our absence.

February MONDAY 25 1895

Have been geting a grist of wheat and of other grains for chop ready to take to the mill to day. This afternoon however I have been trying to clean up bluegrass seed but succeeded very poorly. Got a small quantity of Alsike seed for my work however. The weather is somewhat mild to day, and a thaw is in progress.

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February TUESDAY 26 1895

Went up to the Lynn Valley mills to day, after flour, oat-meal and C. wheat. Fred went along with me, and as he wanted to go to Simcoe to see the doctor I went with him. Took dinner at unckle Dan's Found them all well . Saw a Mr Awford who asked me to let him have a part of the farm to work on shares. I rather liked the appearance of the brother & think of makeing enquiries about him.

February WEDNESDAY 27 1895

As soon as we could get ready this morning, my wife and I started for Charlotteville. Took dinner with my unckle Henry Olds, and went on afterwards to J.W. Matthews, where we arrived safely, finding them all well. A thaw has been in progress to day and it to night it is being accompanied by rain & a warm south west wind.

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February THURSDAY 28 1895

As Maggie & I had stayed over last night at our relatives in Charlotteville Mr Wesley Matthews, on account of rain; we left there this morning for home in good time. Called to see Mr John Awford one the way however, with refference to his coming down to take a part of our place to work. Had a long tedious ride home the sleighing having become very poor on account of the present thaw.

March FRIDAY 1 1895

Worked this forenoonat sundry jobs, too numerous to mention. This afternoon I have been cuting wood in the woods. Had a rather disagreeable time both in going and in returning from the woods owing to the water in the gullies & the snow in the lane, where I had to go. The thaw has ceased however and we seem likely to have winter for a while again.

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March SATURDAY 2 1895

Have had Jim home to help me to day and I have tried to improve it as best I could, at sawing wood with the cross-cut saw in the woods. He has improved very much this Winter as a sawyer and I can do almost as much as a man with his help. Had Mr Awford here to day to see about working a part of the farm.

March SUNDAY 3 1895

Owing to the almost impassable state of the roads we have not been able to get to church to day as we desired. The day has been a delightful one, and until towards night was quite warm. There is some appearance of snow this evening which will likely come before many hours. We have enjoyed the precious hours of the holy day at home as best we could.

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March MONDAY 4 1895

Owing to a snow storm, mostly from the North East, which has been raging all day I have not been able to get up wood as I intended; but have been makeing and an axe-handle besides doing sundry other jobs. There is quite a heavy fall of snow on the ground to night, makeing very wintry again.

March TUESDAY 5 1895

I have been as buisy as possible to day at geting up wood &c. The snow of yesterday has improved the sleighing very much and it is not likely to lay on the ground very long at this time of year. Feel rather anxious to get up our summers wood before long, for the Spring is advancing & its work will soon be here.

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March WEDNESDAY 6 1895

I have been helping my neighbour Jame Hom thresh to day. Had a pretty dirty job, it being mostly clover-seed, and to night I am rather unwell from the dust. The weather is moderating somewhat and a thaw seems likely to follow very soon.

March THURSDAY 7 1895

Was rather unwell last night on account of the dust in threshing yesterday. Begin to fall feel all right again however. Went down to the saw-mill with an oak log or but of an oak tree about six ft long for barrow stuff. Got up three loads of wood for Fred this afternoon also. Got a card from bro Awford this evening also a letter from Mary Jane.

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March FRIDAY 8 1895

Met with a misfortune with my bob-sleigh this forenoon when drawing an oak but log out of the woods. Broke the tounge right out; so will have to put a new one in before using again. Have tapped some sixty trees this afternoon The sap started very well but it soon froze up when evening came. Weather is rather windy & disagreeable.

March SATURDAY 9 1895

Went out to Port Dover this forenoon, after some supplies & to take some out. Brought home some twenty five new sap pails besides other tin ware from the G.W.S. The weather to day has been quite cool and very windy. Wind has been in the south most of the time Settled up with Dr Hamilton while in town and think I will not soon have to settle up with him again.

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March SUNDAY 10 1895

Owing to continued bad roads there being neither sleighing nor wheeling just now, we did not get out to church to day. The time seems long for we have been there so little this Winter. The Good Lord has been with us at home however; and we find it good to serve Him every-where, both in public and at home. Glory to God in the highest.

March MONDAY 11 1895

It has been very cool to day, even Wintry. Sap has scarcely started at all. I have been all day geting the bob-sleighs repaired up ready for use to morrow. Went up to the black-smith shop with Belle however to get a shoe set. Have been happy in His love to day. Feel that it is good to trust Him. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee"

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March TUESDAY 12 1895

Have been engaged at sundry jobs to day as usual. Am doing the best I can to get wood ready for summer. There is no present appearance of Spring much less of sap weather. Have been down to my unckle Joe McFells to spend the evening. Took Maggie and the children with me. Had a very pleasant evening with them.

March WEDNESDAY 13 1895

I went down to the saw-mill this forenoon to see about sawing. This afternoon have been working at cuting and drawing wood. Got up a couple of loads. The weather is rather cold and wintry there has been snow falling this afternoon. My old friend G.W.Lemon has been with from the midle middle of the afternoon & is staying over night with us.

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March THURSDAY 14 1895

The weather has become very cold again, almost Zero, I should think. I have been cuting wood in the woods with all my might, Our wood-pile is quite small yet. Had a letter from Bro. John Awford this evening stateing his willingness to come and work the half of our farm on shares at the halves. He is to take about a hundred acres.

March FRIDAY 15 1895

I went down to the saw-mill this morning to draw in loggs for sawing. Got about half or more on th rollway. This afternoon I have been geting up wood from the bush that was cut yesterday. The weather continues cold and very wintry. We do not seem likely to have sap weather for some time to come from present appearances.

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March SATURDAY 16 1895

Having had Jim to help me to day, have tried to improve the chance as much as possible in cuting wood. We got a pretty good pile cut and ready to draw. Sent a letter to Mr Awford to day with refference to our proposed working of the place. Did not feel satisfied to have him come without a more diffinite agreement so I have have asked to see him again before he moves.

March SUNDAY 17 1895

My wife and I went out to church this morning. for the Have been longing to get out this long time and were prevented by bad roads. Bro Cookman preached to us, and, as usual felt much edified by his discourse. He has just buried his eldest daughter down at a place near Toronto. He has borne testimony as to the all-sufficiency of Divine grace, both for himself & daughters.

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March MONDAY 18 1895

I went down to the Saw-mill this morning to pile lumber. Did not get over half done piling what was sawn. This afternoon have been working in the woods tapping trees &c. The sap started to day for almost the first. Had one of Mr Awfords boys here to dinner. They seem anxious to get settled. Weather keeps cold though warmer to day than usual.

March TUESDAY 19 1895

Got up a couple of loads of wood this forenoon & this afternoon have been tapping a few more trees. The sap started up very well for while, but about four this afternoon it froze up again. Fell to cuting and spliting wood for a while after that. Bro Awford came this evening to see me again about the proposed takeing up part of the farm. Thomas Jackson came this evening also.

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March WEDNESDAY 20 1895

Having had a letter from my brother-in-law W.A. Ferguson re. a change in our Mortgage, I went up to Simcoe this forenoon to see lawyer Wells about the matter. The prospect seems good for makeing a change somewhat favourable as to reduced rate of Interest. Took Fred up to Simcoe with me to see the doctor about his arm. His report from the doctor was not altogether favourable.

March THURSDAY 21 1895

Have been working again to day, mostly at cuting and spliting wood most of the time. The weather is still rather cold with the usual North wind, so that sap does not run at all excepting for a short time in the middle of the day. There will no doubt be a change soon however.

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March FRIDAY 22 1895

Went out to Dover this morning, Maggie and I, taking Mildred with us. Was surprised by a registered letter from Sarah to day with some money. It has been so hard to get money this Winter. Had our old and Esteemed friend Mrs James Berry to come to day for a visit. Have been working in the woods this afternoon, mostly at re-tapping trees.

March SATURDAY 23 1895

Have been trying as best I could, to make the most of Jim's help to day. We have been cuting wood in the back woods. When not looking after sap. The latter has been running to day, very well. It has indeed been the first warm day since Spring opened, and the trees have for the first time been thawed out, all of them. Our friend Mrs Berry left us to day.

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March SUNDAY 24 1895

Maggie and I went out to church this morning notwithstanding the very bad state of the road. The young minister officiated it being his turn. Did not go to the house of God in vain, for we were blessed by our attendance. Have been realizing in a precious degree the presence of my Heavenly Father. His presence makes my paradice and where He is, is Heaven.

March MONDAY 25 1895

Have had stormy disagreeable weather to day, so have been working inside at cleaning alsike besides doing some other jobs. Maggie and I went over to Freds this evening, to do some setlling up. Got along all right, although a rather difficult job. Having nearly two years to consider. The Good Lord has been graciously with me to day, owing me as his child.

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March TUESDAY 26 1895

Finished cleaning up the alsike seed this forenoon besides doing some other jobs. The weather has been rather cold and stormy so I have been working in the woods this afternoon most of the time. Mr Offord came this afternoon witha load of his household goods, this being his first As Fred's have not removed from the house yet he seemed disappointed.

March WEDNESDAY 27 1895

Have been sowing cloverseed this forenoon in the big field by McBrides. This afternoon have been cuting woods in the wood for summer use. Do not make very much headway alone however. The weather is very Cool and rather disagreeable for the time of year. Sap does not run very much and does not seem likely soon spring.

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March THURSDAY 28 1895

Worked in the woods this forenoon, but this afternoon went out to Dover mostly to attend a special Q Quarterly Board Meeting to consider the propriety of inviting Mr W. W. Baer of British Collumbia Conference to be our minister. An invitation was finaly carried though with considerable opposition. Finished settling up with Fred this evening.

March FRIDAY 29 1895

Owing to continued cold & stormy weather we have not been working in the sugar bush. Have been cuting wood this afternoon and this forenoon sowing cloverseed in the big field by McBrides. Maggie and I went down to Jabez Marr's this evening to see about geting a girl for Wellington Carpenters.

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March SATURDAY 30 1895

This being the day for Jim to be home, I have been trying to improve the chance afforded for his help at cuting wood for summer's use. Have spent the whole day in as industrious a way as possible. This evening I have been gathering sap as well. Found enough to fill all three milk cans with what we had gathered before. Weather very cold and windy.

March SUNDAY 31 1895

Went out to church this morning takeing my wife with me. Bro Cookman officiated, it being his Sunday. Thought best to See W.J. Carpenter before going home, so drove arround that way. Found him in a helpless state owing to to an accident from runing a fork tine in his foot. Took dinner with them before going home. A cold disagreeable wind from the East has been blowing to day.

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April MONDAY 1 1895

Maggie and I went up to Simcoe this forenoon to see about our Mortgage, having a chance to rearrange the loan from the C.P. Company and to get it into private hands and at a lower rate of interest. Feel sure that the way has been opened for us by a kind overriding Providence, in our present difficulties. Took dinner with unckle Daniel Olds.

April TUESDAY 2 1895

Got up a load of wood for Fred's this forenoon & tooke down the bob Sleighs which took till noon to fix up again. Feel very much tried with them at not leaving the house so that Awfords can move into it. Have been working in the woods this afternoon at gathering sap and geting ready to boil to morrow, all being well. Sap has started again to day.

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April WEDNESDAY 3 1895

Have been buisy in the bush to day, at gathering and boiling down sap. Maggie has been trying to help me part of the time. Had a nice lot when done and could scarcely carry it home although very thick. Did not get through until about eleven this evening. We are haveing very disagreeable Cold raw East winds now, Which it is rather disag unpleasant to face.

April THURSDAY 4 1895

Worked in the bush this forenoon, geting up wood and loggs besides gathering sap. Got Jim started nicely at boiling while I went up to Simcoe this afternoon, to see about the matter of our mortgage. Took my mother along with me. Saw W. A. Ferguson at the Sir Line Station A promised to see the C Pec. Co for me when in Toronto. Found the sap all boiled down and strained when I got home this evening.

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April FRIDAY 5 1895

Have been buisily engaged this forenoon in tapping maple trees This afternoon have been gathering sap. Had about two milk cans full. This evening I went out to Dover Calling at my unckle A.C.M. on the way. Found my old friend L.G. Morgan ready to come home with me and of course I brought him along. A Strong East wind has been blowing of late.

April SATURDAY 6 1895

Have been boiling down sap to day with all our might. My friend L.G. Morgan of the "Maple leaf" Port Dover, who cam out with me last night, has been enjoying himself in the woods with me. Succeeded in geting through at about nine this evening. Had a fine lot of syrup when done. We are evidently on the eve of a change in the weather, from cold to warm.

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April SUNDAY 7 1895

Owing to the presence of my friend L.G Morgan mostly did not think it best to go out to church to day. The weather has been somewhat showery however - and very warm. It seems likely that warm weather will continue now, that it has been so late in comeing. Have endeavoured to improve the opportunities of the day as best I could.

April MONDAY 8 1895

Went out to town this morning to take my friend L.G. Morgan who has been visiting with us since Friday evening last. There was a fine April shower last night and to day. The weather being very warm warm. Have been working in the woods this afternoon most of the time. Found the sap still flowing in spite of the warm weather.

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April TUESDAY 9 1895

Rain has been falling most of the forenoon of to day, so I found odd jobs to do inside. This afternoon however it cleared off and I have been gathering and boiling sap in the bush. The flow of sap has kept up remarkably well considering that there has been no freezing nights for nearly a week. The sunshine of "His" countenance has been resting upon me today.

April WEDNESDAY 10 1895

I went up to Simcoe this forenoon on some business with the bank also to see Wells & Innes re the matter of our mortgage transferr from the Canada Permenent to private holders. We have had a considerable delay already on account of the Company refusing to give us a detailed statement before sending away our check. We think they are trying to claim more than is due them.

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April THURSDAY 11 1895

Have been buisy to day as usual. Worked in the woods this forenoon at cuting wood & at some other work. Went up to Simcoe this afternoon to see Wells & Innes about word from the Canada Permanent . Found that the statement had come and was more accurate than I expected it would be. The Good Lord has been so faithful in fulfilling his promise to his servant of late. vis. " I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him".

April FRIDAY 12 1895

This being Good Friday, we have had unckle Daniel Olds and wife with Florence & Mifs Collins to visit us. I have been boiling down sap in the woods and they all helped us until dinner, for their own enjoyment. Had rather a fine batch when done. Rain has been falling this afternoon, a fine April shower. Am so thankful for showers of blessing from the Divine & Infinite.

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April SATURDAY 13 1895

Have been working at Sundry jobs this forenoon. Found that a considerable quantity of water had fallen yesterday makeing it necessary to empty the sap pails. This afternoon Jim and I have been working in the woods geting our summer wood cut ready for use. My unckle A.C. Matthews came to day with some money paying for the oak tree bought in the winter. It was to be fifteen dollars if sound & fourteen if not, that is four ft from but.

April SUNDAY 14 1895

Went out to church this morning takeing my mother with me. Bro Cookman was our minister & as usual gave us a good discourse. Did not realy enjoy the service as much as I should like, owing mostly to a drowsiness that came over me during the meeting. We are thankful to see the roads geting good again.

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April MONDAY 15 1895

Maggie and I started for Wyecombe this morning as soon as we could get ready. Got to Simcoe at about noon. Got to Mr Fergusons at about four this afternoon. Found Mr & Mrs Ferguson away from home, but we were fortunate enough to find some provisions to satisfy our hunger. Had tea at Mr Manerys afterwards. I came home to night after Seven 0'clock.

April TUESDAY 16 1895

We have at last had our tennant house vacated to day. Fred and his family got moved out by noon. Have been looking for our new tennant Mr John Awford to day, but they have not as yet put in an appearance. Have been much interested this evening in reading reports of speeches in Haldimand, re Manatoba school question. The election comes off to morrow.

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April WEDNESDAY 17 1895

Spent the forenoon in doing sundry jobs, spliting wood & working arround the tennant house About noon Mrs Awford and her two daughters came, with a small load of moveables. I have been working in the woods this afternoon at cuting and spliting wood. Mr Awford came towars night with another load of goods. So our help has come at last.

April THURSDAY 18 1895

Worked in the woods this forenoon for the last time this Spring, that is at cuting wood. This afternoon began cuting or rather trimming apple trees. Mr Awford's moveables came again to day another load. Had a short visit from Willie Holcomb and his new wife this evening. He was married last monday and is on his wedding trip. His home is in Buffalo N.Y.

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April FRIDAY 19 1895

Have been drawing wood from the back woods to day, the ground being hard enough to bear up now. Seeding time has apparently come at last. Some of the neighbours have already begun Bro Awford brought down another load of moveables to day He has still a load or so more to fetch down, when possible. The weather is warm and dry. Every prospect of a seed-time soon.

April SATURDAY 20 1895

Mr Awford got started in the N.E. Corner field to day at seeding or rather at geting the ground ready to sow. Worked at sundry jobs this forenoon. Went up to Simcoe this afternoon after a calf from my unckle Daniel Old's for which I am to pay him a dollar. Found my wife and children at Florences ready to come home. Found the the C.P. Company had not accepted the offer tendered them a few days ago.

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April SUNDAY 21 1895

Maggie and I went out to church in Port Dover to day as usual takeing Jim with us. Our junior minister officiated and with more than usual acceptance. Have great difficulty of late to keep from going to sleep in time of service., No matter how much I fight against it. My mother went home with Florence to Simcoe this evening to stay a week or so.

April MONDAY 22 1895

Mr Awford and his son John have been working in the N.E.Corner field to day, where we want to sow oats. This afternoon however the former went up to Glenshee after stock &c. So I started Jim with the harrow being anxious to keep the two teems going. This is the first time that Jim has ever drove a teem or a harrow either. I have been working in the woods at gathering sap pails & pluging auger holes &c.

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April TUESDAY 23 1895

Have been exceedingly buisy to day. Finished pluging maple trees this forenoon besides geting in a pit of turnips. This afternoon I have put away our hams & shoulders and afterwards been geting in potatoes from the garden pit. Jim has helped Mr Awford with the teem to day. He being away himself after stock &c to his old house. John has of course been driving the other teem.

April WEDNESDAY 24 1895

Went up to Simcoe to day, calling at Mr Samuel Sandens on the way and had dinner with them. Went to see Thos R. Nelles about insurance &c also Wells & Innes about the state of our loan. Found that the latter had not made any further progress. A gale of wind has been blowing to day, the South West, makeing disagreeable and even dangerous driving.

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April THURSDAY 25 1895

I have been trimming trees in the back yard to day. Towards night was greatly surprised to find from H Fairchild that Fred had sued me for the ballance due him. I never could have thought that Fred would have treated me in this way. Was never sued before and never want to be again. I suppose it is for my good to have to pass through the experience.

April FRIDAY 26 1895

Mr Awford and I worked this forenoon at geting out manure from below the drive barn to the onion patch in the garden by tenant house. This afternoon I have been helping John run water furrows in the North East corner field, besides triming a couple of apple trees. My mother returned from Simcoe this evening, She has been visiting there for a week or so.

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April SATURDAY 27 1895

I went up to Tyrell this morning to see F.Kitchen takeing Maggie with me. My visit to Fred did not amount to anything however as he was determined to have the money due him at once. Went out to town this afternoon to see about some matters relating to trees &c. Found that they had not put in an appearance as yet. Have been feeling rather blue of late.

April SUNDAY 28 1895

Went out to Dover this morning takeing my mother with me. Our old pastor and friend Rev John Saunders officiated with his usual acceptance. We took dinner with Mr & Mrs Archie Reid who have just lately moved to Dover. My unckle Daniel Olds was there with aunt Nellie. Enjoyed the service to day very much. Had much need for such a blessing.

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April MONDAY 29 1895

I started in good time this morning for Simcoe to see about our mortgage transferr. Found that it had not been accomplished yet with no better prospect than before. Went on to Delhi to see Will about the matter with little satisfacton. He consented to help me raise some money for Fred however which will bring some ease of mind for a while.

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May WEDNESDAY 1 1895

Have been as buisy as possible geting onion seed sown, and apple trees trimmed &c to day. G.W.Lemon came this evening with Delivery papers for Port Dover and Simcoe, and the word of tree's arrival. So our business has begun in earnest. Have been filling out blanks this evening for delivery to morrow by both of us. Mr Awford began ploughing the ten acre field to day.

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April TUESDAY 30 1895

I have engaged this forenoon at fixing fences mostly around the back part of the place. This afternoon have been triming apple trees as usual. Find the orchard in great need of pruning, so great indeed, that I fear it will not all get done this time. the season being already so far advanced. Maggie and I went out to town this evening after garden seeds &c.

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May THURSDAY 2 1895

Had our old friend G.W. Lemon over night with us last night. He started delivering notices for Simcoe delivery this morning. I began at the same work for the Port Dover delivery on Monday next. Found the trees in at the station this afternoon. Succeeded in geting all the notices for Port Dover Delivery out this evening. Faith lends a realising light. The clouds disperse the shadow fly.

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May FRIDAY 3 1895

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May SATURDAY 4 1895

This being the day of our delivery in Simcoe, I remained with G.W. Lemon's over night, in order to be there this morning. Have had a tollerably good delivery to day, the great majority of the orders being paid by cash. Have had a pretty hard day of it altogether - there being a large number of orders to arrange for in different ways. At home to night in good time.

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May SUNDAY 5 1895

Went out to church this morning and took Mr Awfords family partly with us for the first time. Had the young minister to preach to us, with rather more than usual acceptance. Had a good time waiting upon the Lord at the close of the preaching service in a fellow-ship meeting, this being the first Sunday in the month.

May MONDAY 6 1895

Having had a considerable number of trees left on hand yesterday I have been arround and trying to sell those left. This was rather the delivery day in Port Dover, Have usualy had George Lemon with me at least part of the time, but this time have been alone all through. Occupied the Norfolk house barn and got along very well, except for the usual few.

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May TUESDAY 7 1895

Have been out nearly all day to day delivering from place to place the orders not called for yesterday. Their number was not great but had to travel a long distance to dispose of them. Took Maggie with me for the sake of company which made it much more pleasant We drove more than a mile below Nanticoke just for one mans order and a small one at that.

May WEDNESDAY 8 1895

Went out to Dover this afternoon in order to go on A.W.Smith's fishing excursion over to the cotages. The Alderson got us there at about four o'clock this evening and we started fishing at once. I only caught one fish this evening however. Bro. Cookman and Bradford Bowlby with his boy Allie were my fellow boat men. The latter two had a good catch this evening Weather very fine.

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May THURSDAY 9 1895

Slept with Albert Gilbert in the club house at the cottages last night. Got up at about three o'clock this morning and went to fishing. Astonishing to relate the fish seemed to bite as well as in the day time. Succeeded in catching about forty fish before the Alderson came for us. Were determined by the steamer geting on a sand-bar something like three or four hours. Got in to the Port at about six o'clock however.

May FRIDAY 10 1895

Started at geting plum trees this forenoon. Found them in fairly good condition, the fibrous roots were rather dry and shriveled up however. Succeeded in geting something over twenty set out through out the day. It rather tedious hard work to set out fruit trees in our old sod, and our has to be so very particular about it. Had a short visit from our minister this evening.

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May SATURDAY 11 1895

Continued to plant out plum trees this forenoon most of the time. Rain fell part of the time preventing work. We washed sheep this afternoon with several of our near neighbors. Towards night it began to be cold. We seem likely to have a cold spell now of an uncertain length of time. Went out to Dover this evening after a couple of tree boxes, also some necessaries.

May SUNDAY 12 1895

Went out to Quarterly meeting in Port Dover, this morning, takeing my mother with me. Bro. Cookman officiated for the last time, as our pastor. This being his last year. Had a very good time, the Lord being with us and that to own and to bless. Had dinner with bro William Smith after service. Weather has become very cold, when we consider the very high temperature we have had so long.

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May MONDAY 13 1895

Jim and I got started at our job of seting out plum trees this morning again. We succeeded in geting out some tw twenty three trees this forenoon. This afternoon I went up to Woodhouse chapel to attend our Quarterly business meeting. A goodly number was present It was decided by resolution that Port Dover and Woodhouse appointments be restored again to a circuit. Bro A.W. Smith fought against it tooth and nail. Took tea with unckle Holmes.

May TUESDAY 14 1895

Rain has been falling moderately most of the time to day. Our tree seting was compelled to lay over for another day as a consequence. The rain was much needed however and will do much good. The heavy frost frost of Sunday night last has done untold damage to garden truch. Do not think that anything else will be damaged.

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May WEDNESDAY 15 1895

Jim and I have been seting out plum trees in the orchard again to day. Succeeded in geting some forty more in the ground, leaving a small ballance for to-morrow. I have found on examination that the terrible freeze of Sunday night last has destroyed about all the plums and cherries for this year. Apples and pears are injured some and grapes a good deal. The latter may sprout out again.

May THURSDAY 16 1895

We have kept on with our tree planting to day as usual. Have got pretty well along with our job so that to morrow we shall expect to get through, for this time. There has been a very decided change in the weather since the frost of Sunday night last. It is very cool and windy. My neighbour Mr James McBride has been telling me that such a change would come.

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May FRIDAY 17 1895

Jim has continued to help me to day as usual. We succeeded in geting our trees all set out this forenoon. This afternoon Jim and I have been fixing fences along the creek and at some other points where most needed. We find that our fences need but little repairing this spring which is not always the case. Weather quite comfortable and fine.

May SUNDAY 19 1895

On account of rain last night and this forenoon we did not get out to church this forenoon as we intended doing. Maggie and I went out this evening however, there being a special song service in our church. Bro Cookman officiated. Was pleased to learn this evening that our request to have the circuit divided had been accomplished at the district meeting.

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May SATURDAY 18 1895

Have been very buisy to day with Jim's help drawing manure for the plum-trees just set out, and mulching them well. We succeeded in geting them all in good shape for growing thought it took us until night. Frank Marr and his Sister Bertha came this evening and are staying over night with us. There is some appearance of rain this evening.

May MONDAY 20 1895

I have been very busily engaged at sundry jobs to day mostly at fixing fence however. The weather keeps quite cool with nightly frosts which have so far been harmless excepting the disastrous one of Sunday night now a week ago. Noticed to day that much damage had been done to the young clover in streaks besides wheat also in places.

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May TUESDAY 21 1895

Have been buisy this forenoon with Jim's help at picking up and burning brush from the orchard this afternoon. I went out to Dover and arround on a collecting tour for on Delivery account. We took tea at my friend W.J . Carpenters. Succeeded very well and will not have to got out again this year, I hope. Have been reading the Word with proffit of late, especially especialy re. the chastening of the Lord.

May WEDNESDAY 22 1895

My wife and I went up to Simcoe this forenoon for different purposes. One was to see about geting seed peas to sow the ten-acre field. Found them at Mr Edmonds in Simcoe. Made a bargain for eighteen Bu at 80 cts. Made out a paper at Wells & Innes for a small additional loan to cover contingencies arrising from the transferr of our load from the Co to private parties.

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May THURSDAY 23 1895

Have been very buisy as usual to day. Did some repairing in the house this afternoon. Besides have trimmed the young apple trees for this year. Worked this forenoon at repairing fence arround the door-yard most of the time. The seems to be warmer weather in store for us, For even to day we are having it very much milder than heretofore.

May FRIDAY 24 1895

Have been buisy to day as usual. This forenoon at sundry jobs and this afternoon at shearing sheep. Bro Cookman & his wife came at about four o'clock and put a stop to my sheep shearing. We were glad to see them however, for this will be our last pastoral visit from Bro Cookman it may be for all time. This being the close of his last year.

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May SATURDAY 25 1895

Worked most of the time to day at sheep-shearing. Had only five to do to day however. Have been harrowing the garden for a fiew potatoes this afternoon & geting the front garden ready to plant with corn as well. Awfords have been planting corn in the field by Jim Challands to day. The weather is somewhat warmer of late.

May SUNDAY 26 1895

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing my wife and Mildred with me. Bro. Awford's family also went out takeing Bertha and Jim with them in our democrat. Bro Cookman officiated for the last time before conference, and we do not expect to hear him only once more. We are very sorry to see him go away. His ministry has been so acceptable.

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May MONDAY 27 1895

Have been working in the kitchen most of the time to day geting it partly ceiled up with thin pine lumber, instead of puting on plaster. My old friend G.W. Lemon came this evening, so I had to go to work at the Delivery papers at once. Have spent the evening at Home makeing very fair headway. Weather quite cool to night.

May TUESDAY 28 1895

Got through with my delivery papers this morning. I trust in a satisfactory way to all parties concerned. Maggie and I went up to unckle Holmes Matthews to day this being his seventy eighty seventh birthday. There was a large number of people present to celebrate the birthday of my dear old unckle. We came by Pt Dover, and went also.

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May WEDNESDAY 29 1895

Mr Awford went up to Simcoe to day after some seed peas. He also took a grist to mill for himself and us. I sent a feiw bushells of wheat with him which he old for me at a dollar per bushell. This is the first dollar wheat we have sold for some years, and seems something like. I have been very buisily engaged in the kitchen geting it plastered and ceiled up to day.

May THURSDAY 30 1895

Did not get Do done plastering in the our kitchen &c until nearly noon to day. This afternoon I have been planting early potatoes. My wife and Bertha have been papering the kitchen, and have just finished this evening. There is another change in the weather to report. It has become quite warm again as well as dry.

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May FRIDAY 31 1895

I prepared the front garden patch this morning for planting to corn and got the corn in this afternoon. Our friend Mr Reemer is with us this evening The weather is wonderfuly warm for this time of the year, as well as dry. There seems but little prospect of rain somehow. Awfords are begining to drill in the ten-acre field to peas to day.

June SATURDAY 1 1895

Went up to Simcoe this forenoon takeing our wool crop with us. Sold the latter at the Woolen Mills at 20 c per pound. Exchanged eight pounds of wood for four pounds of stocking yard untwisted. Had dinner with G.W. Lemons, & spent some time over our Delivery returns. Drove on to Wyecombe and got there at about five o'clock, finding the folks at home. The weather is very warm, even sultry just now.

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June SUNDAY 2 1895

Spent the Sabbath with my wife's father and mother went to the Bethel church with them this afternoon, when we heard a local preacher John Holtby. The usual after service followed. Felt much edified in worshiping with this people. "The best of all was God's presence was with us. We came home after sundown, the weather being very hot through the day; but pleasant and cool at night with moonlight.

June MONDAY 3 1895

I have been buisily engaged to day at manuring our grape vines and some young fruit trees arround the house. Got all through this evening and ready for something else to morrow. The thermometer has registered ninety four degrees of heat in the shade to day. The ground is geting rather dry and rain is much wanted. A protracted summer drought seems to be in order.

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June TUESDAY 4 1895

I have been buisy geting up wood from the woods this afternoon with Jims help and part of the forenoon. Think that we have enough now to last us until Fall now excepting our threshing wood, which we purpose securing at once, so as to be in readiness when the time for useing it comes. There is much appearance of rain this evening and it is much needed.

June WEDNESDAY 5 1895

We were blessed by a beautiful fall of rain this forenoon which was very much needed. Busied myself during the forenoon in making repairs of different kinds. Went down to John Marrs chopping this afternoon to get some threshing wood cut up ready to draw not being able to lay over and fences this Spring has shut us off from this usual source of supply.

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June THURSDAY 6 1895

Have been geting up wood from John Marrs chopping to day for threshing wood Jim has been helping me, Also George Awford. We have succeeded in geting up six loads behind the barn. The late rain had cleared away and another cool spell has followed almost Cool enough for frost There is a considerable injury to wheat reported by the late frost in different localities.

June FRIDAY 7 1895

Worked this forenoon at cuting and helping get up wood for Mr Awfords, his boy George having helped me get up threshing wood yesterday. Have been geting the wood from John Marrs chopping. This afternoon Jim and I have been getting out manure to put arround the young apple trees in the orchard This has been almost our first chance to do this work.

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June SATURDAY 8 1895

Have coupled our job of manuring young apple trees this afternoon with Jims help, after a long time. Went out to Port Dover this evening taking my mother with me. Had a letter from my old friend W J.W. Mackay of St Thomas stating that his only son had just died from the effects of Gas. Went out Find by to days papers that the price of wheat is still on the rise.

June SUNDAY 9 1895

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Bro. Awford with me. This is the first time since he came that he has attended our church in Port Dover. Bro Cookman officiated as usual Was pleased to hear that he would continue with us until the end of the month. Heard my old friend Bro Ebersole this evening. His subject was Have you recieved the Holy Ghost.

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June MONDAY 10 1895

Worked this forenoon at fixing fence accross the creek by McBrides with Jims help. This afternoon I have been digging a hole in the ground on the west side of our kitchen for a new cistern, the old one having given out entirely. The weather continues very warm and dry with but little appearance of rain. The Good Lord continues to comfort my poor soul with is presence.

June TUESDAY 11 1895

I have been digging for a cistern to day, succeeded in geting the large Blue oil barrel in place to night. The weather still keeps warm and dry. There is some appearance of rain to night however. We were fortunate in having in having two new cows to day. Have been looking for them to come in this long time, but in vain. "The Lord is my helper." Glory to His name.

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June WEDNESDAY 12 1895

Have been very buisily engaged at the cistern and contrary to my expectations it has taken until this evening to get it completed. Think however that my job is a rather permanent one. We seem likely to have rain soon there being every indication of it to night. Began feeding the two new calves tonight and had very good success with them, to start on.

June THURSDAY 13 1895

Finished cleaning up after digging our new cistern this forenoon This afternoon have been working at repairing the horse-rake preparitory to starting haying, which Mr Awford propose to do to morrow. They are begining this early in order to try to get some cloverseed from the field. The crop is a very light one, so light indeed that we fear being able to gather it with the horse rake.

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June FRIDAY 14 1895

I have been very buisy to day geting our old horse-rake fixed up for work. Had to put in two new shalves besides some other repairs. Went down to Jarvis this evening, to take little Flora to the horse doctor Was affraid of a rupture, from being hooked by a cross bull. the farrier assured us however that this was not the case.

June SATURDAY 15 1895

Jim and I worked in the garden this forenoon at hoeing corn. This afternoon I went out to Dover, mostly to see about geting a note in the hands of Bro. Montgomery in proper shape to satisfy the latter. We had tea for the last time with our Dear Bro Cookman and family. We are so sorry to see them go. Went down to see the harbour works this evening.

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June SUNDAY 16 1895

We did not go out to church this morning as we intended doing our horses being rather disorganized for driving especially little Flora. Maggie and I went up to over to the Sunday School nearby and the remainder of the day have spent at home trying as best we could, to improve its precious moments. Bro Awford was over this evening and gave us the benefit of his company.

June MONDAY 17 1895

Jim and I have been hoeing corn in the garden by the road to day. Got our potato crop hoed also, by night. There seems to be no present indication of rain; but everything except hay seems to be growing notwithstanding. Awfords have finished cuting the clover-field back of their house for the first crop hoping to get a second crop for seed erelong.

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June TUESDAY 18 1895

Jim and I continued to dress out the garden and onion patch this forenoon. Got it done. So the former went to school again this afternoon, and I got started got another job Am making a new waggon tongue for one of our old waggons We have had only one waggon all the spring on account of two waggon tongues being entirely disabled, but now hope to have an other soon.

June WEDNESDAY 19 1895

Have been exceedingly buisy to day, makeing and Ironing off a new waggon tongue. Got it done all right and a new stoneboat nearly completed as well. Am thankful off that while I was not able to get this jobs done in their propper time, four different reasons, an opportunity has come for geting them done before the very buisy season of haying and harvest.

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June THURSDAY 20 1895

Worked this forenoon at sundry jobs such as finishing the stoneboat &c. This afternoon I have been working on the sideroad with one team and Jim for driver. This being his first work on the road. As Mr Awford & his done one half of our road work this year we have only six to do ourselves. Rain began falling at about five o'clock & drove us away home.

June FRIDAY 21 1895

On account of rain this forenoon, or rather the appearance of rain, for it did not come after all, we did not go on the road as we intended. But this afternoon Jim and I got at it again, in good earnest. Mr Awfords have about done their share of the road work this year. Our rain was a very meager one after all but will be a great benefit to growing crops.

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June SATURDAY 22 1895

It has taken Jim and I with one teem all the time to day to get in statute labour for this year. Am always relieved in my mind when this or even any other duty is performed Have been blessed in an unusual degree with the presence of my Father. The usual experience of the past has been mine today. His presence make my paradice & where He is is heaven.

June SUNDAY 23 1895

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing my mother and Jim with me. Our dear Bro Cookman officiated for the last time in the morning service. The subject of discourse was The older brother of the prodigal son, of the parable given us by our blessed Saviour Some excellent lessons were given us in the discourse.

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June MONDAY 24 1895

I have been fixing fence along the East side of the New ground pasture field to day Mr Awford and John have been helping me. This forenoon however we worked awhile at spliting rails in the back woods to use in repairing fences arround the pasture field We were blessed with a beautiful shower of rain this morning. Just what was needed.

June TUESDAY 25 1895

I have continued to work at fence - building and repairing until the middle of this afternoon, arround the new ground field - Mr Awford & John helping. Went to the blacksmith shop this afternoon to get repairs on the buggy &c. There still seems to be every appearance of rain but still it does not come. Am still in the enjoyment of a precious sense of acceptance with the Divine and Infinite.

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June WEDNESDAY 26 1895

Got started this afternoon at cuting the field back of the barn where we expected to have had Alsike, but owing to the peculiar seasons, last year and this, I do not think it worth cuting for seed, and scarcely worth cuting for hay, but as hay is going to be very scarce owing to the frost & dry weather it seems necessary to save all we can, even the poorest.

June THURSDAY 27 1895

I have been cuting hay in the field back of the barn to day, owing to the peculiar state of the crop from the frost and dry weather after, it is very hard to cut & the crop very light as well. Can scarcely cut an acre without grinding the mowing machine knives There has been showers to the north of us to day but none here.

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June FRIDAY 28 1895

I have continued to work away in the field back of the barn to day. Owing to the great difficulty of cuting have not made any great headway however. The field is only a little more than half done to night. We have had every appearance of rain to day but no rain has come. The greatest summer drought that we have ever seen, has come.

June SATURDAY 29 1895

I kept on cuting in the field back of the barn this forenoon, but this afternoon I had Jim at work with the horse-rake while I have been cocking up the hay. We will have some hay after all, but not much alsike. The latter is both short and scatering, though evidently well filled. Did not got through until late this evening.

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June SUNDAY 30 1895

I went out to church this morning takeing my wife with me. The young man tried to preach to us on "Jesus wept" but I could scarely see that any points were made. I fear very much that this young man has been called to preach and yet he has put in his term of probation and is now going to college. My wife and mother went out to hear Bro Cookman this evening.

July MONDAY 1 1895

I cut the remaining portion of the field back of the barn this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover, takeing my wife and two children with me. There was a very large crowd of people gathered together there, it being Dominion Day. Was somewhat set back by a demand from F Kitchen through the clerk that the small ball. owing him be paid right away.

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July TUESDAY 2 1895

We finished rakeing and cocking up the remaining portion of the field back of the barn this forenoon Jim & I went out to Port Dover to accompany a small fishing party out in the lake in honour of our minister & his family on the eve of their departure. It was got up by my friend W.J.Carpenter. We had a very pleasant time, althoug some of us got quite sea sick, from rough seaing.

July WEDNESDAY 3 1895

Got to work this morning at drawing in hay from the field back of our barn. Jim has been doing his first loading for me and is doing very well. Our hay is so very short and fine that we do not make much headway having only six small loads for our days work. The weather keeps very dry and warm in the daytime but rather cool at night. My mother had a quilting to day.

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July THURSDAY 4 1895

I have been very buisy geting in hay from the field back of the barn to day. Jim has been my only help & he does first rate for a boy of his age. We got in five loads to day and six yesterday. They were very small ones however. The hay being so short as to render it impossible to get heavy loads on the waggon. It still keeps very warm and dry, very good haying weather.

July FRIDAY 5 1895

Jim and I got in our last load from the field back of the barn except rakeings, to day. Rather this forenoon. This afternoon he has been rakeing over the field while I went out to Port Dover, takeing my mother with me. I succeeded in geting some eighteen dollars from Mr Lawson to pay a ball owing F. Kitchen. It did not quite complete the the job however.

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July SATURDAY 6 1895

We finished geting our rakeings from the field back of the barn safely housed this forenoon. We took more pains than common on account of the great scarcety of hay. Went out to town this afternoon takeing my mother with me. Went to Mr P. Lawsons for a small loan to cover Fred Kitchens ball Did not get quite enough however, I afterwards found and was sorry. Some four dollars are still behind.

July SUNDAY 7 1895

Owing to the very heated state of the air & not feeling very well I did not go out to hear our new minister to day Bro Awford went and was much pleased with him. We went over to the church at home this evening however and heard a young Bro Templeton preach very acceptably. This evening The Bro. prayed for rain in his closing prayer and very appropriately it seemed to me. United prayer must bring the blessing down.

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July MONDAY 8 1895

Worked this forenoon at sundry jobs, delayed going to cuting hay in the orchard on account of the occasional sprinkle of rain until this afternoon; but, the rain failed to come after all. Cleaned up the last of our wheat and sent it to the mill this afternoon. Was able to let Mr Awfords have six bushells for their bread besides about eight bushells for our own.

July TUESDAY 9 1895

Have been moving hay in the orchard to day, the crop is an exceedingly light one however, and cut very hard. We have it all cut but about an acre to night. Wheat harvest is upon us, & would almost do to cut to morrow. Rain has failed to come again it has cleared off and become quite cool. The drought has made havoc in general of the hay crop & pasture.

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July WEDNESDAY 10 1895

I just about finished cuting hay in the orchard this forenoon, & Jim has been rakeing up this afternoon with the horse-rake. I have also been cultivating potatoes and corn this afternoon. Was just informed of the sudden death of old Hugh Pascoe who has lived near us for some years He was a drinking man & I fear was poorly prepared for the change.

July THURSDAY 11 1895

Jim and I have been working away at our haying as usual to day. I have been mowing arround the fences with the scythe this afternoon, while Jim has been rakeing and cocking up for me as fast as I could cut. We were blessed with a beautiful shower of rain this afternoon, which has freshened up everything greatly.

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July FRIDAY 12 1895

Have been working away with all our might to day, cuting the swale in front of orchard. Got it all cut and had a fine crop there too. Jim has been rakeing and puting up for me as fast as I could cut with the scythe. Had a short call from our old neighbour boy Willie Ebersole this afternoon. It is twenty years since he left us and he has now become a minister of the gospel.

July SATURDAY 13 1895

We were blessed with a rain this morning and last night which rather hindered our haying, so I went up to Renton after twine before-noon. Got one hundred lbs of Brantford twine at $7.50 per 100 lbs. payable first Oct. We got the hay in this afternoon from the orchard Had about two loads of very good hay. George Awford has been helping us get it drawn & in barn.

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July SUNDAY 14 1895

Took my wife and mother with me out to Dover this morning to church as usual. We heard our new minister Rev Mr Bennet for the first time as our pastor. He seems to be an able speaker in different ways, not in appearance however, for his is rather insignificant as to the latter particular. Heard our old neighbour boy Willie Ebersole this evening. He is quite a preacher also.

July MONDAY 15 1895

I have been working all the forenoon at geting the binder ready for harvest Succeeded in geting to work with it this afternoon on the hill in the field by McBrides Made very good headway for the first. George Awford has been helping me in harvest to day. He has used the cradle and raked and bound mostly on the steep hilsides.

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July TUESDAY 16 1895

On account of rain we did not do anything at our harvest this forenoon; but this afternoon we have been seting up sheaves Jim and I, while George has been cuting with the cradle when we could not work the binder and binding it by hand: The rain has thoroughly wet the ground and that for the first time since more than a year ago some of our neighbours say.

July THURSDAY 18 1895

Have been buisly engaged to day in cuting the field of wheat next to McBrides to day. George Awford has been seting up sheaves for me, all day. We have left about a half days cuting for to morrow in this field. Where the wheat is ripe it begins to shell some, but there are a great many green spots in both fields. The precious Saviour has been my strength and stay. His promise to come int unto us and to sup with us has been in some measure verified of late.

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July FRIDAY 19 1895

We began working the binder this morning in the field next to McBrides. The ground was rather wet but soon dried off. Succeeded in geting the field about half done to night. Had a serious time in geting the binder adjusted for the very short wheat. It is not all that way, however; but a considerable proportion of it is.

July FRIDAY 19 1895

Finished cuting the field by McBrides with the old binder this afternoon. Got moved over to the other field in time to cut an acre or two besides. George and John cut arround the front field by the church this forenoon and bound it up for me. Mr Awford has bee shocking up all day and all that is cut has been shocked up. We have still some seven or eight acres to cut yet and it is raining tonight.

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July SATURDAY 20 1895

On account of a heavy rain that came last night we were not able to continue our harvest work to day. I have been doing the necessary work however and this afternoon have been cuting some with the cradle, geting ready for the binder in the front field by the store. Had a visit from Mrs and Mr Clarke to day.

July SUNDAY 21 1895

Went out to our usual morning service in Port Dover this morning takeing all except my mother with me. The sermon was short and to the point. The lesson taught was a good one and seemed to fit my Case. Text "And when the evening was come men came a rich man of Arimathea". The minister pointed out that God always provided for any emergency, at the right time in the lives of His people that put their trust in Him.

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July MONDAY 22 1895

The ground being rather wet for harvest work we did not get started until this afternoon. George Awford has been helping me for the afternoon. Got along nicely & we are expecting to be ready to draw in our wheat after to morrow. Our front field is quite a good deal better than the field by McBrides for this time. Some prospect of fare weather now.

July TUESDAY 23 1895

I have been busy with the binder again to day geting the remaining field all cut and up in shock by this evening. George Awford has helped me as usual. We have been geting ready for drawing in our wheat with two teems this to morrow, since our days work was done, repairing the old rack &c. Am satisfied with the goodness of His House, and merciful care, from day to day.

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July WEDNESDAY 24 1895

We have been drawing in wheat from the field by McBrides to day. Succeeded in geting in our twenty loads by night. Have had Mr Awford and his two boys helping us to do we have used two waggons, Jim has helped me in the barn. Rain has come again to night and our wheat drawing will be likely to cease for a day or so. An intense desire prevades my soul to spend all my days only for Him.

July THURSDAY 25 1895

On account of the rain that fell last night we were not able to get to work at our wheat hauling until this afternoon. Had Jim rakeing this forenoon however while I went arround seting up sheaves. Our usual help came to our assistance this afternoon, and we succeeded in geting ten more loads safely housed with their help.

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July FRIDAY 26 1895

We got to work again this morning at drawing in wheat. Succeeded in geting all through except a part of the rakeings. We had forty loads altogether except the rakeings. Mr Awford and his boys helped as usual until about three o'clock this afternoon when we finished. Feel very thankful for these harvest mercies and blessings. Surely God is good to his people.

July SATURDAY 27 1895

On account of the fine shower that fell last night we left off working at our harvest to day. Got ready this forenoon, and this afternoon Maggie and the children went with me up to Wyecombe, on a visit to my wife's Father's. Arrived there safely at about dark, finding the old folks well and glad to see us. Found them in a rather discouraged state from poor crops.

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July SUNDAY 28 1895

We have enjoyed the Sabbath with our dear relations very much. Got all ready for church but, my brother Will came & we thought best not to go. Drove over to Delhi in time for the evening service however and went to the Presbyterian church with Will's. Felt somewhat edified with the discourse of the brother that preached, even if he did read his sermon.

July MONDAY 29 1895

Wife and I stayed with John's last night and this morning I went out back of Delhi with Will. Noticed the effects of the late drought everywhere. The rains have evidently come in time to save the potato crop as well as corn & hungarian grass &c. We came home this afternoon calling a short time in Simcoe. Found my old friend G.W. Lemon in a very depressed state of health.

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July TUESDAY 30 1895

I have been cuting grass arround the field by McBrides to day. Have had Sam Sterling helping me. We succeeded in geting done cuting and part of it put up ready to draw. Our old friend Mrs D.W. Horton came to visit us this afternoon & took tea with us. She reports Mr Horton being quite poorly. Another fine rain came last night and everything is growing finely.

July WEDNESDAY 31 1895

Have been geting in our wheat rakeing to day. Had Sam Starling to help us until it was done, which was at noon. I have been cuting out fence corners this afternoon and cocking up what was cut yesterday in the big field by McBrides. The weather is quite cool, just now, some indications of a frost; but it may not come.

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August THURSDAY 1 1895

I have been working as hard as ever, trying to get the fence corners cut out and some patches in the front garden where there is some grass and weeds that will make good hay. My only help to work has been Jim. He has been cocking up wheat I cut yesterday. The Good Lord has been with me to day. I do so desire to walk with Him continualy.

August FRIDAY 2 1895

I have been cuting out fence corners to day as usual of late. Have also been cuting the grass in the yard arround the house intending to make hay out of it for feeding horses. The crop is everywhere a poor one; but then we get some hay besides the cuting of stray weeds which are thus prevented from going to seed. It also makes the place look much more tidy.

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August SATURDAY 3 1895

Owing to a rain last night wed could not get to work at drawing our hay until this afternoon so I kept on cuting until noon. We have succeeded this afternoon, Jim and I, in geting all the hay drawn from the different fences & garden patches that I have been nearly a week cuting with the scythe. But of course the crop was a very light one, and not unlike the hay cut in June for size &c.

August SUNDAY 4 1895

Went out to the Quarterly meeting in Port Dover takeing my wife and mother with Mildred along. Had a rather enjoyable season together waiting upon the Lord. The ministers text "Hitherto Thous has helped me", seemed very appropriate. It suited our case any way. Had dinner at Mrs Clarkes on the way home. We met Mr D.W. Horton & wife there. The former is quite unwell.

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August MONDAY 5 1895

Spent the forenoon in geting ready to plough which I did this afternoon in the field back of the barn. The ground is rather hard to plough in places but is moist after all. Mr Awford has just finished ploughing his new ground field to day. He intends sowing that field to wheat as well as the ten-acre field. This will make some twenty six acres in all.

August TUESDAY 6 1895

Got started in good time with the plough this morning; but on account of a shower had to quit about ten. Did not work more than half the time this afternoon from the same cause. We were surprised to day just a little before noon to see my neice Leilia, now Mrs R. Shearer, turn up. Her husbands two sisters brought her down. We were very glad to see her, after her long absence. She now lives in Milwaukee Wis.

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August WEDNESDAY 7 1895

Have been very buisy with the plough in the field back of the barn to day. On account of laying off for to morrow thought best to do all I could to day. Leilia has been with us and they have all been buisy geting things in readiness for a pick-nic to morrow out to Port Dover. We expect to see Robert and his people there. This will be our only chance at present.

August THURSDAY 8 1895

According to Leilia's wish we all went out to Port Dover this forenoon in order to spend the day there pick-nicing. Leilias husband Dr. Robert Shearer with his brothers sisters and parents were there besides quite a number of our other friends and relatives. So we had a very pleasant day altogether. Was very favourably impressed with the Doctors family and am inclined to think we will have to visit them.

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August FRIDAY 9 1895

Got to work again at my ploughing in the field back of the barn this morning. Have had a very warm day, so that it was impossible to make much headway. It has looked like rain nearly all day; but only a few sprinkles have come so far. The Lord has been a comfort to my poor soul again to day. Am so thankful to have found such a friend.

August SATURDAY 10 1895

I worked at ploughing in the field back of the barn this forenoon as usual. This afternoon I went up to the oat meal mill and had Jim to rool what had already been ploughed in my absence. There seems likely to be very good crops of corn, potatoes and peas after all the long summer's drought. These crops are growing very rapidly just now.

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August SUNDAY 11 1895

Went out to church this morning as usual, takeing Bertha and Jim with me. We were caught in a shower when going out and, in a very heavy thunder storm when comeing home. Were fortunate in not geting wet however. The young minister from Walsh officiated in our church; our own minister haveing gone to Walsh to hold Quarterly meeting, the young man not being ordained.

August MONDAY 12 1895

Got started at the plough again this morning in good time. There was a very havy shower this forenoon which made the ploughing go much better afterwards. The rains are having their effect upon all our late crops and it seems likely that they will average pretty well after all. Have rejoiced in God my Saviour while at my work to day. He owns me as His child.

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August TUESDAY 13 1895

My ploughing still keeps me buisy, and seems likely to for some little time to come. The late rains have had a very good effect on the soil for ploughing, and on account of this the labour is not nearly so great as it would have been, if the dry weather had continued until the present. It is very warm also, as well as wet.

August WEDNESDAY 14 1895

Ploughed most of the forenoon in the field back of the barn as usual. At about eleven o'clock AM my old friend W. J Carpenter, with his wife and mother came to visit us. I set Jim to work with the teem afterwards rooling and harrowing with the disc. So have had a nice visit as well as rest from with these dear friends. Had a call from Mrs Arila Leaves this evening.

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August THURSDAY 15 1895

Have been trying my best to make up for last time yesterday. Did not finish my ploughing as I expected however; but got about all done but the headlands. The weather is very warm just now, especially for working a teem; and flies very bad. Mrs Leaves an old favourite of mine came to visit us last evening. She now lives in Toronto.

August FRIDAY 16 1895

I finished my job of ploughing the field back of the barn this forenoon or rather this morning, for Jim got the ball. of it rolled by noon. He has been driving the disc harrow for me this afternoon in the same field, and is geting along nicely. I have been doing some repairs on a harrow this afternoon geting it ready for use on our wheat field.

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August SATURDAY 17 1895

I went down to Wilson Porters this morning to help thresh. Have been helping them all day. There was a terriffic thunder storm this afternoon however that hindered us some. Frank Chrysler's hog barn was struck by lightning, set on fire and burned up with three hoggs. It happened that no other buildings were buildings were burned; though very nearly . The large Carr ferry steamer Shenango No 1 Came over this afternoon for the first time.

August SUNDAY 18 1895

Went out to Port Dover this morning as usual takeing my wife and daughter with me. George was here and wanted to go home so we took him along also. Had a very plain discourse from our minister as usual this morning. This time about "It is good, for us to be here", He did not forget to show that the horse race & pleasure dance were bad places to be on account of bad company.

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August MONDAY 19 1895

I helped Wilson Porter thresh again this forenoon, makeing a day and a half altogether. His wheat turned out much better than he expected, having gone some twenty one bushells per acre. Should be very thankful if ours should go this much. The weather has become much cooler and was very windy to day. I have been harrowing this afternoon most of the time in the field back of the barn.

August TUESDAY 20 1895

I have been ploughing or rather harrowing the field back of the barn to day. The ground works remarkably well, owing no doubt to the long & very unusual summer drought It takes a good deal of harrowing to get it down however. Had a visit from Mrs Thomas Stringer or now Mrs Blakie this evening. She is rather anxious about us it seems.

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August WEDNESDAY 21 1895

I finished up harrowing the field back of the barn this forenoon This afternoon I started ploughing, a part of the bull pasture where we intend seting out fruit trees &c. Found the ground in good shape for ploughing, although a sod of more than forty years standing. Do not remember the time when this little field was ploughed. Weather very nice and cool.

August THURSDAY 22 1895

Ploughed this forenoon in the bull pasture field as usual. Owing to the shape of the field I find it rather tedious. This afternoon I took my wife and children out to town, to see the new transport, Shenango No 1. for the first time. This is her second trip over however. Was deeply impressed with the ponderous size and fine steem engines and other equipment of the new boat. An excursion came over to day.

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August FRIDAY 23 1895

It has actualy taken me all day to finish ploughing the northern portion of the bull pasture. It has never been ploughed before, my mother says. My father had it sown to wheat once and since then it has been into grass, it must be more than forty years now since the first crop. The weather has been quite warm to day, and the sweat has come to our brow. Have been passing through a severe ordeal to day on line of a family Jan.

August SATURDAY 24 1895

Got started to work with the roller where I have been ploughing lately; but soon a shower of rain came & we did not do anything more for the day. I have had plenty of other work however. Have been cuting back our young peach trees according to directions of experienced growers. Maggie and I went out to town this afternoon, Called to see the threshers onthe way home.

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August SUNDAY 25 1895

Owing to one of Jobs Comforters having visited me in a rather painful part of the body I did not think best to go to church this morning but sent most of the other members of the family Maggie and I went over to hear Rev Bro Ebersole however, who comences his years pastorate in our neighbourhood to day. Believe him to be a good meaning brother and hope to see much good result from his work.

August MONDAY 26 1895

I have continued to work with the teem to day as usual. Finished rolling and harrowing the ground accross the lane from the house this forenoon This afternoon have been harrowing the field back of the barn with the disc Found the grass comeing up in great shape Have been realising in some measure the goodness of God to me. Would like to be more thankful.

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August TUESDAY 27 1895

I have as usual been working with the teem to day. The field back of the barn is engaging my attention just now. The grass is very hard to keep down owing mostly to the late frequent rains. Maggie and the children with Bertha went up to unckle Robert Culvers to day. They report the family all well and having had a nice visit.

August WEDNESDAY 28 1895

Have continued to work at discing the field back of the barn to day. Did not succeed in geting over the field although I fully expect to. It has been very warm, even sultry, and the flies very bad on the horses. There is another beautiful shower come to us to night and vegetation is progressing rapidly.

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August THURSDAY 29 1895

On account of rain last night it was impossible to finish my job of discing the field back of the barn. So Jim and I have been piling manure in the barn-yard. This afternoon we got out a few loads to the hill back of the drive-barn where we purpose makeing a garden for different products - mostly southern Sweet Corn. Maggie went out after Maude Crysler this afternoon who is now visiting us.

August FRIDAY 30 1895

I have continued to work at geting out manure to the hill back of the drive-barn to day as usual. We are anxious to get the barn yard cleaned up for the new straw stack, before the threshers come. The weather has become quite warm since the rain, and vegetation continues to make rapid growth.

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August SATURDAY 31 1895

I went up to Simcoe this forenoon. Took a {illegible} of butter to the market in hopes of selling for money. Stayed there for an hour or more after which I took it to the store after all; but got the money all the same. Had some business at the Bank which being transacted, I arrived at home a little after noon. Have been geting out manure from the barn-yard again this afternoon. Went up to Cryslers to night.

September SUNDAY 1 1895

Took my mother and the two children Jim & Dottie with me to church this morning. Had an old pastors colleagues Bro Prudham to preach to us which he did very acceptably. Had an excellent fellow-ship-meeting after the preaching service with a very large attendance. The other members of the family went out to church this evening.

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September MONDAY 2 1895

We have been geting our barnyard cleaned up this forenoon Jim has been helping me. This afternoon I have been working with the disc harrow on the field back of the barn. Have had a very serious time trying to kill the grass. The frequent rains have been the principal cause however The big Shenango No 1 took out a large excursion to Conayot to day.

September TUESDAY 3 1895

Have been very buisy with the teem to day trying to get over the field back of the barn with the disc Harrow. Got nearly done this evening with this job. It seems likely that we will be able to subdue the grass pretty well after all if we keep on Maud Chrysler has been visiting us lately.

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September WEDNESDAY 4 1895

I have been harrowing in the field back of the barn this forenoon and this afternoon I have had Jim driving the teem. Maggie went to the train at Jarvis this morning after her cousin Ida & her husband W. Booth. I took the latter down to the port this afternoon to see the big Steamer Got quite a ducking while there.

September THURSDAY 5 1895

Did not work this forenoon on account of the wet weather. It has continued to be wet and lowery all day. Our friend Mr Wallace and Mrs Ida Booth who came yesterday Ha have been with us to day & I have visited with them most of the time. They went away this evening however for Jarvis Toronto, Maggie took them down to Jarvis. The threshers came to night.

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September FRIDAY 6 1895

We have been threshing our wheat to day John & Jame Feargue have been our threshers. Their machine went of well and did good work. Had the following hands to help, vis - Addam Frollick, W. Porter's man, Thos. Jackson's man, Mr Awford & his two boys Mr Starlings Son Sam and our two selves. Our wheat turned out much better than I expected. Had 560 Bu of wheat from the machine, very good wheat.

September SATURDAY 7 1895

Jim and I worked in the barn this forenoon, mostly at cleaning up a small load of wheat for a grist, and some of the load to sell. Just as I was ready to start Thomas Jackson came for some wheat for seed. I let him have a little over twenty five bushells. Took my load to Mr Shaws Mill & sold it there for fifty six cents per bushell.

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September SUNDAY 8 1895

Owing to a sore eye which came mostly from the dust in threshing I did not get out to church this morning as we wished. The day has been one of blessing however and, to God my exceeding joy, my soul has not ceased to offer praise for His great goodness to me. Went over to hear our young brother Ebersole this evening

September MONDAY 9 1895

I went up to Lynn Valley this afternoon mostly to take a small load of wheat. Could not sell it there however so I took it to Simcoe and sold it for the same as recieved in Port Dover on Saturday last, vis - fifty six cents. Got caught in the rain on the way up but managed to get shelter. Had the Satisfaction of settling at least two small debts to day.

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September TUESDAY 10 1895

Went out to town this forenoon Wife & I prepared a couple of bushells of onions & I took them out to sell which I succeeded in doing to Mr Thompson for 90c in Coal Oil. Had the privilege of paying a couple more of my small but too numerous debts. Got a clear receipt from the Clerk for F. Kitchen who sued me last spring. This I consider a great deliverance from my Heavenly Father. This was my first suit & I hope will be the last D.V.

September WEDNESDAY 11 1895

Jim and I have been helping Mr Awford thresh his oats and peas this afternoon; or rather to day. We threshed five hundred of oats this after forenoon and seventy eight bushells of peas this afternoon Promised George Ryerse four or five loads of straw from the old stack by the ten-acre field at one dollar per load. He takes it this Fall and leaves the manure on the ground. Am writing to Mr Mackay for an agency to night.

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September THURSDAY 12 1895

Got to work at my old job of with the teem to day. Have been discing the field back of the barn to day. John Belbec was here to day and got thirty five Bushells of wheat. He agreed to pay for it by the first of April the same as I sold the ball. of wheat for. If my unckle George Matthews does not pay for the sawing by that time he is to keep his pay from the proceeds of wheat.

September FRIDAY 13 1895

I have continued to be very buisy with the teem as usual geting the field back of the barn ready to sow. The field is so grassy in places that I will have to go over it twice with the disc and once with the harrow, and probably with the roller before sowing Learned to night the Mr Clarke who married Mr David Jackson's widdow some years ago died this morning.

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September SATURDAY 14 1895

Nearly finished discing the field back of the barn for the last time this forenoon. Jimy got through with it and began harrowing this afternoon, while I went out to town. While there I called on the minister and did an errend for Mrs Clarke. Went over to the latters place this evening after Maggie who has been helping them to day. Mr Clarkes daughter Mrs Diffen came home with us to night.

September SUNDAY 15 1895

My mother and I went over to Thomas Jacksons this morning for the funeral of the late Mr Clarke Our minister was there and conducted the service both in the house and at the church in Port Dover. The burial took place at the new cemetery above the village there was quite a large congregation in the church. David Horton was at Jacksons sick with a diarhea.

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September MONDAY 16 1895

I have been buisy again to day, with the teem trying to get the field back of the barn ready to drill. It has taken about all day to get it harrowed once for the last time. Think now that it will have to be rolled before drilling, to prevent puting in tood deep. Had James C. Holcomb to dinner with us to day. He was on his way to his home in Buffalo.

September TUESDAY 17 1895

I have been very buisy to day geting the field back of the barn rolled ready to sow with wheat to morrow. Fear however that I will be disappointed as the weather seems like rain. Mr Horton who came on Saturday last from Simcoe to Mrs Clarkes sick is in a very critical state of health he will never get up from his bed again alive. Went down this evening to see him.

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September WEDNESDAY 18 1895

Have been working at cuting corn most of the time to day. This forenoon it was too wet to do anything most of the time. Heard this afternoon that my old and highly respected friend D.W. Horton of North Pelham had died at his sisters residence, Mrs Clarkes at night A.M to day. Mrs Horton and Laverne came last night and were in time to see last of the dear life that had fled.

September THURSDAY 19 1895

I have been away nearly all day, attending the preliminary funeral of our dear friend the late D.W. Horton. We met at the house, Thos. Jacksons where our Bro. died, at eleven o'clock A.M. After a short service by our minister, we conveyed the corpse to Jarvis, on the way to North Pelham where he lately resided. I felt it a privilege to act as one of the bearers, which I did. Mr Horton was in his sixty eighth year.

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September FRIDAY 20 1895

I have been working with the spring tooth cultivator on the field back of the barn where we want to sow wheat. This is the third time that this field has been prepared for seed and were prevented from sowing by rain. Hope to get it in this time however. The weather is very warm as well as moist, so everything is growing nicely for the time of year.

September SATURDAY 21 1895

Jim and I have been working with all our might to day, trying to get the field back of the barn drilled in to wheat. We succeeded in geting all done but about an acre. It did not cover as well as I would like. The grassy nature of the soil being much against doing a good job. Do not suppose we we will get any great crop on account of this grass.

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September SUNDAY 22 1895

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing my wife and Jim with me. Did not enjoy the service as much as other times. But feel that God has forgotten to be gracious to me. Went over to the neighbouring church in the evening. There seems to be some indications of good being done by the young minister lately arrived, W.Ebersole is his name.

September MONDAY 23 1895

Finished drilling the field back of the barn this forenoon. Got it furrowed out and the ditches partly cleaned. Jim helped me this forenoon; but this afternoon he went to school again. The weather has changed again to day. From summer heat it has become delightfuly cool and pleasant. We had a visit from our old friend & neighbour Peter Ryerse to day.

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September TUESDAY 24 1895

Have been cleaning ditches in the field back of the barn most of the time to day. Had Mrs and Mr Thos. Pickergill of Wyecombe here to dinner, so had to spend two or three house with them. They were on their way to Selkirk for a visit. The way seems strewn with difficulties just now owing to the low price of wheat, Scarcely know what to do.

September WEDNESDAY 25 1895

Went up to Simcoe to day takeing Maggie with me. Went to my unckle Daniels for dinner. Took a couple of bushells of onions with us but could not find sale for them in any of the groceries. Got our business all done that we went for. Weather still very warm & rather damp. Awfords finished sowing wheat to day.

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September THURSDAY 26 1895

Worked this forenoon at cleaning up a load of wheat. Took it to Jarvis this afternoon & sold at fifty eight cents. I found a new buyer there whose name was Smith. He is the miller I rather like him. Mr L.B. Fol(illegible) was here to day and I finaly concluded to allow him seventeen dollars for the Jackson ball. on his note. There was a heavy wind & rain storm last night.

September FRIDAY 27 1895

Jim and I worked this morning at geting our second load of wheat ready for market. We got about done by school time. Sold in Jarvis the same as yesterday. I went out to Dover this evening to attend the Forresters lodge. There was a matter of considerable importance discussed vis the prompt payment of dues. It was decided to suspend all delinquents more than one month in arears.

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September SATURDAY 28 1895

As Mr Awford wanted to take a load of peas to Jarvis this forenoon I did not try to go myself with wheat. Have been most of the time cuting corn, but did not get done. Went out to Port Dover this evening after my dear old friend L.G.Morgan, whose periodical visits are much appreciated by all of us. The weather is becomeing somewhat more seasonable than of late.

September SUNDAY 29 1895

Owing to rain that has been falling this forenoon and part of the afternoon we did not get out to church as is our custom, to day. Have had the company of my old schoolmate and friend Mr L.G.Morgan of the Port Dover "Maple Leaf" to day which is always interesting notwithstanding his deafness There is not much lack of spiritural mindedness in my friend either.

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September MONDAY 30 1895

Took my friend L.G. Morgan, home this morning. The rain of yesterday has left the roads somewhat muddy. Have been cuting corn the remainder of the day. Succeeded in geting all done by night. The weather has become quite cold and almost wintry. Had our first snow and sleet storm to day. It did not last long however. So far there has been not frost to speak of.

October TUESDAY 1 1895

Got a load of wheat ready for Jarvis this forenoon but had to put off takeing until too morrow as Mr Awford was away with the waggon. Have been buisy at other work during the remaining part of the day. We are having a return of pleasant weather much sooner than we expected. It is very fine just now.

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October WEDNESDAY 2 1895

I went down to Jarvis this forenoon with my third load of wheat Found that the price had improved a couple of cents per Bu. since I was down last. Went this afternoon up to Simcoe this afternoon to see after my sale notes, and to pay some other accounts &c. Found that there were several who had not paid their notes; but hope they will be all right.

October THURSDAY 3 1895

Have been busying myself arround home to day. Worked this forenoon at the onions, geting another batch of them ready for market. This afternoon I have been helping John Awford fix fence on the south end of the New ground field. Went over to prayer-meeting at the neighboring church. We had a grand time together. But a small number present.

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October FRIDAY 4 1895

Started off this morning to see Mr L.B. Folmsbee and Mr Wm Hammond. These two men having notes that are still unpaid. Did not succeed in finding them however. Succeeded in disposing of a couple more bushells of onions besides doing some other business. The weather is very fine just now; but cool. The approach of winter is foreshadowed.

October SATURDAY 5 1895

Have been working at the onions mostly this forenoon, geting some more of them ready for the market. Went out to Dover this afternoon takeing my mother with me and what onions we could carry. The general onion crop is so abundant this Fall fall that the market is very low and hard to find for Onions. Price per bu 50c & trade at that.

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October SUNDAY 6 1895

Went out to church this morning takeing Jim with me. Had an excellent discourse from our own minister who officiated. As my mother had been staying over night at Mrs Sandy Lawsons we took dinner there on the road home. Went over to the neighbouring church this evening takeing my wife with me.

October MONDAY 7 1895

I went up to Simcoe to day, takeing my wife with me. She concluded to stay with Florence and the latter is to take her up to Delhi to morrow. She proposes staying away until Thursday next. Succeeded in geting a stage further with my settlements to day. Payment of notes is complete except about four still behind Weather is till warm & no frost.

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October TUESDAY 8 1895

Have been buisy to day as usual at sundry jobs Got started this afternoon at picking apples for the first. Went out to Dover this evening to look after some small matters. We seem likely to have cooler weather now from this on. Had our first call from our new minister this evening. Am still marketing onions at 50 c per bu when I have a chance.

October WEDNESDAY 9 1895

Jim and I cleaned up a load of wheat this forenoon or rather this morning, and this afternoon I took it down to Jarvis. Sold this load to Ivey and Allen and recieved a cent more than the former. They have just lately started buying. The roads are very fine just now and there could not be a better time for drawing away grain. The only hindrance is the rather low price for which we have to sell.

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October THURSDAY 10 1895

I went down to Thomas Jacksons to help him thresh this morning. Stayed until about the middle of the afternoon when the machine broke down and we had to quit. I went up to Simcoe this evening after my wife. Found here there waiting to come home with me. Have been rather unwell of late owing to symtoms of a billious attack. Noticed by the papers this evening that wheat is still rising slowly in price.

October FRIDAY 11 1895

Have been unwell through last night from a sort of billious attack, so could not go down to Thomas Jackson's to help him finish threshing to day as I had intended. Sent Jim instead. Have been picking apples part of the time to day. The Vet. Surgeon Dr Coleman of Jarvis came to dehorn & ring our durham bull to day. He did a very good job for us for which I paid him a dollar.

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October SATURDAY 12 1895

Owing to rain that has been falling most of the time to day and last night our work to day has been mostly inside. Got started again this evening at picking apples however. Recieved a lot of papers from Mr Mackay with refference to my trees bought last spring, and the agency that I have proposed to take for him through the Winter at selling nursery stock. Wanted to pay as far as possible for my plum trees in this way.

October SUNDAY 13 1895

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing my wife and Bertha with me. Our own minister was with us to day; and we felt well repaid for going out through the mud. We had our monthly fellowship meeting to day and quite a large number remained. I went over to Mr Ebersoles meeting this evening. Always feel blessed in attending his services.

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October MONDAY 14 1895

I have been picking apples this forenoon; but this afternoon I went up to Simcoe to see about some notes that are still unpaid at the bank. It happens that there only three however, These notes aggregate over fifty dollars though. The Lord has been very gracious to us this Fall in delivering us in some measure, from some troublesome debts. The low price of wheat seemed to be against us.

October TUESDAY 15 1895

Owing to a shower of rain last night I have been digging potatoes this forenoon; but this afternoon returned to picking apples again. and Maggie has been helping me. We feel highly favoured to have such an abundance crop of apples for this year. There are a great many even of our neighbours who have scarcely an apple.

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October WEDNESDAY 16 1895

Have been trying my best to get the apples gathered of late. Made some considerable headway to day though far from being done. The weather has been rather disagreeable owing to high winds & an occasional shower of rain. Have had unusual access to the Father by His Spirit of late. My petitions seem to go right into His presence. Glory be to His Name.

October THURSDAY 17 1895

My wife and I have been working away at picking apples to day. Our job is drawing near to a close, and we are thankful. The weather has been very cold and windy to day with an occasional shower of rain. The Simcoe Show took place to day and I fancy their crowd would not be very large. Am still enjoying much confidence in God the Almighty. He is my deliverer & guide.

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October FRIDAY 18 1895

I finished digging our crop of potatoes to day. Got through about the middle of the afternoon. Have since been picking apples which is also nearly complete. Our apple crop for this year will amount to more than sixty bushells, and very good quality. Had a young Mr Simpson here to day who is a traveling agent for Morris, Stone & Willington of Font Hill Nurseries. He asked me to Deliver for him next Spring in Port Dover.

October SATURDAY 19 1895

Finished gathering our apple crop for the year to day; or rather this forenoon. This afternoon Jim and I have been geting up a load of wood, our supply having run out. Went out to Port Dover this evening Maggie and I , There being some little errends to look after. The weather has been very cold and windy of late, almost incessantly.

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October SUNDAY 20 1895

Went out to meeting this morning as usual, takeing my mother and wife with me. Felt greatly benefitted by the service throughout. The minister preached from the calamity that fell on Job from the enemy of mankind. Surely He will be arround about His people for evermore". Maggie & I went down to W. Porters this evening to visit his wife who has to the hospital lately.

October MONDAY 21 1895

Got started at husking corn to day for the first. I find that the crop turns out as well as expected. The windy weather still continues, and is very disagreeable, for husking corn especialy. Mr Awford's are digging potatoes; and they find them an excellent crop, both in quantity and quality.

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October TUESDAY 22 1895

Have continued to work away at my corn-husking as usual to day. We were favoured with a visit from, Mrs Francis Marr & Mr Marr to day. Did not spend much time with them however. The weather keeps cool and very windy through the day. It has been good for me to wait up-on my God to-day. He has been exceedingly precious to my poor soul.

October WEDNESDAY 23 1895

Maggie and I went down to Jarvis this forenoon, to do a little tradeing &c. I have been husking corn this afternoon again as usual. Found in Jarvis to day that the price of wheat had somewhat improved of late, It is now sixty six cents per bu. The price of apples is also much better than I expected Fifty cents per Bu. {illegible} the common price.

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October THURSDAY 24 1895

Have been very buisy to day at husking corn as usual. Succeeded in geting all done but three or four {illegible}. Have had a very windy day, in fact it is this way every day of late. Went over to the prayermeeting this evening as usual, and had a very good time with the brethren in prayer & supplication before God.

October FRIDAY 25 1895

I finished my corn-husking to day; or rather this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Port Dover takeing my mother with me. Had the pleasure of paying an account of John McBrides that had been standing for some time, also one of H. Houghman, the latter has given me some trouble especialy last Winter. Mr Awford was in this evening. He talks wildly about the churches.

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October SATURDAY 26 1895

Have been very buisy to day at sundry jobs. The principal one however was cuting wood in the woods this forenoon and geting it home for use, this afternoon. Jim and I succeeded in this geting up three loads ready for use. I went down to Hammonds this evening to see about geting some piggs but failed in the latter. Went on to Thomas Jacksons afterwards to take fence home.

October SUNDAY 27 1895

Went out to morning service in Port Dover as usual this morning takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Our minister rather excelled himself in discoursing on Job's great trial & final triumph. Our class afterwards was also a time not to be forgotten owing to the presence of the Divine and Infinite. Have been at home the rest of the day as usual.

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October MONDAY 28 1895

Owing to heavy gales from the west and South West it seemed best not to go up to Simcoe as we intended to day. Have been exceedingly buisy however at fixing the sheet -Iron stove this forenoon and put away potatoes for Winter this afternoon. Our friends James C. and Mrs Holcomb came to see us this evening. They have lately removed from Buffalo to Waterford.

October TUESDAY 29 1895

Intended going to Simcoe to day; but, owing to a snow storm and heavy winds accompanying thought best to put off till another day. Have been very buisy at sundry jobs, such as puting potatoes in the cellar for Winter and repairing the two gates fronting the wood-house. Our two friends James Holcomb and wife who came to visit us last night left us again this morning.

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October WEDNESDAY 30 1895

Went up to Simcoe to day, to look after some matters of busines. Took a couple of bushells of apple to unckle Dan's. Paid the ball of Insurance fees in Brittish American for three years, also for one year in Norfolk mutual. Had dinner at my unckles. Called at Ag. Rose's on the way home. Made a purchase of a set of scales on the way ba for the Kitchen in Simcoe at a bargain.

October THURSDAY 31 1895

I took another load of wheat down to Jarvis this forenoon. Sold to day for Sixty eight and a half cents per Bu. This is the most we have recieved at all for any portion of this year's crop. Intended going to the port this afternoon but as rain has been falling most of the time I thought best to stay at home and work at sorting and puting away apples.

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November FRIDAY 1 1895

I went out to Port Dover this forenoon stoping out the way at Mrs Blakies. Called at J.G Montgomeries when in town and settle my yearly interest as usual. It seems as though the Good Lord is gracious to me although so much money is required to pay interest. Have been enjoying in a good degree the presence of His Good Spirit this always brings peace to the soul.

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November SATURDAY 2 1895

Went up to Simcoe this morning, partly to take ball of eight bushells of apples to unckle Daniel's and partly to go to the bank with reference to some delinquent sale notes. Found that only one remained. Jim and I got in our load of cornstalks this afternoon and then I went up to Renton to get the four sacks of salt that was ordered last winter.

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November SUNDAY 3 1895

Went up to the Woodhouse chappel to attend our second Quarterly meeting for the year. Took my mother and Bertha with me. We had our own minister to officiate, which he did with his usual acceptance. Had dinner at James Berry's and attended evening service in Port Dover on the way home. Our church was full. The day has been a delightful one.

November MONDAY 4 1895

Got about through puting away apples for our winter use to day. Started the plough in the front field by the church about the middle of the afternoon. The ground is both dry and hard, so fear I shall not make much headway at geting it turned over. The weather has become quite warm again with some appearance of rain soon.

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November TUESDAY 5 1895

Have been ploughing to day in the front field Began in the North West corner. The weather is very warm, so that the ploughing does not work off very fast. Had a short visit from our old neighbour and friend Peter Ryerse. He strongly advocates the Pride of the North corn. In his opinion it will out-yield the other varieties at least one third.

November WEDNESDAY 6 1895

I have been ploughing in the front field again to day. Find it rather hard and dry to plough for this time of year. Hope to get through with it in due time however, all being well.

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November THURSDAY 7 1895

Have continued to plough in the front field to day as usual. Jim and I took off a load of cornstalks from the waggon this morning however. The weather has become remarkably warm for this time of year. It seems as though our cold weather came in October instead, for we had plenty of it then. The Lord is my helper and Guide Shall I not rejoice Praise the Lord.

November FRIDAY 8 1895

Rain began falling lat night about three A.M. and has been raining nearly the whole of the time since. This is the first steady rain, for a long time. Shall hope now to see an improvement in the ploughing It was rather dry and hard heretofore. Have been buisy to day at sundry wet weather jobs. Cut some wood this forenoon.

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November SATURDAY 9 1895

The rain that began falling yesterday morning has continued until to night - the first two days rain of the season. I have been very buisily at work to day, at wet weather jobs, of which there was more than enough to last. Notice that the G.T.R. are thoroughly repairing the road from Jarvis to Pt. Dover and laying with new rails.

November SUNDAY 10 1895

Owing to the terrible state of the roads we did not get out to church to day. Intended going over to the neighbouring church this evening, but as Maggie was unwell I could not well leave her. Have not been a stranger to the benefits of grace even too day, for the Good Lord has given many of the comforts thereof. Glory to the God of all grace.

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November MONDAY 11 1895

The ground has been very wet to day so I did not try to start the plough. Worked this forenoon at puting up a shelf in the pantry for the scales. This afternoon at I went out to town to take some onions and other things. Found the roads quite bad but got through with my load very well.

November TUESDAY 12 1895

Went on to Port Dover again this morning, takeing Maggie with me. Had dinner at unckle George Matthews and afterwards went to the knitting mills for some material for underwear. Found just what we wanted and at a reasonable rate. Got home in time to start the plough again this afternoon. Find that the late rain has improved the ploughing very much.

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November WEDNESDAY 13 1895

There was quite a heavy frost last night, so I did not get to ploughing until about noon today ten o'clock to day. Got along all after it had thawed open however. Went over to the prayer meeting at the church this evening and had a good time. Find my spiritual strength renewed by these to means of Gra grace.

November THURSDAY 14 1895

The day has been an exceedingly warm and fine one. Have done my best to improve the chance thus afforded for ploughing, and am geting along very well. Think that the nine acre field is at least half done. Notice by the papers to night that affairs in Turkey are in serious condition It is said that anarchy and blodshed prevails almost everywhere.

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November FRIDAY 15 1895

Have been very buisy to day with the plough in the front field. Am thankfull to have it already more than half ploughed. The weather continues very favourable for the Fall work.

November SATURDAY 16 1895

I went up to Simcoe this forenoon, but this afternoon have been ploughing again in the front field. The weather continues very warm and pleasant, very favourable for ploughing and other Fall work. Learned while in Simcoe that my old friend G.W. Lemon was recovering from his late illness in a satisfactory manner.

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November SUNDAY 17 1895

On account of rain that began falling about our usual time for going to church we did not get out to day. Maggie and I went over to the neighbouring church this evening however. Had a very interesting account of missions in the Barbados islands from John Hartman a retired missionary. This bro once worked for us which fact makes his experience all the more interesting.

November MONDAY 18 1895

Was able to plough this forenoon again. This afternoon however Jim and I were compelled to get up wood, the supply being about gone. The weather is very fine for this time of year, and seems to more than make up for the cold weather of last month. Have continued to have the Divine illumination of the Soul in a good measure.

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November TUESDAY 19 1895

I did not plough this forenoon, but went out to Port Dover instead. Wanted to see my friend Jonathan Ellis who promised some time ago to come out with me. He did not come to day however. Got to my old work, ploughing again this afternoon. The days have got to be very short however & we don't seem to have much time for work.

November WEDNESDAY 20 1895

I have been able to keep the plough runing in the front field to day as usual. Have nearly got through with this field for this time. The weather is growing colder & we seem likely to have a freeze up now. Maggie and I went down to Jarvis to night to meet her Sister Sarah at the station. We fortunately found her there and brought her home with us.

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November THURSDAY 21 1895

Had my unckle Daniel Olds & his wife, my aunt Nellie to take Thanksgiving dinner with us to day; also Mrs Sarah Crysler, my wife's sister. The weather has been very cold for this season of the year, very much like Winter. Maggie and Mrs Crysler left for Wyecombe this afternoon at about four o'clock Little Dottie went with them. It seems lonesome without them.

November FRIDAY 22 1895

Our first snow storm of the season came last night and to day. Have of necessity worked inside, John and I have been cleaning out the drive barn & packing implements away for the Winter The snow has not amounted to much after all, for not more than two inches has fallen. The weather is moderating some since yesterday.

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November SATURDAY 23 1895

Weather continues to be stormy and disagreeable. Went out to town this afternoon however; and while there called on Bro Jonathan Elles about matters of business. He promised to help me through my present difficulties and to give me a chance to redeem my place &c. This is from the Lord and to His shall be all the praise. Bro Elles says that in about two years he has made over forty thousand dollars.

November SUNDAY 24 1895

Went out to our usual church service this take morning takeing my mother with me. Had a most excellent sermon from our minister Bro. Bennet. His subject was the true riches Our class meeting afterwards was also a season of power from the Divine presence. Went over to the neighbouring church this evening. The good bro there was also greatly blessed.

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November MONDAY 25 1895

Went up to Simcoe to day, mostly to go to the bank. Found that everything is was favourable to my purpose. Saw Olive Ferguson and learned from her that my wife and her sister Sarah were at Delhi this morning, or since Saturday last. Rain has been falling about all day so I had a wet journey there & back. Took dinner with Mrs Lever, where Olive is boarding.

November TUESDAY 26 1895

A terrible wind from the South West has been blowing to day. I went down to the saw mill this forenoon after a load of basswood lumber. While there I piled up a lot of lumber that has been sawn since I had been down last. Went out to the Port Dover this afternoon, with the lumber & left it at my unckle's shop.

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November WEDNESDAY 27 1895

I went down to the saw mill this forenoon and got another load of basswood lumber. Took it out to Dover this afternoon and left it at my unckle George Matthew's shop. Took a considerable portion of this load for Mr H. Fairchild mostly inch stuff. The very high wind of yesterday has scarcely subsided to day Much damage seems to have been done yesterday.

November THURSDAY 28 1895

I went down to Thomas Jacksons this morning to see about geting a buck sheep. Failed to get one however. Called at Mr C.W. Smiths on the way. Started the plough again this afternoon in the front field. Did not find the ground in very good shape owing to the frost still in the ground. Maggie and her neice, Will's daughter went out to Dover this afternoon.

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November FRIDAY 29 1895

We killed our only hog this forenoon. Had Addam F. to help us; also Mr Awford. It took us the forenoon. Expect to have about fore four hundred pounds of pork from the one hog. Helped Mr Awford get up threshing wood this afternoon from John Marr's new ground Heard to night that Mr Silverthorn had died to day from an accident.

November SATURDAY 30 1895

The weather has been very stormy to day. so much so that we have not been able to work out of doors very much. I went out to Port Dover this evening to see Bro John Jonathan Ellis but as he had gone to Hamilton I had to come home without seeing him after all.

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December SUNDAY 1 1895

Went out to the Port this morning takeing Maggie with me. The Lynedoch minister Rev Mr Row preached to us both morning and evening very acceptably. Contrary to our usual custom we went up to our friend's W. J. Carpenter's and had dinner staying with them until the evening service in our church Had to come home in the rain however.

December MONDAY 2 1895

Stormy weather continues to be the order of the day, so much so that I ahve been unable to do any outside work through the day. Snow has begun to come in good earnest. Have been doing chores and little repairing jobs most of the time to day. Went out to Port Dover this evening to see Bro Ellis and found hime at home this time.

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December TUESDAY 3 1895

I went up to Simcoe this forenoon, mostly to settle up an old debt to Ivey and Allen of Jarvis. Succeeded in geting it entirely out of the way through Bro Elle's assistance. Paid a note to H.H. Groff also that has been of long standing, though not a very large one. Had a rather serious time geting settled up at the Bank. It took all the afternoon.

December WEDNESDAY 4 1895

Went out to Port Dover this morning to settle up with several parties there, a most desireable privilege. Paid Mr P Lawson a small debt and two or three others, others in part. Left a note of Wilson Porters at Mr C.W. Smiths on the way home. The threshers have been here to day and I have been helping them this afternoon.

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December THURSDAY 5 1895

We finished up the threshing this forenoon Mr Awfords Nick wheat turned out very there was ninety Bu from machine. Have been geting cleaned up and &c this afternoon. Mr Fargies machine left us this afternoon The weather still keeps cold and wintry. Have been greatly blessed of late with the presence of the most High through the Spirit. Praise God.

December FRIDAY 6 1895

Owing to the continued Winter weather I find it necessary to finish puting things altogether in readiness therefor. Succeeded in geting an Oxford - down ram of George Ryerse to put with our flock of five or six ewes, this morning. Got a load of saw-dust, and banked up the cellar with it, this afternoon also a load of wood from the woods. My wife went up to Simcoe this afternoon.

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December SATURDAY 7 1895

Jim and I worked in the woods this forenoonat cuting wood. This afternoon however James Alcomb was here with his wife, so we did not get to the woods as we intended. There has been some indications of a change in the weather to day, a light thaw accompanied by rain having taken place.

December SUNDAY 8 1895

Went out to church as usual this morning takeing my wife and Bertha with me. Our own minister officiated in his usual interesting way. Had a very good time in our class-meeting also. Went over this evening to hear Bro Ebersole. Always feel benefited in attending the ministrations of this good brother. Believe hime to be an Israelite indeed.

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December MONDAY 9 1895

I started off for the woods to day again got five loads drawn besides geting a lot cut. Mr Awfords have been helping part of the time. Went over to Mr Awfords this evening, to settle up with them spent the evening in visiting with them instead. We intend trying it over to morrow evening if nothing happens

December TUESDAY 10 1895

Maggie and I went out to town this morning, on some special business. I went mostly to settle up with Mr Edmundson which wwas accomplished in due course & without any trouble. Found that I owed him some fifty dollars yet. Had a visit from John and his father this evening, mostly to settle up the Summers business.

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December WEDNESDAY 11 1895

Owing to stormy weather this forenoon we did not do anything besides chores. This afternoon however, the storm has abated somewhat and we have got to work in the woods at cuting woods to burn. Mr Awford and John have proposed to help me build a basement under our driving barn next summer for roots and feeding cattle through the Winter.

December THURSDAY 12 1895

Have spent most of the time too day visiting with our relatives Nora and A.G.Rose at their new residence in Lynn Valley. They have only lately begun to occupy this new home. The weather has been very cold and Wintry, so that our ride to Lynnvalley & back was anything but pleasant. The roads also were quite rough. Found our friends very comfortable in the new home.

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December FRIDAY 13 1895

I worked this forenoon at sundry jobs, the weather was very cold. This afternoon Mr Awford and John have been helping got some straw drawn from the stack to the drive-barn for feeding to the horses. The weather has been moderating this afternoon somewhat. Close winter weather has been the order of the day ever since it began.

December SATURDAY 14 1895

I went up to Simcoe this forenoon takeing Dottie with me as far as A.G. Rose's. Bought a nice quarter of beef at four cts per pound, Hind quarter. Took dinner with my old friend G.W. Lemon, who I am glad, to know is quite well. He is working away as hard as ever at canvassing and has delivered me from the necessity of undertaking the same.

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December SUNDAY 15 1895

Took my mother with me to church today. Our own minister officiated as usual. We are having a spell of warm weather is now in progress, & seems likely to be of some duration. Went over to Mr Ebersoles meeting this evening, and had a very good time. The Lord being with us. Sent My wife and Bertha out to church in Port Dover this evening.

December MONDAY 16 1895

Mr Awford and his two boys have been killing a beef to day, aslo a couple of piggs. I have been engaged at sundry jobs, there being several such waiting this some time, for a chance to get done. The warm spell that began on Saturday last still continues; but it does not seem to thaw so very much after all.

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December TUESDAY 17 1895

Have been geting straw from the stack in the barn-yard to the driving barn loft. Mr Awfords have been helping. Find that our stack is saving very well and will likely have an abundance of fodder. We are still having a thaw with some prospect of its continuation. The Good Lord continues to give peace and the joys of Salvation. What more can one desire of.

December WEDNESDAY 18 1895

Have been very buisy to day as usual at sundry jobs. The weather has continued to be quite warm and the snow is fast leaving us. Went down to Jarvis this evening to take the last batch of our onion crop to market. My wife went with me. Have marketed something like thirty six bushels of onions this season, from a small patch of ground. Roads geting very bad.

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December THURSDAY 19 1895

Took my wife and mother out to my freind W. J. Carpenters to dinner to day . Had a tedious drive over the bad roads, but enjoyed my visit very much, and so did all the others present, apparently . Had an interesting conversation with Mr Symington on matters relating to fruit-growing. We decided to try and organize a local fruit growers association for our own locality.

December FRIDAY 20 1895

Have been at home to day and the weather has continued very warm, so I have improved the chance to make some repairs on the shed and drive-barn roofs. This has kept me buisy all day and did not get quite done either. Our late Winter weather has entirely departed the frost has even left the ground and, of course, the snow is nowhere to be seen.

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December SATURDAY 21 1895

We have had a very rainy day since about ten o'clock this morning. Prepared our spare turkeys for market this morning and afterwards went out to Port Dover with them, so we had the benefit of a rainy drive. Went in to William Walles to get out of the rain and fortunately got our dinner, although it did not stop raining in the mean-time Our trip was fairly a successful one.

December SUNDAY 22 1895

The roads being very bad from yesterdays rain we did not go out to church to day as usual. The most of the family went over to hear Mr Ebersole both morning and evening however. Always feel benefited by hearing this brother preach His congregations are not large however to afford him much encouragement. Trust however that God Almighty will bless his labours amongst us abundantly

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December MONDAY 23 1895

Owing to an almost incessant rain to day we could not work out of doors much So have been working inside & reading also. Have just finished reading Father Chinaquay's fifty years in the church of Rome. Though a very voluminous book requiring much time to read, feel well repaid for the time spent, though it has taken my spare moments for six months or more.

December TUESDAY 24 1895

Rain has come again to day so that inside work has been largely followed by all of us. Noticed in the paper of to day that a cold wave was approaching us. Have been diging some ditches the frost having entirely gone. This evening we have as usual been playing off Santa Claus for the children. Of course this reminds me of the time when I was young.

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December WEDNESDAY 25 1895

To day being Christmas, we have of course been enjoying a hollowday. Having had an invitation to spend Christmas at unckle Johns we all went up there and had a very pleasant family fathering. The weather has continued to be very warm and rainy, and the roads very bad. So the Celebration time has again come and gone as always before.

December THURSDAY 26 1895

We have had an exceedingly heavy and continuous rain since last evening until this. I have been buisy inside at sundry jobs such as mending harness &c. The weather has turned somewhat coldr this evening and the rain has turned into snow. Have continued to feel strengthened by believing in the promises of my God. Feel the necessity of living close to Jesus the Lord and Bishop of my Soul.

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December FRIDAY 27 1895

We have had a fine day. To day after the rain and we have been trying to improve it as best we could. Mr Awfords and us have been cuting wood in the woods. We have had some of our neighbours in to Supper with us this evening - Mr Starlings and Awfords. Have been in the enjoyment of great peace and much assurance to-day, Indeed what can there be more precious than this?

December SATURDAY 28 1895

We have continued to cut wood to day with the Awford's assistance. The weather is very fine and warm but plenty of mud. Went out to Dover this evening, with a horse and buggy Had a rather disagreeable time owing to the bad roads. Called to see Bro Elles in behalf of Bro Awford. The latter being in need of some assistance. Paid my Forresters dues also.

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December SUNDAY 29 1895

Went over to hear Bro Ebersole to day, the roads being so very nearly impassible as to keep us from going out to our own church. Went down to Mrs Clarks this afternoon takeing my wife with me on foot. Mrs C. has been very poorly for a long time with a bad sore on her head There are serious indications of its being a cancerous tumour. Found her in a somewhat worse condition than when we last saw her.

December MONDAY 30 1895

We seem likely to finish up the old year with abundance of rain. Have been cuting wood in the woods Mr Awfords and us, although a part of the time it has been raining or snowing. Notice by late papers that a terrible state of things still prevails in Armenia. Thousands of the poor helpless Armenians are being slaughtered by the unspeakable Turk. There seems to be no help for them.

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December TUESDAY 31 1895

The rain has ceased after all and the wind took its place last night from the West and North West To day there has been very heavy cold winds all day. I have spent most of the time in the woods myself to day, Cuting wood &c. Jim has been helping as usual. The year has gone but it has brought us many blessings. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below &c.

Transcription Progress



Courtland Olds 1895 DiaryPart 1.pdf
Courtland Olds 1895 DiaryPart 2.pdf
Courtland Olds 1895 DiaryPart 3.pdf
Courtland Olds 1895 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Courtland Olds, “Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1895,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 24, 2025,
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