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William Beatty Diary, 1880-1883

William Beatty 1880-1883 Diary 61.pdf

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Sept 1 Dan and Wallace is helping Bruce to draw in there is a fine rain this afternoon
2 I went to Gananoque with Hugh McKay for to get stuff for a fence for the church we got it at McClarnens Dan went to {illegible} with a grist 10 bags wheat went to look for himself some {illegible}
3 Dan took Richards to Fairfax & Sand Bay Revd Mr Richards preached at night Mr Crage at night
4 I went to helped J McDonald in the shop to make a share for the plow there was so Many horses came in that we got very little done Dan was looking for {illegible}
paid McDonald in share 3.50 5 I was a McDonalds all day got the share done Dan started to plow for the fall wheat he is cross plowing
6 Dan is plowing I got a shoe o Kate I went to a Harvest home dinner in the Grill Shed there was a large gathering Ellen an the children & Bissie came from Perth on Express
7 Dan drew in Wallaces oats I helped them fine day
8 Dan is plowing for fallwheat it is hard work we drew in the flaxseed cool day
9 Dan is plowing I went with Wm McCready to try & get some stones at Armstrongs for corners for the Sand Bay church we got four small ones put in two blasts they did not qua{illegible}
10 Revd Mr Shane preached this morning Mr Bailie at night
11 Dan is plowing I nailed some fence boards on the posts for a lain and got some wood
12 Dan finished the cross plowing today it is very hard Dan cultivated & rolled the peace Ellen {illegible} Revd Mr Leashman preached the induction service Revd Mr McQuaid and Willson adressed the Miniter an people we had a good meeting after the congregation dismissed Mr Leashman called the session and Mr Shane in Moderator of Sission I was put in Rep{illegible} Elder
13 Dan cultivated & rolled the peice it is very rough Ellen & me went to Sand Bay to the Laying of a corner ston of a Presbyterian Church Revd D Jordan Laushway McQuaig & Shane adressed the people
14 heavy wind and rain most of the day Dan drew dung
15 Dan drew dung from Mathews for wheat Aunt Isabela came from Duram on the Express

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  • Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
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  • Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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