Franklin McMillan Diary & Transcription, 1931


Franklin McMillan Diary & Transcription, 1931


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


January 1 to December 31, 1931




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Burlington, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1931

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



1931 {First page}

Jan 1st. Fine and cool down to about 10 early this morning. Had John and family & Mrs Boniface for dinner.

Jan 2nd. Fair & some milder busy wrecking the Christmas tree.

Jan 3rd. Fine & mild just like spring

Jan 4th. Fine & mild. a weather breeder I guess. Had Hicks for the evening.

Jan 5th. School started again. Doris home with a cold. Raining from the east all day.

Jan 6th. Turning colder again snowed last night 4 or 5 inches.

Jan 7th Clear and cold 10 above zero at 830 am

Jan 8th. Clear and colder still Just at zero at 830 am.

Jan 9th. Cloudy and a little milder. looks like snow this morning.

Jan 10th Very fine winter day bright & mild thawed some.

Jan 11th. Mild. was in to Geo Chapmans for tea.

Jan 12th. Went to Hamilton Bot new bed for Alan some wall paper and got licenses for Truck & Car. Car no. R 201 cost $5. Truck no 38100C cost $24 00. Operators License $100 no 338976

Jan 13th Turning cold again not much snow yet.

Jan 14th Zero this morning but clear & bright

Jan 15th Started to paper the dining Room. have Jack Ireland doing it.

Jan 16th milder again finished dining room all but border.

Jan 17th mild & cloudy. thawing today.

Jan 18th Sunday mild and cloudy looks like snow.

Jan 19th. About 4 to 6 inches snow this morning. mild & soft looks like rain now.

Jan 20. Fine & cool am getting old 46 today.

Jan 21st. Very cold. got a surprise. Received a box of Grapefruit free from Lyons Fertilizer Co of Tampa Florida. for writing from the longest distance receiving their broadcast from WFLA Clearwater Florida they are extra fine & large only 64 in box.

Jan 22. Cold below zero this am. still papering at the hall now.

Jan 23rd Getting milder again in Hamilton for more wall paper. Finished the Job tonight $1580 {he means $15.80} for paper & $1600 {he means $16.00} to Jack Ireland for putting on. total $31.80 paint $2.50

Jan 24th. Getting new lights plug & electric light switches in front Room cost $725 for lights and at Alan for enstating $28 70 total. $35.95 snowed all day worst of the winter

Jan 25 Sunday mild thawing all day. children went to sunday school.

Jan 26th. Went to Hamilton for some floor paint. Doris 9 years old. Had a party.

Jan 27th mild today. some soft snow about evening time

Jan 28th Turned cold in the night. down to 5 above this morning. every thing glittering with snow stuck on the trees etc

Jan 29th. cold with some more snow.

Jan 30th. was over to see Roy Bell. sent some hair to his doctor in Kitchener. very bad driving, raining and freezing on windshield

Jan 31st. Fine & cold about zero last night. Had an Indian move in to work

Feby 1st. Sunday fine & cold roads slippery. ground all covered since Xmas with snow not very deep only a few inches

Feby 2nd. Fair & not very cold. Madge taken sick in the car on the way to Hamilton.

Feby 3rd mild again Dr Weaver says Madge has to stay in bed for a week or so.

Feby 4th. Fine but a little colder.

Feby 5th. Doris & Alan home with colds.

Feby 6th Fair & cold.

Feby 7th. About worst snow storm of the season. from the north east. the whole bunch in bed with flu & got another tooth out and am feeling punk. have Miss Henderson here to nurse them. I am sleeping on the Lounge.

Feby 8th. Sunday. Cloudy & milder.

Oct Feby 9th. All the family in bed but myself. ordered seeds from Stokes 1/4 lb. Copenhagen Cabbage 1/2 lb Worldbeater pepper 1 oz Harris Early pepper 1 oz John Bauer tomato 1 oz Bonny Best tomato 1 oz Marglobe tomato cost $115

Feby 10th Cold again about zero or lower. all sick with the Flu yet.

Feby 11th still cold zero.

Feby 12th. milder again thawing. children bad today all crying with earache

Feby 13th still mild. rain in the night. Charlotte temperature 103 this morning. Madge up but feeling shaky.

Feby 14th. The family all in bed. Charlottes ear running now. Had Dr Clark out again. Very cold tonight. zero I guess.

Feby 15th Sunday milder again. thawing some a terrible lot of ice on the strawberries.

Feby 16th. Mild & cloudy

Feby 17th mild & cloudy some light rain. Doris up for a little while today.

Feby 18th. mild. Indian & John unloading car of manure for hot beds. see in the paper Annie Babcock died Feby 15th in Hamilton in her 88th year

Feby 19th some snow this morning. mild & soft.

Feby 20th. Madge sick in bed with Tonsilitis

Feby 21st. Alan & the girls up today. weather mild. started Hot beds

Feby 22nd. Sunday. cloudy & mild.

Feby 23rd Very fine just like spring. Bright & mild. took Miss Henderson home. here 16 days at $350 {he means $3.50} total $56 00

Feby 24th weather fine & bright John sowed Cabbages and pepper seeds. (8 sash cabb - 8 sweet & 8 Hot peppers)

Feby 25th. Fine & mild frosts at night.

Feby 26th. Unloading 2nd Car manure out on the land drew part right out this am. but too soft in the afternoon thawing fast. snow nearly all gone.

Feb 27th. Fine & mild thawing fast.

Feb 28th. Fine Port Colborne beat Toronto Marlboros in Senior 6 H a Group Semi Finals this afternoon they had to play 3 games. 1st was no score. second 1 to 1 after 30 minutes overtime 3rd game Pt. Colborne 3. for 1. Hamilton & Pt Colborne. now play off for 1st place.

Mar 1st. Cloudy but not very cold

Mar 2nd Clouder & colder ground frozen again. Charlotte & Doris started school again. Home a whole month.

Mar 3rd. Indian started work. steady at $15 per week. drawing manure.

Mar 4th. went to Hamilton got 5 oz John Bauer & 4 oz Bruces First & Best tomato seed. $3.25. weather fine thawing each day & freezing at night regular March weather but finer than usual.

Mar 5th Hamilton won from Port Colborne in Group A Senior. 6.H.a. last night.

Mar 6th cloudy some cooler north east wind.

Mar 7th. cool & cloudy strong cold north east wind.

Mar 8th. About 6 inches of snow this morning and blowing & drifting from the north east. snowed all day. worst storm of the winter still snowing tonight at 6.PM

Mar 9th. Every thing blocked with snow about 12 inches on the level. and lots of big drifts. and still snowing. biggest storm in years.

Mar 10th. Cool & cloudy. every body digging out of the snow storm. Toronto says it will cost them $150,000 to clear out the snow Hamilton Seniors are 6 H A Hockey Champions won from Windsor in finals 5 to 3 .

Mar 11th. Kingston won Intermediate 6.H.a. from Chatham score 4 to 3. cool & cloudy today they played 2 games.

Mar 12th. still cold and lot of snow yet. Niagara Falls wins Junior 6 H a. from West Toronto 12 to 7 on the Round.

Feby Mar 13th. Milder thawing some of the snow off. John sick with a cold.

Feby Mar 14th. Cloudy & mild looks like more snow or rain. Hotbeds look punk. a very poor catch of seeds.

Feby Mar 15th. Cloudy & mild a few light snow flurries

Feby Mar 16th. Cloudy & cool snow flurries had Charlottes eyes tested has to wear glasses for two years.

Mar 17th. John still sick in bed. unloading car of manure for hotbeds. weather still cloudy but thawing a little lots of snow on the ground yet.

Hamilton Sen. 6.H.a went another step ahead beat Sudbury. on a two game round 7 to 1. and Niagara Falls. Jun. 6 H a. Beat the Soo 8 to 7 on the round last night

Mar 18th Finished unloading car of manure. 20 tons made 72 sashes.

Mar 19th. Putting earth on hot beds. had about another inch of snow this morning. Charlotte got her glasses. cost $9.00 got a bill from Dr Clark $25 00 for two trips.

Mar 20th. Fine & mild started transplanting cabbages.

Mar 21st. 1st day of spring saw first robin. Fine & mild with east wind transplanted some more cabbages and 1 bed Tomatoes Ottawa wins Junior 6 Ha Semi Finals from Niagara Falls. 4 to 2. and play Winnipeg in the finals at Toronto.

Mar 22nd Sunday John still sick and have a bad cold myself. John Green our Indian running the show now. Had Hammonds for supper.

Mar 23rd Fine & mild Indian drawing water from the creek for hotbeds and transplanting tomatoes.

Mar 24th Cloudy with a few sprinkles of rain Indian still transplanting

Mar 25th. Cloudy again John still sick and have a cold yet. Indian transplanting peppers.

Mar 26th Colder & cloudy men transplanting peppers & started unloading 4th car of manure Hamilton won from Ottawa in Alan Cup play offs. Ottawa won in Hamilton 2 to 1 Hamilton won in Ottawa 1 to 0 after 30 minutes overtime & won again in Montreal 3 to 2 last night. tonight they play Truro N.S. at Toronto

Mar 27th. Cold & cloudy east wind. unloading manure Winnipeg won Junior Hockey Championship tonight Beat Ottawa 2 games to 1 Toronto Prof. won 2nd place in their group but lost to Chicago 4 to 3 on the round. in the play off.

Mar 28. Heavy east rain biggest rain for months Hamilton Seniors beat Truro N. Scotia this afternoon 5 to 1 & last game 6 to 2 11 to 3 on the round and they leave tonight for Winnipeg for the Can. Finals.

Mar 29th cold & cloudy a few snow flurries was at Hicks for supper

Mar 30. Still cool & cloudy making hotbeds.

Mar 31st Bright but cool east wind making & watering hotbeds.

April 1st. Cold & cloudy strong east winds Rain & Snow in the afternoon

April 2nd Got started planting again this afternoon ground covered with snow this am.

April 3rd Good Friday mild and cloudy only a few minutes sunshine mostly south west winds and showery in the afternoon. Transplanting peppers & Tomatoes yet Winnipeg won the Alan Cup Final by beating Hamilton last night in two straight games. scores 2 to 1 and 3 to 1. Canadians of Montreal won the Pro. National League from Boston 3 games to two

April 4th. Finished Transplanting weather fine & bright. have 28 sashes Cabbages about 7000

72. sashes Tomatoes about 15 000

92. sashes Peppers over 20 000

April 5th. Easter Sunday. Fine & bright this am but cool east wind

April 6th. Fine & cool started spraying pears with Emulso. got

5 tanks on. 6 gals. Emulso to the tank.

April 7th Spraying all day 6 tanks on today. Fine & cool

April 8 Fine & warmer finished spraying one tank today. 12 altogether used 1 1/2 lbs Emulso

April 9th. Spreading manure weather fine

April 10th. Weather showery men spreading manure

April 11th Colder with strong west winds thermometer at 28 at 730 tonight topped Berry bushes. new man moved in today

April 12. Sunday cool this a-m. about 1/2 in ice clear & bright. went for a drive after Sunday school. up back of Appleby.

April 13th. Hoed sod out of Raspberries. and started uncovering strawberries

April 14th. uncovering Sberries ground dry. drawing the straw off with the truck

April 15th. weather fine but cool. with east wind. Canadians of Montreal won the Prof. Hockey Cham. of the World last night Beat Chicago 3 games to 2. and hold the Stanley cup for the second year in succession.

still uncovering strawberries & J. Green is ploughing

April 16th. Fair & warm uncovering strawberries Roy Bell died today.

April 17th. Warmer today strong south winds and getting very dry.

April 18th watering hotbeds and finished uncovering strawberries fine & warm

April 19th Sunday fine called at Cutresse's

April 20th. Fine & warm drawing water for hotbeds. planted a few potatoes and started transplanting tomatoes into boxes

April 21st Started unloading 5th and last car of manure. very warm 73 in the shade. but turning cool tonight

April 22nd. Cool this morning unloading manure & making hotbeds. raining this afternoon.

April 23rd still working at hotbeds. quiet a big rain in the night and colder today.

April 24th. Planted Cucumbers cool today froze ice this morning

April 25th. Cool with a drizzly rain transplanting tomatoes this a.m.

April 26th. Sunday cold & cloudy. with rain most of the time. and some flurries of wet snow

April 27th. Strong north west wind cold & cloudy. some snow flurries down to 36 at 6 pm. men digging strawberry plants

April 28th strong south west winds. Cloudy & cold still digging strawberries

April 29th. Very cold yet cloudy & high winds

April 30th. Started planting strawberries got 18 rows planted with the planter. very cold yet.

April May 1st. Planted 30 more rows strawberries this afternoon the biggest job is digging and getting the plants ready also put 1 ton Fertilizer on berry bushes. Grade 2-8-10. at $36 a ton.

May 2nd. planted 20 lbs Davis White Wax Beans it planted 14 rows. planting strawberries again this afternoon. weather still cold. ice every morning

May 3rd. Sunday Fine and some warmer.

May 4th Planted 6000 cabbage out.

May 5. Watering hotbeds and finished transplanting tomatoes about 14000 plants. fine & warm

May 6th Planting strawberries again.

May 7th. Finished planting strawberries. about 5 acres.

May 8th Planting corn & pumpkins. a nice shower in the night a little cooler today.

May 9th. Cool & cloudy like rain. Hoeing and cultivating strawberries

May 10th Sunday Fair and moderately warm. had a nice shower last night and the first thunder of the year

May 11th. Cool & showery Hoeing & cultivating

May 12 still cold & showery.

May 13th. Sowed 2 ozs Erfurt Cauliflower in 8 sashes still cool & showery shipped first asparagus may 11th. 8 bskts {baskets} sold at $2.00 in Toronto

May 14 Fine & warm planted 2 sashes Veg. marrow. 4 ozs seed. men still hoeing & cultivating strawberries & ploughing orchards

May 15th Ploughing & hoeing & cultivating strawberries weather fine & warm about 80 in the shade

May 16th. warm this am thunder showers at noon. cooler tonight

May 17th. Sunday. Fine & cool. drove to Wesdale & then Visited Wilcox s.

May 18. 19 & 20th. Fine & warm men hoeing new strawberries cultivating & ploughing

May 21st Some showers still hoeing. turning colder

May 22nd FInished hoeing new strawberries 1st time hoeing cabbages 2nd time very cold. may be frost

May 23rd. Cold north east wind & rain all night and this morning Temperature about 40 this morning History repeats have had to relight our furnace again for the 24th of May. have had to for years past always a cold spell.

May 24th Sunday. Very cold last night 40 at Bedtime with heavy west winds blowing all night also today very cold & windy

May 25th. started at noon planting out tomatoes weather cloudy but milder

May 26th. Planted tomatoes all day. fine & warm

May 27th All the crowd planting tomatoes

May 28th. Fine & warm Finished planting about 15000 tomatoes and started at peppers

May 29th. Finished planting peppers 92 sashes 250 to a sash. Very warm

May 30 Showery. planted cukes & Vegetable marrows

June May 31st. Sunday fine had Hicks over before dinner and G. Hammonds in the afternoon.

June 1st. Starting spraying going fine got 7 tanks on. weather rather cool and windy. men hoeing strawberries

June 2nd still spraying and hoeing. broke the record spraying today 8 tanks weather fine & warmer

June 3rd Fine & warm still at the spraying 7 tanks

June 4th still spraying very warm Fruit crop looks very light. very few pears. cherries very light. Hardly any Burbank or Red June plums. no Green Gage

June 5th Finished spraying tonight at it 5 days put on 36 tanks. about 210 lbs lead and over 3 lbs Lime Sulphur. windy today and a little cooler. men hoeing the picking beds of strawberries for the 2nd time been at it all week

June 6th cooler & showery in the morning heavy rain & thunder storms after dinner and evening

June 7th. sunday Cold & cloudy with a few light showers

June 8th cold & cloudy a few light showers men hoeing new strawberries for the 2nd time. tried out the new Spring tooth it seems alright

June 9th Planted out Cauliflowers. ground in good shape. but Caul. plants small. also it turned hot.

June 10th & 11 All men hoeing & cultivating. very warm.

June 12th Picked first strawberries 5 x 36 & 1 x 24 pints. sold in Toronto at 1 at 15¢ 4 @ 11¢ & 1 at 10¢ Toronto flooded with American berries

June 13th Fine & warm had Will & Clara for supper also Hicks

June 14th Sunday fine & warm Had Davidsons from Hamilton call. Doris still in bed with Bronchitis

June 15th. Had a big shower in the night. done a lot of good but made strawberries very dirty picked 61 crates pints today sold at Toronto 50 at 10¢ 40 at 8¢ 16 at 4¢ First day of daylight saving.

Jun 16th Fair & cooler. no picking today. sold strawberries to Uptons for 12¢ quart

June 17th. Berries flat. picked 163 crates Sold 50 at 8¢ pint. 50 to Breckon to go to Toronto 11 cts in Toronto 59 to Uptons. Weather warm

June 18th no picking weather very warm strong south wind.

Jun 19th Very warm & strong south wind. all day. Picked 201 x 27's strawberries. fairly cooking & burning up everything sold 50 crates at 15¢ Balance to Uptons at 12¢ Big thunder storm in the evening. will save them now. and it certainly poured.

June 20th. Very warm again all day. another storm at 6 p.m. high wind & some rain. but it looked worse farther north.

June 21st Sunday. Fine & cool went for a drive up under the mountain

June 22nd Cloudy & cool our biggest picking of berries 291 x 27's sold all to Uptons but 40 crates to Davidson at 11 1/2¢ here. & crates returned.

June 23rd Cloudy & cold a few light showers only picked half a day 93 crates

June 24th no picking today fine & warm

June 25th Hot & cloudy a few showers. picked 191 crates today

June 26th Heavy thunder showers last night again picked 123 crates today.

June 27th Saturday fair & warm. no picking

June 28th Sunday went for a drive first to Brantford had dinner in Mohawk Park. then on to Waterford & Simcoe to Port Dover big crowd on the beach. came back by Jarvis & Hagersville had supper in Dundurn Park

June 29th. Very heavy dews every morning. did not start picking until about 8 oclock. daylight time no good for the fruit grower. Picked 181 crates

June 30th Very hot. picked 89 crates SB.

July 1st. Picked 40 x 32 crates SBerries & 15 x 6 sweet cherries 38 x 11 Richmonds at 50 to 60 weather terrible hot. over 102 in the shade and thermometer hung on the barn went to 130 in the sun.

July 2nd still as warm this a.m. nobody could sleep last night. 92 at 930 this a.m. {Side note} 103 after dinner picked 30 Richmond ch. & 18 x 6's sweets. also picked first peppers 21 x 6's sold in Toronto at 50¢. One of the worst storms for years started about 4 oclock with wind & dust. blowed & rained in torrents for about an hour.

July 3rd Picked 37 crates SB. nearly done. warm again picked 19 x 6 sweet cherries & 7 bskts {baskets} Beans for the first.

Strawberry totals

230 x 36 pints. 1143 x 27 qts. 123 x 32 qts. in 27 qts crates total 1442

July 4th Sat. no picking men hoeing strawberries

July 5th Sunday warm another big thunder storm in the night lasted about 2 hours home all day.

July 6th Finished picking strawberries all done now I guess. had 1500 crates picked 14 Beans 34 sweet cherries 19 Richmonds. 72 x 32 crates SBerries

July 7th Picked 62 bshls {bushels} 75¢ Sweet cherries 10 mont. cherries @ 75¢ 12 Beans 50¢

July 8th still warm ploughing old Strawberry patch Picked 30 Montmorency cherries 28 small Red sweets in 6's at 30¢ 59 x 6's Blacks at 70¢ 5 x 6's white at 50¢ 12 Beans at 40¢ & 50¢ also hoeing & cultivating old strawberry patch

July 9th. Picked first Rasps 90 pints sold at 15¢ here. finished Black Sweet Cherries 75 bskts {baskets} at 70¢ 40 x 6's small Red Sweets at 35¢. 4 Beans 40¢. Finished cleaning old strawberry patch here. Cultivating Blackberries some Job they have all fell down with the wind storms

July 10th. Picked 46 x6 's Red (Sweet) Cherries only got 25¢ for them. 2 x 24 pints Rasps 12¢ & 30 Mont cherries at 60¢

July 11th. Cooler this a.m. and a light shower picked 88 mont cherries for Scott at 60¢

July 12th Sunday fine & warm. went for a drive to Stoney Creek saw the Battlefield the monuments etc. then along the top of the mt. & down at Grimsby and to Grimsby Beach.

July 13th. Busy day very warm and light showers in the evening Picked 340 x 11 Mont Cherries sold at 62 1/2 - 65¢ and 73 north at 75¢ also picked 14 1/3 crates Rasps. and first Tomatoes 3 x 6's sold at $125 {$1.25}

July 14th Picked 208 cherries today. 9 crates Cabbage at 50¢ 3 x 11 tomatoes at $2 00. Very warm again today.

July 15th. Only picked 170 x 11 cherries & 5 x 6's today they will soon be done. 17 beans 35¢ 27 x 36 Rasps at 10¢ to canners & crates & boxs back. 2 toms $2 00

July 15th St Swithins day had some showers this am. they say it rains for 40 days

July 16th. only picked a half day 130 bskts {baskets} cherries 17 x 6's Blacks 10 crates Cabbages 50¢ warm again a light shower early this am

July 17. Showery again all day off and on Picked rasps all day in the showers and between the big ones. another shower starting now at 830 PM. Picked 51 crates Rasps. one of the best pickings I guess

July 18. Sat. wet again this morning rained nearly all night I guess raining at 4 this am.

July 19th Sunday Fine & warm. Home all day

July 20th Picked 60 crates Rasps. 14 bskts {baskets} Tomatoes sold 8 at $2 00 6 at $2 10 10 Green peppers 60¢ another big shower about 2 PM. lasted a couple of hours.

July 21st. Cloudy & hot a few sprinkles rain picked cherries all day 261 bskts {baskets} sold from 65¢ to 75¢. picked Beans 21 bskts {baskets} also. 35¢

July 22nd. Picked 35 x 36 Rasps 80 x 11 cherries 20 beans 40¢ 14 x 11's tomatoes at $2.00 bskt. {baskets} & 10 large crates Cabbages at 85¢, 10 med size at 50¢ for Davidson and 5 to ship north 50¢ Cabbages no good this year neither crop nor price!

July 23rd Finished picking cherries this morning had 95 x 11 Richmonds sold at 40 to 60¢ totals 67 x 6 qts sweets whites sold at 50¢ to 60¢ Blacks. 70 to 95 Small Reds. 25 to 35¢ 1428 Montmorency mont. from 60 to 75¢ per 11 qt. weather fine & warm. 42 x 11 pepper 60¢

July 24th Picked 35 bskts {baskets} tomatoes today sold at 80¢ 6 bskts {baskets} cukes the first picking sold at 36¢ 26 crates Raspberries

July 25 Sat. not much doing only picked 26 bskts {baskets} Green Peppers sold for 60¢ weather fine & warm.

July 26th. Sunday Fine and warm.

July 27th Cloudy & hot a few sprinkles rain picked 51 toms 7 cukes 22 crates Cabbages & 37 crates Rasps.

July 28 Very warm not picking much only 6 toms 14 crates Cabbages men hoeing Tomato patch Got settled up for Strawberries at Uptons. Kicked on 200 crates (sandy) cut us $100 {$1.00} a crate on 200 crates. and paid 12¢ qt for the balance. offered 1¢ a lb for plums

July 29th. Picked 63 toms today sold 15 at 45. 48 at 40¢ also 15 crates Rasps & 22 pints Blackberries for the first. also picked first corn 133 doz sold at 25¢ a doz weather very warm

July 30th A little cooler today not picking much. Picked first plums 25 bskts {baskets} Shiro's.

July 31. some cooler today and pretty busy. Picked 97 tomatoes at 40 to 50¢. 53 Shiro plums at 50¢ 5 cukes 30¢ 6 apples 35¢ 95 doz corn 25¢ doz 8 x 27 qts Rasps 60 pints Lawtons at 12¢ Finished up Beans a week ago no Sale for them now only had 115 bskts. {baskets} sold for $56.00 last year we had 232 bskts {baskets} and sold for $ 100.00

Aug 1st. Pretty busy today for a Saturday 100 bskts {baskets} Shiro plums for Scott at 45¢ 30 crates Cabbages 40 a crate 210 doz corn 22 1/2 doz for Davidson weather cooler this am very cool.

Aug 2nd Heavy rain in the night. cool & cloudy all day.

Aug 3rd Pretty busy today. 179 toms at 35 37 to 40¢. 89 shiro plums. 45 + 50¢ (10 up north 60¢) 5 crates Lawtons 10 & 12 6 cukes 25. 14 crates cabb 40 to 80¢ according to size of crate 2 crates marrows 75¢ 40 doz corn 25¢ Cut wages of all our men to $200 {$2.00} a day we have been paying more than any body else all summer

Aug 4th warmer again today. Picked 108 tomatoes going farther down in price 31 to 35 today only a few small orders today. Corn down to 20¢ a doz. Finished Picking Rasps last Friday had 281 x 36 pints twice as many as last year

Aug 5th. Very hot again today. picked 96 toms sold 65 at 30¢ 31 at 35¢ finished Shiro plums 52 bskts {baskets} at 45¢ and 35 bskts {baskets} Red Junes at 40¢ 90 doz corn sold 40 doz at 18¢ & 50 doz at 20¢

Aug 6th. Very hot must have been 95. only picked 28 bskts {baskets} toms at 35¢ & 48. Red June plums @ 35. 5 Cabb 40¢ 2 x 36 Lawtons 8¢

Aug 7th. not much doing picked 116 toms sold from 25¢ to 35¢ 6 cukes at 25¢ 20 cukes 17¢ 7 x 36 Lawtons 8.¢ 2 at 10¢ 5 marrows 50¢ weather cloudy & colder

Aug 8th. not very many orders 28 x 11 sweet peppers at 27¢ about cleaned up the cabbages 10 doz corn. & 50 x 6 qts Burbank plums at 25¢

Aug 9 a couple of heavy showers in the night warm & cloudy this a.m. went up to see Carman Bell he was working until about 9 oclock.

Aug 10th. Picked 193 bskts {baskets} toms. 28¢ & 35¢ a few cukes etc. 5 crates Lawtons down to 7¢ pint now a few more showers

Aug 11th. Picking Burbank plums for Scott. 283 bskts {baskets} at 35¢ 11 bskts {baskets} Red Peppers @ $100 a few tomatoes only 4¢ bskt {baskets} 26 Clapp Pears. 45 in all 366 bskts {baskets} & 6 crates Lawtons berries 6¢ weather fair & cool. finished up on corn yesterday had 681 doz. started at 25¢ - 22 1/2. & down to 20¢. a few bags at 17 & 18¢. & 50 doz the last which was small at 8¢. Total sale was $146.75. about the best of anything we had this season

Aug 12th. Picked 248 bskts {baskets} toms today at 28-30¢ & 28 at 35¢. 5 Red peppers at $100. 20 plums 35 8 crates Beans 7¢. weather great fine & cool.

Aug 13th Rained from 4 this am until after noon a real heavy rain only picked 49 bskts {baskets} Clapp pears & 10 bskts {baskets} Red Peppers

Aug 14 Fine & warm picked 298 bskts {baskets} toms 28 & 30¢ 82 Burbank plums. 12 crates Lawtons Berries. did not get done until nearly 7 pm.

Aug 15. Hoed a few Rows of strawberries & picked 162 Burbank plums 32 1/2 & 64 Tomatoes

Aug 16 Sunday. Rained again this morning fine in the afternoon had Hicks over for supper

Aug 17th. Tomatoes took another Slump down to 22 cts today. sold 236 bskts. {baskets} 148 plums at 30 & 35¢ and 21 Red peppers at $100

Aug 18th not much doing picked 50 plums @ 26¢

Aug 19th Tomatoes done for no sale. picked 150 plums & 24 Red sweet peppers at 65¢

Aug 20th. weather fine & cool. picked 205 Bradshaw plums at 32¢. 96 Burbanks 25 13 Gages 30. 25 Red Sweet Peppers 60¢

Aug 21 Took 84 bus. {bushels} tomatoes to the canners. complaint too green. may not get any thing for them picked 64 Burbank plums for the last. & 22 more Red Sweet Peppers at 60¢ Total Burbanks 1170 bskts {baskets}.

Aug 22nd. nothing much doing only picked 53 Bradshaws & 7 bskts {baskets} Red peppers at 85¢

Aug 23rd Sunday was a perfect day went to Puslinch Lake.

Aug 24th. not very much doing for a Monday only 65 plums 10 toms. and 10 pears 32 Red peppers.

Aug 25. Picked 111 bskts {baskets} plums. 30 Red peppers

Aug 26 Picked 87 plums 32 Red peppers 80¢ & 12 Green peppers 35¢ Picked another load Tomatoes for Canning Co

Aug 27th. started raining in the night. rained hard all morning. nothing doing all day only picked 16 bskts {baskets} Peppers

Aug 28. A few more showers this morning. picked 321 bskts {baskets} Bradshaw plums. 48 Red peppers & 15 Greens. only got 21 cts for Bradshaws. some price. finished them had 877 bskts {baskets}.

Aug 29. Picked 25 bus. {bushels} Bartlett pears for Davidson at $1.25 bushel & picking tomatoes for canners weather fine today and cooler.

Aug 30. Sunday Fair & cool went for a drive up under the mountain at Harveys farm Radio quite going tonight

Aug 31 Busy today Picked 59 Hot Red peppers at 80¢ 22 Sweet at 55¢ 142 plums at 18 to 30¢. 6 toms 25 74 Bartlett pears. and took 91 bus. {bushels} tomatoes to the canners. {Side note} Sold 4 crates Cauliflowers at $2.25 per crate.

Sept 1 207 plums to Scott 15 Red Peppers 70¢ 184 Bartlett pears 40¢ a few Showers.

Sept 2nd Showery picked Tomatoes for canners & 181 x 11 Bartletts for Davidson

Sept 3. Picked 58 x 11 Sweet Red Peppers 48 @ 55¢ & 10 at 65 48 x 11 Red Hots 78¢ 110 x 11 Bartletts at 40¢ Picked 45 more bus. {bushels} Tomatoes shipped 31 no 2 pears 11 crates cauliflowers to Toronto. first we have sent on Commission since July 2nd

Sept 4th nothing doing only picked 10 plums & 2 pears men hoeing strawberries

Sept 5. men hoeing SBerries picked 75 Red peppers men picked about 40 bus. {bushels} tomatoes. we took a day off and went to the Toronto Ex. did not get back till 1230 pm.

Sept 7th. Had a busy day picked 213 plums at 25 125 x 6. Red Hot Peppers 32 1/2 76 x 11 Red Sweet Peppers 55 10 x 11 pears 45¢ 7 crates Cauli at 175 & 200

Sept 8. Weather fine & warm picking Bartlett pears all day for the canners have 1/2 bus. {bushel} ready.

Sept 9th. Finished Bartlett pears had 148 bus. {bushels} for Canners. Finished tomatoes 39 bushels. picked 60 plums 16 peppers. Very warm over 90. & tonights papers says it snowed in Calgary

Sept 10th. Very warm yet about 90°, not many orders 78 60 plums & 4 Red peppers 4 Caul. Sept 11 men hoeing strawberries. Have a tractor ploughing 13 hours at $1 50 an hour $19 50 ploughed between 4 1/2 & 5 acres. pretty expensive ploughing.

Sept 11th. Picked 52 bskts {baskets} Howell pears at 30¢ & 25 plums for North. weather terrible hot has been as high as 96 in the shade.

Sept 12 Picked 170 plums & 53 more Howell pears weather just as hot as ever. away over 90

Sept 13 Sunday Fine & very warm home all day.

Sept 14th. Warm yet but not quiet as bad busy. picked 301 bskts {baskets} plums. 118 Red Peppers & 12 crates Cauliflowers

Sept 15th showery this morning only got 50 Reine Claude plums picked in the morning 214 all day sold Scott 35 at 21¢, 32 sweet Red peppers 30¢ 109 Hot peppers 25¢ 4 Cauliflowers crates $100 Balance of plums to Davidson 174 204 bskts {baskets} back.

Sept 16. Cooler and cloudy picked 238 plums for Davidson & 157 pears. (Howells 30¢)

Sept 17. showery in morning fine after noon. picked 301 plums & 15 x 11 pears.

Sept 18th. Picked plums & peppers & some caul for Toronto.

Sept 19th. not much doing today only picked 40 bskts {baskets} Red peppers 30¢ and 10 crates Caul - 90¢

Sept 20 Sunday. Thunder showers early this morning cleared up warm in the afternoon

Sept 21 Foggy & wet men hoed until 11 oclock sold Scott 66 peppers at 20¢ plums 25 Prunes 30¢ . Fine & warm after dinner.

Sept 22 Very warm again not much doing only picked 41 plums men cutting out old raspberry bushes.

Sept 23. Picking Plums for Scott. 96 Grand Dukes at 26¢ & 177 Monarch at 20¢

Sept 24th Thunder shower in the night and cooler this am. picking balance of plums for Davidson

Sept 25th. Picked Duchess pears 128 bushels at 50¢ a bushel.

Sept 26th. much cooler cutting out Black berry bushes.

Sept 28th. Picking peaches 48 at 45¢ 7 no. 2 35¢ Finished Quinces 12 bskts {baskets} this years also Clairgeau & Anjou pear. and started picking peppers

Sept 29 Finished peaches had 117 bskts. {baskets} sold 10 Caul at 75 and 30 Green Peppers 17¢ 5 Red Peppers 20¢ Have 30 bus {bushels} peppers for Italians call for tonight 40¢ bushel

Sept 30. picking peppers and storing in barn. Italians got 26 more crates

Oct 1 Fine & warm picked 25 prunes at 50¢ 10 crates peppers 40¢

Oct 2nd. picked 36 prunes at 50¢ 10 bskts {baskets} peppers 17¢ . weather very warm. picking peppers yet. must have 400 boxs in the barn

Oct 3. sold 20 peppers at 15¢ a big price. and 100 orange crates of mixed peppers 30¢ crate

Oct 4th Sunday Fine & warm saw the Rock Gardens and called at Chapmans

Oct 5th. Fine & warm went to Hamilton got bskts {baskets} from Uptons. sold 40 bskts {baskets} peppers at 15¢

Oct 6th. Fine & warm sold 16 prunes {blank} ¢ shipped 72 bskts {baskets} peppers to Toronto. last load sold at 25¢ bskt {basket}.

Oct 7. Thunder showers early this morning.

Oct 8th cooler tonight picked the last of our prunes about 125 bskts {baskets} sold some here at 50¢ shipped 23 to Toronto. {written in pencil} 80 & 85 cents

Oct 9th Frost this am no damage C. Bartello. Bloor st west Took 35 more bus {bushels} peppers.

Oct 10th more white frost this am. Bartello took 107 more boxs peppers at 25¢ box weather fine St Louis won the final Baseball game from Phila. Athletes. by 4 to 2. each had won 3 games before today so St Louis are Champions

Oct 11th. Rainy in the morning fine & cool after noon went to see Wilcox's after supper.

Oct 12th Monday Thanksgiving day. Bartello took 144 bus {bushels} peppers Sat. at 25¢ .

Oct 13th. some white frosts. but flowers not frozen yet.

Oct 14th. Showery again sold Scott 41 bskts {baskets} peppers at 15¢ & 18cts.

Oct 15th to 22nd weather fine most of the time sold 54 more boxs peppers at 25¢

Oct 23rd 24th. man plowing nearly done now.

Oct 25 Sunday a little cooler.

Oct 25 to 30th putting in tile about 1725 feet. weather mostly fine with a few showers. very mild hardly any frost yet this fall have Dahlias in bloom yet. getting 100 bskts {baskets} peppers ready for Toronto guess they are not worth much.

Oct 31st sold 4 boxs peppers for $1.00 Trucker brought a load of boxs back owes us 67 yet. turning colder tonight

Nov 1st Sunday Cloudy & cold

Nov 2nd to 4th. Fine & not very cold.

Mon 5th colder. with rain hail and a little snow. got in 3000 x 11 qts baskets & covers for next year. Cash price 64 $48 for 11 qts & $18 per thousand for the covers $198.00 in all {written in pencil} 10% off for Cash

Nov 6th. Clear & cool ice on water tub the first this season flowers were still {written in pencil} in bloom yesterday.

Nov 7th. some frost again this a.m. Brown drawing up hotbed soil.

Nov 8th Sunday fine went for a picnic had dinner at the beach and then to Gages Park and saw the mums {chrysanthemums} all sizes shapes & colors.

Nov 9th. Fine & mild just like summer pruning trees.

Nov 10th. mild & looks like rain. Have some Marigolds & a Geranium still in bloom in the garden. not frozen yet.

Nov 11th Unloading first car of manure cooler & cloudy

Nov 12th. Some showers this am then fine & warm

Nov 13th put 3 loads of Manure on Cauliflower patch cost $21.60 shipping last of peppers 93 bskts {baskets} to Toronto last lot sold at 22 1/2 & 25¢ bskt. {basket} weather fine and mild no frost. Flowers in bloom yet.

Nov 14th. Fine & mild but raining tonight

Nov 15th Sunday mild and showery. was down to Hicks saw Harry & Olives new House

Nov 16th 17th & 18th weather mild with a few showers unloaded second car of manure.

Nov 19th. Cloudy & cool unloading 3rd car of manure

Nov 20 to 24th 22nd. weather very fine like spring pruning & Brown drawing manure

Nov 23rd Like summer temperature over 70

Nov 24th Warm again today. Brown ploughing & was pruning. Took up $7000 of the National Service Loan today at 5% Int May 15th & Nov 15th. payable 1941 also invested the girls money. $1500 in 10 years bonds and $300 in 5 years Raining late this afternoon think it will be colder tomorrow have marigolds in the garden in Bloom yet.

Nov 25th Colder with frost this morning & snow flurries at night. Had Stan Bill & Harry

over playing Cards till 1245 a.m. then sat D. J. ing on the Radio Had 5 California stations KF1 Los Angelos K.G.0 Oakland (K.F.S.D. San Diego on only 500 watts) KP0 San Francisco. & KWX Hollywood. also XER & XED in Mexico and KSL in Salt Lake City.

Nov 26th Unloading 4th car of manure putting it on the ground colder, snow on the ground this a m. Thermometer at 34 this afternoon

Nov 27th Finished car of manure and spread it on top of Rye.

Nov 28th. Ploughing Rye & manure under. cold & cloudy

Nov 29th. Cool & cloudy Had Hicks over in the evening.

Nov 30th. Colder unloading 5th car manure. went to Hamilton Shopping

Dec 1st. Cold and a few snow flurries. got Paid by Can {Canadian} Canners for Tomatoes had 400 bus {bushels} contracted at 35¢ we went over our contract by 70 bus. {bushels} which they only paid 25¢ for they are some cheap crowd

Dec 2nd Brown still ploughing yet. milder today.

Dec 3rd nothing doing raining nearly all day

Dec 4th. unloading 6th car of manure mild but windy

Dec 5th. a change in the weather this am reports around here say temperature down to from warm last night to as low as 8 this am. Hamilton reports 14.

Dec 6th. some squalls of rain & snow. turning colder again tonight.

Dec 7th Covering strawberries froze solid again this am nearly zero.

Dec 8th. nearly zero this morning men covering strawberries. Just to show how our north business failed this season we only sold $973.00 worth of fruit while season 1930 we sold $3600.00

Dec 9th Milder some snow this am. also rain part of the morning roads slippery

Dec 10th. Mild some snow rain & sleet. finished covering strawberries

Dec 11th. Raining all morning cleared up after noon Brown ploughing.

Dec 12th. A Grand day. sunshiney & mild Brown ploughing in the orchard.

Dec 13th a little cooler last night but not freezing very much. this morning raining.

Dec 14th. Rain & some snow Brown drove Woods home to Hagersville

Dec 15th. not very cold Brown ploughing yet

Dec 16th Went to Hamilton buying Xmas presents. weather fair with just a little bit of frost west wind. Radio reception good now. Listened to Amos & Andy at 11 PM last night direct from Los Angeles. Cal.

Dec 17th to 21st. Mild no frost. cloudy & some showers. Went to the school concert on Monday 21st. Alan made his first speech.

Dec 22 still mild & cloudy. not a bit of frost in the ground

Dec 23rd. Just like spring. today went shopping in Hamilton and to the Sunday school concert at night Charlotte & Doris Alan had parts in it.

Dec 24th. Busy all day. fixing up Christmas tree. etc. mild & cloudy with rain and about 4 PM a regular thunder & lightning storm and heavy rain. Fred {Ghents?} man ploughing in the orchard this morning.

Dec 25 Down to Johns for dinner about 4 PM weather turned cold last night frozen up today.

Dec 26th. still cold today & clear. nothing doing home all day

Dec 27th Some milder & cloudy. Have a cold guess it was from the cold treatments I am taking

Dec 28th. milder & cloudy looks like rain or snow.

Dec 29th. mild & cloudy.

Dec 30th Still mild just below freezing point.

Dec 31st mild and cloudy looks like rain or snow. started to rain late tonight & blow from the East.

[Blank pages]

[Blank page]


53 x 36 pints

8 x 27 quarts


281 x 36's sold at 19c quart

Amt $1732.00


Clapps Favorites 11 qts 105
Bartletts No.1's 11 qts 456
Barteltts No.2's 11 qts 37
Bartletts Bushels to Cannery 148
Howells 11 qts 150
Duchess 11 qts 62
Clairgeau 11 qts 41
Anjou 11 qts 47
Duchess 128 bushels
Total Bushels 276
Total Baskets 898
Plums we had this year.
Shiros 323 bskts
Red Junes 84 bskts
Burbanks 1170 bskts
[Green]Gages 62 bskts
Bradshaw 877 bskts
Damsons 26 bskts
Reine Claudes 1601
Monarch 471 bskts
Lombards 121 bskts
Grand Dukes 522 bskts
Prunes 124 bskts
Total 11 qts = 5381

Season 1931


May 19 Manse Welb - Toronto 25.53
26 Manse Welb - Toronto 14.93
June 9 Manse Welb - Toronto 19.15
16 Manse Welb - Toronto 26.48
22 Manse Welb - Toronto 176.41
30 Cash Sales for June 351.45
July 2 Manse Welb Toronto 9.43
6 Upton Jam Co Hamilton. 1413.72
11 Alan Davidson Burlington 550.55.
25 L Robinson Elmvale 15.00
25 A Davidson Burlington 269.48
26 R L Scott Aldershot 446.35
29 Upton Jam Hamilton 2090.44
Jul 31 Cash Sales for July 144.30
Aug 6 T.E. Monkman Cookstown 15.00
7 J Simpson Tottenham 60.76
8 C P Carpenter Winona 51.15
11 A Davidson Burlington 322.20
Aug 12 S L. Anderson Crossland 28.50
14 R L. Scott Aldershot 221.13
14 R L. Scott Aldershot 611.40
22 A Davidson Burl. 755.16
25 Mrs M Gallop, Cookstown 7.50
26 CW Sharpe Burks Falls 49.00
26. DS. Litster Burks Falls 44.45
Hare Bros Bracebridge 175.47
27 A Davidson Burlington 197.11
31 C P Carpenter Winona 25.60
31 Cash Sales for August 137.00
Sept 10 R L. Scott Aldershot 428.60
11 A Davidson Burl 74.71
18 W V Fry Thornton 15.05
{written in margin} - My Draft H Reiner Tottenham 29.35
C W Camplin Beeton 25.57
T.S. Tremouth Powassan 9.75
15 Manse Welb Toronto. 8.00
16 D. Scaletta Huntsville 17.50
Sept 19 Geo James Hamilton 25.59
21 R L. Scott Aldershot 404.10
23 Wm Peck Burks Falls 102.20
28 A Davidson Burl 94.80
29 Mansen Welb Toronto 20.56
Oct 2 J W Troyer Burks Falls 27.70
3 Hutchison Bros Bracebridge 157.91
7 Mansen Welb Toronto 15.50
8 CW Sharpe Burks Falls. 7.00
13 JR Couse Cookstown 21.70
A E Johnston. Sundridge 6.85
Hare Bros Bracebridge 76.30
P.J Marrin Bracebridge 4.55
14 Stevens & Solomon Ham. 43.13
Upton Jam Co Ham 28.69
Mansen Welb Toronto 14.85
R L Scott Aldershot 247.71
21 Alan Davidson Burl. 633.05
C P Carpenter Winona 348.{0}
Nov 5 Mansen Welb 8.28
5 A Davidson Burl 64.00
10 C Carpenter Winona 80.50
11 Mansen Welb Tor. 15.62
18 R L Scott Aldershot 24.26
21 D L Litster Burks Falls 19.75
23 H M Shaw Trout Creek 25.90
Dec 1 Burlington Canning Co. 158.18
Cash Sales Sept & Oct 179.80
Dec 10 Hutchison Bros Bracebridge 6.50
2519.82 8860.18 11380.00

{2 Blank pages}

Standing order for manure

Berry Covering 5 {train} cars

Nov 10th 12th 14th 16th & 18th


Hotbeds 5 cars

Feby 1st & 10th

Mar 5th 10th & 20th

Mar 12 - 19

18 - 20

Transcription Progress



Franklin McMillan 1931 Diary Part 1.pdf
Franklin McMillan 1931 Diary Part 2.pdf
Franklin McMillan 1931 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary & Transcription, 1931,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 10, 2025,
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