William Neynoe MacLeod Diary, 1870


William Neynoe MacLeod Diary, 1870

Date Created

January 1, 1870

Is Part Of

William Neynoe MacLeod Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Transcript of Diary of William Neno (his spelling) MacLeod for Year 1870
Westfield, Ontario
(Note: William was born in 1850 at Tralee in Ireland, the middle of 3 children, older brother
John and younger sister Elizabeth. His father William (b 1822, son of Captain John), died in
1854 and his mother, Elizabeth S. Gerrard (b. 1829, married William Sept 19, 1846) died
February 19, 1855 (age 26) when William N would have been 5 years old. It is known that
he came to Canada to live with relatives (aunt?), We do not know the fate of his brother
and sister. He mentions on August 23 that the Gerrards came to visit so it was possibly a
relative on his mother's side that brought him over. Nothing else was known about him until
he married Doris Katharine Stewart at St. John's Church in Stamford September 24, 1879.
From this diary we see that he was living at Westfield which must be near London. He talks
about going to London and going into town. There are currently Crinklaws who have a
grain elevator on the east side of London. William twice mentions taking excursions to 'the
Falls' so he possibly had connections there. He mentions the Mewburns who he possibly
lived with and worked for. They apparently had a sale on April 26 and moved away April
28, and he mentions staying with them when he goes to the Falls later.
Fly leaf
My .. little creature. I am delighted to hear you are in good health. I expect soon to see you.
Yours truly, Therease Micklegitt (or Increase Michlegift)
Saturday Jan 1 I was out shooting all day with Chris Taverner (?). We shot 10 squirrels. I
spent the evening there the day was fine
Sunday 2 We all went to church. It snowed all last night and today. There were very few
people in church
3 It snowed all last night and today. I went to the junction and got my boot fixed. I went
down .. a load of hay.
4 I worked all day at Mr. Thorniecrofts (?).The day was fine. We cut 5 logs it looks like a
5 I was all day at Thorny's We cut 8 logs It snowed about two inches last night
6 I was helping Mr Mewburn to cut wood and to get up logs. We cut down a tree on top of
me and hurt my back and arm
7 I was helping Ben tabbener to thrash we thrashed 85 bushels of peas it was very cold
and it snowed a little
8 We finished thrashing at Bens today he had 182 bushels of peas altogether the evening
was stormy
Sunday 9 We all went to church The day was fine but very cold There were very few
people there We sleighed home
10 It stormed all morning We went down to Stephens bush and got out timber for a wood
rack brought it home and made it
11 We were cutting logs in the morning and drawing in the afternoon We drew six. It
commenced to rain this evening
12 It rained all last night and this forenoon. I went to Foremans for a piece of wood to make
an axe handle and got James C to make it
13 We got home a load of wood in the morning and killed a pig We got up three loads in
the afternoon and killed another pig
14 We went to London with a load of wood. got four and a quarter. It was very cold. It
commenced to rain this evening
15 It rained last night and this forenoon but it faired at two o'clock. I went to James
Crinklaws to buy some wood. I got a 100 (?) cords
16 We all went to church the day was beautifully fine It commenced to rain this evening
17 It rained till noon I went to the junction to get a hame ring mended. Went to London in
the afternoon
18 Went to the Tom Shores and commenced to chop the day was fine
19 Ditto
20 Ditto
21 Ditto
22 Ditto came home tonight the evening was wet
Sunday 23 It rained last night This morning was fine All went to church Went in the waggon
24 I was working all day at Thornicrofts It looks like a storm to night
25 I was helping Mr Mewburn to cut logs in the morning and to ... in the afternoon. The day
was stormy
26 We were drawing logs all day and we finished getting 142 (?) logs The weather was
27 I was getting up wood for Foreman (?) in the forenoon and cutting logs in the afternoon.
The day was fine
28 I was helping Ben to get in his straw (?) and to kill a pig The day was fine
29 I went to London with two loads of saw logs It stormed a little in the afternoon Rose was
sick in the evening
Sunday 30 We all went to church We went down in the sleigh. The day was fine.
31 We were drawing logs in the forenoon and went to the sawmill in the afternoon
1 I was working all day at Thornicroft's The day was fine They had a bee there
2 We were sawing all day. Sam Pipers(?) machine The day was fine
3 We had finished sawing today We had done about three oclock It snowed a little all day
4 We were sawing for Tekkers (?) all day. We did not cut all The day was fine but very cold
5 I did not do much today being unwell. I saw James Crinklaw in the forenoon and drew
some wood in the afternoon It was fine
Sunday 6 We all went to church in the sleigh It was poor on the gravel The day was very
7 Went out to thorny's in the morning and split wood for Stephen in the afternoon The day
was very fine
8 I was helping Thorensan (?) all day to split Stephen's wood. The day was fine
9 I helped Foreman finish splitting Stephen's wood. Am helping Mr Mewburn to get some
straw from Davy's
10 We were all day getting straw from Davy's. It was very cold
11 I went up to James Crinklaws in the morning to chop but concluded to draw out and did
so in the afternoon
12 I went to the brick yard in the morning with a load of wood in the morning and drew out
of the bush in the afternoon
Sunday 13 We all went to church There was no sleighing on the gravel They went down in
the wagon
14 I drew a load of wood to the steam brick yard and went to town afterwards The day was
rough went in the wagon
15 Drew two loads of wood to the steam brick yard The day was very fine I drew it in the
16 I drew two loads to the steam brick yard. The day was fine. The roads are getting ....?
17 I drew one load of wood to the steam brick yard. The day was ... and stormy
18 We did very little all day on account of its stormy. Brought Foreman down some hay It
snowed nearly all day
19 Drew a load of wood to the steam brick yard and drew out six cords out of the bush in
the afternoon
Sunday 20 Went to church in the sleigh. The day was very cold
21 We drew out 14 cords out of the bush The day was very cold the coldest day of this
22 Drew out of the bush in the morning Got out 40 (?) cords Went with a load in the
afternoon The day was very cold
23 Drew two loads of wood to the steam brick yard The day was very fine The sleighing
was rather poor
24 Ditto
25 Got the horses shod in the morning and went to Ingils chopping bee in the afternoon
The day was fine
26 Drew out of the bush in the forenoon and drew down a load in the afternoon. The day
was raw and cold
Sunday 27 Rained and snowed nearly all day. Mr. Mewburn and the two boys went to
28 Drew two loads to the steam brick yard. The sleighing was splendid (?) The day was
drizzly (?)
1 Ditto
2 Ditto The day was cold
3 Ditto
4 The same as yesterday The day was rather cold sleighing good
5 The same as yesterday. Got old sandy? The sleighing went a good deal today
Sunday 6 We all went to church in the sleigh The day was fine
7 I drew two loads of wood to the steam brick yard
8 Ditto
9 Went to the steam brick yard in the forenoon and drew a load for H Shore in the
10 I drew two loads of wood for Herbert Shore. The sleighing was very poor
11 I drew a load of wood for Herbert in the morning and drew out of the bush in the
12 I drew a load of wood to the steam brick yard in the morning and bought home a little
straw in the afternoon
Sunday13 There was a heavy fall of snow last night. We all went to church in the sleigh
14 Drew home a load of straw in the morning and to the steam brick yard in the afternoon.
The day was fine
15 Went up in the forenoon and got the crothces and pole out of the bush and drew the
crotches (?) in the afternoon
16 Drew down the flagstaff (?) in the morning and drew a load of wood in the afternoon The
day was stormy
17 We did not do much all day Got home a small load of straw in the afternoon
18 Was helping Ben Tabbener cut wood all day The day was fine
19 I went to London today to get paid for the wood Received 34 dollars
Sunday 20 We all went to church except Mrs M and the baby. It rained a little today
21 Went to John Crinklaws to chop
22 Ditto. Went with Mr. Mewburn to buy a horse.
23 Ditto
24 Ditto
25 Ditto
26 Ditto the weather has been fine all this week It commenced to rain tonight
Sunday 27 It rained all day and snowed by times. Mr. Mewburn, Chris and I went to church.
28 Went to the junction in the forenoon and got my boots fixed Did nothing afterwards
29 We were getting some straw from Davys. Brought it home in the sleigh
30 Went to town with a grist. The road was bad
To this point the book was in pencil. It now starts in ink.
31 Was in with a load of hay got ten dollars The roads were very bad.
1 Was in with hay. Was in all day Received 11 ? Dollars in the evening
2 Went to the junction in the morning and went to town in the afternoon
Sunday 3 Mr. Mewburn and the boys and I walked to church. The day was very fine
4 I rode up to Mr. Eringtons (?) to see with him but he would not give more than 10
cents (or dollars)?
5 I was chopping at Crinklaws today. The weather was fine
6 Chopping at C in the morning and at Orchards chopping bee afterwards
7 Went to town with a load of oats and got 30 Cls (?) in bills and out shooting in the
8 Went to the Crinklaws and finished chopping cut 121/2cords Day was very warm
9 Went to town the day was very fine The road was good.
Sunday 10 We drove down to church in the wagon The day was very fine
11 It rained this morning but was fine this evening I went out shooting all day and shot
two . . ?
12 I was piling wood and putting on a load of hay for Mewburns Went to Stansford (?) this
13 Went to town? and got out Mr Mewburns sale bills It rained this evening
14 Did the chores in the forenoon and went out shooting in the afternoon. The day was
15 Ditto Shot two rats
16 Went to town with a load of hay The day was fine Got home the new harness Killed two
Sunday 17 Mr and Mrs Mewburn went to church It rained nearly all day
18 It rained all of the forenoon and part of the afternoon Drew home a load of wood in the
19 I was piling wood in the forenoon The day was pretty fine I did the chores in the
20 I went to town with a load of hay I got seven dollars It rained nearly all day
21 Varnishing and cleaning up the house Went to the F Shores in the evening
22 We were cleaning and oiling (?) all day. The day was very fine
23 Went to town and saw . . ? And got out the things for the sale in the afternoon
Sunday 24 We all went to church except Mrs Mewburn who has got a black eye The day
was warm
25 I was oiling the new harness all day The day was very fine
26 Had our sale today It went very well about 30 dollars The day was fine
27 Went to town with the cases. The day was very hot
28 Went down to the junction for the wagon and ? in the afternoon. Mr. Mewburn went
29 Commenced to work at Pens We were ploughing the orchard The day was very hot It
froze last night
30 Went to town today with a load of barley Got ... cts. The day was fine It froze last night
Sunday 1 Rode up to the 8th
concession church. The day was fine
2 I was ploughing all day The day was fine
3 Ditto
4 Ditto
5 Ditto
6 It was rather wet today We ploughed a bit today
7 It was rather wet today Ploughed a little and shifted the big ...? log that Mrs Mewburn left
Sunday 8 Did nothing particular all day It was fine Went to Crinklaws in the evening
9 I was ploughing all day It was rather murky Went to Gords in evening
10 Went and got seed barley from James McConell and dragged the rest of the day It was
11 Finished dragging the barley field and rolled it The day was fine
12 Mary ....? was here Finished ploughing the pea field in the morning and was dragging in
the afternoon. It rained in the evening
13 Finished dragging the pea field and was rolling in the afternoon. The day was fine
14 Drawing out manure in the morning and rolling in the afternoon The day was fine
Sunday 15 Went to the junction to church The day was fine
16 Was ploughing today It was fine M B(?) was here
17 I was in town this morning and fixing fence this afternoon The day was fine
18 I was ploughing all day The day was fine
19 Ditto
20 We were sowing oats barley and peas today Annie Boyd (?) was here
21 We were sowing wheat today and ploughed a little in the evening It rained a little
Sunday 22 We went to the 8th
to church. The day was fine
23 We were ploughing today It rained very heavily in the afternoon Got home a load of
wood in the evening
24 Ditto
25 I was ploughing in the forenoon and rolling in the afternoon then went to Jacksons (?)
26 Finished ploughing for the oats in the forenoon and dragged them in the afternoon Went
to F Shores in the evening
27 ... went to town with a load of oats. Got 31 cts? I was ploughing all day. Day was fine
28 I was ploughing all day. ...went into town with a load of oats got 33 1/2 cts I went into
town in the afternoon
Sunday 29 I went and saw granny today. I did not go to church. The day was very fine
30 I was ploughing all day. It was very warm Ploughing for turnips and carrots.
31 Ditto . ? in with grain
1 Ploughing in the forenoon and washing sheep in the afternoon. It was very warm
2 Finished ploughing for potatoes. Dragged and cultivated it It was very warm
3 Turning manure all day It was very warm Went to try to get Molly shod but could not
Went to Crinklaw's in the evening
4 Went to town with a load of peas Got 60 cts(?) It was stiflingly hot Cut potatoes in the
Sunday 5 Went to the 8th
concession to church The day was very fine Took tea at the Tom
6 I was drawing out manure for potatoes all day It was very hot Got out (4?) loads
7 Ditto Got out (15?) loads. Ben spreading and Chris dragging (?)
8 Drew out one load of manure and spread some Fixed fence in the afternoon and covered
9 Sowing carrots in the forenoon and went to a barn raising in the afternoon
10 We were gathering (?) up manure in the morning and oiling harness in the afternoon It
was rather wet
11 I was ploughing most of the day It rained heavily in the evening Oiled (?) the harness
Sunday12 Went to the 8th
concession to church confirmation service there It rained in the
13 Turning manure all day It was a bit showery
14 Hunting polly (?) all morning and went in with Mr Mewburn cows (?) or corn (?) in the
afternoon Very hot
15 Got up at two and went on an excursion to the falls Stopped with Mr Mewburn over
16 Went sight seeing had a good time generally Got home at twelve bells
17 Digging ditch in the morning and drawing wood in the afternoon Then shearing
18 Drawing wood all day Very warm Took ...? This evening Ben finished shearing and
went to town with Ben and girls
Sunday 19 Went to the junction to church It was very hot The Westlakes here Chris went to
20 I was ploughing all day Ben and Chris went to town in the morning It was very hot
21 Finished ploughing for turnips and corn Menced (?) dragging Ben in town with wool Got
26 cts all around
22 Dragging all day and rolling Ben drilling
23 Filled (?) up ditch in the forenoon and drew out manure in the afternoon Ben gone to
24 Was drawing out manure all day Ben spreading
25 Drew out manure in the forenoon and spread afterwards It was awfully hot Chris went to
Sunday 26 Went to the 8th
concession to church It was very hot It rained heavily this
27 Drawing out manure all day It was very hot Went to Mac's in the evening
28 Ditto
29 Drew out manure part of the day and Ben was drilling and spreading manure It rained
some today
30 I was filling up a ditch and Ben drilling Sowed some in the evening Merton Shore was
after the drill It was fine
1 Rained last night and this morning Did not do much Went to the picnic for a little while
and went to a party on the 8th
in the evening
2 Got home by half past four this morning Was filling ditch in the morning and cutting wood
in the afternoon It was fine Ben and I went to town in evening
Sunday 3 Went to the 8th
to church Took tea at Mr. Fishers It was very fine Rode home with
Merton and Herbert Shore
4 Mowing all day It was fine
5 Ditto It rained last night
6 Ditto
7 It rained mostly all day Fixed the hay rack
8 Was digging a ditch and turning hay and cocking in the evening
9 Drew in part of the hay and raked and cocked the rest of the day It was fine
Sunday 10 Went to the 8th
to church The day was fine Went to Macs in the evening
11 Drew in 1 load of hay when it commenced to rain Did not do much the rest of the day
12 It rained today Went to the blacksmiths(?) in the morning He was not at home but
Charlie and Jack shod afternoon
13 (?) out hay and drawing in Got all the 6 acres in Chris went to Delaware(?) to buy cattle
14 Hoeing carrots and potatoes Ben cultivating and hoeing
15 Went with Chris to help him home with his cattle Had pretty darn(?) good time Chris (?)
came home with us
16 Pitched a load of hay It was raining this morning Splitting wood all afternoon Ben went
to town Chris traded horses
Sunday 17 Went to the 8th
Concession to church It rained after service Had to wait til it got
18 Fixing fences all day Chris sold the rest (?) of his cattle It did not rain any today
19 Pritchard was cutting grass Was mowing fence corners It rained this afternoon Had to
stop cutting
20 Fixing fences in the morning Helped Chris to drive his cattle to Flawns (?) Had a heavy
storm last night
21 Ben went to town this morning I was mowing raking and cocking hay in the afternoon
Went to town in the evening
22 Drawing in hay all day It rained this evening Got in 8 loads
23 Ben went to town Pritchard cutting fence corners Raking and cocking in the evening
Sunday 24 Did not do much on account of we went to Macs
25 Went to town in the morning and shaking out hay afterwards The day was fine
26 Turning and drawing hay It rained this evening It is most frightfully wet weather
27 Throwing off a load of hay and grinding the ....? Did not do much on account of wet
Chris came home Got 6 head
28 Chris's went to town Ben and Bill drawing and working at hay Fred and Pattersons were
here Rained a little
29 Chris and girls went to town It was rather wet Looking for heifer in afternoon Rode 23
30 Was drawing in hay all day Got through hay making The day was fine
Sunday 31 Went to the 8th
to church Took tea at Fishers Took Chris's there The day was
1 Fencing all day The Gerrards and P.... were here ....(?) Mary Love(?)
2 Commence at the barley The day was fine
3 Working at the carrots in the forenoon and barley afterwards It rained last night
4 Cutting barley The whole crowd went to town last night and did not come back ..(?) and
Chris came home
5 Horseraking in the forenoon and drawing in the afternoon The day was fine The rest were
at the port
6 Cutting in the forenoon and drawing in the afternoon The day was fine
Sunday 7 Went to the Junction to church and went to the Tom Shore's in the evening
8 Cutting barley all day It was very badly lodged The day was fine
9 Cutting barley all day Rained a little
10 Finished cutting the 8 acres Cut all the barley Raking in the afternoon Went to ...(?)
11 Raking and drawing all day The weather is fine
12 Finished drawing the barley Drew some ...(?) and cut ... (?) The weather has been very
13 Got up at 3 o'clock this morning to shoot wild ducks Did not get any Went to town and
pulled ...(?)
Sunday 14 Went to the Junction to church The day fine
15 Pulling and drawing peas The day was fine Finished the orchard and lower field
16 Cutting in the 6 acres in the forenoon and drawing in the afternoon The day fine
17 Ditto
18 Ditto
19 Ditto
20 Cutting and tying oats and drawing in peas Finished the rear Chris in town
Sunday 21 Went to the 8th
to church The day was fine ...(?) in evening
22 Started to hoe the turnips The day was fine ...(?) in the afternoon
23 Hoeing turnips all day It rained towards evening Gerrards were over
24 Ditto
25 Ditto
7 Drawing in oats all day It was fine ....(?) harvest
8 Thrashing at Archers all day It was fine Ben at council
9 Thrashing part of the day at Archers Plowing and drawing rails the rest of the day
10 Drawing rails part of the day and ploughing the rest of the day It rained towards evening
11 Thrashing all day Pritchards Ben ploughing Day fine
Sunday 12 Went to the 8th
to church Day was fine Rode Chris's mare
1 Ditto forenoon Cutting oats afterwards
2 Ditto forenoon Cradling oats afterward
3 Cradling oats all day
Sunday 4 Went to the Junction to church
5 Cutting wheat all day It rained towards evening
6 Ditto
26 Finished the wheat and tied up some oats This and the ...(?) ...(?)
27 Cutting oats in forenoon and dragging in afternoon
28 Cutting oats in forenoon and horseraking in afternoon Drew in some wheat
29 Went to town with Chris and his old mare in the morning and cutting oats afterwards
The morning was wet
Sunday 30 Went to Lambeth to church The day was fine
31 Finished cutting the oats Tied up some and drew in the wheat The day was fine
13 Ploughing all day It was fine Ben fencing
14 Went with Chris to Delaware Got Ben's heifer and 2 fat cows It was warm
15 Ben after seed wheat and was dragging mostly all day and fixing fences
16 Ploughing all day I was not at anything else Day fine
17 Letter from M I was going all day at the wheat Did not do much else because I had no
Sunday 18 Went to the Junction to church Saw ...(?) in evening
19 Drawing rails and one thing and another I ....(?) and all stuck together Day fine
20 Ploughing part of the day and helping Macdonald to draw manure the rest of the day
Ben at ..(?) sale
21 Started to plough but it was too hard Had to quit Fixed fences Ben helping Mac
22 Drawing rails all day Day fine
23 Building fences all day It is most beautiful weather
24 Drawing rail all day Drew quite a pile Day fine
Sunday 25 Went to the Junction to church Day fine Stayed at home in evening
26 Plough and harrowing all day Fine
27 Drawing rails and logging all day It was fine
28 Went to the Western Fair Had very good time
29 Drawing manure all day Rained a little towards evening
30 Did not do much on account of wet Thrashed and cleaned granary
1 Ploughed all day Ben at MacWilliams thrashing
Sunday 2 Went to the Junction to church Day fine
3 Ben not able to do anything with sore hand Ploughed most of the day Rained a little in
the morning
4 Rained a little in the morning Ploughing and clearing ground
5 Went after the colts and shafting fences Day fine
6 ....(?) Fixing a fence Day fine
7 Went after the colts and finished making the fence Day fine
8 Thrashing all day at John Crinklaw/s Day fine
Sunday 9 Went to the Junction to church Day fine
10 Thrashing all day at home Piper's machine Day fine
11 Rained a little today Finished thrashing Ploughing in the afternnon
12 Rained this morning Cleaning up wheat and cutting front garden Ploughing in the
13 Ploughing all day Very cold
14 Ploughing forenoon and digging potatoes afterward Day fine
15 Digging potatoes all day Ben in town Day fine
Sunday 16 Went to meeting with Crinklaws Took tea there Day fine
17 Rained a little this morning Cleaning barley Ploughed afterward
18 Rained heavily last night and a little this morning Ploughing mostly all day
19 Ploughing all day
20 Ploughing Day fine
21 Ploughing all day
22 Making cider all day at Jim Derry (?) Day fine
Sunday 23 Went to the Junction to church Day fine
24 Thrashing all day at Tom Archer's It was fine
25 Thrashing the rest of the oats at Archer's Drawing carrots the rest of the day Rained this
26 Ploughing today Stormed towards evening
27 Sawing wood in forenoon and at Donnelly's thrashing in afternoon
28 Drawing in turnips and ploughing Day fine
29 Hitched home Mcdonnells waggon and ploughing the rest of the day
Sunday 30 Rained mostly all day Did not go to church
31 Shifting stove and pig stye Day cold and windy
1 Hunting colts all day Did not find them Day beautifully fine
2 Went to Anderson's for colts Getting in straw afterwards Day fine
3 Getting in straw all day It was fine
4 Finished getting straw and ploughing the rest of the day
5 Went to town with apples Day fine Got a new bike (?)
Sunday 6 Went to the junction to church The day was fine
7 Ploughing all day Miss Godfrey came here
8 Ploughing all day Rather showery
9 Finished the south east field It snowed some today
10 Ploughing and fooling around Day fine Ben in town
11 Ploughing and fetching in potatoes Day fine
12 Ploughing and doing the chores Ben in town Day fine Miss G left
13 Did not do much Went to Crinklaws Day fine
14 Cutting wood and getting straw into pig stye Day stormy
15 Ploughing all day fine
16 Ditto Day cold Commended to wear mitts gs(?) had their spree
17 Ploughing all day Very cold Ben at Delaware sale
18 Ploughing in morning and fanning barley afterwards Day stormy
19 Ben went to town I was choring around(?)
Sunday 20 Rode to the junction for church Roads awful Day fine
21 Ploughing in orchard all day Charley and Jack Day fine
22 Filling in holes in road all day Rather cold
23 Had a heavy fall of snow last night Ben went to town in the sleigh with a grist Choring
24 Cutting wood in the forenoon and went to town afterwards Took in the pigs Day fine
25 Cutting timber for the sheep shed in the forenoon and drawing up in afternoon Day fine
26 Choring around Ben in town Day fine
Sunday 27 Went to the junction to church Roads bad Day fine
28 Framing sheep sheds Jim Crinklaw here
29 Ditto Ben at Delaware
30 Ditto
1 Ditto Ben in town
2 Ditto Had our raising Today fine
3 Ploughing in the orchard all day Rather cold Chris came home
4 Did not do much Got my shirts Day fine
5 Did not do much on account sore hand Went up to Georges in the forenoon and
Crinklaws afterwards
6 Sawing wood in the forenoon and boarding up sheep shed in afternoon Day rather rough
7 Boarding up sheep shed in forenoon and fixing driving house in afternoon Day wet
8 Killing pigs all day Killed nine Day fine
9 Killing pigs in forenoon Killed six and brought home James Crinklaw tool(?) in afternoon
Day fine
10 Cutting wood all day Ben in town with pork Got six forty five Day fine
Sunday 11 Went up to the school house Took tea at Mr and Mrs Snowing(?) this evening
12 Fixing apples in cellar and cutting meat and such Day rough
13 Nailing boards on sheep shed and fixing fence Day rough
14 Cleaning out old barn in forenoon Went to Jim Crinklaws for an axe handle Ben took
15 Tearing down old root house all day Rather cold
16 Drawing down wood in the forenoon and fixing drive house afterwards
17 Nailing up boards in forenoon and cutting wood afterwards Ben in town
Sunday 18 Went to the junction to church Day fine
19 Shingling (?) part day and ... ? the rest
20 Cutting wood and fixing fence Very cold
21 Went to town in the sleigh Very cold
22 Chopping wood and doing chores Day cold
23 Chopping wood all day Macs ...? Awful cold Went to Bs in evening
24 Cutting wood and choring around Day stormy Ben in town
Sunday 25 Went to the junction to church Day fine
26 Cutting wood and choring round Hitched up Rodney
27 Sawing wood in forenoon Went up to Crinklaws to thrash but no machine
28 Thrashing all day at Crinklaws Day fine
29 Ditto at McDonalds Day fine
30 Grinding ...? And knife (?) cleaning out barn floor Day stormy
31 Came down to falls and went out to Mrs . . ? Day stormy
Additional notes
Received $ 6.52 % from Mr Mewburn Commenced to draw wood from James Crinklaws on
the 11th
of February Drew out 15 cords out of the bush
Ross Duff (?) house near Waterford
My Dear Bridget
I am well I hope you are
W.N MacLeod
(Not sure if he composed the following or if it is from a published poem)
Fair Julia sat in her summer bower fully unconscious of the passing hour. Musing and
thinking with delight she was going to see her lover tonight.Sir Lancelot Lane had been off
at the wars. A brave handsome soldier with not a few fears (tears, years?).Fearless and
dauntless no braver than he. In a hand to hand conflict or general melee. He had fought
with the bravest and put them to flight.
Some illegible scribbles
Making shirts 0.50
Festival 0.20
Glycerine 0.10
Oil 0.10
Writing paper 0.25
Pen and ink 0.05
... a n d . 0.11
. and purse(?) 0.11
Axe handle 0.12
Board at John Crinklaws 2 days
2 money receipts(?)
Gut(?) 15.0
Brush (?) 1.50
Cap 1.00
Photograph 2.00
Trip 3.50
Presents 5.00
Gloves 2.00
Watch 20(?)
Shirts 2
Scarfs 0.50
Knife 1.00
Show 1.00
. ? 5.00
Transcribed from the original to the best of our ability by Doug and Pat Yungblut
August 18 - 21, 2014
Waterdown Ontario

Transcription Progress



William Neynoe MacLeod Diary, 1870.pdf


“William Neynoe MacLeod Diary, 1870,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/56.
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