William Beatty Diary, 1863-1864


William Beatty Diary, 1863-1864


William Beatty


Courtesy of Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society






19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Yonge & Lansdowne Township, Ontario

Date Created



Scanned Manuscript


{not actually from original diary - modern marker page in reproduced photocopies of William Beatty's diary. Walter was his son, who kept the diaries for safekeeping. Thus the diaries have become known as Walter Beatty, when in actuality they are the work of his father William.)



November 1863


October 1867

Rates for 1863, one pound even shillings x f (cut off)

Do or for shool seventeen shillings, eleven {cut off}

Rates for 1864 one pound ten

Do is for Shool one pound

Rates for 1865 one pound thirteen shillings, {illegible}

Do for School one shilling & eight pence {illegible}



{illegible} gave Thomas Scott four {illegible}

{illegible} accounts & square up to {illegible}

{illegible} received from David five {illegible}

{next two lines illegible}

{illegible} Robinson & Armstrong Bull {illegible}

{ line illegible}



July 7 took the Lillie cow to G Picks to the Socities Bull again 26

11 Do Granpas Cow to Wm Finnelys Bull

15 Do Younges Cow Do Do

August 10 think Best yearling heifer took a Bull that was on the road

Cure for pain in the stomak

one ounce turkey Rubarb

half Do Jesuit Barks put into a bottle of proof

a table spoonful every morning


June 8 divided the line fence between J. Johnston & me I go from Faines post north to a stake 23 feet north of second growth Black Oak tree that stands on me near the line

1867 April

{illegible} took the white cow to Johnstons bull

June 28 the Heley heffer took own

4 the Lillie 2 year old Do

18 youngs Cow Do


Jany 1 Heavy rain this morning with wind put a slow plowing Ad brock it out yesterday Elen & me went to Cris Young in evening
2 very high wind all day I fixed the windows
3 no meeting here today very hard frost with very high wind all day
4 went to Town meeting Mr Thomas Darlin was elected for this Ward fine day
5 Snowing this morning & most of the Day cleaned the poll oats put 39 bushel in the end barn & 3 12 for feed that made 42 1/2
6 went to Gananoque with C. Younge paid Wm Brough thirty one dollars fifty cents & got one note from him that I gave him last spring for corn & flour Ad took more oats Ad went to J. Redmonds for slabs got 45
7 went to the Scotts with Elen got dinner then them & me went to Mallorytown to the Annual meeting of the Agricultural Socitie was chosen President again cold day
8 drew wood from Malonnies got a peice to take the wood off
snow 9 thrashed oats in the forenoon Ad cut wood for the School went to an agricultural meet at Johnston Schoolhouse was chosen President very high winds with snow in the afternoon
10 the Revd Mr Gordon preached in the school house cold day with high winds S. West
11 Ad went to Redmond for another load of Sta{cut off} took better than two bushel of oats to him for them I could do nothing with a boil
12 drew 3 loads of wood from Malonnies fine day
13 went to the School meeting Mr McConoll was Elected Trustee each puple is to pay 10 per month or find 4 cord of wood
14 went to Malonnies for 1 load of wood Aunt Je{cut off} Aunt Jane Mary Lib Henderson came with Rob

1864 {January)

15 went with Mr Morrison to the Trustees he offered to {illegible} for a year & board himself they would not have him
16 Robie went home this forenoon there was a {illegible} rain most of the day
16 cleaned some oats & wheat & cut cord of wood for the school & took it the schoolhouse -
17 the Revd Mr Seymour preached in the school house & the Revd Mr Carrol in the curch fine day
X 18 went to Gananoque to the Mill took 10 bushel of wheat 3 bushel of oats got 14 lb of oatmeal for the bushel
19 thrashed some oats went to McCormics formed a commitee chosen chairman fine day
20 went Farmersville to the Nomination of Mr Jones Mr Richards Darg Magee JA McDonald were all nominated after a good deal of speachifying they all withdr{cut off} but Messrs Jones & Richards the returning officer called for a show of hands there was nearly two {illegible} for Mr Jones he then call for a division which was the same Mr Richards then demanded a Poll which was granted
21 {line stroked through} Ad brought a load of ceader from Younge I went to Gananoque in the afternoon
22 thrashed some oats in forenoon went to Gananoque
23 Do Do Do Do
24 No meeting to day
25 went & examined the bridge that Blair was to fix in the morning then drew 3 loads of wood from Mr Jones
26 Ad went to Yonge Ben & I went to Cooks, Bradley
27 went to Robinsons Schoolhouse to the Election a vote for Jones A great many people then Mr Carlings was there for Jones with Charles, Sinkler for Richards.
28 went again to the Election Jones has got a majority here
29 went to Gananoque with the slate of the {illegible} done at 3 oclock, Jones got the Election by 76 of a majority
30 went to Farmersville to the declaration after some speachifying Jones was carried around the square with a band plaing Farmersville never saw such a day everything went off well
31 the Revd Mr Carrel preached in the curch


February 1 Very stormy day snow & rain thrashed oats
{illegible} 2 Ad & Elen went to Gananoque Ben & lize younge went with them. I thrash some oats
3 finished thrashing the little oats Ad is very bad with his head the cut he got in it when Doll ran away with him is festering
4 went to the funeral of Steven Finallays child it was buried at Robinsons Revd Mr Brown exorted
snow 5 Cleaned the little oats 50 bushel in all that is thrashe stormy day wind & a little snow
little snow 6 put the peas in that was in the stack in the forenoon thrashed peas & oats in the afternoon
7 no meeting here to day
little snow with wind 8 went to Grames & got the horses shod he charges 1sa shoe & 6d for a remove Ad drew a load of rails from Diers I bought one thousand rails from Mr Malonee he got them from Dier Paid Malonee a Barrel of Pork & one dollar the thousand
9 cleaned the peas had 10 bushel clean oats had 38 filled up 8 bushel of Peas & 26 of oats for Kingston fine day
10 went to Kingston with the oats Peas got 2s.3d for Oats & 2s.9d for Peas went to the Palace & got the flax machine got home at 10 oclock
12 went to bee of John Johnston to draw rails from Hazlaps fine day
13 drew rail on to the road so as to make up the loads when we out of follow where the rails is
14 snow Rev Mr McConnel preached at the school house very stormy day snow & wind
15 thrashed oats Ad & his Mother went to Yonge Henry Younge went with them to bring the horses home Ad is going to help Rob



Feb 16 thrashed some oats & fixed the chain very cold day
17 drew 2 loads of rails from Deirs 47 X 33 Do Do
18 drew 1 loads of rails 50 asfisted Wm Hazelwood with Elen & to clean some flax
19 drew load of rails 50 Wm & Betsey Hazelwood brought Elen home we cleaned some of his flax fine day
snow 20 worked at the flax brock one of the beaters little snow this afternoon rather on the thaw Elen & Isabla went to Younge with Hazelwood
21 the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the Church this afternoon
22 drew 2 loads of rails 50 X 54 fine day
23 Do 2 Do of Do 50 & 52 fine day
24 drew rails out of the woods to the road & one load of 40 home at night little rain at times
25 drew of 43 rails, Nelson Shipman was here at noon when I came home he brought load of flax to get cleaned we cleaned part of it took the rest home again the machine cleans very slow fine day
26 drew two loads of rails 47 & 41 fine day Ad came home from Yonge he got the logs from Hogaboms
27 Ad drew two loads of rails 41 & 47 I thrashed some oats fine day the roads is giting very bad
28 heard Mr Brown preached in our School house & the Revd Mr Carrol in the curch
29 Ad drew two loads of rails from Malonees fine day
March 1 Ad drew two loads of rails from Malonees I thrashed oats little flurrys of snow
snow 2 Ad drew two loads of rails from Malonnees I thrashed oats some squals of snow
3 Ad drew two loads of rails I thrashed oats winds is south southwest this morning south in at three oclock PM Avery fine day Rob Beatty & Rob Armstrong came here at night Rob Beatty is very bad with a fellon on his finger they want Ad
4 Ad went to Yonge with Rob to help him to get out some rails I drew one load of rails that finished the drawing of the thousand that I was to get from Dier for Malonie the slaughing is very bad
X rain & snow 5 cleaned oats & peas in the forenoon went to an Agriculture Meeting at Johnstons School house then went with Mr N. Willaby to examine the Bridge over Black Creek near Mr Watts
6 rain & snow most of the day no meeting today little snow to day {in left margin} Snow starting to 9 Sorms this quarter
Snow rain 7 drew one load of wood from Malunies Snow & rain all day warm
8 drew two loads of wood fine Day
9 cleaned flax with the machin Ben Humph{cut off} younge helped with there horses fine day Robert brought Ad home to day
X 10 went to Mount Webster to let out a job on the Bridge did not agree with any one Ad tapd some trees
11 went to Mallorytown to an Agriculture Meeting went on horse back the slaughing is all gone {left margin - went to corner the st{illegible}}
12 boiled sap in the bush fine day Ad thrashed oats
13 Revd Mr Doxtater preached in the school house fine day


March 14 Boiled sap Ad drew some wood out of the bush into Johnstons field & took the horse powr home to Henry Johnstons
15 Ad thrashed oats I fixed my boot in the forenoon went to Escott Mills to attend a trial of Tras{illegible} & damages between Mosuer & Hide
16 mended the children shoes Ad finished the thrashing & choped some wood in the bush
snow 17 cleaned the oats had 27 1/2 bushel & cleaned the wheat that was in the bin had 17 bushel that is 27 in all little snow
snow 18 drew dung to the orchard in the forenoon snow and stormed in the afternoon
19 drew all the dung we could get for the frost
20 Mr Morrison preached in the school house
21 worked in the house at the doors very cold day hard frost Ad drew two loads of dung for Wm Thompson from the ashery
22 put on two doors upstairs hard frost {in left margin - Insured the Barn & contents for 200 dollars the house for 400 in London mutul Insurance Company
23 worked at John Youngs cultivator steamed two handles for it Ad cut bunk stuff
24 went to Gananoque with the waggon with 10 1/2 bushels of wheat & 6 1/2 of pussey grafs seed I got the wheat ground but could not get the seed ground till after dark I got a coat & patns cut paid 3s for both
25 worked at the cultivator part of the day went to Ben Younges to see his horse he got his foot badly cut
26 worked in the sugar bush Ad came from Young to night he went down yesterday for the coller that was at John Armstrongs {illegible} little rain to day
27 the Revd Mr Doxtator preached in the school house
28 worked in the sugar bush fine day
29 worked in the blacksmith shop fixed the three inch auger & the boreing machin
30 bore some bunks snowed all day
31 went to Brockville & got Thomas Davis & Simpson Note that was at Blyths and gave it to Kyes the Balief of Mallorytown he came upon the cars with me to be sued at the first court there was a little rain & snow
April rain 1 helped Benj Younge to Ripple the flax little rain
2 Do Do to clean the flax seed we weighed fifty six lbs flax before it was rippled then rippled it had forty four lbs of straw seven lbs of seed five lbs of wast
3 no meeting to Day
4 worked at bunks & stakes fine day
5 drew four loads of dung for a hot bed & splite some rails Ad boiled eight pails of sap fine day
6 split some rails & drew about 100 to the line between Fair & me likewise some bunks
7 fixed or worked at the garden fence fine day
8 finished the fence around the garden
rain 9 fixed the hot bed & boild some sap for vinegar little rain at night
10 snow heavy rain most of the night began to snow at day light & snowed all day so that there is no Meeting
snow & rain 11 X Ad went to Cristie Youngs & got a load of straw I worked at bunks snow & rain
rain 12 worked at bunks & stakes little rain
rain 13 Do Do Do Do
rain 14 Do Do Do Mr Robert Watson came here to see me about the raisin of flax
15 I went to Mr Bucks & got two teeth drawn Ad fixed bunks
16 fixed some tools in the blacksmith shop Wat came here on his way home
17 rain & snow there was no preacher came to day rain & snow most of the day
18 Ad helped Criste Younge to saw shingle stuff
19 fixed Bills shoes & shod him John Young Criste came up for my boots they fit him James Laltimers Wife died about 3 oclock I helped Jo Bradley all night to make the coffin
20 Wil run the East line it keeps the old line on fence pretty well


April 21 Began to make the East line fence with bunks fine at noon a little frost last night went to Jame Laltimers wifes funeral the Revd Mr Brown preached there was 32 waggons & buggys
22 worked at the fence fine day
rain 23 finished the fence as far as our crofs fine a fine drizz driseling rain in the forenoon Ad drew some stones for Mr Reeds foundation the foundation of a stone off Mr Reeds in the afternoon heavy rain in the afternoon
24 the Revd Mr Reeve preached at the School house
rain 25 worked at a cultivator heavy rain most of the day
the woods begin to look Red 26 Do Do dull heazy day
snow 27 went to the Turner neabourhood to see if there was any that would sow flax came on a heavy snow storm so that I had to stop all night at Thomas Davises there is some that will sow a little
28 came home from Davis this morning the roads is very bad
29 went to see Mr Latimer about sowing flax he will do all he can fine day Ad go five hundred of hay from Criste Young
30 went over the lower end of the school section to see and get the school bill & see f there was any that would sow flax there is some that will there has forty bushel of flax seed come from Mr Watson of Brockville for me to the station fine day Ad went to Younge to see about the sawing of the logs that was got of Hogabom yesterday


May 1 rain 1 Revd Mr Recine preached in the shool house heavy rain last night & some this morning
2 worked at a drag Ad went to Cooks to see if there was any of the farmers wanted flax seed put up noties we then drew up 20 bags or 40 bushel of flax seed from the Station that Mr Watson cant for distribution the Elens went to see Mrs Dickson she is very sick
3 heavy rain all day worked at the drag
rain 4 worked at the cultivator in blacksmith shop a little shower of rain Ad helped Criste Young to saw shingle stuff
5 worked at the drag teeth in the blacksmith shot Ad plowed for John Johnston that is the first plowing he has done this spring
6 cut the teeth in the drag & other fixings on it Ad plowed at John Johnstons
rain 7 Do Do Do in the forenoon heavy rain in the afternoon I went to an agricultural meetting in the afternoon
8 rain Revd Mr Reevie preached in the school house at six oclock we had the first sabath school this morning rain most of the day
9 made some more of the line fence ground very wet no plowing yet
rain 10 rain to day made a gait for the road Ad went to Johnstons to plow
11 drew rails to the peice of ground west of Healeys made the fence & plowed it for potatos
X 12 {in left margin} the woods is begining to look green went to Mallorytown to the Division count I sued J. Davis & J. Simpson they confession Judgment Ad & the boys planted about 2 1/2 bushel of Scotch Erely
rain 13 heavy rain most of the day no plowing yet cut potatos
rain 14 Ad went to Gananoque took 6 bushel of flax seed to Dr Richmans he is geting some parties to sow it he bought 100 of flour 12s, 100 of meal 7s6d
15 Revd Mr Recine Preached in the school house heavy rain


May rain 16 Made a cross fence in the paster east of the Barn to the line went to the station to the court of Revision there was a good many at it little rain
17 Ad plowed for J. Johnston fine day
Plumb trees in full bloom 18 washed the sheep at John Bradley I took 13 bags of the flax seed that Mr Watson sent here to the station again & sent it to Ly to hime there is very few that will sow it fine day
X 19 began to plow & plowed a pece in the grardens in the forenoon then plowed at the east line between the ditches the ground rather wet but is geting rather late late & there has been no rain for three days
20 {in left margin} planted 2 1/2 bushel of potatos in the garden Ad plowed & draged in 1 1/2 bushel of spring Rye that is the first sowing we have done fine day
rain 21 sowed 4 bushel of Barley East line between the ditches little rain in the afternoon fine growing time
22 the Revd Mr McCaull preached in the schoolhouse the Revd Mr Carrol in the church
rain 23 Sowed 2 bushel of barley then 6 bushel of poll oats & 5 bushel of John Younges peas on the fall plowing North of the North ditch worked with the cultivator the ground is run together - did not get all finished heavy thunder & lightning with rain at sundown
24 fine growing morning finished the peas & oats & then plowed for more Barley sheared some of the Sheep
rain 25 plowed for Barley dull with a little rain
26 sowed 4 1/2 bushel Barley little rain the ground is rather damp I cut potatos
27 {in left margin} 15 bushel of Barly in all sowed 2 bushel Barley 2 of the ridges was plowed last fall all the rest was plowed this spring
28 sowed 2 1/2 bushel of Barley & one bushel of oats between the barley
29 the Revd Mr Gordon preached in the School house
30 srowed the corn ground at the old Barnstead
31 draged the cornground & sowed 3/4 bushel of flaxseed at the North of it chained for the corn & planted most of it Ad plowed north of the first ditch for wheat the ground is geting hard {illegible}


June rain 1 Sowed better than 2 bushel of Black see fine shower last night the ground is rather wet to drag finished planting the corn planted about 1 acre got the seed from White George began to plow in the orchard for potatos fine day
2 plowed in orchard the wind is south at noon finished plowing the orchard & then draged it
3 {in left margin} planted 30 bushels of potatos in all began to plant the potatos one bushel of all sorts next the East fence then 8 bushel of Cork reds then 6 bushel of Prince Alberts Sowed 2 bushel of Black see Ad north of the first ditch planted 5 bushel of Garnet Chillas & 7 bushel of Cups & sowed better than 2 bushel of black see
5 the Revd Mr Reeve preached in the school house & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church
6 {in left margin} 12 bushel of peas in all Sowed 4 Bushel of peas John Johnston helped with his teem planted some beans in the garden Ad furred 3 drills for beets next the fence in the orchard
frost 7 planted the 3 drills with mangels sugar beets & kola Raba Sowed 3 bushel of peas that makes 7 of the Gardner Peas all sowed north of the first ditch west side of the path received a letter from Mr Watson with three dollars in it wanting me to go to Wadinton
hard frost last night 8 went to Brockville with the night Express saw Mr Watson & we went to Wadinton to see the Flax Machinery it workes fine stopted all night then came home at night Ad sowed 1 1/2 bushel of flax seed north of the old houe & began to plow in the north Field John Johnston helped him in the afternoon fine day very dry
rain 9 plowed & sowed 5 1/2 bushel of oats J. Johnston helped Herny Armstrong helpe likewise fined rain to day
10 plowed draged & sowed 12 1/2 bushel of peas oats Henery Armstrong & J. Johnston helped
11 Sowed 2 1/2 bushel of oats & peas H. Armstrong & H Johnston helped to plow
12 {in left margin} in all 33 bushels oats the Revd Mr Reeves preached in the school house
13 sowed 4 1/2 bushel of peas & oats that finished the sowing


June 14 I got Bill shod at Talermans Ad cleaned out the furrows of the oats ground in the forenoon split some rails & made a pice of line fence at the East line very dry weather
15 began to work on the Roads Ad went to younge to Hannaa Hazelwoods wedding she is to be married to Mr Camp from Gouldburn very warm weather
16 worked on the Roads Ad came home from young
17 Do Do
18 finished the Road work self 3 days Ad 2 David 2
19 the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the church
20 sowed 1 bushel of Buckwheat east of the old barnyard the ground is very dry
X 21 Ad roled some of the Peas & oats I made a door for the little bed room put 1 cow 2 heffers 2 steers in the Armstrongs paster
22 Ad went through the corn with the disk I made another door for upstairs
23 Ad roled the flax & wheat in the forenoon bill & me hoed corn ground very dry
24 drew gravel for Mr Weston for a road in to his place
25 Do Do in the forenoon Robert Beatty came here brought Elen home
26 the Revd Mr Gorden preached in the school house Thomas Scott & his Wife came here this morning
27 drew stones for Mr Westons road
28 drew gravel for Do Do that it finished
29 went to Gananoque with I Bradley to see if the flax brake was near ready it will not be ready for 10 or 12 days yet Ad went through the potatos with the disk
30 went to A raising of Do Reeds at the Station Ad went to a loging Bee of Mr Roths


July 1 worked at the potatos with disk
2 fine rain this morning cobled the children's boots everything looks refreshed
3 the Revd Mr White preached in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church & the Revd Mr Revee in the school house in the afternoon
X 4 went to Marble Rock with Mr Darlin to survey a road to Mr Colans Mill Ad went to Younge for a load of boards in the afternoon
5 went to the funeral of John Weston child the Revd Mr Carrol preached Ad came home with 500 feet of board, brought Jennet with him
6 Ad went throw the potatos with the cultivator
7 {illegible} the sheep paster the ground is very dry
8 worked at the corn
9 Do Do Do Ad drew stones to station for a cellar for Mr Dean
10 rain Ad & Elen went to Gananoque to curch with the Youngs young people very heavy rain the Revd Mr Revee preached in the shoolhouse
X 11 I went to Thomas Scotts & him & me went to view Meadows & flax for the Young & Escot Agriculture Society Ad & Bille worked at the corn
12 the Boys finished the corn then went to Mr Shels wood to hear the Revd Mr Carrol preach to the Orngemen the Revd Mr White & others spoke on the ocation I got home from driving at dark {illegible} & flax is light
13 worked at the potatos the ground is very dry helped Cristee Younge to move this Barn
14 I worked at the potatos Do
15 Do Do Do
16 Do Do Do
17 the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the church at 3 oclock & the Revd Mr Reeve at 6 oclock in the schoolhouse


July 18 Began to mow & mowed front of the old house
19 mowed in the south field west side grass light
20 mowed 2 drew in {illegible} took some flax with us
21 went to Gananoque with Mr Watson to see the flax
22 finished the 6 acres & drew some
23 mowed in the midle field west side & drew in what was cut had 7 loads of the 6 cares put it in granery {illegible} there has been no dew this week
24 the Revd Mr Reeve preached in the Shoolhouse
25 finished the west side of the midle field this forenoon little dew this morning cut the Rye in the afternoon
rain 26 mowed in the midle field East line a little shower this afternoon stopt the drawing in
27 worked in the midle field drew in the west side of what was north of the house
28 finished cuting the midle field this morning heavy dew with a fog raked & drew in the Rye had 1 load very dry weather
29 A little shower last night about 11 oclock Ad went to Beverly this afternoon to bring Isabla & David & {illegible} wife here spread out some of the hay & put it cock
30 mowed a little in the north field Adam Armstrong came here the first time he has been here since we moved up raked & cocked what hay there was in the midle field Ad came home brought Isabla & Lizie & her brother David {illegible}
31 there is a field meeting in Mc{illegible} woods the Revd Mr Reves & the Revd Mr White preached in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Burns & White in the afternoon there was a great many {illegible} the Revd Mr Reve preached at 6 oclock in the schoolhouse


August 1 Intend to got to Lyn by the halfpost {illgeible} to commence with Mr Wilson at the flax pulling
16 went to the {illegible} out the lansdown jobs Killing No to take down the hill fix the bridge, make a crossing grub out the center of the roads by the {illegible} cut it {illegible} to hemlock stub & tre to cleari it 40 feat width in the center for 50 to stub & hemlock tree to a stump

{illegible} made Michal Oconner

{next few lines illegible} cars laid out at the second concession {illegible} put up {illegible] and reported to

{rest of page too faint to read}

Transcription Progress

In Progress


  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 1.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 2.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 3.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 4.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 5.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 6.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 7.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 8.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 9.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 10.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 11.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 12.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 13.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 14.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 15.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 16.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 17.pdf
  Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867   Wm Beatty Diary 1863-1867 18.pdf


William Beatty, “William Beatty Diary, 1863-1864,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/487.
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