Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1897


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1897


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




19th Century, York County, Vaughan Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


1897 84 Page Diary Exercise Book Name M.A. Cooper Concord General {picture of store} General Viedw of Store Facing on Four Streets The T. Eaton Co. Limited Yong st. 190,192,194,196,198,200, Queen Street est, 10,12,14,16,18 James St, 11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29 Albert Street, 15,17 and 19 All Under One Roof BUYING OFFICES: 7 Warwick Land and Warwick Square, London, Eng. Main Entrance - 190 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont.

{Blank Inside of Front Cover}

Diary 1897

Fri Jan 1. At home all day. Pa's family also aunt Jennie David and Aunt Lizzy Tom and Sara Farr here to spend day. rained in evening.

Sat. Fine warm day but very muddy Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mr. George Clarks in evening.

Sun. I went to church and S.S. {Sunday School} very muddy road but warm day, Uncle and Aunt M at Pa's in evening.

Mon Jan 4. Pa and Aunt Mattie went to Brownmanville rained all day it is election day Uncle went out with Mr. C.

Tues Jan 5. Pa and Aunt Mattie came home from Brownmanville frozen up clean

Wed Jan 6. Fine day we had a small gathering of married people.

Thur Jan 7. Fine day Uncle went to Richmond-hill in afternoon he and Aunt Mattie went out to Mr.Farrs in evening.

Fri Jan 8. I went to the pond in the afternoon with Maud and Edith Troyer to skate.

Sat Jan 9. the Electric cars up as far as Thornhill. Maud Troyer also Annie and Lizzie Cooper here for tea. I went down to the pond it is lovely skating.

Sun Jan 10. Aunt Mattie and I walked down to church beautiful day we were at home in the evening.

Mon Jan 11. Fine day Turning very cold Amie and I went to skate at Mr. Teadales Creek. Uncle and Aunt Mattie went to call at Thomas Cooks and at Willies for tea.

Tue Jan 12. Very cold day I went up to Mr. Passmores for tea Miss Alice and Bessie Duncan here in evening

Wed Jan 13. Uncle and Aunt Mattie up at Mr. Smellies for tea, I stayed with Willie and the girls, Aunt Nellie went to Toronto to the Dentists.

Thur{re-written in darker/fresh ink} Jan 14. Auntie and Uncle went to Mr. W. Keffers funeral. I went to Mr. Teasdales Creek to skate.

Fri Jan 15. Uncle in Toronto Aunt Mattie is very hoarse, Willie and I at Mr. Smellies at a small gathering. {Part of the sentence beginning at in and ending at Aunt is re written in darker/fresh ink}

Sat Jan 16. I was at Pa's in afternoon for a while, Willie and I went to the pond lovely skating but rather damp, Aunt M and Uncle at Mr. Farrs.

Sun Jan 17. Rained heavy all day, we were at Mr. Farrs for tea.

Mon Jan 18. Freezing, very cold and windy Uncle at Mr. Farrs, butchering. I went to the Carnival in the {sleigh} load. Uncle and Aunt M. drove out Willie drove Ma and the girls down to Toronto

Tue Jan 19. Uncle and Mr Clarke at Weston there is a party at Mr. Baxters but W and I did not go.

Wed Jan 20. Aunt M went to Pa's to straighten up. we were at home. Snowed at night.

Thur Jan 21. Very good sleighing Willie went to Toronto, Pa here for dinner S and T Farr called.

Fria Jan 22. We went to Uncle Toms Cabin at Richmond Hill. Cold but good sleighing.

Sat Jan 23. Willie brought Ma and the girls home from Toronto. Aunt Nellie came by train Aunt Mattie and Uncle went to Mr. Teasdales in evening. W and I went to Edgely Rink and Mr. Dalziels in the sleigh load. very cold.

Sun June 24. Very cold. Pa's all here for dinner S and T Farr here for tea Willie drove Annie and I down to church.

Mon Jan 25. Very cold. glass down to 14 below zero. All at home.

Tue Jan 26. Stormy day drifted the lane a little but not much digging.

Wed 27. Uncle was at Mrs. Seagers funeral. he and Mr. Clarke went for a drive in the afternoon.

Thur 28. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mr. Walterhouses. Mr C. Keffer and son called

Fri Jan 29. Sara Farr came out to visit. Pa and Ma called Mr. and Mrs George Charlton here for tea. Willie and I down at the Carnival and Oyster Supper. Uncle was out at the Shooting Match at Thornhill. Lovely day and good sleighing. Aunties went up to call at Miss Keffers in the afternoon.

Sat Jan 30. Fine day we were at home all day.

Sun Jan 31. I was at S.S. and church. T Farr here for dinner. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I were at church in the evening.

Mon Feb 1 st . I called at Pa's in the afternoon I went down to church in evening with Maud and Miss Thompson. It is a fine day

Tue. Feb. 2nd Aunt Nellie went to the W. A.{Women's Auxiliary} at Mrs. Troyers. I went down to the meeting in the evening, fine day. but the sleighing getting poor.

Wed. Feb 3. The St. Stevens W.A. met at new place. collection $# 3. fine day.

Thur Feb 4. We quilted my quilt. Aunt Mattie and I went down to the meeting in the evening.

Fri Feb. 5 Aunt Nellie went to Miss Edeys Uncle went out for her in the evening. Our school went out for a sleigh drive to the Rink.

Sat Feb 6. Very wet day, snowed and then rained all day. Willie here in the afternoon.

Sun Feb 7. Very slushy for walking I did not go to church. There was church in the evening. We were all at Pa's to spend the day.

Mon Feb 8. Frozen up but not very cold. Tom Farr called and took Aunt Mattie for a drive. Uncle Aunt Nellie and all went down to church.

Tue Feb 9th . Aunt Mattie and I called at Miss Duncans and Mrs. G Clarkes in the afternoon fine day.

Wed Feb 10. Aunties went over to help Ma to quilt. We were at home in the evening. Uncle has a boil on his face.

Thur Feb 11. Aunt Mattie and I went and helped Ma to finish the quilt. Pa's and we people went out to Mr. Farrs for tea. Cold day but fine.

Fri Feb 12. Very stormy day. We were alone all day.

Sat Feb 13 {the 1 has a large drop of ink} Aunt Mattie went down to town. I was down at Mrs Troy-ers for a while in the afternoon. T and S Farr came out for Aunt Nellie in the afternoon

Sun Feb 14 I was at church, fine day. Willie here in the afternoon. Aunt Lizzie, Charlie Emma and Miss Jacobi here for tea.

Mon Feb 15 T brought Aunt Nellie home. I called at Pa's in the afternoon. Sleighing getting thin

Tue Feb 16. We had a gathering of young people here in the evening. 25 here. Fine day and evening.

Wed Feb 17 J. Edey {Jennie Edey} was here. Our 1/2 quarter of beef came. Uncle took Jennie home in the evening.

Thur Feb 18. Fine day but sleighing nearly gone. Uncle was at Richmond Hill and the Mill. I called at Pa's, he and Ma were in Toronto.

Fri Feb 19 Uncle went for a drive with Mrs. C and T.F. we were at Mrs. Clarkes for tea I called at Pa's in the evening.

Sat Feb 20 Aunt Mattie wnt to Toronto and home on noon train. She and I went to Lydia Deans for tea and then to Rink. Uncle came for us. Sleeting and very stormy in afternoon and evening.

Sun Feb 21. Pa's all here for dinner also George and Lydia Dean Fine day but sleighing very tough.

Mon Feb 22 Very stormy day. blowing but did not improve the sleighing. We were at home all day. Annie and Lizzie have the mumps

Tue Feb 23 I was at Pa's in the afternoon. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went up to see Mrs. Smelser she is very sick. T and S Farr here for tea Willie and I went to a party at J. Deans.

Wed Feb 24 Aunt Nellie at Mrs. Clarks cutting for the W.A. We went to Pa's for tea had Oysters, Uncle was at Richmond Hill in the morning.

Thur Feb 25 Uncle and Aunt Mattie went to Mr. Farrs for tea, they all went up on the cars to Richmond Hill in the evening and called at Mrs. McElroys

Fri Feb 26 Aunt Jennie, William and his wife here all day. Mrs. McElroy and Tom and Sara Farr here for tea

Sat Feb 27 Very cold day and windy. We were at home all day. no person here.

Sun Feb 28 Fine day but cold I was at SS and church. Dr. was out to see Annie, Uncle and Aunt Mattie over at Pa's in the evening.

Mon Mar 1 Feb 29 Turning milder snowed in the afternoon, We were over at Pa's for tea, and Willie & I went out to the social at Mr. Langstaffs

Tue Mar 2 Aunties were at the W.A. meeting down at Mrs. Clarkes. We were at home in the evening.

Wed Mar 3 We were quilting Aunt Mattie's Endless Chain quilt. Mr. and Miss Passmore were here for tea.

Thur Mar 4 Wed finished the quilt Uncle was at a sale. I went out to Carnival with Mr. Passmores.

Fri Mar 5 - Rained a little all day. Fred and Tom Farr called in the afternoon, sleighing nearly all gone, we all went down to the Concert at Fisherville in the evening.

Sat Mar 6 - A little colder. I went down to call at Mr. Teasdales. Pa's all here for tea the first time the girls had been out.

Sun Mar 7 - I was at S.S. and church, Uncle and Aunt Nellie {A bit smudged} went to Mr. Farrs for tea. Aunt Mattie and I walked out to Thornhill Methodist church.

Mon Mar 8 - Sleighing all gone. commenced to rain in the evening. Ma had her gathering of friends for tea Uncle at Richmondhill for sleighs.

Tues Mar 9 - Rained steadily all day. Uncle brought a cow. We were at home. Very slushy walking.

Wed Mar 10 - T Farr called he and Uncle went to a sale at Edgeley. we were at home. snow settling but no sleighing since Sunday.

Thur Mar 11 - Uncle and Aunt Mattie went out at Mr. Farrs for Tea. Willie and Ma have the mumps .

Fri Mar 12 - Aunt Nellie went over to help Ma. we intended to go to a Concert at Elia but was to windy. T & S Farr and Mr. Wilmot here in the evening.

Sat Mar 13 - Mr. G Clarke {George Clarke} and Mr. Robert here for tea. S was at Ma's for tea. C. Teasdale there.

Sun Mar 14 - Stormed very hard last night a very high wind to-day. Our lane pretty well filled with snow. We were at Pa's for dinner. could scarcely get in the lane for snow, but none on the road. {in between the lines for this days entry is another line :} last time the cutten was out{?}

Mon Mar 15 - Uncle was breaking the lane we drove over and called at Pa's. Aunt Mattie went to Toronto.

Tue Mar 16 - Uncle was over at Pa's in the afternoon we went out to Thornhill to a Lecture in the evening.

Wed Mar 17 - Pa's were all here to spend the day {day was added above} Ma and Wille just{?} there first outing. Roads not bad beginning to-day in the centre.

Thur Mar 18 - We were at home, Uncle was out at Thornhill in the afternoon.

Fri Mar 19 - Very muddy. I was at Pa's and down to the store in the evening. Uncle was at a meeting at Thornhill in the evening.

Sat Mar 20 - Rained last night. Uncle was over at Pa's in the afternoon. Our hens started to lay. The Robins and other spring Birds have been around the last few days. Mrs. Smelser died to-day.

Sun Mar 21 - The roads are dread fully Muddy we drove down to church. Annie and Lizzie here for tea. We were at home in the evening

Mon Mar 22 - We were at home, Uncle at Thorn hill in the afternoon. fine warm day but muddy.

Tue Mar 23 - Uncle and Aunt Nellie went to Mrs. Smelsers funeral, I was at pa's in the afternoon. fine Morning but snowed and rained in afternoon

Wed Mar 24 - Snowed nearly all day. We had a letter from Bowmanville, Louis McMurtry had a son on Mar 15th but dead. (1.C.).

Thur Mar 25 - Willie here in the afternoon, - quiet a debth of snow and slush the roads are dreadfully muddy.

Fri Mar 26 - We drove down to Miss Allans, last time the sleigh was out Aunt Mattie came home from Toronto. We called on Mrs. Baldwin.

Sat Mar 27 - I was at Ma's in the afternoon, Fine warm day, roads in a dreadful condition we heard last evening that B. Smellie married on March 21. and left home the Tuesday before.

Sun Mar 28 - I was at church very muddy walking. We were at Mr. Clarkes for tea.

Mon Mar 29 - Fine warm day Aunties went up to call on Miss James.

Tue Mar 30 - Roads getting dry. We went out to Mr. Farrs for tea, Annie and Lizzie here for tea.

Wed Mar 31 - We started to quilt my chain quilt. Annie Leasdale here for tea, Miss Duncan call Aunt Nellie went up to see G. Charltons boy. {Written on the side } Willie here for dinner

Thur Apr 1 - Aunt Nellie down at Mr. C. cutting for W.A. Miss James called in the afternoon.

Fri Apr 2 - We finished the quilt. We went over to Pa's in the evening. started our five gallons of coal oil - Uncle brough two barrells of flour roads are beautiful and dry, our lande Muddy.

Sat APr 3 - We went up to Mr. Keamans for our Syrup. Aunties drove down to Miss Allans in the afternoon.

Sun Apr 4 - I was at SS. and church Aunt Nellie was at church. Pa's also T. and S. Farr here for tea.

Mon Apr 5 - We found our first Turkey Egg. We cleaned our cellar. Thundered and lightened but no rain

Tue Apr 6 - Uncle and Aunt Mattie went to Mr. Michael Osters funeral. Aunt Nellie and I went to the W.A. Meeting at Miss Duncans. Aunt M. and Uncle at Mr. Farrs in evening.

Wed. Apr 7 - Dull day but not raining I spent the afternoon with Martha Oster. James Ellis is married to-day. Uncle and Aunt M. At Pa's

Thur Apr 8 - We went to helped Ma to clean up stairs. fine day, the frogs croaking at night.

Fri Apr 9 - We helped Ma to clean the parlors. Snowed all day. ground quiet covered.

Sat Apr 10 - Snow all melted making it a little muddy. Mr. and Mrs. Teasdale here for tea.

Sun Apr 11 - Roads are drying. Aunt Mattie and Uncle. went to Mr. Farrs for dinner I went to S. Sand church

Mon Apr 12 - Mr. James and A. Oster called. Mr. Johnson was here for tea. We did our first gardening put a little Lettuce and Onions in.

Tue Apr 13 - We went down to Toronto. It rained most of the day. roads muddy.

Wed Apr 14 - Uncle went over to Mr. Osters, Aunt Nellie went down to Miss Allan's, T. Farr called.

Thur Apr 15 - Miss James here for tea. fine day the roads are getting dry.

Fri Apr 16 - Good Friday. I walked down to Miss Allans with the girls. Willie here in the afternoon he and Uncle went to the Concert at Thorn-hill. Aunt Mattie over at Pa's in evening. Rained in afternoon.

Sat Apr 17 - Annie and Lizzie here for tea, Tom Farr called in the morning. Uncle and Aunt Mellie went to Mr. Farrs in the afternoon. I went over with the girls in the afternoon

Sun Apr 18 - Easter Sunday. I went to S.S. and church Uncle and Aunties went to Thorn hill Presbyptarian Church. Aunt Mattie and I went to Mr. Farrelss in the evening.

Mon Apr 19 - Very cold windy day. Mick commenced work. we were at home alone.

Tue Apr 20 - We commenced house cleaning, cold.

Wed Apr 21 - Getting a little warmer I went out to Thorn hill in the afternoon to see about Duck eggs.

Thur Apr 22 - Mr. Johnson came for the Cold. We papered the Spare Bed Room. Getting very warm.

Fri Apr 23 - Very hot all day, came a dreadful thunder storm. and dreadful hail and wind.

Sat Apr 24 - Rained a little in the morning. a very warm we were at home.

Sun Apr 25 - Rained very hard I started to go to Church but I had to turn back.

Mon Apr 26 - Rained in the morning very high wind I went to H. FIshers for Duck eggs. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went to Richomond hill cold night - guiet a frost.

Tues Apr 27 - Pa was here in the morning. fine day but too wet to seed.

Wed Apr 28 - Fine day we started to paper our kitchen. Men did a little seeding.

Thur Apr 29 - Finished house cleaning. Sara and Hilda Farr called in the afternoon.

Fri Apr 30 - Fine day Mrs. Clarke and the children were here for a while in the afternoon.

May 1st - Rained steadily all day. Mr. White called in the afternoon

Sun May 2 - Rained all day. I was at Pa's in afternoon. Tom, Sara and Hilda Farr here for tea

Mon May 3 - Rained a little, Miss James called in the evening. Lizzie and Annie here for tea.

Tue May 4 - Rained in the afternoon and evening. We were down at W.A. Meeting at Mrs. Cherrys.

Wed May 5 - Gine day Aunt Mattie and I went to Toronto, went to Aunt Elizabeths in afternoon.

Thur May 6 - We went to Aunt Lizzie for dinner and at W. Morses for tea. Rained in afternoon.

Fri May 7 - We were at Aunt Jennies to spend the day - went to Junction in afternoon it was a fine day. Leata Passon are buried

Sat May 8 - We came home from Toronto in the evening, fine day.

Sun May 9 - I was at S.S. and Church. Aunt Nellie was at Church. Uncle and Aunt Mattie out at Mr. Farrs. for tea Hilda came home with them.

Mon May 10 - I went to Miss Allans in the afternoon Aunt Mattie went to ask for Mrs. Passmore. Aunt Mattie and Hilda at Pa's in the evening.

Tue May 11 - Warm day. I went to call at Mrs. James Ellis - Hennie Clarke and Lissie Cooper here.

Wed May 12 - Aunt Mattie walked out to Thornhill and called at Miss Edays. I went dfown to Mrs. Clarkes to spend afternoon with Laura {Written on side}Thunder Storm.

Thur May 13 - Rained a little in the morning we were at home all day.

Fri May 14 - I went to Miss Allan's rained in the afternoon, we were home in the evening

Sat May 15 - Fine day we were at home. Uncle at Thorn-hill in the evening.

Sun May 16 - Pa's family also Taud S. Farr here for dinner. Annie and I at church in the afternoon. We walked over to Pa's in evening

Mon May 17 - We let our Coal stove go out. Maud Troyer and Laura here in the evening.

Tue May 18 - Fine day we cleaned our Dining Room.

Wed May 19 - Aunties went to the WQ.A. meeting at Mrs. Alf. Keffers, our men finished sowing their peas this morning.

Thur May 20 - Put our Pork in the granary it rained very heavy all afternoon.

Fri May 21 - I walked to Thorn hill for picture frame Aunt Millie went to Mrs. Leasdales for tea we went to meet her in evening

Sat May 22 - Fine day. Men planted their roots I was over at Pa's in morning I went to call at Miss Duncans and Mrs. Teasdales in evening. Aunt Mattie called at Miss James.

Sun May 23 - Rained all day cold. Uncle and I were at Pa's for tea, rest at home.

Mon May 24 - Fine day. but cold, Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I at Mr. Farrs to spend the day. Aunt Jennie and Lizzie here to spend day.

Tue May 25 - Miss Duncans and Annie Leasdale here for tea. G. And M. Chapman here in the evening cold day.

Wed May 26 - Aunt Mattie went out to Mr. Farrs, fine but rather cold. A. and Lizzie here for tea.

Thur May 27 - Uncle was at Thomas Rowes raising We went up to G. Chapmans for tea.

Fri May 28 - Uncle in Toronto, It rained in the afternoon. we were at home.

Sat May 29 - Fine day, Aunt Mattie came home in the evening.

Sun May 30 - We went out to Markham Villiage. rained in the evening Annie here for tea with Aunt Nellie

Mon May 31 - {Written in the margin} We had Lettuce first for dinner. Fine but very cold I was down at Miss Allans, in the afternoon, Mrs. Farrell and Edith Loyer were here to tea. Aunt Nellie and Uncle went to see Mr. Dean. W. here in evening

Tue June 1 - Aunt Nellie went down to the W.A. Meeting at church. rest at home.

Wed June 2 - Fine day a little warmer. Mrs. Troyer and Mrs. Baldwin here for dinner and tea. I was down at Mrs. Teasdales for tea.

Thur June 3 - Came on a dreadful heavy rain in the evening. we had no person here

Fri June 4 - The girls were here for tea. We went to the Fireman's Concert at Thornhill and called at Miss Edys.

Sat June 5 - We had our grass cut in the morning. fine day. Uncle and Aunt Nellie were at Mr. Farrs for tea.

Sun June 6 - Wit Sunday just sprinkled a little in the afternoon I was at S.S. Uncleand Aunt Mattie at Church we went to Mr. Farrells for tea.

Mon June 7 - Rained very heavy all afternoon. Sara Farr and Tom here for tea. Tom and Uncle. went out to Wood bridge in the afternoon.

Tue June 8 - Aunt Kate and Irene Chapman here for dinner, and Pursie & Jessie Farrell also. Elsie Troyer from tea rained a little in the evening.

Wed June 9 - Rained a little in the Morning. We picked our Sage. I took some Sage over to Ma's, in the afternoon. Mr. Dean died.

Thur June 10 - Cut the grass with the Lawn Mower. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went out to Mrs. Deans in evening I was at Pa's.

Fri June 11 - Very warm, we went out to Mr. Deans funeral and down to Mr. Farrs for tea.

Sat June 12 - Fine day. T Farr here in the morning. Eddie Hannagan and Mr. MItchell called in the afternoon. We went to Camp Meeting in the evening.

Sun June 13 - Lily and Harold Farr here to spend the day. Uncle and Aunt Matie were at Mr. Bothams for tea.

Mon Jun 14 - Mr. Luesby here trimming trees. Mr. J. and G. Clarke here in afternoon. Aunt M. and N. called to see Mrs. Dean. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went to Lecture at Fisherville, Willie here in the evening.

Tue June 15 - Aunt Nellie called at Miss Duncans Pa was here for tea men working on the roads.

Wed Jun 16 - We were at home. Annie and Lizzie here in the eveing fine day.

Thur Jun 17 - I was at Mrs. W.J. Clark's for tea, it rained a little in the evening.

Fri Jun 18 - May Thompson and Annie Leasdale were here for tea. Uncle at Thorn hill in evening.

Sat Jun 19 - We were at Mr. Teasdales for ten, John Bowas got his leg broke playing football

Sun June 20 - Fine day and cool, I was at S.S. we were all at church also Tom & Sara at church and here for tea.

Mon Jun 21 - I was at Miss Duncans in afternoon we were over at Pa's in the evening.

Tue June 22 - We went to Mr. Fred Farrs to spend Jubilee day. fine day. and cool, we went down to see the Procession.

Wed June 23 - Aunt Rosetta, came. Aunt Mattie and Uncle went to Mr. Farrs sale. it rained a little in the afternoon

Thur June 24 - Very hot day we went out to see Mrs Dean in the evening Lydia Dean is sick.

Fri June 25 - Mary Charlton here for tea, Ma and the girls here in the evening it is a cooler day.

Sat Jun 26 - We went out for Robson Farr in the afternoon, Aunt Rosetta & Nellie went to Pa's. Uncle went to see John Bowes, I was at Mrs. Clark's in the eveing.

Sun June 27 - I was at S.S. and church, fine day Aunt Rosetta Cook and Robison Farr here. Sara and Tom Farr here for tea.

Mon June 28 - Aunt Rosetta, and Aunties went out to see Lydia Dean. Robson and I went to Pa's bush to hunt for strawberries, Aunt N. called on Miss James and I went down to Miss Duncans in the evening.

Tue Jun 29 - Rained all day Aunt went home on the evening train I went to the station with her.

Wed Jun 30 - Rained a little in the morning. T. Farr came out for Aunt Mattie in evening. it is very warm, we got out Strawberries

Thur July 1 - Very hot day. Mr. Macdonald called in the afternoon

Fri July 2 - Very hot. Alice Shanklin came in the evening. Aunt Mattie came home and Robson left. Uncle took me to see Lydia Dean.

Sat July 3 - Hot-day. Uncle was away at a Raising.

Sun July 4 - Dreadful hot day I went to S.S. and Church. Uncle and Alice went for a drive in the evening.

Mon July 5 - The glass up to 100 Blood heat. Uncle and T. Farr drove down to the Wild West Show. it s a little cooler in the evening.Ma and the girls here in the evening.

Tue July 6 - A little cooler. We went out to a Social at Mrs. Dalziels. lovely evening.

Wed July 7 - Fine day. Aunt Lizzie, Maud and the children here. Ma and the girls here for tea also Mrs. RIchardson.

Thur July 8 - Very warm. We went out to S.S. Picnic at Mr. Farrells flats, Aunt Mattie went out to Lydia Dean's.

Fri July 9 - Dreadful hot day. Aunt Mattie came home in the morning. We went over to Pa's for tea.

Sat July 10 - Very warm day. We were at home all day. Annie was here for a while in the evening

Sun July 11 - Mr. and Mrs. Reive and Kathleen here to spend the day. came a little shower at noon and turned very coll. I was at church. T. Farr called in the evening.

Mon July 11 - Fine day. Men commenced haying Aunties and Alice went to Mr. Sniders to see about cherried. Alice went home in the evening.

Tue July 12 - I went to see Lydia Dean we were at home in the evening.

Wed July 13 - Getting pretty warm again I went picking Berries.

Thur July 14 - Aunt Nellie and I went picking berries at home the rest of day.

Fri July 15 - Very warm day. picking berries in the morning and cherries in the afternoon

Sat July 17 - Sara Farr here for tea I went home with her and Uncle called for me in the evening.

Sun July 18 - David Smellie here for dinner Pa and the girls here for a while in the afternoon, Uncle and Aunt N out at Mr Farrs. I was at church and S.S. came a thunder storm eve.

Mon July 19 - Aunt Nellie and I went picking berries picked our Currants in the afternoon

Tue July 20 - I went to pick berries picked black currants in afternoon. Men finished haying.

Wed July 21 - I was very sick in morning I went to Mrs. Clarkes for tea.

Thur. July 22 - Very hot we all went to pick berries in the afternoon Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Richmond hill in the evening. Rained very heavy.

Fri July 23 - Rained most of the day girls were over to pick peas.

Sat July 24 - Warm day. Aunt Nellie. and I went up to Mrs. Charltons in the evening.

Sun July 25 - Uncle Aunt Mattie and I were at church. Mrs. and Mr. Farrell here for tea.

Mon July 26 - Five day but came very heavy rain at night. W. Cooper here in the evening. Aunties were away berry picking. Pa's commenced Harvest,

Tue July 27 - Rained very heavy all day, Annie and Lissie here for tea

WQed July 28 - It rained nearly all day - The grain badly layed with storm and wheat is beginning to sprout.

Thur July 29 - Fine day. we went down to Miss Allans in the evening.

Frid July 30 - Fine day. cool. Uncle and Aunt Nellie at Mr. Farrs in evening.

Sat July 31 - Aunties are in Toronto, Uncle conmenced Harvest

Sun Aug 1 - Uncle Aunt Mattie and I were down at Mr. Albert Farrs. Willie was here for dinner

Mon Aug 2 - Warm day. Aunt Nellie walked out to Thorn hill in the evening. John Stevenson called in the afternoon. The horse buyers here for dinner (Civic Holiday).

Tue Aug 3 - Sara Farr and the children here for tea, Aunt Nellie down at the W.A. Meeting Miss James here in the evening.

Wed Aug 4 - Uncle took Mag away. it rained in the afternoon and evening.

Thur Aug 5 - Fine day. Mrs. Teasdale here for tea, Mr Keys called in the eveing.

Fri Aug 6 - Warm day. we got an old man for harvasting - We went to the Concert att Thorn hill (Eckardt.)

Sat Aug 7 - fine day. we were at home

Sun Aug 8 - Pa's were all here for dinner. our people were over there in the evening

Mon Aug 9 - Annie & Clara Teasdale here for tea. also Maud Clark and Ella Eckardt fine day the men hauling barley.

Tue Aug 10 - Rained in the afternoon. Sara and Tom Farr here in the evening.

Wed Aug 11 - Fine day Uncle and Aunt Nellie went for a drive to Bonds Lake. cool.

Thur Aug 12 - I was over at Pa's. the girls had a gathering. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Richmond Hill and Mrs. Mangers.

Fri Aug 13 - We were at Miss Allans in the afternoon. I went to the station to meet Orr's girls.

Sat Aug 14 - The girls were here also. Annie and Lizzie. and Annie Mason day of Mr. Rolands trial

Sun Aug 15 - We went to church in the morning it came a dreadful rain & thunder in the afternoon. Uncle and Willie went for a drive in eveing

Mon Aug 16 - The girls went home. I was down at Mr. Teasdales. rained in the afternoon. Uncle and Auntie down at Mr. Farrelss in evening

Tue Aug 17 - Fine day. cool. Annie and Lizzie here in the eveing. Men commenced cutting Oats

Wed Aug 18 - Sara Farr and Mrs. Charlton here, stayed all night in consequence of heavy rain. I walked to Miss Allario in the morning.

Thur Aug 18 - Rained in morning then came out fineAunt Mattie and I went to Miss James in the evening

Fri Aug 20 - Old John left. we were at home all day.

Sat Aug 21 - Charlie Foley here. Machine came to Pa's I was at Store and at Mrs. Clarks in eve.

Sun Aug 22 - Lovely cool day Aunt Mattie and I walked to church. Ms Brown preached.

Mon Aug 23 - Pa's had the Thrashing Machine. Aunt Mattie was there.

Tue Aug 24 - We had the Machine. fine cool day.

Wed. Aug 25 - Fine day. we were at home all day

Thur Aug 26 - Mrs. Keffer and Miss Keffer here for tea Aunties. Jamie and Lizzie came on train

Fri Aug 27 - Aunt Jennie and Aunt Mattie went up to call at Miss Jame's in the afternoon.

Sat Aug 28 - Aunties went home on the morning train Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I went to the Band Concert in the evening.

Sun Aug 29 - Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mr. Farrs for tea Aunt Nellie and I were at church Rain in evening

Mon Aug 30 - Aunties went to Toronto fine day a little warmer. Pa. here in the morning.

Tue Aug 21 Aunt Nellie went to W.A. at Fisherville. fine day. men busy harvesting.

Wed Aug 3Sept 1 Very cool weather. we were home all day

Thur Aug 42 Aunties went to the W.A. Meeting at Mrs. C.H. Keffers. cool day

Fri Aug 5 4 3 Sept willie is over helping with the Harvest. Pa is at Exhibition. I called at Mrs. G. Clarke's in evening.

Sat Aug 6 Sept. 4 - Willie here in the morning, finished harvest with the exception of Hungarian Grass. cool day, we made our catsup.

Sun Aug 7 Sept 5. Uncle and I went for a drive to Weston. and Downview in the morning. I was at S.S. and church Uncle & Aunt Nellie also we went to Mr. Farrell's for tea. very warm

Mon Aug 8 Sept 6 Very hot day. Mrs McElroy here in the evening. also T. and S. Farr. brought plumbs

Tue Aug 9 Sept 7. Uncle and I were at Thorn hill in the morning. Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Farrell. were here for tea. T. Farr and uncle went to the exhibition in the evening.

Wed Aug10Sept 8 - We went to the exhibition. fine day.

Thur Aug 11Sept 9 Warm day. we went out to Mr. Farrs in the evening for basket plumbs

Fri Aug 12 - Sept 10. Dreadful day the glass up to 100. we were at home all day.

Sat Aug 13 Sept 11. A little cooler. I was out at Lydia Deans for tea, Willie here in evening.

Sun Aug 14 Sept 12 David here for dinner and tea. Mr. and Mrs. Botham here for tea also Sara and Tom Farr. fine day I was at Church.

Om Sept 13 - Warm day. Aunties went out to Mr. Farrs for plumbs. I was at Pa's, for a while in afternoon

Tue. Sept. 14 = Miss Edey called in afternoon, Annie and Lizzie here for tea, fine day.

Wed Sept 15 - Fine day. we were at home all day.

Thur. Sept 16 - We drove down to Toronto Aunt Nellie stayed in Toronto. very hot day.

Fri Sept 17 - Turned cooler, a little frost at night, Aunt Marrie and I at Pa's in afternoon for plants

Sat Sept 18 - Uncle is away. I took Lizzies Bantam over cool day.

Sun Sept 19 - Willie here for dinner. Uncle, Auntie and myself out at Mr. Farrs for tea very cold.

Mon Sept 20 - Very cold Pa here in the morning - our people sowed their wheat {A square around number 4}

Tue Sept 21 - Very heavy frost this morning (ice) We were at home all day. Mrs. Robinson died.

Wed Sept 22 - Warmer day. I called in at Pa's in the afternoon. we were at home in the evening.

Thur Sept 23 - Mrs. Robinson was buried. Annie and Lizzie spent the day here.

Fri Sept. 24 - Fine day. we were at home.

Sat Sept 25 - Very warm. Sara and Tom Farr. here for tea. we were at home in the evening.

Sun Sept 26 - Rained a little in the morning we went to a Maple Church in the afternoon.

Mon Sept 27 - Cold-day. were at Mrs. W. Clarks in evening

Tue Sept 28 = Very hard frost last night. Annie Leasdale was here for tea. Uncle was at Mr. Farrells thrushing Machine.

Wed Sept 29 Warm day. we were at home all day.

Thur Sep 30 - Very warm, Aunt Mattie walked out to Mrs. Cox funeral. Aunt Nellie came home, I was at Mrs. Clark's guilting, Uncle and Aunt Mattie were at Mr. Farrs in evening.

Fri Oct 3 1 - Fine day were at home all day

Sat Oct 2 - A little colder, we were at home.

Sun Oct 3 - Tom and Sara Farr here for dinner. I went to Church. Sara remained for a few days

Mon Oct 4 - Aunt Mattie, Sara and I took a drive up to Maple Cemetry in afternoon.

Tue Oct 5 - Fine Day. Uncle Aunt Mattie and Sara spent the evening at Mr. Charltons.

Wed Oct 6 - Sara, went home in the evening. Willie was here in the evening.

Thurs Oct 7 - Day of Markham Fair we are out of soft water and have been since Oct 2nd

Fri Oct 8 - Mrs. Clarke here for tea, it sprinkled rain in the afternoon.

Sat Oct 9 - I was down at Mrs. Teasdales for tea fine day. Our people pulling roots,

Sun Oct 10 - We were all at church. I was at S.S. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell and byron here for tea.

Mon Oct 11 = Fine day. Pursie and Jessie Farrell here and stayed all night.

Tue Oct 12 = Rained a little in the morning. we were at home all day.

Wed Oct 13 = Fine day, Aunt Mattie and I called at Miss Edey's in the afternoon...

Thur Oct 14 = Warm day. We drove down to Toronto with Pa, and came home on Electric Cars,

Fri Oct 15 = Very hot the warmest - October day ever known. (86° in the shade, Sara and Tom Farr here in the evening (killed a pig)

Sat Oct 16 = Turning cool. towards evening. Aunt Nellie and I called at Miss James' but she was not at home. Men finished roots

Sun Oct 17 - I was at the Methodist Church in the morning Pa's were all here for dinner and tea. Mr. Abrams and Miss Edey called in the afternoon, Sara & Tom Farr here for tea.

Mon Oct 18 = We commenced cleaning upstairs flies have been dreadful but a little better now, Mrs McElroy and John here for a call.

Tue Oct 19 = Fine day. we were at home all day.

Wed Oct 20 - We went to Woodbridge Fair. It came on a very heavy rain in the evening.

Thur Oct 21 = Dull day. Uncle, and Aunt Mattie drove down to see Aunt Elizabeth.

Fri Oct 22 = Dull day and warm we went up to a lecture at Richmond hill in evening

Sat Oct 23 = Fine day and warm, we were at home all day,

Sun Oct 24 = Aunt Nellie and I were at church Mr. Eakin preached. Uncle and Aunt Mattie were at Mr. Farrs.

Mon Oct 25 = Fine day. picked our apples we were at Pa's in the even.

Tue Oct 26 = Fine day we were at Mrs. McElroys for tea,

Wed Oct 27 = Very damp and foggy. at Mr. Tesdales here at home for tea

Thur " 28 = Fine day. Annie Cooper here in the afternoon also Eddie Clarke.

Fri Oct 29 = Fine day and cold. Aunties walked out of make calls at Thornhill. Mr Farrell here in evening.

Sat Oct 30th = Fine day. Mrs. Nelles called in evening, We went up to Richmond hill to the dress makers

Sun Nov 1st Oct 31. Aunt Nellie and I at church and at Mrs. G. Clarks for tea, Mr. Sloans here for tea, fine day.

Tue Oct Nov. 2 = Poured rain all day and night. We went up to Miss. Cliffords the dress makers

Wed Oct Nov 3= Martha Oster, Mabel Reaman and Laura Eckardl also Annie Cooper here for tea. lovely-day - I had a letter from Estella Oster also Lily Farr.

Thur Oct Nov 4= Fine day. Aunt Jennie and Uncle Smellie came, on morning train.

Fri Oct Nov 5 = Rained in the evening, I was down at Mrs. Clarke's at Laura's guilting

Sat Oct Nov 6 = Auntie Jennie and Uncle went home dull windy day.

Sun Oct Nov 7th = We were at Pa's for dinner and tea. the girls and I were at church.

Mon Oct Nov 8 = Rained all day we cleaned our out kitchen at home all day.

Tue Oct Nov 9 = Snowed all day. Pa and Ma called in the morning they killed a pig in the afternoon Uncle took me up to the Dress Makers in evening

Wed Oct Nov 10 = Uncle and Aunties also Ma and LIzzie were in Toronto very slushy.

Thur Oct Nov 11 = Rained nearly all day we were at home all day.

Fri Oct Nov 12 = Dull cold day. T. Farr and Mr Botham here for tea. Mrs. G. Baker died

Sat Oct Nov 13 = Annie called in the morning. frozen guiet dry but can plough

Sun Oct Nov 14 = Uncle and I were at Mrs. G, Bakers funeral (18 yrs 11 months) Uncle and Aunt-Nellie out at Mr. Farrs for tea. I was at church and

Mon Oct Nov 15 = Rained a little I was at Ma's for a little while in afternoon We brought in our Coal Stove. T. Farr called and brought us a little cider sapiers

Tue Oct Nov 16 = Rained a little Uncle and Aunt Nellie drove to Toronto, Uncle and I went to Mr Farrs and to the Conservation Concert in evening

Wed Oct Nov 18 = We went down to Town on the first Car, fine cold day. Alice Shanklin and I went to Dr. Eatons in afternoon.

Fri Oct Nov 19 = Rained a little all day. We were down Town in the morning and I went with Aunt Mattie to Dr. Husbands in the afternoon.

Sat Oct Nov 20 = Fine day. I took a walk and in the afternoon Alice Auntie and myself called at Willie Cooks

Sun Nov 21 = We were at St. Phillips church in the morn John Willie and six children were at Aunts for tea. Aunt Mattie and I at the Bloor Street Presbypterian church in eve

Mon Nov 22 = I went out to Yonge Street in the morning in the afternoon we went to Aunt LIzzies and remained over night, called at Charles

Tue. Nov 23 = We were down Town in the morning I went to Dr. Eatons in the afternoon and then to Aunt Jennies we all went up to call at Mrs. Milne's in the evening.

Wed Nov 24 = Fine day and cold. We were down Town in the morning also in the afternoon {written in pencil, same handwriting} Sight our Coal stove at home ; and commenced working in house.

Thur Nov 25 - Rained all day. Aunties Jennie and Mattie and myself went up to Walmer Road in the evening "Thanks giving Day"

Fri Nov 26 = Rained very heavy most of the day. I was at Dr. Eatons and down Town. we came home in the afternoon" Mr. George Charlton very sick.

Sat Nov 27 = Froze all up clean, Aunt Nellie at Pa's Ma is down in Toronto. at Mr. Charltons

Sun Nov 28 = Pa's family here for dinner and tea the girls and at S.S. and Church, I went home with the girls to stay all night...

Mon Nov 29 = Rained a little then turned very cold, I came home and AUnt Nellie, went over. Mr and Mrs Welsh called in afternoon

Tue Nov 30th = Very cold. we were at home all day.

Wed Dec 1st = Uncle in Town. Aunt Nellie came home in the morning it snowed a little Tom and Sara Farr also, Florence here for tea

Thur Dec 2nd = Fine day but cold - We were at Mrs Welsh's and spent the evening. Willie was here in the evening.

Fri Dec 3rd = Snowed a little on Friday Morning We went to Miss Duncans in the evening Aunt Mathie and I ---

Sat Dec 4th =It rained most of the day (Pair) Aunt Mattie and Uncle went for a in the cart in the eve (Thomas here all week

Sun Dec 5th = A little damp and muddy. I was at S.S. and Church, (Uncle and Aunt Nellie at Church

Mon Dec 6th = Cold and came a little sheet. Uncle and Aunt Nellie in Toronto. Sara Farr here all day. Tom and Mr. Botham at a sale and here for tea.

Tue Dec 7th = A little damp and muddy. Aunt Nellie went to the Auxiliary at Mrs. Troyers. Willie was here in the evening Aunt Mattie called at Mrs. Charltons,

Wed Dec 8th = Thawed, I went to Miss Duncans but they were not at home, Uncle Aunt Mattie and I were at the Medicine Concert at Thornhill in the evening.

Thur Dec 9th = Tom Farr called here in the morning, Uncle and Aunt Nellie were at Ms. Farrs for tea and at a Concert at Richmondhill in the evening, I was at the Miss Duncans. it rained a little in the evening.

Fri Dec 10th = Very muddy the frost all out of the ground. Mr. Charltons and Watsons here for tea.

Sat Dec 11th Muddy roads, Mick here for dinner and got the horses to plough his garden.

Sun Dec 12th = I was at Methodist Church in the morning. Aunt Nellie and I at Church in the afternoon Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mr. Farrs for dinner

Mon Dec 13 - The frost all out. Some people are phoughing Pa's butchered . fine day.

Tued Dec 14 = It rained very heavy all day, we were at home.

Wed Dec 15th = It rained a little in the morning We butchered it was muddy but turned out fine.

Thur Dec 16th = Fine day but very muddy. I called at Miss Duncans in the afternoon to learn a pattern of netting

Fri Dec 17th = Froze up last night and snowed most of the day. the Sleigh bells - are out this evening.

Sat. Dec 18th = Fine day. Sleighing not bad I called at Mrs. Teasdales in the afternoon, UNcle and I went out to Mr. Farrs in the evening.

Sun Dec 19th = Very cold day. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I were at Church, Uncle was away driving in eve

Mon Dec 20th = Fine day. it snowed a little, we were at home all day.

Tue Dec 21st = Uncle was in Toronto with a load, we were at home all day

Wed Dec 22nd = It snowed a little in the morning. Uncle and Aunt Mattie drove down to Toronto in the evening

Thur Dec 23 = Uncle was in Toronto with a load, Dreadful cold night. We were down at the Xmas Tree at Fisherville, Annie and I walked.

Fri Dec 24th - Fine day but cold. Aunt Mattie and I were at the Methodist Social and Xmas Tree

Sat Dec 25 = Xmas Day. not quiet so cold, we were all over at Pa's David was there and over at our place at night.

Sun Dec 26th = I was a S.S. and Auntie and I were at Church. good walking but the sleighing getting thin, Uncle dfrove David down.

Mon Dec 27th = Fine day. Annie Teasdale was here for tea & Charlie here in the evening. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at G. Bowe's babys. funeral and Mr. Farrs for tea

Tue Dec 28 = Fine day. I was down at the pond in the evening Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mr Farrells. Willie here in the evening. Aunt Mattie at Thorn hill in the afternoon.

Wed Dec 29 th - Very stormy day Snowed all afternoon. Mr. Farills and Mrs Layer here for tea.

Thur Dec 30 = W. Dalziel called collecting for misionary's. Uncle was in Toronto, I was at Mr. Teasdale's for tea and skating. Miled day. Thawing all day.

Fri Dec 31 st = Turning colder, we were at home all day. Sleighing moderately good.

End of Year 1897

Diary 1898

Jan 1 st "New Years Day." Pa's family all here to spend the day. Very cold day. Tom and Sara Farr here for the day. Aunt Mattie went home with Mr. Farr.

Jan 2 nd - Cold day. Uncle and Aunt Nellie and I were at Church. Uncle went out for Aunt Mattie in the evening.

Jan 3 rd = S Farr here for dinner. Unlce and Aunt Mattie out for a drive with the new horse in the afternoon. T and Sara here for tea. I was down skating at the Creek.

Jan 4 th Fine day. Miss Edey called in the afternoon. Miss Duncans here for tea. I was at the Creek skating in the evening.

Wed Jan 5 th - Sara Farr here all day. She bays{?} went to Brampton, Mr. Farrell called for a turkey. I was out skating in the evening.

Thur Jan 6 th It snowed a little and rained in the afternoon. Aunties went out to Miss Edey's. Uncle and I went out for them in the eve

Fri Jan 7 = Very mild the sleighing nearly all gone. Uncle and I were out for a short drive in the afternoon, Annie and I were out skating in the evening.

Sat Jan 8 = Mild day. I went down to Mr. Teasdales to skate but ice was too soft. Uncle up at Richmondhill, we were at home in the evening.

Sun Jan 9 = Willie was here for dinner. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went to Mrs. Rivers {Raives ?} {something written above this name, could be in baggy?} in the afternoon. I was at Church. T and S Farr called. Aunt Mattie and I walked out to Thornhill Methodist Church.

Mon Jan 10 = Fine day very mild sleighing nearly all gone. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke here to tea.

Tue Jan 11 th Mild day. Uncle and Aunt Mattie drove out to Thornhill. Rained in the evening. Uncle Annie and I went to skate but did not stay long as it rained and was dark.

Wed Jan 12 th Rained all day and in the evening the thunder and lightning was very heavy.

Thur Jan 13 th = Fine day, frozen a little but no skating. We had Mr. and Mrs. Teasdale, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, Mr. and Miss. Farr also Nelson Smellie and Willie Cooper for tea. Mrs. Mr. Elroy and John.

Fri. Jan 14 th - Wille was here helping Uncle in the afternoon. I walked out to Lydia Deans in the afternoon and home in the evening.

Sat Jan 15 th - It snowed and made the sleighing go very well. Uncle and Aunt Mattie took a drive to Thornhill. Mr. Willie Bowes died.

Sun Jan 16 th = Fine day. Uncle and Aunt Nellie drove out to Mr. Bowes in the afternoon. I was at Church. Sara and Tom Farr here for tea.

Mon Jan 17 = Fine day. The Thrashing Machine{?} came in the afternoon. We were at home.

Tue Jan 18 - We were Thrashing all day. No one here!

Wed Jan 19 - We finished Thrashing at noon. Very foggy day. All hoar frost. Uncle and I took a drive. Aunt Mattie went to Toronto to Annies.

Thur Jan 20 - Rained all day. I went over to Pa's but they could not Thrask {?}. We were at home, the sleighing all gone.

Fri Jan 21 - I was over helping Ma at the Thrashing. We were out at Mr. Farr's in the evening to a gathering of young people.

Sat Jan 22 - Pa's finished Thrashing, Uncle drove Mick home. It rained rained an snow through the night.

Sun Jan 23 - Very rough and windy, but no snow. Mr. and Mrs. Wright here for dinner, it froze in eve.

Mon Jan 24 - Uncle went down for Coral, we washed at home all day. Pa here in the evening.

Tue Han 25 - Fine in the morning Uncle and I went for a drive {an ink smudge between these words} in the afternoon. S Farr and Violet called. Aunt Nellie out at Mrs. Nelle's for tea. Uncle and I went over for her it was a dreadful night snowing & blowing. "had sleighing" {this seems as if it was added as an after thought}

Wed Jan 26 - Fine day the sleighing a little improved. Mrs. Dean, Lydia and Major here for tea. Willie here in the evening.

Thur Jan 27 th It snowed a little in the morning. Uncle and I went for a drive up above Richmond Hill. Sleighing not bad. We were out at Mr. Farr's to spend the evening. Turning colder.

Fri Jan 28 th - Cold day very stormy in the afternoon, Willie was here for tea, Mick had the horses hauling wood.

Sat Jan 29 th - Very cold, Uncle and Auntie drove up to Maple in the afternoon, it was a little stormy eve

Sun Jan 30 - Dreadful cold day about 15 degrees below zero. I walked to Church. S and T Farr here for tea. Willie was here in the evening.

Mon Jan 31 - Turning milder. Snowed a little all day, rather soft. Pa was here for tea. Uncle was at Store in the evening. - Turning colder

Tue Feb 1 {the Feb is written over a faint Jan} - Turning very cold and dreadfully stormy a dreadful day blocked some of the roads. Willie was here for tea.

Wed Feb 2 - Very cold but no stormy. Willie was here in the evening. Uncle and I were at George Fishers Party. cold night

Thur Feb 3 rd - Stormed a little. Auntie and Uncle called ar Ma's to invite her to the Auxiliary Mr. J M St. golme{?} called. Willie was here in the evening, cold day.

Fri Feb 4 - Fine day a little milder. Pa and Uncle went to the Cattle Market. Willie was here to do the feeding.

Sat Feb 5 - Very mild. Snowed a little in the morning, very soft. Maud and Edith Troyer here for tea. Uncle was at the store in the evening. It turned a little colder in the evening.

Sun Feb 6 - Fine day. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I at Church. Uncle and I at Methodist Church in the evening. Willie was here after Church.

Mon Feb 7 th - I went to Toronto on the Car {train}. Aunt Mattie and I were down town in afternoon and called at Aunt Jennies and Lizzies.

Tues Feb 8 - I was at the Dentist in the morning. Aunt MAttie and I came home in the evening Car {train}. It rained a little in the afternoon {this was written above the first sentence, probably an after thought.}

Wed Feb 9 th - Foggy and damp day. we had W. A. meeting 22 for tea collection $ 2.90 - Willie & Mr. White here. Mabel Reaman called to invite me to go to Buttonville.

Thur Feb 10th - Dull day the sleighing getting bad. Willie here for dinner. Pa's in Toronto.

Fri Feb 11 th - Sleighing nearly all gone. Uncle and Aunt M. at a gathering at Mr. Farr's. Annie & S here to stay all night. I went to party at Buttonville. dreadful roads got home 6-30 AM - Rained heavy.

Sat Feb 12 - Uncle went to Thornshill and got mattresses.. I was at the store in the eve very muddy mo & a bit of sleighing.

Sun Feb 13 - Very muddy I walked to Church. Uncle and Aunt Mattie down at Mrs. Troyers in the eve.

Mon Feb 14 th - Turning colder. The roads a little frozen. Uncle drove Aunt Nellie out to meet the Can.

Tue Feb 15 th - Snowed and blew pretty windy we were at home all day.

Wed Feb 16 th - Very high winds, blowing & drifting all day. Uncle and T. Farr out Posting Bills/

Thur Feb 17 - Fine day a little cold. Uncle away. Mecey and Willie Cooke here for tea. Sesor{?} and Fred Farr and Mr. Deans called home roads not very good sleighing.

Fri. Feb 18 = Rained a little all day. Uncle at Pa's in the afternoon and Lizzie came over to stay all night.

Sat Feb 19 = Cold East winds. Gipsy woman called Ne{?} were all at Pa's for tea from Cystero.

Sun Feb 20 th - Sleeted and froze all day. T and S Farr here for tea. Aunt Mattie went home with them. I was at Church.

Mon Feb 21 st Snowed very hard all day. Uncle drove me to the store and over to Pa's, and Annie came over to stay all night with me.

Tue Feb 22 nd - Snowing steadily all day. Uncle was in town. Willie called in the morning and drove Annie and I to the Store. Uncle and I drove to Mr. Farr's in the evening. Uncle brought us home then went to a meeting {the words that are underlined is to separate them from the words "a meeting", which belong to the sentence below}

Wed Feb 23 rd - Snowed a little, I was at the Store in the afternoon and evening. Uncle went out to help Tom Farr, Mr. Keys called in the afternoon.

Thur Feb 24 th - Mr. Farr's sale. Fine day. we were there all day. Thomas Poole stayed all night.

Fri Feb 25 th - Fine day we were at home all day. Mr. Huff here and fixed the pump.

Sat Feb 26th - Fine day. Uncle and I drove out to Thornhill to get the clock and the kettle mended. called down at Mr. Farrs, I was out at the Rink in the evening, good sleighing.

Sun Feb 27th - I went to church in the morning we were out at Mr. Farrs for tea.

Mon. Feb 28 - Warm day and fine Pa. and Ma called. T. and Sara Farr called, S. remained and T. came out in the evening, Annie and Frank Teasdale here for tea, I called at Mr. Forbas

Tue Mar 1 - Fine Day Election, Aunt Mattie & I at Ma's in the evening, Uncle was down in Toronto

Wed Mar 2th - I was at Prayer Meeting in the evening and Uncle and Auntie at Thorn hill.

Thur Mar 3nd - Fine warm day the sleighing getting poor. Uncle and Aunt Mattie went to Maple to see Willie Cook, We were at Mr. Teasdales for tea, fine evening.

Fr Mar 4rd - Sleighing getting poor fine day. Pa's all here to spend the day. the girls stayed all night,

Sat Mar 5th - Fine day, Uncle up to Richmondhill in the evening, Auntie and I walked down to enquire for John Troyer, I went out to the Rink, Mr Abrams and Miss Edey here in the eve.

Sun Mar 6th - Fine morning, I was at church it is getting very sloppy walking. We drove to church in the afternoon.

Mon Mar 7th - Fine day Miss James here for tea Uncle and I also Mr. Farrs at Pa's for tea.

Tues Mar 8th - Annie Teasdale here for tea, Uncle want to meet Aunt Nellie at the car, Uncle took Annie Teasdale and I out to the Rink. {written between the lines} the lst time the cutter was out.

Wed Mar 9th - Fine day Uncle drove us up to Mrs. Alf Keffers the last time the sleigh was out. Meeting in the sleigh, but very little snow.

Thur Mar 10th - Ma in Toronto all this week., Pa and Willie here in the evening. Willie Cook, here and remained over night.

Fri Mar 11th - Water getting very high, all over the road. I went over to Pa's at noon, Uncle drove Aunties up to Miss Cliffords, Willie and I at Mr. Sniders, Robins at Thornhill.

{page upsidedown}

Sat Mar 12th - Uncle and Auntie over at Pas for dinner. it rained a little the roads very bad, Ma came home.

Sun Mar 13th - We were all at home, Willie here for tea. it rained a little, roads very bad.

Mon Mar 14 - Received a card that Alice is sick, fine warm day roads getting a little dry on centre.

Tue Mar 15 - A little colder, Aunt Mattie went to Toronto, we were at home all day.

Wed Mar 16th - Fine warm day. I was at Ma's in the afternoon roads are drying but bad in places. Willie and Uncle at Thorn hill, W. here for tea.

Thur Mar 17 - There was black birds around, Annie here in the afternoon. T. Farr here for tea, I went home with him and we were all at the Band Concert. A went -

Fri Mar 18 - Fine day roads getting dry. We were at home alone all day.

Sat Mar 19th - Rained last night and made the roads very sloppy T. and S. Farr came out. Uncle and Tom went to Richmond hill 4 was at store in the evening.

Sun Mar 20th - T. and L. remained all night fine day, roads getting dry. Annie and Lizzie here for tea.

Mon Mar 21 - Cold. and raining a little. Tom went home but came back in the evening

Tue Mar 22 = Raining a little. Tom and Uncle went to Toronto, Mr. Farrell here in the afternoon.

Wed Mar 23 = Fine day a little cold, Tom and Sara went home in the morning. Annie and Lizzie were here for tea, Aunt Nellie up at dressmakers. Annie and Clara Teasdale called in the evening. very cold guiet a hard frost.

Thur Mar 24 - A little warmer. Mr. and Mrs. Passmore and the little girl called in the Morning. T. Farr called in the afternoon. Roads are drying.

Fri Mar 25th - Fine day we were home, I was over at Pa's in the afternoon. Pa and Ma in Toronto.

Sat Mar 26th - Fine day and warm, Annie and I walked out to Thornhill in the afternoon. I was at the store in the eve.

San Mar 27th I was at Church in the morning it came on rain, Willie here for dinner, We spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Farrs, it rained. Our Turkey commenced laying

Mon Mar 28th - It rained went to Miss Cliffords in the C1 C2 afternoon. Roads muddy. I called at Mrs. Clarkes

Tue Mar 29th - Fine day. Uncle and I drove out to Mr. Farrs in the afternoon on the cart, at home in eve. Mr. Farrell called

Wed Mar 30th - Fine day but cold. Mr Farrs moved I was out in the morning

Thur Mar 31st - Fine day but cold. Mr Farrs took their last load. Uncle was out in the morning.

Fr Apr 1st - April Fool Day. Fine day Uncle went with Pa and Willie out to Mr. Bells to get trees. Mr. Johnson here for dinner

Sat Apr 2nd - Very cold. coming little squawls of snow the roads are getting dry and very good wheeling Uncle took Aunt Nellie to Miss Cliffords, I went out to Lydia Deans. Uncle out exercising Bird in eve.

Sun Apr 3rd - I was at Church in the Morning. We all drove to Church in the afternoon. the New Minister Mr. Wilson preached. Uncle and I at Pa's in the evening.

Mon Apr 4th - Very cold day. We were at home all day.

Tue Apr 5th - Very cold, Uncle drove me down to Eglinton to meet the Car, we called at Mr. Farrs. I went down to Alice's - I went to Dentists=

Wed Apr 6th - Fine day but cold, We were down Town in the Morning. SHopping, I came home on the Six O'clock car,

Thur. Apr 7th = Fine day. We were at home all day but in the evening I was over at Pa's in the evening.

Fri Apr 8th - Good Friday. Willie and the girls here to spend the day. The girls and I went up to Mr. Smellies bush, to see them Syrup making. Willie and Uncle away for a drive. fine warm day, Frogs out first time we heard them but were not before

Sat Apr 9th - Fine warm day, we had our Yard raked and rolled.we sat our first hen. Planted Onions, Lettuce, Radish.

Sun Apr 10th - Very hot and dusty Easter Sunday we were down at Mr. Tom Farrs for tea, People out in their dress waists

Mon Apr 11th - Easter Monday Aunt Mattie came home, Mick commenced work. Uncle started seeding.

Tue Apr 12 = Fine day, we began to amke our Soap. I was at Pa's in the evening for Duck Eggs. Commenced to use our Green Onions

Wed Apr 13 = Fine day and warm, I went up to Mr. SMellies to see about Syrup. Moved out Stove out, and made hard soap.

Thur Apr 14 = Tom, and Sara Farr also Helen Wallbridge here to spend the day. We made soft Soap.

Fri Apr 15th - Fine day, and warm. we were at home. men busy seeding, Uncle & Aunt Mattie went for a drive

Sat Apr 16 - Fine day. roads dreadfully dusty. Aunt Mattie called at Ma's in the morning, Lizzie and Annie here for tea, Uncle and I went for a long drive in the evening.

Sun Apr 17th - Very warm in the morning, I went over to Church, Willie here for dinner. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I at church in the afternoon,

Mon Apr 18th - Fine day. We cleaned our three rooms up stairs. Pa and Ma in Toronto, Annie over here. turning colder in the evening.

Tue Apr 19 - Very cold and rained heavily all day. we finished hall and stairs also cleaned pantry Men are nearly through seeding.

Wed Apr 20th - Rained and haled very heavy in the afternoon, cleaned our kitchen in the morning

Thurs Apr 21st - Fine day but cold, cleaned our parlor, & spare bed room, I helped Uncle to take roots out Uncle & Aunt Mattie took a drive and called at Aunt Elizabeths.

Fri Apr 22nd - Rained all day. we finished the cleaning with the exception of Dining Room.

Sat Apr 23rd - Dull day but a little warmer. Tom and Sara Farr came in the afternoon. Pa here for a while.

Sun Apr 24th - Aunt Nellies and I went to Church, Tom and Uncle went for a drive in the evening.

Mon Apr 25th - Uncle and I went to Uncle Fishers furneral Mattie called at Mrs. Charltons and Mrs. Passmores it was a fine warm day. Annie was here Aunt

Tue Apr 26th - Uncle and Willie went to Uncle Phillips funeral, it was a fine day. Annie was here.

Wed Apr 27th - Fine warm day. Uncle planted our potatoes I was down at Mrs. Teasdales for tea.

Thur Apr 28th - Fine day. Aunt Mattie over at Pa's in the evening. we were at home.

Fri Apr 29th - Fine day Auntie and Uncle went for a drive in the evening. I called at Mr. C to see Laura

Sat Apr 30th - Fine day. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Miss Bakers funeral in the Morning, and Uncle and Aunti Nallie went for a drive in the eveing.

Sun May 1st - Willie was here for dinner, Uncle, Aunt Mattie Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Pa's in the evening and I at Church in the afternoon. It rained in the evening, and just sprinkled in the morn

Mon May 2nd - Fine day. I was at Pa's for tea, Aunt Nellie at Mrs. Farrells for tea, Uncle & I there in the evening it rained in the evening. Uncle got C. from Pas

Tue May 3rd - Fine day we were at home all except Aunt Nellie who as at W.A. Meeting. Bird went away. {written between the lines} set our first turkey hen on 24 eggs

Wed May 4 - Fine day. I called at Mrs. Clarkes in afternoon Mr. G. Clarke shot Shep.

Thur May 5th - The weather has been a little cold the last few days. We were at home

Fri May 6th - Aunt Mattie and I went to Toronto on Electric Cars, fine day and much warmer

Sat May 7 - Fine and warm J. McElroy here for dinner. we were home, Mr & Mrs Botham called in the evening.

Sun May 8 - Fine day and warm Pa's were here for dinner, The girls and I went to Church.

Mon May 9th - Fine day Mr. Golland, and Uncle commenced painting the house. Mr. Wilson the Minister called in the morning.

Tue May 10th - Fine day we went to take Aunt Matties Uncles boot to Thornhill to get mended.

Wed May 11 - Fine day untill the evening it came a thunder Storm.

Thur May 12th - Painter here, Aunt Nellie and I went down to Miss Duncans in evening.

Fri May 13th - Aunt Mattie and Uncle went up to Richmondhill to dress makers, Uncle brought the lawn Mower home and cut the grass, in the evening.

Sat May 14th - Tom Farr was here in the afternoon Aunt Mattie and I went down to Mrs. Charltons in the evening.

Sun May 15th - I went to church in the morn Aunt Mattie and I went to church in the afternoon. Uncles and Aunt Nellie went to Mr. Bothams, About the warmest day we had. W. Here in eve.

Mon May 16th - fine day, we were at home all day. Painter here

Tue. May 17th - Fine and a little cooler. Uncle went down to Toronto and I went to Mr. Farrs to make a visit,

Wed May 18th - Fine day. we went for a drive in the afternoon and were home in the evening.

Thur May 19th - A very heavy thunder storm last night. dull warm day we were down town in the afternoon and went for a walk in the eve.

Fri May 20th - Sprinkled a little in the morning. I went for a drive, and in the evening down at the Theatre.{written between the lines in pencil} Our coal stove went out.

Sat May 21st - Fine day and warm I cam home in the afternoon. Aunties up at the dress makers.

Sun May 22nd - Very warm we were at Pa's all day and they were over here in the evening

Mon May 23rd - Rained a little in the afternoon, we were at home.

Tue May 24th - Fine day. Mr. Fred Farrs family also Tom and Sara here to spend the day.

Wed May 20th - Tom and Sara left this morning. I called at Ma's. Aunt Matti and I went to see Aunt Nancy.

Thur May 26th - Mr Golland finished painting to-day. We took our Coal stove out and cleaned the dining Room.

Fri May 27th - We started to use our Lettuce and Radishes. I called at Ma's in the Morning

Sat May 28th - Aunties and Annie went down to Toronto on the car. fine day. Aunt Mattie remained down, Ma, Pa, and the girls here for a while in the eve.

Sun May 29th - Fine cool day, "Whit Sunday", I was at Methodist Church in the morning and Presbypterian afternoon and evening. and old Mr. and Mrs. Clarke also Mrs G. called.

Mon May 30th - Fine cool day. we were burning Caterpillars out of the trees in the evening. Mr. Botham brought a horse out here.

Tue May 31st - Fine day. I called at Ma's in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Gaby here for tea.

Wed June 1st - Fine and very warm I went to the Social at the church.

Thur June 2nd - Our Cattle went away. Aunt Mattie and Alice came up on the 6:30 Car. Tom Farr and Mr. Morgan called in the evening.

Fr May June 3 rd - Very warm day, Minnie Appelbr came on the evening train. Annie Teasdale here for tea. Annie and Lizzie here in the evening. Rae Houghtre started work

Sat May June 4 th - Warm day. We were at home all day. Alice and Minnie here staying.

Sun May June 5 th - Dreadfully warm. Pa's family here for dinner. Lizzie and I went to Church. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell here in the evening. Roads dreadfully dusty.

Mon May June 6 th Fine day and a little cooler. Aunt Nellie Minnie and Alice went to Pa's to spend the day.

Tue May June 7 th Warm day. Aunt Nellie and I at Mrs. Clarkes Auxiliary Meeting. Minnie left.

Wed May June 8 - Rained heavily in the afternoon. Uncle was at Mr. Sniders raising.

Thur May June 9 th - Fine day. Annie and Lizzie here in the evening. Uncle, Aunt Mattie

Fri May June 10 th - Very cool all day. Uncle Aunt Mattie and Alice at Pine View.

Sat May June 11 th Rained heavily this A.M. also this afternoon. They went for a drive but had 25 turn{?} back

Sun May June 12 - Dull day and very close. rained a little in the evening. Uncle, Alice and I at Church.

Mon May June 13th - Very warm it rained a little all day. The men are working on the roads

Tue May June 14th - Fine day and cooler. Mrs. Teasdale and Mrs. Clarke here for tea. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and Alice went for a drive to Wilcox Lake and Bonds Lake

Wed May June 15th - Fine day we went to Pa's bush for a walk. Willie here in the evening. {This sentence added in between the other two} I called at Mrs. Clarkes in the evening.

Thu May June 16th - Fine day we were over at Ma's in the afternoon for a while. Annie and Lizzie here in the evening. fine and very cool.

Fri May June 17th - Uncle Aunt Mattie and Alice drove down to Toronto. A went home.

Sat May June 18th - A little warmer but turned cooler in the evening. Doctor, Minnie and Douglas came in eve.

Sun May June 19th - Very cool day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Farr also Mr. and Mrs. Reive & Kathlene here to spend the day. Pa and Ma came for tea.

Mon May June 20th - Dr. and Minnie and Douglas aloso Uncle and Aunt Mattie spent the day at Pa's. Very cold day rained a little in the afternoon.

Tue May June 21st - Fine cool day. Uncle and I drove down to Toronto in the afternoon. Mr. Wilson here for tea. Mrs. McElnoy and John called in the eve.

Wed May June 22nd - Fine day I called in at Pa's in the morning. I was at Store in the evening. Aunt Nellie at Mrs.Teasdales for tea.

Thur May June 23rd - Fine day Taura Eckant and Jannie Clark here for tea. Jannie Taley called in afternoon.

Fri May June 24th - Very warm I went over and called at Mr. Thomas Bowes. Aunt Mattie and Uncle went to Mr. Farrell's in the eve.

Sat May June 25th - Warm day it rained a little. John and Felicia called in the evening.

Sun May June 26th - Fine cool day. I was at Church in the morning, afternoon and evening. Uncle and Aunt Nellie at Mr. Farrell's for tea.

Mon May June 27th - Fine day, we were at home. we cut the Sage. Aunt Mattie called at Ma's.

Tue May June 28th - Fine cool day. Aunt Mattie and I were out at Lydia Deans for tea. Men commenced haying {this was written in between two lines}

Wed May June 29th - Aunties went down to Mt. Pleasant. Uncle in Toronto getting fixing for the mower. we got our Strawberries.

Thur May June 30th - Very warm it rained a little we were at home all day.

Fri July 1st - Very warm day. Aunties Lizzie and jammie came out. we were at Pa's in the evening.

Sat July 2nd - Dreadfully warm glass up to 1000. Unlce Smellie and Aunties went home. Uncle S. and Aunt M. went for a drive in eve

Sun July 3rd - Dreadful warm day. Uncle Aunt Nellie and I went to Church. had light shower.

Mon July 4th - Turned cool this A.M. I went to Mr. Teasdales for tea {Smudged} The rest at home. cold in eve.

Tue July 5th - Cold day. Aunt Mattie and I called at Ma's in afternoon. Aunt Nellie at Mr. A. Meeting. Annie, Lizzie and I went to see Mary Charlton.

Wed July 6th - Fine cool day. I went to Prayer Meeting with Annie and Lizzie. Aunt Mattie at Ma's in eve

Thur July 7th - Fine and a little warmer. We were at home all day. {in what looks like pencil: Bot, 2 Kanrelh Howr $ 4.15 ?}

Fri July 8th - Mrs. Dr. Deller{?} here for tea also Ma here. A little warmer to day.

Sat July 9th Fine day our men continued finished haying. Annie & Lizzie here in evening.

Sun July 10th = Very cool day. I was at Church in the morning. Pa's here for the day. A, L, and I at Church in the afternoon. we were at Pa's in evening. A frost at night. Froze corn & grain in some places but no damage here. {added in the left margin: had first new potatoes for tea }

Mon July 11 - Aunt Nellie and I went to the bush but only got a few berries. Mrs. Reive and children here for dinner and tea. Sarah Farr came on 6.30.

Tue July 12th - Cool day Mr. and Mrs. Batham here in the evening, also had to pick peas.

Wed July 13th - Aunt Kate, Mary & children here we went to Ma's in the afternoon I was at Prayer Meeting and Lizzie came home with me.

Thur July 14th Very warm day, Uncle & men over helping Pa to finish haying. Annie here in evening. it was last evening Mr. Stong and daughter were killed.

Fri July 15th - Very warm. Sarah still here Uncle, Sarah and I went for a drive & afterwords Uncle and Aunties went to Downsview for a drive.

Sat July 16th - Dreadfully warm we were at home.

Sun July 17th - Mr. and Mrs. Botham and children here for tea. I was down at Mr. Heslops with John and Jammie Bowes. Very warm day

Mon July 18th - It is still very warm. Sara Farr went home on the 4.30 Car. Uncle & I out for a drive in the evening. {written in between lines: commenced new potatoes regularly}

Tue July 19 Dreadfully warm the glass up to about 1000. Uncle and Aunt M were out at Thornhill and Richmond Hill in eve. We were at home all day, at Ma's in evening.

Wed July 20th - Very warm I was at Prayer Meeting with the girls. Our people commenced harvest

Thur July 21th - Uncle and Aunt Nellie out for a drive. very warm again but a little cooler than Wednesday.

== Jan 1898 - Sold 12 Tbs Butter at 18 = $ 2.16

Jan ,, ,, = Sold 10 ,, ,, ,, 17 = 1.70

Jan 31st ,, 13 ,, ,, ,, 17 = 2.21

Feb. 11 13 ,, ,, ,, 17 = 2.08

Feb Febe 23 ,, = 7 ,, ,, ,, 17 = 1.12

Mar 12th = 10 ,, ,, 16 = 1.60

Mar 24th = 9 ,, ,, = 16 = 1.44

Sold - 415 Tbs butter

Consumed = 105 ,, ,, = 520 Tbs made in year

415 sold and cash $61.08 ==

Butter 1897

Aug 18 - 6 Tbs butter at 14 cents = $ 84

Jue Aug 25 - 11 ,, , ,, 14 ,, = $1.54

Tue Aug 31 = 12 ,, , ,, 15 = 1.80

Tue Sept {written over Aug} 9 - 12 ,, ,, ,, 14 15 = 1. 80 (1.80) {the 0 of 80 was written over another 8, resulting in Mary to re-write the total in brackets}

Mon Sept 15 - 7 ,, ,, 15 = 1.05

Sat Sept 19 - 9 ,, ,, 15 = 1.35 {A line separates these sentences} Fri Sept 25 - Packed.

Sept 30 - Packing

Oct 7 = ,, ,,

Oct 13 = ,, ,,

Oct 19th = 10 Tbs at 15 = $ 1.50

Oct 26 ,, = 10 ,, , 16 = 1.60

Nov 2 = Packed about 9 Lbs

Nov 9 th = Kept at home.

Nov = 15 = 9 Lbs Butter at 18$=$1.62

Sold 10 Lbs at 18 = $1.80

,, 10 ,, ,, 17 = 1.70

Sold 11 ,, ,, 17 = $1.87

Sold= 9 ,, ,, 18 = $1.62

Sold= 12 ,, ,, 17 = $2.04

Sold= 9 ,, ,, 18 = 1.62

Eggs - 4 -6 - 4 - 4 - 3

2 1/2 doz. 15

Tue Apr 13th - 10 Lbs Butter at 14 cts - $ 1.40

Mon Apr 19th - 9 ,, ,, ,, 15 ,, = $ 1.35

Mon Apr 26 - 9 ,, ,, ,, 15 ,, = $1.35

Mon May 3 - 11 ,, ,, ,, 15 ,, = $1.65

Mon May 10 - 14 ,, ,, ,, 15 ,, = $2.10-

Sat May 15 - 11 ,, ,, ,, 14 = $1.54

Fri May 21 - 15 ,, ,, ,, 13 = $1.95

Thur May 27 - 14 ,, ,, ,, 13 = $1.82

Thur Jun 4 - 17 ,, ,, ,, 12 = $2.04

Wed Jun 9 - 13 ,, ,, ,, 12 = $1.56

Tue June 15 - 3 ,, ,, , 12 = .36 - Packaged Crock 10

Mon Jun 21 - 13 ,, ,, 12 = $1.56

Sat Jun 26 - 9 ,, ,, 12 = $1.08

Fri July 2 - 8 ,, ,, 12 = 0.96 - 4

Thur July 8 - 9 ,, ,, 12 = $1.08 - 2

Thur 15 - 10 ,, ,, 12 = 1.20 - 2

Wed July 21 = 5 ,, ,, 12 = .60 - 3

Wed July 28 - 6 ,, ,, 12 = 72 - 2

Tue Aug 3 = 8 ,, ,, 12 = 96. - 2

Sat Aug 7 = - about 5 Lbs kept at home

Transcription Progress



Mary Agnes Cooper Diary, 1897 Part 1.pdf
Mary Agnes Cooper Diary, 1897 Part 2.pdf
Mary Agnes Cooper 1897 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper, “Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1897,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,
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