Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1906-1909


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1906-1909


Benjamin B. Reesor


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




20th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Front Cover of Notebook - Coloured Lithograph painting of St Bernard Dog}

Faithful Friends

St Bernard

{inside cover}


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Sept 1906

Private Journal of B.B. Reesor

Sept 6 1906 A helped Benj'n J & Henry single plowed in field north of Meeting house. W. very fine warm, Cool Breeze

7 J & Henry plowed A helped Benj'n Anne went to Toronto W. 80 above Zero Cool breeze

8 J & henry plowed A helped Benj'n I went to Ceder Grove AM W. quite warm fair & Cler Cool Breeze

Sunday 9 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke 15 C by Jos Wismer went to Br inlaw John Hoover's to dinner W. quite warm

10 J & Henry finished plowing field north of meeting house A helped Pilkeys thresh I helped Anne wash AM W fine Cler warm

11 A took Cream then they dug some Potatoes they Chored PM Henry & Sarah went to Toronto on Trolleys, Johny Reesor's brought Menno Horst & wife & Moses Martin & wife from Waterloo they staid to supper W. very warm over 80 deg

12 Boys drawed dung into field East of dam W. quite warm

13 Boys drew dung & J took Cream AM A & Henry ganged East of dam PM W. warm AM a very heavy shower just aafter dark distant thunder the ground is well soaked fine & Cool PM

Sept 1906

Hardware Widemans Man Haigh was here today & put Eavestroughs on our new Kitchen

14 A & Henry finished ganging field & then drew dung J Chored W. fine Cler Cool Mary & Children were here all PM & Elais Came to supper & staid too

15 A & Henry drew dung AM A helped A Dimma fill silo PM Henry & Benj'n went up to Markham PM to try & buy some Horses Henry bought a fine Mare off W. Raymond 4 year old @ $125.00 W. very fine

Sunday 16 I & Nancy got Flavius Mare & went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by C Gayman sermon on St Luke 22 & 23 C by Br C Lords Supper was Celebrated went to Daniels to dinner Daniel is in bed with Rhumatic fever Called to see Grandmother she is well W. very fine Cler

17 J & Henry began single plowing behind barn A Helped W Tran fill silo today & helped Gordon Dimma PM W. fine Cler

18 A helped G Dimma finish silo till about 9:00 then they moved to Flavius A & Henry helped with team J Plowed W. very very warm & close

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Sept 1906

Dr Called at noon Susanna is not well S Lehman's here to dinner.

19 A helped Thomas with team filling silo J began Cutting Corn he got up at 4:00 he got done soon after dinner the Engine & Cutter Came after 4 began filling before 5 O it runs well W. warm Cler not so warm as yesterday Mary & the Children were here PM

20 Filled our Silo got done 1/2 past 10 Oc J Plowed I & A Cleaned out Cistern PM Henry helped W Pettry fill silo PM & they set up at Benj'ns this evening W. rather cloudy pretty warm slow drizzly rain tonight

21 Henry helped Benj'n finish filling silo before noon then he helped Thomas fill his on his other farm J & A Plowed PM W. quite warm didnt rain much last night Nancy & Anne went to Markham with Flavius Mare Rose

22 Boys drew dung Benj'n & his man helped with team AM & Benj'n helped with team till rain stopped them after 3 PM Peters Jacob helped to fill till rain came then they spread dung W. pretty warm fine heavy rain after 3 PM some thunder a little rain last night distant thunder

Sept 1906

Sunday 23 at home Jesse Burkholders were here to dinner Thomas & whole family called after supper W. very fine & quite cool

24 J & A ganged down Manure in field East of dam Henry went to Markham AM J & A single plowed behind barn & Henry helped Thomas's draw in feed Corn PM W. very fine Cler & Cool Slight frost last night

25 A & Henry plowed J went to sale at old Long John Miller's Homestead PM I & Nancy went to Daniels he is improving slowly is still in bed W. very very fine & Cler

26 A & Henry finished drawing dung Benj'n helped AM with team A & Henry drew a few loads after dinnner then they spread dung PM J finished plowing behind barn W. Cloudy a slight shower before dinner some More at bedtime pretty warm

27 J & A Plowed down dung Henry finished spreading dung Menno Burkholders were here to dinner W. very fine & Cler this is my 70th Birthday

28 A & Henry plowed J went to M Nighswander & bought his old Mare Nellie 19 years Old for a driver for I & Nancy horse Billy is not able to go we Paid $15.00 for the Mare W. very very fine & Cler.

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Sept 1906 Oct

29 A & Henry Plowed between showers J Chored W. Cloudy quite showery a lot of rain Herman's Came to stay all night

Sunday 30 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J (he has lame back) remarks by Levi Grove & Br C sermon on St Luke part of 7 C by C Burkholder Russell & Lewis Grove & Anne Ramer were here to dinner I & Nancy went to Henry Stovers to supper W. a very Cool N Wind fine Cler

Oct 1 A & Henry pulled 16 drills Mangels J drew in 8 loads PM I helped Anne wash AM W very very fine a slight frost last night no damage

2 Boys drew in last of Mangels 31 loads I took Susanna to Elias's then I & Nancy went to Br N's to dinner W. very fine cool

3 J Plowed A helped Taylors fill silo AM & thresh PM Henry drew in Citrons Squash & Pumpkins then he took home this girl Stella Spragge AM he helped Plow PM they finished East of dam & began in NW Corner field W. cloudy awhile then Cler

4 A helped Taylors thresh J & Henry plowed J took Chop & got Horse Chief shod PM W. rather Cloudy & Misty began to rain slowly about 4 PM rainy at bedtime I brought Susanna home this morning from Elias's she is pretty smart.

Oct 1906

5 J A & Anne went to Davids Anne drove to Daniels J & A went to Markham after dinner Anne drove to Br inlaw Enos's & they Met her there about 5 PM they they came home I & Nancy went to Elias's to dinner Henry plowed all day W. Misty Cloudy AM Cler PM warm

6 A helped to run the Syndicate Machine all day in Levi Ramer's place Henry helped Taylors thresh AM J Plowed AM Chored PM W cloudy drizzly AM slow steady rain nearly all PM I went to Ceder Grove AM I went to a meeting at Hebron to see about building some sheds a good prospect for building & more

Sunday 7 A & Anne went to Meeting at Altona Henry & Sarah went too I & Nancy went to B Dillers to dinner W. some rain last night Cloudy & Cool this Morning Blustry at times PM

8 A helped Taylors thresh J & Henry Plowed AM. Henry helped Sarah wash & Chored PM J & A Plowed PM I helped Anne wash AM W. White frost last night windy today a few slight showers a clap of thunder PM

9 J took Cream & got horse Billy shod AM Henry helped Jesse Burkholder Move to Boxgrove. A cobbled Boots J Plowed PM W. rain last night & awhile this Morning AB's Lizzie came to stay all night

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Oct 1906

10 A & Henry finished Plowing Oat stubble in NW field & began in Corn stubble J went to sale at Whalens on P Lapp farm bought 7 Cow Chains @ 60 cts I & Nancy went to Br S's to dinner I & Br S had a very enjoyable walk PM along the Rouge flats by the old Mills & the site of the Old Mills that were Pulled down & Moved up stream there is no more Business done at the Old Ceder Grove Grist or Sawmills

11 A & Henry Plowed J took Cream AM & took a grist Chop to Davids PM W. quite cold & rough NW wind a very little snow in the air this Morning

12 J & Henry plowed A Puttied a window in Our Kitchen AM Then Boys dug Potatoes PM 33 Bags they did not get them harrowed W. a sharp white frost last night ground froze a little cold NW wind all day

13 J took cream Henry finished Plowing Corn stubble A Picked apples AM J & Henry picked snow apples A helped Johny Reesors thresh PM W. white frost this morning cler today milder

Oct 1906

Sunday 14 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Levi Groves & Br C sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by C Burkholder we went to Herman's to dinner & then went to Daniels to stay all night ( he is doing well) W. Cool this Morning fine & warm to day

15 went to Davids to dinner then made a good call at Christian Stovers on Church street to see Esther Hoover then Came home W. very very fine warm & Cler we like our old Mare Nell very well for a driver Boys Plowed in Mangels ground

16 A & Henry finished plowing Mangel ground J Picked Apples AM they all Picked apples PM I got Mare Nell shod on hind feet at Ceder Grove PM W. fine

17 J took a lot of Apples to get some Cider & apple sauce Made at Lapps AM Henry took sample wheat to Locust Hill & Whitevale got 70 cts offered at Whitevale he took 63 1/2 B{illegible} PM A & Anne & Flavius' Fanny went to Toronto 6 Barrels Apples 1 Barrel Fulton snowes $1.75 Venderverer & Gloria Mundi $1.50 W. very fine Some East wind, young Mare Grace was sick Had Dr Armstrong is better

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Oct 1906

Thanksgiving day 18 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 12 C by Br C visitors Enos Nighswander & Martin Hustin Ramer & Herman's there were also a good few at Henry's W. a little cloudy this Morning Cler today strong East wind

19 We Cleaned all the wheat Henry took 54 Bus to Whitevale after 4 PM J took 6 bags barley to Davids with Mare Nell W. steady rain from East from sometime last night till after 4 PM (creek running)

20 Boys plowed in sod in big field & A Picked Apples PM Henry's went to Sarah's folks to stay all night W. very fine Cler

Sunday 21 I & Nancy went to David Reesor's to dinner W. cool sharp Air fine Cler

22 J & A Chored Henry helped Sarah wash AM J & Henry plowed & A Picked apples PM I helped Anne wash & went to Ceder Grove AM W. Cloudy drizzly at times AM Cloudy PM Mary & the little ones were here all day she was sewing.

23 J & Henry finished Plowing in big field & began south of garden A Picked apples I & Nancy went to see Grandmother she is not so well is some better. W. very fine & Cler

24 Boys Plowed & Picked apples I went to Ben Stover's this morning for AB's Lizzie

Oct 1906

she is helping Anne to quilt W. very strong East wind all day began to rain after dark a little distant thunder & lightning

25 Henry's went to Daniels to dinner (he is still getting better slowly) then they went to Joseph Groves sale J & A Plowed J went to sale with Benj'ns Machine Came PM we intend to thresh tomorrow I asked some hands AM brought home Chop with Mare Nell PM W. rather drizzly this Morning fine today

26 threshed all went well did not get done W. rather cloudy a little drizzly this Morning fine Cler today SW wind at times Mild

27 Finished threshing about 1/2 past 8 O'c then the Machine went to Thomas's we had a very good yeild of grain A helped Thomas thresh PM J & Henry plowed W. Cloudy showery at times this is the 49th anniversary of our wedding day and we have never had cause to regret it

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by C Burkholder Thomas's & whole family were here to supper W. Cold rough wind from NW all day rather Cloudy

29 A helped Thomas's thresh J & Henry plowed W. Cloudy all day soft snow after dark ground white.

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Oct 1906 Nov

30 A helped JD's thresh J & Henry Chored Henry went to Spencers sale in Cherrywood PM he bought a Coal or wood Cooking stove @ $5.00 W. cloudy soft snow nearly all day

31 Boys Chored & brought Henry's stove home AM A & Henry plowed PM J took AB's Lizzie home PM W. fine Cler the snow is thawing in the sun Dr Armstrong was here AM Henry's Mare is sick

Nov 1 J & A put in Pipes in Culvert at foot of Hill East of Br C's on Townline Henry helped Sarah Clean House AM A spread dung at Benj'n' J & Henry sawed wood for Aunt Lizzy Burkholder PM W. sharp frost last night fine Cler & Milder today the snow is nearly all gone thawing in the sun but not in the shade.

2 J & Henry finished splitting & piling Aunt Lizzy's wood till about 10 AM then J plowed & Henry went to Thomas to Pick Apples. J finished plowing sod W. very fine & Cler quite Mild J took A & Anne & Jake Diller & Anne to West Hill to Meet Trolleys at 6 O'c this Morning they are going to Waterloo

3 J & Henry drew in feed Corn AM they Picked Cider & fallen Apples PM W. heavy white frost last night very fine & Cler today

Nov 1906

Sunday 4 I & Nancy went to Flavius to dinner Henry's went to Meeting at Altona J & Susanna were at home W. a little cloudy rain Cold Air from N East

5 J Plowed Potatoes & feed Corn ground Henry helped Sarah wash AM they drew small stones off plowed ground PM I helped Nancy wash AM W. very fine like Indian summer

6 J took 8 bags Chop to Davids & got it done then he drew home wood & Chored Henry went to Toronto 7 bags fallen apples $1.25 per Barrel a Calf 88lbs @ 9 cts per lb he brought home A & Anne from their Trip to Waterloo they enjoyed themselves very much W. very fine & cler

7 J took Cream with Mare Nell A drew dung East of dam Henry drew home wood AM he & A both drew off stones with 2 waggons PM W. very very fine & Cler Adeline & Emma Ramer were here to dinner

8 A helped Arther Reesor getting Pigpen ready for Cementing J & Henry ganged in East part of field East of dam the 3rd time Henry helped Bob Milroy thresh after 4 PM J Battened awhile at our Kitchen PM Nancy & Anne went to Markham AM W. partly Cloudy & fine, Mild

9 A helped Arthur Reesor Henry helped Bob Milroy thresh AM

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Nov 1906

he Plowed Potatoes patch in north part of Old Orchard J took 10 bags Chop to Davids & got it done AM W. strong East wind some drizzly rain PM, not Cold

10 A worked at Arthur Reesors AM Henry helped F McCreight thresh till about 3 PM J took Cream & Chored W. Cloudy cool like fall weather Herman Called PM

Sunday 11 I & Nancy went to Albert Reesors to dinner Thomas Diller & Jac Esther & Anne Diller were here to supper W. Cloudy drizzly soft snow & little rain

12 A worked at Arthur Reesors Henry helped Flavius thresh AM he Chored PM J Chored & took some Oats to Davids W. a raw wind from NW pretty Cloudy

13 A went to Arthur Reesor's came home before dinner Henry helped Flavius thresh Alsike AM helped Benj'n thresh PM J Chored I took Susanna to Flavius AM brought her home PM W. rather Cloudy cold NW wind a little snow in the Air A & J cut a doorway through the Brick wall behind the table in Henrys Kitchen into Henrys bedroom PM

14 Henry helped Benj'n thresh all day A worked at doorway in wall J took 12 bags Chop to Davids & Chored I took Susanna to Benj'n AM & brought her home PM W. sharp frost last night too hard to plow AM fine Cler today

Nov 1906

15 Boys raised up Corner of driving house with screw Jack J made 2 Barrels Cider A & Henry went to NB's shed raising PM I & Nancy went to see old Mrs Saml Stover Called over dinner at Benj'n Stovers W. Cloudy cold NE air Henry Moyer Came to stay all night

16 Boys raised North side of Cider house J went to stock sale at Sam Pearses PM A & Henry helped Benj'n Clean wheat PM W. sharp frost last night fine & Cler today

17 J & A helped Benj'n Clean grain AM J brought 2400 Coal from F mans Bay @ $6.00 per ton PM A went to Whitevale PM Henry & Sarah went to Menno Burkholders he brought a new Cooking stove for us it is a Prince National Moffat Range Price $28.00 Coal or wood we intend to burn Coal in the winter W. East wind some drizzly rain at times

Sunday 18 A & Anne went to Thomas Diller to dinner & to Peter Reesors after supper I & Nancy went to Elias's awhile PM W. some Cloudy Mild squaals of wind at times PM Elias's were here to supper

19 A & Henry worked at Arthur Reesor's to awhile after dinner J Chored Daniels Came to stay all night W. fine Cler not Cold Daniel is some better

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Nov 1906

20 Boys Chored A took grist PM Daniels staid all day drizzly rain all day Daniel did not like to go out

21 Boys Chored Daniels are here yet W. Cool strong East wind rain off & on all day trees pretty well Covered with Ice

22 A & Henry went to Markham AM bought a panel door for the bedroom at Henrys & brought 9 Bunches shingles to Cover our old Veranda A hung the door PM W. strong SW wind Cooler Daniels went home AM

23 A helped Flavius J & Henry dug out some Ceder & pine stumps west of swamp I took Nancy to Elias's AM & brought her home PM W. Mild Cloudy

24 A helped Flavius Henry brought 3050 lbs coal @ $6.00 per tone J took grist to Davids W. fine Cool very fine & Cler PM Herman's Called awhile this evening

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Nancy & J. Nancy has bad Cold remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mark part of 7th C by Br C no visitors to dinner Benj'ns were here PM Davids Called too W. heavy white frost last night mostly Cler AM Cloudy PM Shower tonight

26 A & Henry worked at NB's cementing J helped Sarah wash AM I took Susanna to Elias's this morning & left her

Nov 1906 Dec

W. Cloudy AM drizzly rain PM

27 A & henry worked at NB's J brought Susanna home from Elias's AM he went to Markham PM I & nancy went to Elias's awhile PM their children have Chicken Pox W. Cloudy cooler pretty strong NW wind

28 A & Henry worked at NB's J fixed Meat tubs & Chored W. very strong NW winds & squaals of snow ground white this Morning all went away. I took Susanna to Elias's this Morning & left her

29 A & Henry worked at NB's J Chored AM Daniels were here to dinner he went to Hedges sale with J PM W. sharp frost last night 15 deg above Zero this Morning very very fine today Milder towards evening

30 A & Henry worked at NB's J took grist to Davids AM & brought it home PM W. Milder Cloudy all day

Dec 1 Boys drew Chips out of woodshed & chored Henry & Anne went to Markham PM they took Stella Spragge home she has been at Henry's all summer A & J Chored PM W. a strong NW wind all day Cold & squaals of snow I & Nancy went to Flavius this morning to see how Ernie was he has La Grippe Dr was there last night he was some better this morning

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Dec 1906

Sunday 2 at home all day J A & Anne went to Herman's to dinner Henry brought Susanna home from Elias's then they went to JD's to dinner W. quite Cold 8 deg above this Morning some Milder through the day a little snow in the Air all day ground white

3 A & Henry worked at NB's J Chored & got Horses Chief & Billy shod all round PM W. Cloudy with snow AM Cler Cold NW wind PM a little snow last night quite cold

4 A & Henry worked at NB's J went around among the neighbours to sell some Beef we intend to get a Cow dressed tomorrow he took her to M Barkeys this evening W 4 deg below Zero this Morning some Milder today snow all PM about 14 above at noon

5 A & Henry worked at NB's J Chored all day took 3 Calves to M Barkeys & got them dressed w. pretty Cold some snow I took Susanna to JD's brought her home with me she did not stay they were killing hogs

6 Boys Chored Cleaned up shop Henry went to Blacksmith shop J took Grist to Davids PM W. snow & wind from East turned to rain Cleaned up PM & turned Colder good sleighing

7 We Killed our 4 hogs Flavius & Fanny Benj'n & Fanny & Elias helped A went to Toronto 3 Calves 9 cts per lb 4 Barrels Apples $2.50 3 snow & one Kings W. 4 deg below this morning

Dec 1906

about Zero at noon below again there is good sleighing he went with spring waggon not good sleighing to Toronto

8 Boys Chored J took Cream AM I & Nancy went to Benj'ns to dinner had Roast Duck W. 9 deg below Zero this Morning getting Milder snow from East nearly all day

Sunday 9 at home Flavius Children were all here to dinner A & Anne went to see Grandmother Hoover she is quite well Henry's were at Menno Burkholders W. Cloudy all day not very Cold this is Nancy's 67th Birthday

10 A & Henry worked at NB's J Chored & took 10 bags Grist to Davids PM I went with him W. not very Cold, cloudy

11 A finished Job at NB's Henry helped Sarah wash AM he & J salted Pork PM I helped Anne wash AM W. very fine Cler & sharp

12 A helped Benj'n till 3 PM Henry brought a load of Coal {blank space} lbs from Bay AM J went to Markham & to Davids to dinner went to Pippens sale PM W. a great deal Milder

13 Henry & Sarah went to Stouffville & to Herman's to dinner A drew 4 loads sand from Pettys J took grist to Davids & Chored I took Susanna to Br N's & got Mare Nell shod on front feet,Susanna Came home with J W. cloudy mild

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Dec 1906

14 A & Henry drew 4 loads sand J Chored I took Susanna to Dillers J brought her home W. East wind not very Cold light drizzle & sleet toward evening

15 Henry brought load gravel then got Mares Jenny & Bell shod on hind feet AM brought another load PM A & Anne went to Markham AM he brought 2 loads gravel PM J helped him W. Cloudy drizzly through the night Ice on trees Clered up Mild Ice thawed getting Colder this evening sleighing pretty good yet

Sunday 16 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. very fine Cler not very Cold Henrys were at Menno Reesor's to dinner

17 Boys drew 5 loads gravel A drew only 1 load Horse Billy cut his foot W. very fine Cler Colder towards evening Johny Reesor's wife brought J Snellgrove & wife (Lorinder Morris) to dinner

18 Henry & Sarah helped Flavius Kill hogs J & A drew 2 loads gravel AM A helped Boyd thresh for Benj'n PM J brought AB's Lizzie PM she will help us awhile W. Cler sharp air

19 A & Henry helped Henry Stover's Kill a big hog J took a grist to Davids & brought it home.

Dec 1906

David's were here to dinner w. very fine & cler

20 Boys brought 4 Calves from Flavius & took them to M Barkeys to get dressed then they & women Picked 8 Geese AM they Killed 5 Pigs PM W. cloudy a little snow PM, Mild.

21 A helped Elias's Kill hogs J took grist to Davids Henry went to Toronto 5 Pigs 492 bls @$8.75 6 Geese lbs @ 11cts 4 Barrels Apples, 2 Pippins 2 Kings $6.50 for the lot 4 Calves for Flavius {blank space} lbs @ $8.75 W. cloudy a few in snow through the night Mild today I got Mare Nell shod on hind feet Sleighing good to Toronto

22 Boys Chored W. fine Clear sharp Air A & Anne went to Markham AM

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Anne they staid with little Willis remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John part of 14th C by C Gayman Abraham Lehmans young folks came here awhile PM Henry's & Boys were here to supper W. Cler sharp N wind Zero this Morning

24 Boys Chored & helped Sarah wash AM A helped NB's thresh PM I helped AB Lizzy wash AM (she is here yet) W. quite Cold fine & Cler

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Dec 1906

Christmas day 25 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on the Birth of Christ by Br C Flavius Fanny & Amelia & Eva were here PM. W. Cold sharp wind

26 Our whole family were home today to see your youngest daughter Anne Married to Martin Barkeys youngest son Joseph by Baptist Minister Lamont it was a very fine day but Cloudy & a little snow A helped NB's thresh AM

27 Boys Chored David Burkholder was here to dinner & George Gunn to supper J & Henry went to Bobby Milroys PM & bought a Cow @ $39.50 due to Calve in Jan. 7 yrs Old W. Mild some snow AM

28 J & Nancy took AB's Lizzy to see Grandmother She is not very well A & Henry Chored & drew limb wood on pile in bush PM W. fine Mild

29 Boys Chored Isaac Reesors brought J Rittenhouse & wife to Henry's to dinner & awhile to us PM. W. very fine & Mild A took Lizzie home after supper My sore eyes are getting better J got some Eye water at Dr's yesterday

Sunday 30 at home all day W Cloudy East wind thawing a very little wind strong this evening a little drizzly rain

31 A went to Markham to Dr PM Susanna is not so well Henry took grist to Davids PM.

Jan 1907

I went with him W. rain last night Mild sleighing gone a few showers PM

Jan 1st 1907 at home Nancy is not very well, she feels better this evening Joseph & Annie Came here tonight they were off on a Tripp to Nottawasaga W. Cloudy Mild getting Colder this evening

2 A helped Benj'ns Henry took Cream & got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM they Chored PM Dr Called to see Susanna she is not so well W. Cloudy, East wind getting Colder John Hollinger was here to dinner

3 Boys Chored W. rain from East all day not thawing very fast Ice on trees

4 A helped Thomas Kill hogs for Flavius he is not well.) Henry helped too awhile AM Henry took grist PM W. getting some colder I went to see Henry Stover AM he is not well I Called at Elias's the Baby was sick is quite smart again

5 Henry brought a ton of Corn from Markham @$20.00 AM A took Cream & went to Markham AM they Chored & Cut a lot of feed PM W. fine Mild

Sunday 6 I went to see Henry Stover he is poorly Elias's were here to dinner W. heavy white frost this Morning very fine Mild & Cler all day Henry's were to Meeting at Widemans

7 A helped Benj'n J & Henry helped wash then they took Horse Billy to Dr Armstrong he has a sore Eye W. Cloudy Mild AM rain all PM

8 A helped Thomas thresh AM Henry got Mares Jennie & Bell shod AM they killed 8 Pigs PM W. Cloudy a little drizzly rain PM Mild

9 A leveled gravel on Scarboro townline from our Corner west Henry & Sarah helped Benj'n Kill hogs J went to Toronto 8 Pigs 8{blank space} lbs @ $9.50 1 Calf 86 bls @ $9.50 W. very strong NW wind & squaals of snow more Calm towards evening not very Cold

10 A & Henry helped at gravel with 1 team there is $100 to expand on our townline we get 25 cts per yard to draw from Collins pit J Chored W. very strong S West wind squaals of snow at times not Cold

11 A & Henry helped at gravel J got Chief & Billy shod AM he drew 2 loads gravel PM there were 8 teams PM W. very fine

12 Boys Chored Henry went to Markham about 10 oc Came back after dinner A helped Thomas cut feed PM J leveled gravel PM W. snow from East all AM Cloudy PM snow all blowed off the road not Cold

Sunday 13 I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner W. Cloudy. East wind pretty Cold very good wheeling

14 J & A drew gravel Henry leveled W. Cloudy a very little drizzly rain AM froze as it fell turned milder towards evening.

Jan 1907

15 J & A drew gravel AM Henry leveled AM Henry did not level PM J leveled PM Br inlaw John Hoover's Eddie & Charlotte were at Henry's to dinner Charlotte stays she was here to supper & stay all night W. Colder strong NW wind Calm tonight

16 J & A drew gravel Henry leveled I took Charlotte to Flavius this morning & went to Ceder Grove I & Nancy went to see Henry Stover PM he is quite low Charlotte was here to supper the boys took her to Elias's this evening W. Cold rain East wind roads very good

17 A & Henry drew gravel J leveled they will quit now they are pretty nearl Flavius bridge they will put on some more next year W. strong East wind some snow all day but did not amount to Much Calm this evening & snowing & getting Milder Zero this Morning Daniels were here to supper

18 Boys Chored AM Henry got Mares shod A & Henry drew 2 loads gravel home PM W. a little snow last night fine & Mild Cloudy Hermans were here to supper Harvey staid

19 Boys chored A & henry brought a load of gravel for our shed at Meeting house PM W. strong East wind sleet & rain turned to rain before noon Mild & Cloudy & foggy at times PM

Sunday 20 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna & little Willis remarks & sermon on 1 Cor part of 13th C by C Gayman David Groves family Joseph Grove & wife brought George

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Jan 1907

Rittenhouse from Alberta were all here to dinner W. strong winds & Gales from West with squaals of snow at times quite Mild & soft last night getting Cold towards evening

21 A took a fat Heifer to the Old Lewis farm AM we sold her to E Lewis @ $4.25 per Cwt she weighed 950 bls A & Henry went to Markham PM W. Cold Cler squaals of snow 5 deg above this morning

22 A drew gravel Henry leveled I went to Flavius AM & to Henry Stover's PM he is sinking slowly W. cold N wind a few in snow last night blown off road

23 A drew gravel AM they got as far as R Milroys gate the grant is expended now Henry leveled they Chored PM W. 12 deg below this morning Zero all day going down again fine Cler Calm all day Br S's Lydia & Bertha were at Henry's to dinner Jac & Anne were here to supper

24 Boys Chored A & Henry went to Markham W. 13 deg below Zero this Morning about Zero all day East wind began to snow towards evening

25 Boys Chored J went to Brook's sale in 4th Scarboro PM A worked at making himself a pair of overalls W. about Zero this Morning a few in snow last night some more today but it is light & dry there is no sleighing

26 Henry got his Mare shod AM A worked at his overalls they Chored PM I & Nancy went to see Henry Stover PM he is weak we Called at Elias's awhile W. about Zero this morning fine & Calm 10 deg above at noon

Jan 1907 Feb

We saw a few cutters running a little more snow would make fair sleighing

Sunday 27 at home M Barkeys & Flavius were to dinner W. very fine about 14 deg above Zero Henrys were in Meeting in Altona

28 A got Horses Chief & Billy sharped J & Henry helped Nancy & Sarah wash AM Boys Killed 5 Pigs & Picked 4 Roosters PM W. fine & Cler not very Cold MN was here to supper

29 Henry & Sarah went to Menno Burkholder's J helped draw wood out of Br C's bush for Henry Stover AM A went to Toronto 5 Pigs well over 100 lbs each @ $9.25 per Cwt 4 Barrels Apples 2 Spies @ $2.75 each 2 Kings $2.50 each 4 Roosters 33 lbs @ 12 cts he had 13 Chickens for Flavius 9 cts lb W. Cloudy not very Cold

30 J took Cream A helped Flavius AM Henry went to Whitevale AM Boys Chored PM Dr called this evening Nancy has La Grippe W. fine & Cler pretty sharp about Zero this Morning Dr says Nancy's case is not dangerous

31 A worked at Flavius J took grist to Davids Henry took Old 3 spring waggon to A Clendorn we traded it for a new Wheelbarrow Br inlaw Saml Hoovers were here to dinner W. cloudy, sharp

Feb 1 Boys Chored Nancy took a very bad spell Henry Telephoned for Dr he Came at noon he says it was through over exertion that the Grippe returned he will Call again tomorrow Davids called PM Daniels were here to supper Herman was at Henrys to dinner W. mild Cloudy East wind

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Feb 1907

A was at Henry Stovers sitting up with him he died at 2.30 oclock this morning will be buried on Sunday at 930 at Hebron

Candlemas day 2 Boys took turns with Flavius Thomas & Elias & Joseph Barkey to dig a grave for Henry Stover W. Cloudy Mild all day foggy awhile AM West wind PM Dr Called this evening Nancy doing pretty well

Sunday 3 they all went to Funeral of Henry Stover except I & Susanna we staid with Nancy C Burkholders & wife were here to dinner Herman was at Henrys Daniels called Flavius's too Nancy is getting better Dr called this evening Jac Came to supper & stays all night W. a raw Cold wind Cler wind gone down this evening roads Icy C Burkholder Preached today Saml Hoover spoke too

4 Boys hlepd Anne & Sarah wash AM Elias brought Mary & the Children they were here to supper he Came for them Nancy is getting better She sat up all day I went to Trustee Meeting at Hebron AM Myself M Barkey & Albert Reesor were reelected W. Cler Cold Henry brought Stella Spragge she works for them again A drew a load of straw from Thomas's for Teenie Stover PM

5 Boys Chored Henry got his Mare shod AM A got Horses Chief & Billy shod PM W. snow & East wind all day quite cold

Feb 1907

Snow does not pack for sleighing too light

6 Boys Chored A went to Markham PM J Chored for Benj'n he is not well & his Man is sick Henry took grist to Davids w. 2 below Zero this morning Cler & Cold all day

7 Boys Chored A Chored for Benj'n they Killed 4 pigs PM Herman's were here to dinner Mary & the Children were here PM W. 2 deg below Zero this Morning fine & Cler today Milder Nancy getting better slowly

8 J Chored for Benj'n Henry went to Markham to tell Dr how Nancy is doing she is getting better slowly he brought some Medicine for her A went to Toronto 4 Pigs 398 lbs @ $9.60 per cwt 2 Bals Spies @ $3.00 each 2 Barls Greenings @ $2.00 each W. very fine & Cler not so Cold

9 A Chored for Benj'n AM he & his Man are getting better so I suppose they will be alone again Boys brought a load of Pine roots for Our Box stove from 5th Con PM W. Mild a little drizzles of snow Cloudy all day Jac Came to stay all night

Sunday 10 at home Daniels & Jac were here to dinner very strong NW wind PM & this evening seems going down at bedtime

11 Boys Chored W. 3 deg below Zero this morning going down all day 8 below at dusk a very strong NW wind all day

12 A went to Markham with Jac AM J & Henry went to a sale on 5th Con Pickering PM W. 10 deg below Zero this morning up through the day

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Feb 1907

5 above this evening not much wind the wheeling is very good the fields are white & an inch of good damp snow would make sleighing the snow that falls is too light

13 Henry & Sarah went to Stouffville J took Stella home we heard that her Grandmother is dead that is David Hanes wife she died this Morning will be buried on Friday J went to Davids to dinner W. fine & Cler quite Mild a little snow last night a few sleighs running Dr Called to see Susanna she is not so well

14 Boys hung up Pork to smoke & began to trim up trees in bush W. getting Cold very strong wind towards evening

15 Henry & Sarah went to Funeral of David Hare's wife Elias's went too they left Alma & Frank here A Oiled Some Harness AM he took our Mare Nell & got her sharped all round PM. W. pretty sharp a strong SW wind began to snow PM

16 Boys Chored drew hay from Sheeppen loft into barn I & J went to Meeting house then I took Nancy awhile to Br C's Becca has been in bed with Grippe a good while is getting better W. Cler quite Mild

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he has lame back remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 4th C by C Burkholder AB's Lizzie was here to dinner Herman's called awhile PM

Feb 1907

W about 12 deg above Zero but a Cold NW wind, fine & Cler roads very good but no sleighing

18 Boys helped to wash AM A & Henry Cut wood in bush PM they made 4 Basswood logs J took Grist to Davids & brought it home PM W. rather Cloudy Cold this morning getting Milder East wind

19 A & Henry took horses Chief & Billy & Henrys Mare Lady to get shod AM they Cleaned some wheat Tailings to get Timothy seed PM W. East wind & drizzly rain freezing as it fell AM Colder & very strong NW wind PM Calm this evening Br inlaw Enos Hoover & AB's Lizzie were here to dinner he was taking her home & Called to dinner

20 A & Nancy went to Daniels to dinner Adeline has La Grippe is not very bad they Called to see Grandmother she is quite well J & Henry went to sale on 2nd Con Pickering PM I went to JD's PM W. very very fine till towards evening it began to snow from East. J took cream in Thomas's place

21 Henry went to Toronto on train J & Elias went to a sale at Hoods on Townline west of Miliken. W. about 3 deg below Zero this morning 10 above at noon fine & Cler a strong NW wind very strong wind last night

22 A took grist to Davids AM A & henry went to Markham PM W 10 deg below Zero this morning below all day fine & Cler

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Feb 1907 Mar

23 Boys Cut down a second growth Pine tree inches in diameter west of meeting house sheds on bank of Creek it made 4 logs they drew them to SM PM W. 8 deg below this morning 12 above PM fine & Cler all day I went to Ceder Grove PM a good many sleighs running

Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder had dinner at NB's W. East wind began to snow after dinner snowed till evening quite Cold this Morning Milder tonight

25 Boys helped wash J got one shoe set on our Mare Nell AM she is lame they cut down big Basswood PM W. Cler strong wind through the day Calm tonight

26 Boys Cut some Basswood logs & drew 3 to SM AM they Chored PM Herman's were here to dinner W. a little above Zero this morning milder today East wind & snow all PM

27 Boys Cut logs J drew 6 W. Cold this morning Milder today fine & Cler Boys cut wood out of part that dont make logs

28 Boys Chored AM A helped Benj'n draw Baled hay to Locust Hill with team PM Henry helped to put it into cars W. raw Cold East wind AM Milder PM

March 1st Boys cut wood W. Cold raw East wind Cler getting Milder this evening rainy a little at bed time

2 J took Cream A & Henry Cut wood AM Chored PM W some rain last night Cloudy Mild strong NW wind PM Colder this evening some snow gone

Mar 1907

Sunday 3 at home Benj'ns were here to dinner Elias's were here to supper W. Cold NW wind all day some squaals of snow this morning & some PM quite Cold this evening Henry's & Stella went to Meeting at Widemans Staid at her folks

4 J took grist A helped us wash Henry & Stella washed AM A & Henry sawed wood PM J went to Gowlands sale on 7th Con Markham with Benj'n PM W. very fine & cler sharp

5 A & Nancy went to Stouffville & bought Annes furniture over $60.00 worth then went to Br inlaw Simon Hoover's to dinner Henry went to Menno Burkholder's & took Sarah's little Willis to Daniels to dinner J & Elias went to Hilton's sale East of Clarks Hollow then they went to Ashs sale on Markham Road they bought nothing W. Mild fine AM began to snow from East about 3 PM snowed very heavy till dark, Mild yet

6 Boys Chored A went to Markham with Flavius PM J went to Nortons East of Whitevale PM he understood there was to be a sale there but there was none W. fine Cler Cold there is very fair sleighing now.

7 A & Henry cut wood in bush J Chored he went about 900 & brought Teenie Stover & her son Ross Lydia Kelly & her 2 little girls & Sarah Ann Fingard they were here to dinner then J took them to Thomas's & left them there W. fine sharp milder towards evening

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Mar 1907

8 Henry helped Flavius draw hay from Pearses A Mended Harness & Boots J took grist Susanna went with him to Flavius he took Nancy to Ben Stovers PM AB's Lizzie fell & hurt her Arm then J Brought Susanna home W. quite fine windy tonight

9 Henry went to Annual Meeting of our Threshing Co at Davids Mill AM J & A Chored they brought home some wood & Cut some feed PM I called at Br C's AM Becca is better shes sits up now W. Cler & fine thawed in the sun

Sunday 10 at home JD's were at Henry's to dinner Henry's were at Thomas's to supper W. very fine & Cler raw Air from the East thawing in the usn

11 A got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM J helped us wash & Henry helped Sarah Boys Picked a lot of Roosters & hens PM & filed 5 Barrels with apples I took Susanna to Elias's AM & brought her home PM W. fine & Cler snow nearly all gone Creek running high

12 A & Henry went to Ceder Grove & got shoe on Mare Jennie Called at Albert Reesor's for some Reid Barley we exchanged with him I went along to Br S's awhile his wife is poorly. Boys Chored PM A went to Toronto 5 Barrels Russet Apples @ $2.25 10 old hens & Roosters 15 cts per lb for the young & 12 cts for the old W. East wind a little snow turned to a light drizzle all day

13 Killed big sow AM 363 lbs sold her to F McCreight @ $7.00 per Cwt Henry & Sarah went to Markham PM

Mar 1907

A Chored & J brought 2 tons Coal from Locust Hill @ $7.00 per ton PM W. Mild Cloudy Creek runing hing snow going Mary & Children were here all PM

14 Boys Cleaned seed grain Henry & Sarah went to Sherman Marches sawing Bee PM J & A Cleaned alone PM W. Mild froze last night thawing today

15 Boys finished Cleaning seed grain AM A & Henry cut wood J & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. fine Cler Mild Colder tonight

16 A helped Flavius J & Henry brought home some wood AM Henry went to Markham PM J went to Whitevale for Coal Oil PM W. fine Cler & warm thawing roads getting sloppy

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by Levi Groves sermon on St Mat part of 21st C by C Burkholder Daniels were here to dinner & Elias's PM W. very fine but Cool NW wind Br C is not very well he was not in Meeting

18 A helped Thomas Kill a Pig awhile AM J & Henry helped wash AM They all three went to Stonehouse's sale on Con Markham PM I went to Ceder Grove & Called at Br S's PM his wife is Poorly Br C is getting better W. very fine & Cler hard frost last night thawing today Anne was at home Packing ready to Move tomorrow

19 Moved Anne to M Barkeys Nancy & I went along with J Elias & Joseph took their teams A & Henry drew a few Tankfuls of water from the Creek into our Cistern there has not been very much rain lately

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Mar 1907

W. Cloudy foggy all day Mild a slight drizzle blowed up strong wind after dark

20 boys Chored AM A & henry worked in bush J went to J Murisons for 4 Bus seed Peas @ 85 cts & went to Ceder Grove PM I went with him as far as Br S's his wife is poorly yet W. strong Cold NW wind Cler Calm tonight

21 A & Henry cut wood in bush J Chored & finished trimming back Orchard W. sharp white frost last night Mild today Cloudy PM

22 A & Henry cut wood J Chored & took Grist to Davids I & Nancy went to Br S's PM his wife had very bad spell while we were there W. fine mild about 6o deg above after dinner

23 A & Henry cut wood J helped drive a lot of tat Cattle to the Lewis farm we sold a Heifer @ $4.50 per Cwt a steer @ $4.00 and an old Cow that J bought off W Taylor about 6 or 7 weeks ago @ $10.00 we sold her at $20.00 Thomas had 5 in the drove Benj'n & J Bear one each J trimmed old Orchard PM W. fine milder

Sunday 24 at home all day George Cobers were at Henry's to dinner W. mild Cloudy a fine shower last night a few claps of thunder

25 A helped us wash Henry helped Sarah J Chored AM they all went to David Hare Jur's Sale on Riggfoot farm PM Jac Widemans were here for seed Oats @ 44 cts per Bus

Mar 1907 April

I rode with him as far as Br S's his wife is some better W. very fine is some better W. very fine today Cloudy this Morning

26 Henry got his Mare shod A fixed Harness J took Susanna to Joe's & Nancy to Elias this morning I walked to Elias's we staid to dinner A went to Markham & got some Teeth filled Henry split wood in bush J brought Nancy & Susanna home PM W. fine shower & distant thunder all evening came on pretty heavy thunder after bedtime

27 Henry & Sarah went to Markham to get Sarah's Teeth fixed A split wood & fixed Harness he & J Oiled some Harness PM W. fine AM Cloudy PM & foggy rain nearly all PM

28 Boys Cut wood & Chored W. fine & warm

Good Friday 29 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J Susanna & Sarah & little Willis remarks & sermon on St John 19C by Br C no visitors W. Cloudy awhile this Morning, fine Cler through the day Cloudy again towards evening Cool wind

30 Henry took Cream AM he & J went to sale at Glendennings in Scarboro PM A went to funeral of Herman Lehman's wife PM W. very fine Cler & warm a slight white frost last night

East Sunday 31 at home all day Henry & Sarah went to Meeting at Wideman's Flavius were here PM W. sharp frost last night freezing all day strong NW wind roads pretty good

Easter Monday Apr 1st at home Elias's & Henry's were here to dinner Joseph's Came PM W. 15 deg below Zero

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this morning 22 through the day Cler all day strong NW wind

April 2 Boys brought home some wood & Chored AM they all went to McEvoy's sale on 8th Con Pickering PM W 15 deg below Zero this Morning went up 30 above today very fine, Cloudy toward evening

3 Boys cut wood & drew some home W. Mild Cloudy drizzly rain this evening

4 A Painted our Kitchen Henry got Mares Bell & Jennie shod on front feet J fixed Board fences along Townline & pulled Boards off the Board fence from behind barn up to Bars that go into bush we intend to put wire on Adeline & Marty Ramers were here to dinner Russell & Lewis Grove were here too Russell stays W. rather cloudy AM began to rain this evening

5 A Painted second Coat Henry went to Ceder Grove AM he split wood PM J Chored W. Cold raw wind all day

6 Boys Chored & pulled out inside of North Hog pen AM we intend to move it & put in cement floor Henry & Sarah went to Markham J & A brought home grist PM W. Cler cold N East wind about freezing all day

Sunday 7 at home Davids were here to dinner Joes were here to supper Russell went home with Davids he was visiting W. Cold strong East wind drizzly sleet & rain this evening

8 A finished Painting Kitchen J helped us wash AM Henry helped Sarah wash AM

April 1907

J & Henry Cleaned out dung out of foundation of north Pigpen PM W. cloudy cool east wind pretty heavy rain & soft snow last night

9 A gave the Plaster in our Kitchen another coat of Paint Henry took grist AM A & Henry worked at wood work of a Cement Mixer for Making Concrete & J went with Thomas to Maxwells to look for suckers got none Clods got some a few days ago some were caught in Petticoat a few days ago W. very white frost last night Cloudy nearly all day Teenie Stover was helping clean house

10 A & Henry helped NB's JOe Clip our 2 teams of Horses J Chored I took Susanna to Benj'ns AM & brought her home PM old Mare Nell is not so lame) W. Cool Cloudy strong NW wind squaals of snow

11Boys Chored AM Henry brought home Chop A went to Markham with Elias PM J stripped shingles off the long Verandah roof PM W. very fine Cler frost last night Henry bought AB's Lizzie this evening we heard that Grandmother Hoover is not well & that Levi Burkholder's baby is dead will be buried Saturday at Widemans Meet at 9 Oc AM

12 J took Nancy to Lizzie to see Grandmother she is at Br inlaw Saml's she is quite poorly Henry Clipped a Horse for Thomas & 2 for Kennedys W. Cloudy soft snow slowly all AM Cloudy & a slight drizzle at times PM

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April 1907

13 Boys finished Verandah put on new shingles & A began making some screen doors for our cook house I went to halfyearly Conference at Hebron PM W. Cloudy AM Cold NW wind PM

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J (umfrage) remarks by Levi Groves sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Gayman no visitors W. strong Cold NW wind all day Br C spoke too but he is not very strong

15 A worked at screen doors J & Henry drew home some wood & Chored AM they put in our logs at sawmill PM W. fine Cler I took Susanna to Elias's this Morning

16 Boys Chored A finished screen doors AM he went to Markham PM. Br S's wife died this Morning at 2.15 she will be buried on Thursday leave at 1000 We & M Barkey & his boys & Albert Cleaned the stove pipes at Hebron this Morning W. soft snow awhile PM Cold NW wind towards evening I went to Elias's this evening to bring home Susanna she was not so well thought she would stay

17 Henry helped Benj'n Elias & Joseph Barkey & Jac Diller dig grave for Br S's wife AM I & Nancy went to Br S's awhile AM W. pretty cold NW wind fine & Cler frosty Boys cut up rubbish & Pine roots in Orchard PM

18 we all went to funeral of Br S's wife Stella staid with Susanna C Burkholder spoke on Psalm 39th 5th V Mr Perry spoke too

April 1907

A took Nancy & I and we went to the house for dinner W. sharp NW wind but fine & Cler the most of the day it has been freezing hard about every night lately

19 I & Nancy went to see Grandmother (we had Flavius Mare Rose) she is very low & weak Nancy stays all night A wen to do some Cementing at Herman's then he will bring Nancy home in the morning J & Henry drew home our lumber AM J went to Isaac Reesor's & bought 2 Cows @ $78.00 W. rather Cloudy Cleared up fine, milder

20 J & Henry brought the cows home from Isaacs AM A & Nancy Came home at noon Grandmother no better A worked some carpentering Job at Jim Murison's PM J & Henry Chored PM W. strong Cold NW wind fine & Cler a little snow on the ground this morning

Sunday 21 at home JD's were here to dinner Aunt Lizzie Burkholder & Widow Anne Barkey & Joe & Anne were here to supper W. very fine but a Cold NW wind Milder towards evening Henry's went to see Grandmother she is about the same

22 J & A Rolled young Clover Henry helped Sarah wash I helped Nancy wash AM A & Henry began to sow Oats in field north of Meeting house PM I got old Mare Nell shod all around PM Br N's were here to supper Herman was here to dinner he got some seed oats W. very fine & Mild strong west wind not cold

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April 1907

23 Boys finished sowing field north of Meeting house with Oats A & Nancy went to Markham PM W. very fine warm & Cler Dr called this evening to see Susanna she is not so well

24 Boys sowed mixed grain below house & Oats behind barn W. very fine Cler, ground works well

25 Boys worked at seeding I & Nancy went to widow Mary Burkholder's to dinner & then went to see Grandmother she is still sinking she did not notice us we were there over 2 hours she rests pretty well W. a fine rain last night Cool wind from north drizzly rain after 500 PM

26 Boys worked at seeding A had to take seeder to B.S.S. PM to get a Pinion fixed Henry & Thomas went to Milnes PM & Caught 99 suckers I brought Anne this morning to sew for us took her home this evening W. fine

27 Henry took Cream J & A worked at seeding I & J M Barkey & Joe JD's Albert Reesor burned the grass on our Graveyard after dinner it made a good Job W. very fine & Cler

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Flavius to dinner Henry's went to Meeting at Wideman's J went to see Grandmother then went to Herman's to dinner Grandmother is some better W. quite fine & Cler Cloudy tonight

29 Henry helped Sarah wash & dug garden J & A worked at seeding very near finished I helped Nancy wash AM took Susanna to Joes PM for a dinner W. warm slight shower this morning

April 1907 May

a little distant thunder a fine Shower this evening & a little distant thunder

30 J went with Benj'n to Rutcliffes to look for shingles A went to Markham AM Henry took grist to Davids w. rain all last night Some showers today Creeks pretty high Daniels were here to dinner.

May 1 Boys Cleaned up rubbish along fence from barn to bush & began to dig Post holes J & Flavius went dipping suckers to Kirkhams Caught 9 (too soon after rain) W. frost last night fine & Cler today

2 I & J & Sarah helped neighbours scrub Meeting house AM A Henry & Benj'ns Man A Baker went fishing to Pickring & Rouge Caught 50 W. very fine & Clear all day

3 J & Nancy went to see Grandmother she is some better she spoke to them & asked how were all the folks A & Henry dug garden W. quite fine & warm Cloudy towards evening

4 Boys Chored A worked at Cement Mixer Henry took grist to Davids W. began to snow About 500 AM snowed near 2 in Cleared up & all melted before night except a little behind the fences A Flavius & Ernie & Carl speared 30 suckers in Petticoat creek last evening about J Laughlins

Sunday 5 I & Nancy & Susanna went to W Drudges to dinner W. frost last night fine & Cler AM Cloudy PM

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May 1907

6 I helped Nancy wash Henry helped Sarah then they went to Markham PM J & A Chored brought home some wood A worked in garden w. Cloudy AM Cler PM

7 Boys worked at putting in posts for fence from barn to bush J rolled some W fine

8 Boys put Barb wire on posts up to bush J rolled some A harrowed root field W. quite fine & Clear Herman Came to stay all night with Grahams horse Lord Onslow

Ascension day 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Herman remarks by Levi Grove sermon on {blank space} by Br C little Alma & Frank Joe's Anne were here to dinner & Elias's to supper w. very very fine Cler warm growing day

10 J Rolled A worked on root ground Henry went to Markham PM W. cloudy Cool

11 Boys sowed about 2 acres Mangels J Rolled nearly the last of grain I took Nancy & Susanna to Elias's I staid to dinner then I took 4 bags Chop to Davids brought it home then brought Nancy & Susanna home Called at Joes W. very Cold NW wind frost last night fine & Cler

Sunday 12 All went to Meeting at Hebron Br inlaw Jesse Hoover & M Nevers here to dinner W. frost last night Cold wind all day.

May 1907

Sacrament was administered today sermon on St Mat 26 C by C Burkholder & St Mat 27 C by Br C

13 I & Nancy went to Hermans to dinner then went to see Grandmother she is getting some weaker she rests well Can speak a little Boys finished sowing Mangels & worked Corn ground W. quite warm strong SW wind

14 Boys worked on Corn ground I & Nancy washed this morning Br S & his girls were here to dinner W. fine & warm

15 Boys worked on Corn Ground AM A got Horses Chief & Billy shod PM J drilled piece north of Orchard for Early Potatoes W. Cloudy AM drizzly rain at times PM fine rain this evening I brought Mary & the Children this morning took them home this evening

16 J brought 4 Barrels cement from Markham went to Davids to dinner & put on some grafts for them Henry plowed A began digging trench for foundation of shed that we intend to move he & Henry Killed 8 Pigs PM & dress a calf w. very fine I took Susanna to Teenie Stovers this morning & brought her home this evening

17 Henry worked on Corn ground AM J Cut seed Potatoes he & Henry planted Early Potatoes PM A went to Toronto 8 Pigs 770 lbs @ $9.50 a Calf 85 lbs @ $9.00 also a Calf for Benj'n W. fine & warm rather Cloudy I forgot to say that boys sowed silo corn on Wednesday

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May 1907

18 Boys Carried Potatoes out of Cellar & cut seed Potatoes AM they planted them rows PM W. fine & warm trees coming into leaf I & Nancy went awhile to Ben Stovers PM

Whit Sunday 19 I & Nancy went to Thos Dillers to dinner Henry's went to Meeting at Altona W. a little rain this morning fine Cler today

Whit Monday 20 at home Menno Burkholders here to dinner A went to Stouffville & Markham on his Bicycle Henry's & Josie Burkholder & Mathew Burkholder & Stella Spragg went to Mouth of Rouge Caught 9 fine fish W. very fine Cler but a Cold N wind Anne was here sewing Esther & little Frankie were here a few minutes they were at Thomas's

21 J brought 12 Cwt cement from Markham AM they began putting up the wall the mixer that they made works very well W. very fine & Cler but a strong NW wind

22 Boys worked at wall W. fine & Cler

23 Boys worked at wall J took a grist to Davids I & Nancy went to see Mary Burkholder she is rather poorly then we went to C Burkholders to dinner then went to see Grandmother she is a little better but quite weak W. mostly Cler fine & warm but a Cool air

24 Boys pulled shingles & some of boards off shed & some of the boards & drew shingles into woodshed AM John Brillinger Came to dinner A went to Hermans after dinner to Care for the horse

May 1907

Herman is going to Toronto tomorrow W. a very fine & cler day

25 J took Cream AM A was at Hermans Henry worked at stripping shed we got word that Grandmother is worse Henry brought Lizzy & J took up Grandmother is some better again W. strong East wind all day beginning to rain at bedtime

Sunday 26 at home AM I & Nancy went to Joes PM staid to supper W. fine rain last night foggy & Cloudy all day very fine heavy rain after dark Distant thunder for awhile

27 Henry helped Sarah wash A worked at shed J asked hands to take down shed I helped Nancy wash AM had about {blank space} hands to take down shed PM W. strong S west wind PM Cold towards evening a squaal of sleet & snow this evening

28 Boys worked at Cement wall for Hog Pen we intend turn it to the end of shed to Make one long building for a new hog pen I took Old Mare Nell to BS got her shod all round AM W. ground roofs white with snow this Morning very Cold NW wind all day the trees are not in full leaf yet, too Cool

29 Boys worked at wall AM J brought shingles from Stouffville $2.50 per square for the first Class & $2.20 for Clear Buttes Henry Harrowed Corn PM I brought Anne to help Nancy to do some sewing

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May 1907 June

W. very fine pretty warm growing weather

30 Benj'n helped boys fram the timber & they asked about 18 hands & rased the building after 4 PM I & Nancy went to Davids to dinner then went to see Grandmother she is getting weaker W. a very fine growing day

31 Boys worked shed Davids were here to dinner W. very fine Cler day things growing nicely J went to Markham for nails Benj'n helped Boys

June 1 Boys worked at shed Benj'n helped AM A went to Tunkers feast with Peter Jacobs PM Henry went to Aleck Milroys stable raising awhile this Morning W. steady East wind getting Cloudy drizzle at bed time

Sunday 2 at home Johny Reesors were here to dinner & Br C's after supper W. very fine & Cler not much rain last night Flavius & family were here PM

3 Boys put on roof boards & began shingling Benj'ns helped W. quite warm some cloudy PM

4 I & Nancy went to Daniels to dinner then went to T McDowels to see Matty Frets she had a Parylitic stroke is poorly then went to see Grandmother she is some better she knew us & could talk but not so plainly her throat seems Parylized Boys & Benj'n shingled AM J A & Benj'n went fishing to dead water PM Caught 4 W. Cloudy drizzly rain from East nearly all PM did not get much wet Coming home

June 1907

5 Boys shingled Benj'n helped PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. fine AM cloudy PM rain after 5 PM Just a drizzle

6 Boys finished shingling Benj'n helped W. Clear a strong NW wind J went to Markham AM Henry took a grist Chop AM brought it home PM

7 Boys worked at building Henry helped Thomas Diller let down his barn PM. W. fine Cler

8 Boys worked at building W. very fine & warm Jakey Groves were here to supper little Alma & Frank were here too

Sunday 9 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Gayman sermon First Epistle to St John 2nd C by Jos Wismer of Jordan Walter Spragge was here PM Daniels Called awhile W. a very lovely June day a growing day

10 Boys worked at Pig pen putting in troughs with Cement w. very fine Cler & warm Cool wind from East PM

11 Boys worked at stable W. very fine but strong Easterly wind Cool PM

12 Boys worked at stable I & Nancy went to see Grandmother we staid to dinner She is a little weaker, but rests well we Called to see Mary Burkholder she is about the same J took 5 Pigs 1040 lbs to Markham for Hornshaw @ $6.65 per Cwt W. very fine & Cler Cool East wind PM we took Susanna as far as Benj'ns & brought her home this evening

13 J scuffled Mangels A & Henry worked at stable AM A went to Coakwells barn raising PM J & Henry worked at stable PM W. Cler Cool East wind

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June 1907

14 Boys worked at stable I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove AM Aaron Rittenhouse Called awhile this evening W. very fine Cler & warm 81 deg above Zero awhile PM

15 Henry went to Markham for some scantlings AM they worked at stable today W. fine & warm

Sundy 16 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona in spring waggon with Henry's remarks by Br C Sermon on 1st Epister of St Peter 5th C by Joseph Wismer went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner w. quite warm & Cler very fine June day

17 J grubbed Corn Henry helped Sarah wash A worked at stable AM they both were at it PM I & Nancy washed PM W. very very warm about 85 deg Clear all day we heard that Nancys Mother died at 2.30 PM will be Buried at 930 on Wednesday

18 Boys worked at Stable & pulled out the inside of the old Pig pen Angelina Reesor brought Solomon Hoovers & wife awhile AM W. very very warm over 85 deg fine

19 I & Nancy A Henry & Sarah went to funeral of Grandmother Hoover opening remarks by song remarks & prayer by C Gayman then Lewis Burkholders spoke on Psalms we went to the house for dinner W. quite warm a slight shower last night but a heavy rain Coming home a few heavy Claps of thunder a fine heavy rain

June 1907

20 Boys cleaned rubbish & Manure out of Old Pigpen A & Henry went fishing to Dead water towards evening Caught only 4 J went to Locust Hill to help load the Ensilage Cutter on Car we got it repaired. W. very fine day not so warm

21 three boys done road work with 2 teams drawing gravel onto 11th Con I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Saml's to divided the last of Grandmother's Estate W. fine Cler AM Cloudy PM pretty warm

22 Henry drew one load gravel finished the road work J took Cream they all hoed Mangels W. quite warm about 80 deg's

Sunday 23 at home Henry's went to Meeting at Widemans W. Cloudy distant thunder off & on nearly all daya little showery, warm

24 Boys hoed Mangels I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. quite warm looks like rain

25 J Kindig Came this Morning he & J went to Books in 3rd Con Scarboro for his outfit Moving Building they began after dinner to Move Old Pig pen Elias & Benj'ns Man helped W. quite warm looked like showers David Burkholder & his sister Susan Horner were here to dinner

26 Boys & Kindig worked at Moving Pig pen got it pretty near the place

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June 1907 July

I brought AB's Lizzie this morning to Help to do some sewing Daniels were here to dinner W. fine rain last night some thunder Cloudy a little rain this morning Cler & Cool PM

27 Kindig A & Henry finished setting Pig pen nice & level J scuffled AM he went to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's PM & brought Bureau & Lounge that Nancy got on Friday when Grandmothers things were divided Mary & the Children were here all day W. very fine Cool

28 J Grubbed Corn with seeder AM A & Henry helped Wideman's Men put Eavestroughs on front of East barn & on the Pig pen W. very warm I got Mare Nell shod PM Susanna went with me as far as Flavius'

29 Boys hoed Greystone turnips this A & Henry drew gravel from Collins & J finished turnip W. Cloudy distant thunder after dinner a slight sprinkle of rain Cloudy PM warm

Sunday 30 I & Nancy Susanna & Lizzy went to Benj'ns PM staid to supper A went to Herman's to dinner W. a little showery AM Cler PM

July 1st Boys Chored then worked at Cement wall under Pig pen W. shower AM another few shower's & distant thunder PM

2 Boys worked at Pig pen wall got it finished J scuffled awhile W. very fine & Cool

3 J Cultivated mangels with seeder AM he topped thistles in grain PM A & Henry done some Cementing for Arthur Reesor W. very fine Cler

July 1907

4 J Scuffled & topped thistles A & Henry worked at Arthur Reesors W. a very fine Cler day

5 A & Henry worked at Arthur Reesors J scuffled Corn I & Nancy went to Markham AM W. fine & Cler pretty warm

6 A & Henry worked at Arthur Reesors J hoed Corn W. pretty warm thunder showers went around PM very little rain here I went to Ceder Grove PM

Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 9th C by C Gayman Widow Anne Nighswander was here awhile PM C Burkholder's were here to supper W. a very fine Cler day pretty warm

8 A & Henry finished Arthur Reesor's Job J hoed Corn W. pretty warm {illegible} shower went around all AM a sprinkle here I helped wash AM

9 Boys hoed Corn A started about 5 PM to Markham for 10 Barrels Cement Henry's went to Menno Burkholder's after supper W. a very fine Cler day

10 A went to Thomas Dillers Barn raising J & Henry hoed Corn AM Henry & Sarah went to raising PM J Grubbed Mangels with seeder PM W. a very fine Cler day

11 Boys cut Ganes in beams of Pig Barn for Joists Henry went to R Johnstons barn rasing PM W drizzly rain off & on all day Lydia & Hoover

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July 1907

12 Boys worked some at Pig pen put Paris Green on Potatoes & hoed Corn Davids were at Henry's to dinner W. a little rain this Morning Cler & fine today

13 Boys drew stones into Pig pen AM they all three helped Benj'n draw in hay with teams PM I took 4 bags barley to Davids & got it Chopped PM W. very fine Cler prety warm

Sunday 14 at home A took Nancy to Dr AM she is not so well he gave her some Medicine She is up & around Thos Dillers & Peters were at Henry's to dinner W. a very fine Cler day

15 A & Henry helped Benj'n draw hay with team towards evening W. pretty warm rather Cloudy a little sprinkle of rain after dark

16 Boys scuffled most of Corn & hoed the Potatoes J Cut last half of hay Daniels were here to dinner W. quite warm a little rain last night rather Cloudy AM I took Susanna to Br C's to dinner

17 Boys Chore & drew in 7 loads hay PM I took Susanna to Flavius AM I & Nancy brought her home PM W. very warm

18 J took Cream then they drew in loads hay W. quite warm fine & Cler

19 Boys finished drawing in hay we have 18 big loads off the 10 acres Henry helped Benj'n PM J scuffled PM A mowed fence Corners I brought Anne after dinner to sew took her home this evening W. very warm

July 1907

20 J took Cream & got Horses Chief & Billy shod A helped Benj'n AM they worked at Pig pen PM I took Susanna to Davids & left her there I staid to dinner W. quite warm, heavy rain went around north at noon some thunder. Cooler this evening strong wind PM

Sunday 21 I & Nancy & Lizzie went to Meeting at Widemans with Henry's remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 15 C by Br C went to Enos Ramers to dinner Henry's were at Daniels w. not quite so warm

22 Boys worked some at Pigpen & drew small stones off Scarboro Townline I & Lizzy washed PM W. a very fine steady rain awhild AM Cler & warm PM

23 Boys worked at Pig pen I helped J bring in fine Jag of fence Corner hay PM W. quite warm thunder showers went around PM

24 J & A worked at Pigpen I & Nancy Henry & Sarah & Lizzy went to Funeral of Levi Burkholder's son Freddie sermon on Isaiah 55 C 8 & 9 V by C Gayman Moses Weber spoke too on Job part of 1st C we went to Menno Burkholders to dinner W. a shower before the funeral left the house thunder showers went around after dinner we got home without, but we had a very heavy shower & strong wind & pretty heavy thunder about 600 PM

25 Boys worked at Pig pen J Put Paris Green on Potatoes second time W. very fine & warm

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July 1907 Aug

26 Boys worked at Pig pen J drew a lod of gravel & Grubbed Mangels W. strong NW wind heavy rain & some thunder last night

27 Boys worked at Pig pen I took Lizzy part way home PM Nancy went along to Elias's W. very fine & Cool, NW wind

Sunday 28 at home Elias's & Henry were here to dinner W. fine pretty Cloudy at times

29 A helped Benj'n draw hay J Cut our Fall Wheat Henry shocked it is a good Crop I & Lizzy washed I got Mare Nell shod all around W. not very warm Clouds went around north all AM

30 A helped Benj'n draw hay AM J Scuffled Corn Henry Chored W. very fine Cooler we Cut weeds in Hebron Cemetery after supper Burkholder's Man J Hendersham was here to dinner he delivered some Mattresses & springs

31 Boys worked at Pig Pen W. quite warm AM a few thunder showers PM

Aug 1 Boys worked at Pigpen AM they cut the barley south of bush PM & Picked 16 Brown Leghorn Roosters w. very fine not so warm we will send the Roosters to Toronto with M Barkey

2 Boys pulled down 40 rods of the Board fence north of Meeting house J Jarvis put up a Wire fence @ 45 cts per rod he got finished before night Boys hoed Mangels PM W. fine a few fine showers through the night pretty heavy thunder

Aug 1907

3 Boys worked at Pig pen AM they hoed Mangels PM A helped Thomas thresh awhile PM Levi Ramer started the Machine W. very fine Cler & Cool I went to half yearly Conference at Hebron PM

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder Br C Sermon on St Mat part of 18 C by C Burkholder Henry Byer's & MN were here to dinner Joe's were here awhile this evening Br C's were here after supper W. a very lovely day Herman's were here last night Harvey & Lewis Grove were here all week little Frank Grove was here last night Susanna Came home yesterday she was away visiting 2 weeks.

5 drew in wheat 11 loads Benj'n & his man helped with team W. not so warm rather cloudy I took Lizzie home she has been here nearly six weeks. Mary & the Children were here PM

6 Cut barley east of dam & drew in barley south of bush W. quite warm Clouds went around north.

7 Boys laid floor in straw shed over Pig pen the old boards off the fence on Pickering townline W. very warm thunder shower around PM

8 A & Henry helped Benj'n draw in wheat with team till near supper time J took grist of barley to Davids

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Aug 1907

Am he Chored PM & raked stubble PM W. very fine not so warm some cloudy

9 Boys nearly finished lining up Pig Pen with Concrete inside AM J & Henry began to Plow in Meadow stubble A worked at Pig pen PM W. quite warm I & Nancy took a drive to Elias's to Joe's & Called on Johny Reesor after supper

10 Boys plowed in Meadow they cut Mixed grain on Knoll PM I & Nancy went to Saml Barkeys at Mongolia to dinner we Called on Mary Burkholder she is quite poorly then we went to Levi Grove's to supper & to Ed Moyer's all night W. very warm

Sundy 11 went to Meeting at Altona remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke part of 18 C by Levi Grove went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner then Came home W. quite warm a little Cloudy

12 Boys Cut about an acre of Oats behind barn to thresh when we get Machine they drew in the barley in big field loads PM Benj'n 2 Men helped with teams A raked the stubble after supper W. very very warm 89 deg above at noon cooler towards evening a little distant thunder over the lake

13 A & Henry helped Flavius draw dung with team AM Flavius & his Man helped in PM with team

Aug 1907

J rolled sod that was Plowed then he cut mixed grain below garden AM W. Cooler strong NW wind very strong

14 A Helped Johnny Reesor thresh till 1/2 past 2 o' J finished Cutting Oats behind barn & most of field north of Meeting house Henry shocked W. very fine & Cool

15 A helped JD's thresh AM Bob Milroys PM J finished Cutting Oats north of Meeting house then Benj'ns Man helped & they drew in rakings & Mixed grain on Knoll & few loads Oats I took Cream with Mare Nell JH Ramer's & Caroline Lehman were here to dinner W. very fine Cool air, Teenie Stover was here to dinner & supper

16 Threshed till 4 PM the grain yielded well Fall Wheat & barley about 40 Bus per Acre Oats very good W. Cloudy at times AM began to drizzle about 1100 rained a very fine shower at noon a very little distant thunder cloudy PM & warm J Cut a little mixed grain East of Orchard: too damp

17 I took Susanna to Elias's then I & Nancy started after dinner & went to Joseph Grove's to supper & to Davids & staid all night Boys Cut Mixed Peas & Oat field W. pretty warm fine

Sunday 18 went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Gayman went to Jos Kochs to dinner to Saml Reesor's to supper & to Daniels all night

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Aug 1907

W. warm Cler

19 went to SB Lehman's to dinner & supper & to C Gayman's all night

20 went to Jacob Grove's to dinner & to Lizzy Gibners to supper & to Herman's to stay all night. W. Cloudy at times a very little rain at noon

21 Came home to dinner I & Nancy washed PM the boys finished Cutting the grain while we were away & are drawing in now W. quite fine not very warm Susanna Came home again today

22 A & Henry helped Benj'n draw in Oats with team (they helped the boys yesterday) J raked stubble W. fine & Cler not very warm

23 Boys finished drawing in all the grain I took Buggy to Ceder Grove AM to get Tires set I brought it home PM W. fine not so warm

24 Boys finished Plowing in Meadow for Wheat about 5 1/2 Acres Henry got Mares shod PM A helped Thomas thresh PM till 4 oclock W. not so warm a very light shower AM J took Cream for Flavius

Sunday 25 I & Nancy went to Br N's they were not at home went to Br S's they were not at home staid at Davids to dinner Flavius & family were here to supper W. very fine strong NW wind

26 A & Henry helped Thomas thresh with team to draw grain to Machine AM they helped Benj'n draw dung PM J got Mare Jennie shod on hind feet AM he began to gang in barley stubble west of dam PM

Aug 1907 Sept

I & Nancy walked AM I took Nancy & Susanna to Elias's PM then got Mare Nell shod all round & brought them home W. fine & Cler strong Cool NW wind

27 A & Henry helped Benj'n draw dung J helped Alick Milroy thresh AM & Frank McCreight PM W. Cloudy & a very slight drizzle of rain at times till about 4 PM when it rained fine & steady for awhile Mary & Anne were here PM sewing

28 Boys drew dung J helped Benj'n thresh PM I & Nancy & Susanna went to JD's to dinner W. very fine & Cler & Cool Benj'ns 2 men helped at dung

29 Boys drew dung Benj'n & his Man helped I & little Willis took 4 bags Chop to Davids got it done in 10 minutes & brought it home W. very fine & Cler pretty warm.

30 Boys drew dung AM Benj'n & his Man helped they helped Benj'n draw PM Herman's were here to dinner W. pretty warm looks like rain

31 Boys finished drawing dung W. very fine Cool

Sunday Sept 1st All went to Meeting at Hebron Sermons on St Mat 26 & 27 C by C Burkholder & Br C Lords supper was Celebrated Daniels were here to dinner Peter Reesor's brought the friends Tyson & wife Rice & wife & Leatherman & wife to dinner they are from Burks County Pennsylvania W. pretty warm looks like rain a fine shower after dark a little distant thunder.

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Sept 1907

2 A & Henry spread dung J Grubbed W. fine cooler towards evening very fine rain last night soaked pretty well

3 J sowed Wheat about acres AM Henry ganged in barley stubble west of dam J helped awhile PM A went to Toronto W. very fine looked a little like rain I took 5 bags barley to Davids & got it Chopped PM

4 J & Henry ganged A worked at Pig pen W. fine rather Cloudy at times

5 A worke at Pig pen AM he spread dung PM J & Henry ganged East of Creek below graveyard then began behind barn Davids were here to dinner W. showery awhile AM fine heavy rain PM distant thunder, heavy north

6 J & A ganged Henry spread dung W. fine Cler

7 Boys finished ganging down the dung in NW Corner field I took Susanna to Markham to Dr AM W. fine

Sunday 8 I & Nancy & Susanna went to M Barkeys to dinner Joe & Anne were here to supper W. rather Cloudy but fine Cool

9 I took Cream & got Horses Chief & Billy shod on front feet & brought 2 doz fruit Baskets from Green River AM Henry ganged A Picked 24 Baskets Crab Apples & Pears & some apples they dressed a Calf too PM Adeline & Emma Ramer were here to dinner W. fine not so warm AM heavy shower went around north PM I & Nancy washed AM warmer PM

Sept 1907

10 J Rolled some of the land that was ganged A worked at Pig pen Henry & Sarah & little Willis went to Toronto 24 Baskets Crabs & Apples & Pears $4.00 for the lot one Calf 82 lbs 9 cts Cwt 19 1/2 lbs Tallow $1.00 W. air from East a little drizzly at times AM rain from East at times quite heavy this evening some thunder

11 J Rolled some PM Henry ganged A helped Elias's thresh PM W. drizzly awhile AM Cleared up PM pretty heavy rain last night a fine lot of water in our dam I went to Ceder Grove after dinner

12 A helped NB's thresh till 3 PM J & Henry finished ganging behind barn Henry began single Plowing north of bush in Wheat stubble J made about 1 Barrel of Cider at Lapps PM W. quite fine Cler very fine day

13 J & Henry single Plowed north of bush A worked at Pig pen & helped stir sauce we made over 7 crocks full W. quite warm

14 A & Henry Plowed north of bush J took cream with Mare Nell AM J Plowed PM A & Henry Plowed out & Picked Potatoes in Old Orchard PM Henry's went to Sarahs folks about 4 PM W. quite warm

Sunday 15 at home Benj'ns were here to dinner A went to Meeting at Widemans on his Bycicle W. quite warm Alma Frank & little Ada were here all day Elias's went to Meeting at Widemans

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Sept 1907

16 A helped Flavius put in Tiles all day J Plowed AM he drew stones into feeding room of Pigpen Henry drew 2 loads gravel from Laughlin's PM helped Sarah wash awhile I helped Nancy wash AM W. quite warm rather Cloudy PM Walter Hoover installed a Telephone into Henry's Kitchen today I protested as long as I could but I could not prevail on the boys so I suppose things will take their course

17 J brought 5 Barrels Cement from Markham @ $2.30 A helped Flavius all day Henry brought 2 loads gravel AM he began plowing below garden PM J plowed awhile PM W. fine warm

18 Boys worked at Cementing Pig pen cementing feeding room floor Flavius helped Br N's brought Menno Shantz & wife & Enos Martins & wife from Waterloo to supper W. Cloudy at times Cooler towards evening strong wind

19 Boys dug out foundations for new Hen house at south end of Pig pen & began foundation wall Flavius helped I took Susanna to J Murisons after dinner & brought her home after supper. W. quite warm slight rain this evening

20 Boys finished hen house foundation Henry helped W Tran fill silo J helped Benj'n cut corn I took Susanna to Thomas's Pm brought her home this evening W. Cloudy at times warm

21 A & Henry helped Benj'n fill his Silo J Plowed below garden & took 8 bags barley to Davids W. very fine Cool wind

Sept 1907

I & Nancy went to Elias's & Joseph awhile PM

Sunday 22 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Menno Reesor's to dinner W. very fine & Cool J & A were at Elias's to dinner Henry's were at Isaac Reesor's to dinner & at Martin Barkeys to supper

23 Boys plowed south & East of Orchard & began to Cut Corn with Binder My Dear Nancy was very unfortunate after breakfast she was standing on a Chair to strike some flies & she lost her Balance & fell to the floor & broke her lame knee we Called Dr Robinson he Bandaged it she took sick & feverish we Called him again about 4 PM he Came again & gave some Medicine she was very bad but now about Midnight she is resting very well.

24 J & A helped Thomas fill silo at his other farm & Henry plowed AM filled our silo PM W. Cler & fine AM rather Cloudy PM slight little shower PM Cool tonight Dr Called says Nancy is doing well not much pain in her Knee

25 A helped W Petty fill silo AM Henry & J Plowed A helped Thomas fill at home PM J helped Sarah & Stella take in Citrons & Beets PM Enos Hoover's were here to dinner & Daniels were here to supper Davids were here to supper Davids were here after supper Dr Called says Nancy is doing well W. very Cold strong NW wind Calm tonight

26 Henry plowed AM he Picked Apples PM A & J helped Flavius fill silo till 3 PM then they dressed 5 Pigs W. Cool some wind Herman's called PM Br N's called too.

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27 J Plowed Henry helped G Dimma fill silo AM he Picked 4 rows Potatoes PM A went to Toronto 5 Pigs nearly 500. @ $8.75 per Cwt 27 Baskets Apples some @ 25 cts & some 20 W. Cler AM cloudy at times PM a little rain after supper JH Ramers were here to supper Dr Called PM he says Nancy is doing well he will Come on Monday & put her Knee into Plaster of Paris this is my 71st Birthday

28 J & A plowed sometimes between showers Henry chored W. drizzly nearly all day a fine heavy rain this evening some thunder AB's Lizzie has been here since Tuesday Morning

Sunday 29 all went to Meeting Except I & J & Susanna & little Willis Br inlaw Saml Hoover's & MN were here to dinner a great Many Called to see Nancy I can hardly name them all W. northern Cloudy & Cool Nancy feeling some better

30 J & A Plowed A worked at a roller door for the north end of shed he took the Cream in Thomas's place this morning W. a little rain this Morning Cleared up fine & Cool Br inlaw Simon Hoover's were here to supper Nancy a little stronger

Oct 1 Boys dug Potatoes Dr was here today and put Nancy's Knee in starch Bandages she is improving slowly Johny Reesor's brought Esra Martin & wife & Set Bauman & wife from Waterloo to dinner W. very fine

2 Boys plowed A helped Benj'n PM W. quite fine Nancy doing fair

3 Boys plowed & Picked about 60 Baskets apples W. quite warm Br N. Br inlaw Enos Hoover & Aunt Lizzy called Nancy was up in a chair all AM

Oct 1907

4 Henry went to Toronto 60 Baskets Harleys Westing Jemmitings & Gravensteins from 25 cts to 10 cts per Basket Amounting to $ J Plowed till near noon then he went to Markham with Benj'ns Mare & Buggy A went on his Wheel W. rain last night fine today Davids were here to dinner Anne Esther Lydia & Flavius Fanny & little Eva Called Flavius & Br C Called this morning Nancy doing well

5 Boys pulled Mangels & J drew in Carl helpers PM they took in 13 loads W. rather Cloudy rained awhile AM strong NW wind PM Br S's Lydia & Bertha were here PM

Sunday 6 Henry's went to Meeting at Altona J & A went to Benj'ns to dinner SB Lehmans were here to dinner W. Cloudy began to rain about 4 PM

7 Boys nearly finished pulling mangels AM A helped Taylor thresh PM J & Henry Flavius & his Man Jack drew 12 loads PM till rain stopped them I went to Ceder Grove PM the first time that I was off the place for 2 weeks Esther & Russell Called PM W. Cloudy, fine rain after 4 PM strong wind Nancy is going on Crutches

8 A helped Taylors thresh J & Henry took in last of Mangels loads AM they helped Flavius with team PM Br C's brought Henry Bauman & wife & Moses Martin & wife awhile AM tghey Came from Waterloo W. strong wind I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove PM

9 Boys plowed & Picked winter apples W. sharp white frost last night fine today pretty warm

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10 A & Henry plowed J looked for the young cattle that have been on the road all summer and they have not been at home for a few days he plowed PM & Henry looked for them he found them below Spencelys W. fine Cler Nancy is walking very well on crutches.

11 A helped JD's thresh Henry drew 3 loads Coal from Locust Hill over 5 tons @ $6.40 he took Bus Wheat to Whitevale @ $1.00 per Bus J Plowed I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine & Cler Nancy doing quite well

12 A helped JD's thresh awhile J took Cream & Henry Chored Machine Came AM then they threshed PM all went well W. NW wind a few squaals of rain Br C called AM with Baumans & C Hagadorn from Waterloo

Sunday 13 at home Henry's went to Meeting at Widemans A went too on his Bycicle J went to Daniels to dinner Leonard Hoovers & his Mother were here to dinner W. Cloudy Nancy doing well

14 finished threshing about 11 Oc grain turned out fairly well A & Henry plowed PM J went to Whalen's sale on 19th Con Markham W. rather Cloudy Br S's Called PM

15 J & Henry plowed AM they Picked winter apples PM A worked at Hen house we are putting up the frame of my fathers woodshed on a cement foundation near where the old Hen house was the foundation is put up some time ago W. very very fine & Cler Anne & Esther Barkey Called PM I went to Ceder Grove & to Davids Mill PM

16 A worked at henhouse J & Henry plowed AM Henry drew 2 loads gravel PM J went to Markham for 2 Barrels Cement PM

Oct 1907

I got Mare Nell shod AM W. very fine

17 J & A worked at henhouse Henry drew home some dung & Plowed I & Suanna went to Markham AM W. a very very fine day Daniels were here to supper

18 J & A worked at henhouse Henry finished Plowing field behind barn A went to Markham after supper on is wheel for some nails W. quite fine Cooler Br inlaw Jesse Hoover here to dinner

19 Boys worked at henhouse Henry took 54 Bu Wheat to Markham @1.2 AM J took 54 Bu PM & he brought home one ton Oil Cake @ $32 W. fine & Cler sharp Air from NW I took grist to Davids & got it Chopped AM

Sunday 20 at home Herman's & Henry's were here to dinner & Elias's & Joe's to supper W. fine clear getting Colder

21 Boys shingled Henhouse I went to Davidsons for gang Plow shares PM W. a hard frst last night fine today

22 Boys lined up henhouse with Concrete the same as they done the pig pen didnt quite finish J helped Johny Reesor thresh PM W. sharp frost last night very fine today

23 A helped Johnny Reesor thresh till 3 PM then he Picked winter apples J & Henry picked some winter apples AM then they picked 15 sacks Cider apples & took them to A Clemdemen & went awhile to Jas Malcoms sale C Burkholder's were here to dinner& Thomas's Adeline Came with Ada Reesor from Pennsylvania & her Husband

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Oct 1907

Metsler they were here to supper W. very fine & Cler Cool wind Dr Called this evening Nancy takes dizzy spells he Calls it Vertigo

24 J & Henry ganged in NW Corner field A worked at Henhouse AM they all went to Spencely's sale PM W. very very fine & Cler a Cool wind Anne was here PM Nancy doing pretty well

25 Boys Picked winter apples they worked a little at the henhouse I went to Ceder Grove AM Br N's Called awhile PM W. very fine & Cler a strong NW wind

26 J & Henry ganged AM Picked winter apples PM A worked at henhouse AM & Picked apples PM I took Susanna to Elias's AM brought her home PM W. sharp frost last night very fine today

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting except J he staid with Nancy & little Willis sermon on {blank space} by C Gayman & on {blank space} by Br C Henry & Sarah Lucinda Reesor Elias & Mary Joseph & Anne were Baptised as Members of our church we had no visitors to dinner but different Callers after dinner W. rain last night & all day off & on raining yet bedtime quite mild this is the 50th anniversary of our wedding day

28 J & Henry finished ganging NW Corner field 2nd time A helped R Milroy thresh till awhile after dinner then he Picked apples W. fine & Cler strong NW wind Nancy is doing pretty well she can walk across the floor with a stick

Oct 1907 Nov

29 J & Henry finished ganging NW Corner field AM A Picked apples they dressed a calf & 4 pigs PM J took grist & got some shoeing done W. Cler Cool air from north Br S's & Br C Called AM Joseph Groves Called PM

30 A worked at Pig pen J Chored A helped Benj'n thresh PM Henry went to T{illegible} 4 Pigs 400 @ $8.75 1 Calf 95 lbs @ 9.50 per Cwt 4 Barrels Cooking Apples @ $2.00 per Barrel I went to Markham to get More Medicine for Nancy she is doing very well W. hard frost last night very fine & Cler today

Thanksgiving day 31 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Susanna she staid with Nancy remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 12 C by Br C David Burkholder was here to dinner Hermans & Daniels Called PM W. sharp frost last night very fine today there have been 3 white frost nwo

Nov 1 A helped Benj'n finished threshing a few hours this morning J & Henry plowed in root field I went to Whitevale for Plow shares this morning W. mostly Cloudy pretty mild

2 A plastered the new henhouse onto the Cement J worked in pigpen made some feed boxes in the feeding room Henry mixed mortar for A W. steady rain from East raining yet 9 O

Sunday 3 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. Cloudy strong NW wind not Cold

4 Boys plowed in root ground & Picked apples Thomas's Man Sherman March helped plow PM W. very fine & Cler raining at bedtime

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Nov 1907

5 A worked at henhouse J & Henry began plowing in sod in NE corner field I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove AM I walked to Elias's PM W. very fine & mild, Cler a little cloudy at times

6 J & Henry Plowed A took cream with Mare Nell AM A & Henry plowed & J Picked apples PM W. some drizzly & mild & cloudy Menno Burkholder's Called awhile PM Nancy is doing well

7 Boys Chored J plowed sod behind Cider house PM A & Henry took grist to Davids & got Henry's mare shod PM W. very strong NW wind drizzle of rain & soft snow nearly all day

8 J & A Plowed Henry Picked apples PM W. Cloudy & cool, milder & More Cler PM I went to Ceder Grove AM

9 A & Henry Plowed Mare Bell took sick sent for Dr Armstrong she is all right again I walked to Flavius PM W. sharp white frost last night fine & cler clouded up PM

Sunday 10 at home Nancy still a little better Lizzy is still here Henry's went to Meeting at Widemans J A & Susanna went to Flavius to dinner W. a little Cloudy at times a very fine day

11 Boys plowed A helped Benj'n Kill some Pigs PM W. sharp white frost last night very fine & Cler today I went to Ceder Grove AM I helped Lizzy wash this morning

12 Henry brought load Oil Cake from Markham for Flavius AM J Plowed they drew in some Greystone Turnips & all the feed Corn PM W. fine & Cler most of the time cold air

13 Boys finished plowing sod AM then we all went to Flavius's sale PM except Lizzy & Susanna staid with Nancy

Nov 1907

Flavius had 50 acres rented from John Pearce for 5 years his lease has expired & he had raised a lot of Cattle the Cows sold for over $50 to $73 the horses did not sell W. Cloudy with very cold SW wind

14 A helped F McCreight thresh AM & Alick Milroy PM J & Henry Chored Henry got some shoes on horses then J Henry & Benj'n Killed 6 Pigs PM W. fine & Cler cold 16 deg above zero

15 A worked at fitting sash into henhouse & Pig pen J Chored Henry went to Toronto 3 Barrels of Rambo apples fallen $1.25 each 1 Barrel Grindstone $1.25 6 Pigs 600 @ $8.50 W. quite fine getting Milder

16 A helped Thomas thresh AM Henry took some Chop to Whitevale they pulled & drew in the Greystone turnips loads PM. W. Cler sharp white frost last night Cold Air

Sunday 17 at home Flavius's were here to supper W. very fine & Cler, sharp air very sharp

18 Boys Chored & gathered apples & put a lot down Cellar I helped Lizzy wash AM got Mare Nell shod on hind feet PM W. very fine mild Cloudy & smoky white frost last night

19 Boys worked at Apples took a lot to Lapps Made 76 gallons Cider & left some to be made into sauce they filled 9 Barrels PM I & Susanna went to Markham AM she had 2 teeth Pulled W. very fine Cler Hermans were here to dinner

20 J & A drew a lot of dry wood down from bush Henry went to Toronto 9 Barrels apples Barl snows $2.75 2 Barls Kings $2.75

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Nov 1907

then he had Rambo's & Talmans & other Common Kinds he made $16.50 for the 9 Barrels W. strong East wind PM began to rain after supper Br inlaw John Hoover's were here to dinner

21 Henry plowed a headland & the strip where the Greystone turnips grew a put in the windows in henhouse & pig pen J went to sale at Josiah Parson's with Thomas PM W. mild Cloudy strong south west wind

22 Boys Cleaned up rubbish that was left of the old Pig pen Henry plowed early Potatoe patch in old orchard I & Nancy went awhile to Flavius's Called at Br C's she enjoyed the drive very much W. quite fine rather Cloudy

23 Boys drew rubbish & frame of old henhouse into Calf pasture J went to Markham PM I & Nancy went awhile to Benj'ns PM She is getting quite smart W. very very fine & Cler a sharp white frost last night

Sunday 24 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat 13 C by C Gayman Joe's were here to dinner W. very fine & Clear white frost last night sharp air

25 Boys cleaned up rubbish & put in posts for a fence from NE Corner of shop to run north to to NE Corner of pig pen Henry helped Sarah wash AM I helped Lizzy wash AM W. very very fine Cler I took Susanna to Benj'ns AM brought her home PM

26 Boys chored fixed up overhead in pig pen for the hens Roosters that we fatten I went to Meeting house to a meeting of those that want sheds I think there will be some built W. about an inch of snow last night also some rain pretty wet all day snow going off again.

Nov 1907 Dec

Daniels & Davids & Enos Nighswanders were here to dinner

27 Henry Clipped 2 horses for J Malcom J & A worked at fixing upstairs in pig pen Mary & Children were here to dinner Lizzy went home will Come again W. Mild snow all gone Cloudy began to snow from East after supper

28 Boys finished place for hens on Pigpen I & Nancy & Susanna went to Elias's to dinner W. mild a Cold West wind snow all gone little Alma Came home with us to stay all night

29 Boys finished a fence from shop north to the north end of Pig pen W. a little snow in the air Came on fast after dark Lizzie came this evening

30 Boys Chored AM A worked at Arthur Reesor's & J & Henry went to standing timber sale in Whitevale PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. a little below freezing all day Cler ground white with snow

Dec 1 Sunday I Nancy Susanna & Lizzy went to Joe's to dinner W. Cloudy mostly a very heavy fall of snow coming home about an inch fell

2 Boys Chored & sorted the hens Moores Man was here & fixed the Pump W. sharp Cloudy

3 A helped Pilkeys thresh for F McCreight PM Henry helped Thomas Kill a Pig W. quite sharp

4 Henry's went to Menno Burkholders & Henry went to Gregory's sale A dressed a calf J Chored W. quite Cold 8 above Zero this morning

5 Henry & Sarah helped Benj'n Kill hogs A helped NB's thresh

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Dec 1907

J Chored & took grist to Davids & took Calf to J Malcolms he takes it to Toronto W. Cler quite sharp

6 A & J worked at a water closet Henry went to Markham & took their girl Stella Spragge home she was with them all summer I went to Joe's AM W. fine & Milder roads good

7 A helped Benj'n Henry got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM they Chored PM I took Susanna to Elias's AM & brought her home PM W. fine & Cler thawing a little PM

8 Sunday at home Henry's went to Meeting at Widemans W. Mild Mostly Cloudy fine drizzle of rain the ground has been white with snow but it is about all gone

9 A was at Benj'ns all day at threshing J went before dinner & helped Henry Chored W. Cloudy began to rain towards evening I & Lizzie washed AM This my Nancy's 68th Birthday

10 A was at Benj'ns Henry helped Teenie Stover Kill a hog J Chored & went to Underwoods sale PM W. Mild Cloudy AM Colder PM

11 A was at Benj'ns Henry got things ready to Kill hogs tomorrow J Chored AM he went to Markham PM W. some snow last night & all AM Colder looks like winter

12 Killed our 5 hogs Flavius & Fanny Benj'ns & Fanny & Elias & Anne helped got done in good time after 3 PM W. snow AM fine PM not cold there are a few inches of snow

Dec 1907

13 A worked at Water Closet Henry salted meat AM J & Henry drew dung on back Orchard I went to Ceder Grove PM W. rather Cloudy not Cold roads good a little more snow would make good sleighing

14 Henry helped Benj'n put on a load of hay J Chored A & Lizzy went to Markham AM A Varnished our Cupboard PM W. Cloudy this morning began to snow & blow from East about 900 snowed & blowed all day not Cold

Sunday 15 at home Henry's went to Elias's to dinner W. mild, Cloudy air from East soft snow very soft this evening there is very fair sleighing

16 Boys chored & I helped Lizzie wash AM help A helped Sarah wash AM they filled 8 Barrels with Apples & Killed a Pig PM W. not Cold a little snow in the air good sleighing

17 J & Henry Chored A went to Toronto 8 Barrels King Apples $2.00 per B 1 Pig 90 lbs $8.00 per Cwt he weint with sleigh good to half way home I & Susanna went to Markham I got my last Tooth pulled Susanna got 3 pulled went to Davids to dinner W. fine mild, Cloudy good sleighing

18 Henry & Sarah helped Flavius Kill hogs A got horse Chief shod & Picked some fowls J Chored & went to Alisons sale PM he bought 6 Pigs @ $2.30 each weigh about 50 lbs live W. very fine mild

{second page}

Dec 1907

19 all hands Picked Geese they Picked 18 J brought home the Pigs that he bought yesterday they are a fine lot Daniels were here to dinner W. not so cold a pretty strong West wind

20 Henry helped Benj'n draw hay from his north barn AM J & Henry went to Youngs sale in 6th Con Pickering PM A went to Toronto 12 Geese 170 lbs @ 10 cts per lb 12 Fowls 55 lbs @ 8 ct per lb I got Mare Nell sharped all round PM W. Mild cloudy A went with Wheels no sleighing to Toronto good here

21 Boys Chored Henry & Sarah went to Markham PM I took Susanna to Elias's this morning brought her home this evening MN came to stay all night W. very fine & cler

Sunday 22 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 8 C by Br C Enos Reesor's & Marty were here to dinner Thomas Dillers to supper & Br inlaw Enos Hoovers Came to stay all night W. mild partly Cler sleighing getting thin

23 Henry helped Sarah wash J & A Chored AM I helped Lizzie wash PM Boys all went to Vote at Bye Election PM Dr P McLean again T Wallace for Dominion house W. soft snow turned to rain awhile snow again towards evening very fast.

Dec 1907

24 Boys finished & placed our Water Closet J went to Markham I took Lizzie home Pm she will come again in a few days W. fine Mild a lot of snow last night good sleighing

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J Sarah & Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by C Burkholder our whole family was here to dinner 36 including ourselves W. Mild, cloudy soft snow at imes also sprinkles of rain, Lizzie Came tonight

26 Boys pitched straw stack into barn I helped Lizzie wash this morning then I & Nancy & Susanna went to Flavius's to dinner of Roast Turkey W. fine Cler sharp Air very good sleighing

27 I & Nancy went to Br N's to dinner Boys Chored & salted Meat W. mild Cloudy thawing sleighing a little thin

28 Boys chored J took Lizzy home for good we will try to do alone Nancy is doing well W. soft, a lot of rain last night sleighing about broken up getting cold PM. freezing

Sunday 29 JD's & Elias's were here to dinner W. fine Clear sharp Air

30 Boys Chored Henry helped Sarah wash I & Nancy washed AM W. a few in heavy snow last night rain off & on last night & AM blowed up Colder PM Freezing this evening

{second page}

Dec 1907 Jan 1908

31 Boys Chored A went to Markham PM I went to see Johnny Reesor this Morning he is very sick with Gravel I went to Br S's PM W. Cler sharp fairly good sleighing very strong NW wind

January 1st 1908 at home Uriah Drudge's were here to dinner W. very fine & Cler

2 Boys Chored they all went to Joe's to supper Sarah & Susanna too W. very fine & Cler

3 A worked at making Butcher Knives out of Old Crosscut saw J & Henry brought a load of Frozen Manitoba Wheat for feed from Markham it Costs ua about 65 cts per Bus W. very fine sleighing yet I went to see Johnny Reesor he is no better

4 A worked at Knives J took Cream Henry brought another load Wheat for feed W. Mild soft snow AM Milder PM it thawed some very strong NW wind after dark I went to see Johnny Reesor he is no better

Sunday 5 at home Joes were here awhile PM Susanna & the boys went to Thomas's to supper W 7 above Zero this Morning 15 through the day fine & Cler

6 Boys helped wash A helped I & Nancy wash AM they went to Municipal Elections PM W. quite sharp & Cler sleighing thin

7 Henry & Sarah helped Elias's Kill hogs I & Nancy & Susanna went too J & A Chored J went to sale of W. Collinson's effects in Boxgrove he bought 2 Pails @ 10 cts

Jan Jan 1 1908

W. Cloudy not Cold

8 Boys cut firewood in bush AM they all went to Booths sale on 9th Con Markham PM I & Nancy went to see Johnny Reesor PM he is some better W. Mild Cloudy

9 A got Horses Chief & Billy sharped & brought home load of Chopped Manitoba Wheat from Davids Henry brought small load too they cut wood PM J Chored & took 4 doz & 10 Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 35 cts per Doz PM W. Cler Cold 7 deg above Zero this Morning 12 throughout the day I went to see Johnny Reesor he is some better

10 Boys Chored AM Cut wood PM I went to see Johnny Reesor AM he is gaining a little W. 8 above Zero this Morning as high as 27 towards night East wind

11 Henry & Sarah & little Willis started about 7 this Morning to go to Bakers in Vaughn on 3rd Con they intend to Come home tomorrow evening J & A Chored Herman's were here to dinner W. very fine not so Cold

Sunday 12 at home W. storm of rain & sleet from NE all AM turned to heavy snow at noon Kept on all PM

13 Boys helped to wash AM I have very lame shoulder they Chored PM I went to see Johnny Reesor & then went to Elias's Johnny is pretty weak yet W. very fine good sleighing

14 J went to Whitevale for some Coal Oil AM A went to Markham for 500 lbs Oil Cake PM W. very fine & Clear

15 I & Nancy Henry & Sarah went to Peter's Widow Mary to dinner W. rather Cloudy SW wind not very Cold J & A Chored

{second page} {obviously a few pages missing Jan 16 - Feb 2}

Feb 1908

3 I went to Meeting house to Meeting to Elect Trustees there were only M Barkey Thomas & Johnny Ramer Albert & myself present the Book of reports was not there so we did no Business A & Henry went out to break roads J went to Ceder Grove W. quite Cold NW wind A helped us wash this morning

4 Boys Chored & shoveled walks W. 17 deg below Zero this Morning a little above today down again about 8 deg below this evening but there was very little wind

5 Boys Chored A went with Flavius to take the Cream AM W. snow from East & a very strong wind all day not very Cold, roads drifting stormy yet Bedtime

6 Boys went Breaking Roads to Ceder Grove AM & north on Pickering Townline PM W not so cold strong west wind AM some squaals of snow PM heard today that Henry Boyer's wife died at noon will be Buried on Saturday

7 Boys brought home grist from Davids W. pretty Cold, still a NW wind, snow is drifting in all the time on the roads

8 A went with Flavius to take the Cream the snow is very deep in some places it is cold yet fine & Cler today about 8 below Zero this morning 3 above at noon below again tonight

Sunday 9 at home Elias's were here to dinner Henry's were at Menno Burkholders to dinner W. 3 below Zero this Morning, fine & Cler went up to 20 deg above towards evening

Feb 1908

10 A helped Nancy wash AM Henry helped Sarah A helped Flavius Clean Oats PM I went to see Br S AM he was very sick last week with Bronchitis vomiting & Purging is some better W. very very fine & cler up to 30 deg the roads are very full of snow

11 Boys Picked 23 Roosters Henry & Sarah went to Toronto on Trolleys W. very very fine & Mild thawing a little

12 J & Henry Chored A went to Toronto 1 Calf 87 lbs $8.70 Barl Talman Apples $1.50 1 Barl Greenings $2.00 128 lbs Roosters @ 12 1/2 cts per lb I went to see Br S PM he is a little better W. Mild rather Cloudy drizzly rain after dark

13 Boys shoveled some off Kitchen & woodshed roofs AM they Plowed some road west of 11th Con PM W. very fine & Mild snow thawing

14 Boys Plowed snow on Pickering Townline & Chored W. quite Mild Cloudy drizzly rain PM snow going

15 Boys shoveled snow at Hebron AM they Chored PM W. drizzly rain nearly all AM turned to snow and strong NW wind PM not Cold

Sunday 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks & sermon Joseph Groves and B Dillers were at Henry's W. very fine & Cler, Mild

17 A helped us wash Henry helped Sarah AM they went to look for Foxes PM saw one but did not shoot him MN Came to stay all night W. very fine & Cler pretty Cold

{second page}

Feb 1908

18 Henry went to Ceder Grove A went to look for Foxes AM A went to Pickering for some Bran & shorts Henry went to Markham with Benj'n PM Davids were at Henry's to supper w. sharp Cler Cloudy towards evening

19 A got some shoes on Horses & brought load chop home from Davids Henry brought some PM Sarah was at a Carpet rag Bee at Elias's Nancy & Susanna were going too but it was too stormy & Susanna is not well W. Mild but strong East wind with snow all day

20 Boys Chored Daniels were here to dinner & supper W. mostly Cler pretty sharp they went to Joes to stay all night

21 A & Henry took a drive with Henry's mare she had anot been driven for a long time she went well A brought a load of sand for Alvin Milroy PM W. cloudy a strong west wind

22 Boys Chored W. quite sharp 3 above this morning not higher than 15 today Joe & Anne were here tonight

Sunday 23 at home Elias's were here to dinner Henry's were at Joe Burkholder's to dinner they had some notion to go to Altona Meeting but they stopped at Joe's W. NE wind & some light snow AM Cler & Milder PM the roads are pretty well tracked

24 A helped us wash Henry helped Sarah then we started about 10 & A took Nancy & I & Susanna to Br S's A Came home & we staid to dinner he Came for us PM W. nearly Zero this Morning fine & Cler no wind up over 28 deg through the day.

25 J took Nancy I & Susanna to Elias's AM brought us home PM A helped Benj'n Henry got his Mare shod AM W. Mild some East wind towards evening.

{second page appears to be the Jan days that were missing a page or two back}

Feb 1908 Mar

began to snow after dark

26 A & Henry took cream J shoveled around the Buildings AM they all went to Hagerman's sale at Locust Hill PM J bought 10 hogs @ $6.80 each W. snow all night turned to rain a little while AM cleared up PM Mild fully 6 in fell soft & heavy no drifts

27 J & A brought home the hogs that J bought yesterday they are a fine lot Henry went to Joe Burkholder's for some Beans PM W. Cler sharp very fine

28 Henry went up to A Groves to look at a light waggon did not buy it J & A Chored W. a very Cold NW wind. Cler 12 deg above

29 Boys Chored Herman's were at Henry's to dinner W. 2 above Zero this Morning up to 18 today Cler

March 1st at home Henry's went to Meeting at Widemans W. strong East wind began to snow about 10 AM snowed heavy & blowed strong all day not so Cold Henry did not Come home

2 J & A helped Flavius Kill big Pig Henry & Sarah got home after dinner W. Mild rather Cloudy a few heavy squaals of snow Boys hung up Pork to smoke PM

3 A helped Flavius Make Sausage J & Henry went to Hamiltons sale in 10th Con Markham PM W. Cler & fine sharp NW wind

4 A helped Flavius AM Henry drew sand for Elias PM J went awhile to a sale on 3rd Con Pickering W. very fine Cler sharp Air

{second page}

Jan 1908

16 Boys Chored w. strong NW wind a little snow last night Pretty Cold Calm tonight

17 Boys cut wood W. pretty sharp Air I went to see Johnny Reesor he is some better

18 Boys cut wood AM they Chored PM W. Clear strong NW wind Daniels came to stay all night

Sunday 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Nancy & J they staid with Adeline she had a bad spell this Morning is better again remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St John part of 2nd C by C Burkholder Visitors Davids & Menno Burkholders & Matty Elias's were here to supper W. Cloudy but fine Strong East wind PM

20 A helped us wash AM Henry helped Sarah they cut wood PM J went for Dr Jim Armstrong AM Mare Bell is not well W. very fine & cler thawing a little

21 I & Nancy went to Br C's to dinner Henry was at Flavius Cementing J & A Chored A went to Markham PM to Dentist W. Cloudy Mild Thawing PM a little rain PM

22 A helped Thomas Kill hogs Henry took Cream Willie Smiths were here to dinner Br in law Enos's Came with them they were at Henry's to dinner W. Cler a strong NW wind through the day Calmer this evening

23 Boys Chored A took Eggs to Ceder Grove 10 Doz @ 31 cts per Doz all laid since Thursday W. snow from East not very Cold a very heavy fall all day snowing yet Bedtime

{pages that were missing a few pages back}

24 I & Nancy Susanna J & A went to Davids to a Duck Roast W. clear & Cold 3 below Zero this morning about 15 above this evening good sleighing, very fine drive did not feel Cold

25 Boys Chored W. Milder West Wind I went to see Johnny Reesor he is doing well he is up & around then I went to Elias's

Sunday 26 at home Joe & Anne were here to dinner Flavius & family & Thomas's & family were at Henrys to dinner W. storm of snow from East all day not Cold

27 Boys helped wash AM they chored PM W strong NW wind pretty Cold about 10 & 12 above all day

28 J went to Ceder Grove AM Henry took grist to Davids PM W. strong W wind some more snow

29 A was at Benj'ns J & Henry chored W. 5 below Zero this Morning as high as 5 above today Zero at sunset, Cler all day, roads drifted in places

30 A & Henry went to Markham AM J & A went to a sale of D Reesor's on 4th of Pickering PM W. 15 deg below Zero this Morning went up some all day about 6 above after dinner fine & Cler all day

31 Boys Chored Henry took a load Chop to Davids W. Milder 10 above this Morning 22 today a strong East wind this evening

Feb 1st A & Henry took Cream they found the roads drifted in places they had to shovel some places they shoveled around the house PM W. Cloudy strong wind & a little snow PM Mild

Sunday 2 Candlemas day at home M Barkey's were here to dinner. W. about 5 deg below this Morning strong N West wind clear all day.

{second page}

Mar 1908

5 Boys Chored A brought 1/2 ton Coal from Markham @ $7.00 per ton we sent for Dr Robinson Susanna is sick he says it is La Grippe, she is in bed W. fine & Cler East wind is blowing like a storm toward evening

6 Boys Chored W strong East wind soft snow & some rain about 4 PM Susanna in bed yet

7 A helped Thomas J & Henry Chored Susanna was up awhile today Davids called awhile PM W. Cloudy Mild Joes were at Henry's to supper a good many Called PM

Sunday 8 at home Johny Reesor's & Flavius & their family & Joe & Anne were here PM Susanna in bed all day Dr Called this evening says she is doing well W. Mild Cloudy thawing

9 Henry & Sarah went to Stouffville & A went to Markham PM W. sharp NW wind fine day the snow is frozen the roads are not so bad now

10 A helped Thomas J went to a sale East of Whitevale W. very fine & Cler sharp Air

11 Daniels Herman's Elias's & Joes were here to dinner then the men all went to Thomas's sale I went a little while Thomas has rented out the Jac Reesor farm and had a lot of stock to spare W very fine & Cler thawing Henry took his mare & Colt to the sale sold the Mare @ $125 Colt @ $40

Mar 1908

12 A took Nancy & I to see Mary Burkholder (Johny's widow) she is very poorly W. very fine & Cler thawing J & Henry Chored Henry helped Thomas drive away some Cattle that were sold

13 Boys Chored A went to Sherman March's PM & loaded his sleigh he takes a load for him tomorrow he moves to the 6th Con Markham near Henry Hoover's W. Mild Cloudy thawing a slight rain PM

14 A took a load for S March J & Henry Chored W. Cloudy Mild M Barkeys brought Joseph Martin & wife & Israel Martin & wife from Waterloo to stay all night

Sunday 15 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J staid with Susanna remarks & sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by Br C no visitors W. Mild drizzly rain nearly all day

16 Henry helped Sarah wash J & A took 5 hogs to Locust Hill for Hornshaw AM @ 5.00 per Cwt 930 lbs W. heavy squaals of snow at times strong NW wind & Cler PM getting Colder

17 Boys Chored AM J & A went to Nolan's Sale & Henry went to Markham PM I went with him as far as Br S's he is still confined to the house but is prety well I Called at Alberts their daughter Emma is quite poorly W. Mild snow AM Cler PM

18 Boys drew gravel into henhouse 2 loads A helped Flavius awhile PM

{second page}

Mar 1918

Henry brought 4 Bags Potatoes from W Pettys @ $1.10 per bag then he took Eggs 18 doz to Ceder Grove @ 18cts per doz, Mary & the Children were here all day W. Cloudy a little drizzly this evening

19 Boys bought a big pig off Benj'n they dressed it PM W. sharp NW wind rather cloudy

20 Boys made a lot of sausage & lard out of a big Pig W. fine Cler thawing in the sun

21 Henry took a lot of sausage to Markham sold the most of them 2 bls @ 25cts J & A Chored W. very fine & Cler thawing the sleighing is getting thin in places

Sunday 22 we were at home Henry's went to Peter's to dinner A & J went to Jac's to dinner W. mild Cloudy at times thawing

23 A helped us wash Henry helped Sarah wash AM Henry took Stella Spragge home PM she was here over Sunday W. Cloudy a little drizzly AM cleared up fine towards evening

24 A & Henry cut down trees for firewood J took grist Chop AM they Chored PM W. Cler turning Colder PM Dr came PM Susanna is not so well

25 A & Henry cut wood J took Chop to Davids AM he took Eggs to Ceder Grove PM Susanna in bed all day W. Cler a strong cold East wind PM Sleighing getting Patchy

26 A & Henry Cut wood J brought 600 lbs Coal from Markham AM

Mar 1908 April

@ 35 cts per Cwt sleighing tough in places thawing very fast PM Creeks running high heard this morning that Anne Nighswander (Davids Widow) died this morning at 6 oClock sick about an hour will be buried Saturday

27 A & Henry cut wood J Chored W. Cloudy a little showery turning Cold freezing

28 Henry & Sarah & Benj'n went to Funeral of Anne Nighswander they went with sleigh (rather tough) but there is sleighing up north there was a lot of Ice in the trees & fences but it Came out Cler & thawed J tapped sour 3 trees in the door yard the sap runs well Susanna in bed yet since Monday

Sunday 29 Benj'n & Flavius were here to dinner Thomas's Called after supper Susanna is not so well W. Cler sharp Air sap running

30 A & Henry Cut wood J went to Flavius AM to Annual Meeting to settle the Threshing Machine Earnings it Amounted to $10 per share Herman Came to stay all night a great run of sap W. fine Cler thawing

31 Boys cut wood & Clipped some horses legs Daniels were here to dinner Susanna no better Sent for Dr PM W. Cloudy drizzly at times

April 1 Boys Chored filled 6 Barrels Apples & dressed 2 Pigs Dr Came this evening Susanna is still in bed she is run down after having the Grippe

{second page}

April 1908

W. strong East wind all day sleet & rain tonight

2 J Chored went to Davids for flour with Mare Nell she travels pretty well he got her shod the other day Henry split wood in bush A went to Toronto 2 Pigs 236 lbs @ $8.10 per Cwt 6 Barrels Apples $2.75 for Spies & $1.75 for Russets W. Cler strong NW wind squaals of snow at times

3 Boys Cut wood in bush J Chored W. Cold strong NW wind some squaals of snow Susanna still in bed

4 Boys cut wood I went to Ceder Grove PM a lot of snow & ice in the road yet dry in a few places W. Cler sharp Air freezing in the shade thawing in the sun

Sunday 5 at home Susanna in bed all day Davids & family Elias's & family Joe & Anne were here to dinner Flavius' Children were here PM W. fine Cler AM Cloudy PM drizzly rain towards evening

6 Boys Cut wood J went to Markham PM for Medicine for Susanna she is not so well W. very fine warm & Cler snow going fast

7 Boys sorted a lot of Apples AM J & A went to Funeral of Stanley Hoover at Locust Hill PM he was Killed on the C.P.R. track on Sunday Morning W. very fine Cler I brought Anne this Morning she helped Nancy to do some sewing.

April 1908

8 A & Henry took 5 hogs to Locust Hill @ $6.00 per Cwt AM they Picked 11 Fowls PM W. East wind & drizzly rain freezing as it falls trees Covered with Ice Milder thawing PM Cloudy all PM

9 J & A Cleaned a lot of seed grain Henry went to Toronto 7 Barrels & 2 Boxes of Apples Greenings Manns & Russets $1.75 per Barrel 11 Fowls 61 lbs @ 10 cts per lb W. frost last night Cler today sap run well PM

10 Boys brought home some wood AM J went to a sale with Thomas down near Pickering PM A & Henry took the Pork from the smoke house into garret W. very fine a white frost last night sap running

11 J took 2 steers to Lewis's old farm @ $84.00 Thomas's NB's took some too A & Henry put Harness on young Mare Grace & led her around AM they hitched to the waggon & drove her to Ceder Grove PM She went well C Burkholders Called awhile PM G Gaymans were here to supper W. a very strong NW wind freezing towards evening Susanna a little better

Sunday 12 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Nancy & J staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Gayman

{second page}

April 1908

Enos Nighswander's Joseph Groves Ab's Lizzie Abraham Lehman & Herman's were here to dinner W. some frost last night fine & Cler a little flurries of snow PM

13 J helped us wash Henry helped Sarah wash A oiled Double Harness they sawed old cedar into stovewood PM I & Nancy went to Joes awhile PM W. quite fine drying day roads are not very bad

14 Boys helped us take up Carpets in our Kitchen then I brought Teenie Stover she helped Nancy clean the Kitchen & we put in new Oil Cloth on the floor Boys cut up old Cedar behind Cider house J went to sale at the old J Koch place PM A & Henry piled some wood in bush W. very fine drying day

15 Boys sorted apples & took a lot of Culls to Lapps to get them made into Jelly I & Nancy went to Joes awhile this morning Anne was not well last night is better W. Mild a light rain awhile AM Clered up strong NW wind PM Cooler

16 Boys cut up rubbish behind Cider house & finished piling stove wood in bush they hitched up young Mare Grace & drove to Ceder Grove PM she goes well W. sharp frost last night fine & Cler

April 1908

Good Friday 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 15 C by C Burkholder Herman's were here to dinner Daniels Called awhile they were at Henry's to dinner David Burkholder Called awhile he was at Henry's too W. very fine & Cler Cool wind from East

18 Boys sawed up rubbish AM J & Henry went to Markham Pm A Chored J & Henry went to Markham PM A Chored W. Cloudy some frost last night I & Nancy went to Joes awhile PM we made a little Molasses today it not running much now but we made about 7 quarts from our 3 young trees in dooryard a steady slow warm rain awhile PM

Easter Sunday 19 at home Benj'ns were at Henrys to dinner Nettie Kennedy was here to supper W. some rain last night & awhile this morning fine & Cler today Cooler towards evening

Easter Monday 20 at home Henry's went to JH Ramer's to dinner J brought can of Coal oil from Whitevale W. snow this morning till about 800 about 3 1/2 in all went away soon after dinner strong W. west wind PM sap run some

21 A & Henry helped wash AM they drove Mare Grace to Mill she goes well

{second page

April 1908

J went to Agincourt to buy a Democrat wagon off Irwins did not get it but he bought a No 3 Plow for $3.00 W. quite fine & Cler frost last night

22 J took Cream & went to Markham A & Henry Cut up rubbish & chored W. very fine & warm the finest spring day we have had so far

23 Henry rolled the new Meadows J & A drew off small stones AM they sowed spring wheat west of lane then Mixed Peas & Oats in same field I & Nancy went awhile to Elias's PM W. very fine

24 Boys sowed finished field behind Cider house & below garden with pure Oats began harrowing East of dam W. strong East wind Hermans were at Henry's to dinner

25 A & Henry sowed Mixed grain in field East of dam till rain stopped them about 10 oc J took cream with Mare Nell AM he went to Agincourt & brought the Plow that he bought W. East wind began to rain AM Cleaned up PM quite warm a thunder shower after supper

Sunday 26 at home Br C's were here all PM Jacob & Anne Diller were here to dinner W. very fine Cler day things are growing lovely

27 Boys worked at seeding W. warm & slight shower AM

April 1908 May

28 Boys sowed field behind barn with Oats W. rather Cloudy quite Cool

29 Boys worked at seeding I brought Teenie Stover this morning & took her home this evening she helped us at house cleaning W. cloudy quite Cool

30 Boys sowed barley in big field AM Mare Jennie foaled last night, Mare Colt doing well I brought Teenie then I went to Ceder Grove took Teenie home this evening W. Cold raw, sharp Air AM soft snow all PM thawing as it falls Teenie & Nancy were cleaning house

May 1 Boys brought 2 big loads sawdust from Davids AM they sowed barley PM I & Nancy went to Elias's PM to see their Baby girl born Early this morning both doing very well W. strong NW Cool wind

2 Boys finished seeding & planted Early Potatoes 4 drills along back lane PM J went to Irwins at Agincourt & bought a double seated democrat waggon @ $ 29.00 W. Cool NW wind strong with squaals of snow & rain PM I went to Elias's PM Mary & baby smart

Sunday 3 at home Br S & Lydia & Bertha were here PM Daniels were here to supper & Joes after supper W. fine Cler & Cool Amelia & Eva Called PM

{second page}

May 1908

4 Boys cut down a dead Ash tree on the Townline at foot of hill near Br C's & cut it into stove wood AM A helped Benj'n with team & J drove a team fro Benj'n PM Henry rolled back of Cider house PM I & Nancy washed AM W. sharp white frost last night fine & Cler PM Dr Called PM Susanna is not so well I called at Elias's PM they are quite smart

5 J helped Benj'n A & Henry trimmed raspberrie bushes awhile then rolled I got Mare Nell shod all round AM W. very fine & Cler sharp East wind

6 J helped Benj'n AM A took 5 Pigs 1010 lbs to Markham to Ferrier @ $6.00 per Cwt AM they Chored Pm W. strong East wind all day drizzly rain PM Davids Called a little while PM

7 Boys Chored W. strong East wind & rain all day Creek running quite high

8 Boys Oiled Harness AM J & Henry brought load sawdust from Davids PM A fixed Harness PM I & Nancy went to Elias's PM Mary was not so well yesterday Dr Called she is better today W. rain AM clered up PM it rained & blowed very strong for 2 days & 2 nights

9 A & Henry went down the Petticoat creek & Caught 15 fine suckers they were home by noon J went with Thomas to Mannvilles

May 1908

PM they got one the water was too high W. fine & Cler strong NW wind PM Russell Grove Came to stay all night

Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St John part of 15 C by Levi Grove no visitors about 10 young folks Called PM John Brillinger Called too PM & Flavius' were all here awhile after supper W. very fine & Cler strong NW wind calm tonight

11 Boys planted Maple trees along 11th Con along the two fields north of bush I & Nancy washed AM W. fine & warm cloudy towards evening a little rain tonight

12 I & J helped wash Meeting house AM A & Henry Chored Henry & Jake Diller went fishing to Big Rouge PM Caught about 40 I & Nancy went awhile to Joes & Elias's PM they are all well W. fine & warm strong wind at times a few squaals of rain

13 Boys built a Bridge across creek in NW field to get onto root ground they began to work on Mangel ground PM A drained at NB's PM W. warm warm East wind a little rain PM & tonight I took Susanna to Elias's this Morning I went to Ceder Grove PM & brought her home again

14 A drained at NB's Henry's went to Menno Burkholders J Chored & brought load sawdust PM

{second page}

May 1908

W a fine shower last night and drizzly this morning Cleared up PM fine growing weather bush turning green

15 A helped NB at drain J & I Chored Henry & Sarah took some Plum trees to the Menno Burkholder farm to plant PM W. East wind & rain awhile AM Cloudy PM

16 Boys Chored I took Susanna to Joe's AM & brought her home PM Nancy was taken sick very sudden about noon we called the Dr he Came & gave her some Medicine she is better again I think it was Indigestion W. fine & warm a thunder shower went around over the lake tonight

Sunday 17 at home Albert Reesor's were here to dinner Flavius's Ernie was Kicked in the Eye this Morning by a horse Flavius & Fanny are in Waterloo we expect them home tomorrow but Thomas telephone perhaps they will Come this evening the Dr thinks he may lose his Eye W. very fine Cler & warm

18 Boys worked at Mangel ground I & nancy & Susanna went to Flavius's AM Ernie is in bed Dr called he will Call again tomorrow he thinks perhaps he can save the Eye we went to Joe's PM to see their pretty little baby girl born last night all quite smart W. very very fine & Cler day

19 Boys sowing Mangels I went to Flavius' PM Ernie's face is Painful Dr Called will Call again tomorrow W. cloudy drizzly rain from East at times.

May 1908

20 Boys J & Henry worked on Corn ground A drained at NB's I went to Ceder Grove PM Called at Flavius Ernie is about the same W. rather Cloudy warm growing weather

21 Boys Chored brought a load sawdust PM J took Cream I & Nancy went to Joe's & Elias's PM all doing well Ernie is doing well too W. drizzly rain AM wind PM

22 A & Henry helped Elias let down their barn AM J harrowed Mang Corn ground AM he sowed Corn PM Thomas's brought Paul Martin & wife & John Brubacher & wife from Waterloo to dinner W fine & Cler

23 Henry helped Flavius work Mangel ground J & A {illegible} AM drew dung on Potatoe ground PM I & Nancy went to see Mary Burkholder PM she is very low W. a very very fine warm day fine Breeze Ernie still doing well

Sunday 24 Henry's went to Meeting at Wideman's A went to Herman's I & Nancy & Susanna went awhile to Flavius's AM Ernie doing very well we went awhile to Elias's PM & went to Joe's to supper W. a very very fine day

25 Boys planted the late Potatoes J went to Ceder Grove AM & to Flavius's PM Ernie still in bed but doing well Dr Calls every day W. quite fine & Cler

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May 1908

26 A & Henry helped Flavius put in his corn J took Cream & took a grist of barley chop to Davids W. very warm thunder Clouds in NW all PM Came on heavy showers after supper some thunder

27 Boys Chored AM A & Henry helped Flavius PM I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove PM W. very very fine growing weather quite warm over 70 deg the middle of the day

Ascension day 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Abraham Rittenhouse Sermon on St Mat 16 C by Bishop Francis Rittenhouse Bishop Paul Martin spoke too David Grove & family & Hermans Harvey were here to dinner W. very warm & cler

29 I went to yearly Conference at Hebron AM everything passed off quietly Daniels & Pre Tobias Martin & Pr David Martin & Deacon David Cressman & Deacon Menno Shants were here to dinner there were Meeting at Hebron {illegible} Pre Tobias Martin Joseph Wismer {illegible} Martin spoke Joseph Wisemer Called awhile this evening W. very warm a fine shower PM some thunder not heavy I walked to Flavius' this evening Ernie doing well.

May 1908 June

30 Henry Disk Harrowed the late Potatoes AM J took Chop to Davids A helped Alick Milroy Raise up his barn PM W. not quite so warm a heavy shower after dark some thunder

Sunday 31 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 26 & 27 by Br C Pre A Rittenhouse & Bishop Freeman Rittenhouse Daniel Reesors were here to supper & Bishop Freeman Rittenhouse was here too I took him to Aunt Lizzy Burkholders after supper & to Br C's & left him there W. rather Cloudy AM showry PM

June 1st Boys sowed Mangels on North part of root field I got Mare Nell shod all around AM J & Nancy went to Markham PM W. very fine Cler & Cooler

2 I & Nancy went to Daniels to dinner & to Davids to supper W. very fine Clear & Cool Boys cut up Engine Wood & Plowed back garden

3 Henry helped Flavius at his stables A helped Alick Milroy at foundation of his stable W. fine Cler Cool air I & Nancy went to Joes this evening Baby is sick Nancy staid W. very fine & Cler I took Susanna to Flavius AM brought her home PM

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June 1908

4 Joe brought Nancy home this Morning Baby died about 1 AM Henry helped Flavius A helped David Grove at his stables J Chored I took Susanna to Joes & brought her home PM W. fine

5 all went to Funeral of Joes little Edna at Hebron sermon on {blank space} by C Burkholder Lewis Burkholder spoke some we went to Joes to dinner W very fine & Cler

6 A helped Flavius J took Henry & Sarah & little Willis AB's Lizzie & Martin Burkholder to West Hill this morning they are going to Waterloo J got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM then he Cultivated Corn with seeder PM I & Nancy went to see Ernie PM he is still in bed is doing well W. very fine Cler

Whit Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon by Levi Grove Saml Barkey & his sister & Br inlaw Jesse Hoover were here to dinner Br C's Becca & her stister Leah were here this evening W. quite warm fine & Cler

Whit Monday 8 at I & Nancy went to Joes after supper for some Tomato plants Called at Elias's W. very warm and Cler slight shower after dark a little thunder

June 1908

9 A & Henry helped Flavius J scuffled Mangels & took Grist to Davids W. not quite so warm fine Breeze PM I & Nancy washed AM I went to see Ernie this evening he is doing well

10 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Simon Hoovers W. very fine & Cool Called to see Mary Burkholder she is very very low A is at David Groves working at front of stables

11 J & Henry drew gravel with 2 teams doing road work A is at Davids W. fine & Cool

12 A finished work at Davids J & Henry worked on roads I took Susanna to Dr went to Davids to dinner W. very fine & Cler day

13 A & Henry helped Flavius Cementing J Chored W. very fine Cler not so warm

Sunday 14 at home Henry's went to Meeting at Altona Elias's & Joes were here to dinner W. a few sprinkles of rain through the day a few slight showers this evening quite Cool this evening

15 A & Henry worked Flavius J scuffled Corn with seeder & Chored W. fine & Cool Breeze from north I & Nancy washed AM J took 6 Pigs lbs to Locust Hill for Hornshaw @ $5.90 per Cwt.

16 Boys hoed Mangels Benj'ns Man helped


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June 1908

J took Cream W quite Cool Dr Called Susanna not so well

17 Boys finished hoeing Mangels AM they helped Flavius PM J topped thistles & fixed gravel Boxes on both waggons Dr called PM Susanna is in bed W. very fine Cler & Cool

18 Boys drew gravel with 2 teams & one leveler on Pickering townline south of Corner there is a grant of money W. very fine & Cler Susanna in bed some better

19 Boys drew gravel W. very very warm over 80 deg thunder clouds went around came on this evening very fine steady rain for a while some pretty heavy Claps thunder Thomas's Adeline & her girls & Becca's sister Leah Called awhile PM Susanna in bed

20 A & Henry worked at Flavius J topped thistles he took Cream this morning W. quite warm

Sunday 21 at home Dr Called Susanna about the same Henry's went to Meeting at Widemans A went to Daniels to dinnner J went to Herman's I & Nancy were alone Elias's & Joes Called in awhile W. very very warm a thunder Cloud went around PM

22 A & Henry worked at Flavius J Cultivated the Corn W. not so warm thunder clouds went around towards evening Br N's were here to supper.

June 1908

I & Nancy washed AM

23 A & Henry worked at Flavius AM they Chored PM I & Willis went to Joes for Cabbage Plants this Morning Jesse G Reesor Came this Morning he has been here all day stay all night W. not so warm thunder storm windy all PM Some heavy showers heavy thunder at times

24 A & Henry worked on road with 2 teams East of 10th Con on Townline AM they worked at Flavius PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. strong NW wind pretty warm Cooler towards evening

25 A & Henry worked at {illegible} J scuffled Mangels Esther & Le{illegible} & Frank were here to dinner & supper Teenie Stovers was here all day AB's Lizzie Called too W. very fine & Cler not so warm

26 A & Henry worked at Flavius' AM A worked at Elias's PM J & Henry drew stove wood from bush & brought load sawdust for bedding PM W. very fine

27 Boys drew gravel 2 teams & shoveler AM J worked at Elias's PM Henry went to John Pearce's raising W. quite warm

Sunday 28 at home Br S & his girls were here to dinner Johnny Reesor's Called this evening W. fine quite warm

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June 1908 July

29 J took A & the Miner to Daniels started at 4 oc Henry scuffled Potatoes I helped Nancy wash AM Br inlaw Enos Hoover's were here to supper W. quite warm some thunder clouds went around PM a fine slow steady rain after dark

30 J took 8 pigs 1600 lbs (less 12 lbs) to Locust Hill for Hornshaw @ $6.25 per Cwt Henry took grist Chop to Davids I & Br C went to funeral of Robert John Wallace at Altona He died in Dakota W. very fine Cloudy at times

July 1 Henry & Sarah went to Sarah's folks J Chored I brought Ernie AM & took him home PM he is doing very well W. very fine & Cler pretty warm AB's Lizzie was here to supper

2 Boys hoed Potatoes I got Mare Nell shod all around PM W. rather Cloudy at times pretty warm

3 J & Henry scuffled Corn J went awhile AM to raising of a linter to the old Jim Milroy barn (Johns Alick lives there W. very fine & warm

4 Henry scuffled Mangels with seeder J chored Russell brought A home PM W. quite warm a slight shower PM

Sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J staid with Susanna remarks by C Gayman Sermon on St Luke part of 15 C by C Burkholder

July 1908

Herman's & Daniels were here to dinner J Dillers brought Joseph Schaum & wife from Indiana & Sander & wife from Pennsylvania to supper MN was here to supper too W. quite warm, fine Breeze

6 Boys cut grass south of bush they ran 2 Mowers they Tedded it PM Henry took Schaums & Sanders to West Hill he went to Toronto with them to see them off on the Boat I & Nancy washed AM W very very warm about 86 deg fine Breeze

7 A & Henry Cut grass on Knoll with 2 Mowers J raked hay south of bush with old Mare Nell & Jenny they drew in 2 big loads when rain stopped them after 2 PM it rained off & on al PM some thunder not heavy AB's Lizzie *& Martha were here to dinner fine & Cool this evening

8 Boys drew in all hay south of bush PM loads I went to Markham AM & went to Ceder Grove PM Nancy went as far as Flavius' W. very Cool strong NW wind

9 Boys drew 6 loads hay off the Knoll I & Nancy went to Hermans to dinner Called to see Mary Burkholder she is very low W. very very fine & warm a fine Breeze Nancy Called to see Anne Stover (nee Barkey) she is old & Feeble

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July 1908

10 Boys drew last of hay off Knoll 2 loads then they hoed Corn W. very fine & Cler Susanna is worse Dr Called after dark I walked to Elais's PM to see little Alma she fell off the wagon the other day & hurt herself pretty bad is doing well

11 Boys finished hoeing Corn then scuffled Corn & thinned late Mangels W. very very warm 85 deg & perhaps More fine Breeze

Sunday 12 at home Flavius & family were here to dinner & Jess Burkholder & family to supper Susanna in bed nearly all day W. very very warm & sultry over 90 deg in the shade fine Breeze a slight rain just few drops this morning Cooler tonight AB's Lizzie is here I brought her yesterday

13 Boys thinned late Mangels AM they walked through all the grain PM to look for weeds PM I & Lizzie washed AM I & Nancy went awhile to Elias's PM I took Lizzie home this evening W not so warm Clouds went around SW all day distant thunder & sprinkle of ran this evening

14 Boys hoed Mangels Henry helped Thomas draw hay PM J & A put up wire fence from Orchard East to let the Cows into swail to pasture W not so warm fine NW Breeze.

July 1908

Hermans Harvey Came to stay all night Dr called this evening Susanna some better

15 A & Henry helped Benj'n at hay AM 3 Boys hoed Mangels PM heard today that Mary Burkholder died at 1100 AM will be Buried on Friday at 900 AM W. very fine strong NW wind our Beef ringer went in this week

Boys 16 Boys scuffled & cut some fence Corners & cut weeds along 11th Con W. very fine but some Cloudy not so warm

17 Henry's went to Funeral of Mary Burkholder J & A Chored & fixed a wagon rack W. began to rain slow & steady about 6 oc AM rained nearly all day

18 Henry brought a load of lumber from Stouffville for Elias A took Cream J Chored A began plowing sod on Knoll PM W. heavy thunder showers this morning before Breakfast Cleared up fine today PM brought home some Chop

Sunday 19 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by C Gayman sermon on St Luke part of 5th C by Levi Grove went to Levi Burkholders to dinner & to C Burkholders to supper

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July 1908

W. rather cloudy at times ot so warm a smart shower at home but not up north

20 Boys Cut fall wheat & plowed on Knool it is a very good Crop W. fine not so warm

21 Boys Chored AM A & Henry Plowed PM J took home grist with Mare Nell PM W. fine steady rain all AM Cler PM

22 A & Henry finished Plowing Knoll & began sod south of bush J Chored & scuffled late Mangels I went to Ceder Grove PM got a bag of Cooking sugar at $4.85 W. pretty warm fine NW Breeze

23 Boys finished Plowing sod south of bush A rolled the Knoll Henry Paris Greened the late Potatoes W. fine warm

24 Boys Grubbed & worked sod J brought a few Cwts of bran from Spinks @ 18 dollars per ton I brought 2 Baskets Whortle berries from Ceder Groe @ $1.35 per Basket W. pretty warm fine Breeze

25 A & Henry & Sarah & Amy & Willis went to Elias's barn raising I & Nancy went too for about an hour at dinner J staid with Susanna then he went too all went well W. a very fine Cler day air from East

Sunday 26 at home all day W. quite warm fine air from East

27 J cut Barley A & Henry drew in fall wheat 8 big loads W. quite warm fine Breeze from East I brought AB's Lizzie this evening to help wash.

July 1908 Aug

28 Boys shocked barley AM. A & Henry done some Cementing at school PM J Painted big Veranda floor PM I took Lizzie home this evening W. very very warm

29 Boys drew dung on Knoll W. very very warm

30 Boys drew dung AM drew in 5 loads barley PM cut weeds in Graveyard this evening W. very very warm

31 Boys finished drawing barley rakings & all Davids Called this evening Louis went home with them he has been here a few days W. NW wind Cooler PM

Aug 1 Boys drew dung on field south of bush AM A & Henry went to S Pearces barn raising PM W fine not so warm

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Susanna she staid alone remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 19 C by C Burkholder Levi Grove's & family Peter Burkholders's & daughter Joe & Anne & Rosina Culp were here to dinner Elias's Called PM & Daniels after supper I forgot to say that we had a Call from Jacob Reesor & wife from Penn US yesterday W. fine & cler Cool Breezes

3 J cut few acres Oats south of garden & Henry shocked A spread dung AM

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Aug 1908

then they Cut awhile in Oat & Pea crop behind Cider house it is not ripe near the bush so he Cut awhile in the mixed grain East of dam W. very very warm some Cloudy I & Nancy washed

4 Boys Cut & shocked Mixed grain I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner W. very close & sultry thunder showers went around this evening few drops rain

5 Three boys spread the dung on Knoll & south of bush AM A helped Thomas thresh & J & Henry Chored PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. a little wet this morning cloudy AM cleared up PM a very fine soaking rain last night some pretty heavy thunder the ground is well soaked

6 A helped Thomas thresh till about 10 AM Henry took Cream in Thomas's place J Cut Oats all except East of orchard he cut Spring Wheat too Teenie Stover & Sarah Ann were here to dinner I got {illegible} Mare shod all around PM {illegible} pretty warm

7 Boys finished harvest (cutting after dinner) I & Nancy went to JH Ramer's to dinner we Called at Winklers I ordered a suit of Cloth @ $17.00 & Pants & vest for everyday wear @ $5.50 W. prety warm fine Breeze

Aug 1908

a very heavy shower here about 2 PM but hardy a sprinkle at Ramer's

8 Henry helped Flavius thresh till about 10 J & A Chored they drew in loads mixed Peas & Oats & loads pure Oats Benj'ns 2 Men helped Machine Came PM W. very fine & Cler not so warm

Sunday 9 at home Flavius Children were here to dinner W. very fine not so warm

10 Threshed the Fall Wheat this Morning in about 1 1/2 hours then the Cylinder Box heated the hands went home Levi filled the Box they started after dinner threshed the Barley & 3 loads Oats ill 5 PM turned out well W. fine some cloudy pretty warm I & Nancy washed PM

11 Boys drew in grain all day Flavius Carl raked stubble I took Susanna to Elias's AM brought her home PM W. Cler pretty warm A helped Bob Milroy thresh AM

12 Boys gang plowed in filed behind Cider house between showers I & Nancy went to Markham AM W. Misty this morning drizzly rain on our way rained heavy some thunder

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Aug 1908

13 J took cream then they ganged they finished behind Cider house & began below garden A helped Johnny Reesor thresh W,. cloudy a few thunder showers not heavy

14 Boys harrowed & Rolled the ground that was ganged they drew in 6 loads of mixed grain & the spring wheat W. very fine & Cler quite warm I brought Susanna home

15 A helped JD's thresh till after dinner J & Henry drew in Mixed grain they drew till evening when A Came home Johnny Alexander was here today he lives in Fort William Davids had Ananias Shants & wife here for a Call yesterday W. very fine & Cler I & Nancy were at Elias's PM their have Whooping Cought pretty bad

Sunday 16 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Gayman went to Daniels to dinner W. Cler AM quite Cloudy PM not ver warm

17 A & Henry ganged 4 acres East of Potatoes in NE Corner field AM J took 3 Hogs 700 lbs to Locust Hill with Mares Nell & Jennie @ $6.40 per Cwt they drew in some grain PM W. very warm & sultry

Aug 1908

18 Boys finished drawing in last of grain I & Nancy washed AM W. very fine

19 A & Henry helped Benj'n draw grain with team J Disced our wheat ground I & Nancy went to Elias's Children are getting better W. drizzly this Morning fine & Cler today

20 Benj'ns 2 Men helped draw dung on field behind barn with team boys with our 2 teams 67 loads I & Nancy went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner W. quite Cool slight frost very fine today

21 Boys drew dung J helped J Bean thresh for Benj'n W. very fine & Cler

22 Boys finished drawing dung on field behind barn then ganged spring wheat stubble AM they helped Elais draw last of his harvest then they ganged East of Creek below Orchard W. fine Cool toward evening.

Sunday 23 at home Flavius & family were here all PM I & Nancy walked to Br C's after supper W. very fine & Clear day

24 A & Henry single Plowed in fall Wheat stubble J went to Markham PM I went to Whitevale PM W. fine Cler Cool

25 Boys finished Plowing Wheat Stubble Henry & Sarah went to Mary Burkholders late

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Aug 1908

home at Mongolia some of her personal property was divided PM I & Nancy and Susanna went to Elias's then to Joes & to Teenie Stovers to dinner W. very fine some light frosts the last few nights

26 Boys dug some drains in Knoll Henry brought 500 2 1/2 in tiles W. very fine & Cler I took Susanna to Flavius this morning she stays all night

27 Henry went to Menno Burkholder's farm & drew dung (they intend to move on it in the spring) A helped Benj'n thresh all day J worked at the drain W. very fine & Cler Esther & her hired girl were here helping us clean our room & took up the Carpet & put it down again

28 A helped Henry draw dugn J grubbed the Wheat ground I went to Ceder Grove AM I & Nancy went to Elias's PM the children are still Coughing W. very fine

29 A helped Elias's thresh till after 3 PM J & Henry drew home some wood Henry went to W Bishops sale in Boxgrove W. fine

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Gayman Hermans were here awhile PM Ed Moyers were here to supper W. very warm Br. N was thrown out of his Buggy yesterday he laid insensible about 10 Minutes they took him home.

Aug 1908 Sept

he was in his right Mind this morning

31 Boys Cut feed Corn & Picked a lot of Cider apples I went to see Br N AM he was very dull I went again this evening he seems better old Dr Robinson saw him he says he thinks he is not seriously injured W. very warm over 80 deg J sowed Wheat south of bush

Sep 1 J sowed Knoll 5 acres with Wheat A helped Alick Milroy thresh till about 2 PM Henry took 15 bags Golden Sweet Apples to Lapps for sauce A & Henry began single plowing behind Cider house PM I & Nancy went to Joes to dinner Called at Elias's PM quite warm a little shower this evening a very little thunder)

2 A helped F McCreight thresh PM J & Henry plowed J Picked Pears AM W. Cool NW wind Cloudy Dr Called PM Susanna not so well Herman was here to dinner

3 J & Henry plowed J M A helped F McCreight thresh awhile then he plowed J took Grist to Davids PM then he went to look for Teenie Stovers Cow she is lost since Sundy I Called on Br N he is no better W. Cool NW wind Clear Susanna about the same

4 Boys plowed A began Painting big Veranda PM I Called on Br N he is a little better W. fine cler

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Sept 1908

Susanna about the same

5 Boys plowed A Painted got his first Coat on I took Susanna for a drive this Morning she is not very well this evening I & Nancy went awhile to Benj'ns PM then I called on Br N he is not very well today W. quite warm

Sunday 6 at home Joe's were here to dinner W. a little Cloudy this Morning Cler today pretty warm Russell & Carl came to stay all night

7 J & Henry plowed East of Potatoes in NE field A helped NB's thresh AM he went to Unionville on his Bycicle PM for a Pinion for seeder W. pretty warm Susanna not so well

8 A & Henry plowed J took Cream AM W. fine Cler getting very dry

9 J & Henry Chored & drew home stove wood A went to Toronto W. quite warm

10 J took Cream they all drew the last of the stove wood from bush the shed is about full W. Cloudy this Morning looked like rain but did not Come very very warm over 80 deg

11 A & Henry worked at Flavius stables J went to Toronto I went to see Br N PM he is gaining slowly W. very very sultry & smoky. There are Bush fires in the NW it is very dry

12 A & Henry worked at Flavius J took cream W. not quite so warm, not quite so smoky I brought Anne PM she helped Nancy

Sept 1908

Sunday 13 at home JD's were at Henry's to dinner they Called awhile PM W. not quite so warm AM quite warm PM quite smoky

14 A worked at Flavius stable Henry helped Sarah wash AM he & J Chored PM I & Nancy washed AM W. not so warm

15 A Built about 2 feet on the top of Shop Chimney he helped Taylors thresh PM Henry took Grist to Davids W. fine Cool Br C brought Peter Bauman & wife a while AM

16 A worked at Hermans Henry helped W Taylor thresh AM he helped Gordon Dimma fill silo PM J helped Taylor thresh PM Mary & Fidelis Shirk from Rainham Township were here to supper W. Cler fine & Cooler smoky

17 Henry was helping to fill silos J took grist Oats to Davids & Chores A Came home from Herman's after dinner he Chored PM Adeline & Emma Ramer were here to dinner Mary & Baby Came too I brought Anne to help Nancy W. quite warm

18 A & Henry helped fill Silos J Chored AM he went to F man's bay to see about Coal W. very warm through the day the nights are cool

19 A helped fill silos J & Henry brought 3 loads Coal from Locust Hill @ $6.70 per ton they took up one load Wheat 44 Bu @ 85 cts W. looked like rain not so warm

Sunday 20 at home Davids called awhile PM Joes were here to supper W. fine & Cooler Susanna not so well this evening

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Sept 1908

21 A helped Petty & Flavius fill silos J & Henry Cut our Corn with 2 Binders PM it is very heavy W. pretty warm smoky J took 2 loads Hogs lbs to Locust Hill AM for Hornshaw @ $6.95 per Cwt AM

22 Filled our silo till 3 PM A & Henry helped Thomas with 2 teams after we were done Hermans were here to dinner I & Nancy went to Elias's awhile AM the Baby is not well. Seems better.

23 A helped Thomas fill silo till 3 PM Henry helped till noon then he went to Markham J chored & drew off a few loads of Corn that the silo did not hold W. quite warm over 80 deg

21 Henry helped fill silos A took last of Wheat 2 loads to Locust Hill @ 85 cts J took some Chop to Davids & got the Pump road fixed it broke W. very very warm & smoky there was a little distant thunder in the NW but no rain it is very dry

25 A put in Cement walk for Levi Burkholder Henry helped A Dimma fill silo J Chored W quite warm & smoky yet

26 A Came home about 3 PM J & Henry Cleaned out Cistern they drew off stones PM I & Nancy went to Joe's PM Anne is sick something like Bronchitis Daniels Came to stay all night at Henry's W. quite warm they were here to Breakfast

Sept 1908 Oct

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Susanna Sarah & little Willis remarks & sermon's on St Mat 26 & 27 Chapter by C Gayman Pre Amos Gingerick of Waterloo Br C & C Burkholder Lords Supper was Celebrated. Visitors C Burkholder's MN Pre Amos Gingerick & wife John Bauman & wife Waterloo Thomas Reesor & wife & Nancy Barkey W. still warm & some smoky this is my 72 nd Birthday

28 Boys dug Potatoes AM they Chored PM W. dull & drizzly AM steady rain PM from East very fine & soaking our Tub is running over I & Nancy went to see Anne she is in bed the Pain in here side is not so bad Dr says it is a Touch of Pneumonia

29 Henry went to Plow on the Menno Burkholder farm he intends to stay all week J ganged behind barn A spread dung W. cooler a strong NW wind I & Nancy washed AM took in a lot of Beets PM

30 J ganged A spread dung I & Nancy went to Joes PM Called at Elias's Anne is in bed yet W. a slight frost last night fine today

Oct 1 A finished spreading dung & began Picking Winter Apples J ganged I took Susanna to Joes & brought her home PM

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Oct 1908

I got Mare Nell shod all around AM W. fine & Cler Cool wind

2 J ganged A picked winter apples W. Clear cool. strong NW wind Dr Called this evening Susanna is not so well

3 J & A dug Potatoes J finished ganging behind barn this morning I took grist to Davids AM Called Dr after dinner Susanna was quite smart this morning but took an affection of the heart about noon is pretty weak this evening W. sharp frost last night very fine today

Sunday 4 at home Elias & family were here to dinner Br S & Bertha & Aunt Lizzy were here PM W. a very fine Cler October day Susanna quite poorly in bed all day

5 J took cream A helped Taylors fill silo H Henry & J Pulled Mangels I went PM & brought AB's Lizzy to help us Susanna in bed Dr Called I & Nancy washed AM

6 Boys worked Mangels Carl helped I took grist Oats to Davids AM brought it home PM Br inlaw Simon Hoover's Called PM W. very fine sharp Air from East Susanna feels a little better is in bed yet

7 Boys brought in nearly all Mangels Carl helped Daniels were here to dinner Herman Called PM Dr Called Susanna not so well in bed yet W. rather foggy & smoky fair & warm.

Oct 1908

8 Henry went to Plow on his farm A Plowed back of meeting sheds J Chored & took Grist to Davids & brought in last load of Mangels w. very fine but cloudy & slight drizzle at times

9 J & A went to Markham Johnny Reesor & wife & MN & Flavius's Fanny Called PM W. quite cool this Morning very fine & Cler today Susanna about the same

10 J took Cream & Picked some Apples A Single Plowed west of Meeting sheds I went to Ceder Gvoe PM W. fine Cler Cloudy & slight drizzle towards evening Dr Called PM Susanna a little better in bed yet

Sunday 11 at home Benj'n Dillers were here to dinner Mrs Bradshaw was here to supper W. fine Cler sharp NW wind Susanna about the same

12 Henry went to Plow on his farm A helped Johnny Reesor thresh till about 3 PM then he plowed J Picked Apples & Chored W. sharp frost last night some Ice fine & Cler Dr Called Susanna not so well this morning is better this evening

13 A Plowed east of Orchard J & Nancy went to Markham AM J Picked Apples PM Esther was here to dinner Joseph Grove's & Menno Burkholder's were here PM W. white frost last night very fine today

14 A plowed J Picked apples I went to Ceder Grove PM then went to Joes

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Oct 1908

to see how Anne is she is doing well J brought Henry home this evening W. very fine Susanna a little better

15 A Plowed J Picked Apples AM he went to Hewits sale on the Menno Burkholders farm I took Grist Chop to Davids & brought it home Br inlaw Jesse Hoover & JH Ramer's were here to dinner W. very fine & cler Dr Called, Susanna in bed yet

16 A Plowed in root field J chored & Picked Apples I walked to Elias's PM W. quite warm like summer Susanna in bed yet

17 A plowed J Picked Apples AM he went to sale at Hoovers near Mongolia he bought Iron Kettle @ $1.60 I took grist barley to Davids AM went to Ceder Grove PM Br N's Called PM W. very fine quite warm we had Susanna up awhile in the sun but she is weak yet

Sunday 18 at home Joe's were here to dinner M Barkeys were at Henry's to dinner Thomas' & Uriah Drudge's Called PM Flavius & family Called too W. very very warm sultry & very smoky

19 Henry went to Plow J went to Whitevale for shares & Picked apples A brought 2 loads Tiles from Cherrywood AM he Plowed PM W. cool air cler Dr Called Susanna not very well

20 A plowed A harrowed & Picked apples W rain cool air all day

21 A plowed J got barn ready to thresh tomorrow I went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler sharp East wind

Oct 1908

22 threshed till 3 PM a fine lot of Oats all went well we also had about 9 bags spring wheat Boys began to draw in feed Corn I took 5 bags Oats to Davids this evening W fine Cler a raw East wind

23 A helped Thomas thresh Henry went to plow J drew in feed Corn AM he brought a ton of Oil Cake from Markham PM W. mild cloudy & smoky

24 I & J & A set Horse power & cutting Box & Cut some feed then A Plowed J took Grist Chop to Davids after dinner I swept Meeting house PM W. Cloudy AM fine rain awhile PM Our big tub about 1/2 full of rain water

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Henry's they staid with Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 14 C 1st 6 Verses Davids & family were here to dinner Daniels & Elias's & Amelia & Eva Ernie & Carl & Aunt Lizzie Burkholder Called PM Susann in bed all day W. Cloudy & Misty this Morning Cleared up very fine & warm today

26 A Plowed AM he went to Markham PM Henry helped Sarah Clean house J Chored I went to Joe's & Elias's PM W. Cloudy AM slight sprinkles of rain fine & Cler PM

27 A Plowed AM helped Bob Milroy thresh PM J Chored & Made about a Barrel of Cider at Lapps I & Nancy & Lizzie went to Br inlaw Saml Hoovers to dinner Called at Herman's awhile

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Oct 1908 Nov

to see their little Boy born on the 21st of this month Anne was here to wait on Susanna she is about the same W. Misty awhile AM Cler at time fine & warm this the 51st Anniversary of our Wedding day

28 A went to Henry's place to take out a Partition in the Bedroom Henry went to plow J Plowed Herman & Harvey were here to dinner W. rather foggy AM drizzly rain PM

29 A Plowed Potatoe ground J Picked up over 2 sacks of fine Potatoes I went to Ceder Grove AM Mary & Children were here awhile PM I took them home this evening Henry Moyer came to stay all night W. very fine today Clouded up this evening

30 A finished Plowing in NE field & began in sod north of Meeting house it Plowed well J Chored W. rain Cold NW wind

31 A Plowed Flavius helped J took grist to Davids AM he went to Markham PM Lizzie went with him W. about 2 inches snow last night fine & Cler today sharp Air the sun melted the most of the snow but the Air did not

Sunday Nov 1 at home Flavius's Fanny Amelia & Eva were here awhile PM Henry's were here to dinner Lizzie Came this evening W. quite Cold & Cler all day Ice & ground froze last night

2 A plowed J Chored Johnny Reesor brought Isaac Weber from Waterloo for a Call PM Henry's Packed up ready to Move tomorrow W. fine & Milder Flavius helped to plow J went to Markham AM

Nov 1908

3 Henry's Moved to the Menno Burkholder farm they all went except I & Lizzie staid with Susanna Flavius Benj'n & Joe & Elias helped W. rather Cloudy this morning very fine & Cler today quite Mild

4 A plowed Flavius helped they very nearly finished the field J took the cream AM he Chored PM J Huffman brought an Imperial Oxford Cooking Stove for the boys in the other kitchen @ $50.00 & some furniture for $6.75 w. freezing Cold all day a strong N wind very strong wind last night some squaals of snow through the day

5 A began to fix a broken wheel barrow AM he helped Benj'n draw in turnips PM J took a load of feed Corn to Henry's AM he took a grist to Davids PM W. very strong NW wind all day fine & Cler pretty Cold

6 Boys Chored A Plowed headland in sod field which finishes our plowing W. Milder soft snow AM ground white going pretty fast PM

7 J took cream then he & A brought in the winter apples & put them down cellar AM A helped Benj'n PM J took Grist Chop to Davids W. Milder, cler Susanna not so well we sent for Dr he could not Come his son Bert Died today

Sunday 8 at home Flavius's & Elias's were here to dinner J & A went to Herman's to dinner they Called at Henry's W. fine a slight rain this Morning Cler today Dr Called this evening he will Come again on Tuesday Susanna not very well.

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Nov 1908

Thanksgiving 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 6 C by Br C Daniels & Henry's were here to dinner Harvey was here to dinner too W. a little rain this Morning very fine & Cler today MN Called PM J staid with Susanna

10 A helped JD's thresh till after 3 PM J drew stones off Plowed fields & went to Whitevale for shares PM W. rather Cloudy

11 Boys Chored AM J went to Ceder Grove A went to Henry's to Plow PM he staid I went to Br S's PM Davids oldest son Alvin was around their Gasoline Engine yesterday & there was a flash of Gas flew into his Eye he is in bed the Dr does not know yet what is to be done W. drizzly rain this Morning & AM Clered up PM

12 J Chored AM he helped NB thresh PM I went to Ceder Grove PM Called at Davids Alvin is doing pretty well I Called at Alberts their daughter is pretty Low W. sharp white frost last night Cler & Cold all day a few heavy squaals of snow PM

13 J helped NB thresh AM he went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cold rain NW wind rather Cloudy went to Ceder Grove AM

14 J took grist Chop to Davids AM he went to a sale in Markham PM Lizzie went with him to the funeral of Jacob Hoover he died in Mt Joy A Came home PM he has been plowing at Henry's since Tuesday W. Cloudy AM soft snow all PM Dr Called this evening Susanna not so well

Nov 1908

Sunday 15 at home Benj'n & family were here all PM W. Cler sharp Air about 3 in of snow saw a Cutter running a little more snow would make sleighing J & A went to Elias's to supper

16 Boys Chored J got Horse Chief shod & brought home some Chop AM W. about freezing some more soft snow PM

17 J & A Killed 3 Pigs Am A helped Benj'n draw Oats from North barn PM I went to see Davids Alvin & went to Ceder Grove PM Alvin is still in bed W. fine not Cold snow thawing

18 J Chored & went to Ceder Grove PM A went to Toronto 3 Pigs to Ceder Grove PM A went to Toronto 3 Pigs 304 lbs @ $8.75 per Cwt 4 1/2 Barrels snow apples at $1.90 for some $1.75 for some W. soft Cloudy Br inlaw Enos Hoovers were here to dinner

19 A helped Benj'n draw Oats J took a Barrel Apples to Henry's he staid to dinner W. soft cloudy snow about all gone

20 A helped Benj'n J Chored AM he plowed water furrows in the plowed fields PM Henry & little Willis were here AM for a load of Mangels AM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine & Cler sharp air tonight

21 A helped Benj'n J & Nancy went to Markham AM J took Chop to Davids PM W. sharp white frost this morning Misty awhile AM very fine & Cler all day like Indian summer

Sunday 22 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by C Burkholder Enos Nighswander's were here to dinner W. mild cloudy white frost Cler awhile through the day

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Nov 1908

23 A went to do a Job at Ceder Grove school house it is to put in a fresh air conductor J took the team to bring the Bricks sand & lime W. Mild Cloudy & fine & Cler at times like Indian summer

24 A worked at School house J took supplies to him W. Mild Cler at times Lizzie went home

25 A worked at school house J ganged the garden piece in north end of old Orchard AM he helped A at school house PM W. Cloud Cler at times quite Mild

26 A worked at School house J went to Markham AM he moved some dirt along creek east of Orchard PM I took 4 bags Oats to Davids & got them Chopped PM W. fine & warm strong W wind PM Colder this evening

27 A worked at schoolhouse J Chored & cleaned out eave Troughs on house AM he drew home limb wood PM W. strong wind from west all day not very Cold, cloudy

28 A finished Job at school house tonight J helped him Am Henry & little Willis were here to dinner he got some grain Herman was here to dinner too I & J cut some feed PM W. fine Cool Cler pretty Cool wind Uriah Drudge & his wife came home from Pennsylvania she had been sick there a few weeks

Sunday 29 at home Flavius & Fanny & Eva were here all PM Dr Robinson & Dr Ira Freel were here to see Susanna they have some hopes that she may get pretty well again J & A were to Daniels they were not at home so they went to Davids to dinner W. fine Cler Cool air

Nov 1908 Dec

30 J & A Plowed in Creek & Moved sawdust between shower W. Mild cloudy all day quite showery & drizzly

Dec 1 J took 2 calves to Coakwells for E Lewis one a week old one ten days old @ $5.00 for the pair they took up some tiles behind barn PM Mary & the Children were here all day JH Ramers were here to dinner Henry & Willis Called Am W. strong Cold NW wind all day A travelling Jeweler Came to stay at night A Cleaned a lot of stove pipes

2 J took cream A worked at drain J helped PM W. quite Cold Clear pretty stong W. wind

3 Killed a Pig one of the runts that ran in the orchard all summer it weighed 214 1/2 lbs made a lot of sausage & about 40 lbs of lard Flavius & Fanny helped W. Cler sharp

4 A salted Meat & finished a wheelbarrow that he overhauled J Chored W. Milder drizzling snow all day, didn't amount to much

5 J took cream then took grist to Davids PM A helped Benj'n thresh till after dinner Mary & Children were here to supper Dr Called Susanna a little better W. Cler quite Cold

Sunday 6 at home Benj'ns & Joes were here to dinner W. Cloudy Cold wind from East drizzly snow PM

7 A helped Benj'n Kill hogs J Chored AM he & I took Henry's Cutter up PM I had a good talk with little Willis W. Mild but a damp W & NW wind about 5 in damp snow last night very fair sleighing

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Dec 1908

we went in Cutter & tied Henry's behind

8 A took Nancy to Markham to Dr Barker she left an order for a new sett of upper teeth David Groves were here to dinner W. strong W wind pretty Cold a little drizzly snow PM fine sleighing

9 Boys Chored Anne was here helping Nancy to Make a dress Daniels were here to supper W. fine Cler sharp this is my Nancy's 69th Birthday

10 Boys Chored I drove old Mare Nell to Elias's PM she had a slight attack of Lympingitis is better again Elias's had their Children Alma & Frank Vaccinated there is quite an Outbreak of small Pox in the Country it broke out in the Markham High School there have not been any deaths yet W. Cold Cloudy flurries of snow

11 A worked at Benj'ns J Chored W. a few in of soft snow last night soft today Henry Called AM for a load of Mangels very little drizzle of rain at times

12 A worked at Benj'ns J Chored & took a load of Mangels to Henry's PM Henry took a load AM I drove to Joe's & to Elias's PM the sleighing is getting a little thin W. Cler sharp

Sunday 13 at home all day nobody here W. a few inches of good snow last night fine Cler & sharp

14 A worked at Benj's J took load Mangels to Henry's PM I & Nancy went awhile to Elias's & to Flavius's PM Carl was sick is getting better W. fine Mild rather Cloudy thawing a little

15 A took Nancy to Markham AM she got her new teeth upper sett @ $7.00 J took grist AM

Dec 1908

he brought some gravel for the hens PM W. very fine & Cler thawing some Menno Burkholders Called awhile AM

16 J & A drew limb wood on pile in bush AM A helped Benj'n to unload furniture for Sherman March his is moving into Benj'ns house W. Cloudy mild thawing a little

17 Boys Chored A got Horses Chief & Billy shod W. East wind a little snow in the air rough sleighing yet there is a pretty bad outbreak of small pox Benj'n Wilfred has them & Bob Milroys girl & some more are sick Ceder Grove School is Closed & some more

18 A was in Markham all day delivering Oil Cake Flavius sent for a Car load but he could not attend they are Quarantined the Dr's think perhaps Carl has small pox Benj'ns are quarantined Wilfred has them sure enough but he is not sick there will be no Meeting at Hebron on Sunday nor at Christmas W. Swt W. SW wind a little snow last night fine & cler today not very cold

19 Boys Chored W. pretty strong W. wind not Cold

Sunday 20 at home very lonesome no Meeting at Hebron nobody here all day the Small Pox patients are all doing well Wilfred is upstairs & Carl too but they are not sick and I dont think they will be scarred Carl has no Marks I believe Wilfred has a few w. not very Cold

21 Boys & Lizzie Picked 18 Geese I got Mare Nell sharped all around W. west wind not very Cold Nancy helped to Pick Geese she finished them up

22 J took 3 Geese to Markham AM Lizzie went with him

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Dec 1908

A Picked 14 Chickens W. sharp East wind Susanna not so well sent for Dr he Came he says she has Indigestion

23 A went to Toronto 15 Geese 150 lbs @ 12 cts per lb 13 Chickens some @ 10 the most @ 12 cts per lb 3 Bals Apples Spies $3.00 Rambos $1.50 J Chored I went to Ceder Grove 5 3/4 doz Eggs @ 40 cts per doz W. very fine sharp

24 A Chored J went to Pay Robert James for some clover Seed PM I went to Joe's PM W mild thawing a little

Christmas 25 at home had a fine Chicken roast all by Ourselves W. dull mild thawing some sleighing thin some Wheels running the small Pox Patients are all doing well but there are a good many Case reported around Armadale

26 A Chored J went to Pay Robert Gordon Dimma for Cutting some Corn Henry & little Willis were here awhile AM Willis is greatly pleased with his little baby sister born on the 23 W. fine. Cloudy & sharp a little snow last night sleigh runs better Henry took Lizzie home to work for them

Sunday 27 at home all day J & A went awhile to Elias's PM we heard that Mary slipped & fell yesterday and hurt herself she is doing well she sprained herself pretty bad but is up and around W. not Cold strong SW wind with some squaals of snow at times PM

28 A took a big sow to Henry's AM J bought for Henry's to Kill J Chored I went to Joe's PM W. Cloudy sharp sleighing getting thin

29 I & Nancy went to Henry's to see little baby girl Sarah & baby are quite smart they Call her Ada J took load feed Corn for Henry AM A chored W. very fine & Cler sleighing getting thin

Dec 1908 Jan 1909

30 A helped Elias's Butcher J took cream & Chored W. soft snow & rain nearly all AM fine & Cler PM West wind sleighing about gone

31 we got everything ready to Kill our big fat sow Davids & Elias's & Anne Came to help after the boys Killed & opened her they found a large absess in her breast it discharged a lot of matter so we will feed the meat to the hens W. pretty cold strong N wind flurries of snow A went to Mill with sleigh Davids staid dinner

January 1 1909 at home Daniels Joe's & Herman's were here to dinner Herman's have a fine big Boy they Call him Frank W. sharp Cler some squaals of dry snow an inch or two last night but dry & light Mostly sleighs running Johnny Ramer's brought Br C & Bishop Paul Martin's & wife for a pleasant Call PM

2 Boys Chored W. Cler pretty sharp the sleighing is wearing out

Sunday 3 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. mild thawing sleighing about gone

4 A went to Hornshaw's for a Pig that we bought off him to Kill for our own use he Paid #16.80 for it on the $6.00 per Cwt live weight J & A went to Municipal Elections PM W. Mild Mostly Cloudy

5 Boys worked at a drain in field behind barn I went to Ceder Grove PM I called awhile at Br S's W. turning Colder sleighing all gone

6 J helped Henry's Kill their Pig A finished drain AM he went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler strong Cold NW wind 12 above this evening

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Jan 1909

7 Boys Chored J went to Markham with Thomas PM A brought home load of rough wood from bush PM & went to Ceder Grove W. quite Cold & Cler 2 deg above this Morning below 10 all day

8 J Chored A fixed Harness W. quite Cold cler Small Pox Cases about all better Flavius had their house disinfected yesterday they slept in their summer kitchen last night

9 Boys Chored A took grist AM Ernie & Carl Called PM they Cleaned their house yesterday now they can go out again & people can go in. W. Cloudy dull all day a drizzle in the air

Sunday 10 at home all day Susanna is not so well Joe's Called PM W. dull mild all day began to rain slowy after supper

11 A helped us wash J Chored W. getting Colder strong NW wind Dr Came this evening Susanna has Indigestion

12 Boys Chored J went to a sale down towards Dunbarton PM W. snow last night & nearly all AM fine & Cler PM I walked to Br C's PM pretty fair sleighing

13 Boys Chored J went to Ceder Grove PM Henry Called awhile AM W. sharp Cler Flavius & family called to see Susanna she is not so well

14 A worked at a Lounge for little Willis J Chored W. Cloudy Misty PM thawing a little sleighing fair Br C. Called awhile AM David Groves & family Called a few Minutes PM

15 Boys Chored & Cut down & drew out some scrubby willows out of creek north of dam I went to Ceder Grove AM W. quite sharp Cler Cold NW wind boys helped us sweep house PM

16 A took Grist to Davids & went to Ceder Grove PM J Chored W. nearly Zero this morning below 10 all day

Jan 1909

sharp strong NE wind began to snow tonight

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Br C Burkholder sermon on St Luke part of 4th C by Br C. Davids & C Burkholder were here to dinner W. Milder pretty strong East wind changed to NW PM some snow during the night

18 Boys Chored A went to Markham with Thomas PM W. 2 below Zero this morning got up slowly to about 11 today lower again this evening

19 Boys Chored J went to sale East of Riggfoot PM W. Milder East wind J helped us wash AM

20 A took Cream AM they drew home the scrubby willow that they cut the other day north of dam Herman & MN & Br N's Called PM Teenie Stover was here to supper W. a very fine winter day not Cold Joe & Anne Called this evening

21 J & A drew home some more willow wood then they hitched up 2 yr old Mare Gwen with Mare Jenny & drove to Ceder Grove she went well they hitched her up again PM I went to Joes & Elias's PM W. quite Mild & Cloudy thawing

22 A helped Flavius Kill hogs J Chored W. rain pretty heavy awhile AM Cloudy & thawing PM Henry & little Willis came at noon were here to dinner they got some apples & Potatoes

23 A took Cream he helped Benj'n awhile PM J Chored W. very foggy some heavy showers snow about all gone a lot of slippery Ice Makes bad walking the quarantine has not been raised Benj'ns Cannot go out yet Flavius's Can Bob Milroys are in yet

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Jan 1909 Feb

but they all expect to get out soon there are no new Cases of small Pox in our neighbourhood our Creek is running quite fresh & lively

Sunday 24 at home Flavius & family were here to dinner W. foggy & misty all day Ice nearly all gone quite mild a little Cooler tonight

25 Boys trimmed Raspberry Bushes in back garden & cut up rubbish into stovewood W. Cloudy AM fine & Cler PM quite Mild strong NW wind

26 Boys began Cutting wood in bush & we Cut some feed W. a very fine Cler day not Cold

27 J went to Daniels & then went to Sale on 7th Con A Chored W. strong NW wind not very Cold squaals of snow

28 Killed a Pig that we bought off Hornshaw a few weeks ago Benj'ns& Elias's helped W. Cler sharp Aunt Lizzie was here PM she staid to supper JD's called a few minutes PM

29 Boys cut wood in bush AM done nothing PM Herman was here to dinner W. strong East wind all day snow PM till after dark

30 A worked at school house putting in fresh air services J Chored W. strong East wind turning north towards evening pretty Cold snow nearly all day

Sunday 31 at home all day W. 1 deg above this Morning 5 above this evening a very strong East wind turning NW PM a bitter Cold wind Benj'n called PM

Feb 1 Boys Chored AM they shoveled snow banks west of 11th Con PM the snow is blowed off too much to make sleighing I went to Hebron to Elections of Trustees the 3 same ones were {illegible} re elected M Barkey, Albert Reesor & myself W. nearly 5 deg below this Morning went up slowly till about 18 tonight Br S's girls Called PM

Feb 1904

CandleMas day 2 A helped us wash AM he went to Markham PM J took Grist Chop to Davids AM W. Mostly fair & Cler strong NW wind Thomas's girls were here PM squaals of snow through the day Amelia Ernie & Carl Called after supper

3 A Chored & sorted apples J went to Ceder Grove PM Henry was here to dinner he took a load of Mangels W. very fine Milder

4 Boys Chored David Groves Called PM W. fine Cler we sent for Dr this evening Susanna is not so well Flavius & his boys Called this evening I & Nancy sat up till after Midnight the Dr didnt come

5 A worked at Schoolhouse AM J went & brought him home they Chored PM I have been having a bad Cold & cought for the last week or two I dont go out Much Br C Called AM Susanna not so well Dr has not Called yet W. thawing & foggy all day snow going fast More wheels running than sleighs today

6 Boys Chored J took some Chop to Davids W. Cler, strong winds & gales from NW rain last night snow about gone turning Colder freezing towards evening

Sunday 7 at home Benj'ns & Hermans Called PM Joes were here to supper W. fine & Cler thawing a little in the sun J & A were at Henry's to dinner

8 Henry's were here to dinner with their pretty little girl baby (Ada) Mary & Children were here PM W. Cler, Cold NW wind

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Feb 1909

9 A went to Markham to Meet Dentist J took Grist to Davids AM W. strong wind & Gales from East with snow very cold snow blowes all over

10 Boys Chored Daniels were here to dinner A brought Anne to help Nancy to sew W. Some rain last night & this Morning some squaals of snow fine & Cler at times cold

11 Boys Chored & sorted Apples W. strong Cold NW wind, quite Calm this evening Jesse G Reesor & his Grand son |Crowder| Came to stay all night

12 A took Jesse & Crowder to Boxgrove AM they Chored & J trimmed Some trees in back Orchard PM W. very fine & Cler

13 Boys Chored hung up some Pork to smoke Henry was here to dinner Joes were here after supper W. not so Cold sleighing wearing out very good Wheeling

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 8th C by Levi Grove Joseph Groves Henry Byer David & Russell & Louis Grove & Mart Ramer were here to dinner Daniels Called PM & MN came to stay all night he was here to supper too W. East wind pretty Cold began to snow at noon turned to sleet & drizzle stormy yet bedtime

15 Boys Chored AM A was at Flavius's PM W. snow from East all AM Cloudy PM not very Cold good sleighing

16 J helped us wash A went to Markham to meet Dentist AM J took grist Chop PM W. Cloudy AM snow from N East all PM not so Cold there is a lot of snow on the ground

Feb 1909

17 A shoveled out the walks all around the house J took grist to Davids AM A took load Corn stalks to Henry's PM J took Eggs 7 1/2 doz to Ceder Grove @ 25 cts PM W not so cold cloudy AM squaals of snow PM at time

18 Henry took a load of Mangels AM A took up a load for him PM J Chored W. Cloudy East wind pretty strong PM a little snow in the air pretty Cold

19 A drove Mare Gwen with Mare Jenny AM she went well J helped us work they Chored PM W. Milder soft PM began to rain slowly about 3 PM

20 Boys Chored & took grist to Davids with Mares Gwen & Jenny I drove to Joes & Elias's PM W. Mild thawing a little snow soft

Sunday 21 at home J & A went to Joe's to dinner W. Cloudy, Clear the Middle of the day thawing a little

22 Boys helped wash AM J took load Mangels to Henry's PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine & Clear thawing in the sun the snow is getting sloppy on the road the trees were all Covered with white frost this morning

23 Henry had a Bee to draw gravel from Whitevale today to Build a Silo A took a load for him J Chored W. East wind Mild strong through the day foggy & Misty some frost last night soft today

24 Boys Chored J took 9 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 25 cts AM they both went to Davidson's Sale PM W. heavy rain last night drizzly & foggy AM fine & Cler PM strong wind this evening sleighing about gone

25 A took grist Chop to Davids AM J & A went to Cowie's sale on the old Armstrong farm PM W. quite Cold very very strong NW wind last

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Feb 1909 Mar

night & all day flurries of snow Calm tonight I forgot to say that our Creek was flooded all over the flats yesterday River & Creeks flooded all over Ontario a great deal of damage done

26 Boys Chored & Trimmed awhile in old Orchard Elias brought Mary & the Children AM then he Came for them after supper time W. rather Cloudy not so Cold

27 Boys Chored J helped us AM A took Chop to Davids PM W. some squaals of snow AM Mild & Cloudy I drove to Joe's PM very good wheeling some sleighs running Sunday 28 Dr Called PM Susanna has not been so well Joe & Anne Sunday 28 at home Called this evening

Sunday 28 at home Johnny Reesor's were here a few hours PM Flavius & family Called too W. quite sharp & Cler 12 deg above this Morning Cold NW wind

March 1st A took 7 Hogs 1250 lbs to Locust Hill for Hornshaw @ $6.50 per Cwt this Morning he Came back at 10 oCc then J took 6 1020 lbs got back at noon then they both went to F McCreights PM to help him get all his Implements ready he intends to have a sale tomorrow w. rather Cloudy & East wind AM snow from East PM pretty mild

2 J & A were at McCreights AM Daniels & Esther were here to dinner Elias & Joe brought their families & then went to the sale at McCreights Daniels, Elias's & Joe's & Esther Barkey were here to supper Henry's & Benj'ns Fanny & Vera were here PM W. a very fine Cler day I was the sale about an hour it was a very large sale Frank is going to the North West James will work the farm

Mar 1909

3 J & A took a fat Cow to Browns Corners for E Lewis @ $40 AM they Chored PM W. East wind not cold heavy snow after 3 PM

4 Boys Chored & Peeled Apples W. Cler cold strong N Wind all day snow blowing & drifting all over

5 Boys helped track roads to Ceder Grove they are drifted west of 11th Con they Chored PM W. Cler Cold strong N wind all day Calm tonight not so cold good sleighing

6 Boys Peeled Apples & Chored AM they took Chop to Davids PM W. mostly fine and Mild snow thawing the sleighing is going Elias left Frank & the baby here PM while they went to Ceder Grove

Sunday 7 I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner Anne was Confined with a stillborn Baby girl yesterday Morning she is doing as well as can be expected W. about 3 in of damp snow last night fair sleighing this morning bright & Cler snow going fast

8 A helped us wash J took 4 Pigs lbs @$6.75 per Cwt to Locust Hill for Hornshaw AM they sorted & filled 4 Barrels of Apples PM I drove to Joe's PM Anne doing well W. sharp frost last night fine & Cler today sleighs running but snow is going Herman's Called awhile AM

9 Boys Chored & Peeled Apples A went to Markham AM W East wind began to drizzle & sleet from East about 8 AM More or less all day about rain towards evening Mild

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Mar 1909

10 A took cream AM he also took 4 Barrels apples to Ceder Grove J Malcom takes them to Toronto J & A went to Henderson's sale at the Old Barnard farm PM W. dull Cloudy foggy & Mild very slippery & icy this Morning W. Wind

11 Boys Peeled Apples J went to Joes Anne is doing well he went to Davids PM Lewis is sick he has Pneumonia but is doing very well W. strong NW wind AM not so strong PM Calm tonight very strong wind last night

12 Boys helped do house work AM J took Mare Nell to BS & got her shod all round I went with him as far as Br S's he is sick with Grippe & Bronchitis he seems a little better W. very fine & Cler fair sleighing yet

13 J took Cream & took a grist along to Davids he took another for Henry PM A Chored I went to Ceder Grove this Morning W. very fine & Cler sleighing going A went with Thomas to Locust Hill PM to help unload a Gasoline Engine he intends to run it in his stables

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 9th C by C Burkholder Henry's & Uriah Drudges were here to dinner Thomas's Called PM & Flavius's Eva Called too W. very fine & Cler frost last night will freeze again tonight

15 Boys helped wash AM & Chored PM I went to see Br S AM he is still in bed but is some easier I & Nancy went to Joe's PM Anne is up again W. very fine & Cler a cold N wind thawing in the sun

16 Boys Chored J went to a sale near Whitevale PM W. mild steady snow AM sudden squaals of heavy snow PM very good sleighing if it dont thaw too soon.

Mar 1909

17 A helped Thomas place a Gasoline Engine in his stable AM they both went to James Laughlin's sale PM Henry was here to dinner w. very strong NW wind pretty Cold J bought a Massey Harris mower run 2 seasons @ $25.22 for cash

18 Boys brought home the Mower AM drove the young Mare Gwen then they drove her to Ceder Grove PM JD's were here to dinner Teenie Stover & her sone Ross were here to supper W. very very fine & Cler thawing sleighs running yet but some wheels

19 Boys Chored J went to a sale in Scarboro A went with Benj'n to funeral of Benjamin G Reesor at Mount Joy PM W. snow last night & More or less all day quite Mild

20 J & A went this Morning to see Br B he is very low J went to Markham PM he brought AB's Lizzy she will Keep house for J & A W. very fine & Cler sleighing going Mary & the Children were here awhile PM

Sunday 21 I & Nancy went this morning to see Br S he is about the same Hermans were here to dinner Flavius & family were here PM W. sharp frost last night very fine & Cler today

22 I went to Br S's this morning he died a little before Midnight, will be buried on Wednesday at 1/2 past 9 oc W. Cold N Wind fine & Cler

23 A was at Br S's AM J helped dig his grave I went to Ceder Grove AM Called at Br N's he & his wife are not so well W. very fine & Clear sun thawing but there is a sharp air from north.

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Mar 1909

24 I & Nancy & A went to Br Simeon's funeral at Hebron J was at the Graveyard too Lizzy staid with Susanna C Burkholder officiated at the house & at grave C Gayman spoke on St Mat 24C 44th V at the Church & W Percy spoke at the Church too we went to the house of mourning to dinner W. raw air from East AM soft snow after dinner turned to rain after supper

25 A mended Harness J Chored & went to Davids for some flour PM W. strong NW wind not Cold

26 Boys Chored AM they both went to Sydney Beare's funeral PM W. very fine & Clear there is some Ice on the road yet I went to see Br N & Br C this morning they are both not well have bad Cold Br C had Dr Coe he says he has Grippe W. strong Cold wind AM

27 Boys Chored I went to see Br C he is up & around but is very hoarse Aunt Lizzy Burkholder & widow Anne Barkey were here to supper W. a few inches soft snow AM all went away PM fine & Mild PM

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & Lizzy went to Flavius to dinner Lizzy Gibner was here to supper W. very fine clouded up towards evening slight squaal of snow at sunset

29 Boys sawed wood J went to Markham PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler

30 Boys sawed wood in bush AM A went to Collins sawing Bee PM

Mar 1909 April

J took grist Chop to Davids PM Henry & Willis Called PM W. fine Cler freezing every night thawing in day times

31 J took cream A sawed rubbish they both sawed PM Br inlaw Enos Hoover's were here to supper W. very fine & Cler sharp NW wind sun thawing snow it is nearly all gone the roads are pretty good Leslie Stover was here to dinner yesterday

April 1st Boys sawed wood George Maybury split PM I drove to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine & Clear I & Nancy & Susanna are alone now the boys and Lizzie moved to the west end today

2 J called at Henry's then went to Hermans to dinner then he went to Funeral of little Johnny Hoover's wife PM A went to Whitevale to get a Boat fixed AM he Chored PM W. cloudy drizzly awile East wind at times

3 J took Cream AM A cleaned & oiled Harness W. drizzly & Cloudy all day Frank McCreight & wife were here to supper we spent a very pleasant evening he is going away to the NW next Tuesday to fine a home

Sunday 4 at home Benj'n & family were here to dinner Albert Reesor & family were here awhile PM W. fine Cler & Mild the air is Cool yet there are a good Many Cases of scarlet fever in the neighbourhood but no deaths so far

5 Boys helped to wash at both ends AM they sawed wood in bush PM W. Cloudy this morning fine & Clear today Cloudy this evening

6 J took grist to Davids AM he went to Mrs Raineys sale near Boxgrove PM

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April 1909

A helped us clean house & Whitewash Flavius Fanny & Amelia helped too Anne Called AM W. quite Mild Misty & foggy nearly all day

7 Boys Chored & drove Mares Gwen & Jenny to Ceder Grove AM David Grove came for some seed Barley he was here to dinner J went to sale on 8th Con Pickering A made waggon Bolster for Henry PM W. mild very very strong winds & Gales from W. & S wind heard there was some damage done through the County & Cities Fanny & Amelia were here today house cleaning

8 Boys fixed up fences that were wrecked with the storm A went to yearly meeting of our threshing Machine Syndicate at Flavius's AM Herman was here to dinner W. some wind AM strong last night Calm PM very fine & Cler today

Good Friday 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mark part of 15 C by Br C Visitors after service Daniels Josephs & Menno Burkholders & Elias's Called a while PM W. partly Cler some squaals of soft snow strong W wind PM Russell Grove Came to stay all night went away today.

10 A helped Bean's to move some Barn timbers AM J helped Henry Clean some seed grain AM J went to Tricks sale near Unionville PM A Chored I went to Half yearly Conference at Hebron PM W. Cler Cold NW wind quite Cold

Easter Sunday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Mat 18C by C Gaymans

April 1909

no visitors after service W. fine & Cler pretty strong air from East quite Cold not much above 20 deg all day

Easter Monday 12 at home Boys put in some tiles in field behind barn W,. very fine & Cler pretty Cold East wind warmer PM Elias's were here to dinner Mary & Children staid PM Rosana Culp & her daughter Called PM we sent for Dr he Came this evening Susanna is not so well she has Rheumatism Pains

13 Boys helped Henry put on a load of hay I was at Meeting house AM we scrubbed it AM A took grist to Mill PM J ganged in a lot of furrows PM W. East wind turned to NW drizzly rain awhile AM came on pretty heavy PM I & Nancy washed PM

14 Boys helped Henry Clean some seed grain AM he was here to dinner & took a load home with him they dressed a Pig & a Calf J took them to Cooler Malcom takes them Toronto Teenie Stover was here to supper W. fine Cler strong wind last night some today but not so strong

15 J went with Thomas to Maxwells this morning to look for suckers got none there have been very few caught so far they fixed up back garden & back lane fences PM I went to Elias's & to Ceder Grove PM W. sharp frost about every night fine & Cler through the day cool Air

16 Boys filled in drain & cut some feed & Chored Henry & little Willis were here awhile PM W. frost last night mild rather cloudy today

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April 1909

17 Boys helped Henry's man put on a load of mangels & clipped horse Chief AM J took Lizzie to Markham PM W. very fine & Cler a fine shower last night a few Claps Distant thunder I went to Ceder Grove AM

Sunday 18 I & Nancy went to Benj'ns to dinner W. some rain last night & this Morning Cloudy mostly today showers this evening a few Claps of distant thunder

19 Boys whitewashed AM A got Mare Gwen shod on front feet PM J went dipping with Thomas to Maxwells PM they Caught 39 lake suckers & 11 fine creek suckers I & Nancy washed AM W. fine rain last night rather Cloudy today drizzly at times Br S's Lydia & Bertha were here a while PM heavy thunder last night

20 Boys cut wood in bush AM A Rolled field west of dam PM with Mares J harrowed south of Orchard PM I got Mare Nell shod all around AM W. white frost last night fine today quite a few suckers Caught in little Rouge a raw Cold air from East

21 J took cream AM A worked at Pair of Waggon Bolsters for Henry W. Cloudy drizzly AM quite a lot of rain from East PM & some pretty heavy Claps of thunder

22 Boys fixed up things around the house J went to Markham with Elias PM A brought home some lumber from Davids PM W. pretty Cler Cool air I went to Elias's AM

23 Henry & Willis came this morning J A & Henry went fishing to Kirkhams & to Petticoat Caught 70 suckers Came home at noon then Cut a lot of feed Henry took a load home J grubbed some south of Orchard W. slight frost last night fine & Cler today Cool NW wind

April 1909 May

24 J took cream AM A put in tiles in NW corner field J helped him PM W. frost last night fine & Cler today Joe & Anne Called this evening

Sunday 25 at home Amelia Ernest & Carl were here PM W. some Cloudy slight showers AM fine Cler PM strong wind PM

26 Boys sowed some Oats below garden & behind Cider house I went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler fine Cold East Air I & Nancy washed AM

27 Boys finished field behind Cider house & J sowed about a bag of spring wheat in south side of field behind barn AM they Chored PM W. Cloudy AM drizzly rain nearly all PM strong NW wind towards evening Colder

28 Boys worked at a drain in field behind barn up near bush J ganged in furrows in field north of Meeting house towards evening Henry & Willis Called AM they left a Calf for the boys to dress Herman's were here to dinner Davids were here PM W. sharp frost last night thick Ice this Morning Cold N Wind J took Henry's Calf to Malcoms this evening

29 Boys worked at a drain in root field till storm stopped them about 10 AM strong wind this morning began to snow from East snowed all PM a few in snow on ground

30 Boys Chored J went to Ramers in Boxgrove to look at some Cattle to buy did not get them W. very strong East wind turned to West PM snow about all gone Creeks very high

May 1 Boys chored & helped Henry put on a load of Mangels Willis Came with him & he stays A took some Chop to Davids J went to

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May 1909

Israel Blintons sale PM I went to Joes for Bread for Susanna & to Elias's for Butter PM W. partly Cler cool some slight squaals of rain & sleet PM

Sunday 2 at home Henry's were here to dinner Elias's Called a few minutes PM W. not so cold Clear AM cloudy windy PM a squaal of snow every few Minutes PM ground white this Morning all away again

3 A sawed rubbish for summer wood J looked for suckers in Petticoat creek AM Saw none I & Nancy went to Br N's awhile PM his wife broke her wrist yesterday we called at Br C's he is not very well W. some Cloudy AM fine Cler PM A helped Nancy wash AM I had a bad fall last Thursday & hurt my hip I cannot do much

4 Boys drew 2 loads dung into back garden then they sowed NW Corner field except about 1/2 acre in Beaver dam with Mixed grain I & Nancy went to Joes to dinner & awhile to Elias's PM W. partly Cler

5 Boys sowed oats & Peas in field north of Meeting house W. rather cloudy at times slight shower after dark distant thunder I went to Ceder GRove AM Br inlaw Simon Hoovers Called PM

6 Boys sowed NE Corner field with Barley I took Susanna to Flavius AM brought her home PM I walked to Joes for some onions G Maybury dug garden AM W. rather Cloudy slight showers after dark some distant thunder

7 Boys filled drain & cut feed for Henry's Man he took a load home J filled furrows along Creek behind Meeting house sheds I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine Cler strong wind Calm tonight.

May 1909

8 Boys sowed Oats east of J Meeting sheds the last of seeding I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Joe's & Elias's PM W. fine Cler

Sunday 9 all went to Meeting except J he staid with Susanna Sermon's on St Luke 22 & 23 C's by C Burkholder & Br C the Lords Supper was Celebrated no visitors to dinner MN Called PM Daniels were here to supper W. Cloudy drizzly rain AM More or less PM not heavy

10 Boys helped Clean house W. slow drizzle rain all day & I suppose all last night Henry & little Willis Called PM they took Amy Mayberry she works for them this summer

11 A went with Thomas to Maxwells AM they dipped 16 suckers J dug holes along 2 cross fences East of dam for Maple trees they planted them PM W. fine & Cler

12 J took cream A White washed some for us Flavius Fanny & Amelia were here helping clean house Benj'ns Fanny helped too PM W. very fine & Cler J plowed ground for Potatoes PM Herman Came to stay all night with W. Trans horse Rab the Ranter

13 J worked at Root ground A worked at drain W. fine & warm trees are Coming out in buds showers around North & west

14 Boys worked at Mangel ground Made some drills I went to Ceder Grove AM the 2 Fanny's & Amelia were here again PM helping Nancy clean house W. showry around N & west slight drizzle at times P. M. very warm today about 70 deg.

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May 1909

set for Dr at noon Susanna not so well he Came PM says she has indigestion

15 Boys sowed Mangels W. Cool East wind I walked to Elias's PM some thunder at bedtime some showers of rain

Sunday 16 at home Elias's were here to dinner Flavius & Eva were here PM Tilly Burkholder & Inesons Children Called PM J & A went to Henry's to dinner Susanna a very little better

17 Boys worked Corn ground I went to Elias's & to Joe's PM W. mostly Cloudy & Cool wind PM Henry & Willis Called AM

18 Boys sowed Silo Corn I went to Elias's & Joes PM I & Nancy washed yesterday W. fine & growing partly cloudy trees budding grass growing

19 A put on a lot of grafts in old Orchard & dug garden J Chored AM began rolling grain I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Elias's PM W. Cloudy AM fine Cler PM

Ascension day 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke by Br C Dan'ls Herman's & JB Lehmans were here to dinner Henry's & Levi Burkholders & Benj'ns called awhile PM W. a little cloudy at times pretty strong East wind

21 J took grist then he helped Benj'n Plow with team they helped Henry's man put on a load of hay this morning A chored & Cut seed Potatoes W. Chored some East wind slight drizzle of rain at times I went to Ceder Grove this morning

22 Boys planted late Potatoes & J drew a lot of summer wood into shed sent for Dr PM Susanna is not so well he Came PM BenStovers girls Came to stay all night W. fine Cler Cool East wind

May 1909

I went to Ceder Grove & to Elias's for Butter PM

Sunday 23 at home Susanna is not very well Joes were here to dinner J & A went to Daniels dinner W. fine AM Cloudy slight sprinkles of rain towards evening

24 J rolled Corn AM he helped Benj'n with team PM A went hunting Mushrooms AM he got a fine lot he Chored & planted Cabbage & Tomatoes PM I went to Joes for plants PM I & Nancy washed AM W. a very very fine Cler day Cool wind

25 A helped draw stones at the old John Beane farm for a Barn wall J took some grain to Davids & got it Chopped AM he Chored PM Flavius' Fanny was here to dinner we set for Dr Susanna is worse, he Came at noon says she will be better in a few days Benj'ns Fanny and Vera were here PM W. fine Cler had a pleasant Call form Joe Atkinson

26 Boys plowed back garden & Plowed the piece north end of old Orchard & planted it with Potatoes Daniels Called after supper Susanna still in bed feels a little better W. very fine & Cler I went to Ceder Grove PM Thomas's Adeline was here awhile helping Nancy

27 Boys Chored they took some Chop to Davids AM & brought home some sawdust to Mulch the maples that they planted Joe brought Anne to help Nancy today Davids Called PM Susanna no better W. fine & warm a fine soaking rain AM

28 A went to Markham on Bicycle to see Dr Susanna a little better J worked at an Inclosure north of shop for the hens that have chickens they repaired fence north & south of Pasture

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May 1909 June

field PM I put in a drill of Beet seed PM W. fine & warm AM Cool wind & cloudy PM

29 J & A went mushroom hunting awhile this morning they got a fine lot then J scuffed Mangels A harrowed the Corn W. a very fine warm growing day I went to Joe's & Elias's PM Teenie Stover & Elias's Children were here to supper Henry & Willis Called PM

Whit Sunday 30 at home Ben Stover's were at the boys to dinner & supper I & Nancy were there too at dinner Elias's & Benj'ns were here PM & Mart Barkeys Called PM & Joe's were here after supper W. a very very fine growing day

Whit Monday 31 at home J Scuffled Mangels awhile then he went fishing awhile got only one A went to help Benj'n drive a Bullock to Locust Hill AM he went shooting Ground hogs PM he shot 4 Daniels & Davids whole family were here to supper Br N's Called PM W. very fine Cler lovely day Flavius' Fanny & Amelia Called PM

June 1st J took Cream A makde a door through Board fence at Corner of shed for cows to go through into old Orchard to Pasture he went to Nolans raising PM W. very fine day distant showers in the west Dr Called Susanna still in bed Br C's Becca Called PM Br C Came home from Conference at Waterloo this evening I & Nancy washed AM

2 Boys brought load wood from bush & big load pine roots from Flavius's AM they worked at drain PM I went to Ceder Grove got Mare Nell shod all round & took Anne home PM she was helping Nancy W. very warm

3 J took Cream A worked at drain AM he went to Dr PM he does not feel well they both went to Henry's after supper W. fine Cler about the warmest day so far.

June 1909

4 Boys deepened ditch East of lane on Townline to take water to the Creek they drew the dirf to the dam to fix the road. W. very warm Clear AM Cloudy PM looks like rain Cooler toward evening

5 J took cream A brought a load of gravel from Laughlins for walk in barnyard from Horse stable door AM J grubbed corn with seeder A Chored & mowed door yard with lawn Mower PM I went to Joe's after supper W. very very warm Misty awhile this Morning Cloudy towards evening

Sunday 6 all went to Meeting at Hebron Flavius Fanny Came & staid with Susanna remarks by C Gayman sermon on St Mat part of 8th C by Isaac Rittenhouse Herman's Tillman Reesor's & Martin Ramer were here to dinner PM Isaac Rittenhouse & wife MN's & Isaac Honsburger & Thomas & Henry Boyer were here to supper Henry's Called PM Daniels Elias's & Joe's Called after supper W. fine & Cler sun warm but a fine Breeze Aunt Lizzie Burkholder & Tilly Called PM

7 I & Nancy washed AM Boys cut Rubbish behind Cider house & drew it into woodshed they brought a fine load Pine stump wood from Flavius Thomas' girls & Ethel Scott Called PM W. very fine & cool

8 A took some Oats to Whitevale & got them Chopped then he worked at drain J scuffled Corn W. very very fine Cool & Clear I went to Ceder Grove AM Henry & Willis were here this morning Peters Susie & Johnnys Angeline Caleld today Susanna in bed yet the last 2 weeks

9 J took grist Oats to Markham in Markham

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June 1909

to get Chopped (David has shut down for repair he took a waggon wheel to Ceder Grove to get it fixed PM A worked at drain I took Eggs to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine Cler & Cool Dr Called PM Susanna about the same

10 Boys Chored & worked a little at drains AM they both went with team to draw gravel on 11th Con PM for statute labor W. a very light drizzle of rain awhile this morning Cloudy at times cool

11 Boys finished road work till about 5 PM W. very fine & Cler Cool air a slight shower last night Thomas's Esther helped Nancy today, Susanna in bed yet

12 Boys brought Tiles from Cherrywood J scuffled Mangels awhile W. very fine & Cler a fine Breeze I went to Joe's PM Dr Called Susanna about the same

Sunday 13 at home A & Lizzy went to Meeting at Altona J went to Henry's to dinner on Bycicle Br C's were here to dinner W. slight drizzle this Morning very fine steady rain awhile PM Cloudy this evening

14 A worked at fixing a waggon rack J went to Dr AM he is not well he scuffled Mangels W. fine & Cler we had a very fine heavy rain last night things look well Distant thunder

15 A sowed some Flax seed on low piece of Orchard then he hoed Mangels J went to Tilman Reesors for some sewer Pipes he put them on 11th Con then he hoed Mangels too W. very fine Cler & Cool

16 Boys grubbed in Corn & hoed Mangels

June 1909

Esther & Solomon Burkholder's were here to dinner & Daniels were here to supper Christian Brillinger's Called PM Joes Called this evening W. very very lovely & growing weather Dr Called PM

17 Boys Chored W. began to rain about 8 AM rained till after dinner steady fine rain I went for Beef the ring opened today

18 Boys hoed Mangels W.Cler Cold NW wind Calm tonight Susanna in bed yet

19 Boys topped Thistles C Burkholders were here to dinner Henry's & Mary & Children were all PM W. very very fine & Clear

Sunday 20 at home Tilly Burkholder & Nettie Ineson Called PM & Menno Reesor's Called after supper A took Lizzie home to see her folks W. very fine & Cler looked a little like rain

21 Boys hoed Mangels & scuffled Potatoes in old Orchard I & Nancy washed AM Susanna not so well this evening we Called Dr he will try & Come W. very very warm

22 Boys topped thistles J got Horse Chief shod all round AM Dr Called before Breakfast Susanna some better this evening W. very very warm

23 Boys Topped thistles W. very very warm a thunder shower went around south west over the lake a little cooler this evening

24 A grubbed Corn with seeder J cut weeds & Chored W. very very warm looked like showers going around all day

25 A worked at drain J went to Guelph on Excursion he took our seperator Bowl to get it fixed W. quite warm looked like rain but only a few drops came Susanna about the same

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June 1909 July

26 J & A finished drain back of Meeting seds AM J topped thistles & weeds A went to 8th Con Pickering PM I went to Ceder Grove got shoe set on Mare Nell then went to Joes W. quite warm yet fine Breeze from NW Susanna about the same

Sunday 27 at home M Barkey's & Amelia Ernie & Carl & J A & Lizzie were here to dinner Br N's Called PM W. quite warm but a fine Breeze from north

28 A got mares Jenny & Gwen shod AM he made Bolster for Trucks PM J mowed a few acres Clover in pasture field & scuffled Corn PM I & Nancy washed AM W. very warm

29 J & A drew in big load out of pasture field AM A went to Colon Reesor's barn raising aon the Ceder Grove farm PM J scuffled Corn W. fine Cler warm Dr Called Susanna about the same in bed yet

30 A went to barn raising at the Sydney Bear farm J scuffled Corn Abraham Smith's daughter were here to dinner Esther & Lizzie & Franklin were here to supper David went to raising too W. fine pretty warm Franklin stays till Sunday

July 1 J took Cream AM A put Paris Green on Potatoes they both helped Benj'n draw in hay with team PM W. fine Cool Breeze I went to Ceder Grove PM Elias Children were here PM & went with me to Ceder Grove

2 Boys helped Benj'n draw in hay with team AM J took Truck wheels to Ceder Grove to get the Tires set & A took grist Chop to Whitevale PM W. not quite so warm cloudy PM slight drizzle at times PM nice little showers after dark Henry's & whole family Called this evening some distant thunder.

July 1909

3 J took cream A brought Chop home AM A got Benj'ns Mower & J took ours & they cut new meadow 12 acres PM it is a pretty good Crop I got 3 shoes set on Mare Nell this Morning & went to Joes PM W. very fine & Cool pretty strong NW wind a fine rain last night

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Nancy remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 6 Chap by C Burkholder visitors to dinner little Willis & Matty Burkholder David Burkholder & Susie Hoover were here to supper Daniels & Br inlaw Enos Hoover Called PM W. fine Cler lovely day Dr called last evening to see Susanna this evening

5 Boys teded & raked meadows they cocked a lot of it I went to Ceder Grove after dinner to get some parts of Tedder fixed Br inlaw Simon Hoover's were here to supper W. very fine Cler day

6 Boys fixed up horse fork & drew few loads hay AM Benj'n helped with team PM they finished drawing in the 12 acres 14 loads PM W. very fine Cler day not so warm

7 A raked over the meadow they took in the rakings, big load then they dressed 4 Pigs & Henry & little Willis brought a calf to get dressed Herman dressed it J took them to Malcoms he takes them to Toronto W. very fine & Cler lovely day

8 Boys brought in nice load of swail hay & J grubbed Mangels with seeder & A hoed Corn W. warm but Cool Breeze

9 Boys finished hoeing Corn W. warm Cool Breeze I went to Ceder Grove AM

10 Boys Chored A gathered Bugs off the Early Potatoes AM J took Lizzie home PM

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W. cloudy AM some very fine heavy showers PM some pretty heavy thunder mostly distant but it was a very welcome rain Cooler tonight

Sunday 11 at home J & A went to Henry's to dinner then A went & brought Lizzie home Elias's & Joes were here to dinner Albert Hoover's Called this evening W. pretty warm AM Cooler PM Cloudy at times Dr Called Susanna about the same

12 Boys began Plowing in new Meadow west of dam I & Nancy washed AM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cloudy pretty Cler very warm

13 Boys Plowed Br inlaw Saml Hoovers were here to dinner & Teenie Stover & Nancy Reesor & her 2 girls were here to supper W. fine Cool strong wind PM

14 A plowed J grubbed Mangels with seeder Herman's Lydia & Harvey were here to dinner Levi Grove was here today Benj'ns Fanny & Jacob Hoover's Anne were here PM this is Herman's last round with his horse W. a very fine warm growing day

15 Boys plowed W. quite warm some thunder showers went around PM slight showers PM I & Nancy went to Elias's after supper

16 Boys Plowed W. quite warm thunder showers went around heavy through Scarboro

17 Boys very near finished plowing the sod they dug at Widow Susan Stovers grave (Saml's widow) she died yesterday evening will be buried tomorrow worked at it PM I took a grist of Chop to Whitevale AM Louis Grove went with me W. warm fine Cool Breeze from NW Louis went home this evening

July 1909

Sunday 18 all went to Funeral of Susan Stover except J he staid with Susanna sermon by Br C on Psalms 39 5 & 6 V & W Percy spoke too JH Ramer's Enos Nighswander & Ephriam Lehman's were here to dinner John Brillinger Called this evening W. fine & Cool a few light squaals of rain

19 J & A finished plowing A went to Markham PM J rooled sod I & Nancy washed AM W. very fine Cool & Cler strong NW wind

20 J finished rolling sod A hoed Mangels AM they cut & shocked wheat south of bush PM W. very fine & Clr pretty warm fine Breeze

21 Boys hoed Mangels till rain stopped them then the harrowed sod PM Henry's were here to supper Joes called after supper W. Cooler some drizzly showers

22 Boys drew dung on sod with 3 waggons Benj'ns 2 men & Henry helped they got the field nearly Covered till Supper time then they dressed 6 Pigs W. Cloudy all day drizzly rain off & on I & Nancy & little Willis went to Elias's & to Joes awhile PM Willis Came with his Pappa to stay all day

23 A took some Oats to Whitevale to get Chopped J went to Markham they spread dung PM between showers Daniels were here to supper W. heavy rain Early this morning some thunder cloudy all day heavy showers PM our pond is pretty full

24 Boys spread dung AM they started to Cut Wheat on Knoll after dinner rain stopped them about 2 PM W. Cloudy AM steady rain after 2 PM rainy yet

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July 1909 Aug

Creek is running Hermans Harvey is visiting around here this week J & he went to Ceder Grove PM

Sunday 25 at home Jacob Reesor & family gave us a good Call PM Boys went to Benj'ns PM W very fine & Cler Harvey went home after supper Suanna is not so well just now Joe's & Flavius & family Called this evening

26 Boys laid down shocks south of bush the wheat is sprouted a little then they finished set up the shocks south of bush I & Nancy washed AM W. pretty warm Cler I went to Joes AM

27 J took cream they finished spreading dung then they hoed Mangels I & Nancy went to Henry's to dinner W. fine & Cler quite warm

28 A harrowed sod J hoed Mangels AM Benj'ns 2 men & team helped PM & they drew in wheat south of bush 7 loads I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Elias's & Joe's PM W. very very warm Cler

29 I went to Joes this morning for the Beef took some raspberries to ship to Toronto A helped Benj'n draw dung with team J took Cream & scuffled Corn W. pretty cloudy showers went around a light sprinkle here AM very very very warm

30 Boys brought home load stove wood Cultivated Corn & drew in one load Wheat AM Benj'n & Man helped with team & they finished drawing in till about 5 PM we have 18 loads off 8 acres W. not so warm fine & Cler

31 Boys helped Benj'n draw in wheat all day with team W. pretty warm a slight sprinkle of rain I & A M.Barkey & Elias Thomas & Albert Reesor cut weeds in Burying ground & fixed a tie pole

Sunday Aug 1 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat part of 7 C by Levi Grove MN was here to dinnner Herman called awhile PM

Aug 1909

Henry's called awhile this evening W. a very fine Cler day sun warm but a cool Breeze Br C's Called awhile this evening

2 Boys cut & shocked barly 10 acres Mary & the Children were here today Picking Berries I took them home this evening W. very fine & Cler

3 J took Cream he & A Disced the sod field I & Nancy went to Davids to dinner W. fine warm

4 J Disced Wheat stubble south of bush A disced Wheat Stubble on Knoll AM J took some Oats to Whitevale to get Chopped A done some Cementing for Flavius PM I & Nancy washed AM I took Eggs to Ceder Grove PM W quite warm threatened rain all PM but did not Come

5 J & A helped Benj'n draw in Peas AM they Chored PM W. rather Cloudy slight sprinkle of rain AM Henry & little Willis came for Oats AM Daniels Called PM

6 A helped Benj'n draw dung with team J Chored and cut weeds along fence I got Mare Nell shod all round AM I & Nancy went to Elais's & to Joe's PM W. very warm 86 above at noon

7 A helped Thomas's thresh AM Chored & laid down the Barley shocks AM Benj'n & Man helped with team PM & they drew in the Barly 10 loads PM Carl helped too W. very very warm 84 deg at noon

Sunday 8 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Elias's to dinner J A & Lizzie went to Thomas Dillers to dinner W. very very warm & Cler Johny Ramer gave us a call this evening

9 J raked barley Stubble A sharpened Binder Knivers AM they drew in rakings big load they cut a piece of Oats below garden PM W. pretty warm I & Nancy washed AM

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Aug 1909

Mart Barkeys brought Pre Martin Ramer &wife William Hoover & wife from Indiana to supper

10 I & Nancy started this morning & went to JH Ramers to dinner then to Menno Burkholder's to supper then to Daniels all night W. Cler Cool NW wind

11 went awhile to T McDaniels & the Saml Ramers then to Br inlaw Enos Hoovers to dinner & supper then to Hermans all night W. fine Cler

12 went to C Burkholders to dinner then to Flavius' to supper & Came home to stay all night had a very pleasant trip & fine weather we left Susanna at Flavius'

13 I went this morning & brought Susanna home she is pretty well the boys cut nearly at the Oats the last few days they drew in 2 loads AM A helped Dillers thresh PM W. very fine

14 Boys Cut & Shocked Oats East of Orchard which finishes our harvest AM they cut spring Wheat & drew in few loads Oats PM W. very fine not so warm

Sunday 15 at home all day nobody here J & A took Lizzy home then they went to Davids to dinner W. showery & Cloudy all day some heavy showers a little distant thunder

16 Boys Chored swept granery brought load pine roots AM A was at Benj'n draining PM W. Cloudy misty & some heavy showers distant thunder Machine came this evening I & Nancy washed AM

17 threshed Fall Wheat turned out about 4 1/2 Bus to Acre Barley 30 Bus Oats 108 shocks 117 Bus one load Mixed Peas & Oats 39 Bus got done at 4 oc W. Cloudy drizzly awhile this Morning fine & Clear PM Air from East J took 11 bags barley to Whitevale this evening to get Chopped

18 J ganged south of Orchard where they had drawn in a few loads of Oats A helped J McCreight to thresh AM he put in some Tiles at Benj'ns PM Benj'n drove his team at Grubber in sod PM W very fine & Cler Teenie Stover & Sarah Ann were here to dinner I went to Ceder Grove AM

19 A harrowed where J ganged J took some barley to Whitevale & got it Chopped

Aug 1909

then they laid down a lot of Oat shocks & drew in a load Benj'n & his 2 men & Wilfred helped with team & they drew in 11 loads PM W. very fine quite warm 80 deg at noon

20 Benj'n & his men helped boys drawing in with team they drew in 16 loads there is 1 more load left I & Nancy & Lizzie went with Mare Nell & democrat to Funeral of Nancy Barkey widow of Henry Barkey sermon by C Burkholder & a preacher from Stouffville went to Peter Burkholders to dinner W. very fine a few scattered showers PM

21 Boys helped Benj'n draw in with team I took Susanna from Joes to Elias's this morning then went to Ceder Grove AM brought Susanna home PM W very fine lovely day Boys brought last load of Mixed grain after supper now there is a load of spring wheat out yet

Sunday 22 I & Nancy Susanna & Lizzie went to Peter Reesors to dinner J & A went to Hermans to dinner W. very fine & Cler Cool Breeze

23 Boys helped Benj'n draw in with team I & Nancy washed W. very very warm over 80 deg

24 Boys helped Benj'n finish drawing in AM A raked some stubble & they brought load of wood from bush PM W. very very warm 82 deg at noon

25 J took grist Oats to Markham to get rolled AM A ganged A helped Johnny Reesor's thresh & J ganged PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very very warm I think it was the warmest day so far a strong NW wind 92 in the shade

26 A ganged East of Orchard J took Cream then he ganged too W. very very warm strong NW wind

27 Boys ganged Flavius Carl ganged awhile PM J went to sale in Whitevale Flavius's Fanny helped Nancy sweep house PM W. quite warm NW wind

28 A ganged J went to Locust Hill to helped unload Corn Binder our Syndicate brought time

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Aug 28 1909

he brought one home PM Henry & Willis Called AM for some seed Wheat I went to half yearly Conference at Hebron PM Herman & family came to stay all night W. Cloudy at times looks like rain not so warm.

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Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary 1906-1909 Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary 1906-1909 Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1906-1909 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Benjamin B. Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1906-1909,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed December 21, 2024,
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