Donald Alexander Murray Diary, 1887-1899


Donald Alexander Murray Diary, 1887-1899


Donald Alexander Murray


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th Century, Oxford County, Zorra East Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 3, 1887

Is Part Of

Donald Alexander Murray Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


Front cover

Inside front cover [blank]

Duplicate of inside front cover with card with butterflies and Chinese script

[Another duplicate of inside front cover showing inside of butterfly card]

Donald Alexander Murray

born Jan 6, 1870

married 1902 June 18

died 1952

[Note written by donor] Nov.14, 1984

Dear Sir,

This book came up in an auction sale some weeks back. We felt it should go back to the Hickson community.

Sincerely [rest is cut off]

Toronto Jan 3/87

Jan 3 Commenced business with cash 500.00
" " Goods in store 400.00
" 4 Bot goods of L. Gun on Acct. 240.00
" 5 Sold goods to B.E. Monroe on Acct. 45.50
" 7 Paid to D. Gun on Acct. 120.00
" 8 Sold H. Calder goods worth 200.00
" " Rec'd H. Calder's note 110.00
" 11 B.E. Monroe redeemed his note 45.00
" 13 Gave D. Gun my note 120.00
" 14 Paid for Stationary & Postage 5.00
" 15 Bot good of D. Gun on note 70.00
" " Paid for advertising 1.20
" 17 Sold goods to Thomas Smith on Acct. 18.60
" " Paid cash for fuel 10.00
" 18 Rec'd from H. Calder on Acct 30.00
" 19 Redeemed my note favor of D. Gun 120.00
" " Paid for repairs 4.00
" 21 Sold Thomas Smith on Acct 70.00
" 22 Lent D. Gunn 10.00
" 24 Rec's from T. Smith his note on Acct 80.00
" 25 Rec'd from D. Gunn 10.00
" 26 Bot a stove gave my note 15.00
" 27 Rec'd cash on H. Calders note 110.00
" 27 Paid Clerks salary 25.00
" 28 Rec'd on H. Calders Acct 40.00
" 29 Paid for Telegrams 0.25
" 31 Sold my stock for cash 436.36
" 31 Paid Auctioneer 6.00
" 31 Rec'd on H. Calders Acct 25.00
Feb 2 Goods in store 500.00
" 4 Sold my stock for cash 1000.00

Page 2. blank page

Page 3. blank page

Hired Labor

Wed 8th June Mr Henderson
Thur 9th " " " " forenoon
Fri 10 " " " "
In Acct with A. Henderson.
1894 $
Apr To Three days threshing Peas XXX
" " Ploughing 1.12 1/2
June 9 " Drawing Manure 1.00
" 11 " " " 1.00
" 12 " " " 0.50
" 13 " " " 1.00
" 14 " " " 1.00
" 15 " " " 0.75
" 16 " " " 1.00
Medical Bill
Oct 3 To Dr Stick (?) for fractured ancle $13.00
Dec 21 " " Premeier (?) medicine 1.00
" Six bottles,C oil @25cts 1.50
" 1 " Liniment 0.25
" 1 " St Jacobs Oil 0.50
Mar 21 " 1 " Liniment 0.25

Page 7. blank page

January 1899

Jan 1st Sunday: Two below zero this morning, drove Jemima down home. Had New Years Turkey at John Brices, Roads bear in places
Mon 2 Alex drew milk to Hickson this morning. Mother and Stanley here for dinner getting milder afternoon went over to Tommy Greenslades in the evening.
Tues 3 Fine today. Will Evans came over in the afternoon.
Wed 4 Raining heavy all day, doing chores
Thur 5 Wheels running today, freezing afternoon. John Evans and Ed Murray here for tea.
Fri 6 Cold and snowing Pete's baby arrived today Alex went to the funeral
Sat 7 Very Stormy today, at home all day, clear and cold tonight.
Sun 8 High winds, growing colder Robt. Ross conducting services at Burns Church
Mon 9 Cold east wind, Alex and Jemima went to Tavistock this afternoon. John A McDonald here this evening collecting for missions.
Tues 10 Cold and clear, cleaning wheat afternoon. Mr & Mrs Greenslade spent the evening with us. Brother Bob called in on his way from Tavistock.
Wed 11 Below zero today Alex went to Tavistock with a load of wheat afternoon, bad roads.
Thur 12 Cleaning wheat forenoon Alex went to Tavistock with a load, horses ran away from him coming home.
Fri 13 Drizzling rain today, doing chores Albert went to E Corp's threshing.
Sat 14 Raining, at home all day
Sun 15 Went to Church the first time since I fractured my ancle, drove Jemima down home afternoon.
February 1899
Mon 16 At home doing chores Uncle Heck came up (from town)
Tues 17 Cold and blustering Will Evans and I were breaking in the trotter. Went down to Bob's in the evening.
Wed 18 Fine doing chores Mrs Moon buried today
Thur 19 Fair at home doing chores.
Fri 20 Went over to Louis Bigham's with a load of chop
Sat 21 Blustering, Alex went to Stratford this morning by train from Tavistock Will Evans began drawing wood afternoon.
Sun 22 Milder, went to Burns Church, (Communion) Mr Ferguson preached from Mot(?) 12.&18.
Mon 23 Fine doing chores Will Evans drawing wood.
Tues 24 Charles Knott paying us a visit today
Wed 25 Cold, at home doing chores
Thur 26 Oiling harness, Will Evans drawing wood to Tavistock
Fri 27 Albert Goring's youngest son buried today.
Sat 28 Blustering doing chores
Sun 29 Went to Burns Church small attendance
Mon 30 Went down to George Steward's in the evening. 10 below zero
Tues 31 Very cold today, doing chores
Wed 1 Feb: Bleak winds, drove Jemima home this afternoon
Thur 2 Getting milder, clear today
Fri 3 Heavy fall of snow this morning went down to George Murray's party in the evening
Sat 4 At home all day Will Evans went to Tavistock for chop.
Sun 5 Clear and cold went to Burns church, morning and evening Text Deut: 13.14.
Mon 6 Six below zero this morning Alex went to Woodstock
Feburary 199
Tues 7 Growing colder Alex drove pig up to Ed. {illegible}
Wed 8 At home doing chores, stormy afternoon
Thur 9 Went down to Will Bickle's to see his power mill got my nose frozen coming home.
Fri 10 Twenty six deg below zero this morning
Sat 11 Alex returned from Clinton at noon today
Sun 12 Went to Burns Church Text Eph. 2.1-3.
Mon 13 Very cold attended the funeral of Mrs McKay
Tues 14 Growing milder at home all day
Wed 15 Making Double-Trees
Thur 16 Very fine, drove Will Evans down to Geo. Stewart's
Fri 17 Drawing stones for Ed, snow disappearing
Sat 18 Went to Tavistock for chop.
Sun 19 Went to Burns Church in the morning. Mother and Stanley came up afternoon.
Mon 20 Very fine Alex and Mother drove to Harrington to see Auntie McKay
Tues 21 Fine milder weather doing chores
Wed 22 Cleaning wheat; went to Tavistock in the evening for bread.
Thur 23 Very fine, went down to Will Holman's sale afternoon.
Fri 24 Went to Tavistock with a load of wheat
Sat 25 Drawing wheat to Tavistock
Sun 26 Fine at Burns Church in the morning. Bob and I went down to Bruce's afternoon raining and very muddy.
Mon 27 Blustering today doing chores, going to Tavistock this evening for Breads
Tues 28 Began culling wood this morning George Stewart came after me to go with him to see some horses, very stormy afternoon
March 1899
Wed 1 Very fine cutting wood all day
Thur 2 Cutting wood, clear forenoon, cloudy with signs of rain afternoon
Fri 3 Cutting wood forenoon, raining afternoon went down home in the evening.
Sat 4 Went to Tavistock forenoon cutting wood afternoon snowing tonight
Sun 5 Went to Church, Mr Ferguson preached from Text Eph: 2-10 very stormy afternoon
Mon 6 Cutting wood all day, Bob came up in the evening looking for his man.
Tues 7 Good sleighing, cutting wood. Duncan Gould came over forenoon, I went over to Tommy Greenslade's in the evening.
Wed 8 Fine today Alex went to Woodstock. Oiling harness and keeping back.
Thur 9 Cutting wood, good sleighing
Fri 10 Cutting wood, Alex went to Tavistock afternoon, brought home a new clock.
Sat 11 Very fine sleighing almost gone. I went down home afternoon and dehorned four head of cattle.
Sun 12 Went to Burns Church this morning listened to Rev Mr Mculloch on missions.
Mon 13 Fine cutting wood all day
Tues 14 Cutting wood forenoon went over to L.J. Bigham's with a load of chop afternoon.
Wed 15 Raining went down to W.B. Kerr's in the morning, went-down home to the party at night, called for Mr & Mrs Kerr. had a very good time, progressive Pedro & dancing made up the programme.
Thur 16 Cold and blustering cutting wood all day. Finished washing dishes as I write
March 1899
Fri 17 Fine today cutting wood,
Sat 18 Raining this morning went to Tavistock forenoon, sorting over our apples afternoon. George Steward came up afternoon to see when it would be convenient to dehorn his cattle.
Sun 19 Stormy good sleighing went to Burns church stayed in at Ed's for dinner.
Mon 20 Blustering real March weather. Albert Jagger and I cutting wood. Bob came up in the evening for a logging chain.
Tues 21 Cold east wind, went up to Tavistock in the morning to get our cross-sut saw sharpened, very stormy afternoon doing housework.
Wed 22 Misty, doing chores forenoon went to Charles Ames funeral afternoon.
Thur 23 Thunder storm last night, cold and stormy this morning went to Hickson wirh a load of hogs, cutting saw-logs afternoon.
Fri 24 Milder today cutting wood
Sat 25 Cutting wood forenoon, to stormy to work out afternoon went to Tavistock in the evening.
Sun 26 WEnt to Burns Church in the morning, and to song-service in the evening.
Mon 27 Fine today washing forenoon, doing chores the rest of the day
Tues 28 Raining cutting wood all day
Wed 29 Stormy went down and dehorned George Stewart's cattle forenoon went up to Tavistock afternoon roads blockaded.
Thur 30 Doing chores forenoon went to Tavistock for chop afternoon.
Fri 31 Fine this morning Stanley drove Mother and I to Tavistock we took the 11 o'clock train for Clinton arrived there at 1 o'clock.
April 1899
Sat 1 Doing CLinton today, Jim Fair took me to the Opera at night.
Sun 2 Dot Fair and I went to the Presbyterian Church in the morning, Mre Jim Fair and sister came over and took me to the Methodist Church in the evening.
Mon 3 Took the train for Tavistock at 2 pm arrived at out destination at 5pm. Father met us at the station.
Tues 4 Fine today cutting wood Alex went down after Jemima, Pete called in the evening.
Wed 5 Thawing, splitting wood, Alex drawing it home.
Thur 6 Cutting wood all day, went-down to choir practice at-night.
Fri 7 Drizzling rain, cutting wood, had an invitation to Bessie Murray's party tonight but did not go
Sat 8 Cloudy and cold cutting wood, went to Tavistock in the evening.
Sun 9 Went to Burns Church.
Mon 10 Very fine, cutting wood went down home in evening, had a game of Pedro.
Tues 11 Butchering our porkers today, father helping us I drove him down as far as Bobs had tea there, raining tonight.
Wed 12 First spring like day, cutting down apple trees Ed came up we docked two colts.
Thur 13 Cutting wood forenoon went down to Bobs at noon helped him butcher, docked his colt.
Fri 14 Cutting wood forenoon sawing fence posts afternoon went own to presentation at Wm Ross's in the evening had a very good time.




Donald Alexander Murray, “Donald Alexander Murray Diary, 1887-1899,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 8, 2025,

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