Charles John Treffry Diary & Transcription, 1867


Charles John Treffry Diary & Transcription, 1867


Charles John Treffry


Courtesy of Norwick Archives


19th Century, Oxford County, Norwich Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Charles John Treffry Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


C.J. Treffry January 1st 1867

{in right hand corner is written the following calculation}

24 lbs of Wool at 28¢


Carding 1.20

Spinning 4.00

Color 1.00

Weaving 3.16 1/2



{-} .50


101 /15.58 1/2

Cost of Car (shortform for carpet) pr yd say 62¢

{In left hand corner he has worked out the 62¢ calculation}

5-1 {L07 NC pyev LX or something like that, likely written by archival staff}

Diary for 1867

Diary for 1867 C J Treffry

Lot No 2 - 10th Con

South Norwich

Canada West

Tuesday Jan 1st 1867 Very fine & mild self & Sam sawing wood dined in the Woods Mr Rendall & Mr Trefford dined with us Mother dined here

Wednesday 2d fine day self & Horses as Yesterday

Thursday 3d fine mild weather self & team as yesterday

Friday 4th self & team & john in the woods sawing


Saturday Jany 5th Self cutting wood out of the tree tops John draw'g it in the forenoon afternoon John went to Otterville self cutting wood &c

Sunday 6th Mothers Birth day aged 79 Father Jany{?} Mother & Wm here to dinner self Wife Mother & Wm went to Randalls in the afternoon Wife taken very poorly

Monday 7th Attended Town Meeting G. Goodwin Reeve A L. Wilson Dpy reeve Sam Wallace H A Titus{?} & D{?} Randall Councillors

Tuesday Jan/y 8th 1867

Self W & John attended South Norwich Branch Agl. Soc'y Annual Meeting at the Town Hall Otterville the following persons were Elected C J Treffry Presdt A. L. Wilcox V. P. W. H. Treffry H. A. Titus G. Goodwin H. Shattuck Martin Harris Henry Vanmere, A. B. Moore Dr. Meccasar{?}, & J B Smith Directors

Wednesday 9th

Mary R. came to help fine day self attended school meeting H. A. Titus Elected Trustee in place of Martin Du{illegible} M. Reynolds & Mr Marshall here to dinner Mary Randall here

[written vertically:] John comenced to work. Self & wife went to Otterville in the afternoon

Thursday Jany 10th

Cold self & Wife left home for Foxes got there about 1/2 past two in the afternoon.

Friday 11

self & Wife went with P Fox to Woodstock to get the girls (dres's?) also call a on M & Mrs Wright.

Saturday 12

Cold self & wife at P Foxes

Sunday 13th

Cold & blustry self & wife returned home wife very poorly

Monday Jan/y 14th 6y

self went down to Hamilton to timber lot to see about drawing shingle timber in the forenoon afternoon making rack for drawing shingle botts Wife very poorly

Tuesday 15th

self went down with John & team drew 1 cord of shingle wood for Hamilton in the forenoon afternoon got out a load of staves for Phelps from {illegible} Wife very poorly

Wednesday 16th

John took the load of staves to M Allwort Farm to have $4 per 1200 afternoon got out another load

Crosshatched: John took 8 Bul of Oats to Otterville for chop & got the horse line repaired


Thursday Jany 17 Cold John took a load of staves to M Allmorts self went to Shaws & Beals in the forenoon to see about staves afternoon making sleigh rack

Friday 18 self went with John to Beals & brot out a load of staves John took them away in the afternoon

Saturday 19

self & John as yesterday Moses & M Corless came in the evening

Sunday 20th

Cold Moses and Wife and self dined at Fathers Wife not well enough to go Mother Wm and Jane here to tea

Monday Jany 21st/67 snow during the past night self and Moses cleaned up a grist in the forenoon John drawing firewood afternoon self and Moses went to Otterville & to Barkers Mill with 4 lb of Wheat & 10 of Oats Moses & Wife & Wm at D Rowdaly in the evening they could not go home on account of his mare being very lame Rickd by his horse

Tuesday 22 John got out a load of staves in the forenoon afternoon J took Melisia and babe home, Moses mare being too lame to go faster than a walk.

Wednesday Jany 23/67 The snow now is about 1ft deep self & John getting down firewood in the forenoon afternoon John took down a load of staves self spliting wood & H Lossing brot Rebecca Reynolds here Mother & Wm also here to dinner self & Wife took tea at mothers.

Thursday 24 Mild, got out a load of staves in the forenoon afternoon John took them away self helping Wm clean Oats

{This page and part of the next are written in different handwriting.}

Friday 25th Jan/67 Snowing a little in the forenoon afternoon snowing very fast with some rain self and John drawing staves out of the wood.

Saturday 26th very stormy snowing and drifting. John went to Otterville & to Barkers Mill in the forenoon for the chop which I left there last Monday self went to the shoemaker & G Southwick {?} sold 8 1/2 lb of Butter 16 cents afternoon self making {illegible} for chop stuff & John spliting wood & helped clean up 8 bags of oats

Sunday 27 Snowing & drifting lane drifted full impassable obliged to make road through the field

{note vertically at right side of page in larger and possibly different handwriting} Father not here

1867 Monday Jan'y 28th

Self & John breaking roads through the front field also to the woods drew 2 load of wood for Father Corless 1 for Wm & 2 for ourselves unloaded the staves & brot the sleighs home self repaired the Barnyard Gates & doing other jobs snowing again towards evening with a strong west wind John took the team {written vertically up right side of page "to go to Gillette" perhaps to finish this sentence}

Tuesday 29th {now handwriting changes back to the original diarist}

Cold day John took the children to school & brot Mother up to spend the day self writing John threshing oats Wm at Otterville Auditing Township Books John went to Otterville in the evening Wm returned with him

1867 Wednesday Jan'y 30th

Cold day John self took the children to school & went to Otterville took Wm out & called at the school with the children ordered a ash pail & shovel for the school & got a poker John spliting wood in the forenoon afternoon self got Nelly shod/shoe John threshing oats Therm 0/6 paid Joshua $2.15

Thursday 31

Mild Therm 20 in morning evening 42 with rain S.W. wind John drawing {or perhaps "sawing"} staves took 623 Martin {Nold?} here in the forenoon and paid {illegible} Dickins $38..60 & 1..30 Interest self threshing & cleaning out barn in the afternoon

Friday Feb'y 1st 1867

Very slopy Therm 36 in the morning 30 in the evening John drew a load of staves out of the woods the road is to soft to take them out self threshing oats in the forenoon afternoon self & John cleaning up oats RB Cromwell called in the evening

Saturday 2d

John took a load of staves 618 Wm helped me clean up some oats self went to Otterville in the evening rain & freezing most of the day

Sunday Feb'y 3 1867

rather {snowy or stormy?} in the forenoon Father here to dinner Catherine Mott Elias & Alice with their 2 children came in the afternoon Mother & Wm here to tea Father also came up in the afternoon C Mott went home with Mother

Monday 4h

fine mild morning commenced to snow about 1/2 past three in the afternoon John took 676 staves to Allworts self & wife dined at fathers with Motts {C or E?} & A. M. left for home about 3 oclock Catherine staid at fathers Lydia heifer calved heifer calf self went to J Randalls for our X cut saw

Tuesday Feby 5th 1867

Mild John took a load of staves to Allmotts self jobing drawing wood spliting & went to Fathers for C Mott Mother & Wm here to dinner.

Wednesday 6th

fine day John went to the woods for staves could not get a load sold parts of a load to M Carder for 60 cents afternoon drawing wood. self preparing cutting box {Moth?}

Thursday 7th

very fine John drawing wood self clean'd up a grist 4 bl of wheat afternoon to the wheat & 4 bags of oats to Otterville Mill and attended meeting of the Directors of the S.W.A. Society

February 1867

Friday Feb 8th Very fine day John drew 7 load of wood self went to the saw mill to see {?} about sawing he said he would saw on shares or for $2,,50 pr M. or would buy good log and pay $3,,50 pr M. in the log afternoon self cut down a large dry pine, wife at Father with C. Mott

Saturday 9th wet snow self drew 4 load of wood snow fell so fantly wet oblijed to quit went to Fathers for C Mott {?} her went to M Allmort to meet Phelps to get his pay for drawing stave returned there without his money Phelps not

Sunday Feby 10th 1867

Cold Thaw 4 snow drift with a west wind too stormy for Father to come up to dinner

Monday 11th Cold south wind Them 2 6 self took C Mott to Elia's Motts Geutrye May Maggie Emma & Berry all went with us for a visit dined at Eliass and took Tea at Moses Corless s returned about 7 in the evening

Tuesday 12th 1867

More mild thawing out in the afternoon Therm 2 40 in the evening self went to the smiths shop to get chain needed & to James Randalls to get him to cut saw logs could not get him afternoon out a price tree for saw logs Jim poorly went to Ottawa brot home the grist of wheat I took to Mice on Thursday wife {?} out to see Mr Snyder who is very ill sent a letter to Morton Pouleem

1867 Wednesdsay Feby 13th

John poorly not doing any thing but chores self cut a pine tree for sew logs commenced rain about {?} & rained very hard all the afternoon self hung the meat in the smoke house

Thursday 14th

self in the woods preparing for sawing John took the children to school and went for Mary Randalls in the forenoon afternoon sawing saw logs

Friday 15th

Milet self & John sewing R B Cromwell came in the evening with a bill of exchange for {?} for bog - 8 Stlg I gave him his mortgage

Monday 18th Feby 1867

fine warm day Wm threshing oats self help-ing him also made a pen for calf see Father here in the evening paid $36,,40 on his {?} for me to send to Toronto

Tuesday 19

John threshing oat self & Wm went to Ottawa in the afternoon

Wednesday 20th

very stormy self & Wm attended Mr M Cuidys funeral on foot dined at Rob Tuffords {?} Pennington here to tea John threshing oats some snowfall last night & this morning but not enough to make good sleighing

Thursday 21st

self & John cutting roads & took one log to mile in the forenoon afternoon took 4 logs had Wm Oxen to load with Mother & Wm here to tea Mothers staid the night Friday snowing very fast most of the afternoon

Friday 22

self & John {?} out logs took 2 logs to Mile in the forenoon afternoon Wm took the horses to draw wood self John skiding log & cutting road, Mother & Wm here to tea Mother staid the night

Saturday Feby 23

snow going fast south wind rain in the evening self & John with Oxen & horses took 9 logs to the Mill

Sunday 24th

more cold Father here to dinner fine day Mother here in the afternoon

= Monday 25

fine day self went to Otterville in the forenoon also call'd on JW Snyder to see about Cloves seed bot a pair of Boots of creynton afternoon self & wife went to see Jesse Cornele John poorly split wood 1/2 day

Tuesday Feby 26th 1867

fine day cleand up oats in the forenoon John poorly but help'd me clean Oats afternoon self spliting wood John went to get his boot mended

Wednesday 27th

fine day self went to Losings Mile with chop for horses & cows took Mary Cunliffe to Dr Cardens to have a tooth drawn Mary Sherwood & Mr Randall here

Thursday 28th

Cloudy some slight showers self brot 6 & 1/2 thousand shingles from {?} which they made last spring afternoon fixing wagon to take shingles John took his Aunt Alice to {?} left them whilst he went to Otterville

March Friday 29 1st 1867

fine morning Wm returned from Moses Corlesss about noon Wife went to Dr Randalls in the morning self went for her in the evening self loaded the shingles & storing other jobs John not fit for work

Saturday 2d

Cold blustry self went to see Hamilton about sawing lumber in the forenoon afternoon went to post office

Sunday 3

Cold but more mild then yesterday Father here to dinner self & wife went down down to Mothers a little while in the afternoon

Monday March 4th

fine day but rather cold self jobing in the forenoon afternoon went to Otterville got a bottle of Medicine for Wife

== Tuesday 5th == afternoon fine warm day self went in search of Clover seed for the Agricultural Society dined at Mr Eagles south of Delhi could not get any seed

Wednesday 6th

East wind rather chilly self threshing peas and fixing shingle load {?} Mary Sherwood here to dinner slight shower of sleet in the evening

1867 Thursday March 7

fine day self drawing wood & god Nelly shod

Friday 8th

fine day self left home with a load of singles 11 1/2 M for Ingersoll sold them in Otterville to Miss Jackie Jacques & deliver them 1 mile North of Burgessville for $2,,25 pr M.

Saturday 9th

fine day self Job drew 200 spokes from the woods in the forenoon afternoon Wm had the team to go to Mill John Hillier call'd about clover seed Johny went to G Southwks {?} to stay in shop

Sunday March 10th 1867

Cloudy rain in the afternoon Father here to dinner

Monday 11th

Cloudy self & Father went to Moses Corless exchanged 4 Bushel of wheat for seed winter for spring also went to Jas Martins with Father snow in the evening

Tuesday 12th

fine day self skin'd the calf which died yesterday some time in the night from bloat after drinking afternoon threshing peas sent $25 to Wm AM Lin by George to School snow came last night nearly all gone this evening roads very muddy

Wednesday March 13th

Cloudy growing colder towards evening with a strong west wind self cleand up 10 1/2 Bushel of wheat and a bag of Barley for a {?} Shop Pennington here to Tea & staid the evening

Thursday 14

very cold Therm 2 6 self west to Barkers Mile returned by Otterville. Maild Fathers Initaliment $36,,40 to W.T. Mason Toronto xx Goodwin $6 on af Mr {?} Tufford & Mary Randall here also Mother & William

Friday March 15th 1867

Cold self threshing pease tc

Saturday 16th

Cold and stormy towards evening self made a Map for Morton Toulurin pasted it to him by George in the afternoon self splitting wood John came home from G Southwrick in the evening

Sunday 17

Snowing and blowing from the West Wm went to John Siples for Marianna tossing self & Wife at Mothers Marianna Wm came about 8 oclock in the evening

Monday March 18th 1867

fine day self & John went to Simcoe and bot 12 Bushel of Clover seed paid $7,,50 pd

Tuesday 19th

fine day self weighing Clover seed & threshing peas paid J{?} Truffry $11-50

Wednesday 20th

fine morning cold east wind in the afternoon self putting up fences on the {?} east & threshing peas John went to Otterville Sam Innis & John Heillien came for clover seed sent a letter to the office for John Dennis's also sent one to J Pittitt Otterville Paid John H Truffry $2,,50 ==

March Thursday 21st 1867

Stormy most of the day D Randall & Wife here to dinner self and Wife went with them to Mothers to Tea

Friday 22d

self & John went to Otterville to look after the timber on Lot no 10 in the g con book home. a load of pine

Saturday 23

fine day very slopy on the roads self killed Peggys Calf 5 weeks old afternoon self went to Otterville

Sunday 24th

commenced snow and rain about noon self went to P. Foxes in the afternoon Father here to deliver

Monday 25th March 1867

fine day but chilly self at P. Fores drawing Seases between P. Fores and J. Rutherford

Tuesday 26

fine day self & P. Fox went to Woodstock in the forenoon afternoon returned home bot cloth forself & boys

Wednesday 27

very chilly self & Wife went to G. Southwick store bought trimmings for cloth. also dresses for girl & 1lb 75¢ Lea sold him 5b 3/4th of side pork a 8¢ als bought a carbog of oil of H. H Southwick 10 gal a 20¢ for Gal sold him a Shoulder 21 1/2th a 9¢ pd the balance 17¢ cash afternoon self & John threshing peas with the flail.


Thursday March 28th /67

fine day self & John threshing peas in the porenoon George went to the P.O. with a letter for FR Bale afternoon John went to Root Mile to work self helping Will clean oats

Friday 29th

self cleared up Barley Will helping in the evening

Saturday 30th

fine day Spot cow had Bull calf, self did not go to Simcoe with Barley as intended slaid home in the morning to look after the cow afterwards went to Otterville Mile with 2 bog of chip Barley & butter

Monday March 31st 1867

very fine day Mother & Father here to dinner W went to Stephen Losunge with Marianna John came home last night left again this morning

April Monday 1st

ground coverd with snow Snow & Rain most of the forenoon self threshing oats & helped Father draw a load of hay

Tuesday 2d

fine day self threshing oats & Mr Randall called here in the afternoon George & Mary went home with her to eat hot sugar self took him to P Southwick in the evening 21 1/2 lb at 10¢ heard the Frogs first for the season

April Wednesday 3d 1867

a fine day self thrashing oats

Thursday 4th

Mild self threshing oat rain in the afternoon Jm Wood here in the morning assessing Jane Corless & her Mother here self took them home in the evening very wet & muddy

1867 April Friday 5th

Cloudy and snow showers in the afternoon self threshing in the forenoon afternoon went to Otterville attended a Meeting of the Directors of the A.Locz decided to have a spring show on the 25th of this month

Saturday 6th

Cloudy but and chilly R. Longstreet returned 255lb of wheat borrowed last sept self Riled spots calf in the forenoon afternoon went to L.P. Connelly and returned by Otterville P.O. recd a letter from Sirrie John came home in the evening

April Sunday 7th 1867

fine day Father here to dinner also Mrs D. & Mr Jas Randall who called on their very home from J. W. Snyder whose wife died this morning

Monday 8th

Claudy day self & George threshing oats

Tuesday 9th

very fine day slef and Mother attended Mrs Snyders funeral Wife too poorly to go baby & Maggie also poorly

Wednesday 10

a very wet day Wife very poorly put in blisher between her shoulder, self & George working in the Barn

Thursday April 11th

Chilly cleand up some Ants took 2 Bags of oats & 2 of Barley to Otterville Mile Wife still poorly

Friday 12th

self & George cleand up some Oats, & in the forenoon afternoon went to Otterville for the chop Bot a pr of shoes from P. Southwicks for George & took my boots to Forolers to be mended

Saturday 13th

fine day self with J.P. McCurdey & Elia Boweman at Fongers & Summons acting as Feuce Veiairs {no idea } respecting Water courses George went to Otterville NcP & E B dived here

Sunday April 14th 1867

Cloudy & warm Father & John here to dinner Wife continue very poorly G Tuford & wife caled in the evening

Monday April 15

Wet day self & George finishd cleaning the oats Will helped a little while Mr. Randall & Mr Lemons here to dinner Wife a little better George Cornell

Tuesday 16

fine day self & George drawing manure into the Orchard Maggie & Emma went to Randalls to eat hot sugar

1867 April Wednesday 17th

fine day self & George drawing manure Marys Birthday 15th Children at at Grandmas to tea Wife very poorly

Thursday 18th

fine day self & George as yesterday Mary Randar here Wife very poorly

Friday 19

fine day self went to Norwichville for Dr Cook to come down and see Wife he left her medicine for placing a inflamation on the lungs self returned by Otterville took 2 B of Bark to Barkers mile for Father

Saturday April 20th / 67

fine day strong wet wind self & George drawing manure until Tea time after tea drew a load of Hay for Father Wife very poorly in bed all day Johny came home in the eve

Sunday 21st

five day self went to Dr. Cookes for more medium for wife where a litle better today Mr & Mrs Stowe D Randall & Wife G Tufford & wife warren Sherwood & Wife called to see Wife

Monday 22

Ground coverd with snow & snowing most of the day self went to the Store & Blacksmith shop in the forenoon and afternoon self & W went to the Cheese

April Tuesday 23 1867

Cold & Cloudy self & George drawing manure self went over to help F Denny to wring his pigs Wife better

Wednesday 24th

Storm most of the day self at the Smith shop with the plow in the forenoon afternnon commenced plowing after it quit snowing George spreading manure Wife still improving

Thursday 25

John Min. (?) Cardin fine day self sow'd about 31 bushel of peas on the sod south of the railroad in the forenoon afternoon attended Mr first Spring Show in this Township George draging with Mr Apen

Friday Apr 26th 1867

fine day self plowing George spreaing manure Mary Sherwood Sent these to tea J Wrin finished spading (?) at noon paid him one dollar

Saturday 27

very cold Them 30 at (?) ni the foremoon self plowing overcoat & Mittgon George spreading manure in the forenoon afternoon draging self attended Milk meeting Mr. Farrington present John came home in the evening George planted some bean

Sunday 28

Chilly Father here to dinner Marianna Birthday 1 yr old Jane here to Lun Mr Nobbs & Wife & Mother & 3 children called in the afternoon

Monday April 29th 1867

fine day took chilly & Cloudy sowd some spring wheat in the orchard George harrowing self finished planting top onions sowd some Lettuce radish early goods and cauliflower seed evening plowing

Tuesday 30th

slight shower during the night Warm & Cloudy finished the spring wheat to P. while in ale also plowing sold to James Martin 20 Bushel of Barley a 50¢ it has been a cold wet month

Wednesday May 1st 1867

Rain in the part night a chilly day attended councile in the afternoon and left a written award of feuce viewer respecting Fongers & Luminus water couries

Thursday 2nd

== Friday 3 ==

Saturday April May 4th 1867

Sunday 5th

Monday 6

Cold & wet self & Mr went to Otterville bot 5 Bl of potatoes from Mr Cornell at 35¢

Tuesday 7th May April 1867

self plowing for Barley George spreading manure

Wednesday 8th

a fine day self plowing George spreading manure Joseph Kelly R Randall W Triffy Marianne lossing Mary Randall & Alice Tufford here to Tea

Thursday 9th

fine but chilly self cleand & sowd 7 Bushel of Barley wrote an agreement for Janathan TItus & other jobs George draging Wife went with Mrs Randall to Fathers & Pennington

Friday April May 10th 1867

fine day self George finished draging Jonathon Titus came from his agreement self plowing earth of the house

Saturday 11th

fine day self plowing & sowd 1 1/2 B of Barley george harrowed to me & sowd some carrots felf went down after tea to assist in cleaning School House

Sunday 12

fine day self & Children attended Labbeth School first Elias & Alice Matt here dinner self & wife with them at Mothers to Tea Father here to dinner

Monday May 13th 1867

Showery self gardening sow'd some Cabbage seed and planted Pri plant Hoarhound & Wormwood & fixing porch & George taking the manure from the celar banking Jane Corless & her Mother here

Tuesday 16

some slight showers land very wet self as yesting until 4 oclock when I went down to the shool engaged W A McLim to teach the shool for a year from 15th of May evening attend a committe meeting at the Cheese factory

Wednesday 15

self plowing in the east field for peas

Thursday May 16th

Cloudy self finished plowing in the east field all that was dry enough and sowd 4 1/2 Bl of peas George draging them in rain in the evening

Friday 17

George finished draging in the peas sowd yesterday rain very hard before he finished self & John making wheelbarrow self corn plowing the North field about 4 of (?) for Ants very wet

Saturday 18.

fine day but cold self plowing George Johny

Sunday 19 cold & cloudy rain in the evening no Sabbath School Joel Comfort buried to day Father here to dinner Mother has stayed the night

Tuesday. Monday May 20 1967

Cloudy land very wet self plowing in the North field John went to the Mill again to work in the evening after finishing the wheelbarrow George put in some more carrot seed

Tuesday 21st

self plowing untile noon when it set in to rain and rained all the afternoon and at night wet cold backward weather

Wednesday 22

Wet day went to the mill to see about drawing logs saw'd took plow share to the smith ship got a hole drilled in it took 1 ham & 1 shoulder of took to G Southwick 53 1/2 lb a 9¢ lb wife at G Southwick on a visit

Thursday 23rd May 1867

wet day self took 53 1/2 lbs of meat Ham shoulder to Geroge Southwick 9¢ pr lb went to T L McCurdys for seed corn in the forenoon afternoon went to Otterville

Friday 24

Queens Birthday self plowing for sorn five day Fathers children & their mother here

Saturday 25

Cloudy morning commenced to rain again baout 11 oclock Old Mr Tufford cal'd in the forenoon self plowing in the forenoon afternoon self & wife went to C.P. Cornells & Otterville

Sunday 26th May 1867

fine day but very chilly self & children attended Sabbath School Lissie went for the first, Father here In the evening self Wife and Children went to the corners to meeting Preacher did not come self & Wife returned by George Tuffords call'd to see Mr & Mrs Tufford son Polly Mare got a mare colt

Monday 27

No rain but rather cloudy self plowing and harrowing ground for corn

Tuesday 28

Rain again in the forenoon self went to the store to exchange shoes also get 1 lb ten afternoon furrowing corn ground, self & Wife took P at Mother with Tuffords & Randalls caught a brook & Wood Duck in forenoon bush

Wednesday May 29th 1867

fine and warm self & George drawing manure for the corn hills Ben & cornelius here in the afternoon commenced to plant, wife went over to Randall & Tuffords after Tea

Thursday 30th

fine day but very chilly self planting corn Boys drawing manure & putting it in the hills Mary planted the beans in the corn field in the afternoon

Friday 31st

fine day warmer than yesterday Boys planting corn John Winken diging post holes for fence self plowing for Oats George plowing with W open in the afternoon for the first Boys finished the corn before Tea Mrs Hamilton Mr Dileturn & Mrs G Southwick here in the afternoon We have had a very wet Cold May

June 1st 1867

Saturday fine & warm for this season Them (?) 6 self plowing with the Oxen in the forenoon Wife & George went to Otterville in the evening got a hat for Mary afternoon George Harrowing self plowing finished the Oat ground for Oats Johny came in the evening

== Sunday 2nd == A very wet day Father Johny & Marianna (?) here to dinner could not attend School on a/c of (?) rain had in the evening after dark sharp thunder & lightening

Monday 3rd

Cloudy morning self & George firing fever around the meadows North in the forenoon afternoon plowing ground for potatoes some slight showers

June Tuesday 4th 1867

fine warm self finished plowing & harrowing potatoe ground

Wednesday 5th

fine & warm George harrowing self sowd 18 Bl of Oats North of the Orchard & 2 Peck of vetches also washed the sheep water very warm; the girls at Father's Marys C- Birthday 22

Thursday 6th

fine day sow'd 1/2 bushel of Peas self & George finished harrowing in Oat & furrowed them out Therm 84 at noon

Friday 7

fine very hot Therm 90 at noon thunder showers pening round on the eveing sow'd 45 lb clover seed & 33 of Timothy on 6 1/2 acres of ground south of the orchard also small amount potatoe ground

June Saturday 8th 1867.

Fine day self George Maggie Emma & Morton planted the potatoes about 15 Bushel in all also planted cucumber Squash Pop Corn & radishes, in the evening drew fence posts in the front field John came home in the afternoon cool in the evening

Sunday 9th

Fine day Father & John to dinner Wife at Fathers to Tea Maggie Robertson & her niece & Mr lambert self & 6 children attended Sabbeth School

Monday 10th

Very warm George covering in the grass seed on the oats self setting fence posts in the front field

Tuesday June 11 1867

fine day self setting finer ports

Wednesday 12

Hot & Cloudy rain towards evening self as yesterday

Thursday 13

self drawing fence Boards and making fence wife having house white washed parlour to day

Friday 14

fine day hot self & George making fence Roxalana leuber and 2 children here to tea also Mother & Mrs.

Saturday 15th

self & George as yesterday

Sunday June 16

Somewhat Cloudy & very hnot self took Mother & Marianna (?) to Quartly meeting dined at Bewson Lossings left Marianna at Y Pitchers Father at meeting also; wife left home

Monday 17th

Cloudy & hot very fine growing weather self & Morton went to Lossny, Mile with 7 B' of Wheat & 2 f chop could not pct of ground went to Barkers & from there to Otterville where I got it ground 17 Buildings burned in Otterville last night rain in the evening

Tuesday June 18th

commenced plowing Jos Turnip ground with Mr. Ojen

Wednesday 19th

plowing Turnip ground

Thursday 20

fine day prepare up Turnip ground after Tea above 8 pigs to Jona then Tituis Cheese factory to be fatten on halves

Friday 21st June

self & George preparing turnip ground

Saturday 22

drill'd in the Turnip seed W went to Otterville in the evening

Sunday 23

very hot self & children attended sabbeth School in the morning afternoon self & Wife went to Heury Lossings Father here to dinner

Monday 26th

self cultivating corn George hoeing Beans after tea self hilld a calf went to the cheese factory & to H Lossings Recd from him $216 which he got from the Bank at Simcoe for the Cheese factory Polly Mare to Bonds Home

Tuesday 36 25 June

self finished cultivating corn slept shower in the evening

Wednesday 26

very warm self sheard the sheep got lbs of wool from 16

Thursday 27

fine self warning hands on the roads self & Wife went to Randals in eving

Friday 28

very hot self plowing in the old garden Wife at Sherwoods

Saturday 29

very hot self plowing in the forenoon afternoon with D. Randall examining the New Road East of Southwick

{In pencil written vertically} H Corless D Lo C P after preparing for carpet $4-18 Copied the about from Box Cousin Mem made at the time

Sunday 30th June 1867

very hot self & children attended sabbath school Father here to dinner also John Triffay

Monday July 1st

Public Holiday Confederation of the Provinces begins today self on the roads John plwing afternoon took his Aunt Alice to Otterville self on the Roads

Tuesday 2d

Hot & dry self on the roads John plowing for self & W W Jacob Tufford drived her Mother Marianna here McRing wool also Jane here in the afternoon pickd 24 1/2 lbs for pocks (frocks ?)

Wednesday 3d

very hot self on the roads let a (?) diteting to John Min 80 Rods a 25¢ Mary Randall here D Randall here for Rope seed 90lb

Thursday July 4th 1867

Cloudy morning Father took Wife to Moses Corlesss on a visit today untile Sunday self on the roads part of the day sowd 4 1/2 lb of Rafis in the old garden a slight shown

Friday 5th

more rain in the night morning self went to the mile to see about getting logs saw'd John at the mile in the afternoon self gardeng in the afternoon & sow 1 1/2 B of Bire wheat East of the house slight shower in the evening

Saturday 6

Rain during part night rain trough away over John at Carders Mile self get Nelly shod & Gardening after Tea self & Mother went to Moses Corlesss

Topay Lou Jack May July 4 - 1867

Lydia Jack May July 5

Spot Jack May July 7

Suke Jack May July 9

Peggy Jack May July 13

Bobtail Red May July 15

Cherry (seed time Aug 13) 26 3rd time August

Polly Mare to King of France June 24

Jenny "Pennington Colt" June 25

Sunday July 7th 1867

fine day self & Mother attended friends meeting Wife staid at Moses Motte, self Wife & Mother & Martha Bowden from London England dined at Mr Motts, came home in the evening after tea Father here to diner

Monday 8th

fine morning self John & George hoeing & cultivating potatoes in the forenoon afternoon drew a load of hay for Wm where it came to rain planted some Cabbage plants this evening self & Wife drove over to George Tuffords

Tuesday 9th

rain during the part night and rain this morning self finished cultivating potatoes

Thursday 11th

(written on the side of the page) heavy shower in the afternoon, Bree Rink for Milk Co.

finished cultivating corn in the forenoon afternoon rent to W Wilkinson with the half years school report returned through Otterville settled with

Friday 12

self & George hoeing potatoes after tea raking hay for Wm

Saturday 13th

morning Therm 48 Evening 46 self repairing rakes in the morning helpd Wm raking hay & drew in 3 (?) after tea went to Barkers mill got 4 Bl of wheat from D Randed & 2 from S Taffrd first them part fall

Sunday July 14th 1867

fine day self & children attended Sabbeth School after school took self & D. Randall took 21 children in our waggon down to the Meeting house to hear a sabbath school lecture deliverd by Mark Kilry. Wife walk'd down & rode back D Randall & Father here to dinner - self Wife & children attended Maid Rilly meeting at the corners 4 oclock

Monday 15th

self writing to Morton Loulrim ariv in the afternoon put up 10 cocks of hay for Wm

Tuesday 16th July 1967

fine day self finished up for Morton Toulinun and went to Norwichville & Otterville bot a sythe & swath also culed at Barker Mile for grit left there saturday last

Wednesday 17

fine day self commenced to mow on the railroad

Thursday 18th

fine day self commenced to mow in the clover meadow - north made a cart rack for Father Corless

Friday 19th

self mowing cut 2 acres William & George raked what I cut yesterday

Saturday July 20th 1867

fine day self mowing in the forenoon afternoon raking Wm helpd in the afternoon

Tuesday 21st

very hot self & children at Sunday School self & Wife walked over to Randall in the evening

Monday 22

self mowing in the new meadow north in the forenoon afternoon rain, in the evening self cuting Canada Thistles

Tuesday 23 July

fine self mowing George raking

Wednesday 24

self mowing in the forenoon afternoon raking hay Wm helpd in the afternoon about 3 hours

Thursday 25

Cloudy morning a wet day self fixing waggon rack (?) John Triffry came from D Carders afternoon

Friday 26

John cultivating potatoe in the morning helping in the hay self morning drew in 2 load of hay in the evening

Saturday July 27th 1867

fine day self & John George drawing and raking hay Wm helpd in the forenoon, got 8 load of hay in G Goodwin called to request the portpowerment of the Agricultural Meeting

Sunday 28th

very warm self & children attended Sabbath School Children attended meeting in the afternoon Father here to dinner

Monday 29th

fine & cool self mowing John cultivating potatoes Turnips Wife & children picking Black raspberries pickd 29 Quarts in our slashing North evening salf went down to the cheese factory

Tuesday July 30th

fine day John fin& George finished cultivating Turnips in the morning then went and drew in Wm hay evening attended cheese meeting at the Factory

Wednesday 31st

fine day self & John Mowing in the forenoon afternnon self finished mowing in the new meadow Wm & John drawing & raking hay Mary cut her leg with the scythe

Thursday August 1st

cloudy self & John drew in 2 load of hay in the forenoon came up a shower about noon self & Wm attended the agricultural meeting to snake out prize list

Friday August 2nd 1867

cloudy heavy fog in the morng self mowing John & Georg hoeing Turnips until about 11 oclock when recommenced cutting Wheat south of the railroad Mary Anne Treffry came for her milk money paid her $17 nil cents less .30¢ discount

Saturday 3rd

very hot self & John cutting & putting up the wheat finished about 2 oclock Mr Jonathan Titers & Carrie Robertson here to dinner at Mothers to Tea Mrs Austin & Peter Corn came to see Johny afternoon self preparing show Bike and took it to Otterville in the evening sent it to Norwich for printing by G. Goodrom

Sunday 4th August

very hot and dry self & children & Carrie Robertson attended Sabbath school Moses & Melisier Corless here to dinner also Father and Carrie R afternoon all hands at Fathers to Tea

Monday 5th

self & John cutting Barley

Tuesday 6

Threatening rain self & John finished cutting what Barley was fit Wm help'd part of the afternoon drew in 3 load

Wednesday 7

very hot self went with H Southwrik down on the Cart New Road in the forenoon Johny poorly afternoon drew in the winter wheat

August Thursday 8th 1867

very hot showers passing around John pulling peas self cleaning out the well in the TUrnip field George & Mary & Mary Corless went to Moses Corless & took 2 little pies with them for Moses

Friday 9

very hot John pull in peas self cleaning out water ditch

Saturday 10th

very hot John went to H Loathac road Bu self fixing the well & fence so the cattle could get to water wife made a cheese

Sunday 11

hot & dry self & children at Sabbath school, afternoon self & wife went to go Tuffords to take Father here to dinner

Monday August 12th 1867

continued dry weather self & John cutting spring wheat John cut some Barly in the morning Wife made a cheese same as saturday with the milk from Wms and out cows water works out of the order at the factory

Tuesday 13


Wednesday 14th

Friday 16

Saturday 17

Sunday 18

August Monday 19th

Tuesday 20th

Wednesday 21

self & John raked some hay U drew in 2 load in the forenoon afternoon self went to Otterville Courner meeting & to Barkers Mile for guiet John Gibing Bessy Wardle & E Meddeon (?)

Thursday 22

self & John Mowing in the forenoon afternoon John raking & drew in a load in the evening with George half

August Friday 23 1867

very sultry heavy thunder showers went round North in the evening self & John raked hay for 14 cocks remainder of day preparing for Pic Nic

Saturday 24

fine day good breese from the North self & Wife & 4 oldest children attended S.S. Pic Nic in McCurdneys Woods

Sunday 25

self & children attended S School after school self & Wife Maggie & Emma dined and took Tea at D Randalls E Mott & Wife & Nellisen Corless there Father here to dinner

Monday 26

sultry John Mowing part of the day too poorly to work all day sold 14 lambs to Drovers from Hamilton at $1-50 each Wm sold but the yarn from Tuffords

Tuesday August 27

Hot & sultry self laying out ditch on G Sommers line for John Winer to dig in the forenoon afternnon at the Smith shop to get Waggon tires set

Wednesday 28

Drover cause for the Lasnler shower in the moring self went to Otterville in the afternoon drew in 2 load of hay in the forenoon

Thursday 29

Friday 30

Saturday August 31

cloudy self & Mother left home for Foler & Woodstock reached Foler about noon afternnon self & P Los went into Woodstock rain all the afternnon could not do business being too late for the bank

Sunday Sept 1st 1867

Cool & Cloudy most of the days self & Mother at P Foler Alice Trufford G Longstreet Marianna Losing Johny & Granfather here to dinner

Monday 2nd

Chilly self went into Woodowes with P Foler in the forenoon afternoon came home

Tuesday Sept 3d 1867

fine morning rain towards evening Servase Goodwin came for me to go to Otterville to act as check clerk for J Noxon Candidate for the LLA of Ontario

Wednesday 4

fine day self as yesterday

Thursday 5th

fine day very hot self cutting oats & John took the team with a load of folk to pick blackberries wife & Mary went both came home poorly

Friday 6th Sept 1867

shower in the morning early John left for Root Mile in Windham paid him $1-00 after it dried self cutting oats Robt Treffy came from Iowa

Saturday 7th

fine day self raking & binding oats

Sunday 8th

fine day very warm self & Children went to S School John & Father here to dinner Grandmother Sassing Wm & Mother here to Tea

Monday 9

cloudy self cutting & binding oats in the forenoon afternoon attended Agriculturel meeting at Otterville rain in the evening Paid J Kin $1 on load job

Tuesday Sept 10th

self cutting oats R Treffry here to dinner George took him to Norwichville in the afternoon

Wednesday 11 My Birthday 42

fine day self working at the Oats George drawing manure Wife at Mrs Deldinnes visiting Weather indicator indicate rain this morning

Thursday 12

fine self at the Oats George drawing manure Wife at Formans visiting

Friday 13

Cloudy self & James Forman raking oats in the forenoon afternoon rain self jobing George drawing manure in the forenoon - his Birthday 12 yrs

Sept Saturday 14th 1867

Cool day Eclipes on the Moon last night self & George Tufford examined the new road & accepted the Job from H Southwick paid him 11 Dol. James Form & Self finished cutting oats & rake & bound got our Flannel from Father Corless 25 1/2 yds Paid J F $1.50

Sunday 15th

fine chilly in the evening self attended sabbath School afternoon self Wife & Mrs. D. Randal & Wife went to Mr Jacob Triffords

Sept 16th Monday 1867

Tuesday 17th

Wednesday 18

Thursday Sep 19th 1867

fine day self plowing

Friday 20th 20

fine day self plowing

Saturday 21

self & Wm at Otterville filing up the show pound sowd a little over 3 Bl of medaterain Wheat in the orchard

Sunday 22 Sept 1867

Monday 23rd 1867

fine day self & George & Bing drawing in Oats

Tuesday 26th

fine day finished drawing oats afternoon drawing wood Burngheu f

Sept 25th Wednesday

fine day strong West winds self plowing in the forenoon afternoon at Longstreets forking after Pettinges share of Grain

Thursday 26

fine day self at Longstreets looking after Pettingers grain in the forenoon afternoon at D. Randalls theshing

Friday 27th

fine day self went to Otterville fixing up show ground drawing saw dustter

Saturday 28th Sept 1867

very fine day self Wife Mary George Maggie & Emma attended the 2nd Annual Exhibition of Set B Agr Society show not as good on the whole as last years but was a good show

Sunday 29th

fine day self & children attended sabbath School

Monday 30th

fine day self sow'd some more wheat in the orchard George dragd it in

Tuesday Oct 1st 1867

fine day C Baughslaugh's Threshing Machine came about 10 oclock in the forenoon commenced threshing after dinner Thos & Miles Pennington & Team here Robt Randall George Tufford & Johnny 28 1/2 Bushel of Wheat 111 Bl of Oats 37 1/2 Barley poor crops wet spring & very dry summer Threshers left for H Lossings in the evening

Wednesday 2

self & George cleaning up the barn

Thursday 3

fine day self went to see for Wm's ditch & paid him in part $5 yet due him John R & Marianna Harris here self wrote Mrs Wilkison's Will

Friday Oct 4th 1867

fine day self & Wife Johnny & Robt Treffry attended the Derehaw & Country Show

Saturday 5th

rain in the past night self & Wm attended Agricultural. Meeting at Otterville read the prize list & paid Jurer

Sunday 6th

fine day self unable to attend school having to attend Jurey mare who is taken ill this morning like the colic Martin Hulbert & one Jackson from Tilsonburgh came to see but could not relieve her sent Johny to Norwichville for a vetinery could not get him George & D Randale staid (?) in the evening self & Wm staid up with the men nearly all night

Oct 2 Monday 7th 1867

sent John again for the Fairier he arrived here about 11 oclock but could not do any good she died about 4 oclock we opened her & found imflamation & mortification had taken place could not get any passage through not even with proton oil in the evening exchanged horses with the fairier gave him old Jim 15 yr old Polly sucking colt and a note for $12 payable 1st of Jany for his mare 4 yr old John & Team at Perringtons threshing from 4 oclock

Tuesday 8

John & Team as yesterday untils noon self help'd Wm clean 13 Bags of Oats which I lent him weighing 26B16 lbs self & children picking apples

Wednesday 9th

Cloudy moring self & children picking apples in the forenoon afternoon rein self went to Randalls in the eveing John & Wm attended North Norwich show R Treffry returned with them

Thursday 10th

fine day self & George brot the Cow from Randalls in the forenoon afternoon went again

== Friday 11th ==Cloudy rain towards evening

John took Robert to Norwichvilla Wife at fathers

Oct Saturday 12th 1867

self & George cleand up a grist 8 Bushel of wheat John returned about noon self took the grist to Barkers Mill in the afternoon Moses Corless & Wife came in the evening

Sunday 13th

fine day Father Moses & Wife Mother & Wm here to dinner self & Wife went with them to Mothers to Tea

Monday 14

fine day George went to milr for the grist self at Carder Mill looking after the lumber cut from my logs

Tuesday Oct 15th 1867

fine day self at Carders Mill as yesterday self & Wife took Tea at Fathers same Smith & Wife & J Pollard also there Father signed and deliverd a deed to L Smith of his Lot in Norwichvilla

Wednesday 16

fine and very warm self at the Mile in the forenoon afternoon drew home 2 load of lumber evening self Wife and Wm at Litus & self preparing ap of Milk deliverd at the factory

Thursday 17th

self drew home 1 load of Lumber afternoon finished Mild ap e went to the factory mothr evening loaded 27 cheese and left for Woodstock about 10 oclock

Friday Oct 18 1867

fine day reached Woodstock about daylight left Woodstock about 4 in the afternoon got home about 10 oclock 3 fellow attempted to get in to my waggon near Otterville Johny & Children diging potatoes

Saturday 19th

self at Otterville got a warrent to arrest the fellow that attempted to stop Moyers horses & to get in my waggon caught one Frank Johnson the other two ran away

Sunday 20

very warm self wife & children execpt Maggie O Babe attended sunday school Father here to dinner T Pennington here in the afternoon

Monday oct 21st 1867

fine day self at Ottervile attending the examanitation of the 2 Prisioner B Wagner & Frank Johnson they were fined $1 each and costs or to go to Jail for 10 days they prefered goiong to Jail

Tuesday 22

fine day digging potatoes

Wednesday 23

finished the potatoes a poor crop only about 35 bushel put them in the cellar

Thursday Oct 24th 1867

drawing home Lumber from Carden Mill

Friday 25th

draw pileing Lumber

Saturday 26th

Went to Tituss Factory for the 8 pigs I took there on the 20th of June to fats on halves they are not more than half fat commenced to feed them corn

Sunday 27

self and children attended sabbath school self & Wife call'd to see Mrs Dildini & Tuffor who are very ill Father here to dinner

Monday 28 Octer 1867

Tuesday 29

Wednesday 30

Thursday 31

Friday Nov 1st 1867

Saturday 2

fine day self plowing

Sunday 3

a wet day Father here to dinner D Randall & Wife called in the afternoon

Monday 4

chily slef plowing & Logging

Tuesday 5th Nov 67

very chilly John plowg in the forenoon afternoon went to Otterville for a Bl of salt self went Jobing preparing to butching (?)

Wednesday 6

rather chilly self Wm Johny & James Forman killed the 8 Pigs that was at the factory & altered the old Boar & 2 young ones

Thursday 7

fine day self went to Pettnger farm to Measure the hay stock in the forenoon afternoon went to took in the Turnips only 30 Bushel Evening went to J Titus & to A TItus

Friday Novm 8th 1867

fine day self & Jonathan Titus cut up the pork pack'd 2 Barrals & salted the hams & shoulders Wm Terhune here to see about taking the school lift after dinner. self & Wife took 23lb of Butter to George Southwicks sold it for 15¢ lb (?) the first sold since sending the Milk to the Factory self stand at Tuffords all night

Saturday 9th

fine day self & George got a load of wood from the Woods and cleand up a load of Barley

Sunday 10th Nov 1867

self & Wife went to see Tuffords in the forenoon afternoon at Mothers Mr Cornell & Wife & Jenny there

Monday 11th

self went to Woodstock took 27 Bl 30 lb of Barley sold it for 65¢ pr Bl went to P FOxes in the evening

Tuesday 12

Chilly ground coverd with snow left P Foxes soon after breakfast returned by Woodstock bought a palour cookstove and exchanged it with Wm for his Box stove

Wednesday Nov 13

self plowing & sent 8 sheep to T Penningtons Wm took two to J B Smith & 3 to Penningtons

Thurdsy 14

self plowing

Friday 15th

chilly self & Wm attended LP Cornells sale returned by Otterville

Saturday 16th

Chilly self & wife went to Otterville in the afternoon Recd $150 from J Moud Schhol Mony $60 Sil & 4/Cdrs & 90 papers

Sunday Nov 17

self & Wife drove over to Randalls & tuffords to see the sick Wm went for Dr Carroll for Mrs. T U May R

Monday 18

Cold self drawing wood

Tuesday 19

Chilly self reparing shed & stables

Wednesday 20

self & yesterday in the forenoon afternoon plowing in the East field

Thursday Nov 21st

More Mild self plowing

Friday 22

self plowing fixing fences & Wm took the horses in the afternoon to Otterville Mother went him as far as Randalls

Saturday 23

very warm self plowing Jacob Floriten threshing peas 3/4 day self & SWife at Randalls & Tuffords in the eveing very dark & a dense fog

Sunday Nov 24th

foggy moring very warm & dry for the time of year self went over to Tuffords in the evening Father here to dinner Mother & Wm here in the afternoon rain in the evening slightly

Monday 25

showering self plowing in the forenoon afternoon took Wife over to Randalls & Tuffords & went to Otterville for the Doctor for Mrs. Tufford Jacob & Garn Flouten threshing peas

Tuesday 26

Cloudy somewhat chilly self folowing Mr Pettinger came in the afternoon went with him to his farm & S.F as yesterday

Wednesday 27th Nov 1867

Cloudy self plowing part of the day very lame with a Boil on my thigh Jacob & Lam Flouten finished the peas paid them $3.45 Wife went over to see Mrs. Tufford came home made a chicken pie and sent to her

Thursday 28

Cloudy self plowing in the forenoon obliged to quit on account of Boil on my thigh which is very large and painful

Friday 29th Nov 1867

Cold wet day snow & rain mild self laid up unable to wear my pants Wm A McLine Teacher called in the evening paid him $20

Saturday 30th

Cold winter day self laid up as yesterday George & Mary put the Cows in the stables for the first for the season

Sunday December 1st 1867

cold Father here to dinner Wm took Marianna Losing to her Grandmother Lossings

Monday Dec 2d 1867

Cold ground still coverd with snow self better walkd to G Southwick Store got a pair of Boots for Morton Paid G. L. $5.92 in full up to date afternoon went down again and bought an axe & handle which I did not pay for $1.50 Wm went to Mill took 6 Bl of wheat for me and 10 Bl of Corn for himself

Tuesday 3rd

Wm went to Mill for the Grist Wife went with him as far as Randalls & staid until he returned self not doing much H C Lossing called in the forenoon afternoon self went into the woods : cat a litter wood today

Wednesday 4th Dec 1867

More Mild self chopping Wood in the woods George went to Otterville

Thursday 5th

Mild self cutting wood & helpd George load he drew 5 load

Friday 6th

High Winds with some rain & sleet self helping Wm Kill his pigs in the forenoon afternoon cutting wood

Saturday 7th

Cold ground coverd with snow wind blowing strong from the west self & Geroge drawing manure for banking the Cellar in the forenoon afternoon attended Trustees meeting at the School House

Sunday Dec 8th 1867

rather cold but fine Father here to dinner also Johny afternoon elf & Maggie & Emma went to Randalls & Tuffords

Monday 9th

self took Nell to the shop & got her shod afternoon Wm went to Otterville with the horses self drew a load of manure for banking the cellar and fixing stables

Tuesday 10

cold self fixing shed for calves & sheep made a sheep rack (?)

Wednesday 11th Dec 67

Mild self helpd Wm get the wagon ready for loading sheep and went to the woods to see about cutting log roads Wm went to Foxes with 5 sheep in the afternoon self went to Randalls brothers the cow and went to see Warren Sherwood about drawing logs Mother here to dinner & Lee Geoge (?) went home with her

Thursday 12

very cold with a strong East Wind Therm at 9 Zero, self cutting wood and attending the Cattle too Cold to work George & Maggie with Mother Wm returned in the evening

Friday 13th Dec

more Mild but still very cold self went to see Warren Sherwood about drawing logs - afternoon Warren Sherwood came up to see the logs he agreed to deliver them a Gradons Mill for 7/ or 8/1/2 cp M he is to have Mr Oxen he finds them hay and gives Wm one days drawing of logs when he is ready

Saturday 14th

Cold self drawing wood for Wm & for self Wm killd a sheep for me self went to Otterville in the eveing settled up with Mr AM Gim School Teacher

Sunday Dec 15 1867

Mild Father & Johny here to dinner Wife went to see Tuffords H C Lossing here in the afternoon evening self took tea with Wife at Tuffords & went to Randalls for a short time

Monday 6th

Mild self cutting Wood George drawing 2 load in the forenoon John Wood Collector here to dinner & settled with me School account afternoon self & Wife went to Otterville

Tuesday Dec 17 67

self & George getting in Wood in the forenoon afternoon preparing for Butching evening went to the School House to let Wood contract the other Trustees did not attend did not let the contract

Wednesday 18

Mild self & Ja Foreman killd 4 July Pigs which weighed 96 - 95 - 80 - 85 afternoon cut them up H Thursday calld in the evening to pay over the money for the Cheese

December Thursday 19 1867

very cold self hung 8 hams 16 Shoulders in the smoke House & went to Jonathans Titus in the forenoon afternoon went to Gradons Mill & to Otterville got the harness repaired & paid 62¢ for it to Warren Durker

Friday 20

mild Jonathan Titus here in the forenoon making up the milk & cheese (?) afternoon self helping Warren Sherwood make sawlog road Jonathan Titus & B Dell here about Milk after Lent J Titus $100


Saturday Decbr 21st

very red in the east rain and snow in the evening self cutting & drawing wood - Fish put a pump in the Barry and well

Sunday 22

rain during the past night Father & Johnny here to dinner self went to G Tuffords in the afternoon

Monday 23

fine but cold self at the factory Book in the forenoon afternoon went to Otterville attended the Nomation for Councillar

Tuesday 24th 1867

fine but Chilly self went to the store in the morning & put the carpet down in the dining room sftarnoon went to the School paid the Teacher $10 and engaged him to teach six months a 22 dollars pr month Jonathen Titus and Lugs Nold here in the evening (?)

Wednesday 25

Xmas day Father Jane & all their children here to dinner & tea allso also Mother & Wm had 2 roast Geese & plum pudding very stormy evening rain and wind took 24 1/2 lb butter to E Southwick Wm Dildine burried

Thursday 26 Dec

fine warm day like spring self attend factor Committee Meeting in the forenoon afternoon Patrons meeting Wife at Randall self & Wm went to Otterville

Friday 27

soft & showery Wife very poorly with a violent head ache self fixing the platform around the pump

Saturday 28

self & George went in to the woods gat a hough for the barnyard pump got the X cutsaw got a Barrel of salt from P Southwick

Monday 30th

self cutting firewood in the forenoon & helpd Wm clean up 6 Bl of corn afternoon at Otterville making out Report for Annual Agricultural Meeting took 13 1/2 lb Butter to G Goodway 18¢ pr lb


Tuesday 31st and last of 67

fine day self in this woods cutting wood Mother & Wife at Pennington self went for them in the evening,

Jany 1st 1868 Wedneday

A little snow fell during the past night self & Wife left home on a visit to Moses Corless & Alice dined at Moses and took Lea and staid the night with Elias & Aline Mott

Thursday 2d

Mild self wife Moses & Wife went to James Martins to see Aunt Ginny dined there self returned home left Wife at Moses Corless

Friday 3rd

self writing school Notice went to PO in the afternoon O put up notices in the section rec'd a Letter from J Leys of Toronto

Saturday 4th 1868

wet disagreeable day rain & snow self cutting wood writing to Lays & to the Editor of the Leader enclosed Bank of Upper Canada Bill of five dollar, for the Leader No of Bill 36126 JG Kingston date 1st Jan 1861

Sunday 5th

very fine day self & Wm went to Addison Mrs Addison buried in Norwichville Wife returned from Moses Corless with Moses Wife and E Motts & Alice all hands dined at Father Corlesss & took tea with us

MOnday Jany 6th 68

fine day but cold self out electioneering for D Randall as Deputy Rein Johnny drove the team Wife at D Randalls self took Tea at Drs Al Wilcox elected Dp'y Reeve by a majority of 6

Tuesday 7th

fine day self took a load of poles to Gradons Mile to put under the saw Logs Warren Sherwood & Lam Innis commenced to draw logs Afternoon Self went to the school house & to A Tituss to see about the school Report J E Terhenun here in the evening making Report

Wednesday 8th Jany 68

self attended School meeting Wife at Fathers also Morton & Lirris Mrs Pettinger here to dinner

Thurdsy 9th

very cold self & Wm attended Directors meeting and Members Annual Meeting of the Agricultral Meeting Society

Friday 10th

very cold self in the woods in the foremoon cutting poles & butting saw Log afternoon culting wood (?)

Saturday 11th

cold but morn mild then yesterday self cuttings drawing wood & took poles to the saw mill here

Sunday Jany 12th 1867

Cold self Wm & George attended the funeral of Isreal Wood who was buried in Titus s burying ground Father & Johny here to dinner self & Wife at Mothers to Tea D Randall & Wife here in the evening

Monday 13th

cold self & Wm cutting dry pine for firewood drew a load for him & one for self in the evening went to the saw mill

Tuesday 14

still continue cold self took a load of poles to the Mill in the forenoon afternoon sawing for Wm cut 5 logs George & his Ma went to Otterville Maild the School Report to L Sup little snow in the evening

Thursday 16th

cold self went to the Mill to see about placing the Logs James Forman butting Logs help'd Wm cut some Basswoods Logs self paid him 3/ for 1/2 days work afternoon sharpend the saw in the evening self & Wife D Randall and Wife & G Tufford & Wife at Mothers & Wm Oysters supper

Friday 17th

more MIld self & George Longstreet cutting saw Logs 6 cuts for self & 3 for George L

Saturday 18th Jan 1867

cold slight showers of snow self went to J Read for ground argar to bore the well and took the Long sleigh to the smiths shop to be repair'd afternoon boreing in the barnyard well for water to ok 9 1/2 lb of Butter to G Southwick

Sunday 19

(there are math calculations)

4) 63



125 102 ___ 13

25 1/2 yds a 12 1/2 ¢ pr yd $3.16

1 3/4 lb yarn a 63¢ pr lb 1-02


D To Wool in all

                        $1-15 Due CJT from 26 @ March 9th 1868

1. Measurement of

Cut by Self GL. 18 18.
  436 436 315
594 633 398 609
436 644 976 304
600 736 835 288
532 344 457 493
567 582 459 436
436 500 334 596
648 377 377 524
493 200 391 657
510 457 228 562
X609 436 588 344
784 233 330 303
552 477 500 213
739 657 600 330
657 500 500 303
404 450 548 334
840 644 411 240
770 588 404 454
876 616 334 1068
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
11047 9320 9304 8373

Law Logs 1868

739 588 210 644
375 680 213 411
622 500 548 334
575 375 609 377
657 280 500 459
14 509 x 459 x 654 532
542 784 119 500
925 954 86 739
303 439 162 459
14 439 344 100 588
2 710 710 548 692
588 855 222 692
838 870 576 657
801 552 185 500
675 532 304 582
548 609 x 784 377
710 377 650 548
800 251 377 1046
840 436 330 1110
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
12196 10595 7117 11904
657 548 14915
600 509 17700
657 600 11904
725 657 7117
552 871 9595
692 975 12196
840 1207 8373
657 800 9304
710 772 9510
600 954 _______
390 840 100614
500 903  
509 903  
550 925  
240 920  
552 954  
436 840  
493 1007  
657 _______  
650 14915  
820 Corrected  
782 Cut by GL 101649
850 by self 11047
609   _______
622   112696
37 1/2


Total of 30146
inch 1211
$20 / 31357
  210 84
  $475 23

Thick P

Inch Pick Thick P self
M Pottz Thick Piece Pecies
1613 3993 1204
Total in all 36963

Saw Logs 1868 Dr

Jany 3 Paid G. Longststreet for cutting $30.00
  I" 4.00
Feby 3 D 3.94
Jan " 25 By Warren Sherwood order 11.10
  Saw Innis for drawing 10.00
March 9th Warren Sherwood 10.00
18. Warren Sherwood 20.00
21 Paid W Sherwood 13.79
23 Sam Innis 23.80
Apr 7 Bushel of Wheat 1.50
9 Cash for Boy S Innis 8.00
  Hay for Oten 50
  Paid Reably for Teaming 110.84
  S Longstreet Teaming 12.69
  D Randall Teaming 2.30
  F Graydon for saving ten  

Cr ft

By 36,947 sold to cook $686.07
  2000 Eighing 12.00
  2446 E Mott at $6.30 15.90
    L Stenhoofa $6-0 7"
  1050 S Wallace $6.50 6"80
  1000 Showground $6 6"00
  1012 J Martin $650 6"60
  333 Tiple $6 2"00
  8214 A Mirte  
  744 J Williams $650 8 of 10 5.35
May 13 307 Steinhoof & Watt C.C. 3.07
Dec 29 600 Watts a 10 Dolf$4 6-00

{Blank page}

{Blank Page}

{page used for mathematical calculations}

June 10th 1869

TT McCurdy Elias Bowman & CJ Tuffry Jessie veivers met on the line between Summers & Longer and traced a line shown by John & George Summers which they said was the old line shown to their Father by John Tuffry many years ago as the proper line - after staking out the line they the fence veiwes divided the portion to be fenced & apportioned 9 chains 41sh Sinks for Summers to build commencing at the front of the Posts running South to a stake planted at a distance of 9C41 1/2 L

James Fonger is to build a fence from the stake planted as before described and runing south G C 41 1/2 Links





______ 72

A/c of Lumber sold To A White 1869

1543 self com 26 X625 Sam L ' ' 26 1996 Saw L ' ' 28 1939 Sam L ' ' 30 1020 D Randall Feb 2


X 1091 Clear


June 8th/69 Bal dirc from Wm White $46.24

8 Longstreet delivered 5651 ft of Lumber to A White for one at $225 $2,25 pr M

Total Paid S Longstreet $21-93 3/4 Feb 9th 1869 Mem June 9th 1869 Paid W.H. T, in full for lumber $44-30 and recd from him $10 in Sil on W Pettinger ' a/c
Paid 1-00
Due 11-69
4098 for WHJ 9-22

say 90000 feet in Log will make 1/4 clear 4/ 90 22-2

cuting drawing & sawing $4pr M (mathematical calculations)
Clear 22000 90
at $18 22
  _______ _______
  176000 68000
  22000 at $5
  _______ _______
  $396,000 340,000

First Pile 376 peices

{,mathematical calculations with no references}

X July 17 Pickd Beans first full scise


(mathematical calculations)

Seed sown in 1867

    lb Gch
Apr 25 sowd Peas 3 00
X 27 Planted Beans hasejam  
29 & 30 Spring Wheat 4 00
29 sowd Early York Lettuce & Califlower  
  planted onions  
May 9 Barley 7
11 "sowd carrots 1 4
16 " peas 4 4
29 to 31 planted corn & Beans one & 3/4 acres  
31 planted Tomatoes  
June 4 sow'd some lettuce  
5th Sow'd Oats 18,131
" vetches 1 peck  
6 peas Tr Bl
7 sowd 45lb Clover & 33 Trimothy seed on 6 1/2 acres North of Orchard  
7th sowd radishes / pulled first July 5th  
8th planted Potatoes 13 Bl also squash cucumbers & prp corn  
July 5 sowd 1/2 Bl Buckwheat  
4 4 1/2 H Rape  


Feby 15th Recd for drawing Staves cash $21.30
  Dr D 60
March 8th sold 11 & 1/2 M Shingles 25.87
27th Sold G Southwick 56 & 3/4 meat 8¢ 4.54
27 " H H Southwick shoulder 2.83
April 2nd G Southwick Ham 2.15
  3 ottveal 1.50
Apr 20 Bl of Barly to J Martin 10.00

{this seems to be a second scanned copy of the previous page}


Sep Oct r 9 changed $10 Bill but W $200 Paid Horse Doctor $1.50 J H Treffry $2.00 Nov 30 lent WHT $2-- Decb 11 Lent W H T $10 Cornmercial & 5 Dol Lit

M Duhig

{mathematical calculatons}

{mathematical calculations}

{mathematical calculations}

{mathematical calculations}

{Back cover of diary}

Transcription Progress



Charles John Treffry Diary, 1867.pdf
Charles John Treffry Diary Transcription, 1867.pdf


Charles John Treffry, “Charles John Treffry Diary & Transcription, 1867,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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