William Beatty Diary, 1879-1880
William Beatty Diary, 1879-1880
William Beatty
Courtesy of Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society
February 1879 - April 1880
19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Yonge & Lansdowne Township, Ontario
Date Created
February 1, 1879
Is Part Of
William Beatty Diary Collection
Scanned Manuscript
February | 1 | Ad went to Perth with Bruce McNiel for to look for a horse he sold Ad of his {illegible} drew 2 loads of wood left 1 home took the other to the road |
2 | Revd Mr McClean preached this morning for us & at night for the Methodists Hugh McKay took him to Fairfax | |
3 | I went with Mr McMullan along Mr McClean to see Mr Darling he is some better Malcom drew 1 load here {illegible} | |
4 | Malcom drew 1 load home & 1 to the road I took care of the cattle fine day | |
5 | Malcom went to the woods drew 2 loads of wood 1 home 1 to the road the Revd Mr Greacey moderated in a call in the church for Mr Matthews it was unanimous all the members & adherents signed the call there was a missionary meeting at night the church was well filled the collection was $5.30 | |
6 | Malcom drew only one load to the road fine day | |
7 | Malcom drew 1 load here he cut wood for me in the afternoon I expect the horses to go to Claton ran a load of Mr Matthews Furniture if Ad comes home | |
8 | Ad did not come home Malcom did nothing for us the horses was in the stable all day Ad & Bruce got home at night they got a horse at Alma {illegible} | |
9 | Ad took Mr Hutchins to Fairfax this morning there was very few Revd Mr Garret preached in the morning Mr Matthews at night | |
10 | Billie got some Ash stuff at the road got it to the mill for to be planed & grove & tongue | |
11 | stormy day snow & rain Ad & Malcom went to the 6 concession for to get out some logs | |
Billie & Jennie { rest illegible} | 12 | Billie got the stuff up from the mill still storming there is quite a crust on the snow |
13 | Billie made the stairs down the cellar way hung the doors on the woodshed & seller way | |
14 | storm some of the Staving around the kitchen | |
15 | he worked at the kitchen all this week Ad & Malcom came home from the 6 con they got in 50 logs cold weather with some snow last night {illegible} |
February 16 | the Revd Mr {illegible} preached this morning no one came to take him to Fairfax Mr Garrett {illegible} | |
17 | I cut wood & atended to the cattle Ad & Malcom worked at the road cold day | |
18 | I cut wood in the forenoon Malcom cut wood fine in the afternoon I fixed Ads harness in the afternoon | |
Mrs Barns Ida came {illegible} | 19 | Malcom & me cleaned up the Buckwheat & peas in the New Barn this morning Malcom thrashed peas that we got from Bruce McNiel {illegible} |
20 | I went to Kingston with Hugh McKay on the Morning Express for to see Revd JG Smith in our church afairs came home on the 3.10 Express all well Ad & Malcom went to the 6 Concession to work | |
21 | Albert came last night to for Mr Barnes & Ida they went to Delta this morning the Revd Hugh Thompson went to Glenrail on the Mixed to night very cold time Watt & Charlie went home the roads is bad | |
22 | I have a pain in my side can do nothing Ad and Malcom came home from the Chanty | |
23 | Revd Mr Garret preach this morning Mr Matthews at night Mr Matthews went to Fairfax with Hugh McKays horse | |
24 | Ad & Malcom helped Bruce to saw wood at home they then went to Wms Ad went to Gananoque in the afternoon | |
25 | they finished sawing at Wm McNiel's Malcom came home before night & cut some wood for me the Revd Hugh Thompson came on the Express from glenvail & Harrowsmith where he preached last Sabbath | |
Snow {rest illegible} | 26 | Malcom cut wood in the woodshed |
27 | Wat came for to run a line for {illegible} McNiel saw logs fine day |
28 | Ad & Malcom went to the 6 con to draw sawlogs |
March | 1 | Ad & Malcom brought home a load of wood at night I can do nothing my side the pain so bad I have put on three mustard plasters on this week |
2 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret at night | |
3 | Ad put the harness on the colts this afternoon for the first he took them to the road Malcom went to the 6 concession banked out wood brought a load home at night | |
4 | Malcom went for wood this morning brought 1 load for himself stormed in the afternoon he did not go back | |
5 | Ad & Malcom went to the 6 con to draw logs fine day | |
6 | Ad came home with a load of cedar posts he had 40 he got them in Leeds across Sand Bay | |
7 | Ad went to the 6th con drew 18 ash logs for fence stuff ate | |
8 | Ad brought home 70 ceder posts he took them to the road Malcom came home with him fine day | |
9 | Revd Mr Garrett preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
10 | Ad brought out the horsepowr & sawed what wood we had the wood shed is filled Ad had his horses helping him Wallace teamed warm day the snow is settling fast Ad took the horsepowr up to Ab after we finished here | |
11 | Malcom split wood here all day there is no traveling on the roads they are so soft the horses slumps off | |
12 | Malcom & me cleaned the peas in the New Barn that Ad got from Bruce for seed had 9 bushel he is thrashing some of the old ones fine day cleaned {illegible} had five bushel they are only fit for feed | |
13 | Ad & Malcom went to shanty for to get out stuff for fence Keen Frost last night | |
14 | I took care cattle 2 lambs came & died they were very weak cannot stand up | |
15 | blustering day snow & wind Ad brought home a load of ceader pickets | |
16 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret at night I went with Mr Matthews he had his own horse | |
17 | Ad & Malcom out to the shanty for to get out logs pet cow a calf this morning very stormy day wind & snow |
March | 18 | Ad drew {illegible} |
19 | ||
20 | Ad brought out {illegible} to chickens & Mr Darlings he is no worse he thinks that his {illegible} is better {illegible} | |
21 | ||
22 | ||
23 | ||
24 | {illegible} brought to a {illegible} the forenoon a load of cedar pickets in the afternoon {illegible} left them a {illegible} when the road was bad very stormy in the afternoon snow & rain | |
25 | {illegible} to Kingston on the Express for to {illegible} with the call for the Revd Algrenan Mathews | |
26 | ||
about 4 inches snow last night | 27 | got home on the Mixed this morning there was a large attendance of members at the Presbytry Mr Mathews accepted & the Induction is to take place on the 8th of April at ten oclock in the forenoon the Revd Mr Greacey is to Preach Mr Gallacher is to adress people & Mr & Willson the Minister |
28 | I took care of the cattle cold day | |
29 | snow and rain most of the day Ad & Malcom came home from the chanty | |
30 | I went Fairfax this afternoon for to read the Elect {illegible} for the Induction of the Revd Mr Mathews I read it here in the morning Mr Garnet preached at night the roads is very bad | |
31 | Malcom came and drew dung to the north field in the afternoon got the horse shod {rest of entry illegible} |
April | 1 | Malcolm is plowing {illegible} with the cutter the roads are bad {rest of line illegible} |
2 | Malcom drawing dung Jennet went to Kingston on the Express Mary Jane McNiel went with her they are going to Revd Mr McPhersons on a visit fine {illegible} day | |
3 | Malcolm is drawing dung I took care of cattle | |
4 | Do Do Do Do | |
5 | Do Do Do Do | |
6 | Revd Mr Matthews preached at Fairfax I went with him & read the Edict for the Induction Wm Cornett took us up with the slaugh Mr Garnet preached this morning Mr Matthews at I read the Edict | |
7 | Malcom drew dung I took care of the cattle {illegible} the Revd Mr Greacey at the station he came for the Induction | |
8 | I met Revd Messers Willson & Chamber & Gallacher at the station Mr Gallaher preached Mr Greacey adressed the Minister Revd Mr Algrenan Matthews Mr Willson there was a good meeting fine day Malcolm finished drawing the dung here he then went to the road to draw there the Dittch | |
9 | 2 year old calved the morning and the Bradley cow Billie went to Delta | |
10 | stormy day Snow and wind & very cold with hard frost | |
11 | very cold wind North with little snow & drift | |
12 | fine day but cold Ad Sowed about 1 1/2 bushel of Fall Rye on Ridges the center East End North it is for paster | |
13 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning {rest illegible} | |
14 | Billie came from Delta to day cold day | |
15 | Malcom split wood in the shed all day {illegible} gardening of the little {illegible} | |
16 | Ad & Malcom went to shanty to cut wood | |
17 | cold backward time trying to get a horse started it is hard frozen yet | |
18 | worked a little at the {illegible} of the potato ground cold {rest of entry illegible} |
April | 19 | Ad and Malcom came home from the shanty this afternoon they had a fine time for work |
20 | the Revd Mr Garnet preached this morning & Mr Matthews at night | |
21 | {illegible} & Malcom went out to the shanty & to {illegible} saw logs that is at the mill {illegible} saw Wallace want to get his seed sowed | |
22 | I had to make out a list of the {illegible} signatures for Mr Fields fine day | |
23 | Wallace came hom from the sawmill he {illegible} he brought 4 peices of ash log big wheel rims fine day roads is good | |
24 | Ad went to the sawmill to get in logs for Macleans house | |
25 | Ad came home from the sawmill he got {illegible} that he wanted & brought the straping for the kitchen and some other stuff | |
26 | I sowed cabbage seed and Tomattos in the hot bed I could not get it ready sooner I took the covering of the strabery bed and planted some crepers at the church | |
27 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garnet at night fine day | |
28 | Malcom spread dung at the Road most of the day came home in the afternoon & spread dung in the North East field & helped {illegible} to kill a calf at night fine day | |
29 | Malcolm finished spreading dung in the field I got 5 cents for the {rest of entry illegible} | |
30 | Ad sowed {illegible} bushel of oats at the road {illegible} bush field he got the {rest of entry illegible} |
May | 1 | rain & snow this forenoon the snow {illegible} the ground all white {illegible} with the teams they have the {illegible} |
2 | Malcom & Ad up the fence {illegible} {rest of entry illegible} | |
3 | Malcom was out at the road I fixed some of the {illegible} fine drying day the ground is wet yet | |
4 | Revd Mr Garret preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
5 | Ad took the Boar out to the road this morning Malcom worked out there I attend a meeting at Mr Matthews | |
6 | Malcom & me worked out the garden lane fence from the ditch so as to sink or bore holes he bored some holes & then he dug | |
7 | Malcom spaded a piece of a ridge for more strawberries I planted it with potatos & planted the garden | |
8 | Ad began to sow & sowed {illegible} bushels of fall Rye on the North half of the East Midel field it is for paster | |
9 | sowed 5 bushels of peas & 9 bushels of oats & barley in the north half of the West Midle they are working the 4 Colts & the Blacks I went to the funeral of Miss Clear she was Buired in Robinsons burying ground there was 90 teams Revd Mr Matthews preached | |
10 | they finished the field & cleaned out the {illegible} | |
11 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning & Mr Garrett at night | |
12 | I sowed 3 bushets of wheat in the field {illegible} {rest of entry illegible} | |
13 | they plowed where the Beets {rest of entry illegible} | |
14 | {illegible} & draged in some oats & barley they worked at the same field I planted {illegible} | |
15 | fine rain last night nothing done this forenoon | |
16 | they plowed draged & raked in the Buck wheat field fine growing | |
17 | worked in the same field {rest of entry illegible} |
May 18 | Mr Garnet preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
19 | {illegible} the plowing and sowing here {line illegible} in all 1 1/2 bushel of wheat in the field where the potatos was last year Ad draged & raked the garden it was plowed to wet | |
20 | Ad worked the 3 teams at the road {illegible} the big field south of side {illegible} I went to a meeting at {illegible} for {illegible} to day {illegible} to go the convention at Delta on the 22nd it was the most shamefull act of {illegible}ing that I ever saw there was a {illegible} of Websters of 20 that did all | |
21 | {illegible} all working at the road in South {illegible} Ad went to {illegible} Ellen went with him to Suzie {illegible} very poorly she is going to get potatoes for seed he had one of {illegible} | |
22 | {illegible} plow & draged at the {illegible} | |
23 | Ad came home last night with {illegible} bushel of potatos {illegible} 50 cents per bushel Jenny had a calf this forenoon there quite a frost this morning | |
24 | they all worked at the Road got all sowed | |
25 | Revd Mr Matthews preach this morning | |
26 | Wallace & Malcom scatting the Buckwheat straw in the field that is come of the we fixed up the {illegible} | |
{rest of page blank?} |
June 1 | Revd Mr Garnet preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | Malcolm bored holes for the lain {rest illegible} | |
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 | Malcom helped Wallace at the building of his celler Revd Mr Matthews preached this afternoon we had a congregational Meeting we apointed Wm A Cornett Treasure and Wm Thompson & Wm A Cornett auditory | |
8 | Revd Mr Matthews preached & held theh communion there was a large meeting the church was full 49 partook of communion that had taken there was that had no taken | |
9 | Ad & Malcom planted some corn at the road | |
10 | Ad & Malcom worked at the road I planted 50 Tomato plants fine rain last night and to day | |
11 | Malcom & Ad worked at there potatos ground {illegible} & picking rocks & draging I atend and arbaitration on our dividing our School section | |
12 | I went to the Road and droped potatos for Malcom & Ad he furrowed out fine rain to day | |
13 | Ad and me finished planting his potatos they are in the swamp next the road that they cleaned up | |
14 | Ad planted corn in the same place I went with Mr Matthews to see Mr Darling he is very bad his tows and the side of his foot is all black | |
15 | Revd Mr Garnet preached this morning and Mr Matthews at night there was a steady rain all day | |
16 | we worked on the roads Malcolm & the horses Ad & me drew stones out of our woods put them between Taylors corner {illegible} | |
17 | went to the funeral of Mrs Cruthers Revd Mr Garnet preached in the church it was filled so that there seats nor room for very many & some out side she was buired at Robinson there between 50 & 60 teams I took the Poll Bearers |
June | 18 | Ad finished our road work Malcom cultivated the {illegible} back of the barn with the wheeled cultivator wanting to put turnips in it very weedy Billie brought Jennet home Lizzie is a little better |
19 | Malcom plowed in the field back of the barn Billie worked of the children fine day | |
20 | Malcom finished the plowing & then drew ashes from the ashery & spread 2 loads on a Ridge | |
21 | Malcom Drew ashes to the field that he plowed | |
22 | Revd Matthews preached this morning Mr Garrett at night | |
23 | Malcom draged the 5 ridges that he had put ashes on & then ridged them with the horses for turnips & the forenoon he drew ashes in the afternoon & worked on the roads he went to Mallorytown got the colts shod & got the turnip drill from Rob to sew the turnips with Revd Mr Green the Bible Agent gave a lecture on the Spanish Armeda in the church there was a good attendance | |
24 | Malcom drew Ashes I was with him all day he was here all night we took dinner at Mr Matthews | |
25 | Ad raked some of the rows or drills and some of the with Ronnies Prizie Sweet Purple top | |
26 | sowed the remainder Ronnies turnip seed 2 lbs began at the East fence & came west within 3 rows of the maple tree then we sowed 2 rows of Waites Eclipse purple top Hybrid a little rain at 11 oclock I went a Strawberry festival in show ground of Church of England | |
27 | sowed nearly 1/2 lb of the Waites Hybrid then 1 row of the Red Surrey carrot then some Sugar Beets & Suttons Champion P.T swedes on the {illegible} of the piece part of the ground is very ruff | |
28 | Malcom went through the potatos with the cultivator & hoed the potatos I lathed some in the house | |
29 | Revd Mr Garret preached this morning & Mr Matthews at night | |
30 | hoed in the garden I lathed part of the day & sifted plaster & ashes & mixed them to put on the turnips part of them is up & the black fly is taking them |
July | 1 | Malcom put the ashes & plaster on the turnips this morning 29 rows there was a heavy Dew & fog I went to a Sabbath School celebration at Dulcimain there was larger gathering Revd Messrs Horton Garret & Bail & McQuague & several other {illegible} |
2 | Malcom cultivated in the garden I lathed in the kitchen fine day very dry | |
3 | Malcom & me run off lime for plastering the house expeck Hugh McKay the last of the week | |
4 | Malcom hooeing the garden Ad & Wallace lathed over head in the kitchen I am not {illegible} {illegible} | |
5 | I lath the seller way Ad went for his grist to Gananoque that he took up on Thursday | |
6 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garret at night | |
7 | Hugh McKay came & plastered the kitchen all hands was at work we took the plaster of the kitchen overhead it was a hard job had for to take apart of the lath Hugh got the first coat on it all except {illegible} | |
8 | Hugh went over it all this morning we all then went to Strawberry festivall for our church in the Agricul Hall the Escott band was up | |
9 | Malcom & me run of lime for a puttie coat Ad commenced to mow in the midle field south half of it the north half is in peas & oats | |
10 | Malcom & Wallace hoed potatos out at the road Ad mowed finished the midle field & began the north field | |
11 | Hugh put the puttie coat on the front room Malcom & Wallace hoed at the road | |
12 | Malcom hoed in the forenoon Wallace {illegible} the midle field in the forenoon they {illegible} loads put them in the New Barn & put up {illegible} Ad mowed some in the orchard | |
13 | Revd Mr Garrett preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
14 | Hugh put the puttie coat on the kitchen they drew in 3 loads of the Southfield Ad finished cutting the orchard | |
15 | Hugh finished the seller this forenoon Ad mowed at the road |
July | 16 | |
17 | ||
18 | ||
19 | ||
20 | ||
21 | ||
22 | {illegible} raked & cocked up what they {illegible} hay in the old house side till it rained then they went to the {illegible} Ad he mowed in the {illegible} east field there is not much rain it is {illegible} | |
23 | they all worked at the potatos at the road | |
24 | they fine had the hoeing very heavy rain at noon fine afternoon | |
25 | they raked & drew in |
26 | they cut the fall wheat and bound & stacked it Wallace Jo Stone Malcom & Henery Webster Man raked & bound & drew 2 loads Wallace went to Young with Hellen Smith from the old house {illegible} McIntosh and Jennet fine day for work | |
27 | Revd Mr Garrot preached this morning and Mr Matthews at night | |
28 | Ad cut the field East of the Barn & they raked & dew in 3 loads I went with Mr Matthews to see Mr Darling he is very poorly his mind wanders very much {illegible} to who the Lord call he says the will of the Lord be done | |
28 | Ad & Malcom drew in 2 loads of hay from the field East of the Barn that finish our hay {illegible} | |
29 | Ad & Wallace & Malcom Ab McNiel to {illegible} that Wallace got from him | |
30 | they worked {illegible} | |
31 | they drew in the fall wheat had {illegible} Malcom worked at the turnips |
August | 1 | Malcom is working at the turnips {illegible} Wallace is drawing home the hay from {illegible} |
2 | Billie came last night him & Ad & Wallace worked at Wallace house Malcom worked at the turnips | |
3 | Revd Mr Matthews preach this morning Mr Garret at night | |
4 | Billie & Dan Davidson worked at the {illegible} Ad & Wallace helped Malcom worked at the turnips dry time | |
5 | they all worked at the except Malcom he worked at turnips | |
6 | Do Do Do Do Do Do | |
7 | Do Do Do | |
8 | Billie & Dan went home last night Ad & Wallace worked at the house boarding up the sides Billie & Dan got the rafters on & the rooff boarded & the girths for the doors & windows all in before they left Malcom worked at the turnips he had Bruces old maire went through them | |
9 | Ad & Wallace went out to the road to cut oats there Malcom worked at the turnips they are doing well | |
10 | Revd Mr Garrett preached this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
11 | they all worked at the road at the oats they had to cradle the most of them Ad brock the reaper they drew in what was cut on Saturday there was a little shower last night | |
12 | Malcom & Wallace began to hook the peas they are good crop Ad & Bruce has been getting the Reaper fixed Jennie & Mary Jane McNiel went to Gananoque to meet Mrs Smith | |
13 | Ad & Wallace Drew in 3 loads of peas & hook more Malcom was not hear his Wife is sick | |
14 | Ad got the oats in the midle field Wallace & Malcom finished hooking the peas & they drew them in had 3 loads that is 6 in all fine day | |
15 | Ad cut the spring wheat in the field below the house this forenoon Wallace is binding it Malcom {illegible} Malcom came in the afternoon they stooked the wheat & drew 2 loads of oats from the midle field | |
16 | they drew 4 loads oats Alexander Cornett helped Ad 2 & him 2 it then began to rain & rain all day & most of the night | |
17 | Revd Mr Matthews preached this morning Mr Garrett at night there was {illegible} few & {illegible} raining |
August | 18 | Bessie came from Delta this morning she is going to Glentay with Jennet & Minnie Malcom is not working his wife is sick Ad is looking for a horse |
19 | Ad cut some of the oats in the south field the thrashers came this afternoon it is a new machin Wm & Dan {illegible} fine day after the rain | |
20 | they thrashed the fall wheat & had 70 bushels they think there is a good deal of straw & chaff in it then they 120 bushel of oats Dan Cowan Bruce McNiel helped with there horses | |
21 | Ad Wallace & Malcolm turned over the oats & got in 2 loads of oats they are too wet cleaned up bushel of oats & took to the mill the rest home for feed for the horses | |
22 | heavy rain last night & this morning no work Wallace & Ad went to The Sawmill at the creek they brought home a load of boards & then turned over the grain in 2 small loads | |
23 | they drew in 5 loads of oats & 1 load of wheat it was a fine drying day the Revd Mr Nicholson came down from Kingston on a visit | |
24 | Revd Mr Houston preached in the Ornghall this morning Mr Matthews at night | |
I went to see Mr Darling with Mr Nicholson he is no better | 25 | Ad cutt the spring wheat in the East field below the barn Bessie & Jennet went Glentay to see Ellen |
26 | Ad cut the oats at home Malcom worked at the turnips | |
27 | Ad & Malcolm Drew in a load of from the Eastfield in the forenoon then went to the road & Drew in oats Bessie & Jennet came home from Glen Tay last night | |
28 | Ad went to Glentay to buy a horse he went on the Express this afternoon all our horses {illegible} is down Malcom is seeing to the wife she is sick | |
29 | Malcom is thrashing at Henery Webster's | |
30 | I went to Escott to {illegible} Whites got the colt shod all round paid him four dollars Ad owed him for shoeing the last time I then went {illegible} with Jenny she is going to Farmersville to school stoped at {illegible} | |
31 | I went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr {illegible} |
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William Beatty, “William Beatty Diary, 1879-1880,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/503.
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- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 1.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 2.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 3.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 4.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 5.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 6.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 7.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 8.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 9.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 10.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 11.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 12.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 13.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 14.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 15.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 16.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 17.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 18.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 19.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 20.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 21.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 22.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 23.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 24.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 25.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 26.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 27.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 28.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 29.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 30.pdf
- William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 31.pdf