Franklin McMillan Diary, 1932


Franklin McMillan Diary, 1932


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


January 1 to December 31, 1932




20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Burlington, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1932

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Front cover with yellow sticker} 1932

year 1932

Jan 1st. A change in the weather from the fine weather we have been having today it rained. snowed sleeted. trees covered with ice this morning. but thawed off with more rain this afternoon. Had John and family up for dinner had a Goose. Paid 20¢ lb. for it. they were cheaper than usual.

Jan 2nd reports say yesterdays ice storm the worst in years. Western Ontario hit the worst. Electric lights telephone & telegraph poles done from Brantford to Windsor reports the

worst. no damage done here but some poles down on Dundas street.

Jan 3rd. Sunday. mild and cloudy. a few inches of snow this morning.

Jan 4th. Election day in East Flamboro went up to Aldershot to vote. mild & cloudy snow about all gone.

Jan 5th mild & cloudy all day. looks like rain Russell Emery. elected Reeve by ({all}) and Len Scott elected Deputy Reeve for East Flamboro raining tonight.

Jan 6th. A big rain in the night. mild like spring a few showers. also a Rainbow. Drains running more water now than any time in the past couple of years

Jan 7th A little cooler this morning. ground frozen. but milder again tonight.

Jan 8th. mild. like spring. went to Ham. for Car License. no is P.4680 cost $8 this year. $6 last year our Truck License up $12.00 now $36.00. seems every thing up.

Jan 9th. A little frost but thawing again all day. Brown pruning nearly done.

Jan 10th. Sunday. Very mild. ground very soft. so much rain.

Jan 11th. weather still like spring. reports say peach buds also strawberries will be damaged by the mild weather.

Jan 12th Doris sick since the new year with Bronchitis Alan home this week getting whooping cough we think. suppose they will be home for a few weeks

Jan 13th mild. but strong south west gales blowing. Brown finished work Saturday. every thing done only a little brush to draw but ground too soft to do it.

Jan 14th went to Kitchener for a load of Orange crates got 207 at 5¢ each. a Real summer day. The warmest Jan 14th in 50 years the papers say.

Jan 15th Charlotte now home from school too. Rained heavy in the night some thunder & lightning.

a barn burnt. hit by lightning near St Thomas.

Jan 16th. Cloudy and a little cooler ordered some 10000 baskets from {illegible} Glovers & Hewsons. the price some what lower 11 qts are $48 covers $18 per 1000 and 10% off for Cash if paid now.

Jan 17th Sun Raining again today, cleared up late tonight.

Jan 18th. Cloudy and a little cooler, strong west winds.

Jan 19th. A cool damp west wind blowing but thawing nearly all day.

Jan 20th. Cloudy & mild thawing all day

Jan 21st Raining again nearly all day

Jan 22nd Fine & mild got a load of 11 qt baskets in and went to Hamilton to Uptons to see about our strawberry crates they put them in cold storage with the berries last summer they say none empty yet.

Jan 23rd. Still mild started raining about 11 this morning and rained all day.

Jan 24th Sunday. cloudy & a little cooler home alone all day

Jan 25th Cloudy and a little cooler. Just below freezing point

Jan 26th. Mild and cloudy got another load of baskets in from Hewsons they are far better baskets than Glovers. Heavy rain again this afternoon and evening.

Jan 27th. Cloudy with some light rain. some cooler tonight

Jan 28th Fine and a little cooler but thawing in the day time got another load of bskts in from Glovers

Jan 29th Another load of bskts from Hewsons all in now except some covers. 10200 x 11 qts & 400 x 6 qts. finished stamping them this afternoon cloudy & very mild.

Jan 30th It has been getting colder all day heavy west gales and very cold tonight. Temperatures as low as 40 and 45 below zero out west.

Jan 31st. Cold with strong west gales today. Thermometer down to 12 at 10 oclock this am.

Feby 1. Cold & frosty this morning about 10 from zero. getting milder tonight & cloudy

Feby 2nd Snowed a couple of inches last night milder this a.m winter supposed to be over as the Ground hog did not see his shadow as it has been cloudy all morning and sprinkling rain at noon.

Feby 3rd mild & cloudy getting colder tonight

Feby 4th Colder. strong east wind snowing this afternoon a regular old fashioned blizzard

Feby 5th quite a lot of snow in spots today as it drifted badly Canada won their first Game (Hockey) at Lake Placid Olympics yesterday. Winnipeg beating United States 2 to 1 in 10 min. overtime Can. got 3rd place in the 500 meters & 5000 meters speed skating. ordering some seeds from Stokes at St Catherines.

1/2 lb World Beater Pepper

1 oz Harris Early

1/4 lb Green Pack Cucumber

1 oz John Baueer Tomato

1 oz Bonny Best Tomato

1/4 lb Copenhagen Cabbage

Total cost $5.25

Feby 6th. Fine & milder again. Canada Hockey won again today at Lake Placid against Germany. score 4 to 0

Feby 7th. some milder through the day. cloudy and cool at night. Drove around the bay for a drive.

Feby 8th. Blowing a gale today. went to Hamilton shopping. turning cold tonight with some snow flurries. Canada Beat Poland at Lake Placid 9 to 0 in Hockey game yesterday.

Feby 9th. Fine & cool this morning but milder tonight again.

Feby 10th. mild again thawing all day raining in the evening saw a flash of lightning.

Feby 11th. Rained nearly all night a real downpour about 1 am this morning. a real thunderstorm with thunder & lightning. cloudy & mild most of the day. Alan's Birthday 7 today he is having a party

Feby 12th. Fine & mild but turning colder tonight strong west winds

Feby 13th. Colder today temperature not very low but a strong cold west wind and a few snow flurries. The 6 Ha. Senior Hockey ended last night. the first four teams now play off. 1st place Marlboro's 2nd Port Colborne. 3rd Nationals 4th Niagara Falls. Winnipeg tied the Game with United States in overtime score 2 to 2. and wins the Olympic Championship 4 to 3

Feby 14th Sunday cloudy & cold home all day

Feby 15th Cloudy & cold no snow on the ground guess it will be hard on fruit.

Feby 16th. Real cold this morning down to 6 at 7.45 am.

Feby 17th. Another change again Rained in the night and this morning the fellows were over to play cards. snowing when they left at 1230

Feby 18th. Cold again down to about 12 or 15

Feby 19th Cool but bright & clear. Thawing in the sun. but freezing hard in the shade.

Feby 20th. not quite so cold. Port Colborne and Nationals of Toronto win 6 Ha. Semi finals.

Feby 21st Sunday. some snow flurries in the morning but milder & thawing in the afternoon

Feby 22nd. cold again about 10 from zero.

Feby 23rd. Cold this morning but getting milder.

Feby 24th milder this morning about 1 inch snow. Started unloading first car of manure and making hotbeds.

Feby 25th. some milder again thawing. John and Brown making hot beds.

Feby 26th Fine & warm like spring. heard a crow for the first but there has been a blackbird or two all winter. has been in our maple tree nearly every day. it has been fine weather.

Feby 27th. Cloudy and cool a little light rain at times. sowed 8 ozs Worldbeater pepper 1 oz Harris Giant & our own hot pepper. also 4 sashes Copenhagen Cabbages 20 sashes in all of peppers.

Feby 28. Sunday Fine just like spring. went for a drive after getting the girls at Sunday School

Feby 29th. Rain in the night. mild this am and windy and cooler at night.

Mar 1st. Cloudy this a.m. but mild and sunny all afternoon Got an ounce of seed of a new Tomato from Scott. Called murrays Early Wonder it ought to be good cost $2.40 for an ounce.

Mar 2nd Cloudy & cool all day John & Brown made hot beds for Tomato Seed. Toronto Nationals 6 H A Senior Champions now won two games from Port Colbourne in the finals one game 2-0 & 2-1 Toronto Marlboros put Hamilton Juniors out in the third round. Scores. 1st game 5-0 - 2nd game - 3-0.

Mar 3rd. Cool and cloudy with strong east wind. Alan has been home all week with a cold

Mar 4th Still cool and cloudy. Brown & John digging a well etc. at his house on the highway

Just cut a piece out of a farm paper saying Potatoes 20c and 25c a bag in Toronto dealers paying 6c and 7c a bag at country points loaded loose in cars.

Mar 5th Sowed Tomato seed. 5 ozs John Bauer 3 ozs First & Best 1 oz Murrays Early Wonder

Mar 6th. mild & cloudy some light snow & rain this morning and a real blizzard this afternoon.

Mar 7th. About the worst day we have had this winter. westerly gales with snow and very cold.

{Note - four leaved clover attached on this page}

Mar 8th Very cold with strong westerly gales down to about 6 or 8 this morning. In the Junior 6 H a Semi Finals Toronto Marlboro's defeated Stratford 6-2 and Newmarket defeated St Michaels 6-2 on the 2 games round Charlotte & Doris home again with colds or flu.

Mar 9th. Coldest night of the winter down to about 5. strong west wind.

Mar 10th. Still cold. windy and a few snow flurries. Got a load of Hay from smoke at $12 per ton total $18.48

Mar 11th still cool with a few snow flurries

Mar 12th. a little milder and mostly cloudy. a few snow flurries. In the Junior 6.H.a. finals Toronto Marlboro's beat Newmarket 4 to 1. on the round.

Mar 13th. Colder again cloudy and a few snow flurries. last week was the coldest this winter Had Hicks for supper.

Mar 14th. Very cold again about 5 or 6 from zero strong west wind about the coldest day this winter

Mar 15. Another day just as cold as yesterday or worse. down near zero this morning. Have a car of manure arrived today. for hotbeds. in Senior 6.H.a play downs Toronto Nationals beat Timmins Northern Cent. 14 to 1 on the round.

Mar 16th. not so cold today but mostly cloudy unloading manure. Sudbury Juniors Beat Toronto Marlboros. Junior 6 H.a champions 5 to 4 on the round 1st game Sudbury 3. for 0. 2nd game Sudbury 2 for 4. last game went 10 minutes overtime.

Mar 17th. mild & cloudy about 1/2 in snow on the ground this a.m.

Mar 18. Mild with snow flurries most of the day

Mar 19th. Ground covered with snow again this morning. cold and strong westerly winds Toronto Pro's trummed Chicago good tonight 11 to 3

Mar 20. Clear & bright but a real cool day with north west wind drove as far as La Salle park but did not stay long Spring supposed to start this afternoon.

Mar 21st. Cloudy & cold freezing hard and a cold north east wind. a real snow storm on this evening and tonight Sudbury Juniors beat Ottawa Juniors 5-2 on the round in the play downs.

Mar 22nd. A real blizzard still going strong. more snow than at any time this winter. could not get out with the car.

Mar 23rd Cold again about 15 this a.m. the worst storm this winter all over Ontario roads blocked every place looks like real winter Toronto lost to Canadians in final game & get 2nd place in group

Mar 24th In the Sen. play offs Toronto beat Ottawa 7-1 Montreal beat Dalhousie 4-2 on the round. and the winners meet in the Eastern Finals. Milder today thawing fast in the sun but cool in the shade Transplanted 12 sashes Cabbages 3000 plants.

Mar 25th Easter on early this year. Good Friday today. Cloudy & mild in the morning East wind lots of snow yet. from last storm. and another inch of it. since last night.

Mar 26th. Cloudy & mild a few sprinkles of rain. Heard the first Robin this morning. Windsor Beat Oakville 4 to 2 in the Int 6.H.a Semi Finals

Mar 27th. Easter Sunday fair & mild in the morning. Cloudy with East wind in the evening

Mar 28th. Unloaded car of manure nearly 32 tons transplanting a few peppers fair, not very cold but a strong west wind. Had {Bigger?} around from Upton Jam Co. says strawberries will be about

6 cents a quart this year. and that he does not need many. Sudbury Juniors beat Montreal 4 to 1 on the Round & Winnipeg Beat Saskatoon 3 to 1 so Sudbury & Winnipeg meet in the finals

Mar 29th. Burlington Canning Co around offering contracts for Tomatoes at 25. cts a bus.{bushel} did not take any that price no good.

Mar 30 mild but heavy gale from the South west transplanting peppers but some job in the wind. Toronto Pro Hockey team beat Chicago last night 6 to 2 in the play offs. & New York Rangers beat Mont Canadians 3 games out of 4 for the League championship.

Mar 31st. Cool and cloudy Toronto Beat Montreal in Senior Semi Final 5 to 3. on the 2 games. 2 to 2 on last nights game.

April 1st. Cloudy & cold nothing doing at hot beds not 1/4 transplanting done yet.

April 3rd in bed all day yesterday have a cold. it snowed all day. anyway. until

about 8 PM when a big thunder shower went around by Hamilton about two inches snow on the ground this Sunday morning. and not thawing very much.

April 12th. Have been sick in bed with the flu. The weather from the 5th to the 10th was mostly fine & mild but colder yesterday April 11th. while today is still colder the ground covered with snow has been snowing all the afternoon. All the Hockey championships were decided the past week. Toronto National won the Senior (Alan Cup) finals from Fort William 2 games 7 to 4 and 1 to 0 both overtime. Windsor won the Int 6 H.a. from Toronto. Sudbury Juniors won the memorial cup from Winnipeg in the finals 2 games out of 3. scores. Sudbury 4 3. 2 & 1 Winnipeg 4.1-0 and Toronto Profs. finished up by winning the Stanley Cup & world championship from N.Y. Rangers 3 straight games. scores 6-4 - 6-2 - 6-4

The men have been transplanting but not done yet. Edgar told me Brown moved down to Johns & Woods moved in here. Had Smith out wanting a job again

April 13th. Cold and cloudy about 2 or 3 inches of snow on the ground

April 14th. Fair a little milder most of the snow gone now.

April 15th milder & bright highest about 50 was down town for the first time this month. but every thing looks the same.

April 16th Partly cloudy and a cold wind today. not as warm as yesterday.

April 17 Sunday fair but cool. with cold north wind freezing hard every night.

April 18th Fair and not much milder started spraying pears am afraid it is getting nearly too late. ground wet & soft can only draw half a tank got 1 1/2 tanks on today quiet a job to get things started. spraying with 6 gallons

oil to the tank.

April 19th. only two half tanks this morning Hose blowed out had to get a new one and couplings. cut off etc about $20 I guess. worked fine after dinner weather fine & warm

April 20th. Finished pears at noon had some oil left used it on sweet cherries, apples & plums.

April 21st Finished spraying am afraid we did not put it on strong enough we thought the barrels held 30 Can. Gallons and find out now they are American gallons. Started ploughing and cleaning off strawberries.

April 22nd Finished cleaning manure off strawberries Very warm about 75 in the shade

April 23rd Colder again about 50. Drew manure off the new strawberry bed left it in the path of the old one.

April 24th Sunday fair & cool. ice on the water tub at 9 oclock this morning went for a ride after

Sunday school back of Dundas Highway & got some May flowers.

April 25th Got 30 lbs {Dan's?} Wax beans and 20 lbs Sunshine corn on Saturday at 21¢ lb with 10% off for cash. $9 45-2 50 & 1/2 lb Cabbage Started transplanting tomatoes. ordered 4000 5 in plant boxs at $4.50 per thousand. showery in the afternoon.

April 26 Cold & cloudy Brown is ploughing down Rye. the rest transplanting tomatoes.

April 27th Cloudy, windy, and very cold. froze ice this morning and only 38 at 10 am

April 28th. Getting land ready for Corn. Beans & Cabbages. Finished transplanting Tomatoes only about 8000 this year.

April 29th. Topping & ploughing up to Raspberry bushes. warm about 70.

April 29 30th cool again showery. stopped work about 10 oclock. ploughing & getting land ready for Cabbages & Beans.

May 1st Sunday. Fair but not quiet so warm Colder at night

May 2nd. Planted Beans 30lbs. 18 long rows 5 short. also planted Corn & pumpkins Very cold and cloudy this morning clear & cool tonight

May 3rd White frost this morning but warmer today. Put 1 ton fertilizer on Rasps & Black beans. planted out Cabbages 3000. and started digging strawberry plants.

May 4th. Digging strawberry plants and cleaning them.

May 5th. Very cold again started planting strawberries. was into Hamilton yesterday got a tooth filled also a pair of Glasses to read with cost $10.00

May 6th still very cold cloudy with east wind Bot 10000 Premier plants from J. Tuck's for {$50.00?}

May 7th. Two heavy thunder showers in the night &

still showery today and still very cold with strong East wind. cleaning strawberry plants all morning

May 8th Sunday had supper at Hicks and had Harry & Stan at the house after we got home. Showery all day.

May 9th Cloudy and some milder. men transplanting Cabbage we are trying some second Early ones to try & get them ready between the Early and late ones. Rain tonight.

May 10th More Rain. cold East wind yet. nothing much doing. fixed sprayer and got a few more crates at Uptons.

May 11th Rained again all night I guess and still raining this morning. Guess our corn & beans we planted will never come up. planted. some more strawberries. (short rows behind hedge (24) & 5 long rows next chicken house and 15 rows all but one on far side. of small patch are Premier.

May 12th. still cold and cloudy. men hoeing strawberries cleared up after dinner nice and warm. sowed 2 ozs Cauliflower seed in hot beds

May 13th. fine & warm, 72 in the shade at noon. Men ploughing & hoeing strawberries

May 14th. fine & warm about 75. Hoed cabbages men hoeing strawberries planted 20 lbs more beans & 10 lbs corn was afraid the others would not come up so cold & rainy

May 15 Sunday. Fine & warm. drove to Hamilton stopped at the Rock Garden and then went on to see Wilcox's

May 16th Very warm a gale of wind & sand about 4 PM. cut first asparagus. 2 x 11's & 1.6 qt

May 17th Sold $175 - $100 for 6 qt Uncle Dave on a visit Very cold change again men hoeing & etc.

May 18th. still clear & cold white frost this morning. Hoeing strawberries, cultivating

May 19th clear & some warmer finished hoeing strawberries Hoed Cabbages 2nd time

May 20th Fine & warm hoeing & cultivating

May 21st Cooler today men hoeing Raspberries planted Cucumber seeds. Very cold tonight.

May 23rd. Cool again today. Hoeing etc. yesterday Sunday was cool. was home all day.

May 24th. Warm again hoeing new strawberries. Went over to La Salle Park. after supper. a big crowd there

May 25th Very warm started planting tomatoes. went to Hamilton about 4 oclock caught in a big thunder shower. lots of rain & hail. had another big storm about 5 oclock in Hamilton and another at 6 pm just as we got home got 9 bus Oats to sow at 50¢ bushel

May 26th. another big storm in the night. cloudy & wet today. planted a few tomatoes after dinner raining again tonight.

May 27th cool & cloudy rained nearly all night again. planting tomatoes between showers ground terrible wet

May 28th Finished planting tomatoes have about 3 acres. started planting peppers. very cold. looks like frost tonight.

May 29th Sunday cold turned onto Daylight time today. drove down to the beach in the afternoon & saw them fishing, were catching a lot of very small perch

May 30 Some warmer planting peppers all day.

May 31st. Planted peppers in the morning started spraying at noon. got 3 tanks on.

June 1st. Spraying till 4 pm. when it started to rain. got 9 tanks on. by drawing water by truck in barrels right out to the orchard. finished planting peppers. spray mixture about 6 lbs lead & 3 1/2 Gals Lime Sulphur

June 2nd. not much doing rained all night & nearly all morning hoed & cultivated & ploughed in afternoon

June 3th. Spraying all day a few delay screens blocked up only 9 tanks on. weather getting warmer went fishing to the beach. no good only 3 small perch

June 4th. Spraying got engine this morning. only 4 tanks on. 3 tanks this afternoon stopped by rain

June 5th. Sunday very warm drove to Niagara Falls & Queenstown Heights another big thunder storm in the night.

June 6th. Trees still wet this a.m. started to spray about 9.30 5 tanks on and stopped at 3 o clock another big storm. Planted some cukes seed. So much rain & wet see we have a lot of pear trees burnt by spraying wet trees.

June 7th Cooler today finished spraying 10 tanks today total 43 tanks

June 8th. Very cold with strong west wind Hoed Bean & got cabbage ground ploughed again. in the morning. started to plant Cabbage after dinner.

June 9th. Planted out Cabbages. hoeing etc. still cool.

June 10th. Fine & milder went to Hamilton saw {Bigger} about strawberries says price at Simcoe 4¢ and at St Williams 3¢ quart.

June 11th. Hoeing ploughing & cultivating weather fine.

June 12. went to Toronto to see the sights at High Park. Alan Garden and Riverdale Parks. Saw a lot of the city. hunting for the parks. weather fine & moderately warm.

June 13th. cool east wind an odd strawberry getting ripe but guess they will be worth nothing asparagus a poor crop and cheap too. $100 + 125 a bskt {basket} last week.

June 14th Fair & warm hoeing tomatoes Cabbages peppers etc.

June 15th Very warm hoeing one year strawberry bed again.

June 16th Picked first Strawberries 28 crates (quarts) sold at 14¢

June 17th no picking today. working on farm

June 18th getting very warm looks like berries a poor crop.

June 19th Sunday fine and warm had Hicks in the afternoon and Miss May at night

June 20th. Picked 210 crates SBerries today. sold 125 crates at from 11 to start in the morning down to 8 1/2 in the afternoon for quarts. was only going to pay the pickers 1¢ for picking but they struck for more so gave 1 1/4cts. shipped the other 85 crates to Toronto. sold at 36 on first load sold at 10¢ 49 on noon load sold at 6¢ to 8¢ quart

June 21st Picked old strawberry first picking you might say only picked 16 crates of it

last week and it look if it was the last picking sold 123 crates today at $1.75 a crate Uptons Jam Coy only offered me 3cts a quart for them.

June 22nd. Picked 229 crates strawberries sold at 5¢ a quart getting dry and with a strong west wind the plants going down fast.

June 23. Still dry with a regular hurricane blowing from the south west. strawberries nearly shot. picked old beds today. 105 x 32 qt crates & 45 x 27 qt crates will not last long if no rain comes soon they were very small took one load to Uptons at 4¢ box

June 24th still no rain and blowing a gale yet. blowing off a lot of fruit especially Shiro plums. picked 153 x 27 qt crates & 63 x 32 qt crates. sold 100 crates Scott at 6 1/2¢ 57 to Davidson at 7¢ shipped 5 north at $200 Balance to Uptons 4¢

June 25th Saturday. a light shower this am. planted out Cauliflowers ground dry on top.

June 26th Fair & moderately warm. home all day. charlotte has Poison Ivy. mostly on her legs

June 27th. a light shower this morning picked strawberries took 67 x 32 & 3 x 27 to Uptons & sold 120 crates at 5 1/2cts.

June 28th Picked 176 crates strawberries sold 75 crates at 5¢ quart Balance at $1.00 per crate think we will stop picking as there is nothing in it at that price. weather dry and moderately warm.

June 29th no picking today. still dry & hot they say berries only $1.00 a crate in Toronto. {Side note} Jam Factory in Toronto at 25 York St.

June 30th Finished picking only about 8 days picking had 1457 crates. Picked 69 x 32 & 8 x 27's today & took them in to Uptons. This is the first time we ever remember done picking in June.

July 1 A big thunder shower about 4 this morning. continued with a few light showers until noon. Hoeing old strawberry patch turning cool tonight strong north west wind.

July 2nd cool & windy hoeing strawberries.

July 3rd Sunday Fair & cool. went down to the beach for a drive McIlwains Barn (used to be Nelson Lambsheads) barn burnt down about 10 tonight. made an awful blaze hundreds of people there. and a regular traffic jam on the road

July 4th. started raining in the night. and looks like an all day rain this morning. stopped rain before noon topped Blackberry bushes.

July 5th. started picking Richmond cherries 17 x 11 at 45¢ also started spraying Mont cherries. sprayer working fine nearly 250 lbs pressure. 5 tanks on in the afternoon

July 6th. Finished spraying about 230 pm, 6 tanks total 11 tanks. picked 50 x 6 Richmonds cherries 25¢. 28 x 11 Richmond cherries 40¢

July 7th Picked 44 x 6 Black sweets at 45¢

25 x 11 Richmond at 40¢

25 x 6 Richmond cherries 22¢

shipped 31 x 6 Green peppers on July 5th. for the first of the season sold in Toronto at 60¢ more showers today & tonight.

July 8th. Very cool again & strong west wind. only picked a few sweet Black cherries at 15 x 6 qt and 3 bskts {baskets} Beans for the first sold at 75¢

July 9th. Picked 20 x 11 Richmond cherries at 40¢. men finished cleaning out old strawberry patch. getting warmer today

July 10th a few showers today & warm. Madge sick with quinsy.

July 11th Fair & not very warm. but strong west wind. Picked 50 x 4 Richmond cherries 40¢

165 x 11 Mont cherries at 47 1/2¢ & 50¢ for 11 qt.

7 x 6 Black sweets

30 x 11 Beans @ 50¢

32 x 6 Gr Pepper 35¢. prices pretty low especially on Mont cherries.

July 12th Fine & warm prices getting worse picked 48 x 11 Richmond at 30¢ & 35¢.

144 x 11 Mont cherries at 45¢.

40 x 6 Blacks 50¢

17 x 6 white sweets 25¢

15 x 6 peppers 40¢ looks like showers tonight.

July 13th. Picked cherries 159 x 11 Mont & 76 Blacks.

July 14th Picked cherries part of the day not many orders 109 x 11 Mont & about 100 x 6 sweets.

July 15th not many orders 30 x 11 Mont & 25 x 6 S. 50 x 6 Blacks 4 crates Rasps the first sold at 10¢ pint

July 16th. Fine & not very warm. picked 341 x 6 qt Monts at 25¢ & 45 x 11 at 40¢

July 17th Sunday fine had Wilcox's from Hamilton for the day.

July 18th A busy day picking cherries 414 x 11's Mont cherries at 4¢ per bshl. 30 beans at 25¢ 40 x 6 Black cherries 50¢ to 70¢ some prices only paid 10¢ a bshl today for picking cherries.

July 19th. Picked 304 x 6 Mont cherries & 120 x 11 qts - 12 crates Rasps at 8¢ pint. 33 Beans at 25¢. Some prices getting rich quick

July 20th Thunder showers in the night. had cherry pickers here at 7 this morning. but more showers, did not start picking till 1 pm got 191 bskts {baskets} off. also 10 large crates cabbages at 90¢ and 10 bskts {baskets} tomatoes the first. sold at $115 per bskt.{basket} looks like more rain tonight

July 21 more rain again this morning. noon again when we got started picking got 182 x 11 Mont. & 123 x 6 cherries 11 x 6 Blacks. also picked 760 10 x 11 sweet peppers at 75¢

July 22nd. Had 250 x 11 cherries picked before 10 oclock. got 8 crates Rasps picked and then a big thunder shower everybody soaked. sold the 8 crates at 6¢. started to pick again at 4 oclock. got 26 crates more. & had to ship to Toronto. sold at 21 x 36 at $200. 5 at $225 some big prices

{Side note} Paid 1 1/2¢ pint for picking

July 23rd Sat. Picked 206 x 6 cherries at 23¢ & 52 x 11 cherries at 40¢ Fine & cool.

July 24th. Sunday. Fine & cool home all day.

July 25 A busy day picked 432 x 11 cherries at 35¢ (some price) 33 x 11 toms at 45¢ & 50¢. 29 beans at 25¢. 6 large crates Cabbages (90 lb) at 90¢ crate.

July 26th. Picked 49 crates Pints Rasps sold to Upton at 5¢ crate & boxs back. paid one cent for picking (pints) starting raining about noon. only got 34 cherries picked Davidson Paid 35¢ Scott only 32¢ Picked 20 sweet peppers sold at 75¢ 5 Hots sold at 65¢ 6 Beans still at 25¢

July 27. 229 x 11 cherries Davidson only paid 30¢ for 11 qts Montmorency's 81 x 6's to Scott at 21¢. 11 x 6 sweet peppers at 40¢

July 28. Started picking cherries without stems for canners. supposed

to get 2 1/2¢ lb bskts {baskets} weigh about 18 lb each - pretty particular have to sort them all and take out the wind bruised ones. also picked 27 crates Rasps 39 bskts {baskets} tomatoes at 45¢

July 29th Got 145 bskts {baskets} more cherries into the canners 354 in all before Davidson stopped us says his contract full sold 72 bskts {baskets} at 30¢

July 30th. Sat. picked 60 tomatoes at 40¢. 50 x 11 cherries 35¢ and 26 x 11 sweet peppers.

July 31st Sunday Fine and cool. went to La Salle Park for a little while. had Hicks in the evening.

Aug 1 Fair & cool picked Rasps 51 x 36's at 17 x 24's - our biggest picking. 23 beans at 25¢. only sold 39 cherries at 30¢ have 700 or 800 bskts {baskets} yet guess we will never sell them now. demand is over for them.

Aug 2. Picked 100 shiro plums at 40¢ and 200 cherries at 30¢ and the first Blackberries 1 x 24 pints at 10¢

Aug 3rd Big rain all night & up till near noon today. picked 77 x 11 tomatoes at 40¢

Aug 4. Warm. picked 29 x 36 Rasps for Upton at 5¢ and 223 cherries at 30¢

Aug 5. Warm again today picked 75 toms at 40¢ and 307 cherries at 30¢ cherries nearly done only about 100 bskts {baskets} left now

Aug 6th Pulled first corn 200 doz at 15¢ 43 toms 40¢ 53 x 11 sweet green peppers at 50¢. Big rain again last night

Aug 7th, Sunday a few more showers went to Dundas Park.

Aug 8th. pretty busy today.

picked 90 bskts {baskets} tomatoes 35¢ & 40¢

82 plums 25¢ 30¢

25 cukes at 25¢

28 x 11 G. Peppers 50¢

35 x 11 cherries 30¢

33 crates Rasps

3 crates blackberries

had a few showers in the afternoon

Aug 9th. 81 plums today at 25 & 30¢ 3 Lawtons 6¢ 64 Peppers 40 & 45¢ for 51 bskts. {baskets} 31 cukes 20¢. Prices going down every day

Aug 10th. Picked 41 toms & 35 Hampers Duchess apples. (Domestics) 60¢ picked 200 Red Junes for Upton's jam.

Aug 11th. A few showers every day. finished Rasps 13 crates also picked 6 crates Blackberries at 5¢. and 431 x 11 plum Red Junes for Uptons. and 99 Shiros, 13 cukes 189 - 50 doz corn 14¢ 27 x 11 Clapp Pears at 40¢.

{Side note} Paid 2¢ a bshl for picking plums

Aug 12. no rain today first day this week. 58 x 11 toms 30 - 34 cukes 15¢ & 18¢ - 2 x 24 Black Berries 5¢ 20 shiro plums 30¢

Aug 13th Finished cherries on aug 5th. had about 50 bshls left that we could not sell. Had a big crop but price no good. a few started at 50¢ a 11 qt. quite a lot at 40¢ 11 qt and 23¢ & 25¢ a qt. and a lot at 38¢ also 30¢. Had 188 x 11 Richmonds & 75 x 6's Richmonds 430 x 6 qts sweets 3866 3918 11qts montmorencys 1091 x 6qts montmorencys. Finished Raspberries on aug 11th Had 295 crates 15 more than last year. but price about

half sold 4 crates at 10¢ 12 at 8¢ 8 at 6¢ & 26 crates sent to Toronto only brought $1.65 a crate sold balance to Uptons at 5¢. Beans was done aug 1st had 210 bskts {baskets} bought $64.10. highest price 6 bskts {baskets} at 75¢ - 27 at 50¢ down to 25¢. Finished corn. aug 13th 834 brought $89.66 High price 15¢ low 8¢ a doz.

{Side note} 1 cent for picking Rasps

Aug 14th Sunday. a grand day. but I have a cold. Had Harry Simms & Stan Blair over for supper.

Aug 15th. Fine & warm picked 200 x 6 qt plums Shiro at 16¢. 50 x 11 Burbanks 28¢ 50 clapp pears 30¢ for Scott. 53 toms for D. at 20¢ 75 Shiro plums for truckers at 30¢.

Aug 16th. Finished Shiro & Abundance plums 135 bskts. {baskets} started on Burbanks.

Aug 17th. Sold Davidson 300 x 6 Burbanks at 15¢ 56 pears at 30 and 6 Domestic at 25¢. Picked first Red peppers sold scott 15 bskts {baskets} at $1.00 took 500 bskts {baskets} Burbanks to canners. have about 650 more picked to go in tomorrow.

Aug 18. Rain again in the night. drew two load plums to Uptons 609 bskts. {baskets} had tire trouble & had to get a new tire on the road near Bayview. picked 116 tomatoes at 20¢ & 23¢ 26 x 11 Red peppers at $100 sold balance of our Clapp Pears to a trucker at $225 for a tea chest. have about 16 of them.

Aug 19th. cold this morning not so many orders today picked 44 cukes @ 18¢ and a load of plums for Uptons.

Aug 20. Fine and warm picked 105 Burbanks 20¢ 53 Bradshaws at 25¢ 100 Gages at 27¢ for Scott.

Aug 21st Sunday Fine & warm. went up past Waterdown to Carlisle for a drive.

Aug 22nd A busy day. picked about 1216 bskts {baskets} plums. got one load in to Uptons and they kick about price 3/4¢ to high and will only pay 1/2¢ a lb. more rain tonight & 760 bskts {baskets} plums in the orchard wet again

{Side note} Got rid of 1525 plums in two days.

Aug 23rd Took 500 plums in to Uptons. sold Galloway 160 & Scott 100 of what was left & picked Scott 310 more.

Aug 24th. Heavy dew this a m. like rain did not start picking until 10 oclock. picked 100 x 6's {Leno's} gages at 17¢ Finished Burbanks 64 x 11 at 20¢. also 25 Bradshaws & 85 Gages & 76 cukes at 15¢ worked until eight at night.

Aug 25 not many orders tomatoes are done for can't sell any. picked 122 x 6's Gages for Davidson Very warm looks like more thunder showers

Aug 26. Picked 87 plums 21 x 11 Red peppers at 90¢ 16 x 11 sweet G. at 30¢

Aug 27th. Saturday not much doing. picked 70 bskts {baskets} Gages. 25¢ 54 cukes 15¢. 35 x 11 Red peppers & 13 Red sweets Very warm with strong winds.

Aug 28 Sunday fine had Hicks over.

Aug 29 childrens day at the Toronto Ex there were some crowd cool a few light showers.

Aug 30th Showery this a.m. started picking Bartlett pears

sold to Davidson at 75¢.

Aug 31th. Eclipse of the sun this afternoon about 3 30. nearly 90% of the sun covered by the shadow of the moon. have 189 bus Bartletts picked. Hottest day of the year 93 in the shade.

Sept 1 A little cooler but not much. picked 92 bshl Lombard plums 18¢ and some more pears

Sept 2. picked peppers most of the day. 62 x 4 Red sweets at 70¢ 5 x 11 Greens 25¢ 73 x 11 6's Red Hots 27¢ sent 17 x 11's is sold at 65 & 35¢ 12 x 6 Reds to Toronto

Sept 3rd. no orders today hoeing strawberries showery tonight.

Sept 4th Sunday big rain & wind in the night. & some more showers this afternoon had Hicks for supper.

Sept 5th Picking pears again also 37 x 11 Red Sweet peppers 50¢ & 15 x 6 Hot Reds 40¢

Sept 6th still picking Bartlett Pears. cooler again.

Sept 7th. Picking pears yet and some peppers.

Sept 8th still cool this morning. Picked 76 bskts {baskets} peppers and about 200 bushels of Bartletts

Spet 9 Drew pears all day. 383 bus {bushels} Bartletts. 37 x 6's Red peppers at 25¢

Sept 10th Fine. Went to Arthur Mays fun Wedding in Toronto. Finished picking Bartlett Pears had a big crop 13.75 bushels.

Sept 11th Sunday fine had chapmans for the day.

Sept 12. Picked 104 bskts {baskets} Red peppers at 45 & 50¢ drew 2 loads crates & bskts {baskets} back from Uptons.

Sept 13th. Started on plums. Reine Claude for Davidson 347 bskts {baskets} 54 Mon for Scott.

Sept 14. 412 bskts {baskets} Reine Claude today also picking Howell pears had a thunder shower last night. warm today

Sept 15 413 Reine Claude 20 Damsons. 55 bus pears. Fine & warm

Sept 16th 25 x 11 Red peppers. Finished Howell pears 211 bus. {bushels} Anjous 109 bus {bushels} Duchess 102 bus.{bushels} also picked 424 bskts {baskets} Reine Claude & 25 Red peppers

Sept 17th Saturday 122 Reine Claude & 17 Damsons to Davidson Scott 32 Monarch 7 Plums 14 peppers turned cold at noon with cold flying showers finished Reine Claude across the road was 1720 bskts {baskets} paid 2¢ a bskt {basket} for picking

Sept 18th Sunday Fair but cold back on Standard time today. in to Chapmans for Supper

Sept 19th. Thunder shower in the night & early this am. finished picking Reine Claude. & picked 94 bskts {baskets} Peppers had 2060 bskts {baskets} Reine Claude.

Sept 20 Started on Grand Dukes not very ripe yet picked 109.

Sept 21. Picked 103 Grand Dukes 40 Mon. plums. sold Scott 85 peppers & shipped 40 to Toronto.

Sept 22. Picked some pears & peppers - fair & warm

Sept 23rd Fair & warm sold Scott 77 peppers & 40 Grand Duke plums. men hoeing old strawberry patch

Sept 24th Saturday cold cloudy & showery picked 88 bskts {baskets} plums for Davidson

Sept 25 Sunday Fine & moderately warm Ted Ireland call for a few minutes went for a drive in the afternoon.

Sept 26. Picked G.Duke plums and a few Red peppers.

Sept 27. Rain in the night & showery this morning. picked plums - more rain this evening a thunder shower about 730 p.m

Sept 28. Cooler picked Grand Duke plums all day.

Sept 29 Finished Grand Duke Plums had 1157 bskts. {baskets} weather cold

Sept 30th. weather cool picked some peppers & dug our potatoes had 29 bushels.

Oct 1st. Sold Scott a load 211 bskts. {baskets} peppers, plums, pears. peaches & Quinces.

Oct 2nd Sunday Fine & mild. Listened to the Final Ball game in the World Series. 13 to 6 in favor of N.Y. N.York won the world series in 4 straight games from chicago.

Oct 3rd Started to picked peppers. fine & mild

Oct 4th Finished peaches had 90 bskts {baskets} @ 40¢

Oct 5th & 6th picking peppers & 58 bskts {baskets} prunes at 40¢

Oct 7th. Picking peppers yet. will have about 250 bushels. selling them to truckers 33 1/3cts a bushel

Oct 8th. Cutting out old Raspberry canes. also dead limbs out of Burbank Plums. Fine & warm

Oct 9th Sunday Fine & warm Had Frank McMillan & wife for supper

Oct 10th Thanksgiving Day finished picking prunes 87 bskts. {baskets} Had John Edgar & Mrs Bradt for dinner and Hicks for supper.

Oct 11th. Very cold & strong west wind shipped our Kieffer pear crop to Hutchison 40 x 11's at 20¢ had to light our furnace.

Oct 12th Picked apples about 30 bushels. very poor all scabs. Very windy & cold.

Oct 13 Clear & cold. paper says snow in many places in Ontario. yesterday started Pruning dead branches out of plums

{Side note} Prunes sold at 65 & 70¢ in Toronto.

Oct 14th Sold Scott 15 Hampers GPeppers 55¢ and shipped 100 bskts {baskets} to Toronto

Oct 15. Leaving for Cookstown for the week end.

Oct 17th. arrived back tonight had a good trip and fine weather but cloudy tonight

Oct 18th Raining this morning but mild.

Oct 19th 20th. mild & cloudy men pruning out dead limbs.

Oct 21 Got cheque from Davidson for $1780.05 for Bartletts Howells & Anjou pears. also Reine Claude & Grand Duke plums. men trimming trees sold 14 tea chests Hot peppers at $100 each. Hots all gone but have about 100 bskts {baskets} Sweets yet. Cooler today

Oct 22nd to Oct 27th Weather not so bad. had a big rain yesterday. put in 475 - 5in & 4in tile.

cost $25.71. they charged 6 1/2cts for the 5 inch & wanted $4.00 per hundred for the 4in I said it was too much & they made it $280 per hundred.

Oct 28th Sowed Rye on Cabbages & Cauliflower patches made no money out of either. sold $25 worth of Cabbages & not one head of Cauliflower. had 8000 Cabbages 6000 Cauliflowers

Oct 29th more rain today about through work finished pruning & drawing brush. shipped the last 100 bskts {baskets} of peppers to Toronto last night. Gordon Wood our man stopping work tonight Brown has a few days ploughing yet. no frost yet a couple of Tomato & pepper plants behind the barn not frozen yet. also all the flowers in bloom yet.

Oct 29th to Nov 3rd. Cool & cloudy a few showers. white frost on morning Nov 3rd.

Nov 4th Fine & mild went to Old Mrs. Bush's Funeral

Nov 5th Rain in the night mild today.

Nov 6th to 9th. Cloudy. mild & showery. U.S Presidential elections yesterday. Roosevelt won over Hoover. Roosevelt is a Democrat. The children innoculated today for dypheria.

Nov 10th + 11th Showery. car of manure in this afternoon

Nov 12th cooler frost last night a few snow flurries.

Nov 13th Sunday Fine & cool had Irelands for dinner.

Nov 14th Fine.

Nov 15th Raining turned to snow in the evening

Nov 16th snowing all day must be 4 or 5 inches tonight.

Nov 17th Fine but cold frost on the windows this morning. ordered 2000 x 11 qt bskts {baskets} at $39.00 & 1000 x 6 qts at $30.00 from Dalton.

Nov 18th. Cold & cloudy the snow still on the barn roof that came Wed. has not thawed any since was down to 16 yesterday a.m.

Nov 19th Bot & set up 20 Books of Knowledge, second hand for $20.00 on Nov 16th still cold & wintery.

Nov 20th to 22nd. Snow is still on the ground yet and cold. Very cold last night.

Nov 23rd Still cold. some boy skating on the pond our kids skating on the road.

Nov 24 & 25th. milder most of the snow gone but the weather report says cold again tomorrow.

Nov 26th. Cold again ground frozen hard

Nov 27th Cold down to 8 in Toronto reports here a low as zero

Nov 28th Covering strawberries with straw took 2 tons for patch by the house $8.00 $7.50 per ton for wheat straw.

Nov 29th & 30th. Fine & not very cold. frosts at night. covering strawberries

Dec 1st Fine not very cold good for covering has been absolutely no wind since we started Finished covering SBs.

Dec 2nd & 3rd. mild but windy blowing some of the straw off strawberries

Dec 3rd. Had Sun. Bill & Harry over played cards to midnight tried for long distance on the radio. not much good noisy. Hollywood was about the only unusual one.

Dec 4th to 7th - weather has been mild some light rain

Dec 8th. Frozen up again. good and cold tonight

Dec 9th Decidely cold today.

Dec 10th. Cold down to about 6 or 8 this am. snowing all day real heavy storm tonight went to Hamilton buying Xmas presents.

Dec 11th Sunday snowed & blowed all night and still at it today it is drifting badly.

Dec 12th & 13th. Lots of snow on the ground and very cold. real winter weather.

Dec 14th. Still very cold hasn't thawed for a week. Had skating at the Burlington Rink last night.

Dec 15th About the coldest day this winter can't see out of the kitchen window for the frost on it.

Dec 16th Clear & cold reports in Burlington say 2 to 4 below zero White River Ont reports 40 below

Dec 17th. Cloudy & cold went to Hamilton shopping

Dec 18 - 19 Still clear & cold. real winter

Dec 20th some milder thawing in the sno sun went to Hamilton shopping

Dec 21st. Cloudy & mild but very strong cold west wind.

Dec 22nd milder & thawing

Dec 23rd Raining nearly all day. (real heavy)

Dec 24th cloudy & mild a few more showers

Dec 25th. Sunday fine clear & very warm had our doors open most of the day strong south west wind a real spring day.

Dec 26th. Celebrated Xmas day at Uncle John's today. a little cooler but bright thawing all day.

Dec 27th. another spring day. but froze hard in the night Brown was working in our orchard yesterday with the spring tooth cultivator.

Dec 28th - 30th. Fair & mild up till this afternoon when it started to rain.

Dec 31 Turning colder freezing again. a few snow flurries also.

{Blank Page}

Receipts for season 1932

May 24 Manse Welb Toronto. $9.97

May 31 Manse Welb Toronto. 3 44

June 8 Manse Welb Toronto. 14 37

June 15 Manse Welb Toronto. 17 97

June 21 Manse Welb Toronto. 9 28

June 28 Manse Welb Toronto. 152 09

July 11 Manse Welb Toronto. 15 19

July 25 Manse Welb Toronto. 43 21

Sept 15 Manse Welb Toronto. 11 90

Oct 4 Manse Welb Toronto. 9 68

Oct 12 Manse Welb Toronto. 9 08

Oct 17 Manse Welb Toronto. 46 01

Oct 24 Manse Welb Toronto. 17 23

Nov -- Manse Welb Toronto. 8 00

Nov 28 Manse Welb Toronto. 11 11

Aug 4 CP Carpenter Winona 9 20

Aug 16 CP Carpenter Winona 64 20

Sept 1 CP Carpenter Winona 15 06

Sept 25 CP Carpenter Winona 12 50

Total $478.49

July 8th WA Baisley & Co 9 00

Sept 1st WA Baisley & Co 94 61

Aug 1st WA Baisley & Co 60 30

Sept 1st WA Baisley & Co 51 23

Oct 18. WA Baisley & Co 59 40

July 19. Alan Davidson Burl. 566 72

July 28 Alan Davidson Burl. 313.50

Aug 16 Alan Davidson Burl. 402 22

Sept 16 Alan Davidson Burl. 139 39

Sept. Alan Davidson Burl. 544 73

Sept 15 Alan Davidson Burl. 162 49

Oct 20 Alan Davidson Burl. 1780 00

July 1 R L Scott Aldershot. 797.70

Aug 1 R L Scott Aldershot. 188 95

Aug 10 R L Scott Aldershot. 457 44

Sept 1st R L Scott Aldershot. 149 92

Sept 24th R L Scott Aldershot. 416 68

Sept 24 R L Scott Aldershot. 264 81

Oct 21 R L Scott Aldershot. 52 60

Oct 21 R L Scott Aldershot. 230 61

Nov 7. R L Scott Aldershot. 125 60

June sold at farm 373 50

July sold at farm 302 30

Aug. sold at farm 104 66

Sept sold at farm 17 50

Oct sold at farm 75 20

Aug 15 T. Upton Coy Ham 347 64

Nov 24 T. Upton Coy Ham 725 15

Sales North 171 35

Total $8984.80

Total from previous page 478 49


Total Sales

for year 1932 $9463.29

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Transcription Progress



Franklin McMillan 1932 Diary Part 1.pdf
Franklin McMillan 1932 Diary Part 2.pdf
Franklin McMillan 1932 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary, 1932,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 8, 2025,
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