James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1854-1857


James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1854-1857


James Cameron


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


James A Cameron 30th of Aug 1857

Sunday 31st Cutting oats Began the pease

1st of September 1857 Finished the cutting the pease

2nd Charlie Tupper here I went to Christies & Fraser Mary went to Thomas Munroe her And Ellen cutting oats

4th Ellen to BlackBerries cutting oats Mostly stack of Pease Tom sick

5th Finished the stack of pease

{overwritten in lighter writing, possibly different writer}

First {illegible} 4-5

Letter for And Paper 3

{illegible} 10 1/2

{illegible} Another

Paying for the ca{illegible) 1/3 Donald {illegible} got them

Postage on Letter & Ticket going away 10-


{illegible} March Bought of A Summers S D

{illegible} 1857 to PyCl of P {illegible}nting /10s 5/10 0 .. 5.. 10

{illegible} of {illegible}ay to 5 1/2 yds of Cloth St 9 1/2 5 5 1/2 ... 0... 3...5 1/2

{illegible} of May to 1 Coat 12/ or 12/6 -----12..6

{illegible} of June to {illegible} 1 1/2 8 1/2 --- {blotted out}

4th of June to 1 Coat 28/5 Paid this all 1..8..5

3 Dollars and Cash Paid all this 15-

5 lbs of Wool Paid this up to the 12th {illegible}

{illegible} th of September to 5 Dollars of September 1857 {illegible} 5

{illegible} lb of Shot {illegible} Paid

Mr James Cameron F of W


5th at night, arcy McDonald Scraped got {illegible} Canoe to can {illegible} Putting in oats

Sunday the 6th Hugh Ann & Big {illegible}il from Donald Farquhars here

7th cutting Oats Sandy here & Shields Christie & Suschere {illegible} went to Lancaster for Granys Bundle

8th August Ellen {illegible}ed to McDougalls {illegible} Cradling Wheat Putting in oats

10th Bound Wheat

11th at Wheat Mr Hillard the Light House men {illegible} for sticks the Wheat got Wet Suse here they were here tried the Double Barreled Gun a First {illegible}

12 Crofsed to Bakers Pold {illegible} Sun {illegible} hime up to this Date Gave him 5 Doll{cut off}

{illegible}pes of Carson 4 & 7 1/2 3/4 of Bread 4 1/2 Lard this A F {illegible}

Duncan Cameron & {illegible} took Dinner at s {illegible}

Sunday {illegible} the

14th Mowing Oats

15th at the Wheat Mr McDougall {illegible}ing oats


Mr James Cameron 1st of October Drawing Drags taking in Corn Old Mr Bovair here Angus came up in the Boquet From Lancaster Taking in the Apples

2nd of October Husking Corn Binding Corn stalks Bovair Thrashing Peas Fixing my Canoe Setting Traps

3rd Crofsed for Granny got my Trousers at Cate Scarbo's Ronald Angus & Batteauce Bovair Came Finished the Husking of the Corn Batteauce & Bravo Went off through the night had Thomas Munroe's Little Boat

4th Ronald Angus Crofsed the Bovairs Came

5th Taking in corn stalks I had a very sore Bak Making a stack of the Pease straw & stalks Andrew Summers took away his mare and Davids mare away too Traided Horses with Andrew the Bovairs Crofsed took a Bushel of Pease Fanning Pease 22 & Peck Busks Jacob Baker here to see Bovair about the Potash Work Began to Thrash the Wheat Wheat, 12 Bushels of Pease in the Box in the Barn The Bovairs Crofsed

7th Bad with a sore Back Putting in the Black Wheat a stack

8th Ploughing Behind the Barn with Andrew Summers mare & Tom Caught a Mink his Pelt Black Drawing Drags got a Muskrat

9th Went for Nuts to the other side got a Wacth got Paper from E C{illegible} & Co 85 Wallstreet Bravo on the spree Drawing Drag Commenced the Potatoes near the House


Mr James Cameron 23rd of October Went to Bakers with Ashes Got 1 lb of Shot From Andrew 7 1/2 Treat at Davids 1/3 Gave Secor 2/6 for Granny, Went to Lancaster E James McDougalls Trial in Cornwall Great Talk about Allen Cameron & Wife & John Cameron Carpenter or Captain Robert McDonell to pay L 150 Besides Cost for Jame McDougall

24th I went to Bakers at semos at Roses Bought of A Summers 2 lb of Shot 1/3 1/2 Quire of Paper 7 1/2 1/2 lb Powder 9D got the Paper Seen Tom Davis Fits Stephens Found some of the Stolen Rosin behind the Fence a Platefull Our Hugh's Birth Day

Sunday 25th My Birth Day

26th Mowing & Raining Shot a Goose

27th Went to Fort Covington to Mill with Wheat & Corn Bought 1/2 lb Crackers 1/2 worth of sweetys 5D Got the Loan of Albert Briggs Horse & Birch's Cart the River very high East Wind & Snow, stopt at Mr Luke Bowen seen a Black Muskrat that Luke had stuffed almost impossible to go up the Little River

28th Killed the little Hog Ellen Went to Carys

29th Drawing Drags Watching the Raftinor Went to Bakers M Baker Very Poorly the First Time I was in Bakers new house Bought of Andrew Baker 1/2 lb Powder 10D Sundries 4S Sundries 4D Mr Secor to 2/6 for Trousers at A Summers Treat at Davids 1/3 Paid David Bled Baker

30th Friday started for the Scotch River. Bought of A Summers Knife 1/2 Caps 4D stopt at 2 Concefsion {illegible}in at Duncans at night

31st at Duncans

the 2nd 1857

Mr James Cameron

December 2nd Putting out Manure Ellen & Dan crofsed to Bakers with Ashes McInnes & Son & Mr Naughton & Alan here for the Horse. Steamers going up

3rd putting out manure

4th Angus crofsed for the Ram Bill Bill here about the Ram Went over to Nicholsons at night for the Ram got him at A Grants

5th Killed the Big Sow Shot her 9 or 10 small Pigs

Sunday 6th Got a Rast East Wind Steamers going yet

7th Putting out Manure Crofsed with the Sow to A Summer's Bought my Coat L 2...3...9 got for the Boshure Left A I an X {illegible} Throwing the Sice got 1 Bottle of Musk 5D 1 Pack of Cards 1 small Box gave to F Munroe Sold the Knife to Moses Blondeau 1/3 1 Pennysworth of sweety Gave Dan a Penny A treat to Wet the Coat 7 1/2D

8th Taking home Drags teamer and 2 Barges Went Down Light in Lighthouse yet

9th Putting out Compost Angus Went to S Colquhoun's

10th putting Manure on the Garden

11th Fixing the Cover on the Shed No Light in the Light House

12th Fixing around the Sheds Set My Traps Shot an ow High Wind

13th Preaching on the Front by M Watson \

14th Angus Went to Williamstown about the Skintail Horse Ellen & Dan Crofsed

15 Ellen & J crofsed I went Down with George Bosell to the Point stopt all night took Breakfast at Bosells.

Dec 24th 1957

Mr James Cameron Big Island Lake St Francis

Chopping Cord Wood Taking Home Wood Drew up the Big Canoe Christmas Eve

25th Christmas Day Charlie & Suse Here For Breakfast & Dinner Charlie took up the chairs James Hopkins & Buya here Looking for the Old Man. John Frasers Daughter Born sometimes about those Days

26th Angus crofsed James Guin came with him Chopping Looking around the Shore for Mr Hopkins got the Benefactor & the New York Times. A Ticket for John S Frasers N.Y. Bale cleaning the chimney.

St Stephens Day 27th Sunday got a Rat Trying for EEls

28th Chopping Cord Wood

29th Chopping

30th Chopping

31st Last day of the Year Angus Crofsed thrashing Oats 6 1/2 Granny & Angus at Nicholsons Crofsed Early on New Years Morning

1 Day of January 1858 Snowing Good Grofsing in Canoes

2nd Chopping Wood Nomination Day in Williamstown Angus Crofsed Drawing Drags

Sunday 3rd Allans Birth Day high Wind Quin and Thomas the Big Canoe could not crofs the Wind Being too high

4th Chopping Cut 3 Cords Town Meeting Day

5th Angus Came

6th Chopping The Ice Took in the night

7th Chopping and taking home Wood

8th Went acrofs to Francis Island Ice Good put out a Few Bushes

9th Election Day in Williamstown Angus Went Voted for Donald Ban Sandford Chopping put up 6 Cords got a Goose

Transcription Progress



James Cameron 1854-57 Diary Transcripts Part 1.pdf
James Cameron 1854-57 Diary Transcripts Part 2 2.pdf
James Cameron Aug-Dec 1857 handwritten .pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1854-1857,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/405.
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