Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1907 Classic


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1907 Classic


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




20th Century, York County, Vaughan Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription




Read this



1899 and park

and to now 1900

Read 1907

Doctors Have Raised Fees

"yes, sir," remarked a prominent physician, "they have, and o don't think it's right in these hard times.

"As a protest, I give this valuable presription (which has curved hundreds) to all sufferes from la grippe, cold, coughs. Bronchitis, group, throat and lung Diseases, free of charge ."

It is as Follows:

Fluid Extract Licorice, one half ounce.

Syrup white pine compound, one ounce.

Glycerine, one ounce.

to this add three ounces or boiled water, and take a dessert- spoonful every 2 or 3 hours.

This formula can be filled at any reliable drug store.


Hiram White of concord, Vaughan township, left an estate of $26,778.89.

He owned a farm of 150 acres in concescession 3, vaughan, worth $10,00, a farm of 115 acres in the same concession, worth $5000, and held mortagages worth $3615, and cash totalling $7543.89.

The 150-acre farm goes to his son William Henry of concord. and 115-acre farm to his son Isaiah Jeremiah of 789 Euclid-avenue, toronto. his son charles Issaac of 181 person-avenue, toronto, receives $400 cash, and his son alfres hiram of fruitvale, california recives $4500 in cash. his widow, mary ann white, receives for life the old homestead and an annuity of $300, chargeable aganist the estate. his daughters, rebecca jane oster, of concordl Ida amelia ash , of eversley, and sarah maria white of concord, each receives $1100 in cash. on any one of teh daughters marrying, the son william is to give her a milch cow. the late john chisholm, farmer, of


Dealers IN

Government,Muncipal and Corporation


Royal Bank BLDG (THI

crown or emmerson, his honor then missed the case.

Minning Town On Fire.

Mexico vity, mexico, jan. 13. - according to a telegram just receives this city, the great gold mining cam el oro, one of the largest in the republuc, is being destroyed by fire. when the despatch was filled the pricipal hotels and the more important ant buisness buildings of cam had been reduces to ashes.

Lamp Exploded.

Fire frrom an exploding lamp damed the cigar store and dwelling occupied by joseph kayet at 240-242 we a delaide-street, at 5.45 o'clock la night, to the extent of $500, of which $200 was to contents and $300 to the building, which is owned by A. strathy.

to obtain certificates from the new examinig board of the depart-ment of agriculture.

It has been arranged that the board will sit at central points during the next week to hear the applicants. some of teh candidates will not be required to pass a formal examination.

Simpson's lease lot.

The R. Simpson Co. has secures from the truestees of knox church a 21- years lease of a lot 30X120 feet on richmond-street at the rate of $21 per foot.



they work while you sleep





{blank page}

New year 1907

Tue jan 1. New Years Day. a little colder. Willis family also mother and the girls here to spend the day.

Wed Jan 2. Fine ,day. Frozen clean. annie and clara tradale here for tia. Frank here in the evening.

Thur Jan 3. Rained heaily all day. very sloppy.

Fri Jan 4. Fine but dull, and high wind. Willie here hellping uncle. I had a cold.

Sat Jan 5. Fine day. Frozen up in the morning then sloppy in the afternoon. uncle in {illegible} with Harley. Lizzie called in for a while in the afternoon. Aunt Mattie and I walked out to Thornhill.

Sun Jan 6. Very mild and fright, sloppy road. Uncle and auntie at church. I went to fishermill. uncle and aunt mattie

Mon Jan 7. very mild rained heavily in the afternoon. aunt mattie very sick at night.

Tue Jan 8. Dull and misty uncle in barley the frought to the

Wed jan 9. Fine day but a little colder all day forzen clean . we had chritmas dinner at williw to night

Thur jan 10. Fine day uncle and aunti at thronhill in afternoon.

Fri jan 11. Fine day good wheelong uncle in witha a load

Sat Jan 12. Suning early in the morning them mr bryham here fo rdinner. incle in the afternoon,

Sin Jan 13. Cold east wind, unclle in the morning a little squarly. uncle aunt m and i at evening church mr baldwin mr wasson spark on missions.

Mon Jan 14. very mild and foggy. we were at homie.

Tue Jan 15. Fine but very cold, aunt nellie and i in called to see aunt nancy.

Wed Jan 16. Fine but very cold east wind, uncle and willis getting in hay at both places.

Thur Jan 17. Rather squawly and east wind very cold at fiset them moderating. uncle took aunt mattie to Mr. a.

Fri Jan 18. Milder, Aunt Mattie called up at willis in the morning. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I. mother and lizzie at mary for teā {accented a}.

Sat jan 19. rained very heavy all morning, uncle in Tormite sarade very eatery.

Sun Jan 20. high wind and a few snow flying aunt mattie at mattiw for tia the rest of we at home.

Mon Jan 21. fine with the exception of sequauts of snow i calles at mr clarlore in the afternoon.

Tue Jan 22, High wind and very cold. Willis are thrashing. Aunt malle {unsure about name} and I went collecting to mr white.

Wed Jna 23. Fine but extremely cold, about 10 below zero. We started to thrash. Willis finshed thrashing. and they moved over here about four o'clock.

Thur Jan 24. We started thrashing it is very cold, about 16 below zero. we have fad colds. lizzie called in the afternoon. Stormy at night.

Fri Jan 25. A little milder. Finshed thrashing about half past nine. had dinner, then washed and churned and cleaned up, It is coming a little light snow. Uncle and I went for a little cutter ride but very poor. slipping.

Sat Jan 26. Fine bright, sunny day. Cold, uncle went to mr Riddell in the afternoon. I called up at marys.

Sun Jan 27. Fine Bright day, milder, Aunt Mattie very {illegible} with cold, in bed, all day. Aunt Nellie and Uncle at church. Daisy Ball had her baby christened. I went to Fisherville.

Mon Jan 28. Fine day. Moderately cold. Willie and family here for tea. also Ida Clarker, Aunt Mattie still {illegible}. I have a cold.

Tue Jan 29. Fine day. Mother and Lizzie here for tea. Aunt Mattie a little fetter.

Wed Jan 30. Fine day. Uncle in Toronto. mr Gibson called.

Thure Jan 31. Fine day much milder. I had earache at night.

Fri Feb 1. Fine and mild. Foggy. Aunt Mattie and I went to Toronto to Alices.

Sat Feb 2. Fine and mild, but rained a little. very sloppy. Y. Eaton buried, Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto. Turned cold at night.

Sun Feb 3. Aunt Mattie and I at st. Pauls Church. I called to see Frozer girls in the afternoon very cold but fine and bright. We went and called to see Willie Girls in the eve.

Mon Feb 4. Fine day, very cold. Aunt Mattie and I down town shopping. Came home in the afternoon. Uncle very, very poorly. Aunt Nellie not well.

Tue Feb 5. Fine but cold, all poorly with colds.

Wed Feb 6. Uncle a little better. very cold. I was at Teasdales for tea.

Feb 7. Fine bright day a little milder Aunt Mattie at W.A. Uncle took her out. I was at sale at {illegible}. John Froyer herer over night.

Fri Feb 8. Fine and mild. John left in the afternoon Annie here for tea, Aunt M. took mild up to the children.

Sat Feb 9. Very mild and foggy.

Sun Feb 10. Mild and falling a very little snow. Willie called over in the morning. turned very cold at noon. I went to fisherville. we did not go to Thornhill.

Mon Feb 11. Fine but extremely cold, coldest day yet. Uncle at Thornhill. We washed and churned, here upstain very damp.

Tue Feb 12. Fine but cold. I have earache. Night of one social We took 2 print calcus. 5 day taste and fasted of sandwich. 1 lb fritter - $60.14 clear.

Wed Feb 13. Ash Wednesday. Fine day. Uncle {illegible} Aunt Mattie out to finish Collecting.

Thurs Feb 14. Valentine Day. Fine and moderately cold. I called up at Marys in the evening.

Fri Feb 15. fine day high wind. i called ay mother and lizzi came home with me for tia.

Sat Feb 16. Beaitiful mild day all sloppy in the afternoon aunt mattie and at mother in the afternoon for tia.

Sun Feb 17. a little colder and windy. i went to fishweille uncle aunty mattie and i at church.

Mon Feb 18. fine but cold aunt mattie went to toronto to aunt lizzie to remain.

Tue feb 19. Fine afternoon a little rain in the mornig very slippery uncle brought my feather bed onves, i was at mother ami helped me to mal flored.

Wed Feb 20. Fine warm morninf, thawing them turned cold ar nom and stromed in the evening i wasn'r ar mill in the afternoon wilie messy work.

Thur Feb 21. fine but very cold john jersey here for dinner uncke went to the horse show at afternoon.

Fri Feb 22. we had dinner at night at wilie it being this eight anniversary very very cold in the day time.

Sat feb 23. Fine day and frosty but bright uncle went to here show i read to this village with here called to mr watsin mr in .

Sun feb 24, Cold east wind . wind uncle and aunt church mother and girlshere for tia we went to league.

Mon Feb 25. fine but cold mr hughs remain ti adjala.

Tue Feb 26. fine but cold east wind started dreaming gravel.

Wed Feb 27. fine day mr lureby pruming tree uncle and i at thom hill in the afternoon.

Thur Feb 28, cold east wind and a little flustery.

Fri Mar 1, Fine day I went over to for a while in the afternoon mr and mrs lanfstaff and mrs nelles called in the afternoon,

Sat Mar 2. mild rain at first then very high wind and icy uncle over at mr getting peas for thr fassell

Sun Mar 3. fine day all frozen up clean. uncle ans i at morning church i wasn't and brought for tia quite cold. uncle has a cold.

Mon Mar 4. fine and moderately cold, mrs landstaff how for uats had dinner george pole lift with john load.

Tue Mar 5. fine day bright mrs lucyhew about four velock it quiet a snow storm

wed Mar 6. fine bright day uncle met aunt mattue in the culture some wheeks and some slight out.

Thur Mar 7. fine but cold east wind. aunt did mat go to as uncle not well

Fri Mar 8. fine day and milds i went to toronto uncle called to see the doctor mr and mrs jaater and miss palmer here for tia cattma at but not veru good slighing.

Sat Mar 9. Fine day and very mild. Aunt Nellie took a chicken and some other little things to Aunt Lizzie. We went out in sleigh with Uncle to meet her. Uncle poorly.

Sun Mar 10. Fine bright day, but sloppy I went to Fisherville. Uncle poorly so we did not go to church.

Mon Mar 11. Beautiful bright day but very sloppy. Willie over in the morning. Armie here in eve. Mr and Mrs Gibson called and brought work for me. I went to North Toronto in the afternoon.

Tue Mar 12. Fine day but dull. Uncle a little better.

Wed Mar 13. Fine day. Lizzie here for dinner. some one seen a robin but non here. I finished work.

Thur Mar 14. Fine but no so warm. Willie here helping to get in hay. Cleaned mans room.

Fri Mar 15. Fine day. Aunt Mattie at Marys in morning and brought children down. I went over and helped Mother pack dishes in the afternoon.

Sat Mar 16. Fine but very high wind, roads drying a little. Uncle and I took work out to Mr Gibsons Willie called in the evening.

Sun Mar 17. Fine day. I went to Fisherville. We were at Mothers for tea, the girls and I at League. Grey birds here.

Mon Mar 18. Fine day. Aunt Mattie and I away. Auntie helping Mother pack. I was up at Mary's. Robins here. Misses Wileaux called. {written at the side}

Tue Mar 19. Fine day with the exception of a little shower. roads getting dry.

Wed Mar 20. Fine day windy. Clara Teasdale here for tea. Frank in the evening. Lizzie called in the evening.

Thur Mar 21. Fine day Aunties and I went over and helped Mother for a while in the afternoon I went up to Willies in the evening. roads nice and dry.

Fri Mar 22. Fine day. We washed for cleaning. Aunt Mattie and I at Willies in the evening. very, very warm. Black Birds.

Sat Mar 23. Fine and warm. cleaned Cellar today.

Sun Mar 24. Dull and Colder, roads a little muddy. rain and thunder last night. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at church, I went to Fisherville.

Mon Mar 25. Fine but dull. Uncle and Willie at Thomas {illegible} funeral. We cleaned Clothes Closets.

Tue Mar 26. Dull and very muddy. We cleaned chamver. over at Mothers in the evening. {illegible} Deans barn burned 10 30 in eve.

Wed Mar 27. Rained heavily in the afternoon. We were all out at the Thornhill house swing Carpets. Emmanuel Bower married.

Thur Mar 28. Fine and very warm, Aunties out Mr Gibsons to help make up drapers.

Fri Mar 29. Fine and a little colder, Good Friday. Aunt Nellie and Uncle at church. Aunt Mattie and I at Mothers in the evening.

Sat Mar 30. Fine warm day. roads dry again. Uncle and Willie took a load out to Thornhill. I went up to help Mary in the afternoon. Tom Fare came.

Sun Mar 31. Easter Sunday. fine but cold. Tom Fare here. Mother and the girls here also Willies family. We went to Fisherville, and to League in the evening.

Mon Apr 1. Easter Monday. fine but very cold. all frozen up clean. Mother moved six loads in the morning and two in the afternoon. Mick here.

Tue Apr 2. Willies moved to day. a little milder but all clean. We were over and helping all day. got the upstairs settled pretty well.

Wed Apr 3. Fine day. milder, we were all over and helped Mary again. Uncle and Aunt Mattie went out to Mothers in the evening.

Thur Apr 4. Fine untill evening it commenced to rain. Aunties at W.A. Meeting. they brought Lizzie home for tea, and Uncle and I drove her home in the evening.

Fri Apr 5. Fine but cold. Auntie washed and ironed ready for cleaning. I went over and helped Mary for a while in the afternoon.

Sat Apr 6. Fine and bright but a very cold East wind. We were at home all day.

Sun Apr 7. Dull and cold East wind. Uncle Aunt Nellie and I at church and home rest of day. rained in afternoon.

Mon Apr 8. Fine but muddy and cold too cold to house clean. Mr St John died yesterday.

Tue Apr 9. Fine but muddy. Aunties and I in Toronto. bought our dresses mine 50 cts a yard 8 yards. Armie came home with us for tea and Uncle and I took her home in the evening.

Wed Apr 10. Fell a few flakes of snow and cold wind. Uncle at Mr St Johns funeral. We took our Stair Carpet up and cleaned it.

Thur Apr 11. Fine and a little warmer. We cleaned upstairs. and finished it. Uncle and Aunt Nellie out to Thornhill in the afternoon. I called at Willies in eve.

Fri Apr 12. Falling a little soft snow.

Sat Apr 13. Fine but dull and cold. Uncle in Toronto hired a man but he did not come. I walked to Thornhill and had tea with the girls.

Sun Apr 14. Fine but a very cold wind. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at Church. I went to Fisherville. Mr and Mrs McDonald and family here for tea. heavy frost.

Mon Apr 15. Fine day. Nelson and Mrs Smellie here to spend the evening.

Tue Apr 16. Falling a little wet snow. We cleaned spare bed room and took the Carpet up. also carried out the parlor stove.

Wed Apr 17. Fine but cold. We took up parlor Carpet and cleaned the room. I went to Mrs Teasdales for tea. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mothers for tea. the second man disappointed Uncle.

Thur Apr 18. Fine but cold ice every morning. Uncle and I took the roots out. Mrs Gibsons here to spend the day. Mr Gibson here for tea. Mother and the girls at Willies for tea.

Fri Apr 19. Beautiful day. Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto. called to see Alice. Auntie at Dentists.

Sat Apr 20. Fine day. Uncle hired Tom Reid. Aunties helping Mary put down hall Carpet. Marjorie here for tea.

Sun Apr 21. Fine warm day. very windy and dusty. We all went out to Mothers for tea. at Church in the evening

Mon Apr 22. Fine warm day. Tom started work. We started gardening. Mrs Langstaff and Mrs Ball called. We did up lace curtains.

Tue Apr 23. Started seeding took Coal Stove out and cleaned the Dining room. raked the Orchard up. all done but kitchen

Wed Apr 24. Fine and warm. the girls came out. Uncle at Father I {written in left margin under date} Mc Mahons funeral. we went to Willies in the evening

Thur Apr 25. Dull and a little colder. girls went home in the evening.

Fri Apr 26. Aunt Mattie in Toronto at the Dentists. Janet Rankin buried. Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto at the Dentists. I walked out to meet her in the evening.

Sat Apr 27. Fine day.

Sun Apr 28. Fine day, I went to Fisherville in dress waist warm. Uncle and Aunties at morning Church.

Mon Apr 29. Rained a little in the evening and heavily thro night.

Tue Apr 30. Rained heavily all morning Aunt Nellie went to Toronto, for to remain Uncle went down for the afternoon

Wed May 1. Fine warm day men not able to seed. Thomas Poole here for dinner. Armie and Lizzie walked out. Lizzie remained and Uncle and I took Armie home.

Thur May 2. Fine and warm. Uncle brought Mother out for to spend the day.

Fri May 3. I went to Toront got my dyed suit $2.25. Uncle went down to the Horse Show in the evening.

Sat May 4. Cold morning all covered over with snow. Auntie not at Mrs Langstaffs to a Presentation. Uncle and I went out to Mothers for her in the eve.

Sun May 5. Fine but cold some snow still here in the shaded places. We went to morning church. I went to Fisherville.

Mon May 6. Fine day a little cold.

Tue May 7. Fine day Tom at Mr Wingers raising. Uncle cutting the lawn for the first time. I went to Mothers.

Wed May 8. Beautiful day. men doing a little seeding the first since the big rain over a week ago. Whitmore here for the potatoes. Uncle in Toronto in the evening. finished my eyelet blouse.

Thur May 9. Fine and much milder and warm. Cleaned wook work in the kitchen and Auntie painted chairs.

Fri May 10. Fine but quite cold. Auntie and I at Marys in the afternoon.

Sat May 11. Fine but very cold. Aunt Nellie came home. quite thick ice this morning. Finished seeding all but Peas.

Sun May 12. Fine but cold. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I at Church. I went to Fisherville. We were all at Willies for tea.

Mon May 13. Fine and very warm. We washed and churned. The children here for tea.

Tue May 14. Fine but very, very warm. We took out the Range in the morning. Aunt Mattie and I over at Marys in the afternoon.

Wed May 15. Warm and sultry. We started to paper the Kitchen came a very heavy rain at night. Cattle went away.

Thur May 16. Fine and a little cooler. We finished the Kitchen. Uncle in Toronto I went to Thornhill for a little while in the afternoon, Miss Phillips brought Rhubarb.

Fri May 17. Fine and cool, Marjorie here for tea.

Sat May 18. Fine and cool. Uncle and Aunt Nellie at Thornhill in the afternoon. We got our Oil cloth home and put it down 6 3/4 yds 50 cts.

Sun May 19th. Whit Sunday. it rained a little and cleared about 9 and fine day. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went to Markham Lizzie here. Aunt Mattie and I at evening church

Mon May 20. Fine but very cold little flakes of snow flying. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at Deanery Meeting in the eve.

Tue May 21. Fine but very cold ice this morning.

Wed May 22. Fine but ice and white frost. fine and warmer in the afternoon. Mr Luesby trimming trees. Aunt Mattie and I walked out and called at Mrs Gallanoughs and Mrs Smellies.

Thur May 23. Fine and a little warmer,

Fri May 24. Fine day and bright. We all spent the day at Mothers, Uncle took Lizzie and I for a drive to Richmond hill in the evening.

Sat May 25. Cold East wind started to rain a little in the eve. I went to Toronto, Lizzie {dowm?} with me and she remained at Davis ville, Uncle at the Nomination at Weston.

Sun May 26. Heavy fog all day, Uncle and Auntie at church. Willie, Mary and the children here for tea. It came a heavy thunder storm in the evening.

Mon May 27. Fine but very cold. Snow flakes flying here, and in some places quite a fall. The children here in the afternoon.

Tue May 28. Fine but cold, ice and bit of sleet in the morning Mr {Juesby?} finished the trees. Aunties in Toronto Uncle and Aunt Mattie called at Mr {illegible} in the evening.

Wed May 29. Fine bright day after a little shower in the morning. warmer. I went out to Mothers. {illegible} get my dress made. She had her sisters all there to spend the day.

Thur May 30. Fine day and warm. my dress finished and Lizzie and I came out about four o'clock.

Fri May 31. Fine day. {Armie?} and Clara {Leandale?} here to spend the day afternoon. {Mayorie?} here. We put in our seeds {illegible} put in {illegible}.

Sat June 1. Cold East wind. Election for to fill St. Johns place. Dr Godfrey elected.

Sun June 2. Uncle and Aunties at Church. fine day with no rain here. I went to Fisherville. Willies here for a while in the afternoon. Aunt Nellie went over with them for tea. Uncle Aunt Mattie and I went out to hear Mr McKinley.

Mon June 3. Fine and warm. Uncle and I called at Mr Gibsons in the evening. Annie came home with us.

Tue June 4. Commenced to rain at noon. Uncle and Aunt M at Miss Griffiths wedding. Annie at Willies in the afternoon he drove her home.

Wed June 5. Dull and cold started to rain about four O'Clock. Mr and Mrs Gibson here for tea.

Thur June 6. Dull and cold. Aunties at Mrs Drury's W.A. Meeting. And Uncle went to meet them. Men started in the barn yard.

Fri June 7. Warmer and bright. Uncle in Toronto.

Sat June 8. Fine day. We were all at home.

Sun June 9. Fine day. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at morning Church I went to Fisherville we went to evening church, Mother went also. Aunt Mattie and I walked up the hill. Willie here for a while in afternoon.

Mon June 10. Fine day cool. Uncle and I went out to meet Alice, Margaret and Mrs Rupert

Tue June 11. Fine but cold East wind, Uncle went to the Synod Meeting, Auntie brought out Mother and the girls and drove them home in the eve

Wed June 12. Fine day. Auntie drove Mrs Rupert out to Mothers

Thur June 13. Fine day. Aunt {written over "We"} Nellie went to Miss Johnsons Aunt Mattie and the girls walked out to Mothers Uncle and I went for them in the evening.

Frid June 14. Fine and very warm. Mrs Cook and Amy here to spend the afternoon.

Sat June 15. Fine day. Uncle took the girls to the grave yard in the evening.

Sun June 16. Fine but very warm. Mr and Mrs Reive here to spend the day. I went to League in the evening.

Mon June 17. Fine day. very, very, warm. the girls went home on the noon Car. Aunt Mattie and I at Willies in the evening.

Tue June 18. Very warm at night it came a very heavy storm no damage here. but the hail cut off crops East of here.

Wed June 19. Rained heavily in the afternoon with thunder and lightning I was at Willies in the eve.

Thur June 20. Fine but extremely hot. I went to Maple to the SS. Picnic with Willies about seventy went.

Fri June 21. Rained a little very sultry.

Sat June 22. Heavy thunder but no rain, Uncle and Willie at George Deane Raising. Aunt Mattie and I walked out to Mothers in the evening. I went up to the football match with {illegible}.

Sun June 23. Heavy thunder in the morning. then cleared without rain. Uncle Aunt Mattie and I at church. very warm. Lizzie came home with us and remained till Monday eve. Uncle Aunt Nellie and I at Mr McDonalds. thunder and rain in the afternoon. went to League.

Mon June 24. Fine but very warm. Lizzie went home.

Tue June 25. Fine but very warm. rained heavily at night.

Wed June 26. Rained then cleared and very cool Uncle in Toronto. I went to garden Party with the girls and came home with Uncle.

Thur June 27. Fine and cool. Aunties called at Mrs {illegible}, and {illegible}

Fri June 28. Fine and cool Uncle and Aunt M. at Richmond Hill

Sat June 29. Came a little shower in the evening. I went to Toronto had tea with Alice.

Sun June 30. Came a shower in the morning. Uncle and Aunt Nellie at church, very warm and thundering but no rain, Uncle Aunt Mattie and I at evening church.

Mon July 1. Rained in the afternoon. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Mothers for tea. Aunt Nellie and I at Willies in the evening.

Tue July 2. Fine and very cool, Aunties in Toronto.

Wed July 3. Fine day and moderately cool. Men cut yard & orchard, I went to Mrs Teasdales in eve. {written below previous line}

Thur July 4. Fine quite warm. Mother's here. Mr and Mrs Atkinson called in the evening.

Fri July 5. Fine but very hot. We all went to Bmd Lake to the S.S. Picnic. Tom drew in the Orchard hay.

Sat July 6. Rained in the afternoon lightning very sharp Uncle in Toronto. Aunt Mattie and I at Willies in eve.

Sun July 7. Fine and very warm. Willies here. Marjorie and I at Fisherville. Aunt Mattie and I at evening ch.

Mon July 8. Fine day. Charlie here. Lizzie came over in the evening. Uncle and Aunt M. called at Mrs Jakes

Tue July 9. Fine day and cool. Edgely Pic-nic.

Wed July 10. I was at Mary's. Pollie Johnson there

Thur July 11. Rained Steadily. Aunt Nellie at Mary's.

Fri July 12. We went on the Firemans Excursion to Jacksn {Jacksons} Point. 80 cts. cleared about seven beautiful cool.

Sat July 13. Fine day. we met Willie Cook at Mothers. Cut hay.

Sun July 14. Fine but very warm. Uncle, Aunt Nellie and I at church. I went to League in the evening.

Mon July 15. Fine until it came a little shower in the eve. Mr Jakes' here for tea, Mick started work. working at the hay.

Tue July 16. Very, very warm too wet to do much at the hay, Mrs Hewn here for tea. also Annie we all went to Miss Duncans in the evening. T. Farr came in the evening.

Wed July 17. Fine but extremely hot, Tom left.

Thur July 18. Fine day, warm, men haying.

Fri July 19. Fine and warm, I went to Mr Teasdales for tea, Aunt Nellie came in the evening. Auntie got berries {written above}

Sat July 20. Fine day, very windy. cooler in the evening. I went to Aunt Nancy's. Marjorie has the measles. We made first Cherry pies.

Sun July 21. Fine day moderately warm. I spent the day in Toronto, Grant here.

Mon July 22. Rained heavily in the morning. I came home on the evening Car.

Tue July 23. Fine day sultry. Aunt Nellie and I picking berries.

Wed July 24. Fine very warm.

Thur July 25. Fine day. Aunt Nellie and I picking berries. Men finished haying all but rakings. I was over over to Lucy Bowes in the evening. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Thornhill.

Fri July 26. Fine and very cool. Aunties in Toronto.

Sat July 27. Fine day. our men helping Willie Aunt Mattie and I at Mr Smellies picking berries Auntie took Grant home.

Sun July 28. Fine day moderately warm. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at church. I went to Fisherville. Uncle Aunt Mattie and I at evening Church.

Mon July 29. Fine day warm, Aunt Nellie picking berries. Uncle, and I at Mothers. Aunt Lizzie came in the evening, Mick helping Willie, Tom at the Island, Picked some cherries.

Tue July 30. Fine and moderately warm. We went to Willies in the evening.

Wed July 31. Fine with exception of a little sprinkle, warm. Aunties and Aunt Lizzie at Jacksons Point. Uncle in Toronto.

Thur Aug 1. Fine day. Aunt Mattie Aunt Lizzie and I at Mothers Annie, Mary, and the children here in the evening. Men cut a little barley. {written above previous line}

Fri Aug 2. Fine and very cool after a thunder storm last night.

Sat Aug 3. Fine and cool, I went over to Willies as Mary is sick.

Sun Aug 4. Fine and very cool, Uncle Aunt Nellie and I at church I went to Fisherville, Uncle and Aunt Nellie at Willies I went to League. Aunt Mattie walked out to church in the evening.

Mon Aug 5. Fine but dull, Aunt Nellie at Willies It is Civic Holiday. Uncle cut a little more Barley.

Tue Aug 6. Fine but warm. Uncle and Willie in Toronto. Aunt Nellie still at Mary's. Came home in the evening

Wed Aug 7. Fine but warm. Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto. we had tea at Mothers, Men finished cutting Barley.

Thurs Aug 8.

Fine day. and moderately warm. Estella {Reid?} here for tea.

Fri Aug 9.

Fine day very warm. Mary and the boys here in the {illegible}

Sat Aug 10.

Fine but very warm. I was over helping Mary. in the evening & went to Thornhill to see them play lawn {illegible}. It is very dusty and dry. men brought a few {loads?} of Barley in.

Sun Aug 11.

Very warm. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at Church. Uncle and Aunt Nellie went for a drive in the evening.

Mon Aug 12.

Fine but extremely warm. {Willie's?} men here and they finished handling {over?} Barley.

Tue Aug 13.

Good but frightful wind. Aunt Nellie at Marys. the men there. Mother and Annie here.

Wed Aug 14.

Fine day and and I went over to help Mary. men finished hauling Barley.

Thru Aug 15.

Fine day. our men cut wheat and Hungarian grass.

Fri Aug 16.

Men started to cut oats but it rained heavily at noon, so could not and, Miss Phillips and Mr {Devlin?} here eve in

Sat Aug 17.

Fine and moderatily warm. {Liffie?} and Annie Mason here to dpend the day. Aunt Mattie and I walked out with them in the evening.

Sun Aug 18.

Fine and cool. I went to Fisherville, Aunt Mattie and I walked to Church. uncle and Aunt Nellie drove out.

Mon Aug 19. Fine day our people cutting oats. Aunt Nellie and I went to Mr Smellies bush to see if the Thimble Berries were ripe but were not. Aunt Mattie at Willies in the eve. I was at Mrs Clarkes with apples.

Tue Aug 20. It came a little shower in the afternoon. Aunt Mattie and I called at Mrs Bracks in the evening, finished cutting.

Wed Aug 21. Fine day, our men at Mr Phillips, thrashing. Uncle in Toronto in the afternoon. Ella Heron here in afternoon for tea.

Thur Aug 22. Fine day. Tom at Mr Martine thrashing. Our men at Willies in the afternoon. Sibbie Fisher and Annie here for dinner. Annie Jeasdale here for tea.

Fri Aug 23. Fine day our men at Willies hauling in I went over.

Sat Aug 24. Fine day. The men all here hauling in.

Sun Aug 25. Fine day and cool. Uncle. Aunt Nellie and I at church. Uncle. Aunt Mattie and I at Mrs Clarkes for tea. I went to League.

Mon Aug 26. Fine day, the men all here filled our barn.

Tue Aug 27. Rained a little all day but very light.

Wed Aug 28. Fine and warm. Our men pulling peas in the afternoon. Willie and Mercy Cook called in the morning. Mr and Mrs Gibson called.

Thur Aug 29. Fine. Our men finished our peas then went to pull Willies. The machine came at night. Picked crab apples.

Fri Aug 30. Beautiful day, our people thrashing.

Sat Aug 31. Fine day cooler. Willies are thrashing. Mr and Mrs Gibson called. Sizzie came here at night.

Sun Sept 1. Fine until evening it came a thunder shower. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at Church. Mother. Sizzie and Willie and children here for tea.

Mon Sept 2. Dull at first then cleared. Sizzie went home. Uncle and I took crab apples to Mr Gibsons.

Tue Sept 3. Fine day the men all here hauling peas, finished about half-past three. Aunt Mattie went to Toronto, called to see Mr Brunkskills, family. Sizzie came here and Mother and Annie to Willies.

Wed Sept 4. Fine day. Mary, Annie, Sizzie, Aunties and I at the Exhibition, Willie went down in the afternoon. We did not get home till four O'clock, it was raining a little then Uncle met us.

Thur Sept 5. Rained in the morning, Uncle went to the Ex_ Aunt Mattie and I went over to help Mary in the afternoon. It came a heavy storm in the evening.

Fri Sept 6. Fine day. Marjorie here came over yesterday.

Sat Sept 7. Fine until evening it came a little shower. We drove Uncle to the car going to remain in Toronto over Sunday. Marjorie went home.

Sun Sept 8. Fine day. Aunt Nellie walked to church stayed at Mothers for dinner, Aunt Mattie and I at Fisherville. I went to League. Tom went home at noon.

Mon Sept 9. Fine day. Tom over helping Willies, Aunt Mattie and I went to pick thimble berries, last hay went away.

Tue Sept 10. Rained and poured all afternoon. Uncle came home. Tom at Mrs Clarkes thrashing part of day. Uncle went to meet Aunties at the car.

Wed Sept 11. Rained a little, everything very wet.

Thur Sept 12. Fine day. Aunties at W.A Meeting and had tea at Mothers, Marjorie here for tea.

Fri Sept 13. Fine and warm. I went to Toronto had two teeth filled, $2.50.

Sat Sept 14. Fine but very warm, our men helping Willie finish hauling peas in the afternoon. I walked out to get my parcels and called at Mothers. Grant came.

Sun Sept 15. Fine but very warm, Willies here for tea, Uncle, Aunt Mattie and I at church.

Mon Sept 16. Fine and quite warm. Mrs Clarke here for tea. Mary and the children here and brought peas in the evening.

Tue Sept 17. Fine day warm. Uncle poorly. Miss Phillips brought. Plumbe.

Wed Sept 18. Fine but a little colder. Sizzie walked out and spent the day. Cleaned mans room. Our people sowed part of the wheat.

Thur Sept 19. Fine day, finished sowing wheat. We cleaned Parlor and spare bed room, put up stove in parlor. Charlie Jeasdale called to see Uncle.

Fri Sept 20. Fine but very warm and high wind, I went out to Mothers, Uncle at Mr Wm Fishers funeral, and in Toronto.

Sat Sept 21. Fine day, a little colder. Aunt Nellie poorly.

Sun Sept 22. Fine but cold. Aunt Mattie, Uncle and I at Church. Uncle and Aunt Mattie went for a drive, I went to League. Aunt Nellie at Willies in the evening.

Mon Sept 23. Fine day, moderately warm. Tom at moving at Charlie Key's. Uncle brought Peter Huff to fix the pump and then went to Toronto in the afternoon. Mr Jeasdale called.

Tue Sept 24. Fine but very high wind, Auntie and I went out to decorate, we stayed tea at Mothers. Uncle came for us, rained a little in the evening. Mr Jeasdale and Charlie here in the evening.

Wed Sept 25. Fine day, cold; Sizzie came home with us last night; we went out in the waggon to celebrate stayed out; for the service, Canon Cayley and Choir Collection $33_

Thur Sept 26. Fine day; cold, a very little frost but not to freeze anything. I went to Mr Jeasdales for tea.

Fri Sept 27. Fine day; Aunt Mattie and I went to Toronto. ordered our hats $2.85. Auntie remained at Alices.

Sat Sept 28. Rained from the East all day, very heavy thunder and lighting in the evening.

Sun Sept 29. Fair but black and cold did not go to Church. Annie, Clara, Charlie and Frank. Jeasdale here for tea; I went to League;

Mon Sept 30. Fine but cold and windy. Annie here for dinner, I walked to Thornhill to get parcels. Aunt M.h-Whitby.

Tue Oct 1. Fine bright day; I went to Mr Jeasdales for a little white frost while in the afternoon, had a snap short taken.

Wed Oct 2. Fine bright day; Mr, Ms Neil called; paid $50.

Thur Oct 3. Fine and very warm. I sat out on the Verandah. Auntie went to W.A. Uncle went for her in the eve, rained heavily in the evening.

Fri Oct 4.Fine day. I went to Toronto on a little business.

Sat Oct 5. Rained a little, Uncle in Toronto.

Sun Oct 6. Rained gently all afternoon, We went to morning Church. Willies family all here for tea.

Mon Oct 7. Rained at night; Uncle and Lom at Thornhill in the evening,they started to pull Mangels.

Tue Oct 8. Fine day but cold. Ice for the first time this morning, while frost. I got my cabinet from Aunt Jennie.

Wed Oct 9. Fine day, but dull. Eddie Clarke here they finished hauling in Mangels, garden things frozen off.

Thur Oct 10. Fine morning but rained a little in the afternoon. I walked out to meet Aunt Mattie.

Fri Oct 11. Dull and {sqnauly?}, uncle and I at Richneond Hill in the afternoon brought Sizzie home with us.

Sat Oct 12. Fine but cold. Uncle and Som out at the grave yard fixing up the graves. Sizzie went home.

Sun Oct 13. Fine but cold and dull. Tom Farr here. I went to Fisherville. Uncle Tom, and I at evening church.

Mon Oct 14. Fine day and warmer. Tom went home in the afternoon.

Tue Oct 15. Fine warm day, men picking potatoes. We cleaned upstairs.

Wed Oct 16. Fine warm day. Washed after cleaning. Went to Newton brook in the afternoon. Mrs Milne and Mr Smellie here for tea.

Thur Oct 17. Wood bridge Fair, fine warm day. I went with Willies Aunt Mattie kept the boys. Aunt Nellie at an extra W.A. Meeting

Fri Oct 18. Fine but colder. We cleaned dinning room.

Sat Oct 19. Fine day. Cleaned the kitchen.

Sun Oct 20. Fine day Aunt Nellie and I at Fisherville, Uncle Aunt Mattie and I at evening Church.

Mon Oct 21. Fine day very heavy frost last night leaves all falling at once put up cral stove. Raked leaves. Mrs Jeasdale and Annie called for Gibsons and walnuts Mr Jeasdale and George here in the evening.

Tue Oct 22. Fine day Aunt Nellie went to Bradford. Fred Reid here finished the turnips. Alice Shanklin came.

Wed Oct 23. Fine but cold. Sold ten pair chickens-at 8 cts a pound weighed 91 pounds, twenty pigs als calf went.

Thur Oct 24. Fine bright day very frosty. Alice went home in the afternoon. We dug in garden. Called at Mr Whites in eve.

Fri Oct 25. Fine but windy and cold. We finished digging the garden. Men picking apples in the afternoon.

Sat Oct 26. Cold after a heavy frost finished apples 8 BBb and some in boxes.

Sun Oct 27. Showery and dull. Uncle and I at Willies for a while in the afternoon Marjorie came home with us.

Mon Oct 28. Fine but windy. We cleaned back kitchen. Mother and Lizzie brought Minnie Applebe out.

Tue Oct 29. Fine. Minnie left on the evening train. Aunt Mattie and Uncle took pair of chickens to Mr Gibsons.

Wed Oct 30. Fine very frosty. Aunt Nellie and I in Toronto. Tom at Mr Martins thrashing. Annie and Marjorie here in the evening.

Thur Oct 31. Fine bright day. Thanksgiving. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at church. finished thrashing at Martins,

Fri Nov 1. Fine day. thrashing at Mr Phillips till noon. Uncle and I at Richmond hill in the evening. made Xmas Cake {written above previous line}

Sat Nov 2. Raining steadily all day. but mild.

Sun Nov 3. Dull and windy. We all spent the day at Willies also Mother and girls.

Mon Nov 4. Dull day. Mr Eli Snider buried. Grant here.

Tue Nov 5. Dull day we were at home.

Wed Nov 6. Rained a little men shot seven pidgeons.

Thur Nov 7. Very high wind Auntie took Grant home. they went to W.A. Meeting sold a little butter at 30 cts a pound.

Fri Nov. 8. Fine day. we were at home all day.

Sat Nov 9. Fine but cold. Uncle out at Mr Huff's Sale. I went out to Mothers.

Sun Nov 10. Fine day, Uncle and Aunties at church. I went down to Fisherville, It came a little shower in the evening.

Mon Nov 11. Fine day, Tom out drawing gravel for the Skating Rink. Uncle helping Willie to kill a pig. brought Stove in.

Tue Nov 12. Fine day, we were at home, quite cold.

Wed Nov 13. Fine until evening it came a little snow. Auntie and Uncle at the Flower Show. Massey Hall Finished the ploughing at noon. very cold.

Thur Nov 14. Fine but frosty. Uncle went to Toronto to stay over night.

Fri Nov 15 Fine day, bright. Uncle came home at noon. they started to put the Culbert in the lane.

Sat Nov 16. Beautiful bright day. Men finished Culberts. Will Riddell here fitting windows. The girls and I spent the day at Alices. came up on nine O'clock.

Sun Nov 17. A beautiful bright day. I was at Mothers at the Methodist Church in the morning the evening I went up to the English and came home with Uncle and Auntie.

Mon Nov 18. Fine bright day a little milder. Mr {illegible} got the apples barrels at $1.50. Auntie and Uncle at Thornhill in the evening. Armie came home with them. butter 30 cts a lb.

Tue Nov 19. Fine but a raw wind. We drove Armie out in the afternoon Mr Whitelaw called in the morning. Tom in Toronto with barley it is only 70 cts a bushed {illegible}. it was up to 90 cents a few weeks ago.

Wed Nov 20. Cold East wind. I was at Mary's in the afternoon. It started to rain at night.

Thur Nov 21. Rained a little in the morning then cleared.

Fri Nov 22. Fine and very mild bright day. men People are ploughing again our people all done. Tom in Toronto with barley. frost all out.

Sat Nov 23. Fine day. Uncle went out for Mothers in the afternoon Tom left at night. roads all muddy (27 for 7) to draw {written in between lines} $136.

Sun Nov 24. Fine but cold. Willies family all here for tea Grant stayed all night. Uncle and Aunt Nellie at church. I went to Fisherville.

Mon Nov 25. Fine day. Tom came for his trunk.

Tue Nov 26. Fine with exception of a little mist, we were at home

Wed Nov 27. Fine but colder. Willeis finished ploughing. Frankin and Armie here for dinner. Mrs Little called butter cts 30. {written in between lines} Aunt Mattie went down to Aunt Lizzies.

Thur Nov 28. Fine but very muddy. Lizzie came out in the afternoon, Uncle, Lizzie and I went to Fisherville.

Fri Nov 29. Fine day but colder and coming little {illegible}{illegible}, Aunt Nellie went to {Formto?}, {Anmie?} aud Lizzie here to spend the day. {Aumtieo} came home on the 3 o'clock Car, Mr. Rumbles fine in the eve. It is all frozen up clean, and dry, for last,

Sat Nov 30. Fine but cold, {Willeis?} children here in the {afternoon?}

Sun Dec 1. Cold and coming little {illegible} of {illegible}. Uncle Aunt Mattie and {l?} at church. Mrs. {Clarle?} and three children here for tea,

Mon Dec 2. Fine but very cold all frozen up {clear?} and hard, {illegible} helping John Ellis. {Auntee?} and {l?} walked to Fisherville, to a 10 {illegible} at night they cleared about $42, in all, {illegible} {30?} {illegible}

Tue Dec 3. {illegible} snowed a little all day very cold, Uncle at Thornhill in the morning. all hard {frozen?}.

Wed Dec 4. Fine but very {eald?}, Uncle went to Toronto in the afternoon. just a few flakes of snow falling.

Thur Dec 5. Fine but cold, Uncle took auntee to {WA?} meeting

Fri Dec 6. Fine day and much milder {l?} went to Toronto came home on the three car. {Illegible} met me. Mr and Mrs Falies came in the evening.

Sat Dec 7. Fine and mild & went over to Willeis in the afternoon

Sun Dec 8. Fine but damp and foggy the {illegible} sloppy, & went to Fisherville. Uncle, Aunt Mattie and {l?} evening church.

Mon Dec 9. - Fine warm morning but started to rain in the afternoon. Uncle and Aunt Mattie at Thornhill in the afternoon. Uncle getting ready for butchering. butter #30 {written in between lines}

Tue Dec 10 - Fine mild day, very muddy. We butchered. Thomas Poole also Willie and his man here. 964 lbs.

Wed Dec 11. Fine but much colder, all frozen clean. We made standing pies. Came a little snow in afternoon. We put our hens all in.

Thur Dec 12. Fine but cold. Uncle in Toronto and Aunt Mattie at Mothers, to stay the afternoon.

Fri Dec 13. Fine day quite a bit milder. We made Currant Bread also soap. Aunt Nellie called at Mr Teasdales they have just got into their new house a few days ago. I went over to help Mary in afternoon.

Sat Dec 14. Stormed all day a terrific East wind and snow blowing. I went over to help Mary. Mr and Mrs Teasdale and Armie here for tea.

Sun Dec 15. It is still storming. We light Coal Feider. we went to Church in Cutter, Auntie had to turn back as we got stuck in the lane. Mild and raining a little.

Mon Dec 16. Fine day. good sleighing. I went over to help Mary fix for Butchering, Nomination at Thornhill.

Tue Dec 17. Fine and moderately cold. Willeis butchered got through early, home shortly after four O'clock.

Wed Dec 18. Fine mild day. Uncle went to Toronto in the afternoon. I was at Mothers in the afternoon. butter 30 cts lb.

Thur Dec 19. Fine but a little colder. Aunt Mattie went to Aunt Lizzies she is sick.

Fri Dec 20. Fine day. Auntie and I in Toronto, Mother came home in the sleigh with us then went back with Uncle in the evening.

Sat Dec 21. Fine day very mild, Mr and Mrs Gibson called, I stayed with Mary in the evening. Willie at a Political Meeting.

Sun Dec 22. Fine mild day. We went to morning church. I went to Fisherville, Uncle at Willeis in the evening.

Mon Dec 23. Election Day. snowing, soft and wet everything covered over white, trees and fences very pretty. Uncle and I went out I went to decorate. We had tea at Mothers Mr McLean elected with 20. Majority. (butter down to 28 cts

Tue Dec 24. Fine day beautiful sleighing and plenty of snow on the level. Uncle and I went out to decorate in the afternoon.

Wed Dec 25. Christmas Day. Coming a little damp snow very mild and damp. We spent the day at Mothers skated for a little while in the afternoon. very soft and slushy.

Thur Dec 26. Fine and moderately cold. Lizzie walked out in the afternoon. Uncle took her home in the evening.

Fri Dec 27. Fine but very mild and sloppy. water all over.

Sat Dec 28. Fine day. sleighing nearly all gone. Uncle in Toronto in the afternoon.

Sun Dec 29. Beautiful day, moderately cold, roads a little icy and rough. We went to morning church. I went to Fisherville. Willie, Mary and the boys here for a while in the afternoon.

Mon Dec 30. Snowed a little very wet and slushy. Uncle and I at Thornhill in the afternoon butter 27 cts.

Tue Dec 31. Fine day, a little colder. Sleighing not very good.

End of year 1907 {centered on the page}

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Mary Agnes Cooper Diary 1907 Part 1.pdf
Mary Agnes Cooper Diary 1907 Part 2.pdf
Mary Agnes Cooper 1907 Classic Diary Transcripts.pdf


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper, “Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1907 Classic,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,
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